
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

or did Linus went to the university?
I don't think you need to worry about that.
Welcome to the WAN Show, ladies and gentlemen,
we've got a fantastic show lined up for you all today.
First and foremost, we are going to need to address
the early reviews for Intel's Arc GPUs.
It is not looking good.
Also, Buzzfeed News listened to TikTok, listened to us.
I have not reviewed the topics for this week.
Apparently that's a main one.
So I guess we'll talk about that.
What else have we got?
Also a response to Krinikal, Krinikal.
I hope I'm saying that name correctly, but Krinikal.
And yeah, in regards to featured main topics,
we're out of them now.
So we're diving into the other ones
and I'm going to say GitHub co-pilot.
I don't know, I have a few things to say about that.
It costs $10 now or a hundred a year.
There you go.
And it's more widely available question mark.
I thought sort of everyone had access to it before,
but maybe not, but yeah,
now it's more generally available and it costs money.
That was basically the whole topic, way to spoil it.
No, there's more to it, man.
We've got to talk about it for like at least 60 seconds.
Show is brought to you by Pulsewave,
Backblaze and Ubiquiti.
Oh, okay, I don't think Ubiquiti has ever sponsored
the WAN show before.
That's pretty cool.
Hey, thanks Ubiquiti and also Pulsewave and Backblaze.
Why don't we jump right into our first topic of the day,
which is that the early reviews for Intel Arc graphics
are not looking good.
You know, we talked about this way back at the height
of the GPU shortage.
We were like, man, Intel's got to ship these GPUs now
because even though we know they've been delayed
and we know that they might not be on par
with the best from AMD and Nvidia right out of the gate,
you know, first-generation woes, right?
If they managed to ship something today,
it's an automatic W because the pricing for everything else
is so utterly ridiculous
that they couldn't possibly look like idiots.
And yet their timing was like hilariously bad.
Because the market just tanked,
which is great to be very clear.
Yeah, great for gamers.
Not great for Intel necessarily.
Overall performance for the entry-level Alchemist GPU
looks like the GTX 1650 Super or Radeon RX 6400
in most real-world tests.
And it's often beaten out by its competitors.
Now, strangely, it seems to perform much better
in synthetic benchmarks, but unless your name is,
oh, I don't know, Kingpin,
you probably don't care that much about synthetic benchmarks
and you want to play actual real games.
In what appears to be Intel's reviewer's guide,
the only times that this was not the case
in Intel's own internal testing
were Nakara Blade Point,
where it beat the 1650 Super by two FPS
and the RX 6400 by six FPS.
And Nizahan, where it got 200 FPS across the board,
I have never heard of either of those games.
You guys will have to forgive me
for being such an ignorant, ignorant gamer.
Okay, so I'm just looking into this.
Nakara or Naraka?
Oh, Naraka, sorry, excuse me, Naraka Blade Point.
Looks like a very highly rated game.
It looks quite, no, it's not that new.
I see a Naraka Blade Point Xbox launch trailer
from one day ago,
but then it also says initial release date,
August 11th, 2021.
So I have no idea, but I think this is a NetEase game.
So I wouldn't be too surprised
if this is more popular in the market
that they're launching the GPU in.
And I assume that might be the same with Nizan as well.
So that might be what's going on.
I am kind of wondering if it's performing well in synthetics
but not in games.
I wonder if it does well
in like research applications and stuff.
I mean, I can't say anything that I know.
All I can say is whatever's here.
So my drivers tested against the GTX 1050 Ti
with their aggregate results,
looking like the 1050 Ti being about 77%
of the A380's performance.
That's kind of a yikes.
The 1650 D6 being about 10% faster than the A380
and the RX 6400 being about 10% faster.
Now we should take early results with a grain of salt,
sort of, because the fact that Intel's own reviewers guide,
their own guidance materials seem to suggest
that performance is going to be terrible.
And would add a lot of credibility to third-party testing
that indicates performance is going to be terrible.
Yeah, that's fair.
However, it should be noted
that the A380 is supposedly the like the i3, right?
Like the three is the basic tier part of the arc range.
So it was never gonna be competitive
with a RTX 3080 or anything like that.
It's still a disappointing first outing.
And honestly, I'm a little surprised
that Intel is going entry-level first,
given that the convention
for at least the other two players in this duopoly
is to launch with your flagship and then follow up.
Actually, AMD doesn't really have any kind of method.
And honestly, Nvidia launches with a flagship,
but then a little bit later on,
launches another card that's better than it.
Yeah, well, they're both kind of all over the place,
but in general, in general.
It's a big boy card.
You're trying to set the tone for your new generation
by launching your flagship card,
taking the performance crown,
looking like a big dog, you know?
Intel, meanwhile, is like,
hey, we have this thing.
Here's the little one.
It's kind of not very good, but yeah.
This is slightly off topic,
but what do you think of the naming scheme?
Like the Alchemist Battlemage stuff?
And then like the numbers afterwards?
You like it?
The numbers are fine if they really meant anything,
but as far as I can tell, okay,
so A is obviously Alchemist.
Yeah, and as they release further series of GPUs,
it seems fairly straightforward.
They're gonna go through the alphabet, yeah.
It's pretty clear where they're going with that.
I dig it.
The only thing I don't like about the three
is that it kind of bucks the rest of the industry's trend.
Where the first number is the generation.
I see what Intel is doing
where the letter is the generation.
And honestly, if they maintain this naming scheme,
they'll probably have a more clear nomenclature
than AMD and Nvidia who just kind of seem to-
Reset randomly and like skip random generations and-
Yeah, I mean, they literally have multiple cards.
AMD has multiple cards with the same four numbers, right?
Like it's, it's, it's, it's AMD, AMD-ness, AMD-ness,
that AMD used to do a March Madness promo
called March AMD-ness.
Yeah, so I was trying to,
I was trying to figure out how you would pronounce AMD-ness.
Anyway, it doesn't matter.
The point is that I see where they're going with this,
but it's a little bit confusing from a consumer perspective
when we haven't established, okay.
GPU style-
The first number is the tier.
So now you've got, okay, no, no, no, no.
The letter is the tier.
And then we've got the, the, the, the next,
the, the next one is, sorry, the letters, sorry,
the first number is the generation, right?
So now we've got the letter is the generation.
And then this next number is what tier of GPU it is.
And it used to be, it is with the other guys
that the first number is the generation
and the second number is the, the performance tier,
the performance class.
So then it gets a little confusing for me.
I mean, I haven't seen the entire ArcAlchemist lineup.
I don't know that Intel has officially announced
the Intel ArcAlchemist lineup.
Have they officially announced the whole lineup?
These are apparently leaks.
A350M, hold on, do we have just like a slide?
Okay, here we go.
I'll share my screen.
We've got, these are, these appear to be all,
oh my goodness, go away.
These appear to be mobile.
So we've got A350M, A370M.
So that all kind of makes sense.
It's Alchemist, it's three tier,
and then it's either a 50 or a 70.
And then you've got, it's pretty typical
for these companies.
Yeah, to leave an unused digit
in case they ever want to do, you know,
an A355 or something along those lines.
But the funny thing about that to me anyway,
is that more often than not,
they're going to end up using a suffix anyway,
pro, XT, GT, GTX, or both.
So you're kind of sitting there going,
okay, well you got to pick a lane.
You got to pick a lane, which one is it?
Yeah, I like the, yeah, the numbers part.
And I understand what you're saying with like the,
leaving the conventions for GPU's and stuff.
I think there, you have a point there.
I don't personally really care too much, to be honest.
I actually really like the lettering.
And I like the names that go along with the lettering.
I think it's cool.
I think a lot of stuff has gotten very serious
over the years.
Like if you look at, even just like GPU box art.
Oh man.
Now compared to back in the day.
What Nvidia has done to GPU box art is,
it should be considered a crime.
A crime, yeah.
There, it's all so samey now and you guys know why, right?
It's because Nvidia forces it.
They have to approve the box art from their board partners.
So you'll never see like cool box art anymore.
At least not in the North American region.
There's still some pretty out there,
like wacky, colorful box art designs in other regions,
but they all have to adhere to Nvidia's rules.
Yeah, they're just all so boring and sterile.
And like, I get it, but it's,
I think it's kind of nice to just have some fun
with it a little bit.
Like alchemist battle mage, like that's cool.
Yeah, sure.
I don't know.
And then I like that they're just going along the alphabet.
Cause yeah, it's really clear.
It's clear within Intel's own stack.
I do understand your point of it
deviating from the other ones.
I wonder how far in advance they thought,
did they figure out the entire alphabet
or are they going to be like Google
and sort of realize at some point,
okay, we're running out of desserts here,
ladies and gentlemen, what are we going to do?
Okay, okay.
New plan, new plan.
We invented dessert.
Then we named our next Android after, you know what?
We're going back to just numbers.
I don't, I don't know.
I, I feel like Intel would have planned it all out.
I feel like that would be an Intel move.
I feel like I might've said something like that
until back when Intel transitioned their Xeon branding
to this whole gold, silver, bronze, platinum nonsense
that means absolutely nothing with respect to performance
or the application that that particular chip is intended for.
So no, Luke, I really do not think they thought it out.
I had, I had this thought like a while ago.
It wasn't like, I mean, like a couple of weeks ago
of like, you know, like we dog on companies
for like bad naming schemes all the time.
I should make sure that like, I, I say good things
about the next one that's actually good.
And then, then you bring that up.
Yeah, no, it's pretty.
So that was horrible.
It was pretty rough.
That was a complete failure.
It was pretty rough.
That was trash.
I mean, should we talk about the core two duo
and then the core two quad, is it two or is it four?
Come on guys.
Admittedly, that was a while ago now.
That's, yeah, that's pretty old, but yeah.
So it's looking like it's going to be pretty rough.
There are still ways that Intel could redeem themselves.
If they're super useful outside of gaming, then, hey
maybe that's, that's part of the value proposition.
If their power consumption is extremely low
maybe that's part of the value proposition.
We also haven't seen their sick cards.
Like if these are competing with like 50 series cards
like these, these aren't a lot of the cards
that people would be buying to really push
for gaming anyways.
So we'll have to see until they, we'll have to see
when they bring their big stuff out.
And to be fair, I don't think that I could call this
like a disappointment because I don't think anyone thought
they were going to come out swinging super hard either.
I mean, I think a lot of people were hoping for it.
Hoping for it, yeah.
Especially during the shortage when GPU pricing
was just pushing graph, pushing gaming out of reach.
For, I mean, majority of people.
PC gaming was legitimately out of reach
for a lot of people.
I had communications with a bunch of people
over the last couple of years that were like, yeah
I mean, if my computer dies, I'm just done.
It's like, yeah, that's fair.
Yeah, for real.
It's just too expensive.
Unlike you, they have to pay for hardware, Luke.
Yeah, no problem, dude.
I still remember that conversation.
It was a great conversation.
Do you even remember that conversation?
So one time, back when we were still working at NCX,
you were nervous about something to do with the business
and stuff, and you were talking to me about my compensation
because my compensation was ridiculous
because I was getting paid below minimum wage at the time.
Yeah, by NCIX.
Yeah, yeah.
And you were like, all I can say is I'll make an agreement.
If you keep working with me in whatever capacity,
I'll always make sure you have a, like a sick gaming machine.
You did clarify that it's going to be not as good as yours.
You made sure to get that in there.
But you're like, I'll always make sure you have a computer.
And I was like, cool, I'm going to hold you to that.
And yeah, every once in a while I bring it up.
It's great.
Well, I mean, I forgot about it and I've still done it.
So I guess, you know, there you go.
It's been good.
It's been good.
I love these like ancient agreements.
They're fantastic.
Yeah, man.
I sure agreed to a lot of stuff back then.
It's good.
Another thing that we know about ARK Alchemist
is that it's going to support both AV1 decoding and encoding.
So it could be the only GPU you can buy today
that will still be able to keep up in the video
transcoding world five, eight, 10 years from now
when AV1 is prevalent.
Not now.
Yeah, I mean, not now AV1 is sort of not that,
not super relevant today.
But someday, someday we hope.
Oh, speaking of someday we hope,
we uploaded a video a little while ago talking
about the deplorable state of HDR support on YouTube.
And I might have some bad news for you.
I heard through the grapevine that that might
have ruffled some feathers over at Google
and that they might actually be paying attention now
to the problems that have, I mean,
this is the kind of thing.
That's a good thing.
I don't, whatever.
Well, I'll get to that.
But it's the kind of thing that drives me crazy.
Why do you need a high profile influencer
to complain about something that is obviously broken?
Why don't you just see that something is obviously broken
and put it on the roadmap to fix it?
And you know, I got a lot of flack for talking about this
in the context of, what was it?
I forget.
It was some other thing on YouTube or,
oh, the Jasko situation I think.
Was it Jasko?
You got flack for that?
I don't know.
Someone else.
The point is, I got flack for, you know, taking this,
you know, why don't you fix things that are broken position?
Do you remember what I'm talking about now?
No, but I just realized why this is bad.
It's coming.
But I got a lot of flack for taking that position.
And when we don't have our own house in order,
there's things we do wrong.
There's things that our development projects
could do better.
But you got to understand that like in the context, right?
Google has literal armies,
like literal armies of developers.
And they're sitting working on pointless
that nobody asked for,
when core functionality is still broken.
Or actively working to remove certain functionality.
That's what's frustrating about it.
That's what sucks.
They're running all these experiments
for features no one asked them for,
when just basic stuff is not working.
I mean, you want to see something that's a joke?
Want to see something that's a joke?
I knew the app was going to come up,
which is why I mentioned the removal
of different functionalities.
Here's a joke.
This is great.
Watch this.
I can create a community post.
Okay, look at this.
I can put an image poll, a text poll.
I can write some texts.
I can put a picture, but heaven forbid,
hold on, let's go to the Linus Tech Tips.
How the devil do I just get to the channel from here?
Community posts.
Wait, what?
They work now?
Holy crap.
My community posts are working.
Is that a problem with that phone?
Hold on.
This is hilarious.
Yeah, yeah.
It doesn't work on, to my knowledge, any foldable phone.
Hold on.
Let's go ahead.
Let's, whoa.
All right, it works.
Hold on.
Can I post a story?
Nope, still can't do that.
All right, nevermind.
So yeah, still can't post stories.
I've reported, it's been two years.
It's been over two years.
I've reported it many times.
As far as I can tell,
it's just like a switch they need to flip
in the tablet version of the app.
But they don't, they don't do that.
Where was I going with this?
Yes, right.
So they're finally paying attention to HDR,
which would be amazing because it is legitimately
a better viewing experience when done right.
There are still some things they need to fix.
For example, on Android,
HDR will just yoink your brightness control, sort of.
I mean, this is pretty funny.
Watch this.
So I'm gonna pull up an HDR video.
Okay, so you can see if I, oh, stop.
So you can see if I do this.
Here, I'll do it like this and go full screen, right?
Okay, so that's clearly very HDR.
And I go and I try to edit my brightness and be like,
no, no, dog, you're not gonna be editing your brightness.
But watch this, watch this.
It's as simple as going like this.
Playback doesn't even stop.
It switches to an SDR or a tone mapped version
of the HDR grade and I can adjust my brightness.
Okay, so Google, here's an idea free of charge.
If I go to the effort to swipe down and go like this,
why don't you just switch it, do that.
And then have a toggle where I can switch it back
to HDR mode here or other idea free of charge.
Let me just pick not HDR in the quality dropdown.
Then it solves it because it would be really hard
for us to fully commit to HDR and upload all of our videos
in HDR until there's some way that people who don't wanna
have their retinas burned off in the middle of the night
when they're trying to watch in bed for us to have some way
for them to enjoy the content as well.
It's just gonna be impossible for us to do that.
People are saying HDR yoinks brightness
on iOS 2 lol at Linus at Luke.
I don't think that was the point.
I'm not sure.
We'll see whatever he's doing.
I have no idea.
I didn't know this topic was even gonna be
a thing of the show, so.
Hold on a second.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
Here's an HDR video.
Here it is.
That's definitely very HDR.
There is.
And there's your brightness control.
So I don't know what you're talking about.
Yeah, nope.
No, that is not a thing as usual.
Apple does color better than anyone else
because they just care as far as I can tell.
Like it's one of those things.
Apple has plenty of you guys could do this right,
but instead you engineered the wrong solution.
Color is not one of those things.
All right.
What's the bad part?
Well, we can't have HDR on YouTube
and not have it on float plane.
Yeah, I thought so.
All right.
Sounds good.
We've done it before.
It's just really rough.
But I guess we'll try to clean that up.
Is it like clean up-able even?
Yes, but.
Without hiring a bunch of people?
That's the fun part.
I'm technically, well, I'm done now, actually.
This is the first stage of backend developer interviews.
We still have to do technical interviews and stuff.
We're starting next week, but yeah.
So I could pluck people from there.
Could happen.
All right.
What's next?
Well, I think we're gonna have to talk through this
Buzzfeed news, listen to TikTok, listen to us topic.
Oh yeah.
So everything that you thought was happening is happening.
How did this manage to make it into the doc
when we don't have anything about the nothing phone in here?
I actually have not been keeping up with that.
So I don't know, maybe we'll let you guys just live
talk to us about what's exciting about the nothing phone
and we'll just, we'll parrot it back to you.
You guys will run the WAN show.
In the meantime, Buzzfeed news, listen to TikTok,
listen to us.
Last Friday, Buzzfeed reported that despite assurances
from ByteDance, that information gathered about users
in the U.S. is stored in the U.S.
China-based employees have repeatedly accessed
non-public data about U.S. TikTok users.
I can't believe this is happening.
No, no ByteDance, I can't believe it.
No one would have guessed.
No one saw this coming.
We've been blindsided.
Whatever will we do?
The leaked audio recorded 80 internal meetings
with China-based employees through last fall
to the new year.
In one of the recordings,
a member of TikTok's trust and safety department
is quoted as saying, everything is seen in China.
How would we have predicted this?
ByteDance, how could you?
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Brandon comes in and investigates.
What's happening?
It's worth remembering that back in 2019,
the U.S. government-
It's like baby monitoring alarm is going,
is everything okay here?
The U.S. government began investigating TikTok's
Chinese ownership's national security implications.
And a year later, The Donald threatened to ban the app.
Many of the recorded meetings focused on TikTok's response
to that threat and their Project Texas,
which would redirect protected data away from China.
ByteDance is negotiating a contract with Oracle
to hold American's data in Texas.
But what that protected data is, is still being negotiated.
The recordings indicate it would not include public data.
So profiles, posts, et cetera.
Discussion question.
Thank you, Jonathan Horst.
How should countries regulate foreign social media platforms
like TikTok or even Facebook?
What sort of impact could substantive
geographical data regulations have on the internet?
Massive ones.
I mean, basically the global internet as we know it
could pretty much cease to exist.
I mean, we're already seeing this happen.
This already exists.
Countries with essentially closed internet borders,
their own, I mean, would you call it an intranet
at that point?
I mean, on that scale, I guess it's still an intranet.
There's massive substantial impacts
from doing this type of stuff.
I think it's inevitable at this point, personally.
I think it's going to happen.
I don't know, man.
I think that users will rebel.
I think that much like in China,
where VPN use is just considered,
if you're willing to run the risk anyway,
just part of life.
I think you'll just see people VPN their ways out
to watch the BBC or participate on.
But I think there's going to be some amount of effort
to start kind of setting up fences.
Because I think if we look at the war in Ukraine right now,
one of the most immediate responses that happened
against Russia was this just volley of cyber attacks
into Russia, some coming back out for sure,
but like it was definitely mostly going into Russia.
And one of the immediate threats that people
were concerned about coming out of Russia was Kaspersky.
Russian developed antivirus software.
Antivirus software, people immediately
got very suspicious of that.
That's going to ramp up moving forward
if I was a betting man.
And softwares and services and stuff developed
in different countries that start becoming antagonistic
with each other, whether that antagonistic nature
becomes war or not.
I think it's kind of irrelevant.
Like we're seeing this with China and the US right now
over TikTok, right?
They're not at war, but they're not exactly friends.
And they're getting highly concerned about data
and people using each other's applications
and stuff like that.
And sure, China has the firewall up,
but countries that have more open policies and standards
when it comes to the internet don't,
but I don't necessarily think that's going to survive.
I'm not saying it should die off or it should survive.
I'm not saying anything like that.
I just, I don't think it's going to survive.
That's all.
Kaspersky is currently banned in the US.
I think stuff like that is going to continue.
I think it's going to keep going.
Floatplane chat suggests can, country area network.
Yes, we can.
Oh boy.
And I mean, we're seeing like mini versions of it, right?
Like government and education institutions in Canada
have to work with applications that store data in Canada.
Have to, which is very difficult for small startups
because having like data silos in every single country
you want to sell your software in
can be difficult and expensive.
Oh yeah, it would cost a fortune.
So like, it's very difficult.
It's one of the ways that like during the pandemic,
when a lot of things went remote, teams like blew up.
Teams has this ability to have data silos in countries.
They had that already because there was already
these regulations in place.
Just a lot of places didn't really care
or use it way too much.
But then when remote work exploded,
teams was already very well positioned to do that.
And certain other companies that didn't have
that capability sort of fell off a little bit,
or at least didn't have the same gain
that companies that did have that capability had.
Yeah, it's interesting.
It's interesting.
Cybersecurity is like a huge deal.
And I think countries are going to start getting
more and more concerned about it moving forward.
You know what else is a huge deal?
Our sponsors.
I was going to actually get over to lttstore.com
because we have some new stuff to announce this week.
A lot of new stuff.
Actually a lot of new stuff.
The processor hoodie is getting a reprint alongside
the hard drive hoodie.
This is a kind of fun retro inspired design.
Honestly, I think that no offense to our team.
I think the color grade on this one is not ideal.
It's not as, you know what?
It looks better on that monitor.
Maybe it's just this monitor.
Okay, well, either way, it's like a very neon pink
and like a very vibrant green.
It's kind of very nineties inspired,
like blown up hard drive design on the back.
And then we are also doing a reprint in a kind of
similarly vibrant color way of the processor hoodie.
These are both done on our own blank hoodies.
So they have like the French Terry interior,
really nice, really comfortable.
Both of these are print to order.
So if you order it,
it'll take a couple of weeks while we print them.
A short circuit hoodie is in stock.
Those ones ship immediately,
assuming you don't have anything else
that is print to order or back ordered on your order.
And we are launching, not one, not two, notebook designs.
That's right, notebooks, check it out.
So the LTT logo one that Luke has there,
let's go ahead and, oh, we'll go to Luke cam.
Wait, no, no, Luke cam.
There we go, sup Luke.
Oh, wow.
You get the whole unboxing experience and everything.
I didn't actually want to rip it.
It's kind of cool little paper.
You can save this for gifts.
This is something that was pushed really hard by Sarah.
So she's really into actual paper.
This one's kind of the RGB LTT logo design.
If you want to, I don't know, like flip through it.
It's paper all right.
You have your different RGB, like a little page savers.
It's lined.
There's a lot of pages.
I find a lot of notebooks don't come with this many pages.
How is this like 234 pages or something?
Yes, 234 numbered pages, four index pages,
three page markers, and it's 100 GSM lined white paper.
This one though is my personal favorite.
I'll get you to open up this one.
This is the modern paper notebook.
What makes it modern?
Hold on.
You got to show them the front.
You got to show them the front.
Oh yes.
Very modern.
Much electronic.
There we go.
I had to cash it in the light properly.
Sarah's also a huge fan of spot gloss.
So if you ever see spot gloss on our packaging,
you'll know that she advocated for it.
Ah, whatever.
I'm ripping it.
It's all right.
No, you're good.
You're good.
It's paper, paper.
The paper was made to be ripped.
Okay, so if I take the little cover off of it,
you can see hopefully you have to catch the light again.
You're going to have to work pretty hard to catch that one.
It's sort of showing up.
I swear to you in person, it's pretty obvious.
It's very obvious because it's a, it's like a,
it's embossed.
Yeah, yeah, there we go.
But you can clearly see there's even like the power buttons
and stuff as if it's a tablet.
I'll just switch to my screen here.
So you guys can see on the back, we've got the logo,
the camera on the front, you can see the,
the power button or lock button or whatever else.
This one's, this one's like a, like a matte finish.
There you go.
It looks a little something like that.
Hold on.
I'm going back to the loop cam.
Oh, I'm trying.
Yeah, so this one, like the pages on the inside,
the lines and stuff are, oh no.
Okay, so once you get to the pages that you write on,
like the standard pages, the lines are black,
but on the index they're orange.
But they still have, they still have the,
the little tablet markings on them.
Oh man, you guys really-
It's kind of hard to see in that camera.
It's very obvious in person.
Yeah, wow.
You've really like,
it looks like I'm holding up a blank page to you guys.
Yeah, it gets washed out by the light up here.
And purrs new clothes.
No, I swear there's a, there's a tablet in here.
Okay, and this one has the three ribbons as well,
but they're like LTT colors.
Yeah, they're-
Gray, black and orange.
That's cool.
So we've got two different versions of the notebook.
And in other news,
we've got a crazy promo that we're running right now.
All remaining stock of the stealth hoodie,
the original stealth hoodie,
all remaining stock is 50% off.
So don't take my word for it,
that this is a pretty wild deal.
We don't do these kinds of discounts very often.
Yeah, what's with that?
We have 1800 units in stock
and we need to clear some space
because we got some new stuff coming.
We got some new stuff coming.
So it's getting a big, deep discount.
And because we care about you guys so very, very much,
if you bought a stealth hoodie recently,
we would like to offer you,
in case you're feeling burned by this discount,
because typically it's not really something that we do.
If you're feeling burned by this,
you can reach out to customer support,
we'll get you a $20 US gift card
and you can use that toward whatever else it is
that you want in the future.
We don't want you guys to feel like you got screwed over
if you just missed the promo.
One note for the LTT store,
they added the actual digital design
for the HDD sweater to the very bottom.
So you can see the colors that Linus was talking about
that might not be apparent in the photos
and the tablet notebook,
the little battery symbol goes down
as you progress through the notebook.
Shut up, it does not, does it?
Oh, that's hilarious.
Oh my, it totally does.
Whoops, whoops.
That's gonna be impossible to show, there we go.
It's just that in the corner.
Oh yeah, okay, very cute,
but yes, that's gonna be impossible to show.
Okay, here's the, yeah, there you go.
That's what it looks like.
That's the vibrant version,
that's what it actually looks like in person, so.
All right, so lots of stuff.
If you guys are thinking,
hey, I'll just wait
and I'll pick up one of those stealth hoodies later,
I would advise you not to do that.
We sent out a tweet yesterday,
so you're probably sitting there going, it's okay.
They've got 1800 units in stock.
We sent one tweet yesterday and that's how many we sold.
Oh wow, okay.
And so is that, is it 1800 minus that?
Okay, so there's nowhere close to 1800 left.
No, so we sold 500 yesterday
and so far today, as far as I can tell,
with no additional promo.
Unless someone picked them up in the last minute.
Another 330 are already gone.
So it's 1800 minus almost 800.
So if you wanna get one, now's the time to get it.
Let's move on to another topic, shall we?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh, do we really have to talk about
the voice cloning feature from Amazon Alexa?
Voice cloning feature?
Oh, this is really uncomfortable for me.
Very creepy.
I do not like it.
Do you wanna not talk about it?
I can fire through it if you want.
Yeah, well, no, I'll talk about it.
I just don't like it.
Yeah, it's weird.
Okay, so new Alexa voice cloning feature
was shown off at a June 22nd conference in Las Vegas.
I think it sounds like you have to cue it.
Like you have to ask for the voice in your request.
So as an example, there was a child asking,
Alexa, can grandma finish reading me the Wizard of Oz?
The device confirmed as Alexa,
then switched to a different voice.
The Alexa team apparently developed a model
that allows its voice assistant
to produce a high quality voice
with less than one minute of recorded audio.
Oh, creepy, creepy.
I mean, with all the...
It was what?
Two years ago that we did that video
where we deep faked me and used an AI
to create a voice print and had it host the video.
Okay, when we did that,
there was a whole consent process.
I had to sign that they were allowed
to use my voice in that way.
Like there was a lot of concern
about the way that technology like this might be used.
And now it's just a feature in Amazon Alexa.
How did we get from here to here?
I think there's huge issues with like,
not to like go down a dark path,
but I think there's huge issues in regards to like,
obsessions and like stalker mentality stuff.
Yeah, I didn't even think of that.
It's one minute of any audio
and then they can reproduce whatever from it, right?
So if you want to be super creepy
with your favorite streamer.
Can I have Luke read my fan fiction?
You could have them read you,
like think about what it could read you, right?
And this says in here,
finish reading me the Wizard of Oz.
There's probably forms of like erotica books
that you could have it read you.
And you could probably have it read you those books
in someone's voice that you don't necessarily
have permission to use.
And there are-
I don't know that for sure.
I don't know that Alexa will-
This is a lot of assumptions.
Alexa won't even swear, so I don't know, maybe not.
Maybe Alexa is kind of a prude.
I don't use Alexa.
But either way,
like it doesn't have to be something like that, right?
Like it could be an innocent thing.
I was just going as far as I basically could with it.
Alexa, have grandma read me my erotica.
But seriously, it's creepy, it's weird.
We're commercializing deepfakes of voices.
That is literally what's happening.
What if I don't consent to this?
What if I'm not alive anymore to consent to this?
I'm like, how would consent to this work?
What, you have to say, yes, you can use my voice?
Like that's probably not that hard to get
with a different version of the deepfake, right?
Yeah, I mean, Nicholas Plouffe points out,
even if we ignore the security implications,
I mean, that's not even where I went first.
I mean, let's talk about the security implications.
What if you're using this
to authorize something that's voice printed?
I mean, voice recognition, it's not that great still.
There's a lot of leeway in the voice recognition models
to allow for that you're gonna sound,
but you might have a cold, right?
Yeah, you might sound really different from day to day.
So it being played by a speaker
versus coming out of your voice face hole,
I don't see how they would necessarily
be able to tell the difference.
I mean, we've seen facial recognition security measures
on mobile devices be fooled
by simple flat photos in the past.
People are pointing out that if it is verbal consent
that you have to give to it,
I just gave everyone a recording
of me giving verbal consent.
So there you go.
I mean, I'm not saying Hitler was right.
Nice, now there's a recording of that too.
That's just, okay, I just-
This is maximum creepy.
It's a meme, okay, it's a meme.
Oh, I didn't even realize we had to address that,
but that probably makes sense.
You never know.
Some people might not have known.
Yeah, totally.
That's a good idea.
In Australia, we have voice authentication
for government services, says Jack of Gamers.
Yeah, that's terrifying.
That's terrifying.
Because you can queue up commands, right?
Like you can tell these various devices,
whether it's Alexa or Google Home or whatever,
to say a phrase when you do something, right?
You'd be like, so-and-so, say the thing.
And then they would like say a specific queue of words,
most likely.
Nub Pub over on Twitch says they're already running
into huge post-mortem consent issues in the film industry.
Yup, yup, little bit.
And you look at how little protection,
oh, musicians, that's another big one.
Those holographic concerts and stuff.
You look at how little respect is being given
to the wishes of musicians.
And those are celebrities.
Those are people with money whose estates
might actually have the power to sue over this.
You know, as for everyone else, good luck.
Iceberg in Philippines chat says
the social engineering potential is also scary.
That's what we're saying.
That's literally what we're saying.
Oh, I hadn't even gotten there yet.
I was still just talking about fooling a machine.
Oh, an automated thing.
Yeah, an automated system.
No, no, no, no.
Yeah, there's a whole other level of fooling actual people.
And to be clear, all of that is possible without this.
This just takes the level of access to everyone
instead of like-
Anyone who can afford a $99 Echo Dot
or however much an Echo Dot costs.
Or it came free with your phone or whatever.
And if you're sitting there going,
well, the model couldn't possibly be that convincing
or there might be a long delay as you're using it
to try to trick someone or whatever else.
Let me just say this.
All of those message me on Telegram
or WhatsApp comments on YouTube, right?
It wouldn't be there if it didn't work.
Those wouldn't exist if they didn't work.
And so there is a significant portion of the population
that whether it's a lack of tech savvy
or whether it's something else,
does not smell that as suspicious, right?
So if someone's voice sounds a little off,
I mean, all they have to do is say,
sorry, I have a recording that says,
sorry, I have a bit of a cold,
not quite feeling like myself.
And immediately our human monkey brain goes,
okay, that's a normal thing to say.
And everything that is abnormal is now normal.
And people aren't going to be ready for this.
Our authentication systems are not even remotely close
to ready for this type of stuff.
Anthony's typing in here.
I don't know if I want to say some of it
just because security stuff,
but he points out some things and like, yeah,
like even if something requires video,
it says here specifically,
it's voice assistant can produce a high quality voice
with less than one minute of recorded audio.
So you can get a high quality voice,
even if it requires video,
you can maybe try to pair that with a video
or you can try to deep fake a video
and you just have the voice or whatever else.
Think about what the commit level of which whoever,
and no offense if you work in this kind of a job,
but the kind of like drone state
that someone would have to be in
just reviewing like video authentication stuff
endlessly day after day after day.
Are they gonna notice if it's not quite right?
I mean, look at how easily fooled
large percentages of the population have been
by deep fakes of political figures
saying things they never said
or doing things they never did.
Lapse memory asks, wouldn't this fall a foul
of some states voice recording laws?
I don't know, maybe.
Not if a user presumably-
It's not a recording.
Authorization submits the data.
It's not a recording.
It's generation of something new.
I don't like it.
What I do like is telling you about our sponsor.
Hey, let's go.
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I don't think that the timing of that
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Love you, Pulseway.
You know, you're not the only ones
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That sounds great.
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Xbox controllers?
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Oh my God.
The incoming merch messages queue is 79 deep.
You doing okay over there, Bell?
My fingers are on fire.
We're typing as fast as we can.
Okay then, I am going to work my way
through the curated ones on my own, if that's okay.
I'm just gonna have to scroll a little here.
Is that chill?
I give my permission not to use my voice for anything,
but you have my permission to read these merch messages.
What, but your voice is so fine.
Are you sure we can't just use it for whatever we want?
Only for LTT.
Yeah, okay, yeah.
Actually, I guess we actually do have a contract for that.
Nice, nice.
I got this covered.
Okay, merch messages.
Tyler F asks, what's your take
on Inovelli's Project Linus?
Also stocking up on gift cards
for backpack and screwdriver.
Oh wow, that is quite the order.
450 bucks, including a $250 gift card.
Wait a second.
What is this?
What am I looking at here?
What is Project Linus Canada?
What is Project Linus?
How have I never heard of this?
This is not it.
There is like a GitHub page with the actual one,
but I do like this.
Become a blanketeer.
Finally check our blanket site.
Well, there you go, Project Linus.
Okay, are there any local chapters?
Look at that, Project Linus.
All right, cool.
Anyway, so apparently there's a GitHub or something.
Inovelli, oh, okay.
It helps to put the I at the beginning.
Inovelli Project Linus.
Did they actually call it Project Linus?
Oh, they did.
That's a little weird of them to do.
I mean, it could be named after any Linus.
Just because it has your exact voice doesn't mean anything.
I mean, you could read the first line of the-
No, it is trolling.
Of the post here.
Note, this is a product pitch to Linus Tech Tips.
No, no, it's definitely me.
Where is this?
How do you find this?
Motion switches.
It's on the Inovelli community forum.
Please comment on his latest video
where he calls us out for pitching him
and asks his audience to comment below
on what route he should go with his motion switches.
Okay, to be clear, overall Inovelli, I think,
has taken the good guy route in the smart home space,
as far as I can tell.
They have pitched me this privately,
but generally speaking,
okay, calling it Project Linus.
I don't know.
It's not wrong, but it does feel a little pushy.
I'll say that.
At least there's some pressure.
I definitely would be happy to see them produce
a good motion controlled switch.
That's something that I wanted for my house.
As for whether or not I'm gonna be involved in this project,
I've told them that at this time,
I just don't have the bandwidth for it.
So I'd love to see the product come to light,
but by that time,
I might have found an alternate solution anyway.
I don't wanna wait that long to have light switches
that function the way I want in my house.
Oh, hey, the logo's in the pitch deck.
That's where I'm at on Inovelli's Project Linus,
as it is apparently called.
I mean, it's not like I can control the use
of the name Linus.
Have you opened the PDF?
There's the Linus lock.
Do you know the Linus lock?
Yeah, there's a Linus bike.
Yeah, there's Linus bike.
Like anyone can be Linus anything they want, right?
Have you opened the PDF?
Do it.
Oh, I closed the tab already.
Here, why don't you just screen share?
Okay, well, I would prefer they weren't using our logo.
I don't know if there's like more.
That said, it is my belief that that particular variant
of our logo was actually created by a community member.
What am I looking at?
Is that a YouTube thumbnail mock-up?
Is that what I'm seeing?
I think maybe.
I'm not really sure.
Like, I don't know if this is.
Yeah, I think it is.
YouTube review video is what's on there.
Well, I mean, there it is.
We're covering it, so I guess mission accomplished Inovelli.
Oh, this is a good question.
The German polar bear asks,
will you be making a bid for artesian builds?
Well, you don't buy the company, right?
They're auctioning off stuff.
I think they're also auctioning off their domain and IP.
Yeah, so I will not.
If we were to start a PC build company,
which by the way.
Sure as heck wouldn't call it that.
We are not.
We would not wish to inherit artesian builds legacy
in any way, shape or form.
We would really much rather just start our own company.
I'm thinking Linus PC Co,
because I'm completely devoid of any creativity.
Pretty much.
Oh, I think we have a name for the LAN event.
I think we actually do.
Guys, I'm pitching it.
I'm pitching it here.
We hosted a LAN event.
LAN event.
Whale LAN.
Kind of goes with the Vancouver theme.
Also, there's some other potential implications.
Yeah, we can sell super expensive tickets.
Whale LAN.
I love that.
That's great.
We gotta do that.
I mean, if Blizzard and all these other companies
are dipping into the whale pot, we might as well.
Whale LAN.
One little comment on the artesian builds thing.
As far as my understanding goes,
they are selling builds that have been paid for
by other people.
There's other people that have covered this very well.
Oh, that artesian.
I know.
Just gotta find the worst way to do everything.
I have not watched it,
but Christopher Ye made a video about this whole thing.
It's probably good.
I would check that out.
But yeah, that's actually the worst.
As far as my understanding goes,
all the systems they're selling that are built
were paid for by people and then not delivered
and are now being sold again.
Now, I think it's not clear at this time
if the proceeds from the auction
will be going to pay back customers.
I seriously doubt it.
Well, I mean, yeah.
That's usually not how that goes.
But I'm just saying, we don't know, there is still time.
There's still time for them to not be complete scum.
The track record here, not great.
But yeah.
Lapsed memory pitches Linus system designs, LSD.
The reason why they are getting auctioned off
versus shipped is how bankruptcy law works.
Yeah, that's what I was going to kind of say
is you often have to, when bankruptcy,
I don't know enough about this,
but as far as my understanding goes,
it usually goes to the big creditors first.
Yeah, the problem is that I was going to say
the creditors who are likely to get that money
would be whoever Artesian owes money to
for the parts that they bought from them.
So the little guy ends up getting screwed over.
As far as I could tell at the NCIX auction,
there were customer systems there
that presumably had been paid for.
Yeah, the buyers of the builds are at the bottom
of the creditor list.
Exactly, yeah.
So those people will probably never see that money.
It's just, it sucks.
Yeah, it really sucks.
That's another thing.
If I were to buy Artesian builds,
I could open myself up to that liability potentially,
which I mean, I'm sorry, bad situation,
but I don't want to just start shipping gaming computers
out of pocket because some jackass screwed people over.
That really wasn't on me.
It really wasn't.
Speaking of things not being on me.
I managed to brick a Linux install of Ubuntu
in less than an hour this week
while attempting to film a short circuit.
I guess that doesn't beat your previous record.
No, but this one was professionally installed
by someone else.
It came free installed on a laptop
and I don't know what these guys were thinking,
but this particular laptop maker,
really cool designs by the way,
you're not gonna want to miss that short circuit video.
Short circuit hoodie now available.
You're not gonna want to miss that short circuit video.
I don't know what they were thinking.
Shipping me a laptop with Linux pre-installed
when they do offer Windows laptops.
I swear to you.
I swear I crossed my heart.
I hope to die.
I swear to you.
I did nothing.
I did nothing but attempt to launch Steam and play CSGO.
It's Steam again.
What, okay, what happened?
How did it, how did it, you said you bricked it.
How, how, how did you break it?
Do you know?
Well, it didn't have GPU drivers.
So I installed drivers.
And then even though I had drivers,
the game was running on the iGPU, the integrated graphics.
So I switched it to high performance mode.
This sounds like more than just running Steam, but okay.
I didn't say I only ran Steam.
I said I ran Steam and played CSGO.
Okay. And yes, I wanted more than 11 FPS.
Is that unreasonable?
I think not.
After I switched to maximum performance mode,
I was prompted for a restart,
which is definitely a thing, Linux people.
Linux does need to be restarted.
So many people were on my case about that.
No, unlike Windows, 200 days up to, yeah, whatever.
There's probably some way to do without a restart.
I'm sure there is, but okay.
It's probably way more convenient to just restart it.
So I was prompted to restart and it never turned on again.
Oh boy.
I'd be interested in seeing what actually happened.
Jake figures I must have some kind of aura
that I may actually be cursed in some way.
It's just not possible for Linux to run properly for me.
I just break it by looking at it, by being near it.
You watched that Batman movie when you were a kid
and it just like really resonated with you.
That joke's not going to hit with that many people.
Yeah, need to be though.
DigiDude51 asks, are there any games you guys have
slash will buy during the Steam Summer Sale
or any you'd recommend people to pick up?
Steam Summer Sale.
Man, I haven't played that many games recently.
Luke and I were actually just going through this
the other night.
We managed to both set aside a couple of hours to game.
We both got in front of our computers and we were like,
what do you want to play?
I don't know, what do you want to play?
Hey, now don't start that again.
We've been here before.
Yeah, we settled on Divinity Original Sin 2,
which we've managed to, I mean,
by the time I got some kind of weird graphical bugs
sorted out.
That was very odd.
We played for about an hour.
Yeah, we got off the tutorial boat.
Yeah, my understanding is about this much of
the total content of that game.
So I guess we're going to be on that for a while.
Which is exciting because it's actually a super good game.
I've definitely had some stuff show up
that I have wanted to pick up
that is in the Steam Summer Sale.
What's this?
Oh, well that's unrelated.
I know what that is, but like, what's up with that?
I can explain.
I was talking, I think last week on WAN Show-
This looks like Willow packaging.
Does it?
It does.
I don't think it is.
No, no, this is, no, no, these are-
I mean, it's common.
Yeah, these are standard,
these plastic protective shells for retro games.
I mean, it's not exclusive, I just, yeah.
Last week, I think it was on WAN Show,
I talked about how I would love to treat myself
to a copy of Final Fantasy VI,
which in North America was called Final Fantasy III
for the Super Nintendo,
because I no longer have my childhood copy,
although I do have my booklet.
The actual game cartridge itself was lost
when I moved from my dad's house to my mom's house,
along with all of my other worldly possessions.
And someone anonymously,
without providing a name or contact information
or anything like that, sent me a copy of Final Fantasy III.
So I did not actually buy this.
This puts my Super Nintendo collection
up to a whopping one console, two controllers,
and Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy VI,
which are, I never actually owned Super Mario RPG
when I was a kid, but this is one of the only,
I think, four or five games that I owned
for Super Nintendo, because back then
you would rent games.
A lot of the time you'd find out
they were pretty crap actually,
and then you would return them to the store
having only invested $9, $8 or whatever in them.
So I think it would be fitting for me to open it on stream
and have a look at, I mean, the condition, I guess.
It seems like based on the state of the outer box,
it could be a complete in box.
It's not like a mint condition or anything,
like nothing too crazy, but if everything's in here,
this is worth like 300 bucks.
It has been loved.
Oh, wow.
I mean, that makes sense.
That's an incredibly legendary game.
Magitech has been reborn and the end of the world is near.
I remember as a kid thinking the design for MOG was so cool
and I thought this knife was like the coolest thing
I'd ever seen.
Oh, whoops, wrong one.
There we go, Linus Cam.
This did like this knife going through
as the tea and fantasy and like, oh, oh, I loved it.
Have you ever seen any of the like manual art
or anything like that?
I never had this game.
The only final fantasy I had growing up was on PC.
It was final fantasy eight, the worst.
And it was like a six disc set.
Okay, it's not the worst one.
I'm just being a hater.
I liked it.
I enjoyed it, but I didn't play the other ones.
So I don't know.
Oh, wow.
I don't know if this is complete, complete.
I don't know if to count as complete.
It has to have like the little Nintendo, you know,
slip in there or anything like that, but it has the map.
The map is always my favorite part.
I lost this so early on when I was a kid,
cause I just was always so cool.
Okay, the map is not in perfect condition.
Is it two different maps or is it in half?
Nope, the map came apart.
And I guess at this point,
you're better off leaving it ripped
than trying to tape it back together.
I don't, I don't know,
but I spent so long just looking at this
and it's got to remember when you're a kid,
you're not allowed to play games all the time, right?
So when you're not allowed to play games,
you just sit and like fantasize about playing your games,
planning playing your game.
So we've got the world of balance on one side,
world of ruin on the other side.
World of ruin really was man,
such a weak point for this game in my opinion.
I feel like on the one hand,
what it was trying to do was really cool
being more open-ended and exploratory,
but because there's a particular order
that you really need to do things
in order to not get your ass kicked.
And there's not really a ton of guidance for that.
I just, I felt like it was not a great gaming experience.
Instruction booklet, oh man, this takes me back.
I do have mine, but I haven't looked at it in a long time.
Man, remember when instruction booklets were cool like this
and just full of all this like concept art,
like you, cause you wouldn't know looking at the sprites
that that's what cells, celes,
I don't even know how to pronounce it.
There's no voice acting, right?
Was supposed to look like, you wouldn't know that.
You would only know that from looking at concept art.
And it's like, that's what Magitek Armor and Terra
is supposed to look like, okay.
Like it's kind of cool because yeah, sure.
The graphics are so bad
cause they're like sprites or whatever,
but your imagination runs
because you've seen stuff like this.
So you start imagining what other things look like.
And yeah, I don't know.
It was more akin to reading, I'd say.
Yeah, absolutely love it.
So thank you very much.
So there's a, there's like OMG, stop touching it.
I mean, guys, it's not a mint condition copy
or anything like that.
I don't think I'm knocking too much
off of its value right now.
And besides, isn't that kind of the point?
I am also very on the side of like,
you should use the thing, you know?
I know a lot of people are like, no,
leave it in the box forever.
Never look at it, never do anything with it.
Like, what's the point of it then?
There's one that is in not,
I would say not as good condition
with the same amount of completeness
with eight offers on it right now on eBay for 500 Canadian.
So yeah.
All right, well, I'm putting that back in the enclosure.
There's certain parts of the box,
like the corners on this one are more worn,
but then the other one has like dents
that aren't on the corners.
Here, should I bring up your screen?
This is one that I'm looking at.
This is in, the C stands for CAD.
This is in Canadian.
That one's also tested working.
I don't know that this one is working.
I haven't tried it yet.
But yeah, you can see like the-
Even if it's not working, it can be fixed,
but I would imagine from a collector perspective,
if you have to fix it, it's maybe worth less.
I don't know if you would even know
if the soldering was done really well.
Yeah, see like along the flat parts,
this one has a little bit more damage as far as I can tell.
That one just has slightly more reward and corners.
I don't know what is worth more or less.
Yeah, I'm not an expert when it comes to this stuff.
For me, it's not about, like it's not the sort of thing I,
I don't know, maybe I eventually
would have treated myself to one,
but it's not the sort of thing that I'm gonna, you know,
build up a huge collection of SNES games
or anything like that.
But it's still, I mean, it's the kind of thing
that I'm gonna put on my like display wall
behind where I'm gonna be streaming at the new place.
So I've got a bunch of mementos from,
a bunch of the stuff that I had in my attic, pretty much.
Nicholas Kalinan helped me kind of arrange stuff.
He's got it.
I've got the stuff I never knew what to do with.
Now that I've got a bigger place
and I've got somewhere to kind of display it,
I've got the, you know, that model M that everyone here
like signed and gifted me one year.
So just, so I've got like LMG mementos,
I've got NCIX mementos,
I've got more like just being a media personality
memento separately.
And then I've got some viewer mementos as well.
So this will definitely, this will definitely go there.
500K, no, not 500K, 500 CAD, also known as Canadian dollar.
It's not a bit rot issue, Inquisitor Toaster.
It's more of a, oh, what is it?
The user, the user accessible parts,
Anthony would be able to give you
the full technical explanation of it,
but the user accessible parts where you save data to
can become corrupted.
So you have to, there's like an internal battery
that maintains the integrity of that data.
And once that battery dies,
like it's a matter of when, not if.
Was this a saved game, not like a password?
Saved game.
So it's possible that it needs some help.
It's also possible that they,
oh, someone says there was a letter in the box.
ALC 5440 on float plane apparently was the one who sent it
and said there was a letter in the box.
It was just not given to you?
They, no, logistics specifically told me
there was no letter.
So perhaps your letter was a digital
and perhaps you could control C, control V.
It was holding 3.2 volts when I tested it.
Oh, okay.
Apparently it is good to go.
Hey, thank you ALC 5440.
Appreciate you.
That's awesome.
All right.
So the letter,
hopefully I get a chance to read it at some point.
It's tested.
It does work and apparently has saves.
All right, cool.
Those saves are probably past
where I ever made it to as a kid.
I couldn't figure out how to beat the floating continent
because I didn't know that you could cast magic
from the overworld.
So I would run out of potions every time.
So like healing, I'm assuming.
So you could heal between comets.
Yeah, yeah.
I did not know that you could do that
because I was a child.
Should we do some of these merch messages?
Yeah, yeah, we should.
Oh, right.
There was the steam summer sale thing.
I don't even know what's going to be
in the steam summer sale,
but honestly I have not been excited.
I don't think I've bought anything in steam sales
in quite some time, to be completely honest.
We sold another 400 stealth hoodies
since I announced the deal.
We are now down to 600 stealth hoodies.
We had 1800 yesterday.
I mean, we're not making any money,
so it's not like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
We were literally just clearing space in the warehouse.
Which costs money, so there's that.
Conrad mentions a Final Fantasy VII R.
I'm assuming he means like remastered.
Is that the pixel one?
Yeah, but not all the parts are out yet.
No, it's not the pixel remaster.
Not all the parts are out yet.
I want to play them all at once,
so I'm just not going to do it.
Slave of the Spire, is that going to be in it?
It sure is.
I'd buy it twice if I could.
Slave of the Spire is amazing.
I've put a ungodly amount of time into that game.
FTL, if it goes up for sale,
I would highly recommend.
Great game.
We're playing Divinity Original Sin 2.
That's a fantastic game.
I don't think it was on sale, though.
Is the Steam Summer Sale even going right now?
Yeah, yeah, there's deals.
Oh, I didn't even know it was live.
There was something in my Trello list of games to play
that I looked at.
I was like, holy crap, this is like 70% off.
Should I buy it?
Yeah, remember, I was telling you.
This is like way on sale.
Should I buy it?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And then I was like, ah.
There's a lot of backlog things.
I still haven't played The Witcher 3.
That's gonna be the next game I play on Steam Deck.
Damn it, I'm gonna play through Witcher 3.
Well, I'm also gonna play Divinity Original Sin 2.
So that's the next 400 gaming hours that I can.
They're both like massive games.
Managed to set aside, taken care of, I think.
Benjamin H. asks, what happened
to all the Blackmagic cameras, any follow-up?
They just, they were too noisy,
bulky, we had an opportunity to get rid of them
when there were camera shortages during the pandemic,
which to my understanding are still not fully resolved.
So what we decided to do was get some Sony cameras
for our, for Short Circuit,
which I don't think we even have all of them yet,
but get some Sony cameras for Short Circuit.
We're using all of our old Canon C200s
for all the different views here.
Boom, loop cam, boom, Linus cam, boom, wide cam.
And then that's it.
So I think we're using FS5s and, oh no, FX, sorry, FX6s.
Sorry, FS5, I was thinking different Sony cameras, FX6s.
And then, oh lordy, I can't remember the models.
I don't care anymore, but Sony cameras now.
FTL is 75% off, get it.
Daniel C, my wife and I need a new mattress.
I know Linus did extensive research
and would like to know the resources he used in researching
and about his mattress guru.
You wanna get to that mattress underground, all right?
Mattress underground.
What rule of the internet is it where if it is a thing,
there's a ridiculously unfathomably large community
of people who are unimaginably into that thing, okay?
So that's mattress underground.
They're super into mattresses.
And you can learn what you need to know there.
You can find a place to get a good mattress.
I can't promise it'll be cheap,
but what I can promise is that you will learn a lot.
Joshua Caro asks, hi Linus, throughout the run of LTT,
has there ever come a time when the channel got jeopardized
as in a strike or warning or something similar
on the channel or like an all is lost moment?
I would say that there were some really scary moments
when YouTube was telegraphing that they were not going
to allow third-party brand integration in videos.
I mean, you guys have seen, how does LMG make money?
We've done that video a couple of times now.
That is a huge portion of our revenue.
It's a huge part of what's allowed us to hire people
and build facilities and buy equipment.
Without it, we would not be, I mean, we'd survive.
We would not have the kind of amazing world-class team
that we have today.
So that was a really scary moment.
When we got kicked off of the Amazon affiliate program,
that was a super scary moment
because that was a more significant portion
of our revenue at the time.
The reason for it is that we felt allowed to promote it.
Nowadays, we just are super quiet
about our Amazon affiliate links
just because we don't wanna get kicked off of it again
for promoting it wrong, so there's that.
Oh man, what else has been really scary?
Yeah, the very beginning,
we were almost out of money six months in.
We didn't have VC funding or anything like that.
Yvonne's bank account was literally our funding
and we never did miss a paycheck.
We were never laid on a paycheck, but it was close.
I even meant before that, almost didn't even get it.
Right, yeah.
When we almost didn't get the channel from NCIX,
it was 11th hour.
It was literally the night of December 31st
and LMG was supposed to begin operation.
I no longer had a job at NCIX starting January 1.
And the owner of NCIX had not signed the deal
selling the channel to us yet
over a dispute that admittedly I played a role in.
I had effectively bailed out of school
and no longer had a job either.
And I think Ed was in a similar spot.
No, Ed was just doing an internship with us.
He could have gone back to school at the time.
He never did manage to make it back, but he could have.
Yeah, yeah, that was a tense moment.
Yeah, you had probably the most
on the line out of all of us.
I did.
Which is sort of terrifying.
Why on earth did you do that?
I don't know.
It's kind of stupid.
Am I that charismatic?
Like, I don't think so.
What did you believe in?
I've actually reflected on this multiple times
and tried to figure out like what the hell I was thinking
because I was doing really well in school
and then basically tanked it all
to make less than minimum wage
for some weird YouTube channel
that when I started, if I remember correctly,
had like 60,000 subs.
But I mean, I saw the trajectory
while we were working there.
And something that I had kind of assumed
was like, yeah, it's gonna be super rough.
And maybe there isn't money from Yvonne to pay for paychecks
but we'll probably figure it out.
If we don't get the YouTube channel,
we could start another one.
And I was like, it would have been slower,
but I was like, I've gone this far.
Like, I think a lot of it was, yeah.
Cause at the beginning I was just like,
oh, I want to do this.
And then the four to eight hours
that we had discussed initially
became significantly more than that.
Yeah, per week was the plan.
That was the original plan.
And then it became more than 40 hours.
But I wanted to do it.
And then I started noticing my grades were slipping
and I was like, okay,
but this is a potential, maybe career path.
I'll try to juggle it better.
I mean, I think both of us like to think
we saw web media coming hard.
Come on, you had to break.
I was gonna hold it together, Luke.
I'm sorry, but yeah, no, seriously.
It was like, you could see the path, right?
Like it was pretty clear the growth of not just our channel,
but the whole platform.
Yeah, it was all over everyone's faces.
Justin TV was around,
like everything was really cranking up
and that's what everyone tells you.
Like that's when you want to be on the ground floor.
So it was like, yeah, this is uncomfortable,
but this is also the time in my life
to do uncomfortable things.
So we made it, I think.
There's still plenty of time for this to explode.
We got to completion.
Yeah, we're,
I mean, we're going all the way in.
We're in deep right now.
I've been very transparent with you guys
about how deeply reinvested Yvonne and I are right now.
Yeah, business is throbbing.
We have 10 million in debt on the lab,
more, actually I'm rounding, okay?
We're at the point where you actually round
to round tens of millions, okay?
So we're 10 million in on the lab.
We are in debt on the lab.
And then all of our cash is deployed in inventory
for a screwdriver and backpack,
which is a hundred thousand units of screwdriver
and 40,000 units of backpack.
So like we are, we're all in again.
Fortunately, if this is anything to go by,
the worst case scenario is we can just sell
all the screwdrivers and backpacks at a loss
and we'll manage to get rid of them
because the velocity on stealth hoodie sales
does not appear to be.
Yeah, you guys probably didn't have to go quite to 50%,
you know.
I don't know, man.
It was a Thursday afternoon and I was tired
and Nick was like- Just get rid of it.
Or no, no, Wednesday afternoon, it was hump day.
And I was like, I don't know, Nick, sure, yeah, okay.
So we did it, we did a thing.
It is what it is.
Look, you gotta be kind of wild and crazy sometimes.
It's like a three-year-old product.
You gotta get in there, you gotta try new things.
We've got new stuff coming.
I wanna be very upfront about that.
You gotta be creative in the business room.
Yeah, exactly.
Jake B asks, huh, really?
You know you don't have to send merch messages.
You can just talk into your mic.
It's just great merch that I want.
Hey LMG, I'm an avid biohacker implants
and would love to see you guys discuss the topic,
possibly in regards to Linus's house.
I'm excited for the new Apex implant.
No idea what that is, but apparently you're hoping
to use it as a password manager.
I've actually wanted to get an RFID chip in my palm
for quite some time.
I hate pulling out my phone to scan to come
into the building here and stuff like that.
I'm into it, but we had actually planned to do a trip
down to Seattle to a place that does them right early 2020.
And I think you guys know what probably happened
to those plans.
I do with you.
Early 2019, whenever the COVID pandemic thing happened,
early 2020.
So the border was like closed for a year and a half
and we didn't do it, but yeah, I'm down.
Yeah, I'm in.
Yeah, there were a bunch of people.
We were just all gonna go down and do it.
I remember talking about this, yeah, forever ago.
I've always been very interested by the fields
of biohacking, but have never dove into it.
I've heard stories of people putting like magnets
in their fingertips so that they can like basically
gain a magnetic sense.
Like they can detect magnetic fields
because it will pull on their fingertips.
It's kind of spooky at the same time,
but like really interesting. I would just play with it
over and over and over again endlessly.
I would just do this all day.
I think they're like really weak on purpose,
but cause for obvious reasons, but yeah, I mean,
there's a bunch of really cool stuff in that field.
Just have never actually committed.
Scott G, my FP8s are doing pretty well
because they're my backup pair,
but my AirPods Pros are starting to have
a little bit less battery life, less than you'd think
because I'm on my third pair of them
because I lost a couple.
I thought they'd turn up in the move.
I was sure they were at my house,
but they apparently were not.
Adam, what other hand tool, if any,
would you consider making after the screwdriver?
I think we'd wanna do really good electronics tools.
Like we'd wanna do tweezers and pry tools
and things like that.
Like I could definitely see us.
We wouldn't be, I don't think we'd wanna compete
at like a budget price point.
That's not really our brand.
I was just gonna say having tweezers that you can like,
that aren't super eh, and like kind of annoying to handle
would be sweet.
Yeah, just like a really nice pair.
You know, I mean, it's gonna come down
to pretty much stuff that I want to be better.
I hate most of the like needle-nose pliers
that I've ever used.
Like a really nice pair of needle-nose pliers.
Yeah, I'd be down to do something like, I don't know.
We're gonna see, we're gonna see.
Dylan Kanati says AirPods Pro have Find My,
just use that to track them.
Only works if they have battery.
Yeah, fun fact.
And if you had them paired to your iPhone,
if I recall correctly,
because I was trying to find them recently
and I couldn't figure out how to do it from an Android phone
if you didn't have it paired to the iPhone.
Ruh-roh, do we have any other topics that we wanted to hit?
Oh, PCIe 7.0 was just announced.
And it's gonna be a fast one, ladies and gentlemen.
Although PCIe 5 is just starting
to trickle out into the real world,
the fine folks over at PCI SIG have unveiled the specs
for the PCIe 7.0 standard.
It's fast.
It'll do 512 gigabytes per second,
eight times the speed of PCIe 5.0.
Two times what PCIe 6 will bring.
So PCIe 6 is quadrupling speed instead of doubling?
This is madness.
Of course, 512 gigabytes a second
will be for 16X connectors.
And in real life, the performance won't be that high.
But what that means is a single PCIe 7.0 lane
will give us the same bandwidth
as a full-blown PCIe Gen 4 16X slot.
PCIe 5.0 SSDs are just starting to come out
with speeds of 13 gigabytes a second.
So maybe over a hundred gigabytes a second
could actually happen on a single SSD.
I mean, NAND flash is gonna have to come a long way
before we're gonna see anything like that.
But who knows?
Man, yeah, Anthony writes,
if you could get an external GPU adapter like the beast
NVMe thing to work with PCIe Gen 7, that'd be hilarious.
You could run like a full fat desktop GPU,
full speed on your laptop storage slot.
Or if we saw a steam deck of the future with PCIe Gen,
I mean, even Gen 5 or Gen 6 by that point,
I worry that these generations of PCIe
are not even really going to make their way
into the consumer space though.
A, we don't need it.
No, honestly, we really don't need it.
And B, I have to imagine that the power requirements
just wouldn't make sense, particularly for mobile.
I mean, yeah, Moore's law, blah, blah,
we're gonna see more refined process node technology,
but you gotta remember guys,
as we get more power efficient,
like Gen 4 controllers are also gonna get
more power efficient.
So it might just not make any sense.
I mean, we've already seen multiple mobile platforms
not carry the same PCI Express generation compatibility
as their desktop counterparts from AMD.
One of the things too is like by the time we might need it,
say we go like far enough out in the future
and something crazy requires that type of stuff,
there's probably gonna be Gen whatever the heck
way beyond what we're currently at.
So yeah, I suspect the consumer space
will skip quite a few.
Gremlin Injector says Linus, this will improve efficiency.
Imagine a CPU that only needs four PCIe lanes.
I mean, I guess we'll see.
We'll see.
That's a good comment actually.
Are you better off with more lower power lanes
or fewer higher power lanes?
Will consumers revolt when an Intel or an AMD
releases a platform that has fewer lanes
than the previous one?
Because so far that hasn't been the trend.
I don't know.
Someone brought up that we have not addressed
the responding to critical topic.
Oh, right.
That's a whole big thing.
It's big.
So, oh, Sam, our audio engineer for labs
is off probation now, so I can call him up by name.
Oh, and by the way, critical,
we also haven't received our 5128.
We shot our video with a rental.
So after publishing our head and torso simulator video,
critical had some thoughts.
Who is critical?
Critical is the man behind in ear fidelity.
One of the most comprehensive IEM
and headphone databases on the web.
He's one of the most prominent creators
in the audio file community and is well respected
and very knowledgeable.
This channel is great.
If you guys wanna go subscribe to him,
critical plus, especially since he had to restart
his whole channel after losing it.
YouTube support was apparently useless.
His video compliments our video quite nicely
filling in technical information gaps in our video
that our audience we felt might not have been interested
in since this was an LTT video,
not an in-depth deep dive on what could in the future
be a lab specific channel.
You gotta remember, you can't just publish
any old thing you want on any old random channel
and expect it to perform well.
You have to try to meet the expectations of your audience.
Regarding our video, critical said
that our current audio product reviews
are kind of low level, it's fair,
but he thinks we're heading in the right direction
and he's forward to our development.
He hopes that our influence will be good
for the headphone industry in general.
He also thinks we made the right choice
in head and torso simulator.
That's good to know because it wasn't cheap.
He said our hats video was largely accurate,
but a little dumbed down to fit the mainstream viewer.
You are right.
I cut out so much stuff at first.
Okay, so first Sam cut out things
knowing that it was headed to LTT.
Then Adam, the writer cut out a bunch of Sam stuff
knowing that it was headed to LTT.
Then I took much of what Adam preserved and cut it out
because we were trying to address a more mainstream audience.
So critical, you're right.
He thinks we could have gone
with a more cost-effective solution,
but given our resources and ambitions,
he understands our decision.
Yeah, we don't wanna around.
Like that's just not what labs is going to be.
Does have advice and concerns for us.
Don't waste time on certain tests and measurements
that although they might be a staple
of audio slash headphone measurements
provide little useful information to the user.
Examples include total harmonic distortion,
time domain measurements,
impulse response, waterfall plots, et cetera.
Got it.
Don't abandon this headphone database project after a while
like some other websites have like headfi.org.
Instead build a thorough and comprehensive database
of headphones and continuously update it.
Make sure it's feature rich
and has powerful and flexible comparison tools and functions.
You ready?
That's the goal.
That is the goal, but it's going to take,
well, Luke's hiring right now, isn't he?
Yeah, yeah he is.
He sure am.
Don't publish sound demos.
Where you play samples of the audio output
from each headphone for users to listen to.
Critical says, basically it would be like
judging the color accuracy of a TV
while wearing colored glasses.
So you can't really tell how each headphone
would sound on your head.
It's only a relative comparison.
This contains Sam's response, which I have not read yet
but I do have my own thoughts about that.
I will read Sam's response first.
We agree that frequency response sound demos
are only valid for relative comparisons
and not for absolute comparisons.
This makes frequency response sound demos
quite confusing for the uninitiated.
If we decide to publish frequency response sound demos
we will make sure that their limitations
are very, very clear.
However, there are other types of sound demos
that can be quite useful.
Like active noise cancellation or isolation sound demos
as well as leakage and microphone headset sound demos.
Critical approves of these last few.
Yeah, I mean, I think this is something
that I'm going to butt heads with the labs team about often
because I do have a tendency to want to at least give people
who don't understand technical documentation
something to look at that might tell them something,
anything and in some cases you can run into a situation
where a product is so clearly obviously worse
than another one that even a recording
on a crappy microphone played through YouTube compression
on dollar store earphones will tell you
that this one is clearly better than the other one.
Garbage in, garbage out.
So I know that there will be situations
where we are going to publish sound demos.
For example, fan noise is something where quantitatively
you can turn it into a numerical value.
You can represent it that way,
but qualitatively it's very difficult.
And so as I feel, as long as we have a very consistent way
of collecting those sound demos,
there's a value to that for the end user.
Is there, so something from my side would be like labs
is trying to be as hardcore and objective as it can be.
Is there value to the, not everyone's gonna understand this,
but the local science museum, I was gonna say science world,
but we can apply it to whatever one you have.
You know how you can walk up and press a button
and it will give you a kid's level understanding
of something, is there value to that?
Could we give people audio samples
or just have very blatant warnings
and be like, this is not objective?
I think that it could be valuable for things like,
you know, this is what more bass heavy,
a more bass heavy headphone might sound like.
Or if we were to do something like a guide
for how to wear your headphones properly,
which is a big deal.
Like if you have a leak in a closed back headphone,
I mean, good luck getting any bass response out of it.
So if we had something like demos of,
here's what your headphones might sound like
when they're not sealed correctly like this,
or here's what your headphone might sound like
if you're wearing it too far forward.
I think something like that could have a ton of value,
but in that case, you're comparing apples to apples.
You're only changing one variable at a time.
You're also hoping that they're wearing it properly
in the first place.
Well, no, because it's relative.
It is relative.
So the recording would still reflect some of those changes.
It's just the recording of wearing it properly
won't sound proper if they're not wearing it properly.
So Legitsu says Linus arguing with the very people he hired
because he has no clue what he's talking about is confusing.
No, you're the only one who's confused.
I'm not arguing with them.
I'm saying that we are definitely going to have to find
a middle ground where we are able to represent
the differences between products
in a way that normies can understand.
And while also staying true to our mission,
which is to provide objective empirical data.
And there has to be a very, very clear line
between the two as well, which is,
it's going to be interesting communicating results
and things like that is very difficult.
Snow Skeleton over on Floatplane Chat
seems to understand a little better
and says relative can still be valuable.
If you have a recording of a headset that I know and like
and play the same sounds on a different set,
I can get some sense for the differences
based on my knowledge of a previous set.
Yeah, it's not scientific at all.
And frankly, we wouldn't want you to make
a purchase decision based on that.
I mean, we could even just say that much.
It has to be like super, super clear.
I think disclaiming it and just saying this is for,
you basically go, you go psychic on it.
You say, this is for entertainment purposes only.
This is the scientific data.
This is for entertainment purposes only.
I would be comfortable publishing it.
At the end, critical jokes
that if our headphone test engineer
insists on publishing sound demos, we should fire him.
I had actually only just read that now.
So apparently maybe we should fire me.
It's one of those things where I understand
both the purest point of view
and I also understand the users who just want that resource,
whether it's a flawed data point or not.
And it feels honestly a lot like arguing with YouTube
about the dislike button.
They say, well, it's not a good indicator of video quality
and most users don't rely on it anyway
because comments is so much better,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
There's so much interpretation that needs to be done
in order to utilize this signal
that as an end user, you couldn't possibly do it.
And I'm sitting here going, I can do it just fine.
And I would like to have it.
I'm the end user, I'm the customer.
I said, I want it.
And so there's a push and there's a pull, right?
So we have to push what are the right measurements
and what are the right means
of representing the differences between products.
But users are also going to tell us
what resources they want.
And it's very clear from chat that they want that resource.
And again, we can do a lot in regards to segmenting it,
making it very, very clear like, okay,
this section is for entertainment purposes only,
like you said, this is the actual like proper data
dividing it all up.
See, Legitsu says, I would rather be presented
with hard scientific data
that this headphone is better than that headphone
and let the subjective part, which would be me,
the subject make the final decision,
but it doesn't work that way.
So again, you don't understand.
No single headphone is better objectively
than another headphone.
You also don't have to go through the entertainment
only section.
You can just read the hard facts section.
Which is true.
But the thing that I want to clarify here
is that we all are so different.
Our physiology is so different
that the best performing headphone for me
is not necessarily the best performing headphone for you.
This is something that we did discuss in the video.
And the dummy head, it's an average.
It's designed based on an average
of a whole bunch of people.
No one of those individual people was that average.
It's literally just a nice to know figure
that you're collecting from it.
There is no objectivity here.
That's the challenge.
Note from Bell.
This week's short circuit will have labs notes in it.
Ooh, really?
Or this weekend's short circuit.
Yeah, for the Mercedes EQS,
we have labs notes on the speaker system.
So if you want to see kind of how some of it
will be presented and compared to other products,
that will be an option.
That's fun.
Anyways, I think I haven't watched the video,
but from looking at the back and forth,
it sounds like both sides are super level headed
and there's some really cool feedback and that's awesome.
It's actually really exciting
to have like pinnacle figures of various industries
stepping up and being excited about us doing this
and giving advice as well, because like...
Yeah, we don't know everything.
And we want to make sure that we are taking the right steps.
And we'll make mistakes.
Joshua says,
what is the priority for things to be tested in LTT labs?
Whatever we can do well.
I've been asked this a lot internally as well.
Like, what are we hiring for?
And the answer is we're hiring the best people
and whatever it is that they happen to be experts in,
well, that's what we're going to test first.
Yeah, it's just going to be that simple.
So we found an excellent candidate for audio.
We have an excellent candidate for keyboards.
We have, what else can I announce yet?
You know what, I'm going to leave it there for now.
I'll leave it there for now
because those guys are off probation.
All right.
Andrew asks,
how do you like the Ubiquiti UniFi Protect setup
in your new house?
It looked like you went with two NVRs
instead of an NVR Pro, why?
Jake set it up that way.
I believe it was just because of it being difficult
to get our hands on an NVR Pro.
As for how much I like it,
it's very, very, very, very expensive.
But the benefit is that I'm very unlikely
to get rug pulled later on
and have functionality turned off
if I refuse to pay for a subscription service.
So there's no ongoing cost.
It's one time and forget about it.
Also Ubiquiti is a great partner
and didn't charge me for it.
So there wasn't even that drawback,
but the image quality is, it's so good.
So good and the app is getting better.
It's a lot better now than it was.
There's still definitely room for improvement,
but it's getting so much better
and it's happening at a very reasonable pace, a good pace.
Oh, I guess you can read these now
that you've kind of caught up
on the incoming merch messages, hey, Bell?
I did get a bit of a breather.
First one here is from Steve.
The industry seems to be moving towards ARM processors.
What do you think this will do to old games?
Max M1 Rosetta works good,
but history says Apple will ax it.
What do you think will happen in the PC space?
Wow, this is gonna be one of those things
that haunts me, I think.
But in that context, I don't see an end for x86 in gaming.
I know, right?
How are you gonna emulate x86?
People have emulated other funky stuff.
Yeah, but how are you gonna play like
a freaking Doom Eternal?
I don't know, I don't have an answer for you.
Emulated, like it's not, maybe in PCIe Gen 11.
Yeah, like that's what I'm talking,
it might be that far ahead.
Like, I don't know, I don't know.
Yeah, it's a little weird, but we'll see.
Dash D asks, oh, sorry, go ahead, that's your job.
What's the best way to handle a hot PC in a room
you can't air condition over the summer?
Yeah, he's not wrong.
We should do a video on that.
Have we not?
We haven't done a video on just like ducting and intake.
Like man, for under 50 bucks.
Yeah, pretty cheap.
You can get some ducting, a fan, some tape,
and you can considerably cool your room in the summer.
And like, if you do it properly,
like if you get actual ducting and stuff,
it won't even look like that bad.
It'll look pretty bad.
It's gonna look bad.
If I do it, it'll look bad.
But you can also do it with cardboard
for basically nothing.
That will look bad.
But it'll work.
Or do what Taran did and just have it outside of your room.
Like his Intel upgrade video.
Yeah, that also works.
Ducting to cool your PC.
He's making a note.
Yeah, yeah, we're totally gonna do that video.
While you type that down, from Avroham,
sorry if that's wrong.
Do you think it's a good idea to use port forwarding
to remotely access my NAS?
If not, is there a more secure way you can recommend?
I'll let Luke handle this one.
I know that having open ports is generally not the best.
An alternative, that I do not have.
It depends on how their NAS is set up.
It depends on how they wanna access it.
Like there's a lot more that you would need,
I would need to know.
Yeah, try posting in our forum.
We have a lot of smart people
that will definitely help you out.
From Samuel.
But yeah, probably not the ports, but yeah.
Like it's,
I don't know.
Anytime you open it up at all,
there's going to be security problems,
which is why I don't really wanna say something.
But like remoting in is a solution.
Having a private VPN is a solution.
That's how a lot of companies do that type of stuff.
If you're comfortable with setting that up, then sure.
Yeah, it's definitely more secure.
My hesitation there was,
if you didn't already know that, it might be hard.
But there are guides on how to do that stuff.
I think you guys even have one.
So maybe watch the LTT one.
Last I looked at it,
it actually looked like it was still fairly up to date.
So maybe check that out.
But yeah, most companies do VPNs.
And whatever you do,
don't take advice from YouTube chat
where Mr. Sharples over there says DMZ the NAS.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Please no.
But yeah, it depends on what you wanna do with it,
I would argue.
Like if you're trying to play music on your phone
anywhere in the world,
it might need to be a little bit more open.
iTech Cat asks,
with Linus' workstation as a rack server
and his rack at home to draw the noise and heat
away from where he works in games,
does that mean he could just log into his workstation
from different stations like one day in the office,
next from the comfort of his bed?
Okay, so the way that's set up
is with optical display port and USB connections.
For that reason, yes, I could access it from anywhere,
but only wherever I ran optical display port
and optical USB,
because otherwise I am limited by the bandwidth.
And realistically, it's not really a bandwidth limitation,
it's an encoding and decoding performance limitation
of ethernet, right?
So typically when you remote into a station at best,
you're doing like maybe 60 megabit per second
if you're using NVENC for encoding.
And it's costing you about a frame at 60 FPS
of time for that encode and decode process,
plus network transit time.
So it's gonna be blocky,
you're not gonna have support for advanced features
like VR or HDR or anything like that.
So yes, you can access a station from anywhere,
but that's basically parsec.
So at home, what I'm doing is I'm using USB and display port
and Thunderbolt to have it be exactly
like I'm sitting right in front of it.
There's no additional latency and no quality loss.
So it's a pretty different solution.
Tony B in full plain chat said,
if you do use a VPN, still secure the services.
If it was exposed to the internet,
the VPN is an addition to that security, not in place of it.
So that's what I'm kind of saying.
Like the second you start accessing it remotely,
you open yourself to security concerns.
That's just how it be, my dude.
So yeah, I'm not saying you necessarily shouldn't do it,
but yeah.
From Eric, what happened to the $1 million computer series?
Jake was busy helping me finish my house.
Are they gonna ask for it back?
Yeah, yeah, it's going back at some point,
but Jake needs to finish working on it.
I think he actually did put some work into it this week,
but he's been covering for someone else this week as well.
So I don't think he put in as much work on it
as he wanted to.
Hopefully we'll shoot another segment next week
with like some actual benchmarks.
From Alexander, how have the creases been on your fold?
I have mine and it's getting horrible crease marks
and the screen protector they say not to remove
is starting to tear and crease.
Funny you asked.
Luke, what do you see at the top of my screen?
Oh, it's starting to bubble out.
Yeah, this just happened.
You can actually probably see it from there.
Yep, it just started to bubble out.
It just started to separate
in the last maybe couple of weeks.
So it made it a long time.
I didn't even think the screen protector was removable
to be honest with you.
I thought it was a permanent part of the display,
but it appears to be not
cause you can kind of see it coming away
at the bottom here too.
That's pretty rough.
Should I try and peel it off all the way?
Are you able to do that?
I remember hearing very early on in this device's life
that people didn't realize that it was actually
like a part of the screen and they peeled it off
and it broke things.
I thought that was the second gen one.
Maybe, I don't know.
Actually, I can't remember.
Twitch chat obviously is like, yes, now.
Yeah, I think I'll wait for someone
a little more level-headed to pitch in here.
Should we, do we have the new thing?
The polling system?
Oh, all right.
People are like, yeah, yeah.
Yup, float plane's like, no, do not.
Web version's done, but we need to-
Stop, stop.
No, it's not removable, don't.
Well, that sucks then because it's gonna get to the point
of not being very pleasant to use.
Like this is clearly visible.
Oh, that's terrible actually.
Yeah, yeah, like it's off, okay.
That one's kind of hard to see from there, but I can-
You have like the worst bump.
Yeah, I can, it's, yeah, yeah.
It's like having an awful notch.
Yeah, or notch, there we go, yeah, yeah.
If you do do it on stream, all right, forget it.
I mean that for sure on that one.
From Michelle, Linus, do you still like
the UniFi doorbell you had installed at your old house?
How was the latency?
Do you have any experience with any other smart doorbells?
I don't have experience with other ones,
but what I know about the UniFi one
is that it doesn't upload the comings and goings
at my house to anyone else, and I like that.
I can, the latency is, I don't know, it's usable.
Usually I can catch people before they leave the door,
but as always, it depends on your mobile data connection.
The feature that was missing at the beginning
that drove me crazy is the ability to replay
with one touch the person coming and going.
So a lot of the time, if I took 30 seconds
to get to the notification,
I would have to go painstakingly scrub
and try and find the exact moment
that someone came to the door,
and it wasn't very good at expanding
and shrinking the timeline back then,
but it's really good now.
So you can either look at it live
and talk to them immediately,
or you can go back to the event and just see what it was,
because a lot of the time it's just someone coming up,
ringing the doorbell, leaving a package and going.
From Micah, we've actually gotten this question a few times.
Do you have any thoughts on the Matter smart home ecosystem?
Yeah, I'm super stoked on it,
but it's not ready yet, so for all the good it does me.
I mean, that's the thing about technology, right,
is you can keep waiting, waiting, waiting, waiting,
waiting, waiting for the next big thing around the corner,
or at some point you just have to buy something
and enjoy it, so that's what I decided to do.
I went Z-Wave and we'll see how that goes.
Yeah, there was a question in here
that I don't know what happened to it,
but it was asking me if I would ever consider
building a mineral oil machine again,
and I wanted to address that
because I'm still thinking of ideas,
but if my name ever gets drawn in the Intel Extreme thing,
I was thinking of making Linus build
another mineral oil machine as a joke.
I've been actually considering it,
just because I think it would be so funny.
We have the facilities to probably do it
as well as Puget or better now
with the workshop and everything.
Like, it could actually be pretty sick,
so I've been considering it,
but I'm far from dedicating to it,
and I mean, my name would have to be drawn,
and there's kind of a few people that work here now,
so I mean, my name might just never be drawn,
so it might also just not happen, yeah.
Yes, definitely do that, by the way.
Somebody suggested a desk mineral oil PC,
so you can just combine both of Linus'
least favorite types of builds.
Oh no, oh no, the amount of places
that that could start leaking.
No, not that.
One of the really nice things about fish tanks
is you usually try to find ones
that are solid piece on the bottom
so that there isn't like a seal point.
That's often a very notable benefit.
Use 3M Novec, I mean, I guess if I'm getting
the company to pay for it.
I don't think you'll be able to afford it.
Probably not, not in that, it's so expensive.
Crazy expensive.
There are some other alternative stuff these days
that isn't as expensive as Novec.
I would dive into it more if we were actually doing it,
but yeah.
From Xode, have you guys heard anything
about e-leap OLED technology
that came out about a month or so ago?
No, but I saw this merch message ahead of time.
So I pulled up an article about it.
Apparently it's from Japan Display Inc.
It allows much, much brighter OLEDs
and with better longevity.
And apparently it's not just a lab experiment.
This is actual display technology
that they are ready to start shipping
sooner rather than later.
It sounds really exciting.
Sounds like between QD OLED from Samsung
and LG juicing up their existing OLED and Japan Display,
unveiling this new method of making OLED TVs
that things are about to get,
competition's about to get fierce,
which is always good for pricing for the consumer.
Very good.
So I'm jacked.
From Aaron, hello, London and Luke.
Hope the new house construction is going smoothly.
What are your thoughts on manufacturing
or manufactured moving to smart bulbs
and internet of things in terms of cybersecurity?
It's bad, but I want to try it.
It's like a problem.
So I'm gonna do it, basically.
IoT botnets, IoT botnets, IoT botnets.
From Christopher, have you seen all the new stuff
from Aya, the slide, Neo2 flip, et cetera?
Yes, I, ooh, what can I say?
Yes, yes.
What's the flip?
Oh, they're doing so much right now.
I cannot figure out how they have all the money
that they need to work on all these projects.
They've got an Indiegogo campaign going right now for,
oh, which one is it?
I can't remember which one,
but there's a campaign running right now.
I'll just check my-
Clamshell windows handheld, interesting.
Yeah, they've got some really cool stuff
going on right now.
Is it dual screen?
I'm not seeing very good pictures.
Yeah, the Air is the one they have an Indiegogo campaign.
It's funded already.
As far as I can tell,
it's less about actually getting funding
and more about taking pre-orders and marketing
and all that kind of stuff.
The Air looks pretty sick.
Looking forward to checking that out.
I think they should start doing it on their own site
so they can stop paying Indiegogo for doing almost nothing.
But that's just my opinion.
Kitty Kitty in Floatplane chat says,
hey Linus and Luke, hear me out.
Solid block of acrylic machined out.
I've had a lot of funky ideas.
I was thinking potentially even custom glass.
Can you get a solid block of acrylic?
Probably, I don't know.
Solid acrylic blocks.
I mean, here, let's learn, shall we?
I mean, that thing looks big.
I don't know, I can never tell.
This is one by one by one inch.
Like I want a big one.
Like that would be heavy, you know?
At a certain point, even just, you know,
cheap, crappy acrylic or whatever gets heavy.
Lucite block.
Okay, this is all just like cute little decorative stuff.
Okay, large acrylic block.
Acrylic cylinders up to eight feet in size.
Now we're talking.
Oh no, that's not quite what I had in mind.
Okay then.
Acrylic blocks out water.
Well, those are like windows or something.
Clear extra large block.
Well, clearly this requires a little bit more work
than what I was willing to put into it live.
Acrylic can apparently also be cast.
All right.
As a follow-up to the Ioneo question
and you pulling it out earlier,
have you still been using the Steam Deck?
I prefer the Ioneo.
I like the smaller, more compact shape of it.
One thing that's really cool about the Steam Deck though
is the way that the thermal mod that we did on it
unlocks extra performance.
That was pretty sick.
But yes, I've been using the Ioneo Pro.
I forget, is that what this one's called?
Ioneo, Ioneo Next Pro.
Sorry, that's the one that I've been using.
And a big part of it, honestly, is that I'm just lazy.
I don't like setting things up more than once.
And the OS drive that I have in there
is one of those eight terabyte Sabrent ones.
So I can just dump absolutely everything onto it,
emulated games, Steam games, whatever.
It's all just dumped onto here.
I never have to think about it.
I don't set it up again.
Each Ioneo, I just pull it out
and put it into the next one.
That's pretty sweet.
So I got a system here.
That's cool.
In that same beat, there was a question for Luke.
Did you cancel your Steam Deck pre-order
or have you been tempted by AYA products?
I actually have been tempted by AYA products
for some like thing reasons
that honestly shouldn't necessarily matter too much.
But I think aesthetically, they just look awesome.
Like that retro one you showed off was so cool.
Like it was just sweet.
They're just kind of nerds.
They are geeks or whatever the right term is.
You can tell.
Just awesome.
I have not canceled it.
At this point, I'm not feeling super motivated to buy,
but I've had a bunch of friends say like,
hey, I would pay the purchase cost
if you could get it for me.
And I'm like, okay, well, I'll hold my reservation.
I'm not gonna like-
You're gonna scalp it?
You're gonna scalp it, Luke?
No, I'm not going to scalp it.
You're gonna be a filthy, dirty, rotten,
ugly, awful, stinky scalper?
We got a little specific there at the end.
No, but I might like-
I don't think you're ugly.
Thank you, it's appreciated.
But yeah, it's very likely I'll hand it off
to someone else in my life
that was unable to get a reservation, so yeah.
Yeah, don't scalp, but just know I will pay double.
I will.
Bell, you're part of the problem, officially.
From Keith, is there any recent books you've read
and enjoyed for either of you?
I don't find nearly enough time to read.
I read a lot of articles.
I keep up with world events a lot more than I used to.
But my problem with reading
is that the second I start something,
it's unlikely that I will sleep until I finish it.
And so I'm afraid to pick up new books
because it kind of destroys my life for a couple of days.
I know that's like a really horrible cop-out,
stupid response to that,
but I don't read much fiction for that reason.
I'm gonna also cop out slightly,
but I will give two books.
These were...
Tyler and I used to share book recommendations
back in the day.
And these were my two favorite ones
that he ever suggested to me.
One of them is Uprooted by Naomi Novik.
And the other one is Barsk, The Elephant's Graveyard
by Lawrence M. Schoen.
Those were some of the first books
that he ever recommended to me.
And they are both fantastic.
I'd highly recommend them.
Oh, Matthew B says,
I took the protector off my Fold3 due to the same issue.
It's basically just a normal protector.
Just take it off slow.
It's nothing inbuilt that ruins the display.
Should I go for it?
Do it.
F*** it, we'll do it live.
Okay, we ready?
Oh, I guess...
Do you need a tool?
Do you need something to help?
You're just gonna go at it.
I think I'm just gonna go at it.
I mean, there's enough of a gap there.
I feel like I can just get a fingernail in it, you know?
Wait a second.
Did you hear that sound when I opened it?
I didn't.
Did you hear that?
Like, there, that sound?
The whole thing came off.
Look at that.
There's a whole line that is separated down the middle.
That just happened.
So it's like sticking.
Oh, wow.
And un-sicking. That's super audible
when you put it up to the mic.
Yeah, maybe it wasn't so much that I heard it
as that I felt it when I did it.
So here, hold on, I'm just gonna...
I'll turn so you guys can see if it busts it
and you'll be the first to know.
Oh, okay.
No, that's, yeah, that's no problem.
That appears to be just a screen protector.
I'm kind of impressed it lasted this long then.
Well, where do I get a new one now?
Like, does Samsung make this screen protector available?
Because it's pretty good.
It actually feels very glass-like.
Honestly, I think I kind of like the feel
of the screen protector better than the screen itself.
Here, try out both.
Yeah, it feels like a smoother almost.
I don't know why.
Maybe there's some adhesive on the screen or something.
No, I don't think so.
It's just, it's a very plasticky screen
cause it's not glass, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, makes sense.
All right.
Oh, hey, it looks nice and clean now.
So that's cool.
Bring up some content here.
Oh, got some Bob's Burgers, you know.
I haven't seen the movie yet.
I'm gonna go see it.
There's a movie?
Yeah, there's a Bob's Burgers movie.
I did not know.
Yeah, Bob's Burgers sounds like a moment right now.
All right.
From iBlowItSports, in a recent video,
you mentioned you sleep with your earbuds in
and you've mentioned it today as well.
I do the same with my Sony XM4 earbuds.
Some of you fall asleep with audio books.
Are you concerned at all about long-term hearing loss,
about using headphones while sleeping?
Oh, oh, specifically I, whatever, asks,
mentions noise cancellation.
No, I can't say I've ever had any concerns about that.
I haven't noticed any problems up until now.
I don't turn them up, that's for sure.
And I don't think that they would be counteracting
any strong sound waves coming in
if I'm just sleeping with them.
To be perfectly honest with you,
I have thought about before and meant to research it,
and I do not know the answer to the question
of whether active noise cancellation,
you know, when, so you've got the wave, right?
And then you've got the wave that cancels it out,
whether it actually mitigates any damage
that would be done to your ear by a very loud noise.
I don't know the answer to that.
Maybe someone else does? Seems like it would be fine.
Something I'd throw in there is,
cause we're just, cause we're talking about like-
Not a doctor.
Hearing loss and stuff like that.
Something that I've been concerned about is the buddies.
They can sometimes be really loud.
And they sit like right next to me all the time.
So I've started to be concerned about that.
I might be looking into,
I don't want to cause I love my headphones,
but I might be looking into like closed back headphones
or something to try to like isolate from-
From the fricking burbs.
The budgies.
They're often fine,
but when they're like real amped up for whatever reason
on some day and they're just like,
burp burp burp burp burp burp burp burp burp burp burp burp.
Just like constantly.
Sometimes when I call, they're just like,
argh argh argh argh argh argh argh argh argh argh argh argh.
They're just, oh my goodness.
Yeah. Yeah.
So when they're in like that mood,
it, it, yeah, I get a little concerned
because I think they can go up to like 70 decibels.
Oh, I would say they're probably higher than that.
Yeah. I don't know.
I'm going to look it up.
Budgies. Apparently, yeah.
About 70.
About 70, yeah.
Wow. Lovebirds will hit 83.
Some birds can get really up there.
They gotta, they gotta get that love out there.
You know?
I think, I think the, the luck with the budgie
is it's literally too small to produce any more noise.
It's like physically incapable.
They weigh 30 grams.
Like there's only so much they can accomplish.
Wow. All right.
Question here from Alex.
Linus, have you made a decision on your main TV
and your gaming monitor yet?
Have you looked at the Sony A95K?
Ah, there'll be a video on that very soon.
I can spoil it for you a little.
The Sony is really, really nice.
Like, wow.
Really nice.
One of the, one of my pro arts died.
One of my like super old school pro arts.
Oh really?
Yeah. So one of them's still working.
And then my like main gaming monitor is obviously fine.
One of the pro arts is out
and I don't like being down to two monitors.
So I've been trying to figure out like,
do I like splurge and get a new gaming monitor?
Do I go big?
Do I go big?
Do you go multiple?
Do I get a third again?
If I get a third, if like I could cheap out
and just buy like another 24 inch 1080p monitor
for like nothing and just get a third monitor up again.
That's probably fine.
Like I-
That's probably what it'll do.
That's probably what I'll do.
Cause I was thinking about upgrading the gaming monitor,
but I honestly like it has all the features
that I really want right now.
I like 1440p gaming.
That's like 165 Hertz, isn't it?
165 Hertz, 1440p.
We have 4K 240s now.
I can't run most games at that anyways.
No one can.
Samsung has a display that'll do 4K, 240 Hertz.
I'm sitting here going-
Sweet, what's that for?
What can run that?
Yeah, exactly.
So like, I think I still feel like my monitor
is still at kind of a sweet spot.
I have really liked 1440p and really high refresh rate.
So it's fine.
So yeah, I'll probably just buy a cheap extra monitor,
but yeah.
Just wait till they see the QD OLED monitors.
It'll spoil you forever.
They're really nice.
But then like, those aren't really a thing, you know?
Yeah, there's only one.
So like, I think now is not the time.
From Kyle.
Hi Linus.
What do you think about electric motorcycles,
like the Zero lineup?
Any chance we'll see them on LTT or Short Circuit?
I wanted to like the Zero motorbike that I went
and test drove, here, hold on.
I'm gonna bring it up and I'll see if I can find
the one I test drove.
I think, you know, we've gotten to the point
where range has gotten reasonable enough
that they make sense.
I think that Zero has some models that look really cool.
This is the SRS.
I believe it was like a year ago or two years ago model
that I tried, but this was basically the one
that I test drove.
It is wicked fast.
Where's the actual specs here?
140 foot pounds of torque, 110 horsepower.
There's an upgrade to a 17.3 kilowatt hour battery.
Where's the acceleration?
Top speed, 124 miles an hour.
You do not need to go faster than that.
I will tell you that much, ladies and gentlemen.
Full specs.
Do they have like a zero to 60
or anything like that in here?
Range, oh my goodness, where's your zero to 60?
Why do you not have a zero to 60 like front and center?
The only reason I can think of is because maybe it's bad.
But the point is it's very torquey.
I actually walked into the, I walked into the dealership
like with the money already, funding secured, you know?
Like I had a combination of cash, debit and credit
that would allow me to just buy one,
walk out that day.
And I was gonna just do it.
And Yvonne was like, okay, you need to test drive it.
I'm like, no, no, it's cool.
And my bike is like, it needs a whole bunch of work.
And I just wanna sell it and start over with something fresh.
I wanna go electric.
I wanna be able to just like charge the bike,
not go to the gas station.
I hate going to the gas station on the bike.
It's just a hassle.
It's got all your gear and everything, it just sucks.
So I was like, yeah, I'm gonna do it.
Electric motorcycle.
She's like, you need to test drive it.
I'm like, I didn't make an appointment.
I'm just gonna, I'll just buy it.
Okay, turns out one of the people who worked there,
one of the sales representatives was a fan,
was like, we'll find you an appointment.
Cause this was peak COVID times, right?
So it must've been a year ago.
And yeah, you had to like book everything in advance.
And there's only three people allowed in the store
and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, or whatever, right?
So I take it out for the ride
and they put it in the equivalent of chill mode.
I don't know, that's the Tesla terminology for it,
but basically it's not like super crazy torquey.
They put it in chill mode
and I'm riding down the road and I'm like,
wow, this is really soulless.
It's like boring.
So I turn it up to whatever the next notch is
and then I turn it up another notch and it's just,
So I got back to the dealership
where they were expecting to take my money for a bike.
And instead I booked an appointment to bring in my SV650S.
It's 2003, it's nothing special.
It's worth like nothing now.
To bring in my SV650S and spend more than it's actually worth
on just getting it, new tires, new chain,
just I needed a whole bunch of stuff, brought it in,
got it done up and I've been happily riding it this season.
So glad that I did not go for an electric bike.
I just, I can't.
It's, I'm not even a motor head.
I'm not even like, I don't need that stuff,
but it just, oh, I drive a Volt for crying out loud.
I just couldn't do it.
I couldn't do it.
Last question here from Oliver
and again, a few other people surprisingly.
What was the motivation behind switching
from Google Workspace to Teams for communication LMG?
Well, Google kept telling us Hangouts was gonna go away
and it's still not gone.
There's still, it even seems like they're pushing it.
They've added development.
Have you seen this crap?
Look at this, okay?
I go to share something, watch this.
I go to share and I'm like Gmail.
Oh, okay, well, oh wait, what just happened?
Not, what the, what was that?
That doesn't matter.
The point is I go to share something, okay?
Watch this, I click Gmail.
It's like, do you mean Gmail chat?
No, I don't mean chat.
I mean, Gmail, you even have a separate icon
for Gmail chat, you saw it.
I swear, I swear you saw it next to it before, right?
The Gmail chat one?
Sure, yes.
Like, no, why are you adding an extra click?
I'm trying to email something.
You are not chat anymore.
You told me you're not chat anymore.
And like the way that Google has dealt
with their chat systems,
like part of this question is would you consider
switching back?
It's like, no.
You just can't trust them.
Yeah, exactly.
Because like moving an entire company
to a new chat system is like really frustrating
and genuinely has a cost to it.
So like, no, you don't really wanna do that.
Would I have suggested Teams?
Well, you tried Slack and it was a nightmare.
I don't understand.
I was not getting notifications.
I was not getting anything done.
I don't get notifications for Teams.
I literally showed you a screenshot
that I got a notification on Teams.
172 days late.
I have a screenshot of this.
It literally says in the thing,
like how long did this message come in?
172D as in days.
Teams is a dumpster fire.
It is, I know.
But we tried Slack and it didn't work.
So I don't know what to tell you.
We've also had a lot of notifications
going on with Slack.
I would say that recently it's been a lot better.
But yeah, we had notification problems
a lot in the past as well.
Yeah, lapsed memory says Google had such a headstart
in the collab workspace and they just squandered it really.
It wasn't that long ago that Office 365 was a joke.
And now does anyone use anything else?
Yeah, yeah.
It's the same kind of thing with like MSN messenger.
Like Microsoft had Discord.
And not just Discord.
Microsoft had like Myspace and Facebook too.
MSN messenger had a social network.
Yeah, yeah.
They had everything.
They could have owned everything.
Like actually they just tossed it.
I mean, while we're at it, Zoom.
And I think that's it for the show today.
Thank you guys very much for tuning in.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same terrible channel.
But you like it.
You know you like it.
Pulse play, back plays and ubiquity.
If you haven't got a stealth hoodie yet,
there may even be sizes that are out of stock now.
How many did I say we moved yesterday?
500, yeah.
In the last two days, out of the 1800 we had left,
we have moved.
Pretty much 1700.
If you want one of the, these.
If you want one of the $30 stealth hoodie, yeah, those.
What all the merch messages are about.
Do it this second.
If you're watching the VOD, it's too late.
Cause they will be gone.
Okay, for real, I'm ending the stream now.
And please, for the love of all that's good,
add something else to the cart.
Something profitable.
Thank you.