
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

So we're live now, but I'm going to have to do the show kind of quietly because Luke's
trying to film us as fast as possible right over there.
Welcome to the WAN Show you guys, it's going to be a great show today.
Let me see, oooh, Samsung is unveiling the successor to MicroSD, what else we got here?
MIT research shows the hole in the ozone layer may be healing.
The UN council says, or a UN council, UN council, let's go with that, says blocking internet
access violates human rights and CSGO YouTubers were promoting CSGO skin gambling sites that
they owned.
Naughty, naughty, naughty, we'll be talking about this and more on the WAN Show today.
Let's go ahead and roll that intro.
Oh dang it.
There we go.
Alright, so I guess you guys can, this is hilarious.
You guys are like, it's pre-recorded.
If we were pre-recording, we could do it at any time.
We wouldn't have to do it while Luke's trying to get it as fast as possible, it's a long
story but Dennis is working this weekend because of a thing and so he needs it filmed now and
anyway whatever.
The point is, got a lot of great topics for you guys today, I'm just going to jump right
into the first one here.
So this is freaking awesome if you're into high speed mobile storage.
The original article here is from theverge.com, I'm just going to go ahead and pull that baby
Linus' screen.
It's funny, 10 points to those of you who watch the fastest possible he's filming now
and then talk about the WAN Show in the comments, 10 internet points.
So they have finally released UFS memory cards.
What UFS is, is in a nutshell basically very similar to the interface that you would find
on a desktop or even a server computer.
It actually uses the SAS protocol, it has more contact pins and it is able to achieve
read and write speeds that are pretty similar to what you can do with a SATA 6 gigabit or
a SAS 6 gigabit connection.
I like to think that this is kind of like, apparently Luke is louder than me, well I'm
trying not to interrupt him more than he's trying not to interrupt me, because I mean,
come on, it's like, it's WAN Show, you guys get it, you guys know we gotta make videos
Like speak up, okay, okay, okay, okay, I'll sit right here, Luke's going to be joining
me in just a minute here, but basically the funny thing about this release from Samsung
is that there is no ecosystem for the cards whatsoever, there's just, okay they've got
cards up to 256 gigabytes, but there are no readers on the market and yeah, they're super
fast but there's literally nothing you can install them in and you can't buy them, they're
just announced.
We've already reached out to them asking if they can send us something or if, like even
just to kind of showcase it, wow I like lost my voice from whispering like that, like if
we can showcase it or just kind of hold one up on camera and be like whoa, it's an SSD
the size of your pinky nail, but so far they've basically said no.
So here I'll give you the kind of the quote from their memory product planning and application
engineering senior vice president, and I'm getting glared at by Luke, by launching our
new high capacity, high performance UFS card lineup, we are changing the growing paradigm
of the memory card market to prioritize, and someone just moved my document, to prioritize
performance and user convenience for all.
Well it's good to know, that's an important shift because if performance and user convenience
were not priorities before, then this is a great step in the right direction.
So in a nutshell, UFS memory cards provides five times faster sequential read performance
than a typical micro SD card, did I mention this was a micro SD replacement?
Micro SD, not like full size SD, like they are absolutely tiny.
So to put that in the right perspective, with a UFS card, users can read a five gigabyte
full HD movie in approximately 10 seconds, whereas a UHS-1 micro SD would take over 50
seconds, and that's assuming that that's a 95 megabyte per second card.
Random read IOPS are 40,000, I mean that is pretty comparable to fairly modern two and
a half inch desktop SSDs on the value end of the spectrum.
And the 256 gig UFS card delivers more than 20 times higher random read performance compared
to a typical micro SD.
So what's really cool about this is that expandable phone storage has been a bit of a problem
for a long time, for a number of reasons, whether it's phone manufacturers just refusing
to build in the slots, whether it's the mobile operating system makers kind of going, well
gee, there's a lot of issues with micro SD expansion because it uses a completely different
interface, different communication protocol.
It doesn't actually jive that well, I mean it's okay for like photo storage, but it's
not that great for doing things like installing apps.
One of the reasons for that is that random performance is really not very good, but UFS,
these cards are actually using a very, very similar means of communication and should
perform similarly to modern primary storages in your mobile devices.
So hopefully gone are the days of having to buy a device that has the amount of storage
you need.
I mean, I don't know if Apple is going to give in and support UFS, but at least on the
Android side of things, I would expect that to happen.
And if it does, then hey, 32 gigs of base storage might be fine because you're not going
to be limited to only being able to store photos and movies on your expandable storage.
You could be able to actually store apps or even like, wow, here's a mind blowing thing.
I mean, we could see phones ship in more of a bare bones type configuration and you could
just add your own full speed storage to it after the fact or buy a bundled one.
This would help multiple parts of the supply chain because you look at what the differentiators
are for product categories like computers, okay, so you can get them with a different
CPU, you can get them with a different GPU, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
If you're building a custom one, well, that's great.
But if you're trying to buy a pre-built, that actually dramatically increases the complexity
for both the manufacturer who has to validate all these different SKUs and the, okay, so
not only the manufacturer who has to build and maintain all these different SKUs, but
also the distributors and the retailers who have to stock them all separately.
I mean, what a frustrating situation.
I mean, those of you who have worked in any kind of supply chain job will probably get
What a frustrating situation to have a customer walk in the door and say, yeah, I want a black
iPhone 4s, and you've got 50 white ones in the back, and you don't have a black one to
sell them, and you're just like, so that's aging inventory.
That's inventory that you've already paid for, and now you have to go and special order
some stupid thing.
The customer has to come back, and it's a much higher-touch transaction.
So being able to just buy a bare-bones phone and boom, pop a UFS card in there would be
absolutely sick.
So Samsung's been really aggressive in preparing UFS for the market, contributing to the JEDEX
standardization of UFS 2.0 specs in September 2013, and the UFS 1 card extension standards
in March 2016, and basically they completed the Universal Flash Storage Association certification
program, and there you have it.
They have cards.
They're ready to rock.
We just need devices, and we need readers, well, the entire rest of the ecosystem, really,
and we also need someone other than Samsung to also release products, so there's a little
bit of competition.
Not that I'm saying Samsung hasn't been mostly benevolent as far as their SSD pricing goes.
I mean, they've been kind of market leaders there, so.
I did like your idea of buying a phone and adding your own storage.
Yeah, especially for smaller phone manufacturers, where they don't have to, I mean, they could
just go, okay, we have three different models, here's three colors.
Instead of three different models, three different colors plus three different capacities, oh
crap, now there's nine SKUs.
I would worry about the volatility of it, like its ability to die, but if you just had
like a little chip on the phone that had a base level operating system, like a fairly
small compact version of Android that they expect you to update, you could just push
that to the card every time that you want to wipe it or add a different one in or do
Yeah, I'd be down.
You could go to the card, you could update off that kernel using Wi-Fi or whatever, and
then you're good to go.
That would be awesome.
I would love that, to be completely honest.
Got someone asking in the Twitch chat if we can talk about the Dan Case A4 SFX.
Trust me, there will be plenty of coverage of the Dan Case A4 SFX.
It's coming, it's taken a little while to work on, I actually had to source some special
RAM to work with the special motherboard that I had already sourced.
Because my friends, I am doing an update to the ultimate compact gaming PC.
It will have more cores, more GPU horsepower, bit more of absolutely everything.
More RAM.
Did you say gaming PC?
It will, well, whatever.
It'll do anything.
Okay, yeah.
More cores might literally slow you down.
It is not limited to just gaming performance.
It can do absolutely anything pretty much under the sun.
Everyone in the chat is saying Pokemon Go.
We don't have it in Canada yet.
And there's like, sorry, I'm just gonna do a very short aside.
We just got wrecked.
We did, okay?
So we don't have it in Canada yet.
Some people are like, oh, you can just go the APK method and download it that way.
It'll work just fine.
No, there's some worries, well, okay, yes, but there's some worries there as well that
the Pokemon company might be banning people that are going that method.
There's been some news around that, so I don't really want to go that method yet, but I want
to play Pokemon Go.
I heard the combat's terrible, but I don't care.
I was a huge fan of Ingress already, and if you thought the combat in Ingress was good,
you're kidding yourself.
So I don't know.
I'm excited.
It was really bad.
You just press a button.
And it's like, okay, every game you press a button, but it's not a high end, interesting
combat system.
It's rather boring.
People would argue Diablo II is a good game.
You basically click the mouse.
I love Diablo II.
If you want to, I know, I know, but if you want to bring it down to as close as you click
the mouse, and the bad guy goes, ugh.
It's not like an intricate, interesting combat system.
Right, sure, okay, fair enough.
Although I've heard the Pokemon one is particularly heinous, because apparently all you do is
just tap on the screen really quickly.
So we're trying to all get carpal tunnel?
Yeah, yeah.
This is just what I've heard.
What are we practicing for?
From my friend Shane.
Hi, Shane.
So if you try to dodge, it takes so long that the other person is just still attacking and
doesn't bother dodging, and then the amount of time it takes, you just get hit a bunch
and you just fall behind anyways.
So it doesn't actually help.
So you just sit there and spam attack.
And there's no abilities, which they could have very easily done.
And people are speculating that they don't want to hurt their other markets.
They don't want to hurt their Game Boy games by making this one too good.
It's like, come on.
Nintendo's stock rate is like 8.8% or something because of the launch of this game.
It's like, why not make it that much better and just crush everything?
I don't know.
Well, I don't pretend to understand why, when it's to be insulting, we get treated like
America's Hat or the 51st state, I don't know how many states they have, I don't know.
Some number of states plus one.
So we get treated like that when it's to be insulting or to oppress our culture.
But then when it comes time for us to actually gain some benefits from it, get cool stuff,
I mean, we still don't have YouTube Red.
I thought we even had that.
Do you know how much I want YouTube Red?
Because you have music.
I am so sick of trying to go through my own videos and have ads show up on them.
Yeah, because we don't run ad block, neither of us run ad block, where this isn't a few
ad block segment of the stream, just neither of us run ad block and would love a solution
where we can just be like, money, no more ads.
It's not even a lot of money.
Anyway, speaking of not a lot of money.
Everyone in the chat is saying Red Doob.
Red Doob.
No, Red Doob is not the same.
It's not the same thing.
But there's ads on there as well.
Oh, okay.
So, like, the problem still exists.
I legitimately didn't know that.
Why wouldn't that, of course, I'm going to shut up now, we're going to continue with
the show.
What are we covering now?
The Ozone.
Oh, okay.
Get it?
We're covering it.
Oh, yeah, baby.
Oh, my God.
Are you doing Nature World or MIT?
Nature World News.
Nature World News.
Oh, I already posted it.
I already posted it.
Yeah, yeah, all good.
Is the hole in the ozone layer closing?
First signs of healing, which, as some of you may or may not know, is most assuredly
a good thing.
Scientists at MIT and elsewhere have identified signs of healing of the Antarctic ozone layer.
So the findings published earlier this week in the journal Science by Susan Solomon, her
team found that the September ozone hole has shrunk more than 4 million square kilometers.
Well, that's a lot.
Which is about half the area of the United States of America.
Or like a quarter of Canada.
You're wrecked.
We don't use the majority of it.
It's mostly just ice and wasteland.
So this is since 2000 when ozone depletion was at its peak.
The team also showed that recovery has slowed somewhat at times.
This could be due to the effects of volcanic eruptions year to year.
So the authors used fingerprints of the ozone changes with season and altitude to attribute
the ozone's recovery to a decline of atmospheric chlorine originating from chlorofluorocarbons
or CFCs.
So if you were wondering, was it actually a good idea for us to do away with CFCs, however
convenient they might have been?
The answer is probably, yeah, I mean, we could all be screwed anyway, but yeah, like this
doesn't at all solve all the problems.
This is one element that is very good that it is being solved.
There are many others that are still very large issues.
So to be clear, these compounds were once emitted by dry cleaning processes, old refrigerators,
aerosols such as hairsprays, and most importantly, the air conditioning unit of my 1991 red Volkswagen
diesel Jetta.
So I actually had all of the Freon.
It totally makes sense that it was at a peak in the 90s because of hairspray.
Every single dude with frosted tips made that hole.
Sorry, who are we talking about?
Don't worry about it.
Oh, man.
That's awful.
So I was telling a story.
It wasn't a very good story.
Now that it's been interrupted, I almost feel like I shouldn't even bother bringing it back
up because it was super boring, but the Freon leaked out of my air conditioning unit.
So my air conditioning didn't work.
That really was the end of the story because they couldn't recharge it with Freon because
Freon was not a thing anymore.
But man, Freon was awesome.
The AC on that car was godlike.
It was really like putting your hands up to an open window in the dead of winter.
I was so hot, and now I'm cold.
This is great.
By comparison, my wife's 2008 Rabbit is kind of like if we had a couple of Luke's sitting
under the hood, blowing through the vents.
It takes so long to get to the cold state of AC these days.
Freon was awesome, but it's good that it's gone.
In 1987, virtually every country in the world signed onto the Montreal Protocol to ban the
use of CFCs and repair the ozone hole, and they've been tracking it yearly, etc.
So Solomon, again the researcher, sees no reason, barring future volcanic eruptions,
that the ozone hole shouldn't shrink and eventually close by mid-century.
So I could live to see the entire process, from the signing of the Montreal Protocol
to the closing of the ozone layer.
That is to say, unless all the other terrible stuff we're doing catches up with us by that
Very possible.
Alright, do you want to move on to the UN Council thing, and I'll go film the video
that I actually have to film during Grand Tour today.
I don't know anything about this, but this might be a good point to pull in John.
Yeah, sure, I'll go grab John, and you guys can hit this one.
So the UN Council says that blocking internet access violates human rights, and as I have
no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to laws, legality, human rights, or to be
completely fair, morality on very many levels, we have brought in John.
You're not in authority on morality?
You're not in authority on morality?
Oh, that's news to me.
Hey everyone.
So this is John.
John does a...
Oh god.
Well sometimes I shake the table.
John destroys things.
I do.
Not as much as Dennis, but...
It does happen sometimes.
He also writes fast as possible scripts, as in all of them.
Most all?
Mostly all?
Mostly all.
Like a grossly high percentage of them, which is getting near a million subscribers.
Very close.
It should be about a week.
Until Tech Quickies add a million subscribers.
That'll be freaking cool.
Anyways, I'm dropping you in super randomly in here, but this.
So here's all the notes.
Wait, nope.
No, not this.
Oh, interesting.
So, read on that for a little bit while I read random bullshit bullet points, and then
you can try to come in with actually insightful comments.
I'll try?
I'll try too.
You can do your best.
I'm just gonna talk about things.
Where's the chat stream, by the way?
It would be here.
So when you're done getting your insightful comments, you can click on that Twitch window
and then you can see those.
We can kind of go back.
Okay, very good.
Delegates gathered for the 32nd session of the Human Rights Council in UN Geneva, Switzerland
on June 13th.
Thanks, Colton.
The charming little neighborhood of United Nations.
In United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland, I would assume in the United Nations building
in Geneva, Switzerland on June 13th, they were taking aim at countries that block access
to internet as means to suppress free expression.
And trust me, there's probably more of those than you actually realize.
The resolution passed by a 47-member council who, unquote, said they condemns unequivocally
measures to internationally prevent or disrupt access or dissemination of information online
in violation of international human rights laws and calls on all states to refrain from
and see such measures.
Gonna be interesting.
States listed Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, asked the UN to strike that passage from the
digital rights decree.
Not surprised.
South Africa and India also called for its removal, and they're saying different reasons
why this is happening.
Internet blackouts have been well-documented across China, definitely, multiple times,
and Middle East, again, multiple times.
The Turkish government were reportedly blocking news outlets as well as Facebook and Twitter
in wake of Istanbul's airport attack, which was absolutely terrible.
Transparency reports published by Twitter show that requests from courts and government
agencies have skyrocketed from six per year to over a thousand, and there's more than
just Twitter that has that problem.
Yeah, it's a big thing.
Edward Snowden, former CIA employee.
These notes are gold.
He has called the UN's dedication to the issue good news through Twitter.
His Twitter account is awesome, by the way, so feel free to check it out.
Yeah, he only follows the NSA like nobody else.
I'm going to figure out what his handle is right now.
It's at Snowden.
At Snowden.
Following one, and it's the NSA.
Yeah, NSA CSS.
Definitely my favorite thing.
I wonder if they have him blocked.
That's a good question.
I'm sure they don't, because they would want to be able to track him.
I mean, there's really no point in that, I think.
So yeah.
Apparently, he spoke out recently about, because he has asylum in Russia, but recently he spoke
out against something the government's doing, I think, with regards to, like, it might have
been internet freedom.
I just remember seeing a headline about it, so I don't know how that's going to work out,
So, what's happening here?
Anything insightful?
I mean-
I don't know if this falls in your wheelhouse at all.
No, Snowden's not wrong when he says it's good news, because obviously it is.
The UN does lots of stuff, but also, I think a lot of people know, you don't need to be
an expert in international policy or anything like that to know that not every country in
the UN has equal clout.
And so if, I mean, you have Russia and China that don't want this, and these are two of
the five permanent Security Council members, which is a huge deal.
So I mean, it's nice, but whether anything is actually going to be done, who the heck
The UN also has an enforcement issue.
They do.
They have a huge enforcement issue.
They're like, everyone must do this.
If you don't do this, that's probably fine.
It's like in Team America, when Hans Blux comes in to Kim Jong Il's palace, and he's
like, what are you going to do about it, and he says, we will write you a letter telling
you how angry we are.
So I mean, it's not quite that useless, but at the same time, there's obviously an issue
here with that.
Some of the chat's like, hashtag porn for China.
It's funny you should mention that, because there's also, there's been a huge trend recently,
like the past 10 years or so, to get internet access, basically recognized as a human right,
but there's also kind of a question of degree here.
It could be anything from the Great Firewall of China to Britain saying you have to opt
in if you want to watch porn.
It could be anything in between those two extremes.
So there's an issue with that, and yeah, it's kind of cool that Freedom House is mentioned
on here.
And I guess part of it would be, sorry to cut you off, I guess part of it would be like
the opt in thing that you just brought up, like it doesn't stop tracking, so governments
would still know what you were doing, and they could try to hit you for unrelated things
if they're corrupt.
Yeah, so it's like, what is internet doing?
So it might not actually stop the problem.
Is it just a removal of restrictions, or is it like, we want to have better privacy, and
Linus needs something?
It's on the, I plugged it in.
Although I heard something crash that might have fallen.
Yeah, so it's also funny that you mentioned Freedom House in the report.
They're a pretty big NGO.
They do a report basically every year called Freedom in the World, and they measure every
country on a few different metrics.
They categorize it as free or not free, and that's obviously a pretty sweeping thing,
but I'm kind of not surprised that they're looking into this.
Freedom House 2016.
Yeah, there we go.
I don't know if they've gotten to every country yet, but.
Is green free?
Yeah, green is free, and then you have yellow, which is sort of, yeah, the way they classify
it is kind of funny.
Not free.
Based on the map, it's kind of ironic that Snowden is getting asylum in Russia.
In a not free area.
Where's like, the most free country?
A lot of countries are tied, because it's only on a scale from one to seven, in like,
I think, two different categories, so if you have one rating in both, then that's like
the most you can get.
Okay, that makes sense.
Now, one thing that we do need to do, that I forgot, is whenever we're talking about
something, we should share it on the screen, so people can actually see what we're talking
Anyways, so yeah.
Is that linked up here or on mine?
That's, I, well, it's linked up here, actually.
So I can bring this up.
It's fine.
All right.
But yeah, I guess that's a good thing, but like you were saying, and like I was saying,
we'll see if it actually does anything.
Has any actual noticeable impact on anything, we'll have to wait and see.
This is one of those things that I worry the internet might forget about.
I mean, and, you know, especially because the most the UN can do is pressure people
through various means.
Because they can't just come in with like a big sword of justice and say, no, you can't
do this.
And China kind of seems, China and Russia both seem like countries that would be a little
difficult to pressure into doing anything they didn't really want to do.
Because again, they have a lot of clout in the UN.
So yeah.
The next topic, Linus definitely wants to be here for, okay, let's scroll down to this
This one's definitely in your wheelhouse.
The password sharing thing or something else?
This one.
So click here, trying to connect.
Linus isn't even online.
Oh, no.
See, the Twitch stream on this laptop was just not working at all.
And I was wondering why it wasn't even connected to Wi-Fi.
Anyways, in America, sharing your password is now a federal crime.
I don't know why.
That is just the title of the document.
And that's all it is, I think.
I looked at this briefly a little while ago.
I think it's kind of the click-baity headline.
But yeah, let's go through the details first.
As a result of a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, one of the most powerful
appeals courts in the US, is that true?
Absolutely true.
Any user sharing a password that has not been authorized by the host of the website is in
breach of the CFAA Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in the US.
We've banned people on the forum for that before.
Conviction of David Nossel, former employee of Korn-Ferry International, a research firm.
Former employee of Korn, they made some interesting music.
Yeah, I'm thinking about the band everyone listened to in middle school.
Yeah, I hear that.
Yeah, that upheld.
Nossel used a former coworker's password to access one of the firm's databases after his
employment was terminated, which was declared as unauthorized use of a computer system under
the CFAA.
See, because I'm thinking like, I guess I didn't think of this on the right level.
I was thinking like, oh, we're sharing our World of Warcraft accounts.
Like I didn't-
Yeah, that's why I really didn't like the headline.
Because sharing your password isn't a crime.
Using someone else's to gain unauthorized access to a system is, and that's been the
case for a long time.
This is only you.
That makes sense.
They argue that this sets a dangerous precedent for everyday citizens who share passwords
for services like Netflix and HBO Go with family members, with friends and family members.
Since they do not have authorization from those companies to share those passwords,
they are breaking federal law under the CFAA.
They are primarily concerned with what they call the government's boundless interpretation
of the CFAA.
The majority does not provide, nor do I see, this is a quote, I guess, there's no quotes
around it.
There's an end quote.
There's no start quote.
The majority does not provide, nor do I see, a workable line which separates the consensual
password sharing in this case, I'm assuming that means stuff like Netflix and whatnot,
from the consensual password sharing of millions of legitimate account holders, which may also
be contrary to the policies of system owners, wrote a dissenting judge, Stefan Reinhardt.
Thanks for the addition of the quote.
Nick Light.
Tisk Tisk.
I think he's covering for Colton there.
I don't know.
He says that this decision loses sight of the anti-hacking purpose of the CFAA.
That's a good point, if that is the actual true purpose of them.
Using someone else's password with their permission, but not the system owners, isn't hacking,
but that's what the court is treating it as.
That's an interesting point.
I feel like there should be a different rule for that.
There probably should, because the CFAA is a very broadly written statute.
It criminalizes any kind of unauthorized access to a computer system.
Like if I go into the editing den, I'm wondering what time it is, and the closest thing to
me is the clock on Dennis' computer, and I look at it, if I committed a federal crime,
like the statute is written like so vaguely.
Uh, wow.
What's up?
Unauthorized access to a computer system, this is getting like super potentially political
because of Hillary Clinton's emails and stuff.
Oh yeah, let's not get into that.
I think we're just going to completely avoid that.
No, we're not going to get into that.
But like, okay, the only question I have there is, does the CFAA have any interest in what's
going on there?
Is that the kind of stuff that they're talking about?
With what's going on with Hillary Clinton?
With like access to servers and all this?
As far as I know, I don't think so.
That was a completely different issue.
It was about her...
I don't even want to discuss it.
Her allegedly mishealing classified info, allegedly.
That's all I'll say about it.
Sure, sure.
If you guys are interested, go somewhere else for that discussion.
This is not the right place.
But anyway, so...
Anyways, one note at the end says that Reinhardt also noted that all 50 states have their own
more narrow computer trespassing statutes, and the case would have to be suited for civil,
not criminal proceedings.
Unless Netflix or HBO start to pursue individual customers, this probably means nothing, which
is good.
But it sets a precedent that users who share passwords in the US should consider.
Yeah, I mean if you're...
Which sucks.
It does.
No, you first.
Like I used to, way back in the day, with a buddy of mine named, I just call him Stretch,
I still do play games with him, I will maybe be playing games with him tonight after the
show on the after party thing on my Twitch channel, whatever.
I used to share my World of Warcraft account information with him, just in case he needed
to use my character for something.
Say I was away and they needed a tank because I was a warrior, he could just jump on my
dude and use my dude.
It wasn't a big deal.
It wasn't the rampant account sharing that World of Warcraft was trying to get around,
which was people just sharing accounts and having separate characters, so not paying
for two accounts like they should be.
It was just, like, I don't know.
It felt okay, even though it was against WoW's rules, and I wasn't worried about like, having
a criminal law come against me for it.
I was a little bit worried about my account getting banned, I felt like I could probably
appeal it, but like I wasn't worried about law coming down on me.
Yeah, I mean, it's not really something you should probably worry about.
I mean, if you're violating like Netflix's or HBO Go's or whoever's terms of service,
like 99.999% chance, all we'll do is, okay, your account is terminated or suspended for
a bit, and that'll be it.
And that's what Justice Wilson or Judge Ryan Hart meant when he was talking about this
is better suited for civil litigation instead of criminal.
But I think maybe what happened here, and this is just speculation if you guys want
more details, federal appeals cases are actually very easy to find online.
You can read exactly what the judge has wrote.
But my guess is because he got a password to some like, it was like his former employer's
private intranet or something like that.
Yeah, so maybe they thought, oh, he was up to no good trying to like get company secrets
or something.
I have no idea if that's the case or not, but maybe that's why it got as far as it did.
So that's obviously probably not going to happen with some random person who's otherwise
lullaby just sharing their HBO Go password or something else.
Yes, yes.
That makes sense.
That's good.
So switching screens here, because your laptop has internet again, the 1060 was sort of announced
is how I'm going to say that.
So benchmarks aren't allowed to be talked about.
But there are like specs and stuff that have actually been announced and reviewers and
Oh, nope.
You got to be careful about what you're showing on the screen.
Oh, sorry about that.
There we go.
So you can like scroll around and look at stuff.
I see.
You can scroll around and look at stuff, because that's what's showing on the screen.
Not a regular host, sorry.
So you can probably assume, I would say that you could probably assume that benchmarking
information would be coming relatively soon.
That's all I'll say about it.
Ending there.
But there's like pictures out of them already.
There's specs, there's comparison, which is showing on the screen right now.
So in VR, naturally, it's doing very well because of the natural performance increases.
And then because of the performance increases afforded to it by SMP or simultaneous multi-projection,
which we have a video out on Tech Wiki.
On Tech Wiki.
It's been out, I think, for maybe like two weeks.
You should watch it.
SMP is actually really, really interesting, even if you're not just interested in VR.
It's a really fantastic technology.
I really highly recommend checking that out.
If you're using three monitors, it can be very, very helpful.
Which a lot of people are.
So I would check it out.
So the improvements there, 960 versus 1060, are 3x, they're stating, which is absolutely
In Rise of the Tomb Raider, it's slightly over 2x.
Witcher 3, Wild Hunt, and Overwatch are slightly under 2x.
Huge performance improvements.
And they've been slinging around the term that the 1060 is getting 980-like performance
in everything, not just VR.
I did clarify that.
When I first heard about it, I thought they were doing that thing again where they were
like, oh yeah, it's like this performance in VR.
And then you get the performance bump because of SMP.
But I have heard from them directly, without doing any benchmarking on my own, that it
is on like performance levels with the 980, not including VR titles.
So even just DirectX 11 and 12 titles.
I also put a picture of the card on the screen for you guys.
And I don't know how easy it is for you to tell, but that kind of middle area, it looks
pretty nice considering what tier this card is supposed to be at.
It sort of has a similar look to the high rent founders edition cards, but that little
area actually is not a window, it's kind of just a piece of plastic.
It is a piece of metal plastic with lines cut into it, so it sort of looks like the
other ones.
And it's going to trick you if you don't look that closely actually.
It looks pretty good, especially for its price point.
So one thing to add is this specific card is 300 US dollars because it's the founders
There will be models released under that, but now that we've had experience with the
founders edition, with the 1080 and the 1070, we kind of know how this is going to go.
So there's probably going to be one aftermarket SKU that has a nice cooler on it that's like
$5 or $10 cheaper than the founders edition.
There's going to be an aftermarket SKU that is more expensive than the founders edition,
and then there's going to be the cheap plastic blower style cooler, which will be the advertised
low aftermarket MSRP price, which is $249.
So that's only $50 more than the RX 480 from AMD.
So these guys are going to be fighting it out a little bit.
There is a $50 delta on a $200 to $250 card, so that is actually significant at that price
point, but they will be still fighting it out a little bit.
And we will be doing a price performance on that once we actually...
At some time.
Yes, at some time.
On an unspecified date, but you can look out for it, so yes.
Am I allowed to take in?
Have we done sponsor spots already?
Thanks, John.
Are you just slamming ice into your thing again?
Yeah, I'm not really sure what the best solution is to this.
Do you just wait for it to defrost and then drink the...
Pretty much, yeah.
Yeah, okay.
It's going to be ice cold water, so I'm just going to...
So we had an issue with our freezer.
That's how warm your computer is.
Oh, wow.
Ice melts really fast on a razor blade.
We had an issue with our freezer defrosting.
That probably sounds terrible.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm shielding you best I can, Twitch chat.
Everything about this is awful.
No, I'm sorry.
Including what it probably looks like I'm doing.
Why does it make that sound, Mommy?
I don't know, Cassie.
I don't know if I really saved them, but I genuinely tried.
That didn't look comfortable at all.
No, it wasn't.
You just slammed his hand into ice and metal bottles.
Yeah, that's fine.
All good.
Ah, refreshing.
So, we should probably do the sponsors for today.
Sponsor number one is I have no idea.
Blue Apron?
I have absolutely...
Blue Apron.
Blue Apron.
Hell yeah.
Good old Blue Apron.
Come to Canada.
The first 100 people to use this link get three free meals on their first order, which
is actually pretty freaking sick.
So, if you guys aren't familiar with Blue Apron, they allow you to create delicious
chef designed recipes right in your own home.
I mean, you have to do the work, but they make it easy to do the work.
They deliver farm fresh ingredients right to your doorstep in exactly the right proportions.
No trip to the grocery store, no waste from unused ingredients, and they offer two types
of plans.
I'm just going to cut in here really quickly.
Sometimes one of the most complicated things about eating healthy is getting the right
stuff and knowing what to do with it and having it there at all.
So I like that part of Blue Apron.
All right.
Good for you.
Thank you.
I feel like I'm trying...
Oh, we're wearing like gold and silver shirts today.
It reminds me of Rudolph.
I've tangented twice without even actually finishing a tangent.
Silver and gold.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Where I was tangenting last time, I don't actually know if I can remember.
Anyway, Blue Apron offers two plans, the two-person plan and the family plan, and the recipes
are delivered in a refrigerated box so they stay fresh even if you're not at home.
You've got a large selection of recipes and they're always adding new dishes to the menu.
There's no commitment.
You can skip or cancel the service at any time and it's between 500 to 800 calories
per person with all meals possible to be prepared in 40 minutes or less.
Honestly, before my wife and I had kids, we would almost always eat out and the reason
for that was that when you factor in the quantity of food that you have to buy to get a good
deal or how much you're paying for it when you're buying small quantities and how much
of that you're going to end up wasting because you're just two people, it actually economically
made more sense because neither of us really has particularly expensive taste in food.
It's just like let's run to like, you know, Fotam or whatever and you'd get like a lemongrass
chicken on rice for $8.50 plus tax as if they're paying any of it.
And that was usually enough for like dinner and then lunch the next day because it's like
these huge portions.
So we would eat cheaply but we would eat out.
Once you have kids, the math gets a little bit easier to justify but Blue Apron is a
fantastic solution to that.
So head over to BlueApron.com slash Linus and sorry to everyone who's like super excited
about this like I am.
It's only in the US.
If you're outside of the US, then you are plum out of luck.
But you know what you're not plum out of luck about?
Squarespace is available anywhere that you can sign up for a free trial with no credit
card required and then after two weeks, give them a credit card so that your site can be
up all the time with no hassle whatsoever.
Our LinusMediaGroup.com site has never been down, asterisk, except when it was Linus Media
Group's fault.
So it did go down shortly, recently actually, but that was entirely to do with an infiltrator
getting into our domain name registrar account and nothing to do with Squarespace's servers
being down.
We've been so pleased with the reliability of their site and it is easy to build your
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Whether you're just want like a one page web presence, however Luke might feel about those,
are you doing a muted version of you shoulds?
Love it.
I didn't even realize.
Did you know that there is a, the top post on Reddit to say Master Race was like all
the dankest call out memes.
One of the top things was a picture back from CES of like, have I spoken to you about our
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I was like, oh man, this is so cool.
Anyway whether you want a one page presence or whether you want something more complex,
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They've got 24-7 tech support so give it a try, get some help and use offer code WAN,
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Squarespace, see we didn't say it Nick, I like your work around.
Thank you.
I wonder if they'll still get after us for that.
Every time we do a Squarespace integration lately, have you gotten the speeches?
Every time I do any form of Squarespace integration, don't forget, none of the slogans or catchphrases
can't do that anymore.
We just don't care what he's saying.
It's Better This Way, okay?
Speaking of Better This Way, lynda.com.
The WAN Show is better with three sponsors.
That is after last week when we only had one because I screwed up and didn't do one of
the reads.
That's what I want to read today.
Wait, last week?
Yeah, last week I only did one sponsor spot.
Were you here?
I was here.
Yeah, we both did one.
Neither of us realized.
There was only one in the dark.
Oh, well then it's Colton's fault.
Or am I crazy?
No, no, no, here, I'm going to track this down.
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So was it not our fault?
Ha, it wasn't our fault.
July 1, 2016, one sponsor spot.
All right, so let's get into the big topic.
This was posted by, excuse me, Mega Zero on the forum.
Original article here is from Polygon.
Let's go ahead and look how this is like the, the Linus and Luke fight Colton about the
WANDOC stream.
Is it?
Oh, kind of.
Was there more?
Sort of.
There was, there was a missing quote at the beginning of a really long note and quoted
at the very end.
I didn't know it was a quote that I was saying and I was like, what?
Way to go Colton.
Yeah, um, the way to go from making the whole doc for us and like really good notes.
I hate that guy.
All right.
CSGO lotto and owners sued over illegal gambling allegations.
So I would like to begin this entire segment here with allegedly, because I am not going
to get sued for libel.
I am not interested in that.
Everything is allegedly.
So let's have a, can, can, you know what?
And there's like lots of people that have made really detailed videos about this.
I'm going to be right back.
Not everyone.
Lots of people are getting on the view bandwagon and making reaction videos and how they feel
about this videos and lots of people are very hurt about this thing.
Allegedly hurt about this thing.
Good idea.
I got a piece of paper.
Um, one thing that I find interesting before we even get into the notes, just because I'm
sure a lot of people know what's going on is that a lot of the hurt that seems to be
going on allegedly, um, I got this.
We're armed.
It seems to be tied in with like, Oh, underage gambling and promoting underage gambling.
That was already happening.
The only new news allegedly is that these guys owned the site.
They were still promoting this to a relatively young audience.
Betting and gambling around CSGO has been blank word for a really long time.
It is so corrupt and not cool and has like, in my opinion, kind of ruined the e-sport.
Like it's not a good thing.
You should have already hated this and a lot of videos that I'm seeing are purely based
around the fact that it's gambling.
That is roughly allegedly targeted towards kids, right?
Which didn't change with this new information.
That's not new stuff.
Well, I'm glad that this is at least forcing people to take a closer look at it and finally
confront it.
So let's go through, let's go through the alleged facts.
YouTubers, Tom syndicate and T Mart and I don't even know.
T Martin.
Thank you.
I'm sorry.
I don't really follow game.
I didn't either.
I just heard the name.
They were promoting their own CSGO gambling site in videos and not disclosing the fact
that they were owners of that site.
So in the first CSGO lotto video that T Martin posted, he said, we found this new site called
CSGO lotto, effectively lying to his viewers, encouraged his viewership to go check it out
and said that he won a pot and it was the coolest feeling ever.
And he said that he won a pot that was $69.
I'm sure that was a entirely chance.
Both YouTubers had strings of videos on their channels where they gambled CSGO skins through
their website.
So on June 27th, YouTuber Honor The Truth reported that T Martin and syndicate actually
own the company, CSGO lotto.
T Martin replied with a video informing his audience that it's never been a secret and
originally claimed that he was offered an equity stake after he had already been sponsored
by the company.
The company documents show that he was the one who incorporated the company.
So that would be categorically false.
He said he claimed it in every video that he had uploaded.
So H3H3 found that T Martin had tried to go back to his older videos and put disclaimers
in the video descriptions after the fact.
This video has since been removed.
So ownership of the company wasn't noted on T Martin's LinkedIn while his other business
ventures were.
On July 3rd, this has been very much an ongoing development here, H3H3 productions covered
it and the story blew up.
T Martin then released an apology video, which he has since also removed.
July 4th, T Martin deleted all of his videos revolving around CSGO lotto.
So there's actually a second lawsuit, which we actually talked about, I knew about the
lawsuit filed against Valve by, what's his face, sorry I'm not going to give any more
detail on that because I actually hadn't already checked that.
Anyway, as of July 7th, T Martin has gone dark and his lawyers have stated that there
will be no further comment and that they will make their next comments in the courtroom.
Separate story but related, on July 4th, YouTuber CySyndicate created a video where he admits
that two of his videos from company Steam Lotto were rigged.
So he made a video on the CySyndicate channel named CySyndicate Exposed, which is kind of
It's like to dislike ratio is like half.
So I guess he's doing a little bit better than like even worse than that.
So he was paid via skins to rig the lottery and win some highly valued CSGO skins.
You know what though?
I will give CySyndicate props for one thing.
He played this right in the wake of the huge news from much bigger guys.
He will be completely forgotten.
Like his involvement in this will be completely forgotten and people will be mad but they
will get over it.
I actually, I have no idea what the outcome is going to be for TomSyndicate and T Martin
TotalBiscuit commented on that video.
Okay, one of the top comments on CySyndicate's thing is someone saying, Justin Greenleaf
saying I'm not applauding what you've done, but like you said, you didn't have to make
this video and that's a fair, well, he did have to make the video if he, if he didn't
make that video, that's a fair comment, but if he didn't make this video, he would have
gotten way more screwed.
This video was made out of self-interest.
Let's not kid ourselves about what was going on here with CySyndicate.
I'm just saying it was a smart businessman caught by someone else.
He would have gotten picked up by the wind storm and said saying it himself is going
to leave him on the ground.
I think so anyway, but we'll see.
TotalBiscuit commented on that video.
You people are a well effing embarrassment to our industry and he is 100% right.
Good job TotalBiscuit.
This is the kind of thing that, yeah, it doesn't take a genius to figure out how embarrassing
they are.
It just takes someone who's outspoken enough to say it aloud.
So still, people are going ProSyndicate and the face bomb.
No, it's literally CySyndicate, ProSyndicate's the other dude.
CySyndicate is a different guy.
Different guy.
Here, why don't I just go ahead and link that video in the Twitch chat so you can see.
TotalBiscuit is awesome.
I just like, I don't want to re-say that.
I don't watch anyone's videos on video games except for TotalBiscuit.
He is one of, outside of my family and Linus Media Group employees, I think he's one of
less than a number of people I can count on my hand that I actually reply to tech support
requests from.
That's pretty cool.
Because I just don't have time for it anymore.
But if it's John, he's like, oh yeah, I'm having an issue with like SLI.
It's the only time he talks to me.
No, no, not SLI, but if he has like- The only time he talks to you is when he has
SLI problems?
No, no.
Shots fired.
If he has some kind of technical issue, he'll reach out and he'll be like-
That's cool though.
I don't know.
If he even liked me, I would do the same thing.
He released a video soon about how he's going to change his content style because things
are hard right now and he's going to make it a little bit more easy for him to produce
content and stuff.
He was axing certain things and making new things and all this kind of stuff.
It was interesting analyzing how I felt through the video because after I watched it, I was
like, that was interesting.
Because I felt bad for the shows that were dying, but then I was excited for his new
show ideas and I was like, I don't think I've ever felt that about a YouTube channel before.
Sharp guy.
Cool, yeah.
Sharp guy, good guy.
And his plans are good.
I'm excited for the direction of his channel.
So yeah, I guess we got- Yeah, we got another one here.
So here we go.
Let's go ahead and post the link.
I got the link.
Just going to fire this baby up.
So the original article here is from Game Zone.
So FaZe Reign and FaZe Banks are also allegedly caught secretly owning a CSGO gambling site.
Legal action is possibly allegedly- We know we're overusing the word, by the way.
Just calm down.
I'm not forcefully trying to do that.
Two members of FaZe Clan, which we literally just said, have already been caught.
Just like Syndicate and T-Martin.
So they're Nord and Shatt and Ricky Banks.
They claim they do not officially own it.
Their accusers say that they are using this reply since it's held up by shell companies,
but they are allegedly the owner through a number of shell companies.
It's a much smarter way to do it.
I can't believe that- T-Martin has his just straight up name on it?
Yeah, that's insane.
Get it.
Did I get it?
I think so.
I didn't see it anywhere around the hand.
I killed something today.
No, it's right there.
Where'd it go?
It's above you.
It's above you.
I think you got it.
Well, you officially killed something today.
Bugs in the warehouse.
It's a sequel to Snakes on a Plane.
I clapped really hard.
Good for you.
That doesn't feel very good.
Every time I say good for you, I'm channeling- I'm free to tell this story because he or
she is no longer with the company that he or she was associated with.
Were you on that call?
Or I was there or something.
I don't know.
It was the most embarrassed I think I have ever felt for someone on a conference call.
So the boss's underling is kind of leading the first 10, 15 minutes of the call because
her boss is running late, which was a fairly common occurrence.
And boss jumps on, hey, sorry I'm late.
Underling kind of goes, okay, so I was just running them through this and this and we're
up to speed on this.
They had a couple questions about this.
Maybe we can pick up there.
And yeah, everything's kind of good and under control.
Boss says, good for you and completely changes the topic.
I was like, just mortified, like just completely mortified.
So then of course, I go out of my way whenever Luke does something good and should be feeling
good about himself to say good for you.
I actually love that story.
It's so legendary.
It's such a- what a thing to say.
And then like, oh yeah, the thing was you can sound condescending when you do that and
then follow through with those things.
And like you're kind of a dick, but it's not that bad to completely just go off away from
everything that was planned while saying that is just like minimizing that person so much
in that moment.
Whole new level of rude.
Anyway, so the alleged FaZe Reign and FaZe Banks thing was found out by YouTuber 8 Thoughts.
So very much a developing topic.
I would venture a guess that we are nowhere near the bottom of this barrel of poo.
There will be much more poo dug out of the barrel, flung around, flung at people.
The competitive gaming scene is kind of a mess.
It is.
It is a cesspool.
And like there's definitely sections of it that are far better, obviously, but like the
amount of like scandal crap and stuff like this, which is like, come on, that's coming
out of it is crazy.
Like I know some people are like, no, stuff happens with the NFL as well.
They're huge.
And it's been going on for a super long time.
I'm not surprised that that's happening.
And it's not right there either.
To be very clear.
That's not right either.
It's between labor disputes and inflate gate and every other stupid freaking thing.
I don't even follow professional sports anymore.
Inflate gate is ridiculous.
It's become too nuts.
It's just insane.
I can't like, this is good, might get slightly controversial, but I, the one sport that actually
did really like watching was soccer and soccer was the sport that I played most when I was
growing up.
You mean European football?
Uh, yes.
Um, but I can't watch.
I can't watch professional European football too much diving.
Like I, I can't deal with it.
Whenever I see one happen, I just get mad and then I'm like, there's no point in, there's
no point in watching this thing that's just going to piss me off.
And you see those clips online of like that guy that's screaming on the ground cause of
his leg and the goalie walks up and picks them up and pushes them.
And he's like, Hey, what are you pushing me for?
Like running after the goalie?
Dude, if you're screaming about your leg, you're not just gonna be able to run after
the goalie.
They just picked you up.
You are an ass.
Just like, Oh my God, they come back on the next play and like score.
Like, come on.
Like, are you injured or are you not injured?
And like, I wasn't, by the way, red card.
And like, I come from playing sports like football and rugby, like I'm not hitting people
in soccer.
American football.
American football and rugby is kind of universal.
And like, I'm not bringing the hitting into soccer.
I didn't get carded in soccer, to be honest, in the leagues that I played in, dives wasn't
really a big problem.
Linus uses splash.
It was effective.
Thank you.
In the leagues that I played in, diving wasn't really a problem.
So I actually really enjoyed it and played it for many, many years.
But watching pro soccer now or pro European football is just a nightmare.
I can't deal with it.
It makes me really upset to see these extremely skilled professional players fall down to
such petty, pathetic acts of, I don't know, terrible things.
Anything to win, unfortunately, is what it all comes down to.
Win that only entails effort.
That's great.
Good job.
So this was originally posted on the forum by MasterDisaster.
In America, sharing your password is now a federal crime.
I'm going to go ahead and post this link in the Twitch chat.
So this is the original article here is from motherboard.device.com.
Password sharing is a federal crime appeals court rules.
We already talked about this.
Did you?
Because I was like, John might be a good person to talk about this with and stuff.
So it's not the title.
Why don't you introduce the next topic then, smart guy?
Just to fill you in.
The title is super misleading.
Why don't you just find a not misleading- It's like not sharing my company passwords
and stuff.
So like Netflix is not a big deal.
Okay, well I still hate you, so.
Okay, that's fair.
I don't hate you.
What is this one?
This is the shiny shirt, buddy.
Do you turn yours inside out when you wash it?
Very important.
That's a good one.
The foil shirts can, the foil defoilifies after apparently as few as 10 washes if you
don't turn it around, but, and this is true of pretty much all of your clothing, black
shirts, even just t-shirts, if you flip them inside out, then they'll retain their color
much, much better.
So I flip all of my jeans and all of my other stuff.
Funny fact, fun fact about jeans- I will probably not remember to do any of
Basically when I buy clothing, if I then realize that there's special washing instructions,
I'm just like, well.
Well, it's not special if you flip everything inside out.
Yes, but that means everything has a special instruction.
That's not special anymore.
Everyone is a special, unique snowflake.
You're special.
Thank you.
Good for you.
Good for you.
Okay, well, why don't you move us on to the next thing then?
So basically Europe's largest telecom groups have pledged to launch super fast 5G networks
in at least one city in every EU country by 2020.
So this is part of a manifesto signed by the heads of BT, Deutsche Telekom, Telecom Italia,
and Vodafone, among others.
As quid pro quo for more investment, controversial new EU rules on net neutrality should be watered
So according to the documents signed by 17 different telecoms groups and seen by Financial
Times, policies and rules must be future-oriented, pro-investment, and pro-innovation, the manifesto
The telecom industry warns that the current net neutrality guidelines, as put forward
by the BEREC, create significant uncertainties around 5G return on investment.
Investments are therefore likely to be delayed unless regulators take a positive stance on
innovation and stick to it.
Telecoms industry also demands regulatory level playing field by placing communication
tools such as WhatsApp and Skype under the same rules as them.
So the rules that they create that are good for them, they won't apply to somebody else.
That sounds super dumb.
Yeah, I guess that's all there is to really say about that.
Have we gotten into any of the rapid-fire stuff?
I saw you guys did 1060.
We talked about 1060 really quickly.
We haven't talked about anything else.
Okay, cool.
Blizzard is suing G Creator.
What the hell is this?
Oh, you haven't seen this?
No, I missed this this week.
Okay, I'll post the thing.
You talk about this.
Sorry, go ahead.
Microphone in softs.
Microsoft invites quote unquote, Bay interns to get lit on lots of drinks and then apologizes
because oh my God, that's not how you talk to your employees.
At like a large company.
I mean, we do some silly stuff here.
I wouldn't say that.
No, you wouldn't.
At all.
Like not even close.
The email was sent to interns using a cringey version of slang.
The email began with, hey Bay intern exclamation mark heart symbol.
You could probably stop there and then went off to offer lots of drinks and the ability
to get lit on a Monday night.
Also a promised beer pong and hella noms.
An apology was issued within hours because oh my God, how could you think that was okay?
Eventually the invites went viral on social networks, noting that the email was poorly
worded and not in keeping with our values as a company.
No shoot.
Oh wow.
That's great.
Nick Van Berkel's insight was sick, which I think is very appropriate.
So this was originally posted by Joel one, two, three on the forum.
I'm going to go ahead and I'll just, I don't know.
I guessed I did my best with it, but the original article here is from WCCF tech.
Apparently LG G fives abysmal sales performance has led the company to make some drastic decisions
and here they are.
So first up they have decided to dismiss several staff and restructure the mobile division.
Next they've created a special program management office that will oversee product development
in the future.
The mobile division will answer directly to LG mobile's head Cho Juno and LG spokesperson
explained that this activity wasn't only about GE five sales and no executive were asked
to leave LG as part of this realignment.
So the purpose is to create an optimized and agile organization that can deliver greater
performance going forward.
So I just want to go ahead and I love the term agile, less workers that work harder.
Yeah, we're very agile.
I just, I love it when it's used, when the companies are down, you just watch yourself
because we might end up a little more agile if you're not careful.
I've been producing that many videos.
So I want to take a moment to say, okay, I gave the G five, a negative review.
Um, a lot of people didn't like it, but I'm going to, you gave it a negative review or
I'm going to point to this as evidence that your review, that was a very, no, not that
that was a vocal minority and I understand there are users out there for whom the value
of micro SD expansion and removable batteries that they are still clinging to from the galaxy.
What was it?
When did they remove it?
I can't even remember.
I don't care.
Um, from the galaxy S whenever they still had removable batteries and micro SD, I get
You guys are clinging to that.
That's fine.
But that doesn't change the fact that that's not what most people care about.
And in fact it isn't what I care about and the g five compromised in ways that I cannot
accept in order to have those features.
I didn't watch.
How did it compromise?
Basically it's an ugly three generation looking design.
It doesn't look good.
The size and weight are both very two, three gens ago.
Uh, the removable battery is in the name of a gimmick that is a terrible gimmick.
Um, I mean, and I had a lot of people really criticizing me about the modular interface
slot at the bottom.
I'm saying that I, because I hated on the, um, the camera one, which was really stupid
by the way, it's just like, yay, I want my phone to not fit in my pocket or fit any third
party protective cases all in the name of a button, a button that I could literally
use a different button on the phone to do like, it was just stupid and they were like,
Oh, well you ignored the high definition audio module, which by the way, isn't available
in Canada and you're ignoring all the potential for future modules.
Well, it looks like LG is realigning their business based on the fact that this phone
isn't selling well and I would be surprised if we see any more modules, which by the way,
told you so saw that coming a mile away.
How often have we seen this?
Here's a product.
We're going to have all these amazing first party and third party add ons and Oh, wait
a second.
Oh, it's a mobile phone.
Oh, right.
Oh, mobile phones move really fast and, and, and the market demands change and the hardware
changes so quickly.
Oh, actually we'll be lucky if it ever gets a freaking D brand skin.
Yeah, that's what happened.
So I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if you have an LG G5 and you really, really love it and you rub it up against your
tummy for good luck at night or whatever else the case may be.
Um, yeah, very adorable by the way.
It doesn't change the fact that the negative review I believe was merited.
There were a couple of things I got wrong to be very, very clear.
I forget what the details were, but there were a couple of little things I got wrong.
Um, but I still didn't like the phone and knowing those things now for you, thank you
for that.
Uh, knowing those things now, I still don't like the phone.
I wouldn't even begin to consider using it and apparently neither would a lot of people.
And I'm sure that I'm getting ripped apart in the Twitch chat, but I guess I'm, um, yeah,
just the number of people that are like, how much did Samsung pay you to give this phone
a negative review?
I'm allowed to have my own opinion.
And that was one of the, actually that review was one of the triggers that, um, that pushed
me to create honest answers.
How do we make money to address it once and for all that we do not get paid to make reviews?
I just want to give a shout out to, well, we do get paid to make reviews, but not by
the maker of the product that we are reviewing there.
I just want to give a shout out to MG2R mod on the forum.
This is first time he's been able to catch the stream in one and a half years and he's
live right now.
So nice.
One and a half years.
He's on vacation right now.
I guess I probably shouldn't have just told everyone that he's on vacation anyways.
Enjoy it.
Uh, Consumer Reports finds that the Galaxy S7 Active is not actually water resistant,
which is good timing for them to release this.
I'm getting really tired of people using words incorrectly.
It's definitely water resistant.
Who knows to what degree.
But maybe not necessarily to the extent that Samsung has been advertising.
So Consumer Reports actually tested not one, but two S7 Actives at Samsung's claimed 30
bits of survival in fresh water at low depths.
And both of them failed.
So my plan right now then is to finish my review, finish shooting all of our B roll,
and then I'm actually going to test it as the last thing.
Because the reality of it is Samsung's coming out and saying, yo, hold on a second.
Like actually it's pretty darn water resistant.
Give us a shot here to kind of address this you guys.
What is going on here?
Oh I moved the things around.
All good.
All good.
Everything is fine.
Um, and you can have a bad unit.
You can even have two bad units.
So I just want to see if there's three bad units.
We'll take a crack at it with ours and see how that goes.
Um, what else do we, what else do we really have in the doc today that looks like phenomenally
It is after time now.
Um, yeah, it's kind of like after party time.
Um, yeah, okay.
Let's call that a...
One interesting thing that I want to discuss a little bit, if I can jump into my email
here really quick, I can, I can preface it slightly.
I was thinking about answering on there and then, uh, decided not to with some insight
from Nick Light, but, uh, I made that video about the Oculus Rift and kind of like tore
it apart.
Well, you tore apart Oculus, not the Rift.
Guess what subreddit liked the video and what subreddit disliked the video?
So you were mean to the Oculus Rift.
I would guess that Oculus subreddit didn't like it and I would guess that Vive subreddit
thought it was funny.
That's what you'd guess.
The Rift subreddit largely seemed to very much like it and the Vive subreddit largely
seemed to very much dislike it to my absolute confusion.
So is Oculus just like, are they in that much of a poisonous state right now?
One of the things that I had said there was that it's currently an incomplete experience
and that the touch controllers need to come out.
So a lot of the Oculus guys was like, that is correct.
And one thing that I had said was that they're fighting for timed exclusives, not full exclusives.
So the Oculus guys were like, that is correct, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
So they were kind of on board.
They're like, this isn't a positive review, but you didn't say anything wrong, which in
my opinion, good.
I have no problem hearing that.
The Vive guys were pissed at me because I didn't go more into the drama segment, which
in part of my write-up that I didn't end up sending was that Linus, very properly this
should have happened, cut out probably like two and a half pages.
I cut out about 80% of what he wanted to say about all the drama and game developers.
And I was like, I was just kind of sitting here going, who cares?
And he was right.
And like, to be completely honest, a lot of it just doesn't matter and has now been actually
nullified by them changing how they're doing things and was just false.
Like people, one thing that I love to do was why didn't you talk about giant cop or super
hot and there's quotes on the screen from both of them.
I did talk about them anyways.
They're all like timed exclusives and stuff.
If you guys, I saw a lot of comments in there.
If you guys want to attack stuff because there wasn't enough drama in it, I think maybe refocus
the expectation.
I actually, you know what, that's funny that you say that because the video that I just
shot honest answers, episode three where I'm going to get into the what's going on with
our Amazon associates account.
I have like the final story for that.
So that's going to come out there.
I'm going to be talking about the Twitter hack that occurred last week.
I think so.
I'm going to be talking about the Twitter hack and I'm going to be talking about a couple
of other little things.
One of the things I specifically say is we don't do drama on Linus tech tips.
If you want that, go subscribe to H3H3.
I took the facts that I had, I took the quotes that I had, I told you how it was running
right now.
That's what actually mattered.
Linus was right when he cut out all the stuff in the script, that's how that goes.
That's why my card says senior editor on it.
Also because I'm old.
Does it?
I was like, why would it say that?
You have a way cooler title.
All right, well all I know is I'm going to be going home tonight to play with my HTC
I'm going to be going home tonight, but not to play with my HTC 5.
I'm going to be playing games though.
You should really set up your Vive.
It's going to be set up this weekend.
You should set up your Vive.
I know.
Do it tonight.
Well, I think streaming the setup of the Vive would be like kind of not because it's like
a super work-related thing.
Streaming the setup of the Vive.
Isn't it?
It feels work-related.
Setting up the Vive?
It's your Vive.
If I built a computer on the stream, would it not be work-related?
If you built a computer on the stream.
Because like I have all those LAN computers, but I haven't been streaming the builds of
them because it feels like that is something I would do for work, but then I have literally
filmed myself setting up the Vive and put it in a video for work.
So it feels work-related, doesn't it?
I don't know.
I have no idea.
We'll figure this out later.
In the meantime, same bad time, same bad childhood, you guys.
We'll see you next week.
And we'll be back.
It will be set up this weekend.
If I don't do it tonight, I'm doing it like tomorrow.
You got to do it because like what's his face, Frisbee game?
Oh my God.
If that comes out and it's not set up yet, I will set it up immediately to my room.
But I'm setting it up this weekend.
Yeah, play that game.
Project Arena.
I am having a ridiculous amount of fun playing Bob Yoshi while you're streaming.
You got to send me your list of songs that work well with me.
So much fun.
You're not going to like any of my songs that work well with me.
One of them is literally Mmbot by Hanson.
But you know what?
It just works really well with the game.