
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

are we live i think so oh hey yeah how's it going so um so this sucks oh yeah so a uh
we actually appear to have broken 3dmark.com yeah wow that's because that is some pretty
that is some pretty broke dick um page loading that they've got going on here yikes uh because
steve from gamers nexus is live right now trying to well not trying successfully beating
oh the record for single gpu time spy extreme that we set in a video that went up like an
hour ago where's his uh well this is all so this includes any number of gpu oh okay so
this is obviously kingpin yeah with four graphics cards in a technically not completely supported
scenario but like oh well for you here's a driver you can you can see there's only like
a handful of people that are running four-way sli because it only works in benchmarks now
um which is stupid but sure and then now steve is has apparently passed j oh wow but not
by much holy crap that's really close so i think that's what people are are slamming
this page over and uh steve passing j it is not working uh steve passing j in sli passing
us in single gp and he already passed you single gp oh i'm i think so at someone someone
told me that that he already did but but is our video out yet oh yeah yeah our video went
up like half an hour prior and then you know at least the video was up first at least the
video held it for a point of time we held it for long enough to get the video edited
barely that was that was really tight like i was tempted to go like super stealth about
it and but then i was like ah people are going to notice on the leaderboard so i tweeted
it yeah it's uh you know what interesting it was fun while it lasted we had a lot of
fun i mean that's what this is supposed to be about because overclocking throws a bunch
of salt on twitter now that he loses his position it's all just supposed to be about fun because
overclocking has no like to this degree has no practical application like i will i will
defend that you would never actually run a system sub-zero 24 7 unless you're a complete
idiot and i'm allowed to say that because i have done it that chiller setup from our
video that was my 24 7 rig back when the core 2 duo e6600 was the bomb dude core 2 duos
were awesome so that was like over 10 years ago i actually had my whole rig like on a
board so that i could move the chiller the reservoir and the tower in one piece whenever
i needed to move it from place to place and i had the whole thing like insulated permanently
so i could run that 24 7 but that's really stupid and really impractical for a lot of
reasons um so so there's no real reason to do it other than just for the laws for bragging
rights and to have some fun and i actually gotta say i am i am very pleased that evga
and their employee vince uh remember kingpin's last name i know vince i don't i don't remember
but i'm i'm i've it's it's actually kind of nice that for a change vince has stayed out
of it for the first week or so let other people have some fun because well i mean at some
point they're gonna decide okay you know enough of gamer's nexus and jay's two cents let's
just let's just get this taken care of and then he'll put up something unbeatable and
whatever um but i gotta say in the spirit of of fun i'm glad that evga held the leash
back for a little bit and uh and they've they've let the the the you know the youtube community
kind of have some fun with this i know that cool it's been the first time i think our
community has had some form of competition yep in this way yeah so that's pretty cool
because the reality of it is like you can kind of you can kind of extrapolate um because
he's done oh wait no i think this is this new i don't know if he had single uh rtx 2080
yet oh no he did okay but he hasn't done dual um but then if you go to number of gpu's for
obviously he's using the same oh whoops sorry i'm not screen sharing with you guys obviously
vince is using the same cherry-picked 7980xe on liquid nitrogen or liquid helium or whatever
the crap he's using um wait a minute hold on this is one has he beat us no did he actually
like push that number though i don't know interesting uh well at any rate if you go
back to 4x vince is already holding the 4x record with 1080 ti's and by like a huge margin
so all he needs to do is take that same cpu and then use whatever cooling he feels like
because he's vince on 2080 ti's and then just completely destroy everything else with that
said i don't know if 2080 ti has four-way envy link okay people are saying uh rip ltt
to 8446 8446 so what is what is our single number uh 8360 okay apparently he's a lot
of people are saving 8446 8446 all right all right you know what we had our fun anthony
and i spent uh actually it ended up taking a few days getting everything working because
we had a variety of problems which even if we don't have the single single uh 2080 ti
record anymore other than vince he doesn't count because he's vince um even if we don't
have that anymore it was a total blast you should definitely watch the video uh many
shenanigans so at one point we managed to almost spray the motherboard with windshield
deicer uh okay so you know oh geez the jank the jank is real um anyway why don't we uh
why don't we get into some topics here and have some have some different fun let's have
some show fun uh congrats to steve by the way so by beating us steve now has other than
kingpin who doesn't count the top 2080 ti score because everything above that is titan
v's which obviously people have had a lot more time to spend with and potentially do
the kind of crazy crap that we've seen at professional overclocking competitions where
i think the most nutso thing i ever saw was a graphics card that actually had about the
back third of it just hacksawed off and then had like this completely separate outboard
power delivery module that was soldered onto the rest of the board and i'm just like okay
i mean it was cool it was cool it was pretty cool but like didn't they even make those
available for sale at some point i don't think so or like the backboard yeah yeah possibly
but then you would have had to have the mad soldering skills not to mention the like the
diagram like the board layouts of these gpu's in order to make any kind of practical use
of it um so yeah okay so what do we got for topics today right the headline uh it's it's
huge the windows 10 october update potentially deleting files that's one huge headline you
know what you know what my favorite part about this is which one before i read out that because
i i saw the october update potentially deleting files thing before i saw it in this doc yeah
before i read that i was prepared to come on this show this exact winch of this time
to tell everyone that i was probably going to finally give in and install windows 10
oh really i'm not making that up for like funsies reasons i i wanted to play the new
forza so i was like oh maybe i'll just finally give up it's been long enough i'm sure it's
gotten a lot better oh crap what we are live but unlisted on youtube oops uh shout out
to the two viewers that was yeah massive shout out to the two people watching on youtube
how did you find it that was that was a big mistake big problem right there uh oh crap
i can't believe that just happened i only checked twitch i will check both i wasn't
sure what the difference was between stream options make archive unlisted when complete
and basic info privacy unlisted lol twitch twitch master race right now because you guys
have been watching apparently one of the people watching is uh steve from gamers nexus on
youtube i don't know i don't know but uh oh i'm so sorry everyone watching on youtube
because um you guys missed the first like 10 15 minutes of the show it'll be in the
archive i i accidentally had it unlisted oh lord he's still learning how to use these
things um so the big story is today windows 10 deleting files you want to recap what you're
saying just now it's been notorious for me for a while to kind of trash on windows 10
on the show and talk about how i don't use windows 10 i use windows 8.1 yeah i was planning
as of like sometime last weekend yeah that i was going to update to windows 10 because
i wanted to play the new forza yeah um because it looks sweet it looks awesome yeah and i
like just i'm not good at them at all but i like playing racing games every now and
then um i'm so bad like i'm so bad like you played forza just racing games oh i'm so bad
like what about mario kart did you did you see j just like walk into the uh 10k gaming
setup at ltx and just completely destroy everyone that's a different situation though still
you put a you put a racing wheel if i can't feel the actual acceleration and braking like
i'm busy staring at the speedometer and the tack and i go oh i crashed or i'm looking
out the window and i go oh i'm going far too fast and crashing like i can't do it at all
yeah you want to play forza where you can feel it but anyways yeah for more realistic
racing games i'm terrible at them i'm pretty good at mario kart but none of those real
things wanted to play it anyways i was like you know what i'll give up i'll finally install
windows 10 i'm sure they've gotten a lot better uh over the last like quite a while as i've
been using old operating systems um and then this week the week i was planning on announcing
that i i read the news article that the new update is maybe gonna just delete people's
files brilliant so we'll get into that later and then the actual big news like with far
larger implications is that china apparently infiltrated apple and amazon and multiple
other companies with a hardware security compromise uh so we'll get into that quite a bit more
later allegedly allegedly let's go allegedly let's go ahead and run the intro allegedly
well we're actually running the intro yeah allegedly i'm just being very careful on this
episode very careful
like just let our video go up and like let the momentum start to go down a little bit
we had to just get right in there and crap all over it which i mean we've i don't think
we're going to take another run at it like realistically it's a lot it's actually a lot
of work and so you know mad respect to the people who you know get top scores and stuff
um but i think i think i think we're done i mean really what we wanted to do was come
out of nowhere having not acknowledged what was going on at all and just be like whomp
okay bye but then we didn't have an envy link bridge so we couldn't do sli which is what
everyone else was kind of focused on but that's probably fine anyway because we don't have
the same god-like cpu that jay has and we only even tried one gpu yeah we're just like
okay hopefully this one's pretty dec here we go um yeah so we got we got lucky we got
lucky all right speaking of getting lucky why don't we just open with this so it was
posted by spartaman 64 on the forum the original article here is from bloomberg and there is
a fair bit of kind of um uncorroborated information in this article what's up that people are
yelling that there's a bloomberg thing that there's a bloomberg thing or sorry that there's
a super chat oh there's a super chat oh fake news on the bloomberg article yeah we are
going to talk about that yeah oh boy i think that's the one they're actually talking about
okay so um we know we know there's there's some weird stuff in the bloomberg article
we'll talk about that later we'll talk about we'll talk about that um
streamers nexus just sent us a super chat when and you know the funny thing about this
is like we were just trying to be nice you know by by beating all we were just trying
to no no we bring more attention to no we no we we sent them a super chat oh during
their live stream yeah yeah so we were just trying to be nice i mean the fact that it
was 84.46 which happens to be the single gpu score oh that knocked them out is a coincidence
and there's really no reason for steve to get all salty about it and like return the
money because i mean really really it was it wasn't about like you know getting attention
over on his live stream or whatever this was about wanting to be supportive of his efforts
i mean you can you can you know you can break a lot of hardware you know treating it the
way that he is right now so it's it's just we we care about the hardware more yeah yeah
exactly exactly yeah we still want to break things yeah and we have a lot of respect for
steve which is why we wanted to support him and the valuable work that he does yeah with
our 84.46 minutes donate to gamers nexus today yeah all right anyway they don't need our
charity but they might need you yeah they might need yours oops okay so let's go ahead
and let's let's run through this here shall we so a bloomberg report claims claims allegedly
allegedly that china spies have carried out the most significant supply chain attack ever
known against american companies and what they mean by a supply chain attack is that
instead of trying to um to steal data by intercepting network traffic or by um gaining physical
access to a server that is already configured and already running uh and then and then steal
the data that way a supply chain attack would have the attacker actually hijack the shipment
physically oftentimes between two parties neither of which are aware of what's going
on yeah make some kind of change and then forward it again without either party becoming
aware of what's going on so here's the story allegedly according to the bloomberg report
so in 2015 amazon began evaluating an american startup called elemental technologies yada
yada yada that became amazon prime video so as part of their due diligence amazon hired
a third-party company to scrutinize their security elemental was apparently using allegedly
servers assembled by super micro so we're familiar with super micro we've used a fair
bit of super micros gear ourselves including our main file storage server um i think they're
also pretty well known overall yeah so they were sent to ontario for testing the testers
found a tiny microchip about the size of a grain of rice that wasn't part of the board's
original design the chip apparently allegedly incorporated memory networking capability
and sufficient processing power for an attack so allegedly when the server was installed
and switched on the microchip could alter the operating systems core so it could accept
modifications and the chip could contact computers controlled by the attackers for further instructions
and code so the primary role of an implant like this would be to open doors that other
attackers can go through depending on the board model allegedly the chips varied slightly
in size suggesting that the attackers had supplied different factories with different
batches amazon allegedly reported the discovery to the u.s authorities at this time allegedly
and at this time as well elemental servers could be found in department of defense data
centers the cia's drone operations and the onboard networks of navy warships but elemental
was just one of hundreds of super micro customers so the uh allegedly ensuing top secret probe
remains open today more than three years later with investigators determining that the chips
allowed attackers to create a stealth doorway into any network that included the altered
machines now a lot of these things don't initially necessarily pass a sniff test here even even
like for not super technical people like here can i give my my idiot version of why a lot
of this doesn't make a ton of sense okay and then i'll let you go sure okay so a chip on
a motherboard unless you're running your router with like um what's it called the auto configuring
stupid thing yeah wps w w no um man that's the auto connecting thing if that's what you're
yeah no not that one what's it called uh upnp okay yeah okay unless you're running a router
with upnp to my knowledge there is no way that a machine on the network can reconfigure
the ports that your network has open and how they're forwarded so there's there's even
more stuff than just that okay but that's just that's just the first thing yeah so one
thing i noticed but wasn't good enough with electronics to really yeah dive further into
but then was super happy that wendell started talking about it on twitter yeah was that
like a chip of literally that size and that in that place those connections yeah it would
have to be like a two to four pin chip right like what is it doing yeah what can you do
with two pins so and people started diving more into that but it's like it's already
weird just at that level yeah and like this is way beyond me so i don't know but the first
hardware thing that stood out to me and we should go ahead and we should pop this uh
this article open here again and one thing i want to add is that people far better at
this stuff than lance and i are noticing these things yeah so so this was the first thing
that popped out to me here's the board and you can see they're kind of stripping off
components as we go here and here's the chip so i just i'm gonna i'm gonna print screen
this real real quick here there we go uh ms paint ms paint saves the day okay can we not
shrink this really really oh paint can you just why why why okay resize here we go percentage
uh i don't i don't know forty percent there we go good enough all right so here's the
issue so this uh this is a type of motherboard that is pretty typical and what are they called
blade servers yeah so this is where you basically are just sliding an entire computer into a
small bay in a larger chassis that would contain multiple computers so this is really high
density high density stuff here all right so the location was like somewhere around
here and the bloomberg article reports that it was able to get memory information i'm
kind of sitting here going how because this is your main motherboard chipset as far as
i can tell and this it actually they seem to have blanked out yeah some of the details
on this but this isn't much and i don't know the most about pcb layout and board design
for sure but what i do know is that you don't go out of your way to run traces like this
well definitely not on a curve but like yeah you don't want to run them far definitely
you don't want to run them any further than you have to except in very specific instances
like for example memory high speed memory can benefit from little zigzags so you'll
see little zigzags in some traces and then you'll see straight uh straight traces running
to other places so for example let's say this is a cpu and this is the like you know four
dim slots next to it so in some can you hold this for me please sure thank you sir so in
some cases you might see straight traces going out to the extremities and then you might
see zigzag traces going here and that's because when you're going real real fast i'm good
when you're going real real fast it can actually the difference in the arrival timing of the
electrons can make a difference on that scale so anyway but for something where you're transferring
i wasn't fully listening to what you're saying because i was reading chat but aj saying no
it's to match the length of the lengths of the traces i know i just said that oh i don't
know he's just trying to put his input in there oh okay that was the okay okay if it
wasn't clear then it's really important that that's clear the reason that they're zigzagging
here is because that's a shorter distance and the reason that they're not zigzagging
at the extremities is because that's a longer distance so you get a zigzag here so that
the traces are all the same length so that the timing doesn't get bunged up all right
so anyway that chip in order to have access to memory what was it memory networking and
what what else allegedly was it did it have access to here hold on let me go let me go
back to our notes um doorway intend network etc etc uh what's that uh i don't necessarily
want to see it hold on ah interesting answer phone everyone's spamming that oh i had my
phone on silent what do you want i don't think anything that i do could reflect poorly on
my image i think people are kind of used to my nonsense at this point what can i do for
you oh no my feelings are super hurt actually so you know you know that uh you know that
event that um that you went ahead and attended last year where we kind of like buried the
hatchet and stuff like you were you were there for that right because i had really understood
that the hatchet was buried and now it really feel it feels like the hatchet has been pulled
out but like not out of the stump you guys you know not not not out of the stump look
steve i never pull out okay that's why i got a vasectomy okay so look it feels like the
hatchet that you pulled out was not in a stump but actually in my chest and i'm bleeding
right now steve i'm bleeding
you know what just just just just don't show up at ltx next year oh just don't show up
even though and then you know what this is breaking news breaking news actually we had
a great chat with uh we're not going to name any names but we had a great chat with an
unnamed large LAN party organizer and it looks like just don't name them and it looks like
ltx had somewhat confirmed next year is going to be more than double the footprint with
a byoc lan that is going to have capacity for hundreds of gamers oh my god that is actually
amazing and by the way steve i'm totally joking you have to be there it's going to it's going
to rock and of course i'm just messing with you uh thank you for uh thank you for thank
you for being uh hilarious you know this should consider doing yeah thanks for keeping it
going i think it was good for the community and you were streaming so you didn't I actually
just recalled like the hell out about the act so i'm glad to hear your joke oh yeah
no way man it's gonna be so much better next year we are really looking forward to it and
i mean i just just so everyone knows like these events don't happen overnight like we
are absolutely already working on it's not going to be happening for like another eight
or nine months but yeah i'm looking forward to it and uh i know i've kind of missed you
at the last couple of events i don't even think either of us went to uh went to the
thread ripper 2 thing did you go no no okay well if nothing else i'll see you at ces right
all right okay cool man all right bye steve you guys should consider just for fun yeah
having like an over a live overclocking panel you could even throw in like make it make
it weird hardware or something i would actually i've always duos in 9800s i've always had
more fun overclocking like weird stuff yeah yeah get like gt 7 10s and then just see totally
just yeah yeah yeah go to town that'd be sweet like like bring in some weird hardware and
have a little like overclocking thing anyway uh so thank you to raging gamer um uh sam
landis and uh paco sends who all messaged with super chat here i'm just seeing it now
to answer my phone sorry i had it muted because i'm trying to be a bit more of a professional
streamer now um because like my phone would go off all the time during streams in the
past anyway so uh yeah i i just don't get people who think that there's any kind of
real like animosity between us steve j like any of those people and that's one thing that
the computer hardware review community has had for a long time is we've all been kind
of friends for quite a long time which has been cool there are a couple of notable exceptions
well but i'm not going to name any names but i will say that none of them are youtubers
like anyone who thinks that you know me and anyone has any kind of beef like uh or that
we're we even really think of each other as competitors like um yeah like awesome's coming
to dinner like tomorrow yeah just hanging out not making videos because sometimes that
that's nice to do anyway let's get back to let's get back to the chips so all right so
in response to my initial sort of reaction here like what could possibly affect all those
things apparently what it was supposed to affect was ipmi which i've actually made a
video about in the past and what ipmi is is it is remote access to the server and it does
allow you to pretty much control the thing so you can get a video feed out uh you can
actually power it up and down you can change bio settings you can change pretty much anything
that you would like about it sort of so back to the allegedly all right um so investigators
found that the chips have been inserted at factories run by manufacturing subcontractors
in china who make 75 of the world's mobile phones and 90 of its pcs they also found eventually
that it affected almost 30 companies including a major bank government contractors and the
world's most valuable company apple um in may 2015 so this is going way back in time
apple allegedly found malicious chips on super micro motherboards and severed ties with super
micro the following year though for what it described as unrelated reasons so here's the
part where this gets really tricky here's the list of everyone who has denied this amazon
said this is quote it is untrue that aws knew about a supply chain compromise an issue with
malicious chips or hardware modifications when acquiring elemental apple said on this
we can be very clear they have such an apple way of talking don't they apple has never
found malicious chips hardware manipulations or vulnerabilities purposely planted in any
server super micro we remain unaware of any such investigation the chinese government
supply chain safety in cyberspace is an issue of common concern and china is also a victim
okay that's not really the strongest denial no no but the fbi cis and nsa said no comment
now the company's denials are countered by six current and former senior senior national
security officials who in conversations that began during the obama administration and
continued under the trump administration detailed the discovery of the chips and the government's
investigation in all 17 people confirmed the manipulation of super micro's hardware and
other elements of the attacks are those actually confirmed or is that claimed by bloomberg
this is all claimed by bloomberg yeah so
ah i don't know man so there's more allegedly so here's here's part of the problem with
all of this a denial is interesting um but not necessarily the be-all and end-all it's
not like apple is going to you know yeah all of our networks were compromised yeah well
actually they would they would just verify why would they as long as they've fixed it
now and again allegedly one government official said that no consumer data was known to have
been stolen so if apple has found the problem fixed the problem and doesn't have to worry
about this problem popping up at any point in the future then okay why why would they
go ahead and broadcast this on their own one interesting thing for me how is super micro
strip saying we are we remain unaware of any such investigation it's just kind of interesting
that these it's it's so it's so much of a blanket no so apple says no we've never seen
anything like this in a server and china says we're a victim too yeah that's pretty weird
that's a little weird so i'm not much of a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nut but i can't
understand why it would be that these companies have issued denials and that everyone is speaking
um under condition of anonymity on something like this because you might have an nda or
you might be subject to criminal prosecution if you were to talk about it that's true um
that's very fair so now would they go to bloomberg i don't know it's a wonderful question so
all we can really do is say hey here's what was reported by bloomberg who has not typically
been known to be complete yahoos um here's all the denials that have been issued and
there were lots of them and um make of that what you will i mean cis and nsa not commenting
is not really a denial to be clear yep those are listed under denials but that's not really
a denial the only way that we could know for sure would be if independent owners of super
micro servers contacted super micro asked for a board layout diagram and checked their
motherboards to see if these chips were present now the problem with that is that this all
allegedly happened a few years ago and depending on the upgrade cycle of any given data center
it would be fairly simple it would be fairly straightforward for these these middlemen
to intercept only large-scale orders intended for particular customers and if the goal wasn't
going after end users then the goal probably also isn't your mom and pop you know youtube
channel like us and the motherboard in their one-off super micro server it was probably
looking for these bulk orders that were um that were subcontracted out because otherwise
i believe super micro actually has their own manufacturing capabilities don't don't quote
me on that one so depending on the upgrade cycle of the data centers of the companies
they were targeting or depending on their policies some of them just destroy hardware
rather than flipping it on ebay whereas others do like you'll see you know when 100 gigabit
networking gets to the point where it's affordable and practical all of a sudden you'll see a
bunch of 40 gigabit enterprise gear just flood ebay um but not everyone some do that but
some of them don't so we don't know if any of these servers because we don't know what
models they are have ended up on ebay or have ended up in the hands of individual users
so there's still certainly more to come on all of this but all we can say is what we
know for now which is nothing for certain for the moment and i'm going to drop a plug
here real quick oh for my thing is that cool oh yeah yeah go for it speaking of servers
and infrastructure if you guys are into that i thought i was done hiring for a little while
but apparently not flow plane media is looking for a system administer administrator and
would i was reading that for a second um and and is looking for people to apply now i'm
posting in the twitch chat i can't i don't have access to the youtube thing right now
but it will be in the description on youtube later on it'll be on the description of of
everything so feel free to apply the form is like pretty long and asks if you have experience
with a ton of different things if you don't have experience with everything on the list
that's okay we're just trying to get a picture of who you are and what types of things you
have experience with having experience with linux administration is obviously pretty important
but the rest of them are a little bit more flexible cool microsoft experience does not
help dang it just well it doesn't right dang doesn't really cross over time uh let's go
ahead and uh run through our sponsors here so synergy yeah synergy lets you juggle multiple
computers efficiently so there's lots of reasons for people to have more than one computer
whether you've got a windows box for gaming and a linux box for whatever it is you do
on linux or you have a mac for work and you've got a windows machine for home or vice versa
whatever the case may be it can be a bit of a pain in the butt and you end up with like
multiple keyboards and mice or track pads and and you kind of go ah yeah okay i'm using
this one now okay so synergy makes it easy you can just take whatever operating system
you want run it on whatever computer you want and then you can just seamlessly use one keyboard
and mouse to just move the cursor across computers start typing move it across to a different
computer start typing you can control them all at the same time it works on linux mac
os windows and and multiple versions of windows so the cool demo that we did a while back
was with that quad input monitor yeah that actually had um four different operating systems
running on it that we were able to seamlessly switch between and use whatever we wanted
that's pretty sweet pretty freaking cool so check it out over at seamless.com slash synergy
slash linus tech tips next up we've got be quiet oh interesting do we have like the case
here i guess it's pretty big so the be quiet dark base pro 900 orange red 2 oh that was
that modular case that was like one of the last cases you reviewed like way back in the
day so they have a v2 of that now so it's modular it's compatible and it looks pretty
slick the motherboard tray can be decoupled and relocated also it can even be used as
a test bench it's got modular hard drive slots it supports up to five hard drives ten ssd's
and two optical drives if you're still into that sort of thing it's got a functional power
supply shroud that doesn't just hide the power supply it can even be used to mount an ssd
or a fan while leaving enough space for a radiator in the front it's got tempered glass
and leds you know because it's 2018 and for io it supports usb 3.1 type c and it's also
got a wireless charger for qi enabled smartphones you can check it out on newegg at the link
below the video finally savage jerky oh boy oh we got a new shipment i'm just gonna sit
here and eat maple buffalo bacon and you're not going for the reaper again this week no
no i i did that last time so savage jerky as you guys know they've been on here a ton
uh they have a whole bunch of different awesome flavors 13 to be exact of their different
uh jerky including bacon which is i believe what you're going for right now yeah maple
buffalo bacon uh they also make barbecue sauce hot sauce and spice rub i stole some of that
last week they're hot sauces oh it says right here the hot sauces are so good luke and linus
took them home yeah so we don't actually have a like display bottle right now they're really
good though the the last one that was here was um oh what is it called jalapeno moho
okay my like favorite flavor i don't remember the exact name of it but something moho um
anyways it's it's it's really good stuff the their jerky is made with the best ingredients
without nitrates or preservatives with a goal to create a snack that is full of flavor and
spice that isn't bad for you use offer code ltt to save 10 off of their products you can
see the link here or in the description if you're watching later on jerky i know right
all right let's talk about windows 10 oh boy so this was posted by dan castellaneta on
the form castle castellaneta castellaneta dang it homer simpson that's just his username
on the form not not the real not the real homer simpson so the original article here
is from zd net and basically it's always recommended like that's the funny thing about this is
it's always recommended when you perform an update to back up your data yeah but like
over the last couple of years is it faded is it the smartphone shift in the industry
that i don't think so because like it used to be that you got a warning even on like
a smartphone because you don't anymore you don't anymore and windows updates all automatic
they try to barely touch you because people used to complain about it all the time but
that's always been considered best practice and then now when everyone's gotten lax about
it it's finally happening allegedly and not just like a file or two apparently one user
is claiming to have lost 220 gigs of data after updating like so the version number
is windows 10 1809 and it says here if you get a warning about intel drivers do not proceed
okay so all the AMD fanboys are like so it appears to be related to some interaction
with one drive no great where documents saved in the user directory and not one drive will
be deleted oh okay that's the reverse of what i thought was gonna happen and that's so much
worse it also appears that if you've done anything non-standard with one drive or your
my documents folder it may place your files at risk and i went down the wrong pipe one
second i i definitely have and i think a lot of people here have now now that it's the
most practical way especially if you're running a single box and you don't have a nas the
most practical way to run your storage these days economically is to have a small boot
ssd for most of your programs and stuff and then a large hard drive for your mass storage
yeah and the problem is that windows automatically puts your my documents on your c drive because
microsoft still lives in the land of single drives and computers um it's just baffling
to me that it's just not automatically tiered anyway a whole other conversation um but anyway
so a really common thing for people to do because a lot of programs without asking will
just automatically dump crap in my documents my pictures my videos like that kind of thing
so what a lot of users will do if they're managing their data correctly in fact i think
we did a guide that's got like over a million views over on ncix tech tips showing people
how to do this is they'll remap those those stock system folders to a folder on their
mechanical hard drive so if you did that it appears that it might place your files at
risk and rolling back the install does not restore the missing files wow
the rollback not restoring the files in my opinion is worse than it deleting the files
in the first place oh yeah way worse way worse that's gnarly and since we're on the subject
what does this windows update even offer well this was posted by good bites on the forum
mostly minor changes and to be clear good bites is constantly pointed out as being a
hardcore microsoft fanboy um mostly minor changes some features like sets and alt tab
bringing up browser tabs have been delayed so your phone an app that your phone an app
that will allow you to better interact with your phone from your pc allows you to send
and receive sms messages and interact with your 25 most recent images from your gallery
on an android phone so that's cool cool but then that should also be coming to windows
10 version 1803 so while it's headlining as an 1809 feature it's actually an independent
app there's a new clipboard history that syncs with the cloud and works across devices so
it's being added to swift key on ios and android that's pretty cool that's a that is actually
pretty cool that is legitimately quite cool also comes to the windows 10 on-screen keyboard
with this update i can't believe that took so long microsoft bought swift key what like
two years ago or something anyway there's a dark theme for file explorer okay i can
see people wanting to update for that snipping tool is being deprecated being replaced by
a new snipping experience no that can be opened with wind shift s i don't know it might be
fine i mean do you do not use sharex at this point anyway yeah okay and the usual improvements
to microsoft edge browser want more but like on on systems that i haven't used before having
sniffing tools really nice new emoji notepad improvements so all of that sounds worth giving
up some data over right okay okay if there wasn't if there wasn't the data loss i will
throw them this bone if there wasn't the data loss if you were if you were able to recover
your data with a with a system rollback so if they weren't boning you you'd throw them
a bone is that yeah yeah pretty much this does actually sound like a decent update now
dark theme is cool the phone app thing is cool the swift key copy paste cloud thing
is cool but yeah i kind of need my files so shoddy not all right and finally macbook pro
and imac pros require apple's diagnostics for certain repairs ot2 chip so you know about
the t2 chip right so that's the encryption chip on some of apple's new devices that basically
makes it so that let's talk about the good things first um someone who steals your device
can't get your data i mean it's cool that's pretty cool yeah but it does other stuff so
on the 2018 macbook pro repairs involving the logic board okay touch id all right that's
security related the battery the keyboard the display the top casing and the track the
trackpad and the speakers the speakers is my favorite part the speakers really to be
fair the keyboard battery trackpad and speakers are all only included because of the top case
so the t2 chip if you comply if you complete repairs like those without apple's blessing
will brick your macbook pro if you replace a broken speaker now on the imac pro this
makes more sense logic board and flash storage repairs okay fine so if any of those parts
are repaired and apple diagnostics are not run the system will be inoperative and the
repair will be incomplete now the apple diagnostic suite is limited to internal use by apple
stores and apple authorized service providers so independent repair shops without apple
certification may be unable to repair certain parts of these machines and in the case of
the macbook it's like basically anything um now apparently the t2 chip does include more
than i thought so system management controller signal image signal processor audio controller
and ssd controller and the secure enclave but why did it have to include the audio controller
i'm sure apple has some kind of reason for that but then they also could recognize that
replacing a speaker is probably benign really frustrating nothing we say or do is going
to change anything i mean apple very intentionally because you bet your butt they noticed the
videos that we made about our experience with the imac pro very intentionally has not acknowledged
us they've not reached out offering to help or anything like that so apple is just clearly
going yeah i think we're just gonna keep doing this because repair people aren't upset enough
so and the frustrating thing that rhymes is it seems to be it seems to be spreading i
mean you and i were talking about this the other day so one of the reasons that i went
with a chevy bolt was that i am really not a fan of what tesla is doing with respect
to right to repair um the fact that they are limiting people basically limiting the ability
to work on these vehicles to people who have their you know magic wand blessing why exactly
is that why do we accept that as consumers and there's youtubers who have made careers
out of trying to find ways to like forcibly repair tesla did you watch the same documentary
i did then i don't think i've watched the documentary i don't know it was a youtube
video but it was in a docy style very likely then i forgot the guy what the guy's name
was yeah yeah yeah he's awesome yeah basically like awesome dude he's super awesome flat
out um and so it's really impressive the kind of stuff yeah i don't really understand why
we're supporting these things because it is blatantly anti-consumer yeah period yeah because
the security there are some okay there are some legitimate concerns in both of these
areas yes to defend them a little bit yeah electric guitars can be a pretty electric
guitars it's my day today man i'm just on point electric cars can be a little bit problematic
if repaired poorly but like so can normal cars explosions and stuff right like i don't
know this doesn't seem super hard to understand that like you're there there's some liability
involved in repairing something but generally with most countries laws if the owner of the
item is repairing it they're taking personal liability for the repair and if you pay a
shop to repair it that shop is taking liability for the repair and the reality of it is that
this industry of like basically massive like buckets of of explosive fuel that people ride
around in has been around for an awful long time yeah and i think we've correct me if
i'm wrong but i'm not aware of any situation where a repaired a repaired something somehow
like a repaired ford came back to ford somehow because of an error that the repair technician
made i don't know i mean correct me if i'm wrong please do yeah i'm i don't i don't know
honestly i'm sure it has happened some dude tried to fix his ford and then when he failed
he brought it to ford and ford was like what the heck dude i don't know but that's fine
oh you're talking like a repair happened on a vehicle and then it blew up or something
and before got in trouble yeah i'm not aware of anything like that happening yeah personally
i don't know all right we've got a couple of super chats um serpent xfs appreciate the
love among tech tubers look forward to next year's ltx hashtag never pull out rock on
man uh spencer says so microsoft can fix the update right thanks spencer that's good uh
vast horizon i'd send more but this is all i can afford i love you guys though oh well
thank you uh jordan been watching guys a little over a year you guys boosted my interest in
a tech career currently attending college for ictits keep doing what you do rock on
to you too um and i think that pretty much wraps oh this is a good question okay last
topic of the day and this was actually suggested here by no i wonder what would happen if you
used the cpu's integrated heat spreader as a water block so basically just drill two
holes and solder copper pipes onto it okay so a couple problems here um problem numero
uno you would have to have some way of um like protecting the rest of the cpu from the
water which will inevitably pick up some ions that will make it conductive and then obviously
that's going to be a pretty bad scene um problem number the second as far as i know most ihs's
are not fully sealed so you would have to make sure that you actually complete the seal
and do a good job there um problem number the next is they're quite small and so actually
getting um like large enough barbs that you'd be able to get the kind of flow rate that
you want for the first for optimal cooling would be a little bit difficult um number
problem number the next is that having the dye soldered or liquid metaled to an ihs probably
increases your surface area helping with cooling more than the benefits of having um the water
directly touching the dye would help i guess is what i'm trying to say so having this bigger
area where you've got a slight um barrier that you have to pass through versus having
a very small area i suspect they probably like thought of that at some point um but
it seems like the kind of thing that we'd be crazy enough to try so i'm not saying we're
never going to do it
cool suggestion someone said um sorry wizard mon said 100 ford start firing crashes and
not a single person cares one tesla hits a barrier at high speeds raining an ankle of
the driver and the car slowly starts on fire as he limps away national tv newspapers talk
shows reblogged 12 million times this argument has been brought up many times um personally
i don't think it's a valid enough reason to take rights away from consumers and i think
we can end the show right there cool have a good one thanks for watching