
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

And we're live, and only five minutes late today.
That's not bad.
Well, okay, it's not good, and we're sorry,
we apologize very much for being terrible people.
Not profusely.
But in our defense, we actually had no audio
five minutes ago, or no, I guess it must have been
about 10 minutes ago, five minutes before showtime,
we had no audio whatsoever, and now we're live.
And it works.
And everything is working.
It's amazing.
Hopefully, hopefully it works.
We're making a lot of assumptions here.
We are, yes.
Okay, there's one thing that isn't working.
I can't even connect to Twitch chat.
I can't sign into the doc.
Your doc's thought up.
I can't see if we're actually working,
because Twitch chat's all bugged up.
I was in the doc when we filmed the show introduction.
I know, I know.
I was in the doc like two minutes ago.
And the stupid thing is.
Oh man.
I'm not getting the.
What's the, oh, you're not.
Actually, it's been really inconsistent lately.
And have you noticed they don't give you
other options anymore?
There's no option for send me a text again,
unless you wait 100 years, and then there's no option
to call you with it.
So it's like, send a text to your backup phone,
which is my wife's phone.
It's not gonna be super helpful.
We're talking about a backup.
Not like, I should need to use this all the time.
And then the other option is use a backup code.
Why would I wanna use my backup codes all the time?
You know what, two step service is ungodly though.
Ungodly bad or good?
Okay, sure.
It is vac.
It seems like the email's been received
before you actually press the button to send it.
But it isn't, but it feels that way.
Actually, Hotmail's is pretty good too.
Hotmail's saved me from having my account hijacked,
because it's proactive about it.
It communicates with you, if it thinks there's a problem,
via your other communication methods.
And it's like, yo dog, if you don't think this is okay,
then you need to let us know right away.
Like how credit card companies are supposed to do stuff?
Yeah, yeah.
Actually, they don't even call me
like when I leave the country anymore.
It used to be like, I went and bought like,
you know, something expensive.
Ring ring, and my credit card wouldn't work.
I called them up to tell them I was going on a trip once.
And they're like, why are you telling us?
And I was like, well, wouldn't you wanna know
if there's like these weird charges from another country?
They're like, no, it's fine.
Okay, like if there's local purchases on a card
that I have only ever used for online purchases
for four years, and they're local purchases in like Korea,
you're not gonna think that's weird?
And they're like, no, it's okay.
I was like, okay, I need to pay more attention
to what transactions go through my credit card,
because you're not.
Okay, well you're the only one with the doc up,
because I just requested two text messages,
and they haven't come through, so.
Let's start with the apparently leaked specs
of the iPhone 6.
No, we're supposed to start with the thing
and then do the intro.
Oh, I thought we already did that for some reason.
Nope, nope, we haven't done that.
All right, well, call-outs that we have
are Chrome is wasting power on your computer.
Mainly notable for people with laptops,
but we'll talk about that more later.
Microsoft has cut 18,000 jobs, including barnacles.
Sorry, buddy.
We tried to get him on the show,
but I think he's dealing with other things
at this point in time, which makes total sense.
He's got stuff to do.
ESPN will be broadcasting the Dota 2 tournament.
They'll be broadcasting it on ESPN 3,
with a highlight pre-show kind of thing on ESPN 2
at like 8.30 the day before or something.
And Google Plus is withdrawing
its real name required policy
right after they made everyone merge their accounts.
Thanks, guys.
Yeah, I guess we'll talk about that later, too.
Intro time.
Do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do.
Do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do.
Do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do, ta, do.
And of course we have sponsors.
Hashtag Minus Squarespace.
You guys have an opportunity to have a chance
to win a free year of Squarespace website-ness.
So go ahead and tweet to hashtag Linus Squarespace
if you have a Squarespace site.
If you don't have one, of course,
you can get 10% off one with the offer code
even if you don't win.
We will be drawing a winner later on in the show.
Our other sponsor this week is Five 4 Club.
Yes, they're back.
They're not totally afraid of sponsoring the WAN Show
after I completely screwed up the whole sponsor segment
thing for them on July the 4th.
I am amazed they're back.
Get it, 4th?
The 4th?
Five 4 Club?
You know what's funny about Five 4 Club
is I've actually had people ask me,
do they have clothing for people who are a normal height?
I'm just...
So this is both, you know,
this is either a misunderstanding
or you're taking a shot at me for being short,
going like, oh, it's Linus.
He must be endorsing short people clothes.
And the company's called Five 4.
I'm like, no, that's not what the Five 4 is for.
Anyway, all right, let's move on to our first topic.
We told people what the Five 4 was for on the 4th.
10, 10-4?
No, all right.
Good work.
Anyways, moving on.
We have the apparently supposedly leaked specs.
One thing in it makes me really think
that's probably not true.
Actually, I'm gonna disagree with you.
So this is supposed to be iFearZ on the forum,
but I'm gonna let you go ahead first.
Oh, I guess screen size.
Anyways, I'll just run through specs
because there's not a lot other than specs, but...
iPhone Air.
iPhone Air?
Oh, whatever, it's iPhone 6.
Whatever it'll be called.
We'll see what they actually call it, yeah.
4.7 inch 1280 by 800 resolution.
A 32 gig, 64 gig, or 128 gig capacity.
Yeah, no 16 gig.
A8 chip with 64-bit architecture
and M8 motion coprocessor.
EyeSight camera with, like, EyeSight camera,
with 12 megapixels and 4K video recording.
Fingerprint, second gen, identity sensor, iOS 8,
and it'll come in colors of silver, gold, and space gray.
I don't know why gray needed its own little...
Well, it's space gray.
I mean, it's different from like, you know,
gunmetal gray or battleship gray.
But then there's different versions of silver and gold.
Gray's Anatomy.
50 shades of gray.
Well, 50 shades of gray would be 50 different.
Right, so that could include space gray.
Okay, so the point is, I don't know,
this looks perfectly right to me,
especially if they're gonna have a larger version.
And Marcus's video, as well as the bajillion copycat videos
showing off the sapphire glass,
it actually kind of drove me crazy in his video.
I should probably, I should probably have said something.
Look, you can see through it.
No, well, okay, that drove me a little bit crazy too,
because he says right in his video
that he's never held a piece of Gorilla Glass,
and then he's kind of marveling at how amazing
the sapphire crystal glass is,
and I'm kinda like, dude,
Gorilla Glass is like actually pretty similar.
I mean, it's not gonna have quite the same degree
of scratch resistance,
but in terms of being really flexible, being very clear,
you know, if you hold it in front of your eye
and don't hold it in front of your eye,
the human eye is not going to be able to differentiate
between something like Gorilla Glass 3
and sapphire crystal glass,
just like holding them up and trying to look through them.
You're gonna need actual equipment for that.
But no, the thing that kind of bugged me
was he kept calling it a panel,
and it's not a panel of glass.
You don't have a panel of glass.
You have an LCD panel,
and you have a glass cover over top of it.
So anyway, anyway, anyway, anyway.
The whole point is that if iPhone 6,
in its 4.7-inch version,
ends up also having a bigger brother,
which Marcus' video,
which did a great job of just showcasing
how amazing that piece of glass is,
if Marcus' video is true,
and that's a piece for a bigger one,
then I think it makes perfect sense
that this one is gonna be a mere 1280 by 800
resolution display.
I just jumped into this assuming only one.
I actually even forgot about the fact
that that thing was bigger
because they always just release one.
But Steve Jobs doesn't exist anymore,
so maybe they'll release more than one.
Yeah, and I mean the thing too for me
is that at 4.7 inches,
or even at five inches,
or even at sort of,
yeah, at almost any size for a phone,
I don't actually find 720p to be not enough.
I don't think it's,
I think I can still tell the difference
between 720p and 1080p,
but it doesn't bother me.
I mean you're using a Moto X right now.
But this isn't gonna be,
that's a pretty small screen.
What is it?
I can't remember.
Moto X.
That's a fair amount of difference.
Moto X screen size, 4.7 inch.
Must just have a really small bezel.
So there you go.
And does it make a difference to you?
It's not bad,
but I can definitely tell the difference.
Doesn't look nearly as good as my G2 did.
Right, yep.
Like it's fairly, I don't know.
It makes a noticeable difference for sure.
The flip side of that,
or not the flip side.
And you're buying a premium cost phone.
The extension of that is that LG's G3
with its 1440p screen
really didn't make that much of a difference to me.
But that's a different,
you can't compare that necessarily.
Because you're comparing lower resolution difference
versus higher resolution difference,
that's not fair.
You can't compare the noticeable difference
between lower resolutions
to the noticeable difference between higher resolutions.
What are you talking about?
I'm saying, okay,
I'm saying 720p versus 1080p is a noticeable leap,
but doesn't make that much of a difference to me.
Whereas beyond that,
it makes no difference to me at all.
That's all I'm trying to say.
Okay, that's not how you worded it.
So I mean, I don't mind
that Apple's not giving us a higher resolution display.
I understand why they're doing it,
because the way that their whole ecosystem works with,
every app just works.
Every app looks right on every phone.
Every time they change something like that,
I mean, when the iPhone 5 first launched
with the taller display,
it was disaster town for a long time
in terms of app compatibility.
Everyone had to run out an update.
So if they were to all of a sudden
be supporting three different resolutions,
now it's becoming more like an Android-like experience
for the app developer.
So I totally get that.
It's just, like I'd like to see 1080p,
I just don't think it's the end of the world.
Yeah, I think it'll still be pretty sim,
no, okay, not similar,
but I think it'll still be a lot easier
for people to develop on iPhone than Android.
Just because you have these different resolutions,
but at least you don't have all these different devices
with crazy different hardware in them.
Like I know the bound-in guys had tons of issue
with getting their balancing correct across all devices.
Because you have to move it around, right,
because you're moving the phone around.
So they'd have certain things
where they put it down on the table.
Yeah, they can't see the table.
So they put it down on the table,
and with their default code, it's sitting there still,
but it's showing the thing just flying all over the place.
Because it didn't make sense.
They had to write adaptive code
to manage all the different devices, which is interesting,
but with Apple, you'll have much less differences
in terms of that.
But then resolution will be.
Yeah, I don't know.
Oh, one thing that we missed there
giving the rundown of the specs
is they're gonna have a touch ID
to fingerprint identity sensor.
So it looks like they're improving it already.
Oh, did you cover that?
Oh, okay, I probably just wasn't paying attention.
The one they have right now though is really good,
didn't you say?
I really like it.
I mean, it's not the most secure thing in the world,
but it was never expected to be.
And it's still gonna be more secure
than most just like tab passwords anyways.
There we go.
Oh, I forgot something actually.
For the 5.4 clothing thing today,
we actually have a giveaway,
and you guys should definitely participate in this.
So let me just find it.
Tweet tag at 5.4 on Twitter, tag your friend,
and use hashtag Linus 5.4, okay?
So send out that tweet, and whoever that is,
US and Canada, by the way,
has a chance to win a free month worth of clothing.
So 120 months worth of clothing.
So basically you just gotta find a buddy
and do it to each other?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
You tag a friend who you think will enjoy 5.4
to enter to win a package of clothes
from 5.4 for yourself.
Yeah, okay.
We should ask them if they can send clothes
to your buddy too, that'd be pretty cool.
That would be pretty cool.
I'm gonna preemptively be like,
yes, you and your buddy both win it,
and now there's nothing they can do.
They're just gonna hate me.
They are gonna hate you.
Like falsified information on all of the sponsor.
It's not false, it's just not true,
but I will make it true.
Therefore it's true.
I guess, yeah.
If they refuse to do it,
I will buy you a month worth of 5.4.
So there you go, all right?
Okay then, this is why we don't have air conditioning
in the office.
Because I'm too busy buying 5.4 clothing for people.
All right, so let's go ahead and move on
to actually a really amazing little piece
of article-ness over on Forbes here.
So here's the original article written by Ian Morris.
Google's Chrome web browser,
and this is a very sensationalist title, Ian.
Google's Chrome web browser is killing your laptop battery.
He needed to just, there were a couple things.
There were a couple things Ian over here needed to do
to make this not sensationalist.
So could have put life at the end,
killing your laptop's battery life,
or not use the word killing.
So is, no, just yeah, life.
Battery life, it's not killing the battery.
Okay, you could make the argument
that it is killing the battery
because the battery does have a finite number
of charge and discharge cycles,
but it's not the primary concern here.
So what's going on?
Why does your laptop battery,
and it's not just running Chrome and doing things in Chrome.
Having Chrome open is enough.
Do you wanna run through the details here?
If you're a Chrome user,
you're gonna have Chrome open all the time.
Especially because Google wants you using Chrome as like...
A desktop application replacement.
In a lot of different places.
In a lot of different places.
They're gonna try to make you keep it open all the time,
which I'd really rather not, but either way.
So how this works is your, where is it?
System clock tick rate,
which is normally set at about 64 times per second,
is being ramped up to 1000 times per second.
So your processor tries to go to sleep
in these little intervals so that you save power
when it's not doing things.
So with most web browsers,
if you're doing something heavy,
like watching a YouTube video, it will do this.
But when you stop watching a YouTube video, it will stop.
And it'll go back to 64 ticks instead of 1000 ticks.
But Chrome...
Did you explain what a tick is?
I just did.
Not that kind of tick. A little better?
I think I did it pretty well.
Oh, okay.
I'd say that your processor goes to sleep
in between these ticks.
Okay, sure, but in between ticks.
But what is the tick then?
It's like, it's a timing system.
Programs can use it so they keep up to date
and keep up to speed and get to process things.
So the tick rate is how often it's checking, basically.
Yeah, I said...
Fine, whatever.
Your explanation was great.
Here you go.
Not at all.
Anyways, continuing forward.
This can effectively, apparently,
cause your laptop's batteries to die 25% faster.
And I don't remember where the note is,
but it's somewhere in his chart here.
On a desktop, it can go from about 12 to 15 watts
to I think it was 20 watts.
At idle.
Anywhere from 15 to 20 watts of power consumption at idle.
Not doing anything.
Just having the Chrome browser open on the screen.
So 15 to 20 watts with Chrome,
12 to 15 watts with nothing else.
Kinda brutal.
I mean, I guess that performance
has gotta come from somewhere.
I mean, there's the, you know those commercials they have
where they have like the machine that fires the thing.
The potato thing.
That's actually pretty cool.
It is really cool.
And I'm glad that Chrome is faster than that.
But I wish that they didn't have to make my battery life
go for as long in order to achieve it.
I wish if one of the requirements
was that it was at least your focus window.
Like if it's what you were clicked on at that point in time.
I can kinda get that.
That would make sense.
That would maybe help a little bit.
But like if it's in the background
and maybe you're not watching YouTube videos,
which are doing it in all other browsers anyways,
it would be nice if it kinda slowed down a little bit.
Cause I don't really need my processor being,
or my web browser able to very effectively
play those super annoying video ads
that are on places like Tweaktown
and a few other websites.
That's super crazy annoying.
You're just gonna keep hating on Tweaktown
and still they just remove the mention.
It's so annoying.
Oh my God.
Every single time I see an article from them,
I'm like, okay, I gotta do this one as fast as possible
so I can close this damn website.
Anyway, Google has acknowledged the issue
and they're working on a fix for it.
It has been acknowledged internally.
Like they're looking at it now.
They've acknowledged it as a bug.
It's on the, it's been assigned.
The only annoying part of that is that
they've known about this for an extremely long time
and it's been being reported for an extremely long time.
And then like the Forbes and a couple other people
are like, hello?
And then they're finally like, oh yeah, okay, we'll do it.
But no timeline has been given for the fix.
So they haven't been working on it yet, I suppose.
No, not at all.
They're probably, it's probably at like buried
at the bottom of some overworked programmers queue.
It's just like, hey, I'll do it at some point.
All right.
Maybe, who knows?
So we do this from time to time.
We always kind of have this debate
but this is an amazing piece of news
for Pro Gaming and any hope that it has
of becoming an acceptable mainstream thing.
The International 2 will be on ESPN.
Did I say two?
I meant four.
The International Tournament 4,
so this is the fourth International Tournament,
Dota 2 Tournament, yes, will be broadcast on ESPN.
So there's gonna be a couple of different,
there's gonna be a couple different streams.
So it's gonna be featured on their digital channel ESPN 3
with a preview of Monday's final.
This will be an ESPN exclusive preview of Monday's final
on ESPN 2 at 8.30 p.m. Pacific time
on the preceding Sunday.
They're gonna have Gabe Newell on.
They're gonna be giving it the actual treatment.
We're talking the streams have got live action
instant replay, something that I'm not entirely sure
makes a ton of sense for a MOBA.
It kind of does.
You just don't play them.
Well, okay, hold on a second though.
Because I mean, okay, do you need an instant replay
of an attack being executed?
Unless it's something that's particularly exciting
like oh my God, he almost made it but he didn't quite.
I think that's more of the point.
And like if someone is, say there's an attack
that's like a skill shot.
So it's a free flying thing that has to collide.
Yes, skill shot, yeah.
And then someone uses an evasion thing
and like just jumps over it,
that could be something cool to show.
Or if someone just nicks it,
I think it's gonna be a lot of skill shot based stuff.
Or if someone hits spectacularly hard,
some crazy critical and just crushes someone
that could show that because it would look cool.
I don't know.
It would look cool to...
Game changing parts of team battles.
Like if something kind of happens,
but they want to show you the whole team battle,
then they can snap back and be like,
this was very important, this is where the tide turned,
blah, blah, blah, for analysis and whatnot.
I guess that's more like during a commercial break thing.
And that's what I was seeing as kind of the issue
because you won't be able to show that very effectively
with an instant replay.
Not really.
Because you're gonna want to kind of draw the X's and O's
and kind of go, okay, yeah, here's what went down,
pause it for a second, here's what went down.
That's more of an analysis thing.
That's not an instant replay thing.
Instant replay, here's the battle, a couple people died.
It's like, yeah, I was watching that a little bit slower,
but hold on a second, I didn't follow.
Because the thing about a sports broadcast
is think about who it's catering to.
The hardcore guys who really get, you know,
League of Legends or Dota 2 or these MOBA type games,
these guys are already watching on Twitch.
They're already aware of this.
If the objective of broadcasting on ESPN,
which it damn well is,
is to appeal to a more mainstream audience,
there's gonna be no benefit to that.
They're gonna look at that and go, hold on a second.
I think it would be a benefit to that
if they were a lot further down the line.
Like if this was already mainstream, like football.
Because they do that in football, it makes more sense,
but then they're not worried about what you're talking about
which they should be worried about and you're right.
That's interesting.
So I would see it being more like I was talking about
the skill shot stuff, the exciting, this was close,
this barely missed.
You can do it really slow and watch the skill shot
miss by a pixel or something, that would be cool.
I mean, is that actually, okay, here,
I'm gonna reveal a little bit of my ignorance here.
In instant replays of a game like Dota 2,
do you have alternate camera angles
that you can control as a broadcaster?
If we were talking about League, I would know.
That's another thing, they're there.
Hit us in the Twitch chat.
I'm pretty freaking sure it has spectator abilities.
So their casters would be able to have
the spectator camera, which they could control.
That's what I find exciting about an instant replay,
is you kind of like, okay, let's take hockey for example,
because I'm Canadian, it's probably
the only sport I watch, actually.
Yeah, so hockey for example, you saw the slap shot
from the point and it's in the back of the net
and you're just like, okay.
But then the instant replay shows you
what actually happened to make that happen.
So maybe there was a tip where someone kind of
slid in front of the goal.
Cameras free.
Cameras free, okay, so that makes a ton more sense.
It's just gonna depend on how well they can execute it.
And right now, there's a little bit of okay,
it's not quite perfect, because they have the streams
that are designed for the more experienced viewers
and then they actually have what are supposed
to be more noob accessible streams
that are supposed to sort of take away from the,
not use as much of the terminology
that a casual observer might not understand.
But right now, it's a bit of a mixed bag.
So there's talk of, you know, ganking,
when my mother's not gonna understand what ganking is.
But then the flip side is they're dumbing it down
a little bit too much sometimes,
explaining what the green bar above the character means.
Which, but you know what, the funny thing is,
what are the-
But honestly, they should probably do that.
But then they should also explain what ganking is.
It should be super baseline,
they should explain what everything is.
But the problem is that where are you gonna find
a basic Dota 2 caster?
Yeah. Yeah.
Because those guys are not gonna be accustomed
to casting the game as if someone who doesn't understand
what's going on is watching.
But they should try and find like coaches.
There's coaches.
So they should try and find coaches that will stream it.
Because it's not as important about being like the hype guy.
Because oftentimes, there's the technical guy
and the hype guy, if you're doing a 2 caster setup.
If you're doing a 3 caster setup,
a lot of times it's the technical guy, the hype guy,
and then the guy that's mainly just controlling the camera.
Because if you want to make it super cool,
you have someone control the camera.
What I'm hoping is that they have like a small army of people
that are all controlling separate cameras.
So they can get those really cool instant replays
that like you were talking about.
But yeah, like on an educational stream,
you wouldn't need the hype guy, really.
Just have two coaches that can be like,
oh, well, this is what they were thinking here.
And this is why they thought that these characters
can do these different things.
So this is why they're using them in these different ways.
By the way, when he hits one with that giant spell,
his green bar goes down.
That represents his HP.
When he casts that spell, his blue bar goes down.
Yeah, but you can't even say HP.
See, as gamers, we catch up.
I'm not a coach.
Yeah, fair enough. Yeah.
All right, so guys, I have a straw poll for you.
Because in, okay, in, outside of North America,
this kind of thing wouldn't be that big of a deal.
A televised game tournament's like, yeah, okay.
Whereas here, this is a huge, huge deal.
Like, huge deal.
This kind of thing doesn't happen over here.
So I'm posting a straw poll in the Twitch chat,
if I could get the thing to load.
There we go.
Here we go, straw poll.
Guys, need to know what you think.
Does a televised North American broadcast
of a top-tier gaming tournament like this.
I mean, we're talking over $10 million of prize money
with the compendium and Valve's contribution.
Does this validate gaming as a mainstream,
and let's not use the word sport.
Let's say competition.
Because I think there's a lot of people
who kind of get hung up on the word sport.
Personally, I get hung up on the word sport.
It's not a sport.
We can call it an e-sport, we can call it a competition,
we can call it a whatever else.
We can't really call it a sport.
At least, opinion.
So guys, I'd love for you guys to hit us up
on this straw poll, and I wanna see what you think.
In the meantime, we'll move on to the next topic
while you guys weigh in on this.
But you know, I don't know.
It's funny, because as much as TV,
like broadcast television, is a dying medium,
as opposed to a growing medium,
or at least not an explosively growing medium
between the Twitches.
But it's a dying medium that's huge.
It's got a long tail on it.
It's gonna be a long time before it's completely irrelevant.
And you know what's funny about it?
Is even though, you know, I look at something like YouTube,
my primary distribution platform,
or I look at something like broadcast television,
and I go, okay, if someone casted me in a TV commercial,
the actual reach of that, the impact that that has
on my personal notoriety, not a whole lot.
In terms of actual eyeballs looking at it,
but for some reason, they've done such a good job
over the years of being the prestigious thing
compared to web.
And it's gonna be a long time before that shifts.
Even I still view TV as a bigger deal
than being a big deal on YouTube.
When you're on YouTube, you're internet famous.
And the implication, like the tongue-in-cheek
internet famous term comes from the lack of respect
we have for people who are internet famous
compared to people who are real famous.
Because there's internet, and then there's TV,
and then there's silver screen.
And it's gonna be that way for a long time.
Apparently Josh from Fractal is trying to buy
air conditioning units for the office,
and not realizing that I'm still gonna have to pay
for the electricity, which is not happening.
So he can buy the AC units, but they're gonna go
wherever it is that they go.
If we do AC here, it'll be central AC,
not those stupid window mount units.
Won't even pay for the electricity paid for AC unit.
All right.
My boss.
So here you go.
Here's what you guys said about the straw poll.
I'll give you guys one more chance to weigh in right now.
Let's just fire up this guy right here.
People are asking me if I'm gonna hire Barnacles.
What makes people think I can afford Barnacles?
What makes people think Barnacles lives here?
What makes people think Barnacles wants to move himself
and his family?
There's been a lot of Twitter chatter
about when I'm gonna hire Barnacles.
I'm not gonna hire Barnacles.
He's got his own YouTube channel that's actually growing
at a reasonable rate.
He's got his own things to do.
Anyway, does a North American TV broadcast
mean gaming is going mainstream?
We've got 60% of you saying yes, but not for a while.
20% of you saying yes now.
And the final 20% of you saying no, that's ridiculous.
You know what?
I would have said no, that's ridiculous a year ago.
I'm gonna agree with the 62%, 61%.
Yeah, I'm gonna go with those guys.
I don't think this is.
I think once like all the major matches are cast
on ESPN2.
And I mean, you gotta look at it like any sport.
The acceptance is gonna come down to stuff
that goes way beyond being broadcast on TV.
The NHL is broadcast on TV in the United States.
That doesn't change the fact that outside
of maybe a dozen to a couple dozen areas,
that doesn't mean that the NHL really has any penetration
compared to how widely accepted
and how widely viewed it is in Canada.
Watching the water usage statistics
for the Olympic games is hilarious during hockey matches.
Yeah, it was I think the gold medal,
the gold medal Canada game or something like that
where basically nobody used the bathroom
in the entire country while the game was on.
And then the water pressure of the entire country
got destroyed.
And as it went into overtime or something,
I forget what game this was exactly.
I think it was an Olympic game.
But as it went into overtime, it got worse and worse
because people would be kind of holding out, holding out.
No, I really need to go.
And then they'd wait for an overtime period.
Oh, hilarious.
All right, ESPN to cast Dota 2 tournament.
That's extremely exciting though.
I mean, it's a turning point.
I think it's slightly, like it's not,
I don't think it's enough because saying ESPN is casting it
I think is almost a little bit sensationalist
just because it's ESPN 3.
Yeah, well, hold on.
They have that pregame coverage on ESPN 2.
That's the important part though is the pregame coverage.
And that's why I was saying once it's like,
once that pregame coverage is all the major matches
and once it's not the pregame, once it's the final,
once it's like that kind of stuff,
I think that's more important.
But this is still extremely cool.
I just think it's like the first stone in the like walk
that we need to create and it's not even that big of one.
It's just very cool that it's actually there.
So this is a post from builder on the forum.
Google Plus now lets you use any name you want.
Okay, thank you, Google.
I still wish that- Little late.
Yeah, it's a little late and it's a little frustrating.
I've already created my using a page for Linus Tech Tips
as opposed to just having a normal person account.
I've already, like I've already done all this stuff.
I've already gone through all this stress
of every time I merge any Google service
or create any new one or rename anything,
worrying about, oh my God, is it permanent now?
Oh my God, do I have to completely junk this YouTube account
because instead of Tech Quickie with two capitals,
I forgot to make the second Q a capital
and I cannot change that because thank you, Google.
So to me, it's just too little, too late.
It's got 4,300 pluses on the post
that's shared on Google Plus, of course.
And one thing that I thought was really cool about it
is that their development lead
is actually in the Google Plus comments, check this out,
replying to individual people's concerns about the change
because the reality of it is not everyone's happy about it.
Some people liked the real name policy on Google Plus
and were users of Google Plus
because they felt like the real name policy
took some of the trolling out of it.
I don't know, is there anything else to say about it?
He said specifically at one point
where some people are saying
it's come out in playtime for trolls,
but he said one of the reasons it is safe to do
at this launch is their troll-smashing department
has gotten very good at their jobs,
that's cool and all, but I don't necessarily,
what are you doing?
Don't worry about it, carry on.
Okay, that's cool and all,
but I don't necessarily know if that'll help.
I'm sure there will be, what was it,
Bob and his tank or whatever.
I'm sure they will come back,
but I don't even know if I care.
I would much rather have, personally at least,
much rather be able to have an account
which doesn't have my name on it.
I never had an account that had my name on it.
Once they were trying to force you to merge your accounts,
I just stopped using my personal account on YouTube
and started using my work one,
so I didn't have to merge them
so I could keep them separate
and now I might merge my old personal account.
Just because that's stupid, I don't wanna do that.
For me it's frustrating because I don't go
by my real name really.
Austin Evans goes by his real name across the board
on the YouTube channel, on Twitter, everywhere,
whereas I don't go by that.
I go by Linus Tech or Linus Tech Tips or whatever else,
not because I think it's better,
but because I think it just is what I did
in the first place and I can't change it.
Thanks, Google.
So that's where we're at.
How I've always used the internet
and including forum signup and everything
that I've always done until fairly recently
when I've had a public persona is I've used this thing
which is called fakenamegenerator.com
and all you have to do is put in a gender, a name set,
which there's a lot of different name sets to choose from,
and a country, which there's also tons
of different countries to choose from,
and it gives you all the form fill-innable information
that you could possibly need.
It even gives you a fake job.
It even gives you a fake SSN.
It gives you a fake vehicle.
It gives you, like, you can...
I drive a 2004 Lexus LFC.
What do you drive? That's pretty badass.
Apparently a 1995 Hyundai Lantra.
My name is apparently Stacy B. Warner.
Wow, that's interesting.
Mine's Justin M. Anderson.
You got something to tell me?
Mind you, you're 29 and I'm 68,
so as much cooler than you as I am right now,
I'll be dead soon.
I've been, like, I don't know.
I haven't put in any, yeah,
the gender set to random and stuff,
but that's what I used to do mainly when I was younger
because I just didn't wanna give my information to people,
and I still don't normally.
Like, I think I have my real information filled in
and just a few main services that I'm really worried about.
It would be very damaging if I lost them.
So that if I called up and they're like,
what is all your information?
I could be like, well, I know that.
I don't have to make this stuff up because...
Yes, yeah, and if they're like,
oh, we need to see, like, an ID,
because there's a few different services that'll do that,
then I can actually show my real ID and it's fine.
You know, the funny thing about that whole thing
is I'm not sure how I feel about people being,
people using a real identity online for certain things.
For some stuff, like, I don't...
Okay, again, so my problem is that I wanted to go
by an alias because my alias is much more well-known
than my actual name, but...
But your alias is your...
I mean, well, it's part of my name,
and there aren't that many linuses,
so it's really not very private.
Compared to if I went by, you know,
Bob the PC Builder, as if that wasn't gonna result
in a lawsuit.
Tech Builder TV.
Something like that.
For some things online,
I still don't mind people using their real names,
because removing that anonymity does remove
a little bit of buttheadness.
Yeah, but then at the same time, if someone,
even if you're saying something that isn't buttheadness,
and someone takes offense to it somehow,
it's extremely dangerous.
And there are 100,000 legitimate, really great reasons
to not have to reveal your identity online.
Totally get it.
I think there would be interesting places,
like the FCC forum, but then that's also scary,
because government could be pissed at you.
So I just don't think it's that cut and dried,
and apparently neither does Google.
They're still defending their old position
of asking for people's real names,
as they continue.
So originally they allowed nicknames,
and then now they're just removing the whole thing entirely.
So as they've stepped back from that hardline policy,
they're still saying that the old one was what it was.
Which I guess leads us into...
Our sponsor spots.
Oh, okay.
All right, so let's go ahead and search for that hashtag.
I'm going to give you the hashtag now.
So tag your friend, tag...
Oh, we're doing this on the show.
Yeah, we're doing this on the show.
We're giving away $120 worth of 5'4 clothing live.
I should have tweeted someone.
You should have tweeted someone.
Go for it, do it now.
Oh my God.
Please note, employees and anyone affiliated
with employees of Lightness Media Group cannot win.
You can go ahead and tweet it anyway, I don't care.
Damn it.
I'm gonna tweet it someone anyways,
just to confuse them.
I'm just gonna go ahead,
I'm gonna post this in the Twitch chat.
So you guys have a chance to give you and your friend,
cause I'm just breaking all the rules,
you and your friend a chance to win 120 bucks
worth of clothing from Ha5'4
while I go ahead and cover what exactly 5'4 is.
So first I have to remove my earpiece.
Are you stripping on camera again?
Yeah, I'm stripping on camera all the time.
You could just put it on top of your current shirt.
No, it's really warm in here.
You are kind of stripping on camera.
I'm kind of stripping on camera.
I'm gonna cover my nipples this week
with the 5'4 Club logo.
Censorship, 5'4 censorship.
Is he gonna do it properly?
I'm gonna try.
You're doing pretty good so far.
Yeah, I'm doing pretty good so far.
It's like, do they really want their logo
on top of my nipples?
One of these days I'm gonna-
Well, you're kind of like,
like one of those like,
I don't know what they're called,
but those swimsuits for girls
that don't have straps,
they just go across.
Now I'm censoring their logo with their logo.
One of these days they're just gonna be like,
we're sick of this guy's crap.
Damn it.
He's gonna keep pushing the boundaries
of what he can get away with
when he talks about our company.
Next thing you're gonna do though,
because they're mad about the logo thing,
you're just gonna slide this up.
Oh, I know you can't slide that up.
I was gonna be like,
we can be like the guy from Star Trek
and have like the eye cover thing.
All right, hashtag Linus54.
I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to just randomly,
I don't know, okay.
Steve G seems like he has a pretty cool name
and let's see if he did it right.
So Steve G, you got, here we go, Linus screen share.
Check out Five Four, hashtag Linus Five Four
and tags presumably his buddy, Brian Miller, 1111.
All right, Steve G, I'm gonna go ahead
and follow you on the Twitters here
and you are the big winner.
So go ahead and send me a DM.
We'll get your information sorted out
and you get $120 worth of clothing from Five Four.
But of course we have to tell you about Five Four service.
So basically if you hate shopping, Five Four is designed
for you, if you hate people looking at you
like they're judging you and you pick the wrong clothes
in the store, do you get that feeling?
I do.
I just.
I get really anxious.
I don't care at all,
but then that also makes the shopping experience not good
and also helps with Five Four.
You know what the.
Because then I don't have to care, it just shows up.
The problem for me is that I, like I, okay.
The problem for me is I have like this weird mental block
where like if you look bad because you don't care
and you obviously just picked up whatever,
then I kind of get that.
Whereas if you look bad, even though you obviously tried
really hard to look good, I can get a little judgy.
Me too.
I get the exact same thing actually.
That's a very good point.
I never thought about that before though.
I can get a little judgy.
So when I'm shopping, I fall into this trap
where either I have to pick stuff
that looks like I don't care and I'll never look that good.
Or I have to try to pick stuff that looks like I tried
and risk looking like a dumb ass.
So I just, I hate shots.
So anyway, the way Five Four works
is they've got your own personal stylist
that goes through and hand picks stuff
to send you every month.
You get $120 sticker price worth of clothing
for 60 bucks every month.
And if you use our code here, bit.ly slash linusffc
and offer code linus, you get $15 off of your first package.
So the quality of the clothing is nice.
We've got lots of it around here.
And basically you don't have to worry about it.
You enter a quick, you do a quick survey, 60 seconds,
and you enter like your shoe size
and you kind of pick a couple things
that you think are good.
I did it in 54 seconds or something like that.
And then you are signed up and ready to rock.
So there you go guys.
What's up?
You're going to see how fast you can do it?
All right.
In the meantime, I actually have another giveaway.
So Squarespace is back.
Did you know that Squarespace
is one of our longest running sponsors on the show?
I'm not surprised.
Our guys actually really like them.
And we use them both personally and for business.
So there you go.
Squarespace is awesome.
What do they actually do?
For those of you who still don't know, don't worry.
I'm not going to play the song again.
What Squarespace does is they have flexible,
beautiful websites that are easy to use
and yet customizable.
All you got to do is sign up for a two week trial
over on squarespace.com slash Linus, preferably.
So I get credit for the referral.
And the idea is that whether people are browsing your site
on a phone or on a PC or whatever kind of device, tablet,
whatever, it's going to look good.
It's going to operate correctly,
which can be a huge problem,
even with mostly turnkey solutions
that involve picking a theme and then, you know,
uploading your own content into it.
It's going to be mostly function, well, not mostly function.
It will be functional unlike the other ones
that are mostly functional and it'll look good doing it.
The performance is good.
Even on things like our linusmediagroup.com site,
I find, okay, I mean, this is cool.
I can operate my image slider with my touchscreen,
stuff that I wouldn't have necessarily,
how long did it take you?
48 seconds.
And I sat on one question for a while
and then remembered that I was timed and then kept going.
So there you go.
It actually doesn't take very long,
but you still have to enter your email and password.
So maybe that's your extra 12 seconds.
Anyway, the point is we love Squarespace.
We use them all the time.
They're inexpensive and we've even stress tested it.
We have taken down a lot of websites on the WAN Show.
We took down Noctua once,
which was kind of funny because we love Noctua
just by saying, hey guys, something, something Noctua.
I wanted to show them a product or something, I think.
And everyone went there and website went down.
We have never been able to take down a Squarespace website
with the WAN Show flooding it.
So as much as the plans are affordable,
they can also scale depending on your needs.
Your portfolio, you can do a blog, you can do a store,
lots and lots of different stuff built into it.
Naturally, because it's a website,
if you have zero visitors,
then you have 2,000, 5,000 visitors.
It might take like a second to catch up,
but we've never taken one down.
We've slowed it down at the beginning
and then it'll go like, oh, okay, I'm good.
And then we'll be able to manage it.
We've never actually taken one down.
That was actually pretty funny because that was a live demo
where I'd never tested before.
And I was like, let's see if we can take down
This will be a benchmark because I do all kinds of stuff
my sponsors hate on my show, I think,
or have the potential to hate.
Misquoting, making them agree to give
even more people clothes.
Stress testing them.
Stress testing websites.
Without them knowing it's coming.
And what happened was it just kind of for about five seconds,
10 seconds, it was like, and then it was fine.
All right, so the way to win,
two weeks ago, we did a Squarespace giveaway.
You guys had to tweet with hashtag lineasquarespace.
So I love it when you guys tweet me,
hashtag lineasquarespace, send me your trial sites
because you can get a two week trial for free at any time.
And I said last week, in two weeks or two weeks ago,
whatever, the point is Brandon Olson, you won.
Yay, Brandon.
So here's Brandon's website.
You can go ahead and you can check out
different pictures and stuff.
I don't actually know what any of this stuff is.
Apparently some of it is like cutting hair and other stuff.
Oh, I guess it's probably a photography.
Yeah, I was just gonna say, if he's a photographer,
he takes really good photos.
Ah, yes, photography.
If he's a barbershop, I can't tell.
So we got some street stuff.
Here's like a market.
Look at the way it works and it actually works.
Oh, what are these?
Oh, I don't know if he said all this stuff.
Oh, okay, cool.
So it just takes that and it rotates it.
I haven't actually played around
with all their different templates.
They have about 20 different templates
depending on what kind of a site you want.
And then they're all optimized to work in different ways.
But there you go, Brandon Olson, enjoy.
And thank you very much for participating
in our little giveaway here.
Speaking of giveaways, I am aware
that we're doing the G550 draw on the show today
and we will do it, but it will be later.
We'll be at the end of the show.
So if you guys wanna peace out
and come back at the end of the show, that's fine.
If you want to watch it in the archive later,
that's fine too.
It's not gonna affect your chances to win or anything.
But I'm just trying to say guys,
you don't think it's fine?
No, I think if they wanna watch in the archive,
I think they have to watch it twice.
They have to watch it twice?
They have to watch it live right now
and they have to watch it later.
What the hell are you talking about?
This is how the internet works.
They can't close this tab
or else they'll break the entirety of the internet.
All right, so anyway guys,
thanks to our sponsors, FiveFour and Squarespace
for making this show possible.
Without sponsors, we can't make this show.
I mean, we could, but we'd have no money
and then we wouldn't be able to make the show anymore.
We'd be like in the garage wearing parkas
because it's so cool.
Okay, you should not say stuff like that
because of how many people have been like,
I really liked the show
when you were in the garage with parkas.
It was.
We were legitimately uncomfortable.
Not good.
It's like that actually sucked.
It did.
We were cold, we weren't wearing them
because we were Canadian and making a joke.
Yeah, now it's the opposite.
Now we're like, what the hell, Canada?
Why is it so hot?
I know, it's so hot in this room.
I'm not buying air conditioning though.
We're paying for the electricity
for air conditioning that is purchased for you.
That's right.
Ridiculous, anyways.
I'm basically a terrible person.
All right, so we've got our next story here,
the LG G3 Beat.
I mean, when I heard this, look at this.
Ads for the Highlander shirt all over my internet.
That's so funny.
Okay, does anyone else get those?
Like is anyone else, I'm asking the...
Oh no, I've heard from people on the forum and stuff.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's so cool.
Yeah, and people on Twitch chat last week were like,
yeah, it's all over my internet.
That's awesome.
That's so cool.
So that's for the Teespring campaign
to get a commemorative Highlander shirt.
There's four days left.
Actually, we upgraded the hoodies.
Is that done now?
Yeah, it's done.
So we didn't change the price of the hoodies,
but they're now Canvas something hoodies
instead of Gildan hoodies.
So I'm picking up a hoodie when I get a minute.
I'm getting at least one then.
Yeah, because those look a fair bit nicer.
I love how it's an out of number that makes no sense.
Yeah, 346 sold out of 150.
So it's teespring.com slash Highlanderland.
If you guys want to check that out.
We already hit the target, so no pressure.
We are definitely shipping them
and I'm super excited about that.
Anyway, so the LG G3 beat.
When I first heard this name, I kind of went,
okay, LG G3 beats.
So it's probably like a music optimized version of it.
Cause HTC did that where they had like,
it was just a software layer or something.
I thought it was legitimately like,
they're like, oh yeah,
there's some phone that's better than the LG G3.
I didn't even think it was an LG phone.
The beat sounded better.
Oh, LG G3 beat.
Cause you know how sometimes people title things.
There's like, there's a news way of titling something
and you can say LG G3 beat as in something.
If you miss the capitalized B,
it reads LG G3 beat with five inch HT display,
laser autofocus camera goes official.
It's like, what does that actually mean?
It sounded kind of weird,
but I thought it was something had beat the LG G3
and I started reading it.
It's like, oh, and cause the photo, they look so similar.
Yeah, they look basically the same.
I thought it might've just been a zoom out
of the same phone or something.
I, yeah, did not catch on right away.
All right, so here we go.
It's got a five inch HD.
So that is 720P IPS display.
And again, back to the iPhone 6.
I don't mind that.
I don't think it's perfect,
but it's so much better than not 720P.
So whatever we were using before, something by 480.
It's so much better than that.
Yeah, that distance or that difference, sorry,
is extremely fast.
I'm okay with it.
They're talking about the screen to body ratio,
although I think they mean percentage,
74.1% screen to the rest body.
So it's very much about the screen experience,
just like the G3 with its very slim bezels.
The specs have been significantly downgraded.
So you still get the laser focus camera,
but you don't get a 13 megapixel rear camera anymore.
It's eight megapixels now.
And the processing power is basically in the toilet.
1.2 gigahertz, Cortex-A7, Adreno 305 GPU,
only one gig of RAM compared to two or three,
depending on the storage capacity of the bigger one,
and only eight gigs of internal memory
with a 25, 40 milliamp hour battery
that is fortunately also still user removable.
It still has a micro SD expansion slot.
And basically, I guess what I have to say here
is this either validates HTC's strategy
with the One Mini and the One Mini 2,
where they take that same high-end build quality and look
and that aluminum design,
and in order to cost it down enough
to really make any difference,
especially for someone buying on contract,
they put way lower end specs,
because honestly, those chips
are not that much of the cost of a phone.
Like, it's a factor.
But just by downgrading the CPU,
like in a computer, for example,
downgrading the CPU and GPU alone,
you can reduce the price of a PC by half,
depending on what you're looking at,
versus like a very high-end PC versus a low-end one, easy.
With a phone, that's not the case.
We're talking about maybe they shave, you know,
20, 30, 40 bucks off the bomb cost.
That's not the difference
between an $800 flagship phone and a $399 phone.
So when they keep that build quality in there,
they can't really drive the price down that much.
That's why low-end phones are plastic and stuff.
So this either validates HTC's strategy
of delivering much lower specs,
but still a really nice feel,
or it's LG going down that same disastrous path, I guess.
It remains to be seen.
You had a really interesting note here, though.
I want you to jump into the skin performance.
Yeah, with the One Mini 2,
one of the articles I was looking at,
I think it was the Verge article,
pointed out that the One Mini 2 is,
I don't wanna, okay, whoever it was,
don't remember if it was the Verge,
I was reading up on it,
and they basically made an interesting point.
They said, the One Mini 2 is still a good phone.
Even older smartphone specs,
and we've gotten to that point now,
can still deliver a really good experience.
But the issue that I worry about here
is that LG's skin is not as lightweight as Sense,
or just a stock Google experience
like what you have on the Moto G,
which is also a very low-spec phone
that still performs okay.
My wife's been using one for the last few months now,
and she does complain about it,
but it's usable, it's not like her old phone
or anything like that.
So I worry, based on that LG's skin is not that lightweight,
if performance is gonna be okay on the G3 beat.
That is pretty interesting.
Whoa, that was a loud knock.
I don't know.
The skin is interesting, but then at the same time,
they could have a lighter weight skin.
I doubt it.
I doubt it. They could.
Because there's certain things
that are significantly lower.
Like in my G3 review, I show multitasking on HTC versus LG,
and their multitasking is really versatile.
You can zoom in and zoom out and stuff,
depending on how many things you wanna see,
but it's heavy.
It takes a while to load.
It's something that I noticed
before I did a side-by-side comparison.
That's never a good sign.
Yeah, it's a big difference.
I don't know.
It's something that they said in here, though,
is that smartphone manufacturers cannot ignore
this growing segment of consumers
who want the best balance of looks,
features, performance, and of course, price.
I like how he says that while his company
is jumping on that bandwagon at the same time.
Basically, we cannot ignore
this growing segment of consumers.
Either way, I think they're right.
It's getting to the point where a lot of people
don't need the flagship phones.
For a while there, you basically needed
to get a flagship phone,
or else you were getting a piece of crap.
That's true.
But the issue is that that's not even true anymore.
So now, consumers are being forced to choose
between something with okay build quality,
something like a Nexus 5,
but bleeding edge specs,
versus something that's gonna have LG G3 or HTC One type,
aluminum backing, like that kind of stuff
that really does cost a lot of money,
and much, much lower end specifications.
I mean, the killer for me
is the eight gigs of onboard storage.
I can live with 16 gigs as long as I have SD expansion.
Yeah, yeah.
Eight gigs is- But then a lot of apps
are not gonna wanna live off that SD card.
Yeah, and even, yeah, exactly.
And games are getting bigger and bigger
all the time on Android.
I mean, there's that rumor on the street
about some Android gaming device
that may or may not be surfacing
at some point in the near future.
I can't say anything,
because when I don't know anything, I can speculate.
So anyway, something that may or may not be coming
at some point, I mean, Android is a valid gaming platform.
You look at, I do most of my gaming on Android,
even if I'm using Game Stream.
I was just gonna say.
No, not Android games.
But what needs to happen is game developers
need to get onboard the whole Android thing,
but we need devices that are really delivering
a great Android gaming experience,
and it's that whole chicken and egg thing.
Speaking of chicken and egg things,
Mozilla is attempting to improve JPEG.
How you like that segue?
I like that.
That was a very interesting segue.
Thank you.
But I like what they're doing here a lot,
This is so much better than Google's approach.
It is so much better than Google's approach.
It makes so much more sense,
because Google's promoting something
that is only gonna work on their ecosystem.
Okay, we should say what Mozilla's doing first,
then we'll slam Google for being dumb.
So what's Mozilla doing?
Mozilla is making a new compression library for JPEG.
So where is it called?
MozJPEG 2.0, M-O-Z-JPEG 2.0,
which will work for when you're compiling JPEGs,
but then it's read in the exact same way.
So everything that reads JPEGs right now
can read it just totally fine.
It'll take a slightly longer amount of time
to create that JPEG,
but then reading it is faster.
So that's awesome,
because it takes like no time to create one
right now at all.
So should be fine.
If it takes ever so slightly longer
than basically non-existent, I think it's okay.
And if it's making, where is it, 30% smaller or something?
I think it's about 5-15% smaller,
which isn't as good as Chrome's approach,
but it actually works with everything,
which is pretty important.
And I mean, making images smaller on the web
isn't the end of the world these days anymore.
Like it used to be that loading images
was the bulk of web traffic,
whereas that's video.
Yes, but at the same time,
we're running into things like Imgur, Imgur,
or whatever you wanna say,
where instead of having a few images on the website
and that being an issue,
now it's the whole website is just images,
so that I can actually take a little bit.
So even another, let's take the average,
even another 10% faster,
another 10% less bandwidth used by those images,
it's all gonna be really positive stuff.
This can really help people that are in, say, Australia,
that have terrible, craptastic internet
or other random areas around the world.
We complain about our internet all the time,
then mods that I have in the mod chat
post a screenshot of their speed test,
and I'm just like, sad face.
My internet is godlike compared to yours, so yeah.
So by comparison, Google's been pushing their WebP,
which is a still image derivative of their WebM codec,
which actually is better.
I mean, technically it's better.
We're looking at up to 30% smaller images with WebP,
but the problem, and Facebook did an experiment,
Facebook, the kings of experimenting with things
just randomly, did an experiment
where they started serving up pages with WebP,
and the problem was that no browsers
other than Chrome or Opera supported it,
and then problem number two
is that a lot of people use Facebook as cloud storage.
So they actually upload their photos
because they don't care about pixel perfect quality
being preserved forever,
so they're just uploading their photos to Facebook
and then downloading them as they need them.
They were downloading these WebP photos
and none of their local file viewers
were able to look at them.
That's a big issue in my opinion
because I don't necessarily use Facebook
as web photo storage, I never have,
but I have downloaded images off Facebook
when I'm like, say, I need a new Twitter banner
and the Facebook thing is really wide.
So like, my brother's Facebook thing
or my mom's Facebook thing,
if she wants a Twitter banner,
I can be like, yeah, just go to your Facebook one,
right click on it, view image, save image,
upload it again to Twitter and it's probably fine.
Considering so many different websites
are moving to this wide, big banner kind of style,
you can just bounce them across each other
and you can do that from any location
if you have them on one of those services.
So being unable to download them again is kind of dumb.
So, I mean, maybe a long time in the future,
but you look at how long it takes
to really move the dial on a web standard.
I mean, Flash is still here.
It's still causing browser crashes for me
on a regular basis.
Everyone else is like, wow, Mozilla's screwing up right now
and then I was like, wow, no it's not.
I'm just at like 98% or 95% RAM usage.
A gig of that was Flash.
It's like, wow, really?
Go away, I have like one YouTube video open.
What are you doing?
So, I mean, I see something like the JPEG improvements
as a much more feasible way
to actually achieve something versus.
So Mozilla's trying to achieve something real
and Google's trying to achieve something
that will hopefully be realistic in the future maybe
or something.
Yeah, maybe.
So I'm sure they could make photo viewer work with WebP.
Speaking of things that right now are not really a thing,
but could be really important in the future,
Project, see another segue, bam, got a few segues.
Project Aura Devboard ships later this month.
So the signup is actually closed now.
Yesterday was the last opportunity to sign up
and Google is evaluating who gets the equipment
based on how interesting their idea is
as well as something else.
So basically they're actually going through
all these submissions.
But for those of you who need a refresher,
Project Aura is the modular smartphone concept.
Now this is a concept image right here of like,
remember phone blocks.
So this is the real version of that.
So this concept image right here shows backings
of something that looks like a phablet
with these modules that plug into it
and are gonna communicate via a standardized interface
so that whatever type of module you're plugging in,
they'll all be able to communicate with each other
and they'll all be able to communicate ultimately with you.
Here's a smaller one, here's some just random modules.
Well, I mean, this is the state it's in now.
So we're not there yet.
But they'll be shipping the second round of hardware
sometime in the fall, I believe.
First round is in.
First round is soon and then second hardware release
with multiple application processors will be in the fall.
Right now it's not even close to ready
so this is very much like plug things in
and see if they work stage.
But it shows that they are still working on the project,
they are still serious about this
and I mean, okay.
Initially what I said about this
was it's not gonna make sense for anything but the low end.
By the time it actually sees the light of day,
I might be totally wrong.
Because we're getting to the point
where like the spec bumps don't feel them as much?
Yeah, we're getting to the point
where we can continue to miniaturize things
but a phone is largely fast enough
for most of the things you're gonna wanna do with it.
Which, I mean, if we're talking about
walking around with a phone and 3D mapping an environment.
Yeah, and stuff like gaming is always gonna get harder
but when you talk about it's fast enough
to do things you wanna do today,
a lot of people, when you reference that,
is calling, texting, very basic kind of text applications
and photo applications like Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, that kind of stuff.
So when I said basic,
I think I had the wrong concept in my mind.
I was thinking basic today basic.
Whereas basic by then will probably be this basic.
High end today basic.
And so I'm a lot more excited about it.
Especially if we see technologies like that second,
however many seconds it was they could charge a Galaxy S4.
Like if we see improvements in charging technology,
improvements in battery technology
to the point where you can make something
that isn't that bulky and really is legitimately modular
that isn't so slow that it's only usable
for basic calling and texting functionality.
I'm a lot more excited about it now than I was before.
So right now it's running on a fork of Android.
Like it doesn't even run on regular Android
because they had to Frankenstein it
to allow hot swapping of components.
I mean, that's the kind of thing.
Guys, your phone freaks out
if you unplug a micro SD card unexpectedly.
It's like, yo dog, please don't do that.
Whereas if we're talking about unplugging your camera,
I mean the amount of app dependencies
on any piece of hardware, like a camera,
I mean you install any app and it goes,
this app has access to this, this, this, this, this, this.
You start pulling out your GPS module
in the middle of, right?
It's gonna be like, ah, no.
There's a lot of stuff that needs to be figured out
before this really happens.
But I'm a lot more excited about it than I was before.
Speaking of things that are designed to generate hype,
Sony and Microsoft are talking about
early access game sales on consoles.
Now, neither of them is announcing
that they're doing it now.
That's not what's happening right now.
What they've basically said is,
look, we're having serious internal discussions about this.
We've seen what a big deal this has been on the PC
with Steam allowing games to allow early,
allow players to pay for early access to them.
But I think they recognize,
like hopefully everyone recognizes
that there are still some serious problems with this model.
So the benefits are obvious, I guess.
The developer gets feedback.
I mean, even EA is recognizing the benefits.
Okay, hold on, one step back.
You look at Star Citizen where they're being extremely open
about the development process.
Here's the roadblock we're stuck with right now.
Here's the milestone that unfortunately we keep not hitting
because we're actually sharing the internal targets
with you guys instead of padding it
the way that a game developer would normally do.
Okay, so there's that completely like crowdfunded project
and then like crowd interactive development process.
Then there's the next step.
There's what EA finally has opened their eyes to
and what they did with the Battlefield Hardline beta
where they went, okay, we want people to play this game.
We wanna know that it works properly
before we ask for people's money.
Then there's early access.
And so the benefits of developers getting feedback
before they release a game are great,
especially on the PC where so many game breaking bugs
can have to do with obscure hardware configurations.
But the problem is asking for people
to pay for beta software.
Paying for early access is a big problem to me.
It used to be so cool.
When you had to sign up for a beta,
it was like this huge resume process.
And one of the sections,
which was always extremely important,
was what games have you done betas for before?
And like how engaged are you in betas
and like all this kind of stuff.
And it was a big deal.
And if you got into a beta for something,
it was cool.
You were a cool dude.
Yeah, and people were like, oh, holy crap,
you've betted for all these different games?
And it's like, yeah, yeah.
And you learn like how to test things.
And it was actually kind of interesting.
There was one point in time
where beta testing games could have gone on a resume.
Like the fact that you were accepted
into all these different betas
because it could have gone on a resume.
Now you buy into it?
What, what, what, what, what?
We took that hype of like, yeah, I got into a beta.
This is super cool.
And turned it into, it's just generally cool
to be into betas,
which made it so that betas weren't betas anymore.
And you look at Gmail beta.
Yeah, Gmail, Minecraft beta,
where things last forever and it makes no sense.
And then they started charging you for it.
And it devalues the beta word.
Like it's taken the meaning out of the beta word.
Beta used to mean it's not finished.
Now beta seems to mean it's, well, it's mostly finished.
We're just not quite ready to call it finished.
We're getting, we're done,
but we're getting your feedback
and we're gonna tweak things
so that when we release it,
everyone sees it as being very good.
And the problem with that,
actually the problem with that,
with betas working too well,
is it changes the customer's perception of what a beta is
and it changes their expectations of what a beta is.
So all of a sudden they kind of expect a beta
to be mostly there.
Like a beta, sure, beta software works, no big deal.
I'll run beta software on my PC all day long.
And then developers recognize this change in perception
and go, oh, well, why don't we just charge them for it then?
And I mean, Valve has warnings.
Like, look, if you buy into early access,
you should buy it because you're really excited
about the title or something.
I forget the wording exactly,
but they basically go, look,
they might not ever get finished,
but why is that acceptable?
And I mean, okay, okay, okay.
Why is it acceptable?
Yeah, but then the flip side of that is,
is it really any different from what we have today?
Where the development process is mostly closed.
They release the game and you pay for it
and it wasn't done.
So basically we're just giving them our money
at the same point in the development cycle.
We're just calling it something different.
That's why I often don't buy release games anymore.
I used to be all about buying release games
and pre-ordering stuff.
I know that sounds weird,
but honestly, at one point in time, that was fine.
We need to do a shirt that's like, I paid for this.
And then this just needs to like trail off.
That's actually not a bad one, yeah.
Okay, guys, let us know.
Maybe we'll do another Teespring campaign
instead of throwing that one in the store.
Or you can buy like the, oh, you could,
what if you did like a release and I paid for this
and have part at the end, a different color
and then have like an index
and have it be like release and DLC.
Yeah, we gotta come up with something.
Let us know in Twitch chat if you need us to do a,
if you need us to do a beta shirt,
cause I think that would be pretty freaking awesome.
I funded this beta.
I funded this beta.
So I guess the loose shirts are getting smaller and smaller.
I know this shirt has just consistently been small.
Yeah, cause you're bigger than,
well, you've been kind of getting kind of jacked lately.
So there's that.
Okay, I don't think there's anything else
I had to say on the beta thing.
I think the punchline was what it was.
It was, is anything really changing
if we just get people to pay for betas?
No, not really.
Nope, cause it's gonna be broken
or it's gonna be broken.
Speaking of things never changing,
it's like the ISPs want us
to keep having negative things to say about them.
This is brutal.
It's on the register.
Guys, you have to listen to this at some point.
You know what's the funny thing about it
is Comcast is backpedaling and saying,
oh, we're very upset that the customer
was treated in this manner.
This is a recording of about an eight minute
customer support call where someone tried to call in
and cancel their service.
And they're like, oh, we're really embarrassed about this.
They've said nothing about disciplining the employee
because as listening to the recording,
I am sure the employee was 100% doing everything right.
They were probably instructed to work that way.
They were probably instructed to work in exactly this way
because the employee doesn't tell the customer,
he doesn't call the customer an asshole or something.
Like the employee is polite, sort of,
throughout the whole thing.
Other than talking over the customer
and repetitively asking the same stupid questions,
like, well, you know, if our service is superior and faster,
are you saying that you'd like to have an inferior service?
And then when the guy just tries to say like,
no, I just want to cancel the service.
I don't have to answer this question.
Well, what?
So then you're saying you want an inferior service?
Our competitor can't give you what we give you.
And he kind of goes, okay, sure.
I want an inferior service.
And the customer services, the CSR is like,
oh, well, why would you want an inferior service?
I mean, let's listen to what you're saying.
Like, you know, please and thank yous are all in there.
But talking over the customer
in this disrespectful manner is not cool.
But that's, I'm certain what they were instructed to do.
I don't like our ISPs,
but I don't think it would have been that bad.
They'll push you.
Yeah, I've canceled service with our ISPs and our telcos.
It's nothing like that.
No, no, they'll push you.
They'll ask you why.
But if you're like, just, I just don't want it.
I just don't want it.
They'll be like, oh, okay.
Really aggressive.
And they'll cancel it.
And just like one of the highest pressure sales techniques
that I've ever encountered.
And yeah, so.
Like Shaw, okay, Shaw called me.
Because I used to have Shaw
and then where I'm living now,
the landlord has internet already.
So they're like, oh, you canceled Shaw.
Was there like a reason?
Do you not like it?
Do you have too many outages?
Like, why did you cancel Shaw?
I was like, oh, I moved somewhere and they have it already.
Like, oh, so you don't want it anymore?
I was like, well.
I moved somewhere and I have it already.
I have it already.
Like I'm using it.
I'm just not paying for it
because the person that owns the building
is already paying for it.
Oh, okay.
Hopefully use this in the future.
I was like, yep.
Okay, bye.
Like it was really not a big deal.
They didn't try to push and be like, no,
you have to like get your own blah, blah, blah, blah, blah,
which I don't know, but whatever.
It felt just like the worst thing about, you know,
trying to shop for a car or trying to shop for insurance
or like those kinds of things.
It felt like I had a Primerica presentation in my kitchen
when I was listening to this thing.
That's brutal.
Which I did recently.
Long story why they were there,
but I'll have to tell you offline.
Cause yeah.
Yeah, it was really annoying.
I've lost a couple of friends to that.
Not like.
I went to a presentation.
I've gone to one as well,
but I got tricked into going to one.
No, I knew where I was going.
I didn't.
I had no idea.
I had a weird idea
that it might've been something to do with that,
but I had no idea.
Yeah, I was fresh out of high school
and someone was like, blah, blah, blah.
There's this thing.
Fresh out of high school, that sounds right.
I hadn't caught on to the whole,
if they refuse to tell you what you're selling,
then you probably shouldn't be selling it yet.
So they were just like, no, no, no.
We can't tell you anything.
You have to just come to the presentation.
So I kind of sat through the presentation.
I kind of went, okay, it's pyramid scheme.
And then that was about the end of that.
I had contacted a friend
that I hadn't talked to since high school.
And I was like, we should hang out sometime.
And they were like, yeah, you should come to my work.
We're having a work thing
and we're allowed to bring plus ones.
We're encouraged to bring plus ones.
Like it's good, I should be bringing people.
I'm like, okay, sure.
And then day after they're like, oh yeah,
like wear something nice.
Like it's fairly formal.
I was like, okay.
So that's when I had that like one red and black suit.
You remember that?
So I put that on, which is like super formal.
Way over the top.
Oh yeah, like way over the top
because it's the only thing I have.
And I show up and like, they haven't told me what they do.
I was just, and I've asked them multiple times
what it's about, all this kind of stuff.
And I show up and then I'm like, oh, this is your work.
This is weird.
It's in like a storage unit complex.
This is really odd.
Which ironically isn't as bad as your old office
in my house.
But yeah, and then I sit down and I realized
that it's not like just some work.
There's the reception desk
and then there's the like presentation room.
There's no working area.
And I'm like, oh God.
I'll just sit through this and then go home.
Okay, so SanDisk apparently is reporting
that their SSD sales have soared.
That alone isn't really that newsworthy.
There's an article on the register.
So blipity bloop, there's the one.
That to me isn't the huge thing about it.
But what is interesting to me about it
is the way that we're finally seeing capacities
take another jump.
SanDisk is talking about four terabyte
and two terabyte, like terabyte class,
multi terabyte class SSDs
that might be very, very expensive right now.
But prices are continuing to fall.
They're talking about how their volumes are increasing.
So their actual revenues are up
even though profits are not really sort of increasing
in the same manner.
So we're seeing it become commoditized.
We're seeing it become more affordable.
So that's the whole point of this
is it's getting more affordable.
It's really, really exciting.
SSDs are the, maybe they're not the future,
but they're at least the immediate
sort of transitional phase between hard drives
and whatever the future ends up being.
And that's pretty much all that I have to say about that.
Next big, oh, this is, this really sucks.
Microsoft cutting, or cut 18,000 jobs.
Which is 14% of their global workforce.
Holy crap.
I mean, that's basically like me cutting one employee.
No, not to make light of the situation.
That is absolutely incredible.
I mean, I understand,
so this was originally posted on the forum by Jozzle
and the original articles from the BBC.
There's a number of sources on it.
I understand, you know, right sizing
or streamlining or whatever the case may be, but.
I just find it interesting that they kind of
shoveled a whole bunch of it under the Nokia thing.
So they're like, yeah, we're getting rid of people
because of the Nokia merger.
Actually, a lot of other people as well.
So, I guess that's really,
that's really all there is to say about it.
So they, it's 18,000 over the next year.
So it's not all, like, everyone's job is gone today.
The mass majority of it's gonna be
over the next six months, though.
But it's one of those things where it's easy for us
to kind of see these kinds of job cuts and go,
okay, well, you know, they did this or they did that.
But it's a lot harder to look at it and go,
okay, well someone we know and like and respect
lost their job, so.
Barnacles is one of our fellow YouTubers.
This was posted by the Double Y Gamer on the forum.
Just a series of tweets from him kind of going, holy cow.
I got blindsided by this.
Didn't expect this at all, but Barnacles was one of the,
one of the casualties in Microsoft, cutting all these jobs.
So you should definitely check him out on YouTube.
Barnacles1numerical1 on YouTube,
or if you just search for Barnacles.
That should be a secondary account.
Numerical1, no.
If you have a secondary account,
it should be Barnacles2.
That's stupid.
That's the stupidest thing you've said today.
And stupidest isn't even a word,
which some people will go, no,
the person calling something the stupidest thing ever
is stupid because they're using not even a word.
But actually, I'm saying it very intentionally
to emphasize how stupid it is.
It's so stupid, it shouldn't even be real.
That was very well put.
The Millennium Bug returns.
So this is pretty funny.
I can't believe this.
Posted on the forum by Johners, but this is great.
So the Selective Service System mistakenly set notices
to more than 14,000 Pennsylvanian men
born between 1893 and 1897,
ordering them to register for the nation's military draft
and warning that a failure to do so
was punishable by a fine and imprisonment.
What they actually meant was 1993 to 1997,
so Y2K strikes again.
Like, I can't even believe.
I love how they're like, yeah,
they accepted that it was wrong
and they just told people just to ignore it if it shows up.
I'm like, that's actually gonna be possibly traumatic
for certain people.
Yeah, I would think so, yeah.
Like, that's gonna be not good at all.
Because I wouldn't even be surprised
if there's people in that group
that possibly passed away in duty
that are now getting drafted.
Yeah, I mean, it's.
And like, their spouses might still be alive or something.
It's super not cool.
I mean, the error occurred
because the state uses a two digit code
to indicate the date
and digital systems go back far enough
that those people were alive when this code was implemented.
All this stuff, I still, I don't understand.
I still see stuff that uses two digit date codes.
And it's like, haven't we figured out
that this is a problem yet?
We all just need to stop doing this, use real dates.
We have really big storage now.
It's okay.
It's fine.
The extra two characters.
Just take the two more characters.
Probably fine.
It'll be okay.
Speaking of two characters,
The Last of Us, remastered on the PS4,
is going to allow you to lock the frame rate at 30 FPS.
Now, to be clear, by default, it will run at 1080 60 P.
And I am definitely a huge advocate
for consoles giving the user the option
to control the graphical fidelity settings
so that they can choose whether they want, you know,
more particles to kick around on the floor
or whether they prefer to run
at a more consistent frame rate or at a higher resolution
or whatever else the case may be.
But the one concern that this brings up,
so this was posted by DtrickW in the forum.
The one concern that this raises for me
is if you're at 60 FPS and they're acknowledging that,
and they're giving you the option to lock at 30 FPS
because there is no cinematic gameplay reason
to play a game at 30 FPS.
Put that out of your mind.
If they're giving us that option,
are they basically saying,
well, it could be dipping below 60 FPS often enough
that it might bother some people to the point
where they'd rather play at a lower frame rate.
I rebuttal this a little bit
by saying that one of the lead developers
was talking about how amazing it was to play it in 60 FPS.
So I don't really think it's gonna be that big of an issue.
It could be.
But then I've always been one of those devatastic people
who basically dials in my graphics settings
based on worst case scenario.
And people will often make this argument,
well, you don't need to run your game
at 95 frames per second
because your monitor only supports 60 frames per second.
It's not really the point.
The point is those times when it dips
are usually the times when a bunch of dudes jump out at you.
That's how it works.
When there's more objects on screen,
that's when your frame rate dips.
So that's why it's important
to run at an average frame rate of 100 FPS
so that when shit gets real, you're ready.
And everything runs at 60,
even though it never dips below.
That's why in Star Citizen,
when you're staring at the floor,
you can get like 150.
And then if you look up in a deluxe hangar
that has a ton of ships in it,
you can go down to like 10 or 15.
Like, it can be a lot harder
to run different parts of different games.
And G-Sync will alleviate this quite a lot,
more than I expected.
40 FPS looks pretty good on a G-Sync monitor
when you're not dealing with any stuttering or tearing.
But, well, maybe 40 might be a little bit on the low side.
45 looked pretty good though.
Yeah, yeah.
It's interesting.
And then the...
Yeah, that's not bad, but whatever.
Just no Ks.
Did you, we rejected the Tesla Model 3?
That's exciting.
We talked about it last week.
Oh, did we?
Yeah, but we called it the Model E.
Oh, so we can talk about that.
Yeah, so we can talk about how Elon Musk is like,
so yeah, Ford like ruined our whole plan
to have the sex lineup of cars
with the Model S, the Model E, and the Model X
by threatening a lawsuit over the Model E naming
or something, so we're calling it the 3.
So it is like close enough.
He is so funny.
I think he found some way to still make it work
or something, or was it?
Yeah, the S.
Yeah, S3, which is three I's, and then an X.
Yeah, I don't know.
What a funny guy.
I mean, who does that?
Because you can't, someone that smart
who's paying that much attention to everything,
there's no way he didn't know that the letters
weren't gonna spell sex.
I love it.
I think he's hilarious.
Me too.
I like Musk a lot.
He's kind of awesome.
I think that's pretty much it from my side.
There's other stuff, but it's just.
Yeah, I don't know.
None of it seems that exciting.
Totally not great.
Totally not a drug roll.
For the laptop.
Oh, that's okay.
The laptop that's like trying really hard
to keep itself alive.
I may replace this laptop.
With what?
Four gigs of RAM isn't enough.
And you can't upgrade?
I might just get a new, no, no, soldered on.
I might just get a new Gen X PS 12.
Speaking about soldered on.
Nothing soldered on to that laptop.
No, I didn't mean that.
I meant the blade, the blade.
That's why.
That's why I'm.
No, I already shipped the blade back.
I was tempted to just not ship it back
and just be like, what are you gonna do?
What are they gonna do?
Stop seeding me like review samples?
What they could have done was they could have
turned that into an advertising campaign.
It's like, our laptop is so good
that this guy won't send it back.
But if they publicized what I did,
then they'd be opening up the floodgates
for other reviewers to just not send things back.
Or I was thinking they could send the Razer SWAT crew.
Not real SWAT.
They could show up with water guns and raid the house.
That would actually be kind of hilarious.
Except it could cause real problems
because like, yeah.
Yeah, that would.
I mean, fake SWATing is never funny.
Even if they're armed with water guns.
So I would definitely see that being a problem.
But if you call the head,
like if they call the head and like informed the police
and like it was set up and we probably knew.
They would have to inform us.
They would, it would basically,
the whole thing would just have to be completely stitched.
Everyone would have to know.
It would have to be like realistic looking SWAT uniforms
with like bright yellow and orange water guns.
So everyone knows it's fake.
But then you're, it's not even that funny anymore.
Okay, anyway.
So speaking of things that aren't that funny anymore,
making you guys wait any longer for the drawing
of the signed ROG G550 JK gaming notebook.
So it's signed by all the Highlander video personalities
that were the tops of me.
Logan, Kane, Luke, Austin, Paul and Kyle
all signed the bottom of this unit.
And it can be yours.
So we are gonna draw it live, random.org.
So we have 611 pages.
We'll, oh, okay, whatever we draw live here guys,
if we find that your entry wasn't valid,
so we go back and make sure that your entry was valid.
I'll be inspecting accounts.
I'll be inspecting posts.
He'll be digging.
Don't tell them what you're inspecting
because we don't want them to know
what we're looking for.
We're not telling them how.
Oh, okay.
Basically, we have a process.
You won't get away with it.
So we may do a redraw.
Stay tuned on Twitter if the original winner
ends up not being valid.
But here we go guys, drum roll.
So the way that we do it is first,
we draw a random page on random.org.
Then we draw a random poster on said random page.
So it's, I think it's 20 posts per page.
Yep, 20 posts per page.
Here we go.
Page 341.
Hold up, give everyone like a little bit of time
so they can figure out if they're on page 341.
Sure, okay.
Make everyone super anxious.
I'm just terrorizing everybody right now.
Okay, all right, we will do that.
Okay, so it could be TonyTang66, Pinon,
Fickry Farhan, Cameron Schultz, Legola Dex,
Sleemunski, oh, won't be Sleemunski.
Sorry dude.
MrMoshpit101, Shucalate, Rangner,
Hanging Along,
Adelante here,
Shine Along,
Aidan Chiu,
Light Cam,
that better not be our Nick.
Yeah, seriously, I can check that.
Fictuisiclaister or Joe1134206.
There is so many Joes.
Yeah, so many, all the Joes.
Incredible amount of Joes.
Okay, so now we will go from one to 20.
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
Okay, so let's count them.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
Do you double count the guy that was in there twice?
I guess we already picked Britain on the right.
Yeah, because we're picking a random one
based on post count, then we're gonna validate.
20 on a page, good point.
Yeah, so that way the double entries
don't affect anyone else's chance to win.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So there it is.
You won.
Good job.
So I'll send a PM through the forum,
which is how our giveaways work.
All right, congratulations, everyone.
What are we gonna do if that person doesn't respond?
To respond to what?
The PM on the forum.
Then we'll redraw it.
Okay. Yeah.
So stay tuned on Twitter.
I was more asking for like.
I can't believe how many people are watching Wancho today.
Thank you so much, guys.
We peaked near 6,000.
Yeah, we broke a record.
Our last record was about 5,500.
Wow, you guys are incredible.
Thank you so much for watching.
I think that's pretty much it for the show.
For those of you upset that it's someone
who only posted once, the giveaway is
for Linus Tech Tips YouTube viewers.
We are using the forum as a mechanism
for hosting the giveaway.
Someone who has one post on the forum
could be a longtime loyal viewer of our videos.
Even a big commenter on the YouTube instead of on Facebook.
Yeah, so just because they don't post a lot
on linustechtips.com doesn't mean
they're not a member of our community.
So let's try not to be all butthurt about that.
And if they're not logging on to the community that much,
you have a higher chance that they won't answer the PM
and that there's gonna be a redraw.
That's right.
So we did think of this.
All right, peace out guys.
Thanks for watching and we'll see you again.
Same bat time, same bat channel next week.
Bye everyone.
Why is that still there?
There we go.
Yeah, someone's comment.
The International's on
and there's like 6,000 people watching us.
You guys are awesome.
That multi-twitch.
Yeah, yeah I know right.
For us to make the assumption
that they're all just watching this would be...
Maybe not super accurate.