
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

And welcome ladies and gentlemen to the WEN show.
We've got a lot of great topics for you guys today.
There's the RX 5600 XT launch debacle.
There's the incredible news out of gamer's nexus
that some RTX 2060s are like 47% faster
than other ones in productivity benchmarks.
How does this kind of stuff keep happening with AMD?
Well, no, this is both of them doing dumb stuff.
Oh, just AMD bungling their launches.
Well, they're really nice people.
Random cards being way more powerful
or some cards being flashable up to like
the whole next level. Well, that's Nvidia.
That's Nvidia?
That's Nvidia. Oh.
Yeah, so that's a whole other thing.
So we have, so these are two completely unrelated topics
that for some reason have been combined in our needs.
Yeah, that doesn't make a lot of sense.
Yep, don't worry about it.
It's all good.
Literally, oh no, virtually every Lenovo ThinkPad
since 2017 has defective USB Type-C ports.
Great. So that's pretty cool.
And speaking of cool, I.
Very cool. Thank you.
Super cool. Thank you.
Has his own shirt.
See, I knew he was here for a reason.
For a milestone.
I am not retiring at least at this time.
I think some people, actually I know for a fact
some people didn't make it all the way through.
Yeah, didn't watch the end.
The stream.
And so the rumors of my retirement have been
grossly exaggerated.
We also have some more news, Intel's reorging.
Is there anything you want to highlight?
That is a big deal. Have you heard about this?
Not particularly. We're definitely
talking about that.
But Sonos filling landfills with EOL speakers.
Basically, and like, I'm mad.
I think you should be, because you have some, don't you?
I actually didn't even pay for them and I'm still mad.
Are they going to be EOL?
We'll talk about that, won't we?
All right, let's roll that intro.
Let's roll it.
He's going to do it.
I was going to say, you got to press the button.
I've been thinking about rolling it.
Oh, that was pretty good.
You'll note that I did, in fact, roll it.
I just didn't do it immediately.
Let's keep everyone on their toes.
Show is brought to you by Moss, Honey, Vulture.
All right, let's jump into the show.
Okay, so the first thing I want to do
is a little bit of Q and A
because it seems like a lot of people have some questions
about what went down on Wednesday night
when pretty much I sat down and I made a few notes
and because I didn't know what to say,
I just said everything.
Do you have any questions?
Not majorly, to be completely honest.
All right.
One thing I would note right now is that
if we, we don't actually have to really
have a super normal show, but if we want to,
we're probably gonna have to cap this at some point
because people will ask questions forever.
We will, and they'll ask super dumb ones,
so we're gonna ignore all of those ones.
Like, no offense, it's just like-
Maybe that's why he's retiring.
Time is limited, come on, time is limited.
So, okay, if you've got nothing,
there's a couple things I wanted to address right away.
One of them is that, honestly,
that video is the most uncomfortable I have felt
about publishing a video ever.
I actually sat there for about 20 minutes,
just like rechecking things that I already knew
were as good as they were gonna be
because I was shooting on just like a basic webcam
with no lighting and using just like an ancient mod mic
on a not very good USB audio card
because my Thunderbolt connection died
because Thunderbolt's a big piece of garbage,
which is actually why I wired up my house with fiber optics
for those USB extensions, which are way better.
I think just every excuse for everything now should be,
that's why I'm retiring.
Thunderbolt sucks and that's why I'm retiring.
So anyway, my Thunderbolt thing wasn't working
and that's what I use for my microphone
and so I had to go get this like little tiny dinky USB
like combo unit and like a breakout cable to,
and so like even for a mod mic,
it wasn't sounding as good as it should
and I was like, so there were all these little things
that I kept just kind of tweaking and tuning and like,
oh, maybe I'm gonna sit more like this
and I'd play around with like the tilt on my webcam
and stuff like that.
I think a certain amount of that helped aid
the like personability of the video.
It ended up being way worse than I expected.
So it's funny because I've been doing this for so long
that I've become so numb to the numbers.
You know, I upload a video and I go,
oh yeah, I wanted about 1.1 million.
That's okay, I guess.
You know, or, oh, you know, that one was a banger.
That one did 2 million, 2 million views, like cool.
But I don't really think about,
because most of the videos that we upload,
I guess don't connect with people on a personal level,
like don't really speak to,
but I had, they don't, they're not the same.
I had literally hundreds of people,
many of whom I haven't talked to in ages,
just like reach out to me via every possible means
and I apologize that I have not been able
to reply to all of them.
And in fact, I probably won't be able to reply
to all of them.
The video has like some stupid number.
I think it has like 25,000 comments on it.
And I've actually read a significant chunk of them,
but not all of them.
It gets a new comment on it still more than once a minute.
And I streamed like 36 hours ago
or whatever that works out to.
Currently at 2.7 million views publicly.
And the really uncomfortable part is like,
I don't really, I tend to keep the brand front facing
and I tend to keep the person sort of behind the scenes.
And the thing that I felt, and this is,
I, you know, this is, it's an analogy.
I know it's not the same thing,
but honestly I felt kind of like a pornographic actor.
Like I felt like-
Very exposed.
Yeah, because when I was recording it,
I was in a room by myself and there was chat,
but I was actually not looking at it.
I was specifically not looking at it.
I was just like looking at my notes
and I was just kind of trying to talk,
just kind of put it out there.
And what I realized as people have been reaching out to me,
like with everything from, hey, you know,
do you want to grab lunch or like, you know,
hey, if you just want to talk or like,
hey, here's my life story.
And here's how I, you know,
tackled these things and like just everything.
And it's all like really positive actually,
shockingly positive.
And I've even seen comments from people just being positive
about how positive our community was
and just being surprised because in general,
the internet is such a cesspool.
And what I realized is that there are people watching this
that I wouldn't have shared these things with
if I had specifically been in a room with them
and that now I have to go and sit in a room with them
at some point having basically effectively
balled my eyes out in front of them.
And this is probably going to be like
a highly addressable topic for a while.
On that note though, I would ask,
I think a lot of the times when you air something like this
to not shareholders in the sense of like stocks,
but shareholders.
Stakeholders, even if they're not shareholders.
Yeah, there we go.
When you do that, to a certain degree,
it can feel like you finally lifted a bunch of weight.
Does that feel accurate at all?
I feel better, yes.
I actually feel, I felt better coming into work
on Thursday morning than I have in a while.
Yeah, okay.
Just like, because I mean, at least it's there.
Like there were people who knew already.
There's a person who knew already
and there were people who had information.
Like I think you and I had a really good chat last year,
like CES 2019.
Yeah, it wasn't 100% on nose, but it was like related.
I think you had some idea
as to where my head space was at.
And so now it's just out there.
So it's like, okay, for better or for worse,
you know, that's where I'm at.
And most people, at least here at the office,
have been really good about it.
Been like, you're fine, right?
I'm like, yes.
And they're like, cool.
You know, nobody, some people, I saw one comment.
It's funny how the negative ones really stand out to you.
I saw one comment about how highly inappropriate it was
for an executive of a company to talk about something
like this, you know, in front of their staff.
And I was like, here's the thing.
You don't know my staff.
You don't know me.
You don't know them.
And like Linus Media Group has become more corporate,
but it's still very, very far from that.
Yeah, and it will never get there.
That is not my intention at all.
The other thing is that there seems to be
some confusion around it.
Like, people were like, WTF is this?
When the Oculus video went up like 12 hours later
about the Quest and it's just like me and Riley
goofing around playing with like this VR headset.
And people were like, WTF is this?
This is such a tonal shift.
You guys gotta understand that when I live stream,
that's happening now.
And when you watch a video, that happened a while ago.
And to be fair, I mean, you almost undoubtedly filmed
videos the next day, potentially the next morning.
Yeah, I filmed videos yesterday.
And it was probably fairly upbeat.
Yeah, because that's the thing is like,
most of the time when I'm filming videos,
I wouldn't call it a persona, but I'm definitely aware
that I am an onscreen talent and my job is to perform
and do a good job of being an onscreen talent.
Because if I don't, I will get fired.
Not by, not in a literal sense, but like,
I will get fired by the audience.
They'll be like, well, this guy sucks.
So I'm gonna go watch one of the other literal hundreds
of other tech content creators online.
I don't need this guy.
Screw it, I'm outta here.
And people don't wanna, or at least this is my perception.
And maybe I'm wrong, cause I was watching the series
that Shane Dawson did with Jeffree Star.
As far as I could tell was like a six week promotion
of the makeup launch that they were obviously planning
before they ever started creating that content.
And I was just like, trying to like,
I didn't end up being able to watch a bunch of it,
unfortunately, and like massive respect for those guys
and their teams, like everyone involved,
massive respect to everyone involved with that
for like the success that they've had, you know,
financially, influence wise, fame wise,
all that good stuff.
I don't get the content, I just don't understand it.
And that's fine.
I'm sure that they would watch what I do
and go like, sorry, what is this?
Yeah, I was gonna say rather different categories.
Yeah, yeah, so that's fine.
But I was just, so what I was about to say
is my perception is people don't want to see
like, kind of mopey, like sort of downbeat stuff.
So I tend to try to project that energy.
But, you know, there were parts of that
that I was kind of skipping through that I was like,
you know, this is kind of like a downer.
But it's like different strokes for different folks, right?
Yeah, I was gonna say watching it,
I did not actually get that vibe.
I didn't get the downer vibe.
Oh, wait, with the Jeffree Star Shane Dawson thing?
Oh, no, I didn't watch that.
I'm gonna say I don't really get that content.
Sorry, I thought you were talking about your stream.
Yeah, no, no, okay.
I don't know, I felt like a downer.
You had like comments about situations where you were down.
I see.
But you were being open about it.
And I don't personally take that as a downer,
if that makes sense.
Like I wasn't like sad watching it.
I think at multiple points in time,
I think I was actually quite happy.
Because I think there's things that,
and I mean, I've seen like,
personal life wise, I've seen,
like you're in Yvonne's relationship,
just from my angle seems extremely strong right now.
Yeah, we're good.
And has seemed extremely strong for quite a while.
Yeah, we're good.
And I think that's really cool.
And when you're like,
I wanna spend more time with my wife and kids,
that doesn't make me sad.
That's like, oh, that's cool.
Cause like not to toot your horn,
but I think you're a really awesome dad.
So you being able to spend more time with your kids,
being awesome dad is like, that's cool.
Well, thank you.
No problem.
But like, yeah, I just, I don't know.
Well, didn't like, yeah.
I guess what I'm trying to say is in general,
don't be surprised and confused
when the videos you watch that are a production
and not just like me sharing my thoughts
are designed for a broader audience.
Even outside of design though,
you can like be having those thoughts
and those introspective like thinking sessions
and stuff like that.
And then also go be excited about VR.
Like you don't have to be one track mind all the time.
And that's the other thing too is like,
I kind of expected,
I expected the video to like do well
in terms of the analytics.
I didn't expect it to be closing in on like 3 million views
within like two days.
I didn't expect to go home from work
or excuse me, come home from work the next day
and have my in-laws like ask me about it.
Like I didn't expect to get like a message from my sister
that's like, hey, I'm like sitting here,
sobbing my eyes out at my desk at work.
Like, are you all right?
I'm like, I'm fine.
Like that wasn't the point.
Yeah, I will say, I don't think.
Love you boo-boo, but like.
It didn't like make me sad,
but I do think you made a lot of people cry.
But I don't think those things are necessarily the same.
Well, at any rate, what do we got here?
Do you have additional comments now that you've seen?
Like before we get into the Q and A,
is there anything you would want to add
now that you've seen comments on the video?
Cause sometimes I feel that way about content.
Like it's-
Honestly, not really.
I really did.
Like I do feel like there's a load off my chest.
I really did say everything that I had to say.
So I just want to clarify that no, I'm not retiring.
Yes, it's because I still have work to do here.
But the main point is just that I,
I'm going to do it cause I want to do it.
I'm not going to do it because I feel like I am,
I am bound to it.
There, I went through a period for a long time
where I felt like I was doing this
because I just had this ongoing responsibility
to make sure that everyone under this roof
keeps making their mortgage payments.
And that's still there, obviously.
I think that any honest entrepreneur with half of a soul,
excuse me, entrepreneur, any obvious like business owner,
I guess that's sort of a synonym, whatever,
it doesn't matter.
Any, anyone with half a soul who is responsible
for a team of people should feel that way.
But I'm not going to let that dictate how I,
why I'm doing it anymore.
And so if I were to ultimately make some kind of a decision,
like if I was to say, okay, look,
I'm going to step back to a part-time or I'm going to,
whatever, whatever it ends up looking like,
I'm just going to make sure that I'm putting my work
into equipping the people here with the tools
that they need to keep it going.
And I think that it's,
the community's reaction has been really encouraging.
I've seen a lot of people just say like,
hey, your team's awesome.
We love them.
So like, yeah, you do you and we'll make it work.
I do think a lot of that is kind of like HEGS.
Remember HEGS?
People would write it in your, in your yearbook.
Oh yeah.
You know, have a great summer.
We should totally get together.
And then like, it's totally meaningless.
Here's my cell number.
Yeah, you know.
That will never happen.
That's, yeah, it's not happening.
And the reality of it is our habits online
are more algorithmically driven than ever before.
And in spite of many, many of those people
having the best intentions to keep up, they wouldn't.
But it's still really nice to hear,
even if I know that a lot of it is,
and a lot of it probably is true, just to be very clear,
but a lot of it is not.
And not intentionally.
So I actually don't really see any,
so who's your favorite CrossCode character?
Oh, it's gotta be,
oh man, how do you?
For reference, and I know I came in
with some amount of pre-existing information,
but I, at no point in time in that video,
thought you were like immediately bailing,
because I noticed the specific wording of the title.
I was very careful not to clickbait it.
Gotta be Emily.
I love her.
She's, she's amazing.
That's my favorite character.
So, turning LMG into a cooperative after retiring,
I have no idea how a cooperative is structured.
I doubt it though.
Cooperative business model.
What is this?
It's an alternate business model,
which responds to the needs of all stakeholders,
employees, customers, suppliers, local community,
investors, future generations, as well as investors.
That sounds like some pretty pie in the sky
bull crap right there, so no idea.
Wow, yeah, people don't really seem
to have a lot of questions.
I think, like, there was articles posted
and stuff like that, which were,
like clearly someone skimmed the video
or watched the first five minutes.
Has no idea who I am.
Doesn't know, and just like wrote some stuff
about like your stats and said you're retiring.
But I think the community as a whole,
like actually watched it and gets it.
And if you watch the whole thing, it's fairly conclusive.
Like I didn't really expect you were gonna
have additional comments when I asked about it.
Cool, all right, well thank you so much guys.
You guys rock.
All right, so let's move on to some tech news.
The RX 5600 XT launch was a bit of a fiasco.
I actually clarified it a little bit on the,
am I retiring or not, what's going on livestream.
But I feel like I should do it more formally here
because I did not cover it adequately
in our launch video of the 5600 XT.
And I did a very bad job of making
the situation better on tech link.
With the tech wiki.
Yeah, so you know what, I made a mistake.
I watched both of those things after the livestream.
And with that context on it, it was just hilarious.
Terrible, absolutely terrible.
So AMD released the RX 5600 XT on Tuesday the 22nd.
And virtually everyone's been talking about nothing
but the VBIOS update from day zero.
So what went down is we had intended
to do our 5600 XT content as an overclocking experiment
with the card because we'd gotten a wink and a nudge
that there was a lot of overclocking headroom.
And I'm not gonna say who the wink and nudge came from
because I don't know how much of this communication is NDA'd.
But we had a shot in the ribs
that there was a lot of overclocking headroom.
So we structured the entire video around that.
And then we like found out about this VBIOS update.
We got our card updated.
So our numbers are fine.
Which was why I thought it was not a big deal
because I got the sequence of events out of order.
I didn't know how last minute it was.
And effectively we were still waiting on a response
to find out like, what's the deal here?
Is this VBIOS update a one shot thing
on just this one particular card?
Is it because we got like engineering samples?
Yeah, by the way, we noticed that
that overclocking headroom that was hinted at to us,
like, well, this VBIOS seems to take up a lot of it.
So if, what's, what?
So anyway, we, but we went ahead.
We like overclocked the card.
We did end up, we got better performance numbers
with our overclocking testing.
And what I didn't know, what I didn't realize
because I'd spaced out while Anthony was talking to me
about the situation was that AMD didn't have a coherent plan
for updating some of the cards that would go to end users
that were already updated.
Like to me, it was a nothing burger.
Cause I was like, who cares?
We get pre-launch firmware updates all the time.
As long as they're available to the end user,
it doesn't matter because they will never see
this pre-launch state of the product.
But in this case,
because updating the BIOS of a graphics card
is a non-trivial matter for most users,
some people were gonna end up stuck with it.
And so it was kind of a problem
because they were gonna watch a review like ours
where we take this card that's fast at stock
and even faster overclocked.
And it was gonna be slower at stock,
even though it would theoretically
have a bunch of overclocking headroom.
Lots of people don't overclock their graphics cards.
I don't bother anymore.
Mine still are, but I understand why most people wouldn't.
I've just always really particularly enjoyed
graphics card overclocking.
I don't necessarily know why.
I also mostly played Beat Saber.
Hey man, you were talking to me about the like.
Literally runs on a quest.
Yeah, that's fair.
So I knew it.
Well, no, cause okay.
I was talking about how I wish that the polling rates
for the tracking were higher.
I was just saying like,
if there's a min-maxing Beat Saber player out there,
it's probably you.
I'm actually getting pretty good.
There's reasonably popular songs
that I'm like getting close to cracking like top 100 for.
That's pretty cool.
And by the way,
did Jayden have any response
to my significantly higher score than his?
No, you told me not to tell him.
I did?
Oh no, I want him to know.
Okay, well now he'd.
Yeah, I want him to know.
Now he knows.
So Jayden, one of Luke's colleagues at Floatplane
and technically my colleague as well,
even though Luke does most of the work.
He went out of his way to crap on my parade.
Very quickly.
At Luke's behest.
Yeah, I asked him if he could do it.
When I was trying to full combo Supernova
on Expert Plus and Beat Saber.
And anyway, he did it,
but he did it really sloppily, quite frankly.
And my score is nearly 50,000 higher than his.
So, and I have full comboed it now.
So there you go, Jayden.
There's your challenge.
I have a screenshot too.
I have a proof screenshot.
So Anthony was super upset about the situation
with the 5600 XT,
because fortunately he had been busy with something else
for the two days prior to the VBIOS update.
Otherwise he would have basically had
to do his testing twice.
And then because the communication
around the situation was so terrible,
we weren't able to message it correctly in our video,
because they were still like,
hey, yeah, let us look into this.
What do you mean let you look into it?
You know what you're doing.
Yeah, you have to know now.
So just tell us.
And this is just the kind of sloppy stuff
that is really frustrating for us,
where it's like, just communicate.
You have one job as PR,
or well, press relations.
One job.
To be fair, their one job is probably
to mislead you in that moment.
I don't think so.
What's the point?
It's gonna blow up.
Yeah, but your initial video sounds more positive.
Yeah, but my initial video doesn't have to be
more or less positive.
It can just be informative.
Hey, by the way, there's a handful of cards out there
that have this VBIOS.
Here's how you update it.
I did a video about this.
But if they don't have a solution.
Seven years ago.
But if they don't have a solution at all.
But they do have a solution.
Upgrading the VBIOS.
I think, yeah.
But they probably suspect most end users,
even with your video from forever ago,
aren't gonna be able to do it.
So, yeah.
And upgrading VBIOSs on graphics cards is kind of scary.
It is.
Realistically, you should have a UPS.
Most people do not have a UPS.
So that's what happened.
I'm sorry I screwed it up.
It was not Anthony's fault.
I'm gonna throw AMD under the bus a little bit here,
but not directly, necessarily.
Meanwhile, on Team Green,
EVGA launched the RTX 2060 KO for $300
just prior to the embargo left over 5600 XT.
At the time, it seemed like,
hey, look at me.
We've got a low priced RTX 2060.
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.
I can be cheap.
Doo doo doo doo doo.
But GamersNex has quickly discovered
something interesting about it.
Unlike previous RTX 2060s,
which used the TU106,
which is a smaller actual die.
It's a completely different GPU.
The RTX 2060 KO from EVGA,
the specific card,
used a TU104 derived GPU.
So this is a bigger chip.
It's an entirely different processor.
It's the same one that's in the RTX 2080.
And then it's just got some CUDA cores
that are fused off in order to just hack it back down
to RTX 2060 levels of performance.
And it kind of sounds like binning,
which it kind of is.
These might've been, you know,
bad TU104s.
So very likely, yeah.
However, it has performance implications
for applications like Blender,
where improvements of up to 47% are possible
because, architecturally,
the chip is actually quite different.
So it's unknown whether that GPU will make its way
onto other sort of bargain basement 2060 cards.
EVGA was apparently not aware
that they were receiving different GPUs for the KO,
but I find that a little bit hard to believe.
Yeah, what?
How could you possibly not know that?
EVGA is a pretty engineering centric company.
A lot of people think that EVGA is one of those like,
you know, slap our label on it
and resell it type of company,
because in the early days,
they were more like that.
So, you know, back when,
I'm talking back when it was, you know,
like BFG and EVGA,
and I'm trying to remember who the heck else
even existed at that point.
I miss BFG,
but the reason why I miss BFG is entirely why they're gone.
Taking advantage of their lifetime warranty?
Who wants to?
I did it too.
They offered it.
I mean, it's not my fault.
They had a lifetime warranty.
Anyway, so the point is way back then,
it was pretty common for just branding companies
to just take graphics cards
that were made by actual engineering companies
and then figure out some other way to add value to it,
whether it was through game bundles that they negotiated
or t-shirts that they put in the box.
Cool new sticker, a poster in a game.
Or great customer service,
whatever the case may be.
But over the years, I mean, EVGA,
if I recall correctly,
they bought Chaintex motherboard,
or was it EPOS?
I can't remember.
They bought EPOX?
It was either EPOX or Chaintex.
I don't know.
They bought one of them when that motherboard company
ditched their enthusiast division or something like that.
But they have actual engineers on staff now.
I find it very, very hard to believe
that given how deeply involved in the hardware
and firmware engineering and overclocking tools,
I find it very hard to believe
that they accidentally put the wrong chip
or didn't realize it was a completely different chip
on their cards because they don't look the same.
So here, hold on a second.
That's what I was gonna say.
It's like visually they're different.
Like it's not.
Here, let's find a die shot of a TU104.
Hopefully my screen works here.
Okay, so here's a TU104.
Unfortunately, I can't see the die size.
I wish I could.
TU106 die size.
So anyway, that's the die.
So TU106 is a 445 millimeters square.
TU104 die size, 545 millimeters square.
They are physically a different size.
Like if you just like look at them, they look different.
One of them is bigger.
I just, I find it very, very hard to believe.
Like your cooler would almost certainly change.
Not necessarily, but the PCB would have to change.
It's a different chip.
But isn't there more power delivery?
So one of the things that I think Gamers Nexus
is still working on,
you guys should definitely check out
his follow-up coverage of this,
is whether the TU106 based ones
might have more overclocking headroom
because it's a less power hungry chip.
So it might end up being a trade off.
No one's saying like, don't buy it or anything
because it's like, they're both fine
if all you're doing is gaming.
You probably will never notice a difference.
But if you're more interested in productivity,
you might wanna go for a TU104 based one.
And if you're more interested in like,
I wanna squeeze the maximum amount
of overclocking potential out of this thing,
you might be less likely to hit a power limitation
on a TU106.
Not confirmed yet to my knowledge.
All right, what else we got for?
Oh, actually, you know what?
We need to jump right into our sponsors for today.
Moss Organizer is in the business of keeping,
here we go.
Hey, there it is.
Look, it's a Luke sized one.
Moss Organizer is in the business
of keeping you protected and organized with simple products.
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are located outside of the bag
and it even fits an LTT water bottle
by the way, lttstore.com.
Something, something.
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Finally, the show is brought to you by Vulture.
Vulture is a global...
Sorry, go ahead.
Have you guys had ad spots from them before?
I don't think so actually.
We use them for Flowplay.
Well, there you go.
There's a little added little thing for you.
Vulture is a global cloud hosting service
allowing you to easily deploy cloud servers,
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How's your experience been with them?
This is very dangerous to ask
because I do not expect you to lie during a sponsor spot,
but go ahead.
In almost all cases, pretty good.
Just be honest.
That's the one where the WAN show went down
cause the server...
Oh, okay.
We did the roast.
So is that the only time we've had a problem?
Other than that, it has actually been quite fantastic.
They are a big part of the reason why
when we did the roast, everything went well.
All right.
So there's definitely wins in that department.
There was two losses, but there was many wins.
So check them out today.
It's been very solid overall.
LMG.GG slash Vulture WAN.
We've got that linked down below.
Oh, holy crap.
I'm going to have to shill for one second here.
Hold on.
What's it going to be about?
LTT store.com.
Yeah, guys, we have a commemorative
10 million subscribers shirt.
So if you want to...
Oh, it's sold as a pre-order.
All shirts will be printed and shipped
within three weeks, apparently.
So there you go.
It's in our regular sizing.
It's our regular type of shirt.
Unlike the float plane beta squadron one,
which was on all cotton.
I forget what the reason for that was.
This one is on an American apparel blended one.
So like just the completely normal shirt,
except it has this design on it.
So we're just going to sell it for a limited period of time.
And then it's gone.
It's a pickaxe, which a lot of people have asked about
because diamond, because 10 million, diamond play button.
Wait, they didn't understand it was a pickaxe?
Well, no, they've asked why it has a pickaxe on it.
And it was just like, I don't know.
Well, A, it just looks kind of cool.
And they were like, what?
I'm like, it doesn't look like a Minecraft pickaxe.
It looks like a regular pick.
These are not Minecraft diamonds.
Diamonds aren't even valuable in Minecraft.
Do you know how hard it is to get a diamond play button?
Diamonds are pretty valuable in Minecraft.
Are they?
I thought they weren't that valuable compared to like rubies.
They're still pretty valuable.
Okay, what's more valuable than diamonds?
In Minecraft?
I'm not a Minecraft veteran enough.
But there's probably some stuff, I don't know.
I thought diamonds were just like kind of crap.
I don't know.
They're definitely not kind of crap.
I know that much.
We are finally getting somewhat close
to the Minecraft server launching.
I will say, we had a little thing the other day.
Vaulter has a one button set up for that.
They don't have a one button set up
for like a video streaming.
So you know what?
I was just gonna say, I've actually come up
with what I think is a very clever new nickname
for the lead on that project.
I'm gonna call him Floatplane Jake.
Zing Zing.
Not bad.
I remember when he told me
it was gonna launch in December.
So I'm not trying to dig.
What is the holdup?
In his defense?
What are you guys working on?
It's like actually on a completely different level
from what we initially set out to do.
I'm sure or else it would have been up in a day
because I've seen him put up Minecraft servers before.
So like I know there's stuff going on
because I have played on servers that Jake has put up.
There's like all these like game modes
and there's like this hub that you land in
and it's like a whole giant thing.
And there's like.
So he's like really going to town.
All this load balancing between multiple instances
and crap, like that server that we built
to be the ultimate Minecraft so it's completely dismantled.
We're hosting it out of a data center.
We may end up reassembling that
and there's a data center that we might be able
to send it to.
So we could, so just so that we could claim
the moral victory.
It is technically involved.
Of that some of our players are actually playing on it.
But no, it's apparently and I have seen some stuff.
It looks really legit.
It's like not just a Minecraft server.
It's like pretty cool.
The bad news is that it has actually taken
a significant amount of resources.
So while our initial intent was for it to just be like,
LOL, you know, everyone just play on it.
We're going to have donations and stuff.
That's why I've been confused is because I remember
when it was like, oh yeah, it's live.
Everyone's playing on it.
We're going to make some tiny tweaks
and it's going to be done on Monday.
I've had this experience a lot at FlowPlane.
So I get it.
So the scope of the project changed quite dramatically
and really without my explicit approval,
you know, kind of like how the whole thing started
without my explicit approval.
Like I said, yeah, you know, like let's, okay.
Here's where I run into trouble.
I said, yeah, let's do it up right.
And Jake took that to mean, let's do it up the rightest.
Let's do it up perfect.
So what I really meant was, you know,
hey, I want to make sure that it's a, you know,
couple of hundred people that come on it
are going to be like, yeah, this is not total crap.
It's pretty sweet.
I have a new Minecraft home.
Yeah, yeah.
Not even that, like I just want to chill
with like other, definitely.
I know they are like tech geeks
and we're going to like build video cards
in Minecraft or whatever.
Like I just wanted it to be like a Minecraft server.
He's trying to build the Minecraft server.
He wants it to be people's new homes.
And I'm like, okay, sure.
He's been pitching us getting into like game server hosting
basically since he started.
He's super passionate about it.
And my whole thing is that like, I tell people,
hey, if you have a passion project,
I want to do my best to support it.
And so every once in a while,
somebody asks me to put up or shut up.
And you're like, oh.
And I'm like, well, Jake has ended up writing
two videos in the last like eight weeks
or something like that.
Cause he has been actually hammering away at this
or should I say, pickaxing away at it.
Hey, got him.
Oh boy.
So yeah, we're going to do our best.
Sounds like when I wanted to film WTF is going on
with that two video series that I did.
Yes, yes.
And I had extremely low production for a very long time.
Yes, you did.
Yeah, I watched those recently
and I'm still pretty proud of them though.
So that's cool.
I had to pick up a lot of slack for a little bit there,
but I was happy to do it.
Happy to do it.
So anyway, it has an ax, excuse me, an ax.
It has a pickax on it.
It has nothing to do with Minecraft.
We do have a Minecraft server coming.
It's totally unrelated.
And by the way, this is 10 million in binary.
Which is?
Which I think is cute.
I think it's cool once you know, which is cool,
but it's really misleading at the beginning.
What do you think it is?
I didn't know.
Well, it's not misleading.
It just doesn't lead you anywhere.
It doesn't lead you down the wrong path.
Or does it?
Did you think it was like?
Well, no, I just, yeah.
So I guess you're right.
Cause I was just like, what?
One thing is that this picture is not exactly.
So it's kind of got like a weathered look
like it does in, on our shirts,
which is actually kind of hard to see on camera.
So yeah, there's like kind of like some holes
in the printing to give it kind of like that.
Yeah, it's not really intense weathering,
but it's enough that it looks like
it's kind of like rough hewn, you know?
Like you went out and you got that diamond yourself
and your pickax is worn now.
Yeah, but you didn't.
Cause it's hard unless I don't know,
like PewDiePie is watching or something, which he's not.
So cause he's on vacation.
All right.
So let's move on to more tech top hacks.
In terms of the like random news articles
saying you retired, it just felt extremely PewDiePie.
PewDiePie ones are like, he quit.
He didn't quit.
He didn't say he was going to quit.
I mean, in fairness to them,
he does like actually play that clickbait game.
And his was a little bit more misleading than yours.
I'm deleting my whole channel, you know,
like that kind of thing.
This is rough.
He did, technically.
This is posted by a spartaman64 on the forum.
Virtually every Lenovo ThinkPad since 2017
apparently has defective USB-C ports.
So there's an official Lenovo support page
outlining at least three dozen affected models
and symptoms include the USB-C port simply not working,
the Thunderbolt controller disappearing
from device manager, HDMI output failure,
and even hanging during posts
said to occur within six to 12 months of typical usage.
There's a preventative driver update for affected models,
but there's no word on what that entails exactly
for performance and power delivery.
Once the issue presents itself,
only a motherboard swap will fix it.
That is pretty rough, especially for a brand
that is known for building tanks
that are disguised as computers.
You gotta give Lenovo a little bit of a shout out
for consistently giving us news topics.
Thank you, guys.
From your motherboards having spyware built into them
to USB ports not working.
I appreciate it.
EU and Google propose a ban on facial recognition.
The EU is considering a new law
that would prevent private and public actors
from using facial recognition in public spaces
for a definitive period, like three to five years.
Microsoft says it's bad
because they're developing facial recognition,
you don't say.
They say you don't ban it
if you actually believe there's a reasonable alternative
that will enable us to, say, address this problem
with a scalpel instead of a meat cleaver,
said Brad Smith, Microsoft president.
Google supports the move.
Which is interesting to me.
Which is shocking.
I think it's important that governments
and regulators tackle it sooner rather than later
and give a framework for it.
Although, in light of some of the recent fines
that they've received,
some of which have actually been more than a slap
on the wrist, like the COPPA one,
I can see why Google might say,
well, yeah, okay, fine,
why don't you lay out your stupid ground rules
and then we'll go and like innovate a bunch of stuff
and we'll wait.
Instead of the other way around.
Yeah, no, that kind of does make sense
from their angle, I guess.
I think it's, oh man, I'm torn, actually.
So this is private and public.
Does this include government?
Because I know UK is like super well known
for just having cameras everywhere.
Yeah, so this would be in public spaces.
So you would still be able to develop it and test it,
just not in public spaces.
In your store or wherever else.
Alex, apparently put some of his own thoughts in here,
says this is a really good idea.
But counterintuitively,
the accuracy of facial recognition apparently drops
as you add more faces to the pool,
but that would also get better
as the algorithms continued to learn.
Yeah, it gets better when you add more of one face,
but it doesn't get better
when you add more of a bunch of faces.
That makes sense.
So yeah, there's a lot of issues with facial recognition.
Here's a fun example at the Notting Hill Carnival,
where 2 million people attended,
the police used facial recognition
to try to find wanted criminals.
96 people were flagged and only one was actually wanted
and had already been arrested.
So it's obvious there's a lot of work to be done,
but my sort of flip side argument to this,
and take this as someone
who has already completely given up their privacy
and shares their innermost thoughts on the internet.
So like, you know, for me, it's like,
not only has the ship sailed,
it like came back and then like sailed again and came back.
It's a ferry, you know, it's like-
Daily, daily trips.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, from my point of view-
Which probably a surprising amount of the audience
is actually in a pretty similar space,
considering the things that they use.
I'd love for it to just be better,
but the flip side of that is that I don't live somewhere
where my government is oppressing me.
With that said, no government
that is gonna use facial recognition to oppress its citizens
is gonna even consider accepting this ban anyway,
so it's a completely academic conversation in that case.
Get real.
China's gonna be like, yeah,
let's ban it in public spaces for three or five years.
There's a large variety of different types of oppression.
I think people might take,
I don't know where I'm going with that sentence,
but I think people might go against that.
They think that a government
that intends to use it for repression
is going to ban its use in public spaces?
To itself?
No, no, no, you said, or maybe you didn't say this,
I thought you said repression in general,
not just this form.
Oh, just repression in general, yeah.
So like-
But there's different kinds,
so they might be like,
yeah, okay, let's not use facial recognition,
but we're still gonna do this.
Yeah, no, no, no, I just mean I live somewhere
where I get to enjoy a very high level of personal freedom.
So for me, it's very easy to say,
yeah, I just want the tech to get better
so that in the event that they are looking for someone
who is running around with a meat cleaver murdering children
that they can catch them real fast.
They should add meat cleaver recognition.
I don't think anyone's necessarily gonna,
I don't think anyone's necessarily gonna stop developing this
in the background though.
No, no, they're not.
So its use might halt.
Yeah, and I think it will stall development.
Probably because it would be a little bit harder
to test on wide scale and also-
It'll make it more difficult.
With that said, I totally agree
that if your development plan is to just use it
on unwitting like guinea pigs
who are wandering around in the street, that's a bad plan.
So you know what, there.
Pay some random citizens to come around
and walk around in like an arena.
Mark down this day, mark down this day.
I changed my opinion
between the start of a topic and the end.
I already thought it was like a good idea,
but I was like, well, here's this counter argument.
I no longer have a counter argument, I like it.
Let's just nuke it for a few years,
keep developing it sort of quietly in the background.
I'm gonna flip sides just to try to drag you back.
You have got to be kidding me.
No, I don't wanna do this.
So somewhere that they don't ban this,
those companies that operate out of those areas
will now have an advantage.
So you're saying like Chinese companies
are gonna have this immense advantage
in like AI and machine learning, facial recognition.
Oh, crap.
So then is there like,
what are you actually really helping then?
Because it's not gonna be banned everywhere.
All right, I'm back, I'm back.
It's just being banned in the EU.
I'm back on board, don't ban it.
It's not even right now being proposed
to be banned in the US.
Nope, I'm back.
I'm back, okay.
Forget it, you win.
You win twice.
How does it feel?
That was awesome, I like it.
You were just waiting to do that, weren't you?
A little bit.
The whole time.
You monster.
We did bring up LTT store and we did bring up the shirts.
All right.
I don't remember if you said
that they're really limited edition.
I did.
Okay, and we have like limited stock as well.
We have limited stock, I didn't know that.
As much as we're ever limited, you know what I mean?
I have no idea what that means.
These aren't going to last forever and they will run out.
Okay, do we just have like not that many
blank shirts right now?
We did notice that it's like a pre-order thing.
So is there-
Yeah, like is there a limit to our blank shirts?
I thought we had lots of stock of black.
Yeah, but the way they're being ordered right now,
we're not going to have that much stock of black.
Oh, I see.
We need to get more black shirts.
There aren't any.
Right, so, okay.
We bought all of them.
Okay, so business talk.
It's hard to get enough shirts in Canada, basically.
So if anyone from American Apparel is watching,
can you please fix that?
That would be great, thanks.
Because we really like your shirts,
but you're making it very hard for us to use them.
There, that was my sincere call for help to-
Clip it.
Yeah, clip it, clip it, full send.
Do you want to talk about your experience
with the blank shirts we were working on?
Yeah, so we've been working on a replacement
and we had what we thought was a really promising candidate.
The actual feel of the material, the breathability,
seemed really good.
And then we got photos of the shop
where they were being made
and everything seemed on the up and up.
We hadn't actually visited it yet,
but we got another set of samples
and I put it on kind of like one more time.
I put it on one more time
and I was doing things I wouldn't normally do.
And I took the bottom of the shirt
and I went like this and all the thread tore,
all the thread broke.
And I was like, well, I'm sure glad we caught that
before we actually booked a plane ticket out there
and went to have a look at the factory.
I've never once had that happen.
That's not something I do all the time,
but that's going to happen.
It's going to get snagged on something or whatever else.
Just like a weird spec choice that we have to fix.
Yeah, and I've had American apparel shirts break,
but never that easily.
And I like went around the whole thing
and I was like, da da da da da da,
just like breaking all the thread.
I was like, Nick, come on over here, pull on this.
And he pulls on it, it's like, like, okay.
So it's, there's more to building a decent shirt
than you guys might probably realize.
Well, we're working on it.
Yeah, we're working on it.
So if you like these shirts, get one
because they won't be here forever.
Yeah, you heard him ladies and gentlemen.
And these are the kind of,
and I've said this off camera too.
This is probably the kind of shirt I would grab
because it's a cool commemorative kind of thing.
Speaking of cool commemorative things,
Sonos is creating a commemorative pile
of still working electronics that don't work
and they're in a landfill anyway.
So that's pretty lame.
Some of their oldest devices are no longer
going to receive updates as of May, 2020.
So as a result, they will eventually no longer work
as services continue to change
because they're not going to receive updates.
They're not explicitly bricking them.
They're just saying,
hey, they might stop working at some point.
They're offering two options for affected users.
Option one, continue using these legacy products,
recognizing that your system will no longer receive updates
and new features, including by the way, security updates,
which have been a big problem for IOT
and connected devices in general.
Option number two, trade up to a new Sonos product
with a 30% credit for every legacy product you replace,
which is all fine and good, except for one big problem.
Sonos doesn't allow you to continue to use
or anyone to continue to use the still working device
that you have.
They actually push an update to it that bricks it.
I believe in, is it 30 days?
I forget what exactly the time period is.
I think this sucks.
Basically like I understand why you don't want
to support a product forever,
but a speaker is something that I kind of felt like
was different in the sense that, yeah, go ahead.
Speakers and sound equipment in general
are kind of that thing where like,
if your dad inherited it from his dad
and then like gave it to you when he bought a new set
or something like that.
You kind of expect it to still work.
And they're probably still really nice.
Like sound equipment does kind of stick around.
So it's weird seeing them treated like a commodity.
And not just a commodity, but like disposable,
even when they still work.
And the problem with these speakers,
and it's really highlighting an issue with smart devices
in general, is that you have no control
over how long they still work for.
And once the company decides
that they're not gonna work anymore,
they have no purpose whatsoever
because Sonos doesn't have just like a regular,
like jack in or RCA in.
So they actually do get completely useless.
I remember criticizing Apple back when they launched
the iMac 5K for not having a monitor mode on it.
What's up?
Oh, this is good.
So I just checked something.
Sonos CEO responds to backlash.
Oh, this is great.
How wonderful.
That's a cool twist.
We'll continue to update legacy products.
So let's read this on Android Central.
So just recently announced it would be ending
the following backlash.
They assure us they won't be bricked in any way.
Also working on a way to split your system
between old and current devices.
In the event that they do need to develop new features
that rely on new hardware.
Many of you have invested heavily.
We intend to honor that investment for as long as possible.
While legacy Sonos products won't get new software features,
we pledge to keep them updated with bug fixes
and security patches for as long as possible.
That seems entirely reasonable to me.
Worked off an alternative solution.
Let's see if it runs into something core to the experience.
We heard that you heard on the issue of legacy products
and modern products not being able to co-exist
within your home, blah, blah, blah, et cetera,
et cetera, et cetera.
Well, that's something.
I do wonder though,
if it's just kind of delaying the inevitable.
I don't wonder.
I mean, it seems like it's just delaying the inevitable
and it is very frustrating to see products designed
in such a way that they're eventually going to be
worth nothing and useless, even though they still function.
So I criticized Apple over the iMac 5K
because they did away with a mode
that existed on previous iMacs
that allowed you to use it as a monitor
at least once the hardware inside was too decrepit to-
Because the screen is awesome.
Because the screen is awesome.
I was like, wow, I love this screen, this thing's so great.
Could I just like use it on my PC as a monitor
because I don't like Mac, I don't like Mac OS.
And the answer was no.
And it was really frustrating for me
because it basically just means
that that thing is e-waste once you're done
and displays are terrible, like terrible.
They're basically impossible to recycle
in any meaningful way because of the way
that all the layers are laminated together.
I have an update.
Yeah, what can I do for you?
On the wow thing.
Are you still banned or?
I finally got in a live chat with someone.
The call out on the last WAN show,
as far as I can tell, did effectively nothing.
But I finally got in a live chat with someone,
which was surprisingly difficult to do.
He opens it up saying, I understand you wish to appeal,
your suspensions is correct.
I said, yeah, although even if that fails,
I'd really like just to understand
what actually went wrong because I have no idea.
And talked about how I play with my dad and stuff.
He said, looks like the suspension has already been upheld.
We will not be able to discuss it any further.
I was like, okay, ignore the appeal.
Can we just talk about what actually happened?
Because I still don't know.
Are you chatting with this person?
Live chat.
I still don't know and I'd like to understand
so I don't get banned again in the future.
He said, we do not discuss that info with players.
I said, I'm confused.
He said, again, we do not give any details
beyond what is emailed to you.
Those details can be used to make you more undetectable.
I said, I'm not trying to be undetectable.
He says, cool, then you understand
why we do not give any further details
and cannot discuss this further.
Was there any additional questions or concerns
I can take a look at before we part ways?
I said, I don't really understand how to move forward.
Although I guess if that's all you can say, we're done.
He said, you're welcome to play on another account
or access this one in six months.
I said, well, I'm rather scared that would get banned too.
But he said, if you fear that what you normally do in game
will get you suspended, then you may wanna take
a second look at what you're doing in game.
I said, the email specifically said
it's an external program, not what I do in game.
And then he said, since this is not something
we are going to discuss any further
and you have brought up no other issues,
I must be on my way, chat closed.
Hands down, the worst customer support experience
I have ever had in my life.
What? Completely horrible.
What an asshole.
Yeah, pretty much.
I still have no idea what happened.
And I love how they clearly don't care
because I can play on another account, officially.
Yeah, you're gonna give them more money?
But like.
I just.
The whole thing is just ridiculous.
Because normally, like,
and I'm not trying to remove this option,
but normally there's like, ban evasion is a bad thing.
Like if you get banned temporarily or permanently
off of the forum, ban evasion is something we look into.
Yeah, it's very serious.
And like, ban evasion on a temporary ban
can lead to a permanent ban.
And they're like, oh no, no, no, no, that's fine.
You can go ahead and play.
You can go play some on a different account.
That's no problem.
Just not the one that we banned.
And you're getting that one back in half a year.
This whole thing, just none of it.
I still have no idea what even happened.
I don't know what program it was.
I don't know if it was VPNing for work.
I don't know if it was some other program for work.
Who knows?
I just thought, yeah, I'd just throw that update out there.
I just probably burnt whatever bridge was possible,
but that's fine.
I just thought it was worth airing.
Well, thanks Blizzard.
Thanks guys.
You guys are super awesome.
You provided two topics for the WAN Show.
John Dokek says, Luke, hire a lawyer
and sue Blizzard to force disclosure.
You have got to be kidding me.
It really doesn't work that way.
Even if it did, no.
I'm not hiring a lawyer over that wow account.
I mean, all we can really do is just say
that that's really stupid.
Opinion, ridiculous form of communication.
I can't believe that that Blizzard account
has been open for an extremely long time.
That wow account was from the beta
of the original launch of wow.
Like I've been a customer of theirs for a long time.
I've bought basically every Blizzard product.
I've played every game they've released.
And they are treating you like dog crap.
Yeah, it's crazy.
It's crazy.
I feel very, very strongly
about our float plane customer support at this point.
Diago TGM says, Luke, just play the superior MMO,
Final Fantasy XIV.
No, I just, I don't really have an interest
in any MMO outside of that one to be honest.
So like it, that one particularly brings
my family together really nicely.
So that's a huge part of the draw there for me.
I don't know.
All right.
I gotta go guys.
Waifu has a tummy ache and needs to be driven home.
So thank you guys very much.
I will try to go through a couple
of super chats here.
Can't do all of them, but.
I really can't do all of them.
There are far too many.
Thanks Ritz Blitz.
Thanks Cole.
Oh wait.
I heard you talk about Microsoft Teams.
What are your thoughts on Office 365 versus G Suite?
We actually do use both.
They're both very different for different things.
I don't know, Teams kind of sucks.
They actually, they cover a lot of similar things.
Ed, are you trying to send me a message
or tell me something or thumbnail?
Oh, you want me to approve a thumbnail?
Can I see?
But a lot of the things that they cover that are similar,
one of them is way better at one than the other.
Thank you.
So it's still quite beneficial to have both.
Like having Word and Excel is actually quite useful.
Even above Docs and Sheets,
there's things you can do in Excel
that you can't really do in Sheets.
And there's certain Excel sheets
that don't really translate well into Google Sheets.
So having Excel is still really powerful,
but then Gmail is like fantastic.
And yeah.
Jason, Carpool Critics is coming back to Floatplane.
Don't worry, it's all good.
I already yelled at them.
Okay, so that's it.
Oh yeah, if you're looking for a movie podcast to watch,
check out Carpool Critics.
It's James Riley and David's baby.
They feel very strongly that it is awesome.
And I actually have listened to more episodes
of Carpool Critics than I have any other podcast
ever combined, because I listen to everyone
and I don't really listen to podcasts.
So yeah, go check it out.
A week ago was Parasite.
The top three movies of the decade one
has actually done really well.
Seems like people were really into that one.
My personal favorite so far was probably Terminator,
Dark Fate actually.
Oh, they don't have Joker up on here.
Joker's up on Floatplane.
I don't know if they intend to actually release that one
on Libsyn, but go check it out.
It's on pretty much every podcast platform that matters.
So yeah, sweet.
All right, see you guys.
Thanks for tuning in.
See you next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
Oh, crap.
This one.
So many people in chat saying they would sue.
That's just as unreasonable as their customers.
Yeah, basically.
And also just like a fundamental misunderstanding
of how-
How that works.
They don't, yeah, they don't like have to give me that.