
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

It's wan show time!
Okay, oh man, I'm like sweating right now.
We had a bit of a situation before the show.
So that video will probably be up in about a week or so after editing.
So there's some pretty big news for this week.
SourceFed is gone!
And I actually, I have, even though I've never really watched the show, Brendan can you just
tilt us up a bit?
Our belly buttons are showing, I don't think Twitch allows the mid-rift show.
So our, what was I saying?
Right, right, right, so I have quite a bit to say about that because I've actually kind
of modeled our business after SourceFed.
So uh.
SourceFed specifically?
There's a hint.
Alright, well it was nice being able to show it to you guys.
I guess we look for another job.
There's a lot more Ryzen news this week.
How unexpected.
What else we got?
I love how, one thing before I keep going, I love how our Ryzen news for the last few
weeks has been like one of X amount.
These are the many Ryzen topics that there are.
Which is good because we have something to talk about.
Twitter might build a paid subscription service for power users.
We're going to announce that right now?
But we're going to announce that, we're going to announce it.
There is a big announcement coming in probably about 14 minutes.
Should I go that way?
No, we can say what it is, but not any of the details around what will happen in about
14 minutes.
Scrapyard Wars 5 is planned and is happening like imminently very very soon.
As in like a couple days, not a couple months or a couple weeks.
I'm still not quite sure how we're going to do that.
I fix it!
So Jack!
I just won't be able to heal.
But you can monitor through the thing.
That would be terrible.
You know what?
We will figure it out live, because that's what we do.
Do it live!
Do it live from the side of the road.
Do you have two headphone outputs on there, and are they both quarter inch?
I have a thing that I watched someone set up two months ago.
It has monitoring ports though, right?
Two of them?
So someone moved the monitors that are supposed to be left here, so the ones that are plugged
into the port that the monitors are supposed to be plugged into.
Would that be the adapter jack right there then?
But also, probably not.
So there's that.
Ok, so we're not sure how we're going to have that call, but we're not going to explain
what that call is.
So, first topic of the day.
Can we jump right into SourceFed?
Ok, so SourceFed, shutting down, I'm just going to go ahead and pull up there.
SourceFed is shutting down, it's on Reddit, it's on Amplify, where is the actual video?
It's not in the doc, so I don't have a link for you guys, but there's a Philip DeFranco
video, right?
Is that what you're talking about?
No, the one where the hosts are all, oh here it is, here we go, here we go, here we go.
So Linus's screen, is that just a capture of the thumbnail and not an embed-
There we go.
Cause that, that shouldn't, that couldn't just be at the top.
So basically here are a bunch of hosts, none of whom I recognize, and they're sad because
they all lost their jobs, apparently there were about 40 people working at SourceFed
at this point.
40 people!
That's sort of insane.
So the history behind SourceFed is that, and you'll have to correct me if I got this wrong
cause I've, as much as I've sort of modeled some of what we do here after it, I, um, how
do I say this?
I, I have never actually watched a full episode of SourceFed.
So how have you done that?
I don't understand.
Well, no this isn't, okay, okay.
So you get- There's a live stream right here.
Look, look, just, just- Watch this.
Yeah, this is their final live stream.
But yeah- Watch this one.
Yeah, watch this live stream.
We'll talk about theirs.
That one will be archived, uh, Discovery has already come out and said they're not removing
the videos so you'll have plenty of opportunities to go watch that live stream later, um, but
basically in an- Okay, right, right, right, right, right, sorry, I'm very scattered right
now, I've been kind of running around and- There's some crazy stuff went down, you guys
will see a video about it in about a week.
So remember how we talked, I think it was last week or two weeks ago, about how I modeled
WAN Show after some other tech podcast that I had never watched.
Yeah, okay, yeah, like three weeks ago?
Yeah, maybe.
Same thing.
Basically, it's me kind of- So here's a name and a description, I'll base a company off
of it.
Well, no, no, it's not basing the company off of it, it's, it's, I viewed SourceFed
as a validation that the model of bringing a group of people together and, um, creating
multiple channels, but rather than through a multichannel network, like an MCN that is
just acting as sort of in an agency role- Having a company that runs all the different
channels instead of a company that, like, does things for all the different channels.
Yes, and so I kind of looked at that and I went, okay, they're making it work, they've,
they're making this, they're able to monetize it effectively enough that they've managed
to keep the lights on.
So they were like a proof of concept- Okay, I remember these talks now.
For me, um, and, and now they're gone.
So basically what, what happened- So we gotta follow the trend.
Yeah, you'll have to, no, you'll have to correct me, or you'll have to bear with me if I get
some of the details wrong because I, I didn't really follow the channel.
I think it's like news or something.
And anyway, so Phil DeFranco, who had a news show way back a zillion years ago, sort of
one of like the YouTubers, you know, it was like-
He still does.
Well, I know he does now, but he's not like the guy anymore.
It's like we're talking back when Ray William Johnson was the top subscribed channel on
You would utter Phil DeFranco's name in the same breath.
Like these guys were the OG big YouTubers.
He's getting like- Yeah, he's big again, but he's not even, like
you think he's an order of magnitude behind PewDiePie.
But the amount of views per video that he's getting is putting him up there.
He's doing, like he had kind of fallen off the rails a bit and he's doing really well
So he's, he's OG and back when Google did an initial round of funding big creators to
create like custom content for the platform.
What's that?
He does this like this thing.
Do you see that?
Oh, the thing that he does in his thumbnails?
He does that in like every thumbnail.
Maybe that's it.
Maybe you figured it out.
You know what?
The show's probably- How to Survive on YouTube.
The show is going to get pulled down now.
Because we've uncovered the secret.
I mean, you know that the SWAT team is right outside that door, right?
Yeah, of course.
Well, no, because they're cool with us because that's how we got here, too.
You said you modeled it after SourceFed.
That's where the source is.
Oh, Lord.
We only made it as a company because of the- The source.
We were fed by the source.
The source also is shutting down.
So there's that.
Source by Circuit City.
Don't name your name.
Don't name your company.
Something to do with source.
Source seems to be a bad, bad, bad place to top, bad place to head.
So we got funding to start up SourceFed, completely different channel, also based around daily
Very, very quick, up-to-date daily news.
From there, they expanded dramatically.
I don't remember what happened first.
Phil getting the offer from Discovery Network or D3 or Discovery Channel, whatever, Discovery.
Phil getting the offer from Discovery to become an exec of some sort there, and then they
acquired the show or something like that.
I don't know if that happened first or they started up the other shows under the SourceFed
umbrella, like SourceFed Nerd.
I also don't know, but I think they were acquired first.
But all that stuff kind of happened and they had kind of a good thing going on.
They were, you know, Sexy Phil's channel, so his original channel was kind of doing
okay, but like SourceFed was growing, SourceFed Nerd was growing real fast and everything
was going gangbusters.
And then, you know, I don't know how these things happened, but the hosts of SourceFed
got so popular that they were just like, peace, brah, I'mma go indie.
And like all of them.
Yes, literally.
Literally all of them.
And what happened was it became kind of a revolving door.
Even at their height, I couldn't really figure out what the monetization model was there
because Brandon actually worked on a live show that they did here.
You knew that, right?
So he was like, he actually has a clause in his contract that, oh no, I wasn't calling
Oh, okay.
He has like a non-compete clause in his contract where like he can't sort of run around working
with other YouTubers willy-nilly, but he was like, I really like these guys.
They need a camera guy.
They're going to be like here doing a show.
They were like touring.
This was like a one-time thing.
He was like, can I do it?
And they were like, cool.
And what's the funny thing is I actually ended up taking his ticket and going on a date with
Brandon's girlfriend because yeah, I thought you heard your name and came running out here.
I was talking about you.
Were your ears burning?
So Brandon bailed on his girlfriend to actually camera op for their live show.
And I took his seat because I was like really curious because like I said, I was really
interested in their business model and I was like, oh, these live shows is kind of interesting.
So anyway, he discovered at that time that they had like 40, 50 people working there
and this is at a time when we had five, I think.
Back then, if it wasn't five, it was six.
I think it was OGs plus Taran.
She might actually know things about SourceFed.
Oh, seriously.
Well, here we go.
It's happening again.
My name is Lefreniere.
How are you doing?
Oh, I was great.
No, I just phoned in to say that I have watched Bill DeFranco since he started with his backwards
baseball cap and one sparkly earring and I've been a fan of his forever and ever.
He's great.
Really loved him.
He handpicked the original SourceFed troop and it was an awesome, awesome show and then
of course he hasn't had anything to do with it for a few years, which in my opinion is
why maybe it didn't keep going well, but I just wanted to shout out Phil DeFranco.
I've been watching him forever and he's awesome.
So, the hidden message here then is that you want me to make sure that I'm micromanaging
everything at LMG so that it doesn't explode.
Is that what Mom Lefreniere is kind of throwing at me?
Because I'm picking that up.
Except for Phil DeFranco.
No, I think you're not smelling very good what I'm cooking here, Lionel.
All right.
Got it.
Got it.
Read you loud and clear.
And his influence is good and mine is bad.
Now am I closer?
You are not picking up what I'm putting down at all.
What's up, Mom?
I'm just shouting out Phil.
I watched him because when he started out, he was sort of the same age as you and your
brother and I wanted to be up on what was going on in your lives.
So I watched him and I've watched him grow and get married and have kids and he's an
awesome dude.
Do you have any comments about SourceFed?
I liked SourceFed when he was running it and as soon as he stepped away, in my opinion,
it wasn't the same and it didn't have the integrity that it had once he left.
Got it.
All right.
So there you have it.
There you have it, kids.
That, my friends, is how to relate to your children and be up on what's going on in their
She's watching the same shows they do.
She was hardcore about it too.
I remember there was one time, I probably said this story on WAN a long, long, long
time ago, but my dad yelled across from the house asking if I wanted to go to the bank
and I was like, yeah.
And we both just sat there and Mom went and got ready and then was standing by the door
and was like, are we going to go to the bank?
And we were talking about the bank in World of Warcraft and then so that was the day that
she decided to just play it to figure out what was going on.
She got to level 40 or something and she was like, okay, yeah, I get it.
She played Skyrim too just because I really liked the Elder Scrolls games.
So she was like, I'll figure out what's going on here.
Mom's always been gung ho about things.
Thanks for calling, Mom.
Yeah, we've got Twitch chat saying you should do the same drugs your kids do.
I think that was really not where we were going with that at all.
So yeah, no.
Experiencing similar content and doing drugs is not the same thing.
Not the same thing.
Rise in news.
There is some rise in news this week.
So it looks like, let's go ahead and pull this up.
This was originally posted.
No, no, don't worry.
I'm good.
This was originally posted on the forum by Doc Swag who has one of the better usernames
that I think I have yet encountered on the forum and this is, so the, the source here
is from R slash AMD.
Let's go ahead and pull that up here.
And it was a response from AMD talking about infinity fabric, how the CCX modules are hooked
up to the integrated memory controllers and basically the, the, the summary here.
So the important bits is that the infinity fabric connects each CCX to, and so those
are, those are, so the eight cores have multiple CCXs.
So two four core CCXs, they're kind of like modules or something.
So each CCX to uncore, so not processing core devices like memory controllers, PCI express
controller, SATA USB, et cetera.
It's a 256 bit bi-directional crossbar and runs at the speed of the memory controller.
So effectively increasing your memory speed increases the clock speed of the infinity
This is enlightening for a number of reasons.
So number one is that it was pretty confusing to me that it had been a long, an awful long
time since system memory had been any kind of a bottleneck in a desktop workload.
An awful long time.
And all of a sudden Ryzen comes in and all of a sudden, you know, you know, AMD's putting
together a guide for how to overclock Ryzen, like recommendations are like, yeah, we're
really focused on like memory overclocking, like what?
Memory overclocking, are you kidding me?
How's that?
How's that important?
You got dual channel DDR4, isn't that an awful lot of memory clock speed?
And so it turns out that it actually affects not just the communication between the cores,
the processing cores and the DRAM, but also the communication between the processing cores.
Very, very interesting.
I'm setting up the call stuff.
Oh, you are.
Well, that's wonderful.
Um, uh, Nick, did you want something or, Oh, okay.
Don't worry.
Working on it.
We got this.
Uh, if you want to like help Jake, I guess that's the only thing or don't he's working
on it.
It doesn't matter.
Uh, Jake is rounding some stuff up.
It's not, he's probably got it.
It's not a big deal.
All right.
We've got more Ryzen news, so there's a fix coming.
This was originally posted on the forum by a, I'm just going to have a look here.
We haven't briefed James James.
I feel like he's my Newman right now.
Uh, we haven't briefed him on how to put the OP for the forum post in the doc so that we
don't actually have to click it before we say that.
Morgan NLG min.
That's a pretty good username.
It's pretty solid.
I'm actually, wow.
We are, we are getting some good, I mean, look, look at this profile profile picture
is amazing.
I mean that is some, uh, that is some dank AF meme action that Morgan MLG men's got going
on there.
So TLDR, the original source is heist.de.
There's an FMA three related bug in rising CPU's, which causes a hard system lock when
running certain FMA three workloads.
So the problem was replicated across all three are seven processors released so far and tested
on a variety of motherboards.
It all started over on the hardware bot forums, but basically there's a bios fix confirmed
for the issue.
AMD is well aware of it and digital trends reported a firsthand talk with AMD about it,
which you can check out at the link that I'm going to go ahead and drop in the Twitch chat.
And this is a fun fact for those of you who don't check out the forum thread that's linked
under the archive of the WAN show regularly, but you can find all the original links to
the source articles for what we're talking about in the forum thread that we link underneath.
More rise in news while Luke works on that.
Original source here is overclock3d.net, let's go ahead and pull that up and have a look
at this.
AMD is rumored to have a 16 core, a 16 core Ryzen part that will reportedly run at 3.1
to 3.6 gigahertz max boost.
I mean cooling a 180 watt part is pretty much guaranteed to require a water cooling solution
of some sort.
I think this is pretty cool because when AMD did this, when they pulled out like an, essentially
an overclocked out of the box CPU, the 9590 that required water cooling, it shipped with
a water cooler because there's no way you're going to cool that otherwise.
It looked like an act of desperation because the stupid thing was clocked like marginally
higher than the air cooled one so you could tell they were just, they were pushing the
architecture to the limit only because they had nothing else that could compete.
Now, now that Ryzen is a thing and it doesn't suck, well now they're just pushing it to
the limit because frickin YOLO man, that, that I can respect, that I'm down for.
So let's see if there's anything else that we, that we know about it.
So this blah blah blah Ryzen engineering sample would, so it would offer performance similar
to two R7 1700s.
It's rumored to be coming on AMD's X399 socket, though that is not necessarily the final name,
and the word on the street is this new socket would be aimed at high end PC users who require
a large number of strong cores for productivity.
So this sounds like a, um, like an enthusiast workstation I, I would love for them to bring
back four by four.
That would be freaking amazing, very, that would be very cool.
Um, okay, so do we have any idea if this is working?
Like what are we even plugged into?
Is that, Oh, okay, so I can, I can hear me, but I don't know if I'm going to hear them
That's, that's what I'm to understand.
Oh, you know what?
I think I do know how this is supposed to work.
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to hand off this topic to you from level one texts
while I go get another piece that we're going to need before our special jet guests can
join us.
So I actually haven't seen, they are somewhat standing by.
Uh, so I need to post this in the doc first, but this is actually super cool.
So 11 level one texts, you guys know Wendell, he split off or whatever.
Don't worry about that stuff.
But level one text has the six fastest.
I thought it was the first for a second there.
But anyways, they have the six fastest 1800 X build overall of any GPU type.
This is the fastest build that uses a single 10 80 TI.
Oh, there we go.
So other people have done it with like a bajillion cards, but they were mainly showing off the
So this is on level one tech site.
If I just switch to my screen real quick.
Yeah, sorry.
There we go.
No worries.
That would have been smarter.
No, it's cool.
Um, fastest rise in 1800 X system in the world.
That's with one GTX 10 80 TI, which I think is fair for them saying fastest rise in 1800
X system because their whole point is that they're talking about the processor and the
only guys that they didn't beat are guys that use many GPUs when they used one and SLI is
kind of silly dilly anyways.
So who really cares?
This is them showing off their, their scores is them showing off the system.
What the heck?
They did it with an air cooler.
I did not expect that.
It's an NHD 15, which is like a beast machine air cooler, but I still didn't expect it.
You have got to be kidding.
You can disable the seriously windows serious.
I like, I do not have time for that right now.
You can disable your windows update service.
And cancel the shutdown.
But it's annoying.
Um, the thing is if you don't do that, it's going to be stuck on restarting for like a
bajillion years.
That being said, if we do the call, do you have anything to show on screen?
So what?
I just stopped the service.
I've never actually tried to stop it.
It's never been quite this might try to restart itself, so you're probably gonna have to go
to the windows update thing and turn it off through.
Just killing the service.
It might, it might restart the service reasons why I'm no longer using windows 10 reasons
why I'm working on it.
I said it was going to take me forever and then people are constantly tweeting me being
like, Oh, we're going to see a video about that soon.
No, it's going to take me a really long time, but I do want to get my Linux slash windows
gaming rig thing up.
What the actual crap.
You know what?
I, I, I just don't even, I just don't even, um, okay.
So what I believe will happen now is if I set this playback device mine though, right?
No, I don't think you're doing the call.
Use yours.
I don't know.
Um, okay.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Uh, uh, uh, okay.
Just a sec.
Oh, sorry.
That was probably pretty loud.
I hope people heard that ding.
If they heard that ding, then we're good.
Did you hear the ding?
Everybody hear the ding?
Can you take me off the, Oh yes I can.
Yes I can.
There we go.
Did, did, did, did anybody hear the ding?
Did they hear the ding?
They heard the chime.
They heard the chime.
Okay we're good.
So uh, I got to go on hangouts and I got to add them, right?
Uh, yes.
Uh, Paul is waiting.
Oh, okay.
Oh, oh, oh.
That, that's a hint.
That's a hint.
Um, um, I, I don't, uh, uh, uh, uh, but uh, uh, uh, yeah.
Uh, uh, the, the, I'm working on it.
The PP one.
Got it.
Oh, um, you know what?
Oh, you know what we should do?
Oh, seriously, seriously?
I have to, oh, oh, oh, okay, okay.
Okay, click to invite, yes.
Yes, I'm sending an invitation, holy crap.
Okay, well while I wait for him to reply to the invitation,
we've actually got our sponsor spots.
This might be the most disorganized WAN show
we've done in quite some time.
All right, so first up is Moss.
Moss spring cables.
Oh, oh wow.
They have an entire like kit of like everything.
What is all this stuff?
And I think that bag is from them too.
What is all this stuff?
So I- Fridge pack.
What is a fridge pack?
See, I asked the exact same thing
and then Colton looked at me and went,
ah, this is why I'm not on WAN show.
So I never actually figured that part out.
But I'm excited, regardless.
Okay, so this is the Moss pack.
Power extended, what does this do?
Ah, yup, and that is not in our notes.
I'm gonna go ahead and assume that this is a
battery bank backpack, which would be,
or maybe it's just one that has like a spot for their stuff.
I hate Colton with every ounce of my being.
And that has never been more true
than it is now in this moment.
Never been more true.
Okay, the Moss pack.
Plug in your backpack to charge all your devices.
It has a built-in removable moss reach extension cable.
I found it.
So that's the extension cable.
Okay, so the extension cable just come,
okay, so yeah, okay, this is cool.
So you undo the zipper here
and you pull out the extension cable.
So you plug that into the wall
and then you've actually got two USBs and an AC outlet.
So if everything's plugged into this doodad,
which hides in the back laptop compartment here,
then boom, you just charge everything with a single cable.
Okay, so that's pretty straightforward, that's neat.
What else they got?
They've got, okay, I gotta know what the mainos are.
These are fridge magnets.
Can you read the notes?
Oh, there are notes under the other notes.
Thanks guys.
Well, I figured it out.
Luke helped.
We got this.
It includes, okay, okay, back to the pocket.
You know what, Colton?
There's a water resistant water bottle pocket
that holds up to a one liter water bottle.
Yeah, internal cable management straps and sleeves
to keep your cables neat and tidy.
Also, that water bottle thing
is actually more important than you might think
because storing water bottles in your bag
while you're traveling and you have a laptop and a phone
and a switch and a Game Boy and whatever else in there.
This is from my last trip.
Do you see this?
All the water damage.
This white mark here?
That was from the pressure of the airplane going up,
busting the seals of my water bottle.
Ah, not fun.
So that's a thing.
Okay, cool.
So the backpack's pretty cool.
What else they got here?
So there's the-
There's internal cable management
and stuff in there as well.
This is one of their actual spring cables.
They have a lifetime warranty on their cables
with anodized aluminum heads
with a steel spring reinforcement
to prevent unwanted bending.
That's right there on the end.
Oh, okay.
So it goes back to-
So it's a tension relief.
So it doesn't break.
And it also pushes itself back to where it was.
Okay, cool.
So these are cable organizers.
So you stick them to anything.
Oh, cool.
And then they like-
Oh, cool.
When you're not using your wire,
it holds it in place. That's a nifty way
of doing that.
I'm down with that.
So that's pretty cool.
And they come with little adhesive backing things.
So you can use these like on your desk or whatever.
So it comes with a pack of those.
Okay, so I understand what this sponsor is now.
It's like cables and like cable organization stuff.
Okay, they've got HDMI cables.
They've got lightning cables.
They've got these organizer things.
So you can check out Moss products
and have the same voyage of discovery that we did.
They also have this like really nice leather phone case
and wallet and ID and cash holding thing.
I think that's called a phone case.
But it has all the other stuff too.
That's good.
So you can check them out over at mossorganizer.com
slash Linus.
All right, our next sponsor is one
that we are quite a bit more familiar with.
Given that we use these products every day
and we aren't discovering that they exist
for the first time right here now in this moment.
iFixit, my friends.
iFixit has fantastic guides and fantastic tools
so that you can fix your hardware.
You might say they have pro tech tools.
Yes, they have pro tech.
Yes, the pro tech tool kit is a professional tech tool.
Thank you for that.
They've got everything from their 64-bit driver kit
to their suction cups for taking off displays
to their spudgers for prying at things to their...
Which like having good spudgers is underrated.
Yeah, and the new ones are amazing.
And the new blue pry tools are like flipping amazing.
Those blue pry tools is probably
my personal favorite improvement in the new set.
Yeah, so anyway, the big news here for iFixit
is not that they have great tools
or great guides on their website
that you can use to save yourself some money,
but it's that Canadians can now get cheaper shipping
on iFixit tools.
They're available now through amazon.ca
so you can go check that out.
If you're not Canadian though,
you can go to iFixit.com slash Linus
and use code WANSHOW at the checkout
to save five bucks on a purchase of $10 or more.
What are you doing?
Okay, so moving away from our last sponsor spot
for just a moment here.
That light is Brandon's fault.
I was like, I will give you a budget to buy lights.
And he's like, no, building this is better.
And I'm like, do you have any idea
how heavy that's gonna be?
Brandon, do you have any idea how heavy that is?
Yeah, Brandon.
Yeah, and you know how pinner Dennis is?
Dennis is working out.
He's bulking up.
You can be working out.
You can be actively working out
and you can also be pinner.
Fair, but you have to have,
he's working on it.
Anyway, moving on to our last sponsor, ZOTAC.
ZOTAC, I mean, what do they not make?
So we've got a bunch of different stuff
that they want us to feature here.
Water, and I would appreciate that.
They don't.
Because I feel like they'd have really like
modular cool water bottles.
You can go get some water.
I can finish this without your interruption, I think.
Just fine.
So they've got everything from the EN 10.
The EN 10 series is one of the smallest
VR ready gaming mini PCs available.
It's only 8.27 by seven by 2.45 inches
and can get up to a, wow, it has a configuration
available with up to a GTX 10 70.
Their VR Go is a backpack that's based on
sort of the same idea of building a super compact
lightweight gaming machine.
But this one goes on your back
with up to two hours of playtime
with two hot swappable batteries
for nearly endless VR.
And so it actually has like a third supplementary battery
so that you can hot swap them.
You want me to put this down?
Over there.
Over there?
It's going through the mic.
Oh, it's going to, oh, I see.
It can be used in desktop mode
with a detachable backpack strap
and one that we actually covered very recently,
freaking cool, is the GTX 1080 Mini.
The world's most compact GTX 1080 at only 8.3 inches long.
Now, some people were complaining
about our thumbnail on that one.
They were saying, you didn't cut the GTX 1080.
Come on guys.
It was like a visual gag.
Like it wasn't a vice cause it's being made.
And I wasn't, the point wasn't that I was cutting it even.
The point was that I was like crunching it in.
Because I'm not going to like cut off part of the,
like that's not, cutting the PCB is not going to help me.
Making it more compact like they did is.
Anyway, cool card though, right?
So if you're looking to build
the most powerful compact machine
or just buy one, ZOTAC is an awesome place to go.
And you can check out their products on Newegg today.
I'm excited for the next time
that I meet up with those guys.
Cause I know a bunch of the guys that work at ZOTAC
and ladies and see what they think about the beginning
where I roast them for like not giving
a proper use case for it at all.
And then the entire video being like
giving it a proper use case.
They had no idea I was going to do that.
That wasn't a collaborative effort with them at all.
No, I think a lot of people assume that we're like,
you know, working with manufacturers on some things
when really we're working against them.
It happens.
It was sort of a giant troll.
Cause I love those guys.
oh, okay.
I think I figured out what the issue was.
It was not, it was not the headphones.
Oh no?
So I think we are ready for this video call.
I hope, wait, I don't see.
I don't know if I see an option for video.
Okay. Yep.
We're, we're doing the thing.
Oh, okay.
I guess that's the video we're sending.
I guess, I guess.
Well, no, no, we should, we should see them in a moment.
The Google effects and draw apps will no longer work
after April 25th.
You're probably going to want to maximize this
or at the very least minimize what's behind it.
Yes. I can maximize this.
I hope.
Oh, okay.
Hold on.
You guys are muted.
You guys are muted right now.
Luke, do you want to pull the stream up just
on your laptop?
Try again.
Keep talking, Paul.
You can't hear them at all.
You can't hear us?
You can, you cannot hear us.
I think you need to enable the mic on your laptop.
Yeah. Yeah.
I got this.
I got this.
I got this.
None of your sound is coming through.
Hold on.
Hold on.
You can hear us?
Yeah, much better.
You can hear us?
Okay. Okay.
Here we go.
We are screen sharing.
Have we checked Twitch chat?
Can they hear them?
So far, no one is saying that they can't.
It's so great now.
May I ask as professional video creators,
why it is that you guys might have opted
to film vertically?
Hangouts would not let me.
How's that?
There we go.
Okay. Hold on.
Now I got to, I got to move us out of there.
Okay. Okay.
So, so we're framed in the bottom left of the frame.
So if you guys could go kind of top right,
that would be swell.
Yeah. Okay.
Other right, other right, other right.
Okay. You know what?
Just cover Kyle.
Let's just cover Kyle because I hate that guy.
Okay. Perfect.
Okay. So,
so we have,
we have a super crazy,
exciting announcement that we, damn it, Kyle.
Okay. I'm going to put us like down here.
Yeah. Now we can see you guys.
You're not doing anything.
You're not doing anything useless.
I think you're useful.
Okay. But we're going to find out,
we're going to find out exactly how useful you guys are
pretty soon.
So I, you know what?
I want, I want you guys to do it.
I want you guys to do it, but what's going on next week?
Next week, we're going to have that's, well, that's part of,
that's afterwards.
We're going to,
we're going to be part of the team on top.
Yeah. That's right.
Okay. The gauntlet has been thrown down.
Oh, we're going down, are we?
Because, because if, if, if I thought,
if I thought we were going down,
don't you think I might not have challenged you guys
on your own turf?
If I,
Obviously you have,
you have a little bit too much confidence,
I think at this point.
If I thought,
If I,
See that right there?
What, what, what, what is that?
America, American flag, America.
That's, that's the world's second tallest thermometer.
What do you guys have?
What do you have?
What do we have?
Well, we, we have a country that doesn't get so hot
that we're concerned about the temperature all the time.
That's what we're pretty concerned.
We're just, yeah.
Well, that's why when we go down,
when it goes down next week,
you guys are just going to burn.
You know, you're going to get here
and you're just going to melt under pressure.
Melt under pressure.
You don't even understand how melting works, do you?
Because when you apply pressure to ice, it melts.
You're right.
But that's proof of Kyle's point there.
I agree.
I might not understand it,
but I'm going to witness it next week.
All right.
So thanks guys.
You guys are on mobile data right now, right?
Yeah, it's okay though.
Paul's phone, it's fine.
Do we even know, like,
What kind of data here in the United States?
Okay, all right.
Do we know the terms?
Okay, so basically here's what's going down.
I'll, I'll, I'll,
My phone is playing music
because Steve started the car.
I'll spell this out for the audience.
I'm going to, you know,
kind of lay down what's going on here.
Luke and I are traveling down to LA
and we are going to be taking on Paul and Kyle
in a two on two team battle.
And this is really annoying guys.
You're not funny.
Um, okay.
So we are going to be taking on Paul and Kyle
in a two on two team battle to see who
is going to be the ultimate scrapyard war champion.
That's right, my friends.
We don't know exactly what the budget's going to be
or exactly what the challenge is going to be,
but it's going to be a thing and it's going to be crazy.
All right.
Are we just like deciding on the spot?
Yeah, I'm not sure.
I'll, I'll think about it this weekend.
I've been really busy.
It's very well planned.
All right.
So thanks guys.
We're going to get back to the WAN show
and enjoy the rest of your road trip.
Thanks everybody.
Enjoy Canada.
All right.
Have fun in Canada.
Bye guys.
We can ditch these now.
All right.
Let's get, let's get rid of these and uh, okay.
So yeah, we don't, we don't know the,
I was actually wondering last night.
I was like, huh, what are the, what are the terms?
What are we actually doing this time?
I have no idea.
Not a clue.
We're doing a team battle.
That, that, that is what we're doing.
And just in case you guys didn't get it from that,
Linus and I are on the same team.
So this will be the first time that's happened
since like extremely early channel super fun.
In four, in four seasons of Scrapyard Wars,
Luke and I have always competed against each other.
And I have always lost.
So if we could win this time, that'd be pretty cool.
You haven't always lost.
I believe I, oh no, I didn't.
That's true.
You won, um.
The water cooling one.
Oh, the water cooling one.
Yeah. Yeah.
And you shouldn't have.
No, neither of us have.
Neither of us should have won.
Everybody should have lost.
Yeah, I thought I, I thought I had the last one.
That was really close.
What was the point spread?
Oh, I don't remember.
It was like half a point or like one point
or something like that.
Like it was ridiculously close, but uh.
Either way.
So you haven't lost every one,
but my record is still pretty good.
Three and one.
I'm, I'm, I'm very pleased with my record.
Here's, here's a question.
How should we decide who gets who?
Oh, wait.
Oh yeah.
I got confused.
I confused myself.
Cause like when we did it with Bob and Rod.
We decided later.
We decided later.
No, it's you and me versus Paul.
Oh man.
This is going to be crazy.
It's the craziest part I think is going to like for us
at least, and this should probably translate to the show
is we're not on home turf anymore.
I don't like Craigslist is not a thing everywhere.
It's, it's very, very much a thing down there.
Eastern Canada, not a thing though.
Yeah, that's true.
But like, aside from that, like up here,
there's like red flag deals.
There's like Freaky.
And Kijiji and whatever.
We have no idea exactly what we're walking into.
Even just familiarity with like,
when you're looking on something like Craigslist,
the city name and like knowing how far away
that actually is.
Where is Pasadena?
I don't, I've been there.
I don't really know where it is in relation to things though.
I was in a car and then I showed up in Pasadena.
Traffic is going to be a thing.
Like we're going to be in LA.
So traffic is going to be tough.
It's going to be, it's going to be,
it's going to be cray cray.
Anyway, that was the big news.
The big news for today.
We also have other news because I think we've-
Timeline, should we give them when we're doing it?
Oh yeah.
It's going to be a long time until it's done.
Because like editing for these things takes forever.
There's so many cameras that are running
a huge percentage of the time.
And it has to be edited like a show
and each one of the episodes are super long.
We kind of sort of want to be done
like kind of all of them before we launch.
What's the idea?
Is that Ed?
No, that's Dennis.
Oh, that is Ed.
Hey Ed, what's the plan for the Scrapyard Wars
season five editing?
I'm afraid that was both of them.
Probably next year.
Next year?
2018 launch.
A full 18 episodes.
18 episodes.
18 episodes.
You know what?
Get out of here.
We're also going to have a Kickstarter.
For the movie.
Oh, Kickstarter for Scrapyard Wars the movie.
Very nice.
What would that even be?
What would Scrapyard?
Thank you.
What would Scrapyard Wars the movie be?
That would be character progression.
All right.
Anyways, the editing is going to take a while,
but we're filming it starting Monday.
Starting Monday.
In all seriousness, Ed takes about a week
to edit per episode.
And what we'd really like to do is cut together
the entire season at once
and then find episodic splits.
So we don't end up with kind of slower episodes
and then kind of like really exciting ones.
So we can space out the moments appropriately.
It'll probably be three parts.
If it ends up being completely bananas, it could be four.
But probably three.
Very unlikely.
And like, just release one thing.
It would end up being like three and a half hours
or something stupid.
Well, 45 minute episodes.
So an hour and a half.
Oh, that's right.
He did really long episodes last time, didn't he?
So like an hour and a half,
two hours and 15 minutes for three episodes.
So long and short of it is.
Three hours for.
That's not happening.
It's not happening for a lot of reasons.
Number one is that very long format videos
do not perform as well on YouTube.
So we would be shooting ourselves in the foot
for really no good reason.
Number two is that Scrapyard Wars requires
an entire team of us, in this case,
to go travel somewhere for an entire week to film.
Then it requires many weeks of our editor's time
to cut it together.
And Floatplane Week.
There will be a one week early access window
on Scrapyard Wars for Floatplane Club.
You ready, Boiler?
I'm not.
We'll figure it out.
Yeah, so I'm pretty sure that Floatplane Club
is going to be experiencing some newfound popularity
right around the time that these start coming out.
People are like, that's BS.
It's like, no, objectively, that is not BS.
It is objectively very expensive for us to produce.
So we are getting multiple episodes out of it
and that's how it's gonna work.
It's not like YouTube's not gonna have content.
Yeah, that's right.
If you didn't hear this announcement,
you wouldn't even know until the first episode
launched on YouTube.
But you did.
And then it would show up every week after that anyways.
But we planted the seed.
So it's there.
I've planted a few seeds in my day.
Minimum three.
I can't anymore.
But you know how it is.
All right.
I don't yet, but I plan to.
Original article here is from Reuters.
Twitter explores a subscription based option
for the first time.
So they're considering whether to build a premium version
of the popular TweetDeck interface aimed at professionals.
Raising the possibility that it could collect
subscription fees from some users for the first time.
Womp, womp, womp.
Because even with 319 million users, isn't that crazy?
That is crazy.
Twitter has failed to attract enough
in advertising revenue to turn a profit.
So they're now conducting a survey to assess the interest
in a new, more enhanced version of TweetDeck.
Personally, I might be willing to pay
for team management tools,
but they would have to not be trash.
It would have to be really good.
We tried playing around with Hootsuite.
And like, honestly, there was nobody in this building
who was like, this is a good idea.
Let's keep using this.
Sorry, Hootsuite.
We know you're like Vancouver locals.
Yeah, and all that, but we didn't like it.
It might be for some teams, it's not for our team.
Speaking of planting seeds,
the original article here is from ctvnews.ca.
Imagine a world where there could be a smartphone app
that would let you test the quality of your sperm.
Okay, so what we need now is like a weird social network
based off of this, where you can like compete in quality
against other people.
So you want to gamify sperm quality.
Then you can make a like Tinder style based app
where it just shows a picture
and a number for their quality level.
Okay, so.
Taren's like, yep.
So in a nutshell, there's an optical attachment
that connects to a smartphone
and a thankfully disposable device
for loading a semen sample.
The cost of the materials used to,
hold on, blah, blah, blah, blah.
The smartphone based device detected abnormal semen samples
based on WHO thresholds of sperm concentration
and mobility with an accuracy of 98%.
And the cost of the materials used to assemble it
was $4 and 45 cents.
So basically this is like a way of bringing low cost
sperm analysis to the world.
And social networks based on it.
Wow, no.
Make it.
Wow, no.
Hazy, teak, one of you, website idea, go for gold.
All right, so if you felt like the Weasley's clock
in Harry Potter was something that you needed in your life,
Google has some amazing news for you.
The original article here is from, am I allowed to say this?
I guess so.
Yeah, I thought that was like a racist thing.
I don't think so.
Oh, okay.
I don't really know though,
because I'm behind the times on like,
I never know what's- Politically approved terms.
Yeah, I don't know what's politically correct or incorrect.
It changes so fast.
I know.
Google Maps users will soon be able to broadcast
their movements to friends and family.
Google believes the new tool will be a more convenient way
for people to let someone know where they are
without having to text or call them.
Could cause friction in relationships
if one partner demands to know
where the other one is at all times,
that's when you break up with them.
Or if parents insist their teenagers
turn on location sharing options before they go out,
that's unfortunate, they're your parents,
I don't know what to say to you.
I've got people saying Hindu is a religion.
No, Hinduism is a religion.
That's different.
Apparently Hindu is a person
who follows the religion of Hinduism.
Okay, I thought it was like a derogatory thing.
Goes to show you what I know.
Yeah, I didn't think so either.
All I said was I don't know PC terms change fast,
but like I've never heard of it as a derogatory term.
Ed is just judging me.
What can I help you with, Ed?
We only need you to shoot one.
Knees, because Yvonne wants you to go.
Dell has put their 32 inch 8K display
on sale.
Did I hang out with this to you?
Because I was going to ask, do we have one lined up?
Yes, we do.
Okay, yeah, okay, I thought so.
I saw this news and I was like,
we got to have one coming.
We have, we would basically get on our knees
and do whatever it is Dell asked us to do
to get our hands on one of these.
Are we going to remake 8K gaming?
Because you could do 8K gaming on one native monitor
instead of splitting it across bezels
and all that kind of stuff.
I've actually got a few things in mind for this.
Like this is a...
What if you get four of them?
I don't think they'll send me...
I don't think there's a system on earth
that could run four of them.
We could make one.
Okay, hold on a minute.
Let me think for a second here.
We would need...
Okay, so basically, okay, okay, okay.
Let's back up a little bit.
32 inches, 8K, now for sale, five grand.
Don't worry about it.
Yeah, that's right.
To drive it, you need,
I believe it's DisplayPort 1.3.
So there's that.
Let me have a look here.
I'm just gonna...
I wanna double check that.
So the inputs, it has two DisplayPort 1.4s.
And the way you hook it up is with...
Overall about 8K, et cetera.
How do you hook it up?
Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
Dang it, Ian.
He like skimmed over it.
So I can't remember exactly.
Yeah, it doesn't say.
Okay, I can't remember if two DisplayPort 1.3s
or two DisplayPort 1.4s are required.
But what I do know is that you will need...
There are no consumer graphics cards right now
that support either of those standards.
So there's that.
So you're gonna need a Pascal-based Quadro.
So one of those...
We only need four of those.
Yeah, so we only need four of those.
We would basically need P6000s, four of them.
Which are like $5,000 graphics cards in their own right.
And each of them would be able to drive one display.
I met a guy from PNY at PAX East.
I know people from PNY.
They still won't send us anything.
You guys...
And my system restarted.
That's okay though because we've got a Luke screen.
Yeah, but that would be sick.
And I feel like people should get behind that.
Okay, so you think people should, what?
Tell Dell and PNY to send us four each.
So a $40,000 display and graphics card setup.
That's literally half as much
as some other videos that you've made.
That's true.
That is a very true thing that you said.
And I will not dispute it.
Okay, I think we should try to do this.
That would actually be really cool.
I would wanna watch that.
If I saw that on a title of a video,
I'd be like, you know what, yeah.
I'll click on that.
I'll watch this guy play Counter-Strike or something.
At 16K.
Oh man.
You should do a test to see how close people have to get
before they can think that they see it.
Well, I've seen it.
It's crazy.
Like, it's bananas.
They had a desktop wallpaper with a bazillion clocks
and you could read them all.
And they were all this big.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
Okay, I wanna move on to our next topic
because I don't have a computer working.
Cause Windows 10.
Thank you, Windows 10.
I'm like dead in the water here.
I mean, look at this.
A lot of these are like.
Look at this bull crap.
It's still just getting ready.
Why wasn't it getting ready
before it made me not able to use my computer?
Like, couldn't you get ready
before you interrupt my stuff?
So GameStop expects the Switch to be hard to find
all the way through 2017.
This is an Ars Technica article.
Apparently there was a GameStop sales call.
So this is something that happens
when you have like shareholders and stuff
and you have public calls where like,
you talk about how well you're doing and whatnot.
And they talked about the Switch launch.
And they were talking about different things
that sold with the Switch
and how much demand there is for the Switch.
And if you've heard any news about that from retailers,
apparently this is one of the best console launches
in like a while.
Like better than the Xbox's
and PlayStation's console launches.
Which is interesting,
but I don't know if you can take it 100%
because stock was out.
So they're getting a lot of calls being like,
oh, can we get it?
And they're out of stock.
They're not actual sales numbers, right?
So, and people aren't taking unlimited pre-orders.
I don't know like any store
that's doing unlimited pre-orders.
Just cause they're not sure
when they're going to get anything.
So this seems to be a supply issue potentially
rather than a demand issue.
But that being said,
there is a lot of genuine interest in the Switch.
And they started talking about some
fairly interesting things as well, in my opinion,
which is like the,
I think the average amount of things bought
along with just the Switch console was four.
So like people bought a lot of stuff.
And surely it wasn't games because there aren't any.
And there was almost a one-to-one parody
between people that bought a Switch
and people that bought
Breath of the Wild.
So like everyone getting the Switch
is getting it for Breath of the Wild.
And that's probably a good thing
because one-two Switch is sort of not great.
I covered that in my video.
But they're expecting supply issues
all the way through 2017,
which is not that surprising.
Where is it?
This explains why our-
No, it's 5.5 products.
The average Switch buyer at GameStop
also bought 5.5 related products.
That's outstanding.
They're doing both Switch games and accessories
along with the system.
They're picking up anything they can.
Breath of the Wild was almost a one-to-one result.
Every Switch customer buys a copy of that game, essentially.
That's ridiculous.
Well, good for Nintendo.
I really wasn't sure on this one,
to be perfectly honest with you.
I think the thing is with Nintendo,
you really can't be sure about like any of them.
And then just, who knows?
Because they just do weird stuff
and then maybe it works and then maybe it doesn't.
And they have the money to just do that
because they're Nintendo.
And everyone, every time it goes bad,
everyone will be like,
oh my God, Nintendo's gonna go bankrupt.
They don't realize how much like
insane amounts of money they have in the bank.
And it's like, oh, okay.
They're fine.
Speaking of game companies that like don't get it,
So the original poster here was someone on the forum
because it's not in the doc and I have it open on my phone
because my computer's still restarting.
But according to an article from ShaqNews.com,
Ubisoft came out and said,
when a fan on Reddit calculated
that collecting every piece of cosmetic content
like outfits and emotes and for honor
would cost a whopping $700,
they said that we never had an intention
for you to unlock everything in the game.
That's so stupid.
So how, yeah, I was just,
you beat me to the punch.
I was gonna ask, how does that make a completionist
like you feel?
Actually like very specifically frustrated
cause you're right.
That really annoys me.
I've 100% black flag multiple times
and Ubisoft was already really bad
for like just putting random crap all over the map
and needing you to go collect it all.
And then someone like me will actually go do it
because they're stupid.
I will admit this.
Hold on, I've got more, I've got more for you.
For us, that doesn't really make any sense.
We applied, you're gonna kill me.
We applied RPG mechanics on top of a fighting game
in a PVP environment.
Let's say in World of Warcraft,
you would never try to unlock everything for all.
So many people do.
For all the characters.
They're called achievement hunters.
Same thing in any MOBA.
There, do you feel better now?
Oh my God, there are so many people in WoW
that go for all the achievements.
Loremaster is one of the most ridiculous ones.
We have to complete just like all the quests everywhere.
And I know people that just do that.
I know people that will play one expansion behind
because they don't wanna join like a raiding guild and stuff
but they wanna complete everything
in the achievement book that they can.
So when the expansion passes,
some of the stuff in the achievement book goes away
and they'll try to get as much of that as they can
because then you get feats of strength.
Like, oh, you can't do this anymore,
but you did in the past.
It's called the feat of strength.
Or you just go back to the raids and do them by yourself
or the small group of people
and then complete all the challenges
and get those achievement points.
Those people exist.
There's a lot of them.
Man, you're so upset, that's great.
It's annoying.
And like, if you really, really like a game,
it's fun to just like, every once in a while,
you just wanna jump in that game and play
for whatever reason.
And having a goal of like, you know what?
I've beat this game before,
but I just wanna kinda tool around and do some cool stuff.
Having a bunch of stuff there is fine.
That's cool.
Being like, yeah, no, it's stupid.
And it'll cost you $700
and no one's gonna complete it ever, screw you.
That's not a cool way to do things.
All right, you know what is cool though?
Android O, O.
A million new settings.
A million new settings and an awesome snooze feature
according to Ars Technica.
So the developer preview is here and there's lots of new,
many, many of which are boring changes.
So you can do a system-wide notification snore.
If you don't wanna deal with a notification right now,
just pull it to the side a bit to unveil a new clock icon
and then it'll be snoozed for 15 minutes.
You can tap on a menu to increase it
to 30 minutes or an hour, okay?
The top of the notification panel
has been reworked yet again.
The triple function quick settings buttons are back.
So tapping on the icon does one thing,
tapping on the text does a second function
and long pressing the icon does a third thing.
So, okay, ambient display is a low power notification mode
that kicks in when the screen is off.
So when the notification comes in
or when the device is moved or tapped on,
the screen will light up briefly with a white on black UI
to show you new notifications.
Am I crazy balls or did that not already exist?
Because I even have a stock pixel and like, okay,
tapping doesn't do it.
Moving it does.
Yeah, so moving it gives you that.
And I guess it's slightly colored, no?
No, that's black and white.
And the settings app has been totally reworked.
What I wanna know is if they figured out
why my phone gets so hot in my pocket
when I'm not doing anything.
And that's not in our summary here,
but maybe they finally figured that out.
That'd be super cool.
Even the pixel does it from time to time.
Yep, yep.
I've experienced that with pretty much every.
You know what Android phone doesn't do that though?
The iPhone.
See, I lied.
It was like I was tricking you
because it's not an Android phone.
Yeah, yeah.
I was expecting you to say like the Galaxy.
Or a dead one.
Or the Nexus S or like, see, yeah, yeah, yeah, dead one.
It's not gonna get hot if it can't.
There we go.
You know what kind of men don't tell stories.
All right, so that's pretty much it for the WAN Show.
Thank you guys for tuning in.
We will see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
I probably won't be here, but Luke probably will.
Yeah, so what's, how, so yeah, I'll be back.
But you're not, you will be back.
So I'm actually staying down for a second collab,
this time with Austin.
Austin is getting like Petabyte Project Mini.
And we're gonna be working with him on that.
How is it a Petabyte Project then?
Well, cause it's not a Petabyte,
but it's a lot of storage.
And it's a project.
Is it half a pet?
No, it's not half.
Yeah, but it's a lot though.
All right, so we'll see you guys again next week.
Blah, blah, blah, intro.
We eventually got through.
Did we get there?
I think so.
It was a voyage of discovery.
We're still alive.