
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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Welcome to the wad show we got a great show lined up for you guys today
introduced in
stall fees
Literally everyone hated it. I mean I hated it me too. Yep, Dan. Dan. Did you hate it?
Hands up. Why is his hand not there? We go. Okay. Oh, he's got two hands at Danny
I'm very very against speaking of voting
California has passed a right-to-repair bill that actually looks
kinda decent ish
Bungee cheater legally barred from all bungee games. How is that even possible? How do you say bungee cheater destiny to cheat?
How do you ban someone from playing your games? I mean, I guess I mean, I'm sure we'll talk about it
What else we are also I want to talk about this because it's just so freaking cool
And I'm gonna pick the topic because he's an investor and I'm not but framework gaming handheld. Oh, I know I made their own
I know it's actually like one of the coolest things I've seen in a really long time. So I really want to talk about it
All right, we're gonna do that then. Yeah, I
Don't know what's going on
The show is brought to you by meta doc kudos and the ridge
Alright, why don't we jump right into our headline topic today on?
Tuesday unity announced the unity runtime fee which will be charged to developers
Every time a unity game is installed starting in January of next year
the fee only applies to games that meet both the revenue and
Installation threshold so you can check the fee schedule by clicking this link that I haven't provided to you guys
But it's definitely in my document. I'm sure if you google it you'll come up with it after which
They will be charged up to 20 cents per new
Installation not retroactive new installation. That is I
Don't want to use the bleep button too early in the show, but that is something duh. Oh, yeah, absolutely
This is like the most abusable system. I think I've pretty much ever heard of in this field free games with no monetization
Will be exempt but in the wake of the announcement hordes of developers have pointed out that the new fees could be absolutely
Disastrous for low-cost or free-to-play games with large player bases
But limited revenue such games could wind up owing more money than they make
devs also rate the raised the possibility that angry players could punish developers by repeatedly uninsta oh
My word I
Thought it was per new
Single yeah time yes, so I could uninstall and reinstall a game
So that's why I said this is gonna be the what is there possible justification
They don't even pay for the bandwidth, and you know how gamers are right even valve doesn't charge for every install
No, and they're the ones actually ponying up the bandwidth. Yeah, what possible justification could look sorry and think about it
No, we're not done yet. We need to get through the thing think about how passionate gamers
We go we get through the thing let's get through the thing okay, I
Was okay, I was mad enough, and I thought this I don't know
I don't know what I thought it was that just didn't seem possible that it could be that stupid. I I I I just didn't
Okay, hold on. I think they've walked that back unity says this kind of abuse would be addressed by their existing fraud detection system
Well, okay, so what you're gonna. Take care of me. This is basically the mob telling you that oh don't worry
We're gonna make sure that you know Johnny two-step doesn't collect
Protection money too many times this month. What are you talking about which by the way?
I don't think they ever actually give any details on how that works. I'm supposed to trust you yeah after you just
several indie game devs have announced that they will be switching to other game engines or
Pulling their games from sale as of as of 2021. Oh sorry from sale
This has a semicolon as of 2021 unity claimed that its game engine was used to develop approximately 50% of all
Redditors discovered that unity technologies silently deleted a clause in their licensing agreement that would have
Exempted games released before the new fees take effect in January
Then unity deleted the github repository that tracked such changes
This is
Incredibly scummy this just keeps getting worse. Oh, yeah, and there's still like two more the old goodness gracious
There's still four more paragraphs to read through it probably gets better
It doesn't get better does it a little bit actually okay the likely motivation for this change is that unity hasn't had
Positive revenue in any financial quarter over the last three years and lost nearly a billion dollars over the past four quarters
Much of unity's income comes from helping sell mobile game ads which is typically volatile and has been hit heavily by recent privacy initiatives
There has likewise been controversy over unity technologies leadership including CEO John
Riccatello I
Think two seasons. Yeah, whatever. I'm really bad with name pronunciation so John
Apparently selling large amounts of unity stock in the two weeks before the announcement of the new fees
So did by the way a lot of other key actors at the company not just him, but yeah
So this is a guy who during a 2011 investor meeting floated the idea of charging players a dollar to reload their gun
To be clear on that is probably a joke
Not a hundred percent, but to be clear on that statement. It was I believe
yeah, it was it was an unofficial recording of a meeting and
He was saying if you're like six hours into a play session, and you go to reload your gun and it
Asked you for a dollar to pay for it. You are in a position where you are more likely to accept that payment
I see which is
still hyper scummy
But it's technically slightly different. I don't know that's going off of memory
I think it's slightly different than that, but it's it's yeah, it's since the backlash started unity has clarified some things
They expect that 90% of their customers will not be affected by these changes
fraudulent installs
What is a fraudulent install piracy?
I don't know trials demos and charity bundle installs will not be counted as a new install
So what is it are we gonna see a fresh resurgence in humble bundles then?
Cuz is that is that a charity install if it could there's some amount of money partially charity, I don't know
Web and streaming games don't count. Okay, so I'm having a hard time figuring out. What does count
So is it just on the first install in which case?
Well if a reinstall doesn't count well, I think that was
If I remember correctly this was yeah, so this is clarified or whatever
I believe it originally fully included reinstalls, and then they walked that back
That's why I said
I think it's gotten better because I do think that has happened Riley saw tweets from some developers who apparently met with unity
Representatives and said they have a little bit of hope again, so we'll see what unity has to say next week
but I think that if
We were going to put together a picture. Okay, sorry D Hollinger
I think this is correct, which is why I'm calling it out because I've read this elsewhere
they walked back the every install language, but
The the walking back walks it back on a single device
So every single time you have a new device that would count as an additional install
I suspect this doesn't necessarily mean new device. I suspect this means like effectively operating system
Like I bet you if you have a computer you reinstall your operating system. I bet you it's gonna ding again
I don't know that yeah, it's hard to say because Microsoft manages to get the licensing for Windows to
Tie in to the motherboard ID somehow definitely possible for them to do that
Yeah, it's just a matter of whether they would want to exactly. Yeah
yeah, and
I think the bigger question is
especially see okay, there is a big difference between doing something and
Then it being a mistake and you walking it back and you know, okay, you know fine. That's one thing and
covering your tracks and
Then doing it. I also okay
So yes, I I think them doing this in the first place at all is super scummy, right?
But but they preemptively covered their tracks. It's like it's like if you did something and
Someone found it in your Chrome history and you're like, I didn't know I wasn't supposed to look at that you kind of go
but but if you
They're in an incognito window and you're like
Okay, not only were you doing it, but you're trying to hide it exactly makes it worse
Yeah, that's that's what I that's exactly what I mean. I mean you're I mean you're okay. I I I
Didn't think this through defense doesn't really
Work rings kind of hollow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah for sure. Yeah
Was I gonna
Someone's saying there's no excuse for this. Please don't even try it
Did I say there's an excuse either of us are trying to excuse it?
Nobody said that at all what I said is that trying to hide it ahead of time makes it worse
I didn't say that doesn't I didn't say that it wasn't already bad
And what I said was that it has the the situation has potentially improved not that it's good now
Improved doesn't mean good to be very clear
there's been a lot of a lot of
major pushback
One that I thought was pretty interesting. It's from I get oh my goodness. I can't use Twitter properly on this computer
Oh, I signed in okay look up slay the spire, or I think their company name is mega crit
Make it great. Yeah, if I thought of it. I'd have named my company. That's a cool company. It's pretty good
Yeah, okay mega crit here we go
All right, what am I looking for?
They should have a tweet fairly recently
Got it. Okay, okay, cool. Oh, okay sure well you're on it. Yep there we go
Oh, we can't see it all but close the mega crit team has been hard at work these past two plus years on a new game
They're their first game as far as my understanding goes which is slay the spire just killed
It sold a crazy amount of copies of amazing game. Oh, there's a big swear word on the screen actually
You could use us to cover that up
That's fine
They've been it's true what they said they've worked these past two plus years on a new game
But unlike with slay the spire the engine we have been developing it in is
Unity the retroactive pricing structure of runtime fees is not only harmful and in a myriad of ways to developers
Especially Indies it is also a violation of trust
We believe unity is fully aware of this seeing that they have gone so far as to remove their TOS from github
Despite the immense amount of time and effort our team has already poured into developing our new title
We build me we we will be migrating to a new engine unless the changes are completely reverted and TOS
Protections put in place. We have never made a public statement before that is how badly
Which I thought was was great I thought that was very well said to be honest
Yeah, they leave the door open for unity to fix this. Yeah, which is
Good, which is good. Yeah, but they also make their stance on it very clear and like
Yeah, it's also like a big move
Abandon two years of develop. It's not really because like some of its gonna be able to transfer over but not everything I
Don't know some people have made I always forget how to pronounce it. How do you say it down?
What go dot
Godot Godot, okay sure
Some people have made as far as I know unity to Godot like
Transfer tools to help you migrate over which is cool
This has got to be great for Godot so just just a quick just a quick
Correction someone in twitch chat said that the premeditation is the difference between murder and manslaughter
It's actually the difference between first-degree murder and second-degree murder
Just that is an American when you clarify that it's definitely a Canadian and American thing
Okay, I don't know about I don't know about elsewhere in the world, but here
I don't I actually also don't know about Mexico
But in as far as I know Canada in the US first-degree murder is premeditated
It's planned and that's really really bad
Second-degree murder is also really really bad because you definitely still intentionally killed someone
But there is
Some room difference between premeditated. There's a little bit more leniency for
You know in particular something like a crime of passion
Which could take place in a time when someone is understandably and in a very intense emotional state
such as you know walking in on a on a
Your a loved one cheating with someone or something like that
You know there's there's there's there's a bit more leeway in terms of sentencing there compared to like
You know you've got like a whole drawn-out drawn-out plan. You've clearly been working on this for months
You are a cold-blooded killer
And then manslaughter is without the intent
You didn't intend, but someone's still dead so you got to pay the price
I think you'll probably often see that in like automotive accidents. Yeah, yeah exactly that sort of thing
so so we're talking about the difference between being a cold-blooded premeditated killer and
You know
Murdering someone, but like
It was an imp it was it was impulsive
You know you were it was in the heat of the moment or something like that now
I have an interesting called it moment. How much should we charge them to reload their gun and kill again?
Yes, Chris rock it'd be like
$5,000 yeah, yeah, or what was the was the bid he did how much does Chris rock think bullets should cost I forget
Anyway, yeah, I we we talked about
Don't fully know how to pronounce his last name
On wan show before because we talked about when he first got the job at unity this was a show a long time ago
I don't know three years ago, whatever
Because at the time and the quote about the paying to reload your gun thing yeah
Was when he worked back at EA oh of course he's from EA that makes sense yeah
So we talked about how he went from EA to unity and we talked on the show
About how we thought this would be a really bad thing so as much as I'm not good at it
And I just dabble as a hobby every once in a while
I play around with game engines because I think they're just interesting I used to mess around an RPG maker when I was like 12
And you know I just still mess around every once in a while see what I can do I
Used to mess around in unity and when we covered that
News on the show I switched to mess around an unreal engine because I was like this is gonna go bad
I'm out not that my stake in this matters at all. Yeah. He'll never make a game. No no offense
No, I won't yeah. I know I have no intention to yeah. I just find it fun to mess around with but
Yeah like I don't know this was this was
Definitely gonna go poorly now
There's been some interesting reddit threads and a lot of this is still developing so I I think the the wan show writers did a
Great job to be very clear, but I don't think this is in here because I think this reddit threads like super new
but there's an interesting reddit thread talking about how they think it's less of
Maybe maybe some of but it's less of John's influence, and it's more of the new boards
Influence because unity went open
Can I public whatever yeah, can I jump in and kind of?
Advocate for unity for a second here oh boy
They're losing money. What should they do hmm? This is definitely the wrong way to do it. Yeah, I know but
I don't know enough about like game engine models. I've always thought. They're like a little weird
Yeah, I mean I know that I know that unreal is is considered more expensive
My understanding of unreal's licensing fees is that like unity it doesn't really cost until it costs
Yeah, so they
My again at which I would actually defend that I've always thought that's kind of yeah
I've always thought that that's pretty cool
So it's in the same way that gaming companies milk their whales the gaming engine companies milk their whales
Whale milk I mean it's a thing probably things start someone's probably someone's probably consumed it. Do you think it's any good I?
Mean game companies love it
Yeah, so I'm just gonna derail completely and go to
So this is this is unreal engines set up so standard license is free to get started
Very cool, and it says on it best for small teams or projects hobbyists and learning
And I have always loved that these tools are free for learning
I've that's like kind of wild to me like I don't think you can get Photoshop no for free for learning
No, I think
Solidworks finally has a much no no no no hold on they have a much much less expensive version
but you cannot
Commercialize it for more than two thousand US dollars or you cannot make more than two thousand US dollars using it I?
Have no idea how they enforce that
Maybe they have some way or maybe it's honor system. I'm not sure I guess if they if they
Catch you
You probably get in lots of trouble somehow or something
But but no I but they at least have an affordable one now
But I I only bring it up because my understanding is they basically had nothing before and I can't think of another
Industry where you basically just unless you're in school where you can basically just as a hobbyist as a self learner
Just use the tools for free like the full fat
Professional versions of the tools for free now to be clear not every game design tool is
Free for for you to just use I mean nobody's gonna
Let you just use Maya for free, but at least the engines themselves are accessible to to individual hobbyists
So you were you were having a look at the unreal pricing tiers when do you have to pay then?
Standard license for creators and publishers who don't require premium support or custom terms also suitable for students and educators
Free to get started free to download and free to use in many cases see the FAQ when royalties apply, okay?
So we're gonna dig through that
Includes the engine the entire quixel mega scans library all learning materials, which are very good
That's the part that I enjoy doing these days
It's just going through the learning things and just having fun having it guide me on how to use the tool
And community-based support, so I don't know what's in the FAQ
But I think it's like they skim a certain percent on sales something like that yes, and then oh
Wow, I didn't know I complained about per seat pricing for us
Enterprise program for non games professionals seeking premium support private training and or custom licensing terms that sounds very expensive
It's fifteen hundred dollars per seat
Per year per year. Oh, that's per year actually that's a lot easier. I'm used to seeing those in per month
Yeah, that's not as bad as I thought it would be yeah
Cuz it just just g-suite is like like three hundred dollars a year. Yeah, and I don't do we get any support
Actually yes, but honestly I think that's
Because they know who we are oh I think well. We don't know for sure. Let's just say we don't know for sure
I will say the support that I've had from Google recently like very recently has actually been amazing
There's two people at Google that have been extremely helpful
Recently helping with like the merge that I'm working on and stuff like that. They've been awesome
So yeah
And it scales up from there. I have also heard that
Unreal is the the expensive one
And I don't know how to I don't feel like diving into their FAQ and stuff like that
But I as far as my understanding goes it is the expensive option
And that is a lot per seat that does say for non games professionals
For for game development professionals. It's a custom license that they don't show a price for
It says negotiable terms so you probably have to talk to them, so I don't know one interesting thing though good dough
Let's see right good dough is it free
Cool just free free, and that's what people are rushing towards as far as I know
I saw I saw people in chat point out that unity has paid its executives
Exorbitant amounts of money like someone throughout the number 150 million dollars, which is obviously gross when they're losing money
I don't personally see why executives should make money when the company is not
Making money in their one job you have one job. You don't you don't actually code anything
Your job is to make sure the company makes money
So it okay, but I do want to point out that that still doesn't fix the problem you have a one
However many what was it?
They've lost a billion dollars in the last four quarters you have a billion dollar hole in the boat
You're not gonna plug it with a hundred fifty million dollars
150 million dollars executive pay for one person or the whole that was a whole bunch of them
I don't know if it was the whole suite
But someone said yeah a bunch of them made like a hundred and fifty million dollars or something like that
Unreal is five percent royalty over 1 million USD. Yeah, okay
So let's so let's go so let's go back to unity them
I know pose my question again. What do they do?
They are losing money. We I think we all agree. We don't want them to go after the very very small devs who are
Just scraping by with a team of you know three people or whatever else
So they they have to extract more money from the devs who are selling a lot of copies of their games
I mean is it is it I?
Mean I have a couple of ideas
But I just I just want to know what would you have them do because they obviously are going to try to extract more money
From the bigger devs who are using their product, but how should they do it?
I have to break down their their whole thing and try to analyze it
But the the price per install stuff is I know this is not the answer you're looking for it's just not the path
I know, but I know I know I know so but these things. I I think the problem with answering this is that
Licensing and fee setups that are
Negotiable are very difficult to figure out on the outside
because like what I would say is like things like bandwidth contracts at big CDNs and all this other type of stuff is
they're always
Cloak and dagger I'm completely opaque. I I know people personally
And this is I'm not talking about them
I know people personally that have gotten over 50% discounts on what is publicly shown on sites
Yeah, so like it's all just
Smoking mirrors. Yeah, none of it matters so when we start getting into these enterprise tiers where you are negotiating like this unreal thing
Oh for professional game development yeah, there's no public number contact us, and we'll negotiate a term that
How do how do we even comment on like we have no idea what people are actually paying well?
There's one thing that we can comment on I'll say this much
If unity wanted to increase their take from from these developers well
They should have done it on a going-forward basis also that so
So if they wanted to and I again
I'm not gonna say that per reinstall is the right way to do it because
Anytime that the developer is charging once when the game is purchased
You can't expect them to keep paying you after that I'd had
Like you said before they could end up paying more in unity fees than they made on the game in the first place
That is there is genuinely a slice of people that can land in that obviously ridiculous
So it should it should always be based on some kind of sanity checked math
Where it has to be some proportion of the actual money someone made otherwise that how are we even having a conversation right now?
But the more important thing is if they wanted to create a new fee structure it had to be done on a going-forward basis
I don't see how it can continue to be legal to unilaterally change a contract
How is it even possible that when I have a Netflix subscription?
Bringing it back to something that affects everyone you might be sitting there going okay. Well. I'm not a game developer
This doesn't affect me
But do you have a Netflix subscription okay a lot of people drop those recently okay?
Do you have a YouTube Premium subscription? Do you have do you have any kind of subscription where?
Unilaterally the other side the other party has changed the rate and somehow your credit card is still being charged
How is that even possible? How does anyone think that's okay? Yeah, and the funny thing about it is
I'm not I'm not a hundred percent sure why?
Especially when it comes to web subscriptions
I mean we still honor our original pricing for floatplane and my
Understanding for that three dollar tier is that we don't lose money on it no
So why is it then?
We like meme about it, but we don't with YouTube
I kind of get it because I do know that there's storage costs even if we ignore the bandwidth costs which which are
Still right they are they're still going down
The storage costs are not which is one of the things that I outlined in the in the YouTube should charge for for 4k
Video that we did a while back
because hard drives used to get
Exponentially cheaper, and now they don't in fact. We are they are leveling out their asymptoting at this point
One thing I will argue is that storage has gotten easier
Hmm so well while the cost of the drives and honestly when you're at Google scale
I'm sure this part doesn't really affect you much because you're working on future engineering or whatever like I'm sure you use all those same
people for different things but
The same amount of
Person effort that would need to go into maintaining a data store at a certain size globally
Accessible by everyone around the world all this other type of stuff the amount of effort that would go into doing that has gotten easier
So people hours going into it required is less so costs are down more, but
The problem is also getting increasingly more complex. Are you sure it's fewer development hours?
Okay, so that's the caveat that I put on is I'm sure they would use those people to do other things
Yeah work on innovation or whatever else
Yeah, cuz like I I would say that it's not directly related to storage
but if I had to guess I'd say I'd say the development hours that have gone into something like the
The encoding the custom encoding hardware that they use now
That's technically like that's technically other things
Yeah, okay, but it's all it's all in service of for more efficient codec so we can bring down our storage costs
I do agree. Yeah, okay, but like maintaining the data store is easier now that they have probably shifted those costs
To departments that are able to make that data store more efficient or more usable or whatever else
But then they're probably losing some cost on ever rising energy costs, which are just hammering the data center right now
It's a decent point as well. Yeah, so my point is I actually do kind of understand
Why YouTube's getting more expensive? I'm not a hundred percent sure for something like a Spotify
I'm not really sure for something like a Netflix Spotify to be
Very expensive, I'm surprised at how expensive it is
I don't I don't pay for it like me neither
But like when I look at the YouTube premium is kind of a bangin deal
Yeah, considering that YouTube music is included. You just get the family plan you find four
Family members, so I had something stuck in my eye there, and then you're all paying like what is it?
What does it work out to like four dollars and fifty cents a month or five divided out?
yeah, five fifty a month or something stupid like that for YouTube premium and
YouTube music okay, so maybe Spotify kind of works the same way because their family plan is six people okay, all right
It's not pretty big so if you use it that way
It's it's 17 Canadian a month if you if you if you have a family with six people in it. Yeah
Yeah, then it's very affordable. Yeah, I mean you know family that family okay interesting
The family plan with six accounts is 17 Canadian, but the duo so two people
15 Canadian
So you should?
Get a bigger family. Yeah
Speaking of speaking of sharing things with your family. This is breaking. This is not our second topic
This is not in the doc at all, but we are work. This is now our second topic. We're gonna talk about this right now
Plex just sent out a notice to users who are running their Plex server on a VPS or dedicated server at
They will be blocking access to these servers
Effective October 12th you will have less than a month to not have your Plex server hosted at Hetzner, and this is apparently
According to lowendbox.com part of a crackdown on piracy well
Let's talk about that Plex has been trying to remake its image over the last few years as a legitimate
Service I guess or you know whatever you want to call it
But you can you can watch freely available, and I believe you can even rent
It's Hetzner and it's a server host did I hate did I say Hetzner? No some people were saying that so I was helping them find it
Oh, okay, H-E-T-Z-N-E-R
Hetzner in fact I believe that I believe they've done sponsor spots on the show
Yeah, because you can definitely do VPS and dedicated server hosting at Hetzner and my understanding is it's a pretty good
Product overall, but anyone who's running a Plex server
There is having a pretty bad time right now trying to figure out where the heck they're gonna move all their data
And there while their Plex server if you're not familiar with Plex
Basically I mean do I give the sanitized version or just do I just explain what Plex is I?
I think you just explained what it is Plex is a great tool for filthy pirates who collect
ISOs and and
MP4s and whatever kind of media file what one of the most powerful things about it is you can dump
Pretty much any kind of media file into a library and as long as you somewhat follow their
Conventions for naming your files and you can use tools like file bot for example to ensure
Or to quickly rename your files and make sure that they adhere to Plex's formatting
It should pretty much figure out what it is and then dump it into a into a graphical library that is easily
navigatable and has all the metadata including cover art and actors and it'll even pull up things like
Extras and behind the scenes so you can play that back. It'll pull reviews from I believe IMDB and rotten tomatoes
Don't quote me on exactly where it'll pull reviews from
And it'll pull you know actors so you could you know browse and you know
Oh, I want to watch other things with this actor in it for example
And there are lots of legitimate uses for Plex
You can rip your own files and dump those onto your server and Plex will serve you up those
But what I suspect is that most people who are running a VPS
At Hetzner are probably not uploading their blu-rays to that VPS and are probably
Using it also as a torrent box and and pulling down ISOs from you know places where ISOs might be found
Yeah, lots of lots of Linux ISOs and my my take on this is that Plex is trying to
Shed that image, and we've seen that over. I mean why if they're trying to do that. Why just ban out Hetzner?
Well, it's not that why is it specific?
My guess would be that Hetzner is probably the flavor of the month
Kind of preferred everyone uses it
I don't know that for recommended because as far as my understanding goes for large data storage. They're highly cost-effective
This is not an ad spot. That's just my understanding
Yeah, so so there you go, and then someone like a backblaze for example. Yeah sure they're very cost-effective for data storage
But I don't think they even do VPS or dedicated server hosting or anything like that. I'm sorry backblaze oh
It's just story. She'd use it my thing is there's just like
There are a lot of other alternatives that are very similar
Yeah, people are saying Hetzner has a lot of Plex users that resell access to their Plex servers
So why would that be unique to Hetzner? So that's the thing that keeps getting confusing for me?
Well if well, that's why I brought up backblaze right because you can find places that have you know affordable
Storage and you can find services that have affordable compute
Whether it's VPS or whether it's a dedicated box
but finding somewhere that has both well kind of like you said maybe Hetzner is just the one right now and
Okay, we do need to talk about that whole
Sharing of Plex libraries so Plex has a feature that allows you to share your library with
Family and friends so there are and I've been offered access to people's Linux ISOs a few times
You mean their Plex server? Yeah, and that stores Linux ISOs. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean well. I mean you're on mine
Yeah, yeah, and so my sister is also on mine, so I actually there are people with
with like with
With their own individual Plex accounts, and I don't think they even need to be paid Plex accounts
because the thing about Plex is that as long as you're not using their
As long as you're not using their their proxy service all the bandwidth is going directly from the host
To the client, so there's no actual cost for them
So if some if my sister was to watch a movie for example as long as my upload is up to snuff and her download
Is up to snuff then it's good to go, but if I had
Many many many friends who paid me for example
Then running something like that off of my residential internet connection wouldn't be practical anymore and would probably hurt my business model
so if Plex is trying to
de piracy image of five themselves then cracking down on these
Commercial users of the product is probably going to go a long way to getting them in in better graces at least with the content
Providers who they are trying to work with on this on the other side of their business where they're trying to become a
Legitimate streaming service that doesn't cater to piracy and we've seen this move from them
Telegraph free for years at this point. I mean
At least yeah, I've talked about it a fair bit for at least five years Plex has clearly
prioritized the legit side of their business over the
Media collector side of their business like when's the last time the like download to device feature worked
Properly where it transcodes a version that's mobile device friendly, and then dumps it onto your device
And they've given me excuses for this
I don't know if you guys know this, but we have we have paused any sponsorship relationship with Plex
I still use the product
I still love a lot of things about the product
But we've paused our sponsorship relationship with them until they they meet a bunch of sorry
What got us onto this topic oh, I just had someone talked about it in chat
Oh, and I just thought I thought it was really interesting. What do you want? No? I was just trying to figure it
Yeah, it's a wan show does it what guides the wan show?
Linus is a DD times Dan's a DD divided by Luke's laugh. I don't
That's the formula. I'm amazed it happens any week
Xavier in in floatplane chat said that you do not have to have premium accounts for the people added onto yours yeah
He said his his whole family has access to his Linux, so that's exactly the thing so people are
Monetizing their one premium account which Plex is one of the companies that still does lifetime accounts like I said there are things
That I still think are pretty cool about Plex, but we've paused the relationship until they get mobile downloading working
I think there's a couple of other things that were kind of on my list of
Hey, you guys need to actually take care of the people who you know bought your software for all these years including
Lifetime access to Plex pass and stuff like that based on these features that are supposed to work
Before you prioritize the development of these new areas of the business like this is actually not
This is actually not cool. How long this stuff has been broken
I haven't been able to download using that downloader feature for probably over two years at this point
That's that's not okay. That's the kind of feature that is
critical right that I
Want to be able to load some media onto my phone before I get on the plane
If that's broken
There should be like an emergency meeting and people should immediately be reassigned to it
That's not like maybe we'll fix it in two years kind of feature from from my point of view
I think this is just yet another move that Plex is making to to
legitimize the service and I can I can see why a lot of people are talking about jellyfin and MB in the in the
Floatplane chat because those are projects that due to their structure are unlikely to ever change in this way
Although ever is a really really really big word and at some point
I feel like every company that starts out catering to pirates
Figures out that paying users will give them a lot more money
Bit of an issue
Yeah, I don't know there's people to asking me like can I can I can I change this can I talk to Plex about it
No, no, man, I can't I've already he did what he can do
I've already thrown as much weight behind this as I can and look we're not gonna work with you guys until you get back to
basics a little bit here and they basically were like
Like I don't I don't I don't even know if we got a response maybe we got a response that was like
You know what? I think hold on. No, I think they did respond
It was basically like you got to understand there's a lot of challenges
And I was like, okay, I get it challenges are challenging and then you know
once you've overcome those challenges, then we'll be happy to kind of we'll be happy to work with you guys again because I
Gotta I gotta reiterate this I use the product. I like the product
There's a big difference between brands whose products I will use I use private internet access
but we don't do sponsor spots with them anymore just because of a lot of the
Scummy marketing that has gone on in the VPN industry that I think has
Soured people on hearing about them at all
We also don't work with them because of a couple of experiences we've had working with VPNs that have then changed hands
at which point we kind of go okay, so we just
Sold a service and then the potential
Changes to that service could and the data that service could potentially make it no longer trustworthy for our users
We just we we went around that merry-go-round one too many times
But that doesn't change the fact that I like the product I use the product at same with
Man, people keep bringing up anchor every time an anchor product makes its way into a video
I said we wouldn't work with them in a sponsorship capacity anymore
I never said it wasn't a good product and that I wouldn't keep using I mean wouldn't use a you fee like security camera
until I'd you know, I see an independent security research I was I was at a
Person that I know is house recently with a baby and I noticed that they had a you fee
baby monitor and I was like oh no, and then figured out that it was I
Didn't to be fair I didn't look this up, but I was insisted
On by them that it was a local only one like they didn't they themselves didn't even have a portal to view it remotely
They didn't connect it to a network etc
So I was like oh
We're cool handyman and floatplane chat brings up a really good point
Blah blah blah blah blah blah, but the thing that you're missing is that Plex is a company with liability
I think that it would be difficult to nail Plex on this
But if I was Plex do I want to play with that fire?
Probably not if this is something that has gotten the high profile enough that it's gotten someone's attention
Honestly this like one month deadline
Acting on this now kind of smells like that. It smells like they got a call from someone that went
We're turning off everything if you guys don't address this
Immediately, and I know you can address this maybe someone with enough technical understanding that they were able to come at them and go
the the IP blocks that are available per major data center provider are
Readily available
You guys could block these you could do it immediately the fact that you haven't done. It means you're complicit
deal with this now I
Could I could totally see that being a realistic scenario here mm-hmm? Yeah, definitely
Back to unity though. Oh are we going back to that sure well. I don't think we actually technically finished the topic
I don't know people are talking about when VPN now again
They float it was called float be bringing it. We're bringing it back. No, no it would be when VPN now
Oh, well, and we'll have float VPN. We'll just have will be like VPN company products
Yeah, where we'll just have multiple VPN products. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, okay, so what's left here, I think we went through most of it, but there is a discussion question from Riley
Says what game companies are doing things right right now
Is there any way gamers can incentivize companies to promote the right no we were doing topic to the unity topics done oh?
Unless there's something in particular didn't actually get to topic two no no we did he put up topic two
And then I started talking about Hetzner
Dan and I were insane, but Hetzner wasn't a dance use invented a topic Dan were we in so legal
I just you just follow the time on my sheet. Yeah, and then you can do what you want with these cards
He's not a robot. He's bread
You can't breed a robot. He has to be organic if he's bread. He's a bread pushy. What is that?
It's a bread pushy
It's a machine, but it's bread kitty bread look at the top of it
It's a loaf. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen enough of that yep
What's going on
We're done topic to now you actually have to do the third one wait
For scroll up in floatplane chat and find LTT labs Jake and read that message. He only tagged me never read that message
What I found it in ran the pirate party of Canada's VPN system when I was leader of the party
What okay in we actually had a pirate party what?
That was you
Well, no he didn't found the pirate party. He just found it on their VPN system
No, he said it when I was the leader of the party. Oh when it was the leader when I was the leader of the party
one second here
Oh my god, I think we talked about you on way and show back when the set
What the heck
I'm pretty sure it was the red and blue set on the other side of the building and we
Talked about the Canadian pirate party no. I helped found the party
I was the youngest leader of a federally registered party in Canadian history
How is this never come up I
Mean if I was applying for jobs, I probably wouldn't bring it up either
Okay, but he's worked here for a while that we like talked about stuff sometimes. How is this never come up?
I don't know. Oh my god
Wow I
Gotta be honest with you. That's amazing. It wouldn't have affected your prospects. No. Yeah, I probably would have thought it was hilarious
Yeah, but
But I mean I do feel a little blindsided finding out about it after the yeah, it's not yeah, it's not general advice
But yeah, yeah, okay, anywho long time ago. That's fair. Yeah, it was 14 years ago Wow that's hilarious
So so so yeah the pirate party of Canada was a thing everyone in my family that the pirate party existed
Yeah, I mean like I talked about it. I never considered voting for it. I was like sorry, but yeah, sorry
You didn't have a real platform. No offense
Oh, man, oh, man, okay, so we're bringing it back now, then I guess obviously
Why not I mean we've already got the leadership. Yeah now all we need is now all we need is supporters
I mean we we could
Ship can float on the float VPN. Yeah, yeah, and I mean I I could I could probably do some fiery speeches
Oh, I'm sure yeah. Yeah, I get what we got we got writers. We got writers for the speeches
We got yeah, we got yeah, but the new Canadian law everyone must receive one
Canadian sponsored red and white LTT screwdriver
What I don't know we don't have to steal them all the fun
You wouldn't download a screwdriver yes, you would oh
My goodness the VPN money goes into a super pack yeah
We have super packs up here, but it doesn't matter the point is yeah, yeah, that makes that's an American thing. That's probably good
The point is it's time to explain and do a couple of merch messages here. We don't do super chats
We don't do twitch bits
We do merch messages because the way we see it if you're gonna huck money at your screen
You should darn well get something for it like a water bottle or a store
Or a screwdriver something cool all the ratchet the ratchets locked dang it okay there or a screwdriver
So all you got to do is go to LTT store.com and in the checkout you are going to see in the cart dang it
I've been doing really well lately in the cart you will see a box whenever we're alive to leave a merge messages message
It'll go to producer Dan
Though sorry there you go and gone. No sorry sorry. We'll try that one more time. Okay, wave, okay?
We'll get the timing rate
Yeah, okay. I took too long that time
It doesn't matter the point is it'll go to producer Dan who will check your message down here
Send you a little reply or get your reply some other way or curate your message for me and Luke and often Dan
To talk about on the show later on
Why don't we do a couple show you guys how it works Dan?
Do you have a couple merge messages for us? I do I got a bunch here
Hey, llnd love the pins can't wait for more question for Linus you did a video on autonomous lawnmowers a while back
Any updates on living it living with it, or was it a gimmicky waste of time? I?
Wouldn't describe it as a waste of time since the whole point is that it doesn't take as much time
But I would describe it as not a great use of money at the moment. I think that
Ready in that sponsored video. I feel like we did a pretty good job of showing the results
which I think
Allowed people to make decisions, you know we read through the comments on that video
I'm always kind of looking for I'm always kind of looking to make sure that our sponsored content hits all the beats that the sponsor
Asks for while also not misrepresenting the product to our viewers
So we hit all the beats and I read through the comments and people had a pretty good understanding of
how how well things went because we did a very real-world demonstration and
Honestly the sponsor was happy with that they were actually really great to work with we would work with them again
We showed a real-world result where we real-world set it up and real-world
Freaking ran it and it did as well as it did and for certain lawn configurations
I could see it being a time-saver and maybe even worth the money for mine
Not even close it just it just didn't make sense the the the lawn that we showed you guys in the video is actually at
my old place
And it's just too irregularly shaped. It was it was a little odd
Do you think it would be better at your new one? I kind of feel like it would maybe
Definitely a maybe
Definitely maybe yeah. Yeah, but one of the challenges is that it's only really ideal if you have one
Contiguous lawn space I have like a super small front lawn and then like an extra super small
Like I don't know like 15 square feet or whatever like little tiny sliver that if I if I don't mow then like the neighbors
will be like you
And in order to do that I would have to pick up the thing and put it there at which point I have to kind
Of ask myself. Well, why am I bothering him? I just will just start up the lawnmower, right? So
Don't know that I would do it at my current place either. I think that in another
Five to ten years
We could reach a level of advancement in the mapping and because you're not gonna be able to go on just one alone
So yeah, I don't think you're gonna get by on just vision. I don't think you're gonna get by on just mapping
I think you need a perfect harmony of mapping and vision and I think in another five to ten years
We could get to the point where you'd have a product. That's just
Press a button and it goes you don't even think about it. But right now I just don't I just I just don't see it as
making sense
Someone's asking if I want to test the Husqvarna robo mower. Yeah, I'm I saw enough I saw enough so far
I I just don't think it's it's there yet for me if I had a super simple lawn
I could talk like that like the Langley house
That that little like postcard sized thing in the back
Yeah, if I just never had to think about that again in my life, I could see that being kind of practical
Then I get though there were stairs
Never mind, I forgot about the stairs. Nope stairs and then another small patch and then you still had the lawn in the front
Yeah, it's like I don't know Vancouver man. It's like rainy and rocky and some places where it would be. Yeah better
we're like everything is flat and it's like a
Totally, you know all at once developed suburb where everyone just has like a square lawn or whatever else. There's definitely places where it would work
It's not it's not here and it's not for me
Okay, Dan hit me hey DLL
I entered a competition in a mall today at the end of it
It redirected me to a full detailed table of every entry
Who would you report this to can't find the deb told the mall staff?
It's definitely not
But I have that's it. I
Don't think we've ever talked about this on the show before something that is illegal
But how difficult it is to report
Something like this who did who does it go to who would care if you were to if you were to what like call?
Yeah, maybe we have to go back into the wording because it is it illegal like was was was this person sent this stuff
Or did they find a way to gain access at the end? It redirected them to a full detailed table of every entry
Yeah, it's super bad. It's probably not intentional, but that doesn't change the fact that you actually cannot do that. Yeah
Sheesh, I don't know. I suspect if that was in Canada. I could figure it out
Someone found it for the UK. I suspect if it's in Canada, I would look up the can spam organization, whatever
And I bet you if they were the wrong group of people that they could get you to the right group of people relatively quickly
Because I suspect it would be a related
Yeah, if you can't find the dev. I mean, I don't know. I don't have too much detail. So
Mmm, I don't know if this was a pop-up kiosk where they filled out a survey and then it's gone
Yeah, or if it's like part of the part of the you know
The navigation touch screens that they have in some malls now and you know after you navigated
Maybe it's a little survey or something like that. Maybe it's a permanent fixture if it's a permanent fixture
I think that there's a solid chance that you can pin down the mall for being responsible for it
but if it wasn't the mall itself who's running the thing I
Mean good luck. I appreciate you trying to do your civic duty and and
get it sorted out somehow because obviously this shouldn't stand as it is but
I'm gonna be honest with you. I I would probably I
Would I would try to contact the dev before I did anything else personally, I would probably reach out to the mall first
If you can't find the dev I would reach out to the mall and I
Did that they told them all staff so I personally would not just tell them I would more or less
Demand to know who it was because I would not trust whoever I told to actually follow through with
Yeah, that's fair
And then I would make sure that I could get in contact with the dev and then give them the opportunity to fix it
Mean it's very likely they don't even know
That wouldn't surprise me at all so make sure that they at least know and have the opportunity to fix it first
But yeah, that sucks
next one oh
Yeah, I want to pick one wasn't that only one merch message oh
That was a weight message is that Jessica oh
Oh, are you are you still here because you
You have comedy business in Surrey
Comedy business I mean is is that a what what what's what's the word for the contradictory thing?
You would know that not oxymoron oxymoron. No. There's a I think there's a different one
It might be an oxymoron. I think it's oxymoron
Oxymoron versus
Contradiction antithesis of paradox juxtaposition oxymoron. That's the one hey. Thanks. You must be a writer, okay?
Well, why don't we do your bit then?
Can I be audible?
Yeah, why don't you take dance, but Dan doesn't need it get out of the way
Wow, I mean you don't have to be mean about it Dan get out the way
It is
Okay, what what what is this again all right?
No idea, so I have created a very fun game for you both. I hope it will be fun
I put you on camera by the way. I got some perfectly normal products off of wish comms tech section
Okay, and seeing as you are a renowned tech spurt
Which of us are you talking to surely him?
both of you
more so than me
So you and Luke will obviously be able to guess the purpose of these products
Wait have you been on wan show on video yet?
Well briefly during the the expo okay cool, so this is Jessica hi
Okay, just writing for the way
Yep, okay, and so sorry wait. What are we doing? I'm giving you you're having a game. There's no notes about it. Oh
She's searching
Okay, all right fine the notes are a reflection of my vision stop looking in there
So the rules are as such you are trying to guess the advertised purpose of these products
Not what they look like they're for what someone tried to convince me to do with them
And you may ask me yes, or no questions, and I will only confirm if you are correct or incorrect
Incorrect and you may ask me how to turn them on
Because some of them are confusing okay, all right, and are we competing or what you can if you want sure
Team effort I think the vibe I'm getting is we're not gonna get any of these oh, okay, I think
Okay, okay, so this is number one
Uh I see
So it's a clip-on light oh
Okay well, okay, I know what this is
It's a it's a telephoto lens that you clip on to the back of your phone so that you can you can magnify
So you can magnify your camera, but you told me that these are gonna be non obvious so we're starting easy
What what is it like a gynecology tool?
Oh, you got it in one it is in fact intended to clip onto the back of a phone. It doesn't work. Oh
Well can I
Can I can wait so we got it right though? Oh, okay?
So do we get a point for that you get a point okay? Go team?
Can I can I try to use it? I mean is that is that a thing?
That's part of this game sure I got my I got my note 9 here trusty trusty note 9 okay hold on a second
Let's just look. Let's just use my eyeball to
Does this even does this even allow light through it?
There's a cap on it. No no there isn't it does allow light, but not much okay one moment, please
Um oh goodness
Don't think anything could be more trash if it tried I mean it technically
Functions, but that's that's the worst that's the worst okay, so here hold on a second
Let's go to the loot cam yeah, and then let's look at
My pores let's look at
Okay, yeah, so that's how blurry it is I might as well have just taken a photo and then
Enhanced yeah, it would be probably less blurry and before you ask yes. Yes. It's aligned
And actually it took him a bit to align it just taking pictures of the moon I
Mean oh if you want to see a gray circle hold on hold on. There's a focus wheel
There's a focus wheel oh
That's pretty good
I'm well good is it really from here my eyes are bad. Good is a really strong word Luke, but how much was this
Less than five dollars okay hold on hold on. I've got a comparison shot for you guys okay, so
Okay, hold on hold on okay, so I've got Dan you had normal zoom
And then do like Omega zoom just through the phone. I don't have that okay, okay?
So oh no, this is not good. Okay. We're going back to the loot camp. This is not. This is not good
Okay, so here
Here is Dan with the attachment
Okay, and I've realized this is not the best way for us to evaluate something like this you guys looking through a camera
That's tiny little yeah, well hold on hold on hold on hold on okay, so here is Dan with my note 9
Which is not a particularly?
modern phone
Just you know
Enhanced so here's my here's my stop. Can you just bubble go away stop? Okay rotate? Thank you
Okay, so here's Dan just digitally enhanced
Enhance yeah, yeah, that's way better. Yeah, that is wow that is that is just obviously
Clearly immediately obviously better. This is literal manufactured garbage and whoever made it should be ashamed of themselves
Okay, I am too. Yeah, all right hit me. What is this Dennis Bigfoot?
So okay, it's gonna turn on and those are gonna spin so like helicopters, okay, I mean sure
Okay, ah
Okay, you know what you know what?
Competition, but I do have a theory don't hide it behind me, okay?
Oh, oh, yeah, sorry, okay, so this is this is what it does
I'm just gonna here. I'll we'll put it on the top of our laptops. That'll work perfectly and nothing could go wrong. Yeah
It looks like you're wearing one of those little hats
I'm a wizard
Okay mine written down, okay
Do you want to go first sure I said desktop hand cooler. I said air purifier. Oh wrong and wrong
I mean, I I don't know what this
If it's just supposed to enhance air circulation or something like that then I could you could
Sort of make an argument, but I just how does it feel it doesn't know it doesn't they're not angled so it's not a fan
It just it just moves it around which is why I thought maybe it was like a like a like a fake Oh pseudo science medicine
Purifier or something, but okay fine fine. What what I do have one of those
Okay, hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on give me a little bit longer here
Literally no markings on it. What so did you remove labels and markings?
I removed a marking from one thing's packaging, but otherwise no it came exactly like that
Spinny obelisk, okay, I thought I had it. I got people saying maybe it takes out insects
Laundry rack okay stop why am I even looking at twitch chat? Let's look at the 5g blocker, okay?
We've clearly jumped the shark at this point. Hey someone full planes that chat said motion sensor trigger. You might need that
Sensor trigger does it his house with his junky lights does it oh?
Thanks for that my lights off and turn off
On that okay, maybe maybe it's something for like work from home
Like maybe it just moves in it in your webcam and makes your employer think you're sitting at your desk
I okay, you know what I don't know okay, Jessica, but it's battery-powered. It would run out of batteries
It doesn't even have a wall plug sadly. I must give a point to twitch chat
It is in fact intended to keep bugs off of food
Apparently for picnics
Okay, all right. You know what put a thing over it well I
Mean why do that when you could buy half a dozen of these and have them all over your table to whack your hands?
This one said they work well, but why don't you just put something over it? Okay? All right, okay?
What's next actually a multiple people are saying they work well?
It's the only one of these products I actually use oh, okay, all right hit me
Just hold this up for you guys
It's clearly an LED LED on like a at the end of that thing at the end of that flexible clip or something
Pinch clip like wait. What's the box is it just batteries nothing else this appears to be a motion sensor
okay on the back okay, but I
See it's it's a light went on when I did that I
Thought did a light go on it'll also turn on if you set it down if I set it down
How do I set it down? It doesn't have an obvious it doesn't wait you said it wait wait wait
No, no way. No way you put it on the top of your you put it on the top of your bed
And then it's a it's a reading light of no weight because the motion sensor would be facing up
Okay, now hold on just a gosh darn second here
Hold on set it how do I set it down? I don't hear okay. Here's why I'm so confused because
This side it see this side is curvilerved, so this is clearly not the bottom
This side is flat right we got a flat side
But this is not that don't worry about it, but this side
But it has this like thing sticking out of it so unless it
Hangs off of the edge of something it hangs off the edge of something
But it doesn't here once once like can we she said put it down is it on how do I put it down I?
Mean well I know chat can't see it people can't even see what I want to see if it was even gonna work
Okay, you you said we could ask you how to turn it on right yep
How do we turn it on set it down on its bulbous fucking sorry bulbous face on its face on its face?
What that can't possibly will turn on wait, but it is it when it?
It is a light sensor
Why would you that's why she said if you put it down it turns it on because you're covering the light sensor
So that's not actually how you place it when you're practically using it
I think so what where that where on earth would you put this so when it's dark it turns on?
Why is it is it for the reading thing that I said or is it something not for reading? Oh, it's not free there
We go. It's just it was off you have to press the button there now if I do this the light turns on and
It's a very
Not bright yeah, it's not bright at all blue or teal or something so danger danger your light is off
I can tell the lights off cuz it's dark
Okay, now hold on just a gosh darn second wait blue toilet light well
No, that can't be right shut up chat
That's a toilet toilet it went green for a second toilet bowl light. It is in fact a motion sensor toilet nightlight
So for bathroom, I think though not not the toilet hangs off of your toilet, and it makes your toilet glow
Wouldn't it get like pee on it really gross wouldn't it there's no there's nothing it hasn't been used if that helps it's gonna fall in
Look it's green now
Yeah, it goes under the seat onto the toilet bowl that is under the seat terrible
But then your seats gonna be rocking onto one side you hang it like you bend the thingy
And the light point points in oh and the battery part is on the outside it goes like this I
Hate it. I hate everything about it. So this is on the
Inside of the no no why would I want and you can inspect your legendary
Why would I want the nighttime light in my bathroom to glow out of my toilet bowl?
Cuz you guys gonna be covered by my giant white, but you gotta like that's not useful
You got to send pictures of your of your poetry worthy poops to your partner
In in various colors sometimes blue
Some I think it would be very aesthetic
Instagram would love aesthetic
It often just doesn't work I hate it I
Think it not working is the least of our concerns the fact that it exists at all is a much bigger problem for me
We could know how many of them of that would get disgusting because like think about it look the thing is that I
Had to have this conversation with one of the younger male members of my family a little while ago
And it kind of went look the point of lifting up the seat is not whether or not you can aim through it
It's whether it's gonna take any splash damage
Okay, so it doesn't matter how perfect your aim is you still need to move things out of the way
This is guaranteed to get absolutely disgusting and
You have to like manhandle it to get new battery at three triple A's
I'm gonna spend a fortune
Watch it so I can see my poop better. This is ridiculous. It's a
Defecation enhancer, that's that's the new name on wish defecation enhancer alright alright, okay hit us again alright
Have no idea if this segment is good or bad. Oh well
This is one of those games. This is one of those games where shock you get yeah, you get zapped
I don't so is it like a Russian roulette shocking game. I've got it in one no
Okay, I mean do you want to play?
I don't know why it has suction cups so that it doesn't move when people are like
You know so you can suction it to the table. I mean should we find out how much you want
I feel like it's not
Want is such a strong word Luke. It's the wan show we can if you think it will enhance the viewer experience
I mean, I think there's no doubt that it'll enhance the
This is the world's most pointless game look on the switch. I already did okay start
Press start I did he did he did it's rouleting I
Don't want it to be
Well I didn't lose all right, we're done
By the way it actually didn't hurt that much it more startled me, it's pretty crappy well
I mean there's ones that hurt remember when we did it with the dog shot callers which by the way
Inhumane having personally experienced it a lot. I would say you should not use them
That's very bad if you zap your dog with this though. I honestly I'd be fine with someone quoted me saying I didn't lose all right
We're done. That's how Russian
If there's two people playing and one of them lose you really don't have to continue you won. Yeah, all right
Are you good, or would you like one more hit us with one more let's do it
Know Jessica when when you started and I asked you to come up with when show segments
This isn't what I had in mind. I love it though. This is pretty good. This is pretty amazing
You told me to make you scared of me
Did I say that it sounds like something I would much forbade him, okay
Okay, then I basically did ask you to do this explicitly okay, this is
Here do you want to touch it first?
It's hollow. Yeah, it's it seems to be a metal here
I'm gonna go to the loot can if you want to show the people what you're holding
It's sort of irregularly shaped
I think it's symmetrical, but it's like kind of it it reminds me of what like a cheap
Crappy you know mass-produced pet rock might be like it like a digital pet rock. You know like it's metal. It's not okay
That's helpful
I'm sure that was great for everybody's might is there some form of structure inside of it something like this is a tech product
It was listed under tech products. Yes
Here can I see it again, I mean I
I'm not this is not a real guess, but it wouldn't surprise me if someone marketed as like a ESD
You know ESD stone
You know just just hold this and it you know
Discharges your ESD or something like that for working on tech like obviously that would be false that you can watch the recent collab we
Did with electro boom where we completely debunked any ESD anything that doesn't attach to an outlet?
Yeah, people have like told me in chat what they think it is, but I would have never guessed that so I'm not gonna say it
There's like no shot. I would have guessed that ah
Someone guessed steel soap bar. I I mean you know it people said garlic soap garlic soap
I mean, it's not garlic so smell like garlic
Smells like stainless steel like it
It is in fact
Stainless steel soap it doesn't work
But according to Wikipedia it does not work, but it is intended to get real it rid of the smell of garlic
What I don't know
So we're just literally taking metal and just putting it in it's in a shape and
I mean, it's brilliant making claims about it's magical a bunch of people magical properties
I mean the thing is that like there are real metal properties
That you know are kind of like that like Silver's antimicrobial for a copper to well
You know okay, that's why that's why IUDs for example are made of copper because it creates a very
Hostile environment for for sperm for example
And if you just take like like an old earring or an old necklace that you don't care about it anymore
And you drop it in your reservoir as long as it doesn't get like sucked into the pump
That would be bad, but you just drop that in your reservoir
You don't need to put any additives in it the the the silver ions will destroy any microbes in your loo
So this so there there are there are
reality based things
Kind of like this, but this one
I have never heard of before and I frankly don't believe I can guarantee you will clean your hands exactly as well as rubbing it
on silverware
Yes, just the knives in your yeah
You're actually worse yeah get tarnish
You know silver will call over you and because actual silverware if it's actually made out of silver would actually have antimicrobial probably
That's true, so thanks silverware. Maybe not as well. Yeah, yeah, okay, but it will be healthier than pewter
Top gear 1224 and float plane chest chat asks copper yet
You had growth in whole room water cooling because the thing with copper is that it's not nearly as effective as silver as an antimicrobial
Ion or whatever and number two is that wasn't microbes that is a very common misconception
About the downfall of whole room water cooling it was not stuff growing in the loop that never happened
What happened was I bought a stainless steel reservoir tank from Princess Auto that was not
Stainless steel so what you saw in all the blocks was rust the reason that I said in the video it must be microbes was
Because there wasn't any iron in the loop
that I knew of
That's that's how that whole thing went down. It was just rust in everything
That's why it also couldn't be cleaned if it had been microbe crap then we could have scrubbed it off
But it was rust and it settled into everything and it stained it all
It was awful. No okay to address someone saying in chat
We don't think everyone has actual silver silverware, but if you say silver where who has silver silverware
I don't have silver silver of course not first who would yeah, maybe if you inherited it
Make silverware if you say silverware, then you should yeah, I don't know can you still buy?
Real so I'm a hundred percent certain you can I guarantee you someone makes it silver superstore calm okay?
Hold on hold on the sterling silver advantage
Okay, okay, okay, so manufacturers like Reed and Barton. This is yeah
Here here here. I could show you guys these are these are the actual manufacturers, okay?
I was at the last one Jessica. Yes, all right. Thank you so much
And I was fantastic
Your script II think oh so very surprised amount of people said that that one works
Okay, yeah, and people were saying that at certain barbecues and stuff like that
It is not very practical to actually put covers on your food
So they use those things and apparently it's like actually a thing so all right. That's cool
I've never been in that scenario
Silver is not worth that much money
Like we talked about okay, are those like handcrafted those like Smith can we talk about silver and gold in the same?
Sentences is that five place settings, but by comparison no that is
One setting what five pieces yeah, I need that fly thing one soup scoop one soup spoon
420 nice nice nice
What the fuck?
So I I suspect there's I suspect these are solid silver. Yeah, but still I suspect these are like Smith
I bet you there is silver plated
mass manufactured that are probably cheaper
Silver is not that flippin expensive hold on hold on so caught Conrad said earlier
This I just find this very funny Conrad said earlier
I have silver cutlery, and then you showed that and he says in hindsight. I no longer believe I have silver
It's probably plated no this is like counts
This is probably like like I don't know brands, so I'm gonna say Tiffany like you know how Tiffany
You know how Tiffany jewelry
costs you know
$4,000 or whatever for a tiny little like diamond solitaire
That's even even if we believe the you know bull
Value of diamonds that the diamond industry would have us believe is still only worth like you know 150 bucks
So we may very well be looking at the the like
Tiffany version of what silverware costs because here hold on a second hold on a second
So what's uh? What's uh? What's like?
Man, I don't know. I I don't I don't really do. I don't really do metals metals speculation, so
Somebody just had $23 something cents for an ounce of silver right for an ounce, okay, okay?
So how many hours how many ounces of silver in a fork?
Is this something is this something that Google?
Okay, Jay Richie said it's $23 and 31 cents an ounce okay, so a large serving fork can weigh anywhere from
Three-quarters to one and a half ounces yeah
But a large serving fork might that some of those are like big big yeah an average on
average less than an ounce of silver per piece
So no you may very well own silver flatware at like
Troy ounces 30 to 50 bucks a pop
How much silver is in a silver fork here?
We go real silver flatware is typical sterling silver or ninety two and a half percent, okay, that doesn't tell me anything
How much does a
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah 14 14 to 44 grams so so one way or another we are we are a solid
order of magnitude off on that site for sure like 100% a
Troy ounce is only slightly bigger than a regular ounce so it's like fine
We can we can somewhat we can definitely say that these guys are out to lunch
very expensive lunch
Sorry, what do you got Luke Tiffany makes silverware? No of course they do and how much how much is Tiffany?
Well this on your screen this rent. Yeah sure this random fork. I'm looking at is four hundred and seventy dollars
Yeah, yeah, see there you go, so this is just like stupid
Brand pricing so what if I go on if I go on like eBay?
I'm probably gonna get something more realistic. It's a serving fork. It's 12 inches
It's a big fork. Oh, that's a big fork. It's a big fork. Okay, okay? What if we look at these there you go?
That's just a carving knife. Did they do fish cutlery. I don't know here. We go here. We go hold on
We're gone. We're on my screen. It was a cheese knife for 200 bucks. That's just darn darts. It's affordable
Here's some here's some silver flatware
11.5 ounces for 10 bucks
Used tarnished hey, this is fun. Did you know that you can untarnish?
Silver items how do you do that like not not polish them polish bad because when you polish you are actually really in material
Yeah, so you are you are eventually if you polish a silver object enough times you will polish it into oblivion
I know what I want for Christmas now. There's a there's a silver ladle from Tiffany. That's a thousand dollars that seems
Yeah, cool. You need to put that website away before it makes you angry. Yeah
Honestly I can't eat there
That's why I'm on eBay instead so what you do is you take aluminum, and you can just take any aluminum aluminum foil
Whatever and you put it in boiling water you but this is gonna sound like alchemy
It's gonna sound already does it's gonna sound like stainless steel soap but for real
So you take you take a ball of aluminum you chuck it in I believe it's just boiling water
And then you put in baking soda and what it does is it reverses the the?
Chemical reaction the oxidation that causes tarnishing and restores it. I have actually oh is it vinegar
Okay, it might not be water. It might be vinegar. Wait. No you wouldn't put baking soda in vinegar
Okay, hold on a second now. I have to check okay. How how do you restore?
Aluminum I just had a physical reaction east of Eaton said at $1,000 soup ladle is more justifiable than one
No, I'm right cheap you line container with foil add silver items add baking soda boil water
Yeah, yeah, so I had it right
I did this when I was in high school because I did a
like a metal smithing class in school and my silver stuff got tarnished and I
Was like so what I like polish it now
And it was recommended that I not polish it because it had very fine details on it that eventually would disappear
And then I found out about this restoration method and it works
Amazing it looked like it looked like it was polished. It looked brand-new tool restoration is actually a really cool thing
Oh, that's a whole you too fun rabbit hole on you. You do have to make sure
my dad says use ketchup apparently he's a
WAN show chat person now. Oh, okay. He said use ketchup stuff Rob
I've heard of that before too, but I have no idea
But yeah tool restoration on YouTube is a fun rabbit hole to go down. I will warn you
There's a solid amount of people that fake it for views oh
Totally a thing never occurred to me. Yeah, they'll like make sense though. Yeah, they'll like fake ruin something
So that it's easy to restore
And then they do that. I got anything like actually worn down things that's been like sitting for a hundred years
Whatever yeah, which is it's lame so so got it pay attention, but yeah
What are we supposed to be doing right now Dan?
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By the way shout out ridge for sponsoring what I think is going to be one of the coolest videos
We have ever done on the channel. Whoa. We shot it this week. I was talking before the show with Luke
I was saying I was very tired. It was an exhausting all-day shoot and
Very stressful. I have never before
Felt light-headed to the point where I kind of went. Okay. I need to get my head down because I think I might faint
But let me put it this way
On a single roll I had ten grand riding
Real non scripted. This is this is real on a roll. I
Came up with this idea
I thought like six months ago
But it turns out it must have been over a year ago because I know that it was when I was at the dentist and I
Was walking over to meet my family for lunch. I
Walked by one of those mom-and-pop computer shops, you know the kind I'm talking about, right?
Yeah, where everything they have in stock is older than my children. Yeah, right and I popped my head in I went
You know, what would be?
like the coolest video ever is if we go and we do an archaeological expedition into this shop and
Find out the stories behind all of these like $60 parallel cables
You know what I'm talking about
Right like stuff that clearly hasn't had the price updated since it was put on the shelf boxes caked in dust
The packaging is past yellow to brown, you know what I'm talking about, right and I thought well, okay
Yeah, but you know, we don't want to just go in and like, you know trash on a small business
What's the way that we could make this a feel-good story?
What's the way that we could make this a win-win for everybody involved and I and I came up with the idea of
Buying it all
Why don't we take all their crappy dead stock and give them a completely fresh start
We go in this feels like a beast move we go in we buy every
crappy DVI cable
Every ancient compact flash card every expired printer cartridge we buy it all
But you know me, right? I?
Don't like I like to get a deal
So I rolled in with my Ridge wallet. That's why I brought this up the Ridge sponsored this
So I rolled in with my Ridge wallet sure
But I also rolled in with a bag of games of chance
So the entire video I basically I basically had him just quote me a price on everything and
Then we played games to find out
Roll the die. Is it gonna be 10% more than what we negotiated 10% less
Is it gonna be the custom side that he created on the die?
Is it gonna be my custom side on the die that I created?
We threw we threw darts. We played marbles. We rolled dice. How many shops did you do this with just one shop?
Okay, we played a game. I invented all these are all modifiers called stop the rope
So I put five lines on a piece of Ethernet cable
He's blindfolded, and he's got his hands like this and the cables running through and I basically said for every line
I will pay 5% more than what you quoted, but if it makes it all the way through I get 20% off
He just I mean he just had to kind of like go on instinct and try to stop it right so it's it's a really fun video
Wow, I'm not gonna spoil it, but there were some moments where I
Was real concerned about how things were going
Serious says darts isn't a game of chance. I think if you never if you play with me it is it basically
When you watch you'll understand the darts we were using were from the dollar store
Yeah, and and that dollar included the board you know and for darts actually it might have been like five bucks or something
But it trust me it was not just because you play darts doesn't mean you could throw those
This is a only vaguely on topic, but in Taiwan
I was walking around with UFD tech and and Jeff from our sales team and some of the UFD tech
people and whatnot and we came across a
Dart store a darts store
I guess I should say and the bottom of it was just like a darts shop and yeah
Random happens to be that one of the UFD tech guys
Was actually into darts
So they were like they like her bought some or something which was like cool
I was just stunned that there was a darts store at all yeah, and then they were like okay
Do you want to go throw them now and we were like?
And there was stairs that went upstairs
So we went up into the upstairs area and the entire upstairs was just a whole row of machines
That were dart throwing internet connected global like tournament machines
So you can you can play locally or you can play online against other people that are playing at the machines
There's a whole bunch of different modes
And if this was around here the bottom of the store would maybe have one customer in it and upstairs would be empty
No, this is in Taipei
The bottom of the store had like six different people shopping all at the same time and the upstairs was full
There was no extra lanes every single one of them was full
And it was actually like just a really wild time and they were
Good yeah, it was it was it was pretty wild but anyways
Atomic age ace asks you better have float plane exclusive for this video. I'll be surprised if there isn't more than one
We shot all day
And it's gonna have to be edited down into like
Definitely at most a 25 minute video right like it
We're gonna leave so much on the cutting room floor and the guy was such a character
Which you'd have to be he's been running it over 20 years. I think well. Yeah, like they've been they've been around man
They've been around think about it think about what the PC industry was like 20 years ago
Compared to today how much has changed in that time. There's been feast. There's been famine guys been through everything and
It ended up being a really feel-good feel-good video
I had a really great time working on it and cool. Yeah massive shout out to
Shadow to Ridge for sponsoring it. I feel like this is gonna be
If we were to make I don't know if you can make a series out of something like that
Maybe not maybe maybe one time is maybe one time is enough
Speaking of series have we talked on one show about a series that we're potentially going to bring back Oh
I think it was very lightly mentioned, but very non-committally. I don't know if you want to push that forward even more
He's deciding he's deciding live which is maybe not the way how to do it
But I think me saying that makes them want to do it more all right
Traumatic tension
You're part of the problem
All right, we're gonna do it
scrapyardwars9 is
Officially being shopped for sponsorship right now once we've got that locked in
We're good. We're gonna move forward
it's gonna be I won't tell you guys too much because there's
There's a there's a gimmick that I'm actually personally really proud of
I think it was my idea
Maybe it wasn't I raised the concern in which case I'm proud of my team. I think you raised the idea, okay
I'm really I'm really proud of
Either me or my team for coming up with this idea because the gimmick I think is going to
Rejuvenate is the I think the right word you think so I think it'll rejuvenate it I
Think it's gonna be back to basics in a way that you guys are gonna be really happy about
but also
Something new in a way that I think is gonna be really fun
That's what I want to spoil the gimmick, but yeah, we can't spoil the gimmick
Yeah, I think I think we got it
I won't talk about it
I want them tuning into the first part having no idea what the gimmick is because it's gonna be one of those
They did not
No way moments, and I'm really excited for it, but yeah scrapyardwars9 is coming back. I think the timing
Genuinely makes sense I think so too because with a big part of the reason why we stopped at one
We did too many too close to each other and the the gimmicks were getting kind of not great
It was getting kind of contrived and especially it didn't help that
Everyone's got to have
You got to have the right mindset
And I feel like we we tried to create rule sets that didn't reward
The right mindset to make a good scrapyard war I think there was a couple as well
Where not just the rule set leaned into that, but the the budget was like just way too high
Yeah, like what made scrapyardwars good was needing to be scrappy, and there was a few budgets where it was just like okay
We're just building computers. Yeah, yeah exactly so you need to kind of like fight for it
But the then immediately after that the used market just got horrible
Yeah, it was completely destroyed there was no there was nothing scrapyard nothing
Yeah, there was like no point empty wars not like yeah, and not only was there basically nothing available
But the prices on it was like any times. It was more expensive
Of an internet connection was suddenly worth a thousand dollars. I'm looking at this going well. This is ridiculous
This doesn't make any sense yeah
So now I mean it's not a hundred percent fixed because oh boy a I GPUs and stuff like that
But it's way better of a landscape now. Oh, yeah
100% 100% yeah, I'm excited
The gimmick is Linus and Luke have to grow their beards to wizard length. I tried no that's middle ground is rough
You need like years for that to be cool. Yeah, no, there's no way yeah
What no nothing I was just I was just I was just wondering if you're at the middle ground right now
Or if you know where that you're at the middle ground. Oh, yeah, no, I know I need to yeah me too
I'm a little overdue yeah
Oh, well all right
Three merch messages yeah right right hit us Dan. Oh, yeah sure let's see here
Hey, DLL. Uh we've already read that one goodbye
Hey Linus now the pandemic is over in quotations is what officials say I guess are you planning on shaving your beard?
Maybe for a fundraiser video um I actually did think about shaving it earlier this week
But not for not for any particular reason that will be apparent for a while
It people might figure it out at some point, but I'm not gonna say anything more about it for now
But it basically just comes down to what my wife says if she says get rid of it
Then it's gone, and if she says keep it then it then I keep it
And she says she still likes the look of it better than better than bare face
So I am keeping the furry face instead of the bear face
Yeah, same reason
We're you know
Well, I also just like it's easier for me anyways so if she prefers it which is the only person I care about
Like I look like so she prefers it anyways, and it's like okay. Well. This is no kind of a win-win. Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, moving on next one. Hey dll and bread
What would your reaction be if Apple spent five percent of its cash stockpile to buy valve?
announced built-in Rosetta like emulation for steam games on Mac and
announced an Apple I deck a disbelief because I
Actually think that valve is probably worth a lot more than five percent of Apple's cash reserves see that's the thing
Valve is a private company
We have no idea except that we know that valve is a literal money printing machine. Oh, yeah, oh
Yeah, valve is okay. What is what is Apple's cash reserves right now hold on one second Apple cash reserves
Don't forget that valve takes 30% of sales. Oh, you know yeah
We know
Apple's cash in hand was sixty two point four eight billion dollars
Did you just suggest that valve could be purchased for around seven hundred fifty million dollars
Yeah, you better you better add an order of magnitude or two
Valve is we have no idea. That's the thing but on top of valve making
copious amounts of money their future outlook is
Outstanding if I had an opportunity to invest in valve I would like all conflicts of interest aside
This is not investment advice blah blah. I'm not a financial advisor etc
But if I had the opportunity I would freakin go for it. They have shown time and time again that their moats are
Epic games couldn't do it Microsoft can't even put a dent in in valves near
Exposition in PC PC game sales and now that valve is building their own hardware platform around it
Holy shit
People are saying valve is estimated at eight billion, but based on what there's no way we don't know there's no way
I guarantee you if they went open suddenly their valuation would be way higher than that
There's there's like there's actually no and and valuation is not as simple as money in money out
But that's the other thing as far as I can tell they're overhead compared to a company like Apple is
nothing minuscule
Like how many people work there isn't it like a few hundred people I?
Found an estimate. I don't think we do know I found an estimation website
that that thinks there's
Valve believes only 10,000 people around the world are capable of working for the company
I don't know what the hell that means I found an estimation site that said they think it's 350
But I don't think that's based on anything. I found another one that claims 1,100
I mean you might this is like celebrity net worth articles
We might as well just play darts again, and just throw darts out of thing and with numbers on it
We might as well make that our estimate
We don't we don't know unless we work there and even people who work that I don't even know if they would know because they
Obviously do some remote work given that Gabe Newell like lives in New Zealand now or whatever so
Can't be more than three people at valve because they can't count higher than that no no no that's not right
Because they can't count higher than that. We don't know how many people work at valve and neither do they
And yeah that wouldn't account for any of the contractors that might work with valve on projects yeah, no I
Nobody knows I don't I don't think anyone's buying valve anytime anytime soon
I mean look at the valuation of a company like epic who can't even figure out how to compete with valve
Like what's it? What's epic games worth?
Sure yeah, they've got the engine business, but if valve felt like having an engine business
I'm sure they could bother with a big game point. They sort of do right. Yeah valve. Can't you use early?
Who uses source?
Titanfall 2 is in source, okay, so one game from like eight years ago. I don't look into
This gold source even out yet
Half of Alex was gold source epic games is valued at 32 billion. I guarantee you
I give you my personal Linus tech tips guarantee that valve is worth more than epic games by at least some
Multiplication factor so okay, so apex legends isn't source
There's very few
It's like Titanfall and apex and then valve games
It's not very many on a hike there are other ones
But it's not right on a hike edge in floatplane chat says valve mostly just want source for themselves the documentation is allegedly horrendous
Yeah, that doesn't surprise me just valve doing valve thing you work on whatever you want no one ever wants to work on documentation
Says valve was valued at 7.7 billion in May
2022 based on Bloomberg calculations, but let me tell you a thing
I actually I don't remember if it was Bloomberg or someone else. Maybe it was like Forbes or something these like
reputable sounding
Publications I remember seeing like a youtuber
Networth ranking thing or youtuber earnings ranking thing that I was going through and I was like I know some of these people
This is
Very wrong not even close you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about and so I reached out
I DMed the author of the article. I was like hey as someone who?
You know knows a thing or two about this industry. I would be curious to understand your methodology for calculating these
They just straight-up didn't reply to me of course not because they don't have a satisfactory reply
I threw a dart at a wall. Yeah pretty much so that's 7.7 billion
They might as well have actually pulled it out of the thing that they use to this to light up like it's no
Forget it
Pretzel parkour and float plane shot. I couldn't agree more they say let's put this talk to rest valve is worth at least two dollars
Yeah, yeah that and I mean here's that here's another thing guys
Something is worth whatever someone will pay so we can argue all day about what it's worth
People are gonna pay big money for valve stock if it went witter
According to the last known purchase price for it is worth 44 billion dollars
That's a clever way of wording that
That's the thing right so people can talk all day about what they're sealed Super Mario Bros.
You know is worth or whatever right, but it is only worth
Whatever the next person will pay for it we can infer based on previous sales
But we actually don't know the worth of anything until somebody actually forks over money for it
So we could make educated guesses if we had access to their financials or whatever else
But even then we wouldn't know because like I said, I think valves outlook is extremely positive
I think they're nowhere near done growing. I don't think gaming is anywhere near done growing
I don't think valve look at the okay capability or potential for broadening their business is anywhere near done growing
And if you were like a Disney style Corp yeah imagine the money printing machine
Releasing Half-Life 3 would be oh yeah. Yep like the the potentiality the cinematic universe
Yeah, Team Fortress the movie. Yeah, Team Fortress. I'd go to that. I would too. It'd be awesome
yeah, like Barbie movie, but Team Fortress I
I used to watch like yeah, I don't know I mean portal has portal has so much potential another portal game
Another any game. They've made except for artifact any IP they own basically like you
if you were to take if you were to if you were to take like a
Man, just valve doesn't even participate in like the mobile like whale whale harpooning space like if you were to take valve
It's not mobile, but I'd say like csgo boxes and sure but it's a completely different market
So you're right you could yeah, you could get more from going from mobile for sure
I I'm just I'm just saying cuz I knew people you're right
Why not both but and I agree, but some people are gonna be like
So I was just making like if they did some some mobile like you know
What's that but tiny if they did like a tiny tower, but you build an aperture
You know test facility, and they it included all the typical you know valve trimmings people play the crap out of that
Yeah, that's absolutely that sounds sick
I would play that right yeah people would spend copious amounts of money on it. Oh, yeah, so yeah
So that 12 billion whatever it was is just wrong. I guarantee it
It's complete if valve was but if valve was valuated at 12 billion
I just invest everything I have immediately yeah again
Not advice blah blah blah
But like holy crap because you know that's hockey sticking the second people realize how incredibly undervalued it is
Like I don't know one interesting thing just because we're talking about
Steam this has been something that I've been paying a lot of attention to actually I've been checking it every day
Really, which is the most played games on Steam because it has the current valve current players one
So it is interesting that counter-strike and dota are like always here Team Fortress 2
Oh, yeah, you can see it Team Fortress 2 is like almost always in the top 10
Which I actually found pretty interesting as well, but?
little battle oh
Has been really interesting to watch
because ballers gate 3 has been
Consistently winning for a while now
I think it took like three days after star fields release for ballers gate to pass it again
And it's not even close right and it's not close
It's been roughly half when jumping down to star field for a while now
Ballers gate 3 came out what like a month beforehand
in fairness
Fans of the genre have been more starved
For Baldur's Gate
When's the last time we got a Dungeons & Dragons ask
This my understanding is the second Dragon Age sucked a lot
There was a lot of criticism of even the first Dragon Age that it was
Only it was pretty normie
So you'd have to go all the way back to what like never winter nights to or something stupid
There's a bunch of one of the reasons why indie ones
but like
And like you could say divinity original sin 2 okay, but not really is the kind of like Dragon Age
I haven't played that one so is it kind of like Dragon Age where it's like kind of ish. Yeah, yeah
Was like hardcore D&D freaking my my dice rolls. It's been a long time
Yeah, I think so and that space has grown
Exponentially since then and and okay a whole bunch of people are jumping on me
I didn't say any of the reasons why I've just been saying it's been very interesting to me people are saying it's on game pass
Game pass isn't gonna show up on Steam. Yeah, I know I agree. I just find it very interesting
That's all and and the thing to to understand is we're looking at an apples to apples number right Luke is comparing
The steam numbers to the steam numbers what so yes what they're saying though
Is that these like Baldur's Gate 3 isn't on game pass?
I know if it was on game pass the amount of people playing on Steam would probably be lower etc etc etc
But oh sure I I still I just find it very interesting
Yeah, because if you asked people how this was gonna play out two months ago
Even with you know Baldur's Gate 3 was in pre-release people knew it was a great game stuff like that
I still bet you they would have said Starfield
I don't know that I would have but then honestly for me I find
Like I'd be bringing my own personal biases to that it wouldn't be based on
You know some kind of market research. I've done or anything like that
It would just be based on that to me Starfield is a way less interesting game
Okay, like I I really like Starfield itches that part of my brain that Bethesda games have always itched
I love Starfield huge fan of it so far
Baldur's Gate 3 I think is just like gonna be game of the year. It's an incredible game
Okay, maybe I'll have to play it. It's fantastic very good for co-op for player up to four player co-op
You know what I've been really disappointed by
Sea of Stars
Really speaking of starry games. Oh, yeah, I that actually kind of sucks to hear
I I was really excited to play it
I I kind of blitzed through a little bit of the end of chained echoes to kind of get through it so that I could pick
up Sea of Stars
I've been a lot more harsh on it to anyone who's talked to me about it over the last
Week and a half or however however long it's had I had I mentioned that I'd started playing it last land show
I can't remember exactly when I picked it up
I think you might have said that you were going to be playing like this weekend or something okay?
I don't think you said you're so anyone. I've talked to this week about it
I've been way more harsh, but I think I had a bit of a bit of a light bulb moment last night when I realized
It's a great game for kids
It's really simple
It's beautiful. It is absolutely beautiful. It's one of the most beautiful
Games I've ever seen I just I just I actually I can't think of one. That's more beautiful there
It's the most beautiful 16-bit game. I've ever seen
it the music is incredible and
You can just
Sometimes people want to you know relaxed game you can look at concept art and you can listen to the soundtrack
I guess because you don't really need to play the game in my in my opinion unless yeah, you're well see here's here's the thing
It's not even it's not even really chill. I actually find that it requires a
significantly higher degree of
user intervention and
Then something like a classic Final Fantasy game or something like a chained echoes which conveniently
I just played so I'm doing kind of like a side-to-side comparison here because the combat is
very quick time event heavy, so you have to like
Complete rhythmic button mashing segments, and you have to be paying really close attention to these combo breaks and
it's I find it really tedious and
as someone who actually enjoys the
BS of
So as someone who actually enjoys the BS of like
Micromanaging my equipment and my and my relics and my and my upgrade progression and my skill set and stuff like that
It has basically none of it you have a weapon you have an armor slot you have two accessory slots
And then one other one I forget I forget what the crap it is
But it's it's basically something else so the the looting is totally unrewarding you just you might pick up a better one
When armor is one thing you might pick up a better whatever, but there's no there's no set combos. There's no
There's no status effects
Mmm. There's no poison. There's no
Like burn there's no
Like attack up defense up. There's there's no buffs
How can you how can you have a how can you have like a combat system without buffs?
There's there's weaknesses, but the weaknesses are sort of randomly balanced
I think they said one of the first patches is going to address some balance issues
I don't know exactly what balance issues they're gonna address
But I also found the exploration really unrewarding
I I had a segment last night because I was talking to David about it where I was saying yeah
I'm like actually kind of disappointed by it
Where it sort of summed up exactly
What my problem was with the game you come to this door, and there's two
like spots that you obviously have to put something in and
Then what you do in order to open the door is you go and you?
journey like one screen over to the right and you pick up a thing and you bring it back and you put it in the
Door and then you go one screen over to the right and then there's a little like ledge
That you have to slowly scoot across and
Then you get to a thing and then you jump down a thing and you pick up a thing and then you bring it back
And you put it in the other side of the door
No puzzle
No fight. I have a just wasting my fucking time to open the door. I'm gonna avoid saying what it is because yeah
Discussing it too directly is gonna be a big spoiler for starfield, but there's a thing that you end up needing to do multiple times
Which it's it's like you know it's supposed to be this big epic moment
Yeah, because of how the audio works and all this other kind of stuff and you have to do it multiple times, but it's like
Identical every time and the first time you do it. You're like whoa like what's the what's the like puzzle?
I'm gonna have to do or something like that and then it's just
Incredibly like brain dead simple and also very tedious
And then you have to do it every single time and it's like oh man, okay
Yeah, people are already saying there's a mod for that there is
But we shouldn't be yeah, I'm glad you brought that up because I got my first ultimate move in sea of stars and
Two weeks ago
I would have said I can't think of a single person who watched the summons in Final Fantasy 7 and thought
What a great gameplay experience he's mentioned this I've never still I've never played Final Fantasy 7
But I know that apparently I'm gonna hate the summons if I ever do, but I can think of one person
Whoever the creative director is for sea of stars
Because I kid you not the once you press ultimate
You can basically like put down
I'm playing on the ROG ally so you can put down your your game console
You can put down your controller
you can like go grab a bag of chips or something or a drink from the fridge and
Come back, and it might not be done yet. It is
So long and as far as I can tell it's not skippable
Just stupid yeah
Just just bad bad
Design that was bad when Final Fantasy 7 did it like 20 years ago
Yeah, when did Final Fantasy 7 come out actually yeah, man. Yeah like 20 years ago, and so I
my thing with Starfield and Baldur's Gate 3 right now is
Love both of them. They're both amazing games
Starfield I could talk about my criticisms of it for a day
Baldur's Gate 3 I have one singular criticism for it one and it's like
Definitely not game breaking. I think it would just make the experience a little bit better and honestly
They've talked about how like people are begging them to release DLC for it because it's just such an amazing game
They want more content yeah
and they could totally like
Bring it into one of those if they wanted to but they also games as a service or whatever seasons or do oh no
I'm saying like this feature that I want basically the the only thing that I don't like about Baldur's Gate 3
And and this was brought up by Ploof and I had already had this like feeling, but he he described it better
But when you when you're running around with your characters you have four characters if you're playing single-player
Then you have however many people following you that you don't have players if you're playing multiplayer
Or if you're playing full multiplayer you just have your four people
But the person that starts the event or conversation or whatever thing pulls you into the like
You have to do dice rolls and conversation stuff thing whatever character is there first is the one that has to deal with the entire
but if you're thinking about it if you're in like a party in an actual D&D game and
Your whole party is standing there, and there's like someone pinned under a tree you would use your strength character
But in Baldur's Gate 3 if it was your like low strength intelligence character that runs up first
Then they're the person that has to do the check
Well, they're the person that has to handle the conversation or whatever else
So it would be cooler if as long as they were in some amount of
Reasonable range because you can split the party so the party split this shouldn't work
But if the party's all together and close you should be able to use whoever your best person in your party
That would be cool, but also
It's pretty unimportant
Yeah, and I it's so unimportant that I didn't even like fully flesh out the thought that I didn't like that part and was just
Like this game's amazing
Because it's like not really that big of a deal because the way that I do it is I just lead with my charisma character
If I'm in a town
And I just lead with my like tankier characters if I'm not in a town and it mostly solves basically you just got good
Basically and everyone else should just get good pretty much toxic gamer moment right here
But they they could like yeah, all right
Hit us with another merch message someone said you can change can't you yeah, I might also just be a noob
I don't know, but that's my only crisis get gooder than Luke. Yeah, basically yeah
Hello, when?
Dll does Linus or Luke think we will ever see a game console that has upgradeable graphics cards Nintendo
Technically did that with the n64 no it wasn't a graphics card. Well it did augment the graphics subsystem, okay?
It wasn't a graphics card was there a PCB in it
It wasn't it wasn't just answer the question
Okay, then was it a graphics card. What specifically was it was just memory right? I don't remember it doesn't matter
Was it a graphics card no, I mean did it have a PCB in it pack
I'm gonna try to find it did it have a finger connector hold on all right. Yeah, just let's just why don't you?
Just look it up fine. Just look at its first eGPU
I'm trying to remember what it was. I could just be totally wrong
The Nintendo 64 expansion pack was an add-on for the Nintendo. Oh what just loaded?
Get rekt and a giant ad that scrolled the entire page and move the thing I was reading completely off the page
I didn't a giant subtract. I was left with nothing
The Nintendo 64 expansion pack was an add-on for the Nintendo 64 that doubled the amount of RAM the n64 had to 8 megabytes
It's allowed for greater resolution
Longer draw distance and more detailed graphics, but it's just more RAM. Okay fine. You win memory expense so then Star Fox
For Super Nintendo is it a graphics?
That's good
I was mostly just bugging oh
We should do one more merch message because I haven't even told people what the like new stuff on the show is we haven't even shown
The reversible bomber jacket and the Merino t-shirt yet. It's reversible. Yeah, it's reversible. There's an orange one
I thought it's just a different product. Nah dawg. That's cool. I haven't seen these before. Do you wanna check it out?
Yeah, sure all right. I wouldn't let Luke look at it before the show so he gets to experience them now. Oh hi
He's trying
She's really good at this
So it's like a sort of slightly puffy bomber style jacket
There's ever so subtle orange accenting on the LTT on the front of it
You can barely catch it from the side. It's on the it's on the edge a little bit
Yeah, so you can see it slightly better there. Yeah, that's pretty cool. I
like that it's subtle and
It's I mean yeah, it's kind of hard. You're not able to really stand up, so you can't really okay sure yeah
And then go ahead and reverse it the reverse side is okay hold on this one if you're if you're wondering
What fit this one's a little big on me because this is a 2 XL, and I'm normally a 1 XL
Oh, okay, sorry. I guess they brought you the wrong stuff
I'm just saying cuz people are seeing it
So I want to make it clear that like you are clearly new to reversible garments
You got to pull the sleeve while you ever had one while you take it off. That's the key. That's the trick
Now let's see let's see how many people notice this
I'm really excited for this the tag by the way that is on the outside right now is a removable tag. It just rips off
Okay, let's see let's see how many people notice
It's more orange in person. I will say that right now Dan is this color accurate this display. Oh my god
No, okay, I just kind of vibrant or it. I looked over there at actual Luke, and that is
Extremely orange yes, the oh my god is because the difference is yeah, it's quite striking
It's quite like kind of peachy in the in the camera feed, but it is orange. This is almost like like security orange
Yes, it's almost like it's blowing out the camera at least on this monitor very orange, okay, so hold still for a second
Let's see if anybody notices. Let's see if Luke notices notice
What do you notice you notice anything just see if you notice anything?
Or is the stitching LTT? Yeah?
The whole thing is LTT. I couldn't actually like tell oh I can see it now on the sleeve
There's a tea yeah
This is a ridiculous company. Yeah, I think some stuff like that. That's nuts
I actually don't remember who thought of that, but I think that's pretty cool
Idea amazing oh I can see yeah now that I actually like look at it
I can see it wearing it is a little hard. Oh you can see it on the sleeves though
Yeah, yeah, so I actually like the like quilted appearance. I don't know if that's the right term, but yeah
It's like a puffy kind of yeah. Yeah, it looks all right
Yeah, so that's available on the site right now, and we are also launching our
Merino t-shirt, so this is a this is a wool t-shirt the benefits of Merino wool are
Several let's see if we yeah here. We go all right here
We'll just flip over to the site here our LTT Merino wool t-shirt where comfort meets performance in one extraordinary tea
It's comfortable light and keeps its shape with excellent moisture wicking properties to keep you feeling fresh
Even in a hardcore cod session Merino wool also helps with temperature regulation and
Minimizes odors, it's kind of an amazing material
I've I've wanted to do something with Merino wool ever since I got my Merino wool socks that I absolutely love
It's a super simple tea. It's black, but it is
Merino it is indeed a t-shirt that is black. Yeah. There's the only logos down here. Yeah
That's a tiny little tiny little logo
We're trying to keep we're kind of trying to keep things. You know subtle right like even the even the bomber jacket
It's like yeah sure it has LTT is all over it
But if you don't know what you're looking for you might never actually notice it yeah
LTT has become a clothing line that sponsors a tech hobby what a dream come true. I know right
Someone said do you actually do big sizes now? We don't do tall
Not yet, but we're working on it. Yeah. Yeah, we are work harder on it
Yeah, our I know I know well part of the problem
Is that one of our one of our fit people who's like really really great?
Was not an office for a very very extended period of time
I can't give you guys any like personal details or anything about it. It's a good thing
It's a happy thing, but they were not in office for a very very long time
This is nice, and they are very much in office now and very committed to getting our extended sizing going so I'm really excited
Right yeah, so it's nice. It's it's not cheap. It's a $60 shirt merino wool is like that go ahead
price compare
It's our shirt, so you know it's gonna the fits gonna be awesome, and it's gonna be comfortable
It's gonna be it feels quality is gonna be great for some people so it's our shirt. Yeah well until we get
But it's our shirt now, so you know it's gonna be good, and it's merino so you know it's gonna be merino
So there you go all right was there. Oh there was oh, there's one. Oh shoot
Hey, I can work out in an LTG to LTT shirt. Yes. Oh by the way makes sense. This is official
Yeah, the LTT retro screwdriver is coming level up your tool game no coins required enter your email
All you got to do is go to lttstore.com slash pages slash retro dash sign up, so I'm gonna drop that in the chat
nice I
Promise you we did actually think of this before it made its way to
to reddit, but
You know what hey if you're some if you're one of the people who posted this on reddit because more than more than one person
Did come up with this?
Then you can you can you can give yourself a you can give yourself a little pat on the back
Yeah, we're very excited about this one, and then finally we would like you guys to send us your favorite garment
Send us your favorite garment and tell us some of what you like about it
We're gonna post that link in the chat as well. Go check it out. We just want to understand like
What you guys wear what you guys love why you wear it?
Why you love it and kind of help help guide us because obviously we have plenty of cool ideas on our own
But we're always open to new ones and really excited to you know build stuff. That is that is for you, okay?
That's it. That's all that that's all the merch talk for this week. Yeah, are we doing one more though?
I think that was um oh no. I think Dan put up two to three more topics, so why don't we talk about?
California passing right to repair hey, let's go
California is now the third US state to pass right to repair laws for consumer appliances and electronics alongside, New York and Minnesota
To be clear it's not a law yet because it has yet to be signed by the governor
But he is a supporter of the bill and therefore will likely do so the California bill requires that
Manufacturers retain repair parts tools manuals and software documentation for at least three years
Post-production for products that are sold for between 50 and 100 dollars and up to seven years for products over
$100 it also bars
Manufacturers so they cannot do it from charging independent repair technicians more for repair materials than they would their own repair network
Although I can already see how that might be that might have some loopholes open in it for abuse
There are still a few carve-outs the new law won't stop manufacturers from creating software blocks to prevent third parties from fixing devices
Okay, or from combining single parts into complex assemblies, which we have encountered before
I don't know if you remember this part of the iMac Pro saga
But part of the reason that a replacement motherboard was so expensive was because Apple considered a motherboard
Plus the CPU plus RAM
I don't remember if it was the cooler as well
But like the motherboard was an assembly with the socketed CPU. How does that make any sense?
Right to repair advocates have been pleased overall though with the language of the new bill
But expressed concern about the involvement of Apple who is a major backer of the bill
In a letter to the bill's sponsor senator Susan Eggman Apple said that its support was contingent on
Continued protection of its intellectual property and certain restrictions on third-party repair shops
Like not permitting them to turn off its anti-theft remote locks and requiring them to disclose to customers when they use third-party or second-hand parts
I mean both of those things are fine, but we know for a fact that Apple has other less fine
restrictions that they place on third-party repair shops
According to Eggman's chief staff Apple was involved early on in the development of the bill and
participated in a very constructive manner
Okay, yeah interesting every time there's like something passes for right to repair. There's a lot of asterisks
Apple has publicly framed its involvement as a way of maintaining its products longevity and their value over their expected lifetime as well as
Increasing its customers access to safe high-quality repair options while also protecting their safety security and privacy
That's a very PR statement that means
That they might have alright. I'm a lot. I haven't I haven't read the bill
but I'm a lot less excited about this than I was before because
Apple would go as far as to re-engineer the
Functioning of an SSD to make sure that you you can't upgrade any other stuff in your system
Without losing all your data like that's that's actually the way that they behave so
cool then
In other news
Destiny 2 yeah, yeah
Destiny 2 cheater legally barred from all Bungie games a prolific destiny 2 cheater has agreed to consent
Judgment in a US court barring him from ever playing a Bungie game ever again. How on earth could you enforce this?
The cheater who was 17 at the start of the lawsuit was found to have used cheat software extensively
evaded multiple bans and harassed and threatened Bungie employees
He has also ordered he has also been ordered to pay Bungie half a million dollars in damages
Wow Wow okay
He has likewise agreed to a restraining order barring him from interacting with any current or future Bungie IP
Harassing any Bungie employee or player of Bungie games or knowingly traveling within a thousand feet of any
Bungie office or any home occupied by Bungie employees
I don't know
I don't know much about this person and based on that they were 17 when this whole thing started
Maybe their identity is not known I do you guys do you guys know is that is the name out there?
But like I don't know clearly some some stuff went down
Yeah, really
This is the latest in a string of legal action Bungie has taken against cheaters and distributors of cheating software including a 4.3 million
dollar judgment against the distributor
Aim junkies earlier this year the specific case this specific case centered around one individual cheater
appears to be highly unusual
However some modders have expressed concern about the basis of which the decision was made the five hundred thousand dollar fine is in fact composed of
100 fines worth of $2,000 each
For individual acts of ban evasion a hundred ban evasion
Holy okay, so I think the prolific part was was quite genuine as well as a
$300,000 fine for multiple instances of copyright infringement
this larger fine was based on the argument by Bungie that the cheaters use of code injection and graphical overlays qualified as
Creating an unauthorized derivative work in violation of federal copyright law, okay, I don't know if I like that precedent
maybe for multiplayer games
Because minecraft does that kind of stuff?
Well now hold on a second oh
See yeah, that's the thing on the one hand if there was a legal framework for pursuing
individual cheaters in games if
Games suddenly became illegal, that's sweet
I actually like I might I might be okay with that because the hammers because on the one hand yeah
There's a lot of casual competition
But it's like yeah, but fair enough then play a casual game with your friends play a custom game
Where everyone is on the same playing field and then it's fine, but people don't treat gaming like that
I'll often be like to a large degree people do not treat gaming like just a casual thing where you know you can just
No clip and and and wall hack or whatever right so in much the same way that they regulate professional sports. I
Don't see why cheating in games shouldn't be a thing that yeah is is is punishable however
This is this is running anything alongside the game suddenly being a derivative work
Which because remember the law is a lot of the time centered around precedent right not necessarily the original wording this seems really dangerous
Yeah, and like people have brought up in chat someone said Wow lets you modify your UI Wow lets you do a lot of stuff
with add-ons
That I know there's add-ons for
Various other MMOs as well even when they're not allowed by the developer
So that would now make that like criminal and what if you're doing it for accessibility reasons, but you don't
You're not like you don't have the you know this the sign for your rearview mirror
But you like do kind of need it or something like I
Gee yeah, that's really and it's one of those things where you know you guys might say well
Yeah, but Blizzard allows that or they you know who whatever else
Well right right, but what if it's at their sole discretion and
Sure, I don't know
This guy might have had it coming based on the 100 100
Fines yeah, you know and and and all the restraining orders against Bungie employees and all that like
Like I said some stuff obviously went down here would need to know a lot more about what happened. Yeah, but based on
Was just based on people you know being people
Do I trust every random gaming company whose game?
I buy on Steam or whatever to to act in a consistent and
Benevolent way towards me no not at all not even a little
Yeah, I like the idea of being able to crunch down on cheaters and multiplayer games
But I'd be highly concerned about how this could be used outside of that okay, we need to revisit something
I said before rolled gold in floatplane chat says cheating in a professional sport slash game should be illegal
But in casual play making it illegal is going too far, but here's the thing who decides that the game is casual
That's not a unilateral decision if you're playing a ranked rocket league game and someone on the other side is cheating
That's non-consensual you also are
You didn't consent to it being casual you're trying to play the game
In a ranked setting and how do you define?
casual or competitive
Some people are talking about car Tarkov in here Tarkov doesn't have a competitive mode Tarkov also doesn't have a casual
I think Tarkov is implicitly Tarkov is I think so as well, but it's not technically ranked you just mentioned ranked. There's no rankings
It's just everything is very serious
And honestly as someone else also said in floatplane chat the amount of cheating in Tarkov
ruined the game for me and now I don't play so you can it can directly even if it's a
casual game if you're if you're playing
Warzone is ranked if you're playing casual counter-strike
That is a thing if you're playing casual counter-strike and every game you jump into there's spin botters
Just auto killing everyone on the map you're not gonna want to play the game anymore
You're not gonna recommend it to anyone. It's a bad experience
I think making the argument that cheating is theft is one that you could you could make your way to not everyone's gonna agree with
You is it theft well it is the removal of it is the loss of earnings
So it's it's some
You're gonna have to come up with a name for it
Yeah, but it's definitely something that they might have had that now they don't have anymore. So is that theft yeah?
Probably not it's not not by definition, but it's harmful there. It's harmful
So said it's more like vandalism
Sure, which is also illegal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah vandalism. That's who said that that's a really good
Ramen robot good good take good take
I've got people talking about how that well. There is a casual mode for rocket League. Well. It's sure fine cool
But waiting that's still it's still so it still sucks
but if casual mode was
Allowed cheating well then yeah sure fine
Then everyone can just play it everyone can just have their trainers on or whatever they call cheap clients these days
Yeah, no I I
I'm split on this one. I don't know. I don't know
I I'm not a huge fan of of the precedent being set here even though obviously some stuff went down
I think the precedent is very concerning, but I again we need to know more about the case. I am overall supportive of
cheaters especially those commercially
Benefiting from cheating being punished. I think it's not it's not cool
If someone man if someone made a device that your kid could wear to the playground and
It immediately sucked all the fun out of the jungle gym for everyone else
Would that would would they be allowed to take that to school
Would those devices get banned if they just you know if they were like if it was like a dementor?
You know hit everyone else on the on the jungle gym, and it just completely
Removed the fun from their activity like I
It's it's one of those things where it's just like is it illegal not illegal
I don't know, but obviously no one would be down with it
And it wouldn't take long for people to be like no that's not cool, and you shouldn't do that anymore
But for some reason because we don't have to be face-to-face with people cheating just
Keeps happening of course we're not
Qualified to talk about it is we can we can discuss our
Feelings on a matter yeah, any gamer is qualified to talk about cheating. Yeah, we're not trying to say we're legal experts like nope
I have never said that chillax
Very slight correction by the way last week during the Lenovo Legion go story
I seemed to imply at one point that the ROG Ally was more powerful than the Legion go full transparency guys
Lenovo wasn't stoked on that, but that wasn't my intention they they have the same processor the Ryzen z1 extreme
When I was talking about it, I was comparing the ROG Ally to the Steam Deck
I don't have a legion go I have I have not made any comparison
I was making comparisons between devices that I own and have used
So there's that also. I think there's an
Assumption among some people that we mean that this should result in jail time
No, lots of things aren't illegal without resulting in jail time like you're not allowed to park anywhere you want
But it's like it's a fine. It's not jail time. It's a level of enforcement
Do you want to play a game what sure I'm gonna cheat though you're gonna cheat
Actually it's more of a game. It's more of a game with the community oh
Oh, yeah, I don't know how are we gonna pull this I have no idea. I don't know if we can cuz he's
Yeah, I'm not we'd have to do each one individually. I think that's gonna take too long exactly
I could I could run them all consecutively
Let's know let's let's do it as a let's let's have let's have them pick a number any total
Yeah, how many of these yeah, okay?
This has been kind of fun for me to watch
But there has been a lot of feedback on our recent videos that people are
really excited about the new direction and the new writing and the vibe of
Our most recent uploads and how happy they are about the production break and us taking the time to be more
relaxed and and do things properly and all of that good stuff and
I just want to say
Let's play a game
I am going to show you guys all the videos that we have uploaded
Since the production break and I want you guys to try and we're gonna have a poll on float plane, right?
So how many are there total there's nine total? I believe I want you guys to
Answer from zero to nine how many of those videos you think were produced before?
No, let's go with after how many of those videos do you think were actually produced after the production break versus videos that you?
Think were produced before the production break, but we've just had sitting in the holster waiting to release them
Okay, so how many were produced after that's what you guys are going to be guessing
So I'm just going to show you guys. I'll remind you guys of some of the videos here
Here they are so here's the announcement that we're coming back. This is a
Members only exclusive or float plane exclusive, so we've got the e-ink monitor that Adam, and I checked out
That one doesn't show up in the screenshot on here oh
Sorry they're 10 the heck there's nine there was on here. There's nine
Yeah, but there was well. That's cuz that's not logged into memberships, so we're ignoring the members, okay?
So yeah, I'm doing one through nine. Yeah, the next one is you'll own nothing and be happy which is
Kind of a
discussion of hardware
DLC so it's an Intel CPU that you can unlock hyper threading and some extra cash
There's the all team you which I've been informed. I pronounced wrong, but I don't care because yeah, they don't matter
I just don't shop the all time you all team you gaming setup. It was a really fun video by the way
There's the Apple Newton so we did a bit of a retrospective on Apple's palm pilot
Competitor I'm posting the poll now because people are spamming freaking numbers and
There's the AMD Radeon rx-7700 and 7800 XT review
There's uh there's another float plane exclusive. Oh, I love that we put the float plane. Yeah watermarks on YouTube
There's the Soviet era gaming mouse this one was really fun. We bought a mouse from like
1992 or something like that not counting the full plate exclusives. Yeah, we're not counting those Chad is a little confused tonight. That's okay
There's the Sonos upgrade
so Alex, and I did a bunch of cable management and moved everything from a
horrible mess on the floor to the wall
There's oh that one's exclusive as well. Sorry. There's the Apple iPhone 15 announcement
There's ten reasons. I daily drive a foldable so all the ones that I listed
That's the that's the nine videos that are included, so I am very interested to see the pool
I also need to double-check the initial the initial results are
mostly like
Five and beyond is like below 5% or at 5%
4 has like
Roughly 12 or 13 3 has roughly
just below 30 2 has just above 30 and
1 is floating around the 15 16 percent mark obviously votes are still coming in we'll see how that lands
but usually within the first like minute things are pretty close to how they're gonna end up I
have to be honest with you I
actually can't really tell the difference between
Them and there's one that I need to check
Let me just check something really quick. I can't remember
Sometimes the days are just just a blur. No. I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure okay the answer is and
Here let me pull up the the poll results aerial from the team are you yes my bad
Said what are we counting written versus shot?
Yeah, yeah, there's I don't think there's anything that was actually written pre and then shot post
on this list anyway
All right the answer is
That had as of right now
Which people are now gonna know so yeah
But as of right now that was tied for the second highest amount with 29 percent
So this one had a lot of really positive comments about how you know our tone was like totally different and totally new
This was shot and almost completely edited before the production break
This one people didn't really talk about too much this one
I saw a lot of comments about how you know Linus seems like he's he's pulling his punches
Or holding back or something this was shot and edited before the break
We made a couple small changes because we had a bunch of extra time
But it was largely produced. I saw some of the comments on that about how like oh
He's really trying to be more like careful about things now, and it was definitely before
Yeah, the Apple Newton was actually shot the night before ltx. I saw a lot of people talk about how we didn't seem rushed
This was one of the most rushed shoots. We've ever done
Which is really cool
This was an embargo product, so this one was was done very recently
The Soviet era gaming mouse I saw so many comments about how this was you know obviously we were taking it to another level
this was this was
Edited after but written and shot before the production break the Sonos one this one was actually shot recently
If I recall correctly, this is the one that I was not a hundred percent sure on
But I'm like 99% sure the Apple announcement this was done
Obviously the day that Apple released it and then ten reasons. I daily drive a foldable was shot before the production break
J 21 3
21 to 34 says it shows how little we know and will ever know about the internal workings of LMG yes
It does
There is
I like to think I'm pretty transparent with you guys
but there's a lot that I cannot say and
There's a lot that it doesn't make sense for me to say if something got screwed up for example
You know in a way, it's a catch-22 for me if I say yep
That's on me
Then I look incompetent if I say that mistake was made by X
Then I look like I'm putting down a member of my team
There's no way for me to win, but that's come that comes with the position right is that I know you gotta take some hits
and you don't and
All I would ask is that you know that you don't know
All right
Let's talk about the framework gaming handheld because this is so cool so cool. Oh
My goodness. This is so cool
Incredibly well done considering the time frame on this I know right like what the heck okay, so
What I would like to do because we don't want this to turn into you know a react situation where we are where we are
Cannibalizing the original video is I'm gonna start the hold on hold on. Oh, yeah, okay, no no this timestamp is fine
I have it started here. Do you want this no? No? I'm good. I'm good, so I'm gonna start by dumping links into the chat
I want you guys to all go there now
Yeah, and we can kind of watch it together, or you know what I'm not even gonna watch it
I'm gonna dump this in the chat, and we can just talk about it, and then we're gonna talk about it
but I do want to at least show the people like a
Still or two from the video, so I'm gonna. I'm gonna scrub it a little bit, but it's two minutes long
You guys need to watch this. It's so cool. This is just a like tiny channel pit stop tech
Subscribers it was two when I looked not a hundred jumping on not a hundred sixty three thousand one hundred sixty three
Okay, world's first fully modular handheld
Description description of the video says project
I've been working on that I'm very passionate about a fully upgradeable gaming handheld where you can upgrade the battery main board
CPU RAM storage by utilizing frameworks modular components. I will be selling it soon as a DIY kit
I didn't know that that's so cool
For those that want another way to reuse or buy new their framework components. That is so sick
I'm so happy that they're doing that this is super cool. That's now obviously I have some concerns about weight
I think what is it a 60 or 70 watt-hour battery or something like that one. Yeah, okay, so
She's gonna be a heavy boy and those bezels are decidedly last-gen look
I don't want to I don't want to pretend that this is a miracle device
but if you're if
For the use case that this person described in the description if you are updating your like laptop anyways
And you can just now have a portable computer. That's cool. That is so sick. It's such a cool project the components
They used were an Intel 12th gen main board us with 16 gigs of RAM
They've got a 512 gig SSD in there though. It's a framework so you could put whatever SSD
55 watt-hour battery there you go that answers that question
7 inch full HD touchscreen
Fully featured USB C port because it's a framework. It's a framework main board and then high-speed Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
You know
When Asus was here showing me the ROG Ally for the first time I said
You know guys have you given much thought to repair ability and upgrade ability and you know obviously they were aware of what valves doing
with the Steam Deck and they are sort of
Not everyone at Asus probably is but you know some people there were aware of framework
And I was like you guys in Ally 2 or Ally 3 get it in the pipeline you guys
must address this because
To my knowledge framework isn't working on anything like this yet
I am an investor, but that doesn't mean I know everything so for all I know they could have a skunkworks project
That's a modular handle. I don't know but to my knowledge
They're not working on anything like this yet
The best thing that you could do is make it so they don't have to be the one who does it I?
Don't know if they would I don't know if they would have the the the forward
thinking to to do that to get out ahead of it, but
And I would I would like to see someone take this up an upgradeable
Mastery asks are you going to invest more no?
Probably not I
Have other projects that I'm focused on right now, but I'm open to it, so so the answer is
Probably not there. That's the real answer
Yeah, absolutely sick-looking project. Oh, you know what be kind of cool. This is a really good idea
Someone someone said hey you should come have a look at how the view count yeah Avon Fox
says you should go check out how the
How the view count is jumping I've just been refreshing his channel and watching the subscriber count go up. It's fun
317 now it's doubled. This is great
Nice job, man. Oh
You assume
nice job, uh
Good stop tech. There's no is that your phone. I don't know it's under the table
Yeah, I hucked mine over there. Oh, oh, oh, oh bad. Oh, sorry play that video
What is happening
That that is not a feature of that jacket
Luke it's a it's a bomber jacket. Not a not an RFID blocking jacket
Okay, we stopped the phone is away
You know what else is away
Finitariness hey meta is preparing to add the capability to send and receive messages with other chat apps
Based on a new section for third-party chats spotted in the apps newest update in the Google Play beta program
this is likely due to the European Union's digital markets act which requires large companies that it defines as
gatekeeper platforms to comply with additional restrictions and responsibilities
Other companies listed as gatekeeper platforms include alphabet Amazon Apple ByteDance and
One requirement is that any company with a messaging app that has over 45 million active users?
10% of the EU population must make that app interoperable with other messaging apps, which meta will need to comply with
Can I just say a couple things here first shout out EU? Yeah, and second consistently we need to have a longer conversation about
The double-edged sword that is this kind of legislation
hold on let's go on for a little bit here first part of the goal of the DMA is to institute a
Preemptive approach to monopolistic behavior rather than responding after the fact with prolonged antitrust investigations
the DMA also contains significant privacy protections and requires gatekeepers to get explicit consent from users in order to track their
online behavior
Fines for failure to comply can include up to 10% of a company's revenue
And 20% for repeat offenders
So our discussion question here is should other countries around the world follow the EU's lead
Or should we take a wait-and-see approach and just let capitalism do its thing?
Before we talk about that. I want to talk about Apple switching to USB C
Switched to USB C on the iPhone 15. It's at us kind of hoping that was gonna be the whole time
Yeah, it's USB 2.0 speeds whereas on the iPhone 15 Pro
It does USB 3 at speeds of up to 10 gigabit per second, and I saw a lot of people upset about it, but
We were about halfway through script review when I looked at ploof who was the writer for for our video, and I was like
This is not them just hamstringing in the 15
This is probably because the 15 uses the a 16 bionic
It probably legitimately doesn't have a USB 3 controller, and so we looked and we were like okay
Well what other devices have used the a 16 bionic because if an iPad did for example
Then if that iPad supported USB 3 well, then it was definitely on the silicon
But they never used it in an iPad. It was an iPhone only
SOC so I think it's been confirmed at this point
but I was I was really glad that we didn't like lay into Apple about it because
Obviously if it's not on the hardware
It's not going to be in there, so we will likely see an iPhone 16 if it's based on a 17 silicon
Could they just align that numbering, please like just skip one for one of them or something anyway
We would likely see an iPhone 16 with the a 17
Be equipped with USB 3 as as sort of just a generational upgrade over the iPhone 15 which has a
glory 16 silicon in it um
So you get USB type-c. I believe it's up to 20 watts of charging
You get USB 2 speeds on the iPhone 15 USB 3 speeds on the iPhone 15 pro
Obviously the pro max or ultra whatever the heck they're calling everything these days
And I think that's pretty much everything to say about the Apple event they also have a new watch or two and
Yeah, you guys can watch the video summary that we did the other day
But this was also even though Apple will not admit it as part of you know their innovation
Announcement launch event or whatever else. This is also due to pressure from the EU absolutely
Standardize the cables and and wall warts and all of the all of the bits and pieces that we need for device charging
that Apple has
Apparently decided to comply with rather than go you know
Full take my ball and go home and just moved everything wireless like was has been speculated over the over the last few years I
have seen a
lot of arguments
Not all of which I can I can defeat both ways for this on the one hand
The EU the EU's action here towards platform interoperability and in the case of Apple
Reducing waste and okay, I'd like to stop everyone who is saying well
What about all the lightning cables that are going to be wasted now?
All of those lightning cables were going to be wasted
Yeah, the difference is now. We aren't gonna keep manufacturing any more of them
That's the point
Eventually lightning was going to go away Apple's been moving away from lightning for like six years
It's just a matter of how many more of these bloody things we keep making that will eventually be thrown away in fact every
USB-c cable is probably going to be thrown away at some point, but at least by standardizing it
We can produce fewer of them so that we don't need to have more than one cable for our iPad and for our iPhone
And then another one for iPad and our iPhone in our in our you know you know carry
You know a bag that we take to and from work etc etc. We're try. It's it's a reduction move
It's not that it's not that suddenly
You know all those lightning cables are garbage and and and and that's you know
We've done a bad thing by switching over to USB C
It's we will stop producing lightning cables at some point in the near future, and that is a good thing
That's that's the whole point of it so
With that said I have seen arguments that
You know the EU's move might not necessarily be if even if it's a good move this time
It might set a really bad precedent because let's talk about lightning for a second people like to dunk on it today
But lightning was huge when it came out. I actually really liked lightning major
Advantage iPhone when lightning was first introduced compared to USB micro B. It was which was a piece of
Crap and you can quote the rated insertions all day. I don't care
I do not believe you my anecdotal experience with USB micro B has been extensive enough and
Negative enough that you will never sell me that micro B was anything other than a failed standard. It was a bad connector
the space advantage over mini be
Negligible if
Every phone had just used mini B until we got type C
I would have been way happier with that and mini B was a piece of crap
I even have some weird hot takes about lightning as a non Apple user. Yeah, I actually just like the connector more
Yeah, I find it plugs in better. I'm not even talking compared to micro B. I'm talking compared to see sure
I find it plugs in significantly better. Yep. It has a really clear tactile. Yes. I am inserted right now feel I
Think it's slightly smaller is that accurate mmm then type C. Yeah, yeah, it's it's marginally
Yeah, so it's a little bit account for the housing on the other side
And you know yeah, so it's hard to like really know marginally smaller
I think it's slightly smaller and the plug-in feels like wildly better. I've always like kind of wished
that the actual standard was
The lightning cable the problem is that lightning is too small to have enough conductors for modern functionality
I'm just talking from a like tactile sure yeah
And that's a big part of why lightning has lost its luster because while it does have actually more conductors than USB to I forget
What Apple uses them for I think it's like?
Auxiliary data transfer like that's how they're able to do
HDMI over lightning and stuff like that it is at significantly lower bandwidth than a real HDMI connection
But it does allow them to do additional things that you wouldn't be able to do with straight-up USB to yes chat
I know they're bums about the licensing. I mean I'm also even looking right now at a USB C to lightning adapter
That is $40
I'm just talking about the tactile experience of using the cable actually very much like lightning
That's all I'm saying sue for AWS says too few conductors isn't a hard problem to solve it sure is actually yeah
What it dramatically increases the complexity of the?
ICs at either end to have fewer fewer conductors like they have to operate at it you either have to increase
Your the speed of the cars on the road, or you have to increase the number of lanes
And so USB C adds a more speed and be a lot more lanes
For data to travel along compared to a lightning connector
With that said
Mystery me says USB 3 was possible over lightning the iPad pros that had lightning supported USB 3 speeds over lightning
Was is that enough hold on a second USB because USB 3 was 9 conductors when we got it lightning is only 7
So that would have been
Every one of my lightning cables has burned pin says reckoning okay, that's something I haven't personally experienced
Although I had it used it a fair bit, but we do have people talking in the chat about some
Design flaws in lightning Oh lightning is 8
Okay, I did not know that I knew like I thought lightning was 7
okay, either way either way for whatever reason whether it was cost on the
Device side whether it was cost of the implementation on the client side
Apple did not broadly roll out higher data speeds over lightning
USB C is clearly the path forward and is so much more capable so much more standardized and
Generally the right decision. Why don't we just leave it at that and then go into the next thing that I want to discuss which is
Arguably they got it right this time
But given huh in general governing bodies
It has a potential stifle innovation understanding of tech
Generally it also has a potential to cause things like USB forum to fall into complacency
What are the odds they're gonna get it right every time yeah, that's my bigger question because yeah
Those are those are totally valid concerns now. Are we stuck with USB C forever?
For ever is a long freaking time yeah, and
And and you're right yeah
We can we can make the cars drive faster
And we do have a lot more flexibility in the USB C standard than we do in something like lightning
There's a lot more conductors
Is it gonna be perfect forever
I mean no I can already see things about it that aren't perfect like like you said the the tactile feel of the insertion is
Not as good there's tiny tiny little pins tiny tiny little contacts on both sides
It can be a little bit fragile. It could also be not fragile
We did that we did that video ages ago back when James started one of his first jobs was to unplug and plug in
I remember an external drive like literally thousands of times
Until we managed to wear out every connector, but the type C or something like that
I think we went to the rated number of insertions. It was literally thousands of times
Angle of insertion is not as wide says Firingo. Yeah exactly there are definitely problems with type C
so are we stuck with it forever now and
Should we be allowing these governing bodies to make these decisions was there ever a referendum on this is?
this actually democratic I
Have no I have no idea. I can't speak to that at all. No no okay. Yeah, it's not democratic
Okay, so
Man, I am I am torn man
Yeah, what happens when lobbyists get involved in and then they just you know pass down edicts that are advantageous to I don't know
Microsoft over over Apple what recourse is there I I?
Love the decisions
That were made in this case
Because I'm gonna I'm gonna be my understanding is that this this chat thing is gonna apply to iMessage as well
So we could end up seeing RCS supported at least in Europe
And if the type C connector is anything to go by if they support it in Europe to avoid
Peaving off their American and Asian customers and Australian I remember you guys
Just like Antarctica everything all the continents, okay
In order to yeah in order to not peeve off the rest of their customers
I would hope that we would see RCS intercompatibility implemented everywhere else in general
I really agree with the things that they're doing I just worry that
You know you can start out with good intentions and end up doing the wrong things
really really easily I
Don't have a solution to this no
But I'm really glad that iPhones are type C now
All right, I mean I guess yeah, there's not really
Dan do you have any thoughts on this are you just busy typing responses to people I?
Don't know
Honestly, I do think it's interesting how?
You know one governing body by themselves for the protection of their own consumers and constituents
makes one decision and then all the companies are required to jump on it yeah because
It's cheaper to make one skew
Two skews that doesn't mean they're required to no no no no because they're required by the hand of capitalism
You want to think about it that way product development has gotten so expensive. No. No I agree, but it's sorry
Thank you. Yeah, the clarification is important there that it's not required sure
Guiding hand of capitalism. I think is a good way of saying it because I mean they could just pull out of EU
Or they could have an EU specific skew you got two choices you make two skews you don't sell there or
You make one skew. I think that's three choices. Yeah
In type C news
Intel announces Thunderbolt 5
The connector remains so we have continuity all the way from Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 5
And this is looking pretty spicy
It is built on USB 4 v2
The cable is backwards compatible with previous versions of Thunderbolt however if you have a fully Thunderbolt 5
compliant ecosystem you will be able to take advantage of up to 80 gigabit per second of bandwidth and
Up to a hundred twenty gigabit per second with bandwidth
Boosting which I do not fully understand what they mean by that
But apparently allows more high-resolution monitors or something
Thunderbolt 5 can run a single monitor at up to 540 Hertz as many as three monitors running at 4k at
144 Hertz each or even multiple 8k displays
Jason Ziller head of Intel's client connectivity division speculated that Thunderbolt 5 might lead to a resurgence in external graphics
with basically RTX 30 series and up
You're giving up so much performance that the price becomes sort of impractical
Yeah, the thing about external graphics is that once you make an investment in an enclosure?
You can hopefully theoretically carry it forward for a while
So if we can dramatically increase the bandwidth and you invest invest I'm using this term loosely obviously
But you you you pony up for a Thunderbolt 5 compatible enclosure
Theoretically that's something you could start using with your Thunderbolt 4 device today
And then as you upgrade you could continue to use and so you could get multiple
GPU upgrades out of it making the cost a lot more palatable. I
personally, you know
Bias alert bias alert. I love eGPU
I think it's just I think it's hyper cool to be able to have a thin and light device
I can carry around with me and then just
Dock and suddenly be on a gaming powerhouse. I just think it's the coolest stuff ever
Anyway, I I would love I would love for my bro Jason here to be right
We're Thunderbolt 4 supplied up to a hundred watts of charging power. Thunderbolt 5 will do up to
240 watts and that's all I have to say about that
I am excited and then I have a surprise topic here called Twitter X monetization. We got paid. I
Know enough people have memed on Twitter monetization at this point. I was actually like waiting for us to do this
To talk about monetization. No, I I didn't realize you guys had turned that on. Yeah
And I was like, why don't we do this because our total payout which I believe is for a month was seventy six dollars and thirty
Cents. Well, that's really low compared to other ones that I've seen
No wonder why
CPM stuff like that. Yeah, also just you know what?
I don't know likes on Twitter or like whatever like I don't know how it works. Yeah care
I just I was looking at it being like hey, there's free money. Yeah, I'll take my seventy six dollars. We'll have the free money
Yeah, yeah
Awesome cool
Sweet sounds good next topic. Yeah, I think we've got one more and then it's time to yeah the surface duo has reached its end
Microsoft's dual screen Android device
Microsoft's original surface duo foldable phone reached the end of its three-year update life as of September 10th
However, the fourteen hundred dollar device never ran an up-to-date version of Android having only received two extremely late
OS updates during its lifespan
He got shipped with Android 10 a year-old OS after Android 11 had already launched and got its update to Android 11
16 months later
After Android 12 L had already launched
It received 12 L only after Android 13 launched giving it a worst-in-class update schedule
That's a yikes
The service duo was praised for its design but criticized for its software quality all
underpowered hardware and extreme bugginess
Android wasn't able to fully use its ultra wide 4x3 displays and there was no split keyboard really Oh
Making it making typing difficult Microsoft dropped the price of the surface duo by
$200 a month after launch and eventually dropped it to
409 to a thousand dollars less than the original 409 four hundred and nine dollars. That is a thousand. I see
Yeah, that's a thousand dollars less than the original MSRP Wow
The device was originally intended to run a version of Windows and the Android OS development was outsourced until Microsoft brought
Brought out the outsourcing company auto bought out the outsourcing company two months prior to launch
Okay. Wow, what a disaster who could have ever seen it coming
everyone that's seen Microsoft make
Portable devices my my discussion question here. I'm gonna just gonna come up with my own one. Sorry, Jessica
My discussion question here is this isn't fair. I was trying to reference the zoom. Sorry. Yeah, keep going is
Does this kind of thing just kill innovation
Because we've talked on the show before about how your best bet if you want proper support is to just buy the popular one because
we've seen time and time again that companies can afford to peeve off a
Handful of super fans no matter how super they are and no matter how fanatical they are
But they can't afford to peeve off the bulk of their user base
Yeah, so if you always just go, you know, whatever the you know, chipset name
Strix II, you know from Asus or you know, whatever the whatever the the best-selling iPhone, you know
Don't get the mini, you know, nobody buys the mini. So don't get the mini
Just get whatever the mainstream one that everyone is buying is you are very likely to get the longest
Tail on your software support and have a better overall experience
Even if that other product advertised features that you personally think would be very beneficial to you
I will say that the better off in this conversation is a little bit fluid in terms of software support
Yeah terms of of them caring about the experience of their customers because there is strength in numbers
Yeah, and so I worry you might enjoy something that doesn't have as much software support
Might be a better purchasing decision for you
But yeah, I worry that with devices like this though where there's an expectation of ongoing support
Which is I mean basically anything we buy now, it's all connected. It's all smart. I
Worry that companies are gonna look at a new product category and go
Holy shit, if we don't want to look like complete bad guys here
We are going to have to employ a full-time software team to sit and build updates for this thing whether we sell a million
Or whether we sell ten of these
If you know what forget it
Yeah, yeah, it's an issue time for one show after dark think so
He's going don't worry he's got this why don't we pick a couple will be wait for Dan
Christian asks love the content Luke. How hard was it to set up the desk pad configurator on LTT store? Oh
That was a Conrad task and I think he's he's probably watching so he could say
But I don't think it was too bad of a task spoken like a true boss. It was what?
I don't think it was too hard
No, like I I think it was honestly mostly a passion project. I think Conrad had a lot of fun making it. It's a cool tool
It's not necessarily something that you would like expect to see on a store so it's fun that we have it
Don't see people talk about it like a ton
I wish more people used it, but I think because it's not something that people expect to be there
They don't click on it all that much. Yeah. I see Conrad saying it took two weeks like this wasn't like a
super huge commit or anything
But it's one of the cooler things on the store in my opinion. I think it's awesome
You can add monitors so you could like if you measured your desk you could put the height and width of your desk
Into the configurator and genuinely see
how this
mouse pad is gonna look on your desk and you could even put on a keyboard a mouse and your monitors and everything to kind
Of like see how it would all lay out and I think that's awesome. I think that's super cool
Yeah, so when a full-plane shot I've used it pretty useful
I think it's sweet if I was buying a mouse pad, I would a hundred percent use that
and that's one of the reasons why I was like stoked about him making it is because I was like
Dude, this would massively improve my shopping experience if I was buying one of these so like sweet
Yeah, super cool. Yeah
Shall we get into it? Yeah, hit me. All right. Hey guys, what's your take on the potential requirement for user replaceable phone batteries?
Do you believe they're intentionally hard to replace or is it due to the nature of modern design?
I think it's a little bit of column a and a little bit of column B
I think that there is a demand for thinner devices, but I also think that
companies tend to get kind of tunnel vision on what consumers want and
Make compromises that are stupid and that consumers wouldn't have actually asked for in pursuit of a perceived
Goal, and then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because when everyone just starts making it one way all the sales are suddenly devices that are
Made that way
So you can end up with this industry
Momentum that we've seen play out multiple times in the mobile phone industry
remember when phones only got smaller and then remember when they only got bigger and then remember when they
Only got thinner and now we don't have replaceable battery. It's like survivorship bias. Yes. Yeah, exactly
So I'm survivors of survivorship bias to be
fascinating and one of the things that I talk about a lot on the show is that anytime Apple does something I
Just that's really stupid or really negative
I just I get enraged because I know that now all of a sudden everyone's gonna look at whatever it is
That Apple's doing and go. Oh, well the iPhone sells however many umpteen millions of units
Therefore that decision was right, but that's not necessarily the case people could be buying iPhones for any number of other reasons
Here's another annoying point that I'm gonna bring up
People will prefer the bad if it's what they're used to yeah
Yeah, not even some people a huge portion of well. That's that's just that other bias. That's just familiarity bias
Yeah, is that is that what that one's called? I don't know, but it sounds right
But that's like totally a thing you can make something that's way better, but people will be like this feels unfamiliar, okay
It's not quite familiarity bias
That's a cognitive bias in which people tend to rely on information that is already familiar to them when making decisions
So that's not familiarity bias. It's gotta be something else. I'm sure there's a kind of bias that that is it sounds closely related
But not necessarily yeah, that's that's not quite right
More yeah more to Linus and Luke just wanted to confess. I have ripped copies of your content
Only half joking, but have you guys considered physical copies of your content for markets like Cuba that have zero access to
Internet no, I don't what am I gonna like why why am I trying to monetize this?
I just assume that if people want to watch our content in Cuba. They're just downloading it over there on sneaker net yeah
Awesome do it up
Yeah, if you otherwise don't have access to it
I'd rather people are watching and I'm not making money than that they're not watching like obviously you're watching that way
What's up? Yeah? I've always found you doing I've always found that to be fascinating super super cool
I watched a little mini doc on it years ago
And it's just really cool, and I think the people that run that
That's sweet. Oh god people are talking about physical copies of the Christmas album. No only two of those exist limited edition pressing
Hey dll
I've worked in k12 education for several years and wonder what you guys think about young kids using devices so much during the school
Day is it's a positive or negative development
Honestly, I think it's one of those things that we have absolutely no way of knowing until these kids have all grown up and moved
Into the world and can make a decision for themselves
Why are we trying to decide if this was a positive or negative development for them when ultimately?
They're gonna look around at themselves and at their peers and go okay
You know I regretted this and I wish we'd done it this way differently
And then hopefully they apply those learnings to the next generation, and we continue to improve
I don't know why I'm even saying all this because I have absolutely no faith that that's how it'll play out
But hey you can't can't blame me for being optimistic
There was a there was a video someone sent me that was posted on reddit that was of some talk show or something somewhere
And there was a teacher on the talk show
And they were asking the teacher
Plagiarism detectors for stuff like chat GPT yeah, and her take on it was like amazing
It was like perfect in my opinion, which is basically using stuff like plagiarism detectors is
A very is an extremely short-sighted and also bad
Way to like solve this problem
Because people are gonna do it anyways and your plays are plagiarism detector is not gonna be 100% successful
You're gonna catch the people that you know leave
I am a large language model in the middle of their essay, which if you just read it yourself you could catch anyways yeah
what what she thinks classes should do is like get them to go home and
prompt engineer up an essay and
Then get them to bring it into class and then pull like a bait-and-switch on them and be like okay now you need to debate
against that essay
or you need to like grade it and
Hand in to me what you think should be changed or something like that like should get them to work on
Improving it to get them to work on
Workshopping it in different ways all this type of stuff, and I I just heard that and I was like yeah
This is I'm happy that there are teachers out there
Look the script that like are right on with how this should work
Because I completely agree and she brought up comparisons to like it's it's like when the calculator
She said that school should get harder because of it
Point was because when the calculator came in math classes got more advanced. She's like the same thing should happen. I was like yeah totally
Can I just say that?
Schools need to go back to teaching typing
Yeah, it is
Remarkable I've actually started to notice a pattern here where the Millennials in
this company I
Just sort of generally have much better typing skills than the Gen Z's and it was
Super unintuitive to me at first and then one of the one of the zoomers was like yeah
They didn't like teach us home row
And I was like the fuck
That's actually weird. That's surprising to me that to me like okay fine
I suspect also a lot of the typing for them is done on their phone like drop cursive sure
Oh, yeah, all right fine. Do they still teach cursive? No not actually well. No at my kids school
They do Wow but not not it's not in the public curriculum here
But like
Need to know how to type still and
Not just know how to type you need to know how to type fast
Yeah, like there. There's there are there are so many parts of my job that I would be
Simply unable to do if I wasn't able to type at near transcription speed whether it's just
Just note-taking in a meeting or or getting my thoughts on to onto something as fast as there as they're happening like I
It's just it's necessary to function
I don't I've been talking about this far too much lately, but you want to know something. That's very funny with my dyslexic stuff
yeah, I can type significantly faster than I can read I
believe that
I'm intimidated by you guys in that office
Are you type so fast?
Jaden and programmers and writers there, and I'm like I'm using the arrow keys cuz I'm just working in Excel
So it's just like click click and then maybe I'll type a sentence or two
You can tab if you're just trying to move to the right. How fast are you?
Gotta be pretty fast. It's gotta be near because I can't read properly. It's really hard to gauge
Because a lot of them you have to read it so where I'll get stuck is I'll type in the wrong word
I won't even necessarily typo the word. I'll just be the wrong word, but I've I've
Gotten one of those tests where I just read the thing a bunch of times
And then tried to recite it from memory, and I was at like 110 or something okay. Yeah, I've never been like
Amazing, but I've always been like well better than average. I'm kind of freaky-deaky
Sometimes I'll fly to you. I don't know where that comes from I can
Okay, maybe it's the same as me. I'll give you my theory cuz I can type in bursts yeah
Incredibly quickly, but if I try to like marathon it
I almost kind of like lose my spot like so when I when I do a typing test I tend to
Start making a whole bunch of mistakes, and I think it's from IMing
The vast majority of the typing I've done in my life probably still is like
Totally that makes so much sense reply to message
reply reply
Reply enter haha well
But like it's I think also I type I think there's also something to it with typing styles
Like if you go to do a typing test
It's often like oh you're gonna do this passage from this book or something sure and it's in a totally different style that you're not used
to whatever else
And you might be able to flow state into your specific style significantly better
So I don't know how reflective it it really is of like how your actual real real world performance is over the course of a day
But yeah, I don't know I've always thought I'm like
Quick not necessarily super fast. Yeah, just cuz I know there's people out there that would just
Stomp on me people are calling for a Linus versus Luke type off. Oh, no. No we're not doing that yeah
That's yeah, I mean okay a
Luke is very open about his dyslexia
Which is like that is that that would actually be like super annoying
Yeah, you really don't want to do that. I would crush him, but only because he like has an actual learning disability. That's not cool
I've always hated typing tests because of this reason because I'll be like
Quick and like doing good, and then people be like oh how fast you do a typing test. I'm like
Like that's not that's actually not funny you guys even though I'm laughing
Yeah, it's funny between us
Yeah, but it's that's not we're not proving anything. Yeah, it's it's like my cars out of gas and Luke's like let's drag race
Get owned, and then I'm like haha
You got there ahead of me
What was I was I gonna say also right number two is these are not familiar keyboards for either of us
But we've also talked in the past about how as much as I like my full-size mechanic keyboard all they can at wall 10 kilos
But whatever mechanical keyboard big boys. I was gonna ask what a mechanic keyboard is does it have a wrench built in I?
Wouldn't be surprised if one of those existed
But yeah the flat keys were both pretty fast. I remember this conversation a long time ago
I did a video recently
Just using like random keyboards off of Aliexpress or wish or something like that and one of the one
I thought was it like over a hundred words per minute. I think on some absolute yes of garbage
Yeah, cuz it was just a really low-profile switch, and I managed to enter flow state, and I'm like okay guys this
This is not a good keyboard. Don't read it too much into this yeah
Some more yeah hi guy we're all friends here for guy
We're all here for Luke Linus with arm going public
Successive Apple silicon and the announcement of assassins Creed on iPhone
What's your best guess timeline for serious risk adoption for gaming I?
Mean it's already happening
Any any mobile game at mobile gaming is huge
I mean isn't the mobile gaming industry by revenue like bigger than console gaming. I can't remember
It's I wouldn't be so I don't know if it's bigger or smaller, but it's
There on there in the same conversation that I know for sure risk gaming is a thing. It's just whether or not you
Consider mobile gaming to be real gaming or not, but it's it's definitely a thing
I didn't know this resident evil for remake and Assassin's Creed Mirage
Which is the new one coming out are coming to iPhone?
The Resident Evil 4 remake footage from the Apple event looks incredible. This is huge
Yeah, I've not heard of this cuz you didn't watch our video
I didn't watch the Apple event at all cuz I'm not gonna play well
You should watch our video at least we focused on USB C and gaming
This man gets it I learned
Excited about the no
Or ultimately Luke are you excited about the yeah, are you gonna buy no?
Yeah, I like the concept of it
Somebody else will buy and enjoy it hey, that's a that's a thing I feel from time to time
He's got the compersion over here. Yeah, but no that's super cool. I don't know. I'm happy to hear about that
I guess everyone else already knows, but I'm happy to hear about that. Yeah, it's very cool. That's actually like massive
Because phone gaming blows
All the games like suck, so if phones are gonna get desktop quality game also a massive mark them
I can't say yeah, don't you guys have phones?
Just true phone. It's just true so like a lot of people don't have consoles or gaming computers
So I don't know getting getting more games to more people sounds cool. Why not yeah, sweet
Anyways next one okay sure
Hey, lld. I wanted L and L's opinion on aces charging me
705 US dollars to replace an LCD in the xg49 vq an
$800 gaming monitor I
Expected to pay if it fell, but not 88% the cost of the new product
So here's the thing on the one hand that blows
On the other hand this product is the panel
Yeah, the say I thought you're talking a laptop at first
Yeah, that's that's really tough and a sues
Rightfully doesn't have a pristine reputation when it comes to
repair and
But with that said
Man so the amount of labor involved in
Unmanufacturing the panel this and then putting it back together
on this curved display is probably not that dissimilar to the labor of
They're not doing super often the whole thing in the first place and the actual guts of this monitor are pretty minimal
compared to the
Panel in terms of cost
You paid for a new monitor because
You basically bought a new monitor is kind of my my take on it that that really sucks
And I feel really bad for your situation
I'm sorry. Yeah, that blows yeah, but also like what he said
Good day from down under I recently e-cycled a first-gen plasma that was perfectly working
But made no sense using Linus. We know you love pebble. What is the point you decide to move tech on?
Okay, I actually flagged this not because I could think of any answer to that question, but to say really
You e-cycled a first-gen plasma. That was perfectly worth. Do you have any idea how much those things are worth I?
I ran one for years and it had a chopstick sticking out of the front of it because the fix was to distend the panel by
a sixteenth of an inch
Okay, well Dan's the Dan's a unique case, but they last forever, but dang it
Right okay, so when when do I just when do I move on you know I I kind of move on naturally
I kind of move on when I'm when I just don't like use it anymore if I haven't used something in a long time
I'm I moved on
I mean part of that is that it's like my job to try new stuff all the time
But I mean I somewhat feel the same yeah, yeah, I like I'm ready to move on from my note 9 for example
I have a video coming. This is gonna be I think a really fun video I
flipped the script we actually created a giant UNO reverse card prop for the video and
I'm going to
I'm gonna lay out my requirements, and then I'm gonna have the audience pick me a phone
Then no matter what it is. I'm gonna use it
No matter what it is cool and for a period of time and there are a few requirements
You guys have to watch the video to get all the details, but I think it's gonna be I think it's gonna be pretty cool
And hopefully where is my phone? Oh right? I checked it over there
Hopefully I end up with something a little bit faster than the note 9 at this point. It's
It's usable like I am dailying it right now ever since my fold got dropped in the pool, but I am it's low
What made you decide to do the first and second what is it like to work for Linus videos
Are there any stories behind them and thanks to Joseph Drive for helping me subscribe to flow plane?
The first one was just an idea that I had as an extension of the honest answers series which
Includes other gems like how do we make money and the goal was simply transparency?
I told the staff internally at the time that I wouldn't watch them and true to my word
I have not watched either of them up until this time
If I ever retired or something like that I would consider it for a game time fair game to watch them
But as long as as long as I'm working here
I'm not going to watch them, and I wanted people to have a real look into you know the inner workings of our company
And I think that the people who have worked on these projects have taken the assignment very
Seriously and to the greatest degree that they're able to provided a real window into our company in some ways
I think that transparency has hurt us. I've seen I have seen parts of those videos pulled out
oftentimes without their full context and
used as an attack against us, but
My my answer to that would be that you guys are seeing a very incomplete picture if you're using that to attack us and
The very fact that we are willing to say those things about ourselves in public
I think speaks to our it speaks to our transparency. I think that you can criticize a lot about us, but
to turn around our commitment to being open and
Make a weapon out of that can only have one effect
And I'll give you three guesses as to what it is and the first two don't count
What do you think it is? What do you think happens when you take our ability to?
Look at ourselves honestly and talk about it to you, and you turn it into a weapon
We're just gonna not do that anymore. It's the blizzard developer point that I've made a billion times on that show
So yeah, I I can tell you right now. You will never see another video in that series
Why would we do that? Yeah? Let's just not?
Up next yeah given how much the algorithm rewards channels that upload frequently
What's the conversion like about getting back to daily uploads conversation, but yes, I'm sorry. Yeah, that's okay
Right now there is no conversation about that right now the conversation is you know how do we get back to basics?
How do we how do we delight the audience?
At some point you know obviously as a as a media production company
Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna try and you know we're gonna try and grow and grow means
You know take these systems that we're working on that that are gonna help us make better content and make more of it, but right now
That's just that's not in our vocabulary
At the moment when we when we when we produce a lot of videos were we're really happy and when we don't we
We we look at okay. What were the challenges?
What what were the?
Obstacles that we had to overcome here and we we try and figure out how to solve them
And we we try and take that with us moving forward
Is the swacket ever coming back, I absolutely loved it and don't want to buy one off eBay probably never
Should be writing these down. I mean okay never is a strong word probably probably not it sold really well at the beginning
But you may or may not have noticed that we kind of did a clearance deal on it
So you can put two and two together probably
as an individual viewer which generates the most revenue a basic YouTube subscriber a
Premium YouTube subscriber or a floatplane subscriber by far a floatplane subscriber because
They are they are it's it's kind of like being subscribed to a patreon right like a regular YouTube subscriber is going to be
ad-supported which is a tiny fraction of the CPM's of a paid supported viewer who contributes a
Proportion of their YouTube premium revenue, which is going to be a tiny well
Maybe not a tiny fraction
but a fraction of what someone who is
Directly paying you for the content is going to contribute to the bottom line our floatplane peeps are
Hugely important to us, and I can't I can't thank them enough. I can never thank them enough
Even the three dollar ones are probably still better for us than a heavy watcher on YouTube premium actually
Borderline actually no, maybe not
No, maybe not I have really heavy YouTube premium watcher would be more than like an OG tier floatplane watcher
Just because premium costs so much
You'd have to be a really heavy watcher and also watch very little of anything else yes
Yeah, that's true because it's proportional based on watch time so you'd have to fall asleep to like
Buy how to build a PC the last guide you'll ever need like over and over and also never watch any other creators
Yeah, so I don't know
Hey, I'll flow plane chat. Thanks guys. Yeah, bread planes. Let's go
Linus in an old video you said you did not want to hire Riley
Why did you decide to hire him eventually would there be any impact to LMG if you did not hire him for example?
No tech linked. Oh, I was trying to poach Riley from day zero yeah
I created this one because I was like what oh no heck no yeah
The only reason Riley didn't get poached was because I signed a no poaching clause yeah, so I knew that bit
But I didn't think there was anything else outside of that. Oh, yeah, I would have I would have taken Riley day zero
He's great. Yeah, love Riley. Yeah
Good evening, lld creative question if you could have an
Experimental channel with content that doesn't do well on the main. What would content you would like to see oh, I would love to do
like hardcore troubleshooting oh
Yeah, that'd be great. Just like this okay my computer right now Dan. Have I shown you this yet
No, give me some dopamine come on on my computer my like my workstation
You cannot set up windows hello. It prompts you for a pin you enter a pin and the window just goes away
you try to set up a camera ID or facial recognition and
You go through the whole wizard, and then just this is a desktop goes away
Yeah, it's my desktop. It has a Logitech camera. It supports it you've worked before
Mmm, but I have to type my password every time I log into my computer. It's ridiculous I
Have tried taking off and re-adding my Microsoft account
No change. I don't get it and it's one of those things where
Any problem that takes less than five seconds to solve once
You are never going to invest the five minutes that it takes to solve it once and for all and
So every time I sit down at my computer. I just type in my password
I'm like I'll deal with this at some point, and then I just don't I
Would love for that to be a whole channel because with the hundred plus people that we have here we encounter
Like that pretty much on the daily. Oh
I like working here because you know doing tech support
People don't bring me like hey my computer doesn't work, and it's turned off
I only get asked when the problems are entertaining and weird and I've never seen them before and
All of the tech people here have never seen them before it's great
Yeah, yeah, was I dealing with the other day a Wi-Fi PC our PCI card blew up in a laptop
The Wi-Fi doesn't work
Jake Danes is saying open up services dot MSC and
enable biometric service I
Can check but I mean I googled a handful of things and tried things and they didn't work
So I just like left it cuz it takes five seconds to enter my password so like that yes
Yes, but also I'll get to it. Yeah, but also know up next hey DLL a question for Linus
Will you be upgrading your friendly framework 13 to a rise in board when they come out?
I've had my eye on the 16th model 16 inch model, but I'm waiting for the reviews first
yeah, being able to game would be awesome and
The Intel one you know you could play games or whatever, but the rise in one it's gonna be like
Like you could actually play games on it. That's awesome
And then I don't even I don't even need the eGPU like that's one advantage to the Intel one is
Plug into a Thunderbolt dock, but man. I I don't need to play hardcore games on my laptop
Yeah, I'm super excited
Linus what do you think about the a a neo kun kun can't wait to try my new screwdriver
They get neo I saw this thing I remember not being particularly excited about it
Yeah, right, so it's got a gigantic screen on it
Touch pads, which is kind of nice for Windows navigation
I've been a little unimpressed with the ongoing development of their software and
As much as I give a SUSE a hard time
I have mostly found their overlay
So I I'm pretty I'm pretty happy with the ally right now the bigger screen is kind of cool
But I'm also finding the devices with the screen sizes that they have like the steam deck and the and the and the ally
I'm finding them heavy enough as it is. I'm not sure that I need them to be bigger and heavier
So I'm tepid. I'm tepid on it. Maybe I'll check it out on short-circuit and it'll blow my mind, but for now
I'm pretty tepid
Why did you drop the Amazon store also can we get a white stealth water bottle
Why did I drop the Amazon store? I don't think I dropped the Amazon store. Who curated this?
Yeah, probably me
I just assume people are true, but we've had multiple people today, and you're just like no
Yeah, it's just lies. Oh, oh I suspect what they mean by dropped is like released
Because we've launched it a few weeks back right sure yeah people people talk in real words
Yeah, I bet you that's what they mean
Well oh
Okay, yeah, we have it. I bet you what they mean is what made you release it
What made you start it? Oh? Oh well people asked us to like we've got we've had so many crap requests like look at what?
Percentage of the posts about the store complain about shipping
Like okay, okay fine
Then just buy it on Amazon if that if you want like if you want subsidized shipping then then buy it on Amazon
It's slightly more expensive, and you have free shipping
By the way, this is not right. It's cuz I'm on the US store if you were on Amazon us
It would be free shipping with prime
Looks like it's selling though, so that's that's cool. How's the reviews I?
Just I read Amazon reviews for fun sometimes the ABCs of gaming reviews are all so wholesome where the hell are the reviews
Looks cheaper than it is, but is actually good. Hey, thanks petco
Worth the wait hey, thanks. What is what is the one star review?
See what the haters have to say all right sure fine. Let's see what the haters have to say very poor hammer
I didn't have any screws about so I tried driving a nail with it. Yeah, don't do that
Not made in Canada your driver is proudly designed assembled inspected and packed by the mega Pro family here in Canada and the USA
Okay, that's not entirely correct actually
But it is assembled in other words made in China with a made in USA price tag junk you're very very mistaken online shopper
You should probably practice online shopping more
We've been very transparent about the production of the of the screwdriver
It was designed and is manufactured in collaboration with mega Pro along with pH molds
Which is located in either maple Ridge or pit meadows just across the river from here
The tooling was done by innovation tool and die which is in Richmond British Columbia
So that's also here in Canada the ratchets and the shafts are assembled are built and turned in
China and then we send them plastics that they assemble into like a ratchet selector ring assembly
They ship that back to us where the plastics are shot and final assembly and QC is done here in Canada, so
It's a global product
That's how it works
But it is largely designed and even yes manufactured and assembled in Canada
Haven't applied for any kind of like made in Canada like sticker or anything like that
I last time we looked into it. It was looked time-consuming and complicated so we didn't really bother with that
So I find it's easier rather than simplify everything down to a little badge or a logo to just explain the whole explain the whole story
Did you guys hear about the large deposit of lithium they found a few days ago
Will we see lithium related products getting more affordable in the near future?
for example
EVs getting cheaper
Unlikely I mean you're going to
Yeah, you're it's gonna be rare metals, and it's gonna take ages to get the extraction up to speed
There's gonna be a whole regulatory whatever. There's gonna be a gigantic investment into it
They're gonna expect something back for their investment. I mean at the end of the day. It's it's a commodity product, right?
So the pricing is gonna be dictated by supply and demand like you say
but it's in the interest of every supplier to balance the supply and demand so that the pricing doesn't crash because otherwise you get
The DRAM industry right now. Have you seen how freakin cheap RAM is?
It's weird because we had like years of RAM being absurdly expensive wasn't there a flood
Multiple floods long time ago. Yeah
Big knock-on effect for a long time. Maybe we were working on a video today
That is the final rollout of the land center, so we were building five machines and
You know it's when you're building five minutes. I dress it and yeah, and my at my house for my kids
It's actually sweet. Yeah, it's actually pretty cool. I would have given anything for that when I was a kid. Yeah, that's like
So many of the things I do is just like stuff
I would have liked when I was a kid anyway doesn't matter the point is we were working on them and
It's not as simple when you're just like building five machines for personal use as just you know calling up companies being like hey
Can you send stuff so where you know we bought we bought processors bought GPUs?
so I was looking at a lot of the pricing for this stuff and
The the kits of RAM that we used are 32 gig
Six thousand CL 30 from G skill, okay?
And if I had to guess what pricing for something like that would be I you know my out-of-date brain obviously
I've looked at it more recently than this
But if I didn't look at it that often I could easily believe that something like that is like 250 300 bucks nope
Nope, that'll be
Under a hundred US dollars. This is the kid I believe for 32 gigs
6,000 like what CL 30 this is not crap brand
This is like good stuff my DDR4 was like 500 bucks. I know right here for was brutal. Oh
Even some of the three era was pretty bad. Yeah, yes, it was right at the beginning remember the OCZ SLI certified
Oh my god. I had so many sticks of that die you've talked about that before that stuff was crap. Oh my god
Okay last one of my curated if you want
Let's see glad I got to caught it live
I usually listen to it as a podcast Linus with your new role as CVO did that idea come organically?
Or was that borrowed from Simon Sinek's leadership books?
I have never heard of Simon Sinek, and I had never heard of chief vision officer being a real thing
I just thought it sounded kind of funny and
Seemed to encompass what my job is supposed to be because we had some concern expressed internally that all of a sudden our
Marching orders were gonna come from you know someone corporate
You know because that's part of how we sold Taron internally was that he was going to bring more structure at a time when?
Obviously we needed it right
And so I kind of went okay. Well hold on a second. We need a role that
makes it clear that
You know we're still gonna. We're still gonna make these
Moonshot investments we're still gonna just do things based on our gut because it's what we think is right
And so that's where vision officer came from I had a vision and that was the title and you know whatever
We meme about it a lot
It's seriously everyone from it. I do it all the time. I call him eyeball officer during during executive
During like like all exact like all management meetings people are constantly memeing on it
Rips you for that in the executive meetings all the time
Sorry, I just I find that very funny personally
And I've also got people who have been on staff for like less than six months. Just like poking fun at me about it
So my point is that everyone from the most senior to the most junior is having a go at me for chief vision officer
But the reality of it is I think it's a pretty good
I think it's a pretty good descriptor of what the heck it is exactly that I'm supposed to be doing so we're sticking with it
It's also really funny. Yeah
With the framework 16 coming out soon
Are you considering getting a bulk order and using them for office or personal use I have the framework 13
But I'm loving the idea of these 16. I'm almost certainly gonna stick with the 13
I just don't think I'm going back to anything other than a thin and light once I made the move I was done
I was hooked I carry around my laptop a lot and carrying around a bigger laptop than
What I'm going to need 99% of the time with more performance than I need 99% of the time. It's just I
Don't need that for my back. It would work if it had a handle I
Mean that my backpack has a handle no he's a he has a tough book that has a handle on it my laptop
Well, thank you
How'd you end up with that Dan that guy hit with a shovel uh-huh uh-huh it did uh-huh
That's not how you ended up with it, but sure did he just take it
It's my kind of like what he did with the stupid Odyssey arc for you. Just exactly what?
Adam has the Odyssey Ark done done. You're out
Yeah, you had it for a bit
You only relinquished it because Adam needed it for a video
Don't think I don't know this story I get my stuff and if people are like hey
We need this back. They can have it back immediately not a problem. I come into knowing that
It's like you crotch some cheese at the grocery store, and you're just like yeah
I mean as soon as they come and tell me they need
The security guard wants it back my crotch
Are you gonna get the 16 are you okay with the 30? Oh, yeah, right?
So I I wanted to make it really clear to people internally that I don't want my position as an investor in framework to
Affect our purchasing decisions as Linus media group the company because Linus media groups not an investor
Yeah, right like so while yes the primary investor of Linus media group is me who's also investor in blah blah
The point is that I don't want to step on people's ability to do their job
So I raised it as a possibility to I think Colton was working on our like standardized products
But I think that's in on your in your lap right now like a mixed. Yeah, so I I have said hey
I would personally appreciate if you guys at least
Looked at it because frameworks a small company they might not normally end up on
On the radar of someone who's making a purchasing decision
But and I made this very clear, and I think Luke can vouch for me here
I said if it's not the best if it's not the best
Option don't buy it I
Don't think we're fully decided on laptops yet
I don't know how much of this I should even necessarily say, but I don't think we're fully decided on laptops yet. I proposed
Dell XPS's because we've had we've had very good success with them being reliable in the past
And what we mostly need are like reliable business laptops
We really have we have some use cases for like editors on the road and stuff where we need laptops that have like really good
GPU power
But yeah, I've always found very high reliability in XPS's and then we looked into the pricing
And it's really not that much different from a framework anyways
So I don't know that's still up in the air a little bit XPS's you can get with touchscreens though
And it's like I I had a I had an interaction with someone recently
Where for was it Yvonne might have been Yvonne it was someone
Was using a Mac and doesn't often use a Mac, and they just like went to scroll a page
And I'm like how does this not have a touchscreen? What year is it?
Apple I do that all the time. I'm really not a laptop person
So I've been trying to like get other people's input on the laptop side of things yeah
It was just it was really funny to me because it's one of those things where I
Hear the arguments against touchscreen in a laptop, and I get it you don't want fingerprints all over your screen
Oh the touchpad is the touchpad is great and said the blah blah blah blah blah, and it's like yeah sure fine
but like on those occasions when you're just like
It it's there. It's an option. It's really nice to have obviously
I don't daily drive one with a touchscreen right now because I'm daily driving a framework and yeah
I miss it sometimes my lot my laptop has touchscreen, and it always just like surprises me
Okay, cuz I won't but someone else will poke my screen, and then it will scroll and I'll go like oh
Yeah, it has that and then I'll never use it again because I don't I don't really like it
But I don't know it doesn't matter other people might and that's okay
Hey, LDL. Are you still considering making a video about vtubers and or 3d tracking tech yes?
We still want to do that collab. No. I haven't moved it forward, and I'm sorry
I'm sorry, but I think that's the end of the wan show we'll see you again next week same bad time same bad channel. Bye
We went
All right