
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Yeah, we're back
Welcome to the WAN show guys. We're gonna have a great show for you guys this week. Actually this week was like
Drama central very much. So yeah, like oh man everybody. Yeah, there's like, okay
Okay, so top top topics. This is amazing California High School makes 24 million dollars off the snapchat IPO
Like what
What ridiculous like how is that even?
Apparently they invested I guess. No, we're not talking about this right now moving on. Yeah, so uber plans to turn its app into a
Content marketplace during rides totally needed that and any other opinion is just invalid
AMD responds to weak 10 AP gaming results on
ryzen and Intel responds to strong gaming results at other resolutions on ryzen by
Slashing the pricing of their core i7 and core i5
Processors by a lot. It just got real kids. Yeah, let's roll the intro
You know, someone complained about the fact that we talked over the music in the intro and said it was like really unprofessional
I always liked that in show who cares in any show where they like talked over it. I was like, hey cool
I even that I don't even think it's cool. I just think it's completely irrelevant, right? Who cares?
Yeah, yeah, we're talking
We're here. I mean, they're like, yeah, they forget to turn off that we didn't forget to turn it off and do it
We specifically turn it on. No, I I turn it on
Like okay before we had a USB audio interface I would specifically have
the HDMI in because we were using camera audio in yeah, and I would specifically have that HDMI source sitting under the
So that if we're chatting behind it you guys can definitely hear it. Yeah
Live that's right coming at you live not pre-recorded. Yeah, or is it Oh
Would it really matter
Okay, so let's get into this one first of all the original article here is from CBC dot CA I got it
Oh, I'm sorry. We both got it. You know what like everybody's got it. Look at everybody's got it
No, we both got it. Look at that. Look at how we can both share our screens now a
California high school makes
24 million dollars in the snapchat
IPO no, so hold on. Can I can I jump in with a question first? Yeah hundred percent. Why are schools
Allowed to invest money I can answer that. Okay good a private school. I
See this is a private Catholic high school in California Silicon Valley
They agreed to invest $15,000 in seed money into snapchat in 2012 that happened because one of the students parents is a VC
a venture capitalist so it was like able to push this through they bought that
$15,000 worth of shares which totals
They sold
1.4. Oh, oh, no, they okay. They had two million shares
They sold 1.4 million shares at $17 during snapchats IPO this week
Generating about 24 million dollars, but they still have 600,000 shares, which is still worth like 17 million dollars
Holy crap
Investment man, yeah investment. Oh, how is it that technology companies don't do much but gamble
Make millions of dollars. I mean, how are how are these companies worth this kind of money snapchat?
So, okay. So this was the biggest social media IPO since Twitter more than three years ago shares closed at
2448 a piece of $24.48 a piece which means snapchat is now valued at
28 billion dollars now just to
$28,000,000,000 an astronomical their net loss is still higher than their revenue
How do we assign
Value to these companies. It just keeps happening
Investors don't have a clear picture of how the company plans to become profitable. I mean to me how do you even figure that out?
But like we are this far in the hole to be like a 75% gain over loss company
Where are we gonna pull 28 billion dollars out of our rectums
And I bet you someone could snapchat you and show you how oh, I wouldn't want to see that step. I
Mean, I'm like, I'm down but no, I'm not down and
He's gone
You know, I had to go after you're gonna take a big drink of water like that
I mean all I had to do to make you spit it all over the screen was say
Send that snap Luke. Take a deep breath
Use her growth slowed in the fourth quarter
And there's skepticism as to how big the company's advertising business
I mean, I mean the whole the whole model of like a lot of users look at our junk
Okay that came across wrong. I mean, okay, it's
Okay, so a lot of users look at our junk online. Yeah
Therefore you should put ads on our junk and users would see those ads. This is working really well
And users will see those ads and they will maybe buy your product or sign up for your service
I mean, we're gonna get to the point where the valuation and expected revenue of the companies who entire whose entire
Business model is like other companies
Selling stuff through them the value of these companies is gonna be bigger than the ones who are actually
producing products or making services
Right, I'm not making fun look
Okay, yes
We'd but we're okay. We don't expect that our market cap is higher than Intel's though. That's the difference
Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. Yeah, we are not evaluated at 28 billion and here's the thing, too
I think if we're looking at a company like snapchat going like yes, there's huge advertising potential here like that
Advertising money has to come from somewhere and I think there's still a lot of room for traditional media to bleed
Really doesn't make a ton of sense to me. I mean you can look at big
like big shows like
Adventure time or you know the big bang theory
Game of Thrones. Well, that's a bad example. It's HBO. Yeah, so so I'm talking ad supported shows. Okay
You look at these big shows and you kind of go. Okay, so they had
Like like, okay. What are South Park's ratings over the last year South Park ratings?
You know, maybe they had five million or ten million people who tuned who tuned into the premiere
But let's have it. Let's have a look South Park. No. No, where's the where's the episodes? Come on
Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on
Episodes here we go list of episodes. There we go
Okay, so show like South Park recent season. Wow, you got to scroll through a lot of seasons for this particular show, okay?
Here we go. We got an estimated
One point three to two million and change
US viewers of a season premiere and I look at the prices
That is not you. Hey
For well, it's fallen a lot. You look at the prices that you pay for cable advertising and
We look at sort of the rates that we're allowed to charge that that we can get sponsors to pay for inclusion to our videos
I'm sitting here going
like our video could actually get more viewership on the ad especially given that
No, not really given anything. I mean, I'm saying given that it's shorter
So given that people don't won't really tune in and out of it in the same way
But people do skip around in YouTube videos
So I took it back before I said it but then I said it but then I explained why I took it back before I said
It absolutely fair. I explained the whole thing. Yeah, so but my point is that there's still room for
companies to clue in
That just that that standard quarterly spend you'd be surprised
Know I'm what I mean is that there's still there is no I'm agreeing with oh, okay. Yeah surprised
There's still a lot of room for them to clue in that a viewer on YouTube is
Also a viewer the same way as a viewer on Comedy Central or NBC or whatever the case may be
But with that said I do think that it is hard for someone like snapchat
I think that Facebook has actually set kind of an unrealistic bar
for other online advertising platforms both Facebook and Google
Everyone looked at the Facebook IPO with a lot of skepticism figured they were overvalued
ha they've gone up in value because they've been really smart about it and
Facebook because it knows so much about you advertises to you so well
Snapchat I'm not convinced that the way people use snapchat and the demographic that uses snapchat is
going to be as easily influenced by an online ad as the demographic that uses Facebook and
The user habits of a trick of a typical Facebook user would you agree with that yes?
I mean if I it's like it's like putting advertising in whatsapp even Facebook hasn't
Bothered to try to do that because I'm here to communicate with people you put an ad in it
I will go use a different messaging app
And you will like always be another one and there will all there there will always be another one because there will and it's like
A gold rush right yeah, so there will always be a bunch of teams of developers with these
Incredible resumes of all the umpteen billion dollar companies that they came from
Cashed out and decided to start their own to turn their umpteen billions into umpteen billions cubed or whatever
Whatever whatever target it is however many more Tesla's they need or Prius is I mean it's San Fran
So that's basically the only two options
What one interesting tidbit yes, we continue a lot of people in the chat thought we missed the outro and
The word I think the word restart has been like banned now
Thank you ghost because everyone was just spamming or the intro sorry. They're just spamming the crap out of it
I think it's just because we were mostly on time
So people like didn't see it. Oh, yeah, we started like 15 minutes ago, so there's that
So we definitely did the intro. The intro has definitely been completed. There is no restarting
It's gonna happen. I believe there was audio too, and if you start spamming restart in chat like a whole bunch
You just did it's just gonna be
Because the the LTT chat bot is
Merciless, okay, so here's my final point on the snapchat IPO
I think that Facebook set unrealistic expectations for for a social media platform going public and
Then when everyone was skeptical they went ahead and they exceeded even the most
Bullish expectations and so now I think it has set the stage for these other companies to be
To be valued and in a in a different way like people are invested in Facebook for the long term now
Instead of just like you know jumping on the bandwagon making a quick buck in getting TFO
I don't know that snapchat will
enjoy that kind of long-term success because
If they ever want to actually be profitable they do have to figure out how to compete with someone like Facebook
And Google, and I'm I'm really not that convinced. Yeah
Speaking of things that I'm not convinced about let's pull up this article from TechCrunch that
Really doesn't make a ton of sense to me, but maybe did you post it in chat already nope that's fine
Well, no, it's fine. I can well you can do it someone can do it someone will do it here
We can watch Luke do it now
We're watching you do it on the internet
Be pretty pissed off and terrible terrible. I love how you're like my girlfriend would be pissed off
You just have no problem with it right do I interpret this correctly you're my boss
Wait so that makes it better or worse just do my job
We have all kinds of jobs around here
Done dirt cheap even okay, so uber plans to turn its app into a content
marketplace and
Then they actually kind of had my attention
until the last part of the headline
Where it goes during rides?
So a series of third-party apps would provide you with information
But the area you are going to work in productivity integrations communications with the place you are going to specifically or
Just standard entertainment because people can't multitask and go to Google I
Guess and they want to charge you for that I think
The marketplace will be based on a new version of trip
Experiences a smaller feature first launched a year ago where they select a group of partners
Okay, so I see I see some I see some potential here
so if it's free if the idea is that the the
You get in your uber
Like okay, so I don't it's free sure yeah. I don't look at the uber app again after I call the uber
I do something you do okay make sure the drivers staying on course
Yeah, okay, I've gotten screwed before and uber is really good about like if you can prove that you got screwed on your driving path
They'll give you money back cool. Okay, so if the idea then is
Here's a cool restaurant, and they expect you to go to a restaurant
To give them a cut of whatever it is or here's a tourist destination or here's a tour that you can take or whatever the case
May be then I kind of get it if they're gonna try and like sell me a movie to watch then
I think that's gonna be that's gonna be less less successful
Yeah, okay, I
Guess that's pretty much all I have to say about this
Yeah, okay, I guess that's pretty much all I have to say about that
Some of this stuff sounds really stupid like they're pushing contextual engagement that might for example
Enable a snapchat user to unlock special stickers or filters
Okay this next one's kind of cool though it could showcase Instagram
pictures of the destination you're headed to
Yeah, but you could search on Instagram you could but having it all in one place is like an automatic people
Don't like what actually do you like the airport like?
Okay, you're not traveling across the country. Yeah, that's true
I mean maybe part of this is that the way that people like you and me use uber
Might be a little different than the way that some people use uber because I thought my understanding and guys
It correct me if I'm wrong
Yeah, I'm looking at looking at twitch chat because I don't know how I would come up with all these options
I'm so I'm looking at twitch chat for a change
but the way that I use uber as someone who owns a car is
I use it when I'm traveling and I use it to get from a hotel
Car and using it to commute or something like that. Then you're less interested in your destination
We are like the most interested in our destination use case that there is
And even then like you would have looked at pictures of it before you hold on the answers are rolling in I user I use
Uber for sex lift is better
Don't use uber just do not use it, please
All of us are poor we use shoe bar Schuber. I think that's a joke. I use uber to buy to buy narcotics. I
Use uber when I'm drunk. Yeah, there's a lot of I use uber when I'm drunk
So what they're trying to do is
Have in-app purchases
So people are drunk intoxicated. Okay, and more money. You know what uber is on the right path here
I know they totally know what's going on
I clearly I have a much clearer understanding of what they're what they're trying to do
What more social media companies need to do in order to make money snapchat pro tip
If your user is drunk allow them to buy things Facebook. I mean Facebook has some wicked
crazy facial recognition
Facebook if you guys don't already
Get working on drunk recognition because as soon as your user uploads a selfie where they're just wasted AF
Sell them something you can you can pay like a lot of money to send a priority
Message to someone that you used to be in a relationship status with
You just blew my mind
It's it sends a Facebook message and a text message and it starts a call all at the same time. Yeah. Oh
Wow, I love it get back together. It should cost six dollars and nine cents
Wait, six dollars and ninety cents. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, I love it. Okay
The twitch chat Wow, actually that's a pretty good idea
Hey that happens on the WAN show once in a while
Okay, AMD response this was originally posted by 3d OSH on the forum
The original article here is from PC per and AMD responds to 1080 gate
1080p gaming tests on
Rison Ryan shrouds my bud. So I'm just gonna read his article to you guys word for word
We linked to it and hopefully he won't get too mad at me because it's this it's basically plagiarism if I read his article
Is it not?
But you're quoting it, but I'm not giving him ad impressions by actually sending people to his site
Okay, so tell you what everybody but I've had people who host sites that we've given
Shoutouts like yeah, I'll attack me directly and be like, hey, thanks. Really because it's route would never thank me for anything. No
No, I hate that guy
So PC perk great site go visit it whatever Luke posted in the chat. Anyway, the point is
By far one of the most interesting and concerning points about today's launch of the AMD Rison processor is gaming results
Many other reviewers have seen similar results to what shroud
Published in his article gaming at 1080p even at ultra image quality settings in many tops games
Shows a deficit in performance compared to Kaby Lake and Broadwell II processors
So shroud says he shared his testing with AMD over a week ago
Must have been nice for him to actually have processors a week before his article was supposed to go up. What a jackass
I hate that guy and to be clear our testing was done etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. So, you know, there you go
There's a man part of that problem is us being Canadian. It's part of it talking to of yeah, it's part of it
It's not all of it. Okay. So yeah, we there was a okay. Okay, so this will be an aside
Agency goes yeah. Yeah, it's shipped
There's like been a we don't have a tracking number though, which by the way is nonsense
Unless you're shipping something by donkey like even if you ship by USPS to Canada United States Postal Service
Which is about as slow as it gets. I mean you can't ship by boat from US to Canada
It's one landmass. Yeah, so yeah, there literally isn't a way to ship
That doesn't have a tracking number other than putting a stamp on it. Okay. Okay, there is but it's
The point is they didn't so they're like, yeah, there's no tracking number
But but it shipped on Wednesday
They hope they keep that story we get in touch with AMD directly
They give us a tracking number because of course, there's a tracking number
It didn't leave till Friday
So that is why we didn't get our 1800 X in time
Also, we're still trying to find out where our 1700 and 1700 X are
Agency claims. Oh, no, there's no tracking number for those shipments, but they've been shipped but there were storms
It's a little rainy outside, but that's pretty normal
In the Pacific Northwest, so that's a thing. We're pretty used to moving things in the rain
Anyway, no problem AMD's response to the underwhelming 1080p performance. Is that they are supporting
Developer kits with game development studios to optimize current and future game releases for the all-new Ryzen CPU and they do have a point here
it is sort of new and different they announced a strategic relationship with Bethesda and
CPU benchmarking deficits to the competition in certain games at 1080p resolution can be attributed to the development and optimization of games uniquely to Intel
platforms and
Again in the defense of game developers who did all of their development on Intel platforms
AMD didn't have a CPU worth a rat's patoot in the last five years and most gamers were gaming on Intel
So I totally get why that happened. Um,
What if you could attribute a cost to a rat's patoot I was like a lab rat
Yeah, I mean they have a they have a cost
I'm like if you're testing that like does it have a value?
All I know is that I wouldn't pay much for like a wheelbarrow full of them
Like one might have a cost, but I don't think anyone wants like a truckload
So it doesn't scale very well
What am I gonna put these?
Like if a rat's patoot is worth 25 cents like like what so you can take
Few thousand of them and buy like Breath of the Wild
Nintendo's gonna be like get this out of here
It's like yes. Yes, we have like a
Collecting random bullcrap that you found on the ground system. It's an open-world game
I didn't realize anyone was actually out there doing this
This stuff's not actually worth anything. It's supposed to just be a video game
No, we do not want bore hides I think that game is gonna like single-handedly sell the switch, although I don't know it works for Wii U
It's like the one of the fourth or fifth or it's in the top ten of highest rated games all time on Metacritic right now
pretty ridiculous
So basically, you know what? I don't have a ton to say about this other than that
You know AMD's got a point with that said I think that some of the complaints are a
Little bit if you're buying a like top tier GPU and a top tier CPU and then playing at 1080p
It's a little weird. So there are situations where I get it if you bought an Asus PG
222 feet whatever it was. There are 240 Hertz. Okay. So if you bought a 240 Hertz 1080p gaming display then
Rison is not going to deliver the best possible experience, but
Were you expecting it to I mean we already knew that Rison? Yeah, why I think most people were oh
Well, they were they were wrong and dumb because we already knew I'm just saying like I think genuinely
Okay, well most people some people I already knew I already knew that even the most
optimistic estimates of Rison's performance had it at similar IPC to Broadwell and
I already knew based on the most optimistic estimates of Rison's final clock speed that it wasn't going to be clocked
higher than a
7700 K so I already knew
That it wasn't going to perform as well in single-threaded applications. What if you want to have
only a processor and stream Dota 2
Only a processor. I've still been really confused by that. Okay, so I get it a bit more now
Anthony did some testing as part of our Rison launch coverage where he did take a look
so, you know depending on who you talk to it Intel you'll find people who talk about how great quick sync video encoding is and
It and NV and C are very good
The problem is that where they don't shine is in the low bit rate encoding
Scenario that is needed for streaming to twitch. That's the problem. So in order to get the best out of your
3,500 kilobits per second
Which is really all that twitch will process anyway, you can set it higher if you want
But basically you're just wasting CPU circles and due to actually you can hurt it
Because due to fluctuations if you start sending above four
So if you set to like 3.8 and then it fluctuates to above four, you'll just miss stuff and it's bad. So
So but at that kind of bit rate for 1080 60 P
This is like kind of a lot of pixels per second
You have to have the best possible source image. You don't even really want to do 10 a 60 P
Just an additional note if you want to do 60. Oh, yeah, it's like
720 is usually okay
So anyway, the point still stands you're very bitrate constrained and the more blockiness and crappiness in your original
Image the more it's going to be compounded by trying to stream it at a low bit rate out to your viewers
He met 1080 60 FPS
It's fine. Any D 60 P is a perfectly valid way to say that by the way
He's just there's just a bunch of people in that. Yeah, there's a bunch of people who don't know
Anyway, so if you wanted to stream at 1080 60 P then basically what that would mean
Is that you would you would be you would be making a slightly worse image even much more slightly worse
so that's why AMD is defending their use of
X 2 6 4 encoding even on systems that obviously have powerful dedicated GPUs like
You know that RX 480 that is the correct way. Yes. Yeah now with that said in our testing we didn't
observe the same like
20% dropped frames
That AMD had in their demos, but I don't really understand that because I personally
Checked the AMD demos. I opened up. I minimized the game. I opened up OBS
I made sure they were at the same settings. So I think it's saying that was noticed at the event
Yeah, was that the x99 boards were in dual channel memory. They only had two six of RAM. No, they weren't
Okay, I checked I heard this. I don't know in fact there in fact Intel specifically art Intel AMD
specifically even put 32 gigs of RAM in the Intel systems so that they were using
Four eight gig sticks, and then they had two eight gig sticks in their own systems. So they actually had less overall memory
Interesting, you know, okay. Hold on a second. I didn't double-check that the four sticks were in the right slots
Now that I think about it, but I heard specifically two sticks
So they must have just mix up the systems or something
I think that's quite possible because I did look at the cinebench system myself and there was at least one other one that just like just
You know, I'm yeah
And they definitely had four sticks in them and they and they was right on the spec sheet
They had more RAM in them. So yeah
There's another really cool thing that came out of the AMA on the AMD subreddit though, this is really cool
Blah blah blah. Why is there a huge discrepancy in gaming benchmarks? Okay, blah blah, etc
Oh, yes, this is really cool. So I actually asked this
at the event, but I didn't get an answer and
Dr. Sue did answer it in the AMA does do rise and CPUs support ECC memory and the answer is yes
That's cool
So they're low power and they support ECC memory for so long
Intel has held
ECC kind of dangled it in front of us and gone. Oh you want this you want this?
You want this by Zeon?
Am so happy to see consumer grade CPUs with ECC memory support
I don't know that I would run out and build a free NAS machine with you know
A Ryzen 3 immediately after launch. I think I want to give this platform some more time to prove itself. Yeah, but
This is going to be an absolute
This is going to be an absolute godsend to people who want to use ZFS on the cheap in their home NAS
because ZFS really does
want ECC memory for the best operation and to reduce risk of data corruption and
Right now that means you've got to go out and buy a Xeon and unfortunately
There's really not much in the way of cheap Xeon
because either you're buying a full-on motherboard and Intel Xeon lineup really doesn't get and like it's there's not like a you know, a
Celeron Xeon equivalent or you're buying like an embedded system that has a Xeon soldered on the board and those because they're Xeon
Are just not that cheap
So this could be really cool cheapo ITX board with an HBA on it and a Ryzen CPU and some ECC memory
That could be a fantastic
So I'm pretty stoked on that
Um, oh yeah sponsors speaking of things that I'm stoked on
Dollar Shave Club
Dollar Shave Club, let's see. You don't look like no. No, actually you're not scruffy today. Yeah, good job
Okay. Well you managed to pull that off once now literally one and now that's the new expectation. Oh shit. Now you have to do it. I mean, dollar shave club
But and then a sponsor spot too. They're gonna watch this starting over. It's new. Okay. Okay. Hold on
Yeah, yeah a different timestamp. Okay. Do you like the show subscribe below and our sponsors Dollar Shave Club? Oh look
I'm clean shaven today
It's wonderful. It's the first time it's ever happened
Dollar Shave Club is all about saving you time and saving you money because
What could be better than saving both time and money at the same time while you save money Wow
They make high quality razors and they ship them straight to your door for just a few bucks a month
so you don't have to think about like oh
oh is it really worth going and fighting with the guy to unlock the stupid thing and then feeling like I'm
Inadequate because I don't have the like, you know ridiculous accessories that are all around the stuff
No, no, no Dollar Shave Club sends you exactly what you need and only what you need. They've got everything up to their
Executive razor, they've got their aftershave. They've got their dr. Carver's shave butter, which goes on clear
So you can actually see what you're doing
Which is bueno and even their one wipe Charlie's peppermint scented butt wipes for men. There's no commitment
No hidden fees and it's available in Canada
Australia and the US so head over to dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus and
join the club they have like
Actually, they're there their model is incredible
like there's I've seen interviews with their CEO where they like talk about how many customers they have and I was like
But people love it. Yeah, what can I say? It's cool. It's easy
You don't think about it speaking of things that are cool and easy Epiphan. We love Epiphan's video grabbers NASA
Yeah, so does so does NASA apparently there. So these guys are based in Canada
They've got can I can I steal yours so I can hold it up. That sounds risky. No. No, it should be fine
Actually here, you know what? Oh, wow. We're gonna put we're gonna put Epiphan on the spot. Oh, dang
Okay, so you've just got the doc open. Oh, look at that. You've got all the Epiphan talking points up. Oh wow Epiphan
av.io video grabbers are quoted as the simplest way to share video and honestly in the experience that we've had with them that sounds fairly
Legitimate my screen just went black because of that but that makes sense. That's not Epiphan's fault
That's just like I unplugged it thing works. So here it is. It's a tiny little thing like this
HDMI in USB 3 in this is their av.io 4k. They've got a bunch of different models
I like the do not remove sticker. Yeah, I removed it from the bench den. This is this is the bench
I took it but I took it for you. Yeah, I know I appreciate I took it for you
Yeah, and basically they are as plug-and-play as a video capture device could possibly be
Yeah, no driver install you just go bloop you plug in HDMI you open up whatever capture software
it is that you want to use and
It automatically detects the resolution frame rate anything else you could want and check this out live demo. Oh dang
Oh, man, this is exciting
They're good for sharing video in general
You can do any computer with a USB port is pretty much how they quote that live event production gaming there
It is boom. Boom. I can even highlight what I'm talking about
Boom baby lecture capture if you want to be like a super baller teacher. Yeah, that's right. No, it's awesome
We love them check them out over at oh, I'm not on the right thing. Check them out over at Epiphan.com slash avio slash when
Can't say enough good things like when show can't stay alive
Because of technical difficulties to being up like unplug stuff and plug it back in while we're going. That's right. That's right
Finally antlion audio is sponsoring the land show now this raises a lot of questions
Question number one. Why would antlion want to sponsor you guys?
When every time you feature their product for some reason it sounds worse than when other people feature their product. So
We're super incompetent apparently
Actually, I know what happened last time. So last time what happened was we were using the mod mic 5 on
like a Sennheiser wireless mic pack
Instead of just like recording it was the last time that was that was the pre-roll that I just did
So we were we were using it with sort of a non validated use case and
Pella said it was fine and
It wasn't fine and we should have just recorded it into a computer because the funny thing about that
Is that really wouldn't have been that hard?
no, we could have just plugged it into a computer and put it on the table and recorded it and
synced it up after the fact like that would have been fine, but
so the mod mic 5
Is a great way to add a decent sounding mic to your existing pair of headphones something that is actually kind of difficult to do
Either you have to put something on your desk which can get in your way or a lot of people use like an inline one
That's on a cord, but often those don't work very well, especially when you move around
So the mod mic works just like a normal boom mic except it just clips it
There's a little sticker that goes on the side of your existing probably audio file grade headphones
That's what a lot of people use them for and then there's a cool little magnetic
Thing that allows you to flip it up or put it down or even just take it off or even just take it off
outright one way that okay
So the way that I use mine right now is I'm very rarely on like voice calls when I'm at my computer desk right at work
So it's just disconnected but sitting on my desk plugged into an extension cable to my computer
So if I ever do need to use it, I just clip it back on
I don't even need to just flip it up because I might not use it for a couple days at a time
It's got a dual mic capsule for recording flexibility a cable wrap to protect your wires and includes the antlion mute
Module so you can buy it now for 70 bucks us over at antlion audios website
And oh cool. You can enter our giveaway which will be linked in the video description
Or oh, yeah or linked in the twitch chat. Do you got it? I got it. Okay
Or linked in the twitch chat to win one of three mod
Mike fives or a hi-fi man edition s and mod. Mike five combo cool
All right
More topics Wow every topic we've done has actually been like pretty deep
So if you feel like this is the best wancho of your life
You can tweet at James underscore gravity who pledges to 100% reply to every single tweet
Okay, please
His challenge that his whole life is full of regret starting now. Someone should okay
Someone should not
Definitely make a bot. No, no, no, I knew you were gonna
I said not someone should know do that make a bot don't do that James is a good person
we hope that would pull from like an
Intellimesh set don't do that Intel responds to machine learning Intel respond
To rise in but he'd have no idea
by cutting prices on core i-5 and core i-7
Processors, wait a minute. How old is this article February 26th? No, wait, did that ever even happen?
Is this from Micro Center? I?
Think this is just a wait on Amazon
Hold on. Okay. Hold on. Hold on just to just a gosh darn minute here. Okay for a Micro Center. Yeah
Yeah, that might just be Micro Center doing things. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on
I'm doing real-time
investigative journalism
Where I see if prices have been dropped they have not this is the price of a 7700 K
Ignore that and I will go yell at James after the WAN show Wow, you should all tweet him with your totally not bots
That he didn't do that right word on the street the original article here is from hot hardware the Nvidia GTX
1080 TI
Reportedly in production for a March launch
It's coming out next week. We know that
Wait a minute. When is this article from this is from the 20th of February James James, okay?
Okay, James
You guys you know what? I'm not gonna talk to him you guys talk to him for me. Okay, you guys talk to him
Okay, this is actually new Mike Pence's email hacked. So the original article from BBC
Mike Pence was apparently you
Storing like public
Like government-related stuff on a private email server. Why is this so common?
Yep, so so he used a private
He used a private email as the Indiana governor to conduct state business now with that said we have to also be careful not to
Not to blow this out of proportion
Because my understanding is that that isn't illegal there now
Should that be okay? No, and
Apparently he knew all this while attacking Hillary's email practices, which is sort of hilarious. Yes
Many of Pence's email
Contacts received emails saying mr. Pence and his wife had become stranded in the Philippines and urgently needed money. So this wasn't like a
vigilante like
They were just trying to make money
yeah, so
So that's a thing
You know personally I'm shocked. I mean something hypocritical about the Trump administration and it's and it's
Members that would never happen. No, I don't believe it
Yeah, Google's a Google Assistant AI now available for all modern Android handsets
Which isn't which is an interesting way of putting that because an Android handset can be pretty darn modern but not have
Android M or N
You can try to figure out how to make it actually answer in a conversational tone like I do
It's a little difficult. Sometimes it takes a few shots
And the frustrating part is when it decides to end the conversation by just giving you a Google search link and you're like well
Gotta start from the beginning again
It's a really good really good way for that to work voice interaction is like so bad
like it's one of those things where like this is a big deal because
This was a pixel pixel feature that for some reason some people cared about and now it's I thought rolling out
What might it be super cool? I'm very excited for private
voice activated AI
I'm not very excited for cloud. Yeah, so I'm gonna make it eventually. Yeah, that's
Way far out, but something eventually
The current setups for voice activated AI is scary and sketchy and once like way down the line
Someone makes it private. I will set that up
All right. So anyway, the timing of this is interesting Samsung is rumored to be launching
It's Bixby assistant on the galaxy s8, which will probably also be terrible
and by the time that launches Google assistant should also be available on the galaxy s8, so it'll be
It'll be you know game on between the two
Just update Google Play Services. So sounds like you're getting it whether you really want it or not
Cool, nice
Alright fantastic
CBC claims
That subway chicken is only 50% chicken
subway defends its chicken after a CBC marketplace report calling the story false and
Misleading but CBC stands behind the DNA test result. So they found it was 50% soy
Food scientists have chimed in saying DNA tests aren't their preferred method of testing
Subsequent tests by third parties and subway itself indicate the chicken is less than 1% soy
Apparently that is present due to added spices and marinade. So there you go. Now, you know
lots of soy in their spices and marinade ours technica reports and
And good. This was only yesterday. Good job James how game mode will make games run better on
Windows plus details on strict limitations for
UWP apps running on the Xbox one
So in a nutshell game mode will apparently isolate CPU resources to be devoted exclusively to that game process
Now that's not something that I would expect to affect average frame rates much
But it's something that I might expect especially on systems that are only marginally able to run a game
Something that I might expect to affect like hiccups
so, you know, and I mean, okay, this isn't something that I've experienced since like
the Athlon XP era
Now maybe maybe at that point, okay
It's not something I've experienced since like the Athlon x2 era but there would have been times in the past
We're getting an instant message and having something pop up from your from your taskbar from your system
Tray would have caused a game stutter
yeah, it was a long time ago, but
Theoretically this could help prevent now people run such dip video wallpapers and stuff
That's like really common now
Wallpaper engine it's like a software you can buy on steam
Remember like a long time ago went through VLC. You could like set a video as your background
Yeah, and Windows Vista ultimate had that as a feature too. Yeah. Yeah now it's like there's a program on Steam called
I think it's wallpaper engine
Unfortunately, most of them are just like weird mostly nude drawn
Animated girls, but there's a search bar
So I found like a really cool Titanfall helmet
When it's doing like the blinking thing after the credits and Assassin's Creed flag because I haven't changed since I was 18
So there we go
Wow, that was a really cool story
The system moves threads devoted to other processors the twitch that's like
Unfortunately, you can choose whatever you want. I won't judge you
The system gives an even greater majority of seed of GPU cycles to the active game reducing the time available for what is everything else?
What else is using the GPUs? Like what are you rendering crap in Adobe Media Encoder with mercury engine like
In the background, I mean if you're doing that you deserve to have a crappy gaming experience
All right, the switch launch is going really well apparently they're gonna be shipping two million by the end of the month
I don't think that's how many are sold because a lot of sites are just not taking purchases
like you can't even pre you can't even like
Pre-purchase one when they're available almost anywhere because no one knows how much stock they're getting because it's Nintendo
But as they're like it's such a big company be so disorganized
Yeah, as they've already shipped two million units and the Wii U only ever shipped so far thirteen point
Five six round there. Wow, they're doing pretty good ready the predecessor
Fascinating. Yeah. All right
What else we got here we've got some other interesting topics I think we're nearing the end are we we could yeah
Yeah, she started mostly. Oh, yeah, PS VR has sold almost a million units
Which is estimated to be nearly twice that of the rift and the vibe
Combined so many people for so long have been telling me that in my VR scripts when I talk about how the cost of everything
Combined is really expensive. No, but the computers are pretty cheap now like no
It doesn't matter
Yeah, you're getting into a realm of expense, which is just too much for so many people
It doesn't matter that like it's really good. Yeah, it's like it's like car people
You know what car people I find are some of the worst about this where they'll be like
but a BMW drives so much better and I'll be like
Wow, who cares? Oh
I mean maybe okay, maybe BMW is a bad example because some of their some of their lower-end stuff is actually somewhat attainable
So what would what would I compare it to like we know someone who's relatively young that has one. Yeah
Yeah, that's true. Okay. Okay. BMW is a bad example. What how do I okay?
See as not a car person. It's hard for me to even remember the not just car people things that okay
Okay, when when rear cameras first showed up
Mm-hmm and people would be like but this is so much better and I'd be like, right
But that's only available that's only even available on trim levels that cost double what the base model does
That's more that's more what I'm going for. Yeah, like I remember in high school
One of my one of my friends his mom had an SUV
So remember this is back in like 2003 had an SUV back up camera back then that's ballin. She had GPS
Oh, so she had GPS that was like built in that was built in and she had windshield wipers that
detected whether there was rain on the windshield or not and only went if there was like three too much rain like back in o3 and
He's like telling me how great his mom's car is and I'm like
Cool, like it doesn't matter how much better it is because I do this or this turn my windshield wipers on
Yeah, I don't have you know a hundred and twenty a hundred and thirty grand to spend on an SUV
I just I don't have that so it doesn't matter how much better it is
So there that's more the point I was trying to make yeah
Okay, so the reason why I don't own any cloud-connected kids toys
So this was this was actually I saw this on a tweet from Troy Hunt here data from connected cloud pets
teddy bears leaked and
exposing kids voice messages that's conversations between the child and others can be recorded and
Done done done. It looks like a very cute toy and all that but oh my god
my kids do not own anything connected to the internet and
They won't until they're old enough to understand what it means
To have something connected to the internet messages were stored in a mongo database
That was pub that was in a publicly facing network segment without any authentication required and had been indexed by
over eight hundred and twenty thousand users data
Had or over eight hundred and twenty thousand users had data exposed two point two million voice recordings of parents and their children
Okay, apparently this is probably the Samsung Galaxy s8. I
Haven't actually looked at this yet. Apparently it might have a curved screen. Hey
And wow, no buttons. Oh wow. That's a shame
That is a shame
Missing the physical and capacitive blah blah blah blah blah blah
The did you know that the g6 has a non like it has a wider than usual aspect ratio?
No, does this kind of look like it also does sort of does I really hope that looks like a wonko photo
Yeah, okay. I really hope that doesn't turn into a thing
I plan to I plan to kind of crap on that in my g6 review which will be coming
We finally
Finally achieved it
Video content and screens being the same shape like we waited so long for this
For everyone to just kind of get their act together first. So first on computers
We had four by three screens, then we had five by four screens for some frickin reason. Why what anyway?
So we got that then then we got 16 by 10. Okay, so we were getting close. I liked that
I liked 16 by 10 too because the black bars were reasonable
But I also see why people might prefer to especially as screens got bigger
To give up a little bit of their relative, you know vertical space
I would still like for no black bars. I would I get it
I would still personally like a 16 by 10, but I get it
Okay, so so we got that far then the only aspect ratio
we really got on monitors and I'm excluding things like the surface studio or
You know the surface
Surface Pro like we're you know, like tablets surfaces all in once you have basically surfaces
okay, so other than surfaces monitors we stuck with that or
Recently introduced ultra wide so 21 by 9 which happens to be very similar to theatrical widescreen. Yeah, so there we go
TVs and it's drastically different TVs monitors and then Apple finally did it with the iPhone 6
so TVs monitors and mobile devices other than tablets all went 16 by 9 and
Everything was bueno and nobody had black bars
We don't need to move away from
From that you and I was fine. Yes, it's fine. There's there's no compelling reason that I can think of to change it
Sony this is actually really cool debuts the world's fastest SD cards
up to around
300 megabytes Wow a non tech has those now
Dang it, dr. Cutress
right speeds of
299 megabytes per second how sad they couldn't was the engineer one more who couldn't squeeze one more megabyte per second out of it
Poor guy how sad was he or she?
So there you go up to
128 gigabyte capacities and as long as the reader is UHS to compliant they are able to handle
Almost 300 megabytes per second reads and writes. This is getting up to around SATA to like
saturating wait
Yes, saturating SATA to speeds. That is fantastic
They're not saying how they're getting that in an SD card only saying that it is enabled by firmware
just like
Okay, thanks, but the cards are also waterproof shockproof temperature-resistant and x-ray proof
Cool, they're announcing a card reader specifically built for them with built-in super speed USB 3.1
Gen 1 that should leave standard SD slots in the dust
What time is it? Oh, oh, wow. Oh, oh, oh, we should we should we should talk about full plane club. Hooray
Hooray, do the thing. Do you have anything exciting to share?
I'm putting you on the spot a little bit. The the website version has a password reset that works now
Okay, that's exciting. Yeah, I mean there okay the website version that definitely doesn't exist
I mean we could share that I guess now that we spilled the beans on it. No, no. Oh
Because they'd see that no no no not to show it to them. No, no just that it will that there will be well
Oh, yeah, okay, because I actually had some people asking in the floatplane Club like private. I haven't I haven't been like
Announcing it, but I haven't been hiding it. Okay, so we've had people asking will floatplane Club always be and here's what it looks like
Now so this is floatplane Club. Will it always be a janky sub forum on the Linus tech tips website? No
definitely not
Development is very actively happening
Luke is working on it and
X saying in slightly under now three months. Ah
Okay, and possibly allegedly we might have also someone else working on it
That person's currently on probation, but that's like that's just like BC law
That's not because like we hate to hate them. That's just sort of how that works. That's just kind of how it works
But but we this is definitely a real development project. It is definitely happening and
The way that you sign up is you go to the store on the Linus tech tips forum
So I'll show you guys what that looks like and then you go to floatplane Club actually all the other contributor tiers are
Also have access to floatplane Club, but for now they don't actually have a ton of benefit beyond that get a fancy badge
And access to the the the tier exclusive sub forum
The only one of which that matters is the bronze one because we have a counting thread in there and we count by images
So the image that you post has to have the number in it. I contributed a thing there. Yeah, it was really funny
I forget what it was, but I thought it was really funny
I think I saw it and I think I enjoyed it. A lot of them are good
It's it seems like people genuinely like take time to find one. That's sort of cool. Yeah
Um, we're at like almost I think we're at like
850 ish or something. So basically you sign up in the store and
You can see up here. There you go. There's a link that goes in there and
From the counting threads and chats. Oh, excellent
And then you get access to a week's worth of content and there's other stuff that we have planned for it as well
so all what we already have working is
There's a week's worth of releases that are not on YouTube yet
And then what we also have working is that the bit rates are higher at a given resolution
It looks better on something so it looks better and sounds for a lot of people more importantly actually sounds better
So we don't compress the audio very much at all
Let's see. What so what do we have on here? That is not on YouTube yet?
Server room update vlog is there
We we can maybe explain why that's not on YouTube. Yeah, so oh, yeah, a lot of people have asked us like
What's the deal with sometimes the early access platform having stuff for two or three weeks before it hits YouTube and what happens?
Sometimes is when we do a simultaneous release in order to not screw up our calendar planning
Because we won't launch two videos in a day on YouTube. That's not going to happen it
What what happens is it causes the first video to like get buried a little bit of cascading. Yeah
So like this week with like Rison, 1080 TI, Nintendo Switch, which I believe is coming out tomorrow, right?
Tomorrow like noon noon. Yeah, okay tomorrow like midday. Yeah, or maybe slightly earlier
I might stomp on one show and just hit a little bit earlier, but basically
What happens is that if we do a simultaneous release YouTube already got a video that day
So that one actually gets pushed down an entire additional week because on a normal week. We would only do
Maybe one or maybe two simultaneous releases, so we can't just like
Bump it to the next day because then it screws up like that one that screws up everything until we can reset it the following
Week, so so that's the way that works. So anyway, what's on there now is the server room update vlog part 3 finale
Luke's not-so-secret obsession
Not-so-secret obsession analog NT mini. Yes. We've got Windows 9 the OS Microsoft won't tell you about
We've got one about EVGA's new thermal solution for their cards where they've they believe and actually looks pretty good
That they've solved card overheating problems once and for all
We've got a rundown of every AMD Radeon card tested. Look at that thumbnail. Look at how his mouth is open. Look at how look at how we blew up the size of all the video cards
No, no, so I held them out like that I really did but they would only be like
This big like look at how like a thing about how bigger
Yeah, what's pretty good I think I did it
Nice and then check this out. There's so it's AMD video cards through the ages
So there's a clock and a dinosaur. It's really subtle though
We're still working on this whole thumbnail. We take time with our clickbait. Yeah, that's right
So there you go. That's how it works. It's a video player just like you would expect a video player to be
We've even got cool features like check this out
See we have thumbnail thumbnail preview so you can skip to the part of the video where check this out
This is amazing. Oh
Card on the left photoshopped in what?
Taran did it Photoshop. We didn't have one. Oh my god
Even the shadow is fake
So I think he like pulled chunks of this shadow and like put it over there and then good job there
Yeah, it's like just it's I don't even know if this is a it's a photograph
I think this is like a render off of AMD's like press kit. Holy crap. Yeah
Um the press kit. Yeah the 2900 XT. Yeah, that's pretty sick. Yeah. So anyway, um
Got lots of videos over there and we've got lots and lots of plans for this in the future
It's gonna be a pretty freaking unbelievable platform we hope
But there's a lot of work to be done and we're not even answering questions about when it'll launch
What is really cool is do we want to talk about how we added more capacity?
Nope. Oh, okay. Nope. Okay, we didn't just don't even want to nope. There's a website coming
We're working on it a lot. There's a website coming. We're working on it a lot
There's there's some serious infrastructure involved in serving the number of people that we're serving on floatplane Club
Which what I'll say is that it's probably more than you think
That's all I can really say yeah, in fact, there's I pretty much guarantee it is more people than you think and
There's been some challenges, but I think I demonstrated the responsiveness of the player
There's still like that weird glitchiness when we change resolutions like it goes back to the thumbnail for a second
But then like it's pretty fast. Yeah. Yeah, we're really excited about teams been working really hard
Thank you
You know who you are. Yeah. Do you know who you are? No, I'm not sure
Do you know who you are? No?
Existential question. I don't even know who you are
Get how did you get in here get get out of get out of here. Thanks for watching the wine show guys
We'll see you again next week. Same bad time. Same bad channel