
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up everyone and welcome to the WAN Show!
I was up until 5 a.m two times this week and about 3 30 last night so the energy
might be a little lower. And highly trained. But we've got a great show for you guys today!
We're going to be talking about Nvidia's recent assertion that native resolution gaming is dead.
Long live DLSS and oh I don't know if I can argue with them about this. There was a massive Xbox
leak revealing plans for consoles, controllers, games and dreams of acquisitions. What else we
got to talk about this week? Microsoft announces co-pilot for the 78th time or something around
there I'm not entirely sure. And a video that came out recently that was actually quite fantastic.
The mom and pop computer shop video that came out yesterday. Was that yesterday? Wait that's a topic?
We're going to talk about some of the behind the scenes stuff. Oh fun! All right let's go ahead
and roll that intro.
The show is brought to you today by Corsair, The Ridge and AG1. Let's jump right into our first
topic. Yesterday Nvidia officially released DLSS 3.5. So far it's only supported in Cyberpunk 2077
and Creative Tool Chaos Vantage but DLSS 3.5 is kind of cool. It adds Ray Reconstruction which
uses a super computer trained AI network. So buzzwords! An AI network then. Cool! To generate
higher quality pixels in between sampled rays by recognizing lighting patterns from training data
and recreating them during play. Nvidia claims an eight percent frame rate boost in Cyberpunk 2077
over DLSS 3 and also claims that it is less demanding on the GPU though that has not
been quantified. This is this is wild though. In response to a question about whether Nvidia
plans to prioritize native resolution performance and GPUs Brian Catanzaro sure Nvidia's VP of
Applied Deep Learning Research stated that relying on brute power to improve graphical fidelity is a
sub-optimal solution when Moore's law no longer seems to hold. Instead the future of gaming
graphics will be a greater reliance on AI assisted rendering and upscaling. According to Catanzaro
smarter technologies like DLSS need to be implemented to improve graphics fidelity
and circumvent the otherwise low gen on gen performance improvements seen in today's graphics
hardware. This is a quote I think yeah DLSS AI will eventually be able to replace traditional
rendering entirely. Now I think there's a ton for us to unpack here because first of all looking at
it from a right now today perspective I think it's fair to say that most gamers would strongly
prefer to just render at native resolution and have an identical experience every time the game
is rendered accurately no matter what hardware they're on right and it just all comes down to
well how well optimized is your hardware but I would actually okay there's there's a few things
that I want to kind of bring up as as sort of a devil's advocate sort of argument but I mean
do you think that's fair to say most gamers would rather just game at native res not necessarily
I think I would be a little bit sketched out if I was a competitive player trying to put
something that's going to potentially like yeah it seems pretty good most of the time
but maybe it doesn't show me the thing that I need to see perfectly the one time I need to see it
right because you might actually be aiming at a pixel yeah so like I don't know but if I'm playing
single player games I don't I don't know how much I care as long as it looks really good
it's probably fine you know so here's and and I mean I think we can see from the not just sorry
not just aiming at a pixel either and oh maybe this kind of ruins the competitive game argument
um but also like pixel perfect jumps pixel perfect timings in various you could be competitive in a
single player game that you're trying speed runs something like that yeah yeah yeah um all right
now here's here's before you guys before you guys get too far ahead um oh do we have a problem
trying to figure that out
seems like maybe just flipping back not sure okay cool uh before we before we get too far ahead of
ourselves here here's I at least seems like the chat is mostly on the same page as as my sort
of perception of the situation they would rather not rely on these AI upscaling or machine learning
solutions but can I just make us make a small point in game development how often is it that
we are seeing hacky solutions that are implemented in order for us to achieve playable frame rates
you know whether it's um man I remember doing this uh going down this rabbit hole into how
uh reflections in the scope of a rifle are done in traditional gaming versus uh path traced or
ray traced gaming where the kind of hacky solution where they're they're they basically create I
forget exactly what it was but um the the way that they could do that with a minimal performance
impact and still have it seem relatively accurate just absolutely blew my mind um what is the what
is the difference there that's kind of my question to you what's the difference if it's implemented
at a driver level by an nvidia or an AMD versus if it's implemented game by game in order to
optimize the game your thoughts yeah reflects a pre-rendered image is at least one of the techniques
for that I don't know I something that concerns me about a lot of this kind of stuff too is like
what we saw with starfield I know I'm like giving kind of a politician answer so I'm not answering
the question that you asked I'm still going to ask you to answer the question sure go ahead
um but like we we saw that come out without dlss right and sure the community was able to respond
that time um and there was a paid solution then there was free solutions and then now
Bethesda has said that they're gonna bring native dlss to starfield and that's cool and whatever
sounds good um but if if the quote that I heard that kind of spooked me a little bit
of dlss slash ai will eventually be able to replace traditional rendering entirely
like that sounds like we're gonna run into a lot of issues um I feel like that would
that would bring problems in in relation to like abandonware dead games that you can't play
anymore because there's like some weird thing going on with how it was expected to work at
one point in time but now our current rendering paths are different um I also think uh that
uh that there's a lot of potential for really
not cool combat between the various companies that have their various proprietary solutions
they're trying to sponsor a game and then they try to you know line pockets to get them to not
actually include certain solutions so it's basically unplayable on whatever graphics
card and then like the performance difference between brands ends up being really dramatic
depending on the company and the partnership that they had with the GPU company uh stuff like
I mean whether the anti-competitive stuff happens or not it's not like we haven't seen similar
things in the past and I just don't I don't necessarily know if it's going to be any different
than you know your TressFX and your Hairworks and your PhysX and all the different things that
we've seen over the years um and can I just can I again play devil's advocate again here
and say okay but what if the AI assisted version is just legitimately better
seeing what they can do with the amount of die area on a modern GPU that is dedicated to this
machine learning processing um going through these going through these like these these trained
models um if they if that advances at a faster rate than just raw GPU grunt I mean could we see
a game developer be able to design like this you remember this right nvidia canvas yeah yeah
I mean obviously this wasn't being done in real time at you know 60 to you know 500 frames per
second when they first showed it off but I think it's pretty clear that in the machine learning
space we're seeing a development or an advancement curve that is much faster than traditional GPU
raster rendering so with that in mind is this a better way I think it kind of already is because
with uh 3.0 because we're already we're already in a situation where we are it's it's clear
that 4k is kind of the final frontier for you to have any hope of high refresh rate gaming I just
I don't I don't foresee and you know what I'm probably going to end up eating these words at
some point but I don't foresee a reason I don't foresee any need for us to drive games at
significantly higher resolutions than that natively because you have so much data to process at 4k
that you could upscale it not infinitely but wow a lot yeah um yeah and just the the just the
general improvements that you get from it are something that we've recommended people use for
quite a while now so like yeah yeah so okay so I see I see 4k that much better now basically
the the end of that which is almost kind of an argument against my point in that if we're not
trying to push resolution higher well then the obvious answer is to push visual fidelity higher
but then looking at um oh shoot yeah starfield what's that technique called where they they
they actually scanned real objects in order to get the the texture quality super high
sorry say again they scanned real world objects in order uh I feel like dan is gonna know photo
something um photogrammetry photogrammetry yeah yeah yeah so if you could if you could just
create all of your in-game assets with photogrammetry and then just run basically
almost like uh almost like a like a mocap sort of equivalent like or or like a proxy
footage equivalent where you're actually rendering with markers essentially and then
your gpu is just interpreting it's almost like compressing the entire asset library of the game
in a sense like you kind of get what I mean right yeah because we're coming back to this
that seems even more concerning for multiplayer games and like sure there's there's been this
like what about destructible environments and multiplayer games using that setup
oh as long as you well actually hold on that could be a way to make destructible environments
manageable from a performance standpoint because if you've got this material and you've assigned
characteristics to it then all you need to do so the geometry isn't done that way yeah so you
can all you have now you can spend all that compute on geometry and then the the exactly
the textures or like the unique scarring of the surface or whatever yeah that might differ from
one player to the next but it'll be probably reasonably close until you know someone discovers
that if you wear like a like an all an all like um blacked out you know suit or something like
that and you happen to stick close to like where explosions where you can hide or something you
know I'm but what's the difference luke people are already exploiting everything anyway yeah
so it's just it's just a new thing to do right like you know don't don't pretend you know your
hands are totally clean I see you and Joe playing Tarkov with your second monitor with your discord
seeing each other's viewpoint like that's not technically the way it's meant to be played
but realistically everybody else who's squatted up is doing it anyway so okay fine then at a
certain point it's not like unfair it's uh good if you don't don't hate the player hate the game
yeah I just see dress in black sometimes you'll see engine demos and those engine demos will like
look really sick the fidelity will be super high yeah but then you you start kind of diving more
into it you start figuring out like okay uh creative modeling from the community in this
engine is like not going to be a thing for xyz reason none of these environments are destructible
uh if you if you look at these environments in different angles it starts to break down
pretty bad ways like different things like that and I I think I'm my concern if we go away from
like the the just the statement of replacing traditional rendering keeps getting me concerned
about like the technology that we've already built for traditional rendering abandoning that
and going forward I feel like is going to have pitfalls that we don't necessarily
understand that I don't understand um in regards to the the games that we can necessarily make
maybe I'm just completely wrong about this that sounds good to me hopefully that's right
but I mean I think once we resolve a lot of the copyright and intellectual property ownership
issues around AI generated assets um if anything I and I mean maybe I'm just coming at this from
a layperson's perspective right like I don't do game development but honestly it seems to me
a lot easier yeah probably like if I easier yeah but is it is it as good of a space to
be creative in that's the thing that I'm concerned about I guess it's it depends what kind of
creativity you want like uh you know I think we've we've talked before about like if I
if I was to you know invest in making a game you know what kind of what kind of game would it be
and honestly if if I was to if I was to spec out my dream game that I would make it would be
episodic even though I know the business model is totally broken and doesn't work um it would be
it would be heavily heavily story focused like I could see okay there were these like kind of
kind of trashy like fantasy novels that I read when I was in like a teenager uh by this author
Terry Brooks and it's all about this um this like fantasy world Shannara um and I could I could
honestly it's all just like adventuring all over this land and I could I could see a game like that
where you instead of hiring game writers necessarily you hire writers writers like and
just create this world that gradually opens up and with every episode creates more and more
environments to you for you to go and visit essentially an MMO but not you really got to
play Baldur's Gate massively multiplayer oh I know I know 100 um you're you're really nicely
defining Baldur's Gate 3 well that's that's great um one difference though is that nothing
I wouldn't intend anything to be high fidelity so I for from my theory looks really good yeah from
my point of view I had almost zero interest like I was thinking like like rpg maker level of of
graphical fidelity like it doesn't matter to me yeah but if I could if I could just you know
draw a stick figure and then say okay yeah you know that now and now it just makes us something
cool so so you're talking about basically lowering barrier of entry yes don't have to
be as much of a a coder don't have to be as much of a designer or reallocating resources because I
think that's something that we've mostly agreed upon for a long time that a lot of the time the
the the things that games get wrong is they'll have these really cool technical details or
they'll be absolutely you know beautiful it's not actually fun but it's not it's not fun it's not
engaging the triple a curse or this or like the story sucks and you just yeah you know your
sidekick dies and you're like so you were just a three-dimensional or even worse than that you're
like oh thank goodness now they're not going to bug me yeah thank thank gravy I don't have to
do another escort escort quest yeah exactly so I mean I don't know we've got people in chat saying
I want graphical fidelity or I'm not interested yeah but you can get you can get that yeah
yeah that's the thing I mean no part no part of what he's saying is that you wouldn't get that
what he's saying is that when he's making it he doesn't have to worry about that he can he can
draw stick figures he can do whatever and then it's going to turn that into something more
but again you know there's all this intellectual property stuff to to figure out oh yeah definitely
I I don't know when or how or if that's going to be resolved
I suspect it will be but yeah when how or if is is pretty questionable um
it's an interesting thing because it's it's cool that more people more things are more accessible
with it but then it's also not cool uh taking people's jobs away and also
so you know it's real good at getting something that's going to be acceptable to a decent amount
of people but it's not real good at making masterpieces no that's fair that's totally
fair like I I there's there's this old story of where is it Austria is that where Beethoven's
from Austria can't remember wherever he's from there's if I remember correctly it's a
this could just be not even a true story so great watch it here comes fake fake story
time totally might be totally might I'm really glad I heard this like forever ago it might have
even been a different uh composer yeah I don't know okay so you don't know who you don't know
where you don't know exactly when you have no idea if it's true why don't we just say
Luke's about to make up a story yeah yeah yeah okay tell us a story but it was basically every
every school in that country had a grand piano yeah because they're like you never know when
the next version Luke's fictional country okay yes carry on every every school had a grand piano
because they were they wanted the opportunity for if if another person like this came around
um that they would be able to realize it okay cool that's a really neat idea yeah
there was a massive xbox leak that revealed plans for consoles controllers games and dreams of
acquisitions this week and the amount of clickbait that I saw around this has been absolutely
colossal like I clicked on this one article that was like Microsoft planned to acquire Nintendo
yeah and as I'm reading through the article I'm sitting here going no that's not what happened
at all like I clicked it because I went well surely they couldn't be stupid enough to think
that like the the government of Japan and Nintendo itself would what for for money like sell out to
Microsoft like it's it's not even it's not even conceivable and I was like sure surely they
couldn't have gotten too far into these talks no there were there were no talks there was no
there was no Microsoft Nintendo acquisition that all uh who who said it was it was it Phil
Spencer I don't remember but someone basically said that would be a career defining moment or
something like that well yeah it would that would be an industry defining moment if Nintendo has
been around for like what 150 years or whatever it is hey Linus got what wouldn't be sick if we
acquired Mr. Beast yeah yeah so news news news news news news here comes the Dexerto article
you know Linus almost acquired Mr. Beast Beast industries yeah exactly happened
feastables more like tech tip of all that's our new chocolate bar the quick bits
that's not bad we we we've quick bits for like a bagged snack we wanted to do a cereal at one
point that'd be pretty good I know it's a really good name for a cereal oh yeah dang we also have
um we also have uh Linus cat tips quick bites and quick bits in the production in the production
queue do you know what Linus cat tips are no okay so I want to make like a cat teaser oh a cat toy
and then it would have interchangeable tips and they'd be it doesn't doesn't matter
oh yeah I'm really sorry anyway a Microsoft employee appears to have mistakenly uploaded
a large trove of confidential documents both redacted and unredacted to a legal court website
used in the trial between the FTC and Microsoft this has resulted in what is possibly the largest
leak of Xbox related information to date most of it from 2020 and onward on the hardware side
project Brooklyn was a diskless Xbox series x refresh and project Elwood an equivalent series
s console that were scheduled to launch in fall 2024 I shouldn't say was uh I mean maybe at what
anything leaked could be could not be you never know things can things can be developed really
quickly sometimes and projects that seem like they're just about across the line can get axed
so who knows a next gen hybrid cloud console that uses both local and cloud processing is scheduled
allegedly for 2028 that is actually farther out than I expected really yeah I I mean looking at
how hard they were pushing uh looking at how hard they were pushing the cloud with Xbox series x I
thought it sounded like they're going to do this with series x yeah Sebile an elite style controller
with haptics that double as speakers a lift to wake feature and direct to cloud connectivity
similar to stadia man this is cool uh one document showed a mock-up of a first party Xbox handheld
but handheld was listed as not in scope for first party on what can only be described as a funding
pyramid what hey interesting not in scope for first party so what they would allow an ecosystem
of Xbox handhelds like kind of logitech gcloud kind of thing or maybe oh that'd be that would
be super cool and what what else what else we got here uh oh however the keystone cloud console
is in the funded section despite being cancelled last year before this document was generated okay
so take all of these leaks with a grain of salt but definitely cool stuff then on the gaming side
Bethesda parent company xenomax had a planning document listing several upcoming games yeah
including a doom game called year zero dishonored 3 a ghost wire tokyo sequel an indiana jones game
that what the indiana jones game is that what the psi was for yeah that'll either be amazing or more
likely kind of terribly trash yeah yeah probably terrible i mean you never know i mean i didn't
have a lot of hope for the 2016 tomb raider reboot yeah that was actually very good it ended up being
excellent it's it's one of the few games in the like at that time in my life when i was very busy
that i actually played all the way through it was very good a lot a lot of movie tie-in games are
not good um i did you just call tomb raider a movie tie-in game is it not
i didn't play the ones when we were really young was there no like super old school tomb raider
movie i know the newer tomb raider movie was not good but i thought those were like remakes of some
super old thing i'm gonna quietly ask you to leave i don't know honestly i just don't care
um but i was gonna say spider-man my actual point wasn't tomb raider it was spider-man
came out and was actually surprisingly good i thought that's also not adapted from a movie
uh yeah it is actually obviously originally there's the comic books but i'm pretty sure
the game is based on the movie is it not yeah so nice try bucko um moving on from not sort
of it's specifically pulled from the movie people are so mad i'm totally twisting what he's saying
to make it so much worse than it and they just dove right with you i'm just glad they're mad
at you for a change yeah yeah that's the guy i'll take that i'll take that too to be honest
um moving on from there there's remasters of oblivion and fallout 3 uh which
the the remit yeah the oblivion the oblivion movie the oblivion movie oblivion movie yeah
it's based on oblivion's a comic book the elder scrolls yeah graphic novel series the elder
scrolls it's from a comic it's from a scroll yeah a lot of them they're old they're eligible scrolls
come on um buried in a vault the the move to remaster oblivion i honestly think is really weird
um really why because because of sky oblivion and i honestly bet you at this point sky oblivion will
be better than the oblivion remaster so then they just issue a cease and desist
so that they can sell oblivion remastered i think that would be honestly hard for them to do
because it's a mod of skyrim given how given how precarious their relationship with the modding
community i think that would like kill it yeah because this this has been such an incredibly
long-running project from people that are seen as very good members of community you know
i don't know i don't know i think that'd be really bad but to me
like the especially because sky oblivion is the furthest along one because there's uh
what is the what is the morrowind called morrowind one called oh i was in the chat
boomer scrolls wow cool um yeah skywind is the is the morrowind version of that project which
as far as my understanding goes is not anywhere near as far along as the um probably more
challenging oh i'm sure yeah um business stuff from executive emails uh by at least 2020
microsoft apparently had write-ups outlining the potential value of acquiring nintendo and valve
though they apparently saw no means to do so uh yeah um they were likewise interested in
purchasing the u.s branch of tiktok and warner brothers interactive uh phil spencer said
acquiring nintendo would be a career moment okay so it was phil spencer uh there's confirmation
that microsoft is primarily interested in activision blizzard for king the makers of
candy crush how sad is that i mean i don't know i don't know what's worse the fact that
activision blizzard has fallen so far that we don't care about ip's like diablo or warcraft
compared to candy crush or the fact that gaming has or at least the the money made in gaming has
shifted so heavily to mobile like whale whale harpooning games like candy crush um that i think
that's the worst part that that those that that traditional model is not really interesting at an
executive you know return for shareholders uh level anymore that's wow yeah honestly
the the heights that blizzard fell from and the heights that activision fell from are both like
incredible both of those studios were just like top of the freaking world and have totally fallen
off so that's a big part of it um i think the the games that they've been releasing are are
pathetic shadows of what they used to so i don't know um but also yeah people eat into that model
so like it's i don't even know what you say at this point because gamers are gonna buy stuff
it just happens in one exchange activision execs describe the nintendo switch 2 as closer in power
to last gen ps4 and xbox one which makes a lot of sense have you seen the recent rumors that
the switch 2 will be as powerful as a ps5 or an xbox series x no what are you talking about
that's not how that works if it is a mobile device which as far as i can tell most people seem to be
indicating that it will be a switch 2 a direct sequel kind of like the super nintendo or the
wii u right what could possibly make you think it will have anywhere near in the same article
i'm reading i'm reading people who are saying it will be based on nvidia's ampere architecture
and it will be a mobile device and it will have the same performance as a playstation what are
you talking about oh my god conrad just said it's gonna be called the switch u just to make it extra
confusing that would it be amazing i would love that i should just call it switch off at that
point because no one's gonna tune into that forget it god like i feel like i feel like this is the
same conversation that we had back when tesla announced that every one of their cars that they
had that they were shipping would be capable of full autonomous driving and i'm sitting here
going look i don't know everything about everything certainly not i there's lots of things i don't
know or don't understand the intricacies of but one of the things that i do know is that at that
time microprocessor technology even if even if tesla was five years ahead of the competition
there was no there was no roadmap to the kind of the kind of ai inferencing that we were going to
need for full self-drive like because remember self-driving full autonomous operation is not
99 of the time or 99.9 of the time think about it if it was 99 accurate in a hundred hours
you would spend one hour doing the wrong thing on the road that is not okay
that's horrible 99.9 of the time if it was that good every thousand hours you could be spending
an hour driving down the wrong side of the road or on the sidewalk or a more minor error there
are yeah there are there are a little bit of there are some issues with interpreting it that way
but it's also not that wrong yes but i would say if you if you evaluate it so okay
you're right and based on how that thing is laid out there's no way to know how that should be
interpreted because you don't know the severity of these errors yes but looking at like people
driving down the road what percentage of the time are they doing the wrong thing by looking
somewhere incorrectly or just absent-mindedly like not really seeing what's in front of them
stuff like that it's probably extremely high but they're probably also not driving down the wrong
side of the road like you're giving for an example and there's no way to differentiate those levels
of errors that's true that's true and and and we we don't know for sure if like you said humans
are making are spending you know yeah one one out of every hundred or one out of every thousand hours
like completely doing the wrong thing i you know people run red lights it happens people fall asleep
at the wheel yep a hundred percent i think what we can all agree on is that um
meg's uh 1991 says in the floatplane chat luke thinks mario bros is based on a movie
i didn't know i didn't know how i just don't know how you got it so wrong luke
it's tomb raider who cares why why does anyone care 13 year olds care
i was you don't like pyramids luke when did the first tomb raider game
game release
what was i like five or something
200 gold is 1998 all right so i was 1996 in october so i was five
could have been a movie i don't know why do i care
i don't know maybe you were a precocious youngster and already a pyramid enthusiast
i might have been at that point i'm not sure you i well you either
recently were or you were going to be one soon you know
it is interesting that there's a bit of a gap there yeah yeah yeah so we ended up um
talking about nursing luke i'm sure nobody had that on their bingo
this is pretty interesting someone in floatplane chat linked me um uh one of the leaked versions
that oh this isn't working anymore since we restarted uh stream decks broken can't show
you my laptop but it's uh one of the leaked documents um it says gaming there's a picture
of master chief because of course there is uh then it says gaming devices oh there we go yeah
gaming devices path to 2030 console business is the foundation damn it microsoft uh consoles are
considered a key health meter for the brand and will continue to drive majority of revenue and
subscribers into 2030 um new endpoints are the i feel very unimportant right now yeah me too
this is the interesting part though is like they kind of shift immediately after saying that so
they say consoles of the foundation this is the health meter all that kind of stuff and then they
say like to get to 100 million members though unlocking new off-console endpoints and improving
the experience will substantially grow subscribers over the next eight years okay so which one is it
microsoft exactly that's an interesting bad presentation to be fair i think they're saying
it's the foundation this is our majority that type of stuff but we need to right so they're
saying that to build a pyramid they have to have a lot of consoles yeah and then they have to have
a sharp point of endpoints yeah and then they turn it on the side yeah and they have two of them
controller controller becomes the hero is point number three the new xbox controller is the only
thing you'll need to play on a on every new device this new low barrier of entry will fuel subscriber
growth so subscriber growth so they're just talking about like yeah that's it that's all
they care about that's it game pass baby yeah personalization and customization personalization
customization continue as a hardware strategic advantage and a key profit driver and customer
delighter never heard that word before but sounds good yeah i've heard like delighting customers
being a delighter a customer delighter yeah i don't know if i've heard of a customer delighter
before but i also don't spend a ton of time in gentleman's clubs so yeah yeah or pyramids
um sustainability and accessibility continued progress towards uh reduction of carbon tax
impact re-energizing our journey of inclusion personalization it's interesting to me that
they would think that personalization is a strength of xbox they do um no it doesn't you
got to send us back there we go they do they do push their custom controllers a lot yeah but why
honestly i think a lot of people buy them why not the console though customization of the console
yeah like look at how sony's doing with the with the playstation 5 dark plates or whatever the
first party one is called the dbrand thing like i um avon fox says tomb raider was a pyramid scheme
yeah that's how they made money it kind of was it was they kind of what yeah yeah yeah um
yeah that's interesting i don't really you know shop for xbox as much i don't even think they've
done much in the way of themed xboxes this time around like we had this all black we had this
super cool uh like gears xbox one x that was sick or was it a one s i don't remember but yeah i have
one of those actually yeah let's did you steal it from work no oh okay how'd you get why the hell
do you have an xbox long story i turn it on one time i'm interested in this it's still under my
tv though i would like to hear i'd like to hear the story i wanted the controller
so we found his weakness we found the thing that will make luke oh no no no money no no i didn't
buy it oh my god carry on i wanted the controller so i had the the red i should have known better
gears controller yeah that i probably stole from work um yeah that definitely because i
think it disappeared i've had it for like years it was before there was a lounge so i don't know
where i got it from i might have got it from willow actually i'm not sure nice backtrack
it's possible good job it's technically possible but i had the red gears controller and i wanted
to play uh nhl with my brother because they won't release nhl on pc since like what was it like 96
or something like no no it was in the 2000s like 2005 or 2006 so maybe it's 2006 yeah um
but yeah they haven't released nhl on pc in forever so my brother and i wanted to play on xbox
um and i wasn't i didn't really want to buy an xbox but i had um plans of how we could play
an nhl game on the tv don't worry about it through cloud streaming sure um but anyways i'd wanted
more xbox controllers and i couldn't find just getting just the gears controller because that's
all i wanted i didn't actually want the xbox so i reached out to a contact and was like can i buy
just the controller and then they sent me the whole thing i didn't know they were gonna do it
so you leveraged your you know contacts here i did not meet this person through work
he knows what he did
okay so you have an xbox it's turned on once well no i've had it for like four years or something
yeah they got a really great value out of that yeah yeah okay yeah hey i mean the good news is
it can never you know red ring of death if you never turn it on okay because i know that's not
an issue with the series you'll even remember xbox one s or whatever remember i got that tv
yeah the tv was more or less also so that i could like have people over
oh right and then that was like that was a week before cove it happened yeah how'd that go for
you now i i'm not even the one that uses the tv anymore it's like exclusively my girlfriend
i don't ever use it i think you had a i think you had an inkling that that was gonna happen
at the time though i did yeah because you're like yeah i don't care about the tv but this is the
good one right i'm like yeah you're like okay yeah that's exactly how it happened yeah okay
that makes sense i did zero research i called blindness like on the way to the store and was
like tell me what to do hey it's a good tv it's great yeah it worked it worked quite well i was
yeah you bought it a good time because basically there was some huge sale you've got 4k 120 hertz
you've got hdr support you've got variable refresh rate with like g-sync compatibility
or whatever um so you've got basically everything you need and all that's happened since then
is they've gotten a little bit brighter basically more color gamut more brighter they are better
the newer ones are better but if you are using them anytime other than during the day with
sunlight coming in i i the newer ones are better but man are you ever having a lot of the experience
with i think it's what like a c2 or something that you have a c1 i don't remember i don't
remember you'd honestly probably remember better than me man it might not even be no it must be
like a c10 yeah that sounds more it's probably a c10 yeah sounds more yeah because they they
started over oh really yeah yeah so there's like there's so c8 and 9 and 10 or whatever i can't
remember if there was a c in the literally thinks when show is based off when show bingo
sorry oh man okay anywho uh dan we don't know what to do because you don't have the cue cards up
yeah i lost uh everything uh oh hey my buttons work now i fixed the buttons i just i just fixed
the buttons there's flustered dan uh what do we do merge messages now i don't know this one
says do merge messages okay put that up
this hasn't managed to put it up there see he hit the microphone there's a microphone
why are you hurting our viewers they just end yourself i deserve it no no this hasn't this
hasn't happened in so long i don't know what i'm doing anymore i swear this never happens to me
yes interesting sorry hold on what hold on there's there's interesting slides in this deck
um cloud first gamers is the blue pc first gamers is the the light green and console first and
multi-device gamers are we that small well okay i don't think multi-device is yeah that's stupid
you can't just lump multi-device in with console because there's plenty of pc first gamers that are
multi-device oh man yeah that's pretty dumb that feels like someone on the console team trying to
inflate trying to juice it yeah trying to juice the numbers yeah yeah i don't know that's it
yeah that's strong disagree wow that thing is it looks like a router it's just like a circular
stupid uh like d-link had routers that looked like that i think back in the day
updated technologies wow this is this leak is crazy it actually is holy crap giving our fans
more to love like this is this is clearly presentations that real time was spent on and
are very real wow die shrink for improved efficiency undisputed yeah i think there are
a fair number of people that would dispute the series s in general and it's um it's positive
contributions to to console gaming but sure sure all right let's explain what merch messages are
and do a couple we don't do twitch bits or whatever the thing on super chats man i sleep
deprived you know there's a there's different kinds of sleep deprived sometimes i get kind of
like like silly and then other times i get you know today i'm just stupid like i actually i
feel like i feel like this is what it must be like to not be very smart
like i start a thought and i just i don't know how to explain this there's there's you can you
can say something i'm like i don't understand you can apparently make uh rough equations or
sorry rough comparisons between sleep deprivation and and uh being drunk yeah yeah being awake for
at least 18 hours is the same as someone having a blood alcohol uh content level of 0.05 percent
being awake for 24 hours is equal to having a blood alcohol content of 0.1 sick uh well see i'm
not sleep deprived in that way it's more cumulative yeah i think that's a harder one to measure but
i'm sure it has a similar effects i i have i've had a really big um i i've had a really big project
on the go lately we finally finally have the one you land center gaming systems up you know what
we can talk we can talk about it a little bit later on the show first let's explain our merch
messages uh so we don't do those normal kinds of messages to shows because we think they're kind of
a bad value for the viewer what if we don't see them or what if we see them and frankly they're
not very you know relevant and we don't respond to them then you basically got nothing you got pixels
on a screen um and and that's that's a shame but the way that we do it hey you get your pixels on
the screen sup alexander g uh our producer dan will go through some of the merch messages and
either reply to them himself like to alexander g or send them to us to address later on the show
or none of that happens and hey you just get your order in the mail and you get like a sick
t-shirt or a hoodie or water bottle or a screwdriver or whatever the case may be
so you just gotta go to the merch message box in the cart and whenever we are live fill out
the merch messages field and then go ahead and place your order and it gets dumped into the queue
for producer dan uh dan do you have a couple of uh a couple of merch messages for us i do actually
first one here hey lld given the amount of times you talk about tech related lawsuits or
legislation have you considered adding legal experts to the team to review them so we know
exactly how it's affecting us i think for the most part unless you are an enormous company you you
generally seek legal advice on a consultancy basis like i mean even i'm thinking like even you know
the cnn's and you know fox news's of the world um they okay hold on hold on just a second they
obviously have internal legal legal counsel oh but they'll also have but they but when they're but
for the content they bring in legal contributors who my understanding is a lot of the time are not
necessarily paid they're paid in exposure on the network is is my understanding and to be clear i'm
not i'm not suggesting this is not a call for lawyers to consult for me for free it's just what
i'm saying is that i don't i don't necessarily know that media organizations will just have a
lawyer on staff because the thing about law is it's not just you don't just hire a lawyer
specialized it's very specialized so if we were going to talk about you know copyright or if we
were going to talk about um for example uh patent uh patent law or if we were going to talk about
um i wouldn't even be surprised if financial crimes you know a cnn style legal team would
almost be a legal team that uh like works through contractors or like finds the right no yeah knows
who to know and who to who to bring in for you know a relevant take on whatever the the topic
du jour is yeah i could totally see that
yeah um vectavis says i have an ex-prosecutor as my company's legal counsel sometimes they
can pivot i mean that's true but what if they what if they don't or what if they make a mistake
would i be better off just you know bringing in someone to consult for us on uh you know whenever
needed i yeah i i don't know it's not something that it's not something that's on our radar right
now i think right now we're just really focused on making really great content got a lot of really
exciting stuff lined up uh oh man there's something i really want to tell you guys about
but i guess i can't really do it yet soon soon i will tell you guys soon but i'm very excited
about it all right dan what else you got for us sure last one here dear dan linus and luke and
wan crew my 22 year old autistic brother dropped 120 on mario kart tour last week do you have any
tips on how i can help him not be susceptible to this kind of thing
oh man this is a tough one um it's funny because this i'm having almost having like a deja vu
moment because somebody asked me something recently that was like how do i prevent this
like grown ass person yeah that's that's the problem from doing something yeah and i was like
well they're you can't yeah like from from like like legally morally like all of these is um
they are an independent person who can who can make i think there's some i think there's some
layers here their own decisions did they want to do that is this like an impulse control problem
after the fact they're like i wish i didn't do this that type of stuff then maybe there's some
opportunities to step in is it their money yeah i mean if it's not their money remove the card
from the account or if it is their money um but they're going to be reliant on you now
to replace that that's things they would have spent that's where that's where things can get
very complicated with family obviously we don't know much about the dynamic here but like
i would i would hazard okay can can your brother afford it is another question that i would be
asking so you know if it if it is if it is his money and he can afford it then
but then you know i i don't know right because i would want to intervene so in spite of everything
we just said like i would i would want to do something if i saw if i saw one of my siblings
throwing away money at at different colored pixels that kind of money so i i it's in a week
oh yeah no i i understand and my assumption oh go ahead uh my understanding here is
not anywhere near um good enough but i i i believe people on the spectrum can be very
fixated on certain things sure yeah that maybe they find an an very very high amount of enjoyment
from this and they have the money if if though if those if all those things line up then whatever
it's an adult making an adult decisions it is what it is but like you were saying does this
now make them reliant on someone else's money sure is this not their money is this all these
other different types of things um and did they did they want that to be the reality at all like
this might be a situation where they came to this person who sent in the merge message
and like potentially ask them for help we don't know how regular of an occurrence this is that
too maybe this is something that where this is not the first time that they've spent you know
100 plus dollars on uh you know on a mobile game essentially right i mean i i personally
um i i find that adding steps to things is like really beneficial to make you not do it
um like one of the one of a money spending hack that i i know a few people that have done
is they'll they'll um stop carrying certain cards yeah and just carry cash i took the twitter app
off my phone yeah i still have twitter yeah i can access it on a desktop install it again if i
really want to access it on a desktop yeah if i really want to look at something i can i can
open the page in a browser at least i could until they like made that more difficult sick um but but
you add these barriers so maybe just don't let the mobile device remember your card or if it has
to remember your card uh just remove the card after the transaction yeah nighttime astronaut
says it's predatory from the company i'm a disability advocate and i'm neurospicy
we are targeted by ads purposefully yeah that's um i'm sure that's a thing that's
nasty i'm also totally convinced that's the thing yeah oh i mean there's no there's no question in
my mind that that's a thing it's just it doesn't change that from a legal standpoint this is a
grown adult and you can't you you can't tie someone down and go like no no more mario kart tour
yeah but yeah i mean other other than just other than here's a yeah here's a weird potential idea
sure try to get them hooked on an a different mario kart that doesn't have microtransactions
but that's the problem is it's not as hooking the the the the the gacha mechanisms are not built
into those games yeah but they're still fun i know but it's mario kart 8 it's a great game it's
different yeah no it's it's different it's not the same thing show some enjoyment play it play
it with them have fun i don't know yeah there is there that's a good point there isn't a substitute
for spending time together yeah so like maybe maybe i don't know this is this is possibly not
fair and i'm volunteering this person's time but um that's probably the approach that i would try
to if i if i saw that someone that i knew and cared about was having a toxic relationship with
something i would try to help them go in a different direction but not make them but just
make it voluntary like hey you clearly really like mario kart you're playing this version of
it that has gotcha microtransactions that sucks i'm down to play mario kart 8 with you do you want
to go play that let's get all the unlocks in the game because you can unlock all these different
kite things and wheels and all this kind of stuff let's focus on doing that let's do it together and
then you go play that together and then they get hooked on that game and it's um potentially a
little bit better i don't know just an idea it's unfortunate but yeah i don't know i i don't i
don't have a way to solve this i mean i see people kind of talking through different possibilities in
the chat and you know you've got the you know government regulation is going to be one that's
always going to be a controversial a controversial topic in these things right because you've got
advocates on the one side saying we need regulation we need regulation because these
companies are just going to exploit vulnerable people and then you've got people on the other
side going look we can't regulate ourselves into a nanny state if if a grown adult wants to buy
a product or service why shouldn't they be allowed to buy a product or service and i think there's
compelling arguments both ways i don't think this is a simple black and white issue and i
i'm reminded of the the news i think this was also this week it was either this week or last week
that neurolink is looking for human volunteers for early implants and i'm kind of sitting here
going you know these obviously these are going to be grown adults hopefully you know of sound
mind and body who are making the decision to be to to be guinea pigs for for their experimentation
should this even be legal and it's like i guess i mean it's your body but i mean it's in some parts
of the world isn't suicide technically illegal i don't i don't think there's a what does that
what does that mean i don't think there's a punishment for it to the person who is dead
obviously but it can affect things like for example your insurance i know that i don't
know that it's the illegality that would affect that but you know if you kill yourself you don't
get the insurance payout um yeah uh noodles it says in the chat in the u.s suicide is illegal
huh it's like okay it was i'll put you in jail
yeah it's illegal in the uk too says night pause what does it mean so is it just an insurance thing
because that yeah apparently it's illegal so the police can get involved without a warrant
that's interesting uh uh ian ian xmas says gambling needs to be monitored in control i mean
sure but where's the line right like look how was it gambling look how long it took to regulate
like what's the name of this game again mario kart what mario kart tour
tour mobile game
super got it oh people are saying it's illegal so that trying so attempting it can be punished
like yeah okay what did you get accomplished with that it seems stupid i don't know man
so you can be forced to get help um but you know that's okay that's that's something
it's also what are you gonna throw them in jail for it like what do you think that's gonna
yeah uh also if someone helps you they can be charged with aiding and abetting
okay so i think i'm cool with that turns out there are some good reasons i'm sure there's
i don't know that's a very nuanced topic 100 percent
right for transactions remain the game yeah i'm not certain if the mario kart tour
if the microtransactions are just like buying a thing or buying a dice roll got it i don't i
don't know what they are yeah i'm not sure all right do you want to give us one more
merch message dan um yeah sure um let's see what i've got here
hey lld what kind of actions would you have to take of any if a mr b-sized creator wanted to
join flow plane uh i think if a mr b-sized creator wanted to join we'd probably have to
beef up the infra just a little bit i would imagine they'd have some special requests in
terms of tools they would want built for engagement with their audience that's pretty common yeah
as long as they're not too onerous like as long as there's something that we could sort of try
to fast track or get on a road map or they're willing to be a little bit patient um i i would
think at this point not too much you know don't don't quote me on that right there's there's stuff
that we would need to do but there's solutions that we can implement that could solve it like
we'd be fine all right why don't we jump into our next topic luke you want to pick one sure
let me sec i was looking at tomorrow car tour stuff um do we have the co-pilot thing
yes it's oh sick we have it oh nice okay well should we do that should we use it
okay so you're still doing stuff okay well let's let's maybe do that later
what i want oh i see oh cool no no 1080 is fine oh you keep poking with that i'll talk through
the topic uh on thursday microsoft announced microsoft copilot in windows which you may have
thought they already announced but you may be thinking about github copilot which was announced
in 2021 microsoft 365 copilot which was announced in march 2023 or windows copilot ever more
different than you know anyways that was announced in may 2023 microsoft copilot in windows rather is
the unification of the company's disparate chatbot like services rebranded with a new
colorful logo and an actual release date this tuesday september 26 finally a release date on
any ai product is fantastic um the feature will roll out in windows 11 in its early form accessible
through the windows plus c key keyboard shortcut okay i'm not gonna lie i'm actually like very
excited to try this right now no this is this is interesting dan has a laptop for us because we've
had we've had a lot of it on the floor why is he putting it on the floor i don't want floor
laptop it's not i don't like face on a movie dan yeah yeah floor laptop laptops are not based on
movies the movie um the movie of the game uh as microsoft revealed when announcing windows
copilot copilot can pull data from a user's calendar email documents um so nothing from
anyone who's using google for all of those things i guess um anything microsoft app related to help
you answer questions and perform tasks it can also help you control your desktop itself you can tell
it to arrange windows change system settings launch specific spotify playlist way and much
more okay well let's do stuff yeah try to arrange some windows pull open some stuff uh i mean there's
no apps on here the back of that laptop is very distracting yeah i know right uh i don't know
how to turn that off imagine having that in a class i mean i think that's sort of the point
you just piss off the teachers peacocks super hard yeah just tape over it wow um i put a new
button on your deck there when you want to switch into the uh the laptop oh sick okay where is it
oh on his yeah do you want one no no it's fine everybody can have a button they're free there
you go here's two oh there you go you're special they're like ducks at the park yeah they're free
you can just take them home like domain names despite the unification microsoft's branding is
still all over the place concerning commercial customers who can also consider using bing chat
enterprise and microsoft 365 copilot the latter of which will be available for enterprise customers
devember 1st i didn't know that enterprise microsoft 365 copilot is gonna be very interesting
hopefully it's not trash we'll see opening i also announced dolly 3 which the company says does a
lot better than other modern text image systems at not ignoring words in prompts it can also
actually generate text in an image properly as seen here and then there's a little example that
i'm gonna jump to i just feel so empty inside which is amazing for people who have messed with
these things in the past because the text was always just like garbly gook no real letters
just kind of some weird uh shape patterns where the text is supposed to be so having actual text
is very that's a that's a pretty big step to be completely honest um that's pretty cool data
economy fed uh open ais demo prompts into mid journey and compared the outputs and it's pretty
close apparently we're gonna check that out as well uh like this let's go to the beach and find
the right hermit close-up photograph of a hermit crab nestled in wet sand with sea foam nearby
and the details of its shell and texture of the sand accentuated
yeah i don't know if this is a hermit crab i don't know what a hermit crab looks like to be
honest with you oh okay yeah oh that's from dali and mid journeys on the right huh okay i don't
know how many examples there are here we go dancers desire that's a really long prompt but
they actually do look pretty similar one is just like facing us and the other one's facing away
sheesh photo of a lychee inspired i think that's how you say that i don't know inspired spherical
chair with a bumpy white exterior and plush interior set against a tropical wallpaper
huh quite similar man i i'm every time i play around with this stuff or look at it i'm just
kind of blown away potatoes
we know a thing or two about generating potato images on dali we do um anyways speaking of uh
speaking of potato uh no never mind i'm not gonna i'm not gonna tease that oh wow something potato
related that's all i can say the dali 3 uh is or sorry dali 3 is in research preview now and will
be available to chat gpt plus and enterprise customers in october and will of course be
integrated into bing and various microsoft apps and services as well lastly there were new service
surface devices announced all with very iterative upgrades business insider and windows central say
that this is part of the reason for formal surface chief panos panays sudden departure this week
after 20 years at the company surface laptop studio 2 um with an intel 13th gen core i7 h
class chip various ones i suspect at different price points an rtx uh 4050 or 4060 intel neural
processing unit and up to two terabytes of uh like dedicated storage and 64 gigs of ram starts
at around 1999 i say around because they don't specify what chip it is and there's two different
gpu models so i don't know um surface laptop go 3 pretty much just internal upgrades same 12.4
inch screen now has intel 12th gen in not 13th i guess instead of 11th and starts at 799 surface
go 4 for business same chassis go 3 intel core intel door intel dual core pentium i got there
in go 3 replaced with quad core intel n 200 marked for business do not have fun with it
it's illegal that's right riley wrote that right yeah i assumed i don't even have the
dock open right now but i i i know i don't i don't technically know that i i just i didn't
put it in there okay yeah that's one of them almost certainly riley um and then last but
not least potentially least who knows uh surface hub 3 some minor upgrades over the hub 2s
in march hub 3 mod uh module can be purchased and installed in existing hub 2s devices okay should
we just start doing co-pilot yeah i don't care about that i've been waiting for you to do this
this whole time no i'm ready okay tell me what to have it do do the windows organizing i thought
this is the last conversation we had well no but i want to do come on okay i think windows
organization open a browser for me interesting
hmm uh no thanks can you open a good browser oh
let's see let's see if it if it doesn't off of this which
please confirm the action in the dialog box that has appeared
oh i have to click it why would i have to click it that's weird sure you can confirm
what say say uh open google chrome
i don't know why you would ever want to do this instead of just typing in the start menu
well because eventually you would want to interact with your voice not the keyboard
yeah like i don't see i don't see a voice input right now you could do your own but
yeah please confirm the action in the dialog box that has appeared what are you talking about
it's already he clicked it though he said no thanks and it like grayed out
hello buddy uh okay um open file explorer chrome is not a good browser yeah i just i the only one
i see on there is edge and chrome yeah open file explorer and show me where my uh program files are
is this gonna do anything
i mean yes yes obviously click it oh it graded out yeah it graded out it it looks like it's
duplicating did you click it i tried well it's grayed out it wasn't grayed out originally all
right the file explorer is now open you can navigate to the program possible it's hallucinating
i don't want to navigate to that folder okay well i asked you to do it in its defense you're using
it in the way that it's not it it should work the way that you're doing it but it's it's clearly not
intended to be used that way i think you should start a new chat let it dump so that it's not
click the button properly no don't open no don't no no no no no no don't close that
fine you're you're a bad pilot fine it's just trying to co-pilot but you're not
you're not open file explorer okay so maybe i just need to maybe i just need to click it way faster
well no you're just typing something new before you click it yeah it's working
well why does it why does that second dial sure you can confirm the action in the dialog box that
has appeared and you've already done it yeah i've already done it what are you talking about
those problems for sure okay um show me where my music is
oh i mean theoretically if i have a folder called music then it should i mean sure i guess so
oh my goodness
no um where's my music in file explorer wow this is pretty rudimentary to be honest with you
yeah i think you need to start a whole new thread though because you're you're already hallucinating
no i don't okay fine how do i how do i new thread i don't even see the here maybe up here
okay refresh all right okay fine also i will i will say here that this is not the release version
we don't well we don't know that this is a release version or not
are you talking to the stream right now dad oh yeah dan you might as well just talk to the
stream because we're just going to sit here in silence while you talk to us anyway yeah
hey that's nice okay tomb raider is both a movie and a game
oh my goodness okay but that's just normal co-pilot stuff it's more of a come on try to
try to get to do cool things open some windows get it to organize it come on i'd rather bother you oh
my goodness ah it's not more of one than the other i'm just gonna install it as a video game series
in 1996 iconic protagonist laura croft again when i was five
do you think that's an excuse luke
is this enterprise if you only get four prompts on free like bing this would be useless well
also just not using it properly so like who knows if it's useless or not he's like being
antagonistic to the to the poor little i'm not being antagonistic yes you are it's it's presenting
an option yes or no click these buttons then you're not clicking it okay fine well they took
they went away they got grayed out because you typed something more i shouldn't have to interact
with my mouse for this i agree but clearly it's designed that all right fine use it properly then
i'll just type in what you can criticize that it's it shouldn't work that way you can criticize it
it should it should work off of your texted response but you can also use it properly at
the same time come on mr reviewer man tell me tell me what you want me to have it do i've wanted you
to have it organize windows literally this whole time okay fine open steam and open chrome and why
would i want it to do that and organize their windows i mean what what am i even how could it
possibly hope to do this for me i don't know whoa yes oh whoa yes oh wow this is yes why would i
need three prompts for this i snapped a window for you you didn't so it did the it did it all
at the same time so the apps weren't actually open yet yeah i'm the one making this bad luke thank
you that's very helpful no i at least we've learned something now what did we learn that it sucks we
already learned that we learned that when you click things it actually does stuff so that's
pretty cool you didn't organize the windows oh this is not how you interact with these things
why not because it's just needlessly antagonistic oh well it worked smart guy i'm sorry for the
confusion i can't physically do it it also says it did it for you and then i clicked yes and it
doesn't do it i snapped a window for you you can snap others beside it oh it seems okay uh
uh can i close can i can i close steam without it appearing in my taskbar oh i don't i don't know
get can it do that for me can it close it to the system tray i don't know if i'm not signed in so
i don't know if it'll behave a little bit differently here how to close steam without
okay so it just searches for it okay what are fundamental windows things that it could do
it okay so let's jump up to what it talks about um okay it can help you control your desktop
itself you can tell it to arrange windows change system settings and launch specific spotify
playlists and much more can i find the original thing where it lists these features and maybe i
can find them more with over 150 new features
i could see this being super super okay here we go this is what i've been trying to get to
i'm sorry for the misunderstanding but as an ai i don't have the ability to directly
interact with your computer's interface i can provide instructions and guidance
but i can't perform actions on your computer how did steam just log that's not true though
because it did perform actions on your computer how did steam just log in what just happened
all i had was a login screen someone scanned the qr code somebody logged in
that's actually pretty funny um you need to make sure you fully close steam because they
could remote in right okay that's pretty funny though that is excellent don't ever do that again
but that's hilarious um anyway oh my god shouldn't laugh at that uh bad no um something i have new
things to write down that we need to protect anyway yeah but i can't perform i can't perform
actions on your computer you'll need to follow the steps i provided to remove the chat icon from
your taskbar let me know if you need further assistance so i could see this being super super
useful for people who don't want to dig into the three different control panels that windows has
now to figure out how to you know change your audio device from one to the other this is just
change this is just clippy try to get it to change like power modes sure um
or or like sleep settings or uh what happens when you close the lid okay can you uh set my
computer to sleep after five minutes
yeah i think that's basically just gonna be clippy with chat gpt oh it had to search for that
yeah like why do you have to search for that sorry i can't do this can you can you start a new chat
can you start a new chat can you clear this chat and then try that again i can i i don't think it's
going to make a difference so luke i don't think it can actually interact with the system basically
at all like that's why it needs that manual prompt every time it allegedly does something for you like
open a window the notes in our doc i'm trying to find this in the official thing but the notes in
our doc say um it can pull data from a user's calendar email documents anything microsoft app
related to help you answer perform tasks it says it can help arrange windows change system settings
and launch specific playlists did it just do this okay so it opened it for you but you have to be
the one that flips the switch yeah but it didn't open the right thing look at this please disable
wi-fi sure would you like me to turn off bluetooth for you okay then it goes i open the devices page
and settings well which one is it are you supposed to do it for me are you supposed to open this
window also i don't have the capability to disable wi-fi you can do this by going to the network
settings on your device where suppose i'm a novice user i don't know where this is why did you give
me three different answers want me to do it for you here do it yourself i can't do that
i don't know man i um this seems pretty bad this seems that seems pretty basic yeah i want to turn
off my wi-fi do we have anything um here does this thing have like makafi on it or something
like is this pre-loaded with any like junkware oh you know what i bet it has like candy crush
or whatever on it what's what's the junkware that comes on um on uh windows devices didn't
it used to come with candy crush uh check out paint paint yeah open paint i mean isn't there
new paint that has transparency now that's kind of big news why are we not talking about that
on my show yeah i forgot about it there's a lot of cool things in new paint is this new paint
i don't know i don't think so i mean so i had i had some concerns about us trying this ahead of
time why this is fun i'm having a good time yeah okay i drew um
it looks a map it looks great you start here now you gotta now you gotta do the use the fill tool
to fill in some of those things and then it becomes modern art okay and then you end up
here you go so you start at the house and then you end at work
um got them it's a truck oh
heck yeah it has a little like that's a little cloud coming out the back and everything
and here's hold on hold on oh fine details fine details here's you oh
oh nice nice
yeah anywho sick um how did you get if the truck is your method of transportation though how did
you get to it oh i don't know what if that just shows the path that you've taken so far
can you save the drawing i made in ms paint
can you do basically anything so here's here's my problem
yeah with this is this is supposed to be a windows update
um oops and like i'm going to jump onto my screen really quick okay uh new windows 11
update delivers over 150 new features including bringing the power of copilot to the pc
copilot in windows in preview paint photos snipping tool clip champ notepad uh new outlook
for windows modernized file explorer all this other type of stuff we clearly don't have all
these things what did we install just the copilot preview is that right dan uh pretty sure this is
like the most bleeding edge version of windows on the planet right now um so this has the weird
doesn't have all these other things so we we don't know how old this version of copilot is
we don't know if this is the version of copilot that they're actually going to be launching
and when they do launch it it's going to be a preview version i will say
given its performance right there i'm not the most confident in it um
i i just um would you want it to be able to do actions without user input well it's not without
user input i am inputting i mean okay this is something yeah but what if i wrote a script to
pretend like this is my this is why it doesn't do things on your computer because then it's dangerous
right yeah yeah it's going to be dangerous regardless you could already script those
things to happen yeah okay yeah it's not like you can do anything in here that you couldn't
do in a powershell which can run in the background anyway yeah so like what what are we what are we
protecting from here exactly lawsuits well yeah but but if they were going to sue over this they
could sue over powershell you know what i mean like i just i don't really i i do wonder if this
is just you know the starting point where it's basically chat gpt but you don't have to go to
bing.com which is a benefit i mean that's something i don't want to go to bing.com i
just don't think we should say almost anything because we don't know if this is the right version
well what we know is that this is a version that is in development yeah sure but like that's not
the necessarily we're talking about this as if it's the one that people are gonna get no we have
no idea if that's true i'm talking about this in the terms of how it describes itself right
it describes itself as not being capable of interacting with your computer which was
exactly what i wanted this version of it describes it that way i think that that is a significant
design decision that's not a technical thing that's a design decision so no i don't think
it's likely that that's going to change in the what is it like four days before this is more
broadly available okay but here's the thing the one that they're showing off in the video yeah
has a mic this one doesn't sure this is not the right version
sure but i mean again that doesn't address what i said where can help me focus and it automatically
opens spotify oh no it doesn't so so you have to do everything it just no it just did it look well
here hold on hold on wait we haven't actually we haven't actually tried that yet i thought we did
no no no i was just bothering you we never actually tried it because i asked it to open
stuff then organize it and what it did was it tried to use um arrow snap or whatever it's called
now and then it ultimately there's there's more stuff in here that it's doing without user input
hold on hold on hold on let's try it let's try it organize my windows here we go
uh yeah i would sure
so yeah yeah this is not how it works in their video isn't it a marketing video
yeah but like it's i i don't we're using a version that is not the one that is going to be released
do you think it's really going to significantly change between the two apps we cannot say this is
legit we will get destroyed for this this is bs this version came out today it doesn't matter
nobody said it's legit luke we said this is what microsoft has made available right now this is
an extreme preview build yeah there's like four layers of extreme previous completely irrelevant
because one that is clearly not this version because it has functionality that we can see
like the mic button is being released in a couple days and we're talking about one that is now
already clearly old are you mad you guys i am mad you guys don't see the problem with this
no not at all oh my god even a little bit goofballs but this is balls they released
this today so what so why would we not talk about it when this is this is not the news article that
we're addressing so but this is what we so we read out a news article with talking points
and then talk about something completely different okay can i draw can i make an analogy secret uh
no i won't name a certain brand uh ltt store releases a new shirt well they used american
apparel shirts like seven years ago so let's review an american apparel shirt but that's not
comparable at all it's like if it's like if a game developer announced an upcoming game and
announced a release date for it and showed a showed a trailer for it and then like you know
two days later or whatever put up a preview build of it and people played the preview build and
talked about it that's what this is there is nothing wrong with that they didn't have to
make this preview build available this is not pirated this isn't a leak this is something
microsoft made available i don't think it is proper form to read a news article about something
and then open up something that is clearly not that thing chat gpt4 in chat says linus knows
he's wrong he's just messing with luke no i i legitimately don't i think it's completely valid
if a company releases a preview to use it and talk about it 100 they don't have to do that
in in my opinion this is a a preview build of what is going to be released on tuesday and they
exist in the preview builds for you know stability testing for the wider windows you know luke is
right luke is right that we don't know that yeah but there are certain things that we can uh that
we can anticipate based on what we're looking at right now and they might they might turn out
to be different and i would i would love for this to be very different but it's clear to me right
now from a from a design standpoint that this is meant to be more of a um but i think i think it's
the word because we're saying things like it cannot do this thing yeah right now it can't
right but it they are currently showing in their stuff that it can so we need to be clear when
saying that i don't know that might be it could be so we need to be clear when saying that that
this preview view build can't do this yet sure but i can't test this thing and maybe we'll know when
it releases on tuesday or whenever it's releasing because like look at look at this turn on dark
mode searching for the right action generating answers dark mode turned on so like can it
actually do that i don't know from our testing can we tell that it can't do that no because this is
not the same version but this is what they released today it's just so irrelevant yeah so look it can
turn on dark mode did it actually do it i don't think it did click yes let's see right but you
didn't have to click yes on their thing there you go there's your dark mode so it can change
settings but the dark mode on their thing doesn't like explode over the screen all beautiful like
in the uh i mean there's no way that that is going to be a feature of anything that's definitely not
a thing so it's cool though it's clear that it's been judged up a little bit yes and what will land
in however many days until it comes is probably somewhere in between that and this yeah
and i would say i would anticipate it will be closer to this and that and that is in my opinion
totally fair to say sure we just have to make it very clear very clear sure we are not talking
about the thing that's in the news article that we're addressing the thing that's releasing around
the corner we're talking about this preview build that we have that is clearly not the same one
because there's no mic etc etc etc if they release it on tuesday and there's no mic that would be
hilarious sure but we can't actually say that that's like going to be a thing or not look the
only thing that i'm taking away from this is that it's pretty clear that the usefulness will be
fairly limited oh yeah probably it's it's very clear that if this is anywhere near where they
were at any point in time that was not a year ago that this is it's going to be quite limited
yeah so that's that's my only point i think that's a pretty i think that's a pretty realistic
assessment you could be i i'm not even saying you could you could be right because all you're saying
is that we don't know for sure and that's fair enough but it could be entirely different it
could also be literally exactly the preview build that we just tried it could also be like
with no change yeah absolutely we just don't know i'd be surprised if it doesn't have a mic because
to me what i'm seeing right now is this is this is clippy that i can interact with with my voice
and it will be some combination of chat gpt and maybe being able to do some stuff for me but its
utility is going to be really limited like i can already tell from that organize my windows thing
that that's not going to be how that works how on earth would it know which window i want to make
big in the top left quadrant or yeah i mean that's the other thing too is like arrow snap i really
can't remember the new branding for it so i'm just going to call it arrow snap forever that's my
commitment how could it possibly know if i want one thing to take up the entire half of the screen
and then i want the other two in quadrants it wouldn't it would need user interaction for that
so the version that we see here honestly looks a lot more realistic where it takes one of my
windows snaps it to the side and kind of asked me to ask me to select another one and actually
kind of useful for people that aren't used to windows snapping because it can get a little
weird a big issue i have with this though is the number of different ways that i'm expected to
interact with this computer it's slow i either need to use my voice which i think you have to
click the mic to reprompt the voice every time i think unless i well i know that windows has
had voice prompt support in the past although when they killed cortana i don't know if that died like
can you can you say hey bing and have your mic wake up on your computer i don't even know i've
never had a reason to bother setting that up if it even exists so i i have to activate a voice prompt
somehow which means i either have to touch my keyboard to hit a hotkey or i have to interact
with my trackpad or my mouse and click on something i then need to say something out loud
i then need to wait around for a data center center somewhere to receive that that audio file
because they're probably not doing the processing locally i then need to wait for it to searching
searching figure out if it can do something and i then need it to apply it um
it feels oh right and then in order to apply it in many cases i'm either going to have to basically
do it myself or i'm going to have to click on something or otherwise can confirm needing to
click on the yes is like anytime you're i okay i've i've had i've had a lot of people point out
to me that i don't use uh control shift escape to open task manager and my response to that is
open task manager and my response to that is my hands already on the mouse
my hand wasn't on my keyboard the fastest tool is the one that's already in your hand in a lot
of cases and if my hands are already on the keyboard you know by all means control shift
escape let's go right both your hands are on the keyboard because of typing what you just typed
so it's yeah the oh see i really hope that the build that we get has an easier way for me to
just press enter like enter to confirm enter to confirm or or maybe yeah maybe it's uh i don't
know if escape for no is good or not but maybe enter for confirm and backspace for no
i don't know because in a text box those both already kind of have meanings no no yeah it
would have to only work if you haven't typed anything yet and then the second you type
anything both those controls go away oh man here's the only way i've thought of it working
here's the last thing i want to know about this preview build
okay all right what was i looking for the other day
oh no oh no yeah this isn't going to be any better oh no really this it sleep country canada
falls under best match and change when the pc sleeps when plugged in is number three
are you kidding me you guys web results really shouldn't show up in there
i hate it so much or they fine fine maybe they do but if i search for just sleep
what are the freaking odds what are the odds microsoft that i am looking for sleep country
canada instead of power sleep and battery settings also can i can i try some oh no sorry
not that one can i try something really quick here can i can i open these in a new tab i want
to know what the difference is between all these different things what are these okay so we've got
change when the pc sleeps when plugged in okay so that's power and battery hold on sleep okay we've
got holy they're different they're different genius okay we've got choosing energy efficient
sleep settings okay so it's just all the different things and it just highlights it
okay where'd one of the other ones go oh power sleep and battery settings
okay so that's just this that's just two names for the same things same thing sure okay fine good
enough why buy a mattress anywhere else oh no everyone's just talking about sleep country no
i'm not gonna lie the second you said that that jingle immediately
um i'll say this there's a lot of good reasons to buy a mattress somewhere else and we'll just
leave it at that
uh talk about one u land center uh yeah sure i i i have had an extremely challenging week
um but also an extremely exciting week did you realize that the first video about the
land center at the at the at the new house can i even call it a new house anymore it's been
three years it's got some scuffs on it like it's it's not new new that's for sure uh it's still
it's still great and i still love it and i'm you know i'm really excited about all the things that
we've done with it and actually there's still still lots of plans but i don't know if it's
new anymore so whatever my house um the first video that we did unveiling the one u gaming
systems that we were going to put in the rack to have like super super high gaming density
in the rack that was almost a year ago since then i have had laptops that i borrowed from work
set up at all those stations yeah 11 months ago this is my new gaming pc 1u pcs for my new house
part one that design completely thrown away completely gone then it gets even better uh we
then did a follow-up video a couple months ago i think it was where we unveiled the all-new design
we ran into some problems it was validated quite well by the team super proud of the team you know
great job um but they didn't try a fiber optic display port cable
so what happened was the layout of that system had the gpu on the inside which is totally a thing
especially for compute oriented um rack mount machines where they'll just yeah they'll just
like have a bunch of gpu's lined up in there they don't have display out anyway so who cares
these do have display out but they had a solution to that we were going to have
uh just little pass-through cables that and just have a um uh like a female jacket the back of the
case to a male going into the gpu fancier than you would have needed to do really yeah so pretty
sick oh yeah or just well a pastor just a grommet it's not good that's rough because all of a sudden
what you're doing is way better i'm just saying like this is not an impossible to overcome
problem yeah it's fine okay there's a couple of reasons that it was um the way the internal
layout was there was no there was no space with like the power supply we needed and the gpu
and the cable coming out of it like it actually didn't fit in the width uh and then number two
was that if you ran something through a grommet in a rack mount you'd have no way to pull it out
without unless you had a bunch of slack at the back and you had it like perfect to have one of
those things we have like the coiled cable on like a yeah yeah like a track it's a bad solution
like yeah so anyway um so that design had to be substantially changed because all of a sudden
we couldn't have the gpu inside the case so uh this was a really good idea i can't remember if
this was jake or antoine but uh someone came up with the idea of okay we'll hold on a second
why don't we just borrow an idea from some other gpu servers and put the gps at the front
have front io because i mean it's rackmount right you can have yep that's totally the back stuff in
the front i mean honestly if i'd thought of it i would put the networking in the front too why on
earth why on earth do the vast majority of rackmount network switches have all their ports
at the front and the vast majority of rackmount systems have all the ports that i actually don't
understand this to be clear some do some do have ports at the front yeah they definitely don't all
they definitely don't all and the the vast majority of networking is in the front of the
rack it's a pretty good question i'm sure there's reasons for it because you know just having
everything water falling down the rack to the systems at the front it's not necessarily better
than running everything around to the back anyway but i get it i get it i get it but um the point is
that we borrowed that idea and we went to roll everything out and there were some big challenges
it turns out that having um five different people build all five of the systems results in
five different sort of types of mistakes that can get made so i ended up spending somewhere in the
neighborhood of between like 15 and 18 hours over the span of the friday night the weekend and then
a couple of nights this week putting all of the finishing touches on these systems there were some
extra standoffs in one of them that was really awkward because i had to reposition the reset
switch and the system was on and i was just plugging in a header which doesn't matter
and the board flexed more than i expected because there wasn't a standoff in a spot where there
should be one and it shorted out on a standoff that wasn't supposed to be there so that was a
really scary moment fortunately it survived um but i also man i finally i did the works
okay i finally did it i custom terminated cables for every system in my rack they are exactly
exactly oh my god the right length um the water cooling to the pool is in oh wait for all the
one use too oh yeah there are six systems running off it now my personal machine all five of the one
use right now right this very moment now all those systems wow that's actually pretty cool
are cooled by the pool um all the cable management at the back is such that i can have if i need to
perform maintenance on a system i can have it unplugged out of the rack in about 30 to 40
seconds and i've temporarily because this is something hopefully i won't be doing a lot of
but i've got a radiator pump res combo and um tubing whips with quick connects sitting on a
bench i can have it on that bench and plugged into those in about another 30 seconds and i
can have it i can have it booted in well under two minutes to do any kind of diagnostic anything
because i ran into some weird issues out of the five systems two of them wouldn't update the bios
just i had one that was just resetting every time i tried to do it when it was in the rack and
running over display i mean you never know theoretically optical display port is totally
transparent to the system but you know i don't know that but the display would just turn off
sometimes when i took it out and i i put it on the bench it just immediately worked and the and the
screen never flickered or went away so you you you just you want to eliminate variables you know when
in doubt when something's going wrong you just take out any potentially unusual circumstances
around the system put it on a bench you plug in just a keyboard just a monitor and power and
that's it nothing fancy i actually want the most whenever i'm troubleshooting i don't want anything
good i want the most basic old thing that just works yeah that's a long time there give me dvi
all the techies would go around with uh ps2 keyboards because there's like a huge chance
that your usb keyboard wasn't going to work in bios or whatever 100 um man there's going to be
there's definitely going to be multiple videos coming so we've got the one where we
finally show the actual final build of these machines uh we've got one where uh we do the
plumbing for the whole pool water cooling and we show um what's the order of these videos
can be released in there's been some debate internally okay i think right now
building a final final underscore three underscore final for real this time
system is coming next okay and then plumbing and uh so plumbing the house and then plumbing
final state all five of them into it yeah is coming next and then i actually need a bit more
time to do a more thorough thermal investigation so i had all five of the land systems running
furmark simultaneously which means at about 320 330 watts per 3080 they have 3080s in them just
because they are a banging deal and i wanted to go evga one last time yeah evga doesn't have 40 series
and i also i also said i wouldn't go 40 series and i was like you know what evga one last time so
all of them have evga uh xc3 3080s in them or something like that so that's about 320
watts each times five so but with the CPUs as well we're looking at about 2 000 watts
now here's the thing alex and jake talked me into using a heat exchanger instead of doing just the
pool loop going directly into the systems and from look guys from from day one i've known that they
are right about that but i think you guys know that i like to live on the bleeding edge and what
the heat exchanger isn't is living on the bleeding edge because you're going to be giving up some
performance okay a heat exchanger operates most efficiently when the difference in temperature
between the fluids that are flowing through it is very high but you gotta remember one of my goals
for this project is to cool the room so it is actually not great for me even if it's fine for
the system to have the coolant on the room side be 10 degrees higher than the pool yeah
so i think it is possible that post payoff with the heat exchanger might come out i might figure
out how to fly a little closer to the sun and run the pool and just to just to make sure you
guys understand um it's not pool water pool water yeah there's no salt or chlorine it's a loop that
is embedded it's just it's just plastic tubing that's embedded in the walls and the floor of
the pool so it just loses heat over that in immense distance to the concrete of the pool
and to the ground um this is really cool it was like super late it was like five in the morning
or something like that and i was like okay so this is neat i can see the temperature difference
with the thermal camera of the water going out of the house and coming back in so obviously it is
losing some heat out there and we reached an equilibrium point where the uh inside temperature
i think was ugh i'm gonna get some of this wrong so there's gonna be a video and and we'll get all
the details right in that but um somewhere between eight and nine degree delta between
the inside loop and the outside loop but what i didn't know was where is the heat being lost
because the run is far like it's is it all i i think you just said this but is it all copper
piping there's no copper oh it's all plastic oh yeah so it's a mixture of pvc and um
i think it's pecs i'm not sure exactly what the stuff they use for like in floor heating is but
like that red stuff that they embed in the in the floor for like in floor heating it's just the
opposite of that it's in floor well it's in floor heating the pool but in floor cooling the water so
anyway um pecs so what okay there you go pecs so what i was thinking was
wait there's an access hatch out there what if i take the thermal camera outside and go right next
to the pool and to my delight even though it is so far like we discovered this back when we did
whole room water cooling we weren't actually dissipating any of the flipping heat outside
because we were just shedding all of it inside the room with the copper tubing and i thought i'd have
the same problem even though it's plastic obviously it dissipates some heat otherwise in floor heating
wouldn't work right yeah but even though it was small there was a difference in the temperature
of the water going into the walls of the pool and coming out of the walls of the pool
i think it works i actually think
like i i actually think it freaking works which is so exciting um yes bots and flow plane chats
yes bots and flow plane chats is nine degree delta is significant yeah that's big yeah but
what that ah and what that means is that the room is not that cool yeah also i uh there was a there
was a fundamental flaw in the plan because from the start i said look i want to cool down this room
but um what i didn't really account for was that the vast majority of the heat that i would be
removing with this system was net new heat all the switches and like nvrs and the servers i'm
not going to water cool like the hard drives in my server yeah all that heat is not getting dumped
into the water and so all the systems that are dumping heat into the water are being added to
the room so the good news is at least you're not increasing yeah yes yeah it's not substantially
hotter yeah but it's very clear to me that in addition to what i've got going on in there now
i'm gonna have to add like a radiator door or even just a janky radiator plumbed to the pool water
just like i had before to just take hot air in that hot corner of the room right behind the rack
just you can run it through a radiator minsel and flow plane chat said you live in canada if you
want to cool the room uh just put in a window one problem it's in like the yeah yeah it's well it's
not but it also there's no window going in yeah let me put it that way there we go no window going
into it so issues there um and then two that's actually a huge problem in bc is a lot of our
housing was built with no air conditioning in mind at all or just cooling in mind at all and
now the summers are getting like really unsustainably hot yeah and it's like actually
a huge problem yeah so many people are are putting in uh move the stupid heat exchanger outside no
no that doesn't help that doesn't help because it's there's there's still like the tubing in
the reservoir and and and all that like it's it it's not a bad idea but no the heat exchanger is
going to stay inside for also for maintenance um the other thing too is that a huge part of
the point of this was i didn't want to waste the heat yeah i'm paying for the heat anyway
right when you power a computer you're paying for heat so if you could do something useful with it
then you might as well and obviously i you know i what what i'm gonna save like 20 bucks
on like the heating bill for the pool 50 bucks a month probably probably not even that much like
yeah maybe maybe i saved 20 bucks on the pool heating bill or something like that
but 20 bucks is 20 bucks and it was that by a bunch of months yeah it was more it was more
just like a proof i mean i'll never make back what i spent on the implementation of this no
if it wasn't for content it would make no sense but it's cool and the thing is that you don't have
to do it like this i think a lot of people watch our videos and kind of go that's totally
impractical nobody would ever do it like that and it's like yeah i know but but you could
but you could do it like kind of like this my ride yeah like i remember uh when when we did uh
taryn uh old taryn not new taryn when we did old taryn's extreme tech upgrade he had kind of a
janky version of essentially what i'm doing where i have my system connected to fiber optic cables
in a different room right he just like but he just had copper cables and he just had it like running
under his door but it achieves the exact same thing it was so cool because i was like hey
that's that thing that we made that video about but done for like
23 dollars instead of you know 500 or you know whatever it costs for a bunch of fiber optic
cabling and uh uh and you know in some cases having to have like a contractor run it or you
know digging around in your crawl space or like um like what ant venom did yeah when he essentially
did whole room water cooling but just put it in his basement where it was a much shorter run
where he didn't have to have something outside that could you know hazardously fall off of a
roof at some point which never happened no miraculously i got to it before it fell down
that was not good craftsmanship what happened with that roof mount
that's linus what plan is for winter um okay so i think we're gonna look into
whether it makes more sense to drain the pool to winterize it or um
or just run it at a really low temperature like i think i've heard that if you just run it at like
10 degrees or five degrees or something like that that's that's actually pretty good it has a it has
a cover like it has a uh like not a lid but but it has a cover which apparently helps with efficiency
like flipping a lot yeah um i am a little bit worried about like dew point and con
condensation um however the heat exchanger might be an advantage then so here here's something i
don't know what i do know is that as you go you know a couple meters underground the temperature
is basically like kind of fixed year round and that's one of the big reasons that geothermal
heating and cooling works so well because you can attach a heat pump to it and you can basically
extract heat from the ground or put heat into the ground and it's it's limitless in its capacity
both ways because it basically is this fixed temperature kind of year round but what i don't
know is whether that applies to two meters down in a pool where the it's kind of has outside air
exposure prop so probably not but then if there's water in it but then if that water is heated a bit
or something yeah i'm not sure i'm not sure exactly where you're where you're dumping most
of the heat tube because on the one side of the tubes you've got the water and then on the other
side of the tubes you've got the earth so where's the where's the heat going it's gonna basically
you know path of least resistance yeah probably probably some both ways but i don't know where
the bulk of it is and so i basically my plan and this is a very linus plan is to keep an eye on it
as the temperatures fall and um just react see how that goes yeah i'm definitely gonna put antifreeze
in it i don't want it to freeze out there you know so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go ham
i know like in the ocean from like scuba diving i'm sure you've experienced this the further down
you go the colder it gets um but i don't i don't know if the pool is really deep enough to have
much of that property i don't know i have no idea i don't know and i don't know how much of that
changes when you cover the pool because a lot of that happens from how much sunlight is able to
penetrate the water so if you're covering the pool and it becomes zero anyways i don't know
how much impact that has because the water is going to churn to a certain degree so i don't
know not sure yeah i don't know i mean it could be it could be that if i do ultimately turn to
my direct pool cooling system that i might have to have like uh like a valve yeah yeah so that
in the winter i'm actually using the heat exchanger just to make sure that i don't
you know run zero degree or five degree freaking water into my rack and then end up with a bunch
of condensation in it yeah yeah yeah it's interesting yeah it's not a bad idea actually
yeah okay okay speaking of not bad ideas i have another idea because i was sitting here thinking
hey hold on a second in the winter do i really want to put this heat outside i mean it got like
kind of you know it's it's fine okay so you're gonna need like a series hold on just hold on
i'm gonna get there you know kind of like you know obviously if we do keep the pool filled then
it'd be better to like you know have a little bit of heat going in there that's not burning gas for
no reason but then okay hold on hear me out new pitch there's a fireplace in the living room that
we don't use and it's still not even hooked up properly because you know contractor things
oh yes so i pitched to ivan okay we create this motorized or like we have like like fans that blow
little like pieces of like red and orange and yellow plastic to make it kind of look like a
little fire and then in the back of the fireplace i just have a radiator with fans on it that just
blow server room heat into the living room all winter huh it's not as stupid as it sounds because
get this the original plan for the server room was to run through these copper sorry you should
get one of those like kind of crappy you see stupid commercials for them all the time but
it's like a fan but the fan blades are screens and when it spins it creates an image yeah so it's
it's a fan blowing the air and the fan that's blowing the air has flames on it yeah so we have
these tubes that go from the server room to the side of the house we were gonna use that to run
down to the pool but then the the other contractor the much worse one forgot to run two of those tubes
so it was supposed to be four two for the solar hot hot and cold and then two for the server room
hot and cold well they only ran the two so we had to use those two for the solar solar heating yeah
and then we had to find another path for the pool one or for the the server room one so it went
through that conduit that existed back when the original owners of the house had wanted to put
pool equipment in the basement and then that's apparently not best practice anymore so it's
outside in a shed but anyway um so we have those tubes running they happen to run almost right
under the fireplace in the living room so i even already have the tubes all we have to do is put
some holes in the ceiling and find them huh holes in the theater room ceiling no problem
wife approval factor 10 out of 10 because it's the theater room so she doesn't care yeah she
shouldn't yeah she probably doesn't care about that anyway um aborno says i've always wanted
to use my racks excess heat to feed a 3d printed closure see this is what i'm talking about
yeah no evan evan did not approve the radiator in the fireplace
yeah my like first thought was like just put a tv in front of it and put like uh
you know the like screen of a of the yule log fire on it and i was like well that would kind
of stop sort of all the airflow and also super heat a tv which doesn't sound great yeah yeah
no the whole the whole point is that it's it's supposed to be a radiator that kind of looks like
it it doesn't need to look like fire it just needs to look fire so we could just paint it red red
radiator things like you know fans like dyson fans work uh all those like air blade ones or whatever
yeah i wonder i think work is a strong word for how they something but sure i've never are they
bad they're they're very expensive and they're really not very effective compared to just
spinning blades then it's and it's vacuum with pressurized output is that how it works i forget
i've never actually known that's just what i've assumed if you could use that same type of system
and just have a bit of a like panel gap maybe that could work i don't know hmm interesting
i mean yeah it's it's it's not it's not happening either way it's just it's just i don't know i i
just i was i i i became infatuated with the idea of utilizing waste heat for something
yeah of course because yeah that's the bottom line yeah seems cool so you know if if there
was if there was some way that you could transport the heat from your computer to
somewhere where you don't have to feel it or that better yet you could use it in some way
i just think that's super cool like i um okay i didn't realize this but in some houses
there is a there's a loop that just has a separate pump on it that moves water around so that in key
places uh like the the main like regulate ensuite bathroom you uh open up the hot water tap and it
like has hot water right away because it just constantly has hot water i i had no idea that
was even a thing so in the in the main bathroom in our house that was that was installed by the
previous owners i'd never heard of that before like in our old place it took like a minute
sometimes for the the hot water tap to be hot um so you know okay what if i could use my waste
heat to like heat that stupid loop that is just burning stupid gas for no stupid reason instead
of like so even in the summer is what well this is what i'm trying to say even in the summer
there are potential uses for for waste heat there's there's sometimes times when you might
need heat for something but the problem with a computer is that you know back to what i'd said
about the heat exchanger where part of the challenge is that the difference in temperature
is not very high like the one that we're using i think is is rated for its capacity at like
it's also many tens of degrees delta between the two sides unless you mine or fold uh it's also
going to be very inconsistent so you you wouldn't necessarily want to use it for something or you
would not want it to be the only solution for something that's like you're actually going to
care about yeah so like that that causes some issues as well if it is going to be something
you're going to care about you'd have to have backup systems or whatever else yeah really
i'm surprised you didn't do insta hot on every spot no that sounds that sounds expensive
and just totally unnecessary i mean it for me it's it's less about the cost and more about just kind
of the wastefulness of it i don't think that's really necessary if that hadn't already existed
there's no way i would have installed something like that i think i can wait 30 seconds for hot
water then again this is an interesting question what's more wasteful the water that you just the
cold water you just dump down the sink while you wait for hot water or keeping that water i'm
actually not sure i do not know the answer to this but i do know that we need to tell you about our
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oh yes yes slash wan show or check the link down below all right oh it's time to do three merch
messages okay before we do that we should probably talk about the new item this week
yeah luke yeah i didn't let him look at it before the show okay okay you can you can play with it
now what drives me nuts about this is i'm i'm gonna have to buy one for my girlfriend or she'll
kill me because she's gonna want to match them i know right it's so cruel you've you've forced
so many purchases onto people with this i know right i'm putting mine on too you're gonna put
it on well yeah yeah of course oh does it go like over we got a match for that i mean it can it can
never i've never had a onesie
technically i would say or generally i would say um no i wouldn't wear clothes under it it's
definitely nice and soft and comfortable okay you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna go i'm going down
to underwear send yeah i'm going down to underwear i mean they can't tell i could just be miming i
could just be miming what i'm pretending to do right now dan want to hit me with a merch message
while i get changed real quick you kind of like see sure wherever i can uh you can no for me
my eyes yeah i mean yeah you do you do whatever works for you yeah but i'm i'm going onesie i'm
going to be comfortable for wan show after dark today okay uh hi lld heavy wan friday question
after the computer store video how did the logistics team feel when the truck came back
and what's the plan for all that stuff now that it's in inventory okay so i have multiple multiple
answers for that first of all uh logistics not impressed um but that's nothing compared to how
unimpressed accounting and procurement were um it turns out that you know without getting flagged
for all kinds of you know auditing um doing all the reporting for something like this is is very
time consuming and very complicated i mean we're still really glad we did it um keith was even
aside from what he said in the video just you know thrilled with the whole thing i mean it's uh
this is stock that you know for you know whatever he might have said in the video about his
his uh his beliefs that people were still interested in this stuff i mean i think he
knew he was never getting rid of any of this stuff for any dollars let alone you know anywhere near
full full sticker um which you know ultimately i did pay i paid a lot more than what stickers
should have been for a lot of those items um so you know we're still glad we're glad we did it
it was it was a really cool idea i've had a lot i actually have had quite a few people ask me like
where did it come from i was at the dentist um and i had to meet my family for lunch and um
anyway i had to meet my family for lunch and i didn't have the car so i had to walk to the
restaurant and i passed it and i was like yeah man shops like this like how does this
still exist you know how is it how is this how does this work you know what are these things on
the shelf why are they there what's the story behind every you know archaeological pc item on
this shelf and um i figured you know what the best you know what would be really cool um is if
someone just came in here and bought all this stuff so that they could get rid of it and they
could have new stuff and i was like oh i'm someone um so that happened over a year ago i i thought it
was about six months i told keith i was like yeah i poked my head in like six months ago and he's
like oh i would have thought i would notice that like like i i watch your channel i know who you
are and i was like hold on a second maybe it wasn't six months because it was when i used to
go to that dentist near there and i've done two appointments at my new one and they're at least
six months apart so it must have been over a year ago so i so i popped my head in and was like oh
yeah we should do this and then tanner reached out to him six months ago oh yeah that yeah so
that six-month timing makes no sense yeah so tanner reached out to him six months ago
and then intentionally ghosted him so that he would have no idea that we were actually doing
it so so he basically vetted the guy made sure he thought he'd be camera ready made sure he'd be
okay with us you know coming in and taking over his store for the day and then was like radio
silence so that it could be both okay and pre-approved but also a surprise uh so super
cool i forget what the original question was um oh yeah logistics how'd they feel about it
so anyway really glad we did it but there's definitely some been some challenges to overcome
and i think this saga is far from over we have some ideas for what to do with the stuff i think
we've got some video concepts like i think it'd be super cool to do a video just building a
computer out of my hall um i also was oh man hold on i've got i've got some ideas that i just like
jotted down in the middle of the night and emailed to myself one side so much of what
happens in my brain just gets emailed to myself because that's the only way that i know how to
function uh i guess someone saw when i stood up they said can confirm luke wears ltt underwear
i actually wear no other kinds yep i wear only ltt i thought you're gonna stop it oh no oh man
no no no that's when i sleep how's this for a video concept now you have a onesie yeah we go
through and play a little game where i try to guess the ebay listing price of all of it combined
and then someone actually adds it up and uh we see how close i can get
see like how hosed you got yeah because i'm pretty sure i watched the video i'm pretty sure
i'm pretty there's a lot of things in there where he was like oh this amount and i was like
sheesh yeah oh oh oh oh okay no i can't reveal this one because it might ruin it um
oh what about that
that's pretty good yeah i don't know that might be pretty good um oh video title he told me this
was indestructible i disagree for that laptop laptop and we basically just like kind of do a
like a review how much does it take yeah get it to a point of being destructible because like
the thing's not particularly no offense to keith's pricing model um not particularly valuable
at this point in time yeah so i think if we were to if we were to just you know run some
generally speaking i'm i'm opposed to destruction of working hardware um it's it's sort of against
the principles of our channel but i think i could make an exception for an indestructible laptop
destruction tests are a thing is that a challenge total leak and float plane
chat said ask some of the younger staff what the items are
oh that's so depressing and i'm gonna write it down now it's really good i think that's really
fantastic try to get or like try to get them to even like install some of them stuff like that
just ask them what they are try to get them to actually like use them or install them
or do things like that i think that'd be pretty good that's freaking hilarious all right so i
mean honestly i could spend the entirety of next week just making follow-up content but then the
problem is that like what about you know other videos i feel like people might feel like we're
milking it a bit but also all these concepts are really good like they're just good videos
it doesn't matter that they're like a sequel to something that was successful i i don't know i
just it's also just a great video like i didn't realize i i watched it and then when i was done
i was like smiling like the whole time because yeah it was it was heartwarming but also just
hilarious and like it was a lot of fun and whatnot but i didn't realize it was freaking 34 minutes
i added the gambling i didn't realize that until now four o'clock the night before the shoot
i was like that's a great i was like tanner we need made it a lot better we need a way to
keep this engaging throughout we can't just like watch me get quoted prices and put items in a bin
for yeah you know at that time we were aiming for like 15 to 20 minutes for the video okay okay what
can what can we do to spice this up a little bit okay games of chance um swing by the dollar store
in the morning just get anything that you could conceivably turn into a game of chance so like
the pull the rope one or like you know the the custom custom dice the potting the crappy darts
yeah exactly oh my goodness they were awful there's more footage of them being awful um
we've got one float plane exclusive up already with extra footage from the from from that video
and then uh there will hopefully be more actually we've got two videos up we have one
um that's from the shoot and then we have a second one that is logistics receiving everything
so if you want to see firsthand uh what that was like oh yeah unloading the tech shop wow
i didn't see this yeah and then i think there's probably going to be more at some point but uh
that's not a guarantee i've got to talk to the the social team about what they have going on
uh oh yeah wait why is this hello oh right right right right right exclusives have their own tab
now behind the scenes unloading the tech shop yeah so the first thing we see is i think like
calinan being like um okay someone on the main account has watched this already brother brother
here's my stuff just ridiculous completely ridiculous oh man oh wow our community response
to this one is extremely overwhelmingly positive that's awesome nice uh what was the question again
i don't know my mind is so fried this week team feel when the truck came back right what's the
plan for all the stuff now that you have yeah yeah so lots of different plans i uh oh right
one idea we had and tell me if you think this is a good idea was to we never do like signed
merchandise i think we've done it a couple times with lambo stuff yeah but other than that
times with giveaways too but not not purchasable other than that we've never really done it
and i i i had someone internally pitch to me hey what if we what if we sell the items
as just a signed item and then it's kind of like a random crapshoot what you're going to get
so most people will probably get a cable or something but some people will get
old school monitor monitor or a xeon server or a 3080 so you're or a tv you're making a real life
loot box yeah i don't know what do you think i have no idea is that is that stupid or is it smart
because it'll be nowhere near what we paid just to be very clear this is not some kind of like
ingenious money-making scheme i suspect we walked out of there with somewhere in the neighborhood of
like 300 to 700 items so even if it was like 25 bucks or something like that for for a signed
piece of this video or whatever um but what would that work out to let's say let's say i think i
think you should decide the price okay chill uh i think you should decide the price after you figure
out what the ebay value actually was oh interesting and then we base it on the ebay value
yeah that's not like average out the ebay value i don't know if we're actually going to do that
video though because like it's a lot of work a lot of work actually a ton of work more importantly
i don't know how interesting that content is it feels like a part of a video instead of feels
like a short it's a ton of video and it feels like a part of a video yeah or it's a ton of work and
it feels like part of a video um donate to extra life could be an easy way to just like kind of get
rid of it because i don't think we want this stuff sitting around forever well see that's the thing
is right now it is very in the way yeah yeah the bigger issue is not unloading it the bigger issue
is walking around it right now um yeah i don't know i don't know so okay if there's 500 items
and we said it's okay it's 25 bucks for a signed piece of this video that would be 12 12 000 which
is a fraction of what we paid and i think probably kind of both a realistic um actual value for that
stuff um and uh
anyway uh yeah that's the main thing i think that's probably a fairly realistic actual value
for that stuff like there is some expensive stuff in there like there's there's more than one 30
series graphics card and stuff like that but the vast majority of it is basically the distribution
will probably be pretty similar to what you would actually get from a loot box yeah yeah probably
most of its cables i'm really concerned about how to ship because right now we're not really set up
to just ship random stuff like we're not an ebay store so we don't just have a bunch of like those
expanding foam bag things yeah yeah we don't just have packing peanuts like nothing we sell on the
store is really fragile and it all comes in its own individually packaged boxes so a lot of the
time you'll see the like the the main the main carton that has smaller boxes in it won't have
a ton of packing material in it because i mean what this is going to break inside its box i mean
i'm sure i'm sure a courier somewhere is up to the challenge but generally speaking it doesn't
really happen yeah we'll pay more than 25 to the mac 4g mac g4 cube well no that's the whole point
though yeah you won't get to pick if you get the g4 cube oh right that was one of the other video
concepts doing a sleeper build in the g4 cube i think i actually got a deal on that i don't even
know if it works but uh here let's let's let's ebay that right now i know i didn't get a deal
on buzz lightyear but i think i got a deal on the g4 cube the buzz lightyear thing was hilarious
this is just the power adapter whoa hold on a second wait oh okay no no no no okay
hold on okay new listing hold on yeah this is 15 bits why do people want this nine days left
why do people want these hold on two speakers surround hold on power adapter whoa whoa whoa
whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on a second did i get a deal hold on well wait this is oh wait this is
just the case are these super collectible why they're uh they're a pretty interesting period
of apple and i don't think they sold very well either there's like none yeah you got a rare
computer holy crap i actually got one thing that the posters worth 20 bucks they're uh they're
pretty special oh sick so then are they so special a pencil drawing of one i'm sure they don't sell
yeah okay hold on the power bricks are 150 bucks okay are these things so special
that people would be really upset if i did a sleeper build in one though that i'm not sure
about but i'm not entirely sure you should let it through your fingers just yet okay
well i'm not committed to i'm not committed to uh you know the the the signed loot box thing
i think it'd be even cooler if the g4 cube was the sleeper though
so we do a sleeper build and then we do the like signed loot box thing and instead of getting the
g4 cube you get a sleeper gaming pc in the g4 cube what if you uh what if you just like reproduce
the cube maybe slightly larger with a sleeper build in it i don't think we'd be able to do that
it's it's have you have you looked at it lately it's it's basically a work of art yeah it's
beautiful um okay oh the g4 cube is yeah people are very very split in the audience over whether
it's okay to uh i don't think so to gut that thing and it's pretty special why is it special
it's like art almost apparently they only sold about a hundred thousand of them or something
like that yeah it doesn't sound very special to me luke this man is so jaded look why is it art
it's a box you're you're too mad for someone who's wearing an adorable onesie right now he
looks too comfy to be this angry i am actually pretty comfy i think i got actually tired after
i put it on because i was like i felt cozy you even got it on over the headphones you're
ridiculous i'm like i am fully chilling out right now it's made out of the underwear material it's
oh because it is really soft yeah that's why it's like soft and stretchy and stuff it's quite nice
yeah we put a bunch of we put probably too much work into this for how many i expect us to sell
but the team was really excited about this product and so we we did like a whole bunch of rounds of
sampling to just to get it just right yeah yeah it's it's pretty nice so it's underwear is it's
like full body underwear essentially yes the longest underwear yeah um do you want another
merch message i sure yeah i forgot what i was even responding to at this point hit me okay
hold on would you have to destroy it yeah oh yeah yeah you'd have to you'd have to significantly
modify it oh right i've i put up a poll on float plane let's have a look at the results
uh show results okay to sleeper build sixty percent say yes only
okay so here's the thing this kind of poll is not really just majority rules like when we asked
about okay when we asked about posting exclusives that we had already produced during the production
break i think about sixty percent said yes but based on that forty percent said no we made the
call to not do it because the no kind of has more weight when the when when it's something
very significant i guess is what i'm trying to say if it was ninety eight percent yes two percent
no then those nos get drowned out a little bit but there's it's not as simple as just
okay fifty one percent say yes okay we do it what if the parts don't work
yeah does that okay okay hold on here let's let's try it let's try it again this is a conversation
currently going on in full-plane chat and i i kind of i think that's interesting i fix
i know fix sleeper no okay i'm not i'm not i'm not hiring more to spend more money on on this
yeah overpriced cube yeah you could you could let people that care about this
uh thing have the parts that don't work because maybe they can restore them or something it would
probably be good to uh if you do do a sleeper build in it then make the parts available because
i'm pretty sure those are difficult to come by yeah interesting um like uh for your phone uh you
know that was parts that i managed to get oh do you have all the parts for that it will be here
monday i hope oh fantastic i bought an entire phone guess what wait what yeah that was the way
oh yeah super cheap oh just an entire new phone with a broken big screen oh perfect uh because
my big screen works your big screen works so we can replace literally everything else yeah it's
going to be a linus and dan extravaganza uh as it turns out i do need to fix my fold three that
fell in the pool because there's some footage that we need for a video
ironically a video about my computer breaking um that is on that phone like i didn't need any any
of the family stuff i had actually backed it up about three weeks prior but and so i was already
going to do the video with dan anyway because i thought it was really interesting to just do like
a phone repair video but then we discovered that i had selfie shot some stuff that had not been
ingested in that three weeks before it died ingest and so we actually do need to get the data off it
the good news is based on the symptoms i've seen i think it's just a busted battery and then dan
also found some corrosion on one of the daughter boards yeah um it might be a little bit more
severe we don't know yet it seems like definitely it wants to have two batteries and one of them is
just absolutely puffed to maximum it's so puffed that one of the displays we're not going to have
to heat up to get the adhesive loose it's all it removed half of the glued on display which
was really nice yeah and thankfully that's a feature not a bug and it seems like that is the
side that may have got far more water in it than than the other one which might be okay so we'll
see we will see and the side that got a lot less water is the main board that's the important one
the storage chips on it and the soc so so i'm i'm pretty hopeful honestly speaking and um what
i'm excited for is if the main board doesn't work we have a bunch of reflow tools and so what we'll
have to do because i got you a working phone but it's all broken we'll have to take the soc uh
sorry we'll have to take the memory chips and transplant them that won't work that'll be uh
that'll be the hail mary i i know i really i sincerely we can just like message drive
savers or something hey hey does do they because if you if you if you if you care that much yeah
then yeah if you no i don't i don't mean to send it to them i just mean we could just ask them is
there any point doing this because i think the answer is no i think if you decouple the controller
from the nan chips um the new controller no longer knows where anything is and take the
controller too uh well the controller should be on the soc just take the soc okay right but then
if but do you see where we're going yeah i see where we're going we're going in down a rabbit
hole that's why it's a hail mary yeah i don't think we're gonna go down i don't think we'll
need to i think i would rather i would rather just reenact me in the server room discovering
that my computer is broken i think that would be better honestly we'll see we'll see i can i'm
hopeful i put the act in reenactment so i'm in my computer room right now i can't believe this
my system it just it just i was in the middle of using it and it turned off what the what the heck
i thought i'm a tech tips man why is my computer broken i'm pretty sure i can pull it off
uh hold on we got a second merch message of the three this is going very smoothly
uh can you ask luke how he got that starfield constellation edition watch
uh i bought it he just he just i don't believe you i actually did hold on a second oh my just
hold on oh no hold on what have you done with luke hold on a second
oh that's a three hundred dollar did you oh no you also get the game and you get other stuff too
i've bought collector's editions before okay that's that's true he does buy physical copies
of games this is a thing he does yeah dude the physical copy is not a disc
but it's like a it's a credit stick from the game it's actually kind of cool
why are these pictures so small this is stupid this is kind of dumb yeah wait so are you wearing
it right now that's right oh what why is it sitting on your keys well because i took it off
because the onesie sleeve goes all the way oh i didn't want to like make it look weird so what
what kind of watch is it is it smart or is it just like uh it's smart okay so it's i call it
a last last last last last last last gen smart watch i see yeah but it's like actually kind of
nice oh so it doesn't have a touch screen no cool four buttons around it the left side is up and
down top right i think is like settings and then bottom right is i think back cool definitely needs
a leather strap there's another strap option i don't remember what exactly it is that's a
standard you can get any strap i think it looks great it has a step counter on it sure it shows
your notifications on the screen you can change your music on your phone with it heck yeah yeah
all right hello dll off topic but will the badminton center have rental rackets
yes yeah i think it's really silly that a lot of places don't have rental rackets and rental shoes
it's like such a nominal investment that pays for itself so quickly how could you possibly not i
just i can't fathom it um just it i think one of the challenges is that a lot of uh sports
facilities are run by sports people and not business people and like to be clear i don't
even mean like like like business business monsters you know like nickel and diming
everything or whatever i just mean sort of just generally financial efficiencies and things
or general efficiencies like i you know to me it's just uh it's just a no-brainer that okay
you can get a decent racket for like 80 canadian dollars so that's like 60 us dollars your cost is
less than that let's assume your cost is like 45 or 40 bucks you can rent that racket out for like
five dollars ten bucks so in in somewhere between four and ten rentals you have completely covered
your cost on it and everything from there is brand new money you would have not obtained if you just
if you didn't make that small investment that's just very obvious to me that you just need to do
it yes badminton has specific shoes bots they're for the court they're court shoes you want to
scuff the you wear them when you get a parking ticket i was trying to figure out how to make
that into a court joke and i couldn't this man's a professional okay no i got one more maybe
slightly longer one if you want or we'll save it for later um let's see hi dll apple's proprietary
m chips are very powerful and efficient why don't we see intel and amd start having ram as part of
the system on the chip ddr5 should run much faster in this case oh man um with uh hold on
eventually hold on no no no sorry hold on hold on hold on one big board i risk future this is
risk is good yay uh crap i can't find it right now but if you actually if you look at the if you
watch the video we made recently called starting at is the biggest lie in tech or something like
that um there's an asus laptop that i believe is either available now or will be available very
soon that uses a very similar um ram on package asus laptop here i really would like to find it
dang it i do not want this future i want upgradability and interchangeability
i just mean mental i can't find it the point is it's coming it's coming now uh it's i mean
it's and it's not just laptops like you know we kind of it's everything yeah everything
is configurable it's it's it's not even it's not yeah it's it's even in the data center
where we're seeing we're seeing chips that have hbm right on them well that's not upgradable
right whether it's like invidia's um uh grace hopper or gray super chip or whatever it's called
i think intel has some stuff coming um it's it's it's coming and the reality of it is
this is reflective of how the users of these products use them and not just something that's
being pushed on us by the manufacturers like i remember my mind being blown the first time
someone told me that in a data center like in a scale data center like that someone like a
google might run or an amazon when a server is bad if a stick of ram goes bad it is not uncommon
for them to rip that server out put a new one in and basically just send that to the
scrap the storage and uh put it in a heap for you know whoever our partner is who flips these things
on ebit you get rid of it it's gone it's out whole server not not a drive whole server and i was like
what shouldn't they just have an it room where they like fix them
and the answer was at that scale it's not a good use of time it's a better use of time to just
throw in a known good brand new working server and not deal with that because they have enough to do
and i the the the the the diy are in me just just about died hearing that but then if that's true
if that's the case at least in some at least in some places uh at real scale they do this with
entire racks of kit not just servers yeah we have this topic later in the doc which is intel's
meteor lake launches in december but people have linked articles talking about how uh it has lp ddr
5 on chip lp ddr 5x intel demos meteor lake cpu with on package lp ddr 5x is a tom's hardware
article yeah there you go through but yeah uh there there's one asus laptop that we pointed out
in that video though that i believe is already using uh on package memory or if not on package
it's very very close yeah um and they in by doing that they were able to run at much much higher
frequencies compared to running in a dim or even uh being soldered to the main board but farther
away just the signal integrity is so much better so so right so back to the service for a second
this coupling of cpu to memory is reflective then of the use case i mean most people treat
their computer like a microwave and i know this is this is the kind of thing that i think is hard
for us to wrap our brains around but for most people when their computer is dead the computer
is dead yeah yeah and you can take it to a repair shop but as we know if you've ever taken something
to a repair shop i mean they want 60 bucks to put in a memory module right so imagine how much it
costs if you want them to substantially repair the computer it actually doesn't necessarily
make financial sense to rip to have that computer repaired by someone else it makes sense for us
because we're going to fix it ourselves right are you trying to get something to jacob danes yeah
the uh former leader of the pirate party of canada we're in the presence of royalty thanks
jake um let's see how this goes is this to do with the buzzing are we like trying to figure
it out right now or something what is he even doing here what time is it i can't i actually
can't let you log into my phone i'm sorry oh there's like multiple not even work a lot of
look how red he is his mom watches this show that's the best part just wait for them with
the ones look how ready is that took no time did i get a nerve at all i was gonna say if you wanted
to like text it you could do that i just can't let you onto the actual phone itself that is so
funny to it is there like a do you need dev mode okay sounds good all right um anywho you don't
have to do that what was i talking about right right so so this is reflective of the way that
people are using this hardware anyway right right right consumer technology right so people don't
people don't upgrade stuff yeah they don't repair stuff because it's not cost effective if you're
going to spend 300 repairing a computer you bought for a thousand dollars five years ago it's
probably not even worth 300 and something else might fail now it's but and and whether it would
or wouldn't i could see that being the mentality well if the if the transmission's going then
probably the you know that i'm going to need to change all the belts soon anyway and then you
know probably the the power windows are going to start jamming realistically you know at what point
does whether it's a car a computer or whatever else at what point does it just turn into a
money pit and it's better to start over new and i think that whether it's uh um whether it's
true or not a lot of people have that perception of computers so if people are just going to go hey
my computer's slow i need a new one anyway then i think from the manufacturer's standpoint they're
sitting there going okay well this is slower which makes us less competitive it costs more which
makes us less competitive and people aren't even asking for this why are we doing this
and so you know in some cases i do think apple does things that i then get very frustrated by
because they weren't necessary and the rest of the industry just goes there but in this case
they're probably just ahead of the curve we were headed there anyway i mean we've been talking
about this ever since what was it like fifth gen i think fifth gen core it was rumored that intel
would solder desktop CPUs to motherboards and we were we were mad about it i mean i think
justifiably so but it was it's been clear the writing's been on the wall for the better part
of a decade now so maybe writing is on the wall in regards to who's going to purchase the thing
which is going to drive engineering decisions at companies like this but i would say i still
don't think it's necessarily a good thing um because someone could repair it eventually even
if the initial consumer isn't going to repair it no you're right doesn't mean that someone couldn't
repair it eventually tell me this okay i'm totally pivoting a little bit here
in the world we live in today with security vulnerabilities being as impactful as they are
and as widespread as they are should we be running 10 year old processors
or should they just go to the scrapper and retrieve the gold um i think for individual
consumers i think a lot of the CPU level vulnerabilities that we've had are not really
that big of a deal yeah completely honest yeah sure fair enough i just uh but a lot of them
have required targeted attacks if i'm remembering correctly sure okay um
so speaking of targeted attacks uh did you know that we would need someone's permission to drive
by their house with a password cracking server and break into their wi-fi because it's illegal
not surprised
why did i bring that up i would have just done it anyways no reason i was i didn't care
i didn't have a password cracking server
how about if it was a really powerful password cracking server
oh you're gonna try to hit me i don't know i just the people and good luck people exist and uh
really powerful password cracking servers exist yeah from kamino hypothetically yeah uh if a
company called kamino existed then maybe they would have a really powerful server that could
be used for cracking passwords i thought this was i thought you were referencing something
i had said no a bit ago but okay sounds like no oh we've got some good videos coming out
the next little bit here like seriously we've got uh i reviewed one just before the land show um
checking out laserdisc i had only had one experience with laserdisc and it was extremely
brief not even i didn't even get to watch a whole movie uh so we got a have you ever tried laserdisc
you know how big they are right uh aren't they like records yeah they're record size yeah yeah
but they look like giant cds like novelty sized cds um i've never actually seen one in person
they have movies on them know about them yeah you can store like an hour of footage per side
so if you watch a two-hour movie you actually have to get up in the middle and flip it lord
of the rings is like four discs yeah yeah and they're double-sided so it's uh so it's yeah
it's two hours per disc but it's one hour per side so you're gonna be you're gonna be getting
you're gonna be getting up to flip your precious over pretty often i think yeah so lord of the
rings uh wait lord of the rings the two towers run time is two hours and 59 minutes with that said
um lord of the rings was never released on laserdisc so it's not an issue no i know i just
think it would be fun gone with the wind sure was and that's like a three and a half hour movie or
something like that so you'd be getting up like four times to or five times to flip the disc or
whatever the math was no four times i think um anyway there were just before anyone jumps in
with the you know correction there were more advanced players that had read heads on both
sides but you still had to get up and change the disc if the movie is longer than two hours which
a lot of movies are that's not the extended i'm trying to find the actual extended edition times
but either way regardless it's long yeah so that video is coming out i think this weekend we have
another one coming this weekend on rf blocking paint so we found this site that kind of pedals in
um digital smog like conspiracy uh uh cures and remedies and they have rf blocking paint
that you can use to paint your room to keep the to keep the 5g out brilliant um it's
i don't want to spoil too much but it works shockingly well really yeah that's actually
kind of cool yeah so it's the first would you say this is the first legit use of the rf uh
the emc chamber like in video no no oh he's eating is there yeah he's having some dinner
doesn't the wall block the 5g though no no the 5g millimeter wave yeah it could be blocked by
a piece by this this garment um but and non-millimeter wave no no it can like pass through
stuff is there yeah a bunch of people in chat are asking this too um it's not lead paint is it
oh yeah oh oh well yeah that's yeah yeah like i took it and i brought it with me like this
wow no it's not lead paint you i believed it oh man come on the extended times are three hours
and 48 minutes for fellowship three hours and 55 minutes for two hours and four hours and 23
minutes for return of the king okay so okay so for return of the king hold on one side two sides
two hours three three side four side so you have to get up so you have to put it in you have to get
up to change it that's one getting up you have to get up to put in the second disc you have to get
up to flip the second disc and you have to get up to put in the third disc if it existed you would
have to get up four times during the movie including how long was it four hours and uh
four hours and 23 minutes including one time 23 minutes before the end of the movie to basically
just watch the epilogue essentially yikes that's pretty epic uh oh we're supposed to do some more
topics hey wolfick says here's the question how many movies are even less than an hour
oh no so you're gonna be flipping no matter what you're watching unless you have one of the fancy
dual head ones yeah whoa so it it doesn't even flip it itself it just starts playing
so there's like maybe a blip and there were like for commercial there were commercial solutions
like really advanced stuff where you had like changers remember cd changers well there were
laserdisc changers but it was not for movies it was for like karaoke yeah one of the big benefits
of laserdisc was it was to my knowledge the earliest home format to support multiple audio
tracks my dad used to run it uh it like one of its major adoptions was karaoke because you can have
all of these tracks on one big disc and then you want to go to the next one
well it's right here on the disc done instant every single time you know it's awesome plus
video i'm pretty sure that came through the mic yeah yeah so uh so yeah for karaoke uh they would
have entire libraries and it was so cool because you could have the vocal track and the music track
separated which for karaoke i think has pretty obvious benefits um anywho we should probably
do another topic or two because we have sort of oh oh what i think we should probably do this
topic what topic the one i highlighted i can't find it you'll find i found it
wamp wamp i'm sad i'm genuinely sad we have made the difficult decision to not move forward with
ltx 2024 um there are four key reasons uh one the vast majority of our company does not focus
on events um and while our core competencies like technology media production do overlap somewhat
with event running the vast majority of our time and effort is spent on other things which means
that we do not have well-established processes and workflows and running events at a large scale
um requires well-established processes and workflows or you end up with a lot of
inefficiency and you end up with a lot of stress so that's i i the biggest reason but also very
closely related to the next reason which is also the biggest reason and that's crunch while there
is a lot of work that can be done in advance of an event like ltx there's also an enormous amount
of work that has to be done in the days or even the hours immediately before the doors open
this puts a ton of strain on the entire team um another big reasons cost um you know i want to be
transparent with you guys that's that's that's the way we run this company that's the way we run this
channel uh ltx 2023 was profitable which is good but there's also an enormous opportunity cost
compared to focusing on our regular activities meaning that prioritizing ltx doesn't necessarily
make the most sense and remember part of that opportunity cost is not just money part of it
is also process and and quality of life for the team and all those things i mean i even said
on wan show at ltx 23 when luke asked me the hard question of is it coming back i talked about this
i talked about the crunch i talked about how even if it does make money that doesn't mean
it necessarily makes sense um i asked him then because i was trying to get him to commit to it
before he thought about it logically no i had already been thinking about it a lot yeah um
number four is it's not all about money of course ltx was born out of a desire to serve the community
and other creators but again it's clear that for the investment we made into ltx which was
very substantial there are many other opportunities that we could pursue for
collaborations and community engagement that might be more exciting and don't cause the same
degree of strain for the people that work on the event so that's what it pretty much comes down to
we do have some alternative things to be excited about one of them is whale land we're we are going
to continue doing whale lands aiming for anywhere from 200 to 300 attendees per one i'd like to do
them more often than just once a year personally i'd be down to do it once every couple months once
every few months i've had some people approach me internally and say hey they think that's too much
and it won't be special anymore or something like that i i honestly think it'd be in some ways more
special i think it'd be just such a such a just hang out um just kind of break the routine ltx
was a really cool event for the fans as a whole but whale land i have more personal fun at so
and i and if we could do more whale lands and if we could bring some elements of ltx to whale land
like maybe at a whale land we have a tech midway like we had at ltx or you know some of the the
con evil you know games or or things like that like i i think there's ways for us to make whale
land really amazing you could still even potentially have like the the uh water cooling
educational workshop thing totally like if someone like a rod came up um you know there's no reason
why we couldn't you know do something like that okay yeah at this whale land uh we're gonna be
doing tube bending 101 yeah maybe it doesn't run the whole time because maybe rod wants to play
some games too yeah like and maybe someone like rod actually gets to play games for a change yeah
i'm not convinced he actually plays games i think he just like builds cool computers i thought he
was really into wasn't it war thunder or something i don't know i've never seen him actually play a
game but i've seen him build a lot of cool computers that's all i'm saying that's all
i'm saying play games i've seen him do both i've seen him build far more cool computers
than play games build a computer that was on fire let's see if he's in the chat that's pretty sick
he says he says he says yes yeah i'm not sure what he's responding to exactly because of the
chat delay but definitely yes my dad says there should be quarterly whale lands okay all right
rob i'm on it we're working on it we need a facility first geez excitement is high um so
yeah i um this was uh this was a super emotional decision for i shouldn't say decision for me
because i didn't make the decision i was involved in the decision i i laid out my points i ultimately
did advocate against future ltx's just for look i mean okay i probably maybe i'm speaking out of
turn here um colton basically said point blank if we're doing ltx again i can't do this
i don't blame him it like it's it's it's it's brutal um and and and so it's like it's not
it's not just like i have i have said the whole so he he was against i was four i have said the
whole time though that i'm happily voting for as someone who had nothing to do with any of the work
that was involved in it i think my vote was probably like the least valuable out of all of
them um because i was the least attached out of everyone i think genuinely um so it's easy for me
to say yeah we should keep doing it i had some arguments which were like it was profitable and
getting cons to a profitable point is very difficult and cons tend to have natural inherent
growth and become very highly profitable on the high end and i do think we were trending in that
direction um and there were a lot of like financial efficiency things that we i think did quite poorly
with this time around we could have saved more money we could have made more money both at the
same time all this kind of stuff but yeah all the work and stuff involved and and there is still
the opportunity cost and min maxing the work and profit was never what ltx was about yeah and so i
feel like you're right the con could have become a huge profit center you are right but it wouldn't
have been ltx anymore and that was a big part of i think it could still be i think it would be a
very very difficult path to navigate yeah and potentially not worth it and maybe whale land
is how we can keep that fun small i do i do like i i think it's pretty cool that there's a plan
instead yeah oh oh yeah i think that's pretty cool yeah because just dropping it and be like guess
we're never doing it again would kind of suck which i also didn't say yes i said we are not
doing 2024 yeah um uh but like yeah whale land the fact that we will have a facility that we like
know the people who own it means that the rate we'll be paying is i don't know nothing
means that we can just we can price the tickets at something that we feel is is is the very least
reasonable not what the market will bear yeah but like reasonable but also you know we need to make
sure the time makes sense for our team to put work into it and make it a really cool event
um but not worry about pinching pennies so we can just make it a really cool event and just
make it fun oh sean sorry i'm gonna derail slightly i just sean lmg in floatplane chat just
spoke uh i i wasn't sure if i should or could name him yeah it was like two weeks ago i think
yeah so he told me that i can i also asked if i could give the background there and he said yes
oh sure yeah this is whaler 99 from the forum yeah uh who's our new it person at linus media
group um not even that new anymore i mean hasn't he been here almost six months now or something
somewhere around that yeah i've been here for a bit yeah it's been hard to keep that in
yeah yeah i wanted to refer to him on the show as whaler i don't want to mention that but yeah
some people might actually know sean if you've been around the forum um especially in the earlier
days of the forum um if you if you've seen whaler 99 around um that's him so yeah i don't remember
what i was referencing but i wasn't sure if i could name him and now i do know and that's
that's sean so yeah yeah so he actually like reports to luke yeah so he's sort of used to as
a mod back in like 2012 or whatever he first started working with the first mods yes like
freaking he's like actually one of the ogist yeah forum people ever yeah um but yeah he just
said whaler land yeah yeah yeah so he'll be he'll be uh probably helping us out with getting that
set up once he gets his poor like head out from under the water of like our it tech you're gonna
you're gonna like the new disaster recovery doc oh yeah it's like wicked how many how many pages
is it he's watching 200 it's more than 200 right yeah yeah what yeah it's for everything oh is
there a disaster solutions what happens if uh when and it's like very clickable so you can like
written that one yeah different parts of it and all that kind of stuff 210 yeah yeah yeah hell
yeah heck yeah exciting yeah it's cool it's good anyways yeah so that's sad but there is the good
news of uh whale lands more and more awesomer but i'm sure there'll be more details on that
in the future there was a couple comments from some of the people who worked on the mom and pop
computer shop video by the way uh tanner who uh who helped coordinate everything is like the the
writer for the video uh said that the store owner keith was even funnier off camera this is so true
i that's one of the things that drives me crazy when i'm working with amateur talents
is they'll say something hilarious they'll be like okay okay do that again and like it's never
quite it's never quite the same yeah like that's something that takes a lot of practice um and
is there something about just having a camera pointed at you just kind of stiffens you up
right it makes you feel unnatural and overall he did great um but yeah he was even funnier
off camera and hoffman uh who was the editor for it i cannot believe how fast hoffman turned that
around that was like a two-day edit whoa yeah no no no no no no we this is one of the first videos
that we've released post-production break that actually was shot post-production break we shot
this at on um oh man was it thursday of last week i i don't i don't remember exactly when we shot it
uh crud uh it should be on my should be on my calendar i think it was i think it was thursday
of last week surely it wasn't friday no it couldn't have been friday uh yeah i think it was thursday of
last week definitely wasn't tuesday and we released it like that weekend uh it must have
been because the sponsor asked for a rush edit on it or something like that because we told keith too
we were like hey yeah it's going to be probably a few weeks because that's generally how long
something like that would take to make its way through the queue but uh yeah hoffman said the
footage was extremely hard to condense because there was so much good material and there was a
lot more items that we didn't show we typically run audio continuously and keith was so funny
that occasionally while reviewing the audio you'd hear tons of laughter followed by david hurriedly
trying to get the camera running um passing pedestrians kept trying to poke their heads
in to figure out what all the chaos was about we also filmed to the back of the shot of the back
of the shop but wound up cutting it for time uh tender had a big list of games but linus kept
making up his own rules on the fly okay that's true i mean that sounds like a linus thing yeah
it sounds like a linus thing um discussion question was what were the best parts of the
shoot that didn't make the cut i think some of the best ones were some of the haggling
uh between me and keith um there there were some i think in the final cut of the video hoffman was
going for a bit of a tone a tone of you know me mostly going along with everything but there were
definitely times when i did push back more and and we did negotiate a bit more um i think hoffman did
a great job though of keeping in all the most important gambling because that was by far when
i was watching it i don't even want to spoil it but the one big really impactful role was like
the critical role yeah there you go um yeah i'm gonna be i'm gonna be completely forthright with
you there's only two times in my life that i have fainted or almost fainted both while being uh both
while having blood drawn uh because i am what's apparently the technical term is a fainter which
basically means that when your skin is punctured your body immediately goes into protective i must
not lose all my blood mode and all the blood drains from your extremities and is like i'm
gonna stay here now um so when when i'm getting blood drawn like my my hands go ice cold and
they'll be like in there with the needle and it doesn't bother me i don't care
but it's like they're like hello can like it's it just stops flowing there's no pressure they
just can't get it wow i do not have that problem yeah so anyway um i i found this out when i was
really sick with something it was like back in the swine flu days or something stupid like that
but very pre-covid the the old you know flu everyone was worried about um so it was back
in those days and i was like quite sick like in a weakened state already and i had to get blood
drawn and i'm sitting in the chair and i start to kind of move and the the nurse poor thing she
must have been about 85 pounds soaking wet basically goes whoa whoa whoa i can't hold you
put your head between your knees like and i'm like okay okay okay and i managed to avoid passing out
and then the second time it was for some life insurance thing they had to draw blood from me
and um i started to go dark and i like went over to i had my like love sack like giant beanbag
pillow in the in the living room and i was in the dining room at the old place and i like went down
and went on to the love sack thing and i like closed my eyes for a second then i was totally
fine i talked to the guy and he goes you've been passed out for five minutes and i was like oh
really neat i didn't know that so that's the one time i fainted during this shoot
i was in a near fainted state three times from just stress
it was very intense there was a more probably more physical there was more physical activity
than you guys probably realized like watching a video like that because i'm climbing up on
stuff around like i'm i'm i'm doing a lot it's it's a different i had one of our one of our uh
subjects for um the tech upgrade series that we do someone internal who sees a lot of footage
what's up oh there's an ant a huge one see you see you later buddy um who sees a lot of footage
but doesn't participate in a lot of videos messaged me afterward after we did theirs
and basically goes i don't know how you do this every day like i am wiped i i just like i can't
it's draining yeah it's it's draining on a lot of levels being on is is is quite exhausting and uh
you know when you're working in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar people um you know
a big part of the host's job is to make everyone else around them look good and look really
talented as a host and so it's a lot of things for me to keep track of when i'm trying to drive
a video like that forward and then the other big one is i didn't even know how much the sponsorship
was i i had actually no idea so i had no idea what the running total was because i had a lot
of other things to keep track of and so particularly um you know when i would stop
and breathe for a second i don't think i drank any water that day because i like forgot my water
bottle or something so that was probably a major factor but there were multiple times that day when
i was just like okay is this shoot going okay is everything okay uh what is happening right now
and the one time i actually started to feel blackness come in around my vision was right
before the throw because i was just i was so stressed like i i don't i think you know that
i'm not much of a gambler no one in the hand is worth 500 in the bush for me yeah yeah we do
i i'm not that kind of person and so i i played a bit of a character in this video
you know the the gambling man i want to roll for it yeah yeah but that is not my personality at
all i think that's something a lot of people don't realize is from one video to the next sometimes
i'll be playing a slightly different character because that's what the content calls for
um and so i played you did it well i played the like cavalier gambling man
but that is extremely stressful for me i did notice that through the course of the video the
games uh start becoming more and more skill based oh that wasn't intentional actually
oh i'm sure it wasn't but i also fully believe that your brain in the moment was like this game
sounds more fun yeah maybe uh i mean skill didn't work out great for me at the beginning
you saw that putt yeah i mean that just looked hard to do you saw the pot you saw the darts
so just because i didn't necessarily win you know what didn't make it into the edit was the
pre-throw he wanted a practice throw i nailed the practice throw and then freaking flubbed you guys
looked so bad okay if you tried that dart set though you'd understand that's what i assumed
while i was watching yeah they were dollars like this is astronomically bad they were dollar store
darts yes they had no way not that i'm like i'm bad at darts but like i know i just you had to
whip them though yeah watching you guys do it i was like what there was no weight to them keith
i think it took him three times to get it to stick in but you didn't see that part because
that wasn't in the final cut yeah yeah yeah yeah man that video was uh it was a good video people
should watch it yeah it was really stressful though scrapyard wars had better darts we had
darts in scrapyard wars maybe we've done it seems like the kind of thing we would do channel super
fun i think had darts at some point definitely had lawn darts um you have more topics we kind
of already touched on meteor lake we kind of proved human trials yeah um the rog ally base
model is coming it's much slower it uses the z1 instead of the z1 extreme uh i'm i'm planning to
do a review because i've been using my rog ally a lot oh good oh this is really frustrating uh
youtube made a made a policy change allowing channels to change their names um
without changing the display name on their google account so hackers are now able to easily disguise
what channel they've taken over frustrating attempts to identify and contact the channel's
true owner while changing a channel's name will remove any verified badge associated with the
channel forcing forcing creators to apply for reinstatement i don't that's a sentence fragment
however not all valuable hacking targets have verification badges such as strategy game streamer
das tactic whose channel was hacked and so thoroughly changed that it was only identifiable
because his store was still up das tactic is back in charge of his account now following assistance
from youtube uh one challenge was trying to communicate with his community um because so much
of his online life was connected into his hacked google account though thankfully not his twitter
or discord this is wild so this is what a channel that's hacked could look like now
just completely unidentifiable
unbelievable that's rough could google not at least not make things worse
i feel like this is one of those like one hand not talking to the other situations
and that's probably the most optimistic possible interpretation of what happened with unity
who has walked back their pricing scheme yeah they released a public apology and made significant
revisions to their proposed pricing changes the recap is last week they announced a 20 cent per
download fee on unity-based games that had made over 200 000 in revenue a year and had over 200
000 lifetime downloads in response many indie developers threatened to withdraw their games
from sale and migrate to another engine for current and future projects their new pricing
plan doubles the minimum threshold on revenue before charges from doubles the minimum threshold
before charges from 200k to 1 million a year that's not double but yeah oh i read that in
the pre-show and i was like what okay well basically it ups the minimum threshold for
revenue uh games published in the past under a previous version of unity will no longer be
subject to the new fee which is how it should have worked in the first place how can you possibly
unilaterally change a deal that's not how that works uh developers will also be able to choose
between the fee or paying 2.5 of their gross revenue instead last week unity claimed that
they would assess how much developers owed through an unclear proprietary method leading to
speculation of potential drm and security issues now unity says they will allow developers to
self-report these numbers i just hope they follow through on all of this and we don't see any of
that same kind of behavior again is it time to switch to wensho after dark dan okay let's do it
just walks past the camera what a pro
okay messages i'm starting at the top of potential sure i mean we can probably just
answer most of them this uh there's not too many this week okay yeah the potential ones
are more like directed at you guys personally i think um okay let's start at the top here
hey-o just donated a bunch of my icebreakers because i couldn't stand how itchy they were
on my smooth supple skin on a scale of one to sandpaper what's the itch factor on the ltt
merino tees i'm happy with them for merino tees but they are still merino tees if you like soft
fabric on your smooth supple skin just get our regular tees they're great or better yet pick up
one of the rgb ones that is probably the softest shirt on the store and it's available in more
than one color now so yeah just go go go get that just load up those they're they are by far
here i should probably just oh man i just realized we never even showed the photos for the for the
onesie it's always fun seeing the team close the charade from the business team sarra from the
design team alama day from the fashion team dennis from the bothering me team
morse rah
lots of fun adam what is this a group oh we do group photos now okay got a bunch of the
business team that's actually really cool it looks like a family photo that's awesome um so
yeah the onesies uh the reversible bomber jackets from last week and the merino t-shirt from last
week so the one you want if you want just like the softest softest thing for your supple skin
is this one oh i don't see different colors oh are they oh yeah okay yeah here it is in gray
so yeah it's this shirt it's so comfy okay
are you aware of any tech projects similar to vlc that have chosen to remain independent despite
receiving numerous purchase offers and strictly refrain from tracking any data from their users
honestly it's not something that i personally pay close enough attention to no me neither i mean i
would imagine like obs has probably received offers for purchase and that was so far as well they
remain completely independent and don't appear to be doing any kind of tracking of anyone's use even
though like man the amount that would kind of very valuable the kind of data that flows through obs
from the streamers themselves from any of the any of the things that are hooked into it
like every merch message no no it doesn't actually because that's just a um like essentially like a
web capture window or something like that right okay it's literally just a browser source yeah
okay yeah but i'm sure that they could i'm sure that if they were um evil enough they could
engineer obs in such a way that the only way to hook something in would have to make it like
plain text readable to obs or something i don't know um but no obs just is it's cute
hey linus i see you flipping around a precision screwdriver care to show it off
yeah i showed it earlier in the show so you might just have to rewind uh that might have
been the pre-show actually oh oh well then you might just have to get float plane and watch it
there okay okay no hold on hold on get out of here i uh
uh is it in your other pants i appear to have misplaced it i'm sorry
uh you will definitely see more of it in the future
good morning dll back when alex had his tech upgrade he mentioned that you got an order
for five million face shields from the canadian government is that a story you can share i i don't
know that it was a formal order so much as it was that they were they wanted as many of them as they
could get from anywhere and we had publicly offered to help and i think they misinterpreted
our manufacturing capacity with those prusa printers that hey again you know we haven't
forgotten shout out prusa for sending over uh i think they just overestimated our capacity for
creating face shields um and it was you know we basically clarified and we sent as much as we
could and um then we both moved on hi dll i'm a future teacher and was wondering if there is any
tech in its early days that you think will become the norm for schools in the future that i should
learn now i would basically just keep my eye out on anything that your students are using like it's
not even as it's not even in my opinion it's not even the like augmented reality and and ai that
is going to change things so much or that will be as day-to-day relevant to you as just things like
understanding what discord is and how it works and how they're communicating with each other
and and interacting i think that um it's been a huge advantage for me and ivan as parents
to not just know how our kids are communicating but introduce them to things like discord where
we can be in the discords they're in and keep an eye on what they're talking to their friends about
obviously that's going to be less relevant as they get into their teenage years but when for
young kids uh keeping them safe online um it can be a real challenge if you don't know what they're
doing but i mean obviously that's not necessarily a teacher's role but i still think that understanding
meeting the kids where they are is um more important than just trying is is more effective
than trying to bring them to where you are hello my dudes will the noctua
edition screwdriver be available through noctua in europe i i believe that is the plan um so i think
i think their plan is to i have no idea how the finances would work for this but i think their
plan is to essentially carry the screwdriver however that would look but you'd have to
honestly the better way to get information about that would be to ask noctua because they know
better than i do my husband has watched you since the ncix days what is your opinion on tech leaks
do you think it's affecting buying of new tech absolutely i mean i i think that leaks can impact
the demand for the older item i think that leaks can do a lot to generate hype and generate
additional news cycles that can amplify the news around an upcoming launch sometimes i really do
feel like leaks are probably intentional other times they really do look you know too early
too much impact on the old product to be to be worth it and they do look unintentional
sometimes i feel like leaks are um no matter the cost in terms of your own product lineup
just to damage someone else just to make sure that no there's there's absolutely no air for
hype growing for somebody else or yeah let's let's leak something that's coming up i think it can be
very tactical i so i also think it can be very accidental i think it can just be passionate
people who are excited to talk about what they're working on in a bar and being overheard i
um that's happened it's just it's just part of it's just part of the territory
okay let's move into some potentials um let's see i just curated one of them out
oh okay i will read that one instead um hey dll it's currently 4 a.m i just got starfield
bundled with a g502x mouse what was the best product and game bottle you ever got
my favorite was battlefield 4 with an amd gpu by the way i love my uncle linus bottle
oh i think it was the like batman bundle the arkham asylum one yeah yeah that was a good bundle
uh but there were some really wild bundles before like i i got um i got half-life 2 with
my all in wonder 9600 pro which was hilarious because by the time the game came out i had
already upgraded my gpu there was some there's a while there where there was bundles of like
four games and i think it got kind of crazy i think anyone who got half-life 2 got the whole
orange box whoa that's i don't actually remember hold on radion 9800 half-life 2
bundle orange box is am i going to be able to find an article about this uh
i'm pretty sure i got an orange box code i'm ati offers bonus to half-life 2 bundle buyers
okay here we go here we go you got classic valve shooters until the half-life sequel shipped
so maybe it wasn't orange box oh you got the valve premiere pack okay that's that's i think
it but then pretty crazy but then didn't half-life 2 come with orange box i don't remember orange
box launched after half-life 2 and that included like portal and things like that too right
did portal tf2 that was way later than uh okay okay yeah maybe i'm mistaken half-life 2 was
something like 2004 so maybe it was just maybe it was just the older games that came with it
but there were definitely times when aside from official bundles um stores would have
like because it used to be physical codes right so they would have a ton of codes left over and they
would it's like a stack of them they'd slip in like they they'd pile up bundles on products
they needed to move so i i had taken advantage of stuff like that in the past as well yeah
man game bundles used to be so sick so sick now they're just like yeah yeah let's see
what cancelled video project do you must most wish you could have completed and released
and why did you have to cancel it um we don't cancel that much so much as we
kind of reach a non-viable point and and don't move forward with it uh i'd say one that i'm
really disappointed we didn't do was the rackification of the land center upstairs
because our intention was to have that be kind of like what i did with the land center at my house
but run like a big radiator to the roof and bring back whole room water cooling at one point i had
also wanted to plumb water um water cooling into the editing den and have all the editing machines
water cooled off of you know just like plumbing from the walls just like we did in whole room
water cooling with the layout they have now it wouldn't make any sense anyway because they're
all over the room instead of just down the two walls but i think that would have been super cool
to like bring back whole room water cooling in a big way i'd like to set up something like that
at the lab so they just have water available to cool things when they need it but also i
think they probably don't need it like quick disconnects on the desk yeah that would be sick
yeah uh okay uh hey l d l linus a couple weeks ago you mentioned that you're more of a textured
eater what is your faith what is your opinion on ben and jerry's ice cream uh i
you haven't and too cheap to buy really expensive ice cream so i curated this because i was like
he's probably never even had it okay i don't remember like i've probably tried ben and jerry's
once in my life or something yeah it's like it's like 100 grams you can get a kilogram at
superstore for the same price i just i i don't know i can't the the maximum for me is i'll
spring for like briars but like as soon as you get into like hagen-dazs territory
briars french vanilla is like yeah it's pretty good that's pretty good it's pretty all right
yeah i mean honestly my guilty pleasure ice cream is just like no name neapolitan anyway so
i'm clearly a philistine it's like five dollars for it for a bathtub yeah exactly right
uh hey lld was wondering what is all your personal favorite ltt store hoodie or jacket
that you've ever done personally probably the short circuit one ps bring back the swacket
favorite we've ever done i know mine man i really like the tie-dye ltx 23 hoodie
it's really good it's really good i am i am somewhat particular about i'm not a huge fan
i like zippers um yep yeah but it's it's really good though yeah that's the one in my backpack
right now like that's the one i'm dailying right now what about you this guy really that's not
really a hoodie but yeah it's it's a door jacket jacket okay that's fair yeah that's a it's a
really nice jacket it's like a really nice jacket i've shown it to people that are are like clothing
people like and i've like just put it on i'm not gonna tell you like where i got it from or
anything just put it what do you think because like you don't expect me to have super nice
clothes out of nowhere um so i just try it and they're like wow this is like actually really
good and they're like checking out what is it like wall lttstore.com baby i had i was at the gym
yesterday and i i went uh to go into the pool after working out and i put my water bottle down
on like where you put your stuff when you're changing to get into the pool and some dude
walked by and was like that's a sick water bottle i was like thanks man he's like is it a whatever
and said some brand i don't remember what it was i was like no it's a uh it's an ltt and he was like
huh so you're saying we need to invest more marketing in our like top of funnel awareness
maybe maybe yeah yeah all right yeah you might you might sell some water bottles to gym bros
if they even know what it is excellent he's like it's huge that's awesome yeah
hey dll i know you play supreme commander forged alliance forever but what is your opinion on
supreme commander 2 the gameplay and story um i never played subcom 2 because i heard it's bad
so i i was a sheeple and i didn't play it sorry have things felt different for you or your staff
now that it's been a month since the week uh plus break have you realized noticeable improvements
from your new processes and content schedule i don't know why doesn't the team answer that
there's a couple members of the team i don't know if luke's gonna have a lot to contribute to that
actually i don't know if dan's gonna have a lot to contribute to that okay i guess i'll talk
i don't think you're productive what neither of you work on the production
you're literally hilarious path to go down that is exactly what my response was going to be too
like nothing changed nobody talked to me as much i was more productive yeah yeah yeah um
i think that there's been changes but i also think that the public perception of the changes has been
much greater than what the actual changes have been i think not to diminish the effort that's
gone into the changes but we were putting in a lot of effort before i think that's one of the
things that people are kind of there was a lot of changes that were asked for that were already in
motion it's like hey you guys are not doing good enough hey you're like working the team too hard
and i'm sitting here going okay which one is it yes we're working really hard and we're trying
to do better and that's that was already what we were trying to do um and you know it's obvious
that there were some communication breakdowns that were taking place i think that's the biggest thing
is we we broke down a lot of barriers in inter-team meetings and we've we've added a lot of um
i i'll also throw in here yeah we absolutely have our communications problems and i know of a few
that i'm working on as well yeah um but if you ask like anyone that works at any company of
a size that's more than like five people and you ask them like what problems does your company have
oh communication sucks it's like yeah things happen and i think that there are a lot of things
that we can do better yeah of course there for sure i'm not trying to like you know dodge that
no and and that's the thing is like we've i don't think we've ever pretended that we operate
perfectly smoothly internally i think that one of the things that we do do sometimes to our
detriment is we are extremely transparent about our problems um and so you know yeah here i am
here i am talking about yeah some of the challenges and uh some of the things that we're
doing to improve and i'm gonna tell you guys up front like it's not perfect it's it's gonna take
a lot of time um the the first week back honestly i think we had some of the most disastrous shoots
that we had had in many many months um and not because we didn't have enough time just because
we had a lot of new processes to work out and it is not simple trying to do what we do believe it
or not if you know the solution and it's super easy and obvious you don't know the solution
it's not that easy it's not that obvious there's a lot of moving parts and um you know it's it's
one of those things that um you know i feel like people have to people have to experience people
have to live to understand and so i don't expect everybody to understand it but um
overall i i i think that you know it's been motivating i think it's been
exciting for people to spend more time talking to other people um which has been a personal
source of frustration because that's something that i had been advocating for a lot and then
all of a sudden now it's everybody's idea so now we're gonna do it's like okay
sure it's like you should be talking to this team regularly it's like
okay but we need like a week shut down in order to like internalize them like okay
and you know what you know part of it too is that it's yeah it's not that simple it's just like
a lot of the time sometimes it's process change yeah yeah i want to do this yeah and and sometimes
someone can say something you go yeah that's a good idea and i should do that but until there's
like a hey you know wake up moment you just you kind of keep doing things the way that you did
them before right and that's especially when people are heavily tasked yeah exactly and i'm
and i've never claimed that we don't work hard never um we do so i'm optimistic that's what i'll
say in summary yeah yeah just got a couple potentials left you guys want to answer that
or should we curate them uh let me have a look oh well we got to curate this one
hey dll my hubby and i were in the ltx vid as two gamers one cpu nice the pc is a windowless is in
is in a windowless basement room with our server and run through a thunderbolt cable back to the
gaming room any tech tips on cooling without a pool yeah so um believe it or not that stupid
radiator setup that we had in one of the parts of whole pool water cooling uh where alex and
i put one radiator outside it's just a simple car radiator with some rent like a random walmart box
fan on it and then one inside and then a tube running through the wall that actually worked
probably better to cool the room than what i just did bearing in mind of course that what i just
did added net new heat that it then removed yeah like effectively did nothing but just taking that
radiator and cooling it outside and then heating so heating the water inside with the hot air
and then dissipating that heat to the outside worked pretty great and i actually had kind of
thought at that time you know maybe this whole pool water cooling thing is kind of stupid and
i should just do this because with whole pool water cooling i can't go sub ambient but with a
waterproof fan and some kind of misting system i could so i could use like face i could use
evaporative cooling as long as uh as long as water is plentiful in your area or something like that
you could use evaporative cooling to actually go sub ambient on that radiator outside so i mean
essentially it's always just how to move heat and water tubes are a really effective way to move
heat however i will say this i i don't think that any of this is going to be cost effective
so i would only do it if it's for fun uh hi team please tell a story about a time you have felt
like a sims character i'm not gonna lie i don't i don't really get this why'd you curate it then
i didn't i didn't curate it dan did oh what should happen fine okay then go dan yeah i don't know
yeah bright guy right now yeah why does he have so much light we don't have any light
yeah i got three mortars just pointing at my face i can see nothing uh i don't know it was a it was
a one that was an incoming i thought you guys might be able to what's answer what was that i
don't i i was like controlled by another entity um all the time constantly okay come back dan
you're gone go to work and you're here career i always say that i'm piloting a toddler that
i can't control go to gym strength increase yeah there you go eat i'm i'm i'm controlled
by societal pressures play chess intelligence increase always fighting back uh last one i've
got here hello from bowling green ohio linus have you liked the gr corolla so far and what are your
thoughts on toyota's six speed intelligent manual transition excuse me i don't have a lot of thoughts
on intelligent transmissions because i'm really not much of a car guy but the gr was a blast i
didn't end up buying one we only played around with the press car and did the review um i just
i can't justify having more than one car and i'm not going to swap out the tycan for it given that
i already have the tycan if i if they were both on the market today and i was shopping again
it's pretty fun i don't know that i would spring for the stupid mobile but um
yeah i don't have any thoughts on the transmission i'm afraid
uh oh okay last one timestamp guy here okay i can't validate that but they say they are
i've been designing a wan show themed ltd screwdriver holder capable of housing all the
bits thoughts on selling 3d printed projects on ltt store i'd actually rather not sell them i
mean if if there's marketplaces where you can list it i think there's a pretty vibrant do it up yeah
there's also already some out there yeah uh ltd hold on i think there's like a surprisingly vibrant
ecosystem um there's been some cool ones posted on the reddits and i think in some cases that was
people just showing off their cool project and in other cases that was people stealth advertising
their etsy's and stuff because this is definitely a thing oh wow yeah like check this out oh wait no
not this one um stop we're off rails here yep ltt screwdriver carrying case ltt stubby screwdriver
case like this is this is one thousand percent a thing um yeah cool right neat we are gonna
probably do our own at some point but you know for the time being it's definitely something that
you can get and it's something that you know we are we are at the very least accepting of
you know i don't think that we're going to be going out of our way to you know promote this
because we might have our own competing products at some point or whatever else we don't want to
like rug pull anybody but um we're also not gonna we're not gonna you know be upset about
any thing we we think this is overall really cool yeah really really really cool
and i think that's it that's it thanks for tuning in you guys we'll see you again next week same bad
time same bad channel if you're just tuning in uh pretty late in the show here um just bear in mind
the vod might take a little bit because the show was interrupted so we have to take those two
pieces of the vods place them together then upload and process so it's going to take some time
especially on float plane and that's actually like a lot of time yeah yeah okay okay see ya bye
i'm like so ready for bed right now yeah