This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Okay, so we'll start the show with the traditional apology.
I'm sorry for being late.
We're really late.
Okay, it's actually my fault this time, I think.
It's mostly your fault.
I could have been more prepared, but I've been working on a video that I'm really, really
excited about, and I kind of got carried away doing a last minute process or swap so that
I could see more numbers when I'm done the WAN show and be all excited about how wrong
that I was.
For my side of things, people might be slightly excited.
People often complain about multi-part content and wanting really long videos.
You're getting one.
It took them like half an hour to film one video.
I think it was an hour.
It was more than one.
Yeah, it was.
Was it really?
I was looking at about... Okay, so I think it was half an hour for one video and 15 minutes
for the other one.
But that half an hour video wasn't like six takes of a five minute video.
That was like probably about a 17 minute, 18 minute video.
All like deep dive, technical-
Basically, if you're upset that we haven't really talked much about Vulcan and DirectX
12, Luke took it upon himself to make up for lost time.
By spending a lot of time working on one ginormous thing that will hopefully cover us for like
at least a while.
Oh, geez.
So the one that I'm working on is actually about the most wrong that I have been about
how to configure a computer in probably a decade.
Like we're talking, I spent three times as much on a component that performs 60% as well
as something else that I could have bought.
Like I done goofed.
I done goofed and you guys are going to find this super hilarious, I'm sure.
People love that stuff.
Yeah, you guys are going to find this like super hilarious for sure because the machine
or machines in question were actually the subject of multi-part videos previously on
the channel and are a key component of our editing workflow here at Linus Media Group.
So are you going to have a multi-part video explaining why your previous multi-part video
was bad?
No, I think I'm just going to, I think I'm just going to-
Taren says yes.
No, Taren's wrong.
I think it's just going to be the one video and I'm going to quantify everything that's
Count in chat go, whatever Doritos is Illuminati.
I don't even, I think that there's a cultural gap between me and Twitch chat.
Not to like, anyways, my Twitch chat after the WAN show is drastically different than
the WAN show Twitch chat.
So it has far less cancer or more cancer?
Far less.
Far less cancer.
It's like slow.
It's a slow check is like a fraction of the people are there.
But then like, they're like talking about computer topics and like everyone's on point.
Like when I screw up in the game, there'll be some guy that's like, ha ha.
Then other people will be like, you got it next time and like, it's completely, everyone's
really nice.
You know, you're jinxing it right now though, right?
Like, like, you, you know, what's going to happen in your after party, are you doing
an after party stream tonight?
Yeah, but they'll forget by then.
The internet never forgets.
It's like an elephant.
It depends.
It depends.
The internet both forgets extremely quickly and never forgets because like, Oh yeah, guys,
this game sucked.
Let's never pre-order another game.
Whoa, this new game looks really cool.
Call of duty.
Is it with old guns this time?
Hey, no one's told us anything really about no man's sky.
Let's all pre-order.
Um, all right, so we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today.
I feel like, I feel like, okay.
I feel like two things.
One, I feel like the WAN show is going to have as its first primary topic from now until
early 2017 when it launches some kind of news about AMD Zen.
And number two is I'm feeling the battered wife syndrome a little bit right now because
this is how AMD behaved every other time they launched something that was unexceptional.
The hype train for Zen is so strong between the leaks and the leaks, like the actual leaks
and the ones where AMD is just like, you want to see, you want to see one benchmark?
Can I just see one benchmark between the two?
I didn't show the nip.
I didn't show the nip.
I just, I just, I was teasing her nip.
I wasn't showing the, he actually even like covered it so that he could, I could not get
kicked off of Twitch for that unless Twitch altered their rules to be like, don't be weird,
but they would ban everyone.
Everyone's gone.
Everyone in the chat.
You're gone.
The entire creative section just like implodes immediately.
Half the staff gone.
So we've got some more news about Zen.
We've also got what's inside Microsoft's HoloLens and how it works.
No, this is not a video where, you know, my buddy cuts open the HoloLens.
I actually met the what's inside guy, I tell you that.
I think buddy is a strong word, but I met him.
Met him once.
I haven't met his son though.
You can now say that you are deep friends.
Deep friends.
I can now say that I know an internet celebrity.
What else you got for topics?
I do too.
I've met day nine before.
Dagger right through my heart.
That was actually a really cool moment.
Anyways, we also have PCI express 4.0, which brings 16 or well, okay.
The main part that I like is 300 Watts at the slot or not like the main interesting
I don't know that I like that.
I'm doing my, I'm doing my PCI express 4.0 excitement dance.
You like the 300 Watts thing?
He just wants to dance.
I think at this point also, MIT discovers a cleaner or efficient smelting process, which
is actually really cool.
I don't know if that's like super directly related to what we normally talk about.
I think that's it for full info about what, what is this?
What does this even mean?
I guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out.
If you want to know about the company, like who the CEO is, what they're like, the mission
statement is and stuff, go to cooler and click the hopefully exists about us button.
If they were smarter, they would have just named the company after the CEO.
And then you wouldn't even have to go to the website to know the CEO's name.
You would just have to know what the website or the YouTube channel or the Twitter handle
or the Facebook page.
So what if it's Torvalds?
Or what if it's media?
You should legally change your last name to Linus media, change your middle name to tech.
Linus tech media group, Sebastian hoe, there you go.
Add them all in there.
All right.
What are we talking about?
I don't even, I don't even know.
I feel like this week has just been crazy.
Like I filmed six videos this week.
We're trying to, we're trying to build up a buffer for when, as some of you know, I'm
having another small human joined my family very, very shortly.
You didn't say you didn't know that.
Oh, I knew that.
Oh, I was like, how did you not know that, you know, that's why we're busting our butts
right now.
So I'll be taking hopefully a few weeks off when that happens close to the end of September.
And the idea is that by that time, Luke and I will have built up enough of a content buffer
that they can get by without me just fine, without missing any of our daily uploads and
without Luke being at the office literally 16 hours a day.
Like I'm pretty sure was the case last time I tried to go anywhere or do anything.
It's both double shifts.
I mean, I was two people that was, I mean, okay.
That was also a particularly horrible situation because that was right.
So aside from trying to create a buffer for me to be gone, we were creating the buffer
to launch vessel.
And during that, while you were gone, we launched a vessel and I had to do like, Oh yeah, tons
of stuff for that.
Let's just say not everyone was happy about the vessel launch and someone had to do damn
much control.
And my internet, we could go back and find the tweets of my internet.
It wasn't just me to be clear.
Just like Nick light was huge during that.
If anyone was on the forums, you're going to go after his weight when you're trying
to be nice to him, he was servicing questions.
Oh God.
She's been taking shots at me for being old.
Which is something I have less control over.
You know, you didn't even call out that it was like your birthday, really?
Oh no, not really.
You had the cake there, but you didn't talk about it.
Oh yeah.
I had cake.
I forgot to eat it.
And it was like out in the hot warehouse the whole time we were on wench.
I was just like, Nope, this is awful.
Well, it had that stuff.
Fondant should be banned.
Fondant should be not allowed.
It shouldn't be called food.
Because it's awful.
I mean, with that said plasticine material, two, two of the most memorable cakes I've
ever had were made out of fondant.
There was the Noctua fan from the, uh, from the forum guys.
And then there was the TV cake fans of the one TV cake.
It had a TV on top.
I don't know if he looked that closely.
It was from LG.
Oh, you know those guys.
They're just like, they're crazy.
If they can make a Linus from something, they seem to just do it.
Like a box of cake.
I actually still have all those socks.
I, I, I part of me wants to wear, well, they're, it's funny because they're like thin, they're
like dress socks, but they're hideous.
So I'm kind of sitting here going, what are you, where did they find you?
What are you for?
What do you do?
I pass butter.
Oh, you pass butter.
That's a conversation actually goes the other way.
It's like, what do I do?
It says you pass butter.
Oh God.
It's from Rick and Morty.
Don't worry about it.
All right.
So our original article here is from extreme tech.
It's like tech, but extreme.
We should change it to like Linus extreme tech tips, Linus tech tips, extreme tech tip
media, extreme Linus, more Linus than you can handle.
All right.
So basically in a nutshell, AMD unveiled some information at hot chips about the upcoming
Zen CPU core and architecture.
Zen's design goals are to intelligently share resources between CPU cores while simultaneously
hitting higher frequencies and higher execution efficiencies than AMD's previous CPU core
K 10, which is good because if they had been hoping to hit lower frequencies while not
sharing resources between cores and being less efficient, then that would be a terrible
I'm glad AMD is clarifying these things.
A lot of this stuff is that way.
I mean, I was wondering, I have to confess.
I was wondering like when we went from a, what was that flagship six core that they
actually, they, uh, they replaced with the FX, whatever you can stand.
Can't remember.
You don't have to not be in the camera.
It's fine.
What was it when they introduced a new architecture that was actually clock for clock worse than
the previous one?
I can't, can't remember anymore.
It was 10, 10 90.
I try to not 10 90 T 10 90 T had better IPC than the FX eight core
that followed it.
And I was just kind of like, how did you pull that off?
Um, there's, there's other like relatively like, okay, I hope that would happen considering
you haven't released a processor in this long, like faster L2 cache, faster L3 cache, larger
Two threads per core, which we already knew.
So it'll have not hyper-threading.
Um, what else we got?
Branch mis-predict has been improved.
It's multi-threading just in case you didn't, uh, larger retire eight ops, like the brand
ambiguous term, wide issue point unit and better cache system, lower power, aggressive
clock gating with multi-level regions.
Um, a lot of this is like stuff that too vague is my criticism.
Cause like obviously these things are going to be better.
I would really hope they would be considering you're saying that they're going to compete
with modern Intel processors.
So they would need to be better than what you had before.
So there's a bunch of like slides and stuff if you want to see them.
So why don't you slide, sorry, I'll stop singing that now.
Um, so there you go.
Zen will be really good.
We promise this time.
All right, next up.
This was originally posted on the forum by O P it's me.
Is that their name or is Colton trying to say he would be original poster.
It's probably the person who posted is the name.
All right.
So the original article here is from Tom's hardware, uh, uh, Mike cracking, popping stuff.
Um, fix the mic audio is cracking.
There's like enough people spamming it that it might actually be true or maybe not.
Um, are we just leaning too close to it?
Okay, cause I can like sort of hear it somewhat in my ears.
Um, is it still popping?
If I'm back here?
I don't think so.
Is it popping?
If I'm here?
Not right now.
I mean, I didn't change anything, but that doesn't mean it's completely impossible that
someone came onto the set and moved dials around just because they hate me personally.
I mean, there's enough people working here now that it is possible that even if only
half of them, there's enough people that, you know, someone might, I don't think any,
I don't think anyone who works here hates me, Brandon, you know, I'm not convinced Brandon
can hate.
Yeah, Brandon is not, not a huge fan of a bad SD cards.
All right.
Let's talk.
What's inside.
Oh, I don't know what I had on my screen that whole time.
Well, hopefully nothing incriminating.
What's inside Microsoft's hollow lens and how it works.
Kinda kind of.
So there's an OLED screen, which is not super surprising.
The components of the optical, I've done way too many videos in the last little bit.
The components of the optical system break down into micro display imaging optics, wave
guide, combiner, cool.
And gradings that perform exit people expansion there.
Like the compute inside of it contains a custom main board.
So we're not really going to know what is up with that.
64 gigs of EMMC, two gigs of LPDDR3 RAM.
It's based on X 86 and runs.
So surprisingly windows 10 and as a cherry trail, SOC, wifi, Bluetooth connectivity,
and four microphones, I'm not entirely sure why there's four microphones.
So with a VR head mounted display, you've effectively got two tiny monitors that are
millimeters from your face.
By contrast, the hollow lens spits out a projected image, which is then combined, diffracted
and layered to produce images that you can see within a space.
You have to do that type of projection stuff at least right now in order to create the
hologram like effect.
So right now the hologram like effect can be created several meters away, which is probably
why they do all of these demos like in a house.
You're not going to be, you're not going to be projecting holograms.
You're not going to see Charizard on a mountain.
You laid to like the, the, the Pokemon go trailers.
I thought you said Joan of Arc and I was like, I don't know.
So I had my headphones in cause I was like, usually when I have a wet dream, that's not
how it goes.
I don't think Joan of Arc was a sex symbol.
No, no, no.
I mean it's possible, you know, clone high.
Like if you're really into tunes or whatever, yeah.
What are we talking about?
Apparently clone high.
So there's, there's a sensor bar.
Can you guys wait?
Can we straw poll for a quick second?
Do they know what clone high is?
I, I don't know.
I'd sure I'll drop a straw poll.
Actually you can do them now because we can screen share you, but it's okay.
I'm already doing it.
Clone high.
Turn it.
Okay, here we go.
Let's see what we got.
I just cause like, I really, I wonder now, okay guys, hit that straw poll, hit that straw
I've been wondering lately, like how out of date some of our references might be.
Straw poll.
I know.
I know.
I, I, I am out of date.
Any reference to me feels inherently out of date.
The majority says no.
There are more Trump voters in our audience today than there are.
You said Trump?
I said include turn up.
That definitely peaked a little by the way.
So we have more Trump voters and I thought we didn't have any Trump voters left.
I thought they all hated me either for being Canadian or for that building a computer Trump
themed PC.
I am sort of surprised that didn't like get trending somewhere for political reason.
I am.
I'm a little surprised myself.
That video just largely seemed to have been disliked by everyone.
Trump supporters and non-Trump supporters are like, just like go back to Canadian politics.
Talk about Justin Trudeau boxes and not that many things interesting happened in Canada.
Well, there was elbow gate, which is, you know, I love it.
I think I just got triggered.
All right.
Back to hollow lens.
There's a sensor bar on the hollow lens that's comprised of four environment understanding
cameras, two on each side.
There's a depth camera, an ambient light sensor, and a two megapixel photo slash HD video camera.
Some of these are off the shelf parts while Microsoft built the others.
So when you first said environment understanding cameras, like I get it, but I wasn't shifted
back into talking about the hollow lens yet.
So I thought it was like, they're not environmentally friendly, but they get that they're not environmentally
And it's okay.
Are you getting triggered some more?
Like, is this just, oh dear, no, no, that's fine.
So the environment sensing cameras provide the basis for head tracking, because if you're
going to project images out there, they have to rotate and they have to change in size
according to how you move your head around.
So that's why you need these cameras.
There's a time of flight.
So the time of flight depth cameras serve two roles.
They help with hand tracking and they perform surface reconstruction.
These sensors work with the optics module and the IMU.
So that's pretty cool, I guess.
The word on the street is, cause all of this is just like for us, because we don't have
a unit for us, this is just kind of like, cool.
That sounds like a lot of cool technology.
But the word on the street is Luke might get a chance to try it maybe, which I'm really
interested in because it's another computer on your head thing, right?
Which is like an excessively expensive one, right?
Maybe they'll do it right.
And it's also not trying cause well, the head mounted computer trying to do full VR.
And the head mounted computer too, is not about it not being expensive.
You could build the most expensive head mounted computer and it wouldn't overcome any of the
problems you or I have with it.
The weight, the heat, the size.
It might help those things, but not overcome them.
Wouldn't overcome them for sure.
Whereas this isn't trying to be that.
The projections that it puts in front of you don't need to be rendered on dual GTX Titan
XPs in order for them to look good.
And you don't have to render an entire field of vision scene.
You just have to render parts of it and stuff like it should.
This does make more sense, but it also, since the very beginning, I don't know about you,
but to me has felt like this weird snake oil combination where it has like existed and
not really existed.
And like they, they did this one, like they, they showed it off and then they didn't really
talk about it for a long time and then they don't talk about it for a long time.
And it's just like, what, what is this thing?
It feels kind of like, it feels kind of like, you know, one of those games that's in development
forever where they kind of like, they show off like a working demo at some point.
Really early on?
And then it's like, where did it go?
And then a year later, it's a completely different game because yeah, it's not an RTS anymore.
It's like a, it's a first person shooter now.
Do you remember the presence demo?
I don't know if I showed it to you.
The HoloLens presence demo.
They did this thing where they, they were in two very different rooms, but they put
furniture and stuff in the same locations.
I did see, I did see the presence demo.
I thought you were talking about a game demo.
No, no, no, no, no.
I thought you meant...
Oh, that makes sense.
Did you see the presence demo?
Yeah, I know.
I got you.
But basically what they did...
Is it like Starcraft Ghost?
They made it so that because the furniture was in the same positions and a lot of it
was like dense furniture.
So it wouldn't squish when people sat in it.
But people could sit around in this room and as long as they didn't sit on each other,
because that would be possible.
Or even if they did, I mean, hey, the future is, the future is exciting.
The future is accepting.
So like you could sit in a room and have like, what they were displaying was like a family
gathering with your, with people all over the world and like, that's super, holy crap.
Really cool.
But what they showed it off in was like this incredibly expensive cameras all over the
place, custom room, and you had to have the exact same version of it in multiple places
around the world.
And like this insanely expensive headset and all this kind of stuff.
And then it was like one little demo that like some engineers did in a back room and
then it's just gone.
I'm just like, what?
Like what?
So cool.
Where did it go?
I don't know.
So I would, I would love to see your thoughts or see, hear your thoughts on it.
I could, yeah, it could be both.
We do make videos.
That is sort of a thing that we do.
I really hope we get to check it out cause I'm rather excited.
All right.
Speaking of things that I am excited about, the OP is, it's me.
I'll share the link.
And the original article is from Tom's hardware, PCI express 4.0 because I was really feeling
like PCI express 3.0 was just not web 2.0 enough.
Were you?
From a consumer standpoint, actually no, no, I'm not feeling like that at all.
I feel like if anything, this is going to be completely meaningless for the general
We're already at the point where unless you're running more than two graphics cards in SLR
or crossfire, there is almost nothing you could put in your computer that would give
you any reason to need more than the PCI express bandwidth that's already available on Intel's
mainstream platform, let alone on the enthusiast LGA 2011 three X 99 platform.
So that's 20 PCI slots of which four are handled through a DMI, I think it's called whatever
the replacement for the south bridge is, the system, whatever, anyway.
Words fail me, doesn't happen often.
But for like enterprise customers where basically they can't have enough high speed connectivity
to the CPU, this I guess will be very cool.
I guess it'll also enable faster SSDs, so NVMe PCI express SSDs because even with, maybe
it doesn't matter that you can have a PCIe gen four 16X slot, maybe it's more important
that your 2X slot on your laptop can do like double the bandwidth to an NVMe SSD that it
used to be able to do, maybe we'll see an impact there.
Although quite frankly, it's been a long time since I've really felt like a faster SSD makes
a huge difference to the day to day use of my computer.
I think you were running an OCZ Octane until like six months ago, which was like a SATA
2 SSD.
And now I literally don't even know the name of my SSD and it's fine.
Like I was talking to Anthony from NCIX the other day, he's trying to upgrade his X 79
to X 99 because he wants to run NVMe and I was just like, it is fast.
And if you put them beside each other, you can tell, you can tell, but it's not like
the, it's not like the moment that I had, you know, like, like, like moment that I had
when I first installed a dual core processor in my machine or the first time you ever installed
an SSD or the first time I installed an SSD, those were like, wow, this is a new generation
of computing.
Um, then when I put that Athlon 64 X to 4,400 plus still the most expensive single component
I have spent my own money on, I paid like 800 plus dollars for a CPU, but it was relatively
speaking worth it sort of because it was very different than any other experience you have.
I just don't feel that way about NVMe SSDs.
Um, and anyway, I guess we could tell you the glass kind of, wow, this is beautiful
combination of getting a ridiculously good monitor.
That's like the say the 165 Hertz Asus.
Remember the first time you tried that and you're like, whoa, you combine that and like
an NVMe drive and like that kind of tier high end system, you can feel it and it's nice
because everything is just, but it's not the same.
It's not quite like that.
And you know what, actually I would say that a high refresh rate ultra wide monitor was
probably a similar experience for me.
I know you don't necessarily buy into the ultra wide, but for productivity, I really
like my ultra ride for work here.
I don't know if I'd want one at home.
If I did want one at home, it would go over and tilt down above other monitors and I would
put like chats up there and web browsing stuff cause I like doing productivity stuff on them.
Not a huge fan of gaming on ultra wise.
Watching YouTube videos on ultra wide is sweet.
There's a new one coming.
LG has a 38 inch ultra wide coming that is a 1600 vertical by whatever that works out
to horizontally.
I'm actually going to be doing a review of it soon.
It looks pretty beastly.
I don't know if it's going to make, I don't know what 38 inches is going to kind of feel
like right in front of my face.
You know, that's a lot of inches in my face, but we'll see.
Maybe I can handle it.
So we haven't actually said anything about PCI express 4.0.
So it's 16 giga transfers per second.
The through the slot power is still 75 Watts.
Same as always.
The final specification should come by the end of 2016.
They are days away from releasing version 0.7 of the specification to the 730 paying
members that provide input and a board of directors to help the process.
And it will double the bandwidth per lane compared to what we've seen before.
So here's a screenshot showing once it loads, the bandwidth of the previous PCI express
I think poor, poor, Oh yeah, there it goes.
Poor server.
It's just struggling a little bit there.
So there you go.
It didn't quite double from, so, so gen one to two doubled, gen two to gen three didn't
quite double, but we are actually getting, it looks like straight up doubling again this
So what that means is you could do 31.5 gigabytes per second through a PCI 16X slot, which is,
which is great.
Maybe we'll, maybe we can do away with the external SLI bridge now.
Maybe in video.
Maybe we could.
So they could even, they could even, they could even do something at that point where
if you had two, maybe if you had two 16X slots, they could allow it or something.
The GPU's could use the first eight lanes and the, and the SLI communication could be
on the other eight lanes.
Like, I don't know, maybe I'm just totally being ignorant here.
Some of the reason why they don't like it is interference in crosstalk.
If Colton, if Colton did this screenshot, then he gets to be yelled at because he left
his cursor on one of the data points for the new spec.
That's okay.
We love you Colton.
It's 16.
So there you have it though.
With a single 1X or 2X slot, you could do two gigabytes or four gigabytes per second
of bandwidth to something like an NVMe SSD, which is, which is I guess good, you know.
Here we go.
So they've also got some suggestions as to sort of why they think this matters.
So use cases, chip to chip connection, you can reduce power and real estate with extendable
design features and power management capabilities, M.2, scalable performance for power constrained
mobile platforms, U.2, so this would be the, that's that like server connector where you
can connect SSD storage in like a, more like a rack mount case and then use cables to get
off the motherboard with it, and PCI express cards, so high bandwidth functionality for
internet of things appliances like HD video streaming apps, high frequency sensor data
and automation controls.
So nowhere in there does it say graphics cards will suddenly be faster because PCI express
4.0, but that's not going to stop them from cramming it down our throats as a selling
Now we should probably skip this topic.
I've read over it and then we should go to Android 7.0.
All right, let's talk nougat.
So this was posted by Trixanity on the forum.
The original article here is from Anon Tech.
I don't think I've ever read anything by Matt Hummerick on Anon Tech before, but Android
nougat is here.
So there's like some, I actually filmed a tech quickie as fast as possible.
You know, these ones always get me, but like, dude, you won't believe these animals are
Half the time they're not real by the way.
Don't get drawn into it.
They're real drawings.
They're real photoshops.
Anyways, it started rolling out as of August 22nd, so like four days ago or something.
It will begin rolling out on Nexus devices in the next few weeks, including Nexus 5X,
6P69 player, Pixel C tablet, general mobile 4G.
Anyways, the Nexus 5 and 7 2013 are not eligible for this update.
LG V20 will be the first new device that will ship with nougat pre-installed.
Samsung's president of mobile stated that an update should come to the Note 7 in perhaps
the next two to three months.
How long ago did you film your thing?
The Note 7?
No, this video.
Tech quickie.
So coming soon.
Coming soon to a tech quickie near you.
But some of the nougat features that we're highlighting here are split screen mode.
This is something that has already existed on some vendors, custom versions of Android.
Just going to say.
So Samsung has had this for quite some time, although, and this is something that I did
bring up in my Note 7 review.
It doesn't work across the board.
Like here's a key application that Samsung split screen doesn't work with, Google sheets.
Oh, no way.
Like I can.
So I mean, that was, that was kind of the first time when I was working on my review
when I went, gee, I really need to use split screen right now because I was filling out
a prop sheet and doing internet research on like funny camping things.
And I was copying, pasting links and I was like, Oh yeah, cool that, Oh wait, no.
So the app support is quite limited.
If it is natively supported in Android, I would hope that app support would be quite
a bit broader.
Double tapping the most recently used apps button now switches between your last app
and the current one, which is really nice because that, and this kind of ties into another
comment from my Note 7 review, which I think went up on vessel last night where I was talking
about the stylus on the notes that this is not a Note 7, just to be clear.
This is the Moto Z force droid thing.
But anyway, the stylus has a feature called glance where there's a little, a little minimized
icon in the bottom corner that you can hover over to quickly look between two apps.
And I was like, that sounds pretty cool, right?
Except that it's faster to just use your multitask button and switch between them because of
the delay when you hover.
But if it was a shorter delay, then it just wouldn't work very well because every time
you accidentally move the pen, anyway.
So this makes that even less relevant now because now you can just double tap that button
and it'll go right to the last app you're using.
So when you're quickly switching between things to refer back to them, this could be very
So I'm really excited about that.
There's now the ability to bundle notifications together, and this isn't in our notes, but
it was in John's script, so I'm going to assume that it's correct.
Also the ability to expand your notifications and address them individually.
Oh, thank goodness.
Because, okay, this is something that's been pissing me off with Twitter for so long.
You'll get like, this person followed you and then someone that you're following retweeted
something of yours.
I'm like, I want to click on that person's profile to figure out who they are that just
followed me because if you ever get a notification that someone followed you, they're probably
somebody important or something.
Or it's one of those people that just like 95 million followers and 95 million people
that they followed.
And it's like, oh, okay, sure.
Anyways, and you can't because you click on it and the app just gets confused and then
it dumps you somewhere.
With that said, I have very little faith that any of this is going to improve Twitter because
there's plenty of stuff that is perfectly not broken on Android but is still very broken
on Twitter.
You know, they released that like anyone can apply for official status thing.
Did you apply?
They denied John.
They didn't deny me.
They just refused to respond.
I've done it like three or four times.
I tried to apply and the form just didn't work in multiple browsers on multiple occasions.
I filled out the whole form.
That's what happened the first couple of times.
I tried to upload.
You have to upload a thing, I think.
So I kept trying to upload and the uploader just wouldn't work.
So I was just like, okay, it's really not that important to me.
So yeah, fine.
My only thing is there's like, and you're going to get this with your new account too.
There's a lot of imposter accounts.
There was some guy who was not retweeting, manually tweeting all of the same tweets that
I had.
And then filtering in like super ultra aggressive religious messages in between them.
And like he had the exact same photo as me, exact same cover photo, all the same pictures
that I would post up.
He would post like everything.
I mean that takes a significant amount of dedication.
It was a lot of work.
And then yeah, religious messages filtered in between.
What a weird thing to work on.
I know.
I mean everybody needs a hobby and I get that and you know, they verified that I was real
and banned him really fast and but they don't want to give you continued to not respond
about being official.
And I'm like, if this is a problem, you should probably just give me an official tag.
So this is easier because once you're official, if you report someone as a imposter or whatever,
you don't have to go through as big of a process.
Oh really?
I didn't know that.
It's more refined.
Because they like know that you're actually the right one because I had to go through
the process and find that I was the one that wasn't the imposter.
Apparently the audio crackle is back.
I wonder if like the microphone is overheating or something.
It's really hot.
Honestly, it wouldn't even surprise me.
It's like 33 degrees out there or something like that.
And like the warehouse with the lights and the, you know, stardom.
Neither of us have official tags, the stardom.
Well, all right.
So the original article here was posted by Patrick 3027 on the forum and it's from
Could it be bendgate all over again?
No because the design defect actually has nothing to do with bending, but you can see
this gray flickering bar across the top of this iPhone is a classic symptom of a problem
that repair pros are seeing more and more in iPhone six and iPhone six plus devices.
And it basically causes the touch screen to be unresponsive.
And the weird thing about this is that it has taken until now for lots of repair shops
to experience this influx of faulty iPhones with exactly the same problem.
Now replacing the touch screen actually doesn't fix it.
The gray bar eventually shows back up on the new screen as well.
It's actually the two touch screen controller chips or the touch IC chips on the board inside
the phone that are causing the issue.
Apple hasn't addressed the issue and their in-house teams cannot fix it.
So third party micro soldering specialists.
It's funny.
This, our notes say-
This is really funny.
It's actually mostly unauthorized to do Apple repairs because Apple doesn't authorize third
parties, even in cases where there literally isn't an Apple store within driving distance.
Like you would have to get on a plane to go to an Apple store.
So unauthorized Apple repair people have been helping to fix people's phones, but right
now it looks like that's about all that you've got going for yourself.
The good news is that Apple will have to respond to this because literally every single iPhone
6 or 6 Plus is within its warranty period right now, unless you've done something to
physically damage it outside of this going wrong with it.
So let's hope that they do something, though I don't know what that would be.
All right, this next topic is pretty fun.
This is posted by numlock21 on the forum.
The original article here is from Polygon.
South Park, the fractured buttholes, fart-smelling peripheral is a thing.
There you have it.
This is the Nostulous Rift, which is of course a play on Oculus and Nostril.
That's about it.
I don't even know what else to say, other than someone tried it and apparently it's
very pungent.
Yeah, the sole purpose of this peripheral is to deliver a potent fart smell during specific
in-game moments.
I think the jokes pretty much write themselves here, but the developer of this peripheral
is Ubisoft.
So the obvious one is we tried the Nostulous Rift, Ubisoft's latest release, we couldn't
tell the difference between it and any of their other releases.
Which isn't fair because they haven't been that bad lately, but who has the guts to make
a gaming device that just smells bad, that just smells like ass gas.
So farting is a key component in South Park, the fractured butthole, and it's a command
that you can use any time with a button press.
And then after you fart in-game, the Nostulous floods with a smell that only gets stronger
as you progress.
It comes from oils within the device.
It's really gross.
And here is a picture of what it looks like when you wear it.
I'm not sure if I'm excited about the New South Park game, I really enjoyed Stick of
Truth a lot, but like so many brands that work through third party game developers,
they made a game that was good, and my understanding is there were some difficulties throughout
the development process, I get that, but they made a game, it was successful, and then they
completely changed the developer and are making a very different game, yeah it's not the same
It's not Ubi?
I don't, no no, like the actual game studio that's making it, yeah.
Ohhhh, that's still a nightmare.
So it's one of those things where it's like you have changed literally everything about
it, so yeah.
Don't pre-order things anyways, but especially don't pre-order this.
Yeah, I really do want to play it though, if it gets good reviews, I'll get it, I'll
play it.
Alright, next article, this was originally posted by Good Bytes, that guy can post pretty
much anything about Microsoft on the forum, and I won't be surprised.
All I want for Christmas is an Xbox onesie.
Is he being paid off to sell onesies?
Yeah, I don't think so.
What he might be, they're only being sold on Australia, what if Microsoft is trying
to take over the Australian onesie market?
It comes in both black and white, the features are highlighted in Microsoft's press release,
and large pockets to fit your Xbox controller and media remotes, it has an arm pouch to
offer quick and easy access to your mobile phone, it has rollable legs and arms to cater
to all temperatures and seasons, it has forearm grips to prevent slipping on those edge of
your seat moments, it has an extra large hood to accommodate headsets for the ultimate gaming
session, and customized gamertag embroidery.
Should I go get our Nvidia onesie?
I will be right back.
I will return in the meantime if you want to talk about manbang or something else.
What the crap?
Okay, we are going to talk about this.
Don't forget, you can screen share, you just have to click your thing.
Right, give me one second guys, hold up, post it in there, now it's in the chat, you guys
can investigate manbang with me.
I have never heard of this manbang, I think I'm using the wrong mouse, where's my screen?
There we go.
Alright, so it's out of the Nissan thing.
North Korea's manbang is a state approved streaming service, why did they call it manbang?
Could one of them have looked into this?
So one of my first questions that's going to arise here is like, as far as I've heard,
almost no one in North Korea has the North Korean version of the internet, so I'm not
sure how this is going to work.
It says, you can't watch Netflix in North Korea, thanks Engadget, but the Democratic
People's Republic now has something at least, manbang, a state approved set box that streams
live TV or on demand video, okay.
So really the only interesting thing about this article is the name manbang.
Here's a video.
I have no idea how loud this is, so I'm just going to mute it.
I'm also going to mute this.
There you go.
So here come the shill comments.
It's very subtle actually, just a little Nvidia logo.
I guess I could switch to this and then that might make more sense.
A little Nvidia logo on the arm there.
I actually don't know exactly how the Snuggie is supposed to work, like is it supposed to
kind of be like a ninja thing or like, oh wow.
But it has pockets in the front.
The unipouch?
It's hard to tell.
So kind of do that.
Well, you can tell that my hands disappear.
See, they're like boom.
That's true.
See the hands?
No hands.
It's like anti-aliasing.
Oh, nice.
Or something.
There you go.
Sort of.
This is freaking warm.
Check this out real quick.
I want to show you this really cool video effect that they use in the manbang video.
Watch this.
Holy crap.
Now that's a transition.
I think we need to start talking to Taran and Ed about rolling that out on the channel.
I think we should start using that for every transition.
Imagine every single time we went from product to host, it was like, whoa, boom.
Here's your host.
You have to warp through space and time, and then there's this crazy fuzzy effect.
Why is the...
I don't know.
Why do they...
I mean, we've seen that before when there's condensation inside the waterproof housing
for a GoPro.
We've seen that weird blurry effect around the outside of the frame, but...
Oh, no.
Original article here is from Ars Technica.
McDonald's recalls Happy Meal fitness trackers after they injure children.
So they recalled millions of wristband toys amid reports of blistering.
Now, this is a case of...
I have this conversation with my wife all the time.
English is not her first language, although she speaks it mostly natively, but there are
certain things that she's picked up, particularly from her parents, where she doesn't really
seem to understand the importance of the different meanings that words have.
Like injure.
But I'll give some other examples first.
So she'll tell me, go up in the house, I left my keys on the table.
I will go to the house and I will look on every single table in the house and they will
not be there.
I will then run back down the stairs and I'll say, they're not there.
Where are they?
And she'll say, they're on the table.
I'll say, come show me.
It turns out they're on the counter, which is not a table.
Another perfect example.
The cat scratched the kid and now she has a scar.
And I go, what?
It turns out she means scratch, which is not the same as scar.
Scar is permanent.
Scratch is a mark.
It goes away.
So in much the same way that a table is not a counter or vice versa, an injury is not
a blister and vice versa.
And the difference between after like hurting kids, hurting kids is a very broad definition.
Anything could be hurting kids.
That could be all the way from the sun.
Yeah, yes.
But injuring children implies that they like can't do anything.
The dietary properties of McDonald's food could be hurting kids.
Anyway, so the devices were found to burn and irritate kids' skin.
So far there have been 70 reports of injuries from the colorful gadgets.
So apparently you can return it to the restaurant in exchange for another toy, a tube of yogurt
or apple slices.
So at least there's that.
Apparently there's a US Senator suggesting that swapping college instructors for videos
could be a good idea.
Directly calling out the higher education system as a cartel and suggesting that colleges
could cut the number of instructors and increase the use of online videos.
I guess this is trying to lay the groundwork for some of the discussion that mostly seems
to stem from the Bernie Sanders campaign around post-secondary education should be free.
I guess we're now laying the groundwork for what you should actually get for free.
It should be video courses.
I guess, yeah.
Being able to have office hours and being able to ask questions is rather important.
Yeah, I really don't think the point that the Democrats were trying to make is that
the entire US higher education system should be changed and then be free.
I think they were trying to say what we have, which is fairly well regarded with many of
the world's most prestigious schools being in the United States, that should be accessible
to everyone.
And I'm not getting involved in that debate.
I paid for university.
I was able to make that work even without an amazing job by being entrepreneurial and
stuff like that.
I think there are ways to do it.
I think it's great that people in lower income brackets than me are able to get bursaries
and are able to make that work.
I think the system could be better, but I'm not necessarily saying.
I think that it's everyone's right to go to university for absolutely nothing and thinking
there's possibly a middle ground, but I do think it should be accessible to everyone.
Whether that means that you have 10 years to pay back your loans or whether that means
that the costs are significantly reduced, I don't know what the answer is.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I'm just saying I don't think the answer is making it free and significantly reducing
the staffing of universities and colleges.
I really don't think that was the point.
Pizza drone deliveries start testing in New Zealand.
The drone delivery stuff is interesting because we were talking about this how many years
ago did we start talking about this?
One and a half?
Something like that?
Yeah, something like that.
It's been a while.
And they're still kind of going along.
And one thing that we said back then is that this wasn't going to happen now and that it
was probably going to happen later on down the line and whatnot.
And there's a video here, which you can check out.
I can't imagine your pizza wouldn't be cold by the time it arrived if it was delivered
by drone.
Like I'm just pointing out sort of- Why?
Well, I don't know.
If that's a relatively thermally sealed box, it might get there faster than a car.
Sometimes you throw it in a car and it's going to be in the car for a while before it gets
to the destination.
That's true, but it's going to have to be pretty sealed because you literally are blowing
four fans very forcefully at it.
Whereas most of the time when I see the driver come out of their car, they're keeping it
in that thermal bag against the seat where you're going to lose a little bit of heat,
but not too much.
I mean, these guys look like it's super delicious.
They're all nodding.
The pizza did arrive by drone.
Here you go.
Who knows though?
That is interesting.
I don't think it's going to matter that much.
Clearly not actors.
Look, it's raining.
Drop fell right in front of the lens.
You just got to do the shoot.
Not a neat pizza, guys.
Not a neat pizza.
This is interesting.
Asrock Rack and Super Micro have announced Xeon Phi systems.
We are actually getting one.
What we're going to do with it, I don't know, but-
Hey, maybe it can solve your balancing-
Oh, give it a rest.
Basically these are a couple of the Super Micro systems that are going to be available.
Xeon Phi is kind of a coprocessor, but it's a little bit different from the first generation
Xeon Phi.
This is the new X200 series, and it's going to be a little bit different in the sense
that you can actually run Windows on it now, so it's not just on a PCI Express card that
you have to add to a system that's running regular Xeons.
Now you can actually just boot a Xeon Phi system, so they're going to have CPUs with
up to 72 cores, and these are based on highly modified Atom Silvermont cores, running it
up to 1.5 gigahertz with up to 36 megs of level two cache, 16 gigs of unpackaged high
performance memory, a six channel DDR4 controller, as well as 36 PCIe 3.0 lanes.
This is going to be an LGA 3647 socket.
So these chips are huge, they're massive, and should be a significant upgrade over the
existing Xeon Phi parts, which only ran over a PCI Express bus like I mentioned before.
It is expected that they will be available in PCI Express form again, but for now they're
going to look like a pretty traditional rack mount server.
I wish we could get a better look at the socket there, so you guys could see, there you go.
So there it is, liquid cooled, don't quote me on this but I want to say like 160 or 185
watt TDP or something like that, oh no here we go, 250 to 260 watt TDPs.
So yeah, liquid cooling, a thing in servers moving forward, and again I have no idea what
we're going to do with it, but apparently Supermicro is planning to send us one.
I don't think we're going to keep it, because we legitimately have zero use for it whatsoever.
We should just do something with it, fold or something.
The thing is that-
Just like immediately bey better than the whole folding team.
The software designed to run on it has to be designed to run on it, even though it is
sort of x86.
That's also totally fair.
Like I still haven't had my briefing on it yet, I've only done a little bit of like cursory
research myself, and it's not very clear exactly what a general consumer could possibly hope
to get out of it.
Probably nothing.
Okay, but there are things that there's more than nothing that consumers could expect to
get out of.
IOP finally has M.2 SSDs, freaking finally.
So the 600p series has been announced in capacities of up to one terabyte.
So these are for the mainstream market, these are not a 950 Pro competitor, but with that
said, they still are going to outperform a SATA-based SSD fairly substantially, with
sequential reads in the neighborhood of up to two gigabytes per second, and random read
IOPs well over 100k, 155k in random write IOPs, actually more difficult, are at 128k.
So we're looking at better than SATA-3 pretty much across the board, although reviews are
still pending on this one, so I don't really have anything to say other than that.
And I guess that's pretty much all that I have.
One more thing.
Scroll down a little bit.
A little bit more.
A little bit more.
A little bit more.
The PlayStation Now coming to PC.
Okay, this was at the very bottom of the dock.
I did not see this.
Definitely should have been in the first three or four topics.
You better cover this.
So I only know a few things, because also very bottom of the dock, just saw it.
The PlayStation Now streaming ecosystem, which I just looked at, is coming to PC and includes
a huge list of games.
It's actually rather massive.
I'm not even just saying that.
That's incredible.
The full list of subscription games is like, here, switch to my screen for a second.
Oh, yeah, cool.
This is the full list of subscription games.
If you like Bioshock, there's Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite.
You immediately get a really substantial library of games for not even that much money.
All the God of Wars, all this different stuff.
What's the monthly fee?
Start your seven-day trial.
One month for 20 bucks, three months for $44.99.
That is substantially more expensive than GeForce Now.
But more titles, right?
Just having a look at the titles available on GeForce Now, though, here.
Oh, man, isn't this great how we can both be looking at different things?
So part of the problem with GeForce Now is that a lot of the games are just the same
And video's trying to sell it based on you don't have to buy a video card.
So they're eating up your video card budget.
Whereas it looks like Sony is going after your game budget.
So it's a different kind of approach.
So you can see a lot of these are paid games.
Paid, paid, I clicked on something, sorry.
So the actual ones that are included with your membership are like mostly older titles.
Last gen.
Yep, Saints Row IV, Last gen or a couple of gens, Grid Autosport, Street Fighter IV, Arkham
Original Borderlands.
Yeah, Borderlands 1, Dark Siders, Dark Siders 2, Devil May Cry 4, Fear 3.
Whereas Sony's library looks more competitive for a couple of reasons.
Number one is there are some more modern games in it, and I think they're getting around
this with that substantially higher subscription fee.
As well as the fact that Sony's library of exclusive titles spans back three generations
of some pretty freaking amazing games.
I'm replaying Final Fantasy Tactics right now because if you're willing to forgive some
of the utterly game breaking issues with it, it is a great, great turn based game.
The story is completely unintelligible as far as I can tell.
There's like suspenseful moments where you're like, oh yeah, that guy's bad and we hate
Let's kill him.
You can kind of get into it a bit.
But the lore is very poorly constructed, especially at the beginning.
I wouldn't blame you for having absolutely no idea what's going on.
And the sponsors, we haven't talked about at all.
So iFixit has an offer code WAN that will let you save $5 off a purchase.
A purchase of $10 or more.
And iFixit, this isn't a service that they offer unfortunately, because it's the coolest
thing ever.
But I want to give them a huge shout out for providing our office with all these embroidered
ProTech toolkits, the latest version of the ProTech toolkit.
I have one that says Linus, Luke has one that says Luke, John has one that says Writer,
so he's replaceable.
No, it says John, so they sent us all these kits.
And the funny thing about it is they were like, do not show the old kits on camera anymore.
We are sending you literally a dozen of the new kits.
Do not use the old kits.
But the thing is, is that while the old kit is not as good in some fairly significant
ways, mine is still in perfect condition and works great.
I have had no desire whatsoever to use the lifetime warranty that they provide on their
tools, but the new kit is better.
It comes with 10 more drivers for the screwdriver kit.
It has this handy dandy magnetic release system.
And the lid is released, so you can kind of use it as a parts tray, which is pretty cool.
So the lid is magnetic as well.
And it has all these little dividing things in it that I totally use as a parts tray,
even though I'm actually not sure if that was what they intended.
The driver is significantly upgraded.
It has like a grippy part on it now, so you can get way, way more torque.
Which was a problem before.
And it has this handy spinning part on the top.
I don't know if you guys can see that this is spinning.
But that makes it, so you can hold that in your hand, and you can spin the knurled part
right here.
Like there's a few ergonomic improvements that actually make a very significant difference.
It also comes with more general parts, suction cups, and more plier pieces and stuff like
Okay, the plastic, like Mac tools is what I used to call them.
They have a better name than that.
But these are significantly improved as well.
You can just bend them in half.
I don't want to do it, because someone did it for me before.
And Daris was just like, and I was like, oh, why did you do that?
And he's like, look, because it's still perfect.
Can I do it?
And see, it just like bounces back.
I was like, oh, that's cool.
And the ends are much more durable now, because I used to love those things, but they had
like a lifespan.
Because the more and more you use them, the more chewed up the ends would get.
Anyway, iFixit tools are the bomb.
And if you use offer code WAN, you can save five bucks off a purchase of $10 or more if
you don't have an iFixit kit.
And any mobile device needs a repair in your house.
I can tell you right now, the math that I did is fairly simple.
I can pay someone the amount it would cost me for an iFixit kit to repair this once.
Or I can buy an iFixit kit now, and I can do all my own repairs in the future.
And since then, I've done everything from taking apart an iMac to repairing my old iPhone
4, putting in a new home button so that I can continue to use it as an MP3 player, like
a throwaway device that I don't care about when I'm on trips or whatever the case may
So highly recommended.
And that one was like a $6 part on eBay.
So just sitting.
And personally, I find repairing small electronics kind of therapeutic.
So I just kind of sat and chilled for an hour, replaced my home button, and it cost me nothing.
Except like $6.
And the iFixit kit once.
All right, our next one, and I have no idea what the bullet points are for this, Cooler
Master is sponsoring the WAN Show.
And you can learn more about why at
Because I sure don't know.
It's the Maker 5.
Oh, it's the Master Case Maker 5 again.
Oh, good.
The Master Case Maker 5 gives you the freedom to build your case the way you will with a
variety of modular parts.
I actually forget the pre-roll spot.
I haven't done it in a little while.
No, that was it, wasn't it?
Was it?
Hold on.
The Master Case Maker 5 gives you the freedom to make your mid-tower PC case your own with
a variety of...
With the Freeform modular system.
Oh, right, with the Freeform modular system.
With a variety of...
With the Freeform...
A variety of parts and accessories.
With a variety of parts and accessories.
Okay, let's just screen share here.
All right, Master Case Maker 5.
There it is, guys.
The Master Case Maker 5, the case that we have probably talked about more than any...
There it is.
The Freeform modular system.
There's actually some pretty cool stuff about it.
So the fact that you can...
Here, this is cool.
So you can design stuff yourself.
They've actually got 3D graphics files for external modularity to customize or accessorize.
So you can download those.
They actually have a store that you can find...
Where is it?
Is it under modding?
Or is it under...
Okay, I'm not sure where it is.
We've talked about it before.
But they have a store where you can actually buy third-party Maker-inspired and Maker-designed
and Maker-made accessories for the Master Case series.
Here it is.
Maker-master accessories and Maker-made accessories.
Some of these are pretty cool.
They were showing off some primo-chill ones back at...
I think it was CES.
So I was just like, oh yeah, okay.
That's pretty neat.
Those guys are cool.
And of course, their site, it takes a long time to load because that's how it is.
We'll actually try and show anything.
You guys are probably all over there right now or something.
So I guess that's pretty much it.
Check them out at the link in the video description.
And I will go ahead and copy that link into the chat for you guys.
Did Nick message you that we had forgotten the sponsor spots were late?
Oh, okay.
Good job.
Someone in the Twitch chat did.
We should hire them.
That's now the hiring metrics?
Have you ever been in the WAN Show chat?
Have you ever reminded us of our sponsor spots?
Oh, okay.
I think we're gonna have to talk to you later.
Yeah, but if they yell at us for being late, then it cancels it out.
All right.
So thank you guys for watching the WAN Show.
The overheated show.
Do we need a fan for our microphone?
I don't know.
I don't understand what to do at this point anymore.
That'll make it...
Putting a fan on.
You don't wanna put a fan on a mic.
We need to water cool it.
We could water cool the microphone.
I wonder if we could do that.
We could move the fan somewhere else.
It would be just one of those totally stupid projects, but that I'm sure you guys would
I'd watch that.
Water cool your desktop microphone.
Just out of curiosity, you could probably actually do it relatively easily.
We could even just wrap some kind of conductive tubing around it.
It would have to be custom loop style where the pump is far away though.
You put the pump under the desk.
A nice quiet pump under the desk.
I think you'd be fine.
Vibration isolation.
Like some kind of like a thick...
Rubbery microphone thing of some kind.
Some kind of silicone thing.
I think I could work in like a radiator, just like mounted to the bottom of the desk.
Speaking of desks, this has been a long time coming, but there will be a new desk PC build
on Linus Tech Tips, and it is gonna be better than every other desk PC you've ever seen.
Not because it looks more impressive, not because the hardware is higher end, not because
it has like hard line, water cooling, or anything like that.
It will be the best because it will be super cheap and still look pretty cool.
Because most desk PC builds are like excessively expensive.
I like that angle.
And like to replicate them, you would need like an entire well-equipped shop.
This one literally doesn't have a single glue, or excuse me, a single nail or screw in it.
You can build the entire desk PC with a single sheet of MDF and glue.
Well, the computer would have screws in it.
Ha ha.
But the purpose of the desk...
The purpose of the desk PC is that you can build it for less than you'd pay for like
an enthusiast grade case.
That's pretty wicked.
So it should be pretty cool.
I'm pretty excited about it.
It is pretty wicked.
I mean, okay.
To be clear, the hardware inside it is going to be baller AF because it's a showcase build.
Like if I go and put like an MATX motherboard in like one hard drive in an entire desk PC.
I got so much shit because I released that video about how high end power supplies, or
like really, really, really high wattage power supplies are stupid.
And then the very next build that came out had like a 1200 watt power supply in it.
The only reason why I did that was because it looks nice and it came with, it already
had the nice cables plugged into it.
That computer turned on like maybe once for B-roll.
But like the comment section, oh man, people were like, how could you make a video about
Then make this computer.
I'm like, I'm not suggesting you put these parts in this case.
I was just reviewing the case.
We're just revealing a case.
It legitimately doesn't matter what power supply we put in it.
Not at all.
It was literally just laying there.
You know, what was my other favorite, like top comment on that video was the people being
like, well, actually they're not stupid because my triple R9 290 build actually like draws
almost that much.
I'm sorry, but why did you buy triple 290 high wattage power supplies?
Don't make sense for any other configuration of hardware that would have made sense.
I can build a computer that can max out a 1200 or even a 1500 watt power supply and
seven gamers, literally in the intro, seven gamers, one CPU was that computer.
It actually drew like 1500 Watts from the wall, but it was stupid and that makes sense
and nobody should have built it.
It was a cool experiment.
It definitely was a cool experiment.
I don't understand why anyone built a multi, what, what, what architecture was that?
That was Hawaii.
Oh, I think so.
I don't understand why anyone built a multi Hawaii crossfire system.
Unless you were going to water cool it maybe and like hang the radiator out the window
or put it on your roof, but we all know how that ends up.
Anyways, all right, so I'm done.
Thank you for tuning into the show.
It's been a great, great time.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
Is that joke ever going to get old?
Someone in, I guess people have to get it for it to be old.
Someone in my chat again thought you were saying batch, same batch time, same batch
Nope, that's wrong.