
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

what is up everyone and welcome to the wan show we've got a great show for you guys this week
which is fortunate because yesterday evening i was sitting at the looking at the dock going
what on earth are we going to talk about and then we had one of the wildest fridays ever
advertisers are pulling out of twitter um sam altman is out as the ceo of open ai i mean who
could have seen either of these things coming what else we got this week luke uh fortnight
band skins for for for little kids and people are upset about it i think it's hilarious yeah i don't
know what but well you took the good ones you take the good ones every time what about what do you what
do you want what about the the blue bubbles on nothing android phones and all android phones
maybe rcs something yeah that's actually pretty cool there might not there might not be any uh
bubble color elitism soon we'll see yeah i'm sure they'll find another way and i didn't even take
that amazon's gonna be selling cars would you oh i don't care would you download a car from amazon
the show is brought to you today by kudos forum and green man gaming why don't we jump right
into our first topic of the day unfortunately this is very much a developing story we don't
know a ton about it other than that sam altman is out as ceo of open ai uh oh my news uh source here
says fired oh yes that's true okay we do know that the board has ousted altman for allegedly lying to
them which i guess would make it pretty hard to do your job they claim that they no longer have
confidence in his ability to lead and they now need an alt man i added that last part that would that
was me i take full responsibility for that um they say his departure follows a deliberative review
process by the board which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications
so not only did they fire him they fired him they called him a liar dang uh it's not really clear at
this time what mr altman is alleged to have hidden from the board but open ai cto mira marati has taken
over as the interim ceo uh sam did tweet he says i loved my time at open ai it was transformative for
me personally and hopefully the world a little bit most of all i loved working with such talented people
we'll have more to say about what's next later um our discussion question here is how big of a deal
is this and will it affect the long and short-term future of ai development i think
i oh oh he's already ready he's ready to talk he's opening up the chest he's inhaling the air
he's ready to let it out yeah i i think it's an extremely big deal i think it's a big deal for a
bunch of reasons open ai is clearly a market leader um and greg brockman the uh co-founder and president
of open ai stepped down as well uh so sam was fired greg brockman stepped down um just hours after sam
was fired um immediately quitting and i think this is going to spell probably a lot of other people
at open ai stepping down um which you know i don't think is going to necessarily result in the destruction
of the market leader of open ai just due to the amount of money and backing that microsoft is able
to put behind this um but it is a pretty major blow um if if if silicon valley has a golden boy right
now it is sam altman for sure um so to have him outed like this and to have some really big names
from open ai i'm saying some right now because i suspect by the time the majority of people watch
this some will be true right now as far as i know it's only one um but having the ceo and the co-founder
slash president both disappear within a few hours i think that's going to end up sending waves and
result in more than just those people greg brockman's statement is pretty savage hi everyone i'm super
proud of what we've all built together since starting in my apartment eight years ago we've been through
tough and great times together accomplishing so much despite all the reasons it should have been
impossible but based on today's news i quit damn just straight into the point yeah there's another
paragraph but that that was really that that was the meat and potatoes of it wow that is absolutely
wild i mean this is guys for context okay this is like if in the 90s the board had kicked out bill
gates and balmer had been like it i'm out like here here goes the founder here goes the right hand man
it's over um with that said i mean there are some people that i've seen compare sam altman to steve jobs
i don't know that they mean that in a flattering way or a negative way there were certainly things
about mr jobs that were both good and admirable and um but the good thing about this is that it gives
him a chance to have a very similar arc so i see this as an absolute win this all happened like right
now i just got a shared from handyman in full plane chat a a post from axios.com um which i don't know
if i can share with linus for screen sharing reasons right now very easily but i'm gonna try
i'm just gonna post it uh right here oh it's suggestion based i had this removed before
and then i guess my rights were taken from me but there's a suggestion in the doc um maybe i'm being
ousted uh but uh yeah apparently microsoft didn't even know this was happening um because it it happened
from the board and the board as far as my understanding goes again we don't have a ton
of notes on this because this like just happened but the board is comprised of people that actually
don't have stock in the company um so microsoft invested billions of dollars in open ai as axios
said what they didn't get a board seat was being ousted are you kidding me they don't have a board seat
not sure okay so guys just just for some context you are not necessarily a member of the board of
directors just because you are an investor and you are not necessarily an investor just because you are
a member of the board of directors but correct me if i am wrong here typically it is expected that
there's some skin in the game for you to be in such a position of power such that you can vote
on the actions of the company um at a level that is assuming you have a unanimous decision or even a
majority decision above the level of ceo and also that if you are spending the kind of time and effort
and energy that it would take to be a functioning member of the board of directors that you'd probably
be interested in having some skin in the game assuming that the company wasn't shit and actually
had a chance right so there tends to be a lot of overlap there and it is okay oh it's entirely
non-investors because they're non-profit-ish says um mail 929 in floatplane chat okay i'll admit that i
don't know much about how the structures of a non-profit would work because all of my experiences
realistically just talking about this stuff on wanshow and also running linus media group inc so
every once in a while i will say something that is sort of based on either a like small business
perspective or a canadian perspective because i'm not always familiar with u.s laws with respect to
this kind of thing but that actually kind of makes sense but also is kind of wild um wow yeah i i i think
so we we talked about this on wanshow a long time ago i don't remember all the details but
they they were solidly non-profit for a long time i think the non-profit still owns the company but i
think the non-profit and the company that most people know about are actually different and the
company under the non-profit is effectively for profit at this point um but still owned by this
non-profit which would have the ability to do things like i was the ceo i guess um wow
wild absolutely wild yeah and i mean to be clear it's not like i know mr altman personally so i'm not
gonna sit here and go yeah i i think he's a genius and the nicest guy you'll ever meet and
whatever right like i i don't actually know for a fact that they need him necessarily they might
they also might not but it looks like the the rumor mill is going extremely is moving extremely
quickly right now the only thing that i'll say about that is we should you know give this a little
bit of time to settle before we try to draw any firm conclusions because the reality of it is unless
your name is someone who actually works directly with any of these people of which there are maybe
dozens like not that many even within these companies people might not have a perfect context
for exactly what any individual's contributions or lack thereof might mean for the future of the company
um i think we should just give a little bit of time for the dust to settle and then
see how this see how this shakes out it probably won't have an immediate impact on their roadmap
because you know these kinds of things don't change on a dime but then again it might senior
leadership's out long live the new king
yeah yeah i i i know one thing that i would say is that it in regards to being a ceo for a like
silicon valley style company i think he's done a rather legendarily good job of like what that job
mostly seems to be which is like building hype and investor interest in your company that's fair
so like i i don't think i don't think it's going to be hard or investor yeah representative
pretty much i well i i think that's effectively what that role is for a lot of those type of companies um
so i i'm sure this is not the end of mr altman um as far as hearing from and about him um i'm sure
there will be something next i wouldn't be surprised i have no idea i have no idea but i wouldn't be
surprised people are saying like oh we're gonna see a steve jobs moment where like he's outed and
then he comes back uh if i had to put my prediction hat on i think the coming back um i wouldn't be too
surprised if it was with microsoft more properly i was gonna say if microsoft just hires him and then
just buys open ai outright i could see something like that i could see something like that potentially
but that depends i mean again this comes down to not having researched or not fully understanding
the nuances of how the whole non-profit part of this works it's possible that this board would be
able to prevent such an acquisition from taking place whereas in the case of something like a public
company um they might not be able to stop it as long as the acquisition was in the best interest of
the individual investors who hold the shares of the company right like those are rules that i i do have
a bit more knowledge about but in this case i'm i'm in kind of uncharted territory here because this
is a super weird uh this is it's like it's a super weird corporate structure the fact that they started
out as this non-profit and then my understanding is they created a for-profit entity that the non-profit
owns and controls which is like okay what really yeah how are you not how are you a non-profit okay
okay so hold on luke linus media group incorporated is a non-profit but linus tech tips the youtube
channel totally for profit give me that money money money money money money money money money money
money and i mean if linus media group happens to make money then i guess we chill right
i mean yeah we're not gonna take it we're just gonna leave it we're gonna leave it in ltt inc
it's just there we didn't make that they they they made it and we're just gonna we're gonna leave
it there we're not gonna but i'll never touch it i promise like i i don't know it just seems like a
super weird structure yeah someone uh king hippo and flip play chat said exactly how firefox and mozilla
work um that's cool but i think the finances running through open ai are a little bit more intense
sick all right anyway anyway there's a lot for us to talk about this week so we could sit and
speculate about what this means forever but i don't think we're going to be able to why don't we move on
to luke's chosen topic fortnite is restricting access to certain skins wow oh man dang it fortnite
how dare you it's so juicy uh yesterday fortnite players fortnite players found that skins in
their locker had a new warning symbol on them alongside a notice that those items could be
used could only be used in areas rated 12 plus uh for teens only 12 that count as a teen i don't
mean i guess um the the change was made without warning but epic games has since confirmed that
only around seven percent of their skin library are now age restricted the consensus consensus among
players is that skins featuring specific weaponry like pistols or knives are the ones that are going
to be restricted from islands with a lower age rating oddly skins like michael myers the fictional
serial killer are not actually restricted uh because i guess he's just wearing a mask um yeah what's
wrong with a hockey player that's ken dryden true yeah according to epic next year skins will uh be
able to auto adjust in appearance depending on the rating of the area epic has been accused of oh this
is a totally different thing um epic has been accused of nerfing omni man's uh but is his glutes
uh his glutes are rather flat in the epic avatar um i don't know how this has anything to do with the
previous part of this but uh there's a question saying should epic return omni man's cake uh and i think
yeah why not um i i just thought this was like funny because the discussion question was these skins have
significant monetary value to the kids who bought them should they be offered a refund on their value this
is the big one for me because if we're gonna talk about i mean yeah sure and are adults buying them
come on i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding if you guys buy four night skins that's fine i get it
but oh i see yeah my my my point is like this is i think the real conversation here is if if you're
going to treat your digital merchandise like it has some kind of value the same way that physical
merchandise would then i think it's not an entirely unfair expectation as the buyer of aforementioned
merchandise that it should if it doesn't retain its value necessarily retain its other intrinsic
qualities over some period of time and i think we saw this play out we saw this expectation play out
that a skin would continue to operate the same way that it did in the past when valve launched cs2
they didn't have to make the skins carry over from csgo to cs2 but i think they correctly assessed that
the community outcry would be immense if all of a sudden people weren't going to be able to enjoy the
skins that they've spent ten dollars a hundred dollars a thousand dollars ten thousand dollars
on from a day-to-day basis and some for some people that enjoyment means playing with them for other
people that enjoyment just means looking at their collection right like we can't i'm i'm not here to
i'm not here to judge the the value of collecting skins right now i think i've said enough on that in the
past but what i will judge is the company's responsibility to maintain some level of continuity
for that product that you have purchased and i honestly think this kind of sucks i get what
they're trying to do they're recognizing that the game it's not restricted for the whole game though
it's it's restricted specifically for islands that have a i don't know anything about fortnite but i think
islands are like custom games i don't think they're um like standard matches and it's for islands that
have a a low age range um yeah it's not it's not like they took the skins from them you can still
play the main game you can still play probably the vast majority of the game um just not islands that
are age restricted to 12 okay counterpoint let's say you paid for an expensive vr chat avatar to be
created for you and all of a sudden vr chat came to you and said okay yeah you can't you can't wear
that skin in you know certain age group um chat rooms i have a strong feeling there are probably vr chat
avatars that probably shouldn't be available okay but i was getting i was getting to that i was getting
to that look there are two obvious counterpoints to this one is if you're an adult hanging out in like
a minor's you know chat room or whatever then quite frankly it should have nothing to do with
the avatar you're wearing you probably just shouldn't be there okay number one so i'm talking
about kids who own this this skin right okay okay we chill we good number two is in my example that was
a third party skin but this is a first party skin so this is as though vr chat themselves had a service
where you can buy an avatar and then all of a sudden you can't wear it to your favorite chat
room or island or whatever the case may be because my understanding is these islands can in many cases
contain social experiences as well as just you know raw hardcore gaming experience is that correct i am
not a fortnite expert i don't even pretend to be one no clue one of the thing that confuses one of the
things that confuses me the most about this um as someone who doesn't know anything about fortnite
um is even the box art has guns on it doesn't it i think so like doesn't the aren't the people
standing next to the the fortnite logo don't they have firearms and then like if they can play
like is there actually an account for fortnite where you can't actually play the battle royale
yeah like they have there's a there's a shotgun right next to the logo
like like part of part of me is like yeah sure i don't know maybe they they should be able to have
age-restricted skins for like kid lobbies but what why is why is anyone maybe on those islands they're
walkie-talkies but but like you have to click on the thing to launch the game like you'd have to go
into the epic game store which uses tiles for for their game launching if i remember correctly it's
been a while since i've used it um but like but i just i don't know i i feel like once you even like
the loading screen to launch the game i i feel like probably has firearms on it um it's i don't know i
i understand the idea of trying to consider what content is going to be available in kid lobbies
i deeply question the idea of fortnite having kid lobbies at all um it doesn't make any sense to me
here's an example so farming simulator okay so here's an island you can go to crafting survival
grow and sell crops rated everyone mild fantasy violence you'll have to launch the game
yeah i don't know this just seems like the kind of thing that was probably a lot of development
effort when it would have been simpler to just put a disclaimer that says okay kids don't don't use
this and then the kids just would just like they always did and then everyone could have just kind
of gotten gone about their day um but maybe i'm maybe i'm missing something here yeah i don't know
you could make it so that anyone with a kid account um can't see the skins um that are restricted
if you're on one of those islands so it just shows like or something one of our children on staff
ariel from the lab says i'm 90 sure that skins are banned in the main game uh which is where
most of the players are so 12 plus islands are rare wait what skins are banned in the main game
well not all okay ariel what are you talking about i'm gonna need a little bit more clarification
i don't think is right i'm 90 sure skins are banned in the main game
oh it's like most of the fortnite content is all ages and some stuff is 12 plus where you can use
the skins is that right i'm just gonna have to wait for ariel to clarify what the heck he's talking
about he knows a lot about engineering stuff though he's he's really good at that stuff and he's really
good at that hockey game that we play oh slap shot rebound no kidding yeah yeah yeah i don't know
how he got that good that fast but he's very good at it ariel just says yes yes what an answer
brother you're i'm trying to help you out here i'm trying to help you out
oh no world class please clarify what is a children on staff i just mean he's really young
the main game is all ages i think he says okay well yeah so but you can you can use skins in the main
game so okay okay i think his point i think i get it i think i get it i think his point is that um
these these like custom game modes very few of them are going to be 12 plus because most people
would just be playing the main game yeah all right that makes sense well at any rate fortnite
news let's move on because ultimately who really cares let's talk instead about whatever dan says
we're supposed to do uh you got 25 minutes until we're doing merch messages and you're already on
topic two which is supposed to start in three so third topic what about third you can have
third topic what do you want to talk about luke should we do nothing adding blue bubble messaging
on android yep pretty cool right all right this was reported by the verge and nine to five mac and
basically everyone and their dog but nothing the phone company to be clear not nothing the absence of
anything has announced nothing chats an app that will make a text from an android phone show up as an
i message on iphone as well as enabling features like group chats typing indicators and voice notes
the app exclusive to the nothing phone is a collaboration with sunbird which provides i message
to android bridging services in beta when marquez brownlee asked if this operates similar to other
bridging systems that route android messages through a mac server farm nothing confirmed that their
solution is the same as that yes so what this means is that users have to give access to their
icloud credentials to nothing or sunbird i guess probably sunbird directly however nothing says that sunbird
stores them as a token in an encrypted database and deletes them after two weeks of inactivity
okay realistically if implemented the way that they say it is luke probably fine
probably fine uh probably fine enough i'll say not not fine entirely but i don't know enough but
the the challenge here is you know the old saying as it goes trust but verify luke is there any way
that anyone could verify this no i don't think so i mean unless you unless you basically try to break
into it and fail oh okay okay that's not not a suggestion yeah really not legal advice
it's not investment advice either it's nothing just you know it shows over shows over for
we're out of here see you later have a good weekend um
damn it luke only two days later though apple announced that all of this may be completely
unnecessary they are finally doing it okay can we speculate for a little bit here
what do you think it was that made apple cave no i wanted to have more fun with it luke you did
ah you ruined it i was gonna talk about honestly i thought i thought with the like 14 second delay
that the lineup was gonna happen oh well okay i was going to talk about some of the ways that
certain other parties have tried to put pressure on apple to adopt rich communication i think the s is
for service but rcs message or rich communication messaging standard whatever it is rcs um for example
i remember one year at ces i think it was there were little like text messages from google to apple or
something like that um asking you know why they used outdated sms still on the iphone i know google
has put a ton of pressure on apple to adopt rcs i suspect although i don't know for sure that the uh the
mobile carriers in the major markets have probably maybe not put pressure on apple but asked respectfully
for them to adopt rcs because these legacy sms messaging or i shouldn't say messaging service
because sms is short for short messaging service uh but this this legacy sms stuff sucks uh encryption
is not supported group chats suck uh just about everything about sms kind of sucks and mms isn't much
better um but it's been very obvious to anyone with two brain cells to run together to rub together
to rub to you got there no i'm fine i'm good uh it's been obvious to anyone with a couple of brain
cells to rub together that apple's main motivation for keeping i message and all of those extra nice
things about messaging from an iphone to an iphone exclusive to the iphone has been all about keeping
you locked into the ecosystem which i i don't think we have to rehash how perplexed all of that makes me
i've i've never understood it the color of a bubble has never mattered to me um the the idea of being
reliant on my my default sms app for something like a group message or sending more complex emojis or
sharing media is just again it's utterly bewildering to me like i i i have over half a dozen messaging
apps on my phone and that's that doesn't bother me um i i i don't know some people seem to really
really struggle with it but i it doesn't bother me at all um but for some reason this has been a
major consideration for people to not only stay on the iphone but buy iphones like in some cases for
other members of their families um so anyway the last major party putting pressure on them yes was
the european union thank you luke for spoiling the punchline
no problem in other news that's actually kind of a bigger deal to me actually hold on first let's
talk about the benefits of rcs um it can work over mobile data or wi-fi which is super cool it would
allow for cross-platform use of imessage style features and calling these imessage features is
ridiculous so i'm just going to call them messaging app features like read receipts typing indicators
and higher quality images that's super cool um apple has previously criticized rcs as less secure
than imessage uh because it doesn't include end-to-end encryption um iphone rcs messages might also route
through google servers because of google's deal with phone carriers okay that's interesting which means
that there is a solid possibility nay probability that android bubbles would remain green uh so this
is not exactly you know the kumbaya you know everything is completely interoperable moment that
some people might be hoping that it is but at the very least you're not going to be stuck using 1998
technology when you're texting to your friend on an iphone could that mean it says iphone rcs messages
might route through google servers could that mean that some if not all iphone bubbles could be green
no because if if are you sure because if if they're getting around it by sending them through
apple servers to make them blue this is literally just the inverse no no no no okay so so the reason it
would be is because it's not coming straight apple to apple across only their own infrastructure
as soon as it goes out to someone else's infrastructure my understanding is it wouldn't
be blue probably um like for example when you're messaging from one iphone to another
and this came up a lot more years ago like back when i had my iphone 4 occasionally i would be messaging
to another iphone user and the bubble would be green and that would be because it was sent as an sms
so if i didn't have data reception but i did have cellular reception you could still send a message
uh but it would it would show up as a as a green bubble so i don't know if they like patched that or if
it's just way less likely these days to be in range of cellular but out of range of data like i i i think
that's probably i don't remember the last time i had solid cellular reception such that i could send
messages and make calls but i had no data connection um but i've definitely seen that before
um anyway the bigger news in my mind is that apple and as part of this same push from the eu
is required to allow side loading by next year and according to leaks financial filings from apple
as well as code found in ios 17.2 beta apple is preparing to allow side loading on iphones
well before that deadline happens though they are still appealing i message and the app store's
designations as gatekeeper platforms man side loading on the iphone are you ready to go iphone
luke i mean you just you just bought an android phone like a pleb don't you feel like an idiot now
well i felt like an idiot for a while after i first got it because i didn't really like the phone
um and now honestly every single time i pick up my 4a 5g i'm like wow yep i wish it was this still
um so i i don't know how i feel about my phone right now even but um honestly the thing that kept
me from going iphone was more there was cost and just the annoyance of learning a new thing
because like i need my phone to do so little these days that i just don't really care um
but i'm not i'm not completely against switching i it was fairly close i was looking into iphones and
i could see myself on an iphone in the future there's really very little keeping me on on android
these days um so yeah i don't know maybe we'll see we'll see how many more buttons the eu pushes
so i think it's time to talk about my ai pin
oh what i ordered one is it is this in the doc or you're just chatting no i'm just chatting
i'm like a twitch stream right now i'm in a hot tub do you need me to change the title on twitch
i'm in a hot tub chatting no no you don't need to change the title on twitch dan thank you very
much that's very helpful um you know when does it arrive i don't know i mean does it matter
stupid yeah i spent seven hundred dollars on this are you kidding me yeah familiar gestures
like what so hold on a second do i need two whole hands to touch this thing and also project onto my
hand are you kidding me uh well you don't always have to project what is he no no no you don't
always have to project no i know you don't you can just talk to it and it can just you know what's
the best finish for paint eggshell you idiot like i i don't know is that really how much is a vintage
oh man this is cringe dude i haven't even looked at their marketing for this thing
i'm so excited for you to check it out i love that this baby is not immediately grabbing this
and ripping it off her shirt because anyone who's ever had a baby knows that that's the first thing
it would do and i believe it would go flying uh because i think it's just magnetically held on
right the battery goes on the inside i think nice so the battery would then like fall down inside of
your shirt and the front of it would go flying wait hold on no no hold on a second luke
oh okay no i think i get it so what my uber eats order arrives and then instead of getting the
notification on my phone or on my smartwatch i project it to my hand yeah yeah yeah brilliant
that was it that was the light bulb moment for me i get it aren't you gonna have to like move
your hand around out in front of you to like find where it's projecting as well you're just gonna kind
of be standing there waving your hand around they invented the smartwatch but you're gonna put it
i'm just gonna read my text it's blurry oh so uh you know it used to be that we had smartwatches
right like your apple watch or your pixel watch or whatever else and then we had dumb watches which
were ones that didn't have connectivity and they just had a traditional movement but i think what
we're gonna have to do is change these classifications right you're gonna have your smartwatch right with
your wi-fi connection and it's on your wrist and everything you're gonna have your traditional
watch or your mechanical your movement watch okay and then you're gonna have your dumb watch which is
basically like this f***ing thing
you gotta you gotta you gotta hold off until you actually have it you gotta hold off a little bit
he's just he's just frustrated because now he's actually spent money on it i know i didn't care
it could just be stupid all at once over in its stupid little corner before i had to spend money on
it yeah yeah i could i can tell it's it's a little bit harder with delay and not being able to you know
judge body language all that much but this is this is financial pain um because now he's frustrated
with the purchase and look guys look look look look look look i've seen a lot of mischaracterizations
about my relationship with money over the last couple of months um there's been a lot of
misunderstanding i have no problem spending money i will spend money in a way that is wise and
justifiable day after day week after week year after year you bring me a good business case for why
we should spend some money let's spend some f***ing money let's go no problem we reinvest in this
business hard look at the lab i don't like wasting money yeah this it's not a waste it's for a video
it's content actual it's content no but i'm not the only one buying it i'm gonna make a video sure
i'm gonna get a return on my investment but someone else is gonna buy this they're gonna buy garbage
okay why don't we just list garbage buy my garbage.com does that exist
potentially i'm gonna raise i'm gonna have a billion dollar valuation
buy my actual f***ing garbage.com isn't that what sweden does and they incinerate it and that's how
they generate power oh it redirects to ebay maybe they're i'm kidding i thought you're gonna say
ikea no no it's available it's a premium domain buy my garbage.com that's actually really funny
um okay so yeah there's there's two there's two paths forward either it's somehow amazing
and then people buy it because it's amazing or sure maybe more likely whatever it's trash and then
you would you would help to stop future purchases right isn't that the whole point isn't that the
whole point i love that to start my buy my garbage.com e-tail site i would have to buy their garbage domain
look i'm sorry you invested in this but nobody's buying that for like 12 000 us dollars it's not
happening oh no oh i'm sorry oh oh we should have started on this topic i got i'm i'm i'm feeling
good i haven't laughed that hard in a while by the way you should do an i switched with it you should
use it for 30 days i will not i've suffered enough luke oh make it make vance use it for a month
i know i would never that's cruel and unusual punishment what did vance do wrong well can't
you have both of them no i mean he would torture it by interacting with it in front of you i will i
will use it as an accessory it'll be it'll be an accessory to my otherwise properly functional phone
is it not an accessory i will use it look hey hey look look look look look here's all my notes
on the lg wing it out the window uh yeah but you had you had you had to use that you moved your sim
over didn't you i did yeah how is google docs so useless when we did like the linux challenge he
just didn't use his computer see i got good notes i got notes on the wing those are all point form
got a few little videos i took of it just like glitching the crap out in terms of the i have
this one that i recorded just like on my because i have to carry two phones in case i actually need to
get anything done and the wing just isn't working but i've got this great one where i took a video of
the wing in my hand where i can pull down the notification shade but absolutely everything
else fails to register anything it's freaking awesome you should totally buy a phone from a
company that exited the phone market years ago strong recommend let's go yeah that's a little rough
next topic are we doing merch messages yet i feel like we're overdue yeah hit me dan
okay okay let's see what do we got hello dll with the new steam deck oled out do you think it's a
better to buy a used lcd model or to spend the extra money on the oled i don't already own one
oh man it's so personal so hold on let's first first things first you know i don't want to i don't
want to speculate here let's see what steam deck non oleds are going for here okay here's a 512 for
400 bucks i'm going to ignore shipping because that's because they're shipping to canada i will
assume you're probably american given that about 40 percent of our audiences what's that now it says
adult owned in the listing for that top one oh wow okay adult owned um all right i don't know if
that's good i don't like i know some pretty careless adults so i don't that makes yeah i'm
not sure that that's a positive i i'm a little i know adults that would drop themselves down the
stairs let alone a steam deck doesn't have a web browser too steam deck one terabyte ssd is that
just the ssd oh no this is an auction okay this is an auction i'm going to change it to uh buy it now
only hello buddy oh okay did i open that in a new tab uh oh wow the limited edition this guy wants
1200 bucks what okay i'm going to change it to buy it now only buy it now here we go let's shop
okay 64 gig upgraded to 512 i would take that over the 512 for sure 320 bucks for 256 given how
cheap ssds are i don't mind this deal either if you can get like you know 10 bucks or 15 bucks for
your 256 gig ssd on facebook marketplace you throw that into a like a one terabyte ssd put that in
there 300 bucks hey not bad from canada nice at that price maybe it's kid owned boy is that ever
appealing because see here's the thing right guys is the new steam deck is not um is not shipping
at every price point so if we go to if we go to valve site here if you're buying something for
300 oh man how do i get to the u.s pricing dang it valve makes this really difficult oh no yeah
just language i don't get to pick a different region so i forget what the stupid u.s pricing is
because i can't access it usd oh hey yeah here it is here we go here we go here we go okay so
the steam oled is available at 512 gigs for 549 so the entry level one right the the 400 one is still
the old lcd version so we are talking about a difference of you know if it's 300 bucks for a
used last gen steam deck there's not going to be any used oleds and if there are they're probably
going to be selling at an elevated price as opposed to a discounted price so we could be talking nearly
double the amount for the upgraded screen the upgraded haptics i mean the upgraded basically
everything the better power better battery life oh man better battery life that is a big deal if
you're planning to play you know mostly within range of an outlet i would say yeah there's a
strong argument to be made for the older one actually in any case there's a strong argument
to be made for the older one but if you are going to be often away from the wall where you are not
going to be able to easily plug in and battery life matters a lot to you i think it's worth the
extra even ignoring the awesome new screen and it oh man it's so good it's absolutely incredible
yeah and like the the oled immediately sold out right so like i don't think you're gonna be able
to get it easily for a long time anyways oh yeah i wonder what the lead times are like do they even
provide an estimate oh yeah no hold on a second look at this estimated delivery
three to five business days boys i'm i guess they were ready this time they've probably been
producing these for weeks or months getting stock together so that they could have a launch that's
not just a cluster of scalping my friend must be confused then he's like i can't believe i missed
it i tried to buy it i couldn't get it oh they might be talking about the limited edition clear one
uh that's definitely what they're talking about yeah because those i thought the one terabyte oled
and that were the same those are getting scalped hard how limited edition is that very is like is it
completely gone oh yeah i think jake got one okay nice yeah super cool it's limited enough that they
weren't even willing to send out any samples of them even if we returned it they were like no we we really
don't have a lot of these so yeah people are people are wanting like a few hundred bucks uplift for
these things um and i think people are going to go for it especially knowing that valve's probably not
going to do a like a steam deck 2 like a big hardware refresh probably another year or two at least
oh limited edition is still one to two weeks shipping i didn't see it
let's have a look here steam deck limited edition let's see if uh if it's available
limited edit no way estimated delivery one to two weeks you can still get them
okay well what makes people think they're going to be able to scalp this thing
is it still available in the u.s maybe this is just a canadian thing
oh it's on its own page
oh no buy my actual f***ing garbage.com goes to lttstore.com now apparently
hell yeah
let's go
gotta be careful with calling out domains like that because people could redirect it
oh yeah yeah guys no guarantee it'll still go there at any point or that there isn't any kind of
bad things happening with it or anything like that um yeah
oh it's because people want it outside of the u.s and canada that's why and valve hasn't made it
available in many parts of the world yet so that's what these ebay sellers are counting on okay that
makes sense i wonder how many to let me buy then kidding kidding kidding everybody relax luke
i'm pretty sure i could feel your butthole clench from here
across an ocean linus why did the stream go down there's men outside
you know what's kind of crazy yeah it won't let me do it
at all because i'm in japan right now um
i i even tried to buy it like through my desktop application of steam
um but it redirects me to i understand the desktop application is just loading web pages
um but it redirects me to like a browser external browser web page if i wanted to try to get that
one um and i i can't it it like forgets that i'm uh
yes rick it does account and it won't let me buy it
that's wild all right man now i'm tempted should i get one
wait did you try to buy one
i was i was seeing what would happen on this end
but no i didn't try to buy oh okay okay i thought you were i thought you were finally ready
finally ready for a steam deck because i thought we had talked about it and you said you still
weren't going to go for it it would have been pretty nice on the plane man
it would have but you know what i did played final fantasy 6 on your laptop read a book i just
slept slept i slept oh wow you're getting old dude yeah
yep look how old boring you are yep look at these arms pinner
i'm trying man yeah they're weak dude
look at this though four hands even my arms are bigger oh
no they're about the same
uh all right dan hit me with another merch message sure but i don't know what that what we just did
and what is this and what is a merch message um i'm not sure which one it was no i mean uh you're
supposed to explain you gotta tell me what it is right um i wonder if i'm the one getting the brain
leg now luke merch messages they're the way to interact with the show don't use twitch bits don't
use a um whatever the thing is called on youtube super chat yeah thanks dan you want a merch message
because you get to interact with the show you can have your message show up here uh it might be
replied to by producer dan look at that look at that helpful reply maybe wow great job producer dan
uh it might be forwarded to someone internally who can help you out or it might be curated so that luke and
i can talk about it on the show just like the one that you guys just heard how to send a merch message
you might ask well you go to lttstore.com throw something in your cart and right there you're
gonna see a little box you just fill out your merch message in there and then place your order
and we will get to it in due course or we won't and then hey sorry about that but at least you got
some high quality merchandise in the mail speaking of high quality merchandise for the store
we do have a few updates that you guys might want to consider if you were thinking of sending
a merch message this week starting of course with our sexy fruit underwear
kind of old news now but inspired by the hack back in march we have launched that's right my friends
strawberry underwear ah they're so cute
um we also to complete the collection launched our oh this is still strawberry what is he holding
okay sure it's a weight it's not a hanging dangling gray ball um we also launched to accompany our
strawberry underwear eggplant which is not about making you feel inadequate it's just a color
and peach this is great this great shot of jamie that's funny we both went for the coffee cup with
the peach um hey look at that i found uh i found that fortnight character's cake hey there it is there
it is good find um yeah they they look and feel exactly as good as our underwear does which
guys i i don't write the reviews they're really really well reviewed um and get this it gets even
better they are available in his and her styles so you can get the scoop bralette and the boy shorts
uh oh wait where are the boy shorts oh yeah here they are so these are available in oh i think it's just
strawberry for the women's so you can get a his and hers matching set of the uh the strawberry
uh underwear pretty cool so we've got the bikini bottoms and triangle top and then we've also got
the uh scoop top and then the boy shorts bottoms
hey yo sick love it uh oh and there's more uh we launched our new rgb roken
the story here is a little bit long but i'll try to keep it short
um this special deal for this shirt was the result of an error in production where our factory made a
mistake with the uh with the material request so rather than letting it all go to waste we decided
to turn it into an opportunity for our amazing customers to get a really good shirt for a really
good price even if it's not exactly what it was supposed to be honestly if we were launching the
rgb shirt today i would probably have no issue launching it like this but it isn't quite as
comfortable as the as the white one that we have and so knowing that and knowing that people were
probably already going to own that one in some cases and then go and order this one because they
like it so much i was worried that people would get the new one realize it wasn't quite as perfectly
soft and amazing to wear and then be upset because you can see this is one of our best reviewed
garments on the site it's a five star garment uh so this new one is pretty much the same dealio
where it's got the these little uh these little flex uh these little neps in it but the difference is
that it is on a blue base color and what happened was the supplier made the executive decision
to change the material in order to achieve our color objectives a little bit better but they didn't
ask us and we would have said no don't do that we are we would rather have the feel be exactly the
same so it doesn't really show up much in the in the uh in these pictures so it's like it's kind of
hard to see in person it is very noticeable that there's kind of a cool little sort of starry night
we call it rgb i don't know whatever you want to call it there's a there's a very cool little effect
um also holy smokes new rgb knit sweater oh right so the the rgb roken shirt is only ten dollars
that is oh if i do say so myself an absolutely killer deal for a shirt that is almost that other
five star one but in blue and ever so slightly different man we have a ton of stuff on the store
right now okay i promise i will get through this as fast as i can uh we also have a sweater in a
similar style but obviously it's a sweater so it's quite a bit heavier it's meant for your sweating
comfort here we go there you go you can see kind of what it looks like kind of get an idea of the
texture that one's 39.99 perfect for christmas parties or just generally wearing when you want
to look you know kind of nice and you know presentable um and finally oh wow look at this
hey we made a christmas ornament that's cool
uh what's the deal with the christmas ornament is it in the bonus bin i guess it's probably in
the bonus bin yeah i think you can you can also buy it if you really want probably but uh place any
order and you can get one of these in the bonus look it's a little gpu and you can hang it from your
tree oh what is he doing what is who is he talking to room service oh oh my goodness what what is
happening right now um okay and i promise this is the last thing we have our signup form for our
black friday cyber monday email list we already have thousands and thousands of signups um but
there's still time so if you want the best chance of taking advantage of our daily deals while they're
here make sure you register it's ltdstore.com slash pages slash bfcm we are not going to spam you
you are not joining our newsletter mailing list even if at some point you should probably do that
because we're going to have a bunch of really good newsletters at some point once we get into like a
a firmer release cadence for them uh you will just get these deals and it will be awesome and i think
you will probably like it okay there dan i explained what merch messages are are you happy you asked now
yes that's my job to make you do that okay next merch message i recently got hired at light structures
that's not really a question okay i'll just uh i'll just rewrite this um i was wondering if you guys
ever heard about optical payables being used this way there it doesn't make sense without context does
it minus they monitor wait optical sensors to monitor the hull stress on ships what so what
like if it flexes a little bit you would be able to the light frequency would change because it moves
slightly right so the wavelengths would be different yeah that's very cool makes sense
wow that's super cool no i've never seen that before fiber optic hull stress monitoring system hull fib
it gives a warning when stress and bending moment levels and acceleration of ship motion approach levels
which require corrective action such as escaping the area reducing the speed or changing the heading
of the vessel super cool no never heard of that before but i love it um dan want to give me one more
yeah sure um linus would you ever consider writing a book about ltt uh after you have retired yeah i've
already started it sort of but i am not nearly on the ball enough to keep up with my notes so it would
likely be less about ltt and more just some general ramblings that i throw at a page and if anyone buys
it then great because realistically i'm not going anywhere until i've um until i'm in a position where
i just don't need any more money anymore anyway um which even though i would be fine today i'm not
quite there yet because i have a badminton center and a lab to pay for so i'm still i'm still highly
motivated um to to to to crush it over here but yeah at that point i feel like i would the only
reason i would write something is just because i felt like it and i wouldn't want to write something
because i had to sell a bunch of copies i think i feel like that would i feel like that would kind
of ruin it don't worry i'd only write good things about you luke i don't know about you dan
i wouldn't expect nice things i don't think that's true
i would write nice things about dan don't patronize me you two because because if because
if i didn't i'm pretty sure the audience would lynch me no it would be lawsuits i'm pretty sure
i did way worse things than he said
gotta love that trans-pacific delay right there that's that's not his brain leg that's uh that's
that's fiber optic cable leg his his his hull is uh on the verge of breaking
all right additional topic yeah what do you want to talk about next luke uh tesla bans reselling
cyber trucks how about that one it's pretty juicy uh it's juicy sure i i think it's funny um and
really dumb but yeah tesla has added a clause to its motor vehicle order agreements that prohibits
cyber truck buyers from selling the vehicle within a year of its delivery date tesla may otherwise seek
uh injunctive relief to prevent the transfer of title of the vehicle or demand liquidated damages
from the end user in the amount of fifty thousand dollars or the value received as consideration
for the sale or transfer whichever is greater wow uh the new policy also says that tesla may
unilaterally cancel orders they believe were made for the purpose of reselling
which is funny because i know people i know people now that have pre-orders on the cyber truck that
are entirely planning on reselling it and we're planning on reselling it from the beginning
so that will be interesting uh buyers who run into unforeseen circumstances and must sell the vehicle
have the option of selling it back to tesla discounted by 25 cents for every mile driven
that actually seems maybe really not bad at all yeah if tesla agrees that the reason is valid
okay so it's that also declined to buy the vehicle and provide the buyer written permission to sell it
to a third party so our discussion question here is is this a reasonable manner to curb scalping on a
product where that's obviously a concern i also i mean look luke how many friends do you think i have
in the world one i mean that okay uh you're you're not
oh you probably meant yvonne oh that hurts ouch
my point is i don't have a lot of friends i was even going after myself and he had he had to twist
um i know people who have cyber truck pre-orders and it's for the express purpose of reselling them
um so with that in mind knowing that this is this is a product that people intend to resell and
like kind of the market for and the perceived value of um is is this actually kind of reasonable
handyman's posting that they might have already removed the clause um i i don't know i i like the
idea of hurting the scalping market scalping in modern years has been actually ridiculous um like
scalping combined with uh user level extreme sales on the internet um has been a very very negative
reality for uh markets in general but i think any company coming in and telling you what you can and
cannot do with something after you purchase it is something that i'm always going to push back
against it's something that happens all the time yep uh this is not this is not a unique scenario uh but
i i i don't think i can agree with it pretty much ever so it is what it is yeah i think that summarizes
how i felt about it and probably how a lot of people felt about it based on that this article
from road and track.com says that as of yesterday it looks like is that a six or a five two days ago
wow that is the worst font ever uh through through the stream i can't see that tiny one pixel gap
here but it's it's a five um since two days ago um effective two days ago tesla has apparently removed
the anti-flipping clause so feel free to flip your cyber truck to your heart's content sounds good
i don't actually have an order in for one but i do i wish i did no not really i don't think i need
that hassle the the at least in canada anyway the the tax burden of buying a vehicle and flipping it is
a big part of the reason we didn't end up doing that whole concept that i laid out where i was just
going to buy cars to review and then the only cost to me would have been whatever i eat on the you
know few kilometers i drive on it when we resell the thing hopefully to someone in the audience after
the review or something like that like i had this whole thing kind of worked out in my head but the
tax man the tax man wants a piece every time yep and that was gonna just kill kill the cost of it
would have been brutal all right oh small update on ariana's zappy power supplies uh many commenters
were concerned that we didn't address the potential electrical hazard of that sign power supply for
the the the bunny um faux neon sign that ariana had in her tech upgrade um and they were worried that
the bunnies would get electrocuted or something like that but rest assured this was addressed well
before we posted the video not everything for these tech upgrades happens on the day of the shoot we
shoot them in one day but sometimes prep happens sometimes post cleanup happens and we do our best to
make sure the bulk of it happens on the day of the shoot so you guys get to be along for the ride but
not always every little thing yeah what what do you know what was done because some people in chat are
saying it was one piece of masking tape no i don't remember in the video yeah we just put a temporary
measure i think it was just a piece of tape but no yeah something additional yeah they probably 3d
printed something or something i don't know exactly what they did but someone someone's someone clever
and responsible did something presumably i i didn't ask for the details it wasn't elijah don't worry
rob uh do you want to pick a topic do you want um don't you go ahead you go ahead i was going
to suggest one but i i offered i offered to let you pick one first uh amazon to sell cars sure
amazon amazon has announced oh the delay the delay oh no uh i'll go i'll go i'll go amazon has
announced a partnership oh okay okay i did that on purpose
who goes now i don't know what to do you do it okay
amazon amazon has announced a partnership with hyundai where alexa will be available through hyundai
infotainment system starting in 2025 and hyundai dealerships will be able to sell vehicles on
amazon buyers will then have the option to have the car picked up from the dealership or delivered to
them most surveys show that consumers dislike car shopping particularly the dealership experience
but 48 states limit direct to consumer sales of vehicles because yes my friends that's how powerful
lobbying is isn't that great tesla has popularized the idea of direct to consumer sales but it has also
faced lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions attempting to bar it from selling cars most dealers do already
sell cars through their own websites but at least here i i don't have a lot of experience with this
in americaland but here um getting it delivered is a bit of a hassle like there's red tape to to jump
through and it's it's not a seamless experience like you would expect ordering something on amazon to be
i mean is this the kind of thing we have to test out luke should i buy a hyundai in america just so that i can
have it delivered to me like i don't i don't think so because there's there's been other buy a car over
the internet services before so like i'm sure amazon can do it um yeah people are talking about carvana
yeah i've never heard of that was like really yeah i mean i don't know man how how often do you think i buy
a car i don't know oh is no they're not uh yeah but they're not gone
carvana i'm pretty sure carvana's dead no public company still around yeah revenue of 13.6 billion
as of uh 2022 they went public in 2017
i thought i heard it went bad maybe their stock just crashed super hard maybe that was it
hmm interesting carvana stock yeah someone's saying um carvana is used cars okay
google carvana stock and then look at the five-year chart what a ride let's go
okay that's pretty rough uh wow sorry to all the bag holders who bought at 360 us dollars a share
uh wow wow they dipped to seven dollars recovered to 47
they dipped uh lower than that actually really um oh wow no yeah there it is four bucks
yeah 405 is the lowest i've seen
that's rough was the fastest growing car dealer in the united states known for its multi-story glass tower
car car vending machines got it got it got it got it got it got it so they this this is this is a
pandemic boom thing then looking at the timing here yep that makes sense all right cool
yeah the the used car market is uh is looking a little a little rougher there's a there's a lot of
there's a man a ton of sectors that just swamp shot up during the the covid lockdowns and then just
are having a really hard time since then i mean the pc industry has been struggling um oh yeah don't
don't ask how i know but uh apparently sales of computers are struggling a lot like down double
digit percent year over year over year since uh since the peak in like 2020 2021
all right the one i wanted to talk about was the playstation portal
ah we shot what okay oh i've just seen stuff online that looks rough i haven't i haven't actually
used it you know what i would love to hear what you have gathered about it based on community sentiment
and then i would like to share my own experience having used it and worked on a review for it which
will be coming out probably in the next few days cool so as i say this i've heard genuinely nothing
from linus or anyone else at linus media group all i've seen is just some random stuff on the internet
from other users and what i've gathered just looking at the tops of people's heads so he doesn't know
anything pretty much to be honest um but yeah i what i've seen so far is laggy mess basically
that's it just clips of like people trying to play horizon and having it just chug over and over again
um other various games where it's very very laggy and it it doesn't seem like they're using it in
super wild scenarios like most of these things is someone sitting on a couch um so like it doesn't
feel like they're putting it in a disadvantageous position or anything so yeah my takeaway was just
rough reviews are out for the playstation portal the portable device that allows wi-fi remote play
connected to a playstation 5 and only a playstation 5 many reviewers spoke highly of the play experience
while others criticized the concept of a single purpose portable especially one that lacks a web
browser making it impossible to use with public wi-fi that has any kind of verification on it
or authentication it also cannot connect to bluetooth headphones meaning that users who want
wireless audio will have to pay over a hundred dollars for playstation pulse earbuds or headphones
when they come out in the coming months nevertheless nevertheless many have defended the portal as a great
dad device allowing them to allow their roommates or children to have the tv without giving up on
gaming time the portal has been quickly selling out with some scalpers selling it for over double its
msrp does any of that change how you feel about it at all i i want to know i want to know what the
audience thinks of this too hold on i'm gonna i'm gonna do a poll here poll time as far as i can tell
if something has the playstation brand on it it's going to be sold out and scalped to all hell for a pretty
significant period of time um i don't know maybe maybe uh playstation needs to try to poach somebody
from valve so they can figure out um pre-making enough stock of things before they launch it i'm not
sure yeah these are going for around 300 bucks it looks so like yeah here's 14 bids 15 minutes left a
little over 300 for a playstation portal ships next business day in hand um that is uh over a hundred
dollars higher than the msrp for this thing which is 199 so oh man how do i do this my review is largely
quite positive oh interesting that's cool to hear i am not thrilled about the lack of bluetooth
i hope that sony will backpedal on that there should be nothing that would prevent them from
making bluetooth work in the future i'm not aware of any modern wi-fi uh wi-fi chipset that doesn't
also handle bluetooth so the fact that it has wi-fi at all means it has bluetooth um so i would i would
like to see them address that uh there are there are some other things that i'm not super happy about
i think the battery life could have been improved however however however however the thing that i think
a lot of people are overlooking here shoot i missed the results of that poll what happened to it
doesn't it normally stay in the chat until i dismiss it did someone dismiss it
okay well uh they have durations it might have expired okay but uh it's it's in the wait the
playstation portal one yeah i think you just shrank it no i didn't i didn't do anything okay well
results are four percent of people said yes 35 percent of people said meh and 61 percent of people
said no but you're talking to a pc audience yeah that's true okay so hear me out at 200 like a bunch
of these those sorry to interrupt but a bunch of these those are probably people that don't even own
playstation so why would they buy the the portable thing okay but i didn't ask would you buy i just said
playstation portal you know i know yes no okay anyway you know how people answer this that's true
the point is i think if we consider the functionality it's pretty compelling obviously you could get a
backbone for your phone that's something we talk about you just get like a little controller for your
phone but it's not going to have nearly the ergonomics of the portal it feels like a dual sense
controller which it is because it basically is it's a dual sense controller with a with an eight
inch screen in the middle that's another major factor that screen is way bigger than what you're
going to have on a almost any phone
i think that for the functionality if you're the kind of person who would use it it's a pretty good
price it's extremely easy to use and if you have good wi-fi we found it worked pretty reliably the
other major justification for it is that how what like what would you have wanted them to do i guess
would be my my follow-up question if they had opened it up i think there would have been a strong
business case for needing the price to be higher because all of a sudden you'd have people buying this
thing just to stream their pc games or their xbox or you know whatever the case may or watch movies or
whatever and they would have to actually make money on it to make this make any sense on their balance
sheet instead they took a very console-like approach to it and we break it down in the video
for two hundred dollars it's a lot of hardware you are getting a dual sense controller you are getting
a battery you are getting a mid-tier qualcomm soc you are getting an eight inch screen you're getting
wi-fi storage ram you're getting presumably some kind of margin for sony's retail partners that they
have to distribute these things through how could they have possibly gone any tighter on the margins for
this two hundred dollars is a really compelling price it's a lot of money two hundred dollars is a
freaking lot of money for an accessory for a 450 device right like if you told me hey here's an
accessory for your you know fifty thousand dollar car it costs 25 grand i'd be sitting here going are
you like are you kidding me right like that doesn't make any sense so this is obviously a very expensive
accessory but as someone who used game streaming a lot on a device that frankly didn't have much
utility outside of just streaming from my pc the nvidia shield portable the original one the little
clamshell like game controller with a screen on it one um i loved and if i recall correctly it was
actually priced higher than this and other than playing some basic android games which if you guys
remember at the time didn't really exist with proper controller support there was almost nothing
right so aside from playing some android games the only thing it did was stream from your pc and in
my mind this is the same thing but a really smooth setup experience like it's it's it's normie proof
it's it's actually a very friendly setup experience and for playstation
yeah i um i i think just off the top of my head like usd i think a playstation dual sense controller
is like 60 bucks um so there's like a huge portion of your cost right there
oh that was terrible please don't do that oh sorry yeah no you're good i can't even tell you to turn
away from the mic to cough because it's attached to your head everybody get in line everybody turn
in and cough sorry it's a lyric from a song oh anyway this one you guys i think dan was was
referencing uh chocolate rain not not your old boomer is it his advice is extremely sound and reasonable
yeah so so this one you guys shield portable 16 gigs let's go this thing still costs as much as
the stupid portal that's kind of weird actually oh they're like kind of a collector's item or
something now i think i saw someone trying to sell a dev kit for like a thousand dollars or something a
while ago obviously they weren't going to get that much for it but uh hey it was worth an effort to a
collector worth worth a try to see if you can find a collector or something yeah yeah
next topic well what did i convince you of anything or do you just you still think it's stupid or what
come on help me out here no i don't i don't think it's stupid necessarily if if it works well like uh if
the lagging problem is not a thing um i mean it's a thing you're gonna have to have good wi-fi
like i don't know if you remember this but i bought a ruckus access point because i was having
so much trouble with streaming to my shield yeah like you you need a good access point and that
doesn't mean an expensive one it's a good one sorry does it support wi-fi six no that's another big
however however however the difference in the differences between wi-fi five and five uh wi-fi
five and wi-fi six are not nearly as noticeable to the average consumer as the differences between
wi-fi six and wi-fi six e unintuitively well i i it's like it's messed up man why why are they
gonna why they gotta be like that why can't you just have a naming scheme that makes sense who do
you think you are usb if like i just i can't um so they're trying to compete the main benefits of
wi-fi six over wi-fi five are to do with large deployments with many clients connected so range and
throughput to a single device are are are not markedly different um going from five to six but
they are going from six to six e now that would have been a game changer for this if it supported
wi-fi six e and if you had your playstation wired because remember if your playstation
is on wi-fi it's wi-fi six right so having six e on the portal would just be added cost for no reason
whatsoever for that use case but if the playstation was wired and you had a wi-fi six e portable device
that would result in a much better streaming experience but the thing is that wouldn't be
two hundred dollars that's the thing that i think a lot of people are missing on the portal
is sony is not gouging on this thing they are charging as far as i can tell the bare barest minimum
that they have to to make this thing make any sense to ship at all because they want to sell more
software that's the play here and i just i feel like a lot of people are missing that and they're
just looking at it going oh this thing's stupid it's like yeah sure it's kind of stupid but at
two hundred dollars it's allowed to be a little bit stupid it's allowed to be more of an appliance in
my mind and i have some hope that it will get hacked apparently it's running android 13 people are
already that far but they've figured out what exactly is going on in this thing so i feel like
it's got to be a matter of time before someone jail breaks it i uh that could be very fun that
could be pretty cool but i feel like that's probably a big part of why sony is not putting a web browser
on it because that can be a significant point of ingress for um attempts to kind of break into these
devices right yeah and yeah mikaio says uh lacking bluetooth headphone support is not reasonable you
know what that's that is ridiculous that's fair enough and and i i go after that hard in the video
is there a 3.5 minute jack yes and the speakers are pretty good so it's not like you don't have other
options but not supporting bluetooth audio blows i would yeah i would i would swing at them for the
no bluetooth audio as well but having a 3.5 mil jack and having good speakers is like
i don't know i would just plug in headphones and i'm pretty it wouldn't bother me that much personally
i'm pretty upset about the battery life it's less than half of what the logitech g cloud does
and the g cloud is as an another example of a of a streaming first device that you know i thought was
stupid and then ultimately liked even if it's for different reasons um than than the the playstation
portal uh all right is it time to uninstall edge
in order to comply here in order to comply with the eu digital markets act microsoft will soon allow
windows 10 and 11 users in the european economic area oh man really to uninstall all windows apps
including camera photos edge and even bing windows will likewise respect apps default browsers
and allow users to choose if they want their microsoft account to sync data across devices so our
discussion question here is so when are you setting your location to hungary and deleting all of this stuff
yeah i wonder i wonder how specific they're going to be about um like detecting if you're on a vpn
and and like undoing stuff if you fall off of it or something like that a q1 william g is what we're
aiming for for the precision go ahead uh but yeah like i i that would be interesting because if if you can
just like set your location or vpn out or something like that um oh yeah i would absolutely do that oh my
goodness there's no way that this is not going to be possible to spoof it's got to be like someone's
going to come up with a pie like yeah it would happen where you just reroute everything from
from that machine like it like and like even if you had to go as far as to have another virtual
interface or something like that you wouldn't even need another physical interface you would just have
to take um like i would imagine it would operate probably similarly to the way that people will
alter their um uh which file is it like hostname file or whatever it is when you're trying to
go to pirated activation servers you know what i'm talking about right what's that what's
what's a long time what's that stupid i don't remember i know what you're talking about yeah i don't
remember the last time that i tried to pirate windows it just doesn't really come up a lot
now that you can yeah hosts file there you go so i would imagine that there's something
along those lines that someone will figure out and we'll be able to just kind of go yep
i'm finished now finished with this
thanks for acknowledging me it was pretty good
uh yeah or it could be a registry change or something like that i'm i'm i'm pretty excited
though because i just i don't know why you want it it shouldn't bother how to uninstall windows apps
like why does it bother me that you know i open i don't know a pdf or something and it opens in the
edge reader because i haven't set it up to open something else on this machine it's just like no i just
i just never actually want to see this application jayden brings up a really good point of like where
where does this stop company wise like this just hit microsoft uh but jayden specifically said will
this apply to samsung phones too um my goodness this being able to work on phones would be amazing
i might actually end up going back to samsung i really liked samsung back in like the s3 days
but then a lot of the samsung specific software that you can't get rid of i hate it so much that i
like won't go back but if they made it so you could actually get rid of it
and you could get it back more towards a stock android experience there's some samsung phones
that are really nice yeah that'd be very i wonder if samsung has a dominant enough position that they
would go after them for this but either way like good guy eu i feel like every other week we're
talking about something cool that the eu is doing to finally crack down on these tech monopolies and
and keep them from abusing their position like where what when did the u.s government
lose their fangs and claws yeah they they they slashed microsoft super super super hard
they they ripped apart at&t slashed microsoft and then just lost all their teeth i don't get it
probably because of insane amounts of lobbying i'm assuming from the results of both of those uh moves okay to
be clear guys i get it i just am frustrated yeah i know how and why it happened i just don't like it
oh man oh wow
all right um hey we don't really have this in the topics but uh
i think we don't yeah let's just let's just say this um we did allude to it in the pre-show so
uh twitter it or it's sorry x uh i actually have a hard time calling it that uh has lost some major
sponsors after ceo or no he's not ceo anymore but whatever owner uh elon musk expressed um
agreement with a with a tweet that some have perceived to be anti-semitic
um and they are losing sponsors like crazy according to reports
um here's something though listed among the major sponsors that are pulling out um is ibm
when's the last time you ever saw an ibm ad i get them for what infrastructure stuff okay
like infrastructure as a service or like hardware or like software honestly i i don't really look into
them but i i i do get ibm ads um fascinating ibm's one of those companies that like we did a tech
wiki about it i think even i i think it was like what does ibm actually do like you know
because own patent yeah own more patents than anyone yeah fair enough um but they're actually
another one of the ones that pulled out is another one of those companies that as
mostly a consumer small business owner i i just i you know i hear about them in the news all the
time i know their ceo's name and he's like super famous or rich or whatever but like oracle
the is oracle actually do i i don't know something presumably yeah oracle is a fun one yeah um but
anyway oracle ibm comcast xfinity um apple have
oh yeah have uh have basically said yeah no this is uh this is not cool uh media matters posted a
screenshot of an apple ad for a mac computer and an ibm ad next to a post that included an image of
adolf hitler and his followers um yikes so advertisers not super cool with what's going on on uh x formerly
twitter right now and it looks like whoever helped musk make this acquisition is probably
going to be losing a lot of money sometime in the near future uh for my part i just am not seeing
the same kind of engagement on twitter that we used to we've had some we've had some posts this week
that were we're cross-posting in youtube community posts on instagram on twitter and on
those other platforms they're getting tens of thousands in some cases nearly 50 000 interactions
from the communities there and on twitter it's just been this slow decline like occasionally we'll
still have ones that that pop off like i think we had a couple in the last week and a half or so that
you know did 10 or 20 000 likes or whatever is luke gone see i told you we should have gone with
it he's still in the call his camera's off wait oh no he's back oh hey we're good okay
should have had the technical difficulties linus yeah i know hold on here
beautiful beautiful smooth amazing smooth uh yeah i what what i've noticed with with twitter x whatever
um is i i haven't really used it for like public communication for a long time but i have used it
for direct messages to like other creators for quite a while um and something that i'm noticing is
is very slowly but surely over time uh i'm either meeting people and they're at the same time dan i'm
trying to they're they're wanting to communicate over over discord or instagram or something else or even
just text messages or people that i already communicate to through twitter dms are asking
to move to one of those other services um and the amount of times that i'm using twitter dms is is
slowly decreasing um which is like cool because i don't like twitter but also kind of annoying because
it was centralized on twitter almost entirely like all my communication with other creators is almost
entirely on twitter twitter was the celebrity phone book essentially yes like anyone with
any kind i don't mean celebrity celebrity i just mean anyone with any kind of public presence yeah
any kind of public creator of any kind was on twitter and so you know you could be you could be like oh
man you know it'd be crazy if we did a collab with someone you know some i don't know some wwe star who's
into gaming or whatever right uh at the very least you could you could add them and then if you also
had some momentum your community would see that and they'd like paying them like you could it was
like uh the ability to nudge just about anyone i don't know that's kind of fading away i don't know
if we're ever gonna get that again instagram instagram i think it still works on but i don't i think not as well
um because not everyone's on instagram
maybe i better get on instagram nikita you well what are you gonna ask me about later dan
oh do you want to be asked about it now sure why not um i believe the retro screwdriver yes and the
noctua screwdriver and the precision are they going to be available for christmas when are they coming
what can you leak for us not christmas uh uh hold on but now i've said something uh uh uh we should
do sponsors yeah hold on i'm finding out uh out of those three the retro is launching first uh i think
it's gonna be oh i think it's gonna be very soon uh should be very very very soon i don't know exactly
what day but no there is a chance that you will be able to order one and have it under the tree
but i probably wouldn't guarantee it i think that's where we're at on that but
oh that's what he said did you say that on stream oh okay retro for christmas maybe some
noctua for christmas precision definitely not in time for christmas but you know what we'll be here in
time for christmas this message from our sponsor thanks that's really helpful um kudos being a
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and get 20 off today with code when finally the show is brought to you by green man gaming here in
canada we set our clocks back recently so it's been nothing but dark and cold everywhere you go
which means more time to stay in and play video games thanks to our sponsor green man gaming and
their black friday sale this is their biggest sale of the year you can save up to 83 on titles like
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cart and use the code linus xp at checkout the sale is on until december 1st so head on over to the link
below to check it out and get your free xp gold membership sick i think they might actually be
sponsoring our black friday stream this year and guess what's great about that luke instead of trying
to build a computer or you know shop for for tech stuff which is like never a good deal um we came up
with what i think is a pretty fun angle today ploof and i are going to be co-hosting and uh his chair is
going to he's going to be subbing out for people who are going to submit things that they wanted to
buy on black friday and then if they beat me at a game i will help them pay for it
so we're going to play your uh your audio is not coming through so we're going to play games that we
get from green man gaming because it's sponsored by green man gaming and then we're going to help
people out with their like black friday or like christmas shopping lists or or maybe we won't help
them out if they lose i think it's going to be a really fun stream who picks the game i think ploof
is picking the games uh so we're going to see uh james wants to play mortal combat one against me
apparently so i don't know we could end up playing some pretty random games here i think
all right it's time for a few merch messages dan yeah so did we get an answer on the noctua yeah
uh we did i told you cool so i'll get rid of that one he had a little dan moment there and he wasn't
we're sharing a brain cell today uh hey lld have any of you wanted to break a non-tech related record
um every time i look into these records i'm like oh yeah there's a reason that that's the record like
i i remember thinking oh yeah what is there a record for like the most times just like bouncing a ball up
up and down to yourself off the ground and like i'll look it up in the records like four million
times and they didn't sleep and they were like held up by ropes just to like keep alive while they
did this and i'm sitting here going oh yeah man no i got no interest in that um no not for the moment
thank you though has there ever been a piece of technology that you really liked but were peer pressured
into not using it due to society uh also nope that big and tall when missing out on deals and
limited time designs uh big and tall when yeah we're working on it i know uh it's all what it said
mean linus answer the question uh it means that the team is working on it and the last thing that i
would want to do as a good manager is breathe down their neck it's it'll be done when it's done
and when it's done it'll be great so that's actually a really nice response thank you for that
yeah everyone just got shut down by the chief vision officer why is he so confident this sucks
uh hey lld first wan show as a floatplane subscriber hey welcome if you could have
one game series that's been dead for a long time get a sequel what would it be pilot wings
that's a pretty good one actually i like that response
i played the crap out of pilot wings
uh the super nintendo one not the n64 one oh apparently there was one for 3ds okay that i
actually didn't know
i don't know
i want to be what was it did they say reboot sequel sequel
yeah pilot wings actually doesn't really it's not really sequel fodder what are they going to do
add more flight instructors like second tony like i don't yeah i don't really know okay let's let me
think let me think let me think maybe something maybe something else fallout new vegas but by the team
that made fallout new vegas not bethesda fallout 2 vegas got them because i'm kind of uh
uh i think i think bethesda lost their credit
elijah says portal 3 okay controversial take
portal 2 a good sequel not even close to as good as portal one
yeah i think it's a good sequel though i think it's a different game no it's not it's the same
game that's the problem i had exactly the same problem with portal 2 that i had with zelda tears
of the kingdom it was like the sense of the sense that i was never you were never going to be able to
recapture that sense of of joy and wonder and discovery that the first game had because it was
inherently because it's inherently impossible it takes place in the exact same environment effectively
different game same game i think they're different games
my favorite part about portal 2 was that you could co-op
that's fair but maybe you had friends so i and and i i wanted to play with yvonne but she gets
motion sick playing portal when she goes through the portals especially the the like momentum based
ones like and puzzles that she she can't she will actually throw up if she tries to play portal yeah
i guess two or three more topics uh well hold on we haven't actually figured
out a game that needs a sequel yet i want a ps1 game made by square called einhander to have a
sequel oh did you ever play that no that's a it's like a side scrolling shooter but i want a sequel to
poi poi it's a good choice did you play poi poi i think so again i'm bad with names
so this is poi poi it's like uh it's like a weird isometric sort of top down like arena brawler
thing um absolutely not oh yeah oh poi poi is sick here here here here okay here we go here we go
so this is what a typical why am i not able to okay there we go this is what a typical map might look
like so here's your characters and you could like pick up rocks and logs and bombs and huck them at
each other uh there's a game for android called bomb squad that's actually kind of cool and kind
of like this but i don't know poi poi just had this like jank vibe that i always really liked okay oh man
dang it it doesn't need a sequel though okay crap um fine final fantasy tactics needs an actual sequel
there all all mine i think are just like i want another game in this line but not made by the
company that currently has the rights to make it like i want a halo game not made by 343
right i want a fallout game or a sky or a uh elder scrolls game or a starfield based game at this
point not made by bethesda i want like i i that that's most of my desire is the the company that
currently owns it is is not in good graces with me at least um but games i would throw out for would
be probably like slave aspire and ftl i think both of those both of the companies behind those games
are trying to move on creatively to other types of things um and i would really like if they just made
another version of what they already made but i understand why they probably just want to move
on because they're very small teams um they're indie teams and they're probably more driven by the
creativity of making games than just the the money so they don't want to just cash in on sequels but
i would definitely buy them if they did
what about another starcraft
but not by blizzard yeah see like that's that's okay i got i got one uh you love you
love ano 1800 whoops that's not the one starcraft but by the people that did ano oh uh no no oh yeah
no the the ano developers are fantastic yeah they should actually yes yeah they actually made ano in
space and i think it's widely considered to be one of the worst ones that's what put me off of ano
that's where i started and you're like you're like get 1800 and i bought 1800 immediately i started
what do you think and i'm like okay i uh i need to limit myself nice yeah yeah yeah i was immediately
taken aback about how like the quality of life stuff for drawing roads and like you can drag to produce
buildings in a big grid and it was just yep city skyline steps should probably have paid played
ano it's like once so good dude and they do such a good job now with the with the npcs like constantly
talking you absolutely crazy second you have six different things you could be doing right now i i
played it for for maybe 20 minutes 30 minutes something like that and i could just immediately see
why you are obsessed with it yeah it's good taste good taste yeah it's so good it's such a good game
what if we what if we what if we bring back after party and we do a three-player co-op ano
is this going to cut into super checks time
i'm sure we could do both well i mean i always have some stuff to do after when so you could do super
checks while we get set up for that interesting oh here's the problem though boys i don't think
you can really do an ano session that's shorter than a couple of hours and get realistically anything
done so wan show typically runs for anywhere from three to four hours super checks time is like
45 minutes to an hour at this point if we do a best of five and luke actually manages to win one
which i mean in fairness doesn't happen that often hey and then if we add two hours of ano
we're we're not going to leave the office till monday morning we might as well just stay here
well you could go home on mondays because you don't work and yeah that'll be fine
oh man uh okay yeah i've got people saying supreme commander there's definitely some spiritual
spiritual successors in the works yep yep yeah and i think the forged alliance forever community
has actually done a great job of keeping supreme commander relevant uh you know it's it's kind of
like how you don't really need a sequel to i don't know what's an example of a game that has kind of stayed
um stayed relevant to its core audience even if it's kind of niche okay eve online do you need an eve
too yeah or has eve evolved evolved enough that it can just still be eve and it can just be eve forever
hasn't played in a long time um so i don't know if i'm the right voice for this but i'm gonna do it
anyways um i think eve is fine um chemo bob says super mario rpg and i actually wouldn't disagree with
that the the recent remake which by the way looks incredible i'm actually not buying it
just because i by chance i i replayed super mario rpg like two months before the announcement came
out like i i didn't i didn't know i was just like man you know what was awesome super mario rpg i'm
gonna play it because um emily saw one at um at willow video actually luke and was like hey i know you
love this game um do you want one it's a good price and i was like yeah sure and then it was just
sitting on my shelf staring at me and i was like well i'm obviously not i'm not going to put it in
a super nintendo to play it because that's just completely backwards at this point i'm going to
play it on something else with an emulator because i have places to be um and so i you know i wasn't
going to play the actual cartridge but i'm sitting here going what i'm going to pay like 150 for this
game or whatever it was i'm not going to just i'm not going to play the stupid thing no damn it i'm
going to play it so uh so so so i played it so i'm seeing how faithful the remake is
is both uh really exciting to me because i love that they did that i love that they didn't
with it right it was a masterpiece is a masterpiece and if they had gone and like just arbitrarily
changed it i i i think they could have lost what made it so special but then i'm also disappointed
because i don't need to play it right now and everyone's all hyped about super mario rpg and i
kind of just wish it was super mario rpg 2 because i i want some new content to enjoy so i um i i do think
with how much hype there is around this game uh that it feels likely that they you know might that might
be what that developer is already working on or something i don't i don't know i don't actually
know who did the adaptation for them or if they're even a nintendo internal team um i think someone
knows and posted at some point but i don't know um so i i'd love to see that happen in a nutshell i
know the paper mario series is like kind of a spiritual successor to it but yeah new new super
mario rpg man that'd be super cool i liked paper mario i played quite a bit of paper mario back in the
the day i don't remember what ones but multiple paper mario games i played and enjoyed they were
fun uh lucky drive yes um there's a really good multiplayer hockey game it's called slapshot
rebound it's free to play it's really fun you don't have to buy any of the cosmetics you can have a
really excellent experience without paying for anything uh lots of fun very funky controls uh
i wish you luck yeah yeah it's tough but it's fun
oh more topics yeah sure we can do that um google sues for dmca abuse google has launched a lawsuit
against 22 people that it says weaponized the dmca by creating dozens of fake google accounts
and submitting fraudulent takedown notices against over a hundred thousand website urls belonging to their
competitors in the printed t-shirt industry the notices were typically filed under the names of
large organizations like amazon the los angeles lakers and twitter as well as famous celebrities
like elon musk taylor swift and levar burton attacks against big ad buyers led to the loss of
millions of dollars in revenue for both the target companies and for google now i can't say that i'm
happy that this is what it took for google to finally stand up to fraudulent dmca claims but i will
say that i'm really happy it's happening because if this becomes legal precedent um then i think that i
hope that organizations particularly ones with money will think twice before using dmca claims just to get
their way and rip down content that makes them unhappy yeah in other news rivian sat on the wrong button
this week they sent an ota update that put an estimated three percent of their vehicles infotainment
systems out of commission some requiring physical repairs the company accidentally sent out an income
incorrect update build with the wrong security certificates which stalled before it completed
installing rendering the system and the main instrument displays unusable rivian blamed the
error on a fat finger and said that they would prioritize addressing the needs of customers that were
impacted by this mistake now our discussion question says how does a company this size end up sending
out an update this disastrous accidentally and i will say as the chief vision officer of a company that has
made some pretty um egregious blunders in the last calendar year you'd be surprised communication's
not easy um and the bigger you get the bigger the chances that you'll have if if anything i would
say the odds of a bigger company doing this is better than the odds of a small company that's like
a tightly knit team that all work together with each other every day um
um but still it's obvious that they need some some process improvements to ensure that something
like this will never happen again i i can pretty much guarantee you there will at least be processed
changes as a result of this um time will tell if they're improvements or not but somebody's gonna want
things to change just to say they change something yeah exactly like something's gonna happen um and i
honestly i've i've heard stories from a huge range of developers uh out there of just horrifying
things that have happened at companies that you would never guess um vng supernova says i work for a
very large travel company as a software dev i've pushed breaking changes to production multiple times
the worst wasn't noticed until 12 hours later uh thanks for your application uh unfortunately we've
decided to go in a different direction supernova got it uh okay man is that it i think that's all our
topics there's one more it's kind of boring i'm not interested in it i think it's time for when show
after dark okay okay which is very very light for me oh right it's very very early in the day
it's it's 122 for me right now
but it's 122 on saturday right gotta love that international date line
yeah all right dan we ready to do this thing i think we are i'm uh i'm a little behind so we'll see
i am very i wouldn't call you a small ass well that's kind of you uh get it
get it well yeah i mean i was gonna be a large ass get it
no luke i get no acknowledgement for that i wouldn't call you a small ass yeah he said i'm
a little behind oh okay i didn't hear that okay that's the that's the brain leg yeah
the brain cell had to make it to japan
oh gosh uh where are we uh okay uh yeah merch messages let's see uh reordering due to my mail
being stolen again but i love the underwear so worth it question my wife hates my collection of
knives and flashlights what does your significant other despise that you collect large expenses
especially real estate oh yeah you have too many knives oh linus you bought another building
yeah another another stupid warehouse no but honey it's okay we're gonna put a lab in it
i get to buy more expensive stuff because the the things that go in the lab oh they're they're so
cool though let me tell you about them yeah geez hey dll would the performance differences add up to
become a large one if you compared a pc with premium skews to one with less premium skews of the same parts
this is actually a video concept that i've had on the spreadsheet for probably about three or four
years and i i forget what the title i have for it is i'm not just being rude and sitting on my phone
right now i'm trying to find the uh the topic ideas spreadsheet but uh it is it is not at the top
here it is video idea tracker ltt you know i i don't it doesn't matter the point is i'm uh i have i
can explain how the video would work so i wanted to build the sub-optimal pc
basically kind of like what you described at the same price the worst option right
compared to the optimal pc which is at the same price the best option for every component but in
order to do this as accurately as possible i need the lab and it's these kinds of video concepts that
were the main driver for building out the lab because i wanted to be able to say with confidence
hey guys i know that in the grand scheme of things two percent hair and three percent here on this ram
kit or this gpu or uh you know the the the ks version of cpu or you know whatever else the case may be
doesn't really ultimately matter but cumulatively with all of the breadth of testing that we can do
we think we can guide you to eight percent better you know whatever right um and i'm i'm really
excited to be able to do that but it's going to take time um we're we're we're still we're still
learning a lot um there's there's there's growing pains right it's a it's a big team and it's growing
um and we're gaining experience and um we're we're smoothing out our communication and our workflows but
these things are not things that happen overnight as i think we've all uh observed and we're gonna
get there but we need a little bit more time hi lld last week in australia optus had an outage lasting
over seven hours affecting 10 million customers the company says the outage was caused by an
international peering network how would ltd handle this issue well thankfully we aren't a gigantic
isp so it's not our problem i think you know what he meant no actually i don't how would you handle
that's way above my pay grade dude how would you handle not having internet for seven hours
oh i see if like no one had internet oh well no that's simple because we store the vast majority
of our assets on our local network right so if you need to edit a video you're going to have
everything that you need on the local network which you don't need internet to access and then what you
would probably do is you would create placeholders for assets that you'll just go get later and put
markers on your timeline that's how the video editors would work the writers would just have to
make put placeholders in their scripts for things that they're going to have to validate later you
figure out later no this is this is absolutely something that we could work around and
have worked around uh we've even uploaded we've even edited and uploaded that day's video
in power outages before never mind internet outages we've got this let's go bring it on
hello dll luke how has met suri been so far watching samet and ltd crossover has been entertaining
it's been awesome actually i i went i went drifting yesterday had some fun was able to do
uh a linkage where i was i was drifting in one direction and then i i pulled it in tight and
was able to switch and start drifting the other direction it was rough but it it technically
happened um and that wasn't actually technically matsuri matsuri technically started today and i
haven't been at it because i have been uh gracing the wan show with my president should we let you go
soon i'm sorry but i i'll go when we're done it's fine um but yeah i'll be i'll be going up there
everybody else is already up there so i'm probably going to have to get a taxi which is incredibly
expensive here so far i've actually been surprised at how inexpensive many things are but holy try to not
take taxis when you're here do anything you can to avoid that um but yeah i'll be heading up there and
then matsuri goes like overnight as far as my understanding goes so i'll be up there for
quite a while um and i'm sure it'll be very fun i've done a bunch of ride-alongs um with with samet who
is very good at drifting and doing what he does and uh i think it was yesterday we were within a
foot of someone else's door like our my door was within a foot of someone else's door while we were
going like i think it was like 60 or 70 miles an hour sideways um which was wild and then when they
correct it out so they were sliding beside each other when they correct it out the front bumper of
our car just barely touched the front the rear bumper of the other car uh but this is not very
good no it was you guys in front it was sick no i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm
kidding i see um but they know this is going to happen so the bumper's only held on by like four zap
straps so it just like pinged off we didn't even like feel any impact whatsoever in the car
uh when we were able to retrieve the bumper and and get it back on afterwards and everything was
totally fine uh but yeah it's it's been it's been very very fun um hanging out with samet and
and the rest of the people here and i'll be excited to go back up hey linus alexander here from australia
i've been watching for over 10 years what's some of the visions you have for ltt in 2024
the big one is uh getting the labs website launched um getting getting content out taking advantage of
all this testing that we're going to be doing um i i want to see ltt move towards you know more
projects um and and less just you know reviews of products um but at the same time so so do those
better but also do a little bit more back to basics product reviews so right now we do a lot of kind
of in between um and i want to have kind of a clearer split where where a big portion of the content is
these like projects extreme um and ultimate tech upgrades and stuff like that and then the other
side is some of the more just like back to basics reviews of products that um that people want to hear
about and i think that one of the struggles we've had is that there's just not as much exciting
innovation in the verticals that we have traditionally participated in like we used to be able to rely on
a gpu launch for millions of views and now with you know amd and nvidia competing with each other to see
who can release the biggest turd um it's gotten very challenging right and i think you see this not
just with us but with other pc technology centric channels that are either kind of steadily getting
about the same views they always did or even declining as the the pc gaming uh hardware industry gets
more stagnant and more boring right so um you know we've got to figure out a way to to continue to
survive as tech media which means you know yeah if i have to buy some stupid ai pin in order to find
something that's interesting enough to do a review about then yeah that's that's what i'll do because
that's what i do um you know find find whatever is kind of wherever that the development is happening
and learn to get into that because you can't just rely on power supplies to stay interesting forever
i mean i think a perfect example of a category that has really had its ups and downs over the
last 10 years is displays right when we first got into this it was all about g-sync so variable refresh
rate and um and high refresh rate and then it was really boring for a bit and then ultra wide it was
like oh we've got man we've got these new form factors that totally change immersiveness and then
and and then they were oh man then like the next release they were curved all of a sudden it was
like whoa curved monitors and then no it was just a barren landscape wasteland for years and then
oled hit the scene it was like game changing and wow now refresh rates are going to 240 480 hertz it's
crazy and then you know i i think that this generation the 2023 refreshed tvs are probably the least
excited that i've seen people about a tv release in the last three or four years
so it's just been it's been kind of all over the place in the in the tv industry so if we were at
their mercy then our viewership and our success as a company would go up and down like that but we
can't do that we've got to be we've got to be looking for you know what people are interested in
whether they're buying it or not honestly it's kind of irrelevant to me i'm not here to sell you anything
other than from lttstore.com um i'm yeah i'm here to talk about tech i'm here to look at what's cool
and exciting right so um we'll just we'll figure it out has there been anything you've enjoyed about
using the wing no fidget toy fidget toy no it's not even a good fidget toy um it's it's a it's terrible
uh the the fingerprint sensor works maybe 20 of the time uh half the time i go to wake it i go to
just like press the button it just doesn't wake i have to press it like three times like it's just
it's a piece of man i don't know what to tell you i've got one here for uh i've got one here for luke
linus we want to go through some of the potentials um i'll have a look at those sure question for luke
do you believe p2p solutions like ipfs could help with floatplane bandwidth costs if i remember
correctly blizzard used to run wow updates with a mix of servers and peer-to-peer to absorb the initial
spike all the examples of usage that i've seen for that uh that that deal with online video have not
worked out um i i think something like file downloads which i understand yeah related um but
i i think something like file downloads where where inconsistency in service is not an issue um i think
it's fine um but expecting that next chunk to be there on time every single time because if it's not
there are interruptions in playback of video uh i i think controlling more of that pipeline is more
better or not worse um and that's just gonna be what it is for a while could i see that changing
eventually yeah maybe um but not right now hi wan.dll good morning linus people keep asking about your
beard but why do you keep your earrings for so many years have you thought of removing them also if
luke fights james who will win luke would win no offense james they're not even in a similar weight
class so james is like my size um sorry james uh as for as for the earrings i i don't know they're just
they're they're i've had them since i was in grade nine or grade 10 or something like that
and these exact earrings like like these exact hoops and the the one stud that i have i've had for
almost the entire time i've known yvonne so like 15 years or something like that um at this point
they kind of just feel like part of my body i don't really think about them uh they definitely took a
lot more criticism in the early days of the channel it's like what are you gay because you have earrings
like a under every single video and b oh my god who cares like yeah right but for those of you for
the zoomers out there right it's it was a different it was a different era um that that that was what
passed for i i don't know humor i guess i don't know uh i'm i'm not exaggerating it it was under every
actually every single video like a lot of comments it was it was brutal it was stupid
yeah so and and to be clear it's not that i'm offended by being called gay i don't care i don't
think that's a problem i'm not i just happen to not be i just think it's really stupid to look at
piercing and anyway it doesn't it doesn't matter the point is they're there um they don't care get
used to it sorry what am i saying um one of them is actually stuck one of them is fused uh so this
stud does not come off anymore i did actually try to remove it once because um it i forget what it's
made of i think it's gold and uh my daughter's um piercing was having a lot of trouble healing and so i was
like oh i need something that has a longer uh uh what's the i don't know i forget what it's called
pin i forget what it's called but the the the shaft part i need one that had a longer one so
that it wouldn't stick against one side and get all get all goopy and i tried to take mine out and i
actually could not with pliers on both sides like i couldn't it seems to be fused in some way so maybe
it's not made of gold in which case it's maybe good that i never put it in her ear but um i ended up
having to find something else so that one doesn't come out so that's that's part of it at least i'd
have to cut it off yo ldl love the show and looking forward to post that's it dang it thank you post
yeah yeah that's what you do on twitter now that's not where i would have gone with it that's what you
do with your computer well maybe not your computer my computer it's been having a lot of trouble doing
that lately i'll tell you that that hurts a lot you have no idea how much of that hurts linus
well you have thread ripper so i had some idea
i don't know if linus can talk how many times has your computer broke in the last like six months
actually had an amd driver crash recently updated my radio on drivers and i haven't had another one but
uh man having some second thoughts about my amd challenge conclusion my computer has a
has a hand repaired cpu uh and a gpu that rests on top of the case and it seems to work more than yours
i think i think linux overwrote intel's management engine on the system i'm building right now oh no
and oh it makes all the temperatures go to negative 200 million degrees and none of the ipmi stuff works
but then if you put a windows disc in it it's great it's the weirdest thing ever anyway um
yo ldl love the show and looking forward to the black friday deals question for the big l
my little girl is now seven months old and i'm worried for her future do you have any concerns
about the future of your daughters i have concerns about the future in general never mind just for my
daughters um i have no idea how my kids generation is going to live in vancouver with the housing
affordability issues that we have here i have no idea what the job market is going to look like when
these kids start looking for work and we're at the point now where you know my eldest is what somewhere
between five and ten years from joining the workforce like five and fifteen like it's this is not some
far distant future thing that i'm considering but the problem is that it's it's enough in the future
that we could see significant progression in ai to the point where
there is an actual surplus of meat bags that are needed to just do right like it's
it's it's legitimately really scary so yes yes i do you're normal
hey alinus remember when i asked about the damage by dennis and colton well on the ltd clip it got some
mixed feedback what are your notes on it also i love the retro stickies most of the really negative
feedback on this clip which seems to be far and away the best viewed video on this channel
that is wild four million dollars on four million dollars no no oh yeah exactly uh four million
views on a like piece of the wan show is pretty unbelievable yeah yeah that's like way way far
and away the best performer most of them are just people misunderstanding the situation which is pretty
typical right like anger to me um and i don't mean you know righteous theory i mean just like like like
like like like just anger um often comes from a place of of ignorance or or an inability to fully
understand the situation because um almost it's
unless it's precipitated by someone else's utterly irrational behavior right there's almost never no
reason for something and if you take the time to understand it it can it can change the way you
feel about it is at least sort of my philosophy on it um and a lot of um a lot of people's anger
at this clip about me talking describing being angry um comes from a place of not understanding
what happened a lot of people are extremely uh bothered by the fact that you know here i am
complaining about employees damaging my floor when i should have just had professional contractors
work on it in the first place instead of exploiting them and i'm sitting here going what the are you
talking about they snuck into my house and damaged my floor as part of making a video so they were
doing their jobs they were just them up um so so i i yeah i mean yeah there's some controversy about
the video but most of it is just people who don't pay attention being people who don't pay attention
and just getting angry i guess i should clarify the the anger thing a little bit again as well because
there are lots of reasons to be legitimately angry about you know even the state of the world even um
but if you're just angry all the time i think a lot of that can come from not taking the time to
to listen and fully understand the situation um and i think we see a lot of those personality types
under a video like that clip where um it's obvious that like okay a typical a typical retention
curve for a video has about half of the people gone by the end of it which means that probably about
a quarter of them are gone by you know the first minute or two so that should give you some idea
that won't prevent people from commenting but that should give you some idea how much of the
actual video has been watched by you know a huge portion of the the youtube community right so
this ended up kind of rambly the point is uh i'm over it i'm not bothered by it but yeah people are
angry because they don't take the time to properly understand but that's that's their problem that's
that's not my problem anymore and i've talked about this before on the show but when i see that kind
of stuff like the um just colossally stupid takes uh or or takes that are obviously based on not paying
attention to the content at all i'm shadow banning them i just i don't have room in my brain for
just that kind of that that kind of nonsense um and and that's not to say that you know if someone
says something critical they're going to get shadow banned that's not the case at all it's
if someone says something that is just so phenomenally stupid that it makes me lose my
few functioning brain cells um i'm just i'm not going to expose myself to it again it just doesn't
make any sense so if you were to post something like uh you know maybe you shouldn't be angry at them
you know if you're exploiting them instead of hiring a professional to move your furniture
you're shadow banned like that's not what happened at all and if you had taken the time to pay
attention at all you'd know that so you just you lost you lost being heard privileges sorry and no
one's going to miss you because that's really stupid i'm doing everybody a favor all right all right
all right all right well was it you luke yeah yeah i posted that yeah yeah yeah no i i came and
held i i'm pretty sure i was there when we found it right because we were trying to move your stuff
properly and then it was discovered so unhappy or more of it was discovered or something i don't
remember it was it was much worse under the bed than like what's peeking out in front of it yeah yeah
hi lld if apple is eventually forced to shut down the walled garden do you think we will ever see an
iphone that natively runs android no no no that's not the issue that's not like an antitrust problem
um no no loving the gpu ornament what is the best ltd store idea that was rejected so far
the uh the lighter snuffer combo i wanted to do a little uh i wanted to do a lighter that was a butt
that had a flame come out of it and you could light candles with it and then if you pressed a different
button it would puff air out the butt and put out the candle why doesn't this exist who do i have to
blame for this linus blame nick light and kyle oh my goodness i'm gonna go talk to them i think
now i'm back on your side people would buy the crap out of that man well we would we would just
only have to sell that north hopper says i would smoke so much weed with that
yeah but would you put it out that's not how this works no no you put it out just to put it out
uh just ordered the new uh limited edition steam deck and love the way it looks what are your
favorite limited edition or uh limited editions of games or tech uh that you have what i don't
really do the collector's edition thing to be honest with you i know luke does a little bit like you just
oh you're not wearing that watch anymore i guess you're over it uh well i i have a hard time wearing
like anything because i just lose it all the time um i actually really like that watch despite
maybe not being so into the game anymore um and will likely continue to wear it if i
am like trying to uh i don't know appear slightly more put together than i normally am i'll say that
i was gonna say dress up but i was like i don't think that's fair um because because yeah i actually
actually actually do quite like that watch um i think that's actually probably my favorite special
edition ever that watch is like really cool actually works like pretty well build quality seems really
good um it's made by because i want to give credit to the people that actually made it it's made by
the wand company i think the name is called the wand company makers of the world's finest
website is loading very slowly yeah i'm pretty sure it's these these people yes the wand company
um they they made the watch and they did a fantastic job and i hope that they keep working with companies
making special editions in the future uh because that was awesome um very very cool very happy that i got it
not only is the uh the watch great but even the box that it came in is awesome so yeah pretty cool
which watch was it it's the it's the what is it chrono master watch or something like chrono mark
watch from the starfield special edition in an apocalypse mad max situation which lmg member is
most likely to start the raider group most likely to hold on to civilized values most likely to be the cult leader
lions is the cult leader oh hell yeah easy i still want to go to the mountains linus when are you
going to take us to the mountains linus company town you promised to take us to gaben
i could see james being a bit cult leader-y he might be my rival oh yeah i could see that
i think i think luke don't take this the wrong way but i think that
you wouldn't want to be in charge you would prefer to be the enforcer of
of the of the person in power i think i think you're more of a defender
than a than a like just by by nature and i feel free to correct me if i'm wrong
that's usually how i work but i think i think you would be right hand luke regardless of who the leader
is you would be putting yourself in a position hold on hold on if you felt that their leadership
was a path to better order and a and a better overall situation for everyone then you would
do basically anything to put yourself between them in danger that's your role yeah that's probably right
that's your benefit yeah
dan i imagine is more like cypher from the matrix okay continue uh you know he's you know super super
technical skilled uh sells you out at a moment's notice yeah people are gonna die but we're gonna
have running plumbing and indoor lighting um no i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding no no i think
that's that's pretty true like people's bones as like engineering extrusion so it's just the most
efficient material it's very it's very abundant it's very light it's very strong they come within 30
feet of me and i have more more tools skin is a very effective leather um
i uh yeah i i feel like we could talk about this for an hour but um who would hold on to civilized
values i feel like yvonne would be a huge pusher for civilized values organization and civilized values
but i think at a point she would accept that we have to do what it takes to get things done
so who would really hold on hold on
not colton no he'd be like i've got guns um
doesn't he already live in like an apocalyptic wasteland and like yeah basically yeah
uh let's go chillowack um sorry colton yeah i uh yeah i think that's about all i've got to say
about that okay what else we got um i'm curious what you think the impact will be from a bunch of
organizations now trying to do uh ai at scale without broad institutional knowledge about how
to correctly measure results oh it's well blessed man it's it is and is going to be absolutely nuts for
the next like at least five years um i think the upheaval that we saw today with sam altman getting
ousted from open ai is just the the beginning of uh not not the beginning but i think is just
a small fraction of the kind of infighting and chaos that we're going to see in this space it's
a land grab right now right there's there's no rules at the end of the day um and i think yeah
it's going to be a wild time man super super wild because people can't even agree on the basics of
whether we should build ai or not right now how can you expect consensus and everybody marching in
the same direction when we don't even know if we should march speaking of which uh nine minutes ago
there was a post from greg brockman um sam as in sam altman sam and i are shocked and saddened by what
the board did today let us first thank uh say thank you to the incredible people who have worked with
at open ai our customers our investors and all of those who've reached out we we too are still trying
to figure out exactly what happened here is what we know last night sam got a text from ilia asking
to talk at noon friday sam joined a google meet uh and the whole board except greg who i think he's
talking about himself in third person because i believe greg brockman was on the board um so the
whole board except greg uh was told that he was being um he was being removed sorry hold on i i i moved
my thing and got lost the whole board except for greg was there ilia told sam he was being fired and
that the news was going out very soon at 12 19 pm greg got a text from ilia asking for a quick call
at 12 23 pm ilia sent a google meet link greg was told he was being removed from the board but that he
was vital to the company and would retain his role and that sam had been fired around this time open ai
published a blog post as far as we know the management team was made aware of this shortly
after other than mira who found out the night prior wow so this whoa yeah quick fast and then greg
immediately quit um so yeah removed from the board told he should stay and then immediately left
it's uh it's a bit of a confusing thing i mean do we know kind of what's happened or is it all
speculation at the moment well that's from the horse's mouth but that's about it yeah yeah yeah
they they are literally currently trying to figure out what's going on terrifying i i i know there's been
some open ai people tweeting about how it feels like a coup stuff like that um
yeah i don't know
okay then uh hey dll any updates on the ltt backpack zipper pulls uh yeah we're still we're still working
on it we've had some challenges with the supplier i might as well just give you guys the update um they
have completed part of the production process across the entire like hundred sixty thousand
unit order or whatever it is and they want more payment but what we had agreed to was that they
would take parts of it fully to completion and then we would give them more and then they would
fully complete and fully complete and we would pay in installments that way and so we are pretty upset
about the current situation because they are demanding more money and they haven't actually
delivered anything yet which was the deal um so i i just found this out recently that that's where it's
kind of stalled at right now and we are doing our absolute best to get it moving forward as quickly as we can
will the black friday deals ship in time for christmas uh oh i don't see why not i mean well i guess it
depends what kind of a like insane black friday we have i've seen some of the deals that those guys are
planning but uh hmm yes probably almost certainly like how yeah like today's going pretty nuts with
all the stuff that we launched during the show uh the rg broken wow okay can you guys like add some
other stuff to your order with the rg broken t-shirt we're not making money on that you guys
jeez it's out selling anything else on the store by like it's 10 to one yeah the next the next most
sellingest item has moved one tenth as many units come on throw a water bottle in your order you're
killing me here sorry what'd you say i don't know if you can buy a shirt that cheap like almost anywhere
these days oh it's a really nice shirt too um yeah yeah but like that's what i'm saying get a water bottle
you guys are killing me here you probably should have done like a buy something else and get
this shirt for ten dollars yeah maybe if your team coded it for me it's not supported in shopify
i asked that's what i wanted to do nick came in right before the show and was like yeah we can't do that
you we could do we could do buy this get a deal on another this but we can't do
buy this get x price on this or buy anything get price on this because that's what i wanted to do
i wanted to do 9.99 with any purchase and then we couldn't do that and i was just like all right
9.99 and then you guys are pretty specific about what you can do um i know and i know there's plugins and
stuff but maybe the community will just throw me a bone here and um yeah order more than just lost
leader shirts
you guys are gonna you guys are gonna lose your lost leader privileges for black friday at this rate
yeah conrad just said i just checked we can definitely do that i'm a little confused i thought
we've literally done this before okay maybe it was a miscommunication then again back to what i was
saying earlier about how the bigger an organization gets the more stages of telephone happen because
it's possible that maybe i miscommunicated exactly the promo i wanted to run it's possible the creator
warehouse team miscommunicated to the development team it's possible the development team
miscommunicated to luke just now or like probably not but my point is that these breakdowns can happen
anywhere in the chain and i'm sure we'll get it sorted out maybe in time for black friday
yeah something will happen hey lld cod modern warfare 3 launch has me reminiscing about the
glory days of online gaming one of the big staples in online gaming in the earlier 2010s
halo 3 cod gta 5 uh what did you enjoy playing the most i missed that era of gaming because i had
small children but uh luke feel free to talk about it uh so i heard gta 5 what what else was listed
there halo 3 call of duty etc yeah i've not heard of that i i was much halo 3 was a great game i was
much more of a halo 2 fan than a halo 3 fan um modern warfare uh i don't know i feel like because
gta 5 was listed i feel like that was actually pretty close to the beginning of ltd so i actually
wasn't gaming as much as like almost any other time in my life um and most of what i was doing
at that time i'm gonna curveball the heck out of you but i was playing mario kart on wii u um so what up
what a nerd
it was really fun what a poser myself and the other four people that had we use had a great time
that's all i've got for curated let's go through some potentials then i guess unless you're answering
no yes no hey wan.dll miss the red and blue hexagon set what video ideas for ltd took the
least time to make in the last two years and how did they come how did they perform compared to other
videos that took more time honestly i i wouldn't be able to remember exactly which ones took the least
amount of time but what i will tell you is that you would be surprised i think at which videos
took a lot of time and which videos were sharted out in an afternoon um
like sometimes we will put a ton of work into something and get a really poor response to it
and then in other cases we'll basically just throw something together and you guys absolutely love
it um i'm scrolling through right now trying to find examples of this it's really um um
what was the question again ones ones we threw together like fast ones like the easiest and
quickest turnaround for the best performance like basically the um effort to performance ratio of your
your videos oh interesting okay okay like here's one that was super high effort the sponsor secret
shopping that was not ultimately very well received for some legit reasons and for some that i think were
just sort of um less legit uh these are always super quick uh oh actually this one was less so
because we had to actually get no uh people with notoriety to send us their setups in many cases
so there was a fair bit of digging and prep that went into this particular one but when we just asked
the community to tweet us stuff that's relatively easy um man we put we put a fair bit of prep even
into our low effort stuff these days like this we shot in a couple of hours the trying pirate game
consoles from aliexpress but like ploof put a bunch of work into finding good ones getting them ordered
getting them set up so that you know it was all ready for a smooth production
um this is relatively easy when we just buy something really cheap and crappy because
no one's expecting it to be good anyway so you know hey if it is then surprise but we'll figure
that out pretty quickly and then if it's not good then we just dunk on it for 23 minutes or whatever
right so that's that's pretty easy oh yeah nothing is that easy anymore event coverage is pretty fast
turnaround but that's out of necessity not because we want to to do the whole thing in like 14 hours
or whatever it's it's really challenging in its own ways man this was a freaking ton of work build your
own mechanical keyboard the right way and it's now starting to get some legs but it started out really
slow updates just like hey i'm just telling you guys a thing those are pretty low effort but they're
high effort in terms of that you have to think about and find you know something to tell you all about
this was fun man we make a lot of cool videos this one i was so disappointed that this one
didn't perform better these are hilarious bad sports team tech you know this would be such a
great stream format just going through and doing like a watch together um but like making you guys
all click on it at the same time i've actually thought about this a lot of times like could i
game the algorithm a little bit if i had 3 000 people watching alongside me i'm like okay let's all
click it right now okay we're watching and i'm gonna do director's commentary in your one ear while
you listen to the video in the other ear and uh so like these old videos would get this boost and
would they get like an algorithmic boost i want to try it at some point i had not talked about it
publicly because i was like oh my devious plan but i don't know maybe somebody's done that before
anyway like a like a watch together thing hi dll with the release of the new version of the steam
deck have you considered going back to valve instead of staying with the rog ally what are your favorite
parts of each the screen and steam deck screen and with the ally it's all about the performance but yes
yes i am seriously uh my next game that i play is going to be octopath traveler and i am seriously
considering ditching the ally and going with the steam deck oled the screen is just
so good and the battery life is very enticing
i was in at i was at an it con last week and learned about wasm from a dev and i was chatting with
are you familiar with it and if so what are your thoughts on its potential for the development on
both x86 and arm you know about wasm mr luke
all right no if you can hear web web assembly oh yeah he's gone no he's just turned the screen off
oh okay he's still here uh he's just ignoring us i have nothing to contribute to that so
uh i guess we might have to move on there's luke awesome luke web assembly are we lagging super hard
can you guys hear me yes web assembly yeah what about what web is a good yes no bad uh are you
familiar with it what are your thoughts on its potential i'm familiar using i haven't used it
personally uh i've i've heard good things it's pretty far away from uh what we're gonna do so
yeah but it's cool hey lld a question for linus how would you feel about doing a top gear style video
you have stated previously that there are some video ideas that get shelved because the video
would be too short uh i don't know that top gear stuff is too short uh i would definitely be down to
do you know bigger grander projects but i gotta be honest with you guys it's not really the way we're
built you know that's how someone like a mark rober runs things it's like every every video is is like
going for the grand slam right um whereas we're more of like hey let's figure out how to consistently
hit line drive singles um and if we if we can occasionally knock it out of the park then that's
that's great um but we're more about more videos more frequently um giving you your you know your
daily dose of tech and less about you know spending a month polishing one killer concept video and then
trying to get 25 35 50 million views on it it's just it's a different approach i pulled the plunger on a
very large sorry i'm i'm lagging like can you guys hear me we know luke hello but we love you anyway
okay sorry my my side's having some troubles right now but i i misspoke apparently we do use some web
assembly that's my bad okay all good uh yeah we can still hear you okay but we do seem to be losing
your video a little bit um okay i pulled the plunger on a very large mentor's office chair right as he was
falling asleep we both laughed way too hard what is the simple plan what is a simple prank that y'all
have done that resulted in lots of laughter one of my favorites was the time i rigged up a squirt gun
i like taped it to the wall and then i set up a trip wire so that when my sister opened up the door
it would pull on the trigger and from plaster it's pretty funny
that's pretty good hey i also just love sneaking up on yvonne it's just really funny
jumps i i i have a video on channel super fun of screen melter that was my favorite thing i ever did
it's evil it's evil it's evil man hey lld it's not that evil it's coded in that you can press escape
now i have a version where that's not the case but i didn't get anyone with ah
hey lld linus since you like final fantasy 6 are there any other jrpgs you enjoy personally i'm not a
fan of jrpgs but i absolutely love grandia yet it seems hardly anyone knows it uh one of my favorites
i mean i i played through chained echoes recently i played through uh sea of stars recently uh chained
echoes was definitely my favorite of the two even if the story got a little bit off the rails and
i i don't want to i don't want to spoil anything so plug your ears for the next 10 seconds if you were
planning to play chained echoes it's a pretty mild spoiler but basically just like every other
every other cut scene there's like but then they were betrayed okay this is this starts to lose its
impact after a while um not not not quite exactly that but it's just that kind of plot twist
okay it's safe to come back um so i found that kind of frustrating but i think my favorite one in
terms of the best balance of gameplay story uh design um character development i i loved cross
code uh radical fish is working on something new i will pre-order it even though i always say don't
pre-order i just i just love that game so much that i will just give them more money i don't really care
um and it's it's such a good game it's it's just so worth it
good day dll given the black market for airline parts is a thing has there and it has been for a
while how about a right to repair for airline parts i bet the official parts cost as much as
the airlines can bear well that's a whole thing though with certification in fact there was a big
thing recently where uh there was like fraudulent certifications on a bunch of airline parts and
they're in the process of tracking down where the heck all these things ended up that that's
happening like right now i think when it comes to airplane parts um
things get a little bit more complicated no i don't actually want joe technician repairing the
jesus nut on a helicopter um i want certifications um i don't know if that's actually what it's called
that's just what neighbor steve used to call it because if there's anything wrong with it you
better pray to jesus was what he how he explained it to me i'm gonna see if that's just a steve thing
i did hear him call it that yes it's a slang term for the main rotor retaining nut
or mast nut that holds the main rotor to the mast of some helicopters
you know you know why it's called the jesus nut um
is it not what i just said uh probably
by the way dan didn't have the brain cells for it
by the way i love this not to be confused with jesus freak which isn't a jesus enthusiast
oh no okay um
okay sorry does it explain why it's called that as a slang term um yeah because if it fails you better
pray to jesus yeah yeah yeah we we did cover that down sorry i'm i i can't keep up with the merch
messages right now do you know what you're doing great i'm trying really hard i'm sorry
uh hey dll and cardboard l uh long time viewer first time buyer it's only a money reason or a
marketing reason to not have a desktop version of an i3 1220p for where it has more e cores than p cores
okay i had not looked this is again something that i'm really excited for the lab to be able
to help us do is like dig through these deep product stacks aside from the you know the ones
that get seated to press and find these diamonds in the rough this thing looks really interesting
it's got two p cores and then it's i forget i looked at a second ago but it's either six or eight
e cores so for certain types of games it might actually be kind of killer like kind of a great
value if you don't need more than two performance cores um you know single player games older triple
a um i don't know man i uh it's it seems super cool but it also definitely is going to have
many applications today where it underperforms and i think that's probably why you don't see
many configurations like that back to your question hey i see there was a debate between asus ally and
steam deck i understand it used to be about the price difference but is that even a valued argument
or is there a huge difference in hardware there's huge differences in hardware now not just hardware the
software they are they are as different as i think two devices could be while existing in the exact
same category if you kind of get what i mean it's like they are to me what a uh you know a sports car
and a pickup truck are like they're just sure they both roll on four wheels but they are nothing alike
um you know the steam deck it's linux it's a console it's a very console appliance like experience
instant sleep instant wake um all that kind of stuff right it's got the trackpad so you can
play mouse games if you really want to on it it has now the far better screen but it comes with
limitations like the fact that it can only run linux software or at least software that can run on a
compatibility layer it's going to struggle with some anti-cheat um whereas the rog ally is going
to have like a jankier interface overall i mean they've done a pretty okay job of fixing it up but
it's still windows it's freaking windows right um it's more powerful but it doesn't have as good of
a screen but also the screen is higher resolution actually and and now that they're priced so similarly
i saw some black friday deals that are going up already on the ally i i'm looking at it going like
man you just gotta you gotta research you gotta read you gotta look you gotta figure out what's
important to you and and and and go for it because steam deck has better battery life but the but the
ally is more compact like i like carrying the ally better than the steam deck it's really bulky right
it's it's really tough it's a tough answer
hey dll i have the original 512 uh sorry i think that's one's already been done um let's see hello
lld first are you considering reviewing handheld docks and accessories for the rog ally or steam deck
there are so many but it's hard to know what's actually good i think that's something that we could
do a better job of on short circuit it's not the kind of thing that we would do on ltt but um
we i talked to i talked to bell today is the channel manager for that and we were just kind
of chatting about like what can we do to improve our product mix over there and try and um find
things that are more pertinent to people's interest because viewership's been like per video viewership's
been down a little bit over the last while um so yeah that's that's a really good idea and maybe
something that i'll flag for him i don't know that you'll see a bunch of doc reviews all of a sudden
but it's definitely something that's going to be on our radar evening gentlemen what is linus's grievance
against star trek i remember edsel mentioning linus didn't like it when they moved into the
editing den during moving the vlog
star trek uh you know what i that was a long time ago was that pre-reboot because i loved the reboot
and i liked watching next generation with my dad when i was a kid but i found it pretty boring compared
to lightsabers and blasters there's a lot of politics in star trek that is not that interesting to a
kid but as an adult i actually well part of it is that star wars has gotten a lot worse um as an as
an adult i i have no problem with star trek whatsoever i just didn't get into it as a kid
so i think you're just not seeing the um nostalgia glasses
with ai coding assistants expected to bring programming to the masses how likely do you think
it is that we'll see a world where users can tailor most websites extensively to their liking
hmm no all right no thanks luke i don't think that's going to be a thing pretty much at all because
uh as for better or worse we're in like a very corporate stage of the internet and corporations want
control so yeah question for luke do you think we'll ever bran ham do you think you'll ever bran
ham off branch okay thank you do you think you'll ever branch off of ltt and make a car related channel
no wow that's a far-fetched one
yeah no no no no no i think you're uh massively over overextending um both not not just my interest
but my knowledge uh and ability in that realm pretty extensively i think drifting is real cool and i had an
opportunity to do something real cool in japan um and and cars are neat i think i think there's a very
surprising amount of crossover between people that are into cars and people that are into computers
um i think it's something people don't think about all that often but like i've been recognized like
a ton at this random drifting event um because i think just curious people that like tinkering with
things and messing with things and getting them to work in the way that they like um i think there's a ton of
crossover with that type of people um when it comes to again both cars and computers so i think cars are
interesting for the same reasons that i generally think computers are interesting but they're not my
main thing and it would never be my main thing so yeah there you go the one car channel
um yeah yeah my my old acura here's all the reasons why i feel like i don't want to buy a new car
that might be kind of fun like uh uh what was that uh was that story of the the kid that they filmed
all through his entire life i don't know right man show no yeah whatever but uh but about a car
uh just until it dies forever let's see what else we got okay i have another one for luke um we're
learning about design principles in computer science such as solid does floodplain use any of these
principles if so is it as helpful as the textbooks say they are um
you should you should take so like officially no not really um but you should you should keep those
things in mind you should take that type of approach with things um a a fairly interesting one to me is
is nasa's i know pretty much any excuse to bring up nasa but um it's it's an interesting problem you you
take software development um and you you put it in a situation where updating it is going to be very
difficult um failures are going to be extremely critical uh and there's going to be a very extreme
environment that it has to run in regarding like radiation and stuff so there's going to be a lot of
failures that are going to happen um despite your best efforts and it has to be able to deal with all
of those different things and the way that they approach software development um considering those
those variables is very interesting now uh you you take the extremely hyper critical nature of software
development for nasa and you compare it against um website that plays video on the internet
um and they're they're very different things um so like we we consider stuff
um but i i wouldn't say that we like follow anything like that
let's see
uh dan and luke what changes did you have to put in place to enterprise your
it infrastructure for the company after years of not having a person whose job it was to manage it
uh well we're still doing that um one of the things that we've been doing is going through and
just finding all of the stuff that really should not exist in the way that it currently does um i i
think saying enterprising is is a little far from where we're currently at um um so there's there's a
lot to be done but um like adding remote monitoring systems to things um adding monitoring in general
monitoring and notifications and stuff in general redundancy um redundancy has been a big one we're
still well this is one of the reasons that's why yeah exactly so all of this stuff is still being worked
on it's not done um but yeah we're adding a lot of monitoring we're adding a lot of redundancy um
we we have issues in in quite a few different places where um the the it budget for the company has
been if we can get it for a video that's awesome um so in in a lot of places we'll have one of
something where at this scale you would really want two so they can fail over so if that thing goes down
or if that thing even needs to be updated um everything is going to go down um so so adding
redundancies to those situations adding uh monitoring and notification support so we can tell when things go
down more easily etc etc etc has been good things have been improving uh but it's slow and it's going
to continue to be slow uh we we ladies and gentlemen we got him um nick messaged me he's like yep that was
on me i was so focused on trying to do it automatically when you add to cart that i forgot we could do it
via discount code end of friday brain oh we took his brain cell that's what happened yeah wait did i
tell you i finished titanfall no what when i don't know i don't remember what do you think what are your
thoughts it was really good i don't know what you're talking about that happens after the time mechanism
thing that's better i actually thought that that was the highlight of the game oh did i say it was
better i don't think you said it was almost as good i don't think anything else was even close it was
kind of samey it like it it had a typical kind of fps climax i i felt i felt yeah i i don't know almost
as good might be an exaggeration as well i liked it a lot um the the absolute peak of the game
is the the time shifting for sure yeah okay um but i guess especially on like the hardest difficulty
the the ending portion where you get the auto pistol is hard you said you weren't wall running much
yeah i wall ran okay i mean i didn't even try to run the whole level though yeah okay okay okay
yeah when you get the auto aiming the smart oh not auto pistol the smart pistol yeah when you get the
smart pistol you can you can like wall run the whole rest of the game basically okay all right
i can see how that would be ever and it's it's very fun um because you get to focus really hard
on the wall running because the pistol is just going to shoot for you um and it yeah it was pretty okay
so maybe it's not as good as the time shifting watch i think i lost the plot there a little bit then
because i was still just going through the level thinking i i first i thought the pistol was
going to run out of ammo at some point or like uh like i just like i was still i was still they put
you in this like survival mindset you you have you you have a what you have one pistol you can either
use it on him or you can use it on you like i i maybe i just got the wrong vibe from it yeah
so what what i got from that was like you're it's a race basically you you are you are equipped with
the what it was it called the serve kit or whatever the seer kit yeah you're equipped with
the seer kit and you have to go and this is all you've got and you just go go go go go um
and yeah i i found that part very fun but yeah i'm happy you liked it that's cool what what are you
doing next powers of silicon valley that's the next one yep well that's the last one
no you said hackers as well oh yeah sure fine oh man you gotta watch you haven't seen it i
haven't seen hackers i know i know i know why are you pushing that one out of your mind
i i just i forgot i forgot okay okay i think you're pushing back against it
i think that's like so mad i'm just confused so mad it's it's it's campy and fun i don't know uh
okay what else we got uh hi lld what has been the most surprising smash hit on lddstore.com
uh bread um no no no no no no not bread i wouldn't describe that as a smash hit i mean we we moved
some bread you know what would have been a good smash hit yeah the lighter 100 yeah 100 that wouldn't
have been a surprise though dan that's not the question would have been a surprise to nick that
was an obvious obvious smash hit i'm loading up four years of data so give the uh give the poor
shopify servers a second here maybe i can deflect and go to a question for maybe do one more in the
meantime um okay so i guess this one would be for luke yeah i am a teen who really likes doing tech and
programming in general luke as someone who mainly is mainly a cdev do you have any advice for a new cdev
with less than yours experience uh thanks i love the show whoa i don't know if saying mainly
a cdev would be fair because i don't know if calling me a dev would be fair um it's been a
long time i've actually done like actual development work um i really liked c and back when i was doing
actual development which at this point was a decade ago um i i think i was actually decently good but it
was a very very long time ago um and honestly okay by the time i was really rooted in c it would
probably be closer to 12 to like 13 years ago um because i was i was moving on to other stuff
before i started working with linus um
for a new cdev i don't know at this point things have moved things have moved on from when i did it
i'm sure things are very different but uh there's some people already saying this in chat and i've
always said this for any type of development just start doing stuff um start trying to make stuff
with c especially um if your brain works this way which is why you might be interested in c
start trying to get some like uh embedded circuit systems so you can start developing stuff that will
do things in real life that's what i really liked about it um c and basic i found very useful for that
type of stuff um learn your pointers and just start making things i would start making things before
studying too much um because then you'll find the stuff that you like want to learn and then you can
study that so you can get better at making things and you can keep making things yeah i think that's
probably the best thing is to have a thing that you want to do with it and then google google the
problem that you're trying to make it do not the thing that you want it to do you should see what you
like yeah yeah yeah um okay shopify yeah the i would say the biggest now there's a couple uh the short
circuit um long sleeve that i tried to cancel and then we ended up selling oh wait no this is the long
sleeve uh like like a long sleeve t-shirt whatever whatever that is um i would say the biggest surprise for me
was the towel
we move thousands and thousands of towels we don't promote them we never talk about them i'd say out of
all the products on the site they are one of the least unique uh compared to other things of that
nature um the the thing we did differently with the towel is the same thing that we did with our
desk pads where it's the same price no matter what size so obviously people really like the huge towels
so i guess they're like they're a pretty good value in everything but you know so is value village
right like you could you can get a towel cheaper if you really want um but people buy the crap out of
the towel and i just i don't quite understand it i keep i keep bringing this up internally like hey guys
where's our next when's our next towel you know just that like thing that low-key everybody needs but
we don't really have to do anything to sell it we just source a decent towel techify it a little and like
like profit um kitchen rags okay that's just a small towel dan you gotta think a little bit
outside the box here man help me out garage rags okay that's enough putting you back in the
drawer i mean like yeah i own four towels i own one of your sweater right yeah it's it's it's great
everybody buys multiple of the same thing oh i see that's what i'm that's what i'm talking about like
my my i have a set in my bathroom and then i have a set to be in the cupboard so that i can
swap them out more often right if i have three or four bathrooms in my house you know i'm gonna have
10 of the same product and maybe you know all right fair enough right all right okay let's see
hi again dan and linus and luke while i'm asking about rainbow things any more pride colored computer
themed merch coming more rainbow anodized limited run pins so i can actually get one this time
uh oh i i wasn't even aware that they were gone um i could i can definitely uh dan do you actually mind
um forwarding this one to the design team maybe to sarah and then yeah maybe we'll bring those back
because i hadn't in a lot of the pin drops are meant to be limited edition i didn't think the
keyboard ones in the various colorways were necessarily meant to be as limited so maybe
we could do those once in a while or something like that yeah i've had some friends ask about
those too uh you said sarah sarah let's see sarah
we're all sharing one brain cell today you can see luke is just completely like asleep right now
um i'm trying to i'm assuming the show is ending soon so i'm trying to figure out how i'm gonna get
up to the circuit heck yeah walk that that's not gonna be an option if i want to get there
even remotely on time fast train
uh let's see okay we've got three more can we make it through three more yes hi linus it was a rog
reboot video where you mounted a fan to a cpu cooler with these rubber mounts they fit in between
the fins do you know what they are called oh i think those were actually included with that
particular cooler don't quote me on that um the tell you what if you tweet at me with the screenshot
of that i will try to remember to look at it sometime this weekend not at linus tech at
atomic age ace in full plane chat has a pretty good point i'm kind of surprised we don't have a
microfiber cloth uh well apple beat us to the punch if you know anyone's going to have
an even more overpriced premium microfiber cloth it's going to be apple so we've kind of figured
now they stole our thunder no that's not actually that's not actually why i yeah yeah we should
probably do it at some point um hey lld question for luke and dan what is your favorite linus quote mine is
when show time happens when a wizard decides that it arrives march 30th 2018
he just stole that from lord of the rings i think i think there's got to be better linus quotes than
that um my favorite quote is comb it with a brick
what i don't remember what he was trying to say
but he said me neither he said the words comb it with a brick i immediately challenged him to
explain what he meant and i don't remember his response being very coherent
that was that was a wanshow back in the garage was it wanshow i thought that was offline
no i think that was wanshow i don't think so comb it with a brick i still to this day have no idea
what the you were talking about i don't remember anymore so i can't i don't know um
oh joseph l a really really old orange show what do you think is going on with myq blocking access
to home assistant and other third-party apps okay we talked about that last week but i had meant to
talk about um eight sleep being complete heads about access to their sleep pods api access and stuff like
that so um those guys um yeah we worked with them on a sponsored thing once but as long as they keep
behaving like this that's not gonna happen again uh and their excuse is they are cutting off access
because they have something better in the works and it's like no you launch the better thing and
you let people work with the kind of kludgy thing for now if they want to put warnings in front of it
i don't care but don't just cut it off it's ridiculous
sorry that was it uh you talk about always moving forward in terms of content at lmg
are there any practices or content types on the way out
honestly we we do it's it's less of um it's less of like a decision we make that well we're not going
to do anything like that before or we're going to move in this direction um you know we we often try to
make those kinds of decisions like i remember seeing the success of scrapyard wars way back in
the day especially driving subscriptions to float plane and thinking oh we need to do way more
serialized content but it's not that simple you can't decide what you what end product you need
and then just hope you have a creative spark that gets you there that's how you end up with tv you
know um so we we like to be very seat of our pants driven um but that's not always possible so
you have to have systems and so it's it's a balancing act right um and i would say it's more
of a slow evolution one of the things that's been happening since the shutdown is the writers meeting
does weekly uh they call them um post more funds because post mortem had kind of like a
you know crappy vibe to it so there are more funds um and we basically just go through what went well
this week one went poorly i usually don't get to attend them because they take place during land show
at the end of the week um but i uh because luke was off site and because i wasn't actually shooting
anything in the lead up to land show i got to sit in on part of one today and it's really cool just
kind of talking about things that went well things that didn't go as well and um you know working
together to uh you know keep making better content i mean we definitely uh it's it's no secret that we have
taken a bit of a hit to viewership ever since the shutdown i'm not going to deny that but what i'm
really proud of is the way that the team is pulling together to make the very best content that we can
and how swift that recovery has been um you know if you look at oh obviously you guys don't have
access to the same dashboard that i do so your view is not going to be quite as granular but once this
month is over um you're going to see there's going to be this line and then it's going to go like
this and then it's going to go boom boom boom like we are uh we're back baby i mean the team is um
it's incredible i say it all the time but world class and um it's not the kind of thing that i
could do by myself so it was it was really cool watching that creative process today and um even
though i've seen a lot of the results of it you just sort of seeing how the sausage was made even
internally here um really neat i have um i have another message from one of our world class team
members that's from mr nick light oh microfiber shirt in chop towel blue oh that's right that's
hilarious i forgot about that i uh i wanted to do a shirt made entirely of microfiber it's a really
weird garment i actually really like it we have a prototype have you tested on an anybody with any
sort of body hair no uh oh no no but it's it's it only has one more textured side and then it has
like a like a less textured side so i think i think the idea is to wear it microfiber side out i don't
remember now i just want to wear it microfiber side and yeah you just you just wear my torture shirt
like it's hilarious i don't know we'll see maybe it'll be a failure maybe it'll be a sleeper hit
i'll take 20 and use them to clean my computer either way luth got somewhere to be and uh
i i was going to say you guys have somewhere to be but let's face it you hang out with us every
friday which we love but um see you again next bye yeah yeah that dan play linus and super check so he
doesn't get sad but he'll win yeah he wins every time yeah i can try yeah sure i i have to i have to post
technical stuff which is important um we're still alive though yeah wait for the catch up