
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All right, it's go time. I hope you guys enjoyed the pre-show today with this guy dancing.
It literally didn't even happen.
If I promise that it's gonna happen, and then I say it did happen, most people will believe
it happened.
I was lying previously. If you were there for the pre-show, I was actually dancing.
There was dancing. Dancing did occur. And I'm sure the Twitch chat will back me up on
this. I'm fairly certain indeed that that is going to be a thing. Did we change the
name of our broadcast already to something that makes an ounce of sense?
Probably not.
Unlike Cooler Master, live... Okay. Well, it would have been good to do that. Thank you
for bringing it to my attention, that weekly tech talk and news Fridays at 1630 Pacific
time. I appreciate when you point out errors, but then actually make no attempt whatsoever
to rectify them.
I opened a tab.
You opened a tab.
Opening a new tab. The solution to not wanting to do something now.
I did the easiest and shortest step on the way to the solution.
No, you did more than that.
Wait, how far did I get?
You opened a Twitch tab.
Oh, I opened it and I...
And you successfully highlighted the text that you thought then about changing. Excellent.
So guys, we've got a great show for you today. It's actually been a bit of a slow week in
the hardware, on the hardware side of things, but we're definitely going to talk about Razer's
new Razer mechanical key switches. We are going to be talking about Firefox's $25 smartphone.
Like 25 bucks. That's like basically, you can't go to like a chain restaurant.
It's like a SIM card.
Yeah. Yeah. That's what we paid for our T-Mobile SIM cards, I think.
Yeah, it was either $15 or $25, but either way.
It's like the SIM and the phone will cost the same.
We've also got that in the EU, the regulatory bodies that be don't want free-to-play,
which is to say supported by in-app purchases, to be allowed to be called free and really are
uncomfortable with the way that these are preying on children who don't necessarily understand
the implications of upgrade now or, you know, similar calls to action that don't say,
give us your parents money and then we will give you some intangible thing.
Like they, they, they don't want that in there anymore. What else we got?
We've got an HTC M8 leak by a teenager who's probably in for a world of hurt coming soon.
And actually I think already has been, but we'll, we'll see more about that later.
Oh my God. Um, it's pretty bad.
Verizon is going to be charging gamers and streamers more for the usage of more internet.
So, and this was apparently in the name of net neutrality, but we'll again talk about that more later.
Ha ha. No, that was not, that was not.
Okay. I won't make you guys look at that horrible face anymore.
That got even awkward for me and I'm not even watching.
I'm just like beside and I was just like, wow, I don't know what to do right now.
I'm going to call that the Verizon face.
You should, next like big conference you go to when someone says something really important,
you should be like, and just sit there for a really long time.
While they try to brief me on the product. Okay. Okay. Intro, intro, intro.
So there's an interesting new sponsor.
Intel is one of our sponsors today and they are actually going to be sponsoring us at PAX East.
Our second show sponsor of the day is dollarshaveclub.com.
Shave time, shave money. Don't slice your jugular open on camera.
I don't know if you guys saw our dual graphics video,
but we actually covered the benefits of Dollar Shave Club in depth.
It took about two minutes, but I'll give you the briefer version right now.
You get razors and shaving products and actually you can get butt wipes as well delivered to your door every month.
And you save money compared to buying brand name products without compromising on the quality.
So without further ado, what hold up with further ado, we should benchmark the butt wipes.
We should release a video of bitch. I did not prep him on this at all.
Hold on a second video of that. Okay. Tell you what, why don't we talk about this during their integration?
Okay. Okay. Okay. Sure. Or not at all.
You can't, well, you don't have to use, you can use wrong with you.
You could use something else and then you can get other types of issues.
And he's like, well, I feel pretty uncomfortable right now.
And then he's like, we should make a video benchmarking butt wipes.
Or use some other type of material.
And I'm supposed to feel like I want to be in the same room as you. Okay. You know what?
And then other different types of wet wipes.
So our first topic of the today. See, I'm flustered now.
In everyone's favorite segment, Better Than Bieber, there is some extremely cool research going on right now
with respect to solar powered blimps.
Now the blimps aren't necessarily going to have to be solar powered, but we could be looking at a much less expensive way.
I mean, solar power seems like the most feasible option right now.
But we could be looking at a much less expensive way of enabling monitoring, enabling of the environment,
enabling surveillance, of enabling, I don't know.
I mean, something that wasn't really talked as much in the article as I would have thought it would be.
But communications is a definite use for something like this.
You know, internet coverage.
I mean, putting transmitting and receiving equipment on something like a blimp as opposed to a satellite has some serious potential.
I mean, up till now, blimps have been mostly like they fly around the stadium.
Advertise car tires.
Goodyear blimp has been like.
The Goodyear blimp is the only blimp anyone ever cared about.
Other than like using the word as an insult for, you know, obese people like blimps just are not used much.
So anyway, last year, researchers from NASA, Caltech, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, excuse me.
You are.
Boat wipes.
Anyway, met to discuss the future of airships.
Many believe there could be the future of surveillance and environmental monitoring and they are planned to be anywhere from 8 to 50 miles above sea level.
At that height, they could perform tasks similar to satellites while costing much, much less.
The estimated cost of putting a satellite into orbit from the article on motherboard.vice.com was a billion dollars.
The estimated cost of putting a blimp in the air once the well, the wrinkles are ironed out in the technology could be as little as a few million.
So when you consider that, I mean, and then you consider other things, too.
On a satellite, you're going to need a better camera in order to get satellite imagery of the earth.
Whereas if you could just put crappier cameras on your blimps, you could get blimp imagery and it would cost significantly less.
Or even just the same or not the same cameras, but the same quality of cameras and then just get much better pictures.
Just has its own whole set of, you know, concerns.
Speaking of concerns, aside from the technological limitations that are not allowing us to do this yet, there are political reasons why it can't be done yet with, you know, I'm sure Russia would be thrilled for the US to have, you know, blimps.
I'm sure the US would love having blimps all over the place.
Yeah. So you just like actually literally just put the NSA logo on it and just be like, yep, what you going to do?
So there's a long way for it to go, but this is extremely exciting for the future, especially as you know what, it's not actually in the doc.
Maybe the Russians could apply for a new Olympic sport blimp hunting.
Blimp hunting.
This isn't in our doc, but this is a really, really cool image that was created by, crap, image reveals.
I think it was Yahoo News somehow came up with this or something.
This was yesterday. Anyway, I'm going to screen share with you guys.
I can't remember exactly what the details were, but check this out.
This is a picture of every single satellite that is orbiting the Earth.
So especially as Earth's, you know, orbit becomes more and more crowded with junk.
Yeah, blimps could become necessary as much as just cheaper.
That's insane. I've never seen that before.
I knew there was a lot and like I always kind of wondered like when they're doing these little micro satellite projects and stuff.
And they're sending like a hundred up there.
I'm like, how many things are actually floating around?
And they always talk about like space garbage literally floating around.
I'm like, holy cow, that's insane amount.
In theory, the orbits are designed such that once the satellite is no longer functioning or no longer useful, it burns up in the atmosphere.
But not always recently.
OK, so apparently it was posted by the chief marketing officer of network infrastructure company Extreme Networks.
Really cool, though.
That's like that's the kind of stuff I like seeing to be completely honest.
Like that's epic. That's really interesting.
I think we can all agree that even if you don't like seeing that image, it is more important than Justin Bieber.
All right. So let's go ahead and fire up this article from the Chicago Tribune.
The least surprising thing ever. Although, careful, autoplay video ad.
I don't hear anything.
All right, you're good. Maybe.
Oh, I'm amazing. Never mind.
I'm like I'm like a live streaming shiny purple, shiny purple guy.
What are you talking about?
You are just determined to make it impossible for me to keep my show on track here.
Don't make me fire you.
It's wild.
So Radio Shack closing over a thousand stores after an abysmal holiday season.
So in the year 2013, I mean, this still leaves them with over 4000 stores left.
But in the year 2013, they're a loss.
So they were already losing money, widened from about 63 million to about one hundred and ninety million.
I mean, can you even fathom a business that's operating that poorly as like a retail store?
We always we always kind of make fun of Best Buy and Future Shop because we're like,
oh, it's the showroom for Amazon, like all these things that everybody's saying essentially.
But Radio Shack is like the one that sits down there below them that no one really wants to make fun of because it's just awkward.
It's like, oh, yeah, you used to be a really big deal.
Yeah, like remember when Radio Shack was cool?
Yeah, like everything you'd get was from Radio Shack.
Like I remember my dad got my brother and I this like remote controlled monster truck from Radio Shack.
Yeah, it's just like the most epic thing ever.
If you need to fix something, you'd go to Radio Shack and get your stuff.
Now it's like we sell phones.
So, yeah, CEO John Magnaccia, I'm sorry.
Whatever. He won't be there long, I guess.
He took the job in February 2013.
He blamed the loss on poor shopper traffic, which makes sense.
Intense discounting by rivals, which makes sense.
And tepid mobile phone demand as well as operational problems.
I mean, let's talk about mobile phone demand.
I mean, I know we talked about this a fair bit on the show last week, but this is the HTC One.
The HTC M8 is our mate or whatever we want to call it, the One Two.
This is what we're going to use as our, you know, knockout strategy.
The One Two punch.
Oh, they should have done that.
I know.
They should have gotten a boxer for sponsorship and everything.
They should have called it the One Two.
Anyway, they missed out on that one.
So the One launched last year, almost a year ago, and the new one's coming sometime.
I think there's an event like later this month, like the 25th or something.
They confirmed it.
The One was head and shoulders above their previous top-end phone, which was head and shoulders above the one before that.
The rumors about the One Two is stuff like two cameras on the back.
Well, that's not even a rumor because of the leak that we'll talk about later.
But two cameras on the back and like slightly bigger screen and like...
Same thing with the S5.
Like, what's really been improved here?
It comes with like 50 pre-subscribed things, which we'll talk about more later as well.
It's like, so where's the mobile phone demand going to come from?
These are all things that being a CEO of a company, like you're blaming it on this stuff.
Yeah, no crap.
You should have figured that out.
These are exact things that you should have been worried about.
Tell you what, then.
What else would Radio Shack have done?
I don't know.
Well, there you go.
I'm not the CEO of Radio Shack.
This isn't my job.
And he's only been the CEO for like a year.
I know, but he's blaming it on things that are not like...
Of course.
That's happening to literally everyone.
What else are you going to say?
Are you just going to hold no press conference?
Are you going to not even talk to your investors?
Have some sort of plan?
What would your plan be if you were Radio Shack?
I don't know.
Alright, fair enough.
Again, I'm not the CEO of Radio Shack.
I haven't looked into it.
I'm sure there's something he can do.
So sales fell from $1.17 billion in the quarter covering the holiday season to $935 million
in the quarter covering the holiday season year over year, which is just...
I mean, if you're only selling $1 billion and you are losing $200 million...
That's a really big job.
I mean, that's a huge problem.
It sounds like a lot of money.
And you're like, oh, they're still making a lot of money.
But that's not how this really works.
Yeah, no, they're losing tons of money.
They're losing hundreds of millions of dollars.
Like, that's as if you had a store.
Like, let's say you're a theoretical store.
You had volunteer employees and you had no rent to pay.
That's the equivalent of buying dollar bills and selling them for 80 cents.
That's what Radio Shack's doing.
I mean, I'll be blown away if they still exist in another year or two.
Again, speculations like that.
Like, I'm not surprised, but I expect them to last a little bit longer just because they'll
keep liquidating like crazy.
Yeah, I mean, they can keep closing stores and all that.
I fully expect they won't matter even less than they already don't matter.
And, like, you've got to wonder who still owns shares in a company like that.
Like, what future does someone see?
What are you doing?
Maybe it's just people who have, like, diverse stock portfolios and they just sort of...
Because people do this.
If the sections die, it's not really that important.
Where they don't think about it much.
They just kind of invest in everything and then don't look at it anymore.
And some of the stuff will do really well and some will do poorly and that'll be that.
Alright, so let's go to our next story.
Firefox smartphone.
So there's a hands-on review from PCAdvisor.co.uk.
And I think the biggest thing to take away from this is that the overall impression of
the phone is that it doesn't feel great.
I mean, it doesn't feel like a premium smartphone.
It's $25.
But it's $25 bucks.
Like, what do you expect?
And it doesn't feel bad either.
Which is surprising.
If you think about that.
I mean, think about that.
Okay, so like a toy from five years ago.
Could you get a plastic toy for $25 bucks that kind of felt like it had okay build quality?
Actually, yeah, maybe.
So if the internals have gone down in price to such a degree that now we can build a phone
that has that toy-like good enough build quality but has a super cheap set of internals that is...
Plastic can feel really good.
Look at old Nintendo stuff.
The whole thing used to be like you could throw your SNES out your window, go pick it up,
and it'll probably still work.
Plastic can feel good.
So this is a collaboration between Mozilla and Spreadtrim Communications.
That's the Chinese chip company that worked on the project.
It is intended for emerging markets.
Although, you know, I actually see many practical uses for this outside of emerging markets.
I mean, it's got basic functionality, so you can web browse.
It's got Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, as well as Wikipedia apps already working.
I brought up earlier, Ashley, the cost of the SIM card.
And that's actually because when I was reading this, all I could think about was when we were in Vegas
and we had to do that crazy run for SIM cards.
The 10 mile walk or whatever.
Because if we could have just bought four of these.
It's a hundred bucks.
That's cheaper than we paid for the SIM cards and additional funding on it.
And if it just, maybe it was $35.
And it came with some.
Like if it included a phone and a SIM.
And like your first hundred minutes or whatever.
I think there is a huge potential because, I mean, like clamshell boxed, you know, standard phones.
Like I don't think they ever, did they even ever do flips?
Like remember those, right?
I think they did.
Anyway, so like standard clamshell, super basic phones that would like come with some prepaid minutes.
And then it was like a pay as you go plan that you were expected to use with them.
Those did reasonably well.
And for some people that's as much as they would ever need.
If you could have a smartphone at that price point, I think there is a definite market for it.
Aside from drug dealers.
And there's like, there's a lot of people, my dad was actually in that situation right now where he's in a long plan.
Where he's a drug dealer?
Where he's in a...
I mean drug dealers got to check their emails too.
Got to be on that Twitter.
He's in a long plan and his phone dies.
He doesn't want to buy a new phone when he's just going to be on another contract in five months.
So he goes and buys, he bought a clamshell based smartphone and then just ripped the SIM out and put his in.
That was what he did.
So it's just like a stopgap solution.
It's a crappy, much older version of a smartphone.
I mean, I don't think the intention of a product like this.
I mean, you look at the ideals of the Mozilla Foundation.
Do they want to create a bunch more e-waste?
I'm just saying you could.
But people could find this useful.
And in emerging markets, like those are examples that I'm seeing in North America.
In emerging markets, this makes a ton of sense.
If it's going to be 25 bucks and still be able to do all this stuff, that's awesome.
So it's got 128 megs of RAM, a 1.2 gigahertz A5 processor, three and a half inch HVGA.
So that's half a VGA.
480 by 320 display, 2 gigs of storage, and a 0.3 megapixel camera.
So I think 0.3 megapixels is 640 by 480?
I think that's like 2.3 megapixels.
I can't remember anymore.
It's not that awesome.
It's not super awesome.
But, like, in comparison to Apple's whole idea of cheap phones in India.
What was it?
Like 250 bucks for an iPhone 4 or something?
It's more than that.
That's stupid.
I think it's like close to 300 or like 350 or something like that.
And, like, Moto G comes in and it's like, whoopee!
But then isn't Moto G even like 150 bucks or something?
Moto G is 180 still.
180 bucks.
So this completely destroys it.
Of course, it's not nearly as good.
But it's 25 bucks.
Whereas the Moto G is a truly current generation smartphone experience that you feel like it's
still very strong.
Whereas this is like super basic.
And this would be a lot easier, again, for a non-emerging markets idea.
If you're sure you're going to get your kid a phone.
You live in India, you got to reach, like, your grandma who doesn't give any cares about,
like, you know, Hulu or whatever.
It's great.
Well, you live anywhere and you want to give your grandma a phone.
Yeah, exactly.
It's not a terrible idea.
All right.
So this was brought up to me by a viewer because we didn't have, like, a concise list of the
features of Telegram last week.
I actually haven't had a look throughout the week to see how they're doing in terms of
A lot better.
I haven't seen exact numbers, but apparently, like, kind of a big deal.
Things are good.
Things are going good.
So here are the features.
I haven't personally switched to it.
I don't actually use WhatsApp either because I'm old.
I actually use.
Hey kids, I'm getting my SMS.
I'm going to use to message people because my phone plan is unlimited, so I don't really
I don't know.
I love these caricatures.
For the open one, that's hilarious.
So it's private, cloud-based, fast, distributed, so their servers are spread worldwide.
It is open, has an open API, and is protocol-free for everyone.
It is free.
They say forever, but I really wonder, could we call them on it if they ever tried to charge
Yeah, but they won't care.
Just like Google.
Their whole thing with the security is that there's a message that gets sent between two
completely, like we've disclosed who they are and where they are and what time the message
gets sent, to clients that if you can interpret it, they'll pay you, I think it's $200,000
in bitcoins.
And then there's a procedure for sort of how to claim it.
Powerful, no limits on the size of media and chats, and the last one is we can do it, which
isn't really a feature of a...
There's a few of these that aren't really...
Of an app.
Yeah, not really features.
But anyway, there you go, guys.
If you're looking for something that isn't owned by Facebook to switch you and your grandma
to, grandmas can use WhatsApp.
My grandpa uses WhatsApp, probably better than I do.
Better than you do.
How does one use WhatsApp better than another person?
I never have, and he was the one that was like, we should make a group, and I was like,
Your grandpa's such a badass.
He is, actually.
All right, so speaking of...
Excuse me.
Oh, no.
I'm sorry, I sneezed.
No, not that.
Speaking of...
This topic.
Of badass, I know, I know, this topic.
Everything in this just sucks.
I know, this is just a sucky thing for everyone.
So this was posted by Dylan522P on the forum, and the video was originally posted on the
YouTubes, and there's all kinds of drama-lama stuff going on, but basically, this kid, just
I'm gonna mute it.
Yeah, I'm gonna mute it.
This kid created a video about the new HTC One M8.
It's like 13 minutes long, 12 minutes long, pardon me, and it's showing Sense 6, it's
showing the multiple rear cameras, it's showing software features.
It's really...
It's not very well done.
It's not like a leak by a professional reviewer or anything like that, and the rumor at the
time was that he probably knows someone within HTC and has gotten himself and said person
into a whole lot of trouble.
All HTC had to say about this, initially, was, we'll be in touch.
Oh, and we have your IMEI.
We have your IMEI and other info.
We'll be in touch.
So allegedly, and I haven't actually verified this, but allegedly HTC has fired both of
his parents at this point in time.
I mean, it's one of those things where, you know, I feel bad for everyone.
I feel bad for HTC because this should have never happened.
I mean, that is a fireable offense.
In fact, I'm pretty sure it's in your employee contract here that leaking confidential information
subjects you not only to being fired, but also to legal ramifications.
Like I can sue you for damages.
And not only that, but I'm also under external ones due to whatever we're working on at whatever
So I have yours and I have potential other ones.
So like NDAs are a big deal.
Like I get people asking me all the time, hey Linus, when's Nvidia's new graphics card
coming out?
And the only time that I can speculate on it is when I don't know.
Or when there's like someone else has leaked information, we can be like, look what they
We can say that, but we are not going to leak information because that kind of crap is a
big deal.
And that kind of crap gets your parents fired and gets the internet, you know, what's it
Where they'll just, the internet spreads your information everywhere.
Oh yeah.
That kind of stuff gets you doxed, shows a picture of himself in the video, seems to
understand vaguely that it's a bad idea to be doing what he's doing because he opens
up a messaging app and says, oh, let me shake it so you don't see my messages.
Like seems to have some concept of that privacy should probably be maintained here, but um,
you know, like I feel bad for the parents because like their dumb ass kid just got both
of them fired and potentially unemployable.
Like that kind of thing is a real black mark on your, on your resume.
I feel really bad for the kid because he seems pretty young and must not have, like it's
not even probably didn't understand the, uh, the scope of like the importance of what's
going on here.
And like obviously didn't understand based on the fact that he made this video and I'm
sure he knew it was not a good thing, but there's no way he understood the ramifications
that were possible.
Like there's, that's, yeah.
So I feel bad for him because like, like, I mean, you know, I, I'm, I'm a father.
I love my baby, but like I'd be pretty mad for a pretty long time if he got both me and
mom fired.
This is one thing that sucks about the internet.
I've done some stupid crap.
Like we've all been kids at certain points in time.
They didn't get my name plastered all over the internet with hundreds and hundreds of
thousands of people that now know who I am.
Like like I, like he was stupid, but the punishment is way exceeds the severity of the crime because
of the internet.
And like, yeah, just anyway, so leaked info, two rear cameras, um, micro SD card slot.
Although that might not necessarily be true in every region.
The one had a micro SD expand.
Yeah, it did.
The G2 in Korea had a whole bunch of different stuff.
The one was dual SIM.
I actually can't remember if it had micro SD.
I think it had micro SD in China.
It's been a long time since I've cared.
Android 4.4 with sense six and the battery stayed at 40% for eight minutes with the screen
on, although it might be not very granular in terms of how it measures it.
So hard to hard to conclude anything about that, but just a terrible situation.
So yeah, you know what?
I don't like, no, yeah.
We haven't done a Twitter blitz for just general QA in a long time.
That's a good point guys hit us at Linus tech on Twitter.
Go ahead and, and blitz us and we'll go ahead and check out some of your questions in the
next a little while here.
Oh yeah.
And I don't know if you noticed, but there is now a link to the Linus tech tips store
merch.linustechtips.com you can head on over there and our stores on district lines.
We've got some cool t-shirts which haven't actually arrived yet or I'd be wearing it
instead of my team OCZ t-shirt.
That's like super awesome.
A relic.
Yeah, I know.
Apple CarPlay.
I called it.
Although I'm ex I'm actually expecting them to do a much more integrated experience with
an actual like I car at some point.
That's when I, when I first started reading this, I thought it was like Apple makes a
play for cars as in they wanted to make an Apple car and then I started reading, I was
like, Oh, okay.
Not quite still pretty cool, but like not, not what I expected it to be.
Still very cool.
I mean this is, this is what I have said and continue to say about Apple is what's great
about them is that they, they drive the experience forward.
They integrate things.
They don't necessarily invent everything, but they integrate things and they've got
a bunch of current partners including Ferrari, Honda, Hyundai, Mercedes Benz and Jaguar.
They have 12 more signed up including a Toyota and Ford like major partners.
This is going to be a thing.
Well, it's Apple doing a play for something.
They're going to get everybody, everybody on board is compatible with lightning equipped
mobile phones.
It will be launching with OS 7.1 later this month.
So it's coming like right away and you can get directions, make calls, send and receive
messages and listen to music.
There's more app support coming soon.
So podcasts, beats radio, I heart radio, Spotify, Stitcher.
But I think it's really cool.
That's, that's awesome because hopefully now that they're doing it, we'll get, yeah, exactly.
We'll get something a little bit more open.
I mean, honestly, I really like the Apple TV.
I like Chromecast.
Chromecast is cool too.
But hold on.
Apple TV came first in their defense.
Yes, that's true.
I like the Apple TV, but my biggest problem with it is why the hell can't I install whatever
apps I want on an Apple?
Like just stupid stuff like, Hey, we're Apple.
We're really good at this integration and this experience, but you're going to have
to have exactly the experience that we have mapped out for you.
And so I'm really excited to see Google move towards something like this and better integration
with Google phones because with Google, we can expect to see all kinds of like aftermarket
dash add-ins that are well integrated with the system, although it might take them kind
of a couple of years to iron out the bugs and then you might be able to retroactively
put them in other things that aren't like, cause I, if as far as I can tell, these are
cars that will come with this, right?
Um, no, I don't think so.
So appadvice.com actually has a good article about it.
That's a little bit more in depth than Apple's splash page that just says coming soon.
So it looks like, okay, so here from pictures, I'm actually not a hundred percent sure.
You know what?
I think you might be right.
Cause it's going to be some sort of like either a dock or something that already exists.
I mean, it's possible that we'll see it retroactively, um, outfitted into cars with reduced functionality.
Like for example, if just pressing your mind, you, you need a lightning connector.
So yeah, there's like, yeah.
It's not over Bluetooth.
It wasn't actually a hundred percent clear.
I haven't read somewhere where it's like, this is how it works, but it just makes sense
that it would only be in like new ones.
There you go.
Hold down your voice control in your, uh, like on your steering wheel and you'll be
able to use Siri and stuff like that.
You know, it actually, okay, well then it's all of a sudden it's bothering me again because
if you need a dedicated device, why exactly do you need a smartphone to go with it then?
Maybe because it could work off some type of API support.
So then if you got a new smartphone, like in two years, you could still, you wouldn't
have to like have this archaic one, but it just like lives in your car because people
have like the, I call them car pods, the old like big iPod that they still have.
Like 10 years ago that they just leave in their car.
So maybe they're trying to avoid that.
I have a creative Zen vision M 30 gig that I actually just found the charger for and
I'm planning to put in my car so it can live there.
Car Zen.
Car Zen.
Don't achieve Zen while you're driving.
Should we answer that Twitter thing?
Which one?
Let's do our, let's do our Twitter blitz.
Nobody tweeted us.
I have a bunch and you're in them, so I don't know.
This is interesting.
Okay, let's.
Oh, there's the problem.
I was looking at the faster thing.
Harder, better, faster.
I don't get.
See forever.
Kyle Paul.
These, these jokes does.
So funny.
Someone says I am new to watching this channel.
Does this show show up on your videos?
Yes, it does.
Do a switch to Linux for a bit and if so, what distro?
You know what?
I'm not going to switch to Linux on my desktop, but I am planning to switch my media PC over
to Linux as soon as Steam OS is done.
So Steam OS.
So I'll be switching to Debian.
I'll be learning how to install things.
I'm a complete.
Are you going to do it from online?
Linux noob.
I'll probably have to get you to show me the various ways and then I'll decide how I'll
do it from there.
So probably not terminal.
All right.
Do you think it's possible to start with YouTube now with so many successful YouTubers making
a living with it?
Or is it too late?
I think it's possible.
I think it's extremely difficult.
I think it's more difficult than it used to be, but there are even in the tech space up
and coming YouTubers like a barnacles and J's two cents who are still small, but you
can still be small and be up and coming.
I mean, I, I, I used to think about it that way a little bit.
Like I'd look at someone like, um, like a sexy Phil who's live show I actually went
to last week, uh, last Friday after the WAN show, I drove exactly the speed limit all
the way to the theater where the event was being held.
And um, it was really interesting for me because while I don't really follow source fed that
closely or anything like that, um, it was cool to see compared to sort of where I am
relative to him now and where I was relative to him when I started up five years ago and
where I was relative to him, I think it was three years ago when he got the seed funding
from YouTube and started source fed and I was kind of like, Oh, okay, well if I'm three
years behind in three years, would I be happy if we were able to like tour live and do like
cool demonstrations and shows and uh, if we had as many followers and uh, as many staff
and like if we had all these processes in place, would I be happy with that?
I'm like, yeah, that'd be cool.
Like there's still potential for me to keep growing and there's no reason three years
from now that I couldn't do that.
So if you were like, so I'm about an order of magnitude smaller than him.
If you were an order of magnitude smaller than me, so you had like 70,000 subscribers
right now, is there any reason you couldn't be this big in three years and would being
this big in three years be just as much of an awesome accomplishment?
So there's potential, but you have to have an angle and it's real hard and you're going
to have to do a lot more work than you're probably expecting right now.
Starting more work than it seems like.
Even for us, starting up a new YouTube channel is kind of a daunting, a daunting task.
I mean, uh, speaking of which we may actually have some, some interesting things to talk
about on the show today.
Maybe we'll be letting our viewers decide what our next channel will be.
But starting up a channel is a daunting task and we can support it with another larger
So good luck.
Uh, I guess we moved down more questions.
Here we go.
All right.
Apple CarPlay take a left onto runway 24.
Well, we'll see.
What do you guys think about DirectX 12?
I think that it was a definitely time that the sleeping giant was woken up and did something
with DirectX.
They have a live stream coming up where they're going to be talking about some stuff.
I mean, I think mantle's interesting, but the fact that it lacks backwards compatibility
with anything and the fact that it has to be specifically coded for when the game developers
are going to have to code for DirectX anyway, and it's still like kind of broken and it's
still pretty danky.
And everything that has said like, yeah, we're going to release with mantle has not released
with mantle.
So I thief was a big one for me.
No mantle and no true audio at launch.
Like, anyway, um, I think DirectX 12, if it's not a complete pile of garbage is probably
just going to continue to be dominant.
Is HTC One M8 your next primary smartphone?
I don't know.
I'll have to try it first.
I don't even have one.
Do you know why the 2420 TE was discontinued?
I think it's replaced by the Z.
Expectations on 800 series, evolutionary or revolutionary.
Well, based on that, we've seen Maxwell already, and this is a great example of why I can speculate
because I have no idea, but based on what we've seen of Maxwell already, the 750 Ti
and 750 are like real solid, really good.
And really like on the overclocking side was fun.
That hasn't happened in a little while.
That hasn't happened in a while.
So we saw overclock ability.
We saw great power consumption.
We saw an evolutionary increase in performance.
And that to me is a solid indicator that higher end versions of Maxwell will be similar.
So let's hope.
And there's even, there's even speculation that they're going to be more tuned for a
coin mining.
I've read that around quite a few times.
Any plan to fix the wall?
At some point I want to have, I actually ordered, um, like a five foot 10 mannequin to dress
in the stormtrooper armor.
So we'll actually just have a stormtrooper like standing behind us.
So no, we're, we're, we're doing things.
Will we be at Computex 2014?
I am not planning on it right now.
It's a really big trip.
It's a big trip.
It's extremely expensive.
I haven't had any sponsors like come crawling to our feet telling us they really need us
to be there and they really want to throw thousands of dollars at us to make it happen.
So yeah, I'm expecting Computex to be a big deal in terms of notebooks and in terms of
CPU's and chip sets.
But these are all things CPU chip set will have access to ahead of time anyway.
And if anything, Computex last year interfered with us doing better coverage of the Haswell
Cause we had no time and everyone was launching graphics cards at the same time.
That was insanity.
That was just ridiculous.
So we might just chill here, but you know what?
This seems like as good a time as any to launch into our sponsor segment and let's go ahead
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Wait, what?
What are you talking about?
You were like, but, and then started to, they can't see this, but then started typing in
dollar shape club.
We won't be going to Computex, but yeah, so let's move into our first sponsor here.
There we go.
We're not necessarily going to Computex, but we are going to Paxie's Paxie's Paxie's Paxie's
All right, maybe you should maybe give some more details because Intel is our big sponsor
for Paxie's.
So we're going to be doing a bunch of cool stuff with them.
And in addition to that, Corsair confirmed last night that they are also going to be
sponsoring us at Paxie's.
So huge thanks to Intel and Corsair for making it possible.
But why don't you talk about what the plan is at Paxie's?
There's a few different things.
One, we're going slightly early so that we can check in with the cloud Imperium games
pre Paxie's event.
So we're going to try and get some coverage from there if we can, we don't know exactly
what's going to be happening there.
Don't we?
Don't we have a hint?
We have a hint, but I don't really know yet.
We can't tease the hint?
We can't tease the hint.
What is wrong with you?
We can't tease that hint.
Is that not public information?
I don't know how legit it is because he hasn't said like, these teams are in.
So like, I don't want to be like, it's happening without it actually happening.
So there's possibly something really cool that might happen at that event, but we're
not really sure yet.
We're definitely checking out dog fighting.
We will have dog fighting footage no matter what, because they said they're either going
to have it at that pre event or they will have it in Pax East.
Robert Space Industries is also going to be inside of Pax East.
Does Michael Vick live in Boston?
I don't know.
Oh, sorry.
You said you had dog fighting footage.
That's not funny.
That's terrible.
I can't believe how quickly people forget about stuff like that.
It's just like, you know, we just, we just completely forgive celebrities.
For just basically being heartless, horrible people.
Anyway, sorry, go ahead.
So dog fighting, we're specifically referring to the dog fighting module from Star Citizen.
So we're gonna have coverage of that.
Oculus is also going to be there, so I'm hoping that they're going to have some type of news
as to why they brought down manufacturing for dev kit one.
So hopefully we'll be seeing something about that.
I have no idea, but I'll be checking out Oculus for sure.
And then are we going to be streaming from the booth?
Not sure yet.
But we'll definitely be covering Intel's cool stuff there.
So they're going to have 738 series SSDs all over the place.
They're going to have some exciting gaming notebooks all over the place.
And yeah, it's going to be awesome.
And then you'll probably do a bunch of coverage of the indie.
I was just gonna bring that up too.
As you guys seemed to like the most from PAX Prime anyways, we'll probably be doing a bunch
of coverage from the indie mega booth and that will be a focus this time so we can actually
spend more time there, which should be good.
This also marks the upgrade of Team B to Team A because I will not be there.
So Team B, Luke and Brandon, they will be the only ones going to PAX East from Linus
Media Group.
I'll be doing sort of like, you know, like controlling the dials, like in the Hunger
Games from here.
PAX East is the arena.
It's like, okay, let's throw a throng of like, you know, fans at, you know, slick right now.
You should do that.
You should have like, you should coordinate.
I don't even want to know, but you should like coordinate ambushes while I'm on film
or something.
That'd be fantastic.
You know, I wouldn't even have to coordinate at this point.
If any of you guys see him at PAX East, make sure you ambush him.
All right.
So we have another sponsor and we actually had a ton of fun creating the integration
we did earlier this week for these guys in our dual graphics video, which we're going
to discuss in more detail because I felt like the video told the message, told the story
of dual graphics and value graphics card shopping a little bit, but I still think there's a
little bit more room for us to sort of chat about it.
So Dollar Shave Club.
This is a package of what looks like the kind of thing that you might receive from them.
And we started talking with them and I didn't really know much about it.
I'd seen the hilarious commercial, but beyond that I was like, like I didn't really know
how much it costs and I didn't know really any of the details.
But the idea is that you sign up and it's a subscription based shaving service where
they will deliver you once every month, whatever particular tier you subscribe to.
They've got a kind of hilarious sense of humor.
So for their one wipe Charlies, which are not for shaving, you don't wipe your face
with them, especially after you've used them.
So they're butt wipes for men and okay, so, so it says, so it's right on their thing.
Yes, you probably know how to wipe your ass at this point in life.
Below are just some helpful tips.
How to use one wipe Charlies and just like really you guys, it's freaking awesome.
So they have, they have three different tiers that are available.
I'm just going to go ahead and run over to my screen here.
The humble twin, the Forex and the executive.
So the Forex and the executive, the objective here was to create something that was competitive
with or even better than the brand name shavers and razors and cartridges that you can buy
in the store except without the hassle of waiting around in the store for someone to
go unlock the thing.
Like guys, feel free.
Let us know in the Twitch chat.
I'm going to be having a look at the Twitch chat.
Do they lock the shaver, like the shaver cartridges behind a glass case at your store?
Because I've seen it.
Have you seen it?
My skin is the least sensitive thing ever.
So I've had the same razors for like over a year.
That is actually horrible.
Okay, so.
And I don't use shaving cream.
So the other thing that was appealing about this whole thing is the laziness factor because
I'm sure you understand that the shaving experience is better if you have replaced your blades
once in a while.
Yeah, I'm just way too cheap and way too lazy.
Being too cheap and too lazy is kind of the problem.
So for in the US, six bucks a month, shipping and handling included, you can get a four
razor blade that comes with a free handle the first time you order it.
So that one looks like this.
And then you get four new cartridges per month that you can swap on so that you're using
one per week, which means whenever you're using it, it's actually sharp.
They come in a little thing like this.
You can get their shave butter, which has, you know, a bunch of ingredients like golden
barley, organic prickly pear cactus and all that kind of good stuff.
And then is actually I did use it like I legitimately used it.
I don't think we use the footage of me actually shaving with it when I did the integration.
But and you used like the big executive one, I'm guessing.
I like the butter.
And yeah, I used the executive, which is still cheaper than buying them at the store.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But like six blades, I'm like freaking well, that's the thing that always drew me drove
me crazy was like, I'd go to buy more razors.
I'd be like, Okay, well, I what, why?
Why is this so much money?
Like this should be the same as like, not really, this should be just something you
throw in the cart.
And in the US, the $6 or $9 a month includes shipping.
So it's like, once a month, that's your that's your shaving supplies.
Anyway guys, if you didn't see me if you didn't see the integration, okay, even if you know
everything you need to know about Dollar Shave Club now, which is basically save time, save
sorry, this slogan, shave time, shave money, then you should still check out this video
the dual graphics video because this is friggin awesome.
I actually had Edsel I think he spent like a couple hours on this.
Because I'm Oh, I think there's audio.
Is that the Hobbit?
Yeah, that's sting that sting.
So guys, head over to dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus and check it out.
It's available in Canada, the US and Australia.
All right, so that leads us pretty comfortably into our next discussion topic, which is the
dual graphics versus other value graphics cards testing that you did.
So why don't you open with how we initially tested versus the expanding to expanded testing
that our viewers demanded?
Well, we tested just dual graphics.
So that's a that was our 7850k along with a r7 250.
And then that was like, okay, well, we need things to compare it against.
So we compared it against just very by itself and not compared it against a traditional
setup which is a non dual graphics setup of those two combined and found okay, dual graphics
is awesome.
It works.
It works.
Okay, awesome is a strong word.
But we discovered that it works within the confines of that test.
It is fairly awesome.
You see a really big improvement.
It does what they said it does.
And then as we were kind of finishing up, and I was preparing to film and we're almost
We talked about it and we're like, okay, well, how awesome.
If you were someone who is buying things on the market, you weren't like I am buying these
two things.
What if you're buying a multitude of different things you're shopping around?
How awesome.
So then we ran a ton of things.
So the numbers you can see if my switches.
Those are kind of what we started with.
Oh, hold on.
That camera.
Tiny us.
There we go.
The Weenie Wan show.
So these are the initial numbers where we were like, okay, dual graphics works.
Look at that.
It's better than, you know, just an APU and better than just a graphics card running on
the CPU portion of the APU.
So then we, you know, we're like, oh, previous.
So here's your FPS numbers in far cry three.
And then here is a price to performance evaluation where we can see that running dual graphics.
If you look at how many dollars it costs you per FPS per frame per second, which is an
interesting way to evaluate solutions because, okay, it's not always which one is the lowest
one on the graph because something could deliver great FPS per dollar, but not deliver a playable
gaming experience.
Like if you bought a potato for a dollar and it could deliver you one FPS, that would be
one FPS per dollar.
Great ratio.
Whereas if you spent a hundred dollars on like seven potatoes that could deliver 30
FPS, that bundle deal is terrible.
I know those are really bad cucumbers.
You can all agree.
Cucumbers are great for all kinds of things.
So if you bought the better solution that gives you a playable frame per second.
So 30 FPS, but costs much, much more.
That's still probably the better one to buy.
So back to the numbers, um, it delivered better value and higher frame rates.
So we're like, yeah, that's great.
In Bioshock infinite and in far cry three, then expanded testing came along.
So all the numbers we added, and it's funny because someone commented on this video, what
Intel fanboys we are.
I know there's an Intel slant to everything that we do or something like that.
And I was like, are you high?
Well, no, I think what I said was, did you actually watch the video?
Because the Intel solutions, the only Intel things on here are a 4670 K that has the highest
performance by like two and a half FPS.
I'll have to make us even smaller.
So two and a half FPS higher, and then the lowest performing solution with a $200 CPU
running it's integrated graphics and performing half as well as AMD's latest APU at $200.
So anyway, we added a 750 TI discrete graphics card because we had just done our review and
we saw how fantastic that was, but not to appear as if we were just showcasing how Nvidia
is so superior to AMD, because it's not about that.
We threw in a 260X, which is also an excellent value card from AMD.
Then we were like, okay, well, let's keep testing the R7250.
So we keep those numbers in there.
So we've got three graphics cards, one that is capable of running with the APU and dual
graphics or crossfire, and two of them that can't do it, but are more powerful cards.
Then we were like, you know what?
Let's throw in more CPUs too.
Let's find out.
We threw in the Intel CPU and then let's throw in a last generation AMD APU, you know, just
for its CPU prowess because CPU performance didn't change much and it's quite a bit cheaper
than the newer APU.
And then let's throw in an Athlon X4, which is the same architecture as the last gen APU,
but doesn't have an onboard GPU, but is extremely inexpensive.
So the FPS numbers aren't really that interesting except to demonstrate that with a discrete
graphics card, whether it's a 260X or a 750 Ti, you have to have a seriously like not
very powerful CPU in order to really fall below playable frame rates because yeah, we
got 60 to 76, so to 79 FPS, spending anywhere from, what was the 760K like 80 bucks?
A 760K was 90.
So anywhere from 90 bucks to 200 bucks, you're getting at best, you know, a 50% improvement
in frames per second.
So we determined that and then we determined that, okay, the dual graphics solution doesn't
perform that well.
Oh, but what's with that pricing?
So then we moved beyond that and we graphed it in terms of FPS per dollar.
Not including motherboard.
Not including the motherboard, which can be more expensive on the Intel side as well
and more expensive for newer platforms like FM2 Plus for the new APU as well.
So check that out.
The big winner is the 760K, the cheapest CPU on our list with a 750 Ti, a value but yet
gaming grade.
So above $100 graphics card.
And this, this is, this is a big problem because basically what happened was we went from being
like dual graphics, that's kind of cool, to nope, or in very specific situations, yes.
To why would you buy this?
Because right now, Kaveri, and you know what, I can kind of answer that question.
Why would you buy this as a strictly gamer becomes a difficult question to answer.
So I said very specific situations.
Because for non-gamers who are looking at content creation and who are interested in
leveraging the HSA architecture of Kaveri, where you can, I mean, it can do all kinds
of crazy stuff.
Like even loading up a folder in Windows, waiting for thumbnail previews to pop in,
goes way faster on a Kaveri.
Because of the way the CPU and the GPU work together.
But if you're strictly gaming, you're much better off to spend your $300 on a 760K and
a 750 Ti and get way better performance.
So there you go.
That was, that was, that was actually one of my favorite things I've done in a long
Yeah, that was fun.
So I found that to be really interesting.
Okay, let's go ahead and, oh, are people saying that there's echo?
I hope not.
I didn't see that.
Okay, cool.
All right, so let's do a couple more Twitter, Twitter questions.
Rick loves bar graphs.
You didn't even know how to make them before you met me.
Mind you, I don't, I didn't know how to like make a website.
So even on like GeoCities, I never did it.
Oh, yeah.
Well, I didn't on GeoCities either, but that's because GeoCities is terrible.
Linus wants to know if he can take us out for lunch if he happened to pass by Vancouver
We've actually had quite a few people ask us about that, believe it or not, in the past.
And I've always kind of said no.
But Mr. Forssell, if you're in town, we'll take you out for lunch.
But it's him.
I know.
I know who it is.
I know how much he's supported us over the years.
You're a cool dude, man.
So we'll have some lunch.
Maybe we'll get like free pizza with our order of something.
All right.
My 7970 runs at 95 degrees while running Furmark.
Should I RMA it?
Don't run Furmark.
Should I add another 2 gig 7850 on the cheap or wait to buy a Maxwell base?
No idea.
Can't comment on future products because we don't know.
How long would you expect a new higher end PC to last before it needs an upgrade or to
be fully replaced?
A lot longer than I would have said three or four years ago.
The pace of innovation, especially on the CPU side, has slowed down.
And the pace at which RAM requirements increasing has slowed down.
I mean, I bought a PC like four years ago that I put 12 gigs of Ram in and I spent,
um, Oh crap.
It was $20 per gig because that was when Aneon went out of business.
12 gigs of Ram is still enough.
Whereas four years prior to that, what do we have two 56 five 12 was standard.
So things have slowed down a lot.
Have you ever spent all of your moneys as a child?
If yes on what?
No, I think he means like, have you ever blown like your say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
My sister bought a trampoline once.
So that was an example of that saved up for like three years of allowances and bought
a trampoline.
Um, let me try to think if I ever did it.
I did.
Did you?
What did you mineral computer?
Your mineral oil computer?
Oh yes.
My first computer.
Same thing.
I spent all my money on my computer.
Actually my, my first computer wasn't even a mineral oil computer.
I had to go down to Richmond to some place with my dad and like pick up parts from this
little shop and it was this huge ordeal.
Um, but that was my first computer and then my mineral computer was actually my second
computer, which I used a few parts from my first computer for.
I don't think I did it prior to that though.
Um, any videos planned on the GTX Titan black?
No, no.
It's a Titan except black and a little bit faster.
Where would you be if there was no internet?
Oh wow.
Um, I don't know.
Probably with an easier life.
Well, maybe not easier.
I like my job.
I do too.
It isn't easy.
I'm not saying I didn't like it.
You can like things that are, I like video games on hard difficulty.
This is an interesting question.
780 Ti now or high end Maxwell later?
Titan black not worth it.
Titan black not worth it.
I would buy a 780 Ti.
With where we're sitting right now.
I'd buy 780.
It's such a good, like with that price drop, that price drop was sick.
It almost never made sense at any point in time in the history of graphics cards, at
least for the past eight or nine years to buy the top tier card.
It's like basically just a way of showing that you have more money than you know what
to do with.
I mean, no offense to people who buy the top tier card.
Buying the second one down or buying two of them has been the way to go from a bang to
from a bang for the buck perspective.
If you still really want bleeding edge performance, two of the next one down is actually usually
more expensive, but that much more powerful running an SLI across fire.
Where do I see Linus Media Group in the future?
Hopefully not in this office.
And I want to have a team probably of anywhere between 10 to 15 people.
I want us to have a lot more high quality and fun content like the dusting out your
PC video, Tech Quickie fast as possible I think is a fantastic format for us in the
I want to have more hosts and more scripters.
I want to be able to pump out more content for you guys.
And ultimately I need the community and our sponsors to keep supporting us to do that.
And that's that's the direction that I see for us.
Hopefully more stormtrooper outfits as well.
Yeah, like all the stormtrooper outfits.
Okay, so let's move on to our next discussion topic.
This has been a fun show.
I hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am.
Is it a fight time?
No, no, no.
I think we can all agree on this one because calling something free when actually it's
just free until we make you pay to unlock the rest of it.
Like do you know how disappointed I was to find out that Angry Birds Star Wars lets you
play through like the first two campaigns and then locks like the third one?
I'm just like, what?
Oh, like, I couldn't agree with this more.
This whole thing happening, like calling a game free, because it's not when you run through
the whole thing.
What's going on here?
The idea is that in the EU, they want to change it so that free to play games that
have in-app purchases are not able to call themselves free to play games because they're
not actually free to play because saying, what is EA's new thing?
Dungeon Keeper?
I don't remember.
Whatever it is, it's not really free to play when a massive part of the game is buying
things because actually being able to effectively play the game, you have to buy a whole bunch
of stuff or else it'll take you way too long to play and makes it a completely unfeasible
So, they want to take it out because of a multitude of different reasons, one of them
being children.
It's a really big problem and pops up in the news every once in a while when some kid spent
two grand on a video game on his phone, on his mom's credit card, or whatever.
I need more attempts than Candy Crush.
Yeah, I want to keep playing.
This button allows me to keep playing.
That's really not good.
And I've for a long time really hated the term free to play because it rarely really
applies properly.
There's a few games that do it in ways that I find completely acceptable, like League
of Legends I think does it in a fairly good way.
Team Fortress 2.
Team Fortress 2 does it in a really good, any Valve game does it in an amazing way that
is free to play.
So yeah, I would really want this to happen.
So I mean, basically I don't think there's any firm plan in place as to how they can
do this, but the idea is that you can't use words like free if they're not actually free.
And the sort of the accusation is that this causes financial harm to consumers.
Now I would make the argument that figuring out new ways to squeeze more money out of
consumers is just an endless arms race and there'll be something else in the future as
And I would also make the argument that most people who download an app for free, expecting
it to be free, they have a choice.
If they discover that they don't like the free implementation, they have a choice whether
they want to pay more or not.
Like I don't feel deceived because, I'm just trying to think of an app that I've actually
But we are well versed as well.
If someone who's not really into tech stuff picks up a phone and goes, oh this is a free
game, clicks on it, and then they just buy things everywhere.
I don't know.
I mean, I guess it depends on the implementation, like I don't like the way Candy Crush does
it, where it's like pay for more attempts.
Whereas the way that Reaper did it, have you played Reaper?
Oh it's actually pretty good.
You gotta play with a controller though.
The Android games that I play to be honest are all Humble Bundle Android games.
I have like 50 because I've just bought every Humble Bundle Android game.
So Reaper I felt pretty good about.
They let me play it for a little while, they let me get a good, it was a demo.
I like demos.
And I unlocked it.
Demos make a ton of sense, and they're called demos, they're not called free games.
Right, but the demo app is not differentiated from the full app.
You unlock it with an in-app purchase, I'm like okay.
But I don't feel bad about that.
I don't feel deceived, so I don't know, there's that.
Although one thing that I really feel very strongly is a great idea, is they want developers
to completely cut out any direct calls for purchasing in any title that is designed to
appeal to children.
Because children don't know better, and it's mommy and daddy's credit card that is going
to suffer.
Just like the guy that leaked the M8 probably doesn't realize the ramifications, might possibly
know it's not the right thing, but doesn't realize how bad it could possibly be.
Yeah, it's like when your parents tell you not to do something, like I don't know, pour
out the mustard bottle onto the floor of the kitchen or whatever.
You're like, you know, mommy and daddy said no, but I really want to.
So you do it, because kids don't think that far ahead.
Alright, speaking of thinking far ahead, holy freaking crap, this, my friends, is one of
the most forward-looking gaming concepts that, you know what, we're not really going to watch
the video, because quite frankly their Kickstarter video ain't that great.
But these guys, there, that's basically the point.
Windows open source laser tag only begins to describe the potential of this idea.
I posted it on Facebook, I'm not backing the campaign, even though I love the concept,
and the hardware actually looks like it's in a state where it's pretty usable, I'm not
backing the campaign because I don't think these guys are realistic, I don't think they
understand how little money $60,000 is.
For me, running a business with now five employees, Employee Search 2014 is sort of
over, sort of, for me running a business with five employees, I will burn through $60,000
like that, amazingly quickly, whether it's gear or payroll or now we have employee benefits,
like all these kinds of things cost so much money, and they just haven't given any thought
to it.
At the bottom where they say the risks or whatever, their risks are they know that they
don't know anything about mass production of something, and they're like, they're students,
probably really smart guys, but it is a completely different world to use an Arduino, strap it
to a gun, put like an infrared emitter on it and some sensors, and is in a completely
different world to mass produce it and develop relations with a factory and quality control.
And like what happens when you start getting RMA's and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
So I'm not backing this, but what I really hope happens is these guys get acquired and
a company that actually knows what they're doing, someone like Mattel is like, yeah we're
gonna build this, because for a hundred and whatever dollars, they are saying they will
get you 115 bucks, they are getting you a solution that should be better than laser
tag, better than airsoft, and in my mind, probably not better than paintball, but better
than the other two.
Here, do you wanna, you haven't talked much today.
Better than paintball in the way that it's, you're not gonna get covered in crap, because
of the pain.
But that's what is so great about paintball.
I know, but it's easier to, the pain, no I know, but you could grab one of these in your
house, run to your neighbor's house and be like let's play now.
Force feedback suits could turn this, because to me, the thrill of paintball is the fact
that it hurts to get hit, that it sucks to get hit.
That's what makes people.
That's one of the reasons why I don't wear tons of extra padding.
That's why laser tag is dumb, and like I like laser tag, but it's dumb, because you just
run around, hee hee hee I got hit, hee hee hee hee, okay 15 second cool down, hee hee
hee hee hee hee hee, so there's no risk, whereas this has so much potential, okay sorry, sorry,
tell them what it is, tell them what it is, okay so as he already described, it's a gun
with an Arduino controller connected to it with an LCD panel, there's a bunch of different
things that you can, you can custom program scenarios essentially, so you can have king
of the hill, you can have capture the flag, you can have all this kind of stuff because
it's a custom programmable thing, it's gonna get real awkward I'm assuming, and things
that are cool is you can have stuff like killstreaks built in, so if you get three kills, if your
gun registers that you just got three kills, it could say go into stealth mode by turning
off the LEDs, if you guys saw on the picture that he had on his screen, the guns are lit
up, if you got a killstreak that put you into stealth mode or whatever, turning off your
LEDs could actually help a lot, or doing something else like one of the stretch goals I believe
is having the ability to have an air strike essentially, yeah there you go, so see all
these LEDs in the back and along kind of the rifling of the barrel, but that could, they
could expand this and stuff like that, but all the LEDs could turn off, so you could
load like game maps in, and it could like wipe out any enemy units in a given area,
in a quadrant or however it works, whatever, which is just so cool, and then because it's
an Arduino controller you can add on so much stuff, so you could have it where like maybe
the headquarters for one of the buildings is done through NFC tags that are in the gun,
so everyone that's on a certain color team can just like tap the butt of their gun on
the door and then they can get in, like different stuff like that is really cool because it's
an open system so you can do whatever you want to it, I mean for me it's not necessarily
about this, I mean this is cool, I mean they've got the gun as the sensor, so you fire at
other people's guns in order to register a hit, they've got a display built onto it so
you can use that for an ammo readout or any other pertinent information, all kinds of
cool stuff, but really the excitement to me is augmented reality gaming with something
like this. And something you brought up, sorry, with the force feedback suit. Oh I'm
okay with you interrupting me to tell me about the greatness of things that I said before.
I'm adding to it, but there's the force feedback suit which is awesome because it adds the
idea of paintball where you don't want to just jump around hilariously because you don't
care if you die, because it might hurt but you could also actually probably integrate
that with the gun. Okay so tell me this. If you shoot the force feedback suit it could
count as a death. If Oculus costs $300 and this gun costs $100 and your next phone upgrade
includes um, bloody hell, what's it called again? Project Tango. includes Project Tango
so you could literally map out areas. It knows it on your face and you could have it actively
map things. Yes. Okay so you've got Project Tango, your force feedback suit, let's say
something that has vibration motors or something in it and you wear it all over your body.
Let's say that costs a few hundred bucks so we've spent $700 now plus what else do we
need? It has to have sensors for the light gun, you've got your display, you've got your
gun. Some sort of battery and compute pack. Yeah so some kind of compute. Let's say the
whole thing costs $1000. How quickly do you drop your money on that? I couldn't right
now but I would immediately start saving. Yeah me too. Like there's immediately. I mean
the gameplay of this. So you go around with your phone and you like map a building right?
And like you could map most of it and then if you start going out of the confines of
the area if you had your phone on you somehow it could just start mapping. Yes. Obviously
wouldn't be as high quality but. Or it could tell you, or it could pop up like a gray thing
on your screen. Warning. Warning enter exiting the combat zone or whatever right? You die
in five seconds. You die in five seconds and then go back to the combat zone. The whole
suit starts going crazy. Right? Or like you could, I mean you could create like obstacles
or something like you could have it, you could, I don't even know like the kinds of. So anyway
you go around like let's say basic example. Everyone who's playing, so you get like 40
dudes together or whatever, or ladies whatever, goes and walks around like a forested area
or something with their phones like mapping it out. Okay? Then everyone loads the map
wirelessly onto their controllers, onto their guns and then that feeds a display into your
Oculus that then builds an augmented reality version with the camera on the front. It can
augment the camera on the front with like checkpoints, with like health bars, with like
heads up display crap and menus and stuff like that. Use your gun to navigate it and
everyone like runs around in the forest. Obviously latencies will have to be much better and
the technology is going to have to continue to improve. But holy crap, what an amazing
gaming experience. I mean my son, by the time he's like a teenager and is into gaming, is
going to think the concept of sitting with a keyboard and mouse is ridiculous. Well there
was a big talk recently on VR and on Oculus and stuff where hardcore gamers right now
are potentially going to suck compared to casuals really soon. Interesting. Because
if you fully integrate everything so that it no longer feels like you're using traditional
computer interfaces like a keyboard and mouse to play a game and you're playing with your
body. A pro soccer player will all of a sudden be a much better gamer. Way better at soccer
than that dude that's awesome at FIFA. Right. Which is a really interesting idea. And then
when the game developer money goes towards these, well I don't know casual but not casual,
when all the game developer goes there and those become triple A, all of a sudden it's
going to become more niche to be a traditional gamer and you're going to be the casual. Well
then there will also be things, like imagine playing Ender's Game as Ender. You're not
necessarily using your physical ability but it will feel much more like you're actually
in a situation. I'm still making my son play Mario as his first game though, Super Mario
World. I'm like, you know what, you are going to be okay at 2D platformers or you are not
moving on to bigger and better things. Oh my goodness. Alright, so here's the stupidest
thing I've seen in a while. I had multiple requests to put this in here. This happens
every once in a while. Yeah, so I love this. 5000 views, 657 dislikes, 50 likes. This was
on the gadget show and basically, you know what, are you guys getting audio from this?
Because for some reason... Oh, there we go. Nope. Oh, I hope that's not... I'm not sure
they really want to hear it anyways. No, no, no, it's... No sound, no sound, audio, something.
I don't get it. I don't know why they're not getting audio from this but it's kind of important.
Basically... Oh yeah, it seems to be working. No, no, okay. Well, they're not. Okay, well
whatever. Okay, so the point is, it's stupid. So they say the death of the desktop PC is
already here because of a couple of things and like some of the... Oh man, you guys should
just watch the video just to be entertained. So the stats they bring up are this. So by
1986, laptops only represented 2% of the computing market whereas now they're everywhere. In
2004, we got good wireless connectivity with Wi-Fi and 3G meaning you didn't have to be
plugged into a wall to get online. Proper mobile computing was born and in 2010, tablets
came that drove desktop sales down even more. Now, this is where within their own stupid
video, 3 minutes and 59 seconds in, they give an example of why the desktop no longer matters.
So he's holding this tablet and he's like, this is a professional photographer and this
is the tablet that he uses instead of a desktop to preview the... Oh shoot, I'm not screen
sharing right now. To preview the photos that he's taking while on a shoot. So here's the
photographer. Yeah, there you go. Blah, blah, blah. So this replaced his desktop. No, it
didn't. What that replaced is the tiny screen on the back of the camera, you idiot. And
I don't often call someone an idiot. But it didn't replace his desk. Yeah, yeah, okay,
I'm gonna run my Photoshop on this tablet because that's part of... No, it isn't. He's
saying that he could have potentially dragged a computer there to show the photos. Who would
do that? I don't know. Because I know a photographer from the UK, good friend of mine, known him
for a really long time that does the tablet thing. Okay. Also a crazy PC freak has tons
of them at home. And you could do it with a laptop, sure. And that's practical. And
a tablet maybe replaced a laptop in this situation. But it sure did not replace a proper
computer that you're gonna sit down at and get real work done at. When I've gone to wedding
shoots before tablets became a really big thing, it was like, yeah, I got a bunch of
really good photos. I'll send them to you later. The tablet has not replaced the desktop
in any way. And it's absurd to think that it has. I mean, think about the way people
use tablets. I could be using a tablet for this right now. And I actually could. That
would be just fine. It didn't replace my desktop. I wasn't gonna have a desktop here. Okay,
I have a desktop here. But I wasn't gonna have a desktop in my lap and be referring
to things. We're not about to replace that with a tablet. No. That's not gonna happen.
Not going to happen. The way that I'll sit on my couch and browse my tablet or watch
a movie on the tablet while my wife watches something that entertains her on the TV, that
didn't replace a desktop. The fact that desktop sales are going down is a reflection of the
decrease in improving power of desktops. It's not a mark of desktops not being necessary
anymore. So basically, Gadget Show, if you guys are watching, just don't. That's all
I have to say. Oh, yeah, they had some other stupid thing.
Everything that they said in that video has been refuted 10 billion times. It's not even
that important. It's fun to throw them under the bus. Yeah, but it is like, who cares?
They're like, desktops no longer have more storage due to one terabyte USB drives. And
I mean, you know what? Wait, I'm gonna leave the fact that the one terabyte USB drive from
Kingston costs $1,000. I'm gonna leave that out. It almost doesn't even matter. Because
flash storage will continue to become more and more economical, and that's fine. And
I'm gonna leave out their argument that 4G connectivity is faster than your landline
internet connection. I'm gonna leave out that argument as being stupid because I think that
both of those things are the future. Much, much larger storage being possible with flash.
And the fact that you're gonna have a super fast, super cheap connection by 4G or 5G or
6G or whatever, that is the future. But that doesn't mean we don't need a desktop still.
Until those connections, sorry, my nose is itchy. Gotta, you know, that's awkward. Anyway,
that doesn't mean that we're not gonna need those because until the latencies are so much
lower for these connections, such that my desktop, which I'm still gonna need, can utilize
them. And like, do you really trust your flash drive storage? No, of course not. They use
much, much lower grade chips that are much, much more prone to failure than something
like an SSD or a hard drive. Like, put an SSD in your laptop. Just don't buy a terabyte
flash drive to replace that. Like, maybe you buy a terabyte flash drive for something,
but don't do it as like, storage replacement entirely permanently to your laptop, because
that's nuts. Speaking of cloud storage, and Jay's Two Cents and Barnacles are like,
Hey, I heard you mentioned us on the show. Thanks, buddy. We love LMG. It's like, yeah,
but what they didn't realize is that I was, you know, mentioning how much I hate them.
And I think that they should join Dollar Shave Club because their facial hair is ugly. And
they need One Wipe Charlie so they can clean their butts better. Dem sponsor integrations
you Wow. All right. Anyway, Samsung promises and really like this was posted by misanthrope
on the forum. Samsung promises and I really like promises more like threatens promises
$500 worth of various subscriptions on the upcoming galaxy five or s five rather. Um,
really guys original article here is from tech spot and so happy because I thought you
cared. And I was like, Oh, this is gonna suck. I am I'm like, that is basically like
Firefox promising to give me $50 worth of like value add toolbars at the top of my browser.
Like some of the stuff included like what are they what are they including? One year
subscription to Bloomberg Business Week. Okay, that's okay. For some people, I'm okay with
that. A mass majority of people won't care. One year sub to lark. What the hell is lark?
I was gonna say I don't know what lark is. Six months subscription to Wall Street Journal
again like Bloomsburg Business Week and Wall Street Journal like I'm getting my news from
elsewhere now guys. Sorry. Three month premium LinkedIn account, which like that's too short
to really matter. It's a too short to matter and be completely irrelevant unless you're
looking for a job. I mean, I don't know anyone who actually like hangs out on LinkedIn. Like
I've got a LinkedIn account. But like that's for when this whole thing goes up in flames
and I need to look for a real job. And like three months of a subscription is basically
like that's it's a trial. Yeah, that's that's that's a that's a free trial. That's not a
like we're giving you this as money. That's that's like me saying every t shirt you buy
in our merch store. Every t shirt you buy in our merch store comes with like three months
of free, you know, Norton antivirus. That's locking you in. Yeah, or like comes with
especially the one terabyte storage. Okay, we haven't gotten to that yet. Or that's like
me saying that, you know, it gets you two weeks of free Squarespace, or, you know, hotspot
shield or whatever, like all of our sponsors. Like, that's the kind of thing that I got
to imagine LinkedIn is paying Samsung to include because they're just giving out free trials.
And like, that's not even the worst one. The one that really makes me mad is the one terabyte
of storage from bitcase. First of all, bitcase, whatever. Like I'd rather have the two year
50 gig Dropbox that they used to do even though it's much less storage. I relatively speaking
trust Dropbox. It's already a part of my workflow, like I've got it installed everywhere. And
three months of storage. So what I'm going to put one terabyte of storage in there, and
then you're going to wipe it after three months when I don't want to pay you for it. Ridiculous.
Not gonna happen. Samsung, what are you doing? It's just it's adware or whatever you use.
That's bloatware bloatware. Yeah. And funny thing about that is okay, because Korea banned
non-removable bloatware. Is this like the new bloatware? Maybe it's removable, but that
doesn't make it not obnoxious. No, exactly. All right. We are actually like we've already
run overtime on the show here. So I think we're just going to do a couple more things
here. Windows 9 is expected to push people off Windows XP. Sources rumored release dates
indicate fall 2014 or spring 2015. And it will apparently continue the trend that Microsoft
has been moving towards with Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 revised, which is coming
soon of taking the modern UI and the classic desktop UI and making them work better together.
I'm hoping it just keeps the trend going. Tick tock. Tick tock. Yeah. Tick tock. Hopefully
Windows 9 is awesome. Because like, dude, Vista was terrible. Windows 7 was awesome.
XP was awesome. Vista wasn't terrible. Vista was terrible. I'm tired of having this conversation.
You're the only person that liked it on the entire planet. Okay. Vista loyalists represent
it, guys. You're the only one. Whatever. OCZ launches the new Z drive. This was posted
on the forum by 4960X. It's PCI express. It's available in capacities up to 3.2 terabytes,
but that'll cost you a cool $6,500. And I actually want to hear from you guys. We'll
do one more. Maybe we'll do one more Twitter blitz before the end of the show. Would you
buy an OCZ SSD or no, let's do a straw poll, straw poll, straw poll, create one. So the
question will be, would you buy an OCZ SSD before the Toshiba acquisition and then would
you buy an OCZ SSD after the acquisition? So I think it's yes before, no before, yes
after, no after, and then allow multiple choices so that they can vote for before and for after.
Because I want to see how perception has shifted now that they're going to be using
Toshiba NAND, which is by all accounts, pretty darn good. Okay. Twitch TV now allows streaming
for mobile platforms so you can play mobile games, stream them on Twitch TV. It's got
support for your front camera so people can see your mug playing your mobile games. Although
I think there are going to be some challenges here, like especially games where the controls
are done like this, that front camera is going to move around a fair bit. Either way, I think
it's cool. I wouldn't mind seeing Justin TV or, you know, Twitch's parent, some other
streaming service integrate support for the rear camera, because that'd be a really neat
way to stream events or whatever else. What's up? Yeah, I don't know what to say about that.
Anyway, it just gets destroyed by Worship the Almighty Helix. Anyway, so I think that's
really cool. That's all I really have to say about that. Dell is charging 16 Great Britain
pounds to install Firefox on PCs in the UK. Mozilla's like, yo, that's against our terms
of service. Yeah, for some open software, it's okay because it's seen as like a servicing
thing but not for Firefox. Now get this, Dell is saying the charge is to cover the time
and labor involved. But I know for a fact that Dell images their machines. So. Also,
the cost that that labor would be is insane. Yeah, it's like it works out to like $100
an hour, assuming that you were paying 10 bucks, or assuming it takes 10 minutes to
install Firefox, which it doesn't. Not to mention that installing anything where, to
install anything, you are supposed to be the person to accept the end user license agreement,
whether you read it or not. For someone else to install something for you is technically
not allowed in any situation. That's interesting. If it has an end user license agreement, because
someone else agreed to it for you, then shipped a computer to you that has it on it. That's
really interesting. I never even thought about that. Well, this is something that I used
to deal with working at NCIX, right? Like, that's why we couldn't install really cool
pre-installed cool stuff for people. I wonder how like the Geek Squad Services thing works.
Because we could put install shortcuts on the desktop, and we could say, hey, here's
some cool stuff you might like. But we couldn't actually install it for people. It's just
interesting because of the Geek Squad Services, which is probably a much bigger thing than
NCIX, where they can install software for you, and like whatever the heck you want.
But you probably have to sign a form. It must be, yeah. Yeah, yeah, you do. Interesting.
So you guys didn't have a signed form, I'm assuming. So, Folding at Home. Speaking of
Folding at Home, shout out to Wailer, because our Folding at Home team is awesome. Number
49 in the world right now. And when you consider that it just started, like a year ago. And
some of these teams are really old. Like, that's beast mode. Yeah. Folding at Home has
added a new way to fold. All you have to do is navigate to the URL, which is, here we
go, folding.stanford.edu slash nacl. Salt? I wonder why they made it nacl. Anyway, slash
nacl, and in Chrome, your computer will start folding. It has multiple modes, so you can
use the light mode if you're on a laptop and you don't want it to overheat, or, you know,
if you want your computer to stay 100% responsive. It only supports CPU folding at this point.
You still need the full client for GPU folding. But isn't that cool? You can just leave a
tab open in Chrome, and you can support protein folding research, and yeah. And like, if you
set it up so that that tab automatically opens when you open up the browser, which is possible.
And any time your browser's open, you are supporting, you know, potentially cancer research
or any number of other different important things. Linus, the Linus team is two two three
five one eight, by the way, so you go through a quick configuration process that has you
go ahead and select your team, and you can contribute to that team. But honestly, it's
not about contributing to our team, because it's just an e-peen measuring contest anyway.
Which we have a pretty big one. We got a pretty big e-peen already. We don't need more e-peen.
It is more about using extra computing cycles to do something really useful with them. Do
you want to go ahead and find a topic that you don't need a visual aid for? Because my
battery just died. Yeah, I saw that. Another thing that I do worry about is with this like
computing kind of situation, we've seen stuff like this happen before, is if someone gets
it rigged up so that a big site has you coin mining while you're on that website. Oh, that's
something I didn't even think of. Yeah, because this type of application, it only uses your
GPU, not your GPU for the folding thing. Hijacking people's computers is bad in general. Yeah,
so hopefully this type of thing doesn't get used more maliciously. I've seen this type
of stuff before. It usually gets shut down really quickly though. Moving on. Reddit is
now donating 10% of their ad revenue, which is not huge as far as I know, like in terms
of supporting Reddit as a whole. So they're actually taking a lot of the money that is
keeping them alive away, which is interesting because as far as I've seen in the past, they're
like not profiting. Yeah, and that's 10% of revenue, not profit. Yeah, so that's cool.
Pretty crazy that they're doing that. Apparently they're going to have an election, although
Reddit is reserving the right to take the power away from the users if things get out
of hand because it's the internet. Because they're Redditors. And they're Redditors,
so that's probably really smart that they did that. Funds will be awarded to the top
10 of elected non-profits, which is really interesting. And that's just, that's really
cool, but I do kind of worry because Reddit's already bleeding money as far as I know. But
hey, if they're surviving, that's cool. Keurig Coffee Company, props to the OP Tyler Matthew
on Linus Tech Tips Forum, will use DRM in their new coffee maker to lock out the refill
market. I think that's pretty self-explanatory, but really? I mean, we've seen this in printers.
You've seen this in everything, that's why I'm not that surprised. Yeah, we've seen this
in, I mean, in the pro photography and pro videography and cinematography markets. We
see this all the time. 3D printers. Like Canon with their X-A10 upgrade camera, the X-A20,
not only forces you to use Canon batteries, but even though the slot is the same and the
power output is the same, they force you to use specifically X-A20 batteries and not X-A10
batteries. Like just ridiculous stuff like that. And like I said, 3D printers, normal
printers, that Canon thing that you just talked about, this happens so much. I'm not happy
about it, but. So with unlicensed pods, the Keurig CEO confirms that the new coffee maker
won't work unless you put their licensed pod in. This is really cool. This is from
Yale.edu. Rewritable paper and ink. Okay, we're still a long way away from this mattering
to someone like me, where I write things on paper so that I can like dig them up later.
But this is really cool. So this new rewritable paper can be reused dozens of times. So you
can actually see the document there. So it can be reused dozens of times and simply works
with water. So you'd have a water pen, you write it down, and then in the time that it
takes the water to dry, typically around 22 hours, obviously less in hot environments,
it'll be visible and you can read stuff on it. And so the justification for this is that
they figure 90% of business information is, oh, okay. The scientists note that while 90%
of business information is retained on paper, most printed documents are read only once
before being discarded. So if the idea was to print out notes for a presentation in a
meeting and hand a copy to everyone, a reusable paper system like this could be invaluable.
One really cool thing that even just myself, I could use it for is whenever we go to a
show, I like taking show notes. Yeah. I always take show notes. The second I show up to a
booth, I start taking notes in a little thing. I don't really need those notes immediately
afterwards. Speaking of another thing that tablets don't replace computers for, keyboards.
Yeah. Like I can't sit there on a tablet and be like, uh, uh, yeah, I'm keeping up with
what you're saying. Uh, like this is not going to work. And then people have said like, yeah,
use the pen thing. I hate writing on screens. It's terrible. My handwriting is bad enough
already. Don't make me write on a screen. Whenever I have to like sign someone's digital
signature thing, I'm just like, yup, that doesn't look anything like my signature at
all. Especially because they don't work right half the time. Yeah. And it's like, doesn't
write in that one part or whatever. It's like, if you ever have to verify this is me, you
just failed. This doesn't look like my signature in the slightest, but whatever. Um, I don't
know. So I think it's actually really cool and I could even use it. So if it becomes
very easy to acquire, like I see myself using this stuff. Cause if you even had like a few
pages, whatever, that's all you really need. It's going to fade away and you can just use
it again later. Anyways. So if I had say like a Moleskine notebook of this paper, that would
be awesome. That'd be great. Uh, I was wrong. Twitch plays Pokemon one. So there you go.
Told you. Yeah. They're starting a new one now. Wait, did we talk about that last week?
I don't remember. Oh, what else we got? Gabe ends AMA. You checked it out. I actually didn't
read it. Yeah. There wasn't a ton of like new information. How unsurprising. Yeah. Yeah.
Someone tricked him into saying that Half Life 3 was coming. Um, they edited their post.
They like, they, they said they asked a question and his answer was yes. And they edited it
to is Half Life 3 coming. Um, so that was kind of funny, but like he didn't really comment
on it. And then the comment just got deleted, but I think one of the moderators anyways,
so it was just like, ah, whatever. Um, someone asked him if on purpose he started it on the
third day of the third month with three hour, three and a half hours of notice. Uh, and
he answered N O period, which is hilarious because three characters, but all the comments
under it were like, he knows exactly what he's doing. That was awesome. Um, and then
he did comment on VR stuff. Um, and I know that's all I really talk about these days,
but yeah, and it was kind of interesting. It's really long though, so be sure to check
it out. You can find the VR thing more easily if you just go to the Oculus subreddit because
it is a link to post there. I recommend you just do that because it'll be a lot easier
to find is that AMA is actually pretty long. A lot of his answers and it was him and his
team, uh, or a small team. So a lot of his answers are like yes, maybe no, like answering
three questions that the person asked and then just moving on. Right. So it was, it
was rapid fire, which was actually good in my opinion because you don't really need him
to elaborate on a lot of different things. Yeah. Uh, Verizon wants to charge gamers and
streamers more for their internet service. We're really running out of time, so I don't
think we're going to be able to talk about this nearly as much as I'd want to, but don't
worry guys, you can always tune into the tech for the weekly hate on Verizon from Logan.
Um, so he covers it much better than I have the time or gumption to, to do. But the point
is that they've been quoted saying, okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. When it comes
to downloading games and streaming movies online is easy to surpass 15 gigs worth of
data in a day. And according to Verizon's chief executive, people that use more bandwidth
downloading game streaming movies or playing online games should pay more to play. It is
only natural that the heavy users help contribute to the investment to keep the web healthy.
McAdams said during a conference call discussing net neutrality. That is the most important
concept of net neutrality. Maybe they should remember that they got that huge investment
money to, you know, like improve the internet a long time ago and then never did it. Okay.
Now I'm going to do something here that you're probably not going to like. I know. And I'm
going to say, that's why I asked before, like, is it time to fight? I have no problem with
pay per use. I have no problem with services that cost more for heavier users. Okay. If
I drive more, I buy more gas. Yep. Okay. If there is a finite amount of something, if
there is a limit to it, there's not of this. Hold on. If, if there is a finite amount of
something and there's a limit to it. And then, I mean, there are limits. There are not in
the way they're talking about it, but yes, there are. There are limits to how much internet
traffic could conceivably, if every single person fired up Breaking Bad on Netflix at
exactly the same time, we'd have a problem. And they won't. And they won't. But if they
did. Where my issue starts is when you don't subsidize the light users with the money you're
taking from the heavy users. If it was drastically cheapier, cheapier? If it was drastically
cheaper for the light users, then it might make a little bit more sense. So ICBC, our,
our crown owned, actually, are they private now? Can't remember. Anyway, ICBC, our monopolistic
insurance provider here in British Columbia, um, introduced some stiffer penalties for
people who get tickets. So you don't actually have to get in an accident, but you can just
be speeding and your insurance premiums will go up. And they said this was to make the
roads safer and more affordable for the safe drivers. To which I said, where is my discount?
You're taking more money from somebody and then eating it, presumably? Well ICBC is a
giant piece of crap. Yes. So if Verizon wants to do this, if they want to say, okay, we're
going to charge the heavier users in addition to charging guys like Netflix, just for the
privilege of, of being allowed to deliver their, their movies to Verizon users. If Verizon
is going to charge the heavy users more, then I want to see free internet for web surfing
and email. That's my challenge to you, Verizon. If you do that, rock on, man. If you truly
make it pay per use or not pay at all per light user and you are actually genuinely
trying to innovate and deliver a more connected experience to the world and you just need
to figure out how to collect the money to make that happen and you're not being evil
about it, then that's fine. But if you're just figuring out ways to charge more and
you're not figuring out ways to give anything back, then you can screw off. Yeah, essentially.
So you're not going to, well, it's, it's completely bullshit on more levels than that though,
because they're, they're not necessarily going outside of terms. All they're saying
is yeah, if you, if you use 15 gigs in a day, that's a lot. Whoever just put it in slow
mode, don't do that. I've said that like 10 billion times. Yeah, we don't really, we don't
really do the whole slow mode thing. All right, I think I have one more thing to talk about
before we do the announcement for the winners for the LTT 2014 update giveaways. So those
are coming. I have more to say on the Verizon topic, but we don't have time right now. You
can go ahead. It's long. It's like 6.30 already. Yeah. Maybe you don't know what, I want to
add it to like the notes for next week and we will discuss it some more because I think
it's a, it's a really good debate topic even if it's not necessarily news next week. Yeah.
So razor has released a keyboard with what they're calling razor mechanical key switches.
Now the internet has exploded in a way that I actually didn't expect. I knew that the
keyboard dorks of the world, two of which are sitting on this couch, would have a lot
to say about something like this, but I didn't expect the enthusiast community in general
to have as much of a problem with what razors doing as they do. So what's your take on them?
Okay, so to be clear, there we go. There we go. That's exactly where we want to be. That's
what we want to look at it. This key switch, see that? Oh, it doesn't say cherry on it.
Looks an awful lot like a cherry key switch. The housing, the mount on the top for the
key cap, the led positioning right there, but it says razor on it. So what razors done
is they have stopped using cherry MX keys for their black widow ultimate line of keyboards.
They are not specifying who is manufacturing them, but the internet already knows who it
is. It's kale. And they are saying that they have done their own work with respect to R&D
a switch that is better for gaming because of its higher actuation point and faster reset
once you let go of the switch, once you let go of the key so that you are able to more
quickly activate it in a repetitive fashion. They are allowed to do this because cherry's
patent on the MX switches has run out at this time. So other manufacturers, while there
were counterfeit switches before, are now free without being slapped with a counterfeit
lawsuit. It's been open for a little while, but now the counterfeit thing hasn't been
a problem for a really long time. I mean, there were, okay, okay. There were counterfeit
but keyboards, not what people would say recently. Okay. So anyway, this is the first major like
brand name manufacturer to bring a keyboard that is using switches manufactured by kale.
Although razor says that in the Chinese factory they have their own QC staff overseeing the
production, but they are the first major manufacturer to bring kale made switches to market. I think
that was pretty much all there was to say. What do you, what's your thoughts? Um, there's
been people wondering if it's actually like actually going to fix the problem with blues
because they're not entirely sure about the movement because what some people wanted to
actually see was a movement of the reset point. Yeah, they didn't move the reset point. Yeah.
And like there's a few other things going around, which I guess we'll figure it out
when people get more testing done. Yeah. We don't have time to like benchmark a keyboard.
Well Edzell's got it at home right now. I think he's playing around with it. Has he
ever noticed the problem with blues? I'm not sure. I thought so. I was talking to him about
it. Okay. Yeah. I'll, I'll check with him, but he's got it and he has a black widow 2013
as well. So, okay, so go ahead. Um, other than that, like one thing that people have
to kind of get over is the like, Oh my God, it's been by kale. It's terrible thing because
kale doesn't necessarily make terrible switches. Uh, more than one person has done like a dissection
a ripster more specifically, you can look up his on kale switches and they're fairly
well in tune with the cherry patent and if you're that well in tune with the cherry patent,
it's probably going to be kind of fine. Um, now there's, there's things you can question
about. Whereas like, uh, what's, what's their manufacturing tolerances? Are they the same
as Charlie's manufacturing tolerance? They're saying they're better. They're saying they're
better, but we don't, this is, I don't have a thousand keyboards to exactly like, uh,
there's a lot of like, we can't really prove this going on. You know, I think the only
thing, that's, that's the thing is there's a lot of, this bothers me because I feel like
this or this doesn't bother me because I feel like this. But I think the only objective
thing that I can look at and say that I'm bothered by is that I know for a fact kale
switches are cheaper than cherries and the keyboard costs the same. Yeah. And otherwise
hasn't changed. I mean, I think this was an opportunity for razor to make mechanical keyboards
more affordable for gamers and they just swoop in and do it. Yeah. And someone else, someone
else already has, I mean, you can buy a TT sports Poseidon Z for 80 bucks, 70, 70 bucks
I think. And that are, is it 80? I think it's 80 and that is a blue backlit kale mechanical
keyboard. Reasonably well built. Yeah. So there you go. The internet is up in arms.
Guys do check out the video if you haven't had a chance yet. A razor black widow ultimate
2014 is the name of the video. Obviously it's on Linus Tech Tips channel. Um, where I cover
some of the reasons that razor gave for switching to a Chinese manufacturer and I cover some
of the reasons that I'm aware of. Linus Media Group gets paid for their opinions in quotation
marks. Opinions? I think someone's claiming we got paid off by razor. For the video? I
don't know. We get. That's funny cause I actually had Corsair. I actually had both Corsair and
Cooler Master contact me about this video and Corsair really liked it. And it's every
single video we ever do. They're like, well you just got paid off. You got the money to
make a video. Like, no, no, I don't know. Not so much. I'm excited to see speaking of
being paid off. One wipe Charlie's butt wipes for men. I actually, I hadn't opened them
yet. So the reason I opened them was I wanted to know peppermint infused. I wanted to know
how big they were because if you're going to tell me that I can get this done with one
wipe. Okay, well they're thick. I'll give them that so you might not get much leech
through. I don't know about one wipe. Although the instructions do say that it's not, even
though they're called one wipe Charlies, you can't necessarily achieve the desired results
with just one wipe. So use as many wipes as necessary to get the job done, but try not
to flush more than a couple at a time and dry off with TP. And then the lid is actually
resealable. It uses a nice little adhesive here. I'm sorry, I'll stop now. I don't need
to inspect the packaging on the one white chart. I'm a professional unboxer. You were
in a professional. And you know what? That's, that's actually, it's funny. Okay. I paid
paid off to make the razor review. And it's funny because a min their CEO specifically
like took a, took a shot at me for one of the things that I said in that video, which
was that I think their packaging is deceptive to their customers. And I think that not labeling
something 2013 or 2014 edition when you're putting Cherry MX switches and Chinese made
switches is, I think razor's rationale here is that work you seeing them, they're of the
same quality and I get that. But when you revise something, you tell your customers,
you don't try to obscure that in my mind. So that's been the biggest problem with kill
switches though, right? Is that people are like, Oh no, it's fine. We say cherry mechanical
switches for everything else. And then here we're just saying mechanical switches. And
I'm like, well, like just come on. Yeah. Like we're not saying they're worse. On the other
hand, look at it from the manufacturer's perspective. So let's take, let's take a thermal
tape. Okay. So the Poseidon Z just says mechanical key switches. It doesn't say cherry. Why would
you say kale? You don't have to on your big branding. Well, why would you like if people
ask questions, don't just hush up and hide in the corner. Oh, well, okay. They're not
doing that. I know they're not, but it happens a lot. Right. And they kind of are actually
by not by not, no, no, no, no. Oh, razor. Oh no. Razor. Razor didn't tell me they're
being manufactured at kale. I had to dig around for that. Yeah. And I'm by saying they kind
of are. I'm meaning by not changing branding at all. Yeah. Okay. No, I was saying thermal
tape hasn't done that because they are, even though on the product page you're not going
to find any reference to kale, but I think that's probably a good thing because you look
at what happened with cherry being the one who owns all the, all the, the brand equity
here. That's what people are. Look at, they go on, um, model price.com and they see cherry
MX blue keyboard. It's not a particularly great keyboard. It's not real well built.
So the guys who are building really great keyboards like, like ducky or like, but part
of the problem is that kale is making switches in the same, uh, with the same differential.
So they're saying like it's a red, so there'll be like red mechanical switch and then everyone's
looking for cherry red mechanical switches. Okay. That is not great. That's like what
everyone's doing. That's why this is a problem. Like they have to tell you and they're not
most of them. Okay, but hold on a second. Okay. This is where I'm going with this. So
the keyboard makers have let cherry hold all the brand equity and have made the cherry
keyboard the desirable thing, even though cherries own keyboards aren't really that
great. Hold on. But the direction they're trying to go is they're trying to make the
product standalone and that's not a bad direction. No, but they're also hiding something. Do
you have to tell everyone everything? Logitech have to tell you what, you know, uh, what,
what material this is as long as it's like really good and it's really high quality and
Logitech mice are great, but that's never been something that people purchase off of.
Right. So they have made it so that you're purchasing based off a switch and it's not
like this to be completely honest. This is not as important as a switch, but everyone
tries to do the same thing. You look at the way Dell wants to sell you Apple. Great example.
And we know Apple's approach is terrible for this. What do you mean terrible for this?
Not changing naming. So you have no idea what's going on. No, not changing naming. I'm talking
about Apple taking the, the, the, taking the perception of the product and making it about
the product, not about the components inside. Apple barely even mentions Intel. You can
still look up a spec sheet. Sort of. They don't tell you who makes the motherboard.
You won't. And that's a very important part of a PC. They don't tell you who makes the
power supply. It's a very important part of a PC. What they're doing is there's like one
component that really matters and that's the only one. That is not the only thing that
matters about a keyboard. That's the main thing that matters about a keyboard. I would
argue drivers can matter as much about a keyboard. So what are you going to do? What do you mean?
With drivers. What are you going to do with drivers? Drivers don't show up on a spec sheet.
Well features can. Yes, they can. And if you have a broken driver and the feature doesn't
work, then that's terrible. But you can't be like, we have a broken driver on your spec
sheet. You can say we use something different for your switch. Those are not applicable
differences. I don't think we're going to reach a conclusion here. I don't think we
are either. And I think we should just draw our winners. Probably. Alright. Okay, fine.
All I'm trying to say is I see why they're doing that. They're making about the product,
not about the components. They're hiding something. Okay, there's a difference between actively
hiding something and I would argue razors hiding something. There's a difference between
hiding something and not saying something. But another thing comes in where the Apple
customer is often different than the person who's looking for a high end, very specific
mechanical keyboard. Okay, and if they're looking for a very specific mechanical keyboard
and the manufacturer makes the argument that regardless of who made the metal piece that
goes in the back or who made the key switch or whatever else, we are delivering you the
uberly hacks or keyboard 5000 and you shouldn't care because we're doing a great job of either
one of them and you won't be able to tell the difference. Then does it matter anymore?
So why? Because when you're shopping, okay, when you're shopping for a keyboard, let's
go look. I know how people shop now. I'm saying how people shop. Because those are the major
massive noticeable differences on keyboards. There are things on keyboards that are very
important. But what if you don't want the major massive noticeable difference on your
key? It doesn't matter what you want. That's what makes the difference. Okay, wait. What
if you don't want the major massive noticeable difference on your keyboard to be about someone
else's thing? What if you want the major massive noticeable difference to be that this is the
uberly hacks or 5000 and it's better than the other ones? So make that all your branding
and when someone dives through your web page and goes to the spec sheet, it should still
say what switch it is. Why? Apple doesn't say what motherboards in it. No one gives
a blank bleep. They don't say what SSD it is. These are phenomenally important things
and people do care and people tear them apart and they find out and you'll find it on ifixit.com
and that all happens and that'll happen with this too. It already did. So do that over
generations. Well you have to do it at some point. Do that over generations. Why? Slowly
push it back. Right now don't have it as your big marketing because right now it's your
big marketing. Bring it down to in your first blurb then maybe bring it down to the spec
sheet eventually and then when you remove it from the spec sheet everyone will murder
you because you're an idiot. Wait what? Why? Because you're looking at a completely different
crowd of people. These are the people that want the spec sheet. I would argue that Razer
caters to a more mainstream crowd. I still don't really know if that's true because they're
massive major feeling differences. Okay. Do you like reds? Look at the comments. Do you
like reds? No I don't like reds. Do you like browns? No I don't. Oh wait yeah I like browns.
So would you like to know which one it comes with? Yes. Would you notice a difference between
a red and a brown more than two different brands of SSD? Yes. Right but that's not how
they want people to shop. But that's how you have to shop. It's such a noticeable difference.
That's how you have to shop now. That's like saying okay BMW offers a car. Oh it just showed
up and it's a truck. But it doesn't matter because that's what you should like. It's
like BMW selling saying this is the X3 and the X3 comes with whatever delivers the horsepower
we said it does and the torque we said it does with the fuel economy we said it does.
But those are specs that they're telling you it does. Right. That's like a spec of that
switch it is. And Razer's saying here's a key. You don't get it. Razer's saying here's
a key switch that actuates at this point, clicks in a tactile way, sounds like this
and they're giving you the specs. So it's harder to understand specs. That's not the
manufacturer's problem. You're making it actually less mainstream then. How so? Because they're
saying Razer caters to the mainstream audience. Yeah they're saying this is a gaming keyboard
that has tactile feedback and clicks. That's all the mainstream audience will ever need
to know. What does that mean if you haven't typed on one before? If you ask if you look
online people will be like these are the different typing experience of these colours
now you can shop for whatever you want. Now it's a green. What the hell does that mean?
There's already a green in existence. If you see a Razer key switch which is in green already
because it's a Razer key switch and that makes sense because that goes along with their branding.
And then you go look up green mechanical key switches. You're going to get cherry switches
which cheap green mechanical cherry switches are completely massively different. So now
the way it'll work is what's the typing experience like on the Black Widow Ultimate 2014? Which
is really confusing. Okay it might be confusing to you. Hopefully that changes. Because you're
a keyboard dork. No I'm not saying it's not confusing to me though. I'm saying it's really
confusing on the internet because there's going to be a tonne of flying around crazy
information. There will be but I mean. Because people are going to hate on it. You look at
all the flying around information about Razer. You look at the comments on the video about
how blah blah blah hate this it's unreliable that. That doesn't stop Razer from being enormous.
So it doesn't matter. The internet can be all butthurt about this but at the end of
the day Razer will change the way people shop for keyboards. Hopefully. Or I don't even
think hopefully. I mean I don't I don't I don't disagree with you that I want to know
what switch is on a bloody keyboard. That's not the argument we're having. The argument
we're having is that from the company's perspective and it's a smart business move people should
shop for a keyboard not for a switch. That's how they want people to shop. But then their
main branding is a switch. Their main branding is a switch because they have to they have
to talk about it. They have no choice. They can't say here's the keyboard because that's
how people shop for keyboards right now based on the switch so they were talking about this
switch a lot and they're talking about I mean really their marketing is really about how
similar it is to the last one they had which everyone knows is a cherry on its blue. Then
they've screwed up some things very majorly. Okay look at it this way. What about when
they stopped using Omron switches on their mice? Do you even remember that? Yes. Okay
you do. Does the internet at large remember that? Okay with this page all I care about
is that one. I don't care about this one. The green switch versus the orange switch.
Because green switches exist. Okay I agree with you that they should have used colors
that don't exist. And I understand green is their branding. And I understand green is
their branding too. And I agree that it is going to create confusion but I don't disagree
with their move of making it about the product. Yeah no I get that but they would have to
do and like that's that's why I don't care as much about the orange one. Right because
at least it's a different color that Cherry doesn't have. And if they used something that
was different for this one I wouldn't really care about that either because at least when
someone goes to this keyboard they're not going to see green switch and expect this
super crazy heavy ridiculous switch that a lot of people don't like. Right. Because
it's too heavy. But I mean there was a limit to how many colors there are too. I know.
And Cherry already has black, red, blue, green, clear, red, grey, and that's a problem. Yep
and that is and a lot of them are out of service now and most people don't know they exist
but still. So I don't think you and I necessarily disagree as much as I initially thought we
did. I don't agree with how they're doing it. They could do it if they just do because
like there's information on their switch they tell you what it is but it's extremely deceptive
because when you're reading this you're not going oh like there's standard mechanical
switch actuation like what does that mean? Yeah but I mean there's legal reasons that
they can't say Cherry switch. I know. And you know what I think they probably would
have liked to say that. Cherry switch? Yeah. I could see that. But legally you can't do
that. Yeah because you're going to have tons of problems. Like I get that but then it's
still really deceptive that it's green. Yeah I don't like that it's green. Luckily it's
not blue. Yeah. Because holy crap if it was blue that would be brutal. But green is still
popular enough that it's still a well known switch. And if I came to this site honestly
if I came to this site and it didn't say Razer's first mechanical switch even if it did honestly
I would just fully expect that they rebranded that they paid Cherry to rebrand their switches.
Right. Guys this is the page we're looking at. Sorry I should have shown you this ages
ago. Because it just they look they look like Cherry switches because they're basically
Cherry switches. Want to know something funny? This diagram of the key switch actually appears
to be the exact diagram that the colors changed of a Cherry key switch. I just thought that
was kind of amusing. Yeah like like if I wasn't looking super closely and I looked
through this I'm not going to go okay I'm going to go oh it's a green switch and then
move on. I would just assume that it was a Cherry green. Then in that case wouldn't it
be better if they called it a blue and they just called it a Razer a Razer blue switch?
No because then I would think it's a Cherry. Well I don't think it would be as big of a
deal. I wouldn't be as mad when it showed up because I wouldn't be able to notice a
difference. But if I noticed it was different in the end I would again just be like well
that's really deceptive. And I think they no because Cherry has green ones. I was wondering
if they said it was a blue switch if they could have legal problems but I don't think
Cherry trademarked the idea of a blue switch. No they didn't and the other brands that are
looking at using Kailh switches are planning to maintain the color scheme. Oh god. So it'll
be it'll be blue switch versus Cherry MX blue switch. Yeah. And I think there'll be some
people okay but here hold on a second there will be some people who are deceived. My browser
froze. But I will make the argument that those people were going to be the value shoppers
who weren't going to pay the extra 10 or 15 dollars. At first I would have probably been
deceived over this. You think so? I wouldn't have looked at it long enough. But then in
that case are they doing the internet a favor by making such big fanfare out of the fact
that now it's a razor switch? Well it's right. It's razor. I know. Everything there's to
do is going to be. But then is that something that they've done to redeem themselves? It
might help to be completely honest. We're not using Cherry switches at least they're
saying that then. Yeah yeah definitely like it's and that's going to help a lot because
at least that would maybe make honestly I wouldn't have looked at it that closely. But
it maybe might have helped me look at it more closely. Because you've looked into it
now and now you know. Well I've looked into it now because you wanted me to help you.
Can you imagine if they'd done black okay Black Widow 2014 no packaging change with
blue switches. Yeah. But not calling them Cherry MX blue switches and making them Kales.
I already said that would have been ridiculous. That would have been terrible. Luckily it's
green which is slightly less common. Yeah. But it's still a problem because a lot of
people still know what greens are. We've done coverage on greens. It's not like clears or
something else which is even less less common. It's still a it's hard to get but people do
make keyboards with green switches in them. I wish they picked a different color. It's
still deceptive calling it like it looks identical. And honestly if you were if you were untrained
maybe you didn't really know Cherry very well. If you saw this standard mechanical switch
what is telling you that that's a Cherry switch. Maybe maybe you're thinking it's some
other brand. In fact I think that is a different brand. They use standard a little bit interchangeably.
Yeah which is causing another problem. Cherry MX so guys if you go to the comparison chart
between Razer mechanical switches and standard mechanical switches this actuation point is
compared to Cherry with the manufacturing tolerances. This versus reset is compared
to Cherry. And this appears to be being compared to Topers because Cherry has a 50 million
yeah I didn't even know he stroked lifespan on their MX series. So like they seem to be
kind of I don't know using oh sorry I'm not screen sharing anymore. They seem to be kind
of using the numbers that are convenient here a little bit. I'm not super pleased with that.
But there you go. All right. I think people have been sitting here listening to us argue
not because they want to but because they want to know who won the big giveaway. So
there's one of the draws that unfortunately we couldn't really do live because of the
phenomenally tedious nature of determining the winner of the person who posted the comment
for the crate computer like oh man. So what we had to do was we had to figure out how
many comments per page and because YouTube no longer allows us to just key in a page
number to go to a page of comments we actually had to click show more to get to the right
page. So we had to determine how many per page how many comments there were then we
had to key the number of pages into random.org click it that many times to get to that page
and then do another random.org entry between them to find the winning entry. And you guys
wonder like I had people messaging me on the 28th. It wasn't it wasn't drawn yet. Have
you noticed the winner yet? I'm like no no no I have not. Thank you for asking. In fact
the fact that we got this done so quickly is sort of magical. All right so it took me
all morning. How did we get this done so quickly? It's working on all freaking day. Linus Media
Group where you click show more in the browser and that's your actual job. It's such a crazy
dance techno and just dunk dunk dunk dunk because I of course didn't get page one because
that would have been way too easy. Yeah wouldn't that have been awesome? Yeah. All right here
it is guys. Is there is there a thing over the yeah so I don't know how to pronounce
the name. But here we go you guys ready? Announcing the winner. There you go that is the winning
comment. Lucas and I'm not even gonna try out the last name. Is it Mool? Mool maybe.
I'm gonna go with Mool. We can make fun of his name all we want because we're giving
him a computer. $3,000. $3,000 isn't it? $3,000 computer. Yeah yeah $2,000 computer. So Lucas
is or $2,500. I don't know. It's a lot. It's baller. You are the winner. Congratulations.
I will need you to um you know oh oh my goodness did you save where the comment is? Is it up
on your screen still? Did you message him? I have his account open. Oh good. Yeah okay
we're cool. I also emailed you his account. Okay we will send you a message through YouTube
because that's the only real way we can contact people who enter contests on YouTube. Yeah
that's a good point. Okay. So please check your YouTube messages. So with that out of
the way remember there were two additional branches of this contest. The influencer parts.
So we got a hundred and eighty four entries for the influencer contest. So one of them
is if you have more than 10,000 followers on a given platform then you can post about
our giveaway and you will be entered for a chance to win a Sony Ultrabook. Then if you
got someone who has more than 10,000 followers to post about it and they credit you you were
entered in a draw for a GTX Titan. So which one should we draw first? One thing to address
in the Twitch comments. My full name is not Lucas. You can even ask this guy. I get pissed
when he calls me Lucas. My full name is Luke. I am not Lucas Mool. It's not a thing. Yeah
and guys if we were gonna fake it do you think we'd come up with a name that we can't pronounce?
It's like oh no no no no no we should have it should have been like my name backwards.
So it's just like Sunil wins. From the far away land of... I can't even... what is Twitch
backwards? Yeah. Twitch, Twitch, Twitch. Bless you. Alright so someone says unsubscribe and
unfollow. Yeah it's always like that. Alright so I got random.org. Oh I just closed random.org
come on. Fail. I got random.org going here and we are going to pick. Which one should
we do first? I don't know. One to 184. Titan? Titan? You wanna do the Titan first? Titan.
Alright so let's do the Titan first. Generate. Nine. So one of the first people. Yeah you're
screen sharing that. Yeah I'm screen sharing guys. So nine is the viewer Denzian2. Denzian2
had it shared by TwistedDuckGames in a YouTube video. That was the first YouTube video created
with a call out for the contest. Cool. So congratulations Denzian. Alright now we're
doing our second draw. This is for the ultrabook for an influencer. Right, right. 64! Alright
here we go. Like Nintendo 64. Alright here we go here we go here we go. Line 64. Oh boy.
Oh man. Tofelshundi has 1100 followers on Facebook and posted sharing our giveaway and
is the lucky winner of the ultrabook. So congratulations to everyone who won. Congratulations
to everyone who shared. We had some pro basketball player share it. Yeah. We had the actor who
played Napoleon Dynamite share it. It was amazing how many people shared this giveaway.
It was actually fantastic. Chris Parillo shared it. He was actually the only other YouTuber
who shared it on a platform that counted. No. Yes. Barnacles and Jase2Says. The only
other YouTuber that I know. Everyone else I know. Lou from Unbox. Noelle. There was
other YouTubers that we know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay so the guys that I like know in
person. Yeah. Are you happy now? Yeah. So the guys that I know in person, none of them
shared it. Because I think they were mad at me. Because everyone and their dog was messaging
them constantly asking them to share this thing. So I think, oh who was it? People were
messaging me. Someone favorited the person's tweet or something and I was like yeah you're
gonna have to tell them that he's gonna have to retweet it. And then they just didn't.
So I think they were like super butthurt at me for running the contest that way. So I
think next time what we would do is we'd like, the guys that I know really well and I know
everyone's gonna go after like Lou and Marcus and stuff like that. I was just like look
these guys don't count. Like go find someone new. And the people that got creative about
it and like you know found pro gamers to do it or whatever else. They got entries and
had a chance to win. So congratulations to the winners again. And I think we're done
with the show everyone. That was a really long show. Holy crap. Thanks for watching