This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Clicked the button we're live we're live and you did it
Yeah, welcome to the wan show what come on welcome in guys. I'm manning the I'm manning the computer today
I've never done it before I'm very excited. Yeah, I
We've got Ubisoft is killing game keys. It's it's a interesting title for that subject
We'll talk about that soon Facebook. The future is private
I thought everyone believes that
percent that's that's solid. Yeah, you want to do the next year and
Well, we have two more and blue the Intel Z GPU it supports ray tracing sort of
Sort of one of them does we'll get to it. I mean, yeah, I guess it definitely does but only one of them. Yeah also
We're not sure how we feel about this one, but I guess we'll talk about it later epic games by
See up psionics. I almost at sea on epic psionics, which is the Rocket League developers
Yeah, they're just out here trying to screw up the ecosystem. You know, I don't know how I don't know what I think about this
I'm very confused. Anyways, you can get your thoughts out after the intro. Boom
Look, I did it. Yay
That's you. No, that's you. That's me
Yep, very excited. You know what that thing on my shirt is supposed to be supposed to be a horse
It doesn't really look like a horse
Way to go Ed
Hey, you know, I don't know that you only have a certain amount of bandwidth. It would be really hard to do
I'm just trying to muggle and and now
the first sponsor
Is private internet access VPN that they get your internet going real good
Savage jerky they get your stomach going real good. You ever want to taste something good? Check them out and
and fresh books
The freshest books you've ever seen in your life guarantee your books going real good. Yes, sir
Heck yeah, and here we are
We made it on the land show. It is technically the land show. I I was explaining that I
Am like half dead right now, but I'm technically here, which is good. You look great. Thank you. You're doing great
I feel like I'm dying. I believe in you, but I severe
Flow plane launched its new transcoding and uploading thing this week, which means pretty much nothing for all of you
But it means a lot for creators and it means a lot for being able to bring more critters on the platform
Also, maybe talk about that a little bit later on but now
Ubisoft killing game keys. Yes. Yeah, so I guess there's a the reasoning for this. Is that I
Mean, what's the problem with game keys?
So click on my Luke screen thing Luke screen. Boom. You got it. That's how we that's how you do the show
Okay, so Ubisoft is trying to prevent illegal resales of its games with a new method of selling digital PC game keys called
Silent key activation or ska not to be confused with the music music. Yeah, which is not
a legal game for news sales. Yeah, I
Haven't personally heard of this method, but apparently you go to an external website
You pick a game key you pay them you sign with you you play account and you have the game
Yeah, which which is a little bit funky
There's been external game stores for a long time where you can get a key and just in the when you're done checking out
You either get email the key or it just shows up right there and you just copy paste it
There would've been good. This is a new thing. And I guess there's been sort of legal issues with that where
You know some
Resellers can manage to get their hands on game keys through perhaps illicit means
Yeah, and so this is a way to prevent that and kind of make it make sure everything is kosher and you know
Buy the book. Yeah
so instead of like getting an actual key and getting that through a website you go to a site and then you have to
sign into your account and then
It like does authentication through the website instead of just throwing keys all over the place, right?
Because I know I know when the throwing keys all over the place thing sort of started pretty early on
People were buying keys in countries where the games were more heavily discounted due to the average income of that country
And then they were selling them to countries where your income was much higher, right?
So there was countries that would like get a discount because like, you know, what it's kind of hard to
Afford these things in certain areas. So we'll let it be cheaper for you and then people buy tons of keys there and resell them
It's a little shady. Yeah, there's been a lot of a lot of shadiness around that department
so this method is supposed to make it harder for illegal game key redistributors to operate and
the problem that I saw with it that when I was reading about it was that
This now requires you to sign in to whatever site that you are getting the key from
with your like Ubisoft account, so then they have probably a
like external authentic, I don't remember the exact name for it right now because I'm
Blasted but it's probably
Not on alcohol on lack of sleep, but it's it's probably a like external sign-on thing. It's probably okay, right?
It's probably okay probably because I don't know anything about the development side. So all I can do is say that sounds kind of crazy
It's it's like how you can use like steam to sign into the Linus tech tips forum, which I don't do, right?
But you could I don't either yeah, I have my own account
But you would still have your own account you're just using it for authentication
Yeah, but I don't want somebody to be able to buy games on my steam account
Through the Linus tech tips forum, which I know you would do if you had the chance
Okay, so I think so what you're saying is my voice keeps cracking I'm no I don't I don't know if it's actually an issue
But so but what you're saying, I think I'm gonna try to interpret for a second interpret me
Is that you're worried that?
You log in and authenticate and then anyone could go on that website at any time and bike right in the future and let me
Clarify that that's not necessarily my concern
But that is what I read
That seems we're having an issue with that seems valid if you don't have to log in or you don't have to authenticate every time
Right because as has been proven time and time and time and time again
Websites will be vulnerable and things will be stored in terrible plain text very commonly all over the place. Mmm. Oh, yes
Yeah, that's an
Once a month Facebook does that a lot?
With all of their different services. Yeah. Yeah, it's great
So ten digital game distributors are doing it right now including fanatical and gamers gate not
gamer gate gamers gate what
Gamers gate is a is a is a I've never heard of it, but it's apparently it's a game there that's amazing
While green man gaming have their own equivalent tech in place. I guess that's what that says. I don't know exactly what that means
Okay, they probably had a similar setup already done but
Yeah, I mean, I guess I'm okay with it. I
Forgot the thing was on my screen. It is on your screen. So yeah, sorry go back to Maine
I'll go back to Maine basically at the beginning of an hour to have the power. I have the mouse
At the beginning of an article we jump to one of those screens really quick just so people can see the article
You guys don't want to see they don't want to see I feel like that's important information for you know
It I don't I'm not I'm a techland guy. Okay. I'm not the way and show guy you I respect your workflow here
Okay, just stay over here. I don't know if I really call it a workflow
It's just like something we fell on top of after doing it for a while
There's any flow or plan actually put into it gotcha
But yeah, it's interesting
I'm not against it. I've always thought those websites were pretty kind of sketch. Yeah, I mean I bought some some games keys from resellers
but every time I do it, I'm kind of like
You know, I doing something bad it's like this is discounted a ridiculous amount there's got to be a reason for it but also
It's cheap. It's also discounted a ridiculous amount. So here we go
Yeah, so if there's a way for me to like be assured that this is like more legit. I think that's a good thing
yeah, because like the big thing is like
Making sure that you know, I'm morally ambiguous sort of situation is kind of streamlined less more than the others
Well, should we move on? I mean, I don't know. I don't really have any other thoughts about that. Do you guys have thoughts? I
Yeah, I'm not used to be have to being able to look at the chat. I can't do it. I can't multitask
I mean you multitask. Yeah, I can't at all. Yeah, so one random thing. I'm gonna say for floatplane viewers
We're testing a new cloud flare thing today, and it sounds like it maybe isn't working that great
So if it's super bad, I'm sorry. The test isn't working out maybe
Temporarily jump over elsewhere next up though. We're gonna do Facebook. We're gonna do it. We're gonna do Facebook
So Facebook had their f8
Developer conference. I'm sorry
Oh, geez. Sorry for playing guys
So the f8 developer conference
This was kind of one of the big
First times that Mark Zuckerberg was oh, yep. We're going to Luke's screen. Boom. The future is private
So Mark Zuckerberg wrote a blog post a couple of weeks ago or a month ago or something like that
Talking about like alright guys, you know what Facebook has had a lot of these privacy gaffes up till now
But you know what now we're committed to privacy. No more reels. We're doing it this time. The future is private and
there hasn't really been a
Horrible major privacy gaff since he did that
It's more like it's more like some news still kind of trickles out every once in a while that's like oh, yeah back in
2016 they were doing this when they said they weren't you know, like storing people's passwords in a plain text file
Well, we didn't that happen like literally weeks ago with Instagram
See, I don't remember because I deal with this news all the time, but yeah, I don't remember whether that was like
Oh, we were just storing them like last week go back to the main thing go back to the main thing
See, I you should have just done this
We thought this would be a fun idea for me to control at this time. But no
So I yeah, we're gonna look at April 22nd news article. Yeah. Yeah, but I think that might have been about them storing them
We'll find out. Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, that would make sense
Let's see stored past tense
Well, yeah, I don't think they would say that when it's still currently that's true that's true
You can't really trust them saying that we're not doing it now. That's that's a fair point. They don't seem to specify it
For how long or a time? Look, I meant I'm as anti Facebook as the next guy. Okay. Yeah
I'm not trying to do you use it all anymore. I I have not used Facebook for years
I mean other than to like but like for specific functions. Yeah, but like you have an account messenger somebody
Yeah, I have an account. Yeah. Yeah. So like yeah, I think the biggest problem with you know
I know I do. Okay. I tried I think I've deleted my account three times really keeps cracking every time
I deleted I come back and it's never because like I want to you and I always begrudgingly come back
And it's usually because like I need to contact someone
Yeah, and the yellow pages isn't really a thing anymore, but you're not going on there and like posting a status. I don't post
I don't I don't do that post. I don't post I use the I use messenger and I use a couple of the groups
Right. I see I was I think I I wasn't a group and then
we kind of like I kind of like stopped going to the
Like I didn't really have a reason to be in the Facebook group anymore
And so I'm out of that group and I was like though in my last
connection to it and so now I'm like
I've even got it set up so that I have an extension on I believe it's Chrome and Firefox
Where if I go to Facebook it deletes the entire feed
And just puts like a random quote there so that there is no feed in the middle and there's just your messenger and your groups
That's it. Oh, yeah, it's it's great. Well, actually that segues really well into what we're talking about here
Oh, so the at the FA developer conference, one of the things that they focused on was
They said we're redesigning Facebook around groups
events and like kind of
Of features meant to help people meet up in real life
So there's like a meet people function because they were doing some dating thing as well. Yep. There's dating
So maybe we should just like go through the notes and see if there's something here
So at Facebook's f8 conference Mark Zuckerberg pledged to transform the company's approach to privacy while revealing major changes to Instagram and whatsapp
He acknowledged that the social media behemoths had much work to do to rebuild trust with the global community
I know we don't exactly have the strongest reputation very true
So they're gonna roll out a redesigned site that's simpler faster more immersive and puts communities at the center
Like I said, so app users will notice immediate changes with a new desktop site expected in the next few months
And they're gonna make it easier to switch between public spaces and private groups
Where users can engage with groups of people who share your interests?
Yeah, I I totally track with that because I don't go on there for like social media use. Yeah
You know, I don't go on there to like see what are my friends posting?
I go on there if I like have a specific function to do so
Do you think this is them accepting that their audience is older?
Yeah, maybe
Yeah, I actually saw
It an interesting take on it
Which was that because they're focusing more around groups and events
it might like
make the whole kind of
What do you call it?
bubble like the
Okay. Yeah. Yeah, you call that
Like it my brain. I think it works. I think there's like another word that people normally put with it
I don't remember but bubble. Yeah, but like yeah like social bubble
So only interact with the people that you want to interact with. Yeah, you know, yeah, which is fine, I guess but like yeah
It's an interesting take on it. So then you were saying the dating thing. Yeah, there's also a dating thing
I think it's called secret crush and one of the ways that it works is why yes
The way that it works is you select a certain amount of people that you want to be your secret crush
And then they get a notification saying that someone whoo. Yeah added them as a secret crush
But they don't know who yeah, and then if they happen to add you back out of nowhere
Then then it tells each other yeah, it's like tinder yeah where if you like but there's no like swiping
It's just your friends on Facebook, right?
But that I mean, I feel like it's even more interesting because it's like someone you already know and you're like
I wouldn't mind like dating that person. So we all know that like one dude who's just gonna secret crush every single
They're interested in and then if one of them, yeah one of them
Secret crushes him back. Yes, I did it. Oh, I mean, I think yeah, I'm married
But if I was interesting if I was single, this would be like pretty interesting. I'd be like, oh, I didn't know
Ashley likes me
But you wouldn't unless you flagged everyone on your list
Well, if I yeah, I don't worry. I'd have to flag them Ashley. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, um, and okay one more one more interesting thing from the Facebook thing the hiding likes
Yeah, so Instagram they're doing this in Canada actually. Yeah, actually Canada is an extremely common testbed for mobile stuff
Oh, yeah, because we're extremely similar to Americans, but there's a lot less of us, right?
So they don't have to do it all up. Yeah
Just Canadian and if it is annoying then we're like, it's okay. It's fine. Thanks for the beta. Yeah, I appreciate it
Um, so I actually saw some people posted about this as well. Like they
Some people are already experiencing it. Yeah, it's being rolled out
Yeah, so like if you are a regular user you can't see you won't be able to see
The number of likes that someone else's post has but you will be able to see how many likes your post has
But you have to click through to see it. So like just on the regular
It'll just be like liked by this person and others and you won't see how many people I'd liked it. So is this like a
Why like is this a mental health move? Yeah, I think so
I think that and I think it's a good move to be honest because I think that I think it might be bad for business reasons
They might be good for like yeah the mental health of the world reasons
Well, do as a business do you need the public to see how many likes you got on one of your?
like well, no, so I
Don't necessarily think so. But oh, yeah. I know because you could still tell the business who's hiring you to wear their
Bathing suit that you got X amount of views
Yeah, so you have access to like analytics for you, but I think it would be harder to
Have access to like analytics for you, but I think it would be harder for those businesses that want to advertise that way to shop around
Right, yeah, you'd have to like if you wanted to do business for with with an influencer
You'd have to like ask them for their analytics. Yeah ahead of time and just like hope that they're decently sized
Well, I it doesn't say anything about followers so they'll be able to see like how many people have so they just won't know like
How active yeah
And I think benefit for older accounts from a mental health perspective
I feel like it's good for people to post things to social media and then not like have to worry about getting this
It's still gonna notify you
If someone likes I don't know. I don't know because I feel like that's gonna have quite a draw to you
I didn't see anything about that. Oh, man
Okay, should we?
Should we prioritize this one or this one? I
Think we got it. We got to do the title. Yeah, you're right. Yeah. All right Intel Z GPU to support
yes, so
At FMX, is that a I'll go to your thing Oh looks see I'm on top of it. Yeah, so
And then
Intel announced at
Do you know what FMX is I've never heard of that before I don't know what it stands for but I've heard of it
Yeah, so Intel announced that their Z GPU architecture will support hardware acceleration
of ray tracing
Now this is for data center. Yes GPUs primarily. They haven't made any announcements about like
their gaming graphics cards that they
Have coming out eventually
They haven't said anything about that
But we know I mean it is I guess it's encouraging to know that at the architectural level it supports that yeah
Or at least that they're even like thinking about it, which isn't too surprising but having a confirm is nice now. That's cool
James wrote that this puts the architecture on par with cheering as far as DXR goes and
Makes it superior to solutions that rely on software or GP GPU acceleration. I so that's just basically saying it's hardware
Acceleration hardware better than software so yeah, yeah
Ray tracing for big-budget movies like Pixar films is done traditionally on CPUs because they are a hundred percent accurate
Unfortunately they are also orders of magnitude slower
So I mean this is yet another one of these entries in the saga of Intel GPUs that I think that we're all
Trying to get excited about it
We're like how great would it be if we had another competitor in this in the space other than AMD and Nvidia?
But because no offense AMD isn't doing that great right now in that space
It's wonderful that AMD is doing fantastic in the CPU side of things
but it would be kind of nice if
like AMD had to dual compete for a long time, but didn't have the money or the resources to really do it right and
Intel kind of does so if it ends up being Intel that has to dual compete and that's more like yeah
CPUs are great. That's morally better. I think that would make more sense the strong should take the burden for the week
Oh, and he's been you know AMD. You've been trying so hard, and we love you for that. You know we love you
I'm really happy that they they they've got a winner right now. They're CPUs are doing awesome. Heck. Yeah, really cool
Rising 3000 generation coming soon good stuff. We got a navi GPU Oh
Supposed to come out by the end of 2019 not
7 nanometers confident well personally the the rumors and leaks and stuff that I saw
indicate that it's going to be like a
Replacement for Polaris instead of Vega, so it's gonna be like they're a lower power
Yeah, which kind of sucks because like I've been like following this like all these navi news and stuff
And I'm like oh, it's gonna be it's gonna take out like Turing or Pascal or whatever
I'm like nope it's gonna be low power stuff again. I'm nada. Yeah, yeah
That's really exciting though. I have a little bit of a hard time getting properly actually excited about like
Non like like things that are definitely not for consumers
There's stuff where it's like it's enterprise stuff, but you can get your hands on it. It's great
This is like data center hardware, so it's right. Okay. That's cool
That's definitely cool in a like hey technology and another company entering in space and all that kind of stuff kind of way
But it's not super likely that a bunch of people that I will interact with will get their hands on it
Which is less cool, and then it's it's if it ends up being a rumor that this is coming to consumer stuff
It'll also be
Hard for me to personally get excited about until I'm like yes. It is actually definitely coming well
You're talking about ray tracing on Intel GPUs. Yeah
See this is what we know dedicated hardware. I mean well. We don't okay
We don't know this, but the PlayStation 5 is supposed to have ray tracing
That's what the the system architect said he's like it's based on an AMD GPU, and it's gonna support ray tracing, so I'm like
if the ps5
Does ray tracing actually?
Intel better freakin do it. I saw your tech linked thing with like that sort of reaction that was that was perfect
I like I forget what I did. It was like the ray tracing console master race. No. Oh, yeah
Console master race PC plebs what have you done tech news reporting through a
What would you even call that
through a console lens
No, no
But uh like like for not an iteration of a specific type like not the Xbox one X
Not the Xbox one s, but the original Xbox one oh
Yeah, it's like this is a much larger step than we got from the s to the X or from the one yeah
I think when I first started at NCI X I think like ps4 launching then yeah
That was like so that was 2013. Yeah, so I know it was around that line
But I think they launched like that
Winter mm-hmm so like I think one of the first
Netlink dailies we did was about the Xbox one and oh crazy
That's kind of cool. Yeah, no it gets a little wild because right when the consoles first launched
They usually actually like really competitive right and everything gets a little
Has a challenger and then a couple years go by it's like it's like oh, it's the ps4 different
Oh the ps4 is way more
It's fun though I actually really enjoy new console launches because even
It's I mean it's cool to it's a little bit harder to judge
Consoles compared to each other so that's kind of fun because you have to do a lot of like more deeper dives
It's not as easy to like swap a component out and test different things
But then it's also fun to see the PC space have really solid competition on terms of price of performance
Right as the new console just drops, then you're like
This is gonna be a really interesting console generation launch because I feel like GPUs are also really expensive right now
So is RAM GPUs are expensive, but also the like gaming
Ecosystem and the the environment is kind of like
streaming is becoming a big thing and like the the Xbox one X and the ps4 Pro are like some of the most like
PC like and then with ray tracing coming out now and as far as I know both of the new consoles are gonna have keyboard and
mouse support yeah, they already do I think yeah, yeah, so like why wouldn't they still have that so yeah, they have ray tracing
Strong graphics very like PC like architecture keyboard and mouse support, right?
They're just like pre-packaged. Yeah
Well pre-packaged computers you plug into your TV right that only play games well
And I think like I hopefully I I've hoped every time we report on something that Microsoft is doing like with the Xbox
Ecosystem and PC gaming like they've said so many times. They're like we care about PC gamers, and we want it
You know we want
We want you to use the Xbox Live app on your PC
Instead of discord or whatever like come on guys
We're adding Spotify support to the game bar on Windows 10 like come on
So like I keep every time they make an announcement like this
I'm like oh do they actually care like are they actually gonna try to kind of unify these like Xbox and PC gaming units?
Ecosystems like unify as in like you buy an Xbox and it basically acts as a PC like a pre-built gaming PC or something
You know yeah, yeah
It would be cool. If you could do that
All I want all I want to sell on your Xbox that'll be that'll be the day
Yeah, all I wanted all this time is halo on PC. It's coming man. I know it's coming heck
Yeah, I'm excited speaking of all you've ever wanted. We should do sponsors. Yes, we should
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It's bad. That's it. Yeah
Love fresh books, but you know how else we love
Savage jerky jerky you want to look at this I do
Their jerky is made with the best ingredient right without nitrates or
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Yeah, it actually makes you stronger
Don't quote me on that
They've got 13 different flavors of jerky like sriracha bacon whoo and maple buffalo bacon lots of bacon here
Big bacon fans they also make barbecue sauce hot sauce and a spice rub for the shower
Not for the shower. It's for me. It's for meat. You could I'm assuming or whatever
Technically we're meat
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hottest peppers use offer code LTT to save 10% on all of their products
including all of these
Delicious have you had the Reaper one? I did I had it one time. Are you into spicy stuff? I'm
How to go I don't know if I should say that am I supposed to say I'm into it
I I like spicy well, no because they have they have
Like flavors all along right? Yeah. Yeah. These are good because the spice is kind of part of it
I'm not a huge fan of like taking spice like hot sauce and putting it on other things
Okay, if you give me a food and it is naturally spicy. I like I will eat that
Yeah, I find English is really bad at explaining spice because they have they have like the mojo
Stuff and it's like lime and cilantro and like oh all these other kind of things and like it has
Spices like mojito. I
I think it's pronounced the same way, but it's just mojo. Is that the base? Is that the base word for mojito mojito?
I have no idea. You said lime. I think a mojito has lime in it
That's the defining
Let me know if a mojito has lime in it but first huh? No go do it. Is that what I do? Yeah
Private internet access
Do you want to do it?
Private access is it like doesn't you know, it's not that important
Because they all already have it. Oh
So nice what private access supports a variety of VPN protocols and types of encryption and
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which isn't listed right there, but if you if you're
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They cut everything down which is actually super cool. It's like when you get stabbed and then you put a bandage right on it
right away
You don't lose anything important. Oh sure. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. That's what I'm here for. That's great illustrations. Heck. Yeah
They have apps for Windows Mac OS Android iOS. It still says Linus I
It's Linux
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Who you know?
Under you know under the table, you know
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Apps include DNS leak protection and IPv6 leak protection. That's I guess
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Why would they Africa as far as I know and a few other places check it out today at LMG GG slash?
Piawan, yeah
Hey, yeah, Piawan Piawan my dude Piawan my dude and don't forget it. Oh
My god, are you excited for the new bill and Ted's excellent adventure? Oh
Yeah, they're making it. I'm making another one. I needed like over you know, three the first one. Oh
There's two there's two see it's been I I think I watched the first one when I was like a little kid
Yeah, but I haven't like seen it since so I know is like Bill
Ted or excellent. Yeah, I
People are gonna hate me. I'm sorry guys. Look I have a cursory knowledge of Bill and Ted
I'm pretty excited which probably makes me old, but whatever should we talk about LTX now?
Should we talk about the thing you really love? So I almost I went all the way up there
It's also excited but we can talk about LTX. That's a good idea. Well, there's some updates
I don't know if we talked about the updates last time what updates are they see those updates? They're bolded. Oh
They're bolded guys. Oh, I don't know if we talked about this. Okay updates LTX 2019
Just in case you didn't know which would be surprising DreamHack and Linus media group are coming together and making this awesome
Convention slash huge land party in Vancouver at the Vancouver Convention Center. You should check it out
Website is not
Linked here. Oh, that's pretty sure if you search LTX 2019, it'll come up. It'll come up
It should I think the SEO is pretty solid. They're organizing panels for the main stage
So they're wondering what you guys want to see discussed hit them up with ideas on the forum or on Twitter at
LTX Expo and yes the X and Expo are redundant, but don't worry about that
I'm upset
As of this morning, so there's probably less now there was only 16 BYOT BYOC tickets left
Bioss if you want to be ack you better be ack on over to the site and get a ticket buddy
Like actually cuz they're they're gonna be gone snazzy cue from snazzy labs
That's super cool. And we're Nelson are also gonna be at LTX and hard working X Dimitri and Eber. Yeah
Well, I've never met Quinn Quinn but I
I sort of know Dimitri and Eber that's exciting. Have you met them?
You saw it. You said you sort of know I sort of know it like I've met them. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, they're super cool
I mean, I wouldn't say that we talk all the time. Oh, I
Think Dimitri and I we have each other on on Facebook, that's fine
So there's like a you know, you guys get invited to each other's like Super Bowl parties
No, cuz he lives way the heck. Yeah, that'd be hard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you could do telepresence
Put a little thing beside me. Hey, you're gonna watch the Super Bowl with me. He's like I have stuff to do
Yeah there it's like really late for you. But stay in the computer you live in there. You don't get to sleep
But yeah, come to LTX guys. It's gonna be great July 27th and 28th. Is that right? That is correct, sweet
I'm super excited. My whole float plane team is coming in locally. Heck. Yeah. Yeah, we're doing the like meetup at that time
So we're gonna hang out after LTX and everyone's gonna meet up for LTX. It's gonna be great
You know be really cool as if we had an actual
Full of plane and I don't know why I'm suggesting go because I have one really you haven't seen this
Oh like the computer thing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that'd be fun
But there's also the Vancouver Convention Center can technically receive float plates
So I was I was running with this like
Idea for the problem is it was it was just there's no way the ROI on this would ever work
But I wanted Linus and I to fly into the convention on a float plane
Riding on top of the week
Speaking of crazy ideas epic games by here we go. I was waiting intense. Okay, so
This I've been wanting to talk about this too for a while. Yeah, cuz I have feelings. Me too. I don't know
I caught feelings over this. Yeah, you want to hit me up? Oh, I'll hit you up, dude
Cuz I know all about the streaming setup and this is how you do it. Boom. Boom. Done
Psyonix is joining the epic family. Oh, that's so great. They did they didn't just buy a game. They didn't just
Buy out the rights to platform a game. Yeah, they bought a whole studio about the whole thing. So now
I'll temper the the initial like kind of outrage
Like by the fact that apparently the people who made Psyonix. This is what I read in a thing the people who?
started Psyonix kind of already know a lot of the people at epic games and they like
Have these like connections so this isn't like a big giant company coming in and force brood forcing
You know the company to do we've seen that yeah, he has done that a number of times right although
It might be that I don't know, but that's some evidence to the contrary
Yeah, so the big problem for me about this was that the initial announcement was kind of like vague
They're like we're buying Psyonix rocket League is coming to the store
And in the meantime they said
rocket League will be supported on Steam and
Thereafter steam users can look forward to continued support, but there's nothing like concrete that says like
Everyone on Steam will get the same updates there will be cross-platform support like you can play multiplayer
Still if you buy the game on epic game store. Will you still be able to play cross-platform with steam users?
Like there is there is an editor's note at the bottom of the article
Yeah, it says we want to clarify something for you. It's like isn't this isn't good enough
That's a super clear. Yeah, but it says we want to clarify for you after today's news
Rocket League is and remains available on Steam anyone who owns rocket League through steam can still play it and can look forward to continued
Support that's I know exactly what you just said, right?
For how long?
You know, yeah and like does i'm sure it does but this would be the time to clarify a lot better than yes
Like two line thing at the bottom of an article
Does support include?
like feature updates
Which it almost certainly does but they should spell that out and I think this is the problem nothing up to question
This is one of the big problems that a lot of people
You know caught up in this steam versus epic game store fight have with epic game store is that they've kind of been
Like kind of wishy-washy about people's concerns regarding
Oh, there's not many features on epic game store and you know, how long does it take to get to the game store?
Oh, there's not many features on epic game store and you know, how long are these timed exclusives? Are they always exclusives?
Are you going to keep doing this and like stealing games from other stores? Are you going to kind of stop eventually?
Like what's what's going on guys?
One thing that I thought was interesting was that tim swinney
the ceo of epic games
Uh tweeted recently. I don't have the tweet here, but he tweeted back to us. Oh, yeah
um, he tweeted recently that if if steam I don't know if you saw this if steam committed to
uh matching their developer
revenue share
so valve takes a
30 cut I believe it's something pretty beefy. Yeah, and
Epic games only takes a 12 cut. Okay. I wasn't sure I thought it was 18, but you're probably right. Um,
Um, it might be 18. I forget I think i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure it's 88
percent to the developers
Um 12. Yeah. Yeah, you're right, right. So if they're like if steam matches our revenue sharing
Model we will stop with the exclusives. We'll stop it immediately and back off
That's what tim swinney said on twitter
I think I think he could say that because he knows that valve isn't gonna do that
Because like to me I see that and i'm kind of like oh
All right. Well, then all valve has to do is just kind of match their revenue share. Yeah, but
I think valve has like too many things going on now
You i've been talking a lot. What what are your feelings? I'm so conflicted. Yeah
We were talking about this a little bit before the show
I've tried to not think about this since I heard about it because I knew we were going to talk about on the show
Even that thing that you just mentioned with the revenue share thing
Like i've got tons of feelings about that too because steam is kind of this like old
Right lethargic giant at this point like everyone in the pc community as far as I can tell
Loves them but realistically
They've just kind of existed forever and like yeah not done a ton for quite a while
And I think that's what's so interesting made an obscene amount of money. Yeah, not done a lot with it about this whole situation. Is that
I feel like valve has kind of grown a bit complacent. Yeah, like
Um, you know you have ea and ubisoft, you know, and and in actvision blizzard like making their own launchers and bethesda
But they're not really making an attempt to kind of
Come at steam. They're just like hey our games are on our platform
It is more than a lot of times our games are also on steam, you know, ubisoft sometimes still releases ubisoft games on steam. Yeah
but epic game store is coming out here and being like
We need to shake this up and I feel like that's it's it's kind of conflicting because on the one hand you know
You know that steam has kind of become complacent. Yeah, and that they have all these really cool features and they've been there since beginning
You know, basically and like they do to be clear they have way better features. Oh, yeah the game store for sure
Like it's a better situation over there
It's just they've been around forever and a lot of these features are pretty old and some of the newer features that come out
Are not that substantial. Mmm, right like it. It definitely feels like valve does the minimum viable
Yeah thing that they need to do in order to not make people horribly mad at them. Yeah, you know
And I think this is really well illustrated by the fact that we don't have half-life 3 yet
Yes, and i'm upset because they didn't need to because yeah
We we make you know, like 30 percent of what everybody else does. Yeah. Yeah, so whatever we just make tons of money
We don't need to let's not worry about it. They're like make another dota card game. Yeah add some hats
I want to get over it. I want to get over half-life 3 but here's the thing. Oh this leads well into another thing
Did you see the valve index?
so like
Because they have a flag in the back
So like because they have a flagship vr game apparently coming out. Yeah with the index. Yeah
But what does that mean it's the worst because it might be happy it could be really cool
But it won't be but then and if it was half-life vr
Is it actually gonna be any good
I'm upset luke. It might be good. I'm so upset. I don't know. I didn't get an index
I don't know how that makes me feel. What do you mean?
What do you mean? Oh, you didn't pre-order it. Well, it's sold out like immediately. You're the vr guy
Yeah, but it was just gone. Yeah, I think in 15 or 20 minutes. It's yeah
Yeah, I was busy
I mean
I'll probably I mean i'll probably get it eventually but like yeah, we'll probably I mean, I suspect lance meteor group will get one
I'll try that out. Hopefully
but anyways, I like
Ah, I I think it's just so frustrating cross-platform thing with psionics and raga league will be fine
My reasons for that is because they support such a wide variety of cross-platform already
Um, they support cross-platform friends lists as far as I know
There was a fairly recent update that psionics does but yes, that's what I meant
There's a fairly recent update that stepped away from the steam friends list, which is maybe not that surprising anymore
Um, I was actually pretty happy they did it because maybe they did it because of this
I I kind of think they did because I think they were prepping themselves for that
And they I think they should have leaned on that more in their article thing. It should be like yeah
Steam's going to be supported. We separated the friends list from the steam layer so we could work on
Uh the the epic game store, but if you notice you're on steam and it's working so we made sure that's fine
Like that probably would have been a good idea. Yeah
but I I think it'll keep working for everyone I
Love to watch I only play the the ice hockey mode because i'm weird, but I love to watch. Yeah
Uh, like various rocket league creators, um sunless khan sunless khan is amazing. Ah, i'm gonna ask you if you watched him
Great. Uh, I always I also watch like lefamir and a bunch of other guys. I don't know those guys
Yeah, he's more on the uh, the competitive side of things sunless khan's just a beautiful human being
Um, but he's got a smooth voice. He does sultry rocket league essays if you could imagine that it's possible
But anyways, I love watching all that kind of stuff even though I don't play
Uh with the soccer ball, I just play ice hockey at a fairly high level. I might say that's that's um
This this does bother me because i've been playing rocket league relatively seriously for years
And it's scary when something you care about a lot is is getting potentially touched what i'm hoping for
Is steam side of things?
I mean, it's going to leave the steam store but outside of that I hope it just doesn't get affected and I hope that it going
to the
Uh epic game store and it being in the news because of this buyout and all that kind of stuff
Is going to boom its popularity right?
Because while there's definitely still a strong community around rocket league it could use a little bit. It's big
It's uh, it's been out for quite a while. That's one of the usual boosts
That's one of the strong points of this acquisition one of the few
Rays of see this is the thing. It looks so depressing until you kind of look into it and you're kind of like
It could be good. Yeah, it's okay. There's that and then they'll probably be fine
Yeah, like epic games has this like obscene amount of money. Yeah somehow
I guess they just have like buckets of money to pay off people to be exclusives, but that money is going to help
Psionics kind of like uh inject some more life into their esports. Uh, yeah ambitions, which is good. That would that would be fantastic
That would be fantastic. I love rocket league esports. It's one of my favorite things to watch esports wise. I used to love watching starcraft
Oh, yeah, and i'd stay up till weird hours in the morning and watch gsl and watch live korean games and i'm super into it
And then starcraft kind of died a little bit
Um, and then I got i'm kind of into rocket league. I mostly like watching the youtube videos, but I I have enjoyed watching
Squishy muffins and all those crazy guys, but I don't know. I hope it goes
Well, I I wish them the best even though it makes me a little salty. I'm not happy that it's leaving steam
Yeah, because if if one of my friends wants to get into it
It's usually the path of least resistance to be able to get them into it on steam
If I have to start getting people to install the epic games launcher that is going to be a problem
I will say I will say that like because this particular instance isn't as
Like to me it doesn't seem as horrible of a proposition because rocket league psionic has already
Psionic has already done the work to cross platform
friends list working so
Like if they're like, oh I want to buy rocket league and then you know
They just go to the rocket league site and the way they do that is by downloading the launcher
Yeah, and then they just come in and they tell you their username and then you add them within the game
If that still works and all the cross-platform stuff works fine. It's like not the worst. Okay, sweet
But like epic games need to make needs to make sure that they do this for every
Game that they do this to you know, and that's the that's the the fear. I think a bit of a kicker that another thing
That I want to consider here is rocket league again made quite a while ago still doing pretty good
But and I mean their season passes. Hopefully those are doing well
I play the game so freaking much that I buy the season pass because i'm like
My dollar per hour in this game right now is absurd. You guys can take a little bit more of my money
Yeah, there you go. That's fair
That's fair. I'll vote with my wallet in the direction that most people don't I think
Um and try to support the thing because I believe in the thing. Um
But I can't imagine they're doing amazing
Psionics. Yeah. Yeah, so the ingest of money
Is going to hopefully increase long-term support for the game, which we've kind of discussed already
But it's also probably just good for the creators
Right. I don't I haven't heard of psionics working on necessarily anything else. I could be ignorant here
But I think this is kind of all they got this is their this is their thing one trick pony
yeah, so I mean trick rocket car if
Sometimes if you want the thing to survive you got to do some stuff that's a little uncomfortable. So
I don't know ain't that the truth
yeah, and I you know what I love about rocket league 2 is that it seems like
it it
It doesn't have like mechanics
It has mechanics that you don't see in any other game
Like it's not like it's a moba, you know where there are 18 different mobas that all are the same
Yeah, rocket league is rocket league. There is no other game like it. So if we can if that like
Ecosystem can survive. Yeah through an influx of cash from
evil tim swinney
You know if dark vader if dark vader came to you and said hey
I got a lot of money
That's dark vader. I got a lot of money bud
And it'll feed your family for a year
Would you and your family's starving? Would you take it?
Such a weird analogy, but I love it. Um, I
Yeah, I don't know
Very very interesting thing. Yeah, do we have a do are we talking about different things now or no?
I think we're it's sort of done
Here's a here's one last question. All right, if half-life 3 yeah is a vr game exclusive to the epic store
Epic games buys the rights to half-life. Oh my gosh, can you imagine?
They just drop so much money. That would be like whatever such an interesting like alternate universe like proposition
alternate universe like proposition like they buy the rights to half-life we get half-life 3 the thing that steam and valve fans have been
Wanting for years and and they hate they've they've got worked up to hate epic games
They're like, oh they're the worst. Oh, we hate them so much and they're like
But we have half-life 3
It's not even it's not even that they like bought the rights to it. They just funded the entire project. Yeah
Yeah, and it gets made and it's good. Yeah. Yeah, that'd be uh, what would you do?
It'd be interesting to see how it would you do?
Yeah, sorry. What was your question though? Something with the index?
I got I got sidetracked you had a you had such a you changed it into something. I don't know where I was going
Diverted the heck you made it
That was brilliant. Would you would you buy it the index if the epic?
Oh games store had half-life 3 as an exclusive. I think you have to
Yeah, like depending obviously, I don't think every human on the planet has to buy it. But like I think
I would have to just the amount of pure curiosity
You know, I don't think it's gonna be like I want I really want it to be but I don't think it's gonna be half-life 3
I don't think it's I don't think the flagship vr game that they're gonna release is half-life 3 or or even in the half-life universe
I think it could be really cool if it's a portal thing
Probably or like a left for dead 3 thing or whatever. Yeah left for dead vr
like left for dead vr
but um
I think that the honestly I think that for valve the half-life ship has sailed. I don't think we'll ever get it
And but this is so annoying because every time this news comes up i'm like
Oh, maybe please and you know, they like that and hate it at the same time
Yeah, because I know gabe newell's like kind of openly said like this is annoying
But at the same time gabe newell has said half-life is annoying. Well, like the the community constantly being like hey
Give us half-life 3
We want that thing that you said you were working on and they're definitely going to give us and then you gave up on
Yeah, oh shut up about that
Leave me alone
I'm rolling in all my money. I love money
My money more money
It's like rolling on the floor at his house. Oh, i'm i'm mr. Gabe newell. I'm the god of PC gaming, please me
Oh my goodness, um
I think with that the show is probably over that's it. Yeah. Yeah. How can you top that? I don't I don't think I can
Sorry, I got I got carried away. No, that was this isn't tech linked
Okay, guys, you get to have a little bit free form. Is there an outro? Yeah. Yeah, you run the intro again
It's the same thing. You just run the intro again super creative
Yeah, I mean tech link doesn't have an intro or outro so I shouldn't talk. There you go. Yeah, the swamps give you swamp, but
No, I think that's uh quicksand
Just quicksand give you quicksand, but probably this is great. All right. Well, you gotta you gotta rip a bit
What do I gotta do? Let's call the sponsors again. Yeah. Hey, here's fresh, uh, private internet access
Internet access. Yeah, when don't don't that's the wrong link actually that probably works, but that's not my fault
No, it's not. You're correct. Okay. Well
In that case savage jerky. Yeah comes in to sub love them so much and love you, too
Oh, I was talking to the audience. Wow,
One when the wand show the wand show the one and one and only the obi wand show and now you stop
Yes. See you later. Bye