
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Okay, and we're back, and hopefully the audio is fine.
It sounds fine to me.
Apparently it was fine for some people.
Yeah, apparently it was fine to some people, so I suspect it was more of a Twitch issue
than anything else.
But, since we're restarting the show, we have to do a very brief thing here, so we're going
to cover the Intel X99 chipset and their 8-core, brand new, Extreme Edition 5960X.
Amazon purchased Twitch TV for $1 billion.
$170 million.
$1 billion-ish dollars.
All right, Microsoft is cracking down on fake apps in the Windows store, Windows 9 will
be free or quite cheap, and boom here's the intro.
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
No, I haven't actually watched this.
Yeah, like, bought it a long time.
Nicely what that knife out of was.
Yeah, it's really good.
Except you need to make an Asian smaller guy instead of the Luke on the right there.
All right, so our sponsors this week are, whoop, what did I do, oh, that's sort of terrible,
We're gonna have to watch it again apparently, no, don't worry, I got this, and yay!
Our sponsors this week are Five Four Club, they have actually slightly revised their
usual deal, so I will be giving you guys more details, but instead of the old offer,
you may actually get cash money in your box, which I think is pretty darn interesting.
Also, wow, I did it again, that is something, that is something.
All right, so also powering the show this week is HyperX, and we've actually got, yeah,
okay, I got this, I got this, I got this under control, this is what happens when I don't
sleep and the entire week is a complete disaster for me.
So this week the show is also brought to you by HyperX, we've actually got Luke and Brandon
down at PAX Prime, they are powered by HyperX down there at the show, and they are gonna
be doing a great job of bringing you guys some great content from PAX, so one thing
to keep in mind, guys, is that HyperX asked for us to mention their YouTube channel, so
that's youtube.com slash Kingston HyperX, they've got a lot of great gaming content
on there, so make sure that you check that out.
All right, so, all right, Twitch chat, I'm sorry, we're done with the technical difficulties
for now.
All right, so our first news topic this week, and this is, this was, this was removed from
the forum since the original post by Marcus underscore UK, so the article here is from
GameSpot, and Amazon acquires Twitch in a one billion dollar deal, see GameSpot agrees
with me, one billion dollars.
Now this flies in the face of the original rumors that YouTube was going to acquire Twitch,
and we were actually talking about this in the car on the way back from the office the
other day, and I think the Amazon acquisition makes sense, but I think you were saying that
YouTube might have been a more, might have been a more sensible option, depending on
whose perspective we're talking about, so.
I think it's better that Amazon bought Twitch just because you don't have that consolidation
of power with regards to video streaming.
I was just playing devil's advocate, because Google has acquired a ton of things, and they
haven't really ruined them, except for like Waze and, what else?
I think there are people who would argue that they've kind of ruined YouTube compared to
the sort of the indie vibe that YouTube had going on at the beginning, but honestly I
think it was gonna go that direction eventually anyway, because they were gonna have to figure
out a monetization model, it's just that Google figured that out.
And YouTube might have come to a very similar conclusion on their own if they had stayed
independent, except that they might not have been able to ever build the kind of infrastructure
to support, you know, HD and now 4K that Google has managed to build to back it up.
Wait, so are you trying to say that YouTube was ruined, or wasn't?
I'm trying to say some people say it is, I personally don't think so.
Yeah, they're crazy.
Yeah, I mean, I think that YouTube has been great for content creators, and it's been
pretty darn good with some obvious hiccups, like the recent Google Plus integration.
And us not being able to upload anything.
Yeah, and the fact that we can't upload anything right now, but by and large, it's better than
it used to be.
I mean, I used to have issues uploading files all the time, now it's like weird when it
Apparently I look awkward.
You look awkward.
I think we both look awkward, because the camera is like super awkward, and we're far
away and stuff.
So what would you have seen happening then if Google acquired Twitch instead of Amazon?
I think it would be largely the same, just because I don't think either of them want
to ruin a good thing, because Twitch is as big as it is, just because that's what they
They've only been around three years.
Just in TV was longer.
That's true, but the whole game streaming thing has only been around for three years
on Twitch.tv.
Or Twitch, I guess is their current brand name.
Which is more reason not to tamper with anything, just because who else really understands game
streaming besides Twitch and Azubu TV?
Who else?
Nah, that's it.
That's pretty much it.
So they can't really bring in their own experience just because they don't have that experience.
So I think, by and large, either company would have left Twitch alone.
Hard to say, because even though Twitch has so much more experience with live game streaming,
I think that if Google acquired them, and this was an opinion that I saw kind of echoed
in a number of different places, I think had Google acquired Twitch, they would have been
the little brother of YouTube, and the YouTube team could claim to have a lot of experience
with game streamers, because typically, archived content, even from big game streamers, will
do better on YouTube over the long term than it does on Twitch.
In fact, Twitch has even revised their archiving policies to try to delete most of people's
old footage, unless they're saving it as a highlight reel, because no one's really watching
It's just taking up space.
I watch it.
Okay, you watch it.
What would it kill you to go on their YouTube channel to watch it?
Okay, well, from my perspective, I watch the tournaments when they're not in the right
time zone, or if I just miss it.
So I'll usually go to that Twitch broadcast channel and watch the VODs on there, whereas
I would have to YouTube and search some random channel to find it.
This is an interesting take on this.
I've got a few people in the Twitch chat suggesting that Amazon was actually buying the streaming
technology that Twitch has been using.
I don't know if I buy that.
I mean, Amazon's already got their on-demand video.
It's not like they don't have the backbone to stream video.
I really don't think that that's it.
I mean, I think that there's probably a trick or two that Twitch has developed over the
last few years here that is helping them to do what they're doing.
But having actually chatted with someone pretty high up at Twitch around this time last year,
I mean, they were brute forcing a lot of it, at least a year ago.
And there isn't really a way without building data centers all over the place to make streaming
much less demanding, which happens to be exactly what Amazon has.
And that's why that's a marriage made in heaven.
And mind you, it's in much the same way that Google and Twitch would have been as well,
because Google also has data centers all over the place that would have been able to reduce
the latency that we all experience with Twitch streams, as well as potentially increase the
quality and reliability of the streams.
So I totally disagree that Amazon bought them for the technology.
I don't think their technology is anything special compared to what Amazon does.
Someone says, Edsel, stop staring at Linus.
He can't resist.
Oh, okay, fine.
I'll stare at that.
I'm trying to listen to you, and that's the best way to listen to someone, I think.
You're trying to listen to me.
That's your first mistake.
Yeah, I'm just going to zoom this in a little bit.
There we go.
Hopefully that's all.
Wow, because the camera's crooked, I look super tall, which is not the case at all.
I'm actually taller than Linus.
Someone says, now you have a baby.
You look all grown up.
I actually have two kids now, and I probably look grown up because I look old, because
I am super, super tired this week.
It has been a crazy week.
Should we talk about it a little bit?
Your baby?
No, not my baby.
The week we've had.
What would you know about my baby?
Uh, no name?
Yeah, actually, we have named her now.
I basically just gave up, and Yvonne went with it.
No, I'm not going to, I don't reveal the kids' names on the stream or anything.
It's Winona!
Yeah, it's not Winona, but yeah, we have named the baby.
So we came in on Monday morning, and since then, it's been pretty much a blur.
We have, okay, so our main office room, all the editing, I painted it while you guys were
doing arts and crafts.
Wait, Monday?
Yeah, we got started Monday, I think.
Wait, what?
It was supposed to be three days, and today was the fourth, wasn't it?
Oh yeah, you're right.
What did we do Monday?
Well, Brandon wasn't back yet.
What did we- This week feels like it's been two weeks.
Have we been at this for five days?
No, no, no, no.
No, I don't think so.
Okay, anyway, the point is, let's say Tuesday.
Let's assume it was Tuesday.
Tuesday morning, we tore apart the office.
So all the workstation PCs, all the editing machines, we tore them out of the office and
scattered them throughout the building, because there was no space for anything.
We piled all the desks in the middle, and Nick and I painted the room.
Then, so what were you doing on the first day?
I don't remember.
Which was the first day?
Was it Monday or Tuesday?
Let's say it was Tuesday.
Did we build any PCs on the first day?
I thought on the first day, Luke was drilling holes into things.
So the cases we picked needed to have two holes drilled in the top of each of them before
we could actually install any hardware, because there was a clearance issue with the radiators
in spite of our pre-planning that we hoped was going to work.
So Luke spent a lot of time doing that on the first day, and then I started building
some of the computers, putting processors on motherboards.
You helped with that, installing RAM.
Power supply.
Power supply.
That was the first day.
Yeah, that was the first day.
And then the second day, did we finish the computers the second day?
I think the second day we did liquid cooling.
We finished building the PCs, which when it's five PCs is actually somewhat time consuming,
especially when Linus gets abandoned by Luke so that he can test Intel's new fourth gen
processors that second day, because Luke helped on the first day.
I think we're getting this.
It's all been a blur.
We've taken so much video, and you promised that the videos about this are going to be
awesome, right?
Now you're on the spot.
I asked if they would be good.
Not awesome.
And I said, I would make it good.
I guess that's what we're going to have to go with.
We've got people complaining about audio sync issues again, but the reality of it is guys
is I think it's just one of those things where, yeah, it's nothing to do with...
And it's just broken DA?
No, no.
Those are out.
Those were released today.
The all new fourth gen eight core extreme edition, all that good stuff.
So would it help if I put the computer here?
I told you.
It looked like I was staring at your crotch.
If I put the computer here, maybe that'll help a little bit.
So on the second day, we finished building the computers, and I don't know whether it's
because SwiftX fittings are super tight or their tubing is a little bit big when the
weather's really hot, but we were having a lot of trouble getting fittings on, and
those computers took more than a full day of working to install fittings in and install
tubing in.
So then after that, that's when Nick was working on redoing the plan to mount the radiator
to the outside of the house, right?
I don't know about that part just because I was busy fiddling with the fittings the
entire time.
I actually didn't even know how SwiftX quick disconnects worked, and Ed was the one who
figured out that we have to, what does it come with?
It comes with a socket, a G one quarter socket, and then we have to put an end cap on instead,
How did I even figure that out?
I think I may have just been trying to undo the quick disconnect, and then I couldn't
figure that out, and just twisting it, things came off, and I may have picked up the wrong
piece and tried to put that on.
But it worked out.
Yeah, so we figured that out, and then during that time, Nick was realizing, along with
me, that our original plan for mounting the radiators on the fascia board, like under
the roof overhang, was not gonna work.
It was way too big and way too heavy.
Like that biz was not happening.
So Nick had to figure out how to build a wooden frame around the whole thing, and then mount
the radiators to that, and then we had to find a way to get that on the roof, and I
think that was what we did on the third day.
We mounted the radiator to the roof in the morning.
Third day.
Wasn't that yesterday though?
Was that third day?
We mounted the radiator yesterday.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then today, four days.
What did you do on Monday?
And today, we have filled the loop now a total of three times due to various leaking and
configuration issues.
So that's been our week this week.
We can move on to...
Actually, I'm gonna try to upload this file again, just because I can have a dream that
maybe YouTube won't be broken.
The radiator isn't actually on the roof, right?
It's in between the houses, so here are the houses.
One house, our house.
It's like over here, and no matter where the sun is, it's actually in the shade, so it's
not gonna get cooked.
Yeah, we were actually kind of fortunate that there was somewhere sensible to put that,
because that wasn't necessarily a thing that we planned.
Why is the piping not in the wall?
No way.
Firefox is working, and Chrome isn't for our upload.
Freaking jokes, man.
Jokes, man.
Are we even using distilled water?
No, we're not, right?
Yeah, it's just from the hose.
Yeah, it's from the hose, because that was the only way we were able to fill it.
So Linus went up on the ladder radiator.
We brought up a hose into the bathroom, and fill it that way.
This might look wrong.
That definitely looks all wrong.
Yeah, so that was the only way we could even get water into it, because we're not using
a closed system.
It's not sealed.
We actually have like a fill tube that goes up above the highest level of the piping that's
in the room.
So the only way to get anything in there, because there's no room to even pour, is to
put the hose in, because if we brought it down any lower, as soon as the pump stops,
the system would back up and pour water, which we discovered the hard way once.
We discovered that it wasn't quite high enough.
Were you there for that?
No, I think I was outside.
Oh no, it poured water all over me.
Yeah, I have gotten sprayed with water quite a few times in the last few days.
It has been extremely exciting.
Alright, so why don't we move on to our next topic here.
Nvidia will allegedly skip 800 series desktop cards, and the next generation will be called
900 series.
This was posted by Rock1M1, originally on the Linus Tech Tips forum.
So I guess, do you want to give the basic facts here?
Why don't we just, if you put your leg down, then we can put this on both of our legs.
Then we can both look like we're staring at each other.
It was just like rumors, so there's not much to talk about.
So the fact is, the rumor is that in order to align with, what was it, the notebook naming
They were going to name the notebook line GTX 900M, but then they thought that it would
be confusing because the desktop was still on 700.
The notebooks were rebranded 800 a little while ago, so they're in this weird position
where they've done this at times, I mean, they've done it right now, where the notebook
ones are a series ahead of the desktop ones, even though they're running completely the
same architecture, but I guess if they found themselves two gems ahead on mobile, that
might get extremely confusing, or if they're planning to refresh both at the same time,
then now's a good time to just kind of skip one and catch up.
It's not the first time they've done it.
There was never a GTX 380.
Was it just for mobile?
No, there was never, I don't think there was ever a GTX 300 series at all.
Because we got...
Yeah, they scrapped that.
Yeah, yeah, I think the rumor was they just completely scrapped the project entirely.
Well, the announcement will come, rumored to come, on September 9th.
Wow, that's really soon.
We've got a lot of stuff going on right now with all the new Intel stuff, DDR4.
So guys, our first video about the Intel Haswell-E 8 core extreme edition will actually be coming,
I think, Tuesday night.
So Luke has run all the benchmarks, I've scripted the video, but we haven't had a single video
editing workstation up and running in order to actually make it.
So well, there was a laptop, but we were using that to make the videos that we've released
over the last couple days.
So yeah, there's been no time, but guys, this thing is a beast.
Intel has finally done it.
They have caught up to the mainstream platform.
I mean, I don't know about the rest of you, but I have found it extremely frustrating
that for, must be about five years now, you've been able to get better technology by buying
into a mainstream platform than by buying into an enthusiast platform.
I mean, what's the deal with that?
And we're not even just talking about CPU architecture.
So ever since the LGA 1156, LGA 1366 days, ever since then, you've been able to get things
like quick sync technology for quick video transcoding.
You've been able to get more USB 3 ports, native USB 3 ports, more native SATA 3 connectors,
or even native SATA 3 connectors at all back in the X58 days, like Thunderbolt.
All this new technology has been coming to the mainstream LGA 1155 and LGA 1150 platforms
before we get it on LGA 2011.
Well now, all of that changes.
There is actually a justifiable reason to go LGA 2011 3.
So the CPUs are all more cores.
I mean, that was supposed to be a big selling point.
Even back with X58 was, it can support more than four cores.
We had six cores.
The problem is that the only one in the consumer space was the 980X, and the 990X, and Xeons,
I guess.
But these are not really consumer grade price points.
They were thousand dollar CPUs.
So everyone just went with quad cores on the mainstream platform, because a few more PCI
Express lanes and triple channel or quad channel memory is not enough to justify a CPU architecture
that is inherently anywhere from 8 to 15 percent slower, depending on which generational
gap we're looking at, regardless of how much memory bandwidth it has.
So now, with LGA 2011 3, we are getting the same CPU architecture.
So it's Haswell or Haswell-E. But basically Haswell-E is just Haswell with more Haswells.
We are getting DDR4, which right now is very expensive for not much of a performance game,
but in the future will give us much higher speed memory.
We're getting quad channel memory.
We're getting more PCI Express lanes, so 40 on the high end chips.
And then I believe, don't quote me on this, I believe it's either 26 or 28 PCI Express
lanes on the lower end chip.
We're getting the same feature set, so we can get Thunderbolt enabled motherboards,
which is really awesome.
Like the X99 Deluxe from Asus has that Thunderbolt header, so you can add their Thunderbolt 2
expansion card.
We are getting the works, and it is...
What's up?
No, people are saying I'm quiet, but I kind of got on the whole Intel notification thing.
I'm on kind of a thing, because the problem with LGA 2011 was there was one CPU that was
within reach for general consumers, and it was either the 3820K or the 4820K for the
last couple of generations.
The problem was that was a quad core chip.
It was a quad core chip that was more expensive on a more expensive platform with more expensive
RAM for literally no performance improvement unless you really need the extra memory bandwidth
or you really need a few more PCI Express lanes, which most people don't need unless
they also need more processing cores.
So in order to even get a sensible configuration on LGA 2011, you were spending 600 plus dollars
on your chip.
Not exactly a compelling sort of gamer type of price point.
Well now, on LGA 2011 3, for around 400 bucks, you can get a 6 core.
So all of a sudden, the entire Intel lineup makes sense again.
So on the mainstream, you got quad cores, up to nice high clocked ones like their new
Devil's Canyon, the 4790K, then you pay another, I guess it's around another 75 to 100 dollars,
you get two more cores plus a more robust, more enthusiast grade platform and DDR4 support.
Then beyond that, you get a few more PCI Express lanes, although I think that lower end one
is going to be the more appealing one for most enthusiasts, and then at the very high
end there's the extreme edition.
The whole thing finally makes sense again.
So that's what I'm excited about.
And yeah, we've got people talking about it in Twitch chat, that 6 core for 389 looks
like a good CPU for the money.
Damn right.
Because even though single threaded performance isn't going to be any better, overclocking
is solid, DDR4 is going to help a little bit, and if you need the extra cores, like let's
say you want to, I don't know, output videos while you game, then you will have it.
Someone says hire Luke back please.
Linus, everyone is ignoring you and staring at Edsel.
Luke is not fired.
Well, not anymore than he's usually fired.
Luke is at PAX, so he was driving last night and he's doing show coverage right now.
So he and Brandon are doing a great job of that, presumably.
They're asking him to poke me.
They always do this.
They do this with Luke too.
Luke, poke Linus.
Why is this room so hot?
As if I'm not also looking at the Twitch chat.
You know what?
This isn't nearly as hot as it usually is.
We have a fan blowing and we have the window open.
Window's not open.
The window's not open?
Oh, you're going to want to open that window.
That explains why it's so hot in here.
I love this show.
All right.
So in other news that I suspect almost nobody cared about, Origin PC and AMD have officially
made up.
So Origin will once again give buyers the option to use AMD cards in their Origin PCs.
This was posted by Huanwu26 on the forum.
Did you even hear about this?
No, but I read up on what the comments said and apparently Origin PC just got butthurt.
Is that right?
Just because they weren't informed by AMD about the Hawaii GPU launch?
Okay, so there's a couple of things.
So rumor number one is that Nvidia had a program where they paid Origin copious amounts of
money to not sell AMD.
But that's just a rumor.
But that is just a rumor.
Nvidia has come out and said that's not true.
So that's all we know about that.
What I do know is that Origin was not at the AMD Hawaii GPU event and Main Gear PC had
a demo system up running Hawaii GPUs at the event when Origin did not allegedly have any
access to said GPU.
So the rumor is that Origin basically was super upset about that and was like, what,
you don't want us to sell your GPUs?
Fine, we're not going to sell your GPUs anyway.
So apparently they have kissed and made up and AMD apologized, which, you know, I think
was probably merited because it's one thing if you invite, you know, all your system builder
partners to come and showcase their rigs.
It's another if you pick one favorite one and then leave all the others out or even
one of the others out.
Maybe it's a budget concern.
I don't think so.
I mean, that Hawaii event cost a fortune.
Yeah, maybe that's why there was a budget issue, just getting everyone there.
They blew it all on Linus.
I mean, they had, I think they had over a hundred tech journalists at that event.
So they could have just not invited me and Austin and they could have probably afforded
to have Origin there.
And then this whole thing could have been avoided, but who's more important really like
me and Austin or Origin PC?
I think we have to do a straw poll.
Straw poll time guys.
Do you want to see what I'm typing?
You can look at my crotch.
There we go.
Okay, this is me looking at the laptop and this is me looking at his crotch.
There's a difference.
Linus and Austin Origin PC.
You know what's funny is we're actually going to be covering a really cool new product from
Origin at the show.
I'm not down on Origin at all.
They're cool guys.
They have great products.
It's just having some fun at their expense right now.
All right, here we go.
Here we go.
I'm sorry?
You're not logged in.
Yeah, there you go.
What the deuce?
All right, guys, I'm sharing this with you now.
I'm trying to, trying desperately to.
You know, I'm actually really excited about the technological improvements that I think
the Amazon acquisition is going to bring to Twitch.
What do you think it's going to change?
I think it will improve reliability because Amazon is reliable.
I mean, AWS is reliable.
Except for those times that it has gone down and led to dozens of sites being offline.
Okay, when AWS has a problem, I think the news about it gets amplified.
I don't think that's because AWS has tons of problems compared to other services.
I think it's just that because they host so much, it's a lot more noticeable when there's
some kind of an issue.
I think that might be an issue in itself.
Just because if Twitch goes down with like, Amazon hosting it, and like 10 other sites
that you might go to also go down, what are you left with?
Whereas if those go down, you still have Twitch, so you can watch us.
Well, I suspect that they will be, I mean, unless an entire data center loses power and
is underwater or something like that, I suspect you won't see an outright outage of something
like Twitch.
You might see the service slow down in much the same way that we often see happen now.
But it has happened, right?
Hasn't it?
Pretty sure.
Where it's like, oh, blah, blah, blah, it's down.
It's all leads to Amazon being down.
Very rare.
But I think the thing we can all agree on is that Linus and Austin were much more important
to invite to the Hawaii event than Origin PC.
So we're really sorry about that, Origin.
You know, you guys, you guys, you guys tried, you know, you tried to be as cool as me and
Austin, but unfortunately, that wasn't gonna happen.
All right, what do we got for our next topic?
Valve will optimize their streaming service with NVIDIA hardware.
So this is from the NVIDIA blog.
Let's go ahead and share my screen with you guys here.
There we go.
Valve and NVIDIA just made game streaming better than ever.
Last week, Valve officially released support for hardware encoding on NVIDIA GeForce GPUs
in the Steam client.
Pair the support with one of the latest GeForce GTX GPUs and you can play remotely from your
PC connected to any Steam-enabled system in your home at resolutions of up to 1080 60p.
So I think this is kind of NVIDIA making a lot of noise about something that was bound
to happen eventually and really not that different from much anything else anyhow, but it's great.
I mean, have you tried Steam in-home streaming?
It is awesome.
And I've actually spent a little bit of time on Steam chat with the lead dev for Steam
in-home streaming.
I was chatting to him about sort of video encoding and decoding and what they're doing
with respect to lowering latency.
And it's absolutely fascinating because they basically have to re-tackle it from a different
angle for every different combination of encoders and decoders in order to make sure that everything
is compatible and everything not only works but is extremely low latency so you don't
feel that network lag when you move the keyboard or when you press the keyboard and move the
What do you play?
What do I play over Steam in-home streaming?
Almost anything.
I've even played FPS games.
Is that through the shield or...?
So one of the potential problems with streaming within the home, so from a more powerful PC
to a smaller device or a laptop or another PC, was I saw potential competing standards
as a roadblock.
The fact that Nvidia had their own technology where it was like, okay, you need a GeForce
GPU, you gotta install GeForce Experience on your PC, you gotta have an Nvidia Shield
branded device, so whether it's a portable handheld or the tablet, and you gotta have
a supported router, and that is it.
You plug in all these things and then all the check marks come on and it works.
So I kind of saw that as a potential problem compared to Valve's solution which is, okay,
do you have a graphics card?
Do you have a CPU?
Also great.
Do you have some other thing?
It works.
Except the other thing has to run Steam and the first thing has to run Steam as well.
And then depending on the hardware, you were going to either have a really great experience
if you had nice fast hardware encoding and decoding or you were going to have a super
crummy experience.
So for example, LGA 1156 CPUs were available in either dual core with onboard graphics
or quad core with no onboard graphics configurations.
The dual core would have been able to support hardware accelerated decoding.
But quad core could not.
So there was some tricky stuff with respect to making sure you had a configuration that
was going to work with Steam and home streaming.
So now, seeing Nvidia and Valve work together on this, I now have complete confidence that
whether you're going to run Windows or you're going to run SteamOS.
People who run AMD.
People who run AMD are still going to be okay because Valve is going to work with AMD as
Because AMD doesn't even have a competing solution.
They don't have free stream or whatever it is they would call something like that.
You think they will?
You know they would.
So many people have actually just gone with Nvidia and completely abandoned AMD.
It's funny you mention that because the market share isn't that much different than it was
five years ago.
AMD has always kind of been in that 20-35% range of the discrete desktop GPU market.
That's all they really got.
AMD free stream.
We have to start that.
We have to make that happen.
We have to tell AMD that they have to have like a freehold handheld.
And then they have to have like AMD free stream.
And that should be awesome for the AMD people.
I'd be really interested to see Valve, I mean I'm hoping that this is an announcement they
make in the next six months to a year.
But it would put the final nail in the Nvidia game stream coffin for me if Valve released
an Android Steam client.
And I see them potentially heading this way already.
They ported Portal to Android.
They ported Half Life 2 to Android.
They already have a Steam app.
So how far are we away from Steam being your gaming hub potentially on Android as well
with all of these other fantastic Steam features?
Like running natively on Android or being streamed?
Running natively on Android.
That's what I'd like to see.
Because then, with Valve behind it, I mean, all the respect in the world to the Limelight
guys, every time I've used Limelight, the latency has not been comparable to Nvidia
game stream.
Valve, on the other hand, I have faith that they could make that happen.
And they could make streaming from your PC AMD powered, Nvidia powered, Intel onboard
powered, who cares?
I think they could make that a great experience streaming to any device that has a beefy and
enough H.264 decoder chip on board.
Apparently Nvidia did the ports.
Nvidia did the ports themselves?
Don't think so.
I know that Nvidia was deeply involved in the ports, but Valve was also involved in
porting those games.
And even then, I mean, the fact that Valve was even willing to entertain that, hmm, hmm?
I don't know.
We'll see.
It's gonna be a big, it's gonna be a big battle for what is the next gaming platform of choice
beyond the PC and beyond, really not so much the PC, because I don't think the PC's going
anywhere, but beyond the console.
It's either gonna be some type of lightweight PC, something like an Alienware Alpha or something
like any other sort of lightweight desktop type machine running SteamOS or some other
Linux derivative, or even Windows, or it's gonna be Android.
And if you look at the overall strategy, Valve and Nvidia both obviously believe in different
things here, with Valve thinking we're heading the direction of Steam PCs or whatever they
want to call them, and Nvidia thinking we're headed towards Android.
But I don't think either of them really minds if it's the other one or some mix of the two,
because Nvidia can still sell you GPUs over here, and Valve can still sell you games over
I wasn't listening at all, I was reading Twitch chat.
Did they say anything interesting?
Or are they just telling you to poke me more?
Something about your crotch, maybe?
Ah, yes, my crotch.
My crotch is definitely one of the top subjects of discussion on the stream today.
Love it.
So, originally posted by Mech777, the article's from Hardware360.com.
I'm just gonna go ahead and fire this baby up here.
Witcher 3 dev promises only 30 FPS on consoles.
Although the funny thing about this is that they basically said, okay, we're gonna be
aiming for the highest resolution possible, but full HD 1080p would likely not be possible,
and the only thing they could promise was 30 FPS.
So essentially, even though, you know, there have been some complaints about there being
a console release, at least what the PC Master Race subreddit can take some consolation in
is the fact that the experience on the console is going to be significantly degraded.
Is David still here?
Yeah, he is.
Can you get the door when it rings in a minute?
Thank you.
UPS is outside.
I think they've got a Cooler Master power supply for Edzle's new dual Titan 12 core
Is that workstation?
Yeah, that's your new power supply, man.
And something else.
Ah, yeah, David's gonna grab it.
You should say hi to the UPS guy.
I don't think he can hear me.
I think he's got his Bluetooth headset in.
Have you ever really gotten into a Witcher game?
I love the Witcher games.
Okay, tell me what's appealing about them.
I've tried with both Witcher 1 and Witcher 2.
Enlighten me.
I find that the character interactions are above the standard that you might be used
to for most games.
The main character is actually kind of shitty.
Like no offense, no offense to the voice actor or the writers, but isn't that by default,
isn't that who you just offended?
Saying no offense doesn't make it unoffensive.
Okay, fine.
Full offense to anyone involved, but Geralt is kind of a shitty character.
He's always like deadpan and I don't know, he's just not a very good character, but everyone
else is a good character and they develop and like their interactions with you are interesting
and like it's all based on novels, so like they are actually fleshed out and just like
playing in that world that actually exists in detail somewhere is nicer than other games.
That's what I like about it.
Like how they create their creatures, they have lore, you can read up on them, so on
and so forth.
Hey David, could we actually get those?
Those things?
Yeah, do you mind?
I just want to find out what this is.
I'm hoping it's Dominator Platinum DDR4 and we can show that to you guys.
Okay, because I have, I've tried both times and within, actually the funny thing is with
Witcher 2, I even got like an hour and a half in because I was looking for a consistent
benchmarking spot and I just, I did not find it compelling at all.
Well, do you like fantasy RPGs anyway?
I made it all the way through Dragon Age 1, yeah Dragon Age 2 I did not find nearly as
That was kind of shitty compared to this one.
Dragon Age 1 was really great though, I really enjoyed it.
I don't have a knife.
I do, what is this?
Who's it from?
Ooh, it is from Corsair, but I don't know what it is.
It doesn't feel heavy enough to be Dominator Platinum's.
Quick chat, guess what it is?
Let's play a guessing game, live unboxings!
Am I not supposed to swear?
I don't care.
Try not to drop F bombs all over the place, you know.
Oh, it's the new Corsair Link thing, cool.
So this is supposedly a pretty big improvement over the old one, wow.
It's much lower profile.
I don't know how much they've shown of this yet, so I'm gonna just kind of put that back
in the box for now, but cool.
So we're definitely gonna check that out.
And then the other one, here, you wanna do the honors?
I like how you just toss things.
It's not fragile.
It's Corsair, it's made by Corsair, so it's pretty good.
Unlikely to break.
We've actually thrown Corsair power supplies out of cars and dropped them off roofs.
Speaking of great power supplies, though, this is one of the finest power supplies available
on the market, 80 plus platinum, 1200 watt, fully modular, so this is a V-series power
supply from Cooler Master because we realized, as we were building the rigs for the whole
room liquid cooling setup, that we had asked Cooler Master for 750 watt power supplies
with the assumption that I was gonna be getting one of the Titan Blacks.
Well, after much debate and much concealment of the actual plan, by a week...
Duke and I are just like, yeah, let's give me the Titan.
Yeah, so I ended up with an old GTX 285 that we had lying around somewhere in my rig, and
Ed ended up with two Titans, and we kinda went, shoot, is 750 watts even enough?
Probably not.
So, cause he's got three graphics cards in there.
What is it?
Two Titans and a Quadro.
Yeah, two Titans and a Quadro, plus the 10 gigabit ethernet card, plus the 12 core processor.
So we're talking about the kind of rig that these types of power supplies are legitimately
made for.
Actually, we should measure how much it actually takes.
We should measure, like, when you're dinking around in Cinema 4D, we should have a look
at what kind of power consumption when you're hitting the RAM, the GPUs, and the CPU all
at the same time.
The CPU doesn't get used that much during octane.
Oh, that's right.
It's all GPU.
I'm gonna give the floor to you while I go get a drink of water.
Would you like one too?
Can you get my energy drink in the other room?
Yeah, I'll grab your energy drink.
But I want you to justify, because people haven't really, I think, been able to understand
why anyone could possibly need a 12 core CPU, 64 gigs of RAM, dual Titan blacks, and a Quadro
in one machine.
Can you justify what the heck it is you do around here that you need that kind of power
I'll be right back.
Where to start?
Where to start?
All right, so for the 12 core processor, well, I use After Effects pretty much exclusively
these days.
No, that's a lie.
Most for the big projects, like the build guides, I guess that's it these days.
I use After Effects to do motion graphics for the intro, the lower thirds.
And then I've also started to use Cinema 4D.
And I have the Octane renderer engine, which is fully GPU accelerated.
So to put this to, I guess, size this up against each other, my six core processor would render
a frame in about six minutes.
One GPU would render one frame in one minute, 30 seconds.
I'll be back.
Actually, I'm not quite ready yet.
Two GPUs would be around 45 seconds.
I can't do math.
So three bound to be, what, 20-ish, 25 seconds?
Someone do the math for me, please.
Ugh, porn.
Why are we talking about porn?
I don't get this.
The, yeah, it's one frame in six minutes because it's like 3D ray tracing.
No, it's actually like Photon something or other, but it's definitely more intensive
than 2D video.
Would you like to sit back down?
Yeah, sure.
I noticed in my absence, you just completely took over the entire couch.
Sad, you made it through all of the components yet?
I don't think I've justified the RAM yet.
Okay, so in After Effects, to use multiprocessor rendering, you have to assign each core some
Ideally, you want to assign it three gigs each.
I don't have enough for that.
So I assign it two gigs.
It's what, two times 12, no, 24, because it counts the separate threads as a core.
Right, so 48 gigs.
So that's 48, I guess I could do, no, that brings it up to 72.
No, you used to have, no, you didn't used to be able to do it because you had six cores,
12 threads.
12 times three is 36, and you had 32 gigs.
Whereas with the new 64 gig config, you'll have 24 threads times, yeah, you still won't
have enough.
Yeah, I can still only assign 12 gigs to it.
Yeah, but you know what we could try as an experiment?
We could try turning off hyper-threading, because hyper-threading will give you probably
a 10 to 15% boost, but you might get more of a boost by being able to assign more RAM
to your cores.
We should play around with that.
That's going to be cool.
Anyway, so Mac users have allegedly disabled some cores, but that's not hyper-threading.
No, but you can, oh, because the Mac Pro only has four memory slots, but then you can load
it with ECC RAM, so, hmm.
Twice it.
I still have more slots on there, right?
Yeah, you have eight slots.
So you could get more RAM.
Yes, ASUS has a beta BIOS for the X79 Deluxe that supports 16 gig DIMMs, but only certain
ones, not the ones that we originally obtained for the project.
Okay, so sorry, you were justifying why you need all the, uh...
Well, I justified the Cinema 4D, just because, uh, it's linear performance scaling with graphics
cards, which is amazing.
I think I need two more Titans, honestly, because, okay, take the cost of a Titan, right?
And then...
A thousand dollars.
Like, count how many hours an extra Titan would save me in rendering.
In the one project we've ever done.
One so far.
It could be more.
If I could do things faster, I could do more of those, and thus how I'm trying to justify
two more Titans.
Well, you've got two.
Why don't we see how it goes from there?
Anyway, so because of him, I don't even have a DisplayPort output, so my LG monitor is
running on a DVI to HDMI adapter and HDMI in at 50Hz, so I am gonna have to obtain some
other kind of GPU for my system, and when that happens, I guess around the same time,
we're gonna add another pump to the whole room setup so that bleeding air from the system
is much, much easier, because right now, the only way to bleed the air from the lines
that go down and then up to each system from the top of the room is to disconnect all the
other systems so that the main pump is only pushing through one system so that we can
get all the air bubbles out.
But what's cool is the way we have it working right now, none of the systems even have pumps
So if we could close the door to the server room...
The fans are on.
The fans are running.
You still want fans running, but we wouldn't have to have them all running.
So the way that it's set up right now, if we could close the door to the server room,
we could actually have the room be extremely quiet.
It's just very cool.
How loud is the rad?
Not bad.
Not bad.
But what I'm thinking is we might get like a variable power supply, so we could dial
it into 8V or something like that, because with 20 Noctua Industrial NFF12 fans, and
then five quad radiators, it's way more than enough for the systems that we have in there.
We actually had it running passively for hours today, with three of the systems idling and
Ed's 12-core priming.
And you managed to raise it what, like 2 degrees?
What, on passive?
Without the fans even running.
It was 48 degrees Celsius, idle was 30.
I mean, but when you had it priming, it went up to about 50 degrees Celsius max, right?
It was about the same.
Was it about the same?
Okay, maybe we didn't even manage to increase the temps.
But I'm thinking in the winter, we may not have to disconnect from the whole room system.
What we might do is just turn off all the fans.
And then if we have enough, or turn on only a few of the fans.
So what I'm thinking is, as like a phase 2.
If Luke and I could find a way to have a temperature controlled switch for each bank of fans.
So as water temperature reaches X degrees, another bank of fans turns on.
And as it reaches X degrees, another bank turns on.
And then they turn off to prevent the entire water cooling system from getting so cold
that we have condensation problems.
So that could be like a phase 2, where it actually intelligently maintains its temperature
at a specific setting.
Can you set a fan curve without a PC connected to it?
Yeah, there would be a way.
Actually, yes.
A T-balancer can be configured with extra mini controllers.
And those will run.
Oh, I getcha.
You program them, so you don't actually have to have the software interacting with it.
That could even work.
It's so stupid, it might just be brilliant.
This is getting stupider and stupider.
I love it.
Ooh, I'm excited.
We had someone in the Twitch chat figure out the T-balancer thing before I said it, so
we gotta give them a shout out for that.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Where are you?
I can't find it, because I don't have that stupid plugin installed in my browser, so
I can't scroll up.
Anyway, good job.
You know what?
We should probably do our sponsor spots before we completely run out of time today.
So first up, it is Five Four Club.
So guys, to be clear, the Five Four Club offer has actually changed a little bit.
So now, instead of saving $15 on your first package, they are actually going to send you
all the clothing that you ordered, and they're just gonna put cash money in the box for you.
$10 cash.
Like actually cash?
Like dollar bills or whatever.
That is, that is it.
So rather than like an online discount, they're offering $10 cash back in the package.
That doesn't make any sense.
Like, okay.
Why not?
So guys, the whole thing with Five Four Club is that it takes the effort out of shopping.
So I'm just gonna pull up their site so I can show you guys how the whole thing works.
Here we go.
Screen share.
Actually, I should probably move that.
There we go.
Shopping sucks.
Let us take care of making you look good.
Now Edsel, you enjoy shopping, correct?
I love shopping, Linus.
You know me so well.
I thought you do like shopping.
You like wearing nice clothes.
Yeah, I guess.
Okay, so even, even the ones who like wearing nice clothes, apparently I, really, I thought
you enjoyed shopping for clothes.
You wanted to go shopping in Vegas when we were there the first year?
Yeah, but there's not, there wasn't much else to do.
Like outside of, outside of the parties, just like, what is in Vegas besides gambling?
I hate gambling.
So the way Five Four Club works is every month they send you a package of clothes so you
can look and feel great.
You take a quick survey.
It takes literally less than a minute.
Luke and I both actually timed it.
See, I'm actually, you know what?
That's what we're gonna do today.
We are gonna do the survey.
In fact, check this out.
They even put a timer in the corner so that you can, you can realize as you finish that
you took less than a minute to do it.
So what should we go for?
Okay, I'm gonna have you do the survey, Ed.
I do business casual.
Here, hold on.
I actually really like the Five Four system just because.
Okay, you want business casual?
All right.
Can I get this thing?
I scrolled down the page.
What's your favorite color to wear?
It's about fall now, right?
So maybe a red?
Or brown?
No, let's go with blue.
Let's go with blue.
I just like blue.
What does blue have to do with fall?
Okay, what's your second favorite color to wear?
Let's go with a gray.
Let's go with that.
Let's go with a gray.
Third favorite color?
Let's go with brown.
Okay, brown.
And then what is your top size?
What is your bottom size?
All right.
What is your bottom fit?
Straight fit?
Shoe size?
Oh, geez.
What shoe?
You're probably about a nine.
Yeah, okay.
And then which do you like more?
Both striped?
All right.
What is your second favorite shirt type?
All right.
So you're not a plaid guy is what you're trying to say.
Raw or washed for your jeans?
Gotta love the raw.
All right.
What kind of denim style do you prefer?
Fashion denim.
T-shirt preference?
And shoes?
They're both.
Let's go with boat shoe.
Boat shoe?
All right.
So there you go.
Total time elapsed, 101 seconds.
All right.
So it took us a little longer than 60 seconds.
But the main point is on your first time, you get $10 cash back.
So sign up at bit.ly slash minus FFC and try it out.
We actually had a five, four club sponsorship spot that we did a while back that was a total
I got all of the pricing wrong.
I got the offer for their July thing totally wrong.
But you know what's hilarious is they actually reached out to us and said a whole bunch of
our viewers signed up.
So in the next couple of minutes, I'd like to hear from any of you who signed up for
five, four club, go ahead and tweet with hashtag Linus five, four.
Not because I'm five foot four inches tall, I'm much taller than that.
What's the offer code?
Someone asked.
Someone asked what the offer code was.
Offer code is Linus, I believe.
Five, four Linus.
Let me just double check.
I really love the five, four system just because like I don't have time to go shopping like
during the weekdays just because I leave here at six.
Nope, five, 30.
Oh, apparently we've used hashtag Linus five, four before already then.
Five, four.
For those of you just tuning in, Luke is off at PAX.
I'm Edzel, at Edzel Yago on Twitter.
I guess me doing that doesn't really do anything, does it?
I don't think so.
Follow me.
All right, I'm posting the link guys.
Just make sure you use the link and I believe offer code is Linus, so give that a try.
All right, and then, so yeah, if I'm going to see if anyone has actually tweeted with
the hashtag, I want to hear what you guys think of it.
Linus five, four.
I did caps lock, so 22 seconds ago, all you did was use the hashtag.
You didn't actually tell me what you think of it.
Okay, so maybe we'll come back to this later, but in the meantime, Twitter is hard.
I know, Twitter is so difficult.
Our second sponsor this week is HyperX memory, so they are actually our gold sponsor for
our PAX Prime coverage.
Luke and Brandon are down there at the show and hopefully having a ton of fun bringing
you guys a ton of great coverage over the next, I guess it'll be Saturday, Sunday, Monday.
All the PAX Prime coverage should be landing, so they're going to be covering some game
They're going to be covering some of the hardware stuff and you guys should definitely, definitely
get excited about that.
I think Luke is going to be trying to get all of his work done in the first, I think,
what was he trying to do?
Trying to get all of his work done in the first two days and then try to spend a bunch
of time gaming.
So if you're going to be down in the BYOC, down at PAX Prime, definitely go say hi to
Luke and Brandon.
They're both going to be there.
Nick's going to be there as well and Luke actually has my computer down there.
So if you've ever wanted to see my personal rig in person and you're going to be down
at PAX and you're going to be in the BYOC, that's basically going to be the requirements.
He didn't have time to fix up his Spotswood test bench and he asked if he could build
up a rig from some of the parts around the office and I was just like, well I got a newborn.
I'm not gaming this weekend.
So yeah, I guess you can just take my rig.
So I thought that was pretty darn cool.
Someone did it in 14 seconds.
Someone did what?
Did the 5.4 thing in 14 seconds?
Yeah, I don't think they actually chose things right.
Or they might just be like...
That's kind of fun.
Maybe for our next 5.4 integration thing we should actually make that a contest.
Let's see who can do the 5.4 survey in the least amount of time.
Just so you know guys, the pricing for 5.4.
So per month is $60.
They send you a sticker price of...
Sorry, what's that?
What's the 5.4 hashtag?
Oh, oh, sorry, sorry, sorry.
I'll post that.
Okay, so hashtag lioness5.4, guys.
So hit us on Twitter with that.
I want to hear what you think of the service now that you've been using it.
So it's $60 a month and then you get a total value of $100 worth of clothing and then the
first month they're just going to send you $10 in the box.
So you get effectively a $10 discount on your first month.
Oh, and something I should mention about HyperX's sponsorship for PAX Prime is they really wanted
me to tell you guys, yo, check out their YouTube channel because they've been doing a lot of
really cool stuff on it lately.
So you just go to YouTube.com slash...
I think just HyperX works now as well.
No, it doesn't.
YouTube.com slash Kingston HyperX and they've been doing a bunch of really cool stuff.
So aside from just like, yeah, you know, here's some really great memory and headsets and
USB drives and stuff, you should probably try it out.
They've also got a bunch of really cool content that's like bloggy style or skits or interviews
with pro esports athletes.
So they're doing a fantastic job of releasing a ton of interesting content.
When you compare that to what other brand names tend to do on their YouTube channels
where it's like yet another place to put an ad, I think their approach really stands out
from the crowd.
So I like how they've been doing a lot of videos or ads with actual pro gamers.
I'm like, they're not actors, so...
So they're kind of bad.
I wasn't sure if I could say that or not.
But that's fine.
It's genuine.
Yeah, it is genuine.
It does help the esports scene, so I do really appreciate that.
So I mean, actually, this is funny.
Check this out.
We creeped them on WAN Show last week to have a look at how their YouTube channel's growing
and they had added...
Let's look at their full monthly statistics.
They had added almost half of their total subscriber count in the previous two weeks,
or rather month, and this time it looks like they've pretty much done it again.
They have added 20,000 and they have a total of 44,000 subscribers, so they're growing
extremely quickly, so someone likes something that they're doing.
This is funny.
I've got KGHT222 in the Twitch chat saying that the $60 a month for 5.4 Club is an average
of $2 a day for clothing.
I doubt even Bill Gates spends $800 a year on clothing.
Bill Gates I don't think is really on top of that fashion thing.
I don't think he even cares.
I think Bill Gates probably spends more than $800 a year on clothing.
I think he might be one of those people who buys really expensive polos that are bulletproof.
I wish I could meet Bill Gates.
Bill Gates!
Meet me!
Yeah, Bill Gates.
Bill, if you're watching, man, we'd love to have you on the show sometime.
People are really complaining about $60 a month for clothes.
No offense to people, but clothes are kind of expensive if you care about keeping up
with stuff.
Well, no, you can look not homeless without spending all that much money, but to keep
up with anything, it's kind of a lot of work.
All right, so we're going to do it.
We're going to go unfiltered and have a look at what you guys have to say about 5.4.
This will either be a great endorsement for the service, or if you guys hate it, then
there will be that.
Here we go.
It's better than anyone.
They sent me clothes in the box without the face of Neptune.
Gotta love my socks.
All right, Timothy says they have great clothing.
Dana says, like all things, I don't like the cost of shipping to Canada.
Yes, 5.4 is more expensive to ship to Canada.
Jacob Ingram says, I just wanted to say you're pretty awesome, Edsel.
I think you're skipping ahead.
Sam Palmer says, I wish it was available in Australia, would love to use the system.
Rom says, love it, thanks for recommending it and hi Linus.
Lewis suggests that Linus do the boiling water challenge.
Thanks, Lewis.
I don't think that's a thing.
Amir says, I really like the system, but sadly I'm only 14 and constantly changing sizes.
Actually, I would see that as an advantage if you budget for it and you let, cause okay,
the way 5.4 works is they have like a style advisor who you work with directly and who
hand picks your clothing every month.
So they actually have someone that you can contact and be like, yo dog, I changed sizes.
So just throwing that out there.
That's interesting.
E10 says, did it in 20 seconds.
All right.
Bryn asks, try to make the service available in the UK.
Short sweatpants and graphic t-shirts.
They don't have my style.
I like shorts, sweatpants and graphic t-shirts.
Is that a style?
I don't know that sweatpants and graphic t-shirts are a style.
I think that might be your issue, Sam.
Says the guy who wears socks and sandals.
I don't wear sweatpants.
Have you ever seen me wear sweatpants?
I want to say you have, but I think I did once.
I was really sick.
All right.
Sometimes you walk around in pajamas, I think.
That's here recent.
Oh, at home?
I've actually done videos in my pajamas.
Jack says, love the surface.
Brett says, come to Australia.
I think we've given 5.4 enough screen time at this point.
They should be pretty, they should be pretty happy because we've blabbed about them forever.
See, this is the problem.
We always start talking about the sponsor value add and then it's like, this is a good
discussion topic.
Clothes are overrated.
All right.
I'm letting you deal with this one.
It was originally posted by Mushi on the forum and the original article is from computer
and video games.com, but Nintendo says goodbye to casual gamers.
What exactly, here, I'm just going to bring up the article before I hand you the laptop.
That's what it looks like.
What exactly do they mean by that?
Well, whoa, that didn't work.
No, which didn't work.
The article being up.
Oh no, no, that's okay.
The article's gone.
Well, apparently because smartphones and Apple in particular is taking over the casual gaming
market, they don't really see a need to keep making games for the casual gaming market,
which makes sense because you'd be competing with people who don't really want to play
games anyway unless it's convenient.
So I like the direction they're going with this.
I don't like it at all.
Why not?
You look at one of their most successful products in the last 10 years, the DS.
The DS was all about the casual experience for me.
I played more Bomberman on my DS than anything else.
But you've also played games like Bravely Default.
How did you like that?
Bravely Default was good until it completely crapped the bed.
But let's ask the chat.
How many of you guys are like casual games on Nintendo?
Do you guys think Nintendo still has a contribution to make to casual games?
Or should they focus on the stuff that looks casual in terms of the art style, like Mario
Kart and Smash Brothers, but is actually extremely hardcore in terms of the game balancing and
the gameplay?
So there.
Why don't we do a straw poll?
Here, do you want to fire up?
Do you know how straw poll works?
Make up a straw poll.
I want to hear from you guys.
Does Nintendo still have a contribution to make, or do you just want them to focus on
what, I mean really, they're very good at?
You know, Zelda.
I would make the argument that in spite of how cartoony something like Ocarina of Time
might have looked is definitely a gamer title, not a casual title.
Go ahead and post that.
You just have to kind of span it a little bit and do the permissive vote.
Yeah, there you go.
I'm totally, I have one more straw poll in mind before the end of the show that I'm totally
going to blindside you with.
It's going to be fun.
All right, spam, spam, spam.
People say Ocarina is cartoony.
Come on.
Little fairy.
Where did I put that?
It disappeared.
Yeah, the Twitch chat just moves really fast.
I mean, my straw poll tab.
There we go.
AJJ says Linus, do you see this?
All right, let's go ahead and screen share here.
So I mentioned Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers.
I love Super Mario Kart.
I play it with the NCIX guys like every week and then like we go to Chris's and then play
it some more.
It's definitely not a casual game just because I know it's freaking hard and it's great.
Love it.
Probably spend more time playing Super Mario Kart than Mario Kart Wii U.
That's what I started with.
The Super Mario Kart on SNES.
On consoles, I've played that more than any other game on a console.
That much?
So would you say that...
Because the Wii's whole value add was supposed to be Wii Fit and Wii Sports and flinging
the Wii mode around, okay?
So that was the Wii.
So if Nintendo's direction is, okay, Wii U, we're gonna go back to 1080p, 60fps, and hardcore
titles, could you be sold a Wii U?
If they made more hardcore titles?
If they did more Mario Kart class titles on the Wii U, would you consider buying one?
If no one else in my group of friends had a Wii U, then yes.
Like honestly, for Mario Kart, I would just buy a Wii U just for Mario Kart.
It's a really good party game.
Okay, so that's the issue then because, okay, so from a business...
That is kind of an issue because...
From a business standpoint, if the objective is to sell more copies of the game and more
consoles, are they gonna be doing themselves any favors by eliminating casual games in
favor of, I mean arguably, the two examples that we came up with of great Nintendo hardcore
Party games.
So you're asking whether or not it's better for Nintendo to make party games and sell
fewer consoles than casual games and sell more?
But do you have any stats for that?
No, no I don't.
I'm just saying that it feels like a problem that the titles that you and I are discussing
that could sell the console to us are titles that really only one person within a group
of friends really needs to own.
Unless you're gonna be one of those people like Luke who sits and practices Mario Kart
so that when everyone comes and plays with him, he just wrecks everybody.
Those people are bad people, by the way.
People who practice party games.
You're all bad people.
Anthony and Chris.
Probably Jack.
I mean, maybe two.
Probably better than Luke at...
Mario Kart.
Actually didn't know the name of the game.
Mario Kart.
Doesn't matter if there's Super on there or an 8 on the end.
Same thing.
Same thing.
And actually Chris's girlfriend.
At Super Nintendo's Mario Kart.
Alright, alright.
Well, you know what?
We will have to do some game streaming sometime.
Maybe we'll go over to Luke's house or something.
Yeah, we could.
We'll play some...
I got to bring all the...
I don't have a LAN PC.
No, no.
Mario Kart.
Oh, Mario Kart.
You'll have to show us your skills.
We'll have to see how that goes.
You know what's funny, though?
Is we could actually do PC game streaming from the office now.
Everybody's work machine is now a legit gaming rig.
I need to SLI that.
Oh yeah!
We never put an SLI bridge in your machine.
In theory, you wouldn't need it.
It's neat.
Have you played Battlefield?
Have I played Battlefield 4?
Not really.
I played a little bit of the single player and got bored.
Can I borrow those?
The titans?
You want to borrow the titans?
How are you going to get them out of the machine?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Absolutely not.
So, I SLI'd the first time last week with dual 770s.
It's running alright, but I am using a 2-year-old 8150 that Linus gave me for free when I started
interning for him at NCIX Tech Tips.
That was like 2 years ago!
Yeah, it was.
And apparently the 8150 is bottlenecking my 2 SLI cards.
Yeah, that 8150 was like the bitch chip even then.
And you gave it to me for my hard work!
Thanks, Linus!
Hey, you got RAM and a motherboard and I'm pretty sure a GPU at some point.
So yeah, it wasn't all terrible.
Alright, so Razer Cortex, their deals video game tracker is now in... this is in early
access right now, correct?
Alright, so basically...
Bye, David.
Bye, David.
Basically, one of the best things about being a PC gamer, you know, just ask PC gamers.
There is no $59.99.
I mean there is, for like 2 days.
Or if it's South Park Stick of Truth, man that hurt.
I didn't buy that until like months after release and it was still $59.99.
Anyway, there's no such thing as sticker price.
There's always a deal.
So Razer has their new Cortex game deal tracker.
It scours the internet tirelessly to let you know of price drops, sweet deals and exciting
promotions on your favorite games so you'll never miss out on another bargain.
So you can sign up for early access and check it out.
It's in beta and currently comparing prices exclusively in the US region and other regions
will come after launch but that is something that you guys are definitely going to want
to check out.
Have you signed up?
No, I haven't.
Are you going to?
I have so many things running already and I like Steam.
That's what I thought about it.
I thought, you know, looking at all these features it looks like Steam and GeForce Experience.
It has like the game optimizing tool and it like defrags your system which I already do.
It like prioritizes things.
So would you even fire it up to see if there was a deal before you bought a game on Steam
or would you just blindly buy it on Steam because you find the Steam experience so much
Well, it depends on how it works.
Is it going to send me to any number of dozen sites?
I don't want to make a new account for a site every time a deal comes up and it's like on
a different site.
One reason I buy games off Steam is that it's on Steam.
There's my Steam wallet.
It's just right there.
Or EA origin store, Ubisoft store, I don't buy anything on there.
You know, it's right there.
It's convenient.
Whereas Razer doesn't have their store.
How are they going to do this?
I'm really interested to try it out.
I'm going to install it.
I'm going to try it out and then I'll see how it goes from there.
Maybe it'll be a disaster but I mean Razer has shown that they're pretty serious about
building software that makes gaming better.
I mean, Comms is a great example of that.
They saw a gap and they're like, okay, we're going to build something that legitimately
addresses a need that people have.
So I'm interested to check this out.
Funny that you should mention Comms.
Dolby Axon wasn't working like several times last week.
The crew and I used Dolby Axon.
So we actually used Razer Comms.
I think it has more features than I remember and it's kind of nice now.
Yeah, got to say, they've improved a lot.
It's not bad.
Okay, we've got a couple more topics before we say goodbye because it's quarter after
six already here.
Microsoft claims they are starting to crack down on fake apps in the Windows Store.
This was originally posted by Sherman Taker on the forum and the articles from The Verge
and basically Microsoft says they reached out to devs and told them that they have to
make their apps compliant with their new guidelines, which are that it can't have an
icon that's too close to something that is not representative of what it is.
I think there were a couple of other things, but basically there have been devs that are
just like SwiftKey, for example.
If you go to the SwiftKey, you know what?
Not the SwiftKey devs.
I'm going to, yeah, not the SwiftKey devs, but if you search for SwiftKey in the Windows
Store, I'm going to try it now.
I've screenshotted it from before, but let's do a live test of whether a scam app that
I found, SwiftKey Keyboard has eight ratings for one star.
That is a $4 app.
The award-winning app for Android that replaces your on-screen keyboard, giving you the fastest
and easiest way to type now in Windows Phone.
Let's have a look at the reviews.
Eight ratings.
Where are the reviews?
Here we go.
Scam artists, do not purchase this.
This is fake.
Scam happy.
Fake app for $4.
This is fake.
This app does nothing.
So apparently they've removed 1,500 apps based on how many scam apps I've found over the
last little bit.
Yeah, that's probably not enough.
Developers who refuse to comply with Microsoft's new guidelines are getting them removed, but
I think they've still got a lot more work to do.
But they're taking steps forward, so that's good.
They're acknowledging the problem.
That's all I'm giving them credit for at this point.
Well, they're also dealing with it.
Sort of.
I mean, the one I tested is still there, so we'll see.
Originally posted by Deletive on the forum, the original article here that he's referring
to is from Hardware 360, and allegedly Microsoft will offer the Windows 9 upgrade either free
or for $20.
So Microsoft will also have an awesome offer for Windows XP users, to be clear.
That price is for Windows 8.1 users.
Another tidbit is that the Enterprise Windows 9 is rumored to be completely Metro-free.
So Metro is the modern UI, you know, this one.
Yay, I can scroll back and forth, woo, except I don't want to do that, okay.
So cheap Windows upgrade offers aren't unprecedented.
They have done this kind of thing before.
Oh, it's the Windows store, not the Windows Phone Store, maybe.
I believe they are actually integrating them moving forward, so I'm not sure.
I think there's some stuff that's in both, or whatever the case may be.
Either way, they have to address both of them, they need to acknowledge the problem everywhere.
You guys should put sponsors below the stream.
Actually that's not a bad idea, we probably should do that at some point.
All right, well I think that pretty much wraps it up for the show today, although I
have one more straw poll for you guys before we go.
I'm just going to create it.
I'm going to put poor Edzle on the spot.
What did you think of Edzle's guest co-host spot?
All right, let's come up with some options here.
I think it got better towards the end.
One out of ten, amazing, would love to have him again.
Let's go with five out of ten, got better towards the end, and one out of ten, very
Wait, why are you doing it out of ten, if there are three options?
And zero out of ten, lol.
So basically I'm setting you up for failure here.
And I'm also saving you from potentially their devastating negative feedback, because you
know they're going to go with zero out of ten just for the lol's.
I've gotten used to negative feedback.
Yeah, we all have.
You really just spam it like that?
Yeah, that way everyone sees it.
Edzle is too autistic.
Wow, speaking of getting used to all the negative feedback.
Autism actually isn't a thing anymore apparently, it's been just brought back into the, oh no
I'm thinking Asperger's.
You're thinking of Asperger's, yeah, autism is definitely a thing.
I think Asperger's has been brought back under the autism umbrella.
Linus Screenshare, ten out of ten, amazing, would love to have him again, has half of
the votes, with twenty one percent of the votes being five out of ten, got better towards
the end.
Oh, there's a fair bit of zero out of ten lol.
And nine percent say one out of ten, very unfortunate that Luke isn't here.
So it actually looks like the reaction to your co-hosting job today has been pretty
darn positive, so good job.
Thank you everyone for tuning in to the WAN Show, huge thanks to our sponsors, FiveFourClub,
as well as HyperX, make sure you try out FiveFourClub.
That's bit.ly slash linusffc, I think, there we go, and you get ten dollars in your first
package, yes, they slip ten dollars into your package, as well as HyperX, check out their
YouTube channel, youtube.com slash Kingston HyperX for some great gaming content.
Thanks for tuning in guys, and we'll see you again next week.
I need a laptop.
Yeah, you really need a laptop, that hurt you big time.
Being able to see the topics and like, it's like...
I just forget how good that looks.
I know, I love this thing.
I did a good job with that.
Oh, should we show them the vinyl stickers?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, okay, very short, very short after party here.
We're gonna, we're gonna go get, are you gonna grab them?
Okay, I'll grab these ones if you want to grab at least one from the other room.
So, we got these awesome, ah, don't break please, we got these awesome vinyl stickers
for the walls here, this has a paper covering over the top of it, so that's why it looks
so faded, but it's like, I don't even remember what color it is, is this white and orange?
Are you sure?
I think so.
No, it's like a gray, it's like an off-white.
Oh, it is white, no, it's white, it's white.
So, it's a white and orange Linus Tech Tips that we have for one of the walls, and then,
ah, Ed also did a, yeah baby, WAN Stealth logo, so we're gonna put that on one of the
walls in the office, and finally, yeah, brofist.
Can they see it?
There you go.
Um, I actually have, we've put up one, actually here, do you want to take brofist and WAN
Stealth away before they get damaged?
It's not faded, it just has like a sheet of paper.
Yeah, there's a paper covering over it to keep the multiple pieces in place, here, I'm,
I got them together, there we go.
Actually, I have an example of what they're gonna look like on the wall, so check this
out you guys, it's freaking awesome.
I think so, anyway.
So this is a sneak preview of what the whole room water cooling setup looks like so far.
If my, ah, if my stupid Dropbox would automatically upload, okay.
Or we could just go to Edzle's Twitter.
Or we could go to Edzle's Twitter, do you have a shot of the deckles and the piping
in the system from just now?
I have like a bunch of pictures.
Okay, you try to do that, while I try to do this, and whoever does it first is a winner.
So I'm like mailing to myself because Apple's, I took the picture on my iPhone, Apple's thing
is like, super broken.
Oh, this is your panorama, oh okay, yeah that should be good.
Okay, oh, actually I might like my shot better.
No, I'm opening my picture.
Okay, I'll show this one first.
Okay, so there we go.
Do you want to just get rid of us?
Okay, so that's a panorama shot of the office.
Basically, you can see this is Edzle's workstation, Brandon's workstation.
Here's the copper piping coming down for each of the systems.
This one's going to be for the potential new employee, who I'm going to hear back from
this weekend.
This is for Taryn's workstation, this is an extra.
This is for my workstation, and here are the vinyl deckles on the wall.
And then here, I'm just going to switch back to this so that I can go into my email.
Oh, I just heard from Chris from NCIX.
NCIX challenges Linus Tech Tips to Mario Kart 8.
Oh, they're watching.
I guess you should have known that was coming.
Can I be on their team?
What do you think this is?
You're going to abandon us in our hour of need?
They're better.
It's not...
This is about family.
This is not about...
Okay, if we want to talk about family, I do game with them pretty much every night with
voice chat and all, versus just working over here.
Yeah, so someone says I should fire Edsel.
Actually, no one said that.
That was just what I was thinking.
Oh, I can't even believe you.
Anyway, so this is a not panorama shot, which I personally find a little bit easier to digest
because I'm old.
This is Taryn's water-cooled system right here.
Oh, you took that like recently.
This is the extra.
Here's my machine over in the corner running off of this one.
And then we've got Bro Fist and Wan Stealth.
Sort of centered.
Look at how much extra space.
Sort of centered on the wall in there.
So yeah, love it.
Those pipes look sketchy.
What looks sketchy about them?
Oh, maybe that stuff.
Oh, that's just a label.
Yeah, it's no big deal.
These are copper pipes that were soldered by Luke's dad, so...
Need to be painted.
Needs to be painted?
No, I don't want to paint them.
I like the copper.
Looks cool.
Yeah, we have...
Like, can we polish it?
Luke's dad gave us this stuff that we can use to polish it quite quickly.
And then we're planning to paint a varnish layer over the top so that they really shine.
I'm super stoked.
Gonna look awesome.
All right, guys.
Thanks for watching.
Peace out.
See you next week.