
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the WAD Show. We've got a great show lined up for you guys today.
NVIDIA hit a valuation of $2 trillion.
Yes, yes, with a pinky. Trillion.
Also, Reddit's licensing deal with Google has been...
This was leaked, right? No, they confirmed the leak.
Also, Reddit is going public. What else we got today?
PlayStation 2 VR is coming to PC.
Five. Well, okay.
PlayStation VR 2.
He's not feeling well today.
This could be a rough show.
And I have no excuse. What else we got?
Oh, boy.
And the CEO says, don't buy Helldivers 2.
Really? You picked that.
I don't know.
The CEO of what?
It's not... It doesn't say.
I'm pretty sure the CEO of Arrowhead, which is the company that made Helldivers 2.
Cool. That's the context they needed.
Let's roll that intro.
Oh, boy.
Get out of here.
This disaster is brought to you by AG1, Vessi, and The Ridge.
Why don't we jump right into our headline topic?
And that is...
NVIDIA's market cap go stonks.
What the actual f*** am I looking at here?
This is parabolic.
Surely there must be a limit to this somewhere, but we've yet to see it.
Absolutely incredible.
So what we're looking at here is CryptoBoom the first, CryptoBoom the second, and AI...
Okay, what's a word that's bigger than boom?
I like Hyperboom.
Yeah, I don't know.
Yeah, I don't mind OmegaBoom.
But it would have to be the last one, and I really don't think this is the last we're
seeing of interesting uses for NVIDIA's GPUs that are, spoiler, not gaming.
NVIDIA briefly hit a $2 trillion market cap this morning, becoming the third company to
do so after Apple and Microsoft.
However, Axios has argued that NVIDIA's current arc is likely to plateau, given that most of
its biggest customers, like Microsoft and Google, have reported weak earnings numbers
recently, in part because their expensive AI features largely aren't making money yet.
NVIDIA might also face increased competition within the AI chip market, as companies like
Microsoft continue developing their own chips in an effort to move away from their dependence
on NVIDIA, who charges, as we gamers already knew and could have warned them about, a lot
for their technology.
Oh, yeah.
In its most recent annual report, NVIDIA listed its top competitors as Huawei, AMD, Amazon,
Microsoft, and Broadcom.
NVIDIA has also launched a beta for the NVIDIA app.
Okay, well, this is a completely separate topic.
Very, very different.
Anyway, the point is, we're being asked in our discussion question, how overhyped is it
And I would like to preface our response with, we are not analysts.
This is not financial advice.
We're not, we, there's no, there's no anal in either of us.
Not right now.
But, oh, anyway, the point is that we're not analysts, and we, and this is not financial
That should set the tone for how seriously you should be taking any of what I'm about to
Um, but, to be, to be truthful with you, I think that NVIDIA does have competition
Uh, Jim Keller actually just weighed in on Sam Altman's whole thing where he needs like
seven trillion dollars to build AI chips or something like that, and he's basically like,
I'll do it in less.
Like that Jim Keller, like, like K8 AMD Jim Keller, and, um, shoot, what was the, uh, what,
man, I'm trying to think.
Oh, yeah, also Zen Jim Keller, like, like that Jim Keller, like Chip Architect Jim Keller.
Um, so with that said, I mean, it's clear that competition is coming for them.
It's clear that additional fab capacity is coming in the future.
Uh, Intel has been talking a lot about their intention to, I mean, this is, this is great.
This actually isn't in the doc this week, but Pat Gelsinger said, we'd love to build chips
for AMD.
He actually like finally said the thing that I was talking about over the last little bit
where I've been like, Hey, this Intel, we're going to be a fab thing is something that I
think has been overlooked, not financial advice.
Um, also Intel insiders are apparently buying up a bunch of stock right now, not financial
advice, uh, but, but what appears is going to be happening.
TSMC is adding fabrication capacity in Japan in anticipation of China's eventual encroachment
on Taiwan.
Um, Intel is building up fab capacity at a pace that to my knowledge is, has not been seen
before from them, um, including in the continental U S um, we've got intense competition for
this enormous market.
That is the AI chip market, both from a dedicated chip designers and from the companies that are
the ones who are procuring these chips, like the Microsoft's of the world.
Um, so I do, I do think that competition is coming, however, and this is from someone who would
not describe themselves as a fan of Nvidia's way of doing business.
It's funny because Jensen has actually said very similar things about Intel, but I will say
this about Nvidia and that is if Nvidia were to, for some reason, enter my space, I would
immediately be heading for the Facebook.
That's pretty good.
You're applauding that.
That's pretty good.
I assumed you were going for the bell.
Anyway, uh, the point is they are not a company worthy of the bell that I would bet against.
Um, and so, you know, if there's a big paradigm shift and traditional GPUs, it don't make as
much sense as some kind of new AI chip architecture.
Um, I wouldn't imagine myself, um, you know, savvier and cleverer than Nvidia in terms of figuring
that out and being somewhat on top of it with that said, it's not like there aren't other
smart people out there.
Um, and what I'm trying to say is the future is extremely murky.
I do see how there could be some hesitation around, uh, just projecting, you know, infinite
growth because that's not how that works.
And that is a good point that these AI features aren't making money, but just because a space
isn't making money doesn't mean that there isn't going to be a ton of capital rushing
into it.
And as long as these companies keep buying, it doesn't matter now.
And now if they're not making money, that could be a sign that they're not going to
keep buying, but Silicon Valley has often not really cared that much.
And the intense competition that you guys are noting for the, on the chip side also exists
on the software side.
And that competition, as far as I can tell, has not slowed down at all.
I mean, at Google, people are sharing internal memes, kind of poking fun at how many AI products
and how many AI code names Google has for all of the various initiatives that they're running
right now.
Something has to power that.
And that something is NVIDIA for the time being.
I would love to see, man, can I just dream for a second here?
We had that whole thing.
We talked about this a few weeks ago where AMD was like cloak and dagger, like funding,
like a CUDA translator that could run on AMD GPUs.
And, and, and so, you know, if I could imagine like an amazing world, it would be one where
AMD, you know, instead of NVIDIA using gaming to get profitable and build AI stuff, you know,
AMD sells some AI GPUs and then uses that sick AI money to build better GPUs that they also
sell to gamers.
Like, like they flip the whole, they flip the whole thing upside down and then we get like
real competition in the gaming space.
But I don't think that's going to happen.
I mean, AMD has shown time and time again, that they are every bit as much a company as
Well, I shouldn't say every bit as much a company as NVIDIA is.
They are a similar, similar level of just a company to NVIDIA.
And so they're going to operate in their best corporate interest, but hopefully that remains,
you know, building GPUs for gamers, please.
But realistically, I think we could end up waiting for Battlemage to, to be a real threat
That's why I've been leaning for a while now.
I feel like it's going to be Intel eventually.
I don't necessarily know that it'll be Battlemage.
Maybe it'll be.
I don't think it's going to be Battlemage.
I was dreaming.
Whatever the C1.
I was dreaming Celestial.
I was dreaming.
I think after that is, I want to say Druid.
Arc Druid.
Is that a thing?
Have they, have they announced them that far ahead?
Uh, yeah.
Druid is still just a rumor, but that is, uh, that, that is, that is understood to be the
code name.
So, uh, Alchemist, Battlemage, Celestial, Druid.
And then I don't think we have anything for E.
It'll be Evoker.
Not Elf?
Not Elfling?
Battlemage and Druid are classes.
Elf is a race.
Sure, but is Celestial?
I guess kind of.
I mean, you could say, you could say, you could say, oh, oh, Enchanter.
That's pretty good.
Or, or they could mix it up, Enchantress.
Is that PC anymore?
Literally no idea.
Yeah, I have no idea.
You know what?
Let's play this game.
I know.
I promised it would be a short show today, because Luke's not feeling well, but let's
play this game with the, okay, they could cheat for something like F.
They could go Fire Mage or something like that.
You could kind of cheat it.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
You could go Flayer.
You could go with, let's see.
Oh, Fighter.
Oh, man.
Fighter's actually, I kind of like it.
Fighter 700 would be like a sick name for a graphics card.
The most, it's the most basic.
But it's almost just, it's almost the strongest sounding.
I'm going with, I'm going with, we're going to map it out for Intel.
And if anyone from Intel is watching, we and, and the community are going to do the rest
of the work for you guys.
And then you just have to stick with our roadmap.
I was thinking like Gunner or Grenadier or something.
Oh, Gunner.
Why do you keep immediately having something that's way more obvious and way better than mine?
I don't know if they would go with Gunner though.
Give me something here.
No, that's not really.
I think sticking away from the guns is likely for Intel.
That makes sense.
There's a lot of weight on that.
And, and like, you know, Mage and Celestial.
That wasn't me.
That was, that was, that was Full Plane Chat.
I took that from Full Plane Chat.
Dang it.
Hold on.
Hold on.
I's got to be Ice something.
Um, uh, no, no, it could be, I'm, see, I'm trying to do this on my own.
You're just reading Full Plane Chat.
That is such a hack.
All right.
All right.
That is such a hack.
I didn't get, the only one I got from there, I, I said what it was.
Um, I, I want to kind of cheat and just go with Invoker instead of Evoker.
Oh, come on.
Uh, Illusionist.
Ooh, Illusionist is good.
I'm picturing, uh, man, what, what's, I'm picturing Job from Arrested Development, though.
Uh, it makes me think of, like, very old school RPGs.
Jester, Joker.
Like, uh, uh.
Dang it!
Stop it!
You're actually upsetting me now.
How about Jackass?
Jerk face.
Almost got him.
Oh, my goodness.
That was close.
Okay, K.
Oh, K is a tough one.
You know, they even used it as a codename before.
Knight's Corner, Knight's Landing.
That was even freaking a GPU.
How did I not think of it?
Sort of.
This one's gonna be really hard.
Okay, L.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, Lightbringer.
No, okay.
Why not Lightbringer?
Well, no, it's more of a name.
It's less of a, Lancer's a class.
If we're sticking with classes, it's not.
I feel like, I feel like Lightbringer could be like a paladin specialization.
I think Lightbringer's fine.
Well, um, yeah, I mean, it could be, but it isn't.
It could be.
Okay, so, well, but there's gotta be, there's gotta be Light something.
There's gotta be like, uh, um, I mean, yeah, I guess we missed kind of some obvious ones.
Like, H could be like Holy Knight or something like that.
But then, we're gonna end up with two knights probably, okay, L, uh, L, uh, you could have
like Lunar something, you know, Lunar Elf or something like that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Again, that's, that's, again, that's a race, not a class.
Um, all right, I'm, I'm just looking, I'm just looking at Luke.
No, they're not, it's not gonna be Luke.
That'd be so sick.
Light Llama?
Why am I even looking at this?
You guys aren't even helpful.
I'd ask for no royalties at all.
Just name it, name it Luke.
Like, they've already done Battle Mage, so we can't just go straight for Mage.
Mage, yeah.
Um, Murderer.
No, probably not.
Until Ark.
Seems extremely unlikely.
Until Ark Murderer, that's more like what would be NVIDIA's codename for whatever they're
gonna put up against it.
It might be too, uh.
Like, Madman, something like that.
Ooh, Mercenary.
That's gotta be, dang it!
Marauder's good.
I kinda like Marauder.
Marauder, yeah.
It's gonna be Marauder.
Oh, Night Elf.
Picked a race again.
You sure did.
Okay, oh.
I don't know.
That sounds like it could be a class.
It's kinda sick.
I just don't think Intel would do it.
Like, over, overpowerer.
Like, oh.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
D could've been like Devourer.
That would've been kinda cool.
It's a little graphic, though.
It's a little graphic.
I feel like Intel's gonna wanna be a little bit more.
And looking at the artwork that they've had so far, it's more like, like, like arcane
and like, uh, like high fantasy.
It's not like, like horror.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So I think, like, like, Devourer, it's more Doomitrant, it's like demonic, you know?
Yeah, something like Occult.
Not only is that not a class, but.
I think they wouldn't go that direction anyway.
The Occultist?
That's actually not terrible.
We don't have a ton of options.
Oh, like Omen something?
Omen Bringer.
Like, I don't, okay, I don't know.
What is, what is Chad saying?
Yeah, it's good.
It has to be Oracle.
You guys, you guys, clear W on that one.
One victory for me!
There you go.
Uh, Q.
It's like queen, or like, uh, uh, hmm.
Is this even fun for people?
I have no idea.
Not a clue.
Uh, yeah.
People seem engaged.
That's not bad.
Quartermaster's pretty good.
That's actually, that's solid.
I kind of like Quartermaster.
I actually like that a lot.
There's a lot of, like, queen and quilt, and you just kind of quiz.
Yeah, I think Quartermaster is really solid.
I would laugh so hard if they made it quilt.
Like, the quilt fighter.
He's like, just puts a blanket over his head.
He lays down in the corner and just hopes no one notices.
Security blanket.
Uh, Q, R, R, R, uh, Ravage.
Oh, it's pretty, pretty.
S, Swordsman?
Probably not.
No, it's too, it's too simple.
Oh, okay.
That's cool.
You could, yeah, there's actually so many.
Like, Spellbinder.
There's a lot of S's.
Like, you could come up with almost anything for that.
There's tons of S's.
Samurai, yes.
Oh, nice.
That would be pretty sick.
Actually, I think it's gotta have to be Samurai.
Samurai's pretty good.
Just with how much, kind of, you know, Meiji stuff we've already got.
I don't want to see, like, Spell, Spellsmouth.
Yeah, I like, I like Samurai, too.
That's good.
It's a popular name.
It's really fast.
The Arc, the Arc Taylor.
It's, it's, it's your bard.
It's just like a, it's a, it's a, get it, it's fast.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, he, he got there.
It's a little slow today.
Uh, T.
There's, like, Thief.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, I don't think they'd want that, though.
I don't think they would want Thief.
No, no, no Thief.
Arc, Arc, uh.
So they, wait, yeah.
Arc was the first one.
So it could be, like.
Arc Alchemist.
Arc Battlemage.
Arc Celestial.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, no, no.
Arc is always part of it.
Okay, okay.
Um, ooh, Tempest.
I like that.
I like that.
Tempest is pretty good.
Takes it, I think.
I think that's gotta be the one.
Tinkerer is not bad, though.
Tinkerer is very good.
And very different from everything so far.
I mean, at this point, we're talking, like, the roadmap is out into about 2040 or so.
So we might not even live long enough to see these code names.
And they've probably, like, picked a new naming scheme at this point anyways, but.
Who knows?
Maybe this will be the one time that a company actually sees it through.
Google bailed.
Why did they bail on Android names?
I liked them.
It was, it was so much more memorable.
I can't even keep track of the numbers anymore.
Whereas, like, if you ask me, okay, what did Kit Kat look like?
I'd be like, oh, yeah, like, kind of like that.
Like, oh, yeah, yeah.
Honeycomb was when we, like, you know, got landscape on tablets and stuff.
Like, it just, and it worked better and stuff.
Like, it was more optimized.
Like, I remember those things.
What did we leave off?
What did we leave off?
Not with it enough to even know, but.
We're under, we're on you.
Ultra something, probably.
Like, ultra.
That's not how that spells.
That's an A.
I mean, I thought it was more B tier, but I appreciate you.
Hey, there we go.
My brain went to Undertaker, but they would never do that.
No, no, no.
Is that like.
What is Umbra?
Isn't that just like a soccer brand?
Oh, no, that's Umbro.
Trust them.
Yeah, I don't think so.
I mean, that'd be cool branding, like Unicorn Rider or something like that.
But I just, I don't see it.
It's not really aligned with what we have so far, which is Alchemist, Battlemage, Celestial
I just don't, I don't see like a prancing unicorn.
I like that one.
Oh, that's not bad.
It might feel a little late.
Like, I would assume that we're not going to get to Usurper if they haven't usurped anything
by then.
Yeah, that's pretty fair.
I do like it though.
Ultima, that's pretty sick.
Yeah, it's, that's a spell though.
Like, that's not, it's going to be Ultra something.
Ultra Blade or Ultra, Ultra something.
But I don't know exactly what.
Conrad says, Gemini says, Umbra list, untamer, and urchin.
Yeah, it's definitely.
So, Umbra is the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object, especially
the area on the earth or moon experiencing a total phase of an eclipse.
It is often used in video games to describe like something shadowy, something you should
be concerned about.
There's a sword in Morrowind called Umbra.
The Umbra list.
That like, uh, yeah, I don't think that's good.
Compels the wielder to.
Ultra something.
That one's kind of unfortunate.
The violence giver.
The, the, the, Venge, Venge something.
I need to close this.
The Venger.
Well, I first went to Ventriloquist, which is not good.
The violinist.
Everyone's fighting, you're just like.
I mean, they don't have a bard yet, so.
Yeah, yeah.
Unless they go with my pitch for T.
The tailor.
V for the violence wreaker.
I am, I am stealing this from Chad.
I saw this before I closed the screen, but Viper.
It's, it's okay.
It could be like a rogue specialization, maybe.
But it's a little, like, poison-based rogue or something.
The, the vasectomy giver.
I could see a D&D campaign based around that.
I will, I will eliminate your offspring.
We won't win this war this year, or next year.
But give us a generation or two.
We'll win this war in generations from now.
If only it wasn't a real thing.
Uh, okay, so V then.
I mean, it's for Vendetta, obviously, right?
But, the, the Vendetta-er.
Okay, do you guys have anything?
Vanguard, dang it, how'd we not think of that?
Hey, yep, yep, yep.
All right.
Vulture, that's not bad either.
Vanguard, I think is it.
No, it's gotta be Vulture.
It's Vanguard.
It's Vanguard for sure.
Dan, settle this.
Uh, Vanguard.
All right.
Okay, W.
Uh, War Horse.
Warlord's pretty good.
I think Warlord's cooler than Wizard.
All right, we'll just go with that.
I think Warlock might win.
Yay, we got one.
All right, X.
Just collab with him.
He's like, whatever, we couldn't think of a name.
Yeah, well, that was like, uh,
Google did with, um, Nestle or whatever for Kit Kat.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
They were like, okay, we have nothing for K.
So we're gonna, we're gonna, like, license the thing that we can call it.
Like, we'll work with them on it.
So it's actually just X-Man?
I feel like there's gotta be some kind of.
That's something.
That's, that's chat.
Chat gets credit for that one.
Is that a class?
They could just call it, they could just call it the Warrior Princess.
Xena actually sounds pretty cool.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it would have a similar issue to X-Man.
You know what?
Let's just go with, um, yeah, Xenomorph would have the same problem too.
That's, that's certainly copyrighted or whatever the, yeah, copyrighted or protected in some
Xeno, Xenoblade.
Oh, no, that's a thing.
Uh, Xeno something probably.
Okay, why?
Yak Rider.
I kind of like that.
I can't think of much.
The Yakker.
Right, right, because we don't have a, we don't have like a, like a charismatic.
The Yakker.
The Yakker.
That's a horrible name.
Oh my God.
Did you just, did you just do a takedown of my entire class?
Literally my job.
It's funny because what I first jumped to was Yappy.
All right, I'm going to chat.
Yeah, what do they got?
Yurf dog?
Wow, you guys aren't even trying anymore.
Yggdrasil is not like a.
The Yankee.
Yeah, but it's a cool word.
It is a cool word.
What, what's a, what's a Yankee?
It like rides into battle.
There you go.
The Yodeler.
I mean, sure.
Well, ugh.
That's something.
Which is more than what we had.
You missed Ark?
Uh, yeah.
Yeoman is, Yeoman is decent.
I say we go with that.
It's like a shaman, but cooler?
I guess so.
I don't think so.
I forget what they do.
Uh, a man holding and cultivating a small landed estate.
A freeholder.
Yeah, I know.
I, I thought you were seeing like Y-A-M-M.
No, yeah.
It's not, it's not like Yeomancer.
I mean, funnily enough, it is like a shout-based barbarian.
Shout attack.
We can't do Yakuza.
They can't do Yakuza.
That's not.
Yeah, that's definitely not gonna be a thing.
Yeezy collab?
All right, Z.
Oh, Conrad's got it.
He might have got it from Gemini, I'm not sure, but Zealot.
Oh, Zealot.
Okay, yeah, that's gonna have to be it.
Man, what did we do for S?
Zapper wouldn't have been bad.
There was, there was like too many for S.
Oh, there was too many for S, yeah, that's right.
Oh, there's so many good ones.
A million options.
Can I, can I have Zapper?
Zapper's pretty good.
Is Intel gonna wanna call their thing Zapper?
I think you could, I think you could.
I think with cool enough branding, Zapper fits into what we have established so far.
Dang, there's so many S's.
All right, let's go into topic number two.
I don't even remember what topic number one was anymore.
There was a bit of an ending on topic number one, which is NVIDIA has also launched a beta
for the NVIDIA app, which finally merges features of GeForce Experience and the NVIDIA
control panel on Windows.
It offers account-based awards, but thank goodness, finally, doesn't require login to use.
It actually looks super cool.
They also launched, I believe it's in beta right now, but they also launched a new feature.
So the AI-powered SDR to HDR video conversion that they've had available for some time now
is now available as a toggle in the new driver.
And this is a really well-timed launch from them going, hey, try our new driver.
Not only is it a new driver and the first time we've updated our look in 20 years or however
long it's been since they first launched the NVIDIA control panel, but we've got this very
compelling new feature that people might want to try.
So it's an automatic SDR to HDR converter for games, which already exists, at least in
Windows, but is now powered by AI or something.
I haven't tried it yet.
We were working on a video on the video version, and then we were going to kind of touch on the
hacky way that some folks found to enable it in games.
But now we're just going to bundle those two together and we're going to do a video on
HDR or SDR to HDR conversion because there's a lot of HDR monitors.
Out there now at this point, if you consider TVs, monitors, there's a ton of them.
Basically every TV in the last few years over the very, very entry level has been HDR capable
and in many cases more capable than the entry level HDR monitors.
So anyone who's gaming on a TV, a relatively recent TV, is going to be able to take advantage
of this in a big way because there's still a significant shortage of HDR content, particularly
on the video side.
Like if you go, like if you just, you know, look at, look for any movie you enjoy.
Here, pick a movie you enjoyed as a kid that you think is, you know, probably not a huge
You know, it's not Lord of the Rings, but just some movie you liked.
He's going to out himself here.
Oh man.
I just, I just.
It's, it's, it's white chicks, isn't it?
All right.
I'll look it up.
White chicks.
You just, you cut me off at the pass.
I was going to say Lord of the Rings, Fellowship of the Ring.
And then you were like, can't be that.
And I was like, all right, fair enough.
I've never watched like a ton of movies.
Original Top Gun.
Top Gun.
Top Gun probably does have an HDR release.
What was it?
Shut up.
It's not from 1980, is it?
All right.
Man, I can't believe Tom Cruise has been cool as long as I've been alive.
Top Gun did get a 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray.
So it, it is available with, in Dolby Vision.
But my point is that there are a lot of older movies that are not available in HDR in any
release format that's at decent quality.
There's a lot that do have HDR releases through streaming platforms.
But if I could watch the Blu-ray with a light AI upscaling and with a good SDR to HDR conversion,
I think I'm at the point now where I understand and I accept that that's the best I'm ever
going to get.
And I think I could settle for that because HDR, 4K, Blu-ray is dying.
Ooh, Original Tron.
That probably got the HDR.
You've seen that, right?
I haven't.
Hey, speaking of which, have you played any Final Fantasy VI?
Oh, right.
I wanted to this week, but if I wasn't working, I was generally sleeping.
Yeah, right.
Who would like to see a 4K remaster of Original Tron?
No, it appears it has not gotten the treatment.
Apparently, neither has Robocop.
Uh, Shaun of the Dead.
I doubt Shaun of the Dead is getting a HDR 4K, whatever.
I agree, but that would, I like that movie.
What was Shaun of the Dead shot on?
Would it even?
Shut up.
It was shot on film with RE cameras.
There would be enough dynamic range there, and enough resolution for them to do it, if
anyone was motivated enough to do it.
And it really is, it's a great movie.
It's so good.
I'm not even a huge fan of the zombie movie genre, so I'm sure there were references that
I didn't get and stuff like that.
But it was, it was absolutely a blast.
And I love Simon Pegg.
Uh, I just think he is one of those people who's naturally hilarious, no matter what he's
It's incredible.
A galaxy quest.
Oh, oh, so good.
Speaking of actors that I love, no matter what they're doing.
Oh my god, why can't I remember his name right now?
This is so embarrassing.
Uh, Alan Rickman.
Oh, wow.
Yeah, Alan Rickman.
Man, he's awesome.
He's fantastic in everything.
He's awesome.
Have you seen galaxy quest?
Oh, okay.
Parts of it.
By Grapp.
Oh, man, he's so good.
I haven't seen the whole thing, but I've seen parts of it.
You haven't?
How can you watch part of a movie like that and not watch the whole thing?
I just don't really watch stuff that often.
I guarantee you've seen parts of original Tron.
You ever watch the whole thing?
No, I've never seen any of it.
Wow, really?
Yeah, I mean, I, when would I, okay, we either had it on VHS when I was a kid, or I haven't
seen it.
We never owned it.
Where would I have seen it?
Like, galaxy quest.
I never had, like, access to it.
Well, where did you see it?
How do you see parts of movies?
Uh, people reference it all the time.
There's, like, YouTube things on it.
Stuff like that.
Oh, okay.
I don't know.
All right.
Fair enough.
Well, it might be a psycho.
I don't know.
I get, I, like, I get too distracted, um, watching, like, TVs and shows.
Like, if I, TVs and shows.
Oh, man.
Um, if I'm watching something with somebody.
Well, that's why you're distracted.
You got all these TVs.
How are you supposed to pay attention to any of the movies you're watching?
My, my living room is just, like.
Types of Luke's movie reviews.
Really disjointed story.
It felt like if they'd had five, six more of a movie there, there really would have been something.
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that I had half a dozen movies going at the same time.
Not sure.
That seems like a movie problem, not a me problem.
Uh, yeah.
Uh, yeah, I was, I was saying, like, my, my living room is, like, those old, like, 90s sets with, like, just the tower of CRTs.
It's like, yeah, that's how I watch TV.
That's how I watch TVs.
I guess it's time for us to talk about the big Reddit licensing deal with Google.
Reddit goes public.
Reddit filed its initial public offering yesterday to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange as RDDT.
According to the company, in addition to offering stock to institutional investors, they will also be offering it to its top users, including moderators, based on Reddit karma.
I knew that karma was going to be worth something someday.
Too bad it's Reddit stock.
Uh, with that said, Reddit has some news, obviously timed, to help boost it during the IPO to share that makes it seem like maybe not just an endless money pit forever.
Reddit confirmed a leak, claiming it had struck a content licensing deal with a major AI company.
Google will apparently have direct access to Reddit's API for the purpose of training data.
The deal is rumored to be worth 60 million U.S. dollars annually to Reddit.
The filing likewise revealed that OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is the third largest shareholder in Reddit with 8.7% of the shares, compared to Reddit CEO Steve Huffman's 3.3%.
Of course, he's in there somewhere.
So, um, the whole thing where, you know, you create the value for the site, where, where the site is free to use because you're the product.
There's your, there's your evidence.
There it is.
There it is right there.
Everybody knows.
I don't know.
Do they though?
I actually, I'm not, no, I am not convinced of that.
I had a family dinner not that long ago and I had a relative ask me, well, how do you make money on YouTube?
And I was like, how do they make money with TV?
Like ads and, and, and like product placements.
What, what, what, what are you asking?
How does anybody make money on anything?
Like, I think, I think people just, especially older generation people.
No, no, fundamentally do not understand that the internet costs money even necessarily.
Like, like the, the, the idea that Reddit might need tens of millions of dollars in order to operate is just why it's just a page of text, right?
Like that can't be that hard, right?
Like it might be a lot cheaper if it was just a page of text.
I suspect it has to do a lot with Reddit video and lots of other things they have going on their picture and video hosting.
There was, there was sites that cropped up in the early Reddit days.
I think Imgur is one of them, but I'm pretty sure there was other ones as well where their whole thing was that they were a host for video and pictures that went on Reddit.
And then I think Reddit saw that and was like, oh, we want to move this in-house, but that just costs insane amounts of money.
So there's a couple of discussion questions here.
One is how will going public change Reddit?
I mean, I don't think at all compared to how they've been behaving recently since everything they've done over the last couple of years has been in the lead up to going public and trying to juice the value as much as humanly possible.
I guess what, what I want to know is how, how, yeah, no, I guess I don't really want to know anything.
Oh, right.
I remember what I want to know.
I want to know if you would invest in Reddit.
Well, hold on a second though.
Would you have said the same thing when Facebook went IPO?
When did they go IPO?
Oh man, it was like 10, 12 years ago.
Then probably.
Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
Facebook IPO versus today.
Hold on.
So Facebook has been, well, I think a five, a five banger for people who invested, hold on, IPO price of $38 around at today's price.
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Today's price of around $191 per share.
This article is from 2019.
Where is the stupid, how much are they worth today?
So they went IPO at apparently $38 on the first trading day.
And then Facebook stock price.
So what are we at now?
So it's more than a 10 banger, 10 bagger, bagger.
That's the word.
So it's like a 13 bagger or something like that.
You 13 extra money over, uh, what was it?
Let's see.
When did they go?
So that was 2012.
So about 12 years ago.
Man, I'm good.
Facebook was the king of the internet back then.
They were, but it wasn't clear what their model for actually monetizing any of it was going to be.
Oh yeah, but that never mattered.
All right.
But you don't see a path to Reddit becoming a bigger player in the advertising space or the AI space.
The advertising space?
As far as my understanding goes, advertising on Reddit, uh, is horrible and has always been horrible.
What about the microtransaction space?
I don't think so.
I don't think anyone really cares.
Um, they even like killed awards, didn't they?
I'm not sure.
I don't know.
I think so.
I don't really use Reddit to be honest with you.
I don't know.
Maybe there's some other new way to do it, but I think they removed the original way that you could like guild posts and stuff like that.
Um, they might've replaced it.
I might be wrong.
I don't know.
Don't take that as anything.
Um, their only real value I can think of is selling their data.
Um, which they're getting 60 million for.
From one company.
I don't know if that's exclusive.
I was going to assume really.
I sincerely doubt that that's exclusive.
I mean, why would Sam Altman who owns, what was it?
Like six point something percent of the company?
Eight point seven.
Um, yeah.
Why, why would he be like, you know, what would be cool?
Not having this data, not having this data.
I'm not going to advocate against this.
Like, and if they took, even if they took half as much for access from Google, well, then they could sell it.
But Google, Microsoft, ooh, would OpenAI just have them?
Not necessarily.
They could say, no, you have to buy two licenses.
One for Microsoft, one for OpenAI.
And then, I mean, who the fuck knows?
Like, maybe Yahoo still wants it because they want to be relevant again or something.
That's Microsoft again.
You could, oh, that's right.
You could definitely, the point is, you could definitely turn around and sell it multiple times.
And I'm selling it to Microsoft like six times.
And, you know, you're a public company, so you're just going to do whatever is best for you.
Ethics be damned.
So you're probably going to sell it to, you know, like a, um, um, crap, it's escaping me.
The one that, like Alibaba, uh, you're probably going to sell it to, um, you know, Baidu.
So, uh, no, no, I, I absolutely, I absolutely think that.
If they can scale up selling their data, um, maybe they'll have some pretty good use.
But there's a lot of, the laws around that right now are kind of weird.
And the concern for me is that that might already be priced in.
But I don't know that for sure.
How much, how much are they losing per year right now?
Uh, that I don't know.
I can tell you that they've been really pushy lately about us advertising.
I don't think they really know who we are.
It's like, oh, hold on one sec.
Um, like I, I, we don't advertise.
Linus Tech Tips on Reddit.
Well, we, we, I guess that might go to the wrong inbox, but we do advertise like certain
creator warehouse things.
No, it went to my inbox and they're like, yeah, Linus Tech Tips is really cool.
Uh, brands have seen success in our program.
And we thought Linus Tech Tips could be a good fit.
Heck yeah, dude.
Uh, you're missing out on an incremental engaged audience.
Um, yeah, I, um, I guess that's neat, but like we don't, I mean, do you want, do you want
to advertise with us?
Uh, yeah, yeah, we can, we can sell your data.
Um, I don't know how to read this.
I'm, I'm, I'm getting like headlines, but I'm not getting a lot of, uh, apparently they
saw 21% revenue growth, uh, but $90 million in losses.
I mean, you know, for, for Silicon Valley, that's pretty good, right?
That's pretty good.
Um, I don't know.
I would be, I would have been pretty, what is, is bullish the right term on Facebook?
When it went IPO.
I remember when that happened and I remember being like, don't have any money.
Don't have any money.
Would have been sick though.
Um, I don't feel the same way this time around.
Um, I remember before Halo one came out, I, I like begged my grandpa to invest in Bungie
without knowing that that wasn't like a thing you could do.
Um, but I was like, this game's going to go bangers.
I like, I know it.
Um, I remember years later being like, Oh man, I wish he like did that.
He'd be like so wealthy now.
And then I looked into it and I was like, yeah, it's not a thing you can do.
Like, okay, cool.
Oh man.
Oh Luke.
Uh, all right.
I think it's time for us to do a couple of merch messages and explain what they are.
They're the best way to interact with the show because instead of just throwing money
at the screen, like you might do with other streamers, you get to throw money at the screen
and also get great merchandise in your mailbox.
We've got a couple of big announcements for the store this week.
First, we have a backpack discount update.
We have extended the expiry on our dual layer, uh, discount for backpack buyers prior to December
9th to make sure that they can use it towards magnetic cable management.
If they choose to, I had someone ask me about this.
They were like, Hey, am I going to be able to use my credit for magnetic cable management?
And I was like, yeah.
And then the launch was delayed.
And now we're like, yeah, still, yeah, still.
But it's going to be a little bit.
So, uh, the expiry date has been moved to March 15th, which should give you some idea
of when magnetic cable management is hopefully coming.
Uh, we also have a backpack carabiner update source Reddit.
This is hilarious.
They are in people's hands.
Check it out.
This is it.
This is the real deal.
This is the kit that you will get with all your replacement bits and bobs.
You get the tool for prying open the original, uh, pulled holders.
You get a set of regular pulls from YKK.
So this is just in case you've had enough carabiner in your life and you just don't want any more
of it.
You get a full set of replacement carabiner pulls.
These are in titanium alloy of some sort.
They're super awesome.
Uh, they don't have any hinges on them.
They just, uh, we've shown them on the show before, but they basically just have these
like cuts in either side.
So they're really bendy at the right spot and they work like a carabiner would.
And you get the custom designed, uh, from the creator warehouse team, a zipper closer,
uh, tool that is, I think, did we end up injection molding this?
I don't remember.
It's either 3d printed or injection molded, but it's plastic.
And you basically turn the thing in order to close it shut.
I believe Tynan hosted the video that you will scan this QR code to view and it shows
you exactly how to replace them all.
The whole process should take less than like 10 minutes to get all the old ones off and
all the new ones on.
Now, this is really important.
I cannot stress this enough.
You are to use either these or these one time.
Just one time.
Don't swap back and forth.
These are not for, you know, oh, you know, I'm really in a carabiner mood today.
Uh, or no, you know what?
I'm really feeling the more basic pole look one time.
If you open them and close them and open them and close them and replace the poles more
than you have to, it will cause the metal to fatigue and it will cause it to break.
So one time, um, don't tell me what to do.
I'm telling you what we'll cover.
So that's what I'm telling you.
Trust me, bro.
Do it one time.
Uh, the last thing for us to shout out this week for the store is that we have stock of
the legendary Honeywell PTM 7950 thermal pads.
These are sweet.
Uh, they really are.
This has been a long time coming as it turns out.
Um, Honeywell, not a super easy company for randoms like me to get in touch with.
And we were, but we were able to get in touch with someone who was a viewer slash fan and
had a contact at a distributor for Honeywell and was able to get us access to their PTM
7950, which we actually reviewed.
Here we go.
Reddit told me to buy this man.
The whole show is like Reddit themed today about a year and a half ago.
Long story short, it's really cool.
You put it in the fridge, which solidifies it.
You cut it in the shape that you want.
You peel the, the, the backings off of it.
You put it, well, you peel one side, you put it onto whatever it is you're trying to
cool CPU, GPU, or whatever the case may be.
You peel the other plastic off of it.
And then what happens is once you mount your heat sink or your, well, yeah, heat sink or
water block or whatever it is, and it warms up, it changes phases, allowing you to have
a perfect mount every time.
There's no inconsistency like you might encounter sometimes with thermal paste.
So yeah, super cool.
And you can buy this stuff in other places.
It's absolutely a thing.
But in most cases that we've seen, it is either extremely expensive or it comes from sources
where you have no guarantee whatsoever that the sheet of gray schmoo that you're buying
is actually PTM 7950 because Honeywell doesn't engage with little piddly, you know, computer
They're, they're not interested.
If you're not, if you're not a government entity, they're basically not picking up the
And that's, that's not a fair characterization entirely.
But the point is that they're only really interested in very big fish.
Now it is still not cheap.
You can see here a six centimeter, or yeah, six centimeter by six centimeter pad is $14.99.
But we also offer a 200 mil by 160 mil for, wait, where'd the price go?
Ah, yes, for $69.99.
So that would give you a lot of uses.
Uh, let's see if we can, oh no, do we not?
Oh, please tell me we have pictures for scale.
Here's the two for scale.
Oh no.
Do we, do we have, do we have any of them next to CPU?
Well, whatever.
Six centimeters is pretty big and 20.
So that's 27.
So, okay.
So here for my American friends, that's about, uh, two thirds.
You like fractions, right?
Two thirds of a 12 inch ruler ish, ish.
Uh, by about half of a 12 inch ruler.
There you go.
So that's, that's pretty big.
That's quite a few applications.
Uh, is it reusable?
It changes phases.
So it, it is definitely something you would want to clean off after you're done.
Anyway, really cool product, really good performance, not like your grandma's thermal pad.
Anyway, merch messages.
All you got to do is go to ltdstore.com and in the cart, there'll be a little box.
Whenever we're live, you can fill out a merch message and it'll go to producer Dan who will
reply to your message, forward it to the appropriate person or curate it for me and Luke to address
on the show.
So Dan, why don't you go ahead and hit us with a couple of merch messages?
Sure, can do.
Hi, LLD.
Luke, how does having birds limit your life?
What do you do when you go on holiday?
Is it more difficult than having a cat?
Love all animals.
Yeah, it can be kind of annoying.
Um, birds are super fragile.
So there's a lot of things like in the air.
Um, like if someone cooks with, um, like nonstick pans and stuff, it can, it can put things in
the air that can kill the birds.
There's other different cleaners and things they might use around their house and whatnot
that can be really bad for the birds.
It's a lot of stuff that would be in the air.
Um, there's even like air fresheners in your car.
So having someone else drive them around can even be a problem.
Um, so when a full plane tried, I said, how do friends bird die from resin 3d printer fumes?
Not surprised.
Not surprised at all.
Um, it's for, for us, there is a local bird vet, uh, avian vet, avian vet, avian vet.
Is that what it's called?
I think so.
Um, and they do boarding.
So when we go away, we can leave them.
Hopefully not with water.
That's for fish.
Yeah, there you go.
Come on down to Luke's waterboarding.
Leave your fish with us.
We'll make sure they get the finest care.
It was so concerning.
So many red flags.
Um, but yeah, you can leave them at the vet, which, uh, is also nice because then you can
get checkups and other stuff done while you're gone.
So, yeah.
Now the one I got here.
With new AI processing and editing features in smartphone cameras, what is a picture anymore?
How much processing is too much?
Where's the line?
I mean, this is kind of an older controversy now, but, uh, I was about to clear it.
Uh, it's a space station.
It's not a moon.
The point is, sorry, I'm layering up the Star Wars references here.
It's pretty good.
It's a lot of them, but I liked it.
Um, yeah, I was trying really hard for this one.
I'm a little ray of Star Wars sunshine.
I don't think that one landed very well.
No, it really didn't.
Just like the movies.
Like dough, but it doesn't matter.
Oh my goodness.
Anyway, yes.
The Samsung moon photos where people were taking pictures of the moon through their Samsung
telephoto, you know, magnified AI zoom nonsense and didn't realize how, how trained the model
was to basically take their picture and use it as kind of a hint for a more, much more
detailed scan of our picture of the moon that it was just kind of plonking into people's
Gee, look how perfect the moon looks and everyone's pictures on Samsung phones.
What even is a picture anymore?
What even is truth?
How about this?
What was a picture ever?
What if your picture from, you know, 1951 that wasn't in color and was grainy as heck
and had, you know, contrast and clarity issues like, okay, uh, one of the, one of the big
problems with earlier cameras was the way that they handled darker skin tones because
they were designed by whites for whites.
Um, I didn't know about this.
Makes sense.
Yeah, it's no, it's like, it's like a whole thing.
It's like, it's anyway, modern camera technology and lighting technology has caught up a lot
to the point where you can, Oh, you are bleeding.
When did that even happen?
Um, please don't get blood on the table.
Really Dan?
I'll get some towels to clean it off.
Um, okay.
Is it new?
Does it look new?
Yeah, it looks new.
It's new blood.
Um, well, I'm fine.
Fun fact.
I'll just try to not bleed on things.
That's the Twilight reboot.
Very good.
Very good.
The point is.
I don't know.
A really paper towel.
I mean, you're getting him the form, right?
We should make him fill out the form on one show.
Are you serious?
If you cut yourself at work, you have to fill out the form.
Maybe it wasn't at work.
I just told you it looks fresh.
They witnessed it.
How did that even happen?
Do you know how much they witnessed you?
Enough that you have to spray your mouth full of silver spray paint.
All these, all these references.
Look, it's been a long week, okay?
What's happening?
It's not, it's not even, I don't think it's fresh.
Oh man.
Oh man, this is great.
Never injure yourself live on the internet because you are going to have, you're going to immediately
turn into a hypochondriac because you're going to have literally 10,000 people looking
up all the horrible, awful things that could cause a spontaneous skin lesion or that could
infect your blood.
They're going to have to, they're going to have to cut it off above the elbow loop.
It's gone.
It's over.
My whole career.
Oh my goodness, you guys.
Could be a tick.
Could be, could be lupus.
Could be a, oh man.
Might as well just amputate it now.
We don't even have time to get to the hospital.
Speedrun workplace safety form, any percent.
Let's go.
Oh my goodness.
It was a preexisting condition.
He scratched a scab, LMAO.
Did you have a scab there?
I don't think so.
All right.
Well, I mean.
How big, like I can't even really see it.
It's either that or, uh, hold on.
It's not very big.
What's this other good one?
I can't feel it either.
I feel like this happens some other time.
Oh no, Tynan.
No, look away.
Oh no.
Oh yeah, Tynan's not going to let you get away with it.
Safety man is here.
Sudden, sudden death syndrome.
He's not an infant, okay?
It's not like, I don't, I don't believe you that it's new.
I can tell from the color.
Look at the color of those pixels.
It's, I mean, yeah, yeah, ish.
And there's no blood here.
Yeah, give me that.
It's not dry.
There's literally blood spots on here.
What are you even talking about?
There's like, little flecks.
I think that's dried blood that got off.
It's not.
You can tell from the color, Luke.
I tried to pull it off.
Yeah, what, you think I'm a fucking idiot?
Like, you've known me a long time.
I'm still going to try.
It's just about to scratch.
It's merely a flesh wound.
I mean, it is a flesh wound.
Sure, give you that, but it's.
It wasn't a pimple.
It's like a big spot.
It's not a dry one.
Stop showing everyone your blood.
I'm trying to see it myself.
Oh my goodness.
Luke fills out the form live on the air.
Let's go, Dan.
Well, you have to give it to me.
Yeah, Luke has to fill out the form.
Oh, no.
I mean, technically that's proprietary information.
It is not.
It's protected medical information,
and you've told everybody on the internet
that he's had a medical incident,
and now he can.
I think technically I told everyone.
Oh, good.
Luke, Luke, you can only sue yourself.
The company lives another day.
I'm going to do it.
I'm not a member of the safety committee,
so I actually can't fill this out,
but we have an AED upstairs if you need it.
Yes, that is.
I was going to bring it for comedy,
but I figured that was probably actually
kind of irresponsible.
Yeah, please don't do that.
Yeah, exactly.
It's like playing with fire extinguishers at work,
which we have never done.
I actually don't think we have.
I don't think so.
I was trying to think back in the old house.
I was like, that seems very possible back then.
I don't think we have.
But I don't think we did.
I brought you a Band-Aid, though.
Do you want a Band-Aid?
Sure, just so I don't get blood on anything.
Okay, so...
I still don't feel it.
Back to our conversation about cameras.
So my question is,
is that photo that you took in 1951 real,
or are there all kinds of approximations and flaws
in that representation that we only accept
because we are used to them?
I think by that logic, yeah,
no recreation of anything ever could be real.
So then...
But I do think that intentionally changing something...
We intentionally change things all the time.
What's a color filter?
I mean, yeah, I include that.
Oh, okay, so then fine, go ahead.
But is that...
So is that...
Changing something through editing.
Because the question is,
what is a picture anymore?
I guess my counter question is,
what was a picture ever?
If you've been on Instagram,
what has a picture been this whole time?
Because people are, you know,
you can see people that are trying to,
yeah, shrink their waist
or make their arms look big or whatever.
And you'll see, yep.
Oh, I meant pecs.
I meant pecs.
Both, to be honest.
And you'll see like the background behind them like warp
because they've like expanded
or contracted something.
Oh my goodness.
Speaking of contracting something.
To the pen, Dan?
Oh, wait!
Oh my gosh.
This was all planned.
Oh, no way!
Is this what I think it is?
Are you allowed to show this off?
I might have it.
Be better.
Yeah, are you allowed to show it off?
I don't know.
I'll go to CW and help you leak it.
Tynan, is he allowed?
I feel like Tynan would know.
Stop, stop.
Please, it's not.
Dang it, I don't have it.
I can go to CW and...
No, it's okay.
It's okay.
Oh, that sucks.
Wait, is Tynan actually saying that?
No, no, he's not.
I wanted to leak the fail pen,
which I think we've actually talked about before.
Oh, we've talked about it.
Yeah, we do have a pen.
I can't see.
Can you put it on?
I can't see.
Oh, my God, this is sad.
What was that?
That was you not letting go
when you tried to hand me something.
There you go.
There you go.
It feels better now.
Oh, my goodness.
It's because I'm a father.
Daddy kisses, heal everything.
Alright, I'll do this right.
Oh, calm down, you guys.
I kissed the band-aid.
I don't care either way.
And he knew that.
This is going to end up on the subreddit
before the night is out.
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
And it's going to explode.
It's going to break the internet.
Better invest in Reddit.
Not yet.
What are we supposed to be talking about right now?
Are they pictures?
No, you're just filling out forms.
Okay, well.
No, I think, yeah, I think
some camera nerds are going to come back at me
with like certain cameras
are going to naturally look different
in a certain way compared to other ones.
Or bokeh.
I think if you go in.
Or even framing.
Even the way you frame a picture
can change the context dramatically.
Intensely, yeah.
I think we're getting to a new,
man, there's a movie reference here,
but I don't remember the exact naming.
But we're getting to like new ground here.
Untread paths.
Where having things that aren't even like,
we're not even necessarily tuning these dials.
Like with the Samsung thing,
it's just doing that automatically.
It's changing the picture.
That's uncharted waters.
There we go.
Strange new worlds.
There's a lot of different references
this could be.
But I do think this is new
and different
and in a way scary
because I think it's kind of less obvious.
I think there's a lot of ways,
like what we were talking about
with the like bent backgrounds and stuff.
There's quite a few ways
that you can tell
if something was edited in the past.
I think that's going to be a lot harder.
Time of injury.
I mean, we could check the timestamp.
I bet someone knows.
I have no idea.
How specific does it have to be?
I mean, very accurate.
I filled out a form for my injury the other day
during the shoot.
Uh, my, my cut was two millimeters long.
I believe I caught a hangnail on my pants
and really, is that what it was?
I think so.
Cause you were standing next to
a recently metal framed thing.
I just assumed you touched a sharp object
or something.
No, it was definitely a pants
ripping my fingers open.
That was a fun shoot though.
Maybe we should talk about that a little bit.
Uh, let's do, let's do our,
oh, no, yeah, we've got topics here.
We get to do topics.
So Luke wasn't there.
I kind of feel bad for not inviting you.
To what?
You probably would have wanted to come.
The full projector wall thing?
The, the world's largest gaming displays.
Do you know the Weird Al song?
Which one?
Frank's 2000 inch TV.
I don't think so.
Hold on.
It sounds awesome.
Does it have a music video?
I actually, I actually don't know
if this has a music video.
Uh, it would appear that it does not.
Uh, but it's, it's a Weird Al song
from, I want to say the late nineties
or something like that.
But, but, but, but, but, but, okay.
um anyway the point is that he sings this song about you know kind of poking fun at keeping up
with the joneses and uh and flaunting your wealth through fancy electronics and it's sort of this
this guy who buys this end game tv that can only be delivered through just utterly decadent means
and you know but you know thank god i can watch the simpsons from 30 blocks away anyways so it's it's
it's really funny because it's weirdo and he's always funny um so is what you're trying to say
is that those pictures of that were edited no oh what i'm trying to say is that that display
was 2070 inches we did it we made frank's 2000 inch tv
that's pretty fantastic yeah it ended up being i forget the exact number so don't quote me on this
just wait to watch the video if you want to know the exact numbers but it was something like 170 feet
wide yeah yeah that makes sense but like wow by like 30 something feet tall absolutely enormous and
oh okay right dan was there yeah um dan i'm gonna say something that's gonna sound controversial
and then there's no pressure to agree with me but i would love to hear your take one of the games that
we played on it was flight simulator and i felt that it was more immersive than vr
depends on the well okay so i was i was playing microsoft flight simulator uh so i can't remember if i even
watched anybody do it i'm not sure i would uh i would say no in my opinion
um certainly not playing it i felt very claustrophobic in the cockpit it seemed uh it wasn't kind of far
back enough maybe if we had tweaked the settings and it would be a little bit better
um looking around wasn't really possible in the cockpit you know maybe if i turned my head something
like that that's a really wide i would say display i would say it's a different it's a different kind
of immersive to vr vr is like you're sitting there and this was kind of like the next best thing this
is everywhere it was kind of more like
it wasn't as as presence and as real as being in vr oops so i played some of the other games
but i didn't actually play flight sim i watched dan play flight sim so i was um like i was the passenger
of the plane and maybe the fact that i didn't have to be focused on the middle you can look around and
i could like really look around out over what feel like life-size vistas but because the display was
so large that it occupied almost my entire field of view even moving my head around a little bit
the sense of scale was incredible i got that a lot too and and i wasn't i wasn't looking
through a periscope you know and modern vr headsets have reached a point where the where
the field of view is pretty good that's right yeah but it wasn't even close but it isn't even close
to to that experience of having genuine vastness you actually get the full fov of your eyes and
there's no headset and like you're you're there i think i kind of got that feeling the same sort of
feeling of being the passenger and just kind of looking but i'm focused dead ahead yes my entire
field of view is just you know langley and that's the thing right is that when i'm playing a game in
vr this doesn't bother me because i'm focused on this yeah and if i want to see something else i'll do
what i would do in real life because we can only achieve our our maximum resolution over what is it
like a four percent of the area we can see it's not only within like a certain area like it's not
it's not actually out here that you would so you would turn your head anyway so that's really natural
but if i was a if i was an observer through that tunnel i wouldn't like it whereas being an observer
on the giant wall oh there's there's like cool more proper terms of this i don't think this is
right term but suspension of disbelief i think is also hurt by something strapped onto your head
like you're always going to be at least somewhat aware like yeah you might be convinced that the
plank you're you're not convinced but your brain might be freaking out because you're walking on a
plank above a high rise and your brain's like i don't want to fall even though you know you're in vr
but you have this thing strapped to your face there's there's a lot of cues to kind of remind
you that it's it's not what's actually happening thinking back there was a number of moments where
i don't know everything just kind of fell away because you're looking at a monitor but you're
you're focused quite close to you and you don't have a headset so you don't have any of the
perception of things touching you or that you're wearing a headset that's kind of harder to forget
but when you're in front of basically just this window that goes into the sky um i think that
that kind of dissociation happens a hell of a lot faster than with anything i've felt before
i did not feel like i was looking at a wall it didn't look like a monitor later it looked like i was
flying a window into um into something else and the sense of of motion that i got was so much more
convincing than at least any other flat display that i have ever experienced just because of the
sheer vastness of it um it was a really cool setup we we actually ended up shooting two videos that day
instead of just one we shot one that's like a land center slash badminton center update um because
people had i had to approve dan's time for this oh okay yeah people had to um people had more
questions uh that they raised than they felt were answered by the first video so we ended up talking
actually i don't think i've really addressed anyone's questions from the first video but the
point is there's cool stuff uh and and we and we talk about it dan goes through some of the networking
stuff our armored fiber is on site yeah ready for installation so we do a little uh we do a little
autopsy on the fiber that we're going to be rolling out and stuff like that it's a really cool video
and then at the end of it uh chase shows off kind of what we have planned for a big projector gaming
console corner and we grab the 120 inch screen from my that used to be in my basement and we put that up
and then we go yeah but it's dark enough in here we could go bigger and we kind of just throw as big
of an image as we conceivably can with the projector that i had in my basement at the wall until we realize
okay yeah you can only go so big no matter how dark it is before it starts to look washed out and
garbo right then we go from 2700 lumens to working with an av company that specializes in these kinds
of deployments to a multi-projector 12 000 lumen setup and
yeah there's there's there's no way to there's there's nothing i can say other than it's unlike
anything i've ever experienced i kind of did want to see it but i'm sorry um no no no can you imagine
that at 240 hertz i know it was only at 60 hdr 4k 240 hertz yeah well 2000 inch wall i guess what
you're saying is you want to redo it yeah do it better yeah do it better bigger building
no i no that that's that's going to be a no um thank you for the suggestion though dan appreciate
you you could use it for the new town there's not yeah a new town yeah none of these people
know what you're talking about it's on the pre-show
oh that makes it better no inside jokes are not good all right dan do you want to hit us with one
more uh wrong button yep sure i got one more let's see uh evening dll what happens if the cpus
binned for the labs test benches fail do you restart the process are there any spares are they expected to
be obsolete or replaced before they fail i really hope they don't um but as part of our process we're
going to be retesting anyway and with new ajisa updates bios updates uh driver updates the the ones
that we're using may change anyway so it's something we're going to have to go through regardless of
whether one of them dies or whether one of them doesn't so it's just i think it's just uh oh my gosh
i'm an idiot what remember i was all concerned about showing people the scale of the thermal pads
i have them yeah yeah i didn't think of that they're right here oh i didn't realize this was
a thing that happened probably because i'm pretty out of it but yeah cool yeah anyway so the big ones
i mean you're you're supposed to cut kind of both of them but one of these is like this is you're you're
installing a cpu you're installing one cpu one one giant cpu or four smaller ones oh yeah you could
do four small yeah you totally could like i could do i could easily do uh four horizon seven thousands
with this but unquestionably you'll be able to get one install for a cpu from that pretty much
regardless of size yes i can't think of one that wouldn't work uh i think some of the big epics
you'd probably cover all the dies probably be fine but i just wouldn't i you just get this big you
just spent nine hundred dollars you know two thousand dollars on a cpu just get a proper thermal
pad for it uh so that's what the big mama is for that's a big thermal pad so that's a lot of cpu
installations cut that to whatever you want yeah yeah and sarah designed really nice packaging for it
and everything yeah so i'm pretty excited about that very professional showed up to work
showed up to cool your cpu for you or whatever else thanks luke you're doing great today yeah
i'm gonna crush him at super checks tonight if i even make it he beat me last week i'm so upset
got him he's i'm so upset he was sick it that last game i'm still unhappy i think i was less sick
then funny enough yeah well good you're going down this week i outshot him two to one so i'm also
grievously wounded i outshot him two to one and he outscored me three two got him so unhappy goalie
standing on his head anyway the point is uh let's jump into our next topic dude i've had some insane
manual blocks insane yes i know i was there you have too but like you know
you know you didn't get a lot more goals on me
um all right what are we talking about now i also got a lot less shots though
uh troy hunt is having an issue with his sonos setup oh
i feel like i'm gonna regret going down this rabbit hole before even asking but here goes
we have eight sonos devices three wired the rest wireless we have massive wi-fi coverage with
ubiquity mesh gear but are now having major problems playing audio to multiple rooms with
constant dropouts regular unable to connect to device errors units appearing offline and so on
firmware up to date everywhere power cycles and network reboots but the problems persist i'm
guessing it's somehow network related but i don't even know where to begin on this one
ideas i have two ideas idea number one is if you have the 2.4 gigahertz radios enabled on all of
your ubiquity units go through and strategically disable a bunch of them i actually ran into this
recently with my setup where i had everything on default i had all the 2.4 gigahertz radios on and i
had them all set to automatic channel selection and on recent firmware this was very recent they
were all selecting channel one for some reason and with all of them i have something like eight
access points in my house or something like that with all of them on channel one even just
the regular pinging of hey are you there was annihilating the available um like the available band
uh not bandwidth but just the available spectrum yeah like just utilization was capped and so i was
having dropouts not with my sonos devices necessarily but with some devices kind of everything and i was
getting music cutting out however i went through and um jake actually recommended this picked one per
floor to go to 2.4 gigahertz and then disabled 2.4 on all the rest of them uh that resolved the dropouts
i was getting from other devices but i was still getting cutouts from my sonos units and yvonne
made the suggestion that um you know we're not suggestion but she asked a question because
she's been married to me for a thousand years and listens and you know she just tries to participate
and it's delightful uh she's not into tech but she knows a lot is what i'm trying to say
and she kind of goes oh well you know could it be a wireless issue and i go no it doesn't make
any sense they're all wired all of my sonos units except one are wired and then i went into the app
and i found that are they all working wirelessly anyways even though they are all plugged in
there's a setting in the app to disable wireless on them now i don't know for sure that they were
working wirelessly but what i will say is after i painstakingly went through and disabled wireless
on all of them which is a horrible experience by the way sonos if you're watching because everything
because you can't do it wholesale because as part of the process you have to navigate through like
two or three different sub menus to even get to that button for that one and number three it has
to go through a process where it determines if it has a wired connection before it will allow you
to disable the wireless connection which i understand but what i don't understand is why
it takes like 30 seconds for it to determine that and can i just go on a side rant here
why the ever loving does it take so long for a device to tell you if it has a internet connection
if it has one or not yes it drives me bat crap crazy whether it's a game console or a tv where it
does that or man remember the we how long it would take to know if it had a f***ing internet connection
how many milliseconds does it take to ping something do you have an interconnect connection yes or no
yeah i wonder if like and what exactly they're doing i'm sure i'm sure i'm probably doing more
than that obviously yeah what is it i'm not sure and i feel like there has to be some convoluted phone
home thing instead of just like ping google or something some of the newer ones do a speed test
and they will report the result of that got it and and that makes sense you cannot determine how fast
a connection is without transferring some amount of data over some period of time longer than probably
the you know nine milliseconds that would take to ping google do we want to tell the user that there
is an internet connection if we don't know it's stable yet but a lot of them don't appear to be doing
that and just yeah i'm not sure just take a long time there's there's a there's a lot of stuff like
that that i just i gotta tell you guys i just don't really understand um with how many millions
of cycles per second a modern processor runs that why does it still take just about exactly as long
to plug in an ethernet cable and for it to say you're connected
well i still i still feel like it's probably because it's doing external things
well no because no no i'm not even talking about that right now i'm talking about like when you
plug in an ethernet cable or plug in an ethernet cable yeah okay it it has to negotiate the link
speed sure but how long does that take so you're talking even even just your local network yeah
so even just detecting like when you when you just plug in a cable i haven't had this problem until
uh actually my my work desktop my work desktop's a huge pain sometimes it just will not
accept an ethernet connection i have to restart the whole computer and then it works you know what
you might want to do is manually set your uh speed and duplex um i've i've found that the two and a
half gig in uh in that office is a little bit sketchy and if i depending on your chipset if you
set it to gigabit then it'll just work every time um so okay i'm answering my own question i do know
some of why it takes longer um if for example there's some packet loss then it will it will
take a while to figure out okay what is the appropriate link speed for this connection but
there are a lot of things in the tech world that are operating at you know millions of cycles per
second that seemingly should be instantaneous but take a very very long time sometimes even
things that are happening locally extreme low priority yeah i guess even if the cpu is running
way faster it might not be allowed to use any more than it used to use in the past oh but really though
like if i could just have it happen instantly i mean that would be that would be great yeah but
then if they if they did that every time you plug in a cable in your computer just like oh then they're
going to get a bunch of complaints about i'm sorry but i'm not convinced it would yeah that's probably
i'm not convinced like even plugging in like a plugging in like a usb drive why is that not
instantaneous i feel like it is for me it's not instantaneous it's pretty fast it's reasonable
it's pretty fast i'm not convinced it's any faster than it was 10 years ago though
yeah our computers are a lot faster than they were 10 years ago it's it's kind of like how you'll
play an old game and the loading times still suck you're like what was the bottleneck here
because my cpu is four times faster my storage is 40 times faster
it could be such a huge range of things it could be it could be timeouts it could be
the amount of things that old games based off of your system clock
um it could be it could be a yeah that one triggers me so hard i again again again i do know
some of the reasons for this it just bothers me probably more than it should there could be
things where like it needs to do a thing and then make sure that that thing is functioning for a set
amount of time that's what i mean by yep timeouts so like the timeouts might even be uh well intentioned
what yeah um anyway in response to troy i would take the three wired ones so first i would do the
2.4 gigahertz thing then i would take the three wired ones and i would go into your sonos app and
manually disable wireless on them so that you know for sure that they are actually using the wire and
then that will that will hopefully mean you will have fewer devices fighting for airtime
anyway are you just hoping he watches as part of the show i guess i mean i guess you're like
tweeting it at him i'll tweet it at him there you go are you doing that now well what is that not
acceptable to you sure yeah linus still hasn't realized troy already solved the problem the next tweet
oh really oh
all right well let's see what the solution was um i was unaware of sonos net so on a hunch i pulled
the power on the three wireless units and power cycled all the others they're running perfectly now
okay so i don't know exactly oh wait the plan now is to join the three remaining units directly to wi-fi
and cancel out sonos net all together so much for the wired connections always being the most
reliable path interesting all right very cool good job troy
cool anyway i would have been curious to know if the other thing would have worked
i actually do not have issues with my wired sonos devices though other than when it turns out they are
oh by the way did i say that it worked perfectly now for me no but i think i assumed it was implied
yeah anyway the show is brought to you by ag1 luke is gone now we're back on youtube now all right
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for everyone who's still watching why don't we go ahead and jump into a new topic merge messages
oh uh let's do a topic okay yeah then then we'll do then we'll do something else um
oh wow uh oh oh boy uh okay google apologizes for gemini's biased image generation wait had you not
heard of this i had not seen any pictures i had only seen a headline so far oh yeah okay oh yeah so this
is this is really wow this is really something um
1943 german soldier the am i looking at here
uh okay luke do you want to walk us through this one because there's a lot to unpack i think
i'll just read the the thing and then i'll start unpacking after that google has temporarily removed
the image generation feature from its gemini chatbot following a widely reported problem where it would
refuse to generate images of white people or latinos and would insert the keyword diverse into unrelated
prompts in at least one case this resulted in generating images of a group of multi-racial
1943 german soldiers as we just showed you according to google this was caused by a miscalibrated
mechanism meant to counteract other another well-known issue with early image generation models
namely that they would overweigh the most common stereotypical images in their databases leading to
a generator that would only produce men when asked for a scientist or would produce a white doctor
even when explicitly asked for a black doctor google has apologized for the overcorrection
google likewise appears to have a moderation system based on spelling brilliant meaning that it is easily
bypassed by intentional mistyping of a forbidden word discussion question is there a correct amount of
stereotyping that an ai should use shouldn't google be able to find a less dumb way of fixing these issues
i think the issue specifically um if you want to ask me is not that it uh
if it was like more likely to do a certain thing but would do a range of things i think that's fine
um yeah except that a lot of these prompts because generating more than one image is uh very expensive
a lot of these prompts that i've used in the past only spit out one at a time anyway i believe gemini
tends to do four sure but okay if we're talking about gemini specifically then i see i see your solution
being okay you could have three that just use the images that it's trained on and then one that's kind
of a like shot in the dark uh whereas for any of the ones that only spit out one image if it gave me
i mean well really
especially top right and bottom left if it gave me either of those i mean this
maybe also well maybe he's the soldier i don't know i mean she's wearing the uniform
right yep i mean well this this this is just this is just a lot to unpack in general it's also like
an american-ish looking soldier yeah that's like down she seems to be helping yeah so her her uh
storage pack that's on her back hip i think is upside down i like her hair she's kind of sick it's just
not here but it's here yeah and it's here yeah but not here yeah um yeah it's tough um but i think i think
i think forcing terms ends up being a problem because it overcorrects as we have just seen but
on the other hand you can't just generate men when you search for doctor totally but if you search
specifically for um yeah yeah so like the the the unaltered one is also too far though because
again um internal hair routing ducting in the uniform they would they would they would
they would overweight she pulled a mulan because women weren't allowed to serve in germany then anyway
yeah yeah perfect um they would overweight the most common stereotypical images in the
databases leading to a generator that would produce men uh when asked for science or this is the key
point in my opinion would produce a white doctor even when explicitly asked for a black doctor so the
original way it was going was also wrong yes because you're not even getting specifically what you
asked for out of it so they needed to correct off of that because the original version is just bad
um but this is just too far um i think i think uh
if you weren't already thinking this i think this is quite a slap in the face for the observation that
this this is a very in-your-face obvious version of this but all of these systems are going to be tuned
to something whatever company's version of this yep that you're using is going to be tuning it to
serve you certain types of things and you need to understand that your worldview or your exposure
or whatever else is going to be and just wait painted until they're tuning it specifically for
you yeah so they'll they'll they'll creep your facebook and be like oh well you are you're super
i'm gonna pick a no i'm not gonna pick anything controversial i will pick uh mops
you're really into mops you are you are pro you are pro the mops that were already there or you are
pro the brooms that came later you know whatever whatever it is and so when you search for uh you
know a patriotic soldier it's going to show you mop soldiers or whatever else whereas if you you know if
you are more on the side of the brooms then it's going to show you broom soldiers you know right so
if i searched soldier for example maybe it would give me a canadian soldier exactly because it has
the context that i'm maybe in canada or maybe it knows that i'm a canadian citizen or something like
that and remember with how much they know about you it might give you a canadian soul it might give
you a canadian sniper yeah because you'd be more into marksmanship than than necessarily you know
uh being a tanks tank tank uh yeah operator gunner but whatever there's a range of roles in there but
sure yeah uh but but part of it a member of a tank crew like i i that would be my guess it might be and
and it it depends on what the uh what's driving a tanky very nice tan um it depends on on
what's driving the value for this thing so a conversation that we were talking about earlier
where you're the product it's like okay so what are you serving me are there product placements is it
going to give you a canadian soldier using a particular rifle with a particular scope on it
yeah is it going to try to push me into you know uh recruitment for the military somehow um
is it is it is it only going to show soldiers that like look very you know successful and clean
cut is it going to show soldiers that look like you maybe so you can see yourself in that more
easily like there's there's lots of ways that these things can be tuned and we are so close to
dystopia that like we're basically here yeah yeah so like this is this is something that uh just just
because this one was super obvious if this goes away the the root problem is very much still here
just because it it might not be spitting out images of um and they can hide it they can hide
that root problem by doing what we're talking about yeah by tuning it to output something that
you expect and these inputs are things that you will give them you are going to give them willingly
helping them build their profile for you because it will make the tools work better and we like these
tools and they're convenient so it'll spit out nine images for you and it'll say which one do you
think was the best one and you'll be like the aryan one and it'll be like all right good to know
and you'll get more of that you need to start self-analyzing with some of the results you start
you just type in soldier and it just gives you a 1943 german soldier and you're like oh
oh who's wearing a jersey that says lafreniere on the back oh no what's happening
sounds like google me yeah uh absolutely exactly but i think don't forget about meta even more and
amazon more easy for them to be nefarious and the u.s army and other armies yeah remember the
u.s army was on twitch that was a whole thing yeah i mean uh are they not anymore i was just gonna
check yeah wouldn't surprise me oh us army esports
four years ago maybe they're not uh schedule here we go oh no last stream two years ago okay so this
particular thing is no longer a thing but don't kid yourself um sure they're around somehow it's
definitely a thing i had no idea how into merchandising the u.s army was yeah we have a
video coming shortly i actually reviewed the edit for it's a great video i i just reviewed the edit
before we're on show today um on these like kind of uh wannabe razor peripherals we actually showed
them on the show a couple weeks ago i think and one of the other things that this company that makes
these uh rip off razor peripherals does is they make u.s army branded stuff and as part of that rabbit
hole we went looking for all the things with the u.s army co-branding on them what yeah there's
anything and everything with united states army co-branding it's absolutely wild oh there's tons of
stuff like they should pay you to wear it you know because you served or something not not you pay
them to to i mean i don't know i mean maybe maybe i'm missing something here but good gravy i wonder
like are you okay i don't know like you have acid reflux or like i'm trying to hold it together
are you do you need to do it cheap look at uh yeah oh man 40 t-shirt it's amazing how often
we take flack for the pricing on our store oh my god sorry guys our shirts are 20 like we i don't
know anyway it doesn't matter the point is more expensive 44 oh hold on back to your laptop is that
because there's print on the back is there no yeah i don't think print on the back does cost more and
that's a pretty reasonable upcharge for double-sided printing it's it adds a complete extra step with an
additional screen okay they've got they've got a 19 well what's a pt shirt personal training oh okay
okay there's some reasonably priced stuff here i have no idea what the quality of any of this is
what is army gear us.com is this official discounts get pretty fat i don't think this is actually i have
no idea no this isn't this isn't the army luke i don't know dude man you're are you are you like uh
it's army co-branded i think right i don't i don't know that looks pretty army co-branded to me
i have no idea this under armor duty honor country t duty duty honor country did they just take every
keyword i think that's one of their like their tagline things like on their on their coins and
stuff got it so i think there would usually be like a symbol between each word or something people
are saying that is the logo so okay yeah that that is definitely the u.s army logo that's why
i was saying physical training oh there you go not personal training sure whatever i knew it meant
like going to work out nato apparently streamed a gaming tournament but the twitch channel is no
longer there for some reason wild um anywho why don't we jump into we've got a few merch messages
dan want to hit us yeah sure thing let's see here maybe we should fetch luca bucket at some
point i think i did offer him earlier so i'll be fine okay uh yeah i got two here for you hi dll the
american red cross released a vr training app for lifeguards but it needs the quest two or three
linus do you think this would have helped you become a better lifeguard and can it help others
i think it could have helped with repetitive training exercises like going through the motions
literally of you know working on cpr compressions or um or to to practice like if they have uh if
they have like a simulated pool that you can stand next to and try to spot distressed swimmers oh yeah
that try to try to get your like make it make it make it a game try to get your time down yeah like
how fast you you recognize a problem like i could see i could see stuff like that being kind of useful
but when it comes to the nuts and bolts of can you actually haul someone's you know soggy butt out
of a pool no you need real life you need to you need to actually train so if i was doing a training
program and i had homework for the weekend where i had to get my response time down to you know three
seconds to sponsor or whatever yeah sure i could see being kind of useful for that i also think if you're
if you're doing stuff like if you're if you're training um once you've gotten them out of the
water aid i don't know what different forms of that that would come up in but if it's like training
that you do with a dummy yep if you could still do that training with a dummy but while vr strapped
in so that's like more realistic reality i think it might help desensitize in situations where it might
be rough yeah that's kind of interesting um another thing i could see it be really being really useful
for with mixed reality is things like um you know landmarking or um like okay one of the things that
you need to do if you're going to do a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation like uh breathing assistance is is
you have to tilt the head back and so if it would tell you like hey you didn't tilt back far enough
because it's actually monitoring it could show you like uh like a you know like a green shade for
how far back the head the head needs to go in order to open up the airway or something like that
sure i could see it being very useful i haven't used their software though i have no idea if it does
any of what i just said it could just be stupid i'm not sure but yeah absolutely i mean uh commercial
applications for vr are heavily heavily uh training focused uh one of the things that um oh bananas who was
it uh yeah one of the things intel showed back when i checked out their fab a while back was uh
maintenance on the machines is it's microsoft hololens driven yeah so it'll just show you like
you could be a complete nobody off the street and you could perform maintenance on one of these multi
million dollar machines just by putting on a hololens and it'll be like okay go over there and get that
tool kit and then open up that tool kit uh grab this and you pick it up it's like nope not that one
like like really any monkey with training could like yeah hololens is totally a thing it's just not
a thing in the consumer space um military has applications for it as well yep all right dan hit us
sure thing hi dll i work in live theater lighting tungsten bulbs are being banned by the government
the alternative is leds that cost ten thousand dollars and up to achieve a similar quality light
will small theater survive this yes um but not be not
not with products that are available today necessarily the advancements in led lighting
over the last 10 years have been a thing to behold i had this conversation with someone on set a little
while ago and i kind of went okay let's look at all the major tech categories cpu gpu networking
uh and there's some solid arguments to be made for a lot of those a lot of those categories in
terms of you know what's advanced the most over the last 10 years and i was like and then i'm gonna
i'm gonna tell me what you think is advanced the most and then i'm gonna surprise you with my answer
and see if we can kind of we play these kinds of games when we're in between takes and stuff like
that and they they gave their answers and i was like lighting and they're like
huh because there are certainly ways that you know even even a stupid you know intel 14 nanometer
plus plus plus refresh has more advanced technology and in it than than you know one generation of
lighting and to the next three generations of lighting potentially but in terms of what has made
an impact on our business um and in terms of the the change in quality and cost in that time
i don't know if anything touches led lighting and like veritasium had that video that went viral
recently on the challenges of developing the blue led and how just leds were up against this wall forever
and then development happened like wildly fast and that wild fast development is very much still
happening like in the last 10 years we've gone from flora we've gone from fluorescence being dominant
to leds being not just dominant but now you can change the color temperatures on them on the fly because
these controllers have come down in cost by so much um you can have arrays of leds at different color
temperatures and they can do they can do mixing or they can switch between one or the other
or both the brightness of them the efficiency of them everything is getting absolutely incredible and
at the same time costs are plummeting the first lights we ever bought were fluorescence because that was
the only thing that had a cri or basically like uh like uh like um an accurate enough color uh to use for
for filming and then over the next few years led lights showed up but they were prohibitively
expensive over the following three to five years leds got cheap like why would we buy anything else
cheap nothing else makes any sense cheap and i just don't really see it slowing down um so in a bit
and i'm not going to tell you exactly when but in a bit no i absolutely foresee those traditional lights
being replaceable with leds and i don't know where you are and when exactly these bands are going into
effect there have certainly been some short-sighted bands that have destroyed entire industries and
have made absolutely no sense i mean uh you could make a strong argument against the plastic bag ban that
went into effect in vancouver recently where it's like okay but is anybody talking about the energy
cost of um paper bags is anybody talking about the reusability of those plastic bags compared to the
paper ones like i get it i get a ton of uses out of my plastic bags yeah and not everybody does lots
of people just throw them away but like there's issues like that with the straws as well yeah
switch to paper straws but there's a lot of like different chemicals and things in the paper straws it's not just
like paper in a roll that isn't even just paper in a roll like that's bleached and everything like
and then you're putting that in liquid and it's soaking into the liquid and then you're drinking
that and it's like oh this is actually glass straws are the way to go but pasta just use pasta
i like pasta or twizzlers i'm not gonna i'm gonna arc twizzler
there you go call back to earlier in the show um where where was i going with this i forget what
the question even was dan dan's started tungsten bulbs are now banned leds help expensive so yeah
i'm not saying that there's any guarantee that you guys will will be able to get there in time and
honestly even if the new lights are cheap i i know that live productions can be very budget
constrained you might just not have you might just not have the budget to replace them at all
anything and you certainly can't sell something that's banned so you can't even recoup any of your
old costs is this is this like a you have to replace it now thing or is it when your current
existing thing dies you must get a new one it's probably a right now thing and i was i was looking
at um i was looking at something recently that was kind of like this that was basically like here's a
here's a ban that's happening now and everyone was like yo this is completely untenable for us
like you're basically just killing our industry i can't remember which one it is for the life of me but
i hope not i personally love live theater it's not for everyone um but you if you ask if you asked me
hey me too you can game for three hours or you can watch a movie for three hours or you can do just
about any kind of passive form of entertainment for three hours or you can go to a live theater
show for three hours i will take the live theater show every single time i just i i love it it's raw
it's real it's fun it's intimate um you know i i'm very human i i have a really hard time enjoying a
show that's in a room with tens of thousands of people it's just it's not really my vibe whereas a few
hundred yeah i can i can get into that um yep like you can you can find that person who's laughing
really loud at every at every joke which i don't know it doesn't bother me like it would in a movie
theater you know like i don't it's just it's it's just it's it's human yeah it's a really good way of
putting it there's a lot of stuff like that too like if um you know if like if nasa puts a thing on
the moon it's like no is there a person in it no most people aren't going to care
does it necessarily make that much of a difference like we might we might even be getting the same
amount of accomplishment but if there isn't a human involved a lot of people are just like meh
it's interesting that that aspect the whole like viewership on space launches and space activities
that involve people versus ones that don't involve people and how uh actually well studied those
metrics are has been something that's been very interesting for me when looking at all these new
ai tools and stuff oh um people generally care a lot more when other people are involved sure i mean it's
the only reason that you know the olympics gets to be a thing is they they get you
they get you focused in on the stories yeah of the people nobody nobody actually cares about javelin
other than the handful of people who care about javelin um you know for three for 3.96 years
and then the olympics rolls around and they and they and they tell all these stories and
the stories are interesting because we've been checked out of them for over three years yeah um but yeah no it's
it's the it's the human element that matters for any of this and it's just you're closer to it i
guess is what i'm trying to say um you know even like even a live sporting event i just i find it's
it's huge and i've been told a lot of times that i should go and watch lower level sporting events and i
probably would enjoy them more but i've just been kind of busy ever since following a sports team is
actually kind of a lot of work like especially if if if you're like me and you kind of tend to get
into things like i'm gonna want to know what's going on with you know the other teams that they
compete against and all the players and the and the ones who are getting called up and the ones
who are getting sent down and the coaches and i don't know it's uh the whole thing yeah
anyway what are we supposed to be doing dan ah more topics more topics what do you want to talk
about luke i don't know man oh how about this uh do i do i get do i get an i was right yet um the
playstation portal has been um hacked to play psp games it's called ppsspp
and will allow the console to locally run emulated games for the playstation portable which is what many
gamers hoped that the portal might be able to do when it was first announced one of the devs behind
the hack google security researcher andy newen known as the flow has stated that the hack is not
yet ready for release but he demonstrated shots of gta 3 running on a ps portal it can also apparently
run tekken 6 and minecraft um this is one of the things that i feel like maybe we didn't emphasize
enough in our video but we definitely mentioned when talking about the value of the playstation
portal the fact that by the time because remember we did our video a bit later and by the time we did
it people were already starting to poke and prod at it with at least a little bit of success and we were
like uh this thing uh might be uh you know something might happen and obviously you know like we're not
going to be the ones to put the work into it but it's the kind of device that is just screaming
for someone to figure out how to work around sony's walled garden and i don't think i've seen an android
device that has not ultimately been pwned yeah that one that people care about yes um and speaking of
sony devices and being pwned uh psvr2 is getting self-pwned sony has announced that they will be adding pc
support to the psvr2 hopefully sometime this year the headset had weaker than expected initial sales when
it came out last year only selling around man this is wild like even you know oh this sucked uh selling around
270 000 270 hundred 200
you good 270 000 units there you go of the two million that sony manufactured for its launch window okay so
that doesn't sound like a sales shortfall that sounds like a manufacturing uh overestimation but
anyway as of now only about a million units total have been sold a discussion question would you switch
over to the psvr2 if it could play games on steam it's a pretty good headset and it's a pretty good price
i mean i wouldn't but i do think if you were like getting into vr it's a heck of a yeah it's price
is like very well positioned how much is it again it's like 200 bucks isn't it yes oh ppsspp is apparently
uh as apparently the name of a good psp emulator not the name of the hack so correction thank you
for playing chat 750 bucks is that canadian yeah yeah well that's canadian dollars
dude it's oled oh yeah that's pretty nice yeah all right okay all right
i'm only really remembering like i i've never tried this one i've only tried the first one no it's really
good it's uh yeah it's 550 us okay um and that includes controllers like good controllers oh nice
yeah yeah no it's it's reasonably compelling
uh oh wow yeah really high res too wow all right this is interesting the extremely popular new game
helldivers 2 has been plagued with server issues since launch uh which arrowhead ceo johan johan
has acknowledged is largely due to insufficiently optimized back-end code and the time needed to
onboard additional engineers to their back-end team currently consisting of four developers he has
recommended that gamers especially cash strapped gamers hold off on buying it until the issues are
addressed based that is unheard of yeah i i to be fair if they had a a sales goal
they're i'm genuinely estimating probably like 50 to 100 times beyond what that sales goal was at this
point right um because they are just smashing it right now um so they definitely don't need it and
it might actually be like the the good press from saying this is is likely just worth it exacerbating the
problem many players have been squatting afk on servers in order to avoid wait times which arrowhead
studios will apparently be addressing in an upcoming patch yeah guys when there's an issue with
something doing things that make the issue worse for everyone is bad if everyone is like when the
login server goes down and then people just sit there yeah login login login when the show goes down
and people start spamming f in the chat so that when i try to type an update no one sees it yeah yeah
yeah people are the problem yeah is that is that patch out already sorry uh yeah the 15 minute afk
patches out and they also pretty much doubled server capacity yesterday they've been working
non-stop it's amazing i think it's like a team of four people uh the back-end team is four people
yeah that's right the game is currently pc ps5 only but a popular petition is currently circulating to
port the game to xbox which i'm sure they will do at some point when they are not busy well i think
it's like a playstation published game so maybe not oh discussion question does a company have a
certain level of responsibility to encourage their customers to make good financial decisions
um technically that's the most optimistic sounding thing i've ever read yeah technically no not even
slightly appreciate you uh probably jessica who wrote that i think riley's more jaded yeah yeah i think
it's really cool when they do but yeah uh but i think expecting it at this point is simply
not realistic yeah it saddens me to say that but it's the truth yeah that was like um
the the pal world lead developer or something ceo i don't know what it was um but people pointed out
like oh there's like a lot less players playing pal world now and he's like that's cool
there was content and they probably like played it and then hopefully we'll release more content and
they'll come back that's fine it's like sweet yeah that makes sense hey you know who else did the
right thing recently the xbox team yeah xbox is adding the ability to recalibrate their own thumbsticks
on series x and s and xbox one controllers this will allow players to fix their own calibration issues
without having to get a repair or contact support it will also allow players to independently set up
replacement thumbsticks very cool in other news earlier this week xbox announced that four
previously microsoft exclusive games sea of thieves hi-fi rush grounded and pentiment would all be coming
to ps5 and the latter two would be coming to switch is platform exclusivity just like
like dead i think to a certain degree is it buried maybe like okay we have a video coming
that's a um console tier list video so we go through and we rank from from s to f um all of the major
consoles from all the major players and we don't get into handheld it's just like your live your living
room consoles so we just like crushes um i believe we ended up being a tier god
so because pause wait because one of our criteria was how how how well the game library holds up today
we factored in some historical significance so like the atari 2600 ends up with like a b or something
just because of how many groundbreaking things happened on that console okay um but but one of
our major considerations was how do the games for that platform hold up and this was something that
david and i talked about he's the writer for it and you know how passionate he is about games yeah and
he's super into the hardware side as well but he's a very very passionate game seems like a video
that that he would crush oh yeah he killed it he did a great job yeah um but anyway one of the things
that started to happen as we made our way into ps5 xbox series is it became really difficult to evaluate
a console that blurry yeah because what is an xbox series game we discuss how one of the struggles for
the xbox series is that unlike the 360 they haven't really had a box mover title not really not to the
degree that sony has um whether you're talking about spider-man or um okay final fantasy 7 remastered
you know whatever the case may be what do you mean halo okay so a no and b it's not exclusive you
can't shift boxes with software that runs on other boxes yeah and and microsoft has really struggled
not only is the xbox series underselling the ps5 by like one to two or something like that according to
to the most recent numbers we were able to find surprise it's honestly like that low most of them
are series s they're the basic one they're not even selling their premium console not really it's it's
a non-factor in the current generation race and so you know we're looking at this thing and i'm like
okay so microsoft clearly clearly saw the path here as to to be a gaming services company
uh so how do we even evaluate their performance in a race they're not even really running
yeah that's interesting and even the playstation 5 one of the challenges that we had evaluating its
library was that over the first couple of years because the ps4 had such an enormous install base
and reasonably powerful still over the first couple of years we saw so many games with simultaneous
releases on both of those platforms that it really was more akin to a pc release that runs okay on
your older pc or runs great on your newer pc so how do you evaluate the game library of the ps5 here we
are what three three years in i think three years since launch yeah when most of the games aren't ps5 games
they're playstation games yeah i i think too like it's it's i think the main blurring that's going to
happen like even with this announcement uh some of them are going to ps5 but not oh wait no they all
are going to ps5 see that that's a little bit weird to me uh more games coming to pc is not that weird
to me and i suspect playstation games personally i don't think we're going to see a ton of them coming
to xbox just bad blood i think well no i think the reason why xbox is doing this is so that they look
less like a monopoly because they're getting a lot of issues lately with companies going after them
and one of the discussions around that has been um that you're using this to try to crush playstation
so they're going look we're giving our games over to playstation yeah for now our our old games
that people don't care about the issue is is that the way that monopolies squeeze out the competition
is not by doing it immediately um we i was having an interesting conversation with someone about
uber's trajectory or like uber's path to uh to profitability they're profitable now
for apparently the first time and i had to take an uber somewhere and it was like 30 and it was
barely anywhere so it was as expensive or more expensive than what i would have paid for a cab way
back in the day and like uber eats makes no sense anymore at the rates that you pay for it it's like
gee should i pay double the price for a cold meal the already ridiculous price yeah like you don't eat
out much no but have you gone at all lately it's been a while okay um
by the way dan why didn't you join us for dinner after the shoot oh i didn't um i didn't even think to
did anybody text you um i think probably when i was already home okay well okay well first i
invited you and then i guess you didn't hear me uh i didn't realize that you were going to be
breaking immediately oh yeah yeah i thought that you were probably going to wait an hour or two okay
well we did a crew dinner uh on the uh the giant display thing yeah and i was like yeah we'll do a
crew dinner which means you didn't invite me to the giant display thing at or and i'm not crew anymore
no no no i explicitly invited you to join the crew dinner which which is uh when we like when we do
an off-site shoot we'll often cover the meal just because people are usually inconvenienced in some
way whether it's dan and i understand i had technically already taken i'm talking to the
viewers we're just not included not to you this is what it's like to work here looking at the camera
oh no the point is sorry luke sorry the point is did you did you read this at all the receipt no oh
good okay so where would you rank um where would you rank mexican on like uh like like no no no no no
i yes it's delicious oh pricing yeah just hold on a second yeah is this is this uh is this a uh
like a generally premiumly priced cuisine or more of like an affordable everyday it's usually more
affordable okay um and you know generally speaking your hole in the wall versus your like you know
chain or you know upscale generally here generally more here generally more here okay so we went to a
mexican hole in the wall yeah and delicious by the way delicious by the way yeah um we got two
tacos nice uh a taco platter nice uh they did add a guacamole oh that's expensive but nice yeah um
a gringo sp lun whatever that is a couple burritos a dorito another burrito and an enchiladas plate so we fed
um how many were we dan we were seven i guess without you something like that i feel like you
just got taxed for being a white dude we got we got gringo thing we got five mexican gringa
i don't know what that means look do i speak do i speak spanish okay um gringo is google says gringo
is a person especially an american who is not hispanic or latino nice okay just a second so five five
mexican cokes okay wow we fed seven people like hole in the wall mexican food how much do you think
the bill was seven people is after tax or before tax let's go uh let's go after tax and tip after tax
and tip yeah oh i'm so because remember tipping is like out of control seven people
160 bucks dude you're not even close it's way higher whoa and i was close to the subtotal yeah
you're close to the can i see can i see you were under the pre-tax pre-tip total yeah this is more
expensive per plate than i expected yeah for sure yeah yeah and like i was expecting like after tax
per plate it was gonna be like 20 bucks and it's before tax per plate 20 bucks and that's no tip
yep and like you know it's one of those things where on principle yeah the way that it is right now
is not how i think things should work people should be paid a reasonable amount of money and then the price
on the menu should be what the food costs and if there's exceptional service then you can leave a
small tip that's how it's like supposed to work yeah that should be like rare but here's the thing
that's not how it works not at all and as someone who can afford the you know minimum eight you know
it'll be like 18 20 25 on the three options or whatever as someone who can afford to tip like that
and as someone who knows that that optimistic way that i wish it worked is not reality and that people
actually do just depend on these tips for survival um i do tip i'll just i'll just i'll press the stupid
button or whatever but like that's wild yeah oh it's yeah it's ridiculous i i i massively prefer
so i'll even take it a little bit further i wish tipping wasn't a thing at all i wish it was just
priced in and yeah maybe if it's over and above you just don't round or whatever and give them the
remaining um but i also wish um like in in stores and stuff tax was included in the listed price
like that's how they do it in europe the fact that there are countries that have figured both of
these things out and we're over here just like well i don't know guess yeah like what no
anyway i uh yeah i i i hate it but it's one of those things where you know you could say okay
well linus having luke guess after tip is not reasonable because that wasn't actually the price
but what i was trying to say was it effectively is here no because i know that that kitchen staff
and that server are not being paid enough any tips at all they're going to be like homeless they will
not be able to live yeah so so it's not really optional is it it's very expensive to live in bc and
if you yeah i don't know are your heard of that asks what about on takeout orders um
if it's a place that i go regularly um i will tip well and if it's a place that i don't go
regularly then i'll do like 10 because the reality of it is that someone packed it
and and i also don't know where the tip is going it often gets shared around but um what i do know
is that even though theoretically there's um you know lower overhead for takeout orders in some ways
it can be a lot higher now especially with all the expensive um like more expensive like paper bags
cost way more than plastic bags and they're not allowed to use plastic bags anymore and stuff like
that if you get a drink they're gonna try to like tape over the thing so and they're they're
taping close the bags often or stapling it closed so even the even the restaurant owners themselves
even if they're just pocketing it there's a lot of overhead involved in in handling takeout orders
uh so i'll just i'll i'll i'll leave a small tip anyway because i i can't think of any chains that i eat
at um that i do take out from so i yeah and them i don't know if i would bother but even then
like a lot of them are franchises and it's it's relatively small business owners that are running
the restaurants even if it's you know a multi-billion dollar multinational that you know
owns the branding or whatever else yeah mda 187 asks if plastic bags are illegal in canada
how do you get your milk okay a couple things oh that's hilarious number one not those ones the
like disposable plastic bags for groceries and and take out and stuff like that why why aren't the
milk bags yeah ironically we can still buy plastic garbage bags so i can't use my shopping bag to line
my garbage can but i can buy a completely separate bag to put in there brilliant why is that allowed
brilliant it's pointless um and then also the whole milk bag thing was as big a surprise to me
as it was to you yes uh it wasn't until i did not a bc thing yeah it wasn't until i did my um my my
my quebec exchange that i first encountered bagged milk apparently it's a thing is this in more of
canada than i've ever known um yeah and you can find it in bc it's just very rare but it is
is pretty much not a thing here it's yeah it's gallon jugs just like our neighbors down south
or paper cartons the because bc's kind of tucked behind the rockies we're we're honestly like much
more americanized than a lot of the rest of canada i think um we're much more west coast eyes yeah i
would i would say like hyper similar to washington seattle area i would say that if if if i if i had to if
i had to say like what our country would be it would probably be yeah like bc yukon bc washington
oregon yeah would be like like wet wet coast to stan yeah yeah um and then and then everyone else can
kind of do whatever it is that they're doing uh yeah those are further south and further east of
there like quite related like i i remember like every time i run into oregoners or washingtoners i don't even
know what you guys call yourselves like oh these are my people it's just it's just obvious like the
accent is the same even though technically we're canadian and they're american or something like
the accent's the same yeah the the the alignment on a lot of stuff is the same it's it's just it's
kind of funny um apparently some parts of the states also have bagged milk oh yeah oregonian is that
is that it sorry i'm probably saying this wrong but yeah pacific northwest let's go
um researchers have lost a window into china which is an interesting perspective on this that i
would not have considered academics especially researchers focused on china have criticized
google's decision to quietly remove cached pages from its search results the feature allowed users to
view prior versions of web pages which made it invaluable in tracking information on the chinese
internet which is of course heavily censored with important information often being retroactively
scrubbed by the government according to danny sullivan google search liaison the feature was originally
intended to help people access pages back when the internet was far less reliable that were just
down and not working which is why it has now been discontinued because it's no longer really needed and
our discussion question here is should we preserve features even when their intended purpose is no longer
relevant um for google's part i don't see why they would have any interest in this new purpose for that
feature so i can understand why they're discontinuing it like they're essentially like a much much shorter term
version of the wayback machine right um and i can see why we don't want them to do that
but i can also see how we have no real way of arguing that they should keep the feature because it
doesn't benefit their business model in any meaningful way
yeah it's unfortunate when we lose things like that but like
it's a business it's not a government luke i have something to show you remember we talked about i've seen this
a business oh got him well that sucks anyway this is really funny i was going to try and convince luke
however briefly that this was the old will smith video and then the new one was sora um because he
had asked about what if will smith spaghet i did i did actually call it right away um for someone
trying to rehabilitate their public image uh this was a good play yes
anyway i i i enjoyed he slapped chris rock right yeah i think they're like doing a movie together
or something really i think so oh man did we just get 4d chest
maybe breast through time 4d chest doesn't matter
i'm gonna injure the poor man
yeah oh man
oh boy anywho um
uh so i don't know i'm not finding anything on this so maybe i just made it up or maybe it was a
very old video from before the slap but yeah it's uh it's interesting because you know what i was
i was talking about when we announced sora sorry uh when we not when we announced sora when we talked
about sora on the show last week i talked about how it was weird how certain parts of the frame
would feel like they were in rewind and other parts are going forward and like it didn't really
have a good sense of time and how things would actually like progress forward um one of the
editing tricks that they used in the will smith video uh because it's not ai generated but there
are editing tricks is they used like rewind and forward mixing and stuff like that to make it look
really weird um i think if the ai video stuff fixes that it'll be immediately significantly more believable
we've got a bit of an update for you guys we've had some members of our community getting
notifications from various monitoring services informing them that they've been affected by a
data leak from the ltt forum this appears to be a bunch of very old leaked data which has been
re-released onto the internet due to a massive leak from leaklookup.com a data breach indexer which was
uncovered last month uh there does not appear to be any new breach of the ltt forum and if there was
you would be informed as soon as humanly possible yeah so just hopefully that um helps put your mind at
ease speaking of your mind as soon as reasonably possible yes well humanly yeah we might take a
sec though to like verify impacts that's human okay that was good are vending machines spying on students
yes can you let me do my job nope the university of waterloo in canada has announced that it will be
removing several m&m branding branded vending machines because the green m&m is too sexy and
it's a distraction for the students
sorry uh they'll be removing them following the revelation that the machines have the ability to
collect facial recognition data yeah this was discovered when one waterloo student posted a
picture of a strange error message on one of the machines invenda.vending.facialrecognition.app.exe
one student publication math news tracked down the manufacturer's sales brochures which say that
these smart vending machines can collect this is amazing estimated ages and genders of every client
and send that data to various parties including mars the owners of m&ms invenda claims that their
machines are wholly compliant with the eu's stringent general data protection regulation
though that would only be possible if the machine requested explicit permission every time it stored
a user's data yeah i was gonna say i have a big doubt on that one adaria vending services who were
responsible for the machines on campus say that the technology acts as a motion sensor that detects faces
and activates the purchasing interface but does not collect user data insane idea here but just use a motion sensor
are you a f***ing idiot crazy idea i know i am a little out of it right now luke i uh you know i'm just
i'm trying all right i'm just i'm just gonna bring dan in as our co-host of the wanchot honestly it's
just get the f*** out of here i'll go produce that's the stupidest idea i've ever heard
slash s chill
absolutely wild the machine's facial recognition technology uses an extremely small unobtrusive
camera and many students reported being completely unaware of any camera when using the machines
yeah because why would you be looking for that is there a picture of these like can we see it uh
let's have a look let's bring up math news oh wow
it looks like this is great this reads exactly like a university student paper i love it um
anyway yeah this is actually amazing what is that what does that blog quote say
if we do some actual truth they'll finally restart our wikipedia page
it's exactly as irreverent as i would expect it to be uh anywho here's the picture so let's play
find the camera
i don't know uh i think i saw it where yeah i see it all right oh wait it can't be that i think so
why would they embed it there why wouldn't they just embedded in the black thing fairly certain if
i'm gonna i'm gonna steal the screen capture yeah sure um so that's a zoomed in photo of it which
is why i was pretty sure that was it because i think this blue here is the blue of the m&m that
you saw this looks just like a like a broken hole like this doesn't look like it was it looks like it
was hacked into it yeah weird yeah kind of odd that's bizarre dude freaking dystopia we should
just start calling it the dystopia show because it's all we ever freaking talk about
it welcome to the wan show we talk about spooky
um all right disco elysium 2 is dead i'm sorry no yeah let's buy a really good ip and then worst
news i've heard all year close it down embrace a group awesome cool it's time for one show after
dark it's going to be a short one this week by the way guys uh luke's not feeling well i'm blaming
luke how's the how's the underside of that bus treating you oh you know i mean you kind of feel
like you've been hit by it so yeah i might as well put you there yeah yeah because that's how that
works um john asks is the ptm 7950 thermal phase change pad safe for a vertical mount um this isn't
gonna leak from between my aio and my cpu over time and also asks do you have a plush version for
my cpu pillow that i bought last year keep up the decent work thanks john i love that yes it is safe
for a vertical mount and we will keep up the decent work in fact we have some absolutely awesome videos
coming i i wish i could i wish i could just make the wan show better by just playing them for you
and watching them together uh kyle's amd ultimate tech upgrade i'm excited about that i saw the ecc upload
and i'm excited oh you watched i haven't watched it i just saw it go up on ecc and i was like it's like
30 minutes long and blew by i had no idea the time had passed that's what it's so good good uh the all
china pc really good uh tanner did an outstanding job because rather than just buying weird chinese
stuff and reacting to it he includes a whole bunch of context who the are these companies yeah yeah like
who are their parent companies how long have they been around how long do they say they've been around
versus how long have they actually been around like it's it's pretty neat and
in some ways a little scary yeah yeah it's so that's that's a really good one that i just reviewed
man what else i don't know there's a ton of really good stuff coming over the next little bit i'm very
excited um dan hit me hey lld picking up the abcs of gaming for my soon-to-be-born son do you see
ai ai and ar headsets being useful tool to help kids learn i think we go through this every single
time there's a new technological innovation first they will it was computers in the classroom are
these a good tool for teaching kids like well yes but also no 3d printers then we went through it with
uh you know tablets yeah then we went through it with cell phones then we go through it with
it everything yes but also no is is the answer um
everything in moderation right not everything but yeah i mean don't don't moderate in moderation yeah
that's a good one it's a good quote you need to excessively moderate yourself now now we're getting
dystopian again i don't know i think i think the way to to fight off the dystopia is to
be constantly at war this is this is my whole new thing i'm into that i think i've talked about
this before 40k that's how it happened everybody was really moderate war isn't like shooting people
i mean war isn't like uh understanding that so many things around you are
obsessively intentionally manipulative float plane chats just starting to list things that are not
okay in moderation only your neighbor's life in moderation no not anything in moderation
i mean hey maybe maybe there's an agreement there yeah yeah don't abuse that relationship seems very
healthy it's always good to be positive about that sort of stuff okay yeah maybe maybe that's all
copacetic only cannibalism in moderation uh yeah don't take more than your fair share
oh man anyway um i think that's very reasonable cool yeah what's next uh geez i don't know uh
currently watching live surrounded by a 40-foot video wall at times square nice linus what's your
limit on display sizes if tcl makes a 200 inch tv will you get one i won't have a big enough room
for one the limit on display sizes is dictated by your space i think um the the smallest samsung wall
last time around when i was like when i was looking into it and i was like oh i kind of want one yeah i think
it was 143 inches and the issue for me was that at 16 by 9 that was kind of too big for my space
at a wider aspect ratio 143 inches would probably be fine because as it turns out and we learned this
when we set up the the big display um as it turns out the wider you go the shockingly little difference
there is between the one uh part of that right angle triangle or the bottom of the right angle
triangle and the diagonal yeah like the difference between our diagonal and our bottom was only like
three feet or something like that at that width um so i could probably handle like 140 150 inch display
if it was a wider aspect ratio but if i had to go 16 by 9 120 to 130 is probably about as big as i can
go in that theater room which seats comfortably about seven to nine people um so if you were to
have if you had a larger room like i sat in this amazing theater room virtually in the uh in the big
screen beyond app that was like it was like set up like you were a mega baller and you had like
a theater room to hold your like orgies in or something like it was enormous and had all this
like soft tiered seating everywhere and everything it's very relatable yeah exactly uh anyway sitting
in there i was like i would need a 150 to 200 inch display at the front of this for it to for it to
be big enough that everyone could enjoy it and an open relationship um that too it's very progressive
that's all luke's is this show over yet luke doesn't luke doesn't spend money on anything but
that that's why that's why you can't buy anything oh boy anyway yeah i i think that for for most
reasonable sized rooms we're there and talking to display manufacturers they seem to be kind of
acknowledging that like high sense seems to really envision itself as competing more in the premium
space rather than competing in the big but cheap space because that's not going to be a space that
really exists anymore in a little while everyone's just going to have a big affordable tv yeah so you
better get real good real fast that the good news is man though that was good for us that 100
inches are 110 yeah the 110 inch that they had at cus looked amazing
let's see what else we got hi lld i work at a laser tag facility and a few of us were given the
opportunity to remodel our boss's office what would you put in terran's office and is there an item
that you would recommend i get i mean if i was remodeling your boss's office i would definitely get
some kind of like shark and suspend it from the ceiling with a freaking laser beam on its head
but maybe that's just me that's actually perfect i love that idea just like like aquarium style you
know with just the like the fishing line and you've just got this shark and it just has a freaking laser
beam on its head that's what i want that's what i would want in that office everything else i don't
even care but but like aquatic themed paint walls you know get some sponge on there gets a little bit
of green in there get some seaweed decals and then get like a freaking laser beam shark and then
everything's everything's everything else is gravy could do a mural on the wall with that then it'd be
harder to remove as for what we would put in terran's office we actually have a video coming on that we
took some suggestions from uh the community and we will be building him a pc worthy of a ceo
oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy uh hey ltd love the show it's the first time catching it live
and i thought i'd support oh my god you spent four hundred dollars you bought one of everything you
don't have to do that you could you could watch it again in a bit and he bought two of one thing
two bananas bananas uh with the oh the gerald undone collab t-shirt it's a really cool shirt
actually a notebook um the tablet one that one's a cool one you open it up and the pages have like
it's like writing on a little tablet it's a little thing uh but a banana for scale in yellow a mystery
40 ounce water bottle a backpack and a screwdriver retro with a silver shaft very nice okay anyway uh
thanks eric um what do you got linus are you tempted to daily drive the s24 ultra and luke have
you played any sod i have not much but it's been pretty good what is it what is season of discovery
i was gonna say soldier of destiny we were way off it's not bad though yeah thanks very believable
yeah i mean it's i was it's basically just soldier of fortune but with a d oh yeah destiny i don't
know it doesn't matter the point is um yeah i'm pretty tempted by the s24 ultra i i'm i've been
not missing the fold as much as i thought i would uh speaking of which dan i finally wiped everything
off of it and it's in my office you can just oh no i haven't well i copied everything off it i
haven't wiped it but if you just remind me i know you said you wanted to try it so um sure it's yours
you fixed it um oh that was my deal i told him he couldn't do it and then dan was like you can't
tell me what to do and i was like that sounds like a damn fine if you can fix it you can have it i was
i was actually like i just want to make sure that you can have your phone that you love back linus i
don't mind that's very kind of you though no it was it was a lot more obsessive compulsive than that
oh i had to i was gonna do it whether you wanted to i know or not i know every once in a while he'll
he'll like we i have this chat called the the dan tasking chat that aj and i are in yeah because he
gets asked to do like everything on the planet so we try to you know make sure that we're still aiming
true um but every once in a while there'll there'll be some like electronic repair thing that'll come
through and i'll be like does this make a ton of sense almost always it's no will it make dan super
happy that doesn't matter for productivity i'm about to make dan super super happy oh has anyone
talked about the video that you and i are going to work together on no oh god no no luke have you
approved to this i don't he doesn't have to yeah i know i know unlimited without going through the
proper channels it is my rule but you're gonna get out of free i'm scared now so um did you ever
see that crt projector that ploof got for that video on a crt projector i don't think i did but
i recommended chase get some for smash i grew up with a crt projector with the three tubes and we
ended up selling it to some super smash brothers players because you get the crt latency but 12 feet
across all right so let's talk about crt projectors for a minute actually no let's not talk about crt
projectors let's talk about the right to repair okay we got actually a second one of those crt
projectors um it had been stored outside and uh is in pretty challenging uh operational condition it
still works a little bit but what's cool is unlike the first one we bought which was more expensive and
definitely worked the second one we got came with a service manual and that service manual is about
two inches thick and has literally everything beautiful every schematic for absolutely everything
and i was kind of thinking you know what would be a really cool video is if
we told the story of how we lost right to repair because right to repair isn't something we're asking for
it's something that we deserve to have back we had it that was normal that was a thing expected yes
yes and so and so i thought as a as a vehicle for that story we could use this this old sony crt
projector that quite frankly dan i don't think is worth fixing even for tournaments at the land because
it's too dim yeah you have to get a better one you have to get like a dark room yeah but but
kind of sick though but we should fix it because we can and we should be able to is sort of the point
that we're getting yeah and i i thought it'd be kind of cool to get some other prominent right to
repair advocates and and sort of um and and so yeah so get so so dan your job would be to fix the
projector with this incredible service manual and it don't worry it's not dead as a doornail it's a bit
dead i would love to talk through my troubleshooting intuition as well sure kind of is what allows me
to fix the things and there's also a bloke that we're in touch with who did a video fixing one of
these a little while ago and um it would i think it might be kind of a cool opportunity for a collab
there so there's a lot of synergies you know to use a crappy horrible solutions yeah business term
but i thought i thought you'd be pretty into it yeah that does sound fun yeah so uh it's super
fun so consider that something that we're we're going to do sometime sometime eventually we're not
in a hurry because it's not like the thing's going to get any older uh or deader but yeah when we when
i saw that service manual man there's there's like schematics for everything absolutely everything
like you could basically take the entire thing apart down to board level components and rebuild it
because the cost was because all that stuff was expensive not because you it's proprietary and
you can't build one yourself because we won't show you how you can't put it back together yourself
because we won't show you how because you like just a totally totally different industry philosophy
that's kind of what i grew up with as well that's what my dad did is he repaired crt tvs um and vcrs and
things like that and he would do those board level repairs um he still does that now for like you know
word of mouth type repair stuff but in the early days they were simpler and you could ask the company
for schematics um there's even some high-end audio gear because he does studio audio gear repair because
a lot of it's still vintage analog extremely boutique niche stuff and some companies you'll you'll message
and be like hey your thing's broken i'm a service tech here got any info for me and they'll send you
all the service manuals and spare parts and that's schematics and then i know one company it's
universal audio it just won't won't even talk to you oh you got to send it back it's it's like a
fifteen thousand dollar piece of vintage audio equipment and they're just like we give it back
like i'm not gonna i'm not gonna send it to you the air shipping is too dangerous it's not reasonable
it also weighs 100 pounds so anyway yes um i am tempted by the s24 ultra and also all that other
stuff we just talked about uh i guess this is the last one nope i'm on the wrong page uh really happy
to see you guys are selling ptm 7950 so much easier to get this way my question is did you have plans to
buy and sell this since the video on it or is this a much more recent idea you'd be amazed how long things
take to like do properly like we had to figure figuring out how to get them cut who is going
to cut it honeywell no because if they did we're not really buying them in bulk anymore are we
um so i think the the the the how do they come i think the full size sheets are like four of these
okay and then they're flat packed those would have been like
like whatever it's like two hundred dollars or something and so no no oh it's like very oem it's
just like bulk so we had to figure out okay well how do we do this oh no i was just wondering is it a
roll no or is it a stack it's it's a stack of flat packed things uh so we had to figure out like how
how to cut them we had to create installation guides we had to create packaging and we had to
we had to source it sourcing it took a long time because honeywell just straight up didn't return our
emails like sorry who the are you like they don't care um so it was it was after the community
brought up the idea that because this stuff was kind of hard to get your hands on as an end user
at a reasonable price that we should source it and we should sell it so we did that took a long time
but hey it's there now exciting
hey ll and d seeing as you design and produce so many products what if any inter product consideration
and testing do you do how things look fit work together etc a lot i mean the pants i'm wearing
right now um oh look at that i have a screwdriver in it i have a pocket that is specifically designed
to hold a tool and that we obviously validated with our screwdriver this is an early prototype
that the screwdriver actually doesn't fit very well into but that's why we do these things in it
yeah um and those prototypes and we made sure that with our screwdriver it doesn't stab you when you
sit down it's like at a so we had to make sure that the pocket was at a reasonable height so that
it wouldn't just like jab you in the in the gut uh regardless of how you put it in so it won't stab
you if it's uh blade side up with a bit installed either um so is it called blade side i think so
uh-huh is it not i think so i don't know uh now i need to look it up
bit side shaft side
the business end side yeah at least someone calls it a blade
yeah sure yeah i don't know i just never heard that so i wasn't sure
what is a blade screwdriver oh for crying out loud still used to drive a slotted screw head
is called a standard common blade flat blade slot head straight oh that's just for slot heads though
i don't know this isn't a slot it's phillips screwdriver blade yeah all right i don't know
there might be other there might be other words for it but no i didn't know any other word i was just
surprised it was called blade when it's not yeah anyways and last one i've got a hi wanda dll what's
the status of the expensive fidget toy made from screwdriver ratchet and precision screwdriver ball
bearings i'd like to give you my money for that please ah purgatory there's only so many projects
we can work on at a time and it hasn't been a priority i'm sorry you'll have to spend your 25
dollar gift card on something else awkward anywho i think that's it for the show today
thank you guys very much for tuning in uh sorry it's a little shorter than usual i blame luke i'll
take that yep yep we'll see you again next week same bad time same bad channel bye
actually wait wait hold on hold on you gotta let those no i blame myself what for being too
considerate of okay you can roll the outro now oh man amazing
i'm not that considerate i mean we're still playing super checks so oh god
one and done winner takes all unless you want best of three