
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Alright guys, welcome to the WAN Show, the live show every week at approximately 4.30 Pacific Time.
I like cables like this.
Can you really say approximately when it's always after?
No, it has been before. When you're not here.
When my brother and I host it, sometimes we start it like five minutes early just to troll.
Wow, that is a different type of trolling.
It's the kind of trolling we often have around here, trelping.
You've never heard of trelping?
Yeah, that's something that we do all the time. It's helpful trolling.
Where you're like, here's the answer, but in the most obnoxious possible way.
I hope it made you happy, jackass.
So guys, we've got a great show for you today.
Big updates with respect to net neutrality as well as the Title II reclassification of the interwebs.
Yeah, basically all good news there.
Android 5.0 Lollipop so far is a gigantic turd.
I mean, we often point at, well, okay, we'll talk about it later.
Basically the adoption of it is very, very low.
Teeny tiny.
Very small.
Can I have some more lollipops?
Wasn't he small? Wasn't that part of the story?
Oliver Twist? No, he was just a kid.
I thought he was a small kid.
He was an orphan.
I mean, he was smaller than his parents, but you can't prove it because they weren't exactly around.
I think I tasted some Cards Against Humanity there.
I think I was coming back.
Yeah, that's going to be fun. We've got a new format for Channel Super Fun coming up.
We're calling it Games Night. We play games.
Yep, the first one is Cards Against Humanity, so it will probably be the most inappropriate one of all of them.
Out of anything we've ever released.
What else we got for topics today?
We have, am I starting?
Well, I did the first two already.
You already did them?
Yeah, the lollipop thing and the net neutrality thing.
I remember now. I derailed that so hard that I forgot where the rails were.
By the time I got to my destination.
Anyways, China's going to require real name registration to be able to use the internet.
So, buh.
Also, Nintendo Creators Program, buh.
You got all the bad news.
There's more revisions on that.
Yeah, there's more Nintendo Creators Program revisions and they're bad, so.
I got the good news and the amusing news.
You just got the terrible horrible crappy news.
Things that suck.
Things that suck with Linus and Luke.
Let's roll that intro.
No, you didn't clench hard enough.
I am ready to do this, though.
Oh, cool.
And I think it's funny.
Our sponsors today are Lynda.com, Sex Appeal and Learning, all at the same time.
Have they messaged you about that?
No, no, they keep letting me do this.
And Squarespace, they have a new slogan.
I don't remember what it is, but it's something to do with making beautiful websites.
Squarespace, help you dream, with what's his name?
Jeff Bridges?
Jeff Bridges!
I don't think that's it.
Also, Massdrop, get good deals on stuff.
And it's physics, because mass.
And dropping things.
Which is also physics.
Everything is basically physics.
Except they would fall at the same rate.
Right, which is physics.
And not all massdrops fall at the same rate.
Well, hold on a second.
They won't necessarily fall at the same rate.
In a vacuum, they would.
So, you know, if I were to drop you.
But mass isn't what's determining that.
That's right.
That's true.
So mass, the mass is not important.
Well, but on their website, more mass does make it drop further.
It would drop further if it had more mass.
So they're defying the laws of physics.
By not being in a physics equatable situation.
No, they're not defying anything.
Actually, if you were to drop something, they're not saying that it will fall at a greater rate.
They're saying that it will fall further, because the price is lower.
So once it hits, whatever obstacle it hits.
It actually craters further.
So the obstacle is actually where the recording starts.
So that's zero is the obstacle.
Or even if it wasn't, it would still be lower than the starting point.
Oh, that works, because the first resistance point could be the first discount.
That's right.
So where the drop is is zero.
First discount.
And then there could even be a higher resistance point where further discounts are.
Okay, so let's go ahead and oh, hey, we've got okay, let's go into our first topic.
Early early on here, and we're gonna try and get this out of the way extremely quickly.
We're bringing in, I don't know, people, people are asking Linda to teach us physics.
Oh, that's beautiful.
If there was anything that could teach us physics, it would be lynda.com.
But lynda.com powers are only are only so magnificent.
And there is there is a limit, there is a limit to what lynda.com can do.
Teaching us physics, I think falls outside of that limit.
Okay, so we are calling in a special guest, Mr. Ryan shroud, to come in and give us the
once and for all whoa, he's on his set, usually he's like shirtless and I have to crop around
around his head.
Hold on, Ryan, don't talk yet.
I have to turn you down in the in the volume thing.
That's the word.
Thank you.
Boop, boop, boop, all right, then I have to add you add Ryan trout, everyone's saying
Linus spectives, Linus spectives.
Oh, yes, I am wearing glasses today.
Isn't that fun?
All right.
So welcome to the show.
Mr. shroud, we are going to put to rest the whole Nvidia thing once and for all and we're
going to kick this right off with Okay, this is what this is what our viewers said to us
last week.
Are you telling me you know, looking at us looking in the eye making eye contact?
Are you telling me that no one at Nvidia caught this no engineer ever looked at the spec page
once it was released and caught it and mentioned this they're saying that's completely unbelievable.
I'd like to hear sort of the the flip side of that argument.
I would believe that it was not caught until fairly recently.
Only because the now we're talking about the ROP and cache size changes only not the memory
pool differences.
But if you look at that like those those specific points those specifications are not really
listed on GeForce.com they're not really listed on Nvidia's website.
As far as I know the only place those were actually kind of published is in the reviewers
guide that they sent to editors after the you know the launch day and before you know
when we got all of our test cards and stuff.
And so then it took us reading those documents and publishing the incorrect information and
your review and my review and everybody else's review out there.
And I would find it I would find it probably difficult to believe that zero people inside
a company that size took note of that like nobody said oh you know what it actually doesn't
have two megs of L2 cache on there.
But I don't know if that person thought it was well it's not that big of a deal at this
point the information's out there and performance is what it is and we'll just go about our
business there.
I don't think you know I don't think there was like big meetings between PR and engineering
that oh no we have this discrepancy and should what do we do do we want to hide it and bury
it or you want to bring it up and they decided to bury it.
I think it was more likely a the right people didn't notice and didn't decided not to bring
it up to the people that actually care if this had been something that they had caught
a week or two weeks into the 980 or 970 release I think they would have come forward with
that part about it I think.
So okay so let me let me I'll go and I'll play my audience's devil's advocacy once more
and say okay if you were this was actually this was actually a really good point someone
I feel bad because I forget their name but there was a really good point that someone
brought up and that was if you're an engineer who slaved away on this GPU for literally
years on launch day are you not sitting at your computer reading the reviews that people
are making about this product that you spent so much of your time on like it are you not
even interested do you does every single one of them skip over the spec sheet because they
know the spec?
I would guess I think I think I think it's a it's a very valid point there I would guess
that many of the of the engineers and in marketing and technical people at Nvidia or A&B or Intel
do it a lot of our readers do which is they kind of read that intro and then they kind
of go to the end there and kind of get what did that what is this person's actual opinion
on it I don't think they would really dive too much into a description like my description
of the architecture that they built because they know it better than I do right maybe
some of them did I you know I don't know and if if they would have found that discrepancy
would they have brought it up to somebody probably it's it's a it's a tough it's a tough
spot Nvidia's in trying to convince people that that's that that wouldn't have happened
I think the memory thing is much more impactful to the consumer than the the cache and ROP
concern necessarily but let's get into that then okay so okay so plausibly even an engineer
who worked on the GPU might have missed that part of any review because why would they
give a crap they don't need you to tell them how many shaders it has but let's get into
the memory speed bit because it's not the first time they've done it and it's not the
first time that they haven't really talked about it so is the amount of butthurt out
there justified should there be a class-action lawsuit I don't if we get into the politics
side of it is I tend to be on the persuasion of class-action lawsuits are rarely necessary
but I would say in this instance it's it's similar to what the I know you're referring
to what they did with the 550 TI and the 660 TI and how that memory configuration work
compared to the 970 and it's similar in a couple ways and it's and it's different in
several ways as well like the the the bandwidth discrepancy between the second pool of memory
on the 660 TI and the primary pool was not nearly the gulf that we have with the 970
it didn't go from you know 184 gigs to 24 gigs per second or whatever it is yeah and
also it was a significantly higher percentage of the total frame buffer right so I think
you were talking about a 2 gig frame buffer at that time of which 500 megs was this kind
of secondary pools you're about 25% of the memory instead of one-eighth of your memory
so it's important there but I would the internet tends to as you guys are well aware make things
a little bit more aggressive than they need to be maybe it they tend to amplify these
problems more than they would be otherwise as you know the kind of the snowball begins
to roll and petitions are formed and whatnot change.org yeah which was the most poorly
worded petition to actually get something done I've ever read but you know it's funny
I haven't read it I just assumed that there was a change.org petition oh no there absolutely
is oh there absolutely is and it was it was written it was maybe by no fault it was written
by a non-native English speaker so it's kind of like all and it broken up and it's like
I don't really know what they're trying to tell me but I know what their intent is I
think it's a I think it's something that's worth noting and I think Nvidia should have
if it I don't believe that they should have called it a 3.5 gig card but I think they
should have been upfront with the the technical media to say hey some of this is a little
bit different you know and we both know Nvidia very well they come up they could have made
this a marketing positive as opposed to 3.5 gig card with overflow buffer ram with 500
gig of backup memory yeah 500 megs of super cash 2.0 whatever crap they would have come
up with right and they could have done that and they would have sold it as an advantage
but now you come back and look at it in retrospect and you you can only really see it in a negative
like there's no positive to it the only positive would be that you know this is this is something
that the 500 megs of you know super cash whatever you want to call it is actually only possible
because of the way Maxwell was built if you look back at kind of that block diagram that
I think you guys showed last week as well that the white diagram that that shows the
different blocks it had they wanted to do that before they would have had to disable
the entire block you would have had 192 bit memory bus and you'd have three gigs of graphics
memory but because of the way Maxwell was architected to be more modular they were able
to disable just that portion of L2 and ROP to kind of help their yields and increase
their their profitability on the production side and thus you were able to get 500 megs
more of your primary frame buffer than you would have been able to get to before and
you kind of have this 500 megs that you can access as this secondary portion I guess but
that being said it is painfully obvious after everything has gone on over the last 10 days
that this was this was not the right way to do it yeah and they are like somebody sent
me a link last week to some law firm that is investigating the the plans of a class
action and they of course just to make you feel better benefit law firms anyways yeah
as far as I can tell I mean but they mentioned me as in their description they kind of mentioned
as quoted by PC perspective blah blah blah involved in this I don't need I don't need
any more depositions in my life I'm good yeah the funny thing about class actions is what
there was what that Intel benchmark one that got resolved a little while ago where everyone
got like $17 or something like that so the only the only and it was you have to go through
a filing thing for it and all this kind of stuff like so the only one who benefited lawyers
yeah because most people aren't going to claim it they're just going to grab all the cash
anyways $17 is actually a lot for one of those if you're like a secondary plaintiff in that
I've had ones from like back in the DDR memory days that are like $3 and $6 it's like I can't
imagine the amount of processing and kind of records-keeping you have to have for that
many people to be sent $3 checks that I then have to go through the process of cashing
or depositing and it's you know yes the lawyers end up on on the high side of that the intent
obviously to take the lawyer side is to kind of inhibit other companies or this company
from doing that same thing again right it's more of a punitive side yeah it doesn't really
benefit it doesn't end up being the benefiting the consumers other than unless unless that
injury placed on the company benefits them in the future but they're not getting benefited
for purchasing that item yeah I don't think you're gonna have a lawsuit that credits everybody
that buys a 970 with one-eighth of the price of the card or you know or upgrade everybody
to a 980 or whatever yeah how do you calculate worth as well because memory isn't 100% of
the cards so one-eighth isn't actually sure yep yeah yeah okay so then the other thing
that I wanted to bring you on oh for those of you who don't know this is Ryan trout from
PC perspective I realized I never really introduced him we just kind of brought him on and started
talking about the 970 vram gate issue so welcome to the show Ryan thanks it's glad to finally
be on here you know we were recording all that previous stuff right because it was pretty
good so jumping jumping forward to the other thing I've got my Nvidia sweater on by the
way I don't know if you noticed I did I did yeah I'm just I'm messing with everybody because
I'm gonna go and play devil's advocate against Nvidia while wearing my Nvidia sweater that's
like my objective on the stream today I'm just kind of having fun with it I got a really
fun email from someone about how I'm an Nvidia apologist and there was some terrible punctuation
in the email it was it was pretty fun apologist and unapologetic are so overused now oh yeah
oh my god I'm an unapologetically behind this will it shut up I gotta we got we got more
than my fair share of those comments as well if you look through those couple of stories
from last week but I did do that so let's move on to the G sync one G sync without a
G sync module do you realistically think now that okay here's here's the million dollar
question are we heading towards a future where a monitor has the hardware in the same way
that a motherboard has a PCI Express lot so where the monitor has the hardware to realistically
operate perfectly with free sync or G sync and it's just gonna come down to the monitor
manufacturer to certify or not certify with a given maker is that where we're headed I
think that's where we're headed yes I think the the real issue here is when is that going
to occur right so the the kind of controversy around the G sync G sync thing was that well
at first the guy claimed that he hacked a driver to make it work when that wasn't really
the case but the insinuation was that oh look G sync modules have never really required
you could always just do this well that's that's 100% not the case like if you look
at desktop displays that existed to that exists today and then have existed for the past year
that G sync has been around you could not do that with currently shipping scalars and
currently shipping you know display connection standards but remember when AMD you know like
I think it was October November of 2013 when we were out in Montreal and in video demo
G sync for the first time that next January at CES AMD had a laptop and they said oh look
we can do it too and they showed a demo of a variable refresh screen not to me because
I'm not one of the cool kids but hey you know that you take that up with them that's I try
not to take the blame for that one but they did it on a mobile form factor for a reason
right it was in a mobile form factor you have EDP embedded DisplayPort you have complete
control and knowledge over all of the timing controllers and the display controllers between
your GPU and the panel you know everything in the pipeline which you do not know on a
desktop configuration so desktop monitors are getting there and that's why that's this
is essentially what AMD's FreeSync is kind of has been waiting for right there's a reason
why FreeSync is not out and it's not really because AMD is holding back on anything they
need the technology to be out there and they need stuff to actually work and function and
what the mobile G sync kind of story showed us was that Nvidia knows this and they also
know that in the mobile form factor the mobile displays you still you know all that information
and they will go through a G sync module less certification process for mobile variants
of G sync at the very least but on the desktop side it's still up in here right right I mean
I mean there's there's you got to assume Nvidia is working on there like I okay last question
last question about this because I know your wife wants you home at some point so do you
think what do you think Nvidia's plan was were they looking to kickstart an entry into
the display scaler business with a killer app feature like G sync was that the objective
like was the was the idea okay we've got this totally non cost-effective solution but we're
gonna ramp up the business volume we are going to rev to it rev three at round four we're
gonna get into the display scaler business and we're gonna make that work seamlessly
with our GPUs or flipside was the objective to actually have an exclusive feature and
they just didn't think that AMD and the scaler manufacturers would get their crap together
so quickly.
I don't think they necessarily wanted to enter into the scaler market specifically I don't
think that's that's like a super profitable business that they were trying to work their
way into I what I what I really think occurred is if you and I have quite a bit of background
on this is like if you they knew panel self refresh was a thing right on mobile and on
cell phones on laptops and cell phones they knew what it was and they figured out that
hey we could use that for the alternate purposes rather than saving power to improve a gaming
experience and in order to do that they wanted to be first to the market with it they didn't
want to have to you know to submit a standard to visa and wait for it to be approved and
thus you know AMD and Intel and video all be on the same pathway right you know that
nobody would have any particular advantage so they went through with developing the logic
for it working with partners to make the displays and kind of integrating it first because they
wanted to be the the one kind of pushing the variable refresh technology forward which
they clearly had done as much as AMD deserves credit with mantle for pushing the development
of DirectX 12 in video deserves credit with g-sync for pushing ahead adaptive sync and
CP 1.2 a plus and all that right right and what I what I think will be the most interesting
thing to see is as we move into later this year and free sync monitors are widely available
and they are shown to work mostly reliably and pretty closely match the experience that
we have with g-sync displays will in video continue to require a g-sync module in their
desktop displays and I think they will but not for the same reasons that they have them
in there today I think that in video has more plans for display technology changes than
just variable refresh and in order to do that they want they need to have a piece of logic
on the other side it doesn't make g-sync monitor shipping today will have those features but
that you know g-sync 2.0 whatever that happens to be maybe they introduce some more interesting
things other than just a variable refresh or maybe they just straight up segment the
desktop and the mobile GPUs that way they just say well look 980 supports whatever this
new feature is with a g-sync display and a 980m doesn't have it I mean they do that kind
of thing all the time even stuff like shadow play it's like oh it's desktop first or whatever
else the case may be and they might just not roll it out I mean even even in its current
form the for what we saw in this kind of alpha leak of mobile g-sync it's it is not at feature
parity with g-sync on the desktop right once you dip below that 25 or so frames per second
mark there you know on the desktop g-sync there's an algorithm in that in that chip
that does work in terms of figuring out has it been too long do I need to refresh and
it doubles up frame rates at certain points and it keeps the experience better when you
go under that with the mobile version it won't have that capability because the t-cons don't
have that kind of logic they don't have the same size buffer and so it's doubtful that
they will ever have feature parity between the two I don't know if they'll brand it differently
like g-sync mobile as we kind of have branded it for them or g-sync lite or whatever it
is but usually better at it than SLI lite or g-sync lite but if you do lite then it's
fine right dynamic dynamic super g-sync maybe they'll do li instead of ti yeah yeah they
have they have a tremendous marketing department I'm sure they're better than us at coming
up with this crap so all right well I think that was that was pretty much it I can take
off my nvidia hoodie now thankfully because I'm so was the razor armband supposed to look
like an nvidia thing no no I'm just wearing that because I I have an armband and might
I've been doing this weird thing with my wrist lately it's been really cold when I sit and
use the mouse so I've been wearing that thing just for warmth seems to me a little more
comfortable if that's happening you are on the edge of carpal tunnel yeah well I've been
on the edge a long time then well welcome to the fold it happened it goes away it's
fine it's only it's only a lifelong issue that you'll have for the remainder of your
living years so yeah it was really bad a couple years ago actually about three years ago I
was having a lot of trouble with with cold and and pain in my wrist wow old people problems
wow guess we can continue that does hurt I think I'm older than both of you right Linus
probably combined I think yeah oh ouch that hurts ouch yeah you're I think you're a little
older than me I'm 28 yeah I'm 33 okay yeah damn a little all right well I think yeah
I'll let you get to your thing I think I had said we'd we'd kick it kick kick you off at
five we're also dropping frames on the stream that I think are due to the to the video call
right now so we gotta let you go regardless but are you hitting up with your are you hitting
that 3.5 gigabyte frame buffer limit and you're going into the secondary pool of memory maybe
is that much slower it's much slower I think I what do I deserve in exchange for this no
see this is the this is the like backup memory area right so that's why it's still working
at all we should be thankful that the stream is still on and then it's not just dropping
some frames this is this is the wait I don't have my shill sweater on there that's my memory
boost 2.0 now it's like a shill shaw right yeah like shill scarf nice as long as it doesn't
turn into like a shill noose then we're good all right all right so before I go plug before
you're under your show go ahead and plug our YouTube channels and websites and everything
so we can do that now do that all right so PCper.com that's where you want to see all
the stories on 970 issue with the mobile G-Sync we've got that there and then we compete directly
with Linus and Luke on YouTube's right and nobody has enough time to watch any videos
but if you go to YouTube.com PCper you can see some of our crap there and try to figure
out what all this red light is behind me as well the red light district we can change
it we can make it a green light district but I see unlike you I decided I don't want the
background to be green if I'm going to sit here and talk about Nvidia stuff and so you
and then I come on and you're wearing the the Nvidia hoodie that we got at the G-Sync
editors day which is it's a nice shirt it really is a nice I feel like I feel like such
a corporate horror wearing it like I put the thing on and then so just that's the word
corporate and then thank you and then that and that that super nice one we got at the
Maxwell event to at the 970 event that jacket the jacket breaker yeah that is actually really
nice I had I have worn that when I went to Montreal a couple weeks ago I took that it
was very nice but I don't let any I don't let myself wear it when I go out to other
events I don't let myself wear it when we're on video and we're like if Alan's here doing
like a storage video with me and he's got like an Intel skull logo t-shirt I'm like
sorry you gotta go change shirts we're not doing that I'm not gonna I'm not gonna bring
those comments upon us so but hey thanks for having me on guys and good luck the rest of
your show.
Thanks Ryan take care man good to talk to you as always see ya oh hold on hold on let
me yeah there we go yeah you're good now thanks Ryan okay bye-bye all right all right so guys
welcome back to our regularly scheduled content where we talk about things that happened this
week yeah so the LG G4 is rumored to feature a 3k display let's go ahead and hold on a
second here let me just make sure that while you're setting that up I'm gonna do call-outs
for the ULTT Starcraft League winners of January Kane won the official league which
is like the not the tech syndicate Kane no oh okay definitely no um k-a-y-n won the official
league which is like the ULTT members league and commander Fett won the public league which
is the best score against the public okay that is what is going on here I don't really
oh I know what the issue is the issue is that my my screen sharing is no longer working
is is the is the Azure media plugged in yeah did it fall out okay source we can try again
could it be a USB compatibility thing that's not it I straight-up don't understand what's
going on here so we can remove that and then we can add camera and it will be correct wow
I love this show okay so let's go ahead and win show where we talk about things that happened
last week carpal tunnel being old and we don't prep things yeah so the LG G4 to feature a
3k display this is rumored it showed up in some of the specs it's all the rumors also
point to a slightly smaller 5.3 inch display it'll be 1620 by 2880 pixels which would be
a pixel density of around six hundred and twenty six pixels per inch which is very impressive
and completely unnecessary the g3 had a 5.5 inch display and a 2560 by 1440p screen which
resulted in 538 ppi and that was already kind of ridiculous it was from 538 to 626 I already
straight-up couldn't tell I don't have terrible eyes I'm wearing glasses this week but my
close-up vision is just fine and it doesn't make a difference past about 1080p and now
going past 1440p it definitely doesn't make a difference what I would like to see instead
is higher density displays in other form factors most notably on the desktop because the issue
actually this is something I talked about in our XPS 13 review so that display is also
a 3k display and the notebook is also available in a 1080p version dell quotes the 1080p battery
life as 25% higher again you can force a mobile screen to be smaller smaller you're talking
about laptops on phones you can force different resolutions oh yeah no that's fine I just
mean the additional power required to drive all these pixels is something that I don't
know if I necessarily agree on with a mobile device because and it should be noted that
on the XPS 13 2015 that's a lot of numbers the 1080p models also tend to have lower spec
CPU so there's going to be some savings there as well and dell is obviously just approximating
you know these higher power models get about this much less so it's 12 hours on the high
end one and 15 hours on the low end one in of rated battery is a very significant difference
yeah actually and I gotta look at it and go well hold on a second like if we just if we
just didn't worry so much about all these pixels that especially especially on a laptop
where you're running Windows 8 and scaling is a complete disaster just doesn't make a
ton of sense to me all right Microsoft now pays adblock plus are you posting this one
thing sure one thing we really need to remember with this article is that adblock plus is
not the same as all the different versions adblock adblock plus other things that one
block ads so this is specifically adblock plus we've who we've given a hard time to
on this show in the past about the whole mafia style yeah yeah paid for security or protection
protection yeah yeah but it looks like Microsoft Google Amazon and tabula are all paying to
have advertisements go unblocked on their websites for users that are running adblock
plus so I don't know I don't know who they're trying to make happy here obviously their
users are not going to be super thrilled unless unless their users are those users who are
only trying to block malicious ads right example yeah and if if the idea was okay you know
a site like Microsoft.com is probably vetting the you know the ads making sure that there's
no malicious code in them if the idea is they're kind of going okay yeah you're paying us for
the service of validating that your ads are not malicious okay I've had enough devil's
advocate this is such nonsense yeah it's it's kind of ridiculous but I kind of think they're
all ridiculous so I don't know I'm kind of surprised like I don't know how much exactly
they're paying but I'm kind of surprised these big companies are actually paying for that
well the way that okay the way that the whole program works is much smaller websites like
very small websites don't have to pay I think you just submit there they just submit an
application to be whitelisted yeah whereas much larger businesses are intended to pay
right and I guess Microsoft is probably doing it for MSN MSN.com or whatever they're like
kind of homepage thingy where I think there is actually a bunch of I would imagine it's
kind of across the board yeah but that's probably the one they're actually worried about MSN
video would be another big one man the ads are obnoxious on video yeah every once in
a while I kind of fall down the rabbit hole on on MSN video because they tend to have
a lot of really short like 10-15 second you know stupid clips clickable things yeah and
I'll just come out and then I'll watch like another 30-second ad to see a 10-second video
I'll be like yeah I've had enough that saves the rest of my evening Time Warner Cable this
is actually a great article this is posted by oh we should go back and it's really surprising
sorry Oh pretty warrior posted the 3k display one good bites posted about adblock plus and
this one is from Victoria's Secret you want to go ahead and post this in the chat sure
Time Warner Cable's 97% profit margin on high speed internet service exposed actually they
the digging that was done by the author of this article is not particularly deep I mean
all he really had to do was look at some of the numbers that they are providing us on
the telephone and on the voice side of things and some other stuff and then kind of reverse
engineer the numbers for high speed internet and it raises some really interesting questions
if they're making 97% margin so he worked it out and he figures where is it their average
subscription is 40 something $43.92 per month and their average cost is $1.32 per month
for the service that they're providing to that customer and he he raises some really
interesting questions how did no regulatory body ever look at this yeah who makes 97%
margin on anything especially where it's been proven that there's essentially no competition
in terms of ISP's in the States yeah it's especially it's essentially localized monopolies
yeah which is ridiculous so you're basically forcing because the internet is basically
required at this point you're basically forcing people to buy something that you are serving
them at a 97% profit margin which is insanity that's absolutely insanity oh man it's also
interesting that the reported it's reported that fees have increased by about a hundred
percent in a matter of two years so for some customers yeah this was this seems like this
is an article that the the author kind of had close to his heart because he was actually
talking about how his personal Time Warner Cable basic triple play bill went up a hundred
and twelve percent in just two years from the advertised price of $89.99 to a hundred
and ninety dollars and seventy seven cents that's insane includes all kinds of fees and
surcharges and rental this and one of them is a is a is a defunct social contract charge
which is an extra five dollars a month that hasn't actually been required apparently since
2001 um oh my god you should be able to get your money back for that yeah this isn't that
it shouldn't okay what is that okay i think the fee was implemented and then taken off
the bill but then the money is still being charged or something like okay so Time Warner
is not necessarily taking that they're just jacking up the price yeah they're taking a
five dollars yeah no it's not necessarily that five dollars is it a form of tax though
like is this a government regulated thing uh i don't know too much about the social
contract thing yeah because social contract sounds like some sort of oh yeah it was supposed
to be to fund the upgrade to the network yeah yeah yeah like that's what it was supposed
to be for okay uh but oh so for it to funds i guess it could just go directly to them
yeah oh that's if the network's good enough then uh hey hey and it's not so hey yeah how
how about them social contract service charges upgrade some things please and turn to my
own social contract well some cities are they're installing their own networks and it's actually
baller so um yeah so one of the ones i didn't bring up was franchise fees um yeah what does
it even mean super gross so this is all based on 2013 records but i i mean i knew that they
were doing just fine all we have to do is look at the you know all the commercial space
they buy on tv and all the stadiums that these companies name and all this stuff we could
look at it and go okay they're spending all that money and they're still doing fine um
but i i had no idea it was three percent of the actual of it was what like clothes perfume
and makeup yeah are some of the most because printer ink yes printer ink yeah like all
those things that are just ridiculous where like the the nicest bottle of wine like ever
is still very comparable to printer ink in terms of prices uh i don't remember that was
an article a long time ago i did i probably quoted it slightly wrong but it was ridiculous
um yeah the bit about drinking the printer ink instead of the wine i think that was the
part you screwed up that wasn't in there i didn't say that no you didn't anyways uh but
it's funnier yes uh like that's nuts though that's absolutely ridiculous i wish our margin
was 97 i guess what i could do is just slash all of your salaries i think that's illegal
well this isn't this that that isn't legal i said i think that is illegal isn't would
mean that it's legal right i don't know if what they're doing is like actually documented
as legal because there's there's questions to be brought up this is a very old conversation
so i won't delve into it very long but where the government's like here's money to build
this stuff then you just don't do it that should be under contract that should be illegal
i don't think there's any punishment for that yeah there should be something there should
be anyways we should carry on because that's a very old very and when target goes out of
business in canada and says they're gonna have amazing deals and my wife goes there
on thursday there should be amazing deals was there nothing apparently the stores were
just the store was just like packed and people were buying things but she ended up leaving
and going to superstore to buy some garbage cans for the new office because she knew they
were actually on sale um the electronics department apparently was so full of people that there
was a lineup to get in so she didn't actually go to the electronics but apparently just
because i i sent her there because we're going to need some sundries for the new office and
things like toilet paper you know cleaning supplies um stuff like that and i was like
yeah just pick up some of that stuff i mean it should be like uber liquidation sale and
apparently it's as simple as just saying you're having a liquidation sale and people come
and they buy things they should just they should do that thing okay i don't know about
you viewers but this is a total thing here grand opening and and like final closing sale
thing furniture stores yeah i swear every single furniture store on like um bridgeport
road and uh and king george boulevard in richmond and surrey like like you you drive through
furniture store land and especially the smaller ones not the big chain ones like half of them
are having their moving sale or or liquidation sale or closing down final inventory close-out
sale grand opening for like six years yeah there's actually a documented thing where
one of the stores in bc had a grand opening sale for years and i mean like the sign is
faded you know yeah yeah yeah it's like it's old and faded and ripping what did you buy
someone else's used grand opening sale sign and put it on or if you just ridiculous um
all right so there's ah yes a new intel consumer ssd 750 series uh pops up on a compatibility
list so this is cool the code name is august ridge it's the month i'm born in so it's probably
like illuminati confirmed anyway um it was on the roadmap for releasing q4 2014 but that
time has passed we're still hoping we can see it soon and if we do then that'll make
intel the first one to deliver an nvme compliant ssd so that would be an ssd that doesn't rely
on the old-fashioned ahci uh software layer to interface with the controller so it would
actually it's optimized for lower latency uh most mostly lower latency it's optimized
for the lower latency pci express connections that new ssd's are going to be connecting
to whether it's over m.2 or over a standard pci express slot capacities will be 180 240
360 480 and 600 gigs and um yeah that's honestly there isn't a ton to say i'm excited to see
them in person faster ssd's are good yes for lots of things yes i mean here's something
you might not even consider you know if your ssd in your laptop or your phone is much higher
performance okay phone's a bad example because we're not getting this in phones but on your
laptop uh is is using uh pci express bus and is using nvme the faster it can complete any
transactions that it has to the more it's sitting there idle instead of working so as
long as we get nice power efficient super high speed ssd's it's kind of like um it's
kind of like how faster wi-fi actually benefits more than just you know oh okay less stuff
sitting in the air essentially that's right that's right it makes everything else that's
on that network faster because you're not using up as much air time it's good yeah sony
has sold sony online entertainment i that's i'm actually kind of surprised they sold it
especially with the timing because h1 z1 despite the highly controversial launch actually seemed
to be doing pretty well well okay launch into early active early access sorry i keep not
posting links i keep forgetting to say i've done i've posted all the other ones it's me
and king cry for the last two posting on the forum thanks guys this one is king cry um
yeah like is that even proper terminology now because that wasn't even a real launch
was it i'm pretty sure h1 z1 is still in early access thanks but then people were like oh
my god the servers aren't good enough because early access literally doesn't mean early
access anymore um you just buy the game you just bought the game you're playing the game
anyways dumb but yeah apparently the company that bought it which has a terrible name of
daybreak game company well no that they renamed it to daybreak game company yeah which is
bought by well it was bought by like a holding company columbus nova yeah new york space
for investment management firm but daybreak game company really um they make games until
they they work until so late at night the sun comes up that might actually be true if
you're a programmer yeah so maybe not that far from the actually maybe it's the best
name for a game company ever i just didn't like that they're called game company i don't
know why i'm sure there's other ones out there aren't we called i so i shouldn't have called
us linus media company i have never said that that was a good name right i have forever
said that that was a terrible name right moving on did you want like dishwater reg anything
other than linus media group anyways um they're looking into they said that they want to fully
embrace the multi-platform world in which we all live so that's bringing up theories
that they're gonna bring h1 z1 to consoles which is probably not too surprising and mobile
h1 n1 to consoles did i yeah hopefully we're bringing viruses to consoles h1 z1 is what
i meant to say uh and apparently they're interested in possible mobile crap in the future so nothing
was interesting for us not all mobile stuff is crap um square enix keeps remaking final
fantasy for mobile those are good games pokemon pokemon blue is a mobile game bam
technically yes not the mobile i'm currently talking about you just you just got trashed
son but technically yes that is not wrong okay uh oh this is a shame this is posted
by good bites brutal this is like like i'll post it in the chat this is like a supreme
ouch moment yeah uh do you know how oh you're posting the broken ones let me let me do the
posting fine um this is great so oh it broke again all right please stop breaking doop
doop doop doop doop doop doop doo doo doo doo doo doo and bippity boopity no okay i
don't know oh yeah that's not what i meant to do now we're really big hi everyone yeah
this is a fairly large area that i've always been really big larger this larger than the
area that we normally are when we're showing this now we're gone oh no it's kind of fun
just start talking go just go i i think this is a terrible idea okay no i got apple will
spend two billion to turn its failed sapphire plant into a global command center so you
know how the rumor was that the iphone 6 and 6 plus would feature sapphire glass screens
and there was that viral video that marcus brownlee made where he tried to scratch it
and he bent it and was like whoa sapphire glass is kind of amazing okay you can put
us in the corner now um sapphire glass is amazing well the company that apple was actual
had actually thrown a lot of money at and who had committed to deliver the volume of
sapphire glass that apple required in order to integrate this product onto not just the
iphone 6 or iphone 6 plus but lots of their yeah lots of their products including the
apple watch well they gt advanced technologies like straight up realized that they couldn't
do it and filed for bankruptcy so the uh 1.3 million square foot building that apple built
to manufacture sapphire glass will be um not for that they're gonna make it a data center
yeah which makes sense repurpose the building if you can't do it yeah but it's pretty brutal
for a few reasons i mean they kind of filled it with trampolines that would be awesome
trampolines that's what my company would do and uh the ball pits not my company would
fill it with trampolines not air-conditioned trampolines mind you but definitely uh i have
bad news by the way the hvac is definitely on hold for the new office we are putting
in hold on just just calm down we are and and and okay funny story funny story you might
laugh um we are not only not going to have air conditioning we're not going to have heat
i didn't yeah because it's going to be a combo unit i thought it would be when we put it
in um so the good news is we're putting in the ducting so we can install hvac later but
we cannot afford it right now this the sound the sound dampening that we need to do in
the warehouse is have you figured more about that i have figured out more about that more
research is being done it's going to be very expensive is it looking positive into the
buy some pizza and do it ourselves um i'm not sure okay yeah i'm not sure okay so sorry
what we're talking about right trampolines right they're repurposing it for data center
you know cloud storage and all that kind of stuff is all is all yes and the part that
i was getting to sorry i was trying to remember what i was trying to talk about um the really
sucky part in my opinion is that it will now create 150 full-time jobs and 300 to 500 construction
jobs temporarily that sounds pretty cool except that it was supposed to create 2 000 jobs
permanently bummer now it's 150 that's a nasty drop it's one of the largest investments apple
has ever made and uh although of those 150 it's probably like data center people so people
in the audience might be more applicable to be hired than the sapphire plant so that might
be good for like our group of people but it's not good for the overall employment number
all right so this is actually look at this good news from ubisoft i think this is good
yeah but it's like good about it because they're reeling back from terrible oh it wasn't okay
it's like they shot someone and then they're like hold on let me no they did not someone
patch the hole they stood by while someone else got shot a little bit of disinfectant
they stood by they stand by they shot this gun no they didn't yes they did well they
didn't they didn't okay let's hold on let's try someone punched them in the face we need
to they shot some other dude no so they're like crap okay that's actually the bad guy
let me patch this someone else robbed their bank okay okay so they so someone else no
no someone else robbed their bank so they went and stole stuff from everyone that's
every no no someone okay robin hood let's say let's say robin hood okay like dirty robin
hood who's in it for the profit to himself so definitely not robin hood not robin so
a thief yes okay so we're gonna call him dirty robin okay so okay dirty robin busts into
the bank yeah takes um money okay yeah but but not like uh not just like us cash let's
say this happens in america okay but they don't take us cash they take all the foreign
currency okay that for some reason people want no let's say it happens in canada okay
just okay no i'm going let's go okay okay so they break into a canadian bank no one
wants canadian currency because it's plummeting right now so they take all the u.s currency
okay and then instead of distributing it to the poor they sell it to the poor for canadian
currency that they then convert to something useful like bitcoin and then they have money
i'm well relatively useful it got a little weird at the end okay okay okay so so that's
what happened yeah the ubisoft the the bank the bank thank you the ubisoft bank basically
invalidated the foreign currency serial numbers that were stolen because it was stolen goods
they stole a stolen property it is illegal to buy stolen goods but they bought it from
a legitimate store so we missed we screwed up part of that story okay so well they stole
the money from a legitimate bank
i was commenting on that at all i was to say we missed the part where like they they sold
it to a store that you would normally buy legitimate things from so people that bought
it no no oh no uh the people that stole from the bank a bank with a store in it oh i see
what you're saying because they're not buying the money yeah no you said they sold the money
yeah they sold well they exchanged the but exchanged the money so they were a bank okay
so a bank stole money from a bank and then sold it to other banks and then people bought
it from the yeah and then they cancelled the bank money okay you know so basically ubisoft
is reactivating far cry 4 keys that were invalidated due to um you know what why don't you just
do this because apparently i can't handle it okay so i'm so lost now i actually had
like the i had everything for the story ready and now i'm just screwed um essentially there's
a whole bunch of keys uh stolen through apparently g2 or a whole bunch of keys were sold through
g2a which were stolen or something from other online retailers or whatever so ubisoft just
went blah and like cancelled everyone who had bought it from other retailers um although
i don't think that's actually a proper general statement it's said in the article that way
but i'm pretty sure steam ones weren't cancelled and that's technically not uplay right okay
so i don't really can you even buy far i remember didn't we buy far cry 4 through steam we did
yeah we did yeah but then i don't even remember there's something weird going with uplay and
far cry 4 i don't remember how all that stuff went down but anyways a lot of keys got invalidated
because they were stolen or they assumed to be stolen or whatever even if they were purchased
from sites that would traditionally have been seen as a legitimate way to buy things um
and g2a has i think some form of protection or something so people that got that or no
matter what being taken care of people that didn't are like probably being taken care
of and right i don't know their angle is super weird but yeah then ubisoft went like okay
i think we need to like invalidate the ones that we think are currently stolen but not
necessarily activated and let people play that actually paid for it at some point okay
yeah okay so they're like kind of trying to kind of trying to fix it here so ubisoft got
screwed over actually yeah pretty hard and then they retaliated heavier than they probably
should have in terms of saving face right so dirty robin took their stuff and then they
basically strung up everyone he sold it to from it they did like the superhero recovery
mode which is where like they destroy half the city while trying to get the villain right
yes okay speaking of which we had this conversation the other night i am like so excited for incredibles
too i know it's like not even close and there aren't even like teaser trailers yet but there's
nothing we can show you this is not an article yeah this is not this is not a thing it just
should be a really good talking about the other night um speaking of things we were
talking about the other night we actually had some sponsors for the show today look
at that lynda.com you can learn it we've actually know what's really sexy ah intelligence intel
yes that is a great point so lynda.com increase your sex appeal and only actually it doesn't
even take like any period of time because you can start learning on lynda.com within
like minutes you go to lynda.com slash wan show for a free 10-day trial and then once
you've had your 10 days of unlimited free knowledge well i shouldn't say unlimited because
there's 24 hours per day so you get 240 hours maximum of time to watch video content unlimited
within the realm of your like internet buffering speed so yeah the unlimited within constraints
we're giving a better term of unlimited than isps and cell providers do yeah i think we're
being pretty fair about it at least it's unlimited in the amount of time that exists yeah so
uh so unlimited access to lynda.com for 10 days you can learn all kinds of great stuff
like coding digital photography uh business which uh we've had quite a few people suggesting
that perhaps we uh take some courses on in the twitch chat here while we were discussing
dirty robin and whatever else is we were talking about so guys uh thanks to lynda.com for sponsoring
the wan show we've also got squarespace as a sponsor this week square space i why do
you have to bring up that song every time because i didn't know a single lyric when
we sang it i know you didn't you didn't do your pre-show prep and now you're rubbing
that in my face like i did something so um guys if you if you missed it you can check
out squarespace's super bowl commercial that we actually previewed last week with the jeff
bridges whole jeff bridges that project that he's working on with the sound recording but
that is really not the point of squarespace they've got a new slogan build it beautiful
i think that actually is not a bad slogan it's certainly better than the slogans we
were working on earlier we came up with some pretty bad ones did i show you the one that
i liked though um oh oh it was uh we tech things seriously yeah no yeah yeah yeah yeah
i like that one yeah that i thought that one was pretty funny we have some other like really
terrible punny stuff uh anyway so build it beautiful that is kind of the point squarespace
wants the web to be beautiful they want it to be easy so with their website builder all
you basically do is you sign up and you can get a trial at squarespace.com you get two
weeks for free so you sign up you pick a template and it's like okay you know i want a store
or i want a blog or i want a portfolio or business personal whatever else the case may
be uh it's very affordable it starts at about eight bucks a month and then if you sign up
for a year then you can get your url thrown in for free and then if you use our code then
you get 10 off so it's like actually less than that hooray hooray um so basically you
sign up and you follow all the little like steps you put it together have are you done
yours yet can we show it done i won't be done for a little while oh i had like i've been
saving this i had like the best the best squarespace here we go um no no oh no where is it it might
be in my other email account uh shoot i feel terrible because i got like the best user
testimonial for squarespace ever and they were like oh my gosh i use squarespace and
it's like super awesome but they were a lot more eloquent than that uh like beautiful
website it's super easy with our templates okay well it is the site i'll have to find
that again so the sites look great on mobile they look great on desktop and they're very
responsive and easy to make easy to use they got 24 7 tech support and i think that pretty
much covers it you want your site to look great and be very usable and be easy to make
then squarespace.com is pretty much the way to go and then our last one is just kind of
a just kind of a fun one we actually have a variety of different things from mass drop
um that we can show you guys today we've had a lot of people yeah ruling over this key
cap set when uh what video did i show it in i don't know i think it was in the imac gaming
video imac gaming no one's looking at the imac no one's impressed i'm running crisis
3 on it everyone's looking at this key cap set that's what i was looking at so this was
like a crazy i think this drop is actually over so i'm sorry guys i'm just like showing
you cool stuff mass drop has that you can't buy but it's a full pbt key cap set with like
custom star trek themed spacey lettering like airlock key and like phase key rescan phase
clan key oh so it's mostly designed for people who already know what the keys are supposed
to be we should get super affordable though we should get nick van berkel a keyboard that
has a phase clan key on it then every single time that he presses it it just plays the
audio clip we should probably do that actually that would be a good super fun just like how
to do it yeah like if we just make like a phase clan button yep that's actually doable
we should totally make that that drop is on until tomorrow oh that's what our link goes
to is the key cap set all right thank you nick yes once again i have no idea what's
going on i do have two we're not done so you might as well just stay notes on i just want
to make it clear he does have notes on his screen he just doesn't look at they're actually
not technically on his screen right now yeah he's like he he not only moved the screen
away but he put a different window in front of it there's your issue so there's like two
layers of defense from the knowledge okay well they have other cool things that are
over but the point is they have lots of stuff that isn't just keyboards so this is the uh
graffiti graffiti lichen yeah something yeah anyway so it's a little tiny usb charging
cable they've got a lightning one they've got a micro usb one we've actually featured
a very similar product before on handytech under 100 um so they've got like cool little
stuff like that and this i wasn't really sure about even bringing up on the show we don't
generally talk about weapons okay a gun is not a weapon you call it a firearm
okay i'm serious if you go get your gun licensing in bc you call it a firearm or they will not
give you your license so the fact that i called this a weapon you can use it as a yes mine
you can use it technically as a weapon but you don't describe it as a weapon right and
you don't use it as a weapon it just can be you can use a kitchen pot as a weapon it is
actually done in very many times in movies you can use it you're gonna you're gonna you're
gonna you're gonna hold on a second i could use your logic is gonna be it happens in movies
therefore you can hit no you can't start a sentence you can hit someone with a frying
pan and that would hurt a lot i can't take you seriously do you want to fight me with
a frying pan no i don't want to fight you with the frying pan that is not the point
that we're talking about at all the point is drawed up slash wang show for awesome drops
like this one bring it back around to the top why do i even let you go host this show
with me a frying pan could be very easily used as a weapon that would hurt i didn't
say it couldn't be used as a weapon i just said the fact that it appears in movies is
a complete i said i said it could be and then i said in fact it is as an additional point
not as a main point that was a supporting article nothing speaking of my thesis on on
on weapon variability speaking of supporting nothing uh consoles may get 4k support uh
sometime in q4 okay this is good this is actually really helpful and can you actually do your
job and post this in the twitch chat the reason why this is really helpful is this might bring
more uh 4k content like netflix and stuff might push for more 4k content because of
compatibility on other things so non-console people might actually get more 4k content
that they can watch um through that thanks to playstation 4 and xbox one um finally joining
four years ago wow okay well okay you could play 4k video easily for quite a while on
a pc in terms of the hardware but then the ips4 and the xbox one already have the horsepower
to play back 4k video it's not freaking complicated um the problem is that they don't have a display
interface that's capable of playing back 4k video and we haven't had that on the pc for
that long it has been a couple years that's a good point but displayport 1.2 is when we
got that on the pc like affordably without you know multi multi linking yeah right two
monitors and bizzle chopping or whatever yeah so what it seems like they were waiting for
was hdmi 2.0 and i suspect since it's already i mean it it hopefully the article covers
this um i don't remember anymore but i i don't think we're going to be looking at 4k gaming
anytime soon because that would be a serious as i told hardware revision it could it doesn't
have to do 4k puzzle bobble yeah the arcade games or whatever like it would you're not
going to do yeah you might do arcade gaming stuff that's about it so like 4k stickman
adventures adventures maybe tetris unless they put too many cool graphics in they've
done that sometimes but then now that i think about it no they already have hdmi 1.4 they
could technically do hdmi video playback already at 30 fps this actually got said as to no
longer be an official statement anyways so so moving on because netflix is the one that
said it and then they're like oh wait we can't talk on behalf of those guys so yeah that's
about it three months later android 5.0 lollipop uh the last one was posted by crater and this
one's posted by good bites has only 1.6 market share wow that is uh not a hell whole heck
of a lot um especially given that android operating systems come in at the whopping
price of absolutely nothing yeah uh to run on anything so this means this means a couple
of things um it or it could mean a couple of things number one it could mean that kit
cat was just fine um and handset makers and or users simply don't feel the need to update
uh number two is it could mean that the devices that come pre-loaded with lollipop like the
nexus 6 uh nvidia shield tablet nexus 9 um just aren't selling that well but i really
don't think that's it because the android install base is so massive i mean to put it
in the appropriate context jellybean is still in the lead yeah and there have been some
pretty successful kitkat based devices um so i don't think that's it and then number
three and this is the one that i personally think is most likely the handset makers that
are validating lollipop are finding it just kind of a bear to deal with and roll out to
their devices um droid turbo was sold with the promise of quick update to lollipop i
mean we're three months in that's not exactly quick these days um so so there you go i mean
i personally wasn't that impressed with lollipop but google has acknowledged the memory leak
issue um that they're hopefully going to be fixing and i think it was going to be a 5.1
update of the people that i know that have uh lollipop i haven't actually heard usually
when there's a new phone os you're like oh there's all these cool new things about it
like look at this new thing i can do blah blah blah no nothing really i hear some frustrations
about like how notifications work and how you have to scroll through them and stuff
that's about it just some frustrations some extra clicks um all for the sake of material
design yeah that's that's about all i've heard is i have to do more things to be able to
get stuff done the thing that really annoyed me most and maybe this is petty because brandon
doesn't seem to care he's running a nexus 5 with lollipop um is removing the dividing
lines between all the characters on the keyboard yeah why do you need to do that yeah don't
why don't you have uh better things to do swift key um oh yeah yeah but whenever i whenever
i fire up a new phone fresh install i try to use it until it makes me mad and then that's
my benchmark for whether it was good enough so so if i have to if i end up switching to
swift key it's like how long did it take me to switch to swift key that's how good their
stock keyboard is well their stock keyboard is about a two and a half week yeah it's a
two it's a two and a half week until it frustrates you start to start giving it like its own
value ivan uh recently switched to the one m8 and it was a one day keyboard for her the
uh the the sense sense keyboard wow she was like this is terrible because she'd been using
the iphone before and uh i was like no no it's okay i can change it she's like no it's
okay i'm like no no i'll change it for you so i put in swift key i put in the number
row i removed swipe and then i changed the delay for um for special characters i do every
single one of those are my essential essential settings for swift key and she was like oh
this is great yeah it's much better yeah um dual gpu cards and configurations this is
posted by assassin and we are of course going to use the wccf tech link because we love
trolling you guys um may oh really wrecked wrecked wrecked wrecked it's annoying it's
probably a loose connection somewhere i blame you you set it up all right i'll try not to
add the wrong camera this time i blame your feet i blame you on the table i blame your
face you're probably bumping things what is going on here well whatever um it was just
like glue in all the connections so new low level apis like uh mantle and direct x12 may
allow game developers to combine the video memory of multiple graphics cards so the autobahn
hammer that 24 gig uh system that we built with three 290x 8 gig cards could potentially
have 24 gigs of video memory now to be clear this is at least in the short term completely
purposeless because no game developer is going to build a game that is going to take advantage
of 24 not even just that i'm going to quote a a little bit long quote here but still quote
just because they're running uh windows 10 and dx12 and or mantle api does not mean that
your multi gpu configuration is now stacking memory the capability is present in these
low level overhead apis but they will not come into effect until devs specifically optimize
the games as such right so not only is there no games that can really use that much vram
right now but the devs are gonna have to do it themselves and looking at how long it takes
them to even have multi gpu profiles at launch half the freaking time i don't see that many
devs really doing this at least not now so so don't get your hopes up no there will probably
be some sponsored titles i mean this is not just a pc feature this is like a super esoteric
pc feature yeah that a very small subset of that pc audience is going to be able to leverage
so yeah uh so that's cool and that's i'm very happy that it exists uh one thing that's very
cool about this is that uh well it's mantle so it'll probably come to like everything
else as well and if it starts being available in kind of everything and then hopefully starts
being available as just a plug-in that developers can do instead of uh having to manually code
things for that then that would be nice so not now but future speaking of uh speaking
of mantle and direct x12 this is actually an article i was reading oh for crying out
loud right i don't have screen share uh okay sorry is this a linkable thing uh just on
a non-tech oh you're gonna do it there okay yeah i'll just do it here um i just want to
share the article that's all yeah so i'll just add screen region boopity boop uh here's
my browser enjoy okay there we go uh the direct x12 performance preview AMD nvidia and star
swarm so ryan smith over at a non-tech uh put together some explanations of blippity
bloop you can read all that if you want here's the star swarm demo and the test and here
are the results so on cards that support direct x11 12 and mantle we get to see all three
results and for cards that don't support mantle nvidia cards uh we get to see direct x11 and
12 so uh gtx 980 gets more than a doubling in performance moving from direct x11 to direct
x12 and we've also got on the AMD cards direct x12 and mantle performing within spitting
distance of each other pretty well across the board mental winning in every case but
definitely within spitting distance yeah yes mantle does does edge out direct x12 in every
case but i think that if people were hoping that mantle was going to be the reason to
own an AMD card um they're i think well basically if they work at AMD um then i think they're
going to be a little bit disappointed because the thing is that star swarm is kind of a
a worst case scenario it is designed to showcase scenarios where there are far too many draw
calls for direct x11 to be able to handle it efficiently and to create CPU bottlenecks
it's designed to do that whereas real games these differences that you see between mantle
and direct x11 we've already seen that in real games you're not looking at a doubling
in performance from from direct x11 to mantle you're looking at maybe a couple of percent
a few percent yeah um so that difference between mantle and direct x12 will be a fraction of
a fraction of that other bigger difference that ended up being much smaller yeah so and
then if we do end up doing that which we probably will eventually end up using all that performance
um direct x12 will have well we might not even be on direct x12 at that point we might
be further on but that gap probably will have closed at least a little bit anyways yes but
yeah it's it's a little bit disappointing that it has to be has to lean so much on developers
we're seeing so many things come out these days where uh to quote balmer developers developers
developers eye tracking leans on developers vr leans on developers this leans on developers
so much stuff is doing that and it's uh yeah as a developer right now i would be scared
and excited at the same time all right speaking of being scared and excited this was posted
by alex goes high a razor has upgraded the blade with maxwell and more importantly for
me since i'm a bit of a tab fiend more ram so the blade is now available with a gtx 970
m instead of an 870 m and 16 gigs of ram is now an option on the higher end skew you still
have that same high resolution ixo panel display luke is doing things yeah i got kind of a
funny idea uh so which one is this this one oh what the oh i was gonna i was gonna give
them like a behind the scenes of what you were doing well i'm trying to conjure the
actually i'm just gonna point it at your butt why are you doing that why would i not do
that i don't know this doesn't seem like very high quality show content hello let's look
at my nose what you got going on down there well there's computer cables and carpet and
video cables and video cables oh look a wheel hey a foot oh why don't you wear footwear
at work uh because i don't want to right okay why don't you have the air conditioning installed
uh because it's expensive but where's expensive that's true footwear not the kind you would
buy no nothing you would buy is expensive no um okay they upgraded the cpu from an i7
4702 hq to an i7 4720 hq that movement of the two is actually very important that signifies
a tdp jump from 37 to 47 watts uh which the more efficient 970 m allowed although personally
i probably would have opted for more battery and not bother with that minuscule gain in
cpu performance um there's also a new lower end version with a 1080p display and 256 gig
ssd for two grand still very expensive all right commenting on the crt um oh the crt
yeah the crt is for uh retro games next so i i guess here i'll post this one i'll let
you uh i'll let you handle this one or i guess we could both handle this one so the fcc will
declare the internet title two and apply net neutrality rules to mobile that is awesome
so great news wheeler did a bit of a jump face and started actually supporting the people
that he's supposed to which is cool um and started backing up saying like oh yeah well
we we've listened to uh the communities and the people and all this kind of stuff for
once apparently um and now yeah title two and blah blah blah there's some kind of sketchy
things in this i'm not going to go over too much over title two as we've covered that
in previous episodes but uh they want to modernize title two we were talking about this before
the show yeah um i actually just kind of skimmed over it initially thought that modernized
title two just kind of meant that they're going to modernize the infrastructure behind
title two like the physical infrastructure behind title two apparently they might be
uh changing kind of how it works but a lot of it should be in terms of uh where's his
exact wording for it tailoring it for the 21st century in order to provide returns necessary
to construct competitive networks so so so yeah we're talking about the physical infrastructure
changing and the rules of of title two altering to enable that to happen but if we if we were
to take the optimistic approach to that statement and go oh it's to it's to prevent the kind
of nonsense that's already been going on for the last decade with the internet um then
then that that's great i mean some of the other points here no rate regulation no tariffs
no last mile unbundling um and this means the action we take will be strong enough and
flexible enough not only to deal with the realities of today but also to establish ground
rules for the as yet unimagined the internet must be fast far and open this is the message
i've heard if we're to sort of believe all this then this is incredibly good news it
seems like too much of an about face for it all to be positive i feel like there has to
be something and i'm worried about that that could be my like pessimism coming out but
i mean the theory is that the fcc is supposed to be on the side of the consumer but they
like haven't really shown that until now which is sketchy yeah i i just i just i mean i i
gotta wonder were they was he keeping quiet just because he didn't want to shake the boat
yet and this was the plan all along i mean uh he brings up uh i don't think this is in
our notes but it was in the article but he brings up a company that he used to work for
that got control f the nabu yeah it is in the notes is it tells the story of nabu the
home computer network a competitor to aol a startup that he was the president of that
failed because networks acted as gatekeepers so i mean you know was he was he on our side
all this time i i don't know i don't really think so but maybe didn't look that way no
speaking of not being on our side this was posted by powder banks that last one was from
smitty she and the previous one was from alex goes hi and then the previous one was from
assassin but we didn't do any for a bit um china will require real name registration
for use of the internet and we're not talking real name registration like you have to pay
for your internet service from your provider and you have to pay them with a credit card
that has your name attached to it we're talking about the burden being put on isps and internet
companies to enforce the new rules which are that the 650 million people who are online
in china need to be personally identifiable online in their goings about super dumb i
just now can i play devil's advocate are you just gonna get mad are you gonna get all mad
i know can you just stay calm for like two seconds thank you you know those are all things
that just make people mad i know when you say okay um so okay so the the devil's advocate
sort of um glass half full side of this is oh it will reduce you know uh inappropriate
internet behaviors like swatting or trolling or bullying or just just can you just i said
two seconds two seconds i didn't get mad you i was watching you in the screen i saw what
you did uh so let me take so that that being being identifiable online will lead to more
personal accountability for one's actions when they go about their business online that
is the that is the devil's advocate sort of version of that now what i actually personally
think is that it's not going to help with that at all i mean there are sites and there
are communities where they have tried to enforce uh people using their real names um didn't
seem to help a whole lot with google plus um so so there's there's that but aside from
aside from it not working the fact that there are communities that already have this that
encourage the use of real names like facebook means that if people wanted to engage in that
way then they would go to those sites and they would do it this way we're not giving
people a choice and it feels less like a benevolent sort of nod to you know high school kids who
are getting bullied and more of a way to keep tabs on what people are doing and what they're
saying and in the context of of you know someone's being a dick to me on twitter i guess yeah
i would probably like to know who that person is so i can call their mom so that i can be
like yo do you have any idea what your little crap of turd of a son just said to me or daughter
whatever you know gender equality um girls can be rude online too um so so that side
of me is like yeah this is great but the flip side is you know what if someone lives in
a country where they're oppressed for their religion or their or anything else about them
and they can't they can't find other people they can't find support that's that's a huge
problem or if they need to speak out against their government online or get access to news
sources that are not censored by their local government i mean having anonymity as you
browse the web is incredibly important can i talk now all right get on that i'm not no
i'm not getting mad you said uh because you you you devil's advocate and then you went
back which is weird as a devil's advocate to well i didn't say i was a good advocate
you fought against yourself for way longer than you fought for devil's advocacy you were
like here's some small points now i'm gonna destroy myself okay sure um you said less
swatting and less trolling i think those are specifically totally wrong i think there'll
be way more swatting because swatting is anonymous for the person that's doing it unless it's
not and if every internet user was identifiable on every site that they're using right you
could pick up a phone but if you pick up a phone then that's tied to your landline i'm
assuming any any regime regime that's requiring you to register online probably knows there's
always ways to file anonymous yeah that's true information anonymous information and
that's how like basically okay swatting bad example online bullying though perhaps online
bullying yes but this could pull more bullying and more trolling into the real world which
is a lot worse than being bullied and trolling not that we're saying online bullying isn't
real and isn't a problem no but saying i'm gonna punch you in the face and actually punching
someone in the face are very different things i would way rather if someone goes i'm gonna
punch you in the face on a keyboard and then finish the game we're playing in and go on
to other matchmaking instead of having them go kabam in real life right and now obviously
not every time that happens is it going to happen but when people can't vent their frustration
in that way uh it might happen more in the real world this is actually something that's
been happening in terms of uh studies with violent video games a lot which is where a
lot of people can use it as a venting mechanism instead of actually doing it it reduces violent
crimes by a lot where you can play like gta just do stupid crap and then go play golf
afterwards in gta um is actually helping reduce a lot of the like violent crappy things you
might do in real life because you can you can vent it's an interesting idea and if you're
removing all of that that's actually not a good thing i'm not advocating for trolling
on the internet i think trolling on the internet is stupid the amount of crap that happened
on the forum over the 970 thing was ridiculous and like totally not okay and i lost a lot
of respect for a lot of people on the forum but i'm happy that wasn't a whole bunch of
people standing in a building fighting each other that would have been worse like i don't
know this is fairly like straightforward stuff i don't know all right so let's move on to
something that's also fairly straightforward uh this was posted by nine shadow on the forum
the samsung galaxy s6 chassis has been leaked allegedly uh it looks like it's gonna have
an all metal non-removable back uh appears to look fairly similar to the iphone 6 i'd
love to show it to you guys uh actually galaxy s6 here we go bla bla bla bla bla chassis
leak okay let me blue okay let's go come on forbes continue to say here we go so here's
the article from forbes where they're showing how very apple like the alleged galaxy s6
chassis is going to look that is very they're gonna get the pantsuit off of them yeah that
seems very possible so let's go ahead and tuck tuck that away for now tuck tuck yep
i think there's a reference there that i missed a few people will get that so it's gonna use
glass material in the front and back some of them are apparently going to have like
curved curved screens like curved edge screens and some of them are not um samsung pay is
said to be embedded in the phone good luck with that samsung um might be uh based on magnetic
emitting that mimics your credit card so not nfc potentially accepted in 10 million points
of sale without retooling existing machines i still wish them luck although apple pay
is apparently only available in 200 000 spots for me it's more of a trust issue and less
of a um like trusting the technology apple does a good job no i hear you yeah um apparently
the rear will be non-removable so as much as the s5 was not a huge success for samsung
and i think that's kind of putting it lightly i think that taking away the things that made
the galaxy s the galaxy s um things like removable battery is probably not like i i don't i don't
see an iphone 6 clone being a way to win new customers and i don't see taking away the
things that sold your phone to someone else a generation or two ago being a way to retain
your existing customers so i really have to wonder what exactly is the plan here right
now or if it's real or if it's even real yeah could be totally fake so there's that i i
really wonder sometimes these things are freakishly accurate so it could be right but it's it's
this is really close yes more often than not yeah this is really really close i have to
clarify something i think a few people in the chat thought i meant that people attacking
in video on the forum was super bad i wasn't talking about that i was talking about personal
insults going to each other yeah we don't want members fighting we don't care if people
are upset with that's like a rule on the forum you're allowed to attack companies bring back
the shill sweater so you can attack linus on the forum for wearing a shill sweater yeah
that's fine but you can't attack linus for actually you can attack linus we're that's
what i'm saying we don't we don't count we are members but we don't count you can attack
us and you can attack companies but don't attack other members of the forum that's not
a thing if you disagree with what they're saying use an intelligent argument to talk
about how you disagree or better yet don't reply no because well first go tell us an
argument yeah then don't reply yeah if they seem to be stuck in their ways yeah yeah yeah
recognize when people are trolling you like this right now yeah okay we do that at really
good timing you owe me a coke i don't want a coke i think you already owed me a coke
from our last text jinx yeah we'll call it even all right we can just buy each other
nothing that works better for me all right so the nintendo creators program which was
already ridiculous so you guys i mean if you've been following this whole fiasco nintendo
was claiming monetization against let's players and game streamers who were streaming their
games um you know based on that they're using the in-game music and artwork without um having
created it themselves when the content creators the guys who are playing the games are are
arguing that it's actually their commentary that is the content and this is a fair use
of whatever anyway um so nintendo sort of about faced on that and created the nintendo
creators program that would allow creators to register as approved creators um and then
they started introducing that they want a share of the revenue so i believe it's a 60-40
split by default and now now they are offering a 70-30 split if creators are willing to remove
any non-nintendo content from their videos like non-nintendo games
like are they for real this is there isn't even a debate for us to have like are they
are they are they even i i said this before the show this is gonna be kind of a boring
topic because there's you like can't really have another stance i can't even devil's advocate
you like what do you want five percent i even no i even i even tried to i like i don't know
if you remember this but back when they first started claiming monetization that was back
when we were doing nintendo streams on the after party i was like well i kind of get
it it is their music and it is their asset and in much the same way that if i put someone
else's music as a backdrop to wan show they could claim the monetization from it well
okay yeah i i guess so but if you're gonna then go and say well no okay we do understand
the benefit that game streamers and let's players have especially for titles like a
super smash brothers for example where there is no there is no entertainment in the viewing
experience that overlaps with the entertainment of the playing experience spectating super
smash and playing super smash are two distinctly different experiences and the people who are
into that might not necessarily have been into that and weren't going to buy it anyway
necessarily and the people who want to play it watching it is not a replacement so particularly
for games like that or like a mario kart these are these are great examples of competitive
style stuff different experiences viewing versus playing um so so nintendo has acknowledged
oh maybe there is a benefit to this maybe we shouldn't take all the money away from
people who are driving eyeballs to our to our games um but then they go and they kind
of they want to like nickel and dime these people like oh no we like really need the
revenue so badly because we you and smash and mario kart are not selling really well
and the entire internet isn't hyped over the moon about the upcoming zelda game pretty
well right now yeah we you and smash and mario kart are specifically doing pretty good right
now so they should like not do this because they're probably fine it's frustrating so
basically we don't even game stream but we think this is ridiculous you game stream yeah
yeah so that's ridiculous uh i've i've done game streaming of nintendo content because
i just don't care i'm not into it for that i wanted to play freaking mario kart so like
whatever leave me alone yeah it helps that you have a day job yes but i mean it's one
of those things where you know it's it's easy for us to say yeah if we want to stream a
game we're really not going to give two craps about it because our day job is making tech
videos yeah but for people who do rely on it this is extremely frustrating and this
is the kind of problem that we do potentially face in the future where it's powers that
be that control our revenue stream not us it's funny i actually i saw a comment on uh
i think it was on whole room water cooling something anyway uh someone asked what do
these guys do for a living and uh i was i was about to reply and i saw there was already
a reply i think they build computers i'm like what how can you watch our videos and not
know that we make videos for a living uh some people don't understand how long it takes
to make i guess that's true yeah i mean actually you know what perfect example of this um my
wife ivan had no idea how long b-roll takes for the upgraded new and improved linus tech
tips format because uh brandon was over at my house which is the only place where there's
enough room to set up that obato gaming cock the video for which by the way is coming out
this week pretty excited for that i'm gonna watch that one yeah um so he was over filming
it and we were there for like you know five hours and she was like yeah i had no idea
it takes so long like yeah and the editing takes even longer than that so there's pre-production
and then there's actual filming which is actually by far the shortest part yeah scripting writing
uh editing uh testing things yeah b-roll yeah all those things take a lot longer than me
standing there and reading off a teleprompter nick testing the actual video sitting it live
at the right time yeah the forum topic all that stuff there's tons of things all right
well i think that's pretty much it for the land show for tonight you guys are awesome
and we thank you for watching really hot in here i know it's getting hot in here so turn
off all the strings i am getting hot i will take my clothes off and then their monetization
for the stream was stolen
tg out friday
every time i hear that i think of the restaurant yeah but i know the restaurant's not the original
last drop your square spaces with knowledge learn about how things fall i'm just gonna
cut you off