
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

because of YouTube.
And we're live.
Welcome to the WAN Show, ladies and gentlemen.
We've got a fantastic show for you guys today.
We've got all the topics that were fully fleshed out
by the writers ahead of the show.
And then a couple that Luke and I were just kind of
passionate about and wanted to talk about,
including that whole controversy where a fan recreated
all the levels, except the bonus ones, of Goldeneye
in Far Cry 5, and then had them pulled
after a copyright claim.
We're going to be talking about that.
We've also got, what's our headline topic today?
Ah, yes.
Windows has turned it up to 11.
And I think now that we've had some time to process,
both Luke and I have some thoughts.
That's right.
We've got some thoughts on Twitch.
And we're also streaming on YouTube and FlowPlane.
What else we got today?
AMD's Fidelity FX Super Resolution is finally here.
It has landed.
It is in the building.
And John McCaffey just got Epsteined.
McCaffey found dead in prison.
That is a very controversial way of phrasing that.
That's the title that's in the doc.
So he was found dead in a Spanish jail.
Okay. Let's roll the intro.
One moment, please.
And the show is brought to you today by, who is it today?
Cloud Linux, Honey, and Ridge Wallet.
All right.
Why don't we jump right into the headline topic.
Windows 11.
Luke, are you ready?
When are you?
Okay. You know what?
Do we want to go through the main-
As soon as possible.
Okay. Really?
I'm in. I'm in.
I am not quite.
I think there's a joke that I'm not getting here.
I did. I don't know.
I'm feeling good about it.
Okay. Let's talk about everything that was announced.
I'm going to do it as soon as possible
on like not my main device so I can make sure it's stable
because I have to work.
Okay. Sure.
But I'm highly interested.
I'll say that much.
So Microsoft Windows 11 event took place yesterday
making the new operating system official
after a leaked build hit the internet a week ago.
Some people were a little salty about the event,
notably Anthony.
I had to desalinate the script
as I was going through it with him.
I was like, you seem mad bro.
And he's like, well, I am mad.
I had to get up at six in the morning
and they spent the vast majority of my precious time
alive on this earth talking about stuff that doesn't matter.
And very little of the time talking about features
that engineers actually worked on.
And so I get it.
I understand.
Yeah. Not everyone in the world had to wake up
and watch the event live.
People could have, you know, I think the general public
could have probably watched a VOD.
I don't think that's necessarily
the most fair criticism ever.
Or a really great compact summary
on Linus Tech Tips' YouTube channel or something like that.
I think Tech Quickie right this time or Tech Quickie.
Actually we hit it on Tech Linked.
We hit it on Tech Quickie.
We hit it on Linus Tech Tips.
It's kind of big news.
Nice. Yeah.
It's sort of a big deal.
Yeah. Honestly, I get it.
It makes sense.
And there's different ways of writing it and yeah, I'm in.
I'm down.
And let's talk about some of the stuff that was a big deal.
Like run us through everything they talked
about during the event here.
This I think is actually,
this is bigger for me that I almost would like to admit.
But rounded frosted glass aesthetic.
I have hated so much how Windows 8, 8.1 and 10
have all looked.
I just, I don't normally care that much about aesthetic
stuff, but like.
You heard it here folks.
You heard it here first folks.
Luke doesn't like them flat.
He likes them round.
It's just a thing, okay?
Come on.
It does.
I wouldn't say it looks like Windows 7,
but it resembles some of the older rounder designs
a little bit more.
I liked the look of Vista.
I can hear the boos.
I can hear the boos from here, but I liked it.
I liked some parts of it.
I think if you, when you look back at Vista now,
it's kind of like, but at the time I liked Vista,
I really liked Windows 7.
This might get some flares, but especially at the time,
not really anymore, but especially at the time,
I really liked Windows XP.
So far I like the general design aesthetic
that they're going for, which is very cool.
They have a new touch optimized interface.
That makes sense.
It offers larger touch targets and visual indicators.
And I, you know, hold on.
I mean, let's go through these a little more slowly
because I want to talk about that.
I've seen a lot of people kind of actually hating on that
and I don't really get it anymore because sure.
I mean, when did Windows 8 come out?
Was that about 10 years ago, I think?
Yeah, it was just signed out.
2012, August 1st, 2012.
So that was nine years ago, Windows 8 came out.
At that time, I understand why people were upset
about a touch first approach to a desktop operating system.
It made no sense.
Nowadays, outside of the desktop,
you walk down the laptop aisle at your local Best Buy,
I'd say a solid, at least 30 to 50% of the Windows devices
do have touchscreens on them.
And as someone who has gotten very accustomed
to touch on my laptop in particular,
I have no problem with Microsoft
giving a little bit more thought
to how I can use Windows better with a touchscreen.
And compared to what they did with Windows 8,
so far, I haven't seen anything to indicate
that Windows 11 is really giving the middle finger
to desktop users in order to make touch better.
That's a very important point
because when we first got Windows 8
with the Metro UI stuff,
and it looks like you're playing that game
where you have to like shift the blocks on the board
to make the picture connect, we're not dealing with that.
It's just a little bit more optimized,
makes a little bit easier, which totally makes sense.
But you can see in their videos and stuff,
they didn't hack everything up
and make it look like Windows 8 again.
The Metro stuff can get out of here.
Anyways, this one,
I didn't actually catch if you could realign it,
but I did hear they said default.
So I'm kind of hoping that means you can realign it
cause I'm not really sold on it so far,
but the start menu is center,
the task bar is now center a lot.
You can, you can realign it.
There's a registry value that you can change
to move it over to the left.
At least that is true in the early build that we saw.
Now, one thing that does appear to be true
based on what I've seen so far,
but I haven't actually tried to force it
is that it doesn't appear as though you can move the task bar
and the start menu to the side or top of your display.
And some people are super mad about that.
And you know what?
I get it.
As much as I personally vomit inside my own mouth
a little bit, every time I see a task bar
on the left or the right,
because, and maybe a part of it is just that
I come from the five by four
and at the very worst 16 by 10 days.
You know, like for me, it's just, it's a sin
to put the task bar on the left or the right,
because it used to be,
you actually had most of your space
you didn't care about at the bottom of the screen.
It was a sensible place to put it.
CRTs were four by three, early LCDs were five by four.
And then 16 by 10 was the,
like the early widescreen resolution.
So it always like made sense to have it there.
And then 16 by nine, it's been the,
it's been the screen aspect ratio that has bothered me
rather than me adapting myself and my habits
to put my task bar somewhere else where the extra space is.
I would also argue that a lot of modern apps
and a lot of websites have kind of normalized
this menu on the left side.
Absolutely, absolutely.
And vertical scrolling,
now that everything's designed for mobile
is totally more important.
So I get it.
So as much as it makes me vomit a little bit,
I understand why people wanna do it
and I will defend their right to use their computer
the way they wanna do it with my last breath.
I mean, this is something that we talked about
when I was complaining about not having T9 dialing on iOS.
The point was not that there is no other way
to dial a number.
So many people brought up that you can swipe down
and use spotlight and type someone's name
and then call them that way.
You can.
Good for you.
That's not the point.
The point is that it would cost basically nothing
for Apple to implement it.
And there's also nothing wrong with T9 dialing.
And why am I allowing Apple to decide
how I should use my device?
They should just give users choice.
Using a device should be in a way
that's comfortable for me, the user.
Remember the customer's always right.
Remember that was a thing a long time ago
once upon a time.
Well, I don't really agree with that.
Okay, sometimes the customer is a complete idiot
and that's fair.
Sorry, Karen, you're just gonna have to leave the store.
But in this case, I absolutely side,
pun intended, with the people who don't think the task bar
and the start menu should be stuck at the bottom.
They should be allowed to move it
because who freaking cares?
And maybe for Microsoft, they were sitting here going,
well, it's a lot of work for us to have this
swipe in from the left widget thing
and also allow people to have a start menu there.
It was gonna like mess stuff up
and our aesthetic would be bad.
You know what?
It's not up to you.
Just let people use their computers
the way they wanna use them.
There, that's my whole thing.
Make it able to be designated.
I want this side to be the swipe in news thing
and I want this side to be the start menu.
How hard is that?
I mean, probably hard.
I'm admittedly not a software developer,
but I think it's worth it.
I think it's worth it.
That's all.
All right, what's next?
Okay, moving on.
Redesign start menu with Office 365 sync, of course,
and OneDrive search, of course.
Search is probably still going to be a complete mess
that doesn't work at all.
I know, I'm gonna believe.
I choose to believe, Luke.
I choose to believe.
It's not like they've never built a good search
in the start menu.
They used to have a good one.
I mean, it's been a while.
I don't believe, yeah.
You don't believe, all right.
My issue is that they're still gonna have it
like internet connected.
It's still gonna search the web
and it was theoretically incredibly easy to fix
this entire time if they just prioritize local over web
and they just never did it.
And there was some other problems,
but personally, I think that was the core one
because I believe that caused a lot of the other ones
and they just never fixed it.
So I don't believe they're gonna fix it now
because they want to be your one stop shop.
They wanna be your search.
They wanna do that other kind of stuff.
So they have this ulterior motive
that is going to lead them down the path
of still suggesting internet stuff over local stuff,
which is not good.
Can I play devil's advocate for a second here?
Now, Microsoft has a ton of telemetry data
from Windows 10 users about how they use the OS.
What if, Luke, what if searching for files and programs
on your local PC is actually the minority
of how that feature is used?
Okay, so maybe.
I haven't personally ever heard of someone complaining
about it working that way.
And when it fails to find things that Windows 7
or Windows 8 could have found,
that's when it gets really awkward.
If it had the same level of functionality
and also gave web results, which it doesn't,
to be very clear, but if it did,
I don't think you'd have these level of complaints.
I don't mind the fact that it searches the web,
to be completely honest.
I do mind the fact that I can never find really basic things
and end up installing the installer for things repeatedly
because the installer for the software can find
that I have it installed, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Super annoying.
Because I'm like, oh, I guess I never installed that tool
that I thought I used once, eight months ago.
And then it's like, wait, I did.
Searched has never found it.
Cool, super annoying.
Here's another crazy sort of out there thought.
Mass Gulking says, I've had so many issues
doing tech support with people not understanding
that some of the windows search results are web results.
So what if, through the feature being so bad,
all the users who wanted to use it for local search
just outright stopped using it and all the people
who liked using it for web results continued to use it
and it became sort of this positive feedback loop
so that they continue to double down
on it being a web search feature.
It's one of the problems with telemetry data
is you don't necessarily know when something is frustrating.
You just know that people are using it.
Yeah, there's a lot of issues with that
in a lot of different ways.
You got to take it for what it is.
And yeah, I think there could be worries about them
using it the wrong way.
All right, what else we got?
All right, next up, new on-screen keyboard.
It has emojis.
It has tenor gifts.
It has chest fears.
It has a thumb typing board.
Yeah, go ahead.
He's so mad.
He's so mad.
That's uncomfortable.
Yeah, I mean, that's cool.
That kind of goes in line with the new touch-optimized
interface stuff.
That is going to be helpful.
Oh, for sure.
I'm excited.
I use a two-in-one daily, so I'm really excited for that.
I don't, so it's not like a major personal thing for me.
But I think it's a very good thing for the operating
system to have as a whole.
Oh, you know what it's going to be great for?
OK, do your next thing.
I'll be right back.
New widgets panel slides in a pane of not gadgets,
of not gadgets, and news from anywhere.
They're trying to modernize.
They're trying to feel more like mobile.
They're going to have it so you can slide in the thing
from the side, or you can get news.
If you have an Android phone, I'm
sure Apple has something similar.
If you have an Android phone, if you swipe
to the right on your home page, you
should get a lot of news and stuff on the side.
Pen input is getting better with haptic feedback support.
That's fantastic.
It's a good thing.
It's definitely only a good thing.
Auto HDR is coming to Windows to expand
dynamic range for non-HDR games.
Pretty neat.
Direct storage supported out of the box on Windows 11
for games that support it.
Also good.
They talked about games a lot at this event.
Xbox Game Pass is now part of the Xbox app
included in Windows.
I sort of thought that was already a thing, actually.
He's back.
We'll talk in a moment.
I'm here.
I'm listening.
I was just talking about how it says Xbox Game Pass is now
part of the Xbox app included in Windows.
Was that not a thing already?
Oh, man.
One sec.
I think the integration's just better.
It's kind of like the multiple desktop thing.
A lot of people were really confused
when I was talking about that in the initial video.
They're like, actually, Linus, Windows
has had support for multi-desktop views for a long time.
You just use this button.
No, no, I know.
They made it better.
So now you can have different backgrounds
for your different monitors if you have a multi-monitor setup
and stuff like that.
I had just meant that they improved it.
I didn't mean that they didn't have a feature like that
at all.
It also does a better job of remembering
where your windows are supposed to be when you unplug or plug
in a new monitor.
So that was what I was talking about.
Sometimes I think people make assumptions.
When I say something, they kind of
make assumptions based on words that come out of my mouth.
The way this is written, it's not too open to that.
It says Xbox Game Pass is now part of the Xbox app included
in Windows, which I sort of thought it already was.
But maybe I am wrong.
Moving on, though, direct teams integration, of course.
It also says here probably because Microsoft
couldn't buy Discord.
Android app support in like a way
that I'm not a huge fan of, which
says it's relying on the Amazon App Store, which is kind of.
However, this is pretty cool.
So check this out, ladies and gentlemen.
John Joe asks, hey, regardless of the Amazon Google App Store
stuff, surely you'll also just be able to load
APKs from Windows, right?
The answer is yes with an exclamation mark.
No beating around the bush, nothing like that.
So sideloading apps appears like it will just be a thing.
There you go.
I dig it.
Yeah, as long as you can sideload apps.
Remember when the ability to sideload apps
was not a special feature?
You know what I'm saying?
Just kind of a thing by default. Yeah.
Remember when we could take that for granted,
just being able to install an app from an unknown source
if we feel like it?
OK, also Windows Store, hooray, our favorite thing ever.
It now gives apps that use third-party payment 100%
of the revenue.
Actually pretty cool.
That's actually pretty cool.
Unless it's a game.
But their cut is pretty low.
It's 12% as of August 12th.
That is pretty low comparatively, et cetera, et
But yeah.
Apparently it says here, but they neglected to tell us
about some other things.
I'm sure this is still Anthony.
So I've actually had some requests in the floatplane chat
for the fully salinated Anthony cut.
Oh, interesting.
I've never done anything like this before,
but I think they want the pre-edited version
of the script.
Yeah, you should do a script read.
Do you guys want to hear what the video would
have been if I had not changed anything that Anthony wrote?
Because we don't really talk about this a lot.
People know, I think, that as the host,
I do input some of my thoughts into the script,
and I do make adjustments to what the writers initially
bring to me.
But I think they might not realize how much at times
I might change.
So yeah, OK, they want the full salt mode.
Everyone's super into it.
OK, so I will be curious to know.
OK, the problem is I'm going to do it.
I'm going to do it.
I'm going to straw poll it.
OK, I'm going to straw poll it.
I want to know which cut you guys like better.
But I think I already know the answer,
because I know that as the hardcores who
watch the WAN show, you guys love Anthony,
and anything he does is automatically magic.
And that's cool, because I love Anthony,
and I think everything he does is automatically magic.
So I already know that Anthony's version is going to win.
The other reason I know Anthony's version
is going to win is because you guys are the hardcores who
I think would like us to take a more adversarial stance
on things Microsoft and Windows.
But what I was doing, I just want to get this out there,
what I was doing was I was trying
to take some of the personal cynicism out of it
and try and make it more about the news.
That was the goal.
So OK, which cut is going to be the question?
And we're going to have Linus cut, Anthony cut,
I don't know, Snyder cut.
There you go.
We're a voter, create poll.
OK, so I'm going to drop this.
I'm going to drop this into first the float plane chat.
We're going to have you guys go first.
And I'm going to start the read.
You guys ready?
I'm not doing it in ASMR.
That was not a big success for us, the whole ASMR video thing.
The worst performing video in a very long time.
All right, so the first frame was
going to be Linus holding up a laptop simulating
a Windows update with the camera tight on it.
And then it's going to say, when the line reads,
it only seems that way, we're going to quickly lower
the laptop to reveal Linus's face.
So we ended up doing a slightly different version of that.
It's not every day Windows gets an update.
It only seems that way.
But this is no ordinary update.
For the first time in six years, we're
finally getting an official look at a new operating
system from Microsoft.
But wait, wasn't Windows 10 supposed
to be the last version of Windows?
What about Windows 10X?
And were we wrong about Windows 11
in our preview of the leaked ISO a week ago?
Microsoft doesn't seem to know.
But I know about sponsors like blank,
talking points here, animated intro here.
All right.
When we first saw Windows 11, it looked like little more
than a major interface redesign for Windows 10.
But on closer inspection, there was more going on
under the hood than we gave it credit for,
with reports coming out that Microsoft had enhanced support
for hybrid architecture designs like Intel's Lakefield
and ARM's Big Little, which is about to come
very relevant very soon.
And that's why it's so frustrating
that Microsoft didn't seem to care one bit about what
their own engineers were doing under the hood
and instead spent like 90% of the whole runtime
just patting themselves on the back
and waxing philosophical about how much work gets
done on Windows.
It's a given that people use Windows, guys.
People get work done on Windows.
We use Windows for most of our workstations.
I don't care that we use Windows.
I care what Windows is doing to make that experience better.
And there are only a few major items
that Microsoft touched on.
The first and most obvious is the new visual design.
They kept talking about how it should feel familiar,
how it should feel like home, blah, blah, blah.
TLDR, we've seen it already, save for a few details.
It's a frosted glass aesthetic with multiple theme styles,
rounded corners on Windows, and a center aligned taskbar.
An optimization that Microsoft made clear
was for touch users.
The new start menu, clearly lifted from Windows 10X
is supposedly powered by the cloud,
which is shorthand for we included Bing search as usual.
And it's probably why it was so bloody slow
when we tried it out for ourselves last week.
All right, so this is part of the editing process
as I corrected him that it only did that
when we were using like software-based GPU acceleration.
It was fine when we were running on a real GPU.
But hey, now your recent documents will sync across devices
if you're using Office 365, so there's that.
There are more useful changes, of course.
Snap layouts let you quickly and easily tile windows
in different orientations,
similar to how the fancy zones power toy works today,
except significantly more user-friendly
and significantly less configurable.
Microsoft says that nobody else lets you do that
with this many windows, and I don't know if you noticed,
but Linux has had that kind of tiling for a long time.
They do bring something new to the table here though.
Windows grouped this way will group together in the taskbar
and be treated like a single item.
So you can switch to and from a window layout on the fly,
and virtual desktops can now be customized
with different wallpapers.
Just like you can customize your water bottle
with the stickers you get for free from lttstore.com.
What's more, they finally fixed the issue
where windows rearrange themselves semi-randomly
when monitors are disconnected,
instead minimizing windows that were on the removed display
and putting it all back when you reconnect.
That'll make docking a laptop way less frustrating,
although I'm not sure what happens
if you disconnect the display,
then start working with windows that were on it before.
Do they get moved back when you reconnect?
There's more for all-in-ones
and touch displays in general too.
Touch targets are bigger now with more visual feedback
and there's a new onscreen keyboard
we didn't get to try out in our test drive
that looks a lot like the iOS keyboard,
right down to the ability to move the cursor around
by holding the space bar.
It's unclear right now whether the keyboard
shows up automatically when you touch a text box
or if there will be a dedicated button for it,
at least for the example they showed
of a Microsoft Office comment,
it dismissed the keyboard once the comment was finished
so there must be some mechanism
that tells it to raise or lower.
So Anthony doesn't use a touch nape,
sorry, this is me again.
Anthony doesn't use a touch enabled Windows device
on the daily, so I told him
that there's already a mechanism for that
so I would expect they wouldn't remove it.
So we cut that part out.
But that's all boring productivity stuff.
What about gaming?
Well, auto HDR is coming to Windows
after debuting on the Xbox Series X, excuse me,
and direct storage support is baked into Windows 11
at the OS and driver level.
That brings Windows more in line
with traditionally Xbox features.
This was something I really took exception to,
I was like, Anthony, you're clearly mad bro
because you gave auto HDR and direct storage support
two lines out of hundreds.
Anyway, that brings Windows more in line
with traditionally Xbox features
and that's really about it.
Yeah, Xbox Game Pass is now integrated
into the Xbox app that comes with Windows
but it wasn't exactly difficult to find before
so that's why you were confused, Luke.
We did get more promises-
Okay, I still don't get it.
Sorry, we'll talk about it.
Hold on, hold on, let me get through it.
We did get more promises of cross-platform play
as is the tradition by now
but we have no idea how many titles will support it
or if it's a system-wide thing or what.
For an operating system
that's supposedly considered every detail,
we got practically none for how long that segment lasted.
Oh snap!
At least additions to pen input look pretty sweet
with the addition of haptic feedback
to simulate the feel of different tools
as you're using them.
Not really a whole lot else to say about that though
because they only showed it briefly,
just like they did for screen rotation
which is much more streamlined now
with Windows rotating smoothly with the display
and tiled Windows in landscape mode
stacking onto each other
rather than arranging unpredictably as in the past.
Speaking of unpredictable,
Teams is now integrated into Windows directly?
When did everyone start using Teams?
Am I out of touch?
There's now a dedicated icon
that gives you what looks like a searchable jump list
of recent contacts and buttons for interacting with them.
I'm not sure this is what anyone was asking for
but at least they have something akin to iMessage
and FaceTime built in.
So that's cool I guess.
There was a brief mention about dictation
and voice commands like they've been doing for decades now.
So presumably that's also received an upgrade
to compete with Siri on Mac OS.
Mac OS, they made a big deal
about how this all works on any platform.
Like that was a dig at Apple or something.
In fact, they made a lot of digs at Apple
throughout the event from lines like,
I don't wanna buy a tablet and a laptop
to saying what's Intel doing right now
with their 11th Gen or what Intel is doing right now
with their 11th Gen processor is just awesome
after calling out AMD and Qualcomm as equal partners.
It's more than a little obvious
and they made a lot of these not so subtle jabs
throughout the presentation.
Even the Windows 11 page on their website
has this kind of thing in place
of genuinely useful information in the FAQ section.
I thought he was pretty mad there.
Another thing they spent a long time talking about,
the Windows Store, now with the ability to order hardware,
show movies, TV shows and other content
regardless of the streaming service
and integration with the Amazon App Store.
You can run Android apps directly in Windows,
no word on whether sideloading is possible
or if you're stuck with the Amazon Store,
but presumably the hope is that if enough people
run Android apps on Windows,
they'll eventually demand UWP versions
be available in the Windows Store,
similar to BlackBerry's hopes before their platform died.
Windows isn't in any danger of dying right now,
but Microsoft's App Store is sorely underutilized
and they blew a lot of wind about how it's super easy
with industry leading rev share and support
for outside payment processors so they don't get a cut.
It really felt like they came just short
of getting on their knees and begging.
They also practically begged us
to care about their new widgets panel,
which they described as a beautiful sheet of glass
powered by AI.
In effect, this is the same thing
as the news and interest panel Microsoft added
to Windows 10 in another update,
but with additional features.
As the name suggests, it does support widgets
for the first time since Windows 7,
even if they were called gadgets back then
and it can be brought up or dismissed quickly
by swiping in from the left edge of the screen
on a touch screen or clicking the icon
for it in the taskbar.
When will Windows 11 be available?
Microsoft didn't tell us,
instead saying on the FAQ that it should be available
on new PCs starting late this year,
while the update for Windows 10 users
will start rolling out in early 2022.
Also, no word on pricing.
According to the FAQ, it's a free update
for Windows 10 users with no set expiry date,
but we have no idea what, if anything,
it will cost at retail for PC builders.
Speaking of PC builders, get subscribed
because we're working on an epic length video
that will be the last build guide you'll ever need.
Another thing Microsoft didn't tell us
and buried in the FAQ, system requirements.
As we've already seen, Windows 11 requires Secure Boot
and TPM 2.0 to function as a security manager
and this may chafe some users.
It also needs two or more cores,
four gigs of RAM, 64 gigs of storage,
and a DirectX 12 compatible GPU.
Significantly more all around than Windows 10.
There's a health check tool you can download
to check compatibility,
but apparently our workstations aren't compatible.
Why not?
I don't know, go buy a new PC.
Microsoft, please, at least tell me,
is it the TPM thing?
It's probably the TPM thing.
What's more troubling, however,
is this note that Windows 11 Home Edition
requires an internet connection and a Microsoft account
to complete first-time setup
and you get fewer features for using one.
Desktop wallpaper is no longer synced
with your Microsoft account between devices
and the timeline feature has been removed.
There's more.
The taskbar is now locked to the bottom of the screen.
The start menu no longer has support for folders or groups.
Live tiles are gone and the menu itself can't be resized.
Tablet mode is gone and replaced with the new touch inputs
and Cortana mercifully won't bug you
during the first-time setup,
nor take up unnecessary space on the taskbar by default.
It is so frustrating digging this kind of thing up
because these changes normally would have been touched on
in past Windows reveals.
It's unclear whether Microsoft intentionally leaked
Windows 11 before the big reveal today.
It was obviously from an earlier point in production
than we were shown,
but it did get a lot of eyes looking their way.
In fact, the first thing that tipped anyone off
was that Windows 10 now has an end of life date,
which is October 14th, 2025,
putting Windows 10 service life at just over 10 years,
a few months short of Windows 7s.
Was it a good operating system?
Well, I don't think it'll be remembered
as fondly as Windows 7 was,
but it was better than the mess that was Windows 8.
Here's hoping Windows 11 continues in a positive direction
when it finally reaches our PCs.
So there you go.
That's what ultimately changed compared to the video
that we uploaded.
That was the Anthony cut.
Do you think that build guide's gonna be
the Windows 10 of build guides?
Ah, it could very well be, it could very well be.
There will be new CPU.
This is the last one you're ever gonna need.
There will be new CPU sockets.
Okay, there'll be new interfaces,
but this will be the last one you will need.
We're expecting it to be over an hour long.
Like, this is gonna be everything you need to know.
That's kind of the idea behind it.
So I'm gonna open up the voting.
First, we're gonna have a look at the results
from a float plane.
Here we go.
We have 79% of people preferring the salty Anthony cut
with 11% of people preferring the desalinated Linus cut
and 9% of people wishing that Zendesk
and 9% of people wishing that Zack Snyder had stepped in.
That never actually happened,
so I don't know why you guys are voting for that.
I do wish, I do wish Snyder did cut in.
Yeah, I'm in that group.
Yep, so we're gonna go ahead
and we're gonna let Twitch vote
and I'm gonna go ahead and drop this
in the YouTube chat as well.
So let's let the masses have their say now.
I think the problem here is that
I think the anger is coming from the event
and not as much the operating system.
That was, yes.
Which, and that's an issue in my opinion.
And that's like, yeah, okay.
So the event's at a weird time.
I think probably a disproportionate amount
of the unhappiness and the saltiness
is probably coming from that.
And then also it wasn't very informative.
Yeah, for sure.
Now, to be clear, Anthony has no problem attending events
and no problem getting up early.
He's the one who gets up early
to launch every embargo GPU review we do, for example.
He's a good sport.
He's a great guy in general, no complaints there.
But like anyone who has to do,
he doesn't like his time wasted, right?
Yeah, and the event wasn't great.
Like Anthony doesn't mind spending his time.
He doesn't like to spend it for nothing.
And I don't blame him.
In fact, that's something that I feel has contributed
to me feeling more jaded and cynical over the years.
Because it's become this pattern where you get pulled in,
you get an inordinate amount of your time taken up
by just useless fluff when all you really wanna do
is work on the tech and make videos, do your job.
You know?
For sure, and I totally get it.
And I would probably have felt the exact same way.
And if I was in Anthony's shoes,
I probably would have written a super salty document
and been all mad.
And I would have changed it.
Yes, and I think one of the problems with this whole thing
is the reality of it is I didn't watch the event.
Yeah, so it's almost an inside joke at a certain point.
Yeah, why would I watch the event?
You guys watch the event.
Yeah, I'm gonna watch you guys.
I did watch you guys.
Like, I don't care about the event.
I don't wanna watch the event.
I don't want them to try to sell me something
that you guys can then figure out
all the actual important bits of and then tell me,
which sounds far more productive to me
because I also don't wanna waste my time
for the exact reason that you guys are upset.
So you guys did a great job
because the video seemed good.
I didn't feel like I was wasting my time.
And that's why I'm actually somewhat excited about it.
Because I mean, it's another operating system step
in the 2020s, right?
Like, it's not blowing my socks off.
But I think it looks pretty good.
I think some of the improvements are really sensible.
I think a lot of the improvements to the touch stuff,
even though that's not a way that I engage Windows
very often, I think those are very smart
and in the right direction.
Yeah, things seem pretty all right.
SamuraiWarrior over on FlowPlane says,
I feel like reveals for many of these big companies
have simply become fluff slash hype pieces
to only interest us and not let us know
what's really going on.
So that's a fair criticism.
And that's a big part of the reason that I think,
like Luke was saying, people don't feel like watching them
and they wanna wait for someone like us to go through,
watch it for them, just take out all the complete garbage,
add in the stuff that wasn't in there
and put it together for them in 10 minutes
instead of 90 minutes.
I used to get so hyped about watching stuff
like E3 as well.
I don't watch anymore for the exact same reason.
And a big part of the reason is that I think that
as part of this trend towards companies taking control
of the narrative around their own products and services
is that they have lost track of what was good
about launch and hype events.
Like remember how furious you were back,
I think it was the 980 launch, I wanna say.
When Nvidia dragged you out to Timbuktu,
nowhere somewhere.
Is this when I...
Oh yeah, so that we were far away from our thing.
Yes, yeah.
They dragged you out to the middle of nowhere,
didn't give you the information that you needed.
So you were basically just a chair warmer in the audience
so that they could do their live stream
and reveal all the information.
You were kind of sitting there going, why am I even here?
Why didn't I just watch this, summarize it
from the comfort of my Cheetos stained chair at home
and then tell the peeps about it
and get a good night's sleep instead of sitting on a plane
cause I'm six foot two or however tall you are.
Three, yeah.
So just for some context there, they brought us,
they put us up in a hotel and it was all nice and stuff
but I don't care about any of that.
And then the event was really far away from the hotel
which is where all our stuff is.
And we have like some laptops and cameras
like we brought what we could to the event.
They have a pre-meeting below the stage
like downstairs below the stage at the event.
So everything's going upstairs.
We can hear people sitting down in their seats
while we're having our pre-meeting
which is where they tell us like 80%
of what they say on the stage
but they don't give the actual important information.
And then when they're on the stage
they give all the important information
and then they immediately close down the event
and are like, hey, it's after party time.
We're closing the basement.
The upstairs is for this party thing
and you can't go back to the hotel yet.
So there's nowhere for us to work.
I can't film this thing.
I made like a handshake agreement with the workers
that were tearing down all the stuff
that was in the basement to let us stand in the corner
and film our video.
And Brandon and I just filmed our video there.
And then if I remember correctly,
Brandon just like edited it on like a pile.
Like the laptop was just sitting on like a pile of,
a pile of folded tables
and he was sitting on like his backpack or something.
And that's where he had to edit the video.
And then I don't remember how we uploaded it
but it was just, it was such a nightmare and it sucked.
And that, yeah, that made me salty, but you have to.
Yeah, yep.
But you guys don't care because you weren't there.
So yeah.
And in a way it's kind of better for me to not,
cause I didn't sit through the event.
So I was able to come at it with totally fresh eyes,
seeing the condensed version.
That's a big part of what works so well
about our current workflow for doing these events
is one or usually two or three people
from the writing team are watching.
They're live tweeting, they're making notes
for the various channels.
I mean, Apple events these days,
we have to have at least three people watching them
because Riley has to know what's going on for TechLinked.
He's gonna have his own spin on it.
Usually Anthony is gonna be covering it
on the LTT side of things.
He's gonna have his own spin on it.
And then now Jonathan Horst for Mac address
is gonna have to watch it for his more,
you know, Apple oriented spin on it.
And there's really no way around it.
So it's like, it's amazing how much it costs me
in like labor hours every time Apple hosts an event.
Anyway, that's not the point.
The point is during the script review process,
which is me for LTT and then actually there isn't one
for TechLinked or for Mac address.
Actually, I think James works with Horst on Mac address.
So I shouldn't have said there was no script review.
But for me, I will not have watched it
and I'll be going in kind of wide eyed and excited
with this super condensed,
like from concentrate Apple event.
And it really gives a kind of a fun dynamic
to the way that we kind of go through and edit the script
and kind of have this back and forth
between someone that kind of had to sit there
hearing Apple go on and on about what color
their stupid keyboard is this year.
And then someone who gets to gloss over that
and focus on the really cool stuff,
like the neat MagSafe connector for the iMac or whatever.
All right, we've got the final numbers.
We've got the final numbers for the poll.
Here it is.
You guys are, you've come at me 55% prefer the Anthony cut
and I got only 35%, but like I told you guys,
that's exactly what I expected to happen.
But I'm sure Anthony is going to feel validated
in his saltiness for sure.
Why don't we, if there's anything we missed here,
let's see if there's anything.
Ah, yes.
So this is interesting.
TPM, so trusted platform module has come out
as being a little bit more nuanced than we initially said
in our preview and then in our event coverage.
So technically TPM 1.2 will work for DIY systems.
So that's good because that means we'll be able to go
quite a bit farther back than we thought.
But OEM systems must have 2.0.
TPM 2.0 modules have apparently already begun
being scalped online.
The prices are skyrocketing.
This is from Shen Yi.
Price history of this thing is going from around 30 bucks.
To note though, if you do the health check on your computer
and it's like, oh, you don't have this in a lot of cases,
you just have to go turn it on in your UEFI BIOS.
Yes, so Intel Skylake, AMD Zen and newer
have it built in via Intel's PTT and AMD's FTPM,
but it's disabled by default.
So you just have to make sure that you enable it.
However, there are some other things to consider here.
It's unclear what Windows is doing with the TPM.
So if you swap your motherboard or CPU,
does that equal broken Windows install?
You don't know.
Yeah, that's definitely an uncomfortable part
of this whole thing for sure.
Early reports also say that you can force install
without a TPM.
So maybe it's not that big of a deal.
I did see some people saying,
you can just take a Windows 10 installer
and just copy all the Windows 11 different files onto it
and then just install it and it'll install Windows 11.
I'm not sure if that gets around the TPM requirement,
but it's pretty clear that Microsoft feels
that a TPM is going to be necessary going forward
and that this is going to be a big pain in the butt
for everyone from DIYers at home
all the way up to professional sys admins
that are managing fleets of devices.
I mean-
Yeah, it's gonna be a massive nightmare for that.
One really horrible thing already
is just like if you're using legacy boot mode,
for whatever reason,
maybe your system just was like being a butt head
at some point about UEFI mode.
Guess what?
Full reinstall time.
No ifs, ands, or buts,
because you cannot use legacy boot mode
with TPM enabled, period.
That's pretty brutal.
Yeah, do not like it.
Do not like it.
Yeah, the wallpaper sync with Microsoft account
not being cut is just like weird.
I don't really care.
It's just like, why?
Yeah, I don't know.
Honestly, I don't even like it.
I kind of hate that feature.
In fact, right now, my desktop has a wallpaper
that just it got because I got a new laptop
and it has this ASUS ROG, whatever wallpaper on it.
And then my desktop doesn't have windows activated,
so I can't change it.
Well, I can change it.
I'm just lazy.
You just right click a thing and set as desktop background.
But you can't use the personalization menu,
so I didn't.
I have my windows activated across the board.
So I have different backgrounds for all my systems.
So like, I agree.
I just don't really understand why they cut it.
You know?
I don't know.
But maybe just no one cared
or maybe people just didn't like it.
And that's the thing.
Like if you're all sad that it's gone,
just like email yourself the picture
and then set it as background again.
Like it's really not a big deal.
It's not exactly difficult to work around.
There's actually a couple of super chats here
that are sort of windows 11 related.
Nightmaster85 says,
do you think in the future
Microsoft will want to make windows fully cloud-based?
So instead of buying a powerful machine,
consumers just buy extremely cheap hardware
that uses a hundred percent cloud.
So it's like Chromebook on steroids.
Microsoft is definitely headed that direction
or they're definitely headed closer,
but I don't know if they will actually go there.
So I'm going to defend that statement
and point out that X cloud, right?
X cloud for Xbox is pretty much
Microsoft moving in that direction.
Okay, yeah.
It's only the Xbox right now,
but like an Xbox is just a computer.
And okay, the Xbox doesn't-
And Microsoft is pretty over their whole like,
don't cannibalize each other thing.
So, yeah.
So we actually had this discussion internally
where we kind of went, you know,
at what point does Microsoft just admit
that the Xbox is a computer
and just let you install Chrome browser on it
and Adobe premiere and whatever.
At what point does Microsoft just become overnight
a tier one system integrator
with an enormous install base
and this huge ecosystem advantage
over anybody else in the space?
I don't know.
Nothing really prevents it.
I mean, one of the things that is different architecturally
about an Xbox compared to a typical PC
is that the Xbox uses the same memory pool
for both the CPU and the GPU,
because the CPU and GPU are integrated,
but it's been demonstrated already in that Chinese console.
I'm afraid the name escapes me right now,
but there's a Chinese console
that was using a very similar architecture
with GDDR something, whatever,
that was connected directly to an APU-like CPU
and Windows was running on it.
So clearly it's capable of it.
I don't know, man.
Guess we'll see.
Guess we'll see.
Yeah, either way, it's interesting.
I was happy something's happening.
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All right.
Are we gonna talk about John McAfee found dead in person?
Or we can talk about the Goldeneye remake
or the summer sale shopping spree.
Okay, let's talk about the Goldeneye remake.
This is super sad.
The Goldeneye maps painstakingly created
by Far Cry 5 player Crawleywood
have been pulled offline after a copyright claim,
which I mean, there's no one else
that really could have come from
other than Bond license owner MGM.
And MGM already has had a bit of a history
with not playing nicely with game developers
who wanna work with the Bond franchise.
I remember, I forget who it was from Nintendo
that basically said, yeah, the reason that we never saw
a Goldeneye remaster or any continuation of that
was due to not being able to figure it out
with the relevant rights holders.
Crawleywood said on Twitter,
Ubisoft sent me a mail because they got one from MGM.
And also, I don't know if there's a legal way
to upload them again because I'm on their radar now, I think.
If you guys haven't seen this project, it is so cool.
Hold on a second, I'm on, ah, I'm on IGN.com
and there's a, okay, you know what?
Here, let's just show this.
This is absolutely amazing.
Wow, like how fun would it be to go back
and play Goldeneye like this instead of like this
and with a keyboard and mouse
instead of the janky controls.
I saw this and I was super excited for it
and I really wanted to play it.
I didn't even own Goldeneye as a kid,
but I would always go over to, I'm just trying to think.
Taylor had Perfect Dark, Matt had Goldeneye.
I'm pretty sure it was Matt's house that we played.
No, Taylor might've had Goldeneye and Perfect Dark.
The point is I had to go to friends' houses to play it,
but I loved playing it.
They always let me play as Oddjob
because they were the ones who played the game all the time.
And so I was fundamentally allowed to cheat
and I was really, really excited to play it through again.
I mean, other than just being upset about it,
I don't really have much else to say
other than that this sucks.
I mean, especially given that Crawlywood didn't,
recreated the levels from scratch.
I'm having a hard time seeing how they can justify
forcing them to pull these down.
Didn't you say it might've had something to do
with audio files or soundtracks or something like that?
Yeah, my understanding is there was some reuse
of the soundtrack that I could see being more problematic,
but here's the thing.
There's a big difference between
what you have the right to prosecute
or what you have the right to enforce
with respect to copyright law
and what you probably should enforce.
I mean, YouTubers in particular all the time
will use things like clips from South Park.
We did it.
I actually had completely forgotten
because it's a habit we have done away with
over the last few years using
any kind of copyrighted content,
just because we don't wanna deal with that mess.
But in our video about this like child GPS tracker dongle
from like five, six years ago,
we used a clip from South Park
where the kids are wearing
these child tracker 4,000 helmet things.
And you know what?
That's absolutely the kind of thing
that if Comedy Central or if Trey Parker
and Matt Stone wanted to go after us about,
they potentially could.
And we could make the argument that it's fair use,
but until we fight that out in court,
they're in the right.
You're basically guilty until proven innocent
when it comes to that type of potential copyright infraction.
So what that means is that a lot of the time,
the bets that we make,
whenever we do include any kind of copyrighted content,
which actually we do include in things like TV reviews,
we'll just have a movie,
like an actual Hollywood movie running on the TV.
And we'll talk about what the experience
of watching it is like on this particular display.
And the bet that we're making
is that while they could technically go after us about this,
they probably won't because it's not in their best interest.
We're just using their content to demonstrate
how a product that their content can be enjoyed on performs.
What's in it for them?
In fact, we're even a lot of the times talking about
how much we love this movie.
And when it comes to fair use-
Someone could use it poorly.
Someone could say, oh, I'm gonna do a review of a TV.
I'm gonna sit here and watch this movie.
And then they just watch the whole freaking movie.
But that's clearly not what's happening in this scenario.
Cause there's four pillars for fair use.
There's the purpose and character of the work,
including whether such uses of a commercial nature
or is for nonprofit educational purposes.
Now, Linus Media Group is a commercial endeavor,
is a for-profit enterprise.
So we're potentially in a little bit of trouble there,
but also the character of the use is editorial.
So that's where pillar two comes in, the nature.
Oh, sorry, excuse me.
So editorial.
So you could make the argument that, okay, yes,
this is a for-profit enterprise,
but they're utilizing it in an editorial fashion
as opposed to entertain the audience
when the original use was to entertain the audience.
And that's where pillar two,
the nature of the copyrighted work comes in.
There's also the amount and substantiality
of the portion that's used in relation
to the copyrighted work as a whole.
So I think that MGM probably has some ground
to stand on there, given that, you know,
fundamentally they recreated the game.
But then there's number four,
the effect of the use upon the potential market
for or value of the copyrighted work.
So, okay, what that basically means is
how much is this infringement damaging
the original value of the copyrighted work
or the rights holder's ability to monetize it?
And given that this is a game that's been out of print
for many, many, many, many, many years,
with no plans for a re-release that I've heard any word of,
it's really not affecting it at all.
If anything, it's creating additional interest
in the franchise, in the original work,
and potentially increasing the value of it.
So it would be not an open and shut case,
but I do think that outside of the use of the music,
which, you know, you could say,
okay, yeah, what about soundtracks?
You're really affecting the ability
to monetize the soundtrack for Goldeneye for N64.
I mean, you can make that argument.
I don't agree with it.
I'm just saying, like, I feel like that might be
one of the major grounds for why they jumped up.
I would not be surprised if the files for this surface
in some way, somewhere.
Oh, for sure.
I haven't found one yet, but-
Oh, send it over, please.
No, like, actually.
Oh, all right.
But I'm definitely not trying
and definitely won't send it to you if I do find it.
Hey, thanks, bro.
You know what's funny is I actually,
oh, no, I didn't yet.
I was just looking at finally buying Far Cry 5
in order to play these maps,
because I haven't really had any interest
in a Far Cry game since Far Cry 2 burned me
with an unrecoverable save state.
But it's in the summer sale for $11.99 Canadian,
which for those of you who are not familiar
with the Canadian dollar is not a lot of US dollars.
It's like $9 US.
Actually, we had talked about this in the pre-show.
I've been, I was on a bit of a shopping spree
before the show started,
because the Steam summer sale is on.
I bought Rick and Morty virtual reality,
or Rickality, excuse me.
I've been meaning to play that, but I was like,
eh, I'm not spending $30 or whatever the regular price is.
Is it good?
I know someone who played it
and I was gonna just borrow it from them.
Alex, Alex played it.
And he said it was like, fine, it was good.
If you like Rick and Morty, you'll like it.
So I was like, okay, yeah, sure, I'll play it.
I also bought Titanfall 2.
That's based on your recommendation, Luke.
I got it for eight Canadian dollars.
And believe it or not, I have not played The Witcher 3.
So I've been spending a bunch of time
playing Bravely Default 2 on the Switch.
I have like 55 hours in it.
And honestly, I shouldn't have put that many hours into it.
It's just not that good of a game.
That's all, yeah.
So I'm kind of sitting here going, I can do better.
I can do better than this.
I'm gonna find some better games to play.
So that's what I've got so far,
but maybe you guys can hit me up
with some of your recommendations.
What should I get from the summer sale?
I'm already gonna grab,
I'm already gonna grab Far Cry here.
Let's have a look at what we got.
You guys gonna help me out with this?
You know what, maybe we'll do it at the end of the show.
I might, okay, yeah.
We'll do it at the end of the show.
We'll do it at the end of the show.
We've got a couple more topics to get through here.
I wanna talk about,
I wanna talk about,
I don't know, AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution.
We could talk about that.
I feel like you could just watch Anthony's video.
He did a really great job of going through it.
Yeah, McAfee just got Epstein'd.
So the man who hates, or hated,
his own self-titled antivirus software
has been found dead in a Spanish jail.
McAfee was arrested in October
at Barcelona's International Airport,
and earlier that month,
charges were laid against him in Tennessee
for evading taxes related to income gained
through cryptocurrency promotion, allegedly.
He owed $4.2 million in taxes
for income between 2014 and 2018,
and the death occurred hours
after a Spanish court approved extradition
to the United States to face tax charges.
He was potentially looking at decades in prison,
which at his advanced age
would have meant the rest of his life.
Would have been a sentence of up to 30 years.
McAfee previously stated in a tweet,
and this is kind of creepy,
I am content in here.
I have friends.
The food is good.
All is well.
Know that if I hang myself, ala Epstein,
it will be no fault of mine.
There's also like a tweet from him saying,
getting subtle messages from U.S.
This is, John McAfee was,
very interesting.
You want to go down like an interesting rabbit hole.
Just look him up if you don't know a lot about it.
So I'm not, this stuff is,
do not take this with like, yeah,
as I think I've said in the past,
an industrial bag of salt,
but getting subtle messages from U.S. officials saying,
in effect, we're coming for you, McAfee.
We're going to kill.
We are going to kill yourself.
I got a tattoo today just in case.
If I suicide myself, I didn't.
I was whacked.
Check my right arm.
Seems very,
I don't, I don't even want to speculate.
I don't want to speculate, but he,
Very interesting dude.
Very, very interesting character.
And we know him for his AV software,
but he hasn't been involved in years
and actively denounced it in a bizarre video in 2013.
It truly is bizarre.
There are also lots of other bizarre videos
involving or about him.
There's booth babes or something.
There's, I don't know.
It's, it's really, it's really weird.
Yeah, sold his stake in 1994 for a reported 100 million.
Intel has since bought McAfee back in 2010 for 7.6 billion.
I don't know who actually owns it now.
I don't think Intel owns it anymore.
Not sure.
Yeah, I'm not sure.
Purchased by Intel in February, on September,
something, something strategic,
something, something, something.
A predecessor industry type public.
Maybe they spun off.
I don't know.
It doesn't matter.
I kind of don't care.
I don't, I don't use it.
A strategic deal with TPG capital
to convert Intel security into a joint venture
between both companies called McAfee.
Okay, there you go.
So apparently they still own some of it.
Intel maintains a 49% stake.
Okay then.
China bans Bitcoin mining in Sichuan.
They did warn of this.
They said, they said quite a while ago
that they were going to.
So the crash has happened.
And the good news is we're already starting
to see hints that GPU pricing might begin
to make its way back down to a reasonable level.
I'm super excited about that.
Bitcoin is now down to, I think it's at about half
of its high of about 65,000 US dollars.
Yeah, it's at about 32,000 US dollars now.
Just to be clear, I'm not a bull or a bear.
I'm out of the game.
I do not own any Bitcoin whatsoever other than,
actually, no, I don't think I own any Bitcoin whatsoever.
Oh yeah, right.
We had the lounge PCs mining for pizza money
for work lounge nights.
So once we have our next stage of reopening,
which is going to be July 1st,
we can start doing lounge nights again.
I'm super excited.
This is interesting.
James says, part of what could be causing,
he wrote in his notes,
part of what could be causing the crypto crash
would be miners selling their coin
in order to finance moving their operations
to other countries.
Yeah, I could see that.
Enough large-scale mining operations need to move
enough large-scale business operations.
For sure, I could see that.
In the end, this is a good thing for Bitcoin
and decentralized currency in general,
because having so much of it concentrated
in one authoritarian country was not a good thing
for a decentralized currency that wasn't supposed
to be dependent on government overreach, right?
The Boston Dynamics dog is now a Hyundai.
So Hyundai announced that it would be buying
a controlling stake in Boston Dynamics back in December.
The deal has now gone through.
They apparently spent, wow, only $1.1 billion.
Isn't that amazing?
How much a discord of the world is worth
compared to how much someone that actually,
no offense to discord,
but actually develops like a groundbreaking,
world-changing product.
The company plans to leverage Boston Dynamics
to create a robotics value chain
where they'll focus on manufacturing,
construction, and automation.
They also have made some surreal concepts
which they might get some help from Boston Dynamics
with for like their 2019 walking car concept.
So yeah, a car that could drop you off
right on your doorstep.
That seems like something everyone needs, which is neat.
I find it pretty interesting that that changed hands.
I find it very interesting
that it was allowed to not be American.
I don't know.
Yeah, go figure, right?
I have a big announcement for lttstore.com.
Yes, you guys knew it had to happen.
A follow-up to the sad Linus pillow.
We officially have Linus selfie sequin pillow.
So you can adjust him to have whatever face you want.
It's the tackiest.
It'll be the tackiest thing in your house by far.
Guys, it's for the memes, okay?
It's for the memes.
Hi, Linus.
Bye, Linus.
You know what I'm saying?
Check it out now, lttstore.com.
We've got all the pictures that you might want to see.
Obviously, people are memeing it up.
So there's a couple different styles now of the meme pillow.
There you go, guys.
The launch is official.
It's been up for a couple of days, actually,
but the launch is official now.
Oh, do you remember when I ran to get something before?
Because I was talking about
how important the keyboard is to me on Windows.
Yes, yep.
This right here.
This is such an amazing little emulation box.
The Aya Neo has become my favorite
of the little portable Windows gaming machines
that we've checked out recently.
That Tencent funded one was just kind of too big.
The GPD Win, which one was the latest one?
Whatever, the last GPD Win that we reviewed,
it's kind of too small now,
now that I've played on this one.
This thing is fricking awesome.
And I'm really looking forward to, da, da, da, da,
having a better keyboard.
Because while I use a two-in-one
for my bigger portable device,
I can always unfold it and use the keyboard.
With this thing,
I actually have to use the built-in keyboard.
So having one that's better with more features
is absolutely a plus for me, and I'm super excited for it.
It's also just, man,
it's so natural to use the split keyboard on here.
So just having more features, more themes,
I'm super into it.
It's such a great little emulation box.
My son is playing a Super Mario RPG,
really enjoying it so far, and he's doing it on here.
It's like the perfect experience for that.
I actually ran out and bought a copy of it.
Did I tell you about that, Luke?
You did.
Anthony was at Willow Video. I was very surprised.
I didn't know that both you and Anthony
were Willow Video fans,
but he apparently goes there just to go there
and just check it out,
because it's just a cool place to be.
And he saw a copy of Super Mario RPG, complete inbox,
actually in great condition.
And he was like, hey,
this is a little more than I want to spend,
but it looks like it's less than what they're going for
on eBay for complete inbox.
And it seems like the kind of thing you'd love to have.
I love the Super Nintendo.
I mean, that was my childhood, right?
And even though I didn't play Super Mario RPG as a kid,
I played it as a young teenager, emulated of course.
And it was really exciting for me to have an opportunity
to own it.
And of course there's a physical copy of it,
which got my son really interested in it.
So he wanted to play it.
So I got RetroArch fired up on here
and now he can play it absolutely guilt-free in RetroArch
because we own a copy of the game.
So that was-
There's some games that don't hold up.
I feel like a lot of games from back then
actually hold up somewhat okay.
Like Super Nintendo games in particular,
if they weren't trying to come across
as like bleeding edge modern,
then they hold up okay.
Cause like the art styles and everything are just like,
it's more of an art style instead of a limitation.
Like no offense, but Star Fox on Super Nintendo.
It's rough.
It's pretty bad.
Morrowind is atrocious.
Like one of my favorite games ever.
You go back to play it unmodded and it's just like.
But some of the ones that leaned into the art style,
rock and roll racing is a game that is still outstanding
all these years later.
It's so good.
So good.
I played it for the first time ever because I actually,
I've emulated quite a few things,
but I never emulated that.
And I never owned it when I was a kid,
but I played it way after the fact
and it was still great.
Super Mario RPG is fantastic.
You know what's another game that I need to make sure
I get this sweet community modded version of
before it disappears.
Did you see that the Super Mario World widescreen mod
is now available for download?
They, man, I love the retro gaming community so much
because that's yet another excuse for me to get
yet more hours of entertainment out of that game.
They actually modded the game to run completely
like the actual original game.
It's not a recreation.
Mario jumps exactly the way he jumps in widescreen.
So the level, you just actually see more of it.
I am so excited.
I feel like that's kind of OP.
That's amazing.
Like, you know, like, like it's, like, it's like,
it's overpowered.
Like you can see some, some of it is like,
if you can see stuff earlier,
you can react to it sooner, you know?
That's fair.
That's fair.
It changes the gameplay.
It's, it would still be fun to go through and play for sure.
I'm definitely going to go through.
I'm going to play it.
I'm really excited for it.
Oh man, Nasty Anon says,
I've got a copy of Final Fantasy 3 complete in box
from when I was a kid.
The only thing I have left for mine,
I actually lost my cartridge when I moved from my dad's house
to my mom's house.
I left everything behind, including my Super Nintendo.
So I was really choked about that.
But the one thing that I do still have
is my original manual.
It is completely like destroyed,
but not destroyed in like a, it got destroyed way.
Destroyed in a, my parents won't let me play
Nintendo right now.
So I'm just going to sit and like read the manual
over and over and over again.
It doesn't have the front or back cover.
I just, I just loved looking at the artwork
and reading the little character bios and memorizing,
you know, blitz combos and all that kind of stuff.
I was a kid, right?
So I loved it, loved it.
Is there anything else that we, oh, right.
So I'll, you know what, I'll do my shopping spree
a little bit later.
Yeah, I think that's about it for kind of main topics
I wanted to talk about.
Why don't we do, why don't we do some super chats?
Let's do super chats first.
So those people who don't care about my steam shopping spree
can just leave.
Guys, do a full review of Microsoft Powertoys.
Been meaning to do it for so long.
It's been on the list.
Guys, I want to do it.
I've even got a great title for the video.
What did I want to call it?
Where is it?
Shoot, I can't find it anymore.
Powertoys, thank goodness I don't have to switch to Mac
was going to be my clicky title for the video.
And it was going to go through just a bunch
of really great stuff in Windows Powertoys
now that they're finally back, love it.
Girlfriend just ordered an LTT water bottle
to go to PNG for her dad who works in a mine
ready for a tropical stress test.
We'll report back on results.
Hey, fantastic, love it.
It'll do great.
Stardock Start 10 has pretty much solved my complaints
says Zovastria about Windows 10 search, et cetera.
Hopefully it will work for Windows 11.
Love the channel by the way.
Hey, thanks so much.
Kevin C says, hey, just wanted to say thanks.
Your vids helped keep me sane and motivated
while finishing my PhD dissertation
and I successfully defended it this past week.
Hey, that's awesome.
I also use the info I learned from you
all to build my first PC funded by my graduation gifts.
Fantastic, Kevin, fantastic.
Marcy Fenn says, love the show, watch every episode.
Luke's mom should guest host again sometime.
Erin Larian says, as someone who struggled with alcohol,
I appreciate having someone to look up to who doesn't drink.
Thanks for being you Linus.
Hey, I mean, honestly, for me, it's not about that.
It's just, you know, I just don't feel like I need it.
And if that helps you, then that's freaking awesome.
Yeah, that's awesome.
And to be clear, I'm not down on anyone
who does enjoy the bottle from time to time.
That's, you know what, anything in moderation,
but it's just not for me, that's all.
Tirth says, do you think Intel and AMD and OEMs
are encouraging Microsoft to increase minimum requirements
so people will buy newer devices and hardware?
You know, I don't think Microsoft
would need any encouragement, because you gotta remember,
now that they just allow you to upgrade your old Windows
to new Windows, it's actually in their best interest
that you buy a new Windows PC.
I think that there could be a little bit of conspiracy
tinfoil hat truth there.
I also think that Microsoft sees the future
as Microsoft Store, Xbox Marketplace,
and generating revenue based on IPs,
like buying Bethesda, as opposed to-
They're clearly trying to keep you in Windows more.
They're trying to make it so the news app thing is a thing,
they're trying to make the Xbox thing more a thing,
they're trying to make the store more a thing, et cetera.
Spaceman says, question,
I have a network of rigs for flight sims.
That's not really a question.
Okay, but there's a question after.
The DCS program is heavily single-threaded,
so we use 5,900s overclocked.
These rigs are ATX systems rigged to AT cases
and thermals are an issue.
Should I bite the bullet and build a rackmount config?
Rackmount is amazing, not just from a cooling perspective,
but also from a maintenance perspective.
Especially if you don't put the racks up super high,
if you don't need a ton of them,
I don't know how many you have,
but pulling them out, being able to work on them,
slide them back in, boy, is it a back saver, man.
It's great.
Most of the problems, this is John saying,
most of the problems can be fixed
just by putting more settings,
like a setting for where the search function
can search local or local and the web,
the user can turn on and off.
Yeah, they could do that,
but they want people searching the web, right?
Like that's what they want.
Mark C. Fenn says,
would be interested to hear your thoughts
on the Sony X85J, a 4K 120 Hertz TV,
that comes in 43 inches.
So it would be great to use as a monitor.
It has Sony's colored thing,
which I think is quantum dot
and variable refresh rate coming in the future.
Until Sony actually delivers variable refresh rate
on their displays, I can't recommend it.
I can't recommend things based on what will come.
And we talked about this in our review of their new OLED.
So until that happens,
as for using quantum dot
with full array local dimming on the desktop,
honestly, I don't know.
Sitting that close to it with a mouse cursor moving around,
I personally find it distracting.
It's fine for enjoying content,
but it's not, in my opinion,
it's not great for desktop use.
Here's something.
Oh, Cryptics says,
did you see the interview DMS did
with Sonova and Sennheiser?
It seems like Sennheiser will continue doing
what they've always been doing.
Yeah, I did see that actually, DMS sent it to me
and I'm extremely hopeful,
but I also don't know if it's a guarantee.
Legit Smith says,
Linus, you mentioned you wear earbuds to sleep every night.
Would you consider making a video ranking them
as to what you found is best for wearing to bed?
So far, I love the AirPods Pros
just because their active noise cancellation is great.
They're so comfortable.
I've been using the Sony,
whatever their stupid model number is,
WF-1000XM4s and unfortunately,
I found that the touch controls on the side
get activated quite a bit
when I'm moving around in my sleep.
And when the voice comes on saying,
active noise cancellation,
ambient or whatever the message is,
it's quite distracting and it starts and stops sometimes,
which is really annoying.
I'm also having issues with the start and stop
working in Plex,
which is what I'm often using
when I'm listening to content while I sleep.
So unfortunately, I'm gonna have to lose them for sleeping.
But other than that, I really liked them.
Sound quality is great.
If I was just a daytime user, I'd be keeping them,
but I am going back to my AirPods Pros,
which is unfortunate because I just accidentally left them
in the parking lot and they got run over.
Yeah, the earphones themselves, not the case.
So I only, one of them actually still works.
It's just a little crack,
so it's not gonna be very water resistant anymore,
but I did have to order a new right side one.
Do we go over your shopping spree?
Yeah, sure.
Actually, people keep sending the super chats.
They're sending a lot of them.
Guys, stop sending super chats.
That's gonna keep happening if you keep staring at it.
James Ryan says,
speaking of Anthony earlier in the show,
I'd love to see more Linux content.
He wants to do more Linux content.
We've actually got a really good one planned.
That's kind of like a beginner's guide
to setting your PC up with Linux.
And it's gonna be more tutorial-y
than a lot of the things we've done in the past,
less about entertainment.
But I greenlit this a little while ago with Anthony
where it's gonna be like,
okay, you know absolutely nothing about Linux.
Here you are, absolutely everything you need to do
in order to install Linux and try it out for realsies,
including getting Proton running
so that you can game in Linux,
get your GPU drivers installed,
all that kind of good stuff.
Thanks, Theo.
All right, that's it, guys.
I'm cutting it off.
I'm cutting it off.
No more, I'm sorry.
That's all the super chats I can do.
I don't know why you guys send super chats.
We can't do that stuff all the time.
It's, I don't know.
It's one of those things where philosophically,
I believe that content creators
who lose track of being content creators
and shift their focus,
shoot, I might've accidentally ditched that, there we go,
who shift their focus to just talking about
being a content creator lose themselves.
I think they lose what makes them a great content creator.
So rather than making the show about Q&A,
I would rather, you know,
you guys ask me questions when I'm game streaming
or whatever and make the show about being a show.
Anyway, time for my shopping spree here.
So the show's over.
I'm just shopping in the Steam Summer Sale now.
So I've got float plane chat up and Luke's gonna,
Luke's gonna help me out here, display capture.
So I'm gonna start with,
so do I need standard edition or gold edition here?
For what?
This is Far Cry 5.
Standard edition for $12
instead of spending double for gold seems fine, right?
What even does, what is I probably,
but what does gold even give you?
I don't know.
That's really frustrating.
That's something that Steam actually does not do
an amazing job of spelling out.
Like, why doesn't it just say exactly
what the heck gold edition is?
Sometimes if you scroll down, it's-
I don't see anything useful here.
Check out the entire- Nope.
Five, Far Cry New Dawn, blah, blah, blah.
Nope, it just doesn't say.
Apparently the DLC is meh.
It's the DLC, just get the standard.
Okay, there it is.
It's going in the cart.
Is this, which one is this?
Oh yeah, I got kind of bored of this one
partway through, not gonna lie.
It's the one where I can play the GoldenEye levels, I hope.
Ah, right, got it.
So for 12 bucks, I'm just gonna go for it.
Just winging it, hopefully they get released at some point.
Yeah, okay, so what else should I be looking at, guys?
Help me out here.
Something that I'm not convinced on yet,
but I'm kind of interested in is Outer Worlds.
Outer Worlds?
A lot of people have told me
that it's supposed to be really good.
The Outer Worlds?
The Outer Worlds, yep.
Ooh, that's still $32, even on sale.
It is, it's an Obsidian game they made Fallout New Vegas.
Fallout New Vegas is freaking amazing.
Yeah, I don't know.
The floatplane chat says it's pretty darn good.
Yeah, I'm on the fence for the exact same reason
you are, right?
It's not quite there to the like,
that's an obvious buy price range yet,
but a lot of people have told me that it's a fantastic game
and it is like over half off, so.
I got a really strong recommendation for Outer Wilds.
Like get Outer Wilds, forget about Outer Worlds.
Both games, they got released at like a pretty similar time.
It was very annoying.
And I've heard that they're both very good, so.
I don't know.
Huh, what even is this?
It's like a, it's a space.
Adventure games.
RPG adventure game.
Sure. Yeah.
All right, okay, all right.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Okay, what else are we checking out here?
Man, everyone's got, Command Alt Escape says
a quarter million on pillow stuffing,
but won't buy a $30 game.
Okay, look, I don't, I don't mind spending money.
I don't like wasting money, okay?
Like that's the whole, that's the whole thing for me.
It's the same conversation that you had
about the Microsoft event, right?
You don't mind spending time, you do mind wasting time.
Exactly, exactly.
All right, get GTA 5 and Skyrim.
You know what?
Those are two games that also came out
during that era of gaming
that I didn't get to participate in
because I was busy having children and like
starting a company and stuff.
I don't think I'm going to go back to them though.
I just don't see it happening.
Those are both games that would require
such an enormous time investment
that I just don't know if I can do it.
Titanfall, I already grabbed Thorlum
based on Luke's recommendation for the single player.
And that one's short, that one is quite short.
The single player is super short
and there's one thing that's kind of nice
is like the multiplayer is really fun,
but it's pretty like, it's pretty sweaty.
There's a lot of try-hards.
But there is co-op versus AI multiplayer
that's also actually quite fun.
Which is cool.
So you can like play it multiplayer with your buddies.
Yeah, yeah, it's cool.
Epsilon 7 says both of those games are on Game Pass.
I do not have Game Pass.
I don't play games on a consistent,
on like a regular enough basis to justify Game Pass.
I actually spend less picking up the few games
that I will play on sale compared
to what I would spend on Game Pass.
I know.
It can be really bursty and I'll play a game for a bit
and really enjoy it, but then like just not have the time
or whatever to play for quite a while
and then want to go back to it.
And for me, honestly, I've looked at the costing
and I think I've saved money
by not having these subscription services so far.
So, yeah.
Better Wish Connect asks,
hey, when is background play coming to iOS on Floatplane?
Yeah, Apple has been such a nightmare.
iOS updates are tough.
I don't know if Jayden is in the chat,
but he'd probably be able to tell you better.
Jayden has been wanting to do more things
for the app lately.
And I've been kind of holding him off a little bit
just because he is working on some really big things
for the website in general,
which could also make app development stuff better,
yada, yada, yada.
He's working on some really big stuff
and then we'll get back to the rapid updates
for the apps later.
I've got someone apparently super chatted me this
and then subscribed to Floatplane
to send this recommendation.
They want me to get Space Engineers.
It's a sandbox game about engineering, construction,
exploration and survival in space and on planets.
Players build spaceships, space stations,
planetary outposts, Lordy.
This looks-
Very involved.
Really cool.
And also like an enormous time commitment.
Like to put it in context,
I didn't pick up Apex Legends
because I was like, ah, this is like too much to learn.
Ooh, I don't know.
It's an MMO,
but Final Fantasy XIV has an amazing story
while also being a great MMO.
I don't know if I want to get into an MMO either, guys.
By the way, I do own VTA V.
I just have-
No, no, no, no, no.
Final Fantasy XIV.
Oh, we don't, yeah.
Did you see Final Fantasy IX
is getting an animated series?
That's cool.
No, I had no idea.
I'm actually kind of interested.
Did you ever play IX?
I don't think so, but maybe.
I might've dabbled with it.
Oh yeah, I really enjoyed it.
I'm actually kind of interested
in any Marvel or Star Wars content these days.
Yes, yeah.
I'll give it that for sure.
I really liked the old Final Fantasy movie.
I don't know what it's called, but yeah.
Final Fantasy movie, that was cool.
What about Dragon Age Inquisition?
What does the chat think about that?
It's on for $11.
Dragon Age.
I remember not being a fan when it first came out.
Which one is Inquisition?
Inquisition was after II, I believe.
Because I loved Dragon Age Origins.
I put so many hours into that game.
Dragon Age Origins was incredible.
Like so many hours.
And then I feel like the entire series
just took a free dive after that.
But I am wondering about Dragon Age Inquisition.
Oh wow, I still have my save games
from Dragon Age Origins.
My character, Lyra.
Hold on a second, what's this?
Oh wow, I got my character.
I got my character.
Here we go, here we go, here we go.
There she is.
What a badass.
I can't, I don't have it up.
Oh, sorry Luke, you missed out.
It's gonna be like a while until I see it.
You missed out, you missed out.
Origins is best by far, people are saying.
Yeah, I don't know.
That's another game that's a huge commitment.
And if it's not, if it's not as good as Origins,
I'm just, I don't know.
I honestly, at that point,
I'd rather just replay Origins or something.
Play Origins again?
Yeah. Yeah.
Borderlands 3, lots of Zeons, come on.
I'm not playing FPS Diablo.
I'm sorry, I played a fair bit of the first Borderlands
and eventually I sort of realized,
and someday you'll realize it too, that it's Diablo.
I have a weird idea.
I wouldn't necessarily say it's a recommendation,
but a weird idea.
I have been told, I have heard through the grapevine
that Assassin's Creed Unity has aged like fine wine.
Apparently they like fixed it.
You're a little bit biased
when it comes to Assassin's Creed, Luke?
I don't know.
I think 3 is an atrocity.
I think, I thought Unity when it came out was an atrocity.
I have heard this and I'm seeing it for less than $5
and I don't think I wanna buy it
because I think it's probably still garbage.
But yeah, the all reviews are mostly positive,
but the recent reviews are very positive.
I have heard that it runs far, far better
on newer computers and I've heard that they fixed it,
but I have no idea.
Does Ubisoft have a sale going on right now as well?
Is that where this is coming from?
Nope, that's Steam sale.
Oh, it's on Uplay as well for $4.50.
Assassin's Creed Unity, you said?
Yeah, it's on Steam for $4.49.
Well, I'll save the, oh, $4.49.
You know what?
I'm just gonna get it in Uplay because of Anno.
I mean, it's gonna launch in Uplay anyways.
Yeah, so.
So it doesn't make a difference.
Oh, so I should save the penny is what you're saying.
Oh, well.
I mean, I might as well, but then it's in Steam.
I can't remember how that works exactly.
No, I'm just gonna grab it on Uplay.
Yeah, it's $4.50.
Audio serve.
Black flag is great.
Audio serve is so good.
Man, there's so many games on sale.
Oh, yeah.
Okay, you know what?
I picked up Doom Eternal recently
and I was having some fun with that.
It's not a game that I like couldn't put down or anything.
It's got a great flow to it though.
Yeah, yeah, so you've played it.
100%, I actually just bought it
as part of my shopping spree,
but I've played it in benchmarking it.
And it's one of those games that when I'm benchmarking it,
it's kind of hard to put down.
Like I end up just kind of not focused on making a video
and focused on just playing a game.
Yeah, it's been fun to just like,
oh, every once in a while,
I just wanna like mindlessly dunk on some monsters.
It's like, okay, so I'll let up Doom Eternal.
Okay, I haven't beat it or anything, but I enjoy it.
Apparently I need Rimworld.
This is $35 guys.
A sci-fi colony sim.
Oh, Lordy.
No, I don't know.
You're getting suggested a lot of like really big,
like STEM and engineering games.
Okay, so let's remember.
Which are cool, but I'm.
I don't have babies and I'm not starting a company,
but I still have children and I'm still running a company.
More than one.
Okay, I'm getting a lot of recommendations
for Dishonored.
Dishonored is cool.
I like Dishonored.
It's five bucks.
Should I just get it?
Stealth and tactical assassination game.
Not necessarily assassination.
You can, as far as my understanding goes,
you can beat the entire game as a pacifist,
but it's very much like a stealth and tactics
and decision-making type of game approach scenarios
and in different creative ways
and you get rewarded for it, yada yada.
All right.
It's very dark.
It's a very dark game.
Lot of recommendations for Hades.
Is this a dungeon crawler?
Hades is a roguelike.
Okay, I don't know if that's my style.
I don't know if you're into roguelikes.
It's from Supergiant,
which are the people that made like Bastion and stuff.
The art's fantastic.
Music is fantastic.
The voice acting is fantastic.
I could not get into Bastion.
It's nothing like Bastion.
Oh, all right then.
Every game that they've made has been very different
from every previous game that they've made.
Nick is piping in.
Hades is insanely fun.
I highly recommend.
Nick is a big fan of Hades.
I like Hades a lot.
I don't 100% know if it's your style.
It's a great game.
I don't know if you would necessarily individually
get a ton out of it.
Okay, if I don't get Valheim,
Alex is going to crap bricks.
It's only 10% off, but I will try it.
I'll try Valheim.
Valheim is also a very large investment of time.
I'll try it.
I'll try it.
People are saying you can beat it in a week.
You can beat it in a week of probably pretty heavy play.
I see.
All right.
And if you just like Google everything.
Oh, I don't like doing that.
If you don't Google everything,
it will probably take you a little while.
Oh, Anthony's texting me games too.
Okay, why is everyone sending me games to buy?
Okay, I've got some Anthony recommendations.
He wants me to get Bloodstained Ritual of the Night.
Pricey, but a solid Metroidvania
by the guy who made Castlevania.
Also, I don't think it's your jam,
but Ace Combat 7 is 75% off
and Project Wingman's a similar price.
Both are excellent games for the genre.
And I should keep talking and nobody explodes.
Actually, I should really keep talking and nobody explodes.
All right.
Keep talking and nobody explodes, it's amazing.
All right, I got some really good recommendations
from Anthony there.
That was kinda cool, yeah.
All right.
All right.
I think that's pretty much it for the show today.
Thank you guys so much for tuning in.
Really, really enjoyed it.
Had a great time.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
For everyone recommending Kerbal Space Program,
I already own it.
Thank you.
I haven't actually played it yet,
but I do own it.
I gotta try it at some point.
And stream ended.