
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

No, would it be that if someone bought two items at once maybe we should really start the show
Welcome to the WAN show ladies and gentlemen. We've got a fantastic show lined up for you today
We're gonna be talking about nice hash. I mean probably not single-handedly but Nvidia's
mining limiter
finally being
Defeated just in time for no one to care about mining at all ever again
Also in Nvidia news and video has released open source GPU drivers for Linux
What else we got today pretty big caveat on the end of that Google a yo
Ayo, ayo, why is it ayo? I don't know. Anyways, Google stuff Google news. We're gonna talk about Google hardware and bye-bye iPod
Really? Is that news?
Else's news. Wait, what? Where's all the stuff? I wanted to talk about not here. What I don't understand
Do you want to just riff it? You want to just do it live?
I'm gonna have to riff some stuff. All right, that's going in blind. Let's roll that intro. We're doing it boys
I know it's I oh, that's why correct me if I am in the dock. It's a wire
The show is brought to you by vulture
X split and I missed the third one, but it's there was it and they were space. Thanks Bell
Why don't we jump right into our first topic?
Nice hash has finally cracked the last of Nvidia's defenses fully
Unlocking the full hash rate for Nvidia GPUs that were launched with V BIOS hash rate limiters, which we called
Well, yeah, of course people told us because we were not so we were wrong
Well, those people were they so many people. I hope you remember who you are
There's literally billions of dollars at stake. There's so much money
There's you got it. You got to be joking unless it was like soldered off somehow, which doesn't even make any sense
No, you could you could well, yeah
You wouldn't know you wouldn't be able to do that because then you wouldn't be able to use those functional components of the GPU for other
Workloads and their performance would suck and they wouldn't be competitive. Yeah. Yeah, unless you could do that
Like if it's a software lock, there's so much money. So like unfathomable amounts of money
It's at the point where and I'm not saying I'm not saying this is how it happened because I don't know how it works
Nice hash has not explained how the unlock works
But it's at the point where you know, the kinds of the kinds of crypto billionaires that are out there
That could just be like, okay
Whatever engineer at Nvidia created this here is literally a gigantic bag of money
You can retire. You work for me now. Yeah, and your entire job
Forever is to undo that thing you did and then you retire on an island
Like that's the that's the kind of money that we're talking about here guys
There was absolutely no way that this was not going to be cracked
Timing of it though is is is quite entertaining. Um, cuz it coincides like directly with the crash. Yeah
I mean, I guess that's okay because it means that anyone buying the dip and picking up cheap cards
Also, as far as my very vague not informed understanding goes
Yeah, people on nice hash right now that are like selling their mining power is still making some money. Are they? Okay
Well, there you go. Apparently they weren't the first to do it. This is from this is from floatplane chat
NBminer apparently did it first. I do know that the defenses have been
Slowly crumbling ever since Nvidia first introduced their light hash rate GPUs
And I got a given video credit it took longer to break through them than I thought
It's been a year since they launched the rtx 3060 with a light hash rate limiter
There is there is some people pointing to the lapses stuff and wondering how much of that is related
It could be quite related the Nvidia leak. Yeah, I think that you know, well, okay
We'll talk about that in a little bit more depth when we when we open up our next topic here
Nice hash has not explained how the unlock works instead linking to Queens a kind of magic music video
It's not all good news
It only works at this time it only works on Windows and only using e-thash
This might dagger hash a moto. Okay there. That's okay. And as of today the rtx 3050 and
3080 12 gig cards are both still locked. So it's not every GPU that this is working on
However suspicious the timing is
However suspicious the timing is
It's really only relevant at this point to miners looking to squeeze extra value out of cards that they already have
Because the price of crypto has been crashing to the point where I don't think even the most fervent
Crypto currency enthusiasts would be telling you to go out and buy GPUs
Explicitly for mining right now. I mean Ethereum
Is down from a high of thirty one thousand sixty three dollars u.s. To
2067 and
Bitcoin was at a high of forty one thousand five thirty two. Hold on that is that the one month high?
Oh, that's only the one month high. Yeah, I was at like sixty thousand a while ago. Anyway, it's at thirty thousand now
So we have seen a significant crash
This is great
Who wrote this I'm gonna be Anthony many stable coins fixed to the US dollar says Anthony
Have been destabilized as assets are shuffled shuffled slash extracted in response
Can I just take a moment to shout out that stable coins were always a scam?
I read the name read like a one or two liner on the premise and was like
I don't get it don't see how it works and then just bailed out
But that that's after I had already pulled out entirely. So, I don't know. Oh
Man, it's interesting some analysts see bitcoins price history as proof that it will be able to bounce back. But I
Mean how much?
I think markets in general are
Yes turning down
We should be fair Bitcoin and Ethereum are far from the only things crashing right now. You looked at Netflix
A lot of tech stocks a lot of tech stocks
Shopify over the last six months?
Shopify got nailed
Shopify we're rooting for you to still exist by the way
That'd be great. I really don't want to make a store
Our store actually runs on your platform. We do kind of still see that
I desperately do not want to have to try to make that
They seem like they're doing fine. I think like internally
Okay, I won't say too much but I think they're doing fine
Well didn't they already I thought I read an article saying that Shopify was planning to like do stock buybacks like
Executives were planning to buy stocks. So clearly they have some confidence
Yeah, and I mean
Out of a lot of like tech companies, they seem to have a lot more like, you know realness to them
They have a lot of money going through their platform and like something like Twitter, which is just like how does this any
What nope, I I must have been reading about someone else. That's not
This is okay, so I can't find my source for that Conrad just said in floatplay in chat and this is so this is a
External developer well internal to us external to Shopify
That works on Shopify stuff and he said Shopify is so nice
I hope we never have to use something else hearing that from an external developer should mean a lot for the company that it is said about
Yeah, they could also do better
Well, yeah, okay definitely agreed. There's a lot of things that Shopify could do better like to be clear Shopify
Great partner. We use the platform. They've sponsored us in the past
Shopify could do better
There's some problems
There's some problems
Yeah, there's definitely some problems. We've had to like change roadmaps and plans and stuff based on
Based on targets not getting hit by Shopify
It is what it is
There's a lot of different articles about a lot of different things right now
In relation to like coins crashing and general stocks crashing and everything else
There's an article from Forbes talking about how apparently a trillion dollars in value has just been wiped out
That's a big number
It's almost like it was all imaginary money
Who would have thunk it
I think yeah, I don't know
I don't think I can say way too much on this topic. I just I almost wish it didn't crash so hard if that makes sense
I mean to be clear I'm not saying it should have crashed harder. I'm just I'm just asking
I don't think it would be good for it to cease to like practically exist if that makes sense
Like the stock market
Basically because there's stories. I don't want to get way too into various things
But there's stories like to throw Ukraine for an example
There's stories of people like buying cars in Ukraine with Bitcoin after the after the local banks had entirely locked everything down
So people with Ukrainian credit cards could not make purchases
So they purchased cars with Bitcoin in order to get out of the country, which is like that's pretty cool
So I don't know
I think it was kind of to the mooning a little hard
I think everything in that area was to the mooning a little hard
So I'm happy that maybe it's coming back down to earth
I mean this has been a ridiculous
I don't even want to call it a bull run
I mean it's been pretty clear that we've been in a bubble for quite some time
And there is a benefit to the valuation of companies and the valuation of their stocks having some kind of fundamental basis in reality
As opposed to just being pure tulip bulb speculation
There's always that what you were kind of talking about with Shopify, right?
Like if the public determines that your company is worth like nothing
And you're one of the like people who run that company
You can just be like, oh sweet. Yeah, I'll buy this up because we are going to be worth something
So I will back that up myself and then you retain that kind of minimum value
Times like this make me just so grateful that we do not have any outside money in our company
Because I'm looking at it going okay, maybe recession, maybe depression, maybe
There's a lot of spooky stuff on the horizon
There's a lot of stuff going on in the world right now
But what I know for sure is that as long as we can stay in our little corner of this chaotic universe
Spinning around at a zillion miles an hour through the cosmos
Then we should be okay
There's not an external factor like there could never be a hostile takeover of Linus Media Group
So you could never have some billionaire come in and say, okay, I'm going to go straight to your shareholders
And I'm going to offer them 10 or 20% more than what the stock is worth
Where it's being publicly traded and I now own your company
That is actually impossible
They would have to negotiate with Yvonne
Yeah, I was going to say they have to go through
Good luck
That's true
I don't know if you have enough billions of dollars
She's a really good person to have on your team
She can be a very tough negotiator is what I'll say
Both having been married to her for a thousand years and working with her for a thousand years
She's one of those people that I don't, it's not that she doesn't understand that there needs to be a give and take in a negotiation
It's that I'm not sure that she cares
She's like, well, whatever you're supposed to get out of it, you better negotiate for that, I'm not advocating for it
What about my stuff? Okay, all right, fair enough lady
To be clear, she's a very wonderful, wonderful lady
I'm just really glad that in the cage fight, she's in my corner, not the other one
Speaking of cage fight, this is totally off topic
Are you going to watch tomorrow?
Watch what?
Creator Clash
Oh, I definitely should, I definitely should
I haven't been interested in any of the celebrity or creator boxing matches or anything at all until this one
And now I'm like actually really stoked
Just because the roster is ridiculous
The roster is so cool, it's just like a bunch of people
Here's what I want to know, okay, I'm Dr. Mike, I presumably took some kind of oath to do no harm
Am I actually allowed to pummel the stuffing out of someone? I don't know
It would be, okay, so
No, I'm serious right now
Well, I think that's a different thing
Because you're not
Oh, because it's for entertainment now, it's okay
I mean, you know
But he's not practicing medicine
You know, in a boxing match
Okay, that's fair
So wait, so as long as a doctor is not actually practicing medicine
Then it's fine for them to just beat the crap out of people
What about combat medics that like carry firearms?
I don't know, I don't know, I don't know the rules, do I look like a doctor to you?
I mean, I don't either, I haven't exactly dove into it
I would probably be horrible at that profession
But I have to assume that it has to tie in directly with practicing medicine
Dr. Mike apparently has a video discussing it, okay, I missed that
As far as my understanding goes, he like has actually been training boxing for like a long time
Cool, then this will be very interesting
I'm glad I'm not fighting him then
Seeing some of the people involved, yeah, I don't know
I think it's gonna be really interesting, that's it
Ed Nutting asks, does LMG not have any debt financing, mortgage, loan, etc?
Are you really at no risk?
We are at a very acceptable level of risk
I think pretty much every business is gonna have some level of risk
We could never under any circumstances lose our main HQ
Right now
It's a pretty solid fallback
Yeah, right now we're a little vulnerable on the lab
We just, just took out financing against the lab
And theoretically, if something truly catastrophic were to happen
Actually, yeah, it'd be really difficult
It'd be really difficult for anything to happen real estate wise to wipe us out
And even if interest rates shot up, we are in such a position that long before we would run into any kind of inability to pay our monthly payments
The entire Canadian economy would have collapsed
Unless interest rates shot to 60% or something like that, it's all manageable
I mean, our main expenses are payroll
And that's our main priority is making sure that we can cover payroll month to month
Everything else is like the 20 gigabit internet connection that I'm looking into is secondary
It actually would cost only as much as our current 10 gigabit connection
But it's not quite as baller a connection
So Jake's looking into it, Jake's looking into it
It's from an alternate provider, but then our existing provider ITEL has been making some spicy offers
So we're trying to figure out what our best path forward is here
The one thing that I know for sure is that I want a direct connection between this building and the lab
And that's either going to happen officially or it's going to happen unofficially
Teasing future content by the way
Someone in chat asked about the job postings from last week
They have been up since Monday, as I said
Let's check them out
We've had people apply already to all the positions
There is a problem which I was informed about today
That apparently the new system that we're using on the site for jobs is not accepting international phone numbers
But we are allowing remotes for some of the positions
Oh, okay, we should try to figure that out
So I'm going to send an email to the person who manages that stuff and hopefully it will be fixed
I mean, they're probably going to be gone for the day by the time they get that
So I would check Monday again
Got it
But yeah
You can also
Yeah, never mind
Bradiel asks, does that mean that the wireless internet sharing didn't work so well?
It worked great, but that's for Creator Warehouse
They don't need to review high bit rate 8K footage or whatever on their workstations from the server room in the other building
That's not necessary
They are literally just using it for internet and maybe saving Adobe Illustrator projects, stuff like that
So we might be putting a rack in Creator Warehouse
Because there's a project that AJ, Nick, another person, I don't know if I can say their name, and I are working on where they might have to have a server physically on location
Just so you know
What? Who needs a server on location?
Creator Warehouse
They need a server
In their
The business team
The business team
For this like archaic software thing that they just need apparently
Like an intranet server?
Pretty much, yeah
I hate it
I mean it could be somewhere else
Can you just explain this?
It could be somewhere else, but it has to be on LAN
And while you could solve that problem, it would probably just make the most sense to put it over there
How top secret is this?
I don't think we should say the name of the thing
Well I hate it
That might not even be a problem, I just don't want to just in case
I hate it and I think it's stupid
We're doing it so
Glad we got that sorted out
Let's talk about NVIDIA's open source GPU drivers for Linux
Now this was written up by Anthony as well, so I'm fairly certain that this is already in there
But can I just say that the timing of this is also extremely suspicious
Does this feel like NVIDIA just getting out ahead of, well, everything leaked already anyway
So since it's out there anyway, we might as well just do it anyway
I mean, it's possible
It's possible that this is more of a response to the Steam Deck
Some people in full-plane chat have actually guessed what it is, that's amazing
Yeah, I thought it was an answer to Steam Deck
That was my knee-jerk to this
That's possible as well
What you said makes sense though
NVIDIA just allowing AMD to have pretty much all of the market share of Linux gamers
Because remember, Steam Deck is not going to be the only handheld
And as soon as Steam OS actually launches, it's available more broadly
We're going to see not just handhelds
Steam machines are going to become a freaking thing
You're going to have Steam machines in people's living rooms
Because why not? Why not?
Don't have to buy a Windows license
You've seen the libraries there anyways
And so by not allowing the open source community to contribute to their drivers
NVIDIA is going to be giving up performance
They're going to be giving up features
It's going to be costing them more because they just need to do all the maintenance
And so maybe they've finally figured out that this tide is turning
And they need to just get with the program
Alright, do you want to run us through what Anthony actually wrote up?
So that's it, that's my hot take on this, I swear
No hot takes today
Yeah, so it's been nearly a decade since the Linus Torvalds famous giving the fingers
Which I can't press a bleep button for a gesture
Yeah, can we blur? Can you blur on the fly bell?
Not yet
Yeah, very nice, I like it
It's been nearly a decade since Linus Torvalds did that
And now the open source drivers are apparently available as an alpha
It's not really quite as simple as they're out there
Everything about them is open source
And it's all hunky dory
Because of course it's not, because it's from NVIDIA
So there are caveats
The caveats are the drivers will only work on Turing or RTX 20 or later GPUs
Thanks to a reliance on the GPU system processor included in that generation
And only the kernel module is open source at the moment
User space modules and utilities are all still closed source
So this should help things be more stable
There was some notes later on
According to Wendell, this situation is 90% the same
But NVIDIA is trying to do it the right way
And this isn't really a win for open source, but it is for usability
So there's a cool quote here that is
This is for users, not the neckbeards
Which is still good
But not as good
Not really what I think basically everyone wanted
But still a good thing
I mean that's kind of NVIDIA's MO
It's good, and you'll buy it
But it isn't what you wanted
It's really not what you were looking for
So I mean hopefully this is a step in the right direction
Hopefully this is not the end
And yeah, I think that's about it
Open source driver should finally allow for the fully open source Nuvo driver
To properly use newer GPUs
Aside from features NVIDIA previously blocked
Like locking the GPU minimum clocks for example
Man, okay, so it sounds to me
Like unless NVIDIA does the work
Which they probably won't
AMD is still going to have an enormous advantage on Linux
Like looking at the way that Valve has been able to tune
The, well actually both the CPU and the GPU of the Steam Deck
Like, oh wow
It's way better
It's way better
They are going to be hampered unless they open it up
It's just
I think the quote is actually quite good
This is for users, not neckbeards
This is going to simplify things
That's my take on it
It's mostly just a simplification of the process
It should make things a little bit easier
It's not necessarily going to make things significantly better
I'd love to know what Anthony thinks is the reason
So most early speculation
You put it in every possible reason
Most early speculation revolves around NVIDIA's motivations for doing this
Here are the ones that Anthony provides
We should do a poll
Should we do a poll?
Is straw poll going to let me down again?
Okay, the.com one is not garbage
Seems to be still working
Create a poll
Okay, why did NVIDIA
Do this?
Wait, description
Here's some answers
I just got to grab these
Okay, the options are
The hack by Lapsys
Earlier this year
Okay, so that's option number one
We've got an attempt to stay relevant in the data center
As Arc and Radeon Pro ramp up
Hold on, I'm actually going to copy paste these
So we can have exactly
Exactly Anthony's wording
We've got the option of
An internal takeover by Linux enthusiasts
I am imagining
I'm imagining like a mutiny
Of Linux enthusiasts
They have little Linux pirate flags at their desks
They need to have, by the way, Arc shirts and stuff
Instead of a skull and crossbones, it's like a penguin skull and crossbones
I love it, I love it
I don't want to bias the results, but
From my experience
My experience dealing with NVIDIA people
They drink the Kool-Aid pretty good over there
I doubt there was any kind of mutiny
Or coup
And then what was the one that I had said?
I forget, did I say something different that wasn't this?
I think we both mentioned the Steam Deck
Oh yeah, Steam Deck
Not seeding
I think you were the one who said that
Seeding Linux market share
Steam Deck threat
Alright, here we go
Create a poll
Create a poll
Okay, let's see if this works
It is definitely
Way more work
To create a poll with this one
But I guess I'll allow it
Oh, this is interesting news
We are simulstreaming to Facebook
For the first time
And unfortunately
I showed up last minute for WAN Show
And I did not get a chance to load up Facebook chat
That's a lot of chats to monitor
I cannot post this to it
I have done that
Really? Where did you get the URL?
Oh, smart
Is this what it's like to have a producer?
I think so
Well, I like it
I like it quite a lot
Alright, let's have a look at the results here
FlowPlane and Twitch chat
I need you guys to relax
Yeah, they fight every time you screen share
When I screen share, they fight
And it's important for them to not fight
There's nothing to fight over, guys
FlowPlane chat is my favourite child
You don't have to compete for my attention
Twitch, you were never going to get it anyway
And FlowPlane, you have nothing to prove
On my side, I'm not as nice to everyone as you
I only have FlowPlane chat
I don't have anything else
You don't even look at the other ones
So for a while there, I was actually really confused as to what was happening
Because randomly, there'd just be all these arrows
And I thought they were talking about themselves
Because they were kind of pointing at their own usernames
And I was like, why is everyone being so self-deprecating?
And then I finally figured out that this is happening
And it's going in both directions
I'm like, oh, okay
Hi, Larius
Twitch is not impressed with you
But see, the thing is that Luke doesn't care because you're Twitch
Alright, a sincere apology to Linus Torvalds
Has the lowest share of the vote
Which makes sense, because there's no chance
No way
There's no chance at all
Is there a Linus that NVIDIA is on good terms with right now?
Oh, man
The next least likely, according to the community
Is an internal takeover by Linux enthusiasts
Yeah, I'm on the same page as you guys
That's a fun idea
Yeah, it definitely would be an amazing comedy sketch
But other than that, I don't think so
I'm surprised at how few people think it's the lapses hack
And just getting out ahead of that
And I guess based on how basic level
The open sourcing-ness of it is here
That could be true
That could be true, that is not the case
And the winner here, by actually a significant margin
Is not wanting to cede Linux market share to AMD
Seeing the Steam Deck and the momentum as a threat
I think the data center point has a lot of credence to it as well
Because if you look at what NVIDIA has cared about over the last while
Data center
Data center is absolutely up there
My knee-jerk was the Steam Deck thing
Honestly, right now, if I had to pick one
I'd probably vote for the data center one
You think so?
Not to bail on my own idea
The second I read that data center one, I was like
With so many things in life, right?
Follow the money
So it's like, where's the money on this one?
Is it losing Steam Deck, whatever?
It's like, yeah, there's probably some there
There's some money there
There's real money there
Data center though?
Yeah, there's a lot of money
There's real money there
I mean, we checked out a system this week from Comino
That has
From Comino?
A system from Comino?
The company is called Comino
That's cool
Wait, am I missing something?
Isn't that where they made clones?
I don't think so
Of course, Comino
In my defense
Comino, purged from the Jedi archives
All evidence of the mysterious world of Comino
Was removed
In my defense
A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim
It's been a moment since I've watched the prequel trilogy
Did I just Star Wars knowledge you?
Oh yeah
It hasn't happened many times
I never claimed to be a big prequel trilogy nerd
If you can original trilogy or like early expanded universe out nerd me
Then I will be surprised even though it's been 20 years
That's a probably not
Yeah, that's really gonna be tough
But when it comes to anything newer
Like, I haven't even seen Clone Wars
Like the animated series?
Yeah, I watched the first episode and it's pretty kiddie, Luke
Yeah, it really
The whole thing is questionable
There's parts that are really good
Got it
I never, I have never actually just sat down and watched it
That's another note that is kind of important
It's always just been on
You've been like, this is cool, I like lasers
I'm gonna do something else while this is on like a side monitor
Got it
So we checked out the system from Comino that has four NVIDIA A6000s in it
And the whole time while we were playing around with it
By the way, you know the BMW blender render?
Okay, it did it in like seven seconds
Okay, classroom
Oh man, what was classroom?
No, I'm afraid, I think classroom was like 13 or 14
This is getting into
Like these are insane
Durations where you have to make a new test, basically
Pretty much, pretty much
We ran classroom with, instead of 300 samples, 10,000 samples
And it went to like three minutes
Or something like that
Like it is actually ridiculous
This is a fast system
And we went through this whole thing with it
Not knowing how much it cost
Because we were kind of sitting there going, well, I don't know
That kind of takes some of the fun out of it, right?
Like who wants to know how much this crazy thing costs?
Let's just look at it and go, ooh, ah
And at the end, we started adding it up
And we realized that the CPUs for it were something like $7,000 each
Like to give you guys some idea of how much money there is in the data center space
You know, you think in your sheltered consumer mindset, right?
You think a $500 CPU is very expensive
And you're right
It's a lot of money for processed sand, right?
But in the data center, $500?
That's not even worth writing a check for, okay?
Just to put it in perspective, right?
Why are we ordering that low of a unit count?
Exactly, exactly
Let's just tack it on to our next order
Don't even bother
It's not worth doing the paperwork
So these CPUs are like $7,000 each
And we go and we look up these GPUs, these A6000
By the time they're water blocked and integrated into this crazy render system
They're like $5,000, $6,000, $7,000 each
And it's got four of them in there
And you go on Kamino's site
And they don't expect you to buy one of these, okay?
You go on Kamino's site for the, what is it?
The Grando RM, check this thing out
And they're like, yeah
And one of the really important features of it
Is that it's available as a Grando MDC
A container
Full of Grandos
With a total power of up to, what is it? Half a megawatt
Half a megawatt, my friends
I just don't even know how to deal with this
It's crazy
I mean, look at the cooling solution they built for this thing
I'm sorry, we're going back to my screen here
Like, what the actual bananas is this?
Racks on racks on racks
This is like, it's like those mining containers
Except for, you know, actually doing something productive
You know what I mean?
Crazy, right?
That is nuts
So we got just one of these things
And we're utterly blown away by the performance of it
And I forget how I got on this topic now
Man, I was wondering like what
Oh, the money in the data center
Yeah, money
There's a lot of money there
And that GPU, that GPU is not actually a ton more die area
Than what Nvidia might put on something like an RTX 3080 Ti
So the cost from that standpoint is not that much higher
It's higher
Because you got to understand
As you increase the die area
It's not just like, oh, this die is twice as big
It costs twice as much
Because as you go twice as big
The odds of an error go up by much, much more
When you have fewer dies on a wafer
So the cost is significantly higher
But it sure as crap is not seven times higher
Now they are paying more for memory
And Nvidia does not make memory
So they have to buy that from a third party
But the margin on data center GPUs is absolutely higher
I was wondering what people might use that for
And then scroll down slightly on Camino's website
It makes sense
A lot of like video production stuff
Machine learning
Filming with Unreal Engine 5
As like the, if I remember correctly
Mandalorian did a bunch of that
Yes, they did
The coolest thing about Mandalorian
Was how they filmed it
No offense
I'm sorry
Mandalorian is a perfectly
If you were desperate
If you, if every ounce of your being
Was crying out for Star Wars content
Then it probably felt great
Lisancra asks
What's that shirt?
I'm so glad you asked
What is that shirt dude?
We just launched a new shirt
I hope you guys understand that
When he shows up on set with a new shirt
And I ask, he won't tell me
Cause he makes me wait until the show
Oh it's a screwdriver
That makes sense
Roy did up this design, yes
So it actually is based
On the LTT screwdriver
That's right
We are not just monetizing the screwdriver
As a screwdriver
We are monetizing it
As a fantastic design for a shirt
And honestly that's one of the things
I really love about Lloyd's designs
Is he manages to integrate
The spirit of whatever object it is
Be it a CPU or fans or GPUs
Or headphones or whatever
But just make it a shirt that's like
Palatable to wear, you know
That you'd actually want to go out
And be seen in
Hey these pictures feature
One of our producer dudes
I'm pretty sure I can see his name
Yeah he's been on camera, Dan!
I can't believe this made it as shot number two
Okay that's great
We got Dennis in there
You want to sleep a screwdriver bro?
Andy really wanted to do this shot
With the mid flip
Hey there's Dan
You guys just met Dan
For I think the first time
Anyway the screwdriver shirt is now available
And I believe that's the only LTT store news
That I have for you guys
The stealth sweatpants as well
That explains why there was this big sales spike
Like an hour before the show
I saw like a thing that went like that
And I was like what what what what's going on
I didn't dig into the report
Uh right sorry so hold on
Let me do you have that up already?
I do
I'll just go to your screen then
On an amazing photo
Wow who did that? Is that David?
Super cool actually
That's awesome
That's sick
Is that the first one?
Oh no you actually have to scroll down to see it
I love it
Very cool
So are these are these the same like structurally and everything
Just no orange accents I'm assuming?
I believe so
It looks like it but I'm not certain
Yes I believe so
That's cool
That's awesome
Alright let's go ahead and
Let's see if I got I got all these buttons here now
We got we upgraded the production values
Shout out uh Dan and Bell
For getting that going
YKK zippers three lengths for optimal fit
Uh cotton french terry fabric
So the same as our blank hoodies
Yeah I guess that's pretty much uh
Everything we need to say about that for now
Do you wanna jump into sponsors?
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What do you want to talk about next?
Should we talk about this thing that I
Pasted under Linus Thoughts
At the bottom here?
Linus Thoughts? Or that I didn't paste, someone
Pasted it, there's an image pasted in the
Dock, you'll like it, you'll like it
Okay, I don't see the Linus Thoughts
Banner but
Really? Hashtag Linus Thoughts, you don't see it
All caps? I'mma highlight it for you
Oh, there, okay
Oh, I missed, I highlighted something else entirely
I got it, we're good, yeah sure
Let's do it
Which part, like the whole thing?
You know what, let's do it after, let's do a couple
Merch messages, if you guys aren't familiar
We do not do Superchats anymore, we do merch
Messages and if you have a particularly
Thoughtful one, then Bell will
Flag it as a curated merch message
And read it to us on the show so we can
Respond, and if you're on Facebook
We don't do that either, whatever it's called
Oh, okay, don't know what it's called
Yep, if we don't know what it's called, odds are
We're not gonna reply to it
No, so our first message is from Tommy
Uh, it's their birthday
Happy birthday Tommy
Happy birthday Tommy!
What are your most memorable birthday stories?
Oh, well it's gotta be
The time that my mom
Uh, inflated
What, I mean, I must
Man, I must've been
I must've been like four
It's one of my earliest memories
I was really young
But it felt like
Hundreds of helium balloons
Uh, filled our house
Like, the entire ceiling
It felt like to me, as a small
I mean, maybe it wasn't that many if you're an adult
But it felt to me like our whole house
Which was a very small, like
Low income housing, it was in a development called
Ladner Willows back at the time
It's changed names now, I'm not sure
But it felt like the whole house
Was full of balloons
With streamers down
And so it was like walking through a forest
Of like, balloon tails
And I could pull on them
And move them around and stuff
That's one of my earliest memories
And it's one of my favourite
Birthday memories
That's cool, for me
For pretty much all my birthdays in high school
We used to have LAN parties at my parents' house
And I mean
We did it basically
Every weekend regardless
But we would go extra hard on birthdays
And there was one year where
We had a Halo tournament set up
And we had a whole
Ladder and everything
And it was awesome, there was teams
It was really cool
And we had one team playing out in the garage
And one team playing in the house
Every time, and we had the Xboxes networked together
So that there was no screen peaking or anything
We could hear each other yelling at each other
Because we'd leave the door open, you know how
That's always so fun
Oh it's the greatest part
The whole tournament ended
With one person with a
I don't remember if it was a rocket launcher
Or a shotgun
And I know the other person had a sword
And they both came around the corner on each other
And both did their attack action
At the same time
And no one was really sure exactly what happened
Until the board came up
And it just absolutely erupted
It was awesome, and then after that
We grabbed a bunch of lids
To these big containers
That we had
We went to the local skate park
And it was all snowy
And we went down the ramps in the skate park
On the lids, as if they were sleds
It was just chaos
I love it
But in the best of ways
You didn't play Worms Armageddon with us
At the last LAN night
Bell, were you in that game?
That was freaking crazy
I heard you guys roaring
Well we barely know how to play
Because for most of us, we've either never played
Or it's been 20 years
So it was down to
Through just sheer
Because no one knows what they're doing
It was down to me
And who was still playing at that point
I forget, was it
I think it was a new lab person
I think it was one of the new labs people
Oh yeah, I know who it was
So I screwed up
My finisher
We just had two worms left, one each
I screwed up my finisher
And it was over
And then he screwed up his finisher
No one could believe it
And then what happened on the last shot
Didn't I miss?
But then somehow it managed to
Kill him anyway
It was amazing
And there's just something about that atmosphere
Okay, Fall Guys for example
Fall Guys is a perfect example
Of a multiplayer game
A party type game
Where as soon as you're knocked out
You're completely disengaged from the game
But that doesn't happen at all
Because you have nowhere else to go and nothing else to do
So everyone turns into spectators
So when you play a 7 person
Match, I think it was 7, 6 or 7
I can't remember
You play a 6 person match
And you've got everyone who's out of it
Going, AHHH
Just exploding
When something crazy happens
You can't beat that environment
Yeah, and there's stuff like
One thing that I think led to
The hype of that is
We often have these Halo lands
Usually we didn't bother hook everything up
In the garage and stuff though
So it was all inside
Just one TV, so there's a lot of screen peaking
And it wasn't as serious
This time we had them separated
Teams were apart, your team was figured out way ahead of time
If you made it to the finals, you made it through multiple other teams
So you guys were working on strategies
It actually got pretty serious
It's really cool
I don't know
I deeply miss that atmosphere
Because that's not a thing that is as easy to do anymore
Because everyone just wants to stay home
I also have another birthday memory
That I should probably talk about
The first year that Yvonne and I were together
For my birthday
She got me
I mean, this was the moment when
I had to know that this was forever
I know this one
She bought me
Was this year one or year two?
I can't remember exactly which year
But she's clearly my soulmate
She went out with me
And she
Did I pay for it?
Did she pay for it? It didn't matter
The point was, we went out and got me for my birthday
An air conditioner
A window mounted air conditioning unit
This is not the one I thought it was
This was my birthday
I'd have to check the year
She went out and bought me
A window mounted air conditioner
Helped me tear it down
And helped me get started building
My chiller
Which was my sub-zero cooler
I guess it would have been an Optron
E65 back then or something like that
Either that or E6600 era
I can't remember
The point is
Any woman who will do that
For you
You gotta hold on to that
This must have been later
It being later makes complete sense
I thought you were talking about the case
TJ07 was after
Must have been after
I can't remember the timing
Timelines make more sense for it to be after
Did I work at NCIX yet
At that time
Maybe not
I think chiller is first
TJ07 is later
TJ07 might be year 2 or 3
The HD555s
Are very early on
But that's NCIX
HD555s might have been year 2
TJ07 year 3
Can you tell that this lady
Takes care of me
That's pretty cool
Putting together
More took it apart than put it together
My first sub-zero
CPU cooler
Was definitely a super memorable
Super memorable birthday for me
That's sweet
I don't have a ton of time left
Should we finish topics or should we do more merch messages
Why don't I do a quick topic
And you can go through and see if there's
Anything that's directed at Luke
So we can make sure we get to that right away
Elon Musk has put the Twitter deal
On hold over fake
Account details
This morning, Musk tweeted
Twitter deal temporarily on hold
Pending details supporting
Calculation that spam fake accounts
Do indeed represent less than 5%
Of users. He linked a
Reuters article describing a Twitter
Filing which estimated that fake slash
Spam accounts represented
Fewer than 5%
Of the platform's monetizable
Daily active users during Q1
Of 2022
We've sort of talked about this on the show
This came up a few weeks back
Where one of us mentioned
Who knows
That it had very recently
Right before the acquisition announcement
Come out because of all this stuff that was going on
That they had a lot more fake users
Than they thought
Elon replied
To his own tweet with
Still committed to the acquisition
But analysts are speculating
That Musk could be seeking to renegotiate the price
Or even walk away from the takeover
I mean if I was him
I'd be walking away from the takeover
I saw
I did not verify the numbers
But I saw a
Hilarious tweet
That was basically like
Cost to start Tesla, 1.5 billion
Cost to start SpaceX, 2 billion
Cost to take over
Stupid social media platform
44 billion
It's really not looking like
His best move right now
Twitter's share price which was already
Selling for less than the 54.20
Per share that Musk offered plunged 10%
Friday morning following the tweets
And this is only the latest instance
Of Musk causing wild shifts
In share prices with tweets
Now this is a
Random thought just sort of unrelated
To Willy Won't he
Seeing the positive response
To Elon's commitment to
Authenticate all
Humans on Twitter
I mean have you noticed how
Positive the internet has been around that
Like as an effort to reduce
Spam, reduce bots
But are you not reminded of the time
Google tried to do this with Google Plus
And how angry everyone was
About it? They tried to do it with Google Plus
They tried to do it with YouTube
Facebook tried to do it
And every single time people are mad
But now all of a sudden Elon Musk
Wants to do it and I feel like the backlash
Is way less
I do think Twitter is a little different
This is one time where I'll kind of
Side with the Twitter side of things
Where I usually go on the other side
I do think Twitter's a little different
I think the standard approach for most
People on Twitter is to go
With a very personalized
Public profile
With their name or whatever else
And you can be authenticated
On Twitter without your name being there
I believe the Google Plus stuff
When they did it to YouTube comments it became your name
Your full name, yes
I don't think that's going to be a thing on Twitter
But what's the point
Of a verification process
If it doesn't verify
Your name? I don't think it's
Verifying your name though
It's verifying that this is an official account
For whatever it represents
The Linus Tech Tips account wouldn't have to become
Linus Sebastian
Corporate Twitter account
It would be able to stay Linus Tech Tips
Sure, okay
So if you were representing a
But Google Plus allowed
Entity accounts as well
Yeah it did
I don't know
I think this might be one of those things
Where a lot of people are in an
Anything but what we have mentality
Because verification right now is just
Fundamentally broken
One of those things where they just hadn't spent
Enough time on YouTube to understand
That verified human users
On YouTube was a positive thing
I mean think about where we'd be today
With YouTube platform spam
If we had all just submitted to our
Google overlords ten years ago
I don't
I'm saying there'd be less spam
Okay sure
I'm not saying submitting to our Google overlords is a good idea
I don't like that argument because they have done
Such a bad job of it
When we know that
Community projects from
Theo Joe
Are incredibly outperforming
This billion dollar company's efforts
It's laughable
They just don't care and have put no work into it
And could solve the problem
They were busy removing dislikes
And I don't think we need to give up our whatever
In order for anything
We should have to give up anything
For them to accomplish this
How is it even possible
Every permutation
Of the word whatsapp
Cannot be with one button
Removed from your comment section
Scams work
I've had not one but two people
In the last week alone
Or maybe two weeks
But either tweet at me or DM
Me saying hey what happened
To that GPU I won
Or like someone was salty about
Me and shroud
Ripping them off and I was like
This literally never happened
I was looking through the comments
Of the last WAN show and there was a few
That I expanded because there was a reply
And I'm like oh I wonder what people think about this
Comment and almost every time
It was one reply and it was just a bot
With like
The thing that I never understand
Is why someone would think
If they're like copy the
URL that is my profile name
Or whatever and then it's just like
Totally broken up
Like that is literally never legit
And that would be
The weirdest way to do that
But we aren't going to shame those people
Oh that's fair
Because it's better to talk about it
And educate
No that's true
Hold on a second
I think you were the hot take
And I was the level headed one
We did it, we came full circle
I'm having a moment here
Oh man, but yeah I don't know
It's rampant, it's like
It feels like
You know when you go to like some weird website
And there just happens to be a comment section
And you're like I don't know why this has a comment section
But it does and it's just like bots talking to each other
YouTube comments like actively
Feels like that, it really does
It's awful
It's awful right now
Ok Bell
Do you want to hit us?
Yeah just one message before we go into
Merged messages
The auctions so far have raised over
So you'll be matching quite a lot
And they're still open and there is a new GPU added
As well so make sure to check out the link
And all of the descriptions
Oh ok so just to recap
We're talking about the auction
For supporting Ukraine
Charity thing Ivan
So you might remember Ivan
Formerly of here and NCIX
So we've worked together a couple of times actually
Has donated
His extensive GPU
Collection, we're going to have that linked in the
Video description
And the proceeds
Are going to help
What was the specific
Organization, CRUD
SOS Children's Villages
Thank you very much Bell
And then last week I impromptu
Committed to matching
The total donation amount so once
All of those auctions are completed
And paid for I will match the
Total amount
And I talked to Ivan about that and that is now
Actually approved which is good
Because when I say I'm going to do stuff
And I don't actually check with the controller
Of the purse strings, that's bad
We're at our limit of like how many items
We can list this month or something but next month
Ivan actually contributed
One more special GPU remember
These? Yup I also know where that's from
Only a handful of these were ever
Made, these are Star
Wars editions of the
Nvidia Titan XP
And this is the Galactic
Empire version so we'll be doing
One more one after
From Edward
What, are there any
Things that you collect as a hobby?
Don't really like
Collect stuff, I like the idea
Of collecting, you know I went to
Willow Video for the first time this week
It's kind of cool I had never been there before
It's kind of amazing
I actually really like that sort of
I picked up some 3D Blu-rays
We did a video on
3D TV's this week
Just like a
WTF happened to 3D TV's
We got our hands on the best
3D TV ever made
The LG Signature G6
It sounds like it probably would be
What's really cool about it is that
Every 3D Blu-ray is 1080p
Because 3D 4K never really happened
4K happened after 3D
And 3D was already kind of dead
So this TV
Is 4K and it has a
Polarization film on every other vertical
Line, so
What it means is you can use passive
Glasses, so there's no shutters
And because the content
Is 1080p, but the
Panel is 4K
It can actually show
Full quality
Full vertical resolution
1080p images at the same time
It feels like it might actually not be a
Trash experience By only one pixel
It was so
Awesome and I'd forgotten how cool
It was done well
Because shutter glasses suck
That I started looking into it
And I realized
That with this product from
HD Fury I want to say
You can actually play back
3D Blu-rays into this
Splitter that will then
Split each frame packed alternating
Frame, the right and left frame
Out to two different projectors
Put polarizing filters on them
And I want to do a 3D theater at home
The reason we went to
Willow Video in the first place was because
We didn't have any good 3D content
We had Titanic which was
Awful 2D to 3D
It was just headache inducing
And we wanted some animated films so we were like
Where are we going to go? Willow Video
They had a great selection, they had almost the
Entire MCU
In 3D, I was so close to buying it
I settled on just some animated films
Because they tend to translate best
And it got me kind of jazzed
And excited because it's going to be a really fun project
Anyway, so
I don't remember where I'm going with this story anymore
But I went to Willow Video, it's as amazing as you said
Right, I like the idea
Of collecting, so I saw all the
Marvel movies in 3D and I was like
I should collect these
And I picked them all up and I went
I don't need these
And that's always my thing
I have a copy of Super Mario RPG for SNES
Because Anthony was at Willow Video
And texted me and was like
Hey, it's actually a pretty good price for a
CIB, I know you've wanted
One of these for a long time
Do you want it? And I was like
Impulse Buy, yes
I'm probably just sitting on a shelf somewhere
I'm not going to buy another one
I really want a copy of Final Fantasy 3
But anyway
6, but 3, because SNES
In North America
So I just, I don't know
I have trouble with it
I like the idea of it and I'm like
This is cool and when people have cool collections
I'm like, wow, that's so cool
But I just
I don't derive any joy
From just looking at
My stuff, I guess
Yeah, I personally
Appreciate more
Or reminders of
Things that I have done or been a part of
Or whatever, those have more
Meaning to me than purchase
So I still have a bunch
I have a lot of the passes from shows that we've
Gone to, I have little
Things from stuff that I've
Even done personally or professionally
From pretty much my whole life, and I like those
Things, I don't want to get rid of those
Yeah, I have a Memento box
And I actually have a place at the new house
That I'm going to put them
So I have a shelf behind where I'm going to be streaming
That's got RGB illumination on each shelf
And so I'll be able to put all my stuff there
That's pretty cool
We'll look at that later
From Joshua
Love the PC build guide
The last one you'll ever need
Are there any other ideas or plans for other long form
Build guides?
Absolutely not
That took like four months
And the good news is that
It is completely rocket
Shipping for us now
It started out kind of slow
Which was really really discouraging
And is now at the point
Where it's
It's broken
Free from gravity's
Pull and is headed
Straight to orbit, so I'm really happy
With how it turned out
But the thing you guys got to understand
Is that content like that
Is not sustainable on the platform
So like look at this
Here's the raw numbers
2.8 million views
So you can see this really broke through
What our typical view range is
Which is this grey band here
It did drive some new subscribers
Not nearly as much as
We'd like to see with content like that
You want
I would want to see this double
With this kind of view count
But we've really struggled to drive new subscribers
Lately I'm not sure exactly
Compared to our peaks we're like
One sixth of our daily rate or something
Like that right now even though all the new content
Is generating net new subscribers
This watch time
This is monstrous
And that's why you're seeing these crazy revenue numbers
On it, but even with these revenue numbers
Even with the
Seasonic dedicated sponsorship
This was such a
Colossally expensive video to produce
That while we did come out okay
On this one I would not be looking
To make a bet like that again
And no that wasn't in a
When did it come out?
Did it come out in a month? I'm not sure
Yeah in a month
People are like 11k in a month? Nice
Okay okay yes yes
That's really nice
But it was really expensive
To make
That's not net, that's gross
So you gotta be careful with that
From William
My son loves the ABC's of gaming
Book and plushies so much and the photos
Are very cute
Oh this is so cute
They actually included them
In their son's six months
Photo shoot
That is adorable I love it
Thank you for sharing that with me
Any dad tips for someone
New to fatherhood?
I mean other than just try really hard
All the time
And by the time they get to about six months
Be aware that they're playing you
Okay you gotta understand just cause they can't
Talk just cause they don't speak English
Or whatever language you speak
That doesn't mean that they are not
Homo sapiens
They are f***ing smart
Okay and they are basically
Playing you from the moment
They can like make eye contact
To the moment that you kick them out of your house
Probably still after that
Yeah probably still after that
And I don't mean that in like a bad way
I just mean you have to respect them
You have to understand that these are
Highly highly intelligent creatures
And you have to be consistent
Because they will look for every gap in your armor
And they will exploit it
And most importantly they will look for the gaps
Between you and your SO
Assuming that you're raising the child with an SO
That's the big one
They will find those gaps
And they will exploit them
If mom always
Gives into you know
Video games before dinner
And dad always gives into
Treats before dinner
Then they're gonna go to mom and ask for video games
They're gonna go to dad and ask for treats
And the parents are gonna come in
They're gonna be eating treats playing video games
And you're gonna be like what is going on here?
They're gonna look for it
Makes sense
That's hold on
Natso one says my dad calls me
The gift that keeps on receiving
I love it
That's pretty good the thing that gets me
Is when we play games
With little man
The speed
At which he adapts to things
Oh yeah
Their brains are actually wired better than ours
Cause like
They're not solidified yet
There's wisdom and there's whatever else
But there's also the rate that he's catching up
And it's like
Mind blowing
Oh boy
Yeah it's a little spooky
From Micah
More your guys' first big tech purchase
Do you still have it today or do you have immediate
Buyers remorse?
Mineral LPC
Don't have it today
No buyers remorse
Yeah my first big one would have been my
I didn't pay for my disc but I don't
I don't know if you can call like a fish tank
And some oil a tech purchase
Because I already had all the computer components but whatever
I'm counting it
Yeah my first gaming computer I don't have it
But I did do a build like replicating it a little while ago
That was cool
I did do a video about it
I wouldn't have any use for it today
Kind of sucks
I wish I still had my SNES
Purchase I lost that when I moved
That was a gift though I wish I still had it
But I don't
So no no I guess it's all gone
From Ryan
I'm preparing to make a change from a standalone headset to a
DAC amp and headphone combo
Do you have any recommendations on brands or models
For a first timer?
Go talk to people who specialize in that or come back in like a year
We've got someone
Hired already who's working
Away on our test suite for the lab
On all of that stuff but we're not ready to publish
Anything so
I'm out I'm out
We should do should we do one more time oh wait you have to go now right?
Let's do
Are you out? I have a little bit more time
I can fire through one more topic then I have to go
Okay or some merch messages and then
We should pick something we should pick something cool
Is there anything specifically for Luke?
I don't think there was
Bye bye iPod? Sure
Did you ever have an iPod? No
Me neither
My brother did I feel like I missed out
I don't
Oh okay well that's a controversial take
Is it? Hit me
I don't know when they first came out
They were really expensive
Oh yeah
Especially for the stage in life that I was at
Like there was no way
I think I was like first year
University or so
When iPods really started
Popping off
In 2005? When did they come out?
Oh no they must have been earlier than that
When did the first iPod come out?
I thought it was later than that
Or maybe it was later than that 2001
Okay so it was significantly later than that
That the first person at my school Nobody
At my school had an iPod
I think the first person at my school to get one
Was probably closer to like 2006
Like there was one
Guy with
A mini disc player
Everyone else was still on
I don't think I had a disc either
It seemed
Especially when the iPod was like
When people cared about it
A lot
I just kept looking at it being like
I don't have a phone yet
I'm not going to buy this portable music player
Especially when like
A lot of the
Physical activity that I did at that time
While I was wearing helmets
400 US dollars
At that time
With a 5 gigabyte hard drive
Yeah like there's no way
In 2001
And it was a hard drive and I remember back then
Thinking that's a hard drive
That's really stupid I don't want that
So my first MP3 player
Was in high school
I must have been in grade 10
I was either in grade 10 or 11
And it was an RCA Lyra
I got the
64 gig version
I could not afford the 128 gig version
It just
Was not worth the extra money
And it looked a little something like this
This guy
Right here
It held under an album
Worth of songs
At like reasonable quality
You could put a whole album on if you were willing to
The quality a little bit
But that served my purposes
Once I was ready to
Enter my Discman
And I don't really have any regrets about that
I was
And actually still am the kind of person
That only really listens to a handful of songs
At a time
So the way I handle it now is I just add things to my likes
The automatic playlist
In YouTube music
I just like things
And then whenever I want to listen to music
I'll just start playing that playlist
And by the time it makes it through
The stuff I've added
That I'm enjoying listening to right now
Then I'll probably be done
Driving wherever it is I'm driving
Or cleaning up whatever room it is I'm cleaning up
And I'm ready to move on
I remember thinking at the time
How could I possibly
Have a thousand songs that I need to have
At my fingertips
And now we've come so far from
There's hundreds of thousands of songs
At your fingertips
At some point in time I had a creative zen
I never did
What did I use then?
I had my lira
But the creative zen that I got
I specifically remember it was like
30 bucks
It was very out of date when I bought it
It was like, yeah
I listened to a lot of radio back then
Me too, yeah
Huh, I didn't even really think about that
Yeah, no, I just didn't really have
An MP3 player until
I got an iPhone
iPhone 4
If I remember correctly
I would sit at my computer
Wow, I didn't even think about this
I would sit at my computer
And listen to my Napster
Downloaded MP3s
And then if you were out
I had CDs too
No, I had a CD player in my room
I had my
I got my brothers
No, I ripped them
Oh, I think my brother went away to university
Maybe that's why I got it, I don't remember
He had like a boombox
Oh yeah, me too
So I got his of that
But I never had my own
That's crazy, I'm thinking back to that summer I painted my parents house
Yeah, I was listening to hybrid theory on a boombox
That's probably it for me
Alright, see you later
Oh, I guess I didn't really talk about the topic
So 20 years of production, Apple ended
One of its most iconic nameplates
The iPod
In this subtitle do they mention that the iPod touch
Will be available while supplies last
It is apparently already sold out
They talked about the spirit of the iPod
And how it lives on in Apple Music integration
Across the current products
From iPhone to HomePod mini in Apple Music
And here are some iPod facts for you
Thank you, thanks to Jonathan Horst
The first iPod came out on October 23, 2001
As a minor launch
It had a mechanical click wheel
5 gigs of storage
A full size firewire port
In perspective
Cost only $399
The iPod burst in popularity
After Apple released iTunes for Windows
Glass of water in hell
Oh, okay
And the iPod mini at $249
Reaching a much wider audience
Yeah, that was the other issue
Was the early non hard drive based iPods
Just felt not sensible
In terms of how much storage I could put on
And how much storage they had for the price
At a later stage in my life
I was in the major music library
Yeah, and it mentions here
That it peaked in popularity around 2008
That lines up, because I was thinking
Yeah, it was like 2006, 2007
When I saw the first one in my school
So, I don't know
The last click wheel iPod Classic
Was discontinued in 2014
That recently
That's interesting
If you're interested in iPod content
Check out DankPods
Or Garbage Time on FlowPlane
Alright, see you later Luke
I'm still going to stick around and do a few merch messages here
Because people are apparently
Eating up those stealth pants
As well as the screwdriver shirt
So I definitely got some more stuff to talk about
Oh, crap
I think Yvonne took my car
And Luke was going to be my ride today
So that's pretty funny
I guess I will Uber home
Now we know
You can pay me to drive you home
I don't actually know
How that works, to be perfectly honest
With you, because it's not really your job
Alright, what are we doing now?
Well, we have a question from Tatin
How do you feel the opening
Of Lab 2 and testing will affect
Sponsors and ads? Do you feel
Like that will create a conflict of interest?
The way that I see it is
The harder we go with Labs
And the more
We lean into empirical
Data, the
More precious a sponsorship
On LTT is going to become
Because as soon as you start
Rejecting more of your sponsors
You can increase the rates for the ones that
Remain, because like I've
Talked about so many times in the past
It all comes down to our most valuable commodity
Which is the trust that we maintain with our
Viewers, so yeah
We're probably going to lose some sponsors
Stuff happens, right?
You call out someone who previously
Sponsored you, I think a perfect example
Would be someone like in Nvidia
And someone gets
Salty and they don't work with
You anymore and it's like, okay
And eventually that person
Will move on at Nvidia
I have a pretty good idea who it is, I think they're
Pretty high up and it's not going to happen anytime soon
It's fine, I can wait, I'm younger than them
It's just going to be a cycle
Right? Because the thing that people
I think a lot of people
Know about this is that companies
Are made up of people
And so people come
And people go and
People have different approaches
And we used to be a lot
Conservative, I think
In the way that we engaged with companies
Like we used to worry more about
What they thought and nowadays
The way that we see it, we just need to do whatever
Is right for our viewers and
The companies that understand that
Are going to engage with us and they're going to get access
To that relationship
We built with our viewers and the ones that
Don't understand that and want to try and
Play games are not going to get access
And it's really just that simple
I feel
Like I'm
I feel like I'm painting myself into a corner
Here, what I want to say
Is we're reaching a practical limit
And I feel like
This is one of those situations where
It's like
You know you can go back and 6, 7, 8
Years ago there's clips of me on
WAN shows saying, you're never going to be able to
Buy anything real with Bitcoin
64 kilobytes of RAM ought to be enough
For anyone or whatever that
Contributed quote is
It's possible
I'd like to think that we're only really
Going to see that in crazy
Like gigantic multi-die
Data center products but
I don't know
I don't know man
There's this never ending
Appetite for higher
And higher performance
Gaming solutions right?
And display resolutions
You can already
Buy a display
That cannot be driven by
Any modern GPU and probably
Not comfortably driven
By the next generation of GPUs
We have new interfaces coming
DisplayPort 2.0 is right around the corner
That are going to be able to drive those kinds of
Resolutions at high refresh
We are 3, 4
Generations of product away from
Being able to play a triple A game
Today at 8K 120
So with that in mind
I don't think it's impossible
That we will keep seeing companies chasing
These higher and higher and higher
Total graphics
Power consumption numbers
I'd like to say
We're capped out but
Nothing's impossible
I mean Intel
Okay Intel
A more conservative
Like okay
I wanted to say
Something along the lines of you won't find
A more conservative blue company
But IBM might actually
Take the cake there
But Intel, hyper conservative
And yet they released that
Weird Peltier
Cooler where they partnered
EK and Cooler Master right?
So clearly
Nothing's off the table anymore
Saturday morning cartoons
Man there was a lot of Looney Tunes reruns
When I was a kid
Favorite though
I love the theme song
Of the Casper the Friendly Ghost show
But it almost always
It was one of those variety ones
Like um
Oh what's the one
I don't remember but there were a handful
Of ones where it was like sketches
And you know I almost never
Got to see the characters that I
Liked from the intro so
Saturday morning cartoons
Man I don't even remember I was never an
Animaniacs kid I can tell you that much
Not into that
Hopefully chat, chat can help me out here
A little bit
Ah yeah
DuckTales was awesome
Still like DuckTales
DuckTales is an amazing show
Dexter's Lab, yeah Dexter's Lab
I don't enjoy that much
I don't enjoy anymore as an adult
But I did like it
When I was a kid
Didn't watch Doug
Didn't get into Sonic the Hedgehog
Reboot was okay, you know maybe I just didn't
Watch Saturday morning cartoons that much
Samurai Pizza Cats was one of those shows
I just didn't really understand I just didn't really
Get it
I've always had that experience when I try to watch
Anime style shows
I've been
Told there are some ones that as an adult I might
Really enjoy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles yeah like I saw a handful of episodes
I'm trying to think I don't think we had cable at
Either of my parents houses at that point
In my life so that definitely
Put a damper on how much
Saturday morning cartoons I could watch but I had
Video games right I had my SNES at my
Dad's house
Yeah shout out Reboot
Canadian show so good
I remember the
Animation being a lot better than it was
It's rough
Yeah I had a look at it recently I was like woah
It was pretty bad
From Dakota and quite a few
Different people any updated thoughts
On the Steam Deck with their continued updates
Like 40Hz as well as
Windows drivers
They are going so hard
I'm so impressed with
Valve's apparent commitment to the Steam Deck
They were clearly
Not done out of the gate and it's
Everything from performance improvements
To fan profile improvements
To quality of life improvements
And I gotta say
At the rate that they're going right now
My original review
The Steam Deck is going to be unrecognizable
In a year
Compared to what you guys saw
And that's without them changing any of the hardware
So I'm
All I gotta say is kudos Valve
I wanna see more but
You're doing a great job keep it up
From Noah
Do you think it's possible that desktop OS systems
Could eventually replace Android and iOS
With this move to desktop processors
Being the same as what's in mobile processors
I don't foresee that
And I think it's more likely
That we're going to see
Like we've seen on
I think it's more likely that we're going to see
Mobile first architectures make their way
Into desktop applications
Or I mean they're all
They've already made huge inroads in the enterprise
I don't know
Was very reliant on Moore's law
Was reliant on the transistors
Just shrinking so that the chips would just get
Cheaper and cheaper and cheaper so they could maintain
All that legacy
As they added new features
I think it's going to be a lot more
Performance whereas whether you want to talk
Arm or you want to talk risk 5
They don't have that baggage
And I think that if we're talking in the long term
We're talking 10, 20, 30 years
It's just going to be really tough
From Justice
I'm running a 3080
And an i9-9900K
Looking at the numbers I'm thinking about going to 12th gen
Do you think the performance would be noticeable?
The performance increase would be noticeable
In a way that actually makes you a better gamer
For example is an entirely
Different ball of wax
The cool thing about
Tools like
Nvidia's frame view for example
Or even just the FPS counter that they have
In their Geforce
Experience dashboard is that
Everyone has access to
Benchmarking tools
For free included with their
GPU that
Were maybe broadly
Capable in the form of something like
Fraps back in the day but not necessarily
As easy to use or as
Intuitive because you have to actually go
Install a separate third party application
So what you should do is you should have
A look at the games you play at the resolution
That you play at the details that you want to see
And figure it out
Are you actually
Do you actually need more performance?
And if you do
Should you be waiting for the upcoming
RDNA 3 and
Whatever it ends up being called maybe 40 series
That's supposed to be coming sometime
This year maybe you have an unlimited
Budget maybe you could afford to do both
But given that you're asking
If it's worth it
I would say that you do not oh you have a
G9 Neo oh good gravy
I'd say you're gonna be more GPU limited you should
You should wait for a GPU
9900K is still a
Darn fast chip
Benjamin I love the idea
Of a tech link for gaming
Do you have any ideas on what content
You can imagine that show covering?
Oh yeah I mean I could see us covering game
Development news I could see us doing a
Lot more coverage
Of things like consoles
It's something that we touch on
On tech linked but tech linked
Can never really afford to be a
Deeper dive into really any vertical
So if we were to do
Something like a gaming
Focused version of a tech linked like show
I think it would just be
It would be more depth I'd love to see us cover
Things like speed running news right
That stuff that just does not
Make the grade for tech linked
Because it doesn't have that mainstream
Appeal but it is something
That even if a gaming
Version of tech linked is only
Gonna get half the viewership
Per episode of tech linked
I think it could still be very sustainable and we
Could shine more light on
On the events and
Those kinds of communities or you know talk
About things like
There's been
A lot of discussion around things like
Burnout in the games development
Industry these are things that I think
We'd like to cover more
Ty Hi Linus long time fan
Hi Ty I currently own
Two HP ProLiant server racks
Outfitted with multiple servers I'm in the process of
Moving and wondering if you have any advice on how to move
My servers and hard drives
Should be boxed up in
Foam boxes like they were shipped
In and then they should be ideally
Hand carried you really want to
Reduce vibration the last thing you want to do is
Put them on a cart with hard
Wheels and roll them across a parking lot
Because there's a whole story there
It's bad vibration
Is a hard drive killer
Other than making sure
That they're well padded
I can tell you that
One thing I would like to do
If I was you is have a copy of
The data that is not
In transit on these hard
Drives I don't know
How doable that will be for you but that's
That's the safest way and then
When I get to the other side I would like
To run tests
I would like to run at the very least smart tests
On these drives to validate that they are in fact
Still working before I put my data
Onto them all
The data will still be there but before I
Rely on them again
From Carlos and
Quite a few people in chats
Any updates on the short circuit hoodie that you're aware of?
Oh I can get you that actually
One moment please
Short circuit
I just need to check Nick's weekly
Check in
Run read report
Okay so here's the one
From the week of May 1
This is from last week
Short circuit hoodie says I believe they are
Shipping out this week
Is Nick's update for me on that
And Gmail just signed me out
Thank you very much for that
But I did
Get you guys the update
From Dylan
Do you think Nvidia will have a response to the
Just released by AMD or are they just gonna
Wait to the 40 series?
I mean
I mean they already
Launched the 3090 Ti
If Nvidia were going to respond in any
Meaningful way I would think it might be a price
Adjustment I don't think we're gonna see
Another product launch
From Carl
You mentioned on a previous
WAN show that LMG wants to create a wall
From fan colored GPU wasteland postcards
Any updates? Have we received any back?
I haven't received an update on that
We have definitely received some back
So I would strongly encourage you guys to
Choose the GPU wasteland postcard
And send it to us
But we have not begun integrating them into a wall
I do know that Nick has some
He's shown them to me
But I haven't seen
Any other than the first five or so
That were sent over
It's gonna be super cool
From Luther
How did you get into motorcycling?
And what's your favorite motorcycle related memory?
Oh my dad had a bike
On the back of it sometimes
And that seemed pretty fun
And cool
And I
I got some help
Buying my first bike from an old colleague
Who actually you might know from the roast
Not the Taren video editor
Who used to work here
Taren, my old boss at NCIX
He helped me pick out a starter bike
And pointed me in the direction of a good course
To make sure that I was
Learning to ride safely
I guess he didn't want his underling to end up as
Roadkill any sooner than I absolutely had to
Von, we're just about wrapped
Apparently Von did not leave without me
Which is excellent because Luke cannot give me a ride today
Now I'm not getting paid
Hey, do you want to come join me?
Okay, Von's joining me
She'll be here soon
Okay, cool
Uh, yeah
I got to ride on a bike as a kid
And then my old boss helped me buy one
And I guess that's about it
What am I joining you for?
Well the first thing you're going to do
Is move a little closer to the mic
These are super near field and you might need to adjust where it is
From Connor
It has been great to see the LTT team
Grow over the years
From personal experience, can it be hard
To have a consistent vision
With such a large creative team
I mean
The big one is that
Early on, I had
Very direct control over every
Piece of content, like I would write
Or at least oversee pretty much every element
Of it
And then as soon as it got to the point where
I would be busy filming tomorrow's video
While today's was being edited and I couldn't even
Get it until it was pretty much done
Had to concede a whole bunch of control
And then it's kind of slipped away and slipped
Away and slipped away to the point where now
Instead of saying what words
Instead of dictating what words we're going to say
And what we're going to show on the screen, it's more like
Here are general guiding
Principles for what our
Content should look like and then now
We've gotten to the point where those general guiding principles
Come from like our executive management
Team instead of from me
And then if I see something that's gone totally
Off the rails then
I might step in and call for a
Course correction
Well I think it depends which department you're talking about though
Because if you're talking about the writing department for LTT
You're still like the content
Manager, you're scheduling and planning that content
Yes, other people are bringing ideas, you're also still
Reviewing every single script
No, not every script
Not anymore?
No, for example I hosted a video
Moments before this WAN show that was
I worked on the skeleton
With Alex, so I did kind of
Lay out what the structure of the video
Was, what I envisioned that
It was going to be, but Alex
Wrote it, Anthony reviewed it
And I showed up and it was
On the prompter, and now obviously I'm not going to
Read something that I don't agree with
I think that's something that's a more recent change though
I mean that is something we're trying to transition to
Is not having you on everything
But I think it depends on the department for sure
From Corey
Love you guys, can't wait to get shirts and stickers
Do you have any favorite TV or streaming shows right now?
Oh man
Are they asking you or are they asking me?
I don't know
They want to hear from you
I cannot watch TV because
I get hooked, like addicted
And then I do nothing but binge watch the entire season
So I'm not allowed TV, or books
For me
I really
I'm the same way
It's really hard for me to pick up a new show
Because as soon as I do
Anytime someone tells me
This is a really good show
I will make a mental note to never
Watch it
Because if I do it's going to be a big problem
I have been
My go to sleep show
Has been Bob's Burgers reruns lately
So I guess I like that
But I
Yeah I'm not into anything right now
I think we're both more into movies
Because the time commit is
Very set in stone
But for Linus he'll watch at one speed
And I'll watch at one and a half speed
Just to be more efficient about it
I like to be efficient about wasting my time
She'll also be like working on
A sticker
Sticker design for
On the cricket for the kids walls
Or whatever at the same time as she's watching a movie
Whereas I tend to watch a movie to turn my brain off
So I don't really want to be doing anything
At the same time
And watch something
But that's about the most
Brain consuming thing that I can do
While I'm also trying to enjoy a movie
Or a TV show
That's it that's all the messages
Everything else is just people saying hi to Yvonne
And that they love Yvonne
Oh she's hosting a short circuit soon
Yeah I am it was my first one I was really nervous
So hopefully everyone likes it
Are you going to give them any more details about it
Or is that it?
Well it's on the cricket it's something that I've been using for a little while
I've upgraded myself I've treated myself to like
Their top tier model
And then I made yeah I made some stickers
And I made something for Riley which you guys are going to have to check out
And yeah I guess that's
I don't know I don't want to get too much into it
Because I want them to watch it
Oh there was something here
Oh I missed it
It was in Floatplane chat there was something I was going to respond to
But I guess it's
Well oh
Olinix said that's why he hasn't seen The Mandalorian
I actually did watch the first season of The Mandalorian
It was just not very good sorry
Did you end up watching it?
No I didn't
Okay Yvonne's not that into Star Wars in the first place
And bad Star Wars is not any better
I was into
What was it called it's not the
It's the ones that came later
The prequels but not really because they came later
I liked those ones and then I got crap for liking them
But the story was better
There was more
Like character development
I guess
I mean were they good characters
I didn't say they were I just said that was interesting
Was it skillful character development
It was more interesting there was more going on
Alright well
We've wrapped up the rest of our merch messages
So I think it's time to head home
Thanks for watching good night y'all