
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up everyone, welcome to the WAN Show!
We've got a great show lined up for you guys today, well we're going to make it great.
We've got a few topics.
First of all, begun!
The chatbot wars have, um, yeah, oh, whoa, this is hilarious.
Okay, so from the WAN Show writer, I have logged into Bing on your computers, feel free
to access it and ask a few discussion questions slash make a few searches.
And what's great is that if it's good, I win a thousand dollars from popular streamer XQC.
If it's good.
Yeah, whose collab I will be talking about a little bit on the show, that's one of our
topics for today.
What else we got today?
Yeah, that's right, I took the only interesting one.
Uh, Samsung says shut up about our garbage-filled phones, don't talk about it, okay?
And we have one, because we're going to look into it.
Also, uh, LDT merch spotted in the wild, that topic is actually hilarious, I don't want
to spoil it though.
Should I spoil it a little bit?
You should spoil it, yeah!
So apparently, someone went home with somebody in order to do the business, and that person
that they went home with happened to be wearing Linus Tech Tips underwear, and they posted
I don't know what this is.
Is it Reddit?
I'm not sure.
I don't know.
You know what, we'll get into it more later.
Facebook or something?
And they said...
For now!
For now, here's the thing.
I want you guys thinking about it, okay?
You take someone home, they're wearing LTT underwear, what would you do?
This show is brought to you today by Thorim, the Ridge, and Squarespace.
I want to make a slight edit to that question, because I think asking our audience what they
would do if they went home with someone that happened to be wearing Linus Tech Tips...
That's what I want to know.
That's what I want to know.
I just want nothing but positivity.
It's been a long week, Luke.
Fair enough.
Let me tell you something.
Yeah, screw it.
I'm not going to put in my question.
I had three days this week where I didn't go to work, but they were the hardest that
I've worked in the last six months, because I took three kids to Disneyland and fixed
XQC's computer on a three-day total round-trip turnaround, okay?
It was very challenging.
Many steps were walked, okay?
And the computer was fixed.
Why don't we jump right into our first topic, what the devil is the headline topic?
I forget what the title of the stream is even.
Sponsor, sponsor, sponsor.
Sponsor bailed.
Our sponsor bailed?
Yeah, isn't that the headline?
Our sponsor bailed?
Oh, that's right.
One of our biggest sponsors for the last two years bailed on their biggest project.
It was his idea for the title.
I forgot.
Between telling you that and us talking now- You did film like two videos.
Other videos?
I'm sorry.
I'm trying, okay?
Fair enough.
Fair enough.
Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade is over.
It's done.
It's done anyway as like top management, but like-
Well, Ed got one.
Ed got one?
How the hell did Ed get one?
So I think I technically was.
Well, that's not fair then.
So maybe you're ineligible because you work for a different company.
I don't know.
I'll find some way to make it.
You get computers anyway.
You don't need one.
I actually don't care.
It's fine.
Yeah, forget it.
Forget it.
The point is Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade is over.
We did 24 episodes, which hilariously at the time that we booked Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade
two years ago, I was like, yeah, we're totally going to make our way through like everyone
in the company.
But the rate at which our employee count has grown-
Been hiring more people than he's been spitting out-
Has outpaced how fast we can make these videos.
They're a ton of work, right?
Because you got to do all the procurement.
Everyone's kind of, this is their chance to like talk to you guys, right?
So everyone's looking for not a gimmick.
Something that expresses who they are-
But a unique element, right?
And so in the early ones, it was pretty simple.
I'm going to be a game streamer.
Now it's gotten a little bit more complicated.
It's like-
You got to mix it up.
You got to make it a little bit more interesting.
But now it's done.
It's done.
What is this?
Guess how many views.
Oh, we did 24 episodes of them.
Guess how many views across all episodes.
You can't look before reading this.
Guess then scroll to the readout Superchats end of show section, Colton.
Now I know Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade was a massive performer for us.
It was honestly probably the best idea that I have ever had in the entire history of this
I think outside of potentially scrapyard wars, I think I've seen people call it out as an
individual piece of content that we do more than anything.
It's what I call a win, win, win, win.
Absolutely everybody wins.
The sponsor wins because particularly at the time they booked it, Intel didn't have a lot
good to talk about.
There wasn't a lot of positive sentiment.
And with my calling out the name of it, the reason why I brought that up is actually because
they would always say Intel Extreme Rig Update.
They wouldn't just say Rig Update or Extreme Rig Update.
Intel was at the beginning of the call out every single time.
Do you know when I named the series?
When I was standing on the stairs to Anthony's place for the first episode, it had a completely
different name and I was like, no, it's stupid.
Just brand it.
We're going to call it Extreme Tech Upgrade because it's like XTU, which is their overclocking
And I was like, he, he, he.
That'll be funny.
Let's go with that.
And if they don't like it, then we'll dub something over.
His little acronyms.
They always mean something.
There's always something there.
The fastest possible doesn't mean anything.
Oh, right.
I forgot about that one.
That doesn't mean anything.
Uh, so we came up with Extreme Tech Upgrade and it's a win, win, win, win.
So the, uh, who, who was it first?
So the, the sponsor wins because it's just all good vibes.
There's nothing but good vibes.
It's, it's your tech in good vibes.
How can you go wrong?
We win because we get sponsored.
Sponsored content, which you guys probably understand pays way better than normal content.
Oh yeah.
But then here's the thing.
If you can find sponsored content that the audience loves, the audience wins because
they get a chance in content that otherwise wouldn't exist, right.
To get to know all the different members of the team and see all these different approaches.
I mean, it has been just wild.
How many messages I get with people talking about how like inspiring Extreme Tech Upgrade
was for people's setups.
It's so cool.
That makes sense.
And I learned this kind of by accident, but the, the amount you learn about someone from
how they would spend $5,000 is unbelievable.
Like, okay, seriously, I would strongly recommend this.
If you happen to just be like a casual high net worth individual, okay.
First date, just give them $5,000 to spend and watch them.
And they'll know if you want to spend the rest of your life with them.
There you go.
No comment on that.
No comment on that at all.
That wouldn't be weird.
And then the fourth win.
You're really setting yourself up for some really interesting expectations.
First of all, if you can afford that at all, but you're also communicating that you can
easily afford this.
So I hope you're like.
And the fourth win is the staff.
It's like, it's like sponsored content that also turns into people having sick setups
at home.
Linus found a way to flex some, flex some Mr. Beasty stuff, but he doesn't even have
to pay for it.
It's the best.
It's the best deal I have ever negotiated ever.
They're also genuinely really fun to watch.
Well, that's what I said.
That's the win for the audience.
They're great.
Jake's entire video.
I've watched Dennis's twice.
It's just hilarious.
I think I've seen most of them at this point and I'll pretty much every single one that
I have clicked on, I've watched the whole way through because it's actually like consistently
pretty interesting because you'll find whatever you'll roast them for taking whatever from
the office, which is, that's another thing.
What they steal from the office is almost like, the whole thing is just like, I don't
They go for stuff they think I won't notice.
Do they just go for the obvious stuff?
Do they just go straight for the high value?
I don't know.
How long has it been there?
How long have they had it?
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, I don't know.
But guess what?
Linus Media Group Incorporated happens to be a production juggernaut and as such, we
were not going to simply allow a great thing like Intel Extreme Tech Upgrade to die simply
because Intel, I mean, you know what?
The reality of it is we love working with Intel.
We've been working with them as long as we've existed almost.
Do you remember the first time we worked with Intel?
It was like three months in.
Was it one of those like commercial things that we did?
It was like promoting like a snowboard promo that they were doing with like 4770K or something
like that.
Or 6700K.
It must've been 4770.
I don't know.
It was a long time ago.
Definitely not 67.
It must've been 4770K.
You got like a free snowboard or something.
Might have even been an Ivy Bridge.
Holy crap.
Might've been 3000.
That was a long time ago.
The point is that we did like these little in-video like pre-roll things.
Massive shout out to Mike, you know who you are, who got that whole thing kick-started
on Intel's side because they had zero awareness at that time, like influencer, YouTube, what?
Like nothing.
They would go and they would blow six, seven figures on all kinds of wild stuff that as
far as I could tell had essentially zero impact.
And then, you know, when I wanted like 500 bucks, they'd be like, sorry, who are you?
I'm like, I don't know.
I'm like one of the biggest tech YouTubers, which I guess doesn't matter right now, but
could someday, someday I believed Luke.
Actually, I didn't really believe much at that point.
I was just trying.
We believed a little bit.
We wanted to believe it.
There was hope.
That was pretty much all we had to go on.
Anyway, so we've been working with Intel almost as long as we've existed and you know, like
any relationship that lasts for 10 years, things add and they flow, you know, you know
how things go and we're still going to be working with them, but you know, whether it
was changing priorities over there, whether they dropped the ball, whether, well, no,
we didn't drop the ball.
We followed up, we gave them time, but whatever happened over there, they couldn't make it
And if you had to guess, if you had to guess what company would find it pretty hilarious
to kick Intel while they're down and scoop extreme tech upgrade out from under them,
who would it be arm kidding other, other, other three letters, one letter, right.
Actually you've got two letters, right?
AMD let's go.
I think, yeah, the whole chat already guessed.
AMD is coming.
It's not going to be called the same thing because that wouldn't be as, as funny.
Um, but streams like part of their branding and like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So it's going to be called AMD ultimate tech upgrade.
Uh, two, I have nothing to do with the naming this time.
I take no responsibility for that.
The first episode will be with Adam.
Oh, really?
The first episode is going to be with Adam from the writing team.
And then my understanding is that there's going to be a very special second episode
that is going to have none other than Yvonne as the subject now because she is my wife.
Um, how are you going to tell me I can't get one?
I'm not privy and Yvonne gets one.
So I can, I can explain this.
I can explain this.
Uh, this was a business decision.
This was a strategic decision made not by me.
This was actually made by the business team because they really want to put a strong foot
forward with these first couple and then lock down a longer term deal here because full
disclosure guys, when you, when you renegotiate, um, uh, a content deal, you never do it at
the old price.
So it's not cheaper.
I can tell you guys that much look, okay, I got a lab to build.
I got a lab to build.
And I think that people, people are asking, is it the same budget?
I actually don't know that someone suggested a budget of $6,900.
It's pretty good.
$6,900 Canadian.
$6,900 Canadian done.
I think I'm actually getting a discount.
Was it USD before?
Oh wow.
Oh man.
So it's going to be awesome.
I'm really looking forward to it.
I have no idea what's coming, which is half the fun for me and the early ones I was actually
quite involved.
I mean, not people like Anthony, like I didn't need me to help him, right?
But a lot of the early ones, I was quite involved ahead of time and sort of part selection and
stuff like that.
And then over time, procurement started to help the rest of the writing team started
to do a lot more of it.
I think I was only really involved in the first couple.
And now I kind of just walk in, I'm like, what's going on here?
What's shake a link and let's zap strap some speakers to this random stand I found for
That worked.
That worked.
I wasn't actually flaming it.
You need to be there, by the way, when we finally do the episode reacting to Linus's
old setups.
Oh yeah.
Have I shown you any of them?
Like have you ever seen a bunch of them?
Have you like, well, no, I mean from before you knew me for like 12 years.
But I did most of my janky stuff before you met me.
But I've seen the, the, I'm trying to go from, I mean the green water cooling one that had
the purple coil around it.
I've seen that one.
I definitely haven't seen all of them, but I've seen some of them is what I'm trying
to say.
You've shown me some pictures.
I've done some weird stuff.
I'm trying to, I'm trying to find something now, but you know that at one point in time
I had transferred my components over to a new case and the power button on the case
didn't work.
So my motherboard at the time had a power button on the motherboard.
So I rigged up an elastic band and pencil set up so that the side panel of the case,
I got a hole in it and I had the pencil mounted in the hole and the elastic bands would hold
it in place and you just press the eraser on the pencil and the pencil would go through
and press the power button on the motherboard and that would be how you turn the computer
It was sick.
I will see your eraser rubber band and raise you one surround speaker stand.
That's amazing.
That is a wheel.
Is that a brush wheel?
That is a wheel at the bottom.
It's just a wheel wheel.
It's a wheel.
The base is a wheel.
That was the inspiration for Jake's surround speaker mount was my setup from when I was
about 15.
That's amazing.
So we're going to, I'm going to dig through all my old pictures.
I'm going to like pull out all the weird janky stuff that I've done over the years and we're
going to do like a, like a, I mean obviously I can't react to it.
This all seems perfectly reasonable to me, but I feel like you guys are probably going
to have some stuff to say about it.
I do feel like I should be involved with that, but I feel like I'm going to agree with your
decisions more because you remember like I mounted a, a water pump on a cutoff piece
of the old mud flap of my old car.
Like, do you remember that?
Like I've, right now there's a graphics card laying on flat on top of my computer with
a PCI riser cable coming out of the main component or main area of my computer going out all
the way up, connecting into the graphics card with a second power supply, not in the computer
on the outside of the computer running power cables up the back of the computer into the
graphics card so that everything works because otherwise it wouldn't have fit.
I enjoy the jank.
Okay that's fine.
I did not adopt the jank.
I was born in the jank.
That's another really funny one to me.
The amount of flack that I take.
People accusing me of being a fan of this or a fan of that, particularly accusing me
of being extremely anti AMD.
Like I, like I hate AMD for some reason.
This was my desktop wallpaper for, I kid you not, years.
I literally repped AMD on my desktop wallpaper.
This is super sick wallpaper.
I forget where I got it, but apparently I still have it somewhere.
For actual years.
So when I say AMD's product is bad, it's just because it's bad.
Fortunately they're not bad these days.
So AMD ultimate tech upgrade is going to be a ton of fun.
We're going to build some sick gaming rigs and I mean maybe some other things.
So there it is guys.
Oh right.
My computer's all red right now.
It's all AMD.
Yeah mine too.
It's all AMD.
I mean I've been Threadripper for a while, but you were Intel before.
I was.
Not now.
I mean for what I'm assuming is like a year and a half now.
I've been AMD processor.
It's fine.
It's been great.
It's been great.
I mean I do have some problems with like sleep states, but like realistically that can happen
on team blue as well.
So I'm not going to, I'm not going to make too much fuss about that.
But because I had to, because I had to clear my CMOS for just like as a troubleshooting
step for the AMD 30 day challenge, I A, bunged up my, my NVMe raid settings.
So that was really scary.
And B, I ended up losing that setting that I had had to change to make it so that my
system doesn't just randomly crash all the time.
So there's like a, there's an S3 sleep bug or something like that.
I have to disable all power saving states.
Otherwise my computer, not when it's working, when it's idle, we'll just crash like randomly
crashed hard lock, full lock.
It's very annoying.
It's a thread ripper bug and AMD has completely abandoned enthusiast thread ripper, even though
they said they definitely, definitely wouldn't goes to show, goes to show you I, I have no
problem calling out sponsors, even new ones who've just signed a big deal with us.
So this Intel extreme tech upgrade is over 24 episodes.
Total views.
So man, I have not paid attention to views on these.
So I'm coming in extremely uneducated, but I'm going to throw my guess this, I feel like
this might be high.
I'm going to throw my guess at 50 though, because I feel like some performed like really,
really well.
Dennis has like 6 million or something.
Some of them just like smashed it out of the park, but I have to assume some of the other
ones didn't do as well.
I'm going to say 70 because almost across the board, they have at least 2 million views.
They're just killing.
So that's 48.
I haven't even looked.
And then there's a handful.
Like I think Riley's has four or 5 million.
Anthony's has at least three.
Riley's was good.
This was great.
Anthony's was good.
So many of these were so good.
I I'm just remembering them.
Cause it's been a long time.
It's been two years.
So like, I can't remember them all off the top of my head, but literally I think the
biggest W that I have ever W'd.
And this is one that I know for sure was actually my idea.
I was genuinely stunned to the point where I thought I was being trolled when I was first
informed that they were, that we were like, they were not renewing.
And yeah, I don't know.
Oh wow.
I haven't looked at views for these in a while.
I think we're both going to be way short.
Sarah's is 4.7 million.
Dennis's is at nine.
David's is at six.
I actually don't think I've watched one that I didn't think was just fantastic.
So like, I don't know.
Ploof's is 2.4.
Alex's is 5.7.
Brandon's at three.
Chase's did 4.2.
It's a great thumbnail though.
This is a, this is a fantastic thumbnail.
Look at his computer.
Fricking guy.
Love it.
I broke his bed.
I mean, that's the thing is like, that's why reality TV works.
Like you can't, you can't write happens.
You can't write wilder stuff than just what happens when you try and complete a project
And especially when people have me do really weird stuff like paint their basement.
But that happened in Andy's.
Um, are we off by like, I'm going to check by a lot.
I think we're off by like 88 million.
So I was off by like 20%.
I mean, you were off by more.
So I guess I can give myself a little pat on the back for that, but like realistically
I look at analytics infinity percent more than you do these days.
So the fact that I wasn't closer than you were means I might not be doing the greatest
job at that.
But yeah, they've, they've clearly been killing it.
Um, yeah, I'm excited.
I'm excited to do more.
The good news is that if the first couple perform well and uh, hopefully AMD is not
watching this to know that we kind of stack the deck a little bit cause they will, then
we should be signing a longterm deal and we should be able to keep these things rolling
because there's so many people that you guys a haven't gotten to know very well or B haven't
even met yet.
There's people who work here that I haven't met yet.
That's a weird feeling, right?
It's super weird.
I have no idea how to deal with it.
Like there's, there's people who work here whose only interaction with me on a weekly
basis is to watch the land show.
So I was actually just going to bring this up.
I've been worked from home for a long time.
So this has been happening to me for a while, right?
And I'll walk into the office and walk past groups of people that I've just like never
seen before.
And I'm like, Oh, there was a stretch there after the summer where I think every Monday
morning meeting we were announcing a new hire, new person, like new people.
And you aren't even in those meetings.
We're going to have to have name tags like seriously.
We're going to need uniforms.
Everyone wears the tracksuit.
I'm on board now.
Dan's given us, Dan's given us the thumbs up.
Heck yeah.
We're all going to wear the tracksuit.
You guys have got to be wondering about this.
Normally we wait a little bit deeper in the show to kind of talk about what's going on
on LTT store, but I can't contain it.
Yes, we did it.
We made a tracksuit.
Why did we make a tracksuit for the only reason anyone makes a tracksuit?
Because we can, I have no idea how many tracksuits we're going to sell.
This was not, this was not one of those projects that's like, well, we can calculate the total
bill of materials cost and the minimum order quantity and the profit margins.
And I think we could figure out if we could make no, no, none of that happened.
We were like, Oh my God, we should do a tracksuit.
And then we did, okay.
It's poly cotton blend.
We've got here.
Hold on a second.
I gotta, I gotta model it for you guys.
We've got the LTT logo on the thigh.
We've got the nice, nice deep pockets.
Zipper pockets.
You don't want your stuff falling out.
Zipper pockets are a win.
Gotta love the zipper pockets.
YKK as always.
Two more zipper pockets on the back.
Zippers right there.
Got the accents.
Got the accents on the back.
We've got the zipper pockets, zipper pockets on the sides here.
All right.
YKK zipper.
Got the, got the quality.
Got the quality.
You've got your chest pocket too.
Oh yeah.
I forgot about the chest pocket and the chest pocket has a sub pocket.
That's for like AirPods or wireless headphones or whatever else.
So you got them right there.
That's actually kind of neat.
Also fits a condom.
Not that I'm saying this tracksuit will get you laid.
You will need one if you buy this.
Not that I'm saying that.
We can't say that.
We can't say that.
But they know.
They know.
We, we were just, honestly, that is really what happened.
We were like, we should do a tracksuit.
And then we did.
They were almost tearaways.
Like for how, for how off the hook this merch meeting was.
I think it's probably good they weren't tearaways.
I completely unhinged.
Did you ever have a pair of tearaways?
Oh yeah.
Who didn't?
I was an, I was a nineties kid.
Did you actually like think they were good?
No, no one thought they were good.
They were just cool.
You just had to have them.
No, no, no.
No one thought they were practical.
They were stupid.
They took forever to put back together.
Oh yeah.
It was ridiculous.
Everybody knew.
Everybody knew.
That's a great trick.
Pants off.
It's great.
Can we do track pants that don't have the elastic?
I like the elastic on the ankles.
For these types of pants?
I think when we do our joggers and stuff, you guys are going to see, they're going to
have, they're going to have elastics down the bottom.
For those types of pants, I think it makes sense.
I don't like it generally either, but like, yeah, for like running wear and stuff, I think
you want them.
Cause if you don't, they just fly all over the place too much.
By the way, probably the best thing to come out of the tracksuit is the photo shoot.
Just the photos in general.
For the tracksuit.
These are actually amazing.
These are amazing.
So a massive shout out to Tanner from the writing team for being the one who brought
in most of our props to kind of complete the ensemble here.
But man, we had a lot of fun.
That's got some, uh, that's got some, what, what year was that even like 2010 Duke Nukem
I don't know, man, but these are amazing.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
Colton Money Potter right here.
Oh man.
This is great.
Um, yeah, again, shout out Tanner.
Tanner absolutely deserves a lot of, a lot of the credit for this.
Got the elastics.
So anyway, so you guys can get yours at lttstore.com I'm going to be completely transparent with
We did not order a ton of these.
I think we went pretty much minimum order quantity because we're going into this going
not expecting.
I mean I'm always down to be surprised, right?
But who knows?
We could move a thousand today.
We could move zero today.
Actually I'm going to, I'm going to re-up a question from, from Jonathan here.
What do you, do you know, I should have asked Nick about this earlier.
We had a meeting earlier this week.
Do you know what the status on the tall shirts is?
Because you know that one random show where I had to, I had to, Oh right.
No, it was when I couldn't talk the Jay and Silent Bob show and I had to be given a random
shirt because the colors clashed really badly.
I was given a shirt that wasn't one of ours.
I don't, it's a, it's a few different companies on the front.
I don't know what it was for.
I don't remember, but whatever.
But it was in tall format and I'm not making any comments with the quality or anything
like that, but the fitment of the length, that's the best fitting shirt I have ever
had in my life.
Not even remotely close.
And I had, there's this thing and people comment on it all the time where I constantly do this
because I'm constantly pulling my shirts down because I'm like, I'm not crazy tall, but
I'm fairly tall, but all of my height is in my torso.
So shirts just, they've never fit me properly though.
The bottom of the shirt is like on my waistline.
Thank you boys coming.
Husky boys coming.
Very excited about this.
I know that they've taken longer than we wanted them to.
I didn't even know.
I like knew we were planning on making a tall shirt.
I didn't know it was like a thing.
Oh yeah.
I wore that shirt.
I was like, Oh, Oh, a hundred percent.
I thought I had just been wearing like, and our, our intention, unlike a lot of, you know,
custom fits or whatever is that our, our lanky and our, um, it's either going to be chunky
or thick boy or something like that.
Whatever we end up calling the fits.
I like thick boy, but it might be dated.
They're going to, yeah, yeah, it could be.
But whatever we end up calling them, the pricing will be exactly the same as our normal ones.
We want to make sure that like pricing is just as inclusive as the fits that we offer.
It's just taken a lot longer than we'd like.
We've had so many projects on the go.
You guys are only seeing the tip of the iceberg for what's coming in the next like three to
six months.
But my understanding is that that is absolutely a top priority for Bridget in the next little
while here.
Very cool.
I just, it made me excited because I knew we were planning on releasing those and that's
the first time I'd ever worn a shirt that was made for, for I guess, I don't know, taller
torsoed people.
I don't know.
And I was just like, wow, I don't have to pull it down every minute.
This is amazing.
Yeah, I know.
I don't know.
It's absolutely something that we're aware of.
It basically showed up on my radar when we did that, um, that long sleeve circuit board
design shirt that I almost killed because I was like, these sleeves are ridiculously
And we sold it saying, Hey look, the sleeves are super long.
And basically every lanky boy in our audience bought it and was like, this is the best shirt
I've ever owned.
And I was like, Oh yeah, Oh, okay, well we can do that.
We just, we, we, it's taken way longer than I would have liked, but stuff's hard if you
want to do things properly.
It's really tough.
I totally get it.
I just, I just, it's more like, it's not like, where are they?
It's more like, Oh, I'm, my, my excitement is redoubled basically.
And it's, it's, it's especially exciting based on just like how well received our blanks
Like the reviews are all like this.
It's like, this is great.
This is great.
This is great.
This is great.
Um, yeah, but the blank shirts are, are doing really well.
I just, uh, Oh, uh, exciting announcement.
Um, our t-shirt printer has apparently found a small space to start to shut up in.
So hopefully we'll start to get some shirts printed, which would be really great.
Um, I wasn't given any kind of updated any points.
So I guess this has been in, in, in progress for a while and I'm, I'm really excited to
start spending some money with our t-shirt printer again.
Let's go.
I got the money.
I got the money right here.
I got the shirts right here.
You take money in shirts, you send me back shirts with pretty things on them and then
it's going to be good.
Everyone's going to win.
That's what I like.
I like, I like multi wins.
Everyone wins.
Lots of wins.
Nobody needs, nobody needs to lose.
You know?
Nobody needs to be like that.
We're all going to make it bros.
You know, why, why is that?
Why does it have to be like that?
All right.
Anybody get that reference?
I don't know.
No, I didn't get it.
It's fine.
Uh, what do you want to talk about next?
I knew you wouldn't.
I was asking the audience to be fair.
Um, ouch.
Well, it's, it's a bit of a, bit of a niche reference.
Sick burn.
Um, wow.
This might surprise you.
That the track jacket and the track joggers are selling at a near one to one ratio.
That doesn't surprise me.
I know.
Oh, I was actually surprised when they were separate items on the store.
Well it's sizing.
This makes sense.
If people have a tall torso and short legs or vice versa.
I literally just made the comment.
It makes sense.
All right.
This may never have occurred to you, Nick, but, um, not everybody has exactly the same
Got them.
Um, chat bot wars.
Let's talk about it.
There's a chat bot thing that I'm gonna go against, but we can talk about that later.
Let's talk about the general chat bot wars.
Um, this I have not been as in on because apparently I'm not a cool kid and have not
been invited to Bing search, but I guess the company has, so we'll be able to mess with
it on the show, which is cool.
Um, but there's been a lot going on.
Uh, I, we, we talked about chat GPT and its various antics, uh, quite a bit there.
And then we kind of let it die down for a little bit and now it's back.
Things are boiling.
Uh, Microsoft has released a demo of its new chat GPT 3.5 plus is what I'm going to call
it enabled version of Bing search as well as a wait list to receive access to the full
version with the wait list is hilarious, but I think we're going to get into that in a
A part of the demo showed a typical search, a typical page of search results, but with
AI context notes on one side, can you, can you do a search with the context notes?
Oh, uh, okay.
Uh, another mode allows the user to talk to the Bing chat bot directly.
What I find kind of interesting about this, and maybe we'll show this in a moment, um,
but the, the AI context notes on the side, if you didn't know, they were there in my
opinion are not very noticeable.
So this is, is this, is this chat or is this search?
I don't know.
Just give it a shot.
Ask me anything.
Uh, why is Hogwarts legacy so controversial?
Well, what, what, what, what, what you guys don't want to be canceled?
I just, I just, I just, I just, I thought this is America sometimes at the top of the
All right.
Uh, let's jump, let's jump back, jump back, jump back, jump back.
So yeah, this is not, this is not a view that I have actually personally seen.
So this is probably because this account is in and mine at home is not in, I have not
received an invite.
So Hogwarts legacy is so controversial because it is the first time many people have been
asked to prove they support trans people and they have been found wanting.
I, okay.
To be clear, I think that, um, the way the syntax here is a little confusing web.
That's a web results.
I'm pretty sure the first time many people, so it's not the first time anyone has been
asked to prove it, but it's the first time for many people, I guess is one way of, I
think that's just a web result though.
Chat, chat, chat, chat, chat.
Here we go.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Go back.
Don't go to chat.
Go back.
Um, okay.
Can you full screen it or something?
Something's wrong here.
What's a Seymour thing?
Seymour butts.
Seymour butts.
It's going to new Bing.
Well, I don't know.
I want to do this one.
So it's, it's definitely this.
No, it's not.
This is my point.
So the thing we're trying to describe.
Let's do it again.
That's what it did to do.
Part of the demo showed is a typical page of search results, but with AI context notes
on one side.
So normally if you scroll up, you see that thing where it says trending on Bing above
there, there's a box where it has the AI output.
Well let me do this.
All right.
Well we're, we're not going to see it.
That's fine.
You know what?
Can you just chill?
Maybe I'm just brawling.
Can you just relax?
And then I'm just going to look like a douche.
Wait, what changed?
Well I'm not signed in anymore.
Oh, well that's not good.
So what's happening?
We can't read that.
Dan, you're holding up a post-it note from like 15 feet.
You wrote it.
That's not even the side you wrote on.
You can walk it over.
I can tell from here.
There's no pen on that side of the paper.
I could tell it was on there.
I just can't read it.
What's that?
Oh, is that a password?
That's the password to the account for Bing.
Well, I don't know the username.
No, I don't know the username.
Is it the same as the email that's on here?
He can figure that out.
I don't know if I can figure that out.
Just go to Gmail.
Why don't you go to Gmail?
I could.
Do you want to give me that?
Why don't you both go to Gmail?
I will.
It's on Chrome?
Well, I prefer stainless steel.
Okay, I got this.
So it's an at gmail.com account?
That doesn't make any sense.
Okay, then it's not the account.
Click on Linus.
Oh, it's that one.
Well, why would...
How the devil am I supposed to know it's that account?
Also, if I'm signed in, if I can click the Linus in the top, well, why would I want to
use Edge?
So I'm going to use that as an offboarding so that while you do that, I can keep talking
about other things.
I'm going to skip a bunch.
I don't know if it's somewhere here in the notes.
I'm going to try to find it.
I'm sure it's somewhere here in the notes, but if it's not, I'll just talk off the top
of my head.
The wait list is hilarious because not only do you just sign up for the wait list, but
they're like, hey, you want to skip the line?
Kind of.
We'll push you up in the line.
We're not actually going to put you all the way through.
We'll maybe put you through.
Well, you have to set your computer to Microsoft defaults for everything as far as I know.
Oh, what?
And I think you have to do something else.
Let me see if it's in the notes.
I didn't see it immediately.
I think it is though.
I'm just not seeing it.
Oh my God.
It's going to take me like four hours to type in now because I'm going to make mistakes
because I'm trying to talk while I, are you able to talk while you type or type while
you talk?
Sometimes no.
I think if I'm even like slightly off, if I'm like a little bit tired or something,
it's just gone like immediately.
All right, here we go.
Linus laptop, um, ask anything.
Oh my God.
Join the wait list.
I thought I'm supposed to have it.
I thought you were too.
Are you sure it's this account, Dan?
I don't think this was actually set up by Dan.
It was not, but this is the account and this is the same account that you were logged into
on Chrome.
So that doesn't make any sense though.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
The flow plane shot just bailed me out.
The other thing is you have to install the Bing app on your phone.
On your phone?
So you have to, you have to set your computer to Microsoft defaults and then they have a
QR code thing that you scan with your phone and you have to install the Bing app on your
So you have to do both.
There's a chat button.
Which is amazing.
That's such a life.
It's working.
It's working.
It's working.
Oh man.
Welcome to the new Bing.
So I haven't seen, I haven't used this.
Here we go.
Here we go.
It's working.
I'm moving it.
I'm moving it.
Video games set in the Harry Potter universe, but it has been facing controversy due to
the transphobic statements made by author JK Rowling and the alleged antisemitism in
the game's story.
Some people are boycotting the game to show their support for the trans community and
to protest against Rowling's views.
I mean, that's a good summary.
Seems like a good summary.
Based on everything I've seen so far, that seems like a pretty solid summary of what
people are talking about.
This is interesting.
It prompts me with extra questions.
And one of the crazy.
So, okay.
That's interesting.
I didn't know about that.
One of the craziest things about this, in my opinion, is this one can search the web.
And you can even tell it to search the web.
This is cool.
They really want you using chat.
A two finger swipe gets you from search to chat.
To chat.
Do a normal search.
I did.
And it gave me a chat result.
Can you try to do it again?
Like do something different maybe?
Have you ever thought about this?
Are you sure?
No, I don't.
I want to show.
I want to show the sidebar thing that I was talking about earlier.
All right.
Because I've gotten it on my home computer.
So I know it exists.
What a jerk.
What happened to Lou Clafreniere?
Oh, did it automatically bring you up?
It dropped chat.
Swipe out of this for a second.
Lou Clafreniere is a former employee of Linus Media Group, a company that produces tech
related videos on YouTube.
He left LMG in 2018 to become the COO of Floatplane, a video streaming platform that is partly
owned by LMG.
He still appears on the WAN Show, a weekly podcast hosted by Linus Sebastian, the founder
of LMG.
Not me though.
He also has a Twitter and... Got him.
He also has a Twitter and an Instagram account where he posts about his personal life.
I think the least accurate part is that last line.
Well, yeah, but okay.
The last time I posted on Instagram was like three years ago.
But without being like nitpicky.
It's good.
It's really good.
It's honestly probably better than you would get from finding a Google search.
And the context.
It understood the context.
What happened to him?
It's not like he got a haircut.
It's what people want to know.
What happened to that guy?
Why isn't he on that channel anymore?
He used to host a bunch.
Now he's like almost never there.
That is wildly good.
And if I asked... I'm pretty sure if I asked chat GPT, it will not give you that answer.
Because it'll say like, because it doesn't search the internet.
But this one does.
So this is not just chat GPT into Bing.
I think that's one of the things that most people are missing.
It is not.
It is in a lot of... I don't know if in all ways, in a lot of ways it's better.
Oh, yeah.
Way better.
Way better.
Access to current information.
Is like mind shatteringly huge.
Like this is massive.
Absolute game changer.
I just made $1,000.
Because of the XQC thing.
Yeah, there's no way he can't say it's sick.
Because, and I... Okay.
I don't know who did it.
Whoever made the tweet asking it how many LTT backpacks would fit in the trunk of a Tesla
or whatever the question was.
Oh, I didn't see that.
That's hilarious.
Someone made that tweet on the LTT handle.
Oh, that's really funny.
And it did it.
It looked up the dimensions of the LTT backpack.
Shut up.
It looked up the dimensions of the trunk and it figured it out.
How the fuck did it do that?
Ask it.
Let's do it live.
Maybe make it different.
Use the banana thing or something.
The LTT store banana or something.
I don't know.
No, no.
I just want to see this.
I just want a model.
Show your screen.
Show the screen.
Model Y.
Oh, yeah.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Because I thought the dimensions for the backpack are in picture form.
Well, you're theians?
Shut up.
This is a tricky question, man.
Oh my god.
The natural like language of it shapes and dimensions based on some rough estimates.
I will try to answer it.
That's insane.
That's actually nuts.
It's still going.
depend on how flexible and compressible the backpacks are and how well they fit
into the corners and curves of the trunk based on some videos of the model Y
trunk shut up it can fit about five to seven standard care and suitcases which
have similar dimensions and capacity holy which is accurate that statement is
that's crazy I don't know who made that tweet but that was brilliant because I
had watched demos I'd watched tons of stuff up until that point up until I saw
that tweet from whoever made that on our team so big social teams amazing amazing
shout out Arthur and Arjun I didn't realize it was that capable and if we
have any people on that team I haven't met yet sorry the various steps that had
to go through not only didn't even showed it work yes it searched the
original question realized there isn't really an answer for this out there yet
decided I'm gonna look up the dimensions of the backpack I'm gonna look up the
dimensions of the trunk I'm gonna realize that this trunk even though I
have dimensions and whatnot is gonna have weird curves and stuff which is
gonna throw it off quite a bit I know that's in dimensions don't worry about
it I said that poorly but it's gonna have weird curves and stuff that's gonna
throw it off what can this backpack relate to oh a standard size of luggage
is extremely similar let's use that because there's other references to how
that can fit in this bubble bubble bubble blah this was full thought
process man okay that's crazy okay okay but how up to the minute is it I like
ltt store calm but I only wear tracksuits do they make a tracksuit holy
screw you baby okay okay no but seriously though that's crazy that is so
crazy they do not seem to sell track pants it missed that our track joggers
are pants I asked it to clarify holy crap hold on a second so it suggests me
pants to go with the jacket I bought shut up hold on okay that's insane
that's crazy oh this would be the killer feature to monetize this in a free
version this would a hundred percent black-and-white track pants yeah here we
is it going to print out the same shopping list that it did earlier or is
it just gonna list all of these in time so am I gonna get links to these that's
what I'm saying no no I'm gonna get links I'm gonna get links I get I get
links it's it sites yeah there's there's learn more so they go yeah yeah so if
you go back yeah this is wild there's a learn more bar at the bottom so it has
all the links that are that are referenced there it is you should ask it
like are you are you are you sure like I would get it to relook at the ltt store
for the pants I really want the purchase be from ltt store whatever is there
another option from them that would work or something like that I don't know I
don't want to I don't want to lead it too well yeah I'm saying are you sure
they don't have matching bottoms for the jacket that seems weird no it really
wants to track it wants track pants I'm not sure why they don't have it but I
couldn't find any on their website the closest they have our pajama pants and
short-circuit sweatpants but they don't look wait they don't look like they
match the track jacket very well you can submit to their newsletter do the track
joggers subscribe to their news is it looking at images do the track joggers
seem to match oh interesting oh no but I won't lose the context of ltt store with
that search it did it did it did hold on is that is that even what we call them
wait wait wait it just said ltt store in there hold on hold on hold on hold on
hold on hold on I'm coming back I'm coming back the track joggers from ltt
store what it has the same color scheme and logo okay shut up do we even say
that do we say that Luke we don't we don't say it has the same color scheme
and logo they checked the logo whoa whoa this is like oh man when people are like
oh chat GPT search isn't gonna matter dude hot like you have to see it now
this is crazy the trunk question is really interesting to me because that is
like a hundred percent something that someone could be tasked with or not that
exact one maybe but something very similar is something that someone could
be tasked with maybe the dimensions of the inside of a cube van or the inside
of the bed of a truck with a tonneau cover on it how many of this exact thing
can I fit inside it how much lumber can I fit inside a standard size f-150 truck
bed I want to know that might be something someone wants to know I want to
know how carefully it's analyzing images there's no reviews of the product so it
didn't see anything in text nothing our descriptions notoriously are oh can you
can you go back in need of some improvement okay there's only one
version there's no oh wait hold on oh no no I missed yeah that's it it does say
it does say get the matching that's the only thing yeah but it didn't say it had
the same logo Luke there's nothing on this page to say it has the same color
scheme in the same logo it checked yeah with images that like to be honest yeah
isn't one as far as I know that's just a zoom in of the oh there is yeah we got
it we've got it okay okay but it had to check the whole thing there's one image
showing this logo clearly yeah most of the images it's there but it's pretty
small because like a zoom out of what just happened yeah Google just got
irrelevanted Conrad said in chat I might actually use Bing when this comes out
yeah you will I tried to jump the waitlist I did everything I could I set
to defaults and then I change it back afterwards because I don't think they're
tracking that and I and I installed the Bing app on my phone because a hundred
percent I would switch immediately hold on people asking about alt text just a
second just act a sec how do you see it crap I thought them oh okay I think we
only have it yeah no no no there's nothing in there about that that's wow
okay okay so hold on okay okay now I gotta I'm not done yet I'm not done yet
um try to get it to match unrelated products on this no I want it to okay
okay okay that's a whole that's a whole can of worms that we can go down I mean
okay we know it has at least rudimentary ability to recognize stuff like that
because it said hey the pajama pants don't seem to match this very well right
like it figured that out but I want to know does LTT's lanyard seem durable
like is that in our thing that do we say that it's durable I'm gonna check I'm
gonna check I'm sorry I'm freaking out a little bit right now because this is
better than I expected and I've been sitting here with you hearing you go
blah-blah-blah-blah-blah GPT blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah future future
Bing blah-blah-blah-blah ahead of I mean anyone reporting on it in the news
because you figured it out before any they went public with it yeah so that's
the context for this though is that I'm still blown away I mean you seem blown
away oh yeah like did you expect it to be this good I I have known for a long
time that once it gained the ability to search the internet that it would be a
whole different beast but I didn't know how effectively it would do more than
one search the the I'm I'm really telling you when I saw that tweet my
brain exploded because it grabbed the context it searched the first thing it
was like this didn't give me an answer I'm now going to search these two
various things to gain information and then ours went even deeper and it
figured out oh it matches standard luggage sizes all this kind of stuff
like it pictures the amount of it looked at pictures the amount of steps that it
did that would have been a significant amount of work for a human a very
significant amount of work did it look at videos that would be interesting it's
watching us right now based on some videos of the model y trunk
yeah I did say that didn't it
did it link to this yes whoa is there a transcription for that because that was
an article right did they did they write out like everything that was in the
video I don't know Luke but it it specifically cited this page and said
based on some videos maybe maybe the page is based on the video yeah I don't
think it would watch the video necessarily maybe it would I don't know
I have no idea what's going on anymore but it might have used whisper another
open AI tool to gain the text transcription of the video and then it
could have parsed that okay here he's asking it some stuff I'm asking it
something else okay LTT says their lanyard is built to last but do the
materials look durable to you interesting I I mean look I I have no
idea if it has this kind of capabilities okay so it's looking up the lanyard yeah
now there's two results for lanyard on the store according to the product
description is constructed from heavy-duty nylon weave featuring a
box stitch link and a medium pressure metal clasp these materials are supposed
to make that a turbo okay oh my god it read reviews
which are very positive it might it might it might just look at the star
rating no no no no most of which are positive and praise the quality and
appearance okay okay uh yeah ask it for what what are what are maybe maybe
refine it in a weird way ask it for two star what do people just negative no no
I got this okay what about the negative reviews what do people not like about it
you not very common but they do exist some of the complaints it's too short
and sits too high on the chest the clip is hard to use and mix taking keys off
the lad and you're difficult the review system is not reliable and allows people
to leave reviews without purchasing the product it knew that last bullet point
is big because we're like moving to change that now not even kidding that is
actually real that is possible there was a reason why we didn't change in the
past I don't remember what it was but we're moving to change it now by the way
the length thing is probably based on older reviews we revised it to be a
couple inches longer in response to that feedback incidentally you know what's
gonna be significantly faster now is parsing feedback for items on the store
why bother manually go through and read it all when you just ask it for a
summary of everything that's currently seemingly wrong with your products and
it will immediately spit it out and also give you feedback on the website that
was crazy and accurate and good feedback
whoa whoa okay I want to see it I want to see it try to match unrelated things
on the store so what my idea is okay is can we ask it to match like my water
bottle to take a drink I did not take a drink and put it back down Luke you know
know what I want I want it to give me a summary of this wan show it's live right
now yeah but Google has live transcriptions I don't think it'll be
no that's a little I mean we could try it I don't think that's gonna be I don't
think that's reasonable yeah I mean we are already we are already a bit beyond
reason yeah I mean it ain't no reason where we're going boys okay can you ask
can you ask so the water bottle let's pick that so go go to the water bottle
and pick a color that you like hey can you pick a color of water bottle to
match my LTT tracksuit tracksuit sure you might want to specify the water bottle
should be from lttstore.com can you pick a color of LTT water bottle or not
yeah sure it looks for the water bottle it looks for the tracksuit it's it's
looking at stuff oh oh it couldn't find it oh if you're looking for a water
bottle some of the colors that might go well with a tracksuit are black white
red or blue you can also mix and match different colors for the lid and body
so in its defense which is not super major because I'm actually
surprised it didn't figure this one out but we don't call it tracksuit anywhere
yeah okay hold on a second oh so you know what I think this is our first kind
of swing and a miss here a little bit yeah because that link is yeah men's
tracksuit from Nike yeah this is just this is the the black and black one it's
in stock so that's something okay this is amazon.ca though did it intentionally
send me to amazon.ca okay one of the first weeks that we talked about chat
GPT I mentioned how I I was in the camp where I thought VR and AR we're gonna be
like the future yeah and on one of those first weeks I was like never mind it's
this and I think that just got a lot more deeply rooted yeah even with that
failure it doesn't matter look at all the successes that it just had before
that yeah
we do not have a red LTT logo where did it get that from no they exist there's a
red LTT logo on one of the water bottles no but the track jacket it says the
track jacket has a white and black color scheme with a red LTT logo on the chest
and the back is it making assumptions I want to know why it thinks that okay
clothing sorry I know that I'm basically just using this entire topic as an
excuse to talk about LTT store I mean it's a it's an acceptable medium so
maybe this is remember remember the confidently wrong thing maybe we're
giving it a little bit too much credit maybe it's not actually looking at the
pictures maybe it's making some guesses I don't know I think it's looking at
pictures Luke okay I mean I could be wrong why does it think it's red super
weird that's super weird okay okay oh oh yeah yeah ask it why it thinks it's red
okay okay it's evidence someone in full point I mentioned that I don't see a
red logo on that jacket a crane seven they can you send me the picture
okay yeah like it oh whoa underscore rip
oh holy crap so it got the red logo from the file name no searching track jacket
LTT sir okay wait I have read some stuff I don't know how legit this is but you
might want to start a new thread and try this whole thing over again okay but it
checked it did look at pictures for sure I found one on the product page which
shows a black and white jacket with a white logo wait click on the link
because that's not to the right thing yeah that's not our store and that's
also not a black and white track jacket with a red logo what okay start a new
threat I've read that this version will kind of lose the plot once your thread
gets too long okay I forgot about that until now but yeah let's start a new
thread man I refresh the page and it's still okay because of this hold on okay
okay bing.com let's go okay okay what what we're trying what we're trying to
figure out no okay okay can you pick a water bottle on LTT store to match my
LTT track jacket okay let's just let's just see okay insulated water bottle no
no this is just a search chat here we go my mind is absolutely annihilated right
okay I want these are these just Amazon links oh interesting those look like no
those are LTT store links I want one that will look good with my new LTT
track jacket okay
okay it just called it simple and stylish chest and back how on earth
just my back again workshop jacket it's losing the plot it's having issues with
this one I think one of the things that it might be struggling with yeah is the
color selector for the water bottle yeah I think it doesn't know because in the
in the images on the side of the water bottle yeah there's just every color
possible and then I I have a feeling that it can't parse through the color
selector that makes sense and we have fun but weird names for thing I mean not
pink but like sunrise cream scream hero like I don't think it's gonna know how
to parse that either yeah okay okay it suggested a 21 ounce one that would be
more convenient to carry around though like it's not like it's even when it's
failing fail it's not like it's completely it's not stupid yeah it's you
know it's just it's just maybe missing some amount of capability that's a super
specific question though yeah pretty interesting all right I I am shirts are
more specific colors maybe ask it I'm getting a
yeah you wanted to ask it some other stuff about the store sorry I think I
kind of hijacked it no it's fine I wanted to ask the same question you
were asking but in the other way I wanted to give it a one of the
multicolored items and ask it for a single colored item effectively so like
I don't know if you want to hand it this much information but like I'm getting a
white and black LTT water bottle can you suggest a shirt from the same store that
would go with it something like that I was hoping to be able to give it like
one of the obscure names like I'm getting a hero water bottle but I at
this one I don't think it's gonna be able to do that and white and black is
technically one of the names that we use for it so can you suggest some clothes
from the same store that would go with it how about that okay clothes I mean
okay that's fine that's yeah that's all right that's clothing is a category I
suggest some stuff that would go with your water bottle GPU plush underwear
three-pack whoops too generic rut row
honestly a lot of those things aren't clothes okay I mean mom yeah GPU plush
yeah exactly I didn't put that and I specifically whoops mentioned what you
can tell it's doing stuff in the background here wanted something that
matches my white and black what do you mean why the bottle just I I can when
I'm typing I could kind of feel it like thinking a bit I don't know so you think
it's like pre-parsing I'm sorry I misunderstood my bad Wow okay maybe you
could try the workshop jacket or the track jacket we talked about earlier
wait it remember the workshop jacket is not black and white though yeah it was
in this thread it was in this thread okay so why does it think the workshop
jacket for some reason it's been fixed on the workshop jacket this way it
really likes that workshop job it thinks it's black is that why it thinks the
logos orange it was looking at this maybe is there an orange logo on this
one sorry I think I got away from the mic on which one on the on the workshop
jacket is there is there an orange logo on the back no I don't think so but
there's this which might have kind of looked logo II maybe and I don't think
there's a we don't have a single picture of the back of it dang it I don't have a
picture of the back of the darn workshop jet anyway the point is he's looking
good though interesting trays interesting okay I'm trying to think of
like different questions that we could ask it mmm okay I'm assuming you're
asking a question right now something that I've noticed has been an issue is
something that I think should actually be quite searchable which is like game
guides yeah yeah how do I bosses boss or whatever but it it hasn't been doing it
because all the games that I've been searching have been too new right that
makes I wonder if it'll find that sure oh okay okay it did not really go
outside of a very very narrow narrow search here it did not search the web
more broadly to be fair you didn't ask it to like review it so it gave you a
state of what it is which is actually accurate I think it's accurate to what
you asked you didn't even ask it anything there's no question mark you
just googled what LTT customer service is effectively what our customers say
there you go quality of their service we do have to we do have to be honest with
the quality of prompts yeah yeah I mean look I mean that the thing is I'm this
is a way of testing I'm not actually yeah but I'm trying to use it like a
user would like no that doesn't answer my question so I want to naturally
interact with you we're fine now yeah there are mixed reviews of LTT stores
customer service yeah that's fair some say they had a great experience ordering
from the website and the products are high quality they also praise the
support team for being helpful and responsive however some customers
complain about long delivery times and items getting lost in the mail which
they blame on the website one website gives LTT store calm an average of 3.3
out of 5 based on one review so it seems the quality of their service depends on
various factors such as the product the shipping and the support you may have a
different experience depending on your expectations one thing I can say right
now by the way guys this was an excuse for me to talk about it is we are down
to customer support responses during week during the week weekdays that are
down to hours not days anymore so you can expect really fast responses we're
keeping the team beefy we're not gonna be like oh yeah well you know volumes
are lower so you know we're back to yeah we're back to two people so we're trying
to find things for for at least some of the of the extra members of the team
that were brought on to do and we want to make sure that we keep that team
responding within hours as opposed to within days Phil H in full-plane chat
just brought up a really interesting point yeah he tagged me and said you
just use the verb googled what might replace that wording I mean that's what
Microsoft's been trying to get us to do for being 10 years or whatever I binged
it I binged it I I mean on it like as a techno file it's obviously I would go
like chat search yeah like I like I would know the underlying technology
that I am using well they're trying to so they have an internal name for it
called like Sylvie or something I don't know what it is but they're trying to
communicate externally that it's just being it's such a shame that they used
Cortana on such a piece of product because that would imagine Cortana was
this I know right oh yeah I completely feel the same way yeah just such a missed
opportunity I'd be I'd be so down for this to be Cortana that would be super
cool it's also probably a little too normian mainstream like would you want
would you ask Cortana like for a recipe you know like I don't know I mean I
wouldn't ask Cortana anything because she was useless for so long yeah I mean
I wanted to like Cortana but it was it was rough man oh geez okay well we could
honestly sit there and yeah throw things through it for a million years do you
want to do want to ask it how to beat biomass sure don't even refine the game
just say biomass yeah I'm already asking how good the LTT store screwdriver is
though cool I wonder if it'll reference videos
well all right well it says that the embossed LTT logo on the end cap is
tasteful where does it get that from what is that based on what do you mean
tasteful how do you know
seems to be our clothes last shot doesn't have the LTT store screwdriver
it's all Amazon links can't you find any user feedback for me like it says go
find some user feedback no you fucking do it
and this is blowing my mind
you wow there's your feedback you may want to read more reviews and watch more
videos oh oh what videos yeah if you recommend I watch to learn more I
actually think this is not a fair summary but whatever I wonder if it
errs on the side of like not being it's not recommending too strongly seems like
it tries to balance everything really hard yeah it always ends with the like
feedback might be mixed or your experience may vary that type of stuff
huh this is so cool it gives you a top-level overview of what you can
expect to find in these videos that is so cool and those are probably probably
the ones you should watch yep now what's interesting is there's a there's a
shorts video that's actually got a ton of views on the screwdriver that's more
recent but I wonder if it's able to parse shorts for example I mean I guess
there's only one way to find out are there any short form reviews those
videos are all pretty long I just I feel like I could just talk to it forever
okay oh okay so sorry but what game bio biomass yeah it's just say biomass I
think yeah because that's a that's a Valheim boss but it's a I think pretty
unique name for a boss in a game I don't know it called our product description a
review well that's not very good okay but they did find an opinion on reddit
the couple on reddit okay all right very cool okay how do I beat how do I beat
biomass yeah I don't even want to mention Valheim so I want to figure it
out okay sure this is totally off-topic out of nowhere that might be an
interesting how to beat biomass by definition yeah what what are you
talking about
yeah it is no oh the third boss in the game Valheim the ways to beat it may
vary for example if you mean the mass of living organisms you need to reduce
their population or their consumption of resources
whoa buddy can you please clarify though which is hell the the question that
asked at the end is fair and they gave you a little smiley face um yeah I don't
want to reduce population of living organisms oh my god bone mass oh it's
still understood that it was from Valheim yeah I said the wrong thing
though it's bone mass oh it figured it out probably through like common
searches or something Wow that's actually I also type of this
how to beat bone mass in Valheim yeah it just doesn't acknowledge my uh oh I see
highly resistant to ranged weapons except for frost arrows this is oh I
didn't know that part okay he throws poison smoke the best weapons are blunt
weapons that's true increased Emma stamina regeneration wow this is a lot
of like really good strats it looks like good luck here is a good one all right
Wow yeah let's let's go on got bone mass from biomass pretty interesting we could
do this all night I yeah so let's let's finish off the the notes because there
is some interest yeah I hit it this is a war right it's not just being searched
there is the other side so far it's so far it's just being it's a war between
your high school bully and like your toddler sister like honestly yeah it's a
little brutal Microsoft claims they're using a more powerful version of GPT
3.5 that they are calling the Prometheus model presumably in the sense that if
it goes wrong Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella will be tied to a rock and for
Eagles to devour his liver Microsoft oh this is a business forever too I think
so I think so yeah this is this is a big bet for them though Microsoft will also
launch two new features for edge chat which users can use to ask about the
webpage they're looking at and compose a writing assistant I don't think we saw
compose but I think that was a weird description of chat which is what we're
just using only a day after Microsoft's demo Google announced its own chat GPT
equivalent or similar thing called Bard some people been criticizing that name I
actually think it's pretty cool Google's demo highlighted largely incremental and
previously announced AI improvements to various Google products in the demo
Google warned that answers given by Bard may be inaccurate which is true about
all of them so doesn't matter some commenters noted that there was a clear
inaccuracy in a screenshot included in Google's announcement which states that
the James Webb Space Telescope was the first to take a picture of a planet
outside of our solar system the first was actually taken by the European
Southern Observatory's very large telescope actual name in 2004 now there
are some kind of potential issues here mm-hmm I have heard let me see if this
screenshot is in here I've heard our audience really likes tracksuits but
sorry go ahead this is just a random tweet this doesn't look like the one
that actually found it I don't know so people read this and and maybe they're
right I would just want to put that out there maybe people's interpretation of
this was right but people read this as it says here again which states that the
James Webb Space Telescope was the first to take a picture of a planet outside of
our solar system people interpreted that as any planet but people are thinking
that maybe Bard was actually talking about a specific planet I see and the
James Webb was the first telescope to take a picture of that planet and that
planet is outside of our yeah so maybe it worded it weird maybe we interpret it
poorly I don't know but it's kind of irrelevant because Dan's question please
I was family DQP I'm working on it okay wow I was trying to figure out what the
heck DQP meant but yeah it could have been right it could've been wrong it's
kind of irrelevant they're all right and they're all wrong sometimes GBT 3.5
chat GPT whatever we want to call this Bing search thing they've all been wrong
at some point Bard will be wrong this is wrong sometimes it doesn't really matter
yeah I know it catches like there was no way it was gonna do that yeah yeah
otherwise why would you need to watch apparently Google's valuation went down
a hundred billion dollars when people figured out that Bard was wrong which is
weird to me because like a bit of an overreaction GPT is wrong all the time
constantly I mean it didn't know that the LTT store screwdriver is like the
best terrible so like that seems kind of weird to me but I mean investors are
gonna do investor things so by the way this looks kind of like what you might
have been talking about earlier where you can be on a page and there's just
like a search thing here and you can just like I mean this seems like it
would be a really cool interface but no this just does a web search yeah this
does not even if you tell it like this site it's basically just like you know
is this a good jacket like it doesn't yeah it just does not do anything like
what we what we saw before so there's no chat integrated into that particular
search at this time unless I've not updated it properly or something like
that I'm not sure all right yeah so move on yeah I can't get it to do it when I
was at home basically in your in your standard search view pre chat that's an
interesting thing to say where you have all the links to different websites to
come up when you search something floating in the side where like if you
googled yourself you know how it would show like the Wikipedia thing with your
picture in that same area it was putting like a mini version of a non
respondable to chat output there's a version of edge that is like a dev
version that has the new Bing B features so like you would be able to do that in
it or something this is just a pleb version of edge so okay yeah got it wow
that makes sense wow yeah a third search provider by do
headquartered in China announced that it would finish internal testing of its own
AI named Ernie in March e-commerce company Alibaba also claims to be making
a chat GPT equivalent and opera and this is a dig that seems potentially
unnecessary but the world's sixth most popular browser says that they they too
will be incorporating chat GPT whoa ouch whoa yep let's go everybody's getting in
on this discussion question what pitfalls do you foresee in the rush to
integrate advanced AI into day-to-day technology I think that's a pretty easy
answer yeah I think so too a lot of the confidently wrong the wrongness yeah I
do think that as much as I say that which is every single time we talk about
this topic he sure does it's important because people constantly forget it like
it's actually crazy yeah it's like the whole it's like it's like the whole
discussion we had around Tesla branding their driving assists as autopilot yeah
and it's like you get people who will get mad at me for criticizing it saying
well that's not what autopilot means like even on a plane it doesn't mean the
plane flies itself it still needs a pilot who'd be stupid enough to think
that autopilot means it drives itself to stupid no because people think that
hundred percent I don't make the rules people fall asleep on the highway like
on purpose they take a nap in their car with autopilot engaged yep hundred
percent they get so we have to so we have to remind humans I this is the
caveat that I want to throw in here humans are also really confidently wrong
yeah so it's not like this is like an unknown issue oh Luke just laying the
smack down on an entire species of animal here but like you should be
skeptical about answers that come from chat GPT and you know maybe you should
take that skepticism to other parts of your life as well but like yeah like if
you were just blindly believing every single Google search result that you got
in the past that was also a problem I don't know if you like realize that but
you shouldn't have been doing that and you still shouldn't do it with chat
features I didn't see that question I'm just meaning the next discussion
question is is there a concern with large companies under repressive
governments constructing their own advanced AI I mean yeah obviously it's
obviously yeah nothing much we can do about that yep all right yeah that's the
thing with a lot of this type of technology people talk about oh we need
to like regulate it super hard and it's like good luck maybe in certain ways but
we still haven't figured out how to regulate other countries will not social
media like you're not you're not gonna stop the wave of this happening yeah
because some other country is just gonna be like I mean you can do it here yeah
we're gonna find a way to get a leg up because companies are gonna come here
now because they can do this they can come here and not pay taxes yeah like is
but hey at least the people working there will they'll pay their taxes yeah
corporate tax never let's jump into another thing should we do this it's
another AI topic should we jump into you know what we should probably do is get
sponsors out of the way what merch messages are you're probably seeing
these messages pop up down here Dan our producer is monitoring them if you guys
make a purchase on lttstore.com while we are live you can we'll get a little pop
up prompting you for a merch message it's basically better than oops twitch
bits or super chats or anything like that because we might get to your
message we might not but if we don't hey at least you get some nice high quality
you know track suits in the mail yeah if nothing else you can bring up a gift
card and send a merge message that way and then you can pick up something else
that catches your eye farther down the line oh we have something really cool
coming yeah yeah yeah yeah guess what's here the it won't be applicable to you
unfortunately but the wag hoodie has arrived oh I mean oh you don't have it
oh well okay for a little while yeah that's sad well you know what Chloe can
have a wag hoodie for however short a time she will be wearing it
um this got pretty real my parents dog is quite old yeah I've been holding it
on for like oh yeah yeah do great but she's pretty old it has been a long time
yeah cool so anyway the the wan hoodie for dogs is is is kind of here we
haven't done pictures or like gotten it and ready for the site or anything like
that but it's it's almost ready to launch you know flap now a flap like a
wang wang hoodie for birds say animal cruelty much if you made it like a
little wen hoodie like ornaments that I could hang from the cage I guarantee you
they would love that yeah they probably like destroy it oh yeah they do that
okay cool anywho right so merch messages we will try to get to some messages at
the end of the show and well I want to thank our sponsors for sponsoring this
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waiting for head to the link in the video description and get 20% off today
with code when all right I'm doing one more sponsor spot normally and then now
that chat GPT is web-enabled I'm gonna have it do a Squarespace spots because
that there are third spot no no brilliant not the square so yeah yeah
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my Squarespace talking points are a little stale I don't know who to blame
for that probably someone but it doesn't matter the point is I have to do a
sponsor read so is this they say that they have a thing that helps you with
writing but you're using the more web seat search II think does your browser
not have the writing thing yeah I don't really see it I've just got search and
chat yeah I don't I'm gonna go for it sure whoa what do you think well I
didn't even see this holy crap that's powerful it asked what you think of this
whole saga that's gone on here and gives you a prompt that's wild so they're
gonna be like what the collecting collecting political data whoa what okay
look I'm not trying to steer the conversation back to being powered by
chat GPT but what the just happened well they're they're trying to make it an
actual chat and they're gonna harvest all the information from it which is
incredibly valuable data whoa whoa okay geez oh man okay this is something all
right back to this I have a to do oh I have to sorry do a sponsor read on my
podcast for Squarespace but my talking points are a little stale sorry this
can you write me oh my goodness oh sorry my brain is very clear the context
before we do this no no it's fine okay can you write me they want that on the
screen uh 30 spot whatever they'll get over it can you write me a 30 to 60
second blurb with some of their latest features highlighted oh apparently you
need yeah you need the dev branch of edge for the sidebar compose feature
okay all right so they just killed Grammarly probably I'm gonna read this
out verbatim so good luck this episode is brought to you by Squarespace the
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calm offer code your code here Squarespace you're gonna like this make it
I love how it signed off that's amazing also I looked up the scheduling thing
and yeah I was cuz I was wondering I was like maybe it made up a feature nope nope
all-in-one appointment management everything you need to schedule anything
try scheduling no Yvonne's been hooked on these legs and like trashy amateur
novels about this like weird wolf world or something like that oh she can just
get it to write her books like honestly like with the quality of the writing of
some of the ones I've looked over her shoulder at like she could just be like
write me another chapter write me another chapter write me another chapter
she could if she doesn't like the direction that the book goes in choose
your own adventure
because I've done choose your own adventure stuff right but especially if
it can search off the internet like you could make a choose your own adventure
based on like vaguely real world people you know yeah yeah man Tina's erotic fan
friend fictions from Bob's Burgers are gonna take on a whole new life here
pretty much everyone in their dog is gonna have the capability so I want to
do a poll here yeah Game of Thrones season 8 rewrite let's go seriously
though oh my goodness it probably could because this one can search the Internet
so it knows everything about it can you you should ask it that what would you
change if you could change Game of Thrones season 8 what would you change
about it to make it better or whatever and I'm gonna make this poll okay we're
really not trying to make the whole show just about being with chat GPT it's just
it's just kind of happening here okay ah man this is just such a mind screw okay
no I don't want yeah there we go oh my god stop okay there we go whoa give
more time in development to the Night King and the White Walkers and make
their final battle more epic and satisfying make Daenerys's descent into
madness more gradual and believable show more of her inner conflict and struggle
make Jon Snow more active and decide the Wow make Cersei more cunning and
ruthless have her put up a better fight make the ending more coherent and
satisfying have it tie up the loose ends and resolve the main conflicts and
themes maybe have a different character sit on the Iron Throne or have no one
sit on it at all so basically yeah it's just taking it's taking audience
feedback and going yeah here's what needed to be better it's like you could
you could crowdsource how to make a like you could just be like okay I love liar
liar can you pitch me a premise for a Jim Carrey movie that's kind of like
that but for the 2020s like I don't know like what can it what can it not do Luke
so I asked floatplane chat based on these integrations will you use big now
and I don't some people criticize it cuz they're like oh we wanted a maybe or
whatever no I want like I want people that are hard facts about this and so
far 80% of people are saying yes Wow kick a doom over in twitch that says
instead of rushing it actually used the source material simple there was no
source material that was the problem that's the George RR Martin hadn't
finished the books holy crap okay here we go here we go I have not watched liar
liar but I've heard it's a comedy movie where Jim Carrey plays a lawyer who
cannot lie for 24 hours oh that would be an interesting licensing thing for them
to work out how can chat GPT watch liar liar you know what I mean hmm I'm
surprised they haven't just trained it on it and been like oh we'll figure it
out later I guess if you're if there are a lot of AI stuff is like like
independent artists though like the MPAA RA like the well have you heard about
that tool somebody made a tool that can try to reverse engineer what what images
that the the image generator used in its generation of your yeah okay and then
people are using that to go after generators and sometimes it's like man
I'm really not sure what this would be based off of and then you see the output
from that thing it's like whoa it's clearly this random thing that I've
never seen before like it's it's interesting it's very interesting oh my
god okay Jim Carrey plays a social media influencer who is famous for his viral
videos and pranks he is also a compulsive liar who exaggerates and
fabricates everything about his life and personality he has millions of followers
and sponsors but he is also unhappy and lonely one day he receives a mysterious
package that contains a pair of glasses when he puts them on he realizes that
they are connected to his social media accounts and that they record and
broadcast everything he sees and says he also discovers that he cannot take them
off and that he cannot lie or edit anything he posts he has to face the
consequences of his lies and the reactions of his fans friends family and
enemies he also has to find out who sent him the glasses and why and how to get
rid of them along the way he learned some valuable lessons about honesty
integrity and love
whoa I'd watch this that yeah probably and it did just enough to go hey it's
basically that but it's newer but kind of a modern spin it is different yeah
it's different yeah let's let's let's try to get this version to write an LTT
episode remember we did that right but now it should be able to search is there
a video that LTT has done recently that didn't go well it was controversial for
some reason I don't know maybe the land show a few weeks ago man I wanted to
have to search for it but I don't know I've been writing a model for chat GPT
that does our sponsor like segment things maybe you need to toss that now
maybe I need to toss that could you have it right I don't know yeah it's
difficult this is well he just did he had it right the Squarespace one yeah
but I think our scripts are different I wonder okay be a way to get it to like
describe a screenplay for an LTT next level hold on here we go oh no you're
gonna feed oh no wait you only curated nine spot merge messages there's some
potentials as well oh okay okay let me find one of these people are focused I
want to know I want to know like what chat GPT would would answer like a merch
message or something like that okay okay here we go here's a good one from James
D if you two were to switch jobs so us who would give up first and who would do
more damage to the company like how much could it possibly know about us yeah
okay if Linus Sebastian and Luke laugh Renier switched jobs as a challenge
which one would give up first and which would do more damage to the company in
the wrong role okay let's see what it says
you know what no I'm gonna read it I'm gonna read it to you guys I'm gonna read
it to you guys I have not watched their videos but I've heard that they're both
hosts of the wan show hey look you got a credit for the wan show let's go and
founders of Linus tech tips and float play media they're both experts in
technology and media but they have different roles and skills Linus is more
of a creative and charismatic leader oh well Luke is more of a technical and
analytical manager if they switched jobs as a challenge I think that Linus would
give up first and that Luke would do more damage to the company in the wrong
role boom get roasted Linus would give up first because he would not enjoy or
excel at the tasks that Luke does such as coding troubleshooting budgeting and
negotiating he would also miss the thrill and freedom of being on camera
and interacting with the audience he would get bored and frustrated with the
details and constraints of running a business and he would lose his
motivation and passion it doesn't know about Yvonne and doesn't know that like
realistically she does all that stuff not either of us and and it doesn't know
that we're both stubborn as hell yeah neither of us would give up Luke would
do more damage to the company in the wrong role because he would not be able
to handle the pressure and expectations of being the face and voice of the
company he would also lack the charisma and creativity that Linus has and he
would struggle to entertain and engage the viewers he would make some bad
decisions and mistakes that would affect the quality and reputation of the
company and he would alienate some of the fans and sponsors that is my opinion
based on what I know about them you may have a different opinion and that's okay
what do you think of the scenario that's kind of pretty good to me I actually had
fairly similar answers which is interesting it's probably not like it's
not I wouldn't call you non charismatic but there's no doubt that I have more
this was never what I thought I was going to do when I was growing up no
wall I mean me neither in fairness but like I definitely have more experience
at it I think there's also way significantly higher potential for
negative impact in your role honestly in my role like AJ I'll keep things going
AJ and Jonathan will keep things alive like well that I think it would take
longer to screw up in my role though when I make a decision it's like okay
anytime I make a big decision it's like we are building a lab that's not gonna
sink us in six months that could sink us in six years your content what if I
somehow drastically alienated the audience I don't really see it happening
I don't see it being more like a drastic alienation I see it being more of like a
slow decline yeah I would see it that way I mean again this is like it's not
taking it yeah it's not but no I'm trying to tell them because a lot of the
time I'll tell you something that I'm just like yeah bro honestly and you're
like yeah and I'm not stupid yeah I'm better at it than him okay I would like
by a lot I would but this is off right now but I would hope so yeah like for
real though and that's okay yeah and there's stuff that Luke is way better at
than I am and that's okay too it's fine like I mean realistically look at the
size of our hands the point is yeah I really just don't think it's I don't
think it's that far off no and it's reasoning it's not that sense yeah with
with the amount of information that it was able to drag up that was like a
pretty logical conclusion for it to come to I mean obviously there's little
things that are missing context yeah that are not quite right like you said
it didn't understand a Von's involvement didn't understand the involvement of
tons of other people at the company I don't mind negotiating but how would it
know that actually I mean I don't like it I'm good at it but I don't really
like it I hate it yeah you're really good at it though but I tend to win
you're the cheapest bastard I have ever met you can't talk about the recent one
find a spouse find a spouse who spends your money the way Luke spends mine yeah
I don't like doing it but I if I'm gonna have to do it I'm in yeah pretty much I
don't I don't yeah yep yeah I mean yeah I'm archiving that that's yep that's a
good enough answer it's interesting to how it trot like it inferred quite a bit
off of not that much information but it did it pretty well right I don't know
hey guess who just sent in a chat it's good old Christopher L hey link hey
Linus thanks for almost hiring me instead of Luke in all seriousness so
happy to see what LMG has become tell me your favorite memory of working with me
at NCIX tech tips wheels okay well if that's actually you which I think it
probably is because most people don't know that he applied at the same time as
you oh yeah I know that makes sense yeah yeah like only a few people didn't
really understand the but that makes he was he was a close either it was either
second or third like he almost had the job and it was only down to just like
how well you and I got along that it ultimately went to you and he was
brought on later and he did end up getting brought in by the NCIX tech tips
team and he actually ran it for a while until I mean well you know things
started to completely disintegrate yeah exactly and he did a great job so like I
kind of I kind of couldn't have gone wrong but man favorite memory oh it's
less like anything specific but I will say that there were there was definitely
some some tense time studio sharing in that remember the tiny little room that
was in the top of the new headquarters right around the time that we left yeah
that tiny little room that all of us were supposed to be working out of and
then the way that they expanded into that nearby room that was just like
completely packed floor-to-ceiling with tech like that was that was such an
incredible era if I had to pick anything I would say shooting the cardboard box
challenge I don't even remember why that video existed but there's a lot of
videos from back then that are you know Linus cardboard armor like I don't even
know if I'm gonna be able to find this but we basically built ourselves like
box armor I don't know why and we like fought with it in slow motion or
something and see I acts maybe like where did that video end up I have no
idea yeah here we go massive giveaway and fight to the death I don't know but
but no no we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good
right hey there's Chris don't you remember what you were like when you
started I'll remember being amazing in every way a little upstart smart guy
tell you what how about this my team versus your team battle to the death the
winner is the best tech YouTube channel okay I want to make it really clear I
did not write this okay you know what I mean look it was okay right now did you
challenge a group of people to a fight to the death again okay mr. oh no mine's
terrible too mine's terrible to you let's let's I'm I'm a hundred percent
yeah I think the only good thing right now come here no no I'm working ask
Edsel I think the only good thing I've ever done was like the when I grabbed
the orange and burned my hand no that was pretty good for that that's like the
only thing fine be like that you looks like I'm gonna have to do this myself
wait I do remember this now because you get like knocked over and then they like
pretend to beat you up or something right oh my goodness so there's a
montage here where we like create box armor and then the old helmet why did we
do this yeah but yeah why do I shout that why do I have a lightsaber okay I
think that's probably quite enough of that anywho that was a lot of fun in a
lot of ways man what we do now is so professional but what we did back then
where it was more well I shouldn't even say that we did some pretty cringe stuff
today um okay hold on well the production values are better but I think
probably the most fun thing about this job then whether it's then or now is the
fact that we get paid so we we get paid professionally to produce content that
realistically has about the the writing and planning of like a grade 10 high
school media class project you know we I feel like a grade school high school
media class project will probably have more time no no not any not it not
anymore like where writers are only responsible for like one a week okay
fair enough yeah like 12 editors now yeah we actually like have time to work
on things now but but sometimes you know it's it but it's that same kind of
inspiration where even if we are putting more work into it like okay there's a
really cool bit from an upcoming video it's good this is gonna come up this
come out this weekend oh shoot is it not live on float plane yet I don't have a
way to get this unless I'm logged into Trello I'm not logged into Trello here
it doesn't matter the point is we do a bit where I have a raspberry pi and I go
and I throw it over my shoulder and it like explodes when it lands and then
another one explosion and then the things that come out of the explosions
are cool things you can do with the Raspberry Pi so I'm like it's a chain
reaction of innovation and it shows like a media server and like some cool stuff
that's exactly the kind of thing that a bunch of high school kids would come up
with except now we have production values and I think it's it's those kinds
of projects that are the ones that stick with you years later yeah yeah all right
should we do a couple more merch messages and then we'll move on to some
more topics probably all right hit us Dan okay I've got a few here for you oh
yeah and I need to tell XQC that he owes me ten grand it's ten grand oh sorry
sorry a grand I wish it was ten grand I should have bet him ten grand I heard
he's a gambler like I probably is probably could have I probably could
have made a lot more money based on knowing that chat GPT was coming yeah I
also think I cut my hand open on his motherboard but whatever are you okay
yes file a report yes this one's from David no it's just a little tiny scratch
did you did it bleed no no this is from David Luke have you ever enjoyed hosting
again and when your team gets back in full capacity will we see more of you on
the main channel and tech linked did it say have I ever is that actually have
you enjoyed hosting again oh yeah when your team gets back to full capacity is
a very astute observation I can basically say I won't really be hosting
much in the near future maybe a little bit to do with this AMD graphics card
thing we're doing but I am freaking slammed right now because of some
something that's some things that are going on but yeah once that gets
resolved maybe something here there I don't know it's it's never gonna be like
a lot or consistent again I do too many other things but it's been fun coming in
every once in a while and doing whatever yeah all right one more okay this is
from Matthew tracksuit gang my wife wants to know what insights you gained
from the woman's merch survey is there anything you can share I wish we could
just ask big women be complicated that makes sense they agreed on nothing yeah
like there was no consensus in terms of size preferences just oh man basically
as far as I can tell for us to satisfy the women in our audience we would have
to have you know four times the product offering and we'd be it would be
applicable to maybe 5% of the of the total potential on average they are much
more complicated shapes oh oh for sure right like guys are very like just boxy
frame right yeah yeah so it's basically a box or a box with a bulge sticking out
in front of it yeah like it's like realistically right a lot less
complicated to make general designs for for average and men don't expect things
to fit as tightly you know like it's just it's a different that makes sense
like honestly some of our early garments looking back on them they weren't that
great they were probably the best thing like a dude who's just only ever shopped
at Walmart has ever put on but I think the standards are a little bit different
yeah yeah like just your average tech bro it's like wow this is like it's
pretty good not this is better than every like trade show shirt huh spending
money works
no I'm not trying to generalize or whatever the reality is like that's the
world I came from right me too so I was like these are great yeah yeah and like
obviously we continue to try and do better but but that was where we started
right yeah okay let's let's move on to another topic what do you want to talk
about hmm I want to talk about I want to talk about new Chinese phones loaded
with malware and also non Chinese phones loaded up with seemingly unnecessary
amounts of software so a study has found that new Android phones are being sold
with spyware embedded in the OS and pre-installed apps in China which is a
massive shocker popular phone vendors like one plus Oppo real me and Xiaomi as
well as network providers and services like Baidu are collecting huge amounts
of sensitive personal information from users and this is wild the devices
continue transmitting data even when they leave the country or when the SIM
card isn't installed yeah the private sector in China typically has a close
relationship with the government which raises concerns about broader
surveillance yeah so that's pretty wild I'm wondering what the SIM card not
installed thing like are they do they have some like shadow eSIM thing going
on or are they talking just over Wi-Fi you can place an emergency call when you
don't have a SIM card in so I've always just kind of assumed that there's a way
yeah I don't actually know a ton about exactly how mobile network
authentication works I've just I've never had a I believe there's a bypass
for emergency calls well there is yeah you can have no SIM in your thing and
you can definitely place I know for a fact you can make an emergency call so
who operates that network that your calls carried about I don't know but the
point is that it's obvious to me that you absolutely can do stuff I think
there's some yeah I I don't know but I'm pretty sure there's like an agreement
with all telcos at least in North America where you have to service that
call if you're the nearest tower sure it just like sense yeah yeah it doesn't
matter nothing gets charged it's just it's something you have to do in more
so in more surprising news Samsung's galaxy s23 series phones are coming
packed with I kid you not 55 gigabytes of un uninstallable bloatware
uninstallable no no it's uninstallable Oh for comparison the system partition
is only 15 gigabytes on the pixel 7 which contains two copies of Android one
redundant copy for the sake of background OS updates oh this is an
interesting note Samsung is the only major M OEM to not use this to OS system
the massive storage partition of the s23 then is probably due to inefficient code
and the fact that Samsung is both contractually obligated to install a
suite of Google Apps and also insists on installing their own suite of store
brand clones for those apps for the sake of looking like they have their own
thriving ecosystem oh for the sake of looking like they have their own
thriving ecosystem Samsung likewise auctions off space in the partition to
other companies and apps whoa okay so I guess we're supposed to look at this
phone which is apparently untouched and we're supposed to evaluate how much crap
is on it so Dan's not here so Dan oh not now bye Dan oh oh I heard back from
XQC I said it's here I think you owe me a grand maybe do a stream reacting to
the chat GPT being part of the latest win show he says will do ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha nice perfect all right hey Dan can I get a
close-up please on Luke because that seems closer oh okay well sure yeah
that'll that'll do so there's this is weird there's not that much on here
there's Google Apps there's a handful of way to go Dan there's a like small
handful of Samsung apps so then oh wow I like our battery percentage though nice
oh no debt oh my what's going on Dan okay and then so what is this the
storage even full it's what what just says it's good no there's 55 gigabytes
consume there's nothing on here that's it how is that even possible is what's
going on in those folders is there like hidden stuff Google Chrome Gmail Maps
and YouTube where's the Samsung proprietary stuff Bixby messages and my
files hmm they've even got one drive on here and that that's it yeah what okay
so can you go into that internal storage and figure out like what it all is hold
on just a gosh darn minute here yeah there we go system 55.22 gigs
okay I kind of assumed that the bloat was gonna be just a ton of apps me too
I didn't the notes we're good Dan I didn't think it was I didn't think it
was gonna be just it said they're uninstallable can you go to honest
no it must be un-uninstallable then I think that might have just been a typo
that is mind-boggling so our discussion question here then oh check the app
section and settings and see for disabled apps interesting that's from
brand mo in footprint chat okay well I'm into handyman in chat is saying that
it's because of GB versus GIB and tech journalists don't know anything gigabit
no these are big bites and it also says 55 used which is 10% of a 512 gig phone
so no that's just definitely not right all right go to go to like uninstall in
current status of apps and stuff look for look for disabled apps and what apps
that lets you uninstall sure cuz I feel I feel like things are hidden yeah yeah
that that could very well be um we set up preferences dude there's there's
sorry I'm just here we'll go back to go back to the Lou cam no that's good
enough Dennis good enough there's nothing in here like that's it no AR
emoji is 172 kilobytes like dictionary 4.1 kilobytes nothing in here is over
10 megs handyman just link the article my dude that's mind-blowing and you
know what's funny is I was actually about to buy one of these Yvonne needs a
new phone and I need something with dual SIM and something that's Android she's
got it she's got a handful of questions for you does it matter well 512 gigs on
there you have over 400 gigs of storage right but not every SKU has 512 gigs of
storage in it so like if you have a lower story what's the lowest storage of
the s this what the l23 let's have a look galaxy s23 yeah is it possible some
of it is like reserved space like I'm talking like like swap file style like I
don't again this is something I've just never really needed to look into is
there any reason for them to have some reserved space because I could see that
being part of it 128 no wait hold on I'm gonna check no it's
256 so if you're talking about a fifth of your capacity being taken up by just
an utterly bloated operating system that's ridiculous and even if you are
talking about a tenth of it even if I do have 90% of my storage why is that good
enough well okay hold on a second I mean with how much space Windows takes up
especially when solid-state drives were first coming to prominence and mobile
windows-based laptops I you know Windows would take up a substantial amount of
your boot drive like if you bought a system with 128 gigs or 256 gigs that
was it was significant yeah that's that's tough so how do you have this
article is saying so this is an article from notebook check dotnet yeah saying
if these accusations are true then the galaxy s models with 128 gigabytes of
storage would offer just over 50% capacity for user data and apps
checking on a 128 gigabyte version of the galaxy s22 ultra reveals that this
is not the case if the screenshot below shows the device reserves 26.09
gigabytes for system is it reserving some space just for like where leveling
on the SSD that's the most plausible explanation that I can think of
conversely a 512 gigabyte version of the s23 ultra uses fifty five point two
three gigabytes for system that would also explain why the s23 so people are
just posting their Samsung phones and how much space system is taking up so
like 128 gig ones are more like 25 gigs like half the size and you know what it
would kind of make sense if for it to not scale linearly with storage if it
was for wear leveling like if it was for protect like increasing the longevity of
the SSD because the bigger the SSD the less the total capacity of it of it is
likely to be written and the less of spare area you need to allocate in order
to extend its life if that's what they're doing I'm super okay with it
like I'm the kind of person who has my phone set to only charge to 85% every
night so that it is never sitting at 100% charge and then I try to grab it
before it manages to reach zero but a lot of people here are saying no it's
definitely hidden apps I think this is absolutely a developing story and we
don't want to oh apparently yes they do allocate some space for wear leveling
but it's not part of the 55 people are saying that it's not reported in that
section oh this is not good not cool and Samsung doesn't need more controversy
right now with the the dying SSDs that they've got going on right now and
it's generally back in the day being Samsung sure they've done something
wrong huh it's interesting well why don't we talk about the why don't we
talk about the trip down to Los Angeles and the collab with XQC yeah I have a
new favorite totally deranged gazillionaire story so my old favorite one
was I was to do with mr. beasts like production process that was like my
favorite story to tell just just like the guys so laser focused on just like
productivity and like maximizing his day that there's there's some pretty there's
some pretty sort of mind-blowing to me who you know people have been telling me
I should have an assistant for like better part of a decade at this point
and I only like I only people people were surprised to find out that I had
one in that assistant swap video because he only just started he started less
than six months ago by the way I'd like to address something from that video the
number of people that are mad at me about being so like like like
respectful that I barely even talk to my assistant or look at him or whatever and
that's why I didn't notice do you know why I wasn't talking to him do you know
why I wasn't paying attention to him because he's in recovery because I
thought he was at work after having gone through eye surgery and mouth surgery I
was trying to interact with him as little as humanly possible not use them
as much yes so I barely talked to him no because it shouldn't have been at work
evil person it's so frustrating man like it's it's honestly frustrating how
determined some people are to find the absolute worst possible explanation for
anything that I do yeah anything I do it it blow it absolutely blows my mind
anyway so back to the XQC thing so my new favorite deranged thing is he was
talking about this on stream so I'm not disclosing something that is private
information or anything like that but as a streamer he moves around a lot and we
probably don't need to explain why that would be a lot of streamers move around
a lot just for for security and privacy right you know they're they're public
figures definitely and being live is different from recordings right like I
I worked across multiple content not continents countries you know this week
and there was no disruption to our upload schedule a lot of live you don't
have that luxury if you don't have somewhere to stream from Lee you know
you're not producing that's it it's that simple so anyway he moves around a fair
bit and I I didn't know that I have to confess I hadn't watched a ton of his
streams like I don't I'm not gonna hide from it I might read the comments once
in a while but I don't like I'm paying attention to his career but I'm not
watching the streams and so I wasn't aware of this but when I walked in I was
kind of like taken aback by how bare things were like it felt like you know
that scene and how the Grinch stole Christmas after the Grinch takes
everything but the wire wall yeah you know and looked and the crumb on the
floor for the mouse right like that steals the crown like it was like it's
like weird is like there's a lot of boxes but not a lot of furniture you
know and so he was explaining that it came up because we need I needed some
electrical tape and I was like what are the odds do you have any electrical tape
because I wanted to cover up some loose contacts that I was worried we're gonna
short and it takes them about five seconds there's this toolbox that's
right there in the room grab some electric tape new in box the new in
packaging throws it to me I'm like oh well this is that's impressive because
even with my perfectly organized garage that I love talking about it probably
would have taken me more like ten seconds even though my garage is
perfectly organized anywho I kind of I was like really impressed he goes oh
don't be that impressed that's a brand new toolbox full of brand new tools I've
like never touched it basically and I'm like sorry what okay why do you have it
and he explains that he has an Amazon wish list that has all the essentials
for living every time and what he does is every time he moves he rebuys
everything sent straight to the new address so it's all just there in boxes
when he arrives he unpacks it he'd said he brings with him his CPU and like
monitor like like maybe I don't even know if he mentioned his keyboard
honestly and by CPU I think he might have meant tower because I doubt he's
gonna like roll the CPU out of the socket yeah but it sounds like other
than what fits in the back of a car he takes absolutely nothing with him and
just rebuys everything I'm like wow all right I mean it's a hassle I mean it
yeah packing is a is a pain and one of the things is like I I've heard this
from a lot of people yeah oh yeah and him in particular as far as my
understanding goes I don't watch either but again I follow careers he has more
streamed hours than like anyone he's just always online I'll tell you this
just being there with him that one time guys a tank yeah an absolute unit like I
don't think I don't think it was out of rudeness at all but I don't think the
thought entered his mind at all of like food yeah like for real he had been live
for almost five hours when we arrived we were there for I think like three and a
half or four and by the time I was back at my hotel having dropped off Andy and
you know said hi to the family and stuff he was still online and senior going
like it's a good thing that we stopped for some Mickey D's on the way there
because otherwise we wouldn't have eaten and not again like not because I think
he was being rude or anything like that he's just as far as my he does marathon
level streams like literally on the daily literally so like he doesn't have
time to do that stuff right it would be really expensive it would be more
expensive than apparently just buying it yeah well and there's I mean I've been
trying to like think about this right because it's like you know on the
surface is it makes no sense right looks common ready but I think it's okay I
think it's probably fair to say that major streamers like an XQC have a more
mainstream appeal than someone like me like I think it's fair to say that XQC
is more famous than me generally speaking like I yeah like I don't I
don't really have a ton of appeal especially as a variety gamer which I
believe he is yes so if I were to walk into a Best Buy yeah obviously some
people are gonna be like so please you know I go into a Micro Center I get
absolutely mobbed right but if I go into a garden supplies store nobody nobody
knows who I am yeah right whereas gaming is mainstream right and especially like
you said if he plays all kinds of different games then he could appeal to
kind of anyone at a certain level right and so from a security standpoint if he
hires a moving company that means that everyone involved in that transaction
knows where he came from and where he's going whereas if he just orders from
didn't think about that totally makes sense yeah yep and people do all kinds
of weird stuff like there's got to be like executive like white-glove moving
companies where they move like you know maybe special people but are they
everywhere and it probably costs so much and it's so much to coordinate that you
might as well just yeah buy everything new because people are weird like I've
met like I don't want to name any names but like I've met parents of like my
kids friends right who don't immediately disclose that they know who I am yeah
they'll like interact with me for a bit oh that's so much they're like by the
way big fan I'm kind of like someone very reason you need to lead with that
yeah someone very recently asked me about my biggest pet peeve about fan
interactions and I thought I immediately jumped on that hate it hate it like you
don't another thing I hate is like if you and I are out to eat and there's
someone seated near us and then like we're there for like an hour and then
they get up to go leave and as they're leaving they're like by the way big fan
and they take off then my brain just has to go what we've been talking about what
did we say for the last hour like just that one I get more that one makes like
you know it might be socially already talking and like I know I know you can
just tell by the body language sometimes I know for some people it would have
been very stressful for them to acknowledge me and then sit there like
eating yeah the the dining one honest I get it more as well it's just it's still
as much as I understand it it still racks my brain
Yvonne so I like I'm really careless about it to be perfectly honest with you
like we should just assume people are watching at all times I was in I was in
line for some attraction with Yvonne and I was like I was talking about revenue
numbers for like the last year and the next year and projections with like
screwdriver this is before the launch and Yvonne's like okay you're not
speaking vaguely enough like I'll keep it kind of like kind of could be
anything yeah she's like if someone knows who you are they're gonna put two
and two together they're not stupid and like later on they must not have heard
her say that at least because the person in front of us in line turn around was
like big fan by the way okay I hope that was nebulous enough yeah it was pretty
it was pretty detailed like financial information about the company yeah yeah
yeah Linus isn't into OPSEC no anyway it was it was definitely a different
experience even though obviously I stream like we're streaming for you know
how many people are watching the scene look look we're streaming for over 20,000
people right now we probably close to 25 by the time you factor in float plane
it's not it's not 80,000 we and hang out in his area but it's his area yes it's
their area I should say yes because there's lots of other major streamers
and aside from just the volume honestly and maybe this is weird like maybe maybe
I shouldn't have a parasocial relationship or whatever the opposite
whatever the the counter of a parasocial relationship is with with some way you
know with an influencer or whatever but like when I'm on wan show I'm in my
space yeah I'm with you know my peeps right I'm I'm hanging with you guys who
whoops what I press okay there we go you know and I consider you guys just like
part of a part of the the in crowd here you know we're just we're hanging like
when show is its own entity that I I don't know I just almost have like a
completely different brain space for it I am often too candid on wan show I'm
often too transparent because the way that I see it is like well you guys will
understand and if you don't then I probably need to explain it better you
know what I mean like I'm with I'm with I'm among friends I guess is the way
that I kind of feel about wan show on xqc stream it's not like they didn't
know who I was a lot of them it's not like they weren't down you know one of
his top spammed emotes is my face your face like for real though apparently
XQC has been online for 20 minutes so far and already has 31,000 viewers yeah
there you go but they're not like my peeps and so the pressure that I felt
was not just about the sheer number of people watching and the expectations
that come with that but about that for a lot of people this was their first and
maybe only ever actual interaction with me doing anything other than making a
silly face into my selfie camera once but twice and so I was deeply worried
that I wasn't gonna solve the problem like I went way overkill I brought one
of basically everything to completely build a new system if it came to that
like if I couldn't figure it out I mean but I yeah I felt like not figuring it
out and just building a new computer was such a cop-out that was not the outcome
I wanted I wanted to solve it yeah like I wanted to go find the problem
speaking of which Dan you had a chance to actually have a look at the
motherboard was my diagnosis correct or was I barking up the wrong tree they'll
hear it here first does he even have a microphone it's muted there we go no
you'll hear about it on Monday because I haven't looked at it yet oh because I've
been dealing with other things it was on my desk it did graze my hand as I said
it's very heavy it's nice motherboard but I will have an update for you next
week if that works all right sorry to disappoint thanks okay
BNT masher no we do not have a solution for that yet but we will definitely make
sure you get taken care of yeah so there I I was stressed like more stressed than
I've been on any live stream like even when things go wrong so things weren't
even going wrong and I was still super stressed I had no way of getting more
replacement parts if I needed them Micro Center was closed and not not to mention
the with LA traffic you know no matter how close Micro Center is it takes a
long time to get there you know how things are down there so I was I was I
was shaking in my boots be perfectly perfectly up front with you why don't
you give us a couple more merch messages Dan let's get some good Q&A going here
all right that sounds great I've got one here from William hey hold on oh no
Ubisoft partners with police to monitor online harassment oh god what
first how it works is first the officer specialized in responding to online
abuse will train Ubisoft's moderation team in their center in Newcastle for
spotting assessing and currently okay well that's something okay let's do
merch messages okay okay this one's from William hey Linus it said that tech
monopolies are bad do you think an argument can be made that TS MC's
monopoly in the chip industry is good as it creates a silicon shield around one
of the biggest tech centers in the world well that silicon shield is gonna be
eroding over the next three to five years I mean Intel and the US and a have
made it very clear that they intend to bring cutting-edge semiconductor
manufacturing onto US soil in order to as far as I can tell and we're getting
into geopolitics that are obviously more complicated than any of this but to
essentially as far as I can tell put themselves in a position where they
don't have to defend Taiwan anymore and so that if China ultimately decided
yoink they could basically go maybe we'll do something but we don't have to
do something they're not quite a monopoly I mean Samsung still does have
fairly leading-edge fab capabilities and Intel obviously has fairly leading-edge
fab capabilities and seems to be determined to play some catch-up here
over the next little while but I would I would say that for the citizens of
Taiwan absolutely the TSMC shield around their their island nation has been
beneficial for everyone else though for the general consumer no I don't think
it's beneficial to have a monopoly in any space it's for the same reason that
I would never argue that Linus Media Group incorporated having a monopoly in
in in like tech benchmarking would be a good thing because always said that you
should pull from multiple sources absolutely it's the best thing for
consumers okay I've got another one here from Kevin your quality products and
great customer service or why I keep buying products question what's the most
dangerous thing you've ever done life and limb oh I don't know I've done some
pretty stupid stuff like why don't we limit it to just for work I would say
the most dangerous oh my goodness um that time I did a flip off the fence
with basically no training whatsoever oh yeah that was really stupid like I
could have I could have easily broken a leg broken my neck why did we jump off
fences so much there was an era there where like every couple weeks we were
jumping off of tall fences yeah I don't know I never thought about that before
but that was totally a thing some of the stuff I pulled painting houses not
properly harnessed just to like get that one thing like I would not do as an
adult and I would absolutely like flip if I saw my kids doing I could have
died many many times on houses yeah yeah I'd say those are the most dangerous
things I've ever done I'll kind of do anything to get the job done when it
comes to just like risking it for the biscuit man yeah I mean we're both there's
been a large amount of times where I've been like wow if I was you know like a
certain amount of inches to the left I wouldn't be here anymore there's way too
many of those and I wish I cared enough about them to remember them all but I
honestly just I don't know man yeah okay let's move on it is what it is this is
not a recommendation okay as we say not as we do yeah this one's from Scott
Linus Luke some people hold on to their old game consoles for nostalgia while
others will sell their systems to help pay for a newer one which one are you
sell sell have you ever sold a piece of technology that you later regret no
because you can always replace it okay that's a lie I wish I still had my
viewsonic p95 f plus B my old CRT monitor that thing was sick I mean okay
no no that's a bad answer because things are definitely better now there were
times when I regretted it being gone but not really it was it was heavy I regret
selling my clips for media ultra 5.1 speakers there I regret selling those
they're there nothing has really moved into their space for like high-end PC
surround like desktop speakers those things were flippin amazing same with my
monsoon mm 2000s I would have kept those and not even bothered with the clip
shoes if I had realized that they were gonna be so impossible to replace there
anything that you've regretted getting rid of cuz like a game console so
commodity should have gotten rid of more things and I need to continue getting
rid of more things there's been times where I've regretted it there's been
times where I got rid of something too soon but it isn't that I should have
shouldn't have gotten rid of it eventually I just got rid of it too soon
so there's been times where I like traded in games to try to get a new
game or traded in a console with games to get the new console and less games or
whatever and there are times where my dad kind of like roasted me because he's
like yeah you shouldn't have done that not because I shouldn't have done it at
all but because again I did it I did it too early the Logitech z680s were trashed
by the way I went from the monsoons to the Logitech z680s I was so
disappointed by the sound quality of the Logitech z680s that I went and I turned
around and I spent like twice as much of money I did not have to get the
remedial for five point ones actually I think I might have gone with Giga works
as 700s first and then I forget why I wasn't happy with those and then I
ultimately settled on the clips for medias all right hit me okay this one's
from Robert hi Robert hi Linus and Luke finally catching you live from the UK oh
wait I'm gonna interrupt for a second I kind of regret selling my first gen
switch because it's like the model one and I mean with that said you can like
you can buy them like I don't know that's the thing is like as a working
adult and storage is really expensive yeah it's it's often and like I don't
even just mean personally like even for work a lot of the time even if it's
something I think we could probably use again later I would rather just sell it
now let it depreciate in someone else's hands and then if we need one again we
have a whole like procurement department now okay get another one eBay it and
then that way on the off of it in the more likely scenario that we don't
ultimately need one again hey well we have the money now my thing is like I
live in a small apartment I can't keep all this stuff actually can't there's
enough room yeah it's not practical yeah okay sorry if someone's from the UK
Robert something something well Robert loves seeing you so excited over the
chat GPT Bing search my question is when you when were you last excited about a
breakthrough in tech Oh well VR was really exciting for me
original chat GPT yeah yeah I could almost remember it like it was yeah
check out LMG clips yeah I think it's the same though either the original
chat GPT launch or I was pretty jacked on the stereo 3d at the time I was I was
I was jacked for where it was headed it was always too headache inducing it with
the with the shutter glasses I couldn't play with shutter glasses they hurt but
I was I was jazzed for like stereo 3d to get better and cheaper and and then it
just didn't really happen yeah okay this one's from Stewart hey Linus and Luke
finally buying merch to see if y'all are serious about quality my question what's
the most obscure thing you keep on hand at all times I still carry a 30 pin
connector in my backpack and it actually came in handy last week I had a 30 pin
in my backpack up until less than six months ago even though I haven't owned a
product I only ever owned one product that used that connector an iPhone 4 I
never had an iPod I never yeah I just that was the only yeah okay we both
still use the same headphone case to organize things mine's broken it just
broke and I lost my ie 80s I don't know what happened I opened I opened up my
case which I still have and sort of works on set recently and they just
weren't in there I must have taken them out to like quickly something whoa and I
didn't put them back in so I need new headphones that's a crazy end of an era
that was a long era had those forever yeah and I like splurged on the the the
inline mic cable from Sennheiser like first party one that actually had a
decent mic like I hosted when show from that thing when I was in in Hawaii yeah
like from that headset that's why I left it I don't know I'm frustrated though
are those the ones with the black and white like stripe cables maybe I don't
remember sorry I don't think so so sorry you were gonna say your weird headphone
case well I was just saying it's obscure we both have it yeah I guess it's like
weird steel series headphone case we both held on to you for some reason
yeah I don't think either of us actually use the headphones but they had this
little like a such case yeah yeah yeah this is that a pouch case so yeah my
headphones are not in here but I have my USB C to three and a half mil my
lightning to three and a half mil and an extra pair of ear tips for of the
Sennheiser ie 80s even though my stupid headphones yeah mine has no longer in
here old wired ear pods and then a few different adapter thingies fairly
similar setup other than that though I don't know yeah I I don't have it on me
right now but I almost always have an ATX power supply pin depinning tool yeah
and a molex deepening tool and man that came in super handy in the Intel arc
challenge because I needed to deepen a PCIe connector and it uses the same size
pins as a 24 pin same size pins as the four and the eight pin CPU connector so
I almost always have one of those on me as well this is super not obscure but I
carry a paperclip for a similar reason just so I can bridge power supplies mm-hmm
one of the like actually just metal ones not good with stuff yeah okay I've got
one here from Taylor if you could choose one modern item to bring back in time
and give to people in the 16th century what would it be and why it's very
specific um one item 16th century okay uh-huh Wow and so I just give it to them
that's it I I would assume so what about something that could like you give to
people so you could like hand them out I would assume condoms seriously
contraceptive like do you know how much less prevalent like sti's would probably
be today if people started using condoms like 400 500 years ago 16th century I
think it would be like a not actually that advanced but still medical textbook
a textbook that's a better answer cuz like you wouldn't want to bring like a
phone cuz it's gonna die yeah yeah you're like a car or whatever yeah medical
textbook that's good good answer I changed my answer to medical textbook
actually I changed my answer to engineering textbook there cool okay all
right carry on this soap chats answers are amazing what's the what's the crop
thing that changed the world DDT I'm gonna bring the roundup round up it
like a cocktail of roundup in rat poison just hope they don't drink it round up
and con cuz man cuz man people people consume some weird stuff like how did we
ever discover cheese like oh there's a lot just like I'm gonna eat this there's
a lot of things down that rabbit hole like like freaking man is it is it like
cottage cheese is like someone's like yeah this is like been fermenting for
months anything that's fermented it's like what about that that puffer fish
that like if you cook it incorrectly you just yeah yeah it's like why did you
keep trying okay this one's from David let me just catch my breath here I sadly
just barely missed out on the labs and office tour add-on packs for ltx is
there any chance you guys will open more spots we've talked about it
Colton and chase want to try to open some more spots but the reality of it is
that there's a finite number of people that we can filter through here during
that time and we don't want the people who have purchased tours already to feel
like they're being rushed so we could just like squeeze more money out of
people that's not the goal of ltx like we did we didn't have enough VIP or like
whale packages for the demand but if we triple the number of VIP spots well then
you're not really very VIP anymore are you right like it's got to be a limited
number of people otherwise we can't really give them the attention that that
they need so I don't think we're gonna expand it a ton but I do think they're
going to try to offer some more as for how they will dole those out I have no
idea by the way something you might want to look into is there's actually a bunch
of people posting a full-plane chat right now recent videos that you wore
the ie-80s in I wore them while reacting to worst LTTV this that's almost
certainly when I lost it then they might be in the couch
goodbye do you want me to check oh he's gone do you wanna is there what is there
one that I can answer without I'm sure keep it going I might have already done
it unfortunately oh there might be some in potential let's have a look yeah I'm
skipping through things as well we'll find something we'll find something I
can answer this one there's one in potential I guess will there ever be
another scrapyard Wars I'll put that as a probably not there is none planned
right now I would say it's unlikely I learned a long time ago that it's a
little a little bit of a danger noodle to be steadfast with certain things
because the internet will try to hold you to it but I'll say yeah pretty hard
probably not it's it kind of ran its course guys I I love it as well but
we've kind of done everything that's gonna be really interesting and we would
pretty much have to change hosts because Linus is way too recognizable yeah it
would it would just change a lot I've got one here that you could probably
answer okay an add-on a line your moral compass my wife works for kids help
phone due to high demand they do not always get convos required recorded rec
req do you think using a supervised AI chat board will fill the gap would it be
right and I had no idea yeah what is this thing even kids wreck phone what is
that it's a get con kids help phone it's kids help phone it's helpful what is
that though I think that's like you have your child you call the help phone and
you get help or advice is it like hello I am in danger I think so or is it like
hello how do I make a peanut butter and jam sandwich confidential anonymous and
free it's like online and telephone counseling and volunteer led text-based
support in English yeah I don't think these technologies are ready for that
yet I the potential for harm there is extreme so let's not let's take the
money that we make with them and fund kids help phone yeah it seems like a
good thing to fund the reason why I'm kind of dragging here is because it
seems not good to not answer them but I wouldn't want to drive them down a wrong
path with an AI this looks promising maybe like a smart FAQ where it could
only spit out answers that were pre-written something like that no dice
but I do think we're on the right track because I remember plugging into a
splitter so that we could all use the same output and probably it's like
still plugged into that sitting in like the writers bin for that was this when I
was there was that bad video no different video okay yeah okay here's
another one from Adam hey Oh Luke and Linus happy Friday what's your favorite
feature of any car you've owned PS any ETA on the Linus new car rep review
veal reveal video we shot it today oh no new rap it's bad there's a new rap I
saw it today did you write it how bad is it oh no not that kind of rap like a
vinyl wrap oh look how disappointed he is I assure you in least so much less
interesting I assure you it's funnier than any rap that I would write are you
sure do you think I would find it funnier it's pretty bad okay it is
ridiculous okay I'm a little excited yeah I would I would have been more
excited if you wrote a rap I wouldn't look at a place in this tracksuit with
chains Oh getting out of that car that's fun uh-huh is it like digital camo or
something you'll have to see it I'll show you it it's cringe mm-hmm yeah any
who what were we talking about again what's your favorite car feature oh my
favorite car feature of any car that you have owned probably the go pedal but why
you gotta be like an asshole about it just answer the question I've only owned
two cars okay my dad drove a New Yorker when I was a kid and every time we had
one of those you're a New Yorker your New Yorker from 1972 I think it was okay
I had no idea how obscure and like weird the cars my dad drove when I was a kid
were he also had an MG convertible whoa like whoa white with the green stripe
and I'm sitting here going like apparently that was a super cool car and
I have no idea at the time anyway my dad drove a New Yorker and one of the
features on it so this is in the mid 90s right one of the features on it that
just our early 90s maybe that just tickled me so much like it was kind of
way ahead of its time in a number of ways it had a digital speedometer for
example instead I mean instead of like a needle which blew my mind at the time
and it talked to you okay so if for example I got in and I didn't manage to
get the door closed all the way instead of beeping or like having a little light
that flashed up it had a voice that said a door is ajar and the first time I
heard it it's one of those like childhood memories right the first time
I heard it ice I was with one of my friends okay axel if you're out there
sup okay I was one of my friends and we both just lost it well of course doors
ajar doors a door you dumb you have to cuz the first time you hear that it sounds
crazy yeah of course that totally makes it so that that was I mean to call that
my favorite feature of any car I've ever owned I think would be a bit of a stretch
most amusing feature but it's probably the one that I enjoyed the most in the
moment a door is ajar oh man ah love it apparently like comedians have done bits
on this and stuff okay I had no idea I thought I was just a you know eight
year old being amused by my car um yeah I mean yeah I miss my I miss my
stick shift for my Civic that's for sure not surprised uh man I don't know like
Android Auto is pretty great okay it's a really boring feature honestly like car
feature find it hilarious how you have trouble calling like Yvonne using your
thing and my car has no problem calling anyone because it doesn't do any
internet stuff yeah it's just local search whatever they had in 2009 can
search my local directory faster and more accurately than voice can which is
so funny like if I need to call my girlfriend it's immediate there's no
mess around yes I have to like either import it manually for my phone or or
enter it manually which I never do I just import it for my phone but it still
works it imports from my modern phone properly so like I don't care through
bluetooth everything like it's I don't know it's fine I love the backup camera
on my volt it is so so much better than the Taycan it's so much better than the
Odyssey it's better than any other car that I have ever driven it's just zero
BS I can always see out of it you know the lines are actually accurate for
where my wheels will go and it is mind-blowing to me that other cars can't
do it that well I mean honestly honestly how hard is it for you guys to do a
calibration routine with the car and be like okay we'll hear this good check
proud I don't know pressure sensors on the floor whatever just guess and check
for all I care but it should be accurate and you know honestly the new car is
like a mess the proximity sensors go off I have the proximity sensor go off like
in traffic sometimes if I if I just I'm not I'm not that close chill brah
there's a this comment in in full plane chat from neko Quinn net net show trend
oh man sorry I don't know that said Luke's 2009 car is more advanced in my
2012 car this was actually a problem I don't know if you remember this maybe
you do we tried to do a progression of car technology video oh and we were
gonna use eggly remember that we were gonna use my car and we were working
with a car manufacturer so that they could send us like a equivalent tier car
from them it was a different company though yeah and we were gonna show them
like look it's been four years this is all the progression that has been made
yeah cameras are better and this and that and like and it was worse in every
measurable way and then mutually we just decided like I guess we won't do this
video yeah that was amazing question mark and just moved on yeah that was it
I don't know it was an equivalent to your car it was as expensive as if you
bought the same model of my car but but new just I don't know it was weird I was
I was pretty as a as a like computer tech guy not a car tech guy I was pretty
surprised but since then I think things would get better yeah since then I am
not as surprised now we know yep okay this one here's from Ernest hey Linus I
know you're a water cooling PC fan if you ever yeah made a water hardline
toolkit what would you include that current kits don't include or have huh
what would I include man I don't know I like fittings that don't hurt your
fingers when you're trying to do them up I I don't think I have any brilliant
ideas for that I mean honestly I would try to avoid any bends whatsoever you
know what here I would try to include this I would love to this is like so
early that someone's gonna that's a really good idea you know what maybe I
shouldn't talk about this I declined to answer your question I have a really
good idea for a water cooling product and it's the kind of thing that the
smart business thing to do would probably be to design it patent it and
release it it's a it's a pretty cool product idea and the idea it the the
goal of it would be to make hardline water cooling a lot easier by
simplifying the process of doing all the bends and cutting all the links I don't
think it's something that someone else will do but if they do then great I'll
just tell you guys at the time but it's a it's a pretty solid idea and I've
already sent it over to the Creator warehouse team cool sorry sorry sorry
try to be very open with you guys okay this one's from Mark maybe I'll answer
this one thank you for your videos getting me into computers I'm studying
data science at the US Air Force Academy and find military tech fascinating
especially fly-by-wire computers have you ever considered covering military
tech on LTT or if not why not it's hard I mean that's like the whole point well
you want to check out a data center of PlayStations in a shipping container
well okay like it's tough it's not designed to necessarily be cutting edge
in the way that we think about things being cutting edge it's cutting edge and
like this will definitely still be working if it's buried in mud for six
months and someone walks along and picks it up and is the person who's supposed
to be using it like it's it's a really it's a really different kind of design
intent military technology and any of the stuff that really is like cutting
edge the way we would think about you anyways processing power yeah I would
have absolutely no access to whatsoever and if I did they'd have to kill me so
there's just not really much for us to say or it'll end up on the war thunder
forums yeah or that yeah if you want if you want to follow it just hang out on
the work there was there was someone who tweet oh no I don't even want to talk
about this okay okay I'll interrupt to you with another question this one's
from Weston hey Linus and Luke been loving the videos dash wan lately with
so many businesses moving online these days do you think brick-and-mortar tech
stores are a thing of the past or is there still a need for these
establishments oh absolutely you still need brick-and-mortar right like it's
retail foot traffic has increased double-digit percentage people people
want to see things before they buy and more importantly I think people want
that instant gratification like I I wanted an RGB addressable RGB strip for
some reason now super frustrated that I couldn't just like go and buy it and
okay something that that I'm doing right now is I want to paint my helmet and my
bike to match and I didn't want to I didn't want to just like learn about
paint online and order something online and hope that it's good I wanted a
personal touch so I found a local like automotive paint supplier went in they
were super nice and talked to me and explained stuff and they mixed up some
samples for me free of charge so that I could play around with them in the gun
and kind of see what I like and see what works and what doesn't and that's just
something that you're not gonna get online even with really good online
customer service you can't have that that immediate back and forth this this
is from the previous topic and I'll jump back on what you just said in a second
but gibberim and float plane chat said I work in a defense contracting company in
the last year I designed a new 1394 B aka firewire firewire board yeah whoof
yeah it's not necessary it's a different kind of thing but yeah I don't know I
like brick and mortar as well if I have a brick and mortar option I'll pretty
much always take it one of my issues with brick and mortar as it is right now
when there's something that I haven't bought a lot of I don't know where to go
yeah it's tough I guess but like just random like household things yeah where
do you go for like a whisk exactly yeah not Williams Sonoma I'll tell you that
much yeah that's I talked about it on one show recently but it was the place
that we got the blender from for our wedding that we went in I remember like
you know $400 and walked out with like some cookie cutters and like I know the
blender story yeah I for me traditionally I've always gone to like
what is it just like shoppers drug mart oh yeah Canadian tire yeah just go to
Canadian tire yeah but there's stuff other it's like seasonal too it's like
no but I want that now and like oh well you know it's hot now but you know it
will be cold soon so we don't have any of those anymore yeah okay I mean I get
it but oh you want a picture well we only carry those in the summer because
people make more picture drinks in the summer I guess no I need a picture now
yeah yeah yeah yeah all right zealous apparently it is coming back actually I
know again it doesn't need to come back no it really just like target didn't
need to come here we don't have a shortage of places where you can get
like random household appliance or not appliances but like random housewares
for not even great prices tickets we're good it's like Canada is not some like
wasteland with you know no options for getting a whisk we have a lot fewer but
they exist yeah they're there just cuz Luke can't find them doesn't mean they
don't exist 100% the guy doesn't know how to buy things big surprise he
doesn't buy things yes I could find a whisk yeah this is a giant this is the
problem like I'm not trying to cover up is something else I I don't know where
to go I've actually been like musing about this idea and I I'm not gonna make
it cuz I know I'm the only one that would benefit from it but like some type
of thing where it's like I want a brick and I want this thing to tell me where I
can buy this type of item in my local area yeah I think that'd be super cool
I want a brick-and-mortar alternative top gear 1224 says hey you need to be
nice to target Canada it was a vibe yeah the issue with target Canada as I think
the same issue that almost everyone who's tried to come up into Canada maybe
Home Depot and Walmart were reasonably successful is they come up here going
like best one we can bring that well they just like bought out future shop
like I don't know I feel petition delete yeah future ship future shop kind of
like made their own grave by just not adapting but I feel like a lot of the
more like commodity stores that have tried to come up here and and and
compete have assumed that they can you know bring their supply chain management
and their economies of scale into Canada and it'll work just as well as it does
in the US but the issue is that if you come in with this strategy of like
building mega stores and you know trying to just like leverage economies of scale
you're gonna run into problems because Canada logistically is really different
from the US were enormous the population is spread out extremely extremely far
but like horizontally essentially but then you still you know when you look at
this population number if you want to access it you actually have to like
spread out a lot even though it's in this like tiny strip like right along
the border and then the big thing is that it's not very much like there's
more people living in the state of California than there are in the entire
country of Canada and so what works there where you just plonk down a big
box store like man the foot traffic in Micro Center when I was down there blew
my mind I'm thinking how many how are there this many people who need a
computer right now like just just blew me away that concept genuinely confused
me for a really long time I would see certain stores how does Fry's electronics
exist I would see certain stores and movies and my American friends would
talk about going to certain stores and I'd be like how do they pay the rent
like how is there people shopping for me I was just like oh so what happens more
people is they come up here and figure out oh holy crap our overhead is like
really high and the volumes are really low so while we identified this
potential for us to come in and undercut these Canadian idiots who are charging
so much actually in order for us to survive here we have to charge the same
amount that they do because everything costs so much to operate here oh like
Newegg if NCIX hadn't completely eaten its own tail Newegg's Canadian launch
was disastrous it was terrible they just had no idea what they were doing can you
ask too soon fries sorry everyone can you ask Bing chat oh sure where to buy a
whisk in like Cloverdale sure thing or something like that I don't know let's
go spatula sure let's petula where's a good place to buy a spatula near me near
me does it have location sir I don't know let's find out yeah let's go and I
don't move around locations literally on Google I have searched the web you could
go to Walmart Canada which has a variety of kitchen spatulas and different sizes
shapes and materials another option is the Home Depot huh okay I guess really
post spatula would it be like plaster spatulas or like barbecue oh no okay
look at that there's a whole pack of spatula home deep $29 available for
pickup yep there you go all right one thing to note is both of these shops now
do online and have it shipped to store free delivery on orders over $49 you
can pick up your order at a nearby store but if you wanted one tonight they might
not have it at the store yeah it also there two gigantic chains and didn't
find any of the like smaller more interesting shops
trays and Tarasan all right hippie okay those are incoming hold on this is from
Jacqueline does AMD sponsorship for ultimate tech upgrade mean upgrade
recipients won't be able to pick Nvidia GPUs anymore or will it just be that one
of the components must be AMD I don't know that's a good question and I will
have to get an answer for you on that maybe in one of the videos I mean I
guess you'll see if there's an Nvidia GPU I wouldn't blame AMD if they were
like hey we'd really for a fuse ready on GPUs yeah I wouldn't either but also I
think that you know giving them too much too much influence over the part
selection is going to hurt the integrity of the project like with Intel the only
requirement was that we had to use some Intel something so hopefully we've
negotiated a similar deal so I guess we'll have to see okay this one's from
Trevor hey Linus just wanted to say I've been a huge fan since about 2012 to
2013 and I'm snatching up the tracksuit right now nice do you have any other
plans for different color schemes such as white as the main color and black
stripes um I think we'd like to do other color schemes but that's gonna be
dependent on the success of the you know the classic black with the white stripe
okay got one here from anonymous this one's kind of yeah I don't think the
other ones would sell anywhere near as well I want that I want the white to be
LTT orange yeah like that one might do okay but I would I would hazard against
making too many of them personally mm-hmm okay now got one here from
anonymous I could see us doing limited edition ones once in a while or
something yeah yeah we've got the pattern all like all sort it out same
material as the gold plushie or you could do that the way that comes what
you wrapped your car in oh you haven't seen it yet yeah I know I haven't no
okay I want a gold plushie checks it yeah like gold keep it going all right
going here from anonymous you mentioned the celebrity component of your life do
you agree with the anecdotal story about Eminem who made a statement to his
daughter's high school that when he was at school he was Marshall but if he's
outside he's Eminem please respect that I don't even know what he's talking
about so I get it like in what way like must be referred to as Marshall he
doesn't want to be known as his artists handle when he's dealing with his his
child's dad at school and oh I kind of thought it was like the other way around
I thought he's like if you see me outside call me Eminem respect that I
thought it was the I I'm sorry I see what you mean now I thought it was like
the other way and I'm sitting here going like yeah like who cares like if you
know people personally and you see them outside of that context in which you
know them what you all of a sudden you're not in a first-name basis
anymore that was the way I took it and that's probably not right trying to be
professional it makes sense yeah okay I think it would be a little weird if like
the teacher of my child was like yo slick yeah no yeah that's not cool no
yeah yeah yeah yeah no yeah that makes total sense to me I've never really had
to deal with that well your name is the company name so much impossible mr. tips
well no I don't know I'm talking to you at school you call me Linus when you see
me out on the street you also call me Linus please respect that thank you for
that he talks just like that I mean more in terms of like I don't do
interpretations you should hear like my mom impersonations but yes what did I
say interpretation I'm interpreting for you I'll do interpretations it's late
man whatever yeah I've never really run into a situation where like a teacher or
anything dealing with my kids really knows who I am yet so I guess we'll
cross that bridge when we get to it yeah but I would yeah I would expect them to
just call me Linus and treat me totally normally that's that's that's what I
would hope for okay and this last one's from Ryan before we move on to
potentials any updates on Luke's crowbar do you know the update well I know an
update you know I don't know if I can say it though like I actually don't
think I can the update is that Nick has forbidden me to talk about the coal bar
he has forbidden me Oh get owned yeah are you allowed to talk about the coal
bar I don't know but I presume the information that I currently know I
would not be allowed to talk about can you mute us for a second that's
dangerous no no we got this yeah yeah yeah yeah we got this wow I don't like
Nick and I bro know what talking about it that was oh I see but like hmm okay
well I will have to check in with mr. Nick light and I would accept that I
accidentally left my phone on with team viewer open and my battery drained
because my screen didn't dim and so my phone is dead so I can't call him now do
you want me to call him I mean yeah sure but let's do both of those things Dan do
you mind throwing my phone on the charger thank you and Luke yeah I mean
it's all pretty late oh whatever he's not gonna be asleep bros a gamer get
real podcast with no sound is gonna be interesting says AJ in the floatplane
chat okay yeah hi this is Luke we're on one shoulder hey um so the good
interpretation so anyway the peeps asked for an update on the coal bar and Luke
wasn't sure if he's allowed to share what you told him so like does he have a
sign-off on that or like where we at on that okay all right okay thanks okay you
have a wonderful evening oh yeah oh yeah for sure this is this is when show after
dark baby gone sexual okay goodbye there you have it one mr. Nick light has not
given us the go-ahead to talk about any of that all right Dan hit us yeah I
thought that was a case okay we're into potentials now Billy is asking hey Luke
Linus and Dan what is everyone's favorite dream car will we get a video
on Linus's new car I liked the remark noveira until I found out Andrew Tate
had one now I'm just like well apparently that's a car for douchebags
and this is coming from someone sitting here in a tracksuit not exercising with
a raft car I made that I made it's not just your tracksuit it's your tracksuit
I actually can't remember the exact name of it but I think I showed you it
because I like thought it was cool in Forza oh yeah I actually remember this
interaction but I do not remember the car no and I'm not gonna remember it
either I didn't expect you to remember it to be clear just go with something
cool like a 94 Dodge Viper a 94 Dodge Viper now if we're going like retro it
was always the Super B charger Super B okay loved that car but I mean it's kind
of a boat so it would probably kind of suck to drive around these days I want
a Corolla GR if there was like a car that I'd love to just like rip around in
these days that would be sick I always thought the NSX was pretty cool Oh Chris
McWinnie brings up a good point Andrew Tate doesn't have any cars now so free
game he thought it was cool at one point does that does that ruin it yeah
probably I can run that 300 megahertz says slab culture is not douchey not
everyone who wears a tracksuit is a slab and plenty of people who wear track
suits are douchey so it's it's they're not I'm not that we're not drawing
overlapping circles here is there's tracksuit stereotypes that are far
outside of and that have nothing to do with slab culture yeah yeah I do the
pictures on the LTT store were definitely fairly pointed in that
direction yeah I think that was just people having fun with it yes yeah yeah
okay next one here's from Annette pouring one out for Brandon nearly 10
years Linus and Luke what were your favorite memories with b-roll man oh
that's tough I mean one that like comes to mind ah as I as I think of one
they're like sort of hammer yeah they're coming fast right like ah I while you
think about that we had like a lunch to talk about it on the day that he
departed and I was good man I showed up in in high spirits and we were joking
the whole time and everything was all positive and everything's good and then
he made his tweet about how he was leaving I was like I should probably
respond to this and then I like didn't for a while then I finally was like okay
I need to respond to this I think so I started trying to dig through old photos
and that started to hit pretty hard I didn't cry until right before when show
and it was like the last time I'd see him in uniform you know like didn't have
a uniform but like it was the end of the day I think it does help that when we
met up on his last day it was like outside of work yeah if I had to seem
like leave the building that would probably be yeah well that's pretty big
yeah it was on his way out the door yeah and it didn't help that when I walked
out Yvonne's face was already like tear-stained and I was like oh it's
goodbye time yeah man what it what is there to I know what mine is yeah what
is there to not you know reflect on like I mean how about how about that wild I
don't know like you know it could be mine if you need time to think I don't
know it's probably easier for me to just verbal diarrhea them out right cuz like
you know I I remember I remember him I remember so many times telling him to
stop bringing his own equipment to work and him insisting cuz he just wanted
things to be better you know I remember the first time he worked with us just
clearly thinking we had no idea what we were doing but putting up with us anyway
he like didn't even get paid for it he was he was considered og even though he
didn't start working here till four or five months in because he actually
visually did yeah do something for us before the company formally started
working I'll always remember the fight he had with me when I like tried to get
him to stop at seven b-roll shots like back in the Langley house and he was
like no it needs more it has to be better I'm like dude it's like 730 and
like Tara needs to go home he's editing this video you can't leave till it's
done that you have to stop shooting you know like I remember those marathon
build guide shoots man it was always me and branded just marathon build guide
shoots we would start as early as we could and we would end when we let it
ended you know this the late nights you know just chatting on trips like we
traveled the world together right like that's something that is a little
different from I think most co-worker interactions yeah I love Brandon forever
like there's no there's no HR response here like we're good don't worry and if
anything I hope we get closer I'm not saying anything that I haven't already
said to him personally like I'm not just trying to you know make a video about it
or whatever I wasn't really even gonna bring it up just because like our
official policy is that we don't really acknowledge this stuff anymore we don't
talk about HR related issues but Brandon's not a human resource Brandon's
more of a more of a friend and I don't mean that personally for like anyone
else I'm not saying you're not a friend I'm just saying that as a founding
member of the company I think it's probably okay for me to acknowledge his
departure yeah there's certain things that get when you're literally day zero
there's certain things that are a little special yeah mine is um the first
computex trip because I like new Brandon but at the first computex trip the B
team was formed the B team which was like and that was that was sorry we did
actually call them the B team yeah well it's basically on that that was still
when things were things have been sink or swim quite a few times but that was
when it was like it was scary sink or swim and you have lots of added weights
dangling from you yeah and I had barely hosted anything yeah like you're kind of
thrown to the wolves but I was stuck I had to do all those stupid sponsored
things for WD yeah like it was it was a really rough trip I had never done a
show of any kind and I had basically never hosted anything most of my
experience at that point was when show which is pretty much as far away from
live content as you could possibly get but I had been around this guy for a
while and like I don't know whatever and Linus was like all right it's Linus and
Edzel versus Luke and Brandon and that was probably the smartest thing you
could have done at that point in time because he made it like this war and I
was like well it's Brandon I we have to figure this out we have to do this well
and like no one knows who the hell I am so I'm just showing up to booths being
like I swear I'm a part of this channel can we please make these videos and
Brandon completely matched my energy and I know I can be like a little hardcore
sometimes so when people do match my energy it's really uncommon that a bond
is not formed yeah and he matched my energy then and then match my energy
every single time we ever did a road trip for the many years beyond there and
we like were the road team at one point in time we're the only people that did
remote coverage unless it was like something really special and that was
like I don't know just Brandon I did everything together for a long time yeah
I think one of the reasons why the closure is probably easier for me is my
kind of departure to float plane was kind of the disconnection of that team
already you left him he didn't leave you basically yeah well yeah so like yeah
no Brandon did not die he's alive and very well thriving yeah all right I
don't know what to follow that with that was something a little bit lighter hold
on one sec what if I derail us back to the dock for a quick second because
people keep on shouting out that we've missed a topic oh yeah we missed a
boring one I think what about the underwear topic oh we never talked about
it we didn't talk about that yeah the audience is right
surely this would have secured the deal went home with a guy and he was wearing
Linus tech tips underwear help apparently Leeds fests is a group for
anonymous admissions for the University of Leeds where an unknown lady and or
gentleman stumbled upon some sweet LTT merch this was reposted to the LTT
reddit there's some great comments did he drop you should have abruptly ended
the date with that's cute just like this message from our sponsor what was the
question that we had around this oh yes discussion question Thank You wan show
writer will LTT merch get you laid yes or no given our audience demographics I
think if you are a track hmm audience demographics if you are a fan of the
show yeah and you are attracted to males mm-hmm probably yeah outside of that and
maybe not one thing that I find is interesting is they recognize it clearly
yeah so that's that okay so that's the thing that part has been interesting to
me the whole time they were jealous and they like read it right I mean I guess
so it's on the waistband though the new ones are just like oh they didn't say if
it was the ones with the text across the waistband or if it was one of the newer
ones that just have the symbols are more taste rubber stamp yeah should we pull
it it is pulling our our audience which is not you know entirely fair but I
think we should do it anyways would you be what so what is the question are you
more turned on if they have line of detectives underwear sure yeah yeah yeah
yeah that's what I think that's what we need to know oh in 50 and then 14 C and
float plane chat says I mean my wife knows who you guys are so who was she
with then oh shoot what time did I set for that are you more turn okay well
here let's just let's see the results of the poll I mean yeah see for our
audience that's how saying yeah yeah 65% more turned on if they have LTT
underwear absolutely okay so you heard it here first folks LTT underwear more
likely to turn someone on if they're also in LTT well yes but I mean that's
fine yeah why not yeah you already know you have so much in common
yeah all right next uh next bridge message Dan sure this is from Ryan hey
Linus and Luke a longtime fan of the show from the Langley house days what
is the one place you haven't traveled to yet that you really want to want to go
Australia I want to go scuba diving in Australia that sucks because that was
literally my exact answer you could go together yeah including the scuba thing
I don't think we have we I don't think we dived in Mexico together yeah we did
Dennis oh I was a layer higher oh yeah I remember I do now but I didn't back so
you were there but we didn't go together yeah you like the lame one your version
was not as I watched you guys have fun yeah we really did it was great guys it
was good enough that it inspired me to like go get my sex and stuff because I
enjoyed my experience and was able to see you guys having more fun so I was
like well okay might as well get my stuff our dive was a lot better yeah
diving with Dennis as my dive partner a little scary you can be very competent
though yes but sometimes you can not I think I've told this story before yeah
there was a trip I think was it that first compi text trip I don't know I
don't remember you know it must have been the second one but Brandon and I
went to Taiwan and Dennis was everybody didn't work with us yet
and this was the first time I had met him mm-hmm and then when he came to work
with us locally in BC I genuinely had a like what seemed like a totally
different person I don't know what to tell you I don't know what it is I don't
know what to tell you I don't know all right we we have like a new version of
Dennis you haven't dodged the question though oh so I can't say Australia's
scuba diving I mean you can but it's like a bit of a cop-out yeah already did
Japan I've been quite privileged through work because I've gone to a lot of the
places that I wanted to go I always want to go to Taiwan I always want to go to
Japan South America at all what about like you know somewhere
unconventional like Antarctica or like I'm interested in Antarctica I've been
interested in southern Chile okay because there's some like really
interesting hiking that's there yeah I've been to a bunch of the Nordics I've
been to Iceland yeah I don't know all right that's fine I give up okay then
hit us okay this one is from cheating hi Linus and Luke love from Taiwan and the
oh you moved it love from Taiwan and a Saturday morning what's your fondest
memories visiting Taiwan any food or places and you wish to eat I love go
again soup dumplings let's go oh and playing badminton my last trip there I
played seven times in six days I went hard and shot videos that was basically
all I did I worked and played badminton I remember this I absolutely love Taiwan
ever since the first time we went there I've pretty much taken a week off every
single time I've gone there to like just hang out there a little bit longer
fondest memories I don't know there's a lot going river tracing in Hualien I'm
sure I butchered that yeah that was probably awful but it's in eastern
Taiwan but going river tracing there was absolutely amazing and yeah I'll just
stick with Howard do you want a minute to go through those or should I pick off
some let's just start taking them I don't care Luke can pick them this one's
from Ryan yo so happy this was released I'm going to use this as the Pokemon
playmat what stealth desk pad okay I think so yeah what is a product slash
video that you are proud to have worked on that doesn't get enough attention you
know it's a really cool video that doesn't get enough that didn't get
enough attention the one on the future of display technology that that James
wrote a while back the reason it's on my mind is because someone specifically
flagged it for me saying wow this was like a really great video and I sent it
to him because he was so discouraged that he spent a ton of time making it
not just really informative but super engaging to watch and it really didn't
perform very well in the channel so there I'm gonna go with that one float
plane wow that one hits I'm just gonna avoid this one's from will long time
watch your first time merch message I'm excited for the tracksuit desk pad at
all also excited to see how ml slash chatbot assisted search is going to
change how people operate on the internet what do you think is going to
be the largest cultural change to come from it well we're all gonna interact
with chats instead of you know with like SEO optimized boolean you know whatever
there's been this whole conversation about how we are all to a certain degree
cyborgs due to our phones have you heard this yep I think a really large
extension of that has been search search I think in more ways than people like
actively consciously realize has shaped how people interact the modern world
even if your search is this thing whatever read it or this thing whatever
tick-tock because you don't trust Google to give you the right result anymore
which is like actually a problem but even with that it it it it shapes how
people research or look into things which is genuinely an extremely
significant part of what people do to like grow in almost any way and changing
that is going to be wildly impactful I've got one for you Dan no you are
gonna make me talk about this aren't you I saw I thought I would include it hi
Linus Luke and particularly Dan why is there always such strong pushback
anytime I go XLR gets mentioned to try to fix the audio and sensor button
issues control it's just control it's fine I will throw some pushback against
this personally fine my go XLR bricked itself almost immediately upon getting
to my house I contacted their support and they're like wow never seen this
before and they sent me a new one to be clear I don't know if they knew who I
was or not I didn't reach out on official handles sir but my name was
there okay I don't know if they figured it out or not but they like immediately
sent me a new one it then works but you know if it loses power randomly the
profile is just gone that's true that is a flaw why I don't know if we lose and
that uh like I have my profiles backed up on my nose maybe you should just get
good crazy and you shouldn't have Luke's you know I blame Lucas where I don't
think that if it loses power like blaming Microsoft because you forgot
press ctrl s that's also you should be able to do that that's an autosave
feature so one thing that drives me crazy about it is that it's physical
buttons are basically just for show because like yes if it loses its memory
it's like K but all your stuff is where it was before you should be able to
detect where it was it's not perfect yeah it's not perfect yeah and and one
of the reasons that I like this app as well is you know I had to meet you guys
right and so what you guys could do for your mutes is pull all the faders down
and then when you were unmuted you know I got to bring them back up and they
need to be at the same level you know this is it's all set and it's kind of
set it and forget it kind of thing and it wasn't for a long time it wasn't for
a long time is why I kept bringing it up but okay yeah Luke that actually it's
been pretty good the last two shows and last two shows is yeah he's had I have
some incredibly complex audio routing going on behind the scenes to make sure
that you can monitor what you need to monitor what goes out to stream is
different and if we have guests on they can hear you but you can't hear you even
though it's in the same computer it's like I have five or six different mixes
and sub mixes and then I also have a completely separate sub mix for me to be
able to monitor what's going out to stream so we don't have those echo
issues anymore because unlike OBS I can now actually monitor the audio that's
going out to stream yeah more control more better more simpler it has to get
more complicated to get simpler coaxial R is great the bleep button was
incredibly irritating for a long time for me this new system is very robust
and what it also does is it mutes all the other microphones so when Linus is
swearing you can't get the swear underneath the bleep from Luke or my
microphone that sort of thing I don't know there's a little explanation I could
probably talk about it for an hour yeah that won't be necessary at me goodbye
disappears himself beautiful um DJ music studio asks ever since your photo shoot
I've been looking for a good epilator do you have any good text suggestions for
them I trust your opinion more than Bing no I don't have a suggestion for a good
one I'm not that pleased with the one I have and I've only tried one so that's
where we're at on that archived and finally last two Kyle asks can we get an
update on the gold paint fading issue on the water bottles I'm hoping to pick up
a new one soon but the colors I want I'll use the gold paint they fade if you
have acid hands they will fade pretty quickly and if you do not then they
actually last quite a long time but it seems to be kind of luck of the draw and
whether your particular composition of skin oils is going to wear it away we
just basically have a disclaimer on the page that says hey yeah these inks just
don't last as long so there's that and finally Daniel P asks as a fellow
creator I would like to know the rationale for why so is banned what
other thing have you banned and what habits have been hard to change it's not
good so is banned because it contributes absolutely nothing try it start a
sentence with the word so just try it do it right now I'll wait so what do you
think about airplane peanuts okay now say that same sentence again without the
word so what do you think about airplane peanuts it contributed absolutely nothing
so it's banned which doesn't mean that we can never use it obviously in the
middle of a sentence so is fine and there are even situations where we will
use it at the beginning of a sentence or beginning of a paragraph but it has to
be in the place of a word like therefore not just as a filler a lot of times
people will just put so if you pacing of like every single paragraph it's like
well that is definitely not necessary so I went to the store so here's the thing
so I just don't know it's not it's not helpful and one of the big things that
we try to do especially in our in our writing here not necessarily in our
lives we don't script the Wancho he can say so it's banned yeah yeah one of the
things that we do in our writing is we try to make the videos as information
dense as possible so filler words stuff and things so they all need to go
because we're trying to make the video as dense as possible hi Tina and like is
never going anywhere that's that's just part of my vote a completely
irremovable part of my personality at this point and I think that's pretty
much it for the show today well we will see you again next week
same bad time same bad channel bye
how's a long show a little long fill on the long side I blame you for hours and
19 minutes oh we need to go for another 40 so that includes the pre-show well
for the float plane peeps shows brought to that forum the ridge
square space yeah okay let's have some silence oh it just sits there like that
now oh okay well no not not really animated minus is fine he's a yeah got
that I love those shirts yeah that the pixel guys are wearing those are classic
what's that a team liquid hoodie you're wearing yeah and that's the original
LTT merch item we should reprint it someday it's just a box