
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Everyone and welcome to the WAN show we've got a great show lined up for you this week
At least we hope we do you might have noticed that we are also live on the channel with our 24-7
LTT TV stream I
Have no idea how those two streams are gonna interact with each other YouTube assures us that it's fine to have two live streams going
From the same channel at the same time
We currently do what's loaded it up. What I suspect is that basically
Nobody is going to watch WAN show and they're gonna be like WTF what the heck happened to WAN show and we're gonna be
Like this happened to WAN show got a lot of great topics for you guys today. The big ones are of course
Threads launching. This is a new Twitter alike from meta parent company of Facebook and Instagram and
Elon Musk was salty. He was a salty, baby
Oh, but that's not really what we think is the biggest news
Google has been accused of misleading advertisers, which when your entire business is advertising
Basically amounts to your business being like kind of frothy
Allegedly allegedly, so these are serious accusations. We're gonna be digging into them a little bit later. What else we got today?
We have
Tons of great topics
Seriously, you're not the one you submitted that has an entire page of notes. You're not gonna go with that. Okay. Yeah, sure
Why not the CEO of a alleged rug-pull game is suing goat moth a creator that we've mentioned a couple times on WAN show
in the past for his
Exposés of cheating in Tarkov. So that'll be a little spicy. We'll talk about that in the moment and the next one
I can't decide between the end of Giphy cat and the fact that apparently emojis can quite literally be legally binding
You picked those over EVGA potentially going out of business. It's a potential allegedly maybe maybe maybe that's true
The show is brought to you today by Black Point cyber Squarespace and signal liar
Okay right into threads or right into Google. Oh, I think you can actually just choose this time
Yes, the title was kind of both. Yeah, which one do you want to do?
You said you had a lot to say about threads. I did I just have some claims to make okay, you know some gotchas
No, I want to do Google accused of misleading advertisers
Google has been accused of misleading advertisers about their true view in stream ads and this is according to
advertising research firm ad
Lytics analytics, excuse me
so for those of you who are unfamiliar true view ads can be skipped after five seconds and
Advertisers hence the name true view, right? It's supposed to be an actual view
Advertisers are only supposed to be charged for them if the consumer watches 30
Seconds of the ad or if it's shorter than that the entire ad with audio playing
The ads are supposed to be in stream
Which means they play before during or after video content now when you think of Google services that have video content
What's the first thing that comes to mind?
YouTube I thought you were gonna go with something snarky like like duo video calling or needs
Yeah, exactly. Thank you for that
yeah, YouTube, but
analytics found that
42 to
75 percent of true view ad spend was allocated to ads that did not
Meet Google's claimed standards the firm reviewed the ad campaigns of over a
Thousand brands across the internet and found that many of the true view ads were run
Not only in small video players that are just in the corner or the side of the screen
Some of which were fully muted
But in some cases on sites that contained content that would violate you Google's terms of service
Um, this is a huge deal because
Have you ever bought online advertising before?
Technically, yes, it was a very long time ago. But yes, there is a high degree of trust associated with it. Absolutely
I don't know if you guys have done this before but I've done it a couple of times and
Basically, what you do is you kind of pick what you want the most recent time
I did it was on Facebook, but I'm sure the process is relatively similar
yeah, you you kind of pick what you want to target you choose what you want it to say and obviously like where you want
it to direct to if anybody clicks on it and then you set a budget and
It's basically on them to decide
Algorithmically right and it where where to spend the budget and in some cases you don't even set an exact budget
so sometimes they will spend less or they'll spend more and
There's just the expectation that you're going to trust that they're gonna spend it in a way. That is
Optimal because well, otherwise, I guess you could take your business elsewhere except that you know
Online advertising is essentially what a duopoly at this point. Is there another major player outside of meta and Google?
Nowhere near the same scale functionally functionally not really yeah, and so if Google is saying hey
This is going to be played on
content that is verified brand-safe on
sites that are controlled by us like when they say TrueView ad I
Had never even heard of those running anywhere other than on YouTube high expectations
But you know what's funny is as soon as I saw the article about this as soon as I saw the report I went
Yeah, I have seen the five-second
Countdown on others like to skip on other side you saw an ad I had always just I don't know what the ad was for
I saw a skip button for an ad
But I always just kind of assumed that it was someone cloning Google's interface because that happens all the time
Yeah, where you'll see something that looks like a recapture
But it isn't or you'll see something that looks like, you know ad choices or whatever, but it is something else
Yeah, yeah
The research and and and to defend that assumption there are players that have done that for
Advertisements that are not Google ads right they have the five-second skip
It's in the same spot the box looks almost identical and I guarantee you it's not a TrueView ad so like that was a decent
the research also identified ads in which the skip button was hidden or
Obscured to make it difficult for users to skip after five seconds, which means Google was basically
Just like I mean if this is true Google was fraudulently charging their advertisers
For ads that were supposed to be seen by a pair of human eyeballs
But probably never were which you might not actually necessarily care about
But if this goes through legal action and it's true that 70 up to 75 percent of these were screwed
That might impact YouTube or Google and I can actually very significant way
Which you know they have coming if this is if this is true
Yeah, but man this this raises some serious questions about the viability of Google's platforms
Like if this is what they have to do
To make money I'm sitting here going is YouTube even is YouTube even less sustainable than I thought it was
cuz I kind of I
Don't know man like just looking at the sheer volume not just of viewers on YouTube
But but ad consumption on YouTube like it's kind of it's what it's a bull. I wonder if it's actually almost reverse
Really sorry because if you put these ads on these random websites where they're like out of the corner and
Then you're selling like the effectiveness of these ads
Versus YouTube ads I feel like they would be more effective when they're on YouTube well
That's true, but I feel like they're taking more volume
But the effectiveness is probably going down probably comes out in the wash as a positive for them
But YouTube might actually do better if you're able to buy an ad that was specifically only on YouTube
Yeah, yeah, so then they have less inventory
But theoretically they can charge more of a premium for it because it will drive better conversion, so that's screwing you over
No because it actually benefits me directly if CPMs are higher on YouTube that's what I'm saying oh, oh by doing
Yeah, hey, yeah
By doing the volume decreased value model yeah by using a bunch of junk sites to pump the volume
Where's my piece of this you're getting screwed and?
By extension everyone else in this building. Yeah, that's that's that's
Group incorporated revenue yeah hold on hold on a second Google guess worse
Other ads were reported appearing in Android apps that were not even available in the Google Play Store
Including from developers based in countries that are sanctioned by the US government such as Iran
By the way small update seems to at least somewhat be working
There's currently six point four thousand on YouTube watching land okay, so I guess two live streams some
Double the fun yeah cool
30% more fun there is notably less people watching the 24-7 stream
Okay, well that's fine. Yeah. They don't need to watch that
Google is not just gonna take this lying down
Google's director of global video solutions mark
Excuse me mark Marvin. Renaud wrote that the reports findings are and this is in quotes
extremely inaccurate
That advertisers are only charged for ads when they are viewed and that the majority of ads are served on YouTube
Not on third-party sites he likewise said that Google monitors adherence to its policies and last year stopped serving ads on over
143,000 websites that were found to be in violation
Renaud's blog post also claims that Google allows advertisers to opt out of running ads on third-party sites at any time
However, this is actually contradicted by Google's support page that reads as of September 30th 2021 new video action campaigns that you create
In Google Ads use Google video partners automatically
So you are getting screwed I mean
What's what's really interesting is this isn't in our notes, but it was in one of the articles that I read about this
Apparently since 2016 there's been less transparency in terms of like something to do with the way that your campaign runs
I don't want to say anything
because I
Don't get the exact details wrong because it's just based on memory for an article. I read like three or four hours ago, but
Man I I will be keeping an extremely
Extremely close eye on this over the next little bit because this is kind of a bombshell like we're not just talking about
millions of dollars or tens of millions of dollars we could be talking about
billions of dollars I also saw a list of the
Of the brands that were allegedly affected by this
Let me see if the verb as the original ad lytic yeah here. It is so here's the original article from analytics
But a bit the YouTube channel valid TrueView
webpage valid TrueView
Invalid TrueView whoops
Here's an American Express, so they've actually got so like they've got receipts
American Express YouTube TrueView ads serving on a third-party website
What the heck is the news lens?
I've never heard of this before a video player is muted by default video ads autoplay without consumer initiation
Here's another one JP Morgan chase YouTube TrueView ad just like casually sitting here on
Whatever the site is
kayak at YouTube TrueView ads playing in different how this is like
text-based websites
Abusing how the like player works and stuff like that to try to like trick it in to give you the more ads
Because that is we've seen that strategy for years
That's possible Google might need to step up
Like they're like oh we but we blocked a hundred and forty three thousand websites like maybe you should do more
So like that website sounds like a lot in a vacuum earth
Sorry that amount of website sounds like a lot in a vacuum, but it might not actually be that much
So it's not like they're just coming out of nowhere saying this, but Google says it's not true
I of course they do though like I will be very interested well, okay fine
Do you want to jump into our next topic then sure?
Allegedly one this is according to a recent forum post from Korean overclockers safe disc the entire
EVGA motherboard team in Taiwan has resigned which could force the company to leave the motherboard market
However, this is very contested in fact. I personally reached out to EVGA and
You can go ahead and read the response for the good people here
Just the big one at the bottom yeah all rumor kingpin still with EVGA still focus on other product lines and Taiwan office still open
Here to support our customers now. What's curious is that while there has been some speculation
That the that that the the Taiwan office is closing and that or that kingpin is leaving EVGA
And this is based on an offhand remark
He made in an interview with gamers Nexus where he basically was asked
What's your next big project, and he said nothing yeah?
The one thing that EVGA's message doesn't contest is
The motherboard team yes, and if kingpin said I don't have any other projects that doesn't necessarily mean that he's leaving so all he said is
Vince is still there, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has any projects with the motherboard team if
They're gone, so you might have also interpreted as like what is your next project within this team?
Because if I remember correctly he like looks at the other guy and says nothing or so. I don't remember yeah
I don't have it right in front of me
I don't know, but yeah
workers at EVGA Spain told tech powerup that it was business as usual at their branch and
EVGA has denied accounts of mass resignations and leaving the motherboard market to both tech powerup
Oh and apparently to us as well, so this didn't contain a denial of that
But maybe to someone else here part of what made these rumors seem plausible though
is that it's only been a year since EVGA announced it was leaving the GPU market and
Some forum users have noted that the company's supernova XC power supplies come with only a three-year warranty
Which is two to seven years shorter than what is usual for EVGA?
duh duh duh
Also noticed completely independent of this that EVGA's site has basically nothing in stock
Interesting and the reason for this is that we have an upcoming budget power supply roundup
I know right we're doing a budget power supply roundup. Can you believe it the power supply testers up and running hey? Yeah, so anyway
The winner was an EVGA power supply will will get that video out to you guys as soon as it's through the editing pipeline
But what I realized was that it wasn't available anywhere so in the time between a few weeks ago us buying it and
Testing it and sitting down to review the script with Alex it had completely disappeared from the internet
It wasn't available at any of the major retailers
We would expect to find it at and it wasn't even listed on EVGA's website
I then started going through EVGA site, which it looks like you're doing. I don't look at GPUs though
They're out of that market just power supplies. I started going through EVGA site and
What I realized was
They don't have a single power supply in stock seriously click on anything
So I called them because I was like hey, this is gonna be pretty embarrassing if we you know do a
It's a small roundup the process is a very manual right now that we tested five power supplies only three of which were actually really
budget because all we wanted was a good recommendation, and we basically stopped as soon as we got there because it is
Inordinately time-consuming and there's a lot for us to figure out in our workflow
Which we will but this was just a good test run basically so the only things they have in stock on their website or be stock
There is be stock
So only be stock so it would be pretty embarrassing if the winner of our roundup of three items
Didn't exist anymore, so I called up EVGA, and I went hey what's going on?
Do you still take do you still make budget power supplies also like are you gonna?
Stock what's the deal here, and I was assured that there is inventory incoming and that
Like it will it will it might be a little while after the video comes out before you can actually buy one
But there are more coming and you will be able to buy one
So I had already had some questions about what was going on over at EVGA because even if they do have more power supplies coming
That doesn't mean necessarily that things are going great if there's nothing in stock on their site
Yeah, no motherboards outside of be stock. No motherboards and no power supplies in stock at all is a
Little fishy with that said there were some power supplies in stock at third parties and my understanding is that EVGA stocks
Their site before retailer sites. Oh wait. Do you mean the other way around excuse me?
I mean the other way around they stock partner sites before their own site
but I am I
Don't consider this matter to be entirely resolved is
What I will say about all of this. Yeah a little sketchy. Yeah
Hey, you can also buy a lanyard
They have those at EVGA. Okay. Thank you Luke. That is very cool. Very helpful, and it most bet I
Mean don't forget about the case badge the metal case patch for a dollar
That's not as long as you don't want to buy more than 15
Start melting them down that would be a problem
Hold on guys we've only got like three things left in stock 15 per person maximum. We don't want to completely run out
That would be embarrassed
Alright why don't we jump you have embarrassing yeah
Yeah, threads has been launched metas new Twitter competitor threads has reportedly accumulated over 30 million users within its first
24 hours the app is not entirely polished and lacks support for both emojis and hashtags quick update to that number
It's apparently over 78 million now
There is no dedicated chronological following feed the one is planned
I'm sure hashtags and emojis will be as well
The app requires an Instagram account to join and offers new users the option to follow everyone they already follow on Instagram
There is currently no method of deleting the threads account without also deleting the attached Instagram account though
They can be independently
Deactivated whatever that means I yeah, I don't fully know. I think it means your data is not gone, but like
You can't log into it anymore. I don't know okay this may violate a
Consent decree placed by meta by the FCC because it misleads the user about the degree to which they can control their own data
All right some of this stuff's getting into the weeds a little bit
Can we just can we just sort of generally talk about how?
Utterly remarkable it is that Elon Musk has gone from being the technology
Industries poster boy for how to be like an awesome
You know billionaire innovator to being so hated that people are actually cheering for Mark
Zuckerberg yeah, yeah in multiple ways in like two years
That's how long that's how long that fall from grace. I just want to say I've been pointing out for a long time
I don't think it would be that hard to make a Twitter competitor and people keep on telling me that I'm nuts
They've only been working on this since like January
They have over 70 million users
I mean, I think it was kind of a really smart move like I'm annoyed
I don't have a threads account because I actually do not have an Instagram account
Oh, because I just I I had the the work one and I used that as my Instagram
Oh, yeah, yeah, and when you did your split thing back in the day. You just didn't make an Instagram
I just didn't bother making an Instagram account because I'm sitting here going well. What is Instagram?
Yeah, it's Twitter
I think I uploaded a picture to Instagram like three years ago
And I was on a hike and it was just a picture of the burrito that I was eating while I was on the hike
Yeah, that that should have been a tweet for sure. That's actual garbage content. Yeah
and so so I just I didn't really understand the point of Instagram and like
Our former cinematographer Brandon tried to explain it to me
He was like it's it's like better
And I was like just what does that even mean it was like like when you're scrolling it's better, and I'm like I
I'm sorry I actually have no I actually have no capacity to understand what you're talking about right now
And I'm not gonna scroll either of them, so it doesn't really matter
So so anyway, I don't have an Instagram account and
I just
It was like it took longer than like three seconds to
You know I would have had to log into my
Password manager in order to you know validate my login with Facebook or something something, and I was just like ah
forget it but
To their credit. I think it was kind of genius to tie the branding and everything into Instagram instead of gives you more confidence
Instead of calling it threads by Facebook or something like that. Oh, yeah, definitely because the brand cachet of
Instagram is obviously you know way better than boomer Facebook or whatever and
What's kind of?
Interesting about this is I feel like what they're doing is they are
indirectly that every social media platform kind of has a a
Cycle, I think they've just accepted at this point, and this is something
I didn't really catch on to when they rebranded to meta I
Think they have accepted at this point that the Facebook brand is basically like just done
Yeah, it's it's annihilated. There's nothing left of it, so they are slowly
But surely just kind of going okay
Well, I don't know use it for marketplace or whatever well
We'll happily take your data about what you're selling and buying in the second hand or whatever and if you know
People want to post pictures of their you know family outing or whatever on Facebook
And they can like it or whatever sure fine go do that
But we understand everything's moving to Instagram and we understand Instagram ain't gonna be around forever either
And so by migrating you know remember the the Instagram branding changed to like Instagram by Facebook for a long time there
Build build build build build build, okay
This is this is threads by Instagram
And then they they migrate a bunch of people who are interested in changing like that's the thing is I'm getting to be all boomer
Like I don't I just why do I why do I still use Twitter at all?
Honestly, just like out of habit. Yeah, whereas
It tends to be people who have a little bit more time a little bit more
Elasticity left in their brains that are just gonna try to jump onto something new just for the sake of trying it
So they jump onto threads. It's gonna naturally have a younger more vibrant user base and
Eventually Instagram will turn into like for you know Millennials
Or you know geriatric Gen Z's or whatever and this is gonna be the this is gonna be the new meta
Uh-huh very good um I like I get it I get it now, and it's like kind of genius
I'm surprised it works this well. It's not a self-awareness
yeah, it's um I
I think when I I jumped on it cuz why not I was interested. I wanted to mostly just reserve my username. I haven't
threat threaded anything
Yeah, that's terrible I've never actually said that out loud before that sounds horrible sounds like hair removal
Yeah, I haven't threaded anything yet, but the the the follow everyone you follow on Instagram thing was
Smart because it immediately makes your your threads
Experience feel vibrant because a bunch of these people that you probably follow on Instagram are already on there
So instead of like oh, I'm gonna follow the like few people that I don't care about that Twitter makes me follow when I sign up
It's like oh these are people that I already know and hey look. They're already on threads
There's actually stuff happening here one of the big problems that I think a lot of the
Other like Twitter clones that have popped up have is that it just feels dead when you show up
Yeah, I also noticed at least when I started using it
I don't know if this has changed or not yet because it sounds like a decent amount has already literally changed
But they were hiding
Which probably made sense in the first like few hours now that they have 70 million users
Maybe they need to start making that stuff more more public, but you couldn't see like how many people liked something
But you could see the people
Responding to it and stuff which if people are responding to things which they're likely to do on a new platform because they're actively
Trying to use the new platform
It's gonna make it feel a little bit more active than it might actually be
And I think that was a good way to get people into like yeah, I know this is real
This is real things are happening. This is okay. This is good
Yeah, apparently mr. Beast has more followers on there than Zuckerberg
That doesn't surprise me does that surprise you no, but it's just I mean the the Zuck is just sort of like oh
You kind of reluctantly like you have to pay attention to him. I mean it really realistically
I mean it's no different than musk. It's no different than Bezos like it's not like
No, it's just like more public than all the rest. No offense to any of them
I I actually I I don't I don't need to have dinner with them like I just
You know I do I work in the tech industry
I do have to kind of pay attention to what the crap it is. They're doing this time. Yeah
Mr.. Beast is doing a Tesla giveaway on threads. Are you sure that's not a bot? Yeah? I know he is oh wow
Because he's like whatever. It's Jimmy right like he's just me man. Yeah. He just does things apparently we have a thread something
I wanted to I want official. Yeah, it is it is now. I don't know. What does official mean apparently?
We didn't have an official account on Instagram
You mean like a verified account yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry. Oh, okay, so I they're working on it
I guess okay, we should have official accounts except for when you have to pay for them
And then we shouldn't have a life in okay. I do have Instagram on my phone
Okay, I can log in another
I want I want to see our threat. I haven't even seen it yet. Oh you have oh right right right yeah
You have it. Okay cool
I I get to see I get to see our threads presence the social team was telling me that apparently
Interaction is pretty similar on threads to the other major platforms right now
Yeah, just just because everyone's it's the new hotness right so people are just checking it out. Oh hey
They have one of the tweet size
Threads that I suggested today
So one pointed out I've barely used the app, but someone pointed out that when you go to sharing you can tweet threads
Really, which looks really weird because now there's like a tweet button in threads, which is like
That blows my mind happening right now. What is people asking? What is threads threads is?
Instagram or metas or Facebook's whatever response to Twitter effectively it is their version of Twitter
Yeah, they've been working on it since
January and now it's released. That's how you know something was really really hard well apparently my idea
Did not perform very well
Liked by the Brad fad and
Others and then the one under it is oh no, okay apparently some of them
Just see some of the metrics are like not weird. Yeah view likes
Something something, but then you have to like scroll through all of it
It doesn't it doesn't show you the number thing yeah like it's it's oddly obscured
Which I feel like my gut is telling me was it was a choice for the initial launch
So that
It wasn't the focus right, okay?
Yep, I I have no idea and anything I can only access on my phone. Just doesn't exist to me. Yeah, there's no website
I remember people telling me when when tick-tock was popping off
I remember people telling me how me actually for that matter when Instagram was popping off
I remember people telling me how amazing it was and I would go to instagram.com
No, I'm talking before that oh when it just read when it was just a link to the App Store
And I was like I'm not gonna do that
Realistically like most of what you're doing is probably like web-based anyway. Just put it on the just put it in a stupid vertical
Window I don't care I feel like how much web browser can I do in a browser on a desktop is probably the like boomerist
thing about me
Yeah, I just I I just I want the website to be the best version
But for a lot of the like hip young you know apps and experiences and products and whatever
They're like isn't even a website or like you were just talking about
It's just a link to the App Store or it's an afterthought like instagrams currently is or something like that
Man like
Well websites work better, I mean
Sure when they do they don't for everyone
Yep, yeah, that's fair man. I okay. Let's let's let's let's take bets here
Who emerges here because blue sky hasn't gone away?
No, they're they just seem to be still having infrastructure. I don't think it's gonna be blue sky personally. Yeah, okay, that's
fair enough, but I think threads will beat blue sky I
Feel like right now. I would be making a complete up-in-the-air guess based on nothing to say whether it would be Twitter or threads
Really, yeah, you think Twitter has a chance I do I?
Do I would absolutely not at all be surprised if threads just completely took their lunch either like I'm not I'm not I'm not really
In any camp here. I have experienced a
Significantly degraded experience on Twitter over time
It's currently like very lacking in features
That's fair, but look at what freakin Twitter was up to this week with rate limiting on scrolling posts
Like that's that's embarrassing. That's like rolling blackouts
Hilarious this is
Funny it's so funny. I thought it was good even cuz like whatever get off this garbage app. That's great
Right, but we're talking it's not good for the app. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's group like it was
Okay, there's a
Dumpster fire to cheer for that's the problem
I want them to competitively burn the discussion question on this topic is
The world needs another Twitter, but should we really want another meta run social media platform, and that's it
It's like really this is the one that's gonna do it like man like I
Didn't really think blue sky had much of a chance
but I thought maybe because there was nothing else and then now there's something else and now I think they're screwed and
For as much as like there's a lot of momentum when blue sky is still limiting signups because they can't build infrastructure fast enough
I assume that's that's my guess. That's my guess. Yeah, otherwise, why would you limit signups if you can just
Have momentum on your side. I am blown away that meta managed to pull this out of complete stealth
Yeah, I had I don't know a single person that saw this coming. No idea. No like okay
They probably could have seen it coming
Yeah, but I don't think anyone knew it was informed. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, yeah
How how is a company the size of meta Facebook working on a project like this I wonder how big the team was
Okay, well, let's get to that one of the major
Developments this week. Is that Twitter upon seeing the launch of threads?
threatened a lawsuit on the grounds that meta allegedly hired ex Twitter employees and
misappropriated Twitter's trade secrets and other intellectual property a
Meta spokesperson responded that no one on the threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee
Which I don't think is a sicker burn on Elon Musk or a sicker burn on the former Twitter employee base
We actually literally didn't need any of you
To make them like kind of less feature
They wouldn't have again. I'm going to say it again. It's not it is not very complicated
If they can if they can build Instagram
They can build threads, can I just say that it is absolutely hilarious
That you would go in acquire a company
Fire the majority of the employees there and then be surprised if there was some kind of like
Knowledge like brain drain that occurred that enabled a competitor
Yeah, it's not what happened is what if so, what if it had
Like employed two employees. Oh you exactly
Someone like
What they're gonna pretend they never worked there. This is this is part of like non competes and intellectual property though
So if they did use like Twitter proprietary stuff sure, but clearly threads is not running Twitter code
And wouldn't need to yeah, so like I don't know it's it's clearly a lash out
Yeah, just it it comes across pretty sour grapes, and I just I
I'm sorry, but I can't feel bad for someone who goes in and
half arbitrarily just like
Destroys the livelihoods of thousands of people. Oh, yeah was that ship sustainable. No no probably not but
Definitely not they shouldn't apply it
Yeah, that's the time to the time to do this correctly was before you actually wrote the check
Yeah, I think the only thing that funny that doesn't bother me quite as much about it
Is that I am rather certain they were all losing their jobs anyways
I mean we talked in the early days before
Elon bought Twitter about how insane Twitter was as a business just burning literally billions of dollars a year ever
With with no plan in profitability with with no like it was actually one of the like
One of the most dumpster fire businesses
I've ever seen like it made no sense at all so like it was not gonna be sustainable and the the the
Reapers coming for a lot of these types of companies that just make no money and have no plan to ever make any money and
Just lose tons of money that was a thing for a really long time
But you're seeing you're seeing that kind of end so yeah, I don't know makes me feel less bad
It still sucks that they're out of work, but I just I don't think it's actually really that much different
He looks 919 into its chances non competes are hard to enforce when you broke contracts and didn't pay the severance to the employees
Someone in chat said how would you design a Twitter clone is an extremely common tech interview question. Yeah, it is I
Actually didn't know that yeah, just what why because it's like like early university level project
The difficulty is the scaling right okay, I was gonna say I feel like every time we have this conversation
I have to point out that
Serving a text post to one person is easy serving a text post to a hundred million people is
Actually not that easy. Yeah, okay, all right, then we're on this, but we've had
Dig and read it forever
We've had Twitter forever like this the knowledge around that type of tech
Has been around
For a very long time and the amount that something gets easy over time in the in the development space is like quite rapid
When something is first created it might have been extremely hard to create that thing
But three years later six years later nine years later more and more on it gets
In a floatplane chat says threads probably started as a hobby project by some of the Facebook
Well, I think is it in here. I think it was genuinely January right
It's not in our notes. I'm not sure
No, it's
Yeah coder goth says the hard part of Twitter isn't the UI it's the scale and the content moderation
That's another big yeah, but with that with that said I mean Twitter has basically abandoned all pretense of content moderation
At this point as far as I can tell
Meanwhile meta is saying that they are going to take yeah, they want it to be the friendly platform
I which is actually very attractive to a lot of brands for advertisements which sustain a platform. I wish them
The best of luck. Oh, yeah
Because the problem with having a friendly platform
With a lot of users is that users is just another word for people and people are fucking holes. Yeah
Especially when they have anonymity and so
Imagining that you're gonna somehow have
It's it's like saying I'm gonna I'm gonna make a multiplayer game one with a non-toxic user base
It's like well I was with you up until you're gonna make a multiplayer game that sounds good
That second part though
That's why it's why online plays is never rated, right?
Yeah, yeah, okay. Yeah, I guess that's fair enough
So couple things here. Yes development did start in January too. It was called project 92
internally and I just googled project 92 rumors and there's stuff from like
June rumor has it meta is making a comeback riding a virtual wave of
Something project 92 meta versus Twitter posted in June
So there's like there was some people that were like something's happening
but uh
Interesting top gear one two two four and floatplane chat asks us. Where is the line between?
advertiser friendly and censorship
I don't know. That's why I don't work in
Our thing on the forum was always like this is a tech site just stop
Yeah, the line is that it's a completely optional service that you don't need that is run by a private company
Yeah, like and that's that's honestly it to like with threads. That's not government censorship. That's that's
That's that yeah thing if the reds the line is don't use it you don't get to talk about politics ever
Well, that's that's there that actually might be a good thing. It might be are they saying that no
I'm just saying like it's gonna say math. Maybe maybe I will suck. Maybe I'll take another crack at this
I would legitimately be more interested. But yeah, like if if they decide to say that it's a private platform
This is not a government funded thing. This is not public property like that. They could do that. The forum is exactly like that
We're like, yeah, we don't want you talking about a bunch of stuff. Why cuz we don't want to deal with it
This is not the right place and this is absolutely not the right time go somewhere else like I don't know
It's that's it. It's gotten phenomenally stupid to me though the kinds of things that have become
Political like remember when gas ranges turned into a political issue for like for like six minutes
But there's neither of us do this and this is why this to nuance is weird. I'd rather just do other stuff
Hey content moderation is such a nightmare
Like no interest at all when we when we started doing this like the 24-hour livestream thing
We were just responsible for like the tech side of it so I wasn't really thinking about much else
Yeah, once it went live I was like, oh, oh
There's gonna be a chat. Oh
And then went to go see that at that point in time. We had it disabled and I was like, okay this makes sense
It's kind of a weird viewing experience
Let's have a little debate here. Sure. I personally intervened and had the chat turned back on. Yeah. No, it should be okay
So hold on hold on because that's gonna sound weird considering my previous reaction
I am going to be very surprised if there are no issues with the fact that there is a live chat on there
And I hope people understand that a 24-hour live stream is going to be impossible to perfectly moderate the chat
So there's gonna be some stuff in there that's gonna be garbage. Sorry. I expect it to be basically all garbage
Yeah, hopefully auto moderator tools are able to do a pretty good job with it. But I expect nothing
I expect it to actually be garbage
That is my personal
line of Sebastian guarantee to you that every message even the one that you are furiously typing right now to
Demonstrate how galaxy your brain is and how amazing the quality of your of your post is going to be is
Garbage everything in that life and everything in that live stream chat is garbage. That is my personal promise there
Rebel against him by saying nice things to people
But yeah, no, I without the live chat
That thing is literally useless. Yeah, you are actively on YouTube
So I do has autoplay features
I don't know how much I am supposed to say or not say about it
But we are trialing a new beta sting
Do you know what I am? I'm not allowed to say I don't
at all
But when I google it nothing comes up I see
Okay, so that's where I'm at right now give me a sec here
Where do you find the 24-hour live stream if you go to the Linus text tech tips channel on YouTube?
And then you click on the live button in the in the top banner thingy. You will see two live streams
You'll see what you're watching right now if you're on YouTube
Well, I mean you're going so yeah
You'll see the wan show that says what happened a big bold text at the bottom
We see these two guys there and then to the right of it
You'll see another live stream that just says LTT TV is the thumbnail
Yeah, LTT TV 24-7 tech tips with a thousand people watching okay, well
They didn't specifically say that it's
Yeah, I didn't find anything saying that either. I just thought it was really weird that when I googled it. I couldn't find it
and there's no like
You know like Google knowledge base documentation for it or anything all the documentation is literally that that you're looking at right now
That's the PDF right you can only sort of see your phone. Yeah, then yeah, that's that's everything I can fuck a screw it
I'm just gonna say what it is then oh boy
We're participating in a in a trial that they're doing where it's it's I'm not gonna
I'm not gonna say what it's called or give a ton of detail, but okay. It's designed for TVs
Yes, so the point of this is for us to do the curation
Rather than for YouTube to do the curation and for us to basically go okay
here's some content that we think represents the best of or like
things that our audience loves about our brand
Encode it all together and then anytime on your TV
You'll just see like LTT TV, and it's just it's more like a channel like a station
Yeah, yeah, and less like an algorithm because it's not algorithmic which
Kind of surprised me yeah me too like what that's that's like the anti
Google thing to do that's weird and so obviously yeah
I was I was really interested in participating in it just to kind of see
You know what does that look like is there is?
Is there is this a potential funnel to bring new people into LTT?
Content is to to expose videos from the back catalog that haven't been picked up algorithmically at least not recently
right like I I
Don't know so we actually it was a ton of work for the team
everyone from the editors to Luke's team to the business team to the writing team like getting every getting all these videos selected and
Originally we were actually going to cut them together with baked in
We recorded the the business team including Dennis recorded like some new
Those are there. I think yeah, yeah, but how do those work?
Do they just randomly play once in a while or are they encoded with video?
No, I think it's each individual video has it slotted into that same video. Okay, so we we had
We had proposed an idea. Oh, okay, where we were gonna have those ads go between the videos
But it was brought up by by James that like the floatplane audience is used to the ads being removed
So sometimes you'll do you're like we're gonna segue to our sponsor thing and then
The video will just keep playing and there's no ad the full plane audience is used to that because they're like paying for the bed
And that's normal and stuff, but average viewers might think that's a little weird and a little jarring
So we want he wanted the ads to be slotted in there so each video on there's actually edited with the ad slotted in oh
Okay, that sounds like it was a lot of work
Yeah, which is why we recommended just putting it in between but if the viewing experience is better or whatever
That's James shout-out editing team for getting that done Dan. You know we've done three topics already, right?
It's just based on the time
Really we were supposed to I'm not supposed to have explained merch messages yet. Are you sure that doesn't seem right?
Haven't we been live for like half an hour?
Time flies when you're having fun. No, we've already done too many topics. We're gonna explain rich messages now
For those of you who are new to the show the way to interact is not via super chats not via twitch bits not
I'm sure there'll be some kind of monetization on threads at some point
It doesn't matter the point is it's March messages
So if you want to send a merch message, which could just be a little thing down there
You know a question for our producer Dan or could be a little shout-out for your friends, or just you know
Lots of people just talk about how much they they love the products that is something I actually kind of okay
I didn't get mad, but I got a little
impatient with the team today our site has
literally like
Tens of thousands of positive reviews for our products. We don't use them in our marketing at all
Not at all not even a little bit and to be clear
I don't blame the team because I know there are some technical challenges that prevent it right now like the
I know this you were saying the system that we use for reviews on the site is like super limited
Oh like we can't even sort them in in any meaningful way or something. I remember you telling me you can sort them
It's it's closed so we can't change it right and you can sort them
But some of the sorting is really weird like you particularly hated this one if you sort by most helpful
Yeah, all it does is sort it by total likes yeah, it doesn't consider the dislikes at all so something could have like
300 likes and
78,000 dislikes and it'll be like this is the most helpful one
Yeah, like which is very very bad that might actually be helpful now that I think about it
But but that that math often doesn't work. Yeah sure
and any any who the point is
What was I gonna say something something right right right?
So some people just like shout it out other times people post questions and Luke
And I will address a limited number of them during when show after dark and the best thing about all of it
Is that unlike those other ways of throwing money at your screen at streamers you get stuff if we don't get to your question
or your comment
Well, hey you get your order in the mail and the quality is great and all that good stuff. It's a sorry
It's not Shopify so the way to send a merch message is by going to lttstore.com
And in the cart you will see a box pop up at for live and it'll so is that gonna always be there
Because of the 24-7 stream
No, oh good. Okay, so you will see a box. Oh, is it even gonna be there right now it is
Conrad actually reworked this for a completely different reason. Oh and it's oh
No, it wouldn't have done it. Anyways, okay
well anyway in the cart you'll see a box where you can type a merch message and then all you have to do is complete checking
out and
You will send your merch message. It was it was based on twitch being live not YouTube
Oh, it wouldn't have done it in the past. But Conrad has we reworked how it works
Anyways, so regardless it's good. It will it's not automatic anymore. You like tell merch messages to be live or not
Okay. All right. I have a couple of updates for you guys on the store first up reminder that our PCM our collection is
Live I'm just gonna show you guys that real here
This laptop the PCM our connection connection collection
So we've got the hoodie
Which I think the team did a just great job of the design for includes our phone pocket because of course it does
There's the one that keeps it from coming out
nice embroidered
Logo, no low quality. Okay, you know just like iron-on logos for us
I mean, okay this one screen printed, but that's on a shirt. Okay. All right
It's different PCM our t-shirt PCM our water bottle
We've got a desk pad simple simple clean branding just PCM are on the top and then it's got the yellow accent for the stitching
Around the outside and then an enamel pin
So you guys can check that out and the other big thing to talk about this week
Is that if you guys are waiting for an update on the stubby screwdriver, we have one for you
All you've got to do is go to LMG
Stubby it will land you on this page and you can be the first to know once it comes in stock
Which is hopefully going to be sometime in the next
Month or so actually we're pretty excited to launch it last but not least
We have a big deal event coming next. Oh my god. Is that coming next week? Good gravy
Okay, we have a big event coming next week
We almost never discount things but we have oh we've decided to take a page out of Amazon's book and
Ride on the coattails of their completely arbitrary shopping holiday Prime Day
So we're gonna have lime day
Which is name into it if you have to I didn't even name it. I didn't even name it
I do believe the chief vision officer would have accepted the name
Well, I just think it's funny, you know if life gives you dead stock make limes
That was honestly what was in my head
Yeah, so we we do have some some slow-moving items that we are going to absolutely
Like like almost like t-shirt cannon firing them into the crowd be doing some deals on
Heads up that on this one
You are likely to get a few emails each day during the three days of the event
That will be the best way to be notified of new deals as they go up, but it will be a bit spammy
So bear that in mind you have to specifically sign up for it by going to LMG GG
Slash lime. Okay. Okay lime
LMG GG snow. No, no, no, no, no. No, we're using a different email for this. I guess so
I certainly hope so. This is this is a lime day
As long as people are manually signing up for that amount of emails. We're probably it's the LTT inventory management experience
Fail runs July 12 to 14th sign up to get first dibs
Even though some of these deals are gonna have hundreds or even like a couple thousand units available
I am expecting them to sell out
Extremely quickly heard some of the have you seen some of them?
No, but I've I've I was informed of one or two of them, but I haven't actually seen them. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yep
And hopefully our email will still work. It's the it's the Linus is closing on the building for the badminton center sale
Now I fully understand
It's like I'm not as liquid as I would like to be right now. I need to be more liquid
Let's make some lime juice
It's pretty good
Merch mess it is there in the cart so when you buy stuff through there sounds good. All right cool
Oh, are you gonna stream lime day?
Stream it you you do a stream for Prime Day, don't you?
I don't even think we're doing a Prime Day stream this time. Oh the community hates it
We almost never find any good deals. Why does the community hate it just because there's no good deals
Just cuz like what's there to not hate about Amazon? Is it like I I?
Legitimately don't shop on Amazon, so I don't is it like the steam sale
We're like the first few were sick and now all them
They're just all the same as they were before I don't even know if the first Prime Day was sick
I mean, it's it's one of those things where from time to time there are good deals
What is it AJ and full-plane chat said if we place multiple orders, can we combine shipping?
shipping I don't think we have a way to die I don't think so either but
Wonder if it's a good idea to talk to the people that do shipping and be like yeah
There's likely a lot of same customer multiple orders over the next couple days
so I'm gonna be honest with you in a way that
I'm sure our new CEO would actually not really appreciate because this is pretty inside baseball
Intention is to combine shipments if we can okay and pocket the difference because we are going extremely
Aggressive on these deals, and you're still getting a good deal, okay?
That may be one of the few ways we actually make
Choked on my own laugh there Wow I mean so there you go, buddy
Places do in the interest of protecting the environment and
Consuming less jet fuel I mean it is
For people the difficult decision to not
Bill you any differently and combine your shipments
You don't have to have a delivery person show up to your house and fake knock on your door
And then leave multiple times now. It's only one now. It's what you only have to go to the post office one time
Don't think it's that bad. I think it's fine
In in other news
Yeah, the goat story. I think do you just don't want to do any merch messages that you just explained the whole thing cleaning
You know your note sucks, Dan. Oh, yeah, I get a better note Dan
Yeah, yeah, if we were to do merch messages. It should say explain merch messages plus do three
I can't work with these people
We normally do two merch messages. We've how long have we been doing this together now a
Thousand years
Hey Dan always feels like the first time
Hi, DLL. Love the show Apple grew into nearby buildings in its early years like LTT and
Eventually built a unified campus. Do you think LTT can get there and what's your dream of LTT under one roof? I?
Think that sounds like a problem for our incoming CEO to deal with I have actually
Explicitly already talked to multiple people internally about our space constraints
Including Taron and said that I do not intend to deal with it. I
I I I don't think it's realistic for us to keep buying buildings
I mean we've talked about that on the WAN show before it's just reached the point now where
We're in BC man, it just like doesn't work
the costs just go up higher than you can save up money at a certain like how real estate works in BC and how
How much space we would need like you could even look at the badminton building and go well Linus
You could have just bought us the badminton build. No I couldn't the badminton building would not be enough to accommodate
LMG in its current state. It's also not like zoned for office space and stuff right? Yeah, yeah like exactly
It wouldn't really work and
Office is even more expensive, so we would have to be getting an office
zoned building it would have to be like
We're already we are already occupying something like
55,000 square feet or something like that. I don't know what that is in like real units, but because I'm Canadian
But but it's a lot. It's a ton and so for us to move everything
Consolidate everything and then also have like a reasonable amount of room to grow we'd be basically looking at
100,000 square foot the campus there is a solution
Just a company town
You're pitching this because you can't again. You can't convince everyone
We're bringing back Linus bucks like if you tried to move the entire company to somewhere a little bit
You know further away from Vancouver
It's gonna be really hard because every single person the company's gonna have to figure out housing at the same time
What if you just provided that solution for them at the same time?
Guaranteed renters internet would be sick
You might as well just provide free IT services because the hilarious the hilarious part of this is there are
Legitimately like in BC in the province where we live towns where you someone like me could
Realistically roll up and actually just be like I'll take it yep
Because not because I actually not because I have like billionaire money, but because they are actually worthless
Yeah, the best part of the joke is how realistic it is yeah, that's not happening. That's not happen
No one would want to live there Luke
It's big for yourself
You two are not Luke, and I living in the world
The opportunity to own a significant amount of land for this many people in BC would probably be cool
My favorite part about this is I know it actually annoys
Jaden in full plane chat we live in Vancouver obviously we would see
Hey, okay, but I get to be the cult leader, and I have like sex slaves right this is fine
That's probably already happening
Yvonne might take issue with that maybe yeah
No, I mean not if they're male. I don't think she'd care about that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, well I get to we know
We do oh my god
A slave
You get paid
Anywho got one more for you here, I guess unless you'd like to move on
Hey llnd
Linus why why do most people prefer in videos dlss limited to video cards over the more accessible?
Fsr which is universal and open source like X ESS despite not working equally on
Competitor products because it's better and people like things that are better. Yeah
the open source community
loves to be like
Okay, we've got a
Comparison matrix okay feature one check check feature two check check feature three check check feature four
Is it open source check not check not check bad?
It's really not that black and white guys that has some legitimacy to it can be great
especially if you happen to have a development team that can
Massage that open source thing into something that works really great for you, or if it's a security project, so you want the transparency yeah absolutely
Fsr is it not as good as dlss at least not at this time, and there's a there's a there's a
subset of people out there that
Will pay more for an experience that in some cases is just one that they perceive to be better
Doesn't even necessarily matter if it's if it's actually better people people
People don't mind paying extra for something that they feel is is is better and in this case
They're they're right it is it is better
So that's why that's that's the answer and I would love for Fsr to take off to the point where it
Really is you know a?
legitimately feature
Equivalent solution
But as far as I can tell didn't it didn't AMD have an Fsr update or something that was supposed to add
Like AI or frame generation or something like it wasn't Fsr supposed to get an update
Like in q2 that it is not q2 anymore and AMD Fsr q2 update or something hold on
And then they just like went quiet on it
Guys, let me know let me know
Ryuk says yet again AMD FUD and pro Nvidia statements getting tiring no actually you're getting tiring
We literally didn't say anything about we literally only said things that are just objectively true. I'm so sorry you're upset
Consistent thing there's there's positives and negatives and there's personality types in all communities I
Love a very large amount of the open source community, but that's another problem, or if you don't like it. It's just like oh
You are now automatically evil. It's like oh hold on
Someone in chat said yeah, I can't find it
It's not an Fsr though the town would obviously be called LMG also known as Linus municipal government I
Mean we wouldn't call the town that but the government that could be on my business card yeah
Municipal government sure yeah
Omnipotent god power at Linus municipal government I
Think we still have to follow federal and provincial laws
Darn that attitude. We just gotta move further out
But my understanding is the way the cult towns get around that is all the local law enforcement
Just doesn't talk to outsiders. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's that's apparently the move
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, no one in chat has told me what that what that thing was that we're supposed to get like an update on some feature
Come on guys. Yeah forget it. I give up
All right, Dan. Oh you want us to do two more topics that we have a ton of topics today
So I guess that's good Luke you want to pick one. I don't do the goat one. Yeah, let's do the goat one
All right CEO of a parent or a little while you do this
Game sues goat goat moth a youtuber that we have featured on wan show in the past as he exposed
The wiggle also known as cheating in Tarkov
Goat a youtuber. Yep. Okay, cool. The opening line is exactly what I just said that makes a lot of sense. Good job
He is being sued for a more recent video about
Terrasynth a game developer that goat claims has used shady behavior to promote its realistic flight and war
simulator track while scan
Just a quick summary of the video
Terrasynth Terrasynth's teaser trailer released on D day
Received backlash last year due to the fact that the gameplay while clearly fake
Or sorry the gameplay is clearly fake according to a source who left the project
The gameplay footage is actually just static models of planes on
Tracks that just go around these invisible tracks
Yeah, not not not great. The teaser likewise uses footage taken without permission. This is
This is honestly the part that kind of bothered me a lot
The teaser likewise uses footage taken without permission of actual soldiers in Afghanistan
Many of whom died two days after the recording was taken and that was used in the trailer
Most of
Assets used in terrorists allegedly most of the assets used in Terrasynth's game roadmap and trailers were
stolen or purchased assets that the company tried to pass off as their own including if I remember correctly a
Picture of a radar screen just taken from like Creative Commons off like Wikipedia or something. They were like this will be asset for game
but again allegedly allegedly allegedly
CEO Ali Mavan, I hope I'm saying that right has no prior experience of game development and is
Allegedly CEO Ali Mavan has no prior experience with game development and is alleged to have exaggerated
Significant portions of his resume and have seriously misrepresented the game to potential early adopters whom he was asking for money
Allegedly Terrasynth has continued to release trailers including for a supposed AI traffic controller
Mavan has like what allegedly likewise claims to be bidding for contracts from the US military for what I do not know
Allegedly much of this evidence is publicly available
But goat likewise interviewed insiders to the project Mavan is now suing goat and his insider
Contractors for defamation defamation and violating an NDA contract in the state of Ohio
Neither Mavan nor goat allegedly live in Ohio and Mavan doesn't allegedly own or operate any business there
Ohio lacks anti-slap laws
Think it defines this afterwards which punished for yeah
Which punished frivolous lawsuits intended to silence speech that filter that the filer?
Sorry disagrees with goat denies having any NDA with Terrasynth at this time
Oh, no, this one's actually yeah
No, I'm still gonna say allegedly
Allegedly Mavan appears to have sent at least three DMCA requests to a reddit user who posted screenshots of Terrasynth
Discord in an apparent attempt to get the user's name and personal information
Mavan has likewise attempted to do a copyright takedown of goats video, which YouTube just categorically denied
They didn't even involve goat. They were just like
Nope that is not legit
So yeah, that's going down. Maybe throw goat some support check out the video
And we'll have to see how this goes moving forward. This is far from the first time
We've seen a a youtuber doing some form of investigative journalism get
Attacked and sued by the company that they were doing the investigative journalism on
Slap stands for strategic lawsuits against public participation. So it's using lawsuits to crush people from
But yeah, it's currently at 205,000 views. I watched it
It was quite interesting pretty much the whole way through and I suggest you check it out and throw go some love
That's about it
Next topic you shouldn't defraud
Yeah, that's my contribution here
Yeah, it's um
We've seen it a bunch unless the one to whom you are performing the defrauding against is in fact a fraudster themselves
Okay, oh, he's practicing. I like this
I think I think on legal levels that still I know but then you just sit in that like are you okay with it range?
Yeah, cool. Sounds good
And I helped yeah, what's your nice? Maybe that'll be legal in in Linus town
It could be
Yeah, like if you fraud me I fraud you right back. I for an eye to fit. It's just everything's okay
The end of Giffy cat
Gif hosting service Giffy cat which has around
220 million like to interject for a moment what you're referring to as
Gif is actually Jif or as I like to refer to it Jif plus
We call it Jiffy cat just to like butcher it as much as possible
Snap parent I wonder yeah, I wonder what the official like pronunciation of Jiffy cat is
Jiffy cat sounds very like 1940s
Snap the parent company of both
Jiffy cat and snapchat has no apparent plan to archive any of the material leaving it to users to download whatever content
They wish to preserve no laughs
Jiffy cat which I'm going to call it from now on has been running poorly for months with users
experiencing failed uploads extensive downtime and
Complete silence from the service team on May 18th the site's TLS certificate lapsed and it was only renewed four days
Later Wow Jiffy cat Giffy Jiffy cat
I forgot how I was saying it was among the first web services to allow video encoding to gifs gifs
Whatever and it is one of the few free services
I wonder why that supports high-definition short clips and animation discussion question
What madness convinces a company to offer high quality video encoding?
What can we possibly do without that kind of madness
yeah, so
Bummer I
Darn, yeah, I mean no
Totally suck, you know whether we're talking about what are some of the actually did Imgur photo bucket. Yeah, just image hosting sites
Free to use. Yeah, we just we just took them for granted for so long and them being free
Never made any sense. Oh ever. Nope
What what possible means could they have to recoup their revenue it
Snap starting to charge people snap still exists like two people use snapchat
I'm sure someone does hold on. I think I have their stock ticker in my just like I'm
Curious how tech stocks are doing list
Good gravy
monthly active users from a high of a share price of almost
$90 back sometime in like late 2021. They are down to about 10 bucks
And they've been flatlined for basically a year
Yeah, yeah
When you google snapchat monthly active users
At least my autofill only autofills for 2022 and 2021
Yeah, I was searching for monthly active users in this current year. People are like, you know, people are still horny
So snap exists, but can't you can't you do that with like whatsapp now send?
Ephemeral pictures here. I'll turn rural pictures are also stupid. I mean
Okay, well let's talk about that, okay
Okay, you something shows up on a screen no, oh I see what you mean yeah, well, yes
You're like it's not actually ephemeral like what's the point?
I've never never understood. Okay, that's fair because I have literally talked
I actually think it's almost a negative if anything because it gives you this false confidence
If you're not very technical, it gives you this false confidence that it's gonna go away
Especially when they add that feature that's like oh they took a screenshot because that's the only way to capture a screen, right?
So now you're like I will know if they did it. It's like well, that's not true
Like it's just not true. Yeah sense of security. It's a stupid feature
That's it, I don't know I I just I am very much not a fan I've always thought it was dumb
Yeah, that's it
Alright fine
See you later. Jiffy cat. Bye. It does actually suck. I actually did like using it. I like sending gifts
This is one that we're probably gonna have a bit of a longer conversation about a new French law
allows police to spy using consumer devices
That's right. This is this is actually happening
This is not in like Iran or something like this is in this is in Europe
Okay, French lawmakers have agreed to a bill that allows police to spy on suspects
Remember the word suspects is important here. They are suspected of something. They have not actually
They're they're not they're not guilty yet
Allows police to spy on suspects through
Remotely activating the camera microphone and a GPS of their phones and other devices including laptops cars and phones
Holy shit
But it's okay
They say because this only applies to offenses punishable by at least five years in jail
Use of the provision must be approved by a judge and the surveillance cannot exceed
Six months
The provision cannot be used against sensitive professions such as how convenient is this
doctors journalists lawyers judges and members of Parliament oh
Well that covers all the bases then we're definitely not worried about like
billions of dollars worth of IP being able to be accessed by
Anyone that does this?
The French Justice Minister has said that it would affect at most
Dozens of cases a year the new law has been widely criticized as authoritarian because it is yeah, holy
crap yeah
So if you are suspected of a crime that would be punishable by five years in prison
But you happen to be a member of Parliament or a lawyer
They can't surveil you so many China said so a warrant so it's a warrant
I don't think that's the same because you have to be served with a warrant don't you?
No, I have no idea. No you never never been warrant searched
But the fact that they can execute this remotely and like
Okay, you won't know the bigger issue is what happens to this data who has access to it right? It's gonna leak at some point
Yeah, of course everything leaks at some point. Of course it will or I mean never mind leak like
What is to prevent someone from using these mechanisms? Oh, yeah, if they exist a couple weeks ago
We talked about how Amazon shut down that guy's
Like devices because of an alleged incident with a delivery driver or something like that, and I'm sitting here going
the fact that an Amazon employee can even do that is
Is mind-blowing it shouldn't even be possible and here we're sitting here going
yeah, we're just gonna remotely activate your camera microphone GPS of
We're we're actually headed into a dystopian future sir. Yeah, you mentioned the car the car
Smart cars have always been a little weird for that. I don't know like
There's something to be said about having a car. That is just a car
You know
Dark24 asks, how is this any different than me surveilling all of the employees in Linus town?
Well, the difference is that they're all gonna know that I'm sitting around with my pants off
Yeah enjoying, you know the voyeurism of watching their daily lives. Mm-hmm. These people don't know. Yeah
Consenting adults exactly. Yeah
Like just in case someone didn't get it that was a joke
We are joking about something that was previously brought up on way and show which was talking about Linus town
None of that was serious just before we get some message from someone who super did not get it
It actually doesn't understand that I do not think that that's okay. Mm-hmm
We don't have any net nanny on people's work computers or like, you know, we do screen monitoring or anything like that
We are implementing
Stuff that will show like like remote management tools and
You like shouldn't do personal stuff on your work computer and things like that
So there's that oh, what are we monitoring for actually don't know about any of this so I guess I'm getting my briefing it's mostly
Management so like we can make sure that people are getting certain updates to browsers updates to Windows things like that if a security
Breach is detected we can remote air
I hate this term so much but we can remote I've ranted to it before that's why he left we can remote air gap
Computers, which is not air gapping them literally at all. I hate that term, but whatever
Hey, we can also request remote into people's computers using this
Think there will be a certain tier where we can
Remote in without requesting but if I remember correctly the goal for that is computers that are not individuals machines
Okay, where it's like, oh, this is like the stream deck PC or the sorry the stream cart PC or something
like that type of stuff if it's an individual's workstation, it won't be a
Non request whatever blah blah blah blah blah. There's there's a bunch of we went through it with a font
Okay. All right. Yeah, that all sounds fine. Um question you guys using ninja. Yes
There you go question for you, um, would you have any interest in a network switch that can be remotely?
Configured to
Completely like physically disconnect a port
Okay, cuz they they reached out they like wanted to work together or something like that. Oh, so like is that
What kind of machines would that be useful for because I don't think we'd be able to use them for everything because they're not 10
Gig or whatever like they wouldn't be for performance applications
But that that's their whole shtick is that you actually physically disable the port
But then the question I had was if you can remotely disable the port
Can you remotely enable you remotely re-enable it and then and then is it really air-gapped?
I mean, it's probably better than if you can remotely enable it. I just it's just irrelevant in my opinion
Okay, so you but then if you can't then it's then you it's irrelevant because you might as well just go back there and unplug it
Like if you have to have physical access to it, well, no, not really no, I'll send it to you
Yeah, it could be interesting. Yeah, I'll send it to you
People are probably people are probably curious. I'm just gonna if I don't find it immediately searching for air gap. Oh, here it is
OSI layer one network kill switch slash air gap system
We're a small cyber hardware startup based in the UK
Blah blah blah blah blah blah
So it's the literal equivalent of having someone at your rack physically pulling or unplugging your LAN cable
So how how so how does it mean they have remote triggers in development such as?
Laura when and Zigbee so it would be separate from your LAN
That's actually more interesting if someone if someone had
was on like if someone had managed to get into your Zigbee controller and
Coordinated a cyber attack on a computer that they wanted to make sure you can't have a lot going on
Yeah, it's it's it's another factor. You know nothing is bulletproof, but what you can do is you can add factors
So it's another security factor
Yeah, so that's that's kind of that's kind of cool
Anyway, it looks like that. It's a network switch all right
That's a network switch. Yep can confirm
So yeah, okay, but sorry how does it do it?
Because that that that just sounded like
Fake air gapping again. I I didn't read it. I haven't looked at it. I don't know I'll forward it to you, okay
We'll figure it out I
Just don't think things should be called air gap if there is no gap of air
Technically there's probably a very small gap of air oh my goodness
Technically we're just a long tube I
Really thought we were gonna talk about that French law a lot more than we ended up doing
But I guess there's a lot to say it's just kind of other than very bad reprehensible
It's you you can never imagine when you make something like this that the tools are not gonna end up in the hands of someone
That you don't want them to be and anytime. There's a back door that means there is a possible door for someone else to find
And anytime you make a lot like this
You should assume that someone will use it on you someday, and then you should not do that yep
Like I'm not I'm not I'm not pro you know
I'm not pro people not I'm not pro people getting away with breaking the law
You know like I'm sure narrow do wells had similar objections to street lamps
When they implemented them and they like 1800s or you know whenever whenever street lamps showed up
Apparently the the reduction in just sort of general
Street crime was like enormous just from lights
let me see if I can let me see if I can find the
Oh wait hold on a little rigorous evidence exists to support this contention
Hold on man now right now. I can't find it
In the UK an average of 38 fewer crimes were observed in areas with improved street lighting based on five studies
Man I was reading a thing a long time ago, so I'm not gonna be able to find it again
I don't think but it was something to do with like when street lighting was first implemented
It had like an enormous impact or something like that, but apparently I just am completely off based on all of this so there you go
Street lamps basically the same thing as pointing cameras at everyone in their own house. No that no it's not the same thing
I'm just saying like
We're on I feel like we're on this slippery slope right now where?
We're just kind of like yeah, what's another camera? What's another microphone and at a certain point? It's like no actually it
That that's actually bad
Yeah, like there's a there's an old picture of Zuckerberg sitting at his laptop and his cameras taped over
And you'd think like this this person should have substantial security
Right so it shouldn't be a problem
So why does he care maybe because it like is a problem anyways you are never fully secured out right and like the fact that?
These things have cameras on both ends of them. I never use the selfie cam
Literally ever I
Don't know if the selfie cam on this phone has actually like ever been used. I just flip it around
And take the picture that way so like cuz it's a better camera. No scope. Yeah like whatever. I don't know
I don't care. I'm not taking pictures of myself that often so like I've thought about just covering it up before
but then I'm like well
There's still the camera on the other side and microphones and everything else and all the other cameras and all the other
Everything's it's like. I don't know
Never a video call not off my phone. No no never I
Don't generally like being on my phone I
Especially don't really like video calls. Yeah, actually kind of I kind of hate them like if I want to pick my nose or something then
Yeah, speaking of which I saw some speculation that I'm a coke head because I like oh
No, I just have a lot of nose hair
Yeah, and it grows into the it grows from the one side and then kind of like tickles the other side
It's like I just scratch it all the time. Yeah
That's that's the the less interesting, but far more based in reality explanation for that by the way. We're aging
That's pretty awesome oh
Time to talk sponsors someone in chat why take a picture of yourself, and you can take a picture of the burrito exactly
Guarantee you there's more pictures of like food in my phone than pictures of myself
Food pictures yeah sometimes
What do I take pictures of?
Here why don't we play categorize the picture oh god we can't look at the pictures on my phone though
But I'll tell you what they are God
I don't even
Okay my family
My family again float plane
My kids petting a goat merch messages my cat weights
Me and Yvonne in the badminton building
a picture that I needed to figure out some networking stuff at my
Partner's parents place Yvonne in bed, but it's safe for work
A bottle of mayonnaise that I wanted to see if my parents were cool with because I needed to bring mayonnaise over to their place
And it was like weird because it was Japanese or something picture of a kid at a dance recital
a book that I want to buy for someone for Christmas a
Shot of the green screen upstairs. I don't know why I needed that
My my notes because I take paper notes when I'm working out because I'm weird and old
But I wanted to send a picture of it to someone so my notes the scoreboard after I absolutely
Annihilated Yvonne at bubble hockey
14 to 1 yeah, it's no wonder she doesn't want to play games with me
My bird a paint deficiency to send to the painters
We're pretty boring yeah, actually that's why you were aging oh
Okay, this was with the other camera though, but my mustache
So there is actually a selfie
But I only took the selfie because I thought it was I looked stupid not because I was trying to look good
And you didn't even bother to wipe your lens that looked awful. Yeah, cuz I didn't care
Man why does takes pictures loot just screenshots life that is honestly that is mostly what?
the cameras for
Is effectively that?
You don't have to say that stuff to your camera roll though
If you take well, okay, I don't know I primarily use whatsapp for personal communication
So if you just use the camera icon in the app oh no it doesn't go to your gallery
It just sends it to the person and then you never see it again
I think I have every single messaging app a person could possibly have because
Everyone wants to use something different
So I don't necessarily know which person I'm sending it to and I know the that version of that camera thing at least the last
Time I used it which has been a while, so maybe it's better, but the one in discord
Which is my most commonly used messaging app is trash. It doesn't show you the whole camera so when you take the picture
There's extra stuff that it sends when you send the picture that you weren't able to see when you were taking the picture
Which is like the worst thing ever?
If you want bird pictures, I don't I don't I don't know how to do. I can't do this well
My yeah, I don't know what you're talking about. I just sent you a picture
I mean, I told you it's been a long time. It might be different now. Yeah, it doesn't go to your camera roll
Mmm. It does save it locally though, so it probably just saves it in another folder, and then I don't bother backing up those folders
I only back up my like gallery folder like my cam called
I call it camera roll because fun fact my first
Smartphone that wasn't a blackberry was an iPhone, so I have some like old iPhone user habits
Hmm all right well there you go
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What do you think?
Anti telemarketing bot gets upgraded with AI because this kind of sounds awesome
Anti telemarketer service jolly Roger has upgraded its oh wait. We're supposed to do three chat merch messages. Okay, Dan
Sorry, you hit me you could nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. You're allowed to be in charge
If you want to go with your own flow that I don't want to be anymore
That's why I hire people to be my boss. Okay, then pay attention
Hey deal D first Mertz message to the Dan show I was just wondering how with
How you built a start-up from the ground up? How did you avoid burning out during your growing period?
When you had that dragon energy? Oh
What a good question how I never started on you can't stop. I mean I got a little lucky
I had a great team. I worked really hard and as for how I kept the energy
Well I was always in debt
So if I didn't keep going hard
Then I would never pay off my debt
And I would have to be bankrupt and lose my house and my family would be on the street
So if that's not a strong enough motivation. I don't know what is that's
That's how to do it
Which also you know there were other ideas in a potentially negative way you've kind of used that against yourself before
Like I'm not feeling energized
Let's like get myself in some more debt
Yeah, I don't know how great that yeah a ton of stress. I'm probably gonna die much younger than I would have otherwise
Yeah, all right. We're kind of like competing on which one of us is gonna expire first
Yeah, like I'm older than him, but like I'm pretty sure he's actually gonna beat me yep
He's bigger than me that that's that is that's actually a thing. Yeah. Yeah, tall people are all like yeah
I'm tall you know what's up, and I'm all like yeah, I'm short and how many like tall 95 year olds do know
Boom got him
Roasted I
Do know how do you think matter will change the home automation environment will we actually get better?
compatibility and interoperability between devices and systems
I hope so, but honestly it's it's the whole
XKCD standards proliferate comic strip all over again right theoretically matter has enough momentum behind it that it's going to basically
Allow for consolidation so everything will just kind of be interoperable in practice
You know even some of the more open and interoperable standards in the past have struggled with either
You know compliance from the the companies that are building hardware for them, or they've you know struggled with a?
Lackluster ecosystem because of all the certification involved like there's always challenges. There's no perfect solution. I hope matter wins
Give up though like at this point. I accept that there's going to be a ton of disparate
Ecosystems, and I'm going to have to rely on home assistant or similar to just
Try to tie them all together somehow
Okay, and last one hello. Hello for tech news that is only somewhat gaming related
How will you decide between game linked and tech linked most news is pretty obvious?
But I feel like some stories could go either way I
Don't know I would assume that game linked would be pure gaming and
Tech linked would be where something that's kind of on the edge would fall. I think it's gonna get really interesting you know
when maybe we have other
Verticals that we also cover that tech link kind of touches on once in a while
And we break those out into their own thing and then all of a sudden
There's like nothing left for tech linked anymore. It's I I mean it's happened to a degree to LTT
Do you know how much harder it is to come up with an idea for an LTT?
Now they're tech quickie and short circuit and tech linked exist
Yeah, like you people even complain when we do something. That's too similar to what should be on those other channels
This just felt like a short circuits like well. It would have been an LTT like six months ago. Yeah, yeah, sorry
Yeah, I don't know I I think there's also a way that you can approach the topic
Like that I feel like there could be a tech linked approach
To a certain topic that goes into both categories and a game linked approach to that topic
Like the gamers view on it versus the techies view on it
I mean that was kind of the idea with a channel like Mac addresses that there would be kind of the PC guy
Perspective of an LTT and there'd be like the Mac
Perspective, but I feel like people will often see us upload a video
Covering the same topic on two channels and go like why'd you guys do this and the reality of it is it's like a different
editorial team that's less of an issue with linked because it'll be part of a video that has like
10-15 other things in it
I don't know. I don't think it's gonna be that big of a problem. I think the writers over at linked will
Take care of it
Like it'll be fine
Go team. All right, one more Dan
Hi Linus and co your philosophy on only making things you feel can improve on is inspiring
Is there any product that you can identify that needs improvement that you wouldn't want to tackle?
Gaming games
Actually had a game developer reach out to me today sort of
Asking if we want to partner to make a game. It's very hard and you know, I'm basically sitting here going like
You know, here's here's
Pretty much the thought process that I went through because you go back to when show
Five years ago or something like that five six years ago Luke and I would talk sometimes about you know ideas for games
Or you know the the desire to make a game or something like that
Like I feel like I feel like anyone who plays games probably thinks it at some point like man
How cool would it be if it was like this but not quite like that?
Oh, man
I should just I should it'd be so cool to do my own game and I do it exactly the way that I think it
Should be done
But the reality of it is that the genres of games that I'm most interested in are just not
Profitable like I you know, I looked at something like youtuber simulator right that PewDiePie partnership with some like gacha game company
I don't I don't know who made it. Yeah, maybe they're super reputable. I don't know. The point is it was a micro transaction game
And I look at something like that and I go, okay
So the one side of me like the business side of me looks at that and goes wow
That was a lot of money. That would have been pretty okay
right, and then there's the like the more creative side of me that looks at
It looks at a game like crosscode
I think is a perfect example of the game that I would make if I was smart enough and
Talented enough and had the vision to make like it's so good
But I I can't imagine that it made them the same kind of money as youtuber simulator and I'm sitting here going
Where's the middle ground here? I actually I actually don't I don't know like theoretically episodic gaming was supposed to be it
That it was ongoing revenue so that you can not just you know push and
Release and then lay off everybody and just have this toxic cycle, right?
Like it was supposed to make things sustainable, but in the longer term it ended up being microtransactions cosmetics
And then you know ultimately
Performance advantages in in many games because that's the way to best motivate people to just keep putting money into the machine, right?
So with all
That in mind right like obviously I recognize issues with the gaming industry, but I want no part of it
Yeah, and a lot of those issues are
Not to be that guy, but a lot of those issues are because of the community's behavior
Like if people didn't buy excessively microtransactions to insane amounts giving companies
Millions and millions and millions and millions of more dollars than they would have otherwise gotten they would not make games entirely based around microtransactions
Like it works because the community embraces it and people are gonna be like oh, I don't embrace it's like yeah good
but other people do
And it only takes a small number
that's the thing that was really surprising to me when I found out what percentage of the revenue of the mobile gaming industry comes from the
The whales and how few there are like the fact that that you'll have artists sitting
designing specific items
For a whale who you know is going to buy it like according to their tastes Luke blew my mind when he told me this
Like like some $500 cosmetic item that they don't they don't tell that person. They don't like write them a letter
But they know that they're not going to be able to resist you know that one and they will someone will sit and
Or like they they really like large
Gratuitous swords that are shaped in a particular way and look really aggressive. They buy just all of them
It's like okay. We'll just make it one of those guaranteed sale
Yeah, my my something that's been kind of worrying me
Is the loss of I know I always find ways to tie it back but whatever is the loss of Bethesda style games
Because there are very few other companies that have really tried to make the really actually same type of thing
There's games that get kind of similar
But there's kind of a Bethesda ID this this game where it's completely open
You can just never do the main quest ever if you don't want it's it's more about constructing this interesting universe
You can do whatever you want in it
I think their biggest departure from this was follow up for that has me a little bit concerned about starfield
But I'm sure it'll still be a good game. Whatever doesn't matter
But yeah, I'm a little worried about that. How did you never get into breath of the wild that still blows me away
Yeah, that's like the whole thing is you just get dumped into this world and you just go exploring
I should probably just emulate it because I really didn't enjoy playing it on a switch. Yeah, it was mostly though
Like it's really easy now
Like stupid easy like I could just set it up for you. No, I'll do myself. But like, okay. Yeah, maybe I'll do this
I haven't had a ton of gaming time
I mean unless you're planning to actually dump your own ROMs and your own firmware off of your switch. I
Could help you set it up. I will do that
I have pictures of birds people were asking for pictures of birds. Here are my birds. There's one of my birds
His name is Wally
Cute boy, here is other bird. His name is scoopy or just scoop also cute boy
There you go, no pirating done here just birds
No privateering I might as well have it on your shoulder Luke it's a parrot
Is specifically why I chose that timing I have been waiting to waiting to do it
But I did want to do it right then because of that
But yeah, those are those my birds scooping Wally
Okay, should we talk about how emojis can be legally binding? Yeah, this is pretty funny. No
No, I wanted to talk about the anti telemarketing bot. Ah, yes. Okay. Okay
Jolly Roger has updated its bots with chat GPT and AI voice generation
The service is designed to waste telemarketers time through meandering conversations with a variety of bot personas
Including an overwhelmed mother a rambling drunk and an elderly man who just woke up from a nap
When a human telemarketer connects the bot spends a few minutes giving generic pre-programmed responses
Like rambling about needing coffee
asking the caller to repeat their name telling them they sound like a former classmate and
Interjecting with the occasional. Mm-hmm and aha in the background
Chat GPT assesses the telemarketers spiel then outputs relevant responses in the bots chosen persona
This is apparently particularly effective given that the primary tactic of telemarketers is to keep their target on the phone as long as possible
Malicious scammers prefer to prey on people who don't seem totally mentally with it
Especially seniors making this a pretty effective counter. Now what I want to know is
How do you actually implement this on your phone? I want everyone who calls me to talk to Jolly Roger
Get started for mobile and landlines. Okay, what am I even looking at here?
Thank you for signing up. If you want to know how to set up a mobile phone. Hello, Jolly Roger telephone
Okay, download the captain's log app. It's fun free and makes it really easy to set up your phone to forward unanswered calls to us
for screening
So it doesn't happen locally
Apparently not. Hmm. Hmm. I mean
So you upload your phone contacts into an allow list you can have a personal greeting
Who are you people I would have liked it more if you chose to send the phone call to it
Then I don't care if it's happening
Yeah remotely or whatever
Robots available in US UK Australia and New Zealand service available to Canadians but requires long-distance calling to the US
Okay, I think I'm I think I'm out for now
but overall
Sounds pretty funny. I just don't know if I'm gonna use it. Yeah, okay
emojis can be legally binding a Canadian court has ruled that an emoji can be considered by a binding signature to a legal contract in
March of 2021 at Kent-Mickleboro a Canadian grain buyer sent out a text mess
Sent out text messages to several farmers in the vicinity talking about how he was looking to buy
86 tons of flax at a price of
$17 Canadian per bushel
Chris already Chris actor a Canadian farmer responded to the text and both got into correspondence on the phone
mickleboro then
Proceeded to send a picture of the contract to actor asking him to confirm the contract actor responded with a thumbs up
Emoji, but did not otherwise follow up by November the time when the contract was supposed to be fulfilled flax had risen to
$41 a bushel yikes over twice the amount
mickleboro then sued actor for failing to provide the requested flax arguing that the emoji was an agreement to the terms of the contract
actor argued in turn that he was merely confirming that he had received the contract not that he agreed to it and that he
Assumed that another contract would be sent more formally through fax or email now according to not a terrible argument
I think that's actually a pretty good argument now according to the court's filing. He will be really quiet really
Yeah, no, this is this is this is done
That's garbage this is confirmed according to the court's ruling he will be required to pay
82,000 Canadian dollars so about four bucks American plus interest for failing to deliver the flax
Discussion question should something as ambiguous as an emoji really be considered a legally binding statement
I mean if he put the emoji in the signature section of the contract like maybe but then that's not what happened
Contracts are binding here. So that's something
More documented than just a verbal agreement, you know about how we like don't actually really have any rights, right?
Have I talked to you about that before? Yeah. Yeah, Canada's Canada's sick
Yeah, that's really stupid because the way that actor I hope I'm saying that name right I'm pretty sure about Mickleboro
But actor I'm not certain
The way that they they they said that they did this or they said they confirmed they received the contract
That's a very normal way to do things
See a message give it a thumbs up is like I have seen this whatever
It's a little bit of a stretch I think
The judge said it appears the deal was at least verbally struck according to the documents
Wow is it is it the emoji that won this court case then or no the judge wrote
I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities that Chris okayed or approved the contract just like he had done before
Except this time he used a thumbs up emoji in my opinion when considering all of the circumstances
That meant approval of the flax contract and not simply that he had received the contract and was going to think about it in my
view a reasonable bystander knowing all the background would come into this and
Come to the same objective understanding that the parties had reached in a consensus
I don't agree like they had done on numerous other occasions though
Interesting one yes, so this is not some rando contract from some rando
You've never dealt with before this is how they've done it in the past. This is hey
Have we got a price if the only item was price, and you're basically like here's the contract with the price
We discussed and someone's like yep
Depends on the wording a bit a bit
It also depends on precedent like if they have done a if they're if a contract has been sent in the past
Yeah, and he thumbsed it up, and then they followed through and that contract was fulfilled, then I would be absolutely yes
It completely is that yeah, but I have absolutely
Thumbs things up as like I have received this
You know like I I was hoping to get like screenshots of
Exactly the texts were but none of the source articles here appear to have it. Yeah, I'm assuming it's
tied up in court or something
Yeah, I I what I what I hope is that if we saw the actual exchange of text messages
It would become very obvious that they were agreeing to the contract, but otherwise that's
That's pretty freaky man. Yeah like if you well we have we have issues here
We're like someone will digitally sign something in like a font that doesn't really look like a signature
And we'll be like ah it should probably look more like it was properly signed, and then this dude this dude send it emojis
What is that an issue? We have it's it has been before okay?
Signatures are the stupor just so dumb the stupidest. They are so validation of anything absolutely
if it's a witness witnessed by a notary or whatever like that's at least something, but just
Man if you ever had have you ever had a cashier like not accept your credit card because this
Signed I pretty much guarantee mine isn't right now like don't don't pull it out on the stream
But it doesn't matter yeah, but I don't think I've ever signed a
Okay, have you ever had them ask you to sign it before I know people that have had that before yeah
What what is that proof? I used to be a stickler
When I first when I had my first retail job ever I would check ID for every single credit card
Because that's I was I was told to do that so I was like okay. Yeah, and I just did it
I checked ID every single time and I would legitimately like actually try to pair it that was NCIX policy
Yeah, some people would get really mad. They'd be like I don't want to show you my idea
I'd like then I don't want to take your credit card. I don't yeah, I would do the same thing yeah, and then I
I don't know if I've ever been ID'd for using my credit card for any value amount. Yeah, but it's pins now
Yeah, you're a young boy. I got ID'd
Okay, I was older than you so it was it was I was like no
No, I was IDing people when they were putting in pins and stuff. Oh, yeah, you don't have to do that
They told me I did at the time
Where was this this was Best Buy?
I don't know. Yeah, that's stupid. I want pins are not very secure
Yeah, there are a lot more secure than like no this is like definitely it has a signature on the back for sure yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, no we know I absolutely I absolutely had to yeah
Like Conrad and Chad just mentioned that he taps things up to
$400 that's wild tap doesn't take a pin Kumo star says all my credit cards say see ID
That's something I used to see a lot back in the day
people would write that in the signature thing because they
Understand that signatures mean absolutely nothing and if someone steals their card they want them to then again if I stole someone's credit card
And it said see ID on the back. I'm sure I could come up with a creative way to
Use some isopropyl alcohol to remove it just sign over top of it with some kind of chicken scratch signature or whatever like I really
Why are we still using pieces of plastic to move our money around I don't understand all the tap limits
I'm seeing I don't know how a Conrad has one for for
400 bucks someone else in chat says they have one for 600 though, so this is apparently a thing mine's 200
I googled it
They're all saying 250, but there's multiple people in chat saying that they have one for more than that so what you can this person
Tapped to pay with my phone at a micro Center for 600 bucks
So you don't need ID for $600 transaction, that's wild that's a lot of money like we're going all the way back
The pins are like useless now
Yeah, like how many times are you gonna process a transaction for more than your tap limit?
I like never have it happen. You know I I would I would say that it would
Okay, I I would
Far be it for me to just far be it for me to just come up with you know a security best practice
Live on the WAN show, but I'd say it's probably not unreasonable to just disable the taps on your cards
Just gouge the chips out
and then if you want to tap then you should ingest your card into your phone and use your phone for tap payments and
Then you can still you'll still be able to use my phone
Do you have to you have to unlock your phone to tap pay? Yeah, you have to you have to unlock your phone
So then at least you're at least you're adding some
Amount of validation to any kind of contactless payment, and you can still use your card with a pin
Like you can still insert it. It says it's a separate. It's a separate chip. It's a it's it's not the RFID chip
Apparently there's no tap limit in the US
It can't be no tap limit someone to chance that I tapped without ID for a $1,200 chair
That's stupid
I've tapped a different person. I've tapped $1,200 in a foreign country a different person. I tap to pay
$1,700 at a Micro Center
That's actually completely bananas
This is this is like going back to checkbooks
Except people can just write checks, and they don't even need to sign the checks
They just they just hand checks to people and they just
Use your money. That's wild
Elon tapped to buy Twitter
Okay Elon taps for other reasons
Help make sure we don't run out of people
It's a major concern Luke
I regularly charge people
$3,500 and they can tap no problem. I tap to pay like
$2,500 for my PC build components last year. Oh, it was on my iPhone. That's a little different. Yeah, that's different. That's validated
That's not a time. Yeah, you're you're signing into your phone. That is definitely different
Yeah, no when we when we're talking tap we're talking when you have just just the card just the credit card or the bank card
And you just you just touch it on something
WhiskyNerd88 in Full Plane Chat said I work for Capital One Bank, and yes you can tap for up to five thousand dollars for your card
That's stupid
You can tap for what my my gut is gonna. Tell me has got to be more than most people's credit limits I
Have no idea what the average credit limit is. Not a clue, but I can't imagine it's
More than five thousand. You know I had a really funny conversation with with Plouffe we were
Discussing just like you know credit card usage and
You know frugal frugal lifestyle
I was I was talking about how someone was like
Complaining about how out of touch I am because I'm always saying don't buy cheap garbage buy used
Good stuff because it costs the same and it lasts longer and performs better
And that's not out of touch, and if you think it's out of touch. You're actually stupid
Yeah, I know it's the thing that comes up like quite often actually you'd be surprised
Yeah, well all you got to do is go read the comments on any of those don't buy cheap GPUs videos
But you remember that right yeah, yeah, no how elitist Linus some people can't afford better. That's not the point that
We have been there by you stuff
it's better so we were talking about sort of like the frugal lifestyle because I was saying like a lot of the way that I
look at used versus new products comes from not growing up with money and
He was talking about we actually
drove the same model of car at some point and
He was talking about how like yeah, he uses his credit card for everything, but he was always just like
completely anal about paying it off and
He said that a big part of the reason for it was actually that he had a fundal miss fundamental misunderstanding
about how interest works on credit cards and
What I realized is that a lot of the anxiety that I had about carrying a balance on my credit card
I started out with a $500 credit limit and the reason is that and look I don't care
people who are morally opposed to credit ratings or
Who think credit cards are the work of the devil or whatever in North America? It's not how it works
It's really important to have a good credit rating and having a credit card that you pay off all the time is actually not
Detrimental is actually beneficial to you because there are benefits of paying with a credit card versus paying with a debit card
I really don't feel like debating it with you. You're wrong
So I so I had a $500 credit limit credit card and one of the reasons that it was so low
was that I wanted to make sure that I never ever carried a balance on it because I
Fought that the 23% interest or whatever was immediately owed
If you carried your balance to the next month and it wasn't until he told me that that was a big part of why
He was so on top of his credit card all the time that I realized holy crap
I thought the exact same thing until sometime into my adult life
I don't remember exactly when I figured out that it was an annual interest rate
But then like build monthly
So I thought that if I spent $100 I would and I didn't pay it back by the end of the month I would owe
$123 so I used my credit card like cash and
It and it baffled me that anyone ever lost track of how much they owed on their credit card because oh my god every
$5 is $6 who could possibly lose track of that?
This is great for playing chat, it's not I'm 20 and this is news to me
Doesn't mean you shouldn't treat it that way. Yeah, the best advice I can give you is treat it like that
Yeah, because that's exactly how you fall into the trap. Yeah. No stop. Stop thinking you're dumb
There's all these people mean like I'm a moron stop
Like yeah, you're you're actually doing it. You're actually doing it good. Yeah, there's there's huge benefits again
I don't feel like debating this with Europeans. I don't care what you think about. It doesn't matter right now
There's huge huge benefits to North Americans for using a credit card regularly and
Always making sure that it's paid off if you don't you like can't buy a house and stuff and stuff like it's actually extremely
We're not gonna talk about it. Yeah
That's how they get you as soon as you start carrying a balance. It's it creates that bad habit, right?
So, yeah treat it like this. Oh
Man, oh man people in chat. Why did you tell me this?
I would have lived better without this knowledge the way that people are reacting actually has me actually concerned. I
Didn't see this coming I didn't see people reacting this way. There's also a component of like usage limit as well
so if you have like $500 of credit you can't have
$500 on it. Otherwise you also get impacted like there's a there's a point you can't use all of your allowed credit
Otherwise, it also negatively affects your credit rating. Yeah, it's a whole it's a whole like black magic
Yeah to you know figure out exactly how the math works
But the the best thing is to use it regularly and pay it off before the end of every month. I
I remember someone tell because one of my genius ideas was like oh
Well, I only have like a crappy savings account anyway with like point eight percent interest or whatever
So just to make sure that I never go over my credit card limit
I'll just dump my savings into my credit card and then it'll always carry a positive balance
And so I'll just never have to like worry about accidentally whatever and then I can spend more than my $500 credit limit on a single
Transaction as well because I have
But then I was told that that's bad having it like overpaid all the time is like bad or something
Yeah, that might not even be true or it might not be true anymore
I remember Yvonne was telling me something I often do that before trips on purpose just in case like massive emergency
No a little bit. It's fine. Okay, but yeah, just like always having it. I don't know it looks weird or something anything
That's like weird is bad
Yvonne was telling me that like having this was for like a line of credit for the business or something like that
I'm like I don't know just get it and then if we need it then we haven't she's like no
No, if you like have it and don't use it
That's bad, and I was like why then that just means you're a baller, and you like you know can handle your bills or something
She's like no. No. It's not how they see it sure
This is for the business, I don't know if personally it's different
Man I do I do use Yvonne for financial advice
I thought he had messaged her a couple months ago. I was like what credit card do I get I don't know
Disclaimer Yvonne is not a financial advisor. No no no no no
She knows some stuff. She's smart and things
They should probably publish the algorithm yeah, that would be good for us wouldn't it
Okay moving on
Any other
Yeah, Nintendo published their annual report for the last financial year, and they don't pay their executives
Completely asinine amounts of money. Yeah, I talked about this in game link to go go check it out. Yeah
Yeah, I don't know. I'm gonna butcher all the names, so I'm not gonna say them, but the top five are
essentially two and a half million two million one and a half million just over 1 million and just under 1 million a year yeah
And this includes stock value this seems to be total compensation well
Yeah, this is the total pay of their highest compensated employees and apparently this is just relatively normal in Japan
The CEO of Sega gets about three million a year and the president of Square Enix receives four million annually actually sounds like Nintendo's
Kind of cheapen out a little bit there
This is significantly below the total compensation received by game company CEOs elsewhere in the world
Even if the base salaries are not dissimilar so Andrew Wilson of EA has a salary of 1.3 million
But made 39 million in total compensation in 2020
EA's net income for 2021 was 837 million while Nintendo's was 4.37 billion now
It should be noted shareholders have since voted to reduce Wilson's compensation package
But he's still expected to make 20 million in 2023
Discussion question is is there a diminishing return in terms of incentive when it comes to absurdly high bonuses is having high
But extremely unstable compensation a problem for long-term thinking and leadership. Yeah, that's absolutely a problem like I oh
Executive pay if you have you ever have you ever looked at the line
Divergence between like median worker pay and executive pay in North America. It's like
Actually ridiculous over the last like 50 years. Yeah
It's kind of cool, it's kind of cool to see Nintendo not
Lose the plot here
also, I do have to kind of wonder a little bit how they retain top talent when
you know Nintendo's kind of the envy of the gaming industry when it comes to
Existently delivering gaming experiences that delight their customers year after year after year after year
Work culture in Japan is very different. I do know that company loyalty culture in Japan is much, but I was reading an article about
Someone who runs a business
Helping people quit their jobs
So they go in and represent them
To go and quit the job
And they just like the person just like sits there while the representative explains that they're not going to be working there anymore
Yeah, it's like in like it's like a really big smooth and tactful way. I was like what yeah
Yeah, which in some ways I can
Respect a lot and in other ways. I think is right for potential abuse
But honestly from what I've heard over a bunch of years of not paying very much attention
It usually goes pretty well
Like I don't know. I don't know it's scary if that happened here. I do not think it would go well I
Think that's pretty weird. Yeah, like I just don't even I don't I don't mean here as in Linus media group
I mean here as in North America. Oh, no. I just personally if someone I
Don't even I don't even think we'd let the stranger into the building like why are they oh?
Oh, I don't even mean that oh
Sorry that that no that happens in North America. That's the thing really oh absolutely yeah
That's the thing on both sides, too
You can hire an outside person to fire someone for you
And you can hire an outside person to quit for you real of those things are a thing yeah wow yeah
How about that I meant the like?
absolutely immense amount of
The like social expectation from the country that you are loyal to your company
Hopefully, I'm describing this properly. I do not mean to offend
Yeah, I think I think that would be abused if it was here in it as far as my understanding goes
It doesn't really get abused there
Which is which is cool
Modaro says work culture in Japan makes it really hard to get rehired if you are for whatever reason let go or even quit of
your own volition that's unfortunate that's
Wow, it's potentially really rough
Okay well um yeah, here's good
Relatively speaking. I mean we have our problems
Tiktok tries a novel approach book publishing. Sorry. I just really thought this was fine
I know let's go bite dance appears to be ramping up its new publishing arm eighth note
Press which started approaching self-published writers earlier this year
This might be an interesting opportunity for some authors as tic-tac-tac has become an unexpected powerhouse in
Catapulting below-the-radar novels into smash hits it has also raised concerns that bite dance might use tic-tac to squeeze out
user driven viral book recommendations through promotion of its own publications
Yep, that makes sense yeah
Discussion question here is I love this are you more worried about bite dance promoting pro-china books through their platform or?
About vapid nonsense written by thirst trappers
Yeah, just both I don't know
Are you actually expecting a natural answer yeah, oh man
Honestly probably the second I'm not gonna tell you why I know about them, but there are some very low quality
A high-volume ebook platforms out there that are basically just like
Garbage for people who just want to read
Romance books I knew it's I yeah, I was gonna ask you if it was specifically I'm
Immensely curious I can tell you that it is very easy to spend a lot of micro transaction money on said platforms
Very easy that is the thing that can happen. I just I know there are things. I know Luke sometimes. I know things
Huh, yeah, huh
Well I know he will tell me no more than that that's yeah, it's gonna be about it
In other news the 12-volt high-power connector has been replaced with a new standard CI SIG will be replacing it with one called
12-volt 2x6 oh
Good good name the new specification lists no changes to the header
Meaning that the new standard should be compatible with existing 12-volt high-power headers
The changes are expected to prevent power from flowing if the connector is not fully inserted something that apparently wasn't a huge priority before
Notable changes the depth of power terminals has been increased from 4.2 to 4.45 millimeters
Okay the depth of the sense pin terminals has been decreased from 4 millimeters to two and a half and these support cards up to
675 watts up from just 600 so there you go hopefully we won't have any more burned ones
But also who knows and I think that's pretty much it. Yeah, we could talk about fair phone coming to America
That seems pretty good. That's about it fair phone is coming to America. I've your warranty pay fair phone sick
Yeah, why don't we do some merch messages Dan? What do you got for me?
It's time for when after dark when now
After dark
So I'm looking at potential are you gonna try to defeat me at bubble hockey after one show today, I'm still undefeated
Yvonne got close I can I can try I think I'll only have one game in me because my my back is very tired
And that machine is short I discovered that people actually build platforms to lift it up because they're my height
Yeah, yeah, that's the thing that definitely makes it like actually can't play too many games in a row cuz like just the tight
It's just like the tension oh very possibly cuz if you're like if you're just like relaxed and playing it should be fine
No, I'd have to squat to do that like I can't I can't use the controls properly
Really I don't think so I think you probably or or I'd be cranking my neck like crazy
Which is just gonna create a new problem like there's no yeah, yeah, basically I bought a super checks machine
Because I am an idiot. It's fun. It's a ludicrous game really fun. I love it's very it's a lot
Deeper than I would have expected
They're like a lot more like yeah
Assume the sumo stance yeah, but for how long like these aren't even that short of games. It's like three minutes. No
Let's time it. I don't think so okay. Have you done that before I know I just looked it up
It's apparently the default is three minute periods. Oh, yeah, but there's like pauses, okay?
Okay, so yeah, let's get into this there's a there's also one person has to score at the end
Oh, yeah, the final puck yeah, yeah that can last for a long time. That's true. That's true. Yeah true anyways
We got a lot of potential so
Just gonna get right into the curated with some horrible ones
pool updates oh
We talked about that didn't we no we didn't you and I did the pool we weren't life hold on
No, you're having a friendly chat. Ah
Can't tell the difference sometimes
Basically just blurs into one continuum
Hold on hold on hold on Dan. Do you want to flip over to my?
My thing or my do not right now
No not really when you're talking about sharing your screen
Okay, all right specifically a point in time. I cannot relax. Okay, all right oh
No, I see what you want camera minus can there we go. Oh, yeah, I could have done that so theoretically
It is full of water
There is still plenty of time for things to be screwed up, but I will say to their credit
Since I called them out on social media
They have had a fire under their butt and have actually done work. Oh, this is the original contractor. Yeah, oh
There's still time for it to be screwed up
Like it sort of potentially already is yeah, I had already talked to Luke about how Yvonne specified and I I look I
Have to I have to it's still incorrect
It's a first-world problem. It is still incorrect Yvonne specified that she would like the water to be cool blue that is
Green you might need to explain how that makes any sense yeah
So the the plaster that they line it with has flecks that are supposed to reflect and color the water
It is not the color that
Specified which means it doesn't match the tile eggshell rant v2 so it just
Honestly looks kind of stupid
But like got him at this point I think I'd take basically anything
Yeah, so there's just been you know
One thing after another with it, but and there's there's still time for the equipment to like not work properly
I don't know and it's it's possible that this is just from
Shmoo in the water from the plaster like they just plastered it and polished it so maybe it's like yeah
Maybe it's smooth or something actually I don't think so. That's a lot of water in there now
The column was it sitting before they filled it. They can't be that much shmoo it wasn't
They polished it and then filled it like yeah, no no yeah, no no no it's
It's green so that's cool
Yeah, it's just it's just it's just frustrating because yes first real problem. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, but on the other hand
They asked us what color we wanted
So don't ask if yeah
You're not gonna do it
Sounds like I would ask them to change it no
They would have to they would have to like what like jackhammer out the previous
Plaster like it's not could you just do another layer? I freaking I don't know
We're not we're not doing that so that's that's the color that it is now
And I wish we had a different tile color or something because they really don't match at all, but yeah
It is what it is and even though it is now full of water. It's not actually full
It's filling right now even though. It's filling with water right now
It's still going to be a month before we can swim I think
Linus is pissed at the minimum viable product and people are surprised listen. Well. That's not it's it's like incorrect
Yeah, if someone asks you what color shirt you want
You say green and they say okay, and then they send you a red one look plain blue shirt
Yeah, you're gonna be like hold on well
What the fuck this isn't this is the wrong what I paid for it like it's like you have a shirt
He has a pool the pool is the wrong color the shirt is the wrong color like is it like that's that's that's stupid
Yeah, if you if you weren't able to if you weren't able to control the color of it. Why'd you ask me then?
Yeah, like it's
Guys why why are you like? Why are you trying? Why are you trying to be dumb? Oh?
I don't really understand. It's fine. It's okay. Whatever pool wrong moving on next minute
The real question is can we land a float plane in it I?
Mean yeah, I see of legendary rust here. We could the model one
Yeah, yeah, they like actually could
Model flip me man. That's a product that I wanted to do not not a not a float plane
That's a product that I wanted to do
Like a long time ago when my kids were little and
They they still like took baths together and stuff like that and I was like man
How cool would it be to do like an RC an RC boat, but that's like. I don't know three inches long and
That has like a water resistant remote that you can just like rip around in the tub
And I know they exist, but like a good a good one
Yeah, you know one that is actually good man
How cool would it be to just have like little six-inch boats that you can like rip around in the pool?
I'd be so into that
freaking awesome
Hi Linus and Luke Linus, how can I start badminton if I have zero friends?
Maybe at your upcoming place and Luke when you started badminton. What was the hardest thing you had to get used to you first?
The hardest thing he had to get used to was sucking so much wow compared to someone who is obviously so much
weaker and lower testosterone Wow
Cuz he sucks compared to me
like so much ass
And Linus how about that's why I have to clean out his mouth let's get the ass taste out
Couldn't get him
Like hold the water in the front so I could breathe behind
I'm lucky I didn't have too much
I'm gonna get water all over the front of that laptop one day. You mark my words
Not yet. Oh my goodness
Sorry the question for me how to get into it with zero friends
It's really tough especially because most of the centers don't do drop-in anymore these days not since the COVID
Shutdowns also when you go play drop-in as a novice. It's really hard to get people to play with you
I found that more casual groups tend to show up at like
School gyms and church gyms. I have no idea
How to find them though I know in Taiwan
I'll just
Like go on meet up or and then once you get into like one group you find someone who's kind of at your level
And then you like network through them. That's kind of the best way to do it
But yeah our place will have drop-in sessions, but like again
There's nothing we're gonna be able to do to force people to get with you, and if you're a complete novice
You have to be social and ask people to play yeah, it's tough
For me it was a lot of the movement is very unnatural to me
There's there's certain like stances and things you do with movement where in in contact sports
It's like a big no-no because you're putting yourself in an in a fairly
Unstable position if someone was to become in contact with you at that point in time if that makes sense
It's not necessarily super unstable, but if an outside force like pushed you you'd fall over
So things like that
My brain is like telling me no no no no no don't do this
But then everyone watching me is like okay the way you're moving sucks, and it's dumb, and you need to do this other way
also like
Hitting the birdies my brain wants to like club them
And you're supposed to do this like
Wrist turn thing more and stuff like that like a lot of it
Just doesn't really a lot of sports come fairly naturally to me and badminton does not come very naturally to me. Yeah
Okay, this one might get a bit spicy. Oh lord
Do you agree with Lewis Rossman's take that Google is going to war with ad blockers is?
Nickel-and-diming and a sign of YouTube being on the verge of monetary collapse I
Mean I don't think it's a particularly hot take that YouTube is in a position where they obviously
Need to do something to make the platform viable
I mean
That's the entire argument that I made in that video that YouTube should charge for 4k
Is that the 4k users are by far the heaviest users?
they are
Like in terms of like placing load on the platform and
They at that point
should be they're also the most discerning users and the ones that should be most willing to pay for the
The storage and especially the bandwidth costs associated with high resolution video
I don't consider it to be nickel and diming to expect people to
Compensate the platform and the creators for the content that they consume no not not really actually
So that's that's the one part where yeah, I don't know that I can necessarily agree with Lewis 100%
But I definitely do agree that it's clear
They need to do something to remain viable because neither Luke nor I has been able to figure out for all these years how any
Of this makes any sense and at some point things have to make sense and if they don't make sense
Then they go away see Jiffy cat
See Twitter right like it's if it's not sustainable then it won't be sustained
eventually by definition yeah exactly and
so I
Don't know would we would we say that theaters are nickel and diming because they prevent people from
Sneaking in I mean nobody was gonna sit in those seats anyway like that often
That's the argument for ad blockers is I wasn't I wasn't gonna pay for premium
and I wasn't gonna watch that or I wasn't gonna buy anything anyway, and it's like okay, but
Like that's your your your taxing of this service, yeah, that's the price of admission it costs money to give this to you
I mean in the case of the theater actually like
There's a marginal cost your H vac has to work ever so slightly harder to account for your approximately 100 watts of heat
And they might have to clean up after you if you make a mess the average Lee wearing the chairs, that's true
That's true. Those chairs are actually very surprisingly expensive
There's also opportunity cost Linus is wrong 4k was a free option than YouTube wanted to charge for it
You can't charge for something that was free previously you absolutely can
Unquestionably you can absolutely do that Wow Wow
The community might not like it you you will pretty much always get negative sentiment in response to that
Racks you super definitely can do that
Hey DLL I've always wondered how much creative influence the editors have over videos
Is there an editing Bible that you try to follow?
Thanks for all you do if there is I haven't seen it in a long time
I think Ed probably has some guidelines and stuff. There's definitely rules that we have overall
I mean, it's not necessarily the editors
But like I had to remind people recently of our policy for gross out content
And I had to clarify it a little bit
We had a video recently that had someone flossing their teeth in it, and I was like hey
Can I just remind you of the no gross out?
Policy because I saw some comments about it
Ever since we did that channel super fun video that where people were eating without their hands like
Spaghetti O's off of a piece of plexiglass that had a camera under it
We basically like we thought it was kind of like funny
And it would look ridiculous, and it was kind of funny, and it did look ridiculous
But it was it was unsettling and if you get even three percent of people who tuned into a video
Immediately navigating away when something grosses them out. That's going to hurt your channels recommendation
Just is a powerful. Yeah your recommend ability, and so I sent out a little memo being like hey
Remember and I got a bit of pushback from people saying well how well where's the line you know?
What's what grosses out one person doesn't necessarily gross out another and so I kind of had to think of something
And I basically said look if it would be if it would be
Considered rude in mixed company at the dinner table, then it doesn't go in the video
And so that's kind of our that's our that's our current line on it
So any you know
biting fingernails
Flossing teeth you know just saying basically anything where a body fluid is involved is probably over the line
So there's things like that
You know there's definitely
Guidelines we have in terms of we never like to see just you know jump cuts. You know
Just just just like crappy
You know 20 2010 era YouTube editing
Where you just like take out every tiny gap and the the host is just constantly jump-cutting
I've never liked that style so that is always supposed to be covered with b-roll or with a website capture
Just anything anything to mask a cut
So there's things like that, but in terms of like the content itself
I mean that's mostly between the writing team
Me and then the editor adds their special flair, and then it gets like a final review from
Someone up high usually Nick lights. I think Colton's been doing some of them theoretically
I should be doing them, but I'd like never get to it. I'm just
Doing some stuff quick question all the LTX land computers are are brought by people right. We're not providing any
As far as I know yeah cool. Yeah
Aggie says biting fingernails is not gross out lol
It would be considered rude at a dinner table with mixed company. Yeah, so then it is that's that's the line
No people are replying I bite bad, and I know I'm gross way to go bordaga
Okay moving on hey DLL
But mostly little L in the framework factory tour you mentioned that they assemble the DIY kits to test them if they assemble them
How and why are they cheaper also big and tall sizes win?
I didn't want to say this incorrectly, but I'm pretty sure it's because the DIY additions come
The the lowest tier comes without stuff right yeah, no memory no storage
Yeah, so then you can save a buck if you can get a good deal on some memory and storage somewhere else
So if you already have so so that's really the main benefit as for big and tall sizes man. They're there
They're working on it one of our fit technicians who's been off for a while is back now
So hopefully we'll have a little bit more
Resources to to dedicate to that you can trip we get questions about this every week
I promise you when they happen we will let you know on wan show and I will be wearing one I
Am very excited about that yeah, it'll just be tall by then, but he's gonna do it. Yeah, hell yeah
Lld will be listening on Spotify on Monday has there ever been a time
You've been tempted to stray away from the prosumer mindset LMG is known for pro consumer mindset come on Dan
That's a very different word Oh
Pro consumer um I mean yeah sure
Like I think any business that looked you in the eye
Or any business owner that looked you in the eye and said I have never once been tempted to make more money
in a way that
benefits me selfishly
Either is like some kind of saint or
Is not being honest with you like?
Remember when we well I think just not being honest when we would talk about
LLTT coin or like a rug pull coin or like all that kind of stuff like it's
You know how yeah
How cool would it been would it have been to just like make ten million dollars by just
Minting it farting out some garbage. Yeah, and and we even like we talked about it
We were like we talked about it publicly on wan show so none of this is a secret, but we talked about it
We said like oh, man. We could even just be we could even just be totally upfront about it guys
This is a rug pull so if if you're not in if you're not on it right time it right
Right when the rug gets pulled you're good
It's you're gonna be the one on your butt, and you know that this is our cynical. You know
money fabrication
Endeavor so let's go
like we
Fine I guess we just want I mean NFTs were another example of just a way that we could have made some easy money
Instead we did still make some easy money, but not nearly as much and we did it by just mocking NFTs
Old pictures of potatoes we actually sold like $8,000 worth of pictures of potatoes
It's kind of obscene. Let's go
Hey, I'm sure there's people who printed out their potato and put it on their wall
Dude some of them okay some of them were legitimately kind of cool
The people that those potatoes okay were minted on you know
LMG dime and I say dime you know sort of
Fairly accurately it was about $22 if I remember correctly yeah, something like that. Yeah to generate that might have actually been something else
I don't remember
Yeah, yeah
If I remember correctly there's a free amount that they give you I think it's like 20 bucks allowance before it starts costing you money
Yeah, no the 22 was for something else. I'm pretty sure we didn't even breach the free allowance
I think it cost us like nothing, but I don't I don't really remember ghost Rob Liss on Twitch says integrity is
much more worth than 10 million dollars
You would be surprised
you'd be surprised how many people there is a
Massive amount of people that would disagree with that
There's a massive amount of people that would agree with that and then given the actual real
Opportunity in front of them actually in real life would go the other way
Ten million dollars is a lot of money
Like there is a there is a changes the life of you and everyone you know amount of money. Oh, yeah, it's crazy
yeah, there there is a
very disappointingly large percentage of people that will
Verbally stand behind ideas and then the second even a single dollar comes into question
they will immediately crumple those ideas like just
Yeah, anyways, we should probably move on
Will there be any plans to make float plane merch like Luke has also when are the tech pants going on the store?
You can't take my shirt
Yes, we have a blue blank
It's a very dissimilar color to that one, but it's blue. Oh
Flow plane it turns out doesn't have a Pantone for its blue. Oh, so that's inconvenient ah
Yeah, so the design team you know put some blues in front of me
And I was like that doesn't really seem like flow plane, and they're like well
It's not and I was like what do you mean? Well. It doesn't have one
It was like what you mean. It doesn't have one. What about that one. They're like yeah, that's not
Like a real color. That's just
Yeah, so anyway
We're working on it sweet. This is pretty close. How did they do this? That's from American Apparel, so they can't print
Colors no no it's the base
Like the actual shirt, yeah, yeah, they can't create a shirt that isn't Pantone well
It's a melange. I don't I don't know how any of this yeah, I know no okay. Yeah, no all right
So like there's a there's a reason people use Pantone because it allows you to communicate color
across devices across oceans
And like we could send them that shirt and be like make this
But they actually wouldn't be able to do that particularly because this is a melange so first they dye the blue
So first they dye the blue
It means it's got blue and white threat fabric in it look look closely. Oh my god your eyesight. It's so bad
You never noticed. That's not like a uniform color I
Honestly thought that was just the pilling
Because it's really old
Also don't really care okay, well anyway, there's two different colors that are
I'm gonna get this wrong. It's either woven or
Something but they're put together and so
What you see is?
Partially some partially other as they you know we've been back and forth yeah
Replicating that exact look very difficult without knowing
Exactly what we've and exactly what colors and ratios and blah blah blah blah blah so no we have to basically do our own shirt
and it's
Yeah, so it's a lot later like it's fine
Jaden revealed the fun secret
What's this the shirt isn't one of the full plain colors either? Yeah? Yeah? No because there isn't one
So yeah, it is a color that was just an American Apparel shirt that we picked like it yeah
Was whatever they had in stock because they never had anything
Hey now plus ratio plus not a real panto
Sorry that was that was good. That's a dev in the dev in full plate chat. Sorry go for it. Yeah, no, it's great
Hey, dll for a line. How's that? How's that not the best name ever for a developer dev in the dev yeah like
Hey, what are you up to? I'm just devin
My best friend when I was growing up was named Devin
And he's currently a dev nice that I used to call him dev growing up so nice. Yeah dev the dev
It's all your fault. Yep
Hey, dll for lime day would we be able to pick up our order at LTX no no
It is really complicated
Is Microsoft projects Volterra worth buying yet, or are there still no good consumer options for ARM desktops
Outside of the Mac bubble I'm an open-source developer, and I want to start porting I
Haven't played around with project Volterra
It appears to be a dev kit so I would say no if it's a dev kit
They're literally telling you that it is not
for you to buy
Haven't seen any great options for ARM Windows PCs yet
So I'm gonna go with if you want something that actually like works good then no
Linus as a smart home user burned by
Instone in stone, I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce that
Instant it's got too many consonants insteon insteon
Going defunct. I've recently settled on IP Wi-Fi based switches that support homekit as a replacement
How has your z-wave system issues been going? I just haven't touched it I
Just accept that my house is stupid not smart, and I will deal with it when
What's their face actually delivers project Linus
Hi, LD this question is for Luke as we know you're a wonderful bird dad
But does your love of birds extend to bird watching as well in a milli?
Not with watching not with like intention like I don't go out to go bird watching
There is an app that uses AI to ID birds from their sounds that would be pretty cool
I did want to get a one of those little smart bird feeder things
But I have wizened in my years, and it was a Kickstarter so instead of backing it
I just
Favorited the page, and it's been like four years and as far as I can tell it does not exist
So dodged that one
But yeah
I wanted like a bird feeder that would take a picture of the bird when it came to
Get some seed and would try to ID what type of bird it was cuz I thought that would just be interesting to see what's
In the area what I have found is I just kind of like
Try to make friends with random birds that I find
Like when I was in Taiwan I was stuck at like a transit station for a while
And there was some bird there, and I just like talked to it because they like noise, right
So I don't know like if I'm coming into work, and I park and I'm like walking up to the building
There's some bird there. I'll just like
Friendly yell at it because they like the loud noises, so I'll be like hi bird
And they just walk by I don't know I noticed them more, but no I'm not gonna go out intentionally bird watching
Dll in the past you have said you didn't want to go into PC retail
Because the margins were thin on selling parts and computers what changed to consider it with labs tested
I am considering it just because I'm considering it doesn't mean that it is likely to ever happen I
For why I'm motivated to do it. It's the same reason that I'm motivated to do anything that something sucks and
I feel like I
Could do it better
right now the state of
shopping for PC hardware online is
Deplorable like I said we were did that video with the budget power supply roundup I
Couldn't I couldn't figure out how much it cost because everywhere it was out of stock people don't list pricing for out-of-stock items anymore
When did that go out of fashion that sucks?
Okay, so I couldn't I couldn't find any pricing for this stupid thing
And I couldn't find it actually in stock at a real store anywhere. It's all just like shipped by
Jimmy Jimmy John PC Inc limited through new way like I don't want to deal with that. I want to know
Like with some reasonable markup based on the actual cost of the item
What is this thing worth and can I get it in a reasonable amount of time?
So it's just the fact that it's so hard to find stuff
These days that is you know trustworthy
Hasn't has it's inspired me
It's it's made me think that there's a gap that didn't exist before and and maybe there's room for margin
For a site that is trustworthy like if you knew that whatever
$65 or
$150 power supply or whatever was the best one for that price. Would you shop on that site instead?
Maybe not maybe you would just go to that site find out which one is the best one and just leave and buy it somewhere
Else, but then you'll probably get frustrated
Trying to find it somewhere else
With from like a seller that's actually reputable and maybe you'll just come back or maybe you'll never leave in the first place because you'll appreciate
That someone's actually doing the work to curate this stuff. I think there's room for that. I don't know
Linus would you ever consider buying EVGA?
Either with a partner or as an umbrella Corp company run by its existing staff. No
If if I was worried about the margins in
PC and like in
Computer component retail I am even more worried about the margins in computer component
Like manufacturing, it's an extremely cutthroat business
IDLL greetings from Taiwan such a shame we didn't run into you guys at Computex
What happened to the AMD GPU challenge switching to the 79
7900 XT X and I'm having visual bugs
I'm still waiting for Luke to put it back in his computer and send his notes so we can do the third part
No one told me this I emailed
No, I did. You didn't email me that
Mmm you emailed that I emailed asking if you were gonna do it again and you said yes mines never left my computer
Do you have notes yeah
Cuz last I heard you didn't have notes and you told me you were going to do it
Hold on hold on
Okay, so I sent a follow-up on
Okay, May 15th, I said I can't play tears of the kingdom. I want my Nvidia GPU back shared you all on my notes
You said something something I'm pretty sure it was still occasionally snowing when I took my card out I
Replied with do you guys feel you have enough to say Luke?
Do you want to put it back in for a week? You say that's probably a good idea. Yeah, I'll grab one May 17th
Yeah, so you never did it
There's an email thread and then I and then I replied Jake you down to compile and write this biz
He says yeah, but probably not feasible till we're back from Computex
I say copy that you say just checking are you guys actually doing this? I reply. Yeah. Yeah, did you do it?
What do you mean do it? It's still in my computer. I never removed it. You write the notes, right?
Right his no, I shared you with my I shared you on my notes
Did Jake write his notes cuz this is the same problem we had in the past. I installed it. I wrote all my notes
I did everything you guys said you were going to and didn't do Jack
So we're in another situation where you're saying that you're going to I didn't have time to game
I don't care my life is busy. That's not my problem
I've got as many notes as I'm gonna have it's gonna be mostly based on yours and Jake's notes. Oh
My oh
My goodness my note is that I wanted to emulate tears of the kingdom and there's visual anomalies on our DNA three cards
That's my notes
This is high school class projects all over again says mystical and float plane chat
Well, we're just we're in the same spot that we were in before we didn't get any further
Yeah, so now it's just on me to do the testing again
Yeah, cuz I already did it but because you didn't do it the first time I
I have gamed I played slapshot rebound. Yeah, and it ran fine. Very good work. Thank you
You're all getting to watch how our production schedule works every single day, it's just it's just this for 40 hours a week
Up next love game linked
How did this video style come to be like with tech linked the off-the-cuff style with background interjections is very engaging
Was this a specific decision?
I didn't care. I was completely checked out. And so I because I was only paid based on
the video
Quantity that was uploaded to NCIX tech tips
Basically stopped reviewing any scripts from the team there. Like this is a couple years into the contract with them
when I didn't even want to renew it anyway, and
So I basically said well, I'm gonna read whatever is on the prompter
And if you guys want any notes on the script, then I'm just gonna be providing them live
So when you look back at old episodes and I'm just like that's not a very good opening joke
And I just like make up my own on the spot that is like actually training
And then the objections that they had were because they actually
wanted to reply to my commentary on their writing and
thus a
Whole style was born tech linked was born
Yeah, so then when we brought Riley in to do tech linked instead of net linked which was on the NCIX channel
We base it. I was basically just like yeah, I love that irreverent kind of style that we developed
Unintentionally and I love that kind of adversarial back and forth that we have between the off-camera writer and the and the host and I just
I think it's really fun and it's funny
and so we're just gonna basically do what we knew what we did together before that we know worked and was
You know, it was it was obviously like, you know lower quality, but in a way that I always thought was really engaging
so we're just gonna do that and so that's what we did and it turns out it's really good and
We're gonna keep doing that
Looking for some advice
I am a content creator who has made content for the likes of Tesla and
Google the bulk of my work is stuck behind an NDA. I need to update my real but struggle to get gig work
Man that's tough
This is not advice I
Would just show it to people anyway
But what I'm assuming is that the NDA component of it is just that you were the one who worked on it
Not that it's actual not that the content actually contains information that is bound by an NDA
But I would never share it digitally. I just be like, okay, like I worked on this and
Not let people like look at it too closely
That's I'm sorry. I'm sorry
If I if I had no portfolio as a creative
What do they what do they do? Sorry, I missed the very beginning of their page
They've done I'm a content creator who has made content for the likes of Tesla and Google
But the bulk of my work is stuck behind an NDA
I'm assuming they mean like video content or like graphic design and stuff. I'm not I'm assuming they do not mean
content like
like engineering
And they're struggling to get work outside of that yeah
This is not legal advice to be very clear
Can you yeah, it really depends on the type of but it's like it's that's a huge that's a huge issue
Right, like if you if you can't show anybody
your portfolio
It's pretty normal for developers again, though
So again, my assumption initially was that this is content that will be shown somewhere at some point
But just their involvement might be under NDA. Like I'm making a lot of assumptions here, but weird NDA is it not not necessarily. I
don't know I
Guess I'd need more details, but it really depends on the type of content I think
Yeah people in chatter seem like just say you worked for Tesla and Google like yeah
Like you don't you don't expect people to show you the code that they worked on at Google when you're hiring it
Well, no, it wouldn't be development. Yeah, but like they could show you the finished product
Like I worked on this often. No. Oh, yeah
Yeah, okay that's fair enough
Yeah, that's tough
That's what I'm saying like what kind of content is this I don't know
See, I I have to confess my initial reaction was it's like ads
So if it's not though like if okay, so say for example when we were at the Intel fab
I was shown a hololens project that allows you to like repair the machines in the fab as
Someone who absolutely doesn't know anything and someone can provide like remote assistance and it's like augmented reality
What to do if you created that and you like tried to show that to someone you're obviously gonna get your butt sued
So that's content, but I didn't really think about that kind of content, so you know what I take it back
You're boned. I
Don't really know what to tell you. It's really tough
Yeah, can you give more thoughts on if you're switching to iOS I
Can't I talked about it on one show last week
I had to sideload an app a little while ago, and it's like how can I live without being able to sideload apps?
That's ridiculous. I'll install whatever apps. I want on my phone. That's my damn phone, so
No, I don't think it's happening good take at least not now. It's my favorite take
Love the show keep it up any updates on the release timeline on the NAS product you are investing in
They're very much in stealth mode right now, but what I will say is after a recent
Collaboration with a content creator
They cannot come out of stealth mode soon enough for me because we ran into some stupid thing in true NAS with stupid
sharing permissions and the interface is obtuse and
it's like
The fact that they don't have a one button like yeah
I just want like a completely normal mass that just has guest access in a Windows environment is
Mind-blowing to me, so I can't wait for these guys to
Just have something that is not
Just stupid to use
You don't need like to be an engineer to just set up a basic NAS
I think a lot more people would just you know grab an old computer and huck some hard drives in it
If it was as easy as what they're what they're aiming to do
Okay, this is a really interesting one
Where can I learn to build infrastructure with enterprise specifications
But a jank budget were underfunded biologists and deal with multi TB
5d 3d color plus time movies of embryos developing and brains firing
There is a massive community of of homebrew enthusiasts
There's also a ton of open source stuff in that space
Yeah, I mean if if what you want is just sort of that reliability
Where to learn it not necessarily the name of the I mean level one tax
Yes, might be a little deep for like the very base. It really depends where you're starting. Yeah
I don't know a lot of information here that might be lagging I
Honestly would go to the forum
I can tell you that stuff's definitely out there like yes
Decommissioned servers for next to nothing that are still perfectly reliable and
Especially can be configured with often open source free software to be very resilient
But this is like you're answering that some people in chat are saying bye on eBay. They're asking where to learn yeah
That's a tough one. Yeah, we're trying to answer the like easy answers. Yeah, someone's saying our slash home lab
So yeah, there's there's reddit. I honestly would genuinely suggest LTT forum. There are some extreme storage nerds on there
I know there's a lot of storage nerds on our slash data hoarders as well. Yeah, and there it's more just like storage porn
I know but like
Yeah, you might be able to pick up some stuff level one forum. Yep
Yeah, so not not just the videos, but also the forums definitely yeah LTT forum level one forum
There's there's a lot of knowledgeable people out there, and if you ask in a way, that's
Not obnoxious you may get some legitimate help especially if you describe what you're doing. Yeah, I mean, that's that's awesome
I think everybody would pile on top of that. Yeah 5d videos. That's awesome
Okay, last one. I have here for curated. Hey, ll and D
I've had my LTT screwdriver for a month or so now and have never been so in love with a tool
Can we have a reminder of the ETA for the stubby can't wait to add it to my toolkit?
One month ish ish ish
Okay now let's move into the potentials I guess
You're the boss
Okay, I'll just start at the top good evening DLL question for all of you
Is this where you thought you would be in your 30s in life work etc. Oh
my god, I
Never thought about being 30 someday
Now I think about being 40
30 is like I
Don't know. It's like the in-between I guess I
Don't care about the age at all. The only thing that annoys me is just how constantly broken tired I feel
If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't even slightly care. I don't care about the age lines
I don't care about the gray bits that are showing up in my beard. I don't care about when my
Head hair will go gray. I don't care about getting wrinkles. Would you care about losing the head hair?
No, to be honest, I could go without it. My dad's not had it the entire time
I think I've been alive
I was expecting it to happen and then I figured out that you get it from your mom's side not your dad's side and I
Was like, oh, I guess I'm good then
Yeah, I'm not worried about any of that stuff. I just don't like that like
If I go do a physical activity, I'm like sore for a really long time it's like what that sucks
And like if I get sick, it feels like the recovery window is much longer
If I get injured the recovery window seems a lot
It's getting to the point already where I feel like injuries are like semi-permanent
Like if I get injured in a certain way, it's like oh, okay
This could be it like I hurt my thumb like months ago
Yeah, my thumb is still in pain as far as I can tell my thumb is gonna be in pain for the rest of my
Life, it's just like alright, like I'm going to physio for it. I'm working on stuff
It's function is improving
but the grip in my left hand is still significantly worse than my right because of this weird thing that's going on my thumb and it's
just like I
Don't even know how it happened. Like there's just yeah things are just kind of you know falling apart
The the the current status of the ship is
It is not improving over time anymore, you know
There have been a lot of fairly janky and surprisingly robust projects
We've gotten the chance to see from LMG what projects have been your favorite to film any projects that we never got to see
Man favorites to film definitely a lot of the stuff at the house was a lot of fun
I always like building stuff that I know we don't have to take apart immediately after
Something we haven't filmed yet is there's a new one you gaming
Design like gaming machine design for the LAN room at the at the new house
The the labs engineers did a fantastic job of the design for this thing and we no longer need like
$700 each custom cases for it. So
That video is probably gonna get shot in the next couple of weeks here. I'm super excited. Oh
That's what they're working on. I saw that too. That looks sick
Hey guys, I work at Best Buy and have seen almost every ROG Ally
We've sold get returned the reason seems to be buggy software and lackluster battery life. What did you guys think of it now?
Really? That's kind of surprising. I guess I just knew what I was getting into whereas the more average
Typical Best Buy customer might be expecting a more
cohesive switch like experience
I'd be interested to know if that's just something that's unique to your store. Like maybe you're in a not as
Like tech savvy area. I don't even know how to how to generalize
Something like that
That's really interesting though
Think we're kind of just
relying on the rest of the community to be amazing and creative like I I
Had tried to come up with some stuff when Narav the CEO was here and everything
I said it was already being done or had already been done by someone so it's just like okay you were muted watch it
Yeah, I know. Oh
Should I say what the question was? Yeah. Yeah custom modules or customization items for the upcoming framework 16
Yeah, and the answer was no, I'm not even gonna try because you guys are
Collectively much more creative than I could ever be
Hello, lld. You guys are known for your tech tips, but have you made it?
Sorry, but you have made a successful business
Have you ever thought of sharing business tips or advice or do you have good resources to share?
haha, the business team has been bothering me to do a book or like a
Course like a video course or something for many years and I I don't know
There's some stuff that I could talk about but realistically
I think the vast majority of anything I could possibly write would be in a wan show somewhere already
anyway, like I I'm a pretty open book with you guys for better or for worse sometimes and
We're gonna take the extra on the shipping
Gotta eat
Dan's gotta eat the book your shipping your shipping pays for my food
The books pretty open I don't think it has a spine it's just pages
Linus take on lots of debt. So you feel pressured to work hard get lucky
Hey DLL this question is for Linus, I'm a new father and I worry about
responsibility introducing my son to tech where do I draw the line between protecting and
sheltering I
Don't know. Sometimes I feel like my kids are not protected enough and other times. I feel like they're too sheltered. I think
the best thing if you're a parent is to know you're gonna get it wrong and just
Try to get it a little more right next time and if you do that for 18 years then hopefully they'll be functional adults
But if the general population is anything to go by they probably won't be so don't feel too bad
Lld have you guys received any feedback from Microsoft regarding the windows sleep issue on laptops where it would drain all the battery?
No, not that I'm aware of good question, though
Hey Dan and the talent, what's the craziest thing you've gotten to do through YouTube that you would never have guessed you'd do go to NASA
So sick
Definitely the Intel fab that was on my bucket list. That's so sick to you. I
Vaguely remember a wan show where Linus mentioned an LTT desk that they couldn't figure out how to stock and distribute if
Such a thing exists. What about releasing the plans for a fee?
Even the problem is that the plans for it are like
Rudimentary and only good enough for us to use as a reference to do something that is pretty much in our mind
So I don't think we're gonna be releasing those because they're not in a usable state
As for whether we would ever do a desk. I think we'd need to find the right partner for manufacturing and distribution
It's not something that we would want to figure out on our own
It's definitely appealing like there's good margin in it a good a SPs
I think that it's a market that is not actually very well addressed, you know in terms of building something
that's both quality and
really functional but
We're in no hurry to get that going anytime soon
Hello future me Linus. I want to start a company quality appliances
That don't suck is one of the many ideas I've had but I don't know where to start any tips
Start with something much smaller than an appliance. I
Think that's the best thing find something that you you know, you think you can really add something to that's simple
I mean it took us three years to build a screwdriver and that's not because we're idiots
it's because to build something quality is
way harder than just
shipping something
So I would say start really small and
You know don't overextend your finances
Those are probably the best bits of advice that I can give you if you're trying to start a business from scratch
Hey, LD. Can I get a hot take on the printer industry from overpriced ink to mandatory software downloads and more?
Framework printer. I don't even think it's a hot take to say that the printer industry is a giant steaming pile of garbage. I
Think we're at I think we actually bought like 15 printers and we're working on like a like a witch printer is the least horrible video
Oh, it's out of that shelf. I think it's been stalled for quite some time though
Yeah, I can see that and last time I curated I have here what is the labs purchase that got you the most excited PS
I brought my LTT backpack to the South Pole, but due to NSF rules couldn't get any good pictures to share
Alright well, that's cool
I'd say the most exciting purchase. It's kind of irrational
It's like so nerdy right, but I really was excited about the power supply tester
Most excited though, I mean the robots really cool
Maybe the theater room. I think because we're gonna use the theater room for all our display testing and it's gonna be
Like designed for for viewing displays and they're the most optimal conditions. I think that that's gonna be
Amazing because as much as I love the setup I have at home. I imagine some stuff is gonna roll through the lab. That is
Way beyond what I would consider to be practical or even affordable depending on what we can get our hands on
And so I think there's gonna be some experiences to have in there
Okay two more here and incoming hey from the UK watching live you must be running late
Is there any chance of woman's hoodies? Oh?
Yes, there's a chance. That's good enough for me and
The last one I have for today any chance of getting merch message transcripts after streams so many interesting questions get answered
But I can't split my attention between the video and messages. We'd love to read them later
No probably not we have thought about potentially having it email
The question asker the response that might be something that we implement
Later, but not right now
And I think Linus is replying to the last one got him that's all I got it for you
Thank you so much for tuning in we will see you all again next time same bad time same bad channel. Bye
We're gonna end up doing one show for long enough that nobody is even gonna understand. What reference that is anymore
Willing then again you and I are both in a race to die so