
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All right guys welcome to the WAN show where we are halfway through actually being set up for the show
but I figured you know what I
Had better just start this in spite of the color being completely wonky ah there we go
Fixing the lighting live here for your viewing pleasure
That is to say your pleasure that gets better as the viewing experience goes on because it started out
Incomplete can something be completely incomplete or if it was completely incomplete would it just be
It was completely incomplete. I'm just stalling for time Brandon. I'm clearly stalling for time. Don't question it. It's not helpful
All right, let me get the dock up here we go oh
Oh that was awful. I apologize sincerely to our loyal twitch viewers out there who I'm sure
We're not real pleased with that noise you have Pella to thank he's a jerk so
There's that he's not actually a jerk. He's very nice
Mild-mannered even I would go that far as to call him mild-mannered
We've got a lot of great topics for you guys today
PewDiePie vows to delete his channel at 50 million subscribers
JK doesn't delete his channel
Steam users enraged over Intel exclusive content in-game
Wow it's like
Who thought that one was gonna end well nobody I hope huh?
So you be soft executives find a hot 1.2 million for insider trading trading during watchdogs and
South Korea makes game modding illegal. That's right my friends illegal game modding
So let's go ahead and roll the intro which I am fairly certain is not going to work properly, but I'm over it
Look at that look at that slow guy I
I have no idea. What's causing this. It's like a complete and utter mystery
I tried a different video format and like
it was
Playing in real time, but then it would just jump around
So that's not
Actually that much better. Hey John. We're live I
Don't know where John is but John's gonna be joining me pretty quick here I
Might even go get a chair for him
We'll see
Pella is gonna get a chair for him mild-mannered Pella
Getting it. Oh wow yeah, not powered by Razer comms is a very old very old intro
Red and
Then what else who else is who else is sponsoring the show today wait hold on a second hold on a second
Mac Weldon is a sponsor today
Okay, well I will have to so this is what see this is what happens when Colton's not here for one day
We tease Colton a lot, but he's basically the glue that holds this entire operation together and
He's the kind of person who's organized enough to go gee there's a Mac Weldon spot on the WAN show today
Maybe we should ensure that there are Mac Weldon shirts for the hosts
John will survive
My car sucks the snow and it's snowing here. Yeah, well you drive a Mustang
I'm not sure what you were expecting. What does your car not suck at it is after all American made?
What a troll oh, and the shots fired is coming early on the show today here you get him is he's pulling me
Yeah, you got it. Yeah as I'm I'm being pulled okay, okay?
All right, so I think since we're starting a little bit late. We are gonna jump right into our first topic
There's actually a lot of
Great topics this week. Thank you. Thank you Nicholas light or just are we doing you are the light of my life I
Don't know any other people with the last name light, so you kind of want it by default
Are we doing an on-air shirt change?
I'm I'm gonna change mine on air, but I'm gonna carefully do it without showing my nips because that's not allowed
Due to twitches terms of service, so I know she's gonna know shirtless dudes on twitch no shirtless dudes on twitch
No shirtless anyone because twitch is about equality
So if women can't be shirtless then men can't be shirtless, and that's just the way it's going to be to which I would say
No, I'm not gonna say anything so hold on let me just get my
Laptop in the way here. Yeah, sometimes. It's better not to say anything am I allowed to show bare shoulders
I know nips aren't allowed. This is where I know the line definitely is yet
We need a sensor sensor things that wasn't that was just a weird mole. I have on my chest. It's true
Okay, there we go
So why is the show late today?
Just kidding nobody asked
But just in case you were thinking maybe you would ask if you thought that you would get any kind of meaningful answer from me
It is because I was trying to make a hard drive waterproof
Truly an important scientific endeavor for the betterment of all humanity if there ever was one
I don't know how many times I've been you know at SeaWorld or not a SeaWorld
But like in a water park or something and like you know what I wish I had right now a 10 terabyte hard drive
But specifically a waterproof one specifically a see
a one for one that is 100% of our
Respondents to our survey go see let's check out that have confirmed that okay
They want a waterproof hard drive can't find anything wrong with that logic, so there you go
That's what I was working on did I succeed or did I not succeed well?
You're gonna have to stay tuned for the video
I don't think you're gonna have to wait that long though because we're a little bit behind on filming so there you go
All right, so the original poster here was Ali Zaidi
on the forum and
Of course there's a gigantic Forbes ad before I can look at the article the original article is from Forbes com PewDiePie trolls everyone
Doesn't actually delete his YouTube channel did anyone think?
He was going to delete his YouTube channel
Taryn at least at least a couple people here did I'm not going to name names, but some folks did Taryn you are so
He does this kind of crap all the time
He did not know that apparently no that I I mean I don't even watch his content I knew that that's just embarrassing
Okay, maybe we can get centered at some point here. I think well well keep drifting is it like my personal magnetism
Like like I'm a positive and you're a positive, so it's like I'm not a positive
I've I've worked here for a year and a half. You know another positive
You have your positive comments. I appreciate that Linus um so basically he made a video
Called the video deleting my channel at 50 million said he would delete his channel once he hit 50 million subscribers
He actually offered some fairly plausible sounding logic for it something along the lines of
You know I started up another channel and was able to grow it very quickly because I'm that amazing
And that was that was I think he called it. Yeah, jacksepticeye, too
Yeah, and the idea behind creating that one was he wanted another gold play button
Meaning he now has as many gold play buttons as we do
Just because it's true what you're saying is true
Just because we only have 1 15th as many subscribers on our primary channel
It does not mean that we don't also have two golden play buttons, so there's that anyway
He actually deleted the jacksepticeye to channel as a way of fulfilling his bargain
Part of the rationale that he was offering up also seems to have to do with some of the algorithmic changes that
YouTube has allegedly been making this has been kind of big news over the last week or two
Plus depending on how far back you go because we actually first started complaining about it probably about let
Me just see if I can find
If I can find that email chain that I had going with our YouTube rap
That's not it well, but ever I can't find it, but it was uh oh is it this one I
Don't know. I think it was I think it was about a month ago something along those lines where basically
It wasn't that we were observing that the channel was getting
Crushed out right, but we were observing that in particular our new videos were performing very poorly
And for those of you who are wondering if we were ever gonna weigh in on this I guess I guess I wasn't going to
It wasn't on our topics for today, but I will so pretty much. What happened was our newer videos were not performing very well and
You two basically told us well, then get good noob and we kind of went
Okay, I guess that's pretty much lying. Yeah, we can do we really do get up every day and try and get good
It's absolutely true my car was even doing this on the roads, and I still got here just so I could get good. I guess
Yeah, thank you for that. Um
All right, let's move on to our next topic then steam users enraged over. Do you have the dock up?
Well, I was but not on this laptop because it's not my laptop
I did look at it before we started so I have I'm familiar with most of these stories at least a little bit
Oh, so you're one step ahead of me then. Well, what Google account are you logged into here?
Uh, let's see. I am logged in. Oh look Luke. So there so that's probably shared on it. Just I do not condone the
Hijacking of other employees. I'm using this with permission. Are you I am. Oh good. Okay
I share an office with Luke. Of course, I talked to him about it. Well, I
As long as you guys have a safe word for your sharing
so steam
Man, this was just like complete disaster
Start to finish posted originally on the forum by Z mule and the original article here is from polygon.com
Who thought this was a good idea
steam users enraged over Intel exclusive content in
Game inspiring quick reversal and
And it's more than just there was some content in the game that was exclusive to Intel users
It was actually exclusive to Intel core i7 users
Here we go. The developers of Arizona sunshine for the HTC vibe and the controversy began over two pieces of content in game
Okay, so the controversy over the two pieces of content began with a post on the game steam page asking
Why one machine the player owned could play the horde mode in single-player and the other could not
So the developer explained that the horde setting and apocalyptic mode were locked to machines running core i7s
until March of next year
We're talking a three month exclusivity period for buying a core i7
Thoughts so so I can see that this was not mentioned at all to anybody before the release of the game
So which like which direction was the deception in did they advertise all the content?
But then everyone found out oh you have to have an i7 or was it the other way around where they didn't advertise
Whatever the extra content was but then if you have an i7 you found out after the fact
Hey, there's all this extra stuff all of a sudden. I
Don't know if that matters a whole lot either way, but I could see people being extremely
Extremely upset if they were promised something that they just weren't given so I from from my mind
I see your point, but I actually don't really think that it matters
It's deception like either way so and not even if it's deception. It's just a really bad precedent
I mean you look at how upset the gaming community
Gets over stuff like nvidia game works where nvidia is
Legitimately going out and building tools that game developers can use like kind of copy paste
I'm simplifying it obviously
But can copy paste into their game for some fire effect or some hair effect or whatever the case may be
Look at how upset people are about the very idea of a piece of gaming content
not being platform
Agnostic at all especially the fact they weren't open about it and here yeah
I mean here the message is even worse so vertigo games
Responded working with Intel allowed us to create even more content than we originally planned
Including these modes and the physics systems in the game making Arizona sunshine one of the richest in VR experiences
possible which is just another way of saying
Intel handed us
three big bags of money and
We invested those into our game, and we agreed to lock down the game
Well at least parts of the game for core i7 users only
Entirely artificially in exchange for aforementioned money now if we're talking about a feature
That they implemented that straight-up
Straight-up wouldn't work on other hardware so something like a physics
Yeah, where it's just like mind you okay physics is another sort of
like or like
H like HDR 10 like there are some things that just don't like there's some hardware that just does not support sure okay, okay?
outputting HDR 10 HDR display
Sorry, that's only gonna work on the latest Polaris GPUs and Nvidia 10 series
Yeah, but this is more like an HDMI output limitation right this is more like just an artificial
limitation on purpose and yeah, it's it's one of those things where like I've had
conversations with
people at Intel
Where and actually you know I'm probably at liberty to talk about it because the person in question is no longer working there
You're gonna go with probably I'm gonna go with probably okay. Yeah, I'm gonna go with probably
I mean you're not you're not legally allowed to counsel me up here anyway, so not that's that that's absolutely true
Yeah, you're gonna have to pass a whole different bar for that
So I have had conversations with Intel where this guy
And I don't know where he got it from but was insisting to me that a core i7 was the best VR experience
to which I replied I
Maybe in a completely immeasurable way
because a core i5
Like a latest generation core i5 especially going back
I mean they enabled it for fifth sixth and seventh generation core i7 so you even have to go back a generation
So especially the latest generation core i5 I guarantee you is gonna run a game any game on the market right now
Just as well as the latest generation core i7. You don't need eight threads
No game. You just don't you just don't not yet
Maybe in time, but as it stands now a core i5
6600 K will perform just as well as a 6950 X in pretty much any game now
I believe there may be some exceptions city skylines scales a little better it scales a little bit better, but it's not
The difference is like a couple of frames. It's not ridiculous. It's not the difference between
unplayable and the
Richest VR experience is possible. That's not what happens there
so fans revolted
Most asking why this hadn't been mentioned before launch vertigo games, then basically ran to Intel went yo
This is actually causing more problems than the money could possibly compensate for we really need to undo this because it's bad PR for you
Too then they went back to the gamers
Apologized and unlocked the locked modes for all players this reminds me a little bit of something a little bit of something that Intel did
I believe it was I think it was about a decade ago
Maybe a little bit longer when they had actually wrote their own compiler for programmers
I don't think a ton of people were using it
But they found out later on it would only take advantage of certain
CPU instruction capabilities if it was an Intel processor the system was running even if it was even if it was AMD
And even if the AMD chip supported these instruction sets it just wouldn't run and there was a huge controversy over that
I remember and they at they were legally required to put a disclaimer on so so yeah
It was it just remind me of that a little bit. I guess so
Yeah, I mean this is
Like I don't think it's quite. I mean okay the fact that it's not disclaimed very well is
Really really crummy, but at least they aren't handicapping the performance of someone else's system like at least they didn't have the game developer
You'd like like your example use a compiler. That's gonna make the game run worse on other things they just
Soft lock they're also just like completely like denying people content though, so you know I guess it just depends on your perspective
But yeah, I'm not good
I mean one way or another neither of us thinks it's good neither of us is pleased neither were the gamers and you?
Have to give at least a little bit of credit where credit is due at least they came out
Reverse the decision and now everyone has access to the content
I just figured out why not very many people are watching wan show today
It seems to be related to the fact that I forgot to record an intro for the show and upload it to YouTube so
Bear with me one moment
You're doing it now go watch the wan show twitch.tv slash Linus tech
I forgot to do this before the show so I'm actually recording this during the show
But it's four by three for some reason don't worry too much about that. Just watch the show
It'll be great twitch.tv slash Linus tech John's helping hi
Yes, so if you want to lead our next topic. I'm gonna go ahead and upload that to YouTube
Do you care what order I do these things in or not I?
Do not care okay, so next topic
So South Korea has effectively made game modding illegal
So they've passed an amendment into law with the intent of shutting down video game hacks and modifications based on the law
manufacturer or
Distribution of programs that are not allowed by a game company or its terms of service or actually against the law
So this includes a modders hacking programs scripters basically anything that's not allowed by the terms of service
The punishment for this is actually it's theoretically pretty steep
Five years of jail time or the equivalent of forty three thousand US dollars in fines
Part of this is in response to hacking communities for certain games particularly overwatch. I'm hacking is run a rapid with overwatch in South Korea
So Blizzard has been trying to take its own action against players that are doing the hacks
but now with this there are also going to have the full backing of the South Korean government, so
thoughts on that
So, okay
On the one hand
Do I believe that being a jackass online should have real-world?
Real-world consequences when you are and if you really break it down when you are effectively
Wasting someone else's money you are robbing them of enjoying something that they paid for no
You're not stealing it from them. You're not like stealing their game. But let's say for example
Bought a TV and they brought it home and they put it in their living room and they wanted to please don't ride a bicycle
In the warehouse a lot of everything that is good
Why do I have to say these things safety meeting safety meeting? Yeah safety safety meetings. Okay first Monday of every month
Like I actually have to do that by law speaking of laws and safety meetings anyway
What am I even talking? Okay. Okay
So I I see it as akin to someone your neighbor buying a brand new cool TV and he goes to watch
a Breaking Bad or something on it and you go over you you barge into his house and you stand in front of it and you
You get all like cross-eyed and obnoxious
Because you haven't taken his TV
But you're depriving him of enjoying it and something
I think being an
Asshat should have real consequences when it impacts
the lives and the quality of life of other people
On the flip side
backing of
Well, this is even that this is much more than government backing of a EULA because if you violate a EULA
Let's say you're playing Overwatch or Starcraft or whatever you do some that violates the TOS if so at least in the u.s
if and I'm sure South Korea their civil remedies in South Korea too, but you go to court and
You say oh well this person violated the TOS
That's why we kicked them off and now there's litigation about it. But that's your usual remedy. It's a contract remedy
You can kick people off for violating the TOS
So in that sense there already is government backing but we're not just now they're taking it out of the realm of
Private law and civil courts and we're saying we're going to come like like law enforcement will come after you and you could go to jail
Which is just right completely other completely different level. So right and we're talking again. We're talking about
you know
Going to you know, presumably this is this is another gamer maybe even a gamer, you know
So let's say your buddies and you're being a jerk and using an aimbot or whatever else
so this is akin to you being at your buddy's house going move in front of the TV and
him calling the cops and them not just saying yo leave
but them
Arresting you
What was it a five-year sentence potentially up to five years putting you in jail for up to five?
Years and finding you the equivalent of like 45 u.s.
yeah, so so
So you take it to the real world being a jerk
Example you can see how this is the wrong way to behave and there should be consequences
But you can also see how given the you know, would you say my my example is fairly parallel. It's yeah, it's good
I mean
It's I was actually having a conversation about an unrelated issue with someone earlier today about this that
There's plenty of things that are frankly just dick moves in society, but that we don't criminalize
You know, that's right. We say this is bad and there might be some consequence for this, but we're not going to
Necessarily Chuck you in a jail cell for it. That's right. I mean there's there's a lot of stuff that is you know
Public urination. Okay. Well that actually is against the law
But it is against the law but they but they throw you in the drunk tank for the overnight or whatever and they let you out
Mm-hmm, but but it's not a five-year sentence
Well, sometimes some places put you on the sex-offense registry for that. So you're in there with like the child
I understand what you're trying to say. Okay, let's talk about like graffiti then. Okay, so graffiti is
You are not you are not making it. So someone's building doesn't function anymore. Yeah, it's just not a nice thing to do
You're wasting their time and potentially wasting their money property values will go down to which is yeah
Exact actually exactly what we're talking about. You're wasting someone's time and money. So is it criminal? Yes
But does it get a five-year jail term potentially? No
With that said do you think a big part of the reason why they might have such a high?
maximum is not because they necessarily intend to enforce that kind of thing for someone who
Installs an aimbot and pwn some noobs or whatever my guess for someone who's creating an enterprise
Yeah, yeah
I mean my guess is that some person who's just doing something and they think it's a joke
They wouldn't get that they probably I also read that this was an amendment to something
So maybe there's some other stuff that's punishable by a max five years. That would be more serious. I mean, I don't I know
extremely little about how law in South Korea works, but
It reminds me of a case a couple years ago in Georgia
where I think there was I think it was a comp sci student at Georgia Tech and they had just beaten the University of
Georgia which is like one of their big rivals I think in the football game and he hacked into UGA's
Computer system and put and just change put something funny on like one of their like University web pages
It wasn't anything super malicious
But he got charged criminally for that and taken in front of a judge and it kind of blew up because I think he was
Facing five or ten years in prison like at max for that
But of course, he didn't get that the judge was just like that wasn't good. Don't do that again
they put them in like some sort of diversion program and it was okay, but
As far as so this is probably something kind of similar
But I guess if it is bad enough if you're running some sort of huge enterprise then maybe they could come down on you. So
Very interesting very very interesting. Mm-hmm
And there's also the the small matter of their president being mired in like the impeachment proceedings now, too
So, I don't know how does if that would affect anything, but there you are
All right, our next topic Ubisoft executives find 1.2 million euros for insider trading
Watch dogs watch dogs. It's funny. Isn't it funny that it's called watch dogs?
Is anyone else gonna kick out of this they should they should call the sequel whistleblowers
Speaking of you know what? No, never mind
I was about to say something political and now I'm not going to
But I don't know it was it was I was gonna poke fun at Hillary for a change
So do you think do you think I'm evening out my karma? Well one no
But I think the more obvious target is Martha Stewart, even though she's not a politician
Oh, no, I was I was gonna poke fun at Hillary's whole
We should we need to come down on fake news fake news reporting thing
I'm not even gonna touch that because if you offer an opinion on fake news worry one way or another it immediately because political
So I'm not going to touch it, but I this does remind me of the joke
They made on South Park Martha Stewart living with an electronic ankle bracelet
Yes, yes. Yes, but anyway, yeah
All right
So basically getting back to our getting back to our watchdog story here in mid-november a French finance
Regulator has accused had accused five Ubisoft executives of insider trading back in 2014
including the head of
Ubisoft Montreal so the
authority de marsh financier
Pended down the fine very much today
Ubisoft has told Kotaku that the publisher will be appealing the judgment
They believe those involved didn't intentionally commit any crime
so the AMF is specifically accusing those execs of having prior knowledge of the watchdogs delay and then taking
Advantage of that privileged information to sell their shares before the value dropped. I sure as hell would have sold my shares before
Watchdogs came out. Oh good lord
I'm glad I don't know didn't own any Ubisoft shares and I didn't know it was gonna be delayed and it was gonna be a
terrible port because
Yeah, then I could be in trouble right now
So the delay announcement caused Ubisoft shares to drop 25% in value back in 2014
Ubisoft is arguing that due to the processes and timetables involved in game development
Those involved couldn't have known about the delay at the time that they sold shares
Which to which I would say?
okay, maybe I don't run a major game developer, but
to say that at any stage in a project an
Executive wouldn't have any ability to find out if
You know, we're somewhat on track or if we're gonna be and how late was watchdogs again
I don't remember how late it was. It was like really late
It was really late and really unfinished in a lot of ways
Which is another indicator that they were more late than even they ended up being
So to say that, you know
I would have no way of knowing at an early stage in the pipeline of production of a video project of ours
Whether it's going to be delayed is just kind of asinine
this just seems like some butt covering because insider trading is sort of a big deal and
Based on the 1.2 million euro fine, apparently others agree. So there's that
That's not a small amount of euros. That's many euros. It's many euros. It's over 1 million euros
Okay, so here is some bad news for pebble owners specifically and
Enthusiasts in general if there was any doubt left in your mind that the smartwatch market hasn't
taken off the way that
smartwatch makers would have liked to believe that it was going to then this pretty much seals it fitbit
It formally announces that it is buying smartwatch maker pebble
rumored to be
Something to the tune of a 40 million dollar acquisition
making it about 15 million more than Casey Neistat's beam and
Casey Neistat
So there you go in the few years that you existed pebble you at least managed to achieve a higher valuation than Casey Neistat
one person
I'm I'm disappointed. I'm actually disappointed in a lot of things. I'm disappointed in the way that
Smartwatches haven't taken off the way that I'd like a more vibrant
Marketplace means more choice more options more development
And right now like there are certain like my wife wants a new smartwatch
She's actually running a pebble time no pebble time
Original pebble pebble time I think don't look at me. Yeah
She's running a pebble time
I'm pretty sure the one with the color ink display the first the plastic one though not the steel
And she really likes it, but it's not particularly feminine, and so she's been asking me to find her like a really
Functional like a women's
Yeah, smartwatch and the Apple watch is great if you like the iPhone
but my wife doesn't like the iPhone and right now there are not a ton of great options out there and
One of the things that pebble was doing differently is they weren't building on Android where?
So it was actually legitimately different
And it was a pretty good experience on both Android and iOS at least the last time that I tried it
The other thing I'm disappointed in is
How this whole thing is is going down with respect to supporting?
pebbles existing customers
So let me just see here we go so fitbit acquired the technology
But they are not acquiring the hardware products
So what that effectively means is pebble is right now
Effective like immediately when they announced this December 7th 2016. They are no longer promoting
Manufacturing or selling any devices they'll continue to work as normal no immediate changes to the pebble user experience will happen
But and this is the next bullet point pebble functionality or service quality may be reduced in the future
So basically what that means is there will be absolutely zero ongoing development, so Android you know
What's Oreo, or you know whatever what else is oh? Oh desserts?
oregano oregano
I was going to say creme brulee, but that doesn't start with no
You guys are both awful. I like creme brulee. That's not the point. I contribute Oreo
He comes up with oregano, which is the right letter, but a spice
You come up with creme brulee, which I don't think has a single oh in it. No it doesn't
And Oh dessert, huh?
That's a really good question orange something you could go or anything
Orange creamsicle or in more creamsicles orange by definition
There are I think they are soda and lime flavored ones that are pink and green
But do you have to append that and if you just say creamsicle by itself isn't it understood to be the orange variety?
That is a wonderful question one that I'm sure no one in our audience cares to know the answer of and if they did they
Would google it and post it in pitch chat which someone probably will no no I was discussing it, too
Hey, um or sorbet there you go orange sorbet. That's just I mean just putting orange in it is kind of cheating though
Alright, so anyway Kickstarter backers who haven't received their rewards will get a full refund it may take up to ten business days
Blah blah blah orders including pebble to order pre-orders, which have not been charged with are no longer being accepted
warranty support gone
Warranty support no longer available for pebble watches. This is a crap move and Fitbit. You guys are not very nice people for doing this
because what nice companies do when they acquire a business is they provide warranty support and
Honestly, it's something that wouldn't have been that hard to do pebble has existing inventory presumably that they are not selling anymore
All you have to do is
allocate a little bit of your customer care like a little hidden part of the website somewhere and
A little corner of your warehouse to pebble stuff and kind of go, okay
We'll provide warranty support for X amount of time or until all the pebble products are gone. We'll do our best
We'll provide 90 days or whatever the case may be
To Shiba when they acquired OCZ they continued to offer warranty support for the
Eol OCZ products. It's in my opinion the right thing to do because at that point is your product
That's right. So I mean except that they didn't acquire the hardware products
So I think that's just pretty crappy
and if you want any third-party accessories, then you can buy them on like Amazon or gadget wraps or whatever the case may be so
I really don't like the way they handled this and
Don't I'm not really not sure what else to
To say about it. Apparently jobs were offered mostly to software engineers at pebble
pebble founder and CEO
Will not be staying on with Fitbit after the acquisition
Basically, it's largely a grab for pebble software assets and platform
Hope your pebble doesn't break it will at least maintain services so that existing pebble devices continue to work as normal
but continue to work as normal is sort of a meaningless thing to say because what's as normal the normal will change as
You know Oreos and you know parfaits and whatever the case may be
Come out on the Android side. Yeah, think of it's Q dessert
Do they do they make do they make dessert quiche? Is that a thing or do they all just savory like with the cheese and stuff?
I don't know if anyone makes dessert quiche. Well think of another Q dessert then cuz I got nothing
Can you mix quinoa with sugar that sounds disgusting sounds awful it does
Speaking of things that sound not awful
square space
That's right. Square space doesn't sound like much of anything
Really? What does square space sound like to you? It sounds like
Like it reminds me of like a cubicle that you work in because it's square and it's a space that you work in
I was gonna say it sounds like where the cool kids hang out, which is kind of the same thing, I guess
Oh, yeah, let's like hang over to the square space and get totally lit and yellow
I don't know. So what square space?
Actually is is a platform for building your very own website whether it's for you personally you want to put up like a
portfolio or a blog or whether it's for like your sports team that you coach on weekends and
You got saddled with like I have to create the website for the team
I don't know bloody thing about website creation square space makes it easy because their templates all
Remember how many have it's like a couple dozen all of their templates are easy to use and look great
Not just on a square shape screen, but also on a rectangular screen square rectangle
They should call it like you should call it like a lateral space. Yes
Quadrilateral space I've never actually tried to run a square space site on a circular display
Yeah, yeah. Hey you have your some of the smartwatch faces are circular. Not that one. Not this one. Yeah
Well, okay, so we're gonna put a pin in that one for now
But basically every website comes with a free online store. They've got their cover pages feature that allows you to build a one-pager in like minutes and
Everyone can now publish content in Apple news format directly from their Squarespace blog module making it available to millions of potential readers
That's not to say that anyone will actually necessarily care about what you're posting in your blog
But if they did they would have a super convenient way to access it
so you can start a trial with no credit card required and start building your website today and
when you do oh
You should
Supposed to say that anymore offer code land to get 10% off and maybe I'm wrong
I thought we had a directive no say you should you are officially not as good of a Luke as Luke. Sorry. It's official now
But that's oh that was that was so uncomfortable because you look nice in that shirt
And that's what it is all about for our next spot for a Mac Weldon
Dot-com Mac Weldon believes in smart design premium fabrics and simple
Shopping Mac Weldon's underwear socks shirts undershirts hoodies and sweatpants are super comfortable to wear
We're wearing some of their stuff right now. That is actually in my notes. It's bolded Colton doesn't trust me at all
He goes out of his way to bold talking points that I'm not allowed to miss. Yes
We are wearing some of their stuff right now. Thank you Colton. I hate you very much, but it's okay
I wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for you. So that's great
They actually this is probably one of the coolest things they have they have a line of silver underwear and shirts that are naturally
Antimicrobial which means they help to eliminate odor. That's what that's what actually stinks like when you sweat
it's like like a bacterial culture that like gets going and
Gets embedded in the fabrics. This is an interesting story
I wish okay, so Mac Weldon will probably watch this spot, which is great
So guys I have a product request because I recently had to buy special
Laundry like washing machine detergent for clothing that I own that had become so
Permeated with work like a regular wash. It would just still stink workout stink
No, well, no not it wouldn't stink
But what would happen with a lot of my workout clothes was they would smell fine when they're dry
And then the second I sweat in them again, it smells like I never washed them at all
It's got like that that rank kind of like
Like painful when you inhale it kind of and it's embarrassing because I'm on a badminton court, right?
So I'm like moving around and people are like are like lunging through my stink with you know zone thing
Anyway, it's gross. So if they could do like like track pants and stuff with the silver infusion, that would be super cool
Anyway, I'm sorry. I got kind of no I can confirm this feels like springtime fresh right now. So I'm shirts. That's good
If anything more of the same would be great and they want you to be comfortable
So if you don't like your first pair, you can keep it and they'll still refund you. No questions asked
So head over to Mac weldon calm and use offer code tech tips to save 20 percent
Do I have to say something this time about oh, no. No, it's fine. I gave up on you. You're a lost cause. Mm-hmm
Oh, so. Oh, so you're giving me a preview of my employer review next week. Okay
Awesome, at least I know at least you do. I hate to surprise you
Alright, so Tom's has been hard at work
Benchmarking the snot out of the upcoming Kaby Lake. I
777 hundred K. So we've got some excerpts here
But obviously if you want to see the full numbers
Then you should definitely go and check out their review over at Tom's hardware calm
but there you go, it's a
little bit faster in terms of maximum overclocking speed then
The 6700 K on the same board so they don't have Z to 70 boards yet
So we don't know if that'll make much of a difference, but traditionally it hasn't really done a whole heck of a lot
moving on power consumption is
Really is it that much higher
Wow, then, uh, okay. I haven't actually read the review. So that's that is not a small Delta there
Interestingly overclocking it from 4.2 to 4.8 gigahertz doesn't make much of a difference
15 15 watts but like here they're pretty close at stock speed. It's a pretty big difference
Yeah, and then finally, here's all the rumored I guess sort of rumored
I mean Intel's roadmaps are not exactly rocket science to figure out
Once again, we're gonna get two case cues
Once again, they're gonna be like a little bit better than or worse than the other and they will be overclockable
Once again, we are maxing out at four cores and you're gonna get you know
hyper-threading for eight threads on the i7s and you know, what's really great about all of this for me
What's really great about all of this for you? Linus? What is great about this for me? Is that this video from
Tech quickie
The most viewed video ever on tech quickie coming up close to the most viewed video
I have ever been involved in I think this is my second most viewed video of all time the fire truck fire truck
I believe is still ahead of it. Yes. Thank you for bringing that up
is still valid
One to two and a half. Yeah, wait one and a half. Hold on
Yes, that's two and a half years later where I explain that core
I threes have two threads with hyper threading and core i-5s have four cores with no hyper threading and core i-7s have four cores
With hyper threading or they have more cores up to I think the one thing that's now wrong is
The up to how many cores and i7 can have because I believe it was either six or eight at the time
You know, it's ten but but I mean hey consistency and branding is very important. Yes. There you go. So thank you Intel for
Maintaining the status quo for the last two and a half years. So my video can continue to be a rock star
Even though the comments under it are astonishingly cancerous. It's funny anytime a video of ours goes
outside of our core viewer base
It is amazing how quickly
The the the like hate comes back. It's not really that surprising though
Honestly, not a good class of classification. There are several i-5 processors out there that out pre pre form the i7
Boring dumb video from a guy who looks like he have he have fake teeth. Yep
This vid looks like deeply jine pleasant
Janae pleasant, like I'm not even trying Linus tech tips ripoff. Oh, it's Linus. Oh
Okay, very cool info we got that by the way Linus it's
It's not gigahertz. It's gigahertz. Also. I can't believe that after the two-minute mark
Do you really start explaining the actual topic this could have been done a lot better?
Apparently, I'm looking dandy as if this guy kind of talks like Popeye
You talk absolutely nothing like Popeye. No, I talk absolutely nothing like Popeye
Yeah, so there's that
Yeah, so there's that pause this video anywhere and it looks like he's taking it up the bum. Well, let's see
Let's try there's only one way to know for sure if that random person on the internet is right
I mean
It's probably possible. I believe everything I read on the internet
What he said at any point you just have to
No, no, that one's not very good. So there
Oh, oh, okay. Yeah, there I'd say
You look very normal in like the the full two seconds before that and that's the one so far. We're at about 75 percent
Yes, still okay
Yeah, all right, well I gotta I gotta give it to random internet commenter number number seven there
Number seven there. Um
Oh, so I have
As long as okay for if we're done making like
Jokes about butt stuff. I have heard a rumor of an unclocked k-skew of a core i3
I'm, not sure if it's destined confirmed, but just keep a lookout for that for an unlocked core
I think like an i3 whatever okay, they did the pentium anniversary edition before. Yeah, so why not?
Yeah, yeah, so it would that would be that would be pretty cool. So all right, I
Am about to win another bet so I won my trump will win the election bet
And I am about to win bet. Oh, it was that other guy. So, uh, yeah because you look at me
So no, no, yeah, and i'm about to win my bet about the iCar that I made
Probably about eight or nine years ago
Because I was like
How can apple continue to increase asps their laptops already cost as much as a decent car?
Maybe they'll just sell cars. I was at tim hortons with my camera guy back at ncix and I was like
They're gonna do a car and he was like no and then my prediction beyond car was house
They're going to do like templatized houses that are all basically the same and if this house is good enough for tim cook
It's good enough for you. They might have like like an ihouse and an ihouse plus
So two different sizes and I think that they are going to fully integrate
Basically controllers that they've managed to hypnotize half the freaking population into carrying around
So they're gonna take these and they're gonna integrate them with your self-driving car
and with your autumn autonomous house and the whole thing is going to work together like billio and
Damn, well, you're gonna like it
So, uh, yes, can I help you i'm taking this home for the laptop video. Just sign it out loaned out
We have a system for these things the ihouse plus would have a basement but the mortgage would be twice as much
The mortgage would be twice as much lenovo phone, uh, lenovo phone
The fab. Yeah. Um, I think so. I'm not sure someone handed it to me. Dennis was asking if I had it
Oh that makes sense because we have trouble finding things sometimes in my office
Yeah, sorry. I didn't know it was signed out to you
The system sort of works anyway
So apple has acknowledged for the first time that they are investing in self-driving car tech in a letter to us transport regulators
Apple said it was excited about the potential of automated systems in many areas including transportation adding
There was significant societal benefits of automated vehicles to be realized apple has registered several car-related internet domains including apple car and apple auto
We have an apple auto glass here. I wonder if they're gonna have to change their name
Company spokesperson for apple said the letter to the national highway traffic safety administration was prompted by its heavy investment in machine learning and autonomous
Systems that I wanted to help to find the best practice in the industry the five-page letter including written by blah blah blah
Etc, etc, etc. Whatever. I was right. We're all gonna find out I was right and it's gonna be great
I'm gonna be happy you sound like a um a radio disclaimer
Yeah, sorry about okay nostrilinus. Do you have any other predictions about apple for us?
Alex goes hi posted on the forum. Oh, I guess windows is coming back to on
Yeah, these are my arms. Let's see your arms
No, no, all right. Well windows is coming back this time with 32-bit
x86 compatibility, which is
not good enough
A lot closer to where it needs to be so this is not the first time
That microsoft has been capable of running windows on an arm based machine. In fact
those of you who
Were around when it happened the surface rt was an arm-powered
windows microsoft surface tablet
it was
Or two in one technically I guess but it it was not a great experience
It was a it wasn't it was just called windows rt like it wasn't surface rt. Well, yeah
But it was it wasn't a direct. Oh, the os was windows rt. Yeah. That's what I said. So so yeah
Yeah, that's what I said. So sorry. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, I was sorry. I was talking about surface rt
Yeah, running windows r windows rt, which I either they had but they had to change I think the code base because it was
Arm, is that right or uh, so yeah
so basically it was based on windows 8 but it could run on arm and they ported microsoft office and in fact, they
Couldn't even sell surface rts with an included copy of microsoft office like not a trial like they actually included the full office suite
That you could use on it and it still wasn't enough to make people
Get into it because it couldn't run
regular x86 applications meaning
Why am I running windows at all?
You're just limited to like maybe some things you could find in the windows store and a few other things. So this is new
microsoft demos photoshop running on a snapdragon 820
Very freaking cool
So this was at the winhec hardware conference in shenzen and they announced a range of hardware driven initiatives to modernize the pc
And address two big goals
Expanded support for mixed reality and to produce a range of ever more efficient mobile always connected pcs powered by arm
processors so qualcomm powered windows 10
Pcs will hit the market in 2017
With a full desktop windows 10 variant coming to arm. There will be a 64-bit version running on qualcomm's latest and greatest
processors so presumably the snapdragon 835
And the way that microsoft describes it it will offer a full windows experience with the ability to run not only
Universal windows platform apps from the store but regular win 32 desktop applications
It'll include built-in emulation for 32-bit x86 applications
And the emulation will be used only for application code the os itself and all system libraries will be native 64-bit arm binaries
Pretty freaking cool. So actually no I had misunderstood an earlier part of the note. So no, this is the bomb so
How far along like do you think the snapdragon 820 is because the reason i'm asking is you talk about the photoshop demo which sounds
Extremely impressive and it might be but I do know that there are
There are versions of I think photoshop
I think they had it for like chromebooks or something where it part of it was cloud processing
So it I wonder if it's maybe partially the same thing here. It might not be I don't know I doubt it
I suspect you could and I I think we're gonna see more of a move towards offloading processing to the cloud at some point
But right now it sounds like it's just running natively on the device. I mean if you're intel right now
What are you thinking
well, um, let's see it was so it's um, let's see it's
You're saying a full desktop variant coming to arm. So I mean how many things how many you know sff pcs are we or tablets?
Are we going to see?
Necessarily running this, you know, it could be a lot but is there anything to indicate everyone's just going to pick this up pretty quickly?
Or here's my indication that people are going to pick this up really quickly the iphone 7
In some benchmarks performs similarly to the apple macbook
I have a scraper. Thank you. I've got a scraper too. Yeah. Thank you. Edsel. It's snowing outside
So already in some benchmarks apple has a lot of stuff to do
So already in some benchmarks apple has caught up to the
Throttled down performance that you can get out of a very low power
intel processor
and already
customers buying running out and buying the apple macbook 2015 have
validated that this performance is acceptable for their use
With hardware offloading of let's say hevc video decode like some some key video decoding
And you know, what what else would make it an optimal media consumption device?
Let's say the storage controller is still sophisticated enough that you have fast storage performance
So web page loading is really snappy all that kind of stuff. That wouldn't be that hard to do
Yeah, is there any reason for a basic?
Let's say a chromebook like experience but on windows or a macbook like experience that you wouldn't say
Okay. Yeah. No, I know a lot of people who would be totally down for that in a sleek device that lasts for like freaking
18 to 30 hours on battery or whatever the case may be the only thing that
I would think of is if you need to run something a little bit more specialized because although like, you know
This arm processor might be awesome, but it's still
Still reduced instruction set so there are still going to be things that you can't do
It's not it might not even be a question of performance. It might it might be a question of
Is there there is thing I need to run. Can I even run it at all?
But so they're emulating that yeah, which means it could be dog slow. Yeah, but it should
Should tm should run. I feel like for
Mainstream you're part of the expression of mainstream usage. It would it might be as good as you're saying. So, yeah
Sheesh that is uh
That is that is pretty exciting speaking of pretty exciting I like flipped out when I saw this
Simurgh posted on the forum. Thank you for that. The original article here is from polygon
nintendo debuted the switch with jimmy fallon
and it's actually a great video, um
It's nbc. So I suspect oh wow, it's playing
i'm surprised, um normally
Normally nbc stuff. Um, i've had i've had trouble with it ends up region locked
so here i'm just gonna i'm gonna go ahead and pause it we're not gonna play the whole thing, but
Basically, oh this isn't even the same it's hosted on youtube. Where is it? Hold on. Where is it? Where does he reveal it?
Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. So it's under it's under thing
jimmy fallon
Freaks out. I mean half of it seems to be playing it up for the camera, but that's his job
So i'm not going to criticize him too hard, but there it is
actual switch hardware
Holy freaking crap, uh, you fast forward a little bit. There it is. Actually the next generation zelda game
I'll give fallon this he either is legitimately
A nintendo zelda fan
Or he really did his research. He did a great job of the spot
uh talking about like
He he pulled out of his hat
Um, you know quotes from interviews with shigeru miyamoto
Like how he had talked about why it was open world and this and that
Um, so he was either very well prepared or uh, where he's legit like a zelda geek
They showed it running in switch mode, which is really really impressive to anyone who hasn't already seen an nvidia
shield portable or
shield tablet, um
It looks pretty bananas. Uh, there's still a few things I need to know about it. I don't know how much it weighs
Before i'm willing to accept this as a mobile gaming system. I want to know what those
Thumbsticks feel like but nintendo has traditionally been pretty good about this
Yeah, have you seen this video? Um, I haven't seen it yet
Okay, I will say just about your comment about the gamepad. Um, the wii u which which um, my wife
well, my wife and I have a wii u and
Wow, uh, it's it's uh, the gamepad is much much lighter than it looks so, okay
Yeah, it's worth it just for mario kart 8 but um, actually that brings me to another question
Do you know if the uh switch is going to have any launch exclusives?
Or is it just going to run wii u games at first?
I actually don't know what I heard was that. Um
Yeah, what I heard was that
Zelda breath of the wild was going to launch for wii u
And then you were going to be able to play it on switch as well once that launches
But I could be I could be wrong about that similar
But um, I haven't been following that closely the last zelda game I played was twilight princess. So i'm sorry
I've let down i've let down everybody. I have let an entire console generation pass me by since I have played through an entire zelda game
Can you believe twilight princess was 10 years ago?
Time flies like I was playing wii sports with my son the the original wii sports. Yeah. Oh, wow
Yeah, well I uh, my optical drive died. So I actually replaced it was like 30 bucks or 40 bucks or something like that
So I replaced it because I was like
I mean, I actually invested pretty heavily in the wii like I have four nunchucks. I have four wiimotes
I have two classic controllers. Like i've got a couple of like steering wheel add-ons
Like i've actually got a bunch of crap for it. I have you have the wii fit fitness pad
I used to my wife got it and she didn't use it
I have a friend that also got one and it just sat in the corner collecting dust. So amazing how that happens
We actually did manage to sell it
so not for what we paid for it, but you know, anyway, the point is that um,
I've invested kind of heavily in the wii and I was kind of thinking you know, it's not like it's not like it's
Not a novel gaming experience if you've never seen it before
It's the definition of novel. My son loves it. It's like can we play wii tennis? Like yeah sure why not?
What else we got here today
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Ah, samsung may permanently disable galaxy note 7 phones in the us as soon as next week original article from the verge
Apparently they've gotten back about 90 percent of the devices
But that means there are literally tens of thousands of people out there who still have not returned their note sevens
The time to do it is now because they are actually going to brick your device
You've already had like almost
October, no memory almost three months to deal with it
Deal with it. They're going to modify the software to prevent it from charging the phone will no longer work
So stop stop fooling around
So stop stop fooling around there's another rumor here
This one was posted by good to good to food fried fried is something. I don't know whatever it's supposed to buy a guy on the forum
Uh rumor has it the galaxy s8 is not going to feature a three and a half millimeter headphone jack
It looks like the dominoes have already begun to fall
I will talk about this a little bit. So i've actually been using um
I've been using the iphone 7 as a daily driver for almost a month now
For the last little bit here reason being that i've been working on my macbook pro review
Which I was supposed to shoot today, but didn't but it's fully written. So we'll deal with that next week
and I wanted to immerse myself in the apple ecosystem and
So that combined with my time spent actually reviewing the device
I have a more firm impression of what I think of the whole dongle
Dongle culture apple being a dongle copy that happens to make other stuff now that we're that we're heading towards because it's not just apple
Yeah, so motorola already has their z force
No headphone jack
I forget who it is. It's one of the uh, xiaomi or one of the one of the chinese companies
Has had a phone without a headphone jack for quite some time
and uh
I'll say this other than one specific use case
Which I have found very frustrating. So I actually
Sleep with my headphones in and charge my phone play at the same time. Yeah with my phone playing in my ears
It helps me stay sleeping when the baby cries at night because I have to work in the morning my wife deals with her at night
Other than that which has been very frustrating which is about a ten dollar solution if you just buy a dollar
It hasn't really bothered me. And this is as someone who doesn't use bluetooth headphones. I just
With that said I only recently started carrying my earphones around in a carrying case
So now that I have a carrying case it's not a lot of extra effort to have a dongle in there for when i'm using the iphone
But if I wasn't still using a carrying case and I was just throwing my headphones in my pocket still it would bother me
But as it is, honestly, it really just hasn't been that big of a deal. You're so organized. Linus
Well, you have to be when companies don't put ports on their products
I mean, it's the same reason that I carry a dongle for my razor blade
The second it didn't have ethernet I was like well i'm carrying a dongle forever now
And maybe i've just gotten used to it
Maybe we're all just going to get used to spending another 100 bucks on the adapters that we don't have
100 bucks on the adapters that we need in order to
Get the functionality that our products really could have had in the first place if we were willing to compromise a little bit on their
thinness and lightness
But i'm not bitter if I sound bitter
It's because i'm not doing a good job of faking that i'm not a little bit bitter
Thinner and lighter
Oh, it's a good thing luke isn't on the show because it means we can cover this really quickly originally posted by gao ran on
The forum. Wow after the blizzard shut down legacy world of warcraft server returns this thing this month
The nostalgia team no longer waiting for blizzard helps to launch the spiritual successor
And we've talked plenty about nostalgia on this show. So we're going to call that pretty much good for today
atnt to cough up 88
dollars for cramming
mobile customer bills original article here is from network world.com
Some 2.7 million atnt customers will share
88 million dollars in compensation for having had
Unauthorized third-party changes added to their mobile bills the ftc announced december 8th
These refunds will represent the most money ever recouped by victims of what is known as mobile cramming according to the ftc
So everyone gets like 35 bucks or something. Awesome. I think it's a little more than that
Well, we're gonna pull up the calculator 88 divided by 2.7
32 so you were right good work
$32, you're welcome. I
Guess you can go to like a primetime movie and get like one of the big drinks or something. I don't know
Yeah, yeah, that would work one big drink big drink. Yeah
I actually rather get the popcorn because we drink the whole big drink then you have to like go to the bathroom like in
The middle of the movie which is terrible. It's awful. It's terrible
Like that's the thing about movies is like it's almost like they're timed so that during the climax
You're gonna have to go pee and you can't enjoy it. This is why I do not spend money on
Beverages usually at the movies not only are they overpriced but they will detract from your movie watching experience at some point
And if it's something like James Bond where if you miss like one little bit you miss the whole thing then forget it
This is why I wear a bag on my leg
So you have the stadium pal where you just use carry your urine around strapped to your leg
I mean, is it really any different from carrying your urine around?
Inside your bladder. Yes
Yes, because because it's outside of your body and it doesn't make a distracting
Shlock schlock sound when you every time you take a step. So do you hate people who wear stadium pals?
Is this is this a thing? Do you hate these people? I don't hate those people
I just think they should you know, go home and rethink their lives. So alright, so on that note
Thank you for tuning in to the WAN show. We will see you guys again next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel
Stay tuned for the broken outro. Yep. That's broken. All right
Are we doing after porn?
We never do anymore because we do this that it used to be that we filmed
before the end of the day if I recall correctly, but now we don't so I
I actually don't remember when the WAN Show broadcast time changed, but it just kind of happened
Someone please make a clip of the butt sex scene. Oh that thing where the guys say yeah. No, no
I I know what it is. Someone's asking why we didn't talk about relive
Radion relive capture stream and share your greatest moments and gaming wins with radion relive
There's a final quickly conveniently and play seamlessly with the something something there now we talked about it
up to 3% impact on frames per second
and major streaming platforms in-app toolbar
Which is just as awful as invidias by the look of things. I can't believe invidias redesign of their
Shadow play settings thing where it's like these ginormous buttons in the middle of the screen instead of sensible toggles
Custom overlay features and details lots of different encoding support including 2160p30. That's pretty sexy on the 470 and up
Cool. There you go. Now we did you're welcome
Thank you for watching. I'll see you next time. Bye