
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

And welcome to the WAN Show guys the weekly show that tells you everything you need to know about technology in
Three hours or more or less
Three hours. We've done that we almost we've done like two and a half so I couldn't even say two hours or less
It's usually two hours. It's usually two hours or less, but today's show
I think it's gonna be a little bit on the shorter side
But we've still got a lot of information to pack in there for you
So number one is our special guest the one the only I
Was making points, but there aren't two of them
George macros from corsair will be joining us so for those of you who don't know who corsair George is number one shame on you
Because true PC enthusiasts who appreciate the work that he's done over the years should know who he is
He's the guy the guy behind the corsair 800 D
So that was corsairs first enthusiast class computer gaming case
And he's actually been the mastermind behind a lot of the other innovations that they've brought to the case market since then
So we're really excited to talk to him, and then what else we got for the show today quantum minecraft from Google
Which is just awesome
It's not a quantum pickaxe it could be a quantum unless I like look away and look back and then it's like a sword yes
See how do you know that try it?
Was not planned
290x performance we're gonna talk about that. I think we're all gonna have a Twitter blitz based around that yeah
We got to talk to 90x yeah, and then
Infinity Ward saying that cod players are not hardcore gamers, and maybe not even gamers at all
That okay see every time you say this. I'm gonna have to start talking about it cuz that it's amazing
Also Apple patent Apple's patent for capacitive touch screens might actually go through well
It's been upheld for now. Yeah, which might be a
Big problem if your name isn't
Nokia Microsoft or HTC so more on that in a moment like we could be looking at basically
Any device that is a galaxy s4 or similar?
Could be just not for sale at least
Yeah, yeah, it could be a big problem so without further ado guys intro time
All right guys, so we've got a couple sponsors for the show this week number one is Squarespace
Squarespace is the easy way to create a professional looking website for yourself your business or
Whatever else you might want to create a website for and hotspot shield you can get oh yeah, sorry for Squarespace
You can get 10% off on new accounts through the month of October you're going to Squarespace comm slash Linus and using the code
Linus 10 and then hotspot shield powered by anchor free you can get 20% off elite prices with offer code Linus
You can sign up at bit.ly slash HS share and hotspot shield is an easy-to-use
VPN solution so that allows you to get around
Regional restrictions on services night like Netflix or get around things like blanket censorship in countries
Where that kind of thing is a problem you want to access YouTube you're in China
Hotspot shield could be the right solution for you
If you can get hotspot shield in China, so it's an example
I actually don't know if specifically hotspot shield works in China because there's all kinds of crazy beauty magic
Well, it probably works
Just have to try and get it which I think you'd have to figure out how we get some we get some viewership out of
China somehow, it's like usually like single-digit views, so I have no idea how exactly it happens, but
It's kind of funny to me all right so kicking things off welcome to the show
Okay, you know what I'm gonna. Let you field this one quantum computing comes to Minecraft, so there's a quote
I'm actually gonna read this directly
I'm just gonna help
Google's quantum AI team quoted saying where will the future of quantum computer scientists come from our best guess
Minecraft so in response to this they have released a
A quantum module for Minecraft, it's not really actually quantum, but it's representing different parts of quantum
ideas so quantum entanglement quantum superposition and
Observer dependency
There's a video that we can watch which I think we really should watch that shows them showing off Q craft
Which is their little module for it, so if we jump into I?
Don't think that's the right one way to go give me a second all right
So you're gonna go ahead and do that so I'm gonna go find so basically what that means is Minecraft is already
Basically like a particle simulator so to speak so it's got
It's got its own physical rules for the way that things behave within the game
So what this will do is it'll allow you to apply
quantum rules to the objects that already exist within
Minecraft using this module so once you fire up the link
We will be able to actually show something
I've got stuff like there's there's
Okay well at any rate guys what we're gonna
Do is we are going to link the video in the WAN show doc that I picked up on the Linus tech tips forum after
The show so guys do definitely check it out
But basically what it's designed to do is let players experiment with quantum behaviors
Inside minecraft's world with new blocks that exhibit these these quantum
properties that you wouldn't normally observe with something like a
Pickaxe or a piece of stone or a piece of the kinds of objects that we can already find within the Minecraft world
so it's
Is minecraft an educational tool now it kind of it's funny because I think it was only two weeks ago that minecraft was causing
Violence to start killing people and stuff
Um I can't find the video
But essentially the kind of stuff that happens is like say he walks up to this stone wall, and he's like okay
Well how the heck do I get through this he looks in a box?
There's a something you can light wood on fire with and he looks at the wall
And he looks away and looks around for a little bit and looks back and now they're wooden blocks. He's like oh
Light them on fire because they changed because he looked away and then looked back
And there's a lot of this weird
Dependency stuff and one thing to be able to actually get through the puzzle he just kind of spun in circles
Because the whole room was just morphing around him as he spun in circles
And then it like created a hole and then he jumped down the hole and then when he jumped down the hole and looked up
The roof was completely different than what he came through and like everything's just changing as you go through the level without you actually
Interacting with it at all and that's a huge part about it
And then there's gonna be the blocks in the game so that you can create these things
So it's not just Google making these courses for people you can create your own and that's the perfect community to give it to
Absolutely, I mean I think that there's enough guys there that are gonna go hardcore geeking out over something like this and build
What are gonna be effectively educational tools about a concept that most people have very little grasp on whatsoever now?
We could be looking at 11 year olds 12 year olds picking up Minecraft and getting a better understanding of quantum mechanics
just ridiculous, so
It's it's pretty awesome and like. Oh, that's my mechanics quantum physics. Yeah, it's okay
the different things that I'm really excited for is the people messing with it like we just talked about because we've seen people in
Minecraft make computers and like make calculators using blocks
Which is insane so if you take those same people and give them blocks with quantum quantum properties
I'm actually pretty stoked to see what I might have to launch up minecraft again. Yeah
So topic number two this is an article from IGN
This is this is I don't know if this is hilarious or pathetic, but in Brazil the PlayStation 4 will cost over
So to be clear we're not talking like
Brazilian you know rupees or whatever they use there
I know it isn't rupees, but the point is that we're talking over
1,800 equivalent US dollars so never even mind the difference in earning potential there
Never even mind all those other factors you as an American going down there with US dollars
Walking into a store to buy a PlayStation 4 you would be expected to fork over
$1,800 in
The so that translated to the actual local currency is about three thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars
the Xbox one is gonna come in at two thousand one hundred and ninety nine dollars, which is a difference of
1800 this isn't American dollars right now that we're dealing with but if you think if you look at that scale the one cost
4,000 the other one cost $2,199. That's a difference of almost the cost of the Xbox
So you can buy you could like to two Xboxes almost pretty close like that's insane
So it's being blamed on
Import tariffs and duties and taxes and all those kinds of fees that are normally actually I mean Brazil is is pretty brutal for this
they do have
very very
Like massive duties on anything that's being imported and it's being blamed on that
But I mean you look at what the launch price was for ps3
Don't think that their tax laws have changed that dramatically
What was the ps3 launch ps3 launch price ps3 was launched there late?
It was launched in 2010 I believe and I think the actual North American launch was 2006
Okay, so you have to factor in like I know the North American launcher was really expensive, too
But yeah, so the ps3 launch in 2010 was one thousand nine hundred ninety nine local dollars or nine hundred and twenty
469 American. Okay. So now we're looking at well, okay
It's you know twice as fast there for twice as I don't know what the logic here is
And so so you look at that and then you also look at what Microsoft is
Launching the Xbox one at so just over a thousand US dollars and you got a wonder
Given that Xbox one comes with a Kinect and Sony has spent a fair bit of time
Poking at them about how they're more expensive. What was the justification for this being so expensive in Brazil?
It's kind of obscene and I'm sure if I lived in Brazil
I'd be kind of pissed because that's just ridiculous. Like there's no way I could afford that. That's insane
It's one of those things where I really feel like Brazil does this to themselves in a big way
Like I mean, okay, so back to back to my whole working at a computer retailer
Okay, this this is a thing North American retailers and I'm not gonna name any names
but I know who does it North American retailers buying literally like shipping containers of CPUs and
Dropping them off at a port
having someone come get them and give them money and then
get them somehow into Brazil and
That's it
So much of the computer hardware that gets sold in Brazil is gray market
With Pete from people just smuggling in like as the import prices are so high because they're so high and then the the retailers and other
territories love it because as far as Intel ever knows
Like on paper that product is being sold within the market that they think it's being sold at and that retailer is moving
Tremendous volume good job. Here's a volume incentive. Mm-hmm
So they can just sell the processors at cost and collect volume incentives. That's how the whole gray market thing works guys
So sometimes the way gray market works is there will be an actual lower cost in a given territory
so for example those online game key sales sites that are popping up all over the place where they're buying like
Estonian game keys and then reselling them outside of that territory not technically illegal
But definitely not what I would consider to be a sustainable business model
I can't imagine that EA and valve and whoever else are gonna let this go on forever
so so so that is that is one way of gray marketing and then the other way is
Manipulating and and basically smuggling to to get around import taxes
I know I know it can be a bit of an issue with Russia as well
I was talking to one major manufacturer a couple of months ago. That was basically said. Yeah, we we can't ship anything into Russia
We can't even get reviews done there. It's just not a thing
That's weird, so it really depends on the product category depends on the manufacturer what kind of you know deals they have
In order to get a product into countries, but it's not as simple
I mean this is one of the reasons why I think other other countries around the world look at places like the u.s.
And go everything's so cheap there and everything's available there and part of it
is that they do make it easier in a lot of ways anyone can just
Sell something bring stuff in as long as it doesn't require FDA approval or you know some kind of a UL
Certification for things like electronics or FCC certification there the processes are pretty well documented
And it's you know pretty much under control, and it's not that hard to get stuff in there
One of the height talked to another hardware manufacturer about the Brazil thing and they said basically the only solution for them was to build
Manufacturing facilities in Brazil, and then they were able to completely crush the competition
It was actually cheaper
To just build manufacturing there, which is maybe Brazil's agenda
But if they expect someone like Sony to just build like a PlayStation 4 manufacturing plant in Brazil
I mean come on not everyone's gonna do that Brazil, so
Expect people to try and circumvent your whole your whole deal there
All right, so why don't we why don't we take a Twitter blitz guys?
Let's just do a general Q&A Twitter blitz hit us up. Let us know if you have any questions
We're gonna go through those and then we've got one more topic and then around five o'clock our time
We're gonna be joined by George from Corsair
So you want to launch into our next topic here just before we launch the next topic for the Twitter blitz if you're from
Brazil what other kind of stuff do you see this on I know I took like a short ghetto vacation in
Mexico and I was talking to one of the guys I met there just about different electronics
That's not really very nice. Is it a ghetto vacation because it was in Mexico
No, it was a ghetto vacation because I spent no money on it
Okay lived like I was poor the whole time. Okay, but it was fun. I just yeah, I didn't like eat very well
I was like, wow, we don't see things like that on this show
No, no, I meant ghetto vacation because it was super cheap and I didn't get that many frills with it
Um, but yeah, I was talking to a guy down there
About different electronics over there and he's talking about how like he had a nice phone
Like none of his friends had a nice phone because he's like I'm the phone enthusiast in the group meaning I own a nice phone
I was like, wow, that's different everyone. I know has a super nice phone at home. Yep, like everybody. It's just cheaper
yeah, and I don't remember what it was, but I asked him how much it was and then I'd like
Converted it and it's really the same and for all the whining and complaining that folks do about carrier contracts and subsidies
I mean, do you have any idea how much of a difference that's made for you over the years in terms of the upfront cost of
Your hardware. Yeah, I'm kind of that drink
Didn't see it at first it kind of blended in NCIX gave me 10 bucks to drink from this water bottle on the show
I don't believe you or did that as a joke. No, they didn't know that would have been pretty funny actually
No, that didn't that didn't happen. I just happened to own an NCX water bottle
Because I worked there for years exactly
Anyways, the new topic was the Apple event and new tech wiki format. Yeah, you can we'll talk about the Apple event first
The tech wiki format isn't really news. So
Apple had about an 80-minute event earlier this week where they actually talked about some pretty cool stuff
So the new iPad air air
Thinner than before
Lighter than before when they're gonna run out of reusable names the same
Phone hardware in a much larger form factor as before I've had air pod air pod. That'd be great. I
I thought I
iPod air pad iPad air pad. Anyway, so the iPad air is out. It's only a pound
So it's significantly lighter than the previous generation model. It's still retina
It uses the same a7 chip that we found in the latest iPhone 5s
So they have by the look of things done away with having a higher tier of hardware and iPad versus iPhone
I guess there's just no point anymore. And
Other than that, I don't think there was really much to say about that
There's new cases available in a variety of colors
And now rather than only magical cases that go just on the front
There are now magical cases that wrap all the way around your thin and light iPad to make it exactly the same weight and size
As your previous generation iPad, I don't know that it's actually exactly the same weight and size
And if you're anything like me, you probably already had a case on your last generation iPad
So it's still a savings, but I just kind of get a kick out of that once you drop your keys on it
All right. The next big thing is the MacBook Pro with retina gets a Haswell upgrade
so for those of you who have been sleeping under a rock for the last however many months Haswell is basically better performance better battery life and
Lower power consumption which ties pretty nicely into better battery life laptops dramatically improved onboard graphics
So the new pro is available in the 15 inch model with Iris Pro and crystal
Well, so crystal well for those of you who aren't familiar with it this one
I'm not gonna say you were living under a rock because this is not that bad to not know this but crystal
well is basically a hundred and twenty eight megs of
Extra cache that can be used not only by the CPU component, but also the GPU component, which is fascinating
Because it's it's a straight rather than it's a straight overflow pretty much
So anything that just falls out of level three goes straight into this 128 meg catch
Massive cash and it sits somewhere in speed between level 3 cache and RAM and
Because it's simply an overflow and obviously anything that overflows from level 3 is something that you were recently using it is very
Efficiently used and then the fact that it can be leveraged for the GPU as well for the integrated GPU
Is is game-changing it is no secret that no matter who you ask whether it's Intel or AMD
they're gonna say the future is
CPUs and GPUs working together on every task that you perform open CL is a thing and the new
The new mavericks version of OS 10 has full support for open CL and they're claiming up to 1.8
X performance in supported tasks and given the way that Apple ties the software and the hardware together
So well
I would expect to see open CL actually make a difference on that platform before we see it making much of a difference on
Other platforms. Well, it makes sense because they don't have much hardware and much software to sync which helps a lot
It's part of the reason why it's so hard for all of the platforms
Is there so many basically infinite different combinations of hardware?
You could have it installed on one thing about mavericks to and a bunch of their all their other software
Notifications that I heard about during the show. Yeah, I were all yeah, I work mavericks. Was there anything else?
I work mavericks and possibly other things anything software. Lots of software that neither of us have ever used before
I have have you how is it? It sucks. Okay, but it might not have actually been bad
It just sucked because I don't know how to use apparently better now. That's that's good and it's free in today
yeah, so if you buy any Mac hardware you now get I work for free and if you own any Mac OS going back like
The last five years you get an upgrade to mavericks for free
So software is now officially free if you're willing to pay the Apple tax for your hardware
Which as I've noted on this show before at launch usually isn't that bad and the new macbook pros are cheaper by about?
$200 for base configs versus the outgoing models. So
None of these are necessarily terrible things. Imagine that yeah
Oh, yeah, the other thing is Apple's showing their commitment to you know, greener everything
So they had lists of all the different, you know
Reduction of hazardous substances and all that the new Mac Pro they talked a little bit more about it
It's going to be assembled in the US which is you know
It's only one product and it's not gonna make us forget about the explosions in the factories of iPad polishing
workers with all the aluminum dust and people dying, you know, we haven't forgotten about that, but
At least they're moving towards it. You can't criticize a step in the right direction
No, and if they're going to start with this
Maybe they'll get some more factories more plants more supervisors blah blah blah blah blah over time
and I mean honestly we as consumers have to prove that we're willing to
That we're willing to pay more for something that is you know assembled at least assembled in
Our home country or not our home country, but someone's home country
We have to prove that we're willing to pay more for it for companies to be willing to invest in moving
Production back on to their home turf and I don't blame them for that
They have to sell product if they don't sell product they won't exist and then someone else will over
Outsource to overseas and it doesn't fix it. Yeah, that's the first thing so many companies do increase profit margins overseas
Let's get it out of the states because it costs so much actually manufacture. I ended up just punching that thing
Yeah, but just punch all the things we're angry increase profits punch things. Yes
All right, so here we go guys, it's Twitter blitz time
So Jacob says you should get a Lego Mindstorm ev3
Really cool. Yeah, I just don't know that that's necessarily our our video sort of approach
They are really cool though. Eventually Apple will have to call the next iPod touch. The iTouch kids will be hilarious when it happens
That's terrible then
That's terrible, what is that keyboard you guys have with the red translucent keys
I know where you can buy it. You can buy it on bang good calm
Which isn't as bad as it sounds but they do have like sex toys and stuff. What's it called again?
It's got a crazy name and most of it's not in English
What do you think of a carbon fiber wrap 900d as long as the carbon fiber wrap doesn't weigh much more than it's probably fine
Man, that's a heavy case. We'll have to we'll have to rag on George a little bit about that when he gets on
Mantle versus g-sync. Oh, trust me. We'll be talking about this. There's a segment coming
Which do you think is a better advancement in technology? Okay, I gotta I gotta save that. Yeah, apparently it's Nokia not Nokia
Okay, I
In English, it's Nokia
So if I were to read it phonetically, but I'm sorry if I have broken the rules Nokia
Can people go can people in Brazil go to Colombia or Mexico and get a ps4 for $400
No, I think a lot of South American country has similar problems. I don't know if specifically if Colombia does or Mexico
I'm pretty sure it's more expensive. If it's the same as like laptops and stuff. It'll be more expensive in Mexico
Alright, how do you think the 780 TI no idea 780 TI is not out yet
Even if we knew we couldn't talk about it what to upgrade my GTX 680
You know what we have another we have a great discussion topic on that as well the slowing of the pace of technology
Advancements particularly as it pertains to graphics cards. So there's not a whole lot to upgrade a GTX 682 right now
Will Nvidia graphics card support mantle in the future? No
Also will g-sync be worth getting against maybe an AMD mantle card more discussion on that later
Oh my god, everyone just wants to talk about mantle and g-sync trust me
We will talk about it for a while talk about it tuning in from the North Pole. Very nice. That's pretty cool
I'm not clicking a bitly link in Twitter though. Scary matrix edition of Asus GPUs are designed mainly for overclocking, right?
What extras does it deliver?
Well, mostly overclocking
Yeah, yeah better cooling better cooling sometimes better power delivery
We've seen that a little bit on Asus GPUs, I believe apparently it's lagging a little bit on and off
Yeah, we're we're aware. Not really sure not really sure what's going on in a lower bit rate of the stream
Yeah, we could we could try that because I'm pretty sure I moved it back up to 2500
Hello from Greece house rocket. He's good. He's putting on weight already
And what do you think can be improved on a second version of the pebble, you know, do they have color e-ink screens?
Don't think so, I haven't heard I don't know but I haven't heard of any guys guys tweet us or let me know in the
Twitch chat if if they have colored e-ink, I'll watch to a chat you keep going
I don't think so, but I just banned someone on accident. I'm gonna
Penance 81 I put my hand down on my touchpad and timed you out for 10 minutes. I'm sorry
I don't know how to undo that if any of the mods know how that'd be great
Owen asks thoughts on which pair of skull candies you may want to review
I'm gonna pick up the aviators at some point here because apparently they actually don't suck
I've heard yeah, okay, so I'm gonna pick up those and then for lols
I'm gonna grab like some of their like $80 earbuds
Let us be like this and then I'm just gonna be like, yeah
They're terrible because I think we all knew that was but the aviators I I've heard they're great
I've heard they are great, but I heard there's
Just as good in way cheaper price brackets
Well, I don't know if that's actually a thing or not. I've just heard that
Okay, but you do pay a premium for real brand names. So yeah, I mean, I'm okay with that
I buy it's when's the last time you bought headphones? Did you buy no name or did you buy a bear dynamic?
There you go, but these are like died. Okay
Do you think we eventually see an AMD or Nvidia flavor of steam OS since the source will be available to anyone no
Because they'll just use steam OS. Yeah with AMD or Nvidia drivers
In fact, I think Nvidia is going a completely different route and they're chasing the Android
So more on that but their new their new console mode for shield looks outstanding
I basically don't need a home theater PC anymore, and I've had one for
I'm a huge home theater PC guy. I will be replacing it with an Nvidia shield
All right. What is the keyboard you guys have with the red translation? Oh
That's a sweet I do you want to bring bring George in because I think we're pretty much ready to go
Very exciting
All right, seventy nine ninety versus seven eighty same price, but slightly older text seventy nine ninety raw performance is going to be
pretty darn good
But until AMD completely fixes their frame timings
Issues I would I would probably lean towards the 780 with that said if you check out the latest article on PC per where he's
Got Ryan's got 290 X's running in crossfire
They are making some pretty major strides on the driver development side getting that issue taken care of
So are we live with the one the old way George?
Hey guys, what's up? Hey George. How are ya?
Doing good doing good. My volume isn't doing so good. So give me just a second here. I'm gonna try and turn you
That is a handsome picture. That is a very handsome picture. Where did we get this picture? I didn't get it
Oh, okay
Well apparently one of my one of my guys picked out this picture of you and you know
You can share your appreciation with them if you'd like. I'll pass it along
All right, thanks
So so tell us about yourself. Where are you from? What kind of cases have you gotten your fingers into all that kind of stuff?
Okay, I started of course there about ten years ago nine and a half years ago doing like memory test crap and then
Just got really opinionated in meetings. And basically they said, okay. Well, let's see if George actually knows what he's talking about and
Occasionally I did so as long as my success rate is better than my fail rate. They keep listening
Yeah, I started I started actually got the job because I saw a post on a
Like a hardware review site that said Corsair was looking for memory test guys and they happen to be local
So I just send an email saying hey, I'm interested and I got the job
So, you know
You can just kind of move from being a fan of hardware stuff into making hardware if you actually pay attention
you know what that is a fantastic story and that's um
That's one of the things that I think is really inspiring for our viewers to hear
Because a lot of them will reach out to me and ask me things like, you know
Hey Linus, how I'm trying to I'm trying to
That's interesting. Where is it? I'm having a little bit of trouble hearing you here and I think that I'm missing
The connector from it from my earphones
Okay. All right. So I mean I think that's really might be because you're using like razor headset
Yeah, I I don't know what the I don't know what the impedance of these is
But maybe it's a touch higher than I was expecting. No
I don't think that's the issue. I think it might be to do with our splitter here
But for some reason the the end connector of my steel series earbuds, which are also not Corsair
Although you guys don't make earbuds for what that's worth. All right. Anyway, I think that's inspiring
I think that's really cool. And I know there's a lot of hearing stories like that
What were some of the challenges that you faced going from?
Being a peon to being well the key guy when it comes to designing Corsair cases
Actually, so when I my first thing I started with was power supplies because first and they just expanded into like USB drives and then
Someone sent an email said do you think?
first why it's actually our president Andy us know saying if you guys think it was and
I was
relatively new and I was like, yeah, we should do power supplies and here's what we should do and here's what the
The you know connectors should be and all that stuff and and I expect it all out and then I got another email saying
Okay, you work with this guy and start building it and then that became really successful
So now we're like the number one guy in power supplies
So they said okay
Well when we do new products that are like that like cases or power supplies or coolers, you should be the guy
involved so
the challenge is really is just like actually trying to learn the
Logistics and manufacturing side stuff, which is actually kind of difficult
Yeah, it's I think that people don't have nearly enough appreciation for I
Remember, you know what this this reminds me I saw I saw I think it was back on extreme system some guy designed an
Ultimate case it was kind of based on a tj07 ish like design and it had all this radiator space
And I had all this stuff about it. I looked at the thing and I kind of went dude
That's unmanufacturable and he went, you know, right? You're not supporting my dream
You're this you're that and I'm kind of sitting there going you you don't understand the challenges at play here
You know what? Why don't you why don't you now that it's been a long time now that it's been a while
Tell us about the biggest problem you had bringing 800d to market
Okay, so the first case 800d was kind of funny because we didn't really know anything about always done
Emory and USB drives which you can put in like a little clamshell or a box and you put in another bigger box and
You put it on an airplane and fly it across the planet
The challenge with 800d was never built anything so complex
Emmically because it had so many different
Actually getting like 800 D's from the factory in China to other people that wanted to buy them
Became a huge nightmare. Like it turns out you can't put those on an airplane to climb around. That's a really bad idea
So it costs way too much to do that
So you ended up trying to do container optimization and stuff like that for boats
Which is actually it's boring for you guys
But you know
These are what guys who like sell mattresses and refrigerators have to figure out how to ship giant things across the country
Yeah, exactly it's actually really challenging to figure that out
So well like one of the things we learned for example
If you look at the 650d and the 600t they were the second and third cases we designed and they had
The same internals but they're very different external dimensions like the outside of the 600t is a lot bigger than the 650d
So it actually cost 650d which is again to the end user you guys don't care
You just pick it up and put it in your car and drive home or whatever or have it delivered by you know
NCAX or Newegg or whoever but you know for us that's like, okay
Well, can we fit 500 or 700 in a container? That's the type of question we have to answer, right?
That's the most interesting thing. The feature set stuff
No, it's challenging to be the so that's I mean, that's a really boring answer
But the the other side of it is that for the specs we can just ask you guys what to build and you guys tell
us so that's really easy because we can just say hey should we put you know, four hard drive bays or six and then
you know the answer is
We can put whatever you guys tell us, right?
So speaking of putting out putting a case in your car and driving home with it up 900d
That barely fits in my car. Did you go?
did you go through this whole challenge again with 900d of convincing people at Corsair that you needed to build this case and
Has it been successful in your eyes? Yeah
Yeah, we totally did we had to convince our our president Andy that we needed a successor to
800d which was you know this giant case and we had to argue that you guys look online
These guys want more radiator space. They want bigger motherboards all these things. And so, you know, we said, okay, it's been three years
Let's do it and it took a long time because it's actually not an inexpensive
Chassis to make either like tooling it up cost a lot of money
So when we can sit there and say and then he goes well
How many can you sell a month and then you have to answer that?
So the business side of it is the the interesting part, but the 900d making it even bigger
You know when we saw the 800d was so big when we launched it people were like laughing at how big it was now
900d makes 800d look like a mid tower
So it's it's still kind of overkill
But we've seen a lot of traction from it a lot of guys are buying it because they really wanted that that water cooling room
Now, I don't know if you saw it
Did you see our overkill water cooling build guide where we stuffed five radiators into the 900d five thick radiators? I
Think I think I did see that actually
We we had to do those things that
We had to fight with it a little bit
Which is which was kind of funny to me because I I'd stupidly
Looked at the side of the box and I saw all the different radiator support things and it didn't occur to me that you couldn't
Necessarily fit all of those in all at the same time in the default configuration
So we ended up taking one of the radiators and actually mounting it to the motherboard tray
so was that something you expected people to do or
I didn't quite expect that to be achieved in that way. I see how you guys did that
I'm like looking at the YouTube video on the other window
That's uh, that's pretty clever actually, but man, those are some really ugly fans
I mean, I don't I don't expect that's fine. That's fine. I understand that but they're
Extremely quiet and the performance is outstanding and I know you guys know that
So you control me all you want but I know you know that they're good
All right. So I guess the last thing here is for yeah, they're pretty good for those of you
In the audience who don't know what Corsair is all about George. What makes Corsair different from other companies
Lost I lost you guys audio there for some reason. Okay. I said George what makes what makes Corsair different from other companies
Um, I would have to say that internally we have a group of engineers that kind of run everything
so like the the directors and and executives are all trained engineers, which makes it
very different from
Hold on a second George again for some reason. Ah, you know what? Hold on a second. Are you on Wi-Fi?
No, I'm not not you George. I
Think that's the problem. I give us give us one second here
How can join the other one? Yeah, okay. I will be will be back with George in just a moment
So in the meantime those of you watching I would love for you to tweet us
So tweet at Linus tech and let us know any questions that you have for George
once we've gotten through a couple more topics we are gonna go ahead and
I'm working on it. You're working on it
We're gonna go ahead and have George answer some of those questions for you in a Twitter blitz type format
So we should be back with them here in just a couple of moments. We are connecting to our
Cisco hotspot, which should be able to connect but for whatever reason is unable to connect
You have okay
We are gonna go ahead and we're gonna go through my phone because apparently that's a that's a better solution than trying to use
It's Wi-Fi for some reason. All right, so that should show up in just a moment here
All right, oh man we could jump and see if there's any new Twitter questions well
Yeah, we can jump in see if there's any new Twitter questions for the moment
So let's go ahead and head over there
Here we go
All right. Hopefully you guys are starting to hit us with some of the some of the questions for George here
All right. There we go. All right, George is back. Okay, we should be we should be stable now on the audio side
So tell us again what makes Corsair different from other companies
I think the main deal is that we're by engineers for the most part
Our company has a bunch of engineers at the management level director level and all those guys
So if something has to be done
it has to be done like in a way that we make sure it actually has a performance difference instead of
Just kind of marketing a performance difference, right? I
Was that the whole thing is that it in a nutshell
That's that's the biggest difference I mean if you
Engineers they have engineering groups, but the you know go to the director and he's like a marketing guy or an advertising guy or something
like that
Right. Okay. It's obviously a really good point because a lot of companies don't there seems to be that obvious disconnect
They don't really get it
Yeah, well you see products released and you kind of go did anyone actually build an enthusiast grade computer in this case?
Yeah, and with Corsair
I think they they usually prove that they did because the marketing materials usually contain a finished high-end build
Actually built in the thing. It's like look. No, we actually did validate this
There's a couple of our competitors that have enthusiasts on board too
Like, you know, we have a bunch of enthusiasts in-house and you know myself
I build my own systems and do that stuff and then some other guys here, too
But a lot of our competitors they don't really have that so you can see for example
I'll give like Rob at NZXT and those guys. Those are enthusiasts. Those guys know the the enthusiasts level stuff
I don't know what the management's like or anything like that, but they definitely have enthusiasts on board
But if you look at some of our other competitors when you see you know
The kind of decisions they make and where they put like screw holes and where they put a really bad door on a case
Or something like that. You just know this person's never actually going to use that
And so they never really thought about what the usage would look like
So I want to launch into one of our non Corsair topics here. I we shared the dock with you
Hopefully you had a chance to look at this, but there is a fantastic
editorial piece on PC perspective
So I'm just gonna go ahead and show this to the viewers next gen graphics and process migration
20 nanometers and below and beyond so George. What was your first performance grade graphics card? I
Bought so my first my first PC that I ever bought had a s3 verge 2 megabyte card in it
Which was terrible. This is like
1995 or 1996 but the first performance grade card I bought was probably a
Voodoo 3d effects voodoo card that had a 4 megs and it was like a it had a card that you had to you
had to
Use a TD card and that was the 3d card
And so that was my first performance 3d card and I it was playing like the original Tomb Raider and GL quake and and mech
warrior 2 and stuff on that
Awesome. Okay, so you are
Exactly the kind of person that this article is geared towards it's a fantastic article and
Basically, what it does is it goes through the history of what we've seen
So they've got some pretty iconic cards that they're showing off
here in the written section of the article and it's it basically talks about the the way that
process node migrations have gone for the last well
Really for the last almost 20 years to the point where graphics performance has been
Outstripping the the traditional Moore's law because not only are they able to pack in more transistors
They've been making much more efficient use of them as times gone by and what's happening right now
and I think what enthusiasts are getting upset about is
It's just not that easy anymore to keep driving graphics performance up
So what's I mean, okay
So you saw that both Nvidia and AMD's most recent launches were rebrands
Effectively what's what's what's your take on that is has it just gotten too difficult?
To keep pushing performance forward at the rate that people have honestly been spoiled by have you felt spoiled? I
Think that honestly what's what's happened is is that they can push performance a little bit
But the software is not able to keep up with the hardware
So I think you'll see a couple of things over the next little bit
I think you're gonna see as 4k becomes much more popular
Some of these guys are talking about 4k monitors and stuff in the new in the near future
4k stuff that pushes video cards to their limits and that's gonna make video cards a really big deal right now at 1080p
I mean, that's the kind of standard your TV runs on and you know, cell phones are running on that now
So I think you see a lot more people are running that easily but 4k is gonna be a real big stressor
But I do I do think that it's gonna be interesting to see if they can keep that pace up
I don't think it's really at some point. You can't make that that you know process of
Shrinkage any any better it 20 nanometers 16 14 12, whatever. You're not gonna get that much better
So tell me tell me this
Do you feel like not only on the CPU GPU side?
People have been a little bit spoiled similarly in other categories
I mean when you're working on a new case, I mean, what are what's the what are the overall goals?
Okay, you have to build it cheaper. You have to sell more
It has to have more features and we want to see some amazing innovations and has to look great
Yeah, I think that so when we launched the 800 D, you know
We put some rubber grommet cable writing holes in it and you know hot swap hard drives and push-button side panel release and suddenly
Everyone was like, oh my god, you know, what have you guys done and the world changed?
But now like you go by a $40 case and it has like rubber grommet cable routing holes and stuff like that
So you're right the the standardized stuff has changed quite a bit
People are kind of been spoiled
You're just used to that your hard drive won't require you to screw anything in and all that stuff is new
I mean, it's relatively new
so I mean now you have to come up with something like the air 540 where it's like hey we you know change the form
factor a little bit and and
Formatted it specifically for this purpose and think that people are responding well to that
They're seeing okay, you know
How many cases can you launch where the hard drive cage is in the same place and the optical drive cage is in the same?
Place and the motherboards the same size and okay
So this one has seven slots instead of six, but I don't really care, you know
So I think you do you're right
You do have to come up with something new and innovative and it's getting more and more challenging
but luckily with mechanical stuff you can do that much easier than you can with like actually shrinking the the
You know manufacturing process of a GPU die
Metal costs, how do you guys deal with the fact that metal inherently costs more over time and
unlike, you know the traditional PC component expectation where pricing should just
Always be in freefall whether it's hard drives or CPUs where again
It's this is the spoiled mentality of the PC customer. How do you guys deal with that?
Well, it's actually so that's not really I haven't seen that too much
I think what you see is that when people want to buy a new product they
Decide what their budget is or you know what features they really want and then they go out and look for it
So for graphics card guys, you see a lot of people that say hey, you know two three hundred bucks
That's what I'm gonna spend on a graphics card
I'm just not gonna spend that much more and anything less than that
I'm not gonna be satisfied with and whether they spend two three hundred bucks this year or in two years
That's kind of their budget
I think cases you get kind of that same thing a guy wants to spend X amount of dollars on a case and he goes
Around says this is the one I like best for that price point and you can maybe talk him up or he can be talked
Down depending on the feature set, but I don't think they really care too much that the case
Cost, you know one hundred and fifty nine dollars last year still cost one hundred fifty nine dollars because it's not like the metal got cheaper
Yeah, so why do you have you guys not done an ITX case yet?
Wait, there's ITX no, no, I'm just kidding. Yeah, this is there's a this stuff in the roadmap. There's stuff being worked on
Okay, so you're not gonna tell us any more than that I thought we were friends
I'll tell you what you can come to CES and we can shoot another video like you did with 900d and we'll talk about
It then. All right. Hey, that's that that now see now
I feel like we're getting we're getting friendly here. We're having some fun
All right, because I mean Corsair is synonymous with performance PCs
And I think that performance PCs have really come to ITX in a way that they hadn't up until the last year or so
And so I'm I'm excited to speculate that there will potentially be some alleged
Thing to talk about it this year
Yeah, like the the answer really is is that mini ITX like you said had been kind of boring for the past few years
until Intel kind of put everything on the CPU die itself so that your memory controller is gone and
You're like Southbridge is almost gone completely like USB and all that SATA stuff rather
It's gonna be all CPU integrated
So now motherboards can be really really small because they don't have to make you know a footprint for all the different components
So for the first time mini ITX motherboards have really good performance in the past year or two
And so now we're seeing a lot more mini ITX performance builds before it was just kind of you want mini ITX
you might as well just buy like a Mac mini or one of those a
Open little micro PC things and that was it
Yeah, or there'd be like one board option that isn't an Intel server board or something like that
You know, yeah you got and like like Zotac Zotac was really good at that
They did a bunch of really cool small form factor boards. Yes, and they basically made it cool
So that Asus could swoop in and completely take all the market share away from them as far as I could tell
Yeah, that's what Asus does really well like hey, someone did something cool
Let's do that way better and in just jump in and launch ten versions of it
Yeah, yeah, they really are good at that, aren't they
So between Corsair and Asus, is there really any other you know, and then AMD or Intel and Nvidia or AMD again?
Is there really anything else that you feel like you need for an awesome PC these days?
Well, it depends on what kind of beer you like
My personal preference
Actually, I used to I use a lot of different stuff
but so for gaming headsets when I talk when I'm playing the game I use a like a v2000 but
The for when I'm talking on like listening to music I actually use high-end headphones
So I'm still playing in that game
like I have a nice set of
Biodynamics that I use for music but when I play games and stuff and I want the mic I just put on my
2000s mentions 2000s
How much would you love Corsair to get into true audio file grade headphones as opposed to gaming headphones? I
Would be really excited about that. But the trick is it's a tough market, you know
There's a lot of there's a lot of leverage to the old brands like you can't like exactly launch a new quality brand easily
It takes a lot of time to get people to realize that you're not just trying to you know
Rip off beats or somebody like that
Fair enough. All right. So next topic this one has has made some waves over the last little bit here
So this was posted on the forum by top war gamer and there's a quote here call of duty developer
Infinity Ward has suggested that the people most engaged with the franchise
Aren't really gamers at all as they don't play any titles that aren't affiliated with the series
that's according to executive producer Mark Rubin who told
OXM that he didn't expect the imminent arrival of the next-gen consoles to have much of an impact on the makeup of COD's
So the original article was from from IGN and I'll just I'll just pull this up here. I
There's there's a very angry thread on our forum
But I want to hear your initial reaction is someone who plays a game as opposed to lots of games a gamer
That's the tough one that depends on would they call themselves a gamer or what we call them gamers
I think you get a little bit of that
So there's so I don't want to come across like hey, you know all the cool guys are you know playing?
You know quake back in the day and and all that stuff
I mean there's guys who didn't get into gaming because they weren't old enough to be into those kinds of games
But yeah
I would say that
You're he's probably got a point and what I think he might have been trying to say is that your average Call of Duty gamer?
Isn't like a hardcore gamer who plays like, you know, ten titles a year
He may just play like one or two Call of Duty titles
But you know, I when I was really gaming I have kids now, so I don't game as much
But when I was really gaming a lot, you know every month or something
I would find some new game to play and beat through and then go back to counter-strike and wait for the next one
Yeah, that sounds like what a lot of people did however
I am gonna throw this out there is is a professional hockey player who lives breathes and
eats nothing, but hockey
An athlete. Yeah, you know like like how do we define the term gamer?
If not someone who plays games and then that leads into that whole other debate
So, I mean you're an old-school gamer guy is someone who plays like I've been playing this game on on my Nvidia shield
It's called I don't know
It's some it's some stupid game on the shield store where you're like this swordsman and you jump around and like hack it stuff
And it's a super casual game. Am I still a gamer if I don't play any real hardcore games anymore?
Yeah, I think so. I think that that's like okay. My wife plays Candy Crush on her phone, right?
Does that make her a gamer? I mean you and I might say no that's ridiculous
That's just a phone game. But I mean if you look at it from with the way that these guys are saying
Hey, the gaming market is growing. That's where the gaming market is really growing quickly
It's like Facebook games and mobile app games
I would say that if you don't have like a dedicated graphics card in your system
You're not a gamer like if you don't if you've never you know, if you don't understand what the WASD cluster is
You're not a game like that's my like snobbish kind of arrogant attitude towards it. Yeah, but yeah
Sorry, keep going
Yeah, that's I mean but then being that to be fair like I don't want to scare new gamers off either
I don't want to be like hey, you know
We're the cool kids and you're just a new guy and get the hell out of our cool club
I want people that like hey
Maybe if you started playing Candy Crush soccer
You'd realize like how cool games can be and then maybe you'd move up and play other games and that's like what I want people
To feel like is like hey
Let's let's welcome the more gamers that get into this business and industry again the more games that get sold
That's better for everybody
It's better than because then more gamers get moved into buying new stuff and you guys get cooler hardware and cooler mice and keyboards and and
You know gaming monitors everything gets better if there's more people here
Yeah, it's very true and I think a lot of it is your personal mindset too because like I know friends that play hockey that
Would consider themselves athletes and I know friends that play hockey that would not consider themselves athletes
So I think it also depends like where you're at like there might be a dude that plays Cod every night
But he only plays it for 20 minutes before bed
He doesn't really feel like a gamer and there might be someone who plays Cod every night and only plays it 20 minutes before bed
But he's really excited for that every time and reads up on all the new articles on new games and is really into it and considers
Himself a game. That's a great point because I I play one sport. I play badminton. That's it
I only play once a week. I would call myself a badminton player
I wouldn't call myself an athlete. Yeah
That's interesting. I would you call me an athlete? No, right, but I play
In a ladder I play in a competitive ladder every Sunday night and
I'm pretty decent
But then there's also some other people that are probably a little bit more hardcore into it that only play badminton
That would call themselves. Yes
A lot on the individual person
So the I mean the question is is I mean really the guy the the Call of Duty guy from Infinity Ward or whatever that said
That he's just trying to say that and what he's trying to say is Call of Duty players are Call of Duty players
They're not gamers and he's trying to brand them specifically as guys who love Call of Duty not guys who love all games
And that's that's a solid point. There's a lot of dudes who don't play anything, but Call of Duty
This is a good perspective because I think most of the replies on our forum. We're just very angry about
About the implication that someone who plays only one game isn't a gamer
But this is a much more more balanced approach to it
I think I do want to move on because I've got a topic that I'm sure you are going to love to talk about
I don't know if you saw this one. I added it at the last minute
But this is a blog on the post on the one and only corsair.com
Battlefield 4 loves high-speed memory and was this was this a guest article that you guys had Dustin, right?
Is he still at a non-tech or no, it's the deal. No Dustin Dustin works for us now
He started on October 1st, so he started this month so
Yeah, we hired Dustin. He's local
So we said hey, you know the more guys who know the industry and no hardware the better that work at Corsair
So, you know, we offered you a job to Linus, but you you know live in Canada
So I know right my dog sleds couldn't actually carry me all the way down there
I would run out of snow so I couldn't figure out how I would actually move to California
And we already have our quota of one Canadian guy with Taron so we can't really hire another one
Yeah, so like we're looking at
Hiring more what we call people with enthusiasts DNA. So Dustin definitely has it. He knows the industry. He knows that stuff
So we want that that kind of person here at Corsair
So with Dustin actually we asked him to look at this just to see hey
You know play with the battlefield 4 beta and see what you find out and one of the things he found was this which to
Be quite honest. I could not believe it when I saw this
Yeah, consciously it doesn't make any damn sense you're looking at it and you're like what that doesn't make sense and then then obviously internally
We're like well
Of course people are gonna say Corsair says fast memory makes a difference because they sell fast memory and we're totally biased and everything
But I've seen that I've seen the benchmarks. It makes a difference
So next week when the game, you know hits live and you guys can test it yourselves
I highly recommend checking it out because it's weird
I had actually already talked to Linus about this before I had seen this article and I had already talked to him about how our
benchmarks for battlefield 4 are gonna be interesting and I might want to do a whole bunch of extra stuff because we found a lot
More usage on CPU than normal on a lot more cores and we found well
I found in some other people
That the memory was being used a lot more and people that had really high speed memory
We're actually getting more performance, which is weird
We just recently did a video about how it doesn't just did a video where we took some games and we basically went look
Memory speed doesn't matter for gaming
Well, I guess it's time to throw all that out the window because for one thing BF 4 has I think what is it?
6 gigs is the requirement and then 8 gigs is recommended and then number 2 if we're gonna see at 1920 by 1080
10 percent performance improvements in minimum FPS, which is the one that matters. We all know this and at
iFinity settings so 57 60 by 1200 over 20 percent performance improvements just from going from 1600 to DDR 3
2400 this is a game changer for you guys all of a sudden you have something to talk about again on the memory side
Yeah, we're really excited internally
we finally, you know, we kiss the heat spreaders and send them out the door and we're ready to go but no the
The difference is actually
We're stoked about it because a couple years ago like well now like five years ago when battlefield 2 came out
We did it
I did a blog because I found out that actually having like I think it was
2 gig versus 4 gig or 4 gig versus 8 gig or something made a difference on
Big maps when you were on an airplane or in a helicopter
When the map had to load a bunch of textures at once if you had 4 gigs of ram or 8 gigs ram
Whatever it was it made it performance difference
And so like we were stoked about it cuz battlefield has always pushed hardware kind of in a special way
Like not quite like crisis level, but it's always pushed hardware kind of interestingly
So these guys are definitely putting a lot more effort into the CPU and memory than most guys are and I?
Like the fact as a PC gamer. I like the fact that they said they don't care what it looks like on consoles
They want it to be fast and look good on PC first and that's their target
And if it has to be dumbed down for consoles then so be it
I like that approach better than well the console guys are complaining if it looks better on PC like
Screw that no actually
Also guys should suffer this was great
I had a chance to have some one-on-one time with Johan Anderson who's their lead technical director for frostbite?
And he basically was talking about how they're building frostbite 3 for the future
Like that's the idea what they're building right now
This is a heavy heavy investment, and they want this thing to scale to continue to scale with future hardware
And I find that incredibly exciting and the fact that they've done such a great job of for the first time in in
Many hardware generations giving us a reason to have anything other than dual channel DDR to 800 megahertz
Is fantastic I mean remember when DDR 3 first came into the limelight and it was like yeah?
There's no performance Delta whatsoever, and it's been that story. They're so long now. This is great
Yeah, it's been it's been tough to say I mean it's not a surprise to anybody
We've never even claimed recently that there's been a gaming performance benefit from high-end RAM
It's always been like encoding or something like that because gaming is almost all GPU limited
But now we're actually seeing some games take a difference against make a difference again, so we're pretty excited about it
I think that I mean I don't expect everyone to go out and buy like you know 2933 megahertz
Dominator Platinum's and and whatever else, but you can
Yeah, we could use some of those just throwing that out there yeah
That's that's gonna happen I can't even get those right now
You know what's funny is I even had an opportunity to ask for some of the 3000 megahertz ones back when those launched and
I was just like you know what and we won't really be able to do anything with them because
What am I gonna say about these things other than like hey, of course I made this RAM. It's totally unnecessary who cares
Yeah, exactly. I was like. I don't want you guys to give me something that there's nothing for me to say about other than that
No, there's you know it's kind of like once something has reached that kind of commodity scale like you know
What do you want to review toothpaste next to what do you say like my teeth still feel clean so?
You know
Yards of toothpaste
Strip it down the street
We could do speed tests so like if you slip if you if you
Squeeze it how fast it actually come out or like if you slam it
Of the tube we could pack it into your backpack and like and like an entire tube
If you have it in your luggage an entire tube of aqua fresh
How many sharp things can be in your luggage before the tube gets punctured and spills all over everything?
Yeah, and then how quickly do you get put in the TSA prison?
Yeah, because there would be this gel all over everything in your bag. It would smell minty fresh though
That's a terrible job. Someone's job is to test the viscosity of toothpaste
That's like someone has to do that someone has to sit there and make sure that every like batch of aqua fresh has the same
Viscosity it's not too runny or too pasty because they're like this is the sweet spot
This is what we've determined through market research. This is what people like
You know what sometimes my job is kind of hard, but then I feel I tell myself like yeah
At least I don't have to do that
It could be worse I could be the toothpaste guy, but the toothpaste guy is like at least I don't do mayonnaise you know
Right so the last thing for you George is we've got a Twitter blitz
So we've asked our guys to ask you some you know quick questions
And the idea is as soon as you hear the question you answer it as quickly as you can and we move on to
The next one so okay here we go
So I asked them to send in some questions for George and for whatever reason
Chrome is being chrome is being a turd for me here, so yeah
It's doing that thing where I try to scroll it, and it's just not being very cooperative so uh
Here we go. I remember so here. It goes. It's back
When is what is Coursera going to do to make hydro series better?
We're always pushing the level of performance quickly so better performance stuff easier to install and working on better noise
Control stuff so that you guys that want to make it quieter can make it quieter and those you guys who want to go for
The performance can make it faster
That's that's the end goal cooler quieter easier to install every generation gets better
Speaking of which this is another great follow-up question question for George is course our planning in H
110 I so something with course our link speaking of better control and fan profiles and pump profiles
So two things yeah
We we will eventually ensure have an of course our link version of the high-end cooler
It's like the 110 I and then the other side of it is course our link is is being significantly revamped as well
So we're having we're doing much much better versions of course our link, and they're in development now, too
So we've actually the 2.5 software is going to be launched in beta pretty quick
And that has a lot of bug fixes and a windows 8.1 compatibility and all that stuff
So we're going to have some stuff ready to go on our forums pretty quickly for that George will there ever be sp
140s and will we ever see led versions of Sp series fans?
Yes, there will eventually be Sp 140s. I can't give you a better date on that, but there will be Sp 140s
The led version to the Sp series fans if enough people ask us for them then yeah, we can do that pretty quickly
But I just you know I don't know that there's a lot of guys putting
Led fans on their radiators or seats inks most people put them in their cases and the side panels and front panels
But if they really want led Sp fans, and they bug us on Facebook about it enough, then yeah, we'll do it
I'm going to throw this at you George some people are obsessive compulsive enough that they're just not willing to buy
different fans to put in different parts of their system, and they want all the same fans and
Someone's pointing at me
I have no idea what his problem is so for me because af series fans for me are much worse on
radiators compared to Sp and
Sp isn't really that much worse in an open air flow environment compared to af series if I was going to pick one
I would pick Sp
And so that is my justification for led Sp fans needing to exist just throwing all right
So we'll do we'll do a linus edition led with like your face on the low the hub label
So that it spins around really quickly, but then when it's off you can tell it's a linus fan
Can I be giving like a thumbs up and be wearing like like awesome corsair sunglasses that are like this big?
Yeah, we can have giant sunglasses and like a little like caricature of you on the box
That'd be awesome. If you guys do a linus edition product, then I will give you guys
three thousand dollars of free advertising on linus tech tips
There that's my that's my careful what you wish for small
Which product all right?
Okay, no hold on a second. I don't want a linus edition USB butt plug because that would be too predictable
We almost made it through a stream. Well. I have something off the roadmap now I
Have to go I have to go talk to our USB person and say hey kill that
All right, why doesn't corsair become a system builder?
Because all our competitors do that
That's what our competitors are doing
That's a I mean another competitors. I'm sorry
That's what our most of our customers are doing so if you go to like cyber power and and digital storm and those guys
Oh, cuz I'm taking a shot at those one guys that
Sorry, no, no, I exist some sort of a thing okay actually carry
I just kind of forgot how to speak English for a second, and I forgot what words mean
Realistically the the trick is that we wanted to make sure that
That we got the best product for our suppliers and stuff like that and actually that's a completely different skill set
You know building up a system, and then selling it to people that's different than selling hobby parts
Fair enough the hell was that?
He's pulling something out of his bag. Yeah, my battery is about to die on my laptop
Which is gonna be a real problem for me, so here?
Do you have a have a plug that you can get that into all right all right?
I think we're gonna take two more Twitter blitz questions
Okay, George. We all know Corsair makes some sweet premium stuff, so would you consider doing graphics cards a?
Couple years ago, I think it was Donald Trump said something with the airline industry like it's a lot of it's a good way
To lose a lot of money really really fast
And I feel the same way about the graphics card business like
You have to be really really quick to be on the ball
And it's all controlled kind of by AMD and Nvidia and what their chip allocation is so whoever they decide to give the
Chips to is who gets the the best cards, and I don't really want to play that game
We do it we knew enough with kind of really tight stuff with the memory
I'd rather work on the the other stuff especially because EVGA and Asus and those guys are doing a really good job on the graphics
Card front I'll just kind of let them have that I don't really want to fight them on that one
I mean, I'm not saying never, but I'm saying right now. I wouldn't do it
I have this is not a Twitter blitz question
But I would love to see there's a particular market that I want Corsair in that maybe I'll I don't
Want to give away anything, but ping me or something
I'll reach out to you separately because I think it would be it would be awesome because I think there's still at least one
Category within the sort of the finished PC ecosystem Corsair's not in yet that you could really contribute to and guys
I'd love you know what I'd love to see your Twitter comments
Or I'd love to see your your thoughts in the twitch chat figure out what you think I'm talking about alright
So last one for George
This is for George
I have a 350 D
And I wanted to know what's better positive or a negative air pressure with an h100i at the top
You're not gonna see a huge difference to be quite honestly with positive and negative what we found in our testing in the lab in
The controlled environment in our ovens is that matching in intake and out?
Exhaust rather I'll take with that intake and exhaust matching is the is the key so if you get a really close match
You're better off
There's all kinds of stuff online about no you know positive pressure is better
But negative pressure is better, and and then we know one of them will provide more dust
I've tested it a bunch of different times and what we've seen
Constantly is that if you get them close to matched and your CFM is about the same intake and exhaust you get the best performance
The the problem is if you put too much exhaust the hot air doesn't you don't have enough air inside to heat up if we?
Get too much intake you don't have enough exhausting the hot air so you have to get close to match
So the goal is measure your CFM and balance it
All right, well you know what I think that's uh I think that's pretty much it from our side
Thank you very much for joining us. This was awesome and very educational and guys
Please tweet at Corsair memory on Twitter, or you know hit them up on Facebook give them a big
Thanks for allocating some of George's valuable time for us here on the show today and George again
Thank you personally for taking the time, and if there's anything else you want to say to the viewers. I guess now's the time oh
Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks guys if you guys have recommendations for new products and go to our Facebook and tell us
What you want us to build?
I'm on overclock.net hard of forums
Occasionally on your forums Linus and Linus and a couple other people's forums. Sorry I almost called you eat an operating system
And then a bunch of other places so if you if you see me around
And you just want to give me feedback on what you think I'm doing wrong or right just feel free to
That's absolutely awesome. If more companies had guys like George that are accessible to the community
I think the the PC enthusiast market would be a better place. Thanks again, man. Take care. See you later
All right, talk to you guys later, but
All right, so guys that was George from Corsair, so let's just completely overtake their Facebook page and
Just destroy it with requests for SP series LED fans as well as 140 millimeter SP fans
Let's see if we can make some magic happen here guys. I
Couldn't hear
Bloody anything. I know I'm sorry. No. It's I I think
Because it was also crackling the whole way through
You can hear him though, so that's good. That's one of the reasons why I didn't chime in too much
I'm like I think I heard something. I know I know anyway. Thank you for taking one for the team there, but
Let's uh, let's move on into our next topic here. I think that's man. Oh
Should we should we wait one or should we just go for it right now?
Let's let you know what let's do Google's iron grip on Android Titans first
So this is an ours technica article and let's go ahead and fire this up
So I'm gonna let you handle most of this one because this is something you feel pretty
Strongly about is and you're gonna need a little bit of a cooler before that
I'm gonna I gotta I gotta prepare myself for the mantle versus g-sync rant. That's about to happen here
So quite a few times over the last few live streams people have heard me say that I've noticed that Google seems to be tightening
Down and changing who they are. There seems to be changing their face
They're not the Google that we've dealt with in the past
And there's a few things that's been changing especially focused on the Android operating system
So the AOSP the Android open source project is kind of being abandoned in certain ways
so how that's happening is we've seen stuff like
Messaging I'm gonna forget some of them now
But like messaging and music and all these different apps that they used to have and are still there get basically abandoned
They're not developing for them anymore. And what they've done is they've is another one search. Yeah, I always piece search
so these things are still around but they're archaic at this point and
No one is really using them because they have released new versions that they're actually developing for and these new versions calendar
Keyboard if you just keep going through there's even more I believe. Yep camera
Messaging I brought that one up. Yeah, and then the next one that's coming up is is
Photos or I think it's like Google. Yeah, Google pictures or something like that. So they're gonna be really they're gonna be moving that
Well, not really removing. It's still there. The AOSP version is still there, but they're releasing closed versions
So what they've trying to do is force
I've wanted to use their own apps because if you want to use any of these apps
You have to join the I don't remember exactly what's called but it's like the Android Alliance or something like that
And if you're within the Android Alliance, you can't really leave or else it gets messy and when you're inside of it, you can only manufacture
Approved devices the open handset Alliance. There we go
It's called so a sir tried to leave and they tried to do something else and that was a big problem
That was a really big goal and they they Google basically threatened to not allow them to produce any
Any Android devices if they didn't stop doing their own their own branched version of Android
I mean even for someone the size of Amazon maintaining
Kindle is really really difficult becoming more and more difficult and so you run into problems like with
Sanjayan mod where they can't actually include G apps the Google apps
You have to install Sanjayan and then go install GS because they won't allow them to bundle them luckily
It's fairly easy in that case, but companies are getting kind of scared because this is really aggressive
There's a serious walled garden going off with Google. Oh, yeah, this is something we haven't mentioned yet
So you guys should read this article. It's fantastic. It's on Ars Technica
It'll be linked in the in the doc, but okay, not only can you not produce for yourself?
but if you so someone like someone like Amazon, they can't even get an
An open handset Alliance member to manufacture Kindle fire for them
They have to get someone who's not a member of the Alliance to do it. So automatically most of the major OEMs
So that's Foxconn
Asus Acer
HTC Lenovo all these guys are completely off the list and they have to use much smaller manufacturers who are not members of this of
this secret handshake club that Google is locking into their way of doing things and
Then not allowing them to even facilitate
Anyone else to have a different branching version of Android?
so getting into the club as he was just saying is difficult and shady and a lot of its behind doors and it's not entirely
Known how it happens and then getting out is kind of the same way and when you're in there
It's nice because you get access to all the Google apps and everything
But then it's also kind of scary because you don't know what can happen next. So a few people within the closed garden
Like Samsung are trying to develop their own alternate apps and you might be wondering why is there all this bloatware on certain say
As much as we complain about Samsung's
Equivalence so here here we go
There's actually a great graphic showing all the equivalents chrome and internet play store and Samsung apps calendar and calendar play games and games
Are we seeing a pattern here is Samsung hedging their bets?
The base basically Samsung is
Developing all this stuff that people might not even be using so they can get user feedback and make sure that it works on all
Their devices so that if something drastic goes wrong
They can bail and still be okay and still have all these applications because AOSP kind of styled
Applications have been basically abandoned in terms of development if they didn't have this stuff ready if they lost the ability to use Google apps
They would be losing everything that makes the device awesome because well, okay and the user usability side
Not necessarily performance, but that's brutal and this is not something that we're used to from well
It's been going on for a little while now
But it's still not something that you would have as a characteristic for Google in the past
Because how they got to the top was embracing change and embracing user feedback and user contribution
And now that they're up there, they have like 80% market share or something. They're like, nope walls up
No one can touch our stuff
It's all closed back off and it's interesting because we've seen other companies kind of do this
And it doesn't even actually always turn out that great. But if anyone can do it, it's probably gonna be Google
So, I don't know. I mean
it's funny because Google built this OS on the openness of it and the
Crusaders that
Crusaded for well, hey, you know, we want to support this initiative versus Apple's approach
Which is completely walled the garden. Are they really that different anymore?
No, not really to be honest
It's it's gonna be interesting leading into stuff like cyanogen mod where they're gonna become their own full company
Now they're gonna rename they're gonna be their own OS
is this type of people gonna take the core of Android and just abandon and
Then just have have all their own new apps like Samsung is preparing to do but not actually doing like I don't I don't know
it's interesting I
Google I
Used to love you man. Like what's going on?
Yeah, I mean even things like like the the whole thing that's been going on with Google and Microsoft over the YouTube app
That is another great example of how Google is going beyond
Not, you know building an app for a competing platform
But hindering Microsoft from creating a YouTube player for their platform at
Every turn and just generally being butt heads about it
To the point where even the Google fans are for the most part kind of looking at this going
I'm a Google fan. I'm still going for Android. My next phone will probably still be Android like 99% sure
I'm still not happy. That's crazy
I'm not not so into it. I'm totally into open source
I'm totally into freeing up development and that's you know, what if they started off this way, that would be cool
But they kind of got everyone onto the boat and then once everyone was on the boat
They locked all the doors and they're like, nope. Nope. Nope can't do anything
You're screwed you're stuck which is which is not cool and and it makes so much more sense now
Yeah, because like you and I remember talking I don't remember what phone we saw but someone at the at the
Tech fair showed us a phone
But we were kind of laughing because that was the first time we had played with a few of the new Samsung apps
Yeah, we're like why the heck does this crap exist?
Like this is so stupid like there's so much better stuff and then it makes so much more sense now
Yeah, I'm something probably new they're in this walled garden. They know the stuff that's going on. Yeah, they're smart. They're smart company
They probably saw this coming and they're preparing
And they're probably one of the few fish that Google might have trouble pushing around
Yeah, I would I would certainly think so. I mean a Samsung all of a sudden decided. Okay. Well, no, we're gonna go
We're gonna go Windows Phone and we're gonna put the same kind of I mean Samsung does a lot of R&D
Yeah, not only on the hardware side, but also on the software side
They went if they suddenly went look we're gonna cooperate with Microsoft to the same extent that we've cooperated with you
And we've helped build Android
Android was a tiny blip on the radar until Samsung really threw their hat into the ring
And that was when Android took off there's no denying it you can't just well HTC was doing great
Yeah in in the context of how large the Android market was at the time
HTC was doing great. Yeah in the context of what Android is now
HTC is a drop in in a you know an ocean
speaking of which
Lumia sales, so it's okay. So speaking of which HTC in spite of the one being fantastic is
Seeing a little bit of a decline in market share. So the Ray William
Robert Downey jr. Campaign doesn't seem to be doing that much. Have we reached the point where from a hardware perspective?
Phones have become so commodity that you have to approach them a completely different way
Samsung has just a billion and one different models
So there's something to buy for every price point and they have that trusted name
Apple's resorted to like colors again. They've never done that with iPhone
Yeah, but then there's also other problems are gonna be further on in this document with like their screen having issues and stuff
Nokia is doing the same thing. It's like look we're gonna have colors. We're gonna have 43 megapixels
Have have we just gotten to the point where?
It's it's just getting impossible to differentiate in the phone market anymore. They all run basically the same hardware
Yeah, the internal hardware is so freaking similar
That's that's my biggest problem with the phone market is people will
Debate different things so much and argue so much and I'm like, well these four phones are identical
So and it's not changing that fast anymore
No, I mean, it's not like there's something that has dramatically leapfrogged HTC one in terms of performance
It's still a top-tier phone. But for whatever reason no one's really talking about it. I still like it
Actually, I'm finally getting an LTE compatible version. I don't know if I told you that. Yeah
So I'm super super stoked on that one thing that I've noticed with the phone market is they basically did what like
Mainly graphics cards and CPUs, but what the computer market did but instead the computer market did it kinda slowly
We're kind of coming on the downturn now the phone market was like boop
Like they're already done the huge hill that was there so so strongly for a few years and now it's just like oh, yeah
We're just releasing derivatives of the same products. Basically. It's interesting
Okay, so before we move into our next topic which is going to be g-sync and mantle
So so my main thoughts on these two technologies, I would like to give you guys a word from our sponsors
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And while we've taken down
Manufacturer websites and blogs and stuff like that anytime many times our own site doesn't go down even if we hit it really really hard
So it's not perfect for everyone. Like it's not really great for running a forum
So Linus tech tips comm is still our own creation. It does have 24-7 tech support
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Thank you Squarespace for sponsoring the land show and our second sponsor hotspot shield
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We actually did have one complaint on the forum
But I was super impressed because what they did is they actually sent a representative over
They had a post on that thread within I think it was about a day. It's pretty quick
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I think I got the phone number to give to the guy in case he needed it and then he didn't end up needing it
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Linus so and there's so there's a free trial of elite as well. I should have mentioned that too
All right, just before we jump into the new topic. Okay. All right
So you're not ready for me to just basically go off the wall about this for a while very soon
This will not take that long. One thing that I want to tell everyone about. Oh, yeah, right is actually
It's kind of in a beta right now. We actually already have changes that we're gonna be pushing to it
Just we're gonna try and do large incremental changes instead of changing it every single day
But what you can do now is if you go on the forum
Scroll all the way down to the bottom and click the change theme button. There's now a date a day theme selection
So what we're gonna try and do right now is just kind of touch up the day thing
We have a few different things
We want to fix on it and it reskins the forum to actually look more like a Linus tech tips thing than a default thing
We will always have the default theme available. So don't worry about it
I mean always is a strong word, but yeah unless like we don't plan to remove it
We're not gonna go out of our way to remove it if something happens and we have to remove it or something like that
Sure, but we're not gonna go out of our way to remove it
So for now if you want to try the more like black grain orange style theme
Which honestly looks a lot more like tech tip tea to me. You can go ahead and try that out
Like I said, there's gonna be patches
So a few minor things will change not really the color schemes or anything like that
But certain icons like the forum red icons, which are still default. Yeah and stuff like that. That'll that'll change
So yeah, all right guys
So here we go
This link is actually from Linus tech tips calm and there's a thread on the forum called AMD's mantle versus g-sync
I typed up a wall of text which you can see over there
About the pros and cons that I feel exist for both of them. So let's start with project mantle
I think I don't think they actually call it project mantle. I don't care
I'm calling it project mantle because in my mind mantle is a project. It's not done
We haven't seen it yet. That's the issue with mantle
There's a whole lot of fanboy jibber-jabber going back and forth about how great mantle is gonna be how irrelevant
it's gonna be and the truth of the matter is nobody knows I
Talked again. So I was talking to Dices
Technical develop whatever his title is big deal. Okay big deal on frostbite engine
I said what's performance gonna be like with mantle versus not mantle and he says
We're not sure yet
Doesn't know I mean it's it's October the patch is coming in December that should give you guys some idea
how not not
We don't know yet. Now. The theory is it's gonna be awesome. I personally think we're going to see dramatic
Huge performance improvements. I would be very surprised if we don't see performance improvements deep into the double digits
Just from looking at some of the ways that it is going to remove existing bottlenecks
But a really good point again that was made to me was well a lot of the time you remove one bottleneck and find
Another one. Yeah
You remove this bottleneck only to discover that there was another
Slightly bigger bottleneck like just just somewhere else and then there's you go and you got to go and fix that too
So we might not even see even if we see small improvements with mantle
We might not even see huge improvements until other tweaks are made. The other thing is support
AMD does their developer conference which is coming in November. We know nothing about what's even gonna support mantle
I don't think even Nvidia knows much about which projects are gonna which which upcoming games are gonna support mantle AMD kept this thing
Pretty well under wraps
We know like we know like battlefield 4 and a lot of people can make assumptions that probably stars is in will and if star
Citizen does then maybe cry engine but like there's a few things but this is all speculation at this point
We don't know
So that's what I have to say about mantle. Would I be making a buying decision?
Would I be dropping money on something on the basis of mantle? The answer is no
I think a good point you made was about indie devs Indies huge right now. Yeah massive like absolutely temple of doom huge
And so if I mean it does add a
Significant amount of development time to your game to implement something like mantle
So unless we see something like what was your scenario? I did a little bit more research on I don't think it's gonna be possible
Okay, I don't know but if they have some way that can help people
Translate code into mantle or something like that. That would make a lot of sense, but it's it's not easy
My theory which is not gonna work was based on the unity engine but so
For an indie dev think about this and indie dev goes in they have no real backing
it's a bunch of dudes living in the one guy's basement whose mom doesn't mind them staying there while all the other ones want them to
get out of their house and
Decide to make this awesome game which ends up making them a ton of money
But they don't have a ton of money at the time and they need to push it out on some platform
They're picking phone. They're trying to pick windows. They're trying to pick console. They're picking one
Yeah, they're they're probably not gonna go with mantle because that's
Slightly less than half of one platform and there's a lot of misunderstandings about mantle coding for mantle is not the same as Xbox one
No, there are going to be some similarities
There will be some principles that developers when they are learning how to code for ps4 and Xbox one
And even we you to a certain extent that they will then be able to apply to a mantle implementation on the PC
But it's not the same thing. It's not like oh
Every platform uses mantle. No, no, no
no, that's not how it works every platform from the from the next-gen consoles and
Upcoming PCs and then the last gen of a new graphics cards uses GCN which is a particular architecture
For a MDS microprocessor. It is not it is not a software way of that hardware
Interacting with a game engine so mantle is PC, but the principles may be applicable from other platforms
that's all they're really saying and
Translating from a system that has mantle on it to a system that has mantle on it is supposed to be really easy
But translating from non mantle to mantle is not going to be easy
All right. So that's what we have to say about that
I am I'm sitting here baited breath waiting for the November developer conference and
We are going to be running battlefield 4 through its paces as soon as that mantle patch drops
Trust me that will happen. We're extremely excited
I mean one of the things that I have heard already is that even though?
Battlefield 4 already makes excellent use of multiple CPU cores. We may see even dramatic improvements again for those well with mantle
So so we'll have the launch benchmarks for battlefield 4
Everyone's gonna want this and then well the all the battlefield
Pretty over the top. So we'll have the launch one and we'll have a future one as well
But I but but it's all uncertain now
Okay, so moving on to g-sync everyone's okay not everyone some people seem to get it
But a lot of people's perception of g-sync is wrong
I saw a lot of posts in that thread that made me feel like I needed to write this wall of text this one right
Here because the perception of g-sync is wrong for the most part out there g-sync is amazing
It is a game changer. It is not open for debate
Allowing the graphics card to push instructions to the monitor to refresh does not increase latency
It does not work that way it
Improves latency so people saying oh well
Then my monitor refresh rate will be less because my graph because it will run at
50 Hertz instead of 60 Hertz which it would if my graphics card dips to 50 FPS
Right, but your graphics card was only outputting 50 FPS
So instead of a of a crappy tearing laggy mess or or implementing v-sync
Which is going to take your frame rate all the way from 60 to 50 or if you're running a 120 Hertz panel
It'll take it from 120 down to 60 down to 30 depending on how performance takes a dive
We will be getting a frame update to the screen in as timely a manner as possible
As opposed to getting some of one frame and some of the next one and having tearing and it basically looking horrible this is
Huge it is awesome
And it is it is it is not it is not something that there is any conversation to be had about now
There are some issues number one hardware support Kepler only I recently had to upgrade my graphics card
In fact my computer sitting downstairs in the middle of a graphics card upgrade
Much to my dismay because I was running a GTX 590 thinking that was gonna last me for an awful long time given
I'm not that demanding anymore. I thought at least until star citizen anyway
It only so it's only supported by Kepler
So you will need a graphics card upgrade if you're not running GTX 600 series and higher number two is monitors now
We've already started to see some pricing come through
It looks like a sues monitor was projected to be around 399 which for a gaming grade monitor. I guess isn't that bad although?
Still don't know how I feel about gaming grade monitors for the most part because high refresh rate monitors
T with TN panels we have an exception. I think we both agree the XL 2420 te is not a bad one
I would you buy one
Personally yeah, just say no that's fine. I know that I know what you're gonna say no
But I have suggested it to people okay, and they are happy with and I wouldn't buy one
But I've suggested it to people and my recent video about it was a very strong recommendation if you want a high refresh rate panel
This is the one that we've seen so far that that you know thumbs up, okay?
Right now with the way that g-sync is positioned as a gaming technology only I think those are the only monitors
We're gonna see it implemented with right off the bat with that said and so that's at $400
Pricing will come down the g-sync hardware unit is not only just for g-sync it also
Replaces the scaler that is built into the monitor so Nvidia knows a thing or two about scaling and a thing or two about
Processing images so they actually went okay
well look we'll give you a piece of hardware that does something that you already had to buy hardware to support and
Also is compatible with g-sync. We just want you to pay our licensing fee, which they have claimed is pretty reasonable
So if that's the case I believe and I hope that we will see monitors that aren't just TN panels and aren't necessarily just
high refresh rate monitors
So maybe we'll see you know 60 Hertz 25 60 by 1440 monitors or even 4k monitors or TVs
Supporting this g-sync standard and it will be a new golden age for gaming. They had a 4k TV
It was like an 85 inch TV or something ridiculous like that running at the Nvidia conference
And I kind of looked at it, and I went
You know if I were to take screen grabs of this great. I wouldn't play a game on this no looks terrible
It looks terrible with all the tearing and all the visual artifacts that exist because of that
desynchronization between the output FPS and the input and then output refresh rate on the monitor that exists, so
Will g-sync run on AMD is a question
I've seen a lot what Nvidia said during the conference is we haven't precluded so that is to say they haven't decided
Not to allow AMD or Intel to license the technology
I hope they do and I hope AMD swallows whatever pride they may have and whatever issues
they might have about working with Nvidia, and I hope we see g-sync on both sides because
Take take this for what it is. I will not consider
Gaming without g-sync once monitor availability becomes widespread
It's we need like I think this might have even been in the dock like I need like a pro art level monitor
Yes, I want a proper monitor. That would be
With like a gorgeous IPS panel. You know give me give me a 10-bit pound
I mean we're seeing Nvidia hardware on the monitor now. We might even be looking at lower response times lower input lag
I don't know that this is a this is a guess
But Nvidia cares about low latency in a way that I really feel like the commodity monitor makers
Do not well younger me would have gone for that that BenQ super fast monitor
But now that I'm not like trying to play competitively on like and stuff
I'm playing more for the experience of games even if I'm playing multiplayer doesn't color make a difference
It does you can totally tell and like that that PA
279Q that monitor oh man
We have a we have a video editing build guide coming out guys that we use the PA 279Q monitor
This is a 10-bit panel
So that's full deep color support with a 12-bit lookup table and even when you're not running 10-bit
It has it comes pre calibrated with Delta E of less than oh point five
The colors are basically perfect to the eye for people that don't understand like I went from my really high-end
PA panels yeah to that and they like if I put that beside my PA panel would put it to shame
Makes it look stupid. Oh like oh speaking of which
Edsel says I can have it if hold on if I get him a matching 1920 by 1200 monitor for his
Because he'd rather have two monitors that are the same
Then have mismatched ones and I asked him does it have to be color accurate. He says no
So the BenQ on my desk at home is going on Edsel's workstation
That's what does he realize what he's doing? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was like, no, it doesn't have to be cut
He would rather have two same resolution our editor doesn't care if it's color accurate and and you heard me talking to Brandon
He'd rather have the high-end g-force card with more CUDA cores than the quad row
So he wouldn't be able to use a higher than six-bit panel and you didn't tell him he could use that panel
You told me he specifically could not well, he already has a PA and you know, he's not getting that one
It was between me and Edsel, which is ridiculous. You should not have that screen
He's gonna open spreadsheets on this screen and they will look fantastic ridiculous
He's gonna put a quadrant of beauty and use that monitor to open spreadsheets and it hurts my brain
Oh, it's good. I told him it shouldn't go to you. Should I water cool the quad row? I bet I could
It's oh, it's just a 470. It's not gonna overheat. It does nothing
It's single slot it's loud stupid your computer turns off when you hit your table
And I'm gonna be doing most of my gaming streaming to shield anyway, oh my god
You're gonna put in your personal ring. Yeah, so it's not even be used for work. Yeah at all. No, no, no, no sweet
Awesome right now his work computer if he hits the table just completely shuts off
But nope, he's gonna take this awesome hardware home
Along with your two shields, I'm a terrible person. I jerk
Anyways, um, so speaking of shield, I mean
FPS, okay, you know what? Let's talk. Let's talk to 90x
I want to hear your thoughts first and I want to hear overclocked and non overclocked thoughts. Let's get
While we're talking about this, let's get Twitter rolling about to 90x. Yeah
We want to hear you guys. Okay, hit them with something
And move over the spacings weird. I'll scooch over here. What do you want me to what do you mean?
Hit them with something get close
Hit the little question
290x what are your thoughts of what what questions do you have for me? I benched it
What questions do you mark do you have for Linus?
He researched the 80 trillion page document that comes with it
Which I skimmed through but I think he read it and between all the other decks is like there's a lot of other decks
Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of information about it
What questions do you have for us about it?
Because honestly when I was reading the comments below the video of which there are many
They're like people either straight-up muted the video once I came on and then just decided to talk about the charts
Which is ridonkulous or like muted the video while Linus was talking because we both said it like it and there's people just saying stuff
in the comments that are completely wrong and
Clarified in the video by both of us. So I don't like I'm sure there's questions out there. So go ahead and ask
All right, so I'm gonna kick this off. I was asked on Hardware Canucks is weekly show
I don't know if you know, I did a guest spot
We recorded it yesterday to sum up radion r9 290 X in one word and I used the word competitive
Can get a better word no
We've taken some flak for the fact that there are 290 X loses in our benchmarks at both 1080p and
1440p now, let me let me say this though
290 X is competitive the kinds of margins of
Loss and win that we're looking at in our testing are the kinds of things that you would need to run fraps to notice
For the most part there were some exceptions where minimum frame rates were quite a bit lower on 290 X
But it's one game. We might be able to chalk that up to early drivers because trust me there early
Oh, yeah, they're very early. And what we saw with never settle was AMD has been able to do some serious driver tweak
I mean, they probably have a significant chunk of their driver team working just on fixing the frame pacing issue right now
Oh, yeah, they're back to having everybody focused on game tweaks. We could be looking at a very different story for 290 X
So we aren't down on 290 X. I want to be clear about that
This is a return to competition and look at that pricing
The pricing is amazing and even quoted in the video by me, which I don't understand how people didn't hear
I ran it at stock against the 780 in a bunch of the same games and it won
But we don't report those numbers. We report overclocked numbers. That's why they're different and for people saying well
You guys should report non overclocked out why?
There's literally there were a hundred and four journalists at the Hawaii event alone
And I know most of them probably each and every one of them got a 290 X to do a review of
Them at least a hundred and three of them ran the cards at stock. Okay, we run our cards overclocked
So we're doing something that's at least a little bit different so you can see the different perspective and for everyone running around saying
Oh, well, they're clearly paid off by Nvidia. Nvidia doesn't give us any money. They give us graphics cards
So does AMD so by that logic we're paid off by both of them, I guess
And and I even posted this in the thread about how I'm biased I
Should see if I can dig that up because it's a it's a fantastic thread
We were doing game roundups like game showdowns for for months actually we need to get back to doing those but it's been a bit
Of we've got started something coming out. We've got we've got some battlefield 4 coming out
It's been a bit of a barren wasteland in terms of games releases for a while
Andy won almost every one of them and we took so much flack for running overclocked settings because our AMD cards overclocked really well
Like exceptionally well 7,000 series overclocked incredibly take all the sliders and put them at the end
And now the same guys are pissed that we're running overclocked settings because it doesn't overclock there will
What do you want
We run over settings for better or for worse our 290 X wasn't a great overclocker
Our 780 X is a decent overclocker, but it's not a golden sample by any stretch
Look in about six weeks. There's gonna be non reference cards
I am already in the queue for an Asus non reference card
I expect that one with a better power design and a better cooler
Serious ass because I have also contacted coolants already about getting a 290 X water block as well as an external
Water-cooling unit and some quick disconnects like we discussed and we are gonna take GTX 780 and radion 290 X
We're gonna overclock them to the max and we are gonna remove
Thermals as an obstacle because that is the issue with reference 290 X cards. The cooler is not great
The chip runs hot fine. Let's water block them
Then we'll see who comes out on top and there will be no questioning the numbers at that point
I'm very excited to bring you guys those numbers and people that were pissed about the current video
The problem is it almost maxes out its temps at stock
So when you overclock it, there's not much room and the thing that's throttling it is temps
You can't go above 95 and that would it works the same way as GP boost 2.0
Where once you reach a threshold for power?
Temperatures maximum voltage or maximum clocks as you have them set it stops turning up starts rolling back. So I sorry
I could clock up and I was clocked up at one point in time
But it wouldn't even run at that speed if I was clocked up above where I ran the current benchmarks
It would throttle down and actually produce worse numbers. That's how the new systems are working
So I had to find a happy medium which I did and I reported that in the it's not about turning the dial as high
As it goes and you know what?
It's been like this for a long time even CPU clocking CPU overclocking memory overclocking when you push it too far
You can see performance degradation. It's not just about clock speed and stability test run some benchmarks
Make sure you're still getting performance improvements because it doesn't always happen. It's about a balance. Yes, so
We just ran it really quickly it might be time for Twitter, but yeah, actually didn't even take that long
Well, it's it's not complicated. It's a hundred dollars
It's a hundred dollars cheaper and you know
What's funny is it's a hundred dollars cheaper because AMD knows that's the right positioning for it
Whatever AMD might say about whatever the press release might say marketing speak blah blah blah blah with every
Recent graphics card release probably for the last couple years
The pricing has reflected how the manufacturer knows it is stacked up in the market
780 TI will be positioned such that price performance
It'll make sense compared to 290 X Titan and 780 that is how it will be positioned
What I'm crystal ball in is checking out price for performance ideals with a water blocks to
Yeah, that's gonna be awesome because it's cheaper and water blocks are expensive yeah plumbing is expensive
But if you add that in it's like we said like a hundred bucks
so if you already have a water loop just adding the block will
Almost equalize it to a 780 and then checking out that performance is gonna be freaking interesting. Yeah, that's gonna be really interesting
So don't worry guys. We are not done investigating 290 X 780 and for that matter 780 TI because who knows I have
Honestly, I don't even I don't even know anything yet nevermind NDAs
I haven't even signed an NDA about 780 TI because I don't know anything. I don't think I don't know pricing
I don't know anything for sure so there's rumors, but we don't know anything
All right, and people talking about the 95 degree thing. You know what?
It all is it's funny because there's this misconception
I only buy Intel CPUs because AMD runs hot
I only run AMD CPUs because Intel runs hot or the same thing for graphics cards
I run Nvidia because AMD runs hot I run in D because they have all
Had times in their history when their chips have run too hot. Okay, so AMD
Thoroughbred Palomino, those were hot running chips, okay
Intel Prescott, man
I saw the backs of motherboards that were brown like dark brown from the power being drawn by the VRMs
Okay, Prescott run ran hot. All right Nvidia
Fermi that wasn't that long ago GTX 480 was a furnace. That thing made your room hot
It was a space heater. It ran it like a hundred degrees. Seriously. I had to have a fan in my window
Okay, AMD. Let's go back. We don't even have to go back very far for them at all
2900 XT comes to mind man. Did that thing ever run hot?
That thing was brutal and that cooler was loud and then now okay r9 290 X runs a little bit hot
But it's happened at times and go back and a lot of those products are still working for better or for worse with the exception
of probably Prescott
It was the boards that were the problem yeah drawing too much power and running really hot
No motherboard makers weren't ready for it
Whereas the graphics card guys are used to this graphics cards have been running at a hundred degrees for years
8800 GT with that single slot cooler. They all ran at a hundred degrees. There was actually got a lot of comments
Directly through my live stream last night through my Twitter and comments on that video of people being like slick
How scared were you of the 95 degree temperatures because there's more than one article being like, oh my god
This thing's 95 degrees. I won't even overclock it at all. And it's like dude, it's fine
Like we've seen this it's designed to run that way. It turns the fan down until it's running at 95 degrees. Yeah, okay
That's it's it's intentional by design
If you don't like it turn it down turn it 80 80 degrees turn it to 60 degrees
I might because that fans and you might because okay, but turn it down to whatever temperature you want
That's the way it works. All right in saying that I said that before and I got flagged for it
But like I said the fan it's really loud. It's a really loud. Everyone says it's loud
What do you want us to say because it's loud just get an aftermarket one like
Yeah, wait for the non reference card is I think probably the best advice I can get for 290x right now
Unless you really need one immediately in which case
We'll sell you ours
We're waiting for dead aftermarket one. Yeah, unless you want a water cool then you might need a reference card. All right. Yeah
Yeah, so Twitter, but yeah, yeah, yeah, let's do that Twitter blitz I'd completely forgotten about that
We want to hear your guys's thoughts on 290x now that I've gone on a tirade
We might have cleared up everything. Yeah, we might have
You know what? Feel free to
Alienware just followed me
Feel free to to let us know if what we just said completely cleared up any of your misconceptions
About 290x. All right. So do you think personally that TI will be greater than tightening gaming? I think it's possible
There's some rumored specs that it's gonna have all of the CUDA cores enabled in which case it might
I've had four SSDs in six months as boot drives all die. How can that happen?
Heat can be an issue depending on the SSDs you're buying they might not be the highest quality SSDs nan flash
Varies dramatically in quality from the best of the best that guys like Intel who actually
Manufacture the stuff keep for themselves and don't even sell to anybody
Samsung does the same bloody thing and
All the way down to what you find in commodity flash drives for three dollars and you can bet that if they put that stuff
In SSD, it wouldn't last very long brands that I'd recommend
Intel Samsung
Crucial people that manufacture own stuff basically guys that manufacture their own stuff SanDisk is another good one
And oh, there's there's one really important one. I know that I'm missing Plex. There's another really good one
All right
What does it feel like to have a Boeing for a GPU? I don't know I haven't used it yet
Unfortunately when you test a water-cooled to 90x, will you water-cool the 780? We'll try with them without I think that'll be interesting scenario
$400 for Asus g-sync 1080p or
$150 1080p and $250 additional GPU budget g-sync seems great, but the price premium seems too high good point
Um, it would be the kind of thing where if you're already buying a decent monitor. Anyway, I would consider the g-sync option
With that said not having tearing. I mean they showed off g-sync not with Titans with 760s
That was the point they were trying to make is that look this makes a mid-range graphics card
Really able to run higher graphical settings and still feel smooth and still be smooth
All right. There you go. Alienware follows me
So we can all see that
Hi alienware if you guys are watching your computers are kind of plastic
Mean, I'm not saying they're bad. I'm just saying they're plastic
But then but then you always save it. I don't say that it's implied
Alienware if you're listening, I'd love to see some more premium like metal chassis
I know it's hard to do with like commodity gaming machines, but and they and they do all their like crazy mechanical movie stuff
Yeah, they have they do have some cool stuff in their chassis though
Have you looked at a recent alienware high-end one like some of the lighting effects and some of the tools?
They've always honestly they've always done pretty cool things
I just haven't really liked the quality of the materials
The last time I tried to buy something from them was when they did the Star Wars limited edition painted or a vinyl wrapped case
Do you remember that? Yeah, I
Was like I was like, please I will pay you double whatever it costs, please. They're like, nope. Sorry, you gotta buy a system like fine
Seeing how close 780 and Titan are in benchmarks. What do you think will happen to Titan when 780 comes out?
I think Titan was already irrelevant. Yeah for gaming
For me because the the driver optimizations for 780 have been so much better for gaming
No, it's the same GPU. I mean, I would imagine they're getting the performance
Made differences more on the 780. Okay, and is the benchmarking so in some interesting situations
We haven't been testing Titan that much because we noticed that no one really cared
I've looked at other people's benchmarks and I've noticed that in certain weird games 780 will actually come above right, which is
Weird, but I have to assume it has something to do with driver ultimately Titan is what it is
It's for CUDA programmers hardcore video editors who want as many CUDA cores as they can possibly stuff in a machine Titan has its place
But it's for people who don't have a budget
780 makes a ton more sense unless you're gaming at 4k and you really need that extra frame buffer
All right, any interesting Android apps you'd recommend also Moto X review is happening, correct?
The Moto X review is actually mostly shot. We're gonna finish it up on Monday. I really liked the Moto X a lot
Actually, I'm not gonna switch to it though. So I guess I'm still using the HTC one moving forward
I actually HTC offered to send me finally because they said they were gonna do this right when I got the sample an
LTE compatible one for for my network and I was like wait
Hold on don't send it because I'm using the Moto X right now and I really like it and I might switch so I don't want
You guys to like send me some phone that I then don't even use because part of the advantage for HTC is
I do genuinely like the phone I can use whatever phone I want. Really I can I'm even eligible for an upgrade
So if I even wanted an Apple phone now, I could even go that route
I use it because I love it and I think they've seen sales that have directly come from me
So the last thing I want is for them to invest in sending me a new phone and for me to even not even use it
That's just stupid. So that was but now I've decided and I definitely I'm gonna stick with the one good guy Linus
Well, I don't want to take stuff from people. That's just stupid
There's that question again Oh
Android apps check out Apollo music player Apollo music plays really good better better quality. It's just better actually works
I like go SMS pro a lot. That's probably my favorite one
Everyone is pissed because they were expecting it to be the Titan by like 20 FPS, but it doesn't well
You know what? How could it have it has a smaller die area. It's built on the same process technology
I mean some of the stuff AMD's done here is miraculous. They've got a
512 bit memory interface that actually if I recall correctly takes up
But the the actual die area that they're using for the memory interface the efficiency of it has been improved by something stupid like
40% like it's
Amazing how much more memory bandwidth they've gotten this card and it really is built for future gaming at
4k resolutions if you were to buy a future proof card today
Not a bad bet and like the idea that you can think aside the the singular word competitive idea that you brought up before actually comes
Back again because that stock it's ridiculous. Like if you compare price performance
Price to performance that bar graph looks real good in 290 X's favor. Yeah
All right, what is the best 26 inch IPS monitor? I'm not aware of any 26 inch monitors
That's kind of a weird size
But check out like the cheapo Korean ones on eBay when he's going at that price. Yeah. Yeah
Is the 780 TI we don't know
Stop watching your GPU reviews because of overclocking that should be a side note. Not the main bench
It's fine then don't don't watch it unless you're interested in overclocking numbers
Or if you want the technology overview because we combine them now now we do the introduction for the product talking about all the technology
What's new what's different about it? And then performance numbers were only like one quarter of the video. So
There and like that's that's cool
You can go read or watch the hundred and fifty other reviews that are identical that all have stock numbers
So that's that's fine
we're doing things differently because
We want to be a destination for people who do
Overclock their cards and who do want to know what the overclocking numbers look like and yes
There's there's a little bit of silicon lottery going on
Of course there's that and but we've said when that's actually been a big thing
We had one card that did not overclock well and every single time that it was in the results of a video
We said by the way, our 7070 is a dog overclocker. Yeah, so we we say it we know these things
Alright, you should get quick. Yeah crushers. Those are the ones that I'm gonna pick up just for laws. Oh god
Mac Pro entering Apple into the very high-end SFF market go. I
Think not at all. I mean Mac Pro is is a professional appliance. That's what it is
It's not a general purpose PC. They have very
They have very clearly positioned it that way
This is a video editing workstation appliance that sits next to a video editing workstation or 3d rendering workstation
It doesn't even come with anything other than fire GL cards
It's not it's I mean and I don't I don't personally feel like the Mac Pro is a great implementation
It's only got one expansion slot internally
It is PCI Express and it'll do one gigabyte per second reads and writes and whatever else
These are all good things, but it doesn't have the flexibility that we require
as a video production outfit and
I don't know. I just
They've lost so much
Sex appeal with Final Cut over the last few years that I'll be interested to see if they can gain it back
That's true. It's
They talk a lot about how quiet it is
But that thing is gonna be a hairdryer when it's actually under any kind of load. They're only quoting idle numbers
So, let's see. Really? Yeah, I didn't even look into that. That's funny
What do you expect you know what we're kind of getting away from tonight
How good will the 290x work as an editor's card with no idea? No idea, man
AMD is not allowing reference coolers till 2014. Well, I I heard that we'll at least have cards before then
Any interesting and okay. We already saw that
A direct CU2 and Winforce 290x would be nice. Yeah, I'll reach out to Gigabyte as well. 2014 is like really soon
Yeah, that's like two months from now
How much do you think drivers will improve over time
I don't know hard to say because we saw a big improvement last time, but this is still GCN
So it's not a completely new architecture. I do still actually expect pretty good performance increases though, to be honest
I just don't know how much so I
Okay, I think we might just have to blow through a few more topics here and it's already 6.30
And we got a pack up tomorrow. We like totally expected a
Super short stream and end up being longer than average. Yeah, so, okay
There's there's a thing speaking of my mobile carrier Bell. They are now beginning to use account data to
They're now beginning to store account data such as your name websites you browse
All kinds of stuff and they're going to be using this to target advertising at you as well as using it to sell
Hopefully anonymously to other companies
and this this
Sort of
Mm-hmm ties in nicely to this right here
so this is the rally dot stop watching us dot us and it's a rally against the NSA and
It is you know what? I actually had a better segue that I meant to do for this
I was gonna say but I don't mind because who cares and then I was gonna wait for twitch chat to explode and say well
We care if you care get off your ass
Speaking of getting off your ass
They have an Indiegogo campaign and this is the first time that I've seen something like this get backed by so many
Interesting people if you watch this video
there's like a bunch of big names like it's not just a few people that decided to make a like like
We are change level group like like I'm trying to think of the right name phone blocks or like yeah
There we go
It's not just a random group of people trying to rally behind something
It's like a bunch of big names that could have reputations tarnished which you don't see that often
It's usually yeah smaller groups and it's that makes it really interesting. So particularly if you're an American
There's so that the rally is gonna be tomorrow actually in front of Union Station. So if you're in Washington DC
Might not be a bad idea to sign up to attend or you know
Tell some people who are in the area to attend if you can't make it there
This is an important thing and privacy is eroding at an unbelievable rate actually pretty insanely fast
The bell thing is a change to their terms of service that I wasn't notified about in any meaningful way
It's like hidden away on their website and there's an opt-out but I can only opt out of the targeted advertising
I can't even opt out of them collecting the information all together. So not giving me that kind of that kind of freedom is
Very unsettling. One thing to add before we move on if you want to support that campaign on the Indiegogo side
You can pick a few different things like you can have your donations go to sending more people there on buses
Yeah, more computer commuter lanes or you can go towards like materials for signs or whatever. Yeah
Alright, so the 5s and 5c touch screens are evidently less accurate than the s3
So check this out guys
So there's a study has found that the 5s and 5c are actually moving backwards in terms of touchscreen accuracy
This is something that is very very important to me because I'm one of those people who
Actually goes for gold and tries to position the cursor in the middle of a typo and you know
Tries to correct stuff like that and I'm on an accurate touchscreen. I'm pretty good and having an inaccuracy
Sort of written touchscreen is is not an appealing thing
So check this out here is a heat map chart of where accuracy is within. I believe it's one millimeter. Yep
Yeah, so it has been within one millimeter. Yeah, so iPhone 5s is right here on the left
iPhone 5c is here on the left. So they're clearly using some similarities
There are some similarities between them and here's the galaxy s3 and I never had any kind of issue with this with my iPhone 4
So it looks like this is a bit of a new thing
Yeah, and I read in the comments a lot and a lot of people were talking about how it's it's not really a thing on
The iPhone 4 so it's actually going backwards
Reading in the comments people had tried the new one and had their old one and specifically could tell as you can see on that
Sorry, bring this back. Sorry
The the Q and the P are actually pretty much covered in red
And what that means is they're not accurate to within one millimeter
So which is important if you're touch typing on your smartphone
So people notice that going from the iPhone 4 iPhone 4s to this that trying to type Qs and Ps
They're missing a lot speaking of touch typing on your smartphone. Did we do that topic yet?
What the the ruling that's been upheld no, oh wow, okay, we got to do that
Alright, let's launch right into that. This is an article on daily tech that you need to go read go go read it
It was about a week ago actually that this was posted but Apple's patent on touch typing
Uphold will allow a ban on most Android devices
Now what the article goes on to say is that there is a specific
Hold on a second. There is a
Specificity to the Apple patent that pertains to capacitive touch screens
So while multi-touch gestures that for example don't require the user to draw an exactly horizontal or exactly vertical line, but can instead
Draw the diagonal and touch typing on a keyboard on a touch screen while these things existed. They didn't exist on
Capacitive screens yet, which leads us to this little clip right here
Hopefully you guys have audio and we have invented a new technology called multi-touch
Which is phenomenal it works like magic
You don't need a stylus
It's far more accurate than any touch display that's ever been shipped
It ignores unintended touches. It's super smart
You can do multi finger gestures on it. So that boy have we patented it
Is what Mr. Jobs had to say about the technology built into the original iPhone
Boy did we patent it and they did so we could be looking at a situation
Okay, so so the article goes on to say in the unlikely event that this could be overturned
Maybe things would be okay, but there's a very good chance and you can see there's some graphics here that
Android makers might have to look at some other solutions such as
hardware keyboards
Going back to that or figuring out some other way to implement
Wow what a disaster
So there are a couple guys that are safe number one is
Microsoft and Nokia
they're safe because of the way that Apple and Microsoft have worked together on cross licensing patents in the past and
So Windows Phone who are we looking at a potential?
Potentially huge ruling for Windows Phone who wasn't even involved in the decision
No, but they could be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this
Oh, yeah, and then the other one that's safe is HTC
So HTC's whole thing with their here's to change campaign giveaway that we did on the Linus tech tips channel
That's actually still running. We've had a few good video submissions to win an HTC one, but I haven't seen it that many yet
So there's still very good chances to win that one. Give us your video entries
The details are on the Linus tech tips YouTube channel front page. It's the first video that plays but
HTC's whole thing is like we're all about change. We're all about innovation
They own a lot of patents with respect to smartphones and the technology inside them and they were one of the ones that was locked
in legal battles
Constantly with Apple until a couple of years ago when both Apple and HTC basically just said okay. Okay fine like we're done
I think from Apple's perspective. They didn't really see HTC as much of a threat and from HTC's perspective
They could have gone out of business
Fighting legal wars with Apple at that point and they basically went look. Let's just call a 10 a 10-year truce
No more no more patent nonsense between our two companies
So HTC might be one of the only Android handset makers not affected by this ruling
So guys go read the article. It's
Fantastic and also terrifying and if you're you know
If a lot of the rulings in the past haven't seemed to affect anything like right here are a few
Samsung devices that have already been banned for sale in the US that
They never really mattered because they were banned for sale at a time when they weren't really relevant anymore and Samsung's been
Pretty pretty good about refreshing their products quickly enough that bands don't seem to really affect them too much. Yeah
So don't think it can't happen
Product bans happen just because it hasn't affected the u.s. Much
I mean and we've even seen it in the IT industry Swift tech couldn't sell the h220 due to a patent dispute with Asa tech
Some still available in Canada. So this is a very regional thing
but we might see some shifts and even from guys like Samsung to a Windows OS or
Wow, anyway big big big news right there
Elon Musk thinks that hydrogen cars are to paraphrase bullshit. So this was an article on the verge
I actually found this whole article just absolutely hilarious. It's awesome
So basically to applause he kind of goes well look
the the ideal
the ideal fuel cells would have less range and wouldn't be as optimal from a weight to performance perspective as
Current lithium-ion technology and you'd be building an entirely new infrastructure when the electrical grid is already there
Like it's there the power lines. They're there
All of his points are just awesome because it's just like what are you guys doing?
It's like yeah Tesla's gonna be a thing deal with it
He should just put on sunglasses and just like say that rather than him. I mean, I'm good
It's great that he had, you know a number of reasonable arguments about it, but he could have just as easily
Gone all meme on us and just been like deal with it
So, I guess that's pretty much it if I was buying a car and
Tesla was the Model S or some kind of model that they had was a lot cheaper
I really don't think I'd be considering a car that burns hydrocarbons anymore
If if Tesla's were affordable, yeah, are you kidding me? Well, I'd be all over that
I mean there is the so so called convenience of being able to fill up your car once every however long and
Just drive it for until it's empty. And I think that he can be a little bit idealistic sometimes
It's like well, you're ha ha ha it burns hydrocarbons
You know what a lot of the world burns hydrocarbons to make electricity man, so calm yourself down for a second here
But you know in countries like Canada where we're predominantly hydro-powered
Fantastic, and you're definitely right about all of that. But just like also just everything else in a Tesla. That's super good
I hope they make like like the safety. Oh, I hope they make like economy Tesla
Yeah, I would actually really like Tesla light or like Tesla GT or no that GT would probably be good
Anyway, I think we're pretty much done here guys. Thank you very much for tuning in to the WAN show
I know it's an extremely long show and we don't really cover that much
But we appreciate you guys tuning in do you have any exciting forum news other than the new theme change
Um, we've got a few things actually one. There is a bill logs of the week this time
We're just having some serious troubles with the dock
So, I don't know maybe I'll cover that after party. Maybe I'll cover that in the after party
So there's an unofficial after party that sometimes I drop in on and raise my dongers and but it's on
It's on it's on Luke's channel. So it's Luke underscore la fr which for whatever reason he thinks it's okay to leverage his position
Here at Linus media group group for personal games and to drive viewership over to his personal channel
Do you know what I'm doing with the income from that channel?
Personal game. I actually don't know. I'm doing I heard that it was at least $30 so far
Once we struggle our way and like climb to the mountain that is $100 of revenue on that twitch channel
What I'm gonna be doing is taking that revenue check and just buying stuff for the crazy giveaways that we do
Speaking of which tonight we're doing more giveaways like 15 codes or something like that
We usually do an insane amount Fridays are our main day. So we're gonna give away a crazy amount
One of which I think is gonna be hearthstone. I've heard rumors from my guys that there's a hearthstone key in there rumors
I know there's a payday to key in there
I know there's a bunch of other big keys in there
But my stream aside the folding team is doing pretty ridiculous. Actually
We're currently in eighth position for active folders and we're currently in 76 position overall
Ever world that's which is obscene
Like that's unbelievable. Holy crap boink is doing well as well
We are currently 10th in Canada and 287th in the world, which is actually quite good
And yeah, like I said, there is gonna be a bill logs a week
It'll be in the dock when it's posted on the forum and it will be in the after party
So to be clear guys, I'm not jelly like everyone's social media accounts here at Linus media group do belong to them
So, you know as those Twitter is his Twitter Luke's Twitter is his Twitter if Luke gets a job at Newegg TV
I won't be happy about it. In fact, your non compete says that you won't do that
Actually, it says that I can but I just have to quit here first which makes sense but I won't but I mean
I like to think we're a pretty tightly knit team here. I believe that these guys should be able to do their own things
I'm not that interested in we've discussed it
I mean he pushed me really hard to do more game streaming to do after party to do all these things and
It's not in the Linus media group business model to chase the game streaming thing. So we discussed it
He's got his own game streaming channel
If you know if he's got a social media following there and that works out really well for him and he does whatever he wants
To do with that. I think that's fantastic and there's no there's I was joking before there's no there's no weirdness about it
Oh, it's fine
So, you know if these guys if you want to follow people at Linus media group on Twitter know that you're interacting with them personally
And that this is not a company initiative that we're that we're doing
So people have people have said that my certain tweets have been paid off before
Because I seem to recommend the same things a lot
I like it because I use the same things a lot and I like them like someone's like oh you must get paid off by
Ducky and I'm like, I recommend ducky and Philco in the exact same line every single time
Anyone has ever asked me about a keyboard. What are you saying?
What do you want? I buy this stuff. I recommend it. I like these keyboards. That's life
I'm sorry
You know what I'm gonna save this for next week cuz I haven't tried it yet. Yeah. All right. Peace out guys
Thank you for watching the land show and we'll see you again next week. Same bat time. Same bat channel. Bye. Bye