
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

You can tell at the bottom of the screen all the time.
It's Wenchu time!
Oh boy.
We, um, are late.
And for that, we are sorry.
Only by 19 minutes.
Or 49.
Only by 19 minutes, depending how you count it.
We technically have a new start time, 5 o'clock, but I don't know if we ever officially announced
that Colton changed it, because we were never on time.
Anyway, the point is, this time, we were learning, well I was learning, Luke was showing me,
a different streaming software.
So this would be the first Wenchu streamed on OBS.
Not necessarily because we think OBS is unequivocally better than XSplit, which it isn't, but because
XSplit has had an utterly game-breaking bug for us for the last couple of weeks that has
made it take about half an hour to 45 minutes of extra time after the show to de-corruptify
the corrupted video output and then upload it to YouTube.
So it's been kind of a pain in the arse.
Which has mostly resulted in us, like, downloading the VOD off of Twitch, so that we can mess
with it.
It takes a while, because it's an hour-plus long stream sometimes, Twitch takes a while
to process that, then you have to download it.
Which all makes sense, to be fair.
Which all makes sense, and it's fine, it's just a pain in the butt, and we don't want
to do that anymore.
So, the Wenchu.
To be very clear, there's pros and cons with both.
Yeah, now we're doing this.
What else do we have this week?
Oh yeah, right, the news.
So Nvidia announced the Titan V. And you can have one for the value price of only $3,000.
We'll talk about what exactly you get for your money.
AMD and Qualcomm joined forces for always-connected PCs.
What else we got?
Nice hash was breached, $64 million dollars of Bitcoin was stolen, that valuation is gonna
constantly change, so it's about 4,700 coins.
And this is in rapid-fire, actually, but damn, AMD silently lowers Radeon RX 560 specs.
Start with the interesting news, end with the super bad news.
All right, hold on, I'm updating that nice hash number, it was 4,700 coins stolen, right?
So that is now $76.6 million, because Bitcoin has been like, woo, wah, lately.
It does that.
Alright, let's do that intro, baby.
Oh, there's no transition.
Oh, there's no transition.
Look at that.
Look at that, baby.
I'm like making changes.
I've actually used it a lot.
I really like the audio.
Yeah, the fact that we can actually see it,
that part of it, is that the part you like?
Like I knew it would start emerging
because I can see it.
Yeah, oh, oh, you like that?
Yeah, you like those indicators, baby?
Yeah, I do.
Show me your indicators.
I almost made a very specific way too far joke,
but no, it's cool.
Let's move on.
Titan V.
Yeah, let's talk about the Titan V.
V is completely unrelated to what we were just talking about.
You know what?
I've got to give Nvidia a lot of credit here
for doing the right thing with this graphics card.
This was posted by Max on his first setting.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Okay, this is posted by Max settings on the forum.
And hold on a second.
And the original article here is from Anantech.
I think it's kind of neat that Max settings
shared a post about a $3,000 graphics card.
So Nvidia did the right thing here.
Rather than confuse consumers
by calling their product iPhone X, but then 10,
Nvidia called it Titan V instead of like Titan V,
which incidentally, would it, is it the fifth Titan?
Hold on a second now.
You got the Titan, you got the Titan Black.
I think it's going to depend on-
You've got the Titan X, you've got the Titan XP.
And the XPP.
And the XPP.
So no, technically it is the sixth Titan.
Now, if they hadn't screwed up and had both a Titan XP,
which was, you know what?
If you count what it actually says on the shroud.
Yeah, there you go.
I guess.
Cause the Titan didn't have the black filled in
on the Titan word.
The Titan Black did, but it was the same silver shroud.
Then wait, the Titan-
You'd have four I think.
Which one had the actual black shroud?
Hold on, we might be missing one here.
Kepler, Maxwell, Pascal, Titan something, Titan.
Yeah, what was a Titan?
What was the Titan Black?
Just Titan Black.
Which one actually got, yeah, let's see a picture though.
Which one actually got like a black shroud?
No, so it was the Titan X that got a black shroud.
Yes, okay.
Okay, cool.
So if we ignore the one that didn't get a P on the end of it,
a P on the end of it, the Titan X Pascal,
which I basically did ignore.
So I think I could stick with that.
Did we make a video for that?
Or did we just rant about it on our show?
No, I don't think we did.
Yeah, I don't think we did.
So if we agree that only graphics cards
that we do a review video of count,
then this is the fifth Titan.
That only we do a-
We ordered one.
What a way to-
Yeah, I heard.
So I reached out to Nvidia,
yo, are you guys providing review samples of this thing?
And they said...
I'm not surprised at all.
I'm not even remotely surprised.
They said literally nothing.
That was the joke.
And so I'm kind of sitting here going,
well, okay, I'm not gonna wait around and find out like-
Titan Z.
I don't count the Titan Z either.
We didn't review it.
This is a very convenient definition
where if I don't decide that something counts,
it doesn't count.
This is a fun way to live the world.
Live the world, live in the world, live my life.
It also wasn't a different GPU.
Perceive the world, interpret the world.
Yeah, that's true.
It was two GPUs.
Yeah, there.
See, mind you, Titan Black isn't a different GPU
from Titan.
I mean, it's just blacker.
And it's not even that much blacker, it's just black text.
So, yeah.
Minor details.
Okay, so, right.
What do we have to say about the Titan V?
Last night, I love that the place they announced it
was the NIPS Conference because, you know,
this is a pretty hot announcement, you know?
NIPS, anyway.
So they announced the Titan V.
It has a golden shroud now, which is just, oh.
Beautiful, perfect.
What were they?
Yeah, pick another color.
You know, it was like a few generations ago
that Asus did their golden stuff?
So you can take a few generations old board,
pair it with your new $3,000 graphics card.
That was like P67.
No, it's been more recent than that.
No, no, no.
Asus, hold on a second.
Asus gold board.
We were making fun of this stuff on the couch
at the old house.
You're drunk.
No, you're drunk.
Yeah, but they were old boards by then.
Okay, hold on, what is that here?
Here's one of their stupid gold boards.
What is it?
Okay, Z87, all right, all right, all right.
Okay, Z87.
Still, that's, how old is that?
No, it's perfect.
$3,000 graphics card, that board, boom.
Put it together, best combination.
I mean, what is it?
Is this like, isn't everything kinda going gold these days?
Like, is this just because of the iPhone?
Do I have Apple to blame for this?
A graphic, let everybody else,
the entire rest of the computer industry is like,
okay, fine, we give up.
Everything's gonna be grayscale, so black, gray, or white,
and we'll put RGB lighting on so everything matches,
everything else.
Maybe that's why, actually,
because a very minor amount, I don't like gold,
but a very, I don't like gold jewelry,
I don't like whatever,
but a very minor amount of gold accent
on something that's like blacked out looks pretty sharp.
A ginormous graphics card, though,
is not like a small gold accent.
Go with the monochrome computer,
which is like popular these days,
and then have your black and gold Titan.
Well, what are we actually gonna see?
Is there a picture of the back plate?
Uh, no.
Because you'll only really see the side and the back plate,
unless you're going with like
one of those vertical mount systems,
which was like recently-
I'm gonna assume it's black.
I'm gonna assume it's black.
This thing looks awful.
So it's probably gonna be just a minor amount of accenting
of gold on the side that you're actually gonna see.
I'm gonna have to redo my how to paint
your graphics card tutorial with the new Titan shroud,
because I can't imagine anyone
being happy with it looking like that.
You should get like real silver paint.
Can you get that?
Is that a thing?
I'm sure that's a thing.
Sounds like poisonous or something, I don't know.
Probably is.
All right.
So anyway, what else can we say about this thing?
Real silver paint, Ellie Brown.
Available for purchase today, three grand.
So that's almost 4,000 Canadian rupees.
Which sucks, but like realistically,
so Nvidia's policy on cards that are not intended for gamers
is that they don't generally cede them to gaming press,
but gaming press wants to know
how this thing performs for games,
and gamers wanna know how this thing performs in games.
So the way that we see it,
we're kind of taking one for the team here.
We absolutely have to get one and run some games on it
and see how it goes from there,
because the specs on this thing are ridiculous.
This is the same GPU as the Tesla V100,
which is apparently a $10,000 graphics card.
So really we should all stop complaining
because you're getting a $7,000 discount.
No complaints here.
Give me four.
This is targeted at machine learning scientists
who want to simply install the card in their desktop PCs
and not rely on a special server or storage or networking.
So it keeps the Titan branding as opposed to GeForce Titan,
and it'll have massive memory bandwidth.
Yes, it's using HBM2 memory.
12 freaking gigs of it.
That's a lot.
And it has, what is this?
Of HBM2, to be clear.
It says DL in here,
but I'm sure that means dual precision, teraflops.
So that's nine times, oh, deep learning teraflops.
That's nine times the deep learning computing horsepower
of its predecessor.
1455 megahertz boost clock.
This is a massive 815 millimeter square die.
I believe this was the largest of all time,
like single monolithic die.
I don't remember if it actually was, but it is very close.
80 SMs.
Did I already say 5,120 CUDA cores?
Holy crap.
So one said four Titan V SLI for compensator.
No, no.
So that's really interesting.
Can it link SLI at all?
So this is, so the previous Titan XP was 3840 CUDA cores.
So this is a new architecture.
This is Volta, and it has many, many more CUDA cores.
And it has NV link connectors at the top,
but this was actually a developing story
right as we were starting the WAN show.
There's a thread over on the Linus Tech Tips forum
where people are talking about this.
Apparently Nvidia has come out and said,
it not only does not support SLI,
because it doesn't have SLI fingers,
it does not support NV link.
So the fingers are there, but NV link is,
I guess considered to be a data center feature
and not something that you would need in a single system.
So Nvidia is coming right out
and making dual card configurations for gaming.
And then also for-
To be clear, it doesn't matter how they market this.
People are gonna use it for gaming.
So now dual card configurations
will still work for some workloads.
Like something like solid works
doesn't require NV link or an SLI connector.
You can just have more GPU's in
and it'll just use more compute.
But where the cards need to communicate with each other,
not having NV link will be a disadvantage.
And for gaming, they're just like, nope.
You know, last generation, two generations ago,
we took away three way and four way on this stuff.
Now we're taking away two way.
This is just one card per system, boom, done.
Vapor chamber cooler, 16 power phases, 250 watt TDP.
And wow.
It gets the GV100's full unrestricted FP64 compute
and tensor core performance.
And the only real thing that differentiates it from Tesla
is memory capacity, memory bandwidth,
and the lack of NV link functionality.
It uses the standard G-Force driver stack.
Freaking cool.
Huh, okay.
Well, I'm excited to see how this goes.
And we'll let you know as soon as it arrives.
There is no gaming information at all
anywhere on the Titan V page.
This is not like what Nvidia has done in the past
where they've gone,
like Titan Z was a perfect example of this,
where they're like, this thing is,
was it that one, three grand too?
I think so.
Titan Z was really expensive.
Sounds like three grand.
This thing is thousands of dollars
because it's a professional product, not for gamers.
And then you'd go on like-
Three grand, yeah.
Yeah, retailer websites.
You'd go on NCIX or Newegg or whatever,
and there'd be banner ads using like Nvidia assets
that are like Titan Z, the ultimate gaming performance.
And you're just like, okay, is it or is it not?
Well, this one, there is absolutely nothing in there
about gaming.
I don't see a single thing.
That's cool, because it's cool
because if they want this to be the non-gaming thing
that they keep on saying that they are-
Well, original Titan was supposed to be.
So this is just kind of coming back
to its roots a little bit.
Yeah, because it's strayed pretty hard.
All right, AMD and Qualcomm.
This was posted on the forum by the username,
The Linus Portal.
I don't know what a Linus portal is.
I'm gonna try not to be weirded out by it.
I'm sure it's-
I'm sure it's-
Hey, it might not be your portal.
It might be a different Linus.
Yeah, it could be a different Linus.
That gets confusing when working on Flowplane.
Anyway, the original post here was from Engadget.
AMD and Qualcomm join forces
to power higher-end connected PCs.
So they're going up against Intel's eSIM compatible systems.
So in a nutshell,
they're teaming up to make always connected PCs
on AMD's Ryzen mobile platform
using Snapdragon LTE modems
to enable gigabit connection speeds.
So apparently the pair of the processor
and this like always connected chip
will make it so that you can play something
like League of Legends anywhere without wifi.
I mean, this is actually something we were talking about
like just last week on the WAN Show.
I mean, more connectivity for these devices that now,
I mean, a device like the LG Gram,
the last generation one,
not the one with the eighth gen processor,
that one's battery life is not as much,
but something like a last gen LG Gram
is getting nine plus hours in like a battery life test
and in real usage can get well over that,
like sometimes 10, even 12 hours.
So having a device like that,
just be able to be connected literally all the time
is obviously desirable.
And you could theoretically have a laptop
that was more performance.
It wasn't the performance of the laptop
that was hampering the game you could play.
It's just this chip in particular that we're talking about.
So you could get a higher-end laptop
that also has this Snapdragon X16 LTE modem
and would be able to game other things
just on that powerful system,
probably gonna be plugged in.
So we have our first all AMD laptop,
like not of all time,
like I'd probably at some point,
like eight years ago.
Of modern era.
Like Linus Tech Tips covered one,
like I don't remember it though.
It was a long time ago.
So Asus sent us over a gaming laptop
that's got a Polaris GPU and a Ryzen CPU.
So we're gonna be checking that out pretty soon.
AMD is finally relevant in laptops again.
Or maybe they're not, I don't know.
We haven't tested it yet.
But they got design wins
and that's a lot more than they could say
over the last couple of years.
Oh boy.
So I lost about $300.
Okay, I'll say that.
The original article here is from Reuters,
which I will confess,
I did not know how this was pronounced
until like less than a year ago.
I thought it was like Reuters.
I could see that.
And like, whenever I heard people say Reuters,
like just kind of, you know, on the periphery,
I thought they were talking about like steroids.
Like I never like paid that close attention.
That's funny.
I don't think I've ever attempted to pronounce it
like with no pre-knowledge.
I heard the name before I read the name.
Well, you know what, whatever.
I've had enough of your comments, Twitch chat,
which I don't even have to look at the Twitch chat
to know that I'm getting like skinned alive over there.
So nice hash,
which this puts me in a bit of an awkward position
because we didn't go as far as to recommend it.
Oh, I didn't even think about this.
In our recent video,
part one of our Bitcoin slash cryptocurrency
mining exploration, but we did show it.
We did talk about what the service does.
And it was cool.
And we were using it.
Which means that when they got hacked earlier this week,
we lost about 300 bucks, but I'm not gonna complain
because the total amount of money lost
is tens of millions of dollars.
The headline is 64 million
because that's based on what the value was
right around the time that this news broke.
But it went up.
Last night was huge, I believe.
Was it last night or the night before?
It was yesterday morning or like yesterday.
Yesterday, your early morning, I think.
It spiked up to like 1800 or something like that.
It was crazy.
I thought it was.
I was at a shoot.
Do you mean early morning as in like two in the morning?
Well, I don't know.
I was at a shoot and it was like 11 a.m. my time,
10 a.m. my time.
So it was like seven in the morning for you.
It was very recent that it spiked up
and the value of this actually went up.
And even now, it's like 10 million more
than it was when it first happened.
This isn't the first time this has happened.
There's been, so in this one in particular,
there's about 4,700 coins stolen, Bitcoin stolen.
In all, there's been 980,000 Bitcoins
that have been stolen from exchanges alone.
That total is worth more than $15 billion
at current exchange rates.
And that is when they calculated it before.
So it's actually worth more now.
So here's the thing that we should probably do
because there's, oh, great.
So there's been at least three dozen of these thefts
on digital currency exchanges since 2011,
including the one that led to the collapse of Mt. Gox,
which was the largest Bitcoin exchange at the time.
So what I'm kind of thinking is
everyone who wants to get into Bitcoin
seems to figure out how to buy it or how to mine it.
And then I feel like it's really easy
to get lazy about the other stuff.
You wanna get into like cold storage and wallets.
How to store it, how to dump it.
Because the, literally the only way to be 100% certain
that your Bitcoin will not be vulnerable to a hack
is to store it completely offline.
Whether that's a hardware wallet
or whether that's a cold computer.
By that, I mean like a computer that's not on a network.
Yeah, so some people will even go as far
as to store handwritten notes in safety deposit boxes
in traditional banks.
And I think that's really something that is worth discussing
because a lot of people are going into this whole
Bitcoin slash altcoin cryptocurrency thing,
thinking that once they Google a little bit
and they find who the reputable exchanges are
or the reputable wallets are, once they find that,
they've got the equivalent of a bank's type of security.
And to be clear, banks are not perfect either, by the way.
But in traditional finance,
usually if a bank gets heisted.
Depends how much money is in the account, for example.
I don't know all the details.
I just know I've had forever ago,
my like debit card got ripped off
and a few thousand dollars
where the transactions went through it
and I got my money back pretty quick.
So that is heavily dependent on your account
or financial institution.
You use a credit union,
which back then may have actually been an advantage,
but maybe no longer is.
We could talk about it more offline.
Anyway, the point is people Google around,
they find something that looks reputable,
you know, everyone on Reddit upvoted or whatever else.
And then they kind of go,
okay, yeah, my money is safe there.
But in truth, there is so much more to it.
And like as much fun as it is to buy some Bitcoin
at 7150 is I think what I got in at a little while ago.
And I had abstained for the longest time.
And finally, I was just like, you know what, forget it.
I'm gonna buy some.
So as much fun as it is to look at that and go,
woo, I doubled my money over the last three weeks,
which I did.
And I'm feeling pretty good about it.
Unless you actually know how to get it out
and convert it into a fiat currency right now
with the volatility of Bitcoin
and for that matter, cryptocurrency in general.
People are gonna be pissed that we're saying this,
but like even just looking at charts and stuff,
it's not even just necessarily volatile
because volatile means that it dies, right?
No, it means it varies.
Okay, yeah.
So it is extremely freaking volatile.
It's extremely volatile.
And to me, currency is not currency
unless it can be exchanged for goods and services.
And right now you cannot buy a car with Bitcoin
at the local dealer.
Yeah, there's gonna be like some person.
Yeah, there's gonna be some dealership somewhere.
I don't care.
That is not the point.
The point is that if you wanted it,
let's say I bought a thousand dollars of Bitcoin
and it went up 10X and all of a sudden I had $10,000.
I wanted to go to like Joe's used auto lot or whatever.
And I was like, yo, I invested a thousand dollars in Bitcoin.
I'm gonna buy a car.
I cannot do that unless I cash out today.
So that's what I mean when I say as much fun as it is
to have this money,
until you can actually exchange it for goods and services,
it's just paper.
And I kind of slurred my words there,
which was funny because I kind of said surfaces.
You could buy surfaces if you,
whatever you're into.
Cars, surfaces, razorblades, I don't care.
So, I mean, is that something that we should be starting
to maybe do like maybe make part of that multi-part
Bitcoin series that we're working on?
So looking into videos online about this kind of stuff,
one of the least documented processes is wallets
and storage of your coins.
And one of the most important parts about it is wallets
and storage of your coins.
And when this nice hash thing happens,
people weren't saying,
cause you're talking about the Bitcoin community, right?
So people weren't coming at it from the angle you were,
which is like, you need to bring it into fiat currencies.
People were going at it from the angle of,
you need to secure your Bitcoin.
People don't understand, okay, lolimaducky,
is PayPal currency then or not?
Yes, because it's in a real currency.
It's just stored with PayPal.
Bitcoin is a real currency.
And by real, I mean, fiat currency.
I mean, a recognized currency.
So, yeah, anyway, go ahead.
And to be clear on the volatile thing, I looked it up.
It does have a negative connotation.
Sure, it can have whatever connotation it wants,
but that doesn't change that it's very volatile.
It is, but it's going up.
So volatile is like, apparently not entirely.
Volatile is specifically a negative thing.
Okay, so-
Eradic in a bad way, which it is.
It can be.
But it has mostly been erratic in a good way.
Yes, except when it's not.
Except when it's not, which does happen.
And you might get screwed on a trade,
cause it might go, huh,
but like so far holding has been a very good strategy.
Well, like someone bought real estate with it recently.
Right, we actually specifically said that.
Yes, someone somewhere is taking it, but-
There's coffee shops that take it.
There's websites that take it.
We're looking into trying to take it
for float plane subscriptions.
It's a thing, there's certain areas.
There's a cruise that you go on,
that you can go on, that you pay for with Bitcoin.
And I think all the transactions
while you're on the cruise are done in Bitcoin.
There's some stuff, but it would be,
it's not the norm, is what we're trying to say.
So essentially, taking it out of Bitcoin,
putting it into USD is a generally safer way
to deal with it, but your USD can still get stolen.
Everything can still get stolen.
That's kind of an important thing to understand.
But stuff like cold wallets,
holding your storage and offline computers,
different types of wallets, using hardware wallets,
all this kind of stuff, isn't as well documented
as most other things in the Bitcoin world.
And when something like this nice hash thing happens,
all the smug commenters are going,
well, you should have it in a hardware wallet
or an offline wallet.
And most people responding are like, what is that?
How do you do that?
Yeah, and there is some resources on it, but not a ton.
Yeah, well, we'll have a look at that.
We'll figure out a plan.
I think part two is gonna be the more optimized
mining machine, so that's mostly done.
We actually would have had the motherboard today,
but it got sent to North Carolina for some reason.
Yeah, long story.
Or Connecticut, I don't know.
It was a US something and it had a C in it, so.
Yeah, it was a city or a state
and it had a C at the beginning of one of those.
Yeah, it wasn't California, I know that much.
Anyway, so we would have had ASUS's 19 GPU board,
even though we're not actually gonna be using all 19 slots.
So the reason for that, get this, is in order to run 19,
why, well, Bitcoin, what do you think?
No, but even for Bitcoin, why would you get that board?
Because then you don't have to have more boards
and more RAM sticks and more CPUs.
How expensive is that board though?
200 bucks.
Not too bad.
Yeah, so you save your,
because I mean the cheapest CPU
is like 40 bucks from Intel anyway.
But are you putting them all next to each other?
No, the way that it works is you use extenders.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
So the slots are, it's like, this thing's hilarious.
I'll bring it up.
I haven't seen it.
The B250 Mining Expert.
Oh, it's literally, okay.
I thought you were just buying some like crazy server board.
I was like, dude.
No, no, no, no, no.
This is like, this is the thing.
Oh, wall.
Yeah, look at this thing.
It's ridiculous.
There's all the slots.
It's like stupid.
That's amazing.
So anyway, the funny thing about it
is that in order to actually use all 19,
six of them have to be Nvidia's GP106-based
mining-specific card.
Exactly six, I think.
Like the manual for this thing is hilarious
because check out these three 24-pin connections.
Oh my God, I just saw that.
So these power like different slots
and there's like a whole diagram and stuff.
And then there's like this diagram
for like what types of cards you can install
in what ratios, in what slots,
in order to actually populate all 19 of them.
So these guys have to come off the same power supply
as this one, in case you were wondering.
And don't quote me on that.
I looked at the manual like a couple hours ago, actually.
There's two RAM slots, two RAM slots.
Oh, yeah.
So we've got one of those coming in.
I'm even surprised there's four SATA ports.
What would you need that for?
I would have expected.
It's got a USB three header.
I would have expected two or one.
So yeah, so that's gonna be part two.
Part three, we're gonna take a look at ASIC miners
and then maybe part four, we'll start to get into storage,
how to sell, maybe like a part five.
It would be cool to take a look at some of the tools
that people are using like Kraken to,
not just like Google, not just like Googling
what's the USD to Bitcoin conversion, but like-
Kraken has been terrible, but yeah.
But there's a lot of different tools
that people are using.
Taking a look at a handful of them
and kind of going, okay, well here's some of the advantages
and drawbacks of each of them.
Yeah, I mean, I think it would be something
that would be very beneficial to the community at large.
Like Kraken's charts are super nice
and really rapidly updated.
Yeah, which is cool.
Half the time the site doesn't work.
Well, that's a problem.
Which is, you know, a pro and con.
And these are the kinds of conversations
that we want to have.
Speaking of conversations we want to have,
let's talk about, oh, I think I think-
So you don't drag stuff.
I know, I realize that.
So I want to talk about that.
We actually thought for the longest time that-
We still don't know.
That, well, we thought, and we might still think,
we might not be sure what we think.
But we thought that you weren't allowed
to show man nips on Twitch.
Are we doing it?
So I'm going to find out once and for all,
hold on, I'm going to find out.
Cause we actually like fairly regularly have Twitch staff
watching our stream.
So we're doing our Mack Weldon spot today.
No, no, no.
We are going, now normally Luke jumps in with the hands
and covers the nips.
And to be clear, I'm not going to do anything sexual
because that's clearly in their terms of service.
Which I have wondered about.
Okay. Cause if there's a girl on stream.
And some dude puts his hands in front
and it doesn't show her nips.
I bet you that would still be bannable.
Even though that's exactly what we did just with two.
What if he hasn't like an eight inch
or like a 12 inch buffer?
Cause that's often what I...
Yeah. Like a 12 inch buffer.
Like clearly this could be sexual,
but maybe this isn't, you know?
Okay. So here it goes.
Are we going to get banned?
Oh, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, okay, okay.
Sorry, apologies headphone users
because that was probably terrible.
I didn't see any staff in chat.
Oh, oh, what's going on now?
No, no, no, no, that was unrelated.
Oh, I thought the page actually like disappeared.
I was like, whoa, we broke the Twitch internet.
Okay. So Mack Weldon, makers of the shirts
that we're wearing believes in smart design,
premium fabrics and simple shopping.
Mack Weldon makes super comfortable clothes,
whether it's underwear, socks, shirts, undershirts,
hoodies or sweatpants.
And this is awesome.
They have a line of silver underwear and shirts
that are naturally anti-microbial, which-
And very comfortable.
I'm not gonna get judgy, okay?
You know, I'm not saying anything about, you know,
our audience and you know, or like Twitch in general
and what are the odds that you might benefit
from an anti-microbial shirt.
See, we're not going there.
But anti-microbial means that it'll help eliminate odor.
And if you've ever been to a LAN party,
I'm not gonna generalize,
but I will say that there are certain people.
You'll find someone at any LAN party
who should probably be wearing an anti-microbial shirt.
It's gotten a little bit better over there.
That's what I'll say.
That's what I'll say.
So they want you to be comfortable and not smell.
And if you don't like your first pair, you can keep them
and they will still refund you, no questions asked.
So go check them out at mackweldon.com
and get 20% off your Mack Weldon purchases
at genie.us, small D, small V, big G, big Y, big I,
or small L, I don't know which it is.
So I'm gonna paste it in the Twitch chat,
slash it'll be under the video
and you guys can click it
because that's a better way to handle that.
Twitch chat right now is fantastic.
Oh, are they upset about me?
Oh no, they're just making jokes about it.
Oh, excellent, good.
I'm never sure if I'm gonna make people mad
when I'm like, cause here's the thing,
is like the culture today is one of not being able to say
things that aren't true sometimes.
And like, I'd like to think that most gamers,
like back when I was going to LANs
and you're there for like sometimes 48 hours at a time,
nobody leaves.
So you clearly haven't showered in two days
and you've been sitting at your computer
and here's the thing, when you're gaming,
when you're competitively gaming,
the odds of you sweating in a stinky way
are actually higher than if you were working out
because stress sweat stinks more than exercise sweat.
So you're sitting there gaming,
you're like stressed out for two days,
you're probably gonna smell.
And I mean, I'm not, some people forget, I'll say forget.
Some people are bound to forget their deodorant
that they definitely do own.
So, but you never know, like sometimes-
Your mom bought it for you for Christmas.
People are gonna get upset about these things
and it's just like, you never know what you can,
what you can actually say or not say.
It's okay, I'm gonna sideline this for a quick second.
Yeah, okay, all right, all right.
This is where, I don't know,
because we are in a little bit of like
outrage-y kind of culture.
Yeah, yeah, sure.
But then we're also getting older.
So is this like the old people say offensive things
kind of situation?
Oh man, like are we becoming the racist grandpa?
Except about like people who smell?
Yeah, like totally different category of stuff.
But is that part of what's happening?
Are people who smell becoming a subculture
that you can't discriminate against?
Because here's the thing.
All sniffs are equal.
I'm not gonna name any names,
but we had a situation at Linus Media Group
where I had to speak to an employee
about his or her hygiene.
And I'm really not gonna name any names.
It was me.
I'm not gonna give any hints.
It was me.
No, it wasn't.
Wasn't it?
Oh, I thought it was me.
Oh no, that was pajamas.
Yeah, that was a separate issue.
That was professionalism.
Slash, I've probably given you crap
about being sweaty at some time or another,
but no, I'm not gonna say who it was.
Wow, I don't even know who this is.
Okay, yeah.
No, that's because it's private.
Well, you did a good job.
Yeah, thank you.
So I actually did have to speak to an employee
about hygiene at one point,
and I really wasn't sure how to do it
because is that discriminatory?
It's a difficult, yeah.
It's a difficult thing to approach.
They weren't showing up in an indecent garb.
They weren't showing up in a thong and no pants,
something that's clearly sexually inappropriate.
They just smelled bad.
And so I can tell you my solution
in a way that will make it very difficult
for you to track down who it would have been,
but at some point in our process of doing annual reviews,
I added a field about professionalism
and about maintaining appropriate personal hygiene
for the sake of the comfort in the workplace
of your colleagues.
Because I do know about that field
because I've been in there
because I wore pajamas to work.
That was the professionalism overall.
Yeah, yeah.
And so-
By the way.
Yeah, the shorts, I've never cared about the shorts.
The shorts have never bothered me.
But it was when you would literally roll out of bed,
go to work and be wearing a shirt that's stained
and PJ pants that are ripped to hell,
to the point where it was a little indecent.
Yeah, so every single pair of pajamas that I have
has a hole in the crotch.
So anyway-
It's how I buy new pajamas.
So these are things that I've actually had to worry about.
Like, am I being the anti-deodorantist grandpa?
Who's like, you shouldn't smell a pen.
Who knows?
That's like, I'm running into these situations where-
That is a cultural thing.
Like there's people who are anti anything that's unnatural.
Shaving, deodorant, that kind of thing.
And maybe I'm crossing a personal boundary
by being like, yo, you smell in a manner
that is my discomfort level is about here right now.
You know?
Yeah, I have no idea.
So there you go.
Anyways, next sponsor.
They're like, no, this is irrelevant.
Old people don't care about bad smell,
which is, you know what?
No, I'm not gonna get into it because maybe-
Some of the best like groomed people that I know
are older people.
Yeah. Some of.
And I think it gets to a certain point where it becomes-
It's not that they don't care.
I think, well, okay.
Some of them probably don't care.
Like some people, okay.
So there's two things.
There's actually a number of factors here.
I think some people get old and give zero Fs about anything.
And they're just like, YOLO.
Also I'm close to the end of it.
So I'm just not gonna stress about this stuff.
Other people get to the point where they can't really care
for themselves properly anymore.
And like that makes them unhappy actually.
Or it would be extremely tedious to do so.
So Steve Jobs apparently didn't shower.
I do know that that is a thing.
Like not showering and letting your body's natural flora
like take care of itself is apparently theoretically a thing
I haven't actually like smelled someone who-
What do you do about grime in that case?
I don't know.
Like what if you get dirty?
Like a file, you know, scrape it off.
I don't know.
That's my thing.
Do I smell like I know how this works?
Not that kind, I guess.
You smell fine.
You smell neutral.
There's no, like, I didn't actually notice
any smell difference.
If I can walk into the room and nobody notices,
I consider that optimal.
Okay, okay, sorry.
Let's jump into our next thing.
Savage jerky.
I'm going for delicious jerky this week.
Yeah, it's already-
I'm going for the moho.
That is so nice.
You had the moho ready for me out of the box.
So Savage jerky was created with the intent
of making a delicious snack that is also not bad for you.
So it's made without nitrates or preservatives
and they've got 15, did I say 15?
13 different flavors of jerky.
Some of our favorites are the moho and the maple bacon.
I love the maple bacon.
Also the traditional is really, really good.
And then if you're the kind of person
who's into the melt your face off jerky,
I'm like salivating just looking at this.
And then I start eating it.
Happens every week for me.
Then they've got Carolina Reaper, like ghost pepper jerky.
And then because they're experts
in making your face melt off with peppers,
they've also got hot sauces and barbecue sauces
and a spice rub.
If you're pretty into spice,
but don't want to face melt,
I would recommend moho habanero.
That's a good one.
So use offer code LTT to save 10% over at Savage jerky.
Dot com.
And, whoa, we have a new sponsor.
No way, Honey.
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So head over to joinhoney.com slash Linus and join today.
If you have like corporate shoppers on that list
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I am going to confess that I had never heard of this before,
before this moment right now.
I have.
Oh, okay, cool.
Yeah, I'm gonna go get it because I only have
one browser extension installed right now.
So I don't have like a super loaded up browser.
Yeah, so that seems like a pretty good one.
I have four, I think, not a crazy amount.
All right, got a couple more topics here.
There's a leaked Intel, sorry.
Flow plane at some point.
Yes, there's a leaked Intel roadmap.
It's on WCCF tech.
So you take it with a grain of salt.
This was posted on the forum by Num Lock 21.
And apparently Intel Cascade Lake X is confirmed for HEDT.
It'll be arriving on X299 slash LGA 2066 in late 2018.
So none of this is surprising at all
because that's what Intel does every generation.
They launch a new chip set with CPU's.
Then they do a CPU refresh.
Then you get a new chip set.
Then you get not CPU, okay.
This is groundbreaking news.
Coffee Lake SSS, not X,
will apparently get dual core processors
and there'll be more processor updates in 2018
along with Z390 and B360 chip sets.
Okay, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
No mention of eight core processors.
So those have been rumored.
And Gemini Lake goes in N series processors.
Features 10 watt TDP and four slash two core variants.
So these are 14 nanometer Goldmont cores.
And those are apparently coming in the 52nd week of 2018.
So end of next year.
Okay, neat.
Now let's talk about stuff
that's coming a little bit sooner.
This display post posted by Aluminium Tech on the forum
and the original article here is from qualcomm.com.
They've got a new CPU coming.
What wall?
The 845 mobile platform.
Your next phone.
Your next phone will have one of these
unless you buy a phone right now.
And then we're like a cheaper one or an iPhone.
And it will be a little bit better.
How much better you say?
25 to 35% faster than current Snapdragon 835.
It can apparently record 480 FPS video at 720P
or 240 FPS at 1080.
That's pretty cool.
Mind you,
most phones absolutely kill their image quality
when you're recording at high frame rates.
So even though it is 1920 pixels by 1080 pixels,
it looks blocky and like trash.
So, yeah.
Although the 25 to 30% faster thing
is gonna be interesting to check out.
Cause, yeah.
This is the first Qualcomm SoC
to have a secure processing unit.
So this is a new subsystem to protect data
like your fingerprints, iris, mobile payments, SIM, and more.
That's interesting,
but it's probably like super cracked already.
Why would it be?
If it stores everything locally?
But there's...
I mean, Apple's had a fair bit of success.
Why am I failing to get their name right now?
American government thing.
I have the FCC in my head.
That's obviously not it.
The NSA.
NSA has NSA tools or whatever.
And those have leaked repeatedly.
And considering how delayed this is compared to Apple's,
I wouldn't be surprised if it was like developed
in cohorts with them.
I know it's like tinfoil hatty,
but these things keep coming true.
So I don't know.
And those NSA tools keep leaking.
So like random pirate groups keep getting access to them
and then it's super not secure.
So I don't know.
I wouldn't absolutely trust it, but hey, cool.
In other news, this was originally posted on anontech.com.
AMD has apparently silently lowered the spec
of their RX 560.
To basically a previous generation's spec.
Update, an AMD statement given to our sister site,
Tom's Hardware, confirms the two RX 560 variants.
And AMD also noted that AIB partners,
so like Sapphire, MSI, ASUS, et cetera,
would be responsible for communicating
a given RX 560 model's specifications.
So you can either get 14 compute units
or 16 compute units buying an RX 560.
This is trash and AMD should feel terrible
and they should not do this.
So with an RX 560, let's go with the 14 compute unit model.
You can get 14 CUs and 896 SPs.
Now comparing to an RX 460, which has 14 CUs and 896 SPs.
One of the big reasons why people are pissed off
is because it's essentially a 460.
Like if you want to sell slightly disabled 560s.
With less RAM.
Why don't you just sell 460s?
How complicated is that?
It's Polaris 11.
Like honestly, the last time,
like this is not the first time for AMD.
Like I don't know if you know this,
but I still remember one of the most pissed off
that I have ever been about a technology purchase
was when I bought a Sapphire Radeon 9600 non-pro.
And this was back like almost 15 years ago.
Like back when that was a somewhat respectable card,
but nearing the end of its life cycle.
So it was like a value gaming card.
So I already had my own gaming rig,
but I was upgrading my parents' computer
so that my siblings could play like Sims or whatever.
And what happened was Sapphire called the card,
I ended up on the phone for literally hours
with both Sapphire and AMD support over this.
When I found out that this 9600,
and in this case it was not marked in any way on the box,
that this 9600 was different from a normal 9600.
When this 9600 had, I forget what the difference was.
I think it had a narrower memory bus
or something like that.
Like it had like a 64 versus a 128 bit bus
or something along those lines.
And there were no specs online
other than the specific product page for this Sapphire card,
which was like hard to find on their site
that made it clear that it was not a normal 9600.
I thought we were past this.
I don't really get why tech companies feel the need
to rebadge, especially in this manner,
when they already had a product
that they could have just sold as this.
Now, there are some differences.
The new one compared to the 460
can go down to a lower TDP.
So as low as 60 Watts versus approximately 75 Watts.
And it's available with just two gigs of RAM
instead of just being a four gig part.
But I feel like it would have been a lot less misleading
to just call this a two gig 460
and just make it available.
Especially because like in their update statement,
to be clear, they said,
we're working with all,
we're taking immediate steps to remedy to this.
We're working with all Adam board and channel partners
to make sure product descriptions and names
clarify the CU count.
So the gamers consumers know exactly
what they're buying.
That's not gonna work.
We apologize for the confusion this may have caused.
That was intentional.
That's BS.
The reason why it's not gonna work
is the vast majority of consumers
don't know what a freaking CU is.
Yeah, of course not.
They're looking at a model number or a model names.
All they had to do.
And they've even done stuff like this in the past.
All they had to do if they were gonna do a cut down one
is call it LE or XL or something along those lines.
Like there's plenty of precedent that already exists
for how to do this properly.
And they just decided not to.
And this is really bad for AMD
because AMD was very much in the for the people.
Yeah, they're supposed to be like the good guy underdog.
Like that's their brand image that they project.
The last like major controversy that I know of
on what this scale should be,
but this doesn't seem to be blowing up as much
probably cause not an insane amount of people
are buying 560s and a lot more people had purchased 970s
was the RAM issue on 970s.
That was the last big time that it was like,
this is essentially being lied about.
All right.
Not good, man.
Sneaky deaky stuff.
Not cool.
What else we got here?
Full play?
Oh yeah, sure.
Why not?
Oh, Steam no longer accepts Bitcoin.
I actually didn't even know
that they accepted Bitcoin as payment.
Didn't either.
The original poster here was vegetable stew.
We'll go ahead and pull up a...
Okay, so first of all,
anyone who was giving me crap
about using the word volatile to describe Bitcoin,
you can go ahead and give Valve a bunch of crap for it too,
because there's all the instances of volatile or volatility
in the first three paragraphs of their statement
on why they are no longer supporting Bitcoin.
I don't think it's completely invalid to use.
It's just gonna trigger some people.
Yeah, so yeah, there you go.
So go ahead and get triggered by Valve too.
I actually, yeah, I had no idea that they didn't accept it.
So when they first added Bitcoin as a method of payment,
transaction fees were as low as 20 cents.
Now they've crept up as high as $20 per transaction.
These fees are passed on to the consumer
and they result in unreasonably high costs for games.
Also, the value of Bitcoin is only guaranteed
for a certain period of time.
So if the transaction doesn't complete within that window,
the amount of Bitcoin needed to cover the transaction
can change.
So well, the normal solution is either
to refund the original payment or the user
or ask the user to transfer additional funds.
But in both of these cases,
the user is hit with the transaction fee again,
not to mention that this is like
a customer service overhead nightmare
for any retailer or e-tailer.
They've said they'll reevaluate it at a later date
and I don't blame them at all.
With all of that said,
are we planning to support Bitcoin on Floatplane?
We want to.
And what are the obstacles right now?
If you can talk about it.
So, okay, the main obstacles right now,
to be completely honest,
is everything else essentially is a higher priority.
The site's not up.
Payments for,
the current payment system on the forum is atrocious.
And we need payments for credit card to work.
And we need the new implementation for payments for PayPal,
which will be Braintree to work.
And I want,
essentially I want the MVP of the site to be up.
I want people to be using the proper domain,
not going through the forum.
I want all that other kind of stuff done.
And then we'll look into supporting Bitcoin.
But there is going to be more issues
once we start doing that.
How do we deal with fraud?
I literally don't know.
Like on Bitcoin, you mean?
Yeah. Right.
I have no clue.
Yeah, that's fine.
Got it.
Like what if there's fraudulent transactions?
There's no, I can't go contact someone's bank.
Contacting the,
it's their wallet.
Like I can't do anything like that.
I'm not entirely sure how refunds work.
I think we would be on the hook
for the transaction fee for refunds.
Where with most services.
Yeah, you get a refund of the transaction fee.
And if it's a $20 transaction fee,
that could drive us under pretty fast if.
Yeah, like there is a lot of potential issues.
We're going to look into it.
I haven't looked into any of those issues.
It could be non-issues.
Yeah, maybe.
I don't know.
It's just not very high on the priority tier.
We just need to know.
Can I do this?
Maybe, no.
Can I try?
I would really prefer not.
They're literally working on it right now.
Is it worth a shot?
Come on.
Let's try it.
You only live once.
Whoa, what's that?
I want to put a giant disclaimer here.
Last time, a whole bunch of people signed up
for Floatplane on the forum and paid for their access.
And then were very upset when they couldn't log
into this site to access it.
Just like last time, this is not the site
that is working right now at all.
To access Floatplane, it's the front page of the forum.
And then if you are subscribed,
it is at the top of the forum.
There's a Floatplane section.
Yeah, I'm not logged in yet right now.
But that's normally how you access it.
But you know, I mean, hey, come on.
You only live once, right baby?
Oh, that's weird.
I don't, I didn't, the.
When did that happen?
Can you use your thing?
I don't know.
Can I?
That thing's being used by Swedish Bros for development.
Oh, okay.
So now what?
I can make you one.
Dang it.
Dang it.
Why are you, what is this?
Well, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I.
Just use your account right here.
Usually do that and then just cover it
with the camera, right?
No, I usually use the other one.
Okay, well, do it, do a news topic.
Or we can switch and I can set up a different account
that you can use.
No, that's fine.
Just do a news topic in the meantime.
I got this.
All right, all right, all right.
Give me a sec.
So it's not in the doc,
but you might even be able to talk about this
while you're covering that.
And Nick has a link for me.
Apparently Apple is acquiring the music recognition app,
I actually did already read about this.
Apparently it's some amount less than a billion dollars.
So that's good if you're Apple, I guess.
Cause I don't know if I would pay a billion dollars
for Shazam.
But I mean, I don't know if this is reactionary
or if this is something that they already had planned,
but this definitely helps Apple address
Google's implementation on the Pixel,
on the Pixel 2, rather, anyway,
where the device is always listening to music around you,
as creepy as that is,
and will just display passively on the screen of your phone
what song is playing.
So other than helping Siri better recognize songs,
I don't really know what the benefit of this is for Apple,
but it goes to show you that they are sure willing
to spend a lot of money to have it be slightly easier
to find out what song.
And also, I guess you could have just used Shazam,
but not do that for a billion dollars.
Less than a billion dollars.
So yeah.
Oh, okay.
Why are you trying to show that?
Well, I wanted to try it.
Well, I was gonna link it to the other one.
And then I was gonna like go through
and I was gonna use it.
Oh, but there's nothing to use right now.
Oh, like the videos aren't there yet?
Oh, okay, I thought they were.
Okay, so.
We're making that part just work for live streaming.
Oh. For now.
Oh, right, live streaming is gonna be a thing soon.
Yeah, yeah.
All right, so right now on Floatplane,
we've got the Porsche Design Book One.
Just make sure that you're covering up the, yeah, okay.
We've got the Porsche Design Book One.
See, look, I'm driving a laptop.
Oh, I actually didn't put that together right away.
Oh my goodness.
We've got our review of the Aero 15X.
This is a thin and light with a GTX 1070.
It's pretty impressive actually.
That's actually pretty nice.
And they managed to do it with the touch pad
in not a stupid location.
Does it, can we get a little spoiler?
Does it throttle?
It's really good.
Yeah, it's like really impressive.
Combined load, yes.
We finally, yeah, pretty much every laptop throttles
under combined load though.
Yeah. Yeah.
So we finally released our video on Vega Frontier Edition.
The teaser for this is amazing.
Yeah, this was a freaking saga.
Brandon's smartphone camera showdown,
which we promised in the next week or two
after whatever video I was recording,
when I was like, yo, Brandon,
why don't you do your smartphone camera showdown,
is finally up on float plane.
So he compares the iPhone 8 Plus with the Note 8,
with the V30, with the Pixel 2 XL.
So we don't have the iPhone 10 in there,
but my understanding is that it is a pretty similar camera
to the iPhone 8 Plus, so I'm not too worried about it.
We've got the Eve V, the crowd-sourced Surface competitor.
And then I don't think this HandyTek
has made it onto YouTube yet either.
HandyTek, old is new again.
So we've actually got a lot of stuff on there,
including a couple of tech quickies.
Does overclocking void your warranty, for example?
So if you cannot wait to find out,
then you can sign up for float plane
where you'll get one week-ish of early access.
One week-ish, it's ish.
Don't worry about it.
All right.
Honestly, I don't know what else we got.
Oh, Nintendo games are coming to the Nvidia Shield in China?
Yes, this is super weird.
Okay, I actually did miss this.
Are game consoles still?
No, no.
Yeah, they're not outlawed.
So what is that?
Nvidia and Nintendo's partnership with the Switch,
something, something.
Yeah, so Nvidia provided the hardware, something, something.
So they teamed up.
In China today, Nvidia Shield is getting Nintendo games.
So you can play new Super Mario Brothers Wii,
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, and Punch-Out.
All of them have been remastered in 1080p for the Shield.
This is from SlashGear, by the way.
I don't know where this source is.
Super Mario Galaxy is coming?
Why can't I get this?
Why is it only in China?
Oh, I hate you so much, Nintendo.
Every time you seem like you're getting cool,
you're actually not cool,
and you're just like a little bit cool.
Oh, man.
Oh, the Switch is not available in China.
There you go.
That sucks.
All right.
Well, I'm pretty much, I'm pretty much done.
Thank you for tuning into the WAN Show.
We will see you guys again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
Okay, I need to make that, uh, eight.
It starts at 300, right?
Does it?
It's filming.
Oh, that's a long time.
Wow, that's a long time.
Yeah, I like this guy.
Wow, I like this guy.
I also didn't say he was tall.
So it'll give you a warning.