
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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reason right there that's fair enough but that doesn't put them to bed
welcome to the wan show ladies and gentlemen we've got a fantastic show
lined up for you today yeah but unfortunately luke can't stay
for all of it because he has to go home and put his birds to bed
that's right we're going to be talking home automation i do have an update on
the jasco switch situation and hey if i'm getting rid of all of my
switches i may have a recipient for my donation because luke has to go
home to turn off a light so his bird will go
to sleep an impressive amount of stuff at my house is literally your old things
i'll also be updating you guys on the state of the lab we took possession on
wednesday and i got a chance to go over there
today and it's not good um what else we got
today we have a question about roku devices we
want to know why you use them um i would read from the doc for this
question but it would be the length of a full video
so we'll probably hopefully uh communicate with the audience as much as
possible also canadians are up in arms because
tim hortons has been tracking people canadians are also up in arms over uh
bilb c11 or whatever uh that's supposed to be in the doc
today but i guess we won't be talking about that in detail
let's go ahead and roll that intro
show is brought to you guys by squarespace zoho desk
and wellfront today let's jump right into our headline topic
you haven't seen the lab at all yet i've seen the outside of the building that's
it all right when i
saw it okay it's about 20 000 square feet
big building it's right on the end of this street like i could almost
hork from here to there uh it's got a lot of things going for it it has a ton
of power yeah lots it's big enough that we can
grow into it for quite some time like we could have a team
of 30 40 people working out of there between
developers engineers writing we could have a ton of
creation going on over there um did i already mention it has a ton of power
coming into it lots tons of power like large literally
300 000 watts of power it used to be like a machine shop or
something yeah it used to be a sheet metal fabrication place
so it has a lot going for it when i saw it it was all kind of humming you know
there was a business running out of there and
um that everything seemed like kind of at least
you know presentable well unfortunately between the things that
they were supposed to do okay the things the seller was supposed to take care of
like replacing ceiling tiles that had been stained by previous leaks
or uh patching up holes um and the things that were just
kind of concealed by the existing equipment
right it is in a state that is literally six figures worse
than i had anticipated oh yeah okay
and then you know that you're upset you know that tone you know when my phone
ringer went off right before the start of the show and i was like
oh this is this is worse yeah okay so that
is i can't name this person yet they're still on their probation
um but you know who they are one uh got it one of those
hi gary and linus after doing a bunch of digging
i found a used emc chamber that's fit for purpose
the quote on it is 50 000 us dollars that's the
deal one
why don't we talk through some of the deficiencies at the new place okay
okay first things first they they just outright
ripped out um some of the some of the things that were supposed to stay for
example there's a safety rail up on one of the
balconies that okay so well they didn't just take
it off okay if they had just taken it off that
might have actually been better there were air compressors up there that
we knew they were going to take with them that's equipment that you might
want to take with you sure but instead of dragging them down the
stairs the hard way they just took a sawzall or a or a roto
zip or something cut off the safety rails
so that they could get a forklift up there grabbed it
and booked it and we're sitting here going
so now you've basically taken taken a building that was up to safety code
you have unsafety codified it and just left this like 80 pound
hunk of steel or actually multiple ones just left them there
hey you can bring that to a scrapyard hey money thanks for that
five bucks and it's just like weird stuff they took with them okay i have
never i've never seen i've never seen anything like it they took the paper
towel dispensers off the bathroom walls they might need those in the new place
well right but that's the kind of thing that's typically included in a base
building yeah they left the toilet paper dispensers
but not the paper towels oh no not the paper towel dispensers
they took doorknobs now to be clear they were combination door locks
doorknobs which i'm not electronic ones not
fancy ones in any way i i could see them wanting to take those with them but
you're supposed to replace them with something so as it is you just stick a
screwdriver in the thing nice and i'm just i'm
sitting here going this is this is ridiculous that's legit you should
like weld in uh ltt screwdrivers to all the doors
and just have that be the doorknobs no no no it would look cool
no constant sponsorship every video
okay can you go after them for this unfortunately there is no
okay i don't know where you guys live but depending on the market that you're
in um consumer protections or buyer
protections in real estate have been significantly eroded
yeah over well the last quite a few years to the point where you know when
ivan and i bought our bought our house our first home
um it was normal for us to have like a multi-week due diligence period
where we could go arrange our financing after making an offer get a proper
thorough home inspection so that the so that the purchase agreement could have
all the details for the things that need to be
fixed before we move in um and there would be
you know a reasonable in good faith negotiation process
over these potential issues for example the house that
that we lived in for 10 years um the previous owners
our our home inspector noted that the water tank was like
on its last legs it was gonna go and so the previous owners
in order to get the deal done split the cost of that that water tank with us so
that when we were buying the home it would be in a reasonable
ready to move into state well that's gone like in the lower
mainland they're i mean they are trying they are
now talking about legislation that is going to eliminate blind bidding
for example they are talking about legislation to
have a mandatory cool down period so after an offer
you have a mandatory period of time where you're allowed to go through that
due diligence it's not long enough what i've seen proposed not
nearly long enough but they're starting to do something
but it doesn't exist right now so commercial real estate here is not
quite as bad it's not it has not gotten quite as bad as
residential but it's getting there it's getting
really rough and we're at a point now where we did we did do an inspection so
the base building envelope is at least sound you know but those little details
are things that you have essentially no no leverage on and what we know
is that after we made our offer another offer came in higher
after our offer had been accepted so we knew that if we came in and we pushed
back and we said hey we want you guys to fix up this and and
do that and ensure x and y and z they could have basically
just kind of said no and our options would have been
accept no for an answer or let the offer lapse and they just take
a different offer so if we wanted to close the deal which
like i said there are a lot of benefits to it in terms of location in terms of
size it's not a very nice building which is
actually our advantage it's not well set up for for it's large
enough that you should be running you know
significant amounts of of shipping in and out of it like it's 20 000 square
feet um but it's really not set up very well
for truck access so it's like kind of a crappy building
but because all we need is a ton of power a ton of space
and backpack storage and backpack storage sorry
potentially um is perfect for us right so it a lot of stars aligned
so what choice did we have really yeah
yikes yeah um i mean i could go on we filmed a video while we were over there
james evan and i uh james was the only one who knew
exactly where we were planning to put people
there's just man there's a lot of stuff that i just feel like a combination of i
wish i'd looked a little closer not that it would have made a difference
we would have done it anyway there's no other building it's kind of like it's
kind of like buying a new car and then getting it home and realizing
like your favorite your favorite coffee mug
doesn't fit in the cup holder fit that well here or whatever yeah
just little things like that or holy crap it doesn't support android auto it
only supports carplay and i'm an android
kind of character i like i i didn't realize it takes premium gas i don't
want to pay for that yeah see the nothing that's a deal
breaker you probably would have bought the same car
anyway but like oh like instead of instead of walking around it and being
like ooh shiny excite
i'm a little frustrated i'm a little disappointed and i wish that
i wish i had been a little more prepared it should just and like like you're
talking about like the laws here should probably just be better but like you
shouldn't be able to go into a building that
you're handing off and just chop stuff up like the like the railings
like the door handles no that's pretty crappy the door handles
should be there there should be some form of door handles i like you said
though they could take the like smart ones whatever and then put in like
fairly standard door handles yeah as long as they're door handles that
function yes whatever but like so that should be done
you shouldn't be able to completely remove functionality of
a door yeah and then also you shouldn't just like
chop up safety railings like that's both of those things are crazy
yeah like neither these are like somewhat reasonable the thing to
understand too is that there's three parties involved
there's the buyer the seller and the tenant
so it was the tenant going and they don't care it's not their deal
they don't oh the odds of the seller even if we do
come back to the seller and be like um actually no this does need to be fixed
the odds of them going and chasing this prior tenant
and retrieving it basically minimal so they went in there and went
as long as we don't do like a hundred grand worth of damage to this place
it's unlikely to be worth the cost of pursuing this legally
so we can just go for it yikes let's talk about the good things yikes the
labs team is up to i believe six people now yeah
they're working out of the old creator warehouse space um
gary got deported it's complicated but he'll be back
so he's working out of where he used to live
for now yeah i keep here i keep thinking that he's here
and then hearing that he's not and i'm like yeah
oh that's complicated okay um oh okay uh oh right some other good
things about the lab the line of sight between the existing
office and the lab looks good so we should be able to set up wi-fi dishes
that's going to be pretty cool um what else is good there's already been some
really good work done yep i mean uh this is apparently a deal
so i'm apparently getting a deal on uh on an anechoic chamber
so that's good how big is it i mean it looks
it looks pretty sick is that like walking it's three meters
so like that looks pretty cool that's not small
that makes sense that it's that expensive i thought this was like
okay yeah yeah yeah i mean so that's things that big are gonna yeah
they're gonna cost some moolah is it like on springs or anything
um i guess you could just mount it however you want it
i'm adding ivan to this yeah we gotta we gotta we gotta do stuff
um we'll make it oh man there's uh oh oh man i found out my office is smaller
than i thought oh no my office is going to get smaller
again with the two windows but it's too small
you know i don't have to give you one you're not
i we i thought we did not really i thought we established this a call room
yeah but it's yours whenever you want it do you want to show up to my call room
no you can come to my office it's actually not really big enough to
like meet with multiple people and also have my desk in it that's not great yeah
yeah like it's wait how small is it then compare can you compare it to like this
room uh it's maybe to like that kind of almost
vertical two by six no it's not that big actually maybe
more like to that light and then like to here yeah you can fit
people in there well i mean i need my desk in there too
yeah and stuff and like i'd like to have a test bench and stuff
oh so like you want to translate the same set of yeah like i'd want it's
smaller than that one yeah it's smaller than my existing
so i went from i went from i had the biggest office in this building to
ivan took it and then i went into your old office
ivan shares hers with like two other people one other person two
you're right you're right you're right so i had i had like i had like the king
office and then i went to the one that we built
for you and then you got none and then now i'm actually downgrading
again and um i guess what we could probably
infer from the fact that i'm getting a smaller one and your new one is smaller
than my new one in fact yours will be a significant
downgrade from your old one yeah um i don't need a big office though
yeah i would meet with probably a maximum of one person at a time or
it would just make more sense to go to a conference room okay that's another
thing the place we had planned to put the
server room the walls don't go all the way up
noise isolation for it is going to be a significant challenge
everything can be overcome not good everything can be overcome
it's just you raise the walls money yeah yeah
time no changing out the walls gonna be a challenge because just like
because of the parking being maxed out we can't make any actual
structural changes to the building so i don't know maybe we just huck a bunch
of like structural rock wool up there yeah
okay yeah like you can't change the floor plan
essentially oh so it's not a room no it's like it's like a half wall up to a
t-bar drop ceiling got it yeah it's not it's
not a real wall yeah uh we did find a place for a
fire pole so that's good you're actually doing it
no okay definitely not yeah i'm excited to move in i guess that's
part of why i'm so disappointed because i was really excited to move in
and today reality hit me like a sledgehammer to the face
that i am not moving in anytime soon i and nobody else are moving in in at
least like a couple months okay yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be
rough sounds like i'm working from home for a bit more boys for a bit
more yep i hope you've got air conditioning at your house
i do actually good excellent yeah that worked out for everyone
yeah okay it's okay it's okay fine what do you want to talk
about next why don't you pick a topic because i just
i can't right now i'm sorry update on the jasco situation will this make you
happy no okay i thought it was good i thought it
was good we can go to something else uh tim hortons is tracking your bits no
that's not good news either luke uh let's talk jasco
last week i talked about the situation where jasco the manufacturer of the
motion sensing smart switches that i installed in my new house
refused to provide updated firmware for the switches after jake and i
experienced um buggy behavior we have since
done a lot of troubleshooting we've gone back and forth with jasco
and there are a few noteworthy outcomes here
outcome number one is that jasco has publicly
stated that they will engage with the community in a in good faith
on the issue of firmware availability whether this ends up looking like you
request it from them and they provide it or a download page on their website
that's yet to be seen but they've had high level discussions internally and it
looks like that's something that's going to change
very good so that is excellent awesome great bad news oh
more good news first more good news i don't know what was going on well we
have an idea what's going on we'll give you more details on that in a moment but
um i did manage to disable the motion sensor
so i went about i tried again and remember that issue i had where i
thought maybe a firmware update would fix not being able to disable the motion
sensor on it well i tried it and i worked was able
to disable the motion nice gotta love when troubleshooting happens
yeah so maybe i don't need new firmware also
you should have access to new firmware anyway jasco mixed up
their hexadecimal and their binary and the firmware what sorry
hexadecimal and hold on hold on let me double check i
mean that could be a thing but i don't know what you're talking about
okay uh let's uh they actually like talk to you about this in an email
uh yeah yep yep yep yep yep yep okay that's a lot of emails uh
so they they mixed up their so when certifying the firmware with the z-wave
alliance you must fill out the form using
hexadecimal format this was entered in as 32
and was incorrectly translated from hex oh sorry two decimal
as 50 the correct version for that certification should be 32
so the so-called 5.50 firmware is the one that i was using they do not
have updated firmware they did send me the
files so i can try to reflash and see if that
fixes any potential issue jake validated this already so you don't
have to check and see if oh i'm not that's fine yeah um
but then i was able to disable the motion anyway but then
i was able to replicate the issue where i was not able to disable the motion
because i went to adopt yet another switch and it actually grabbed
the same device number within the like the z-wave js thing in home assistant
and then like neither of them would work properly until i uh
i disconnected both of them and then adopt them both adopted them both again
and then they would work so it could still
there could still be buggy behavior we don't know whether that is
on home assistant or or uh i think it's like a z-wave js or
something like that regardless you should still be able to
access the firmware yes you should still have access to firmware
i was still right to be mad about the fact that they would not give me
firmware because i would have been far less mad
if i just had bought a buggy product i still would have been mad
i have also found bugs that have not been resolved
for example the by the firmware by anything okay yeah by by anything so the
timeout so you would think at least i believe
that's what this parameter does disclaimer i don't know maybe it does
something else entirely i don't know but i would think that on a motion sensor
a timeout field would affect how long it is
until the motion sensor kicks back in so if i
if i were to turn it off if it were to turn off
how long before it starts sensing again and as it is they're immediate
out of the box so you can press the button
to leave the bathroom and as you walk away it'll turn back on that's
obviously not a desirable behavior so i think that's what that field is supposed
to do changing that does not appear to affect
anything there's also a vacancy mode vacancy mode's kind of cool so
occupancy mode turns on the light when it senses motion
and then turns off the light when it stops sensing motion
right vacancy mode will only turn on the light
when you turn it on and then it will turn it off when you leave
vacancy mode does not appear to be functioning correctly but
again i don't know whose fault that is so i'm not going to point any fingers
yet sure what i do know is that there have
been other developments seeing the problems that i was having
with jasco i've had um one of the switch companies
that a lot of people actually said that i
should check out in the comments under last week's
wan show one of them reached out uh in avelli i want to say in uh yeah
yeah yep in avelli reached out um aeotech reached out i think you
mentioned in avelli in the on the show and there's yeah yeah so
in avelli reached out uh aeotech reached out and actually
there's another switch company that um
that jake found that is so cool you should have a battle
you should get like a sample set of switches from each one and have like a
a uh battle royale realistically that's what we probably should have done
but we just like are very busy we're very busy people and it's like
it's tough oh but it's a video it's content
if you don't have time you don't have time
okay check these out okay switch it apparently these guys are oh my
stop enough apparently these guys are canadian
these are modular modular smart home switches
so they've got humidity sensors motion sensors
whoa that's cool you can put a usb port in there
they're kind of fugly um in my humble opinion sorry switch it i don't think
they're that bad but in terms of functionality
this looks flipping amazing so being able to just be like yeah
hey couldn't help noticing that it's a little humid in here
don't mind me gonna switch on your fan in the bathroom do you care about the
aesthetics of the switch if it felt good if the haptics were
good oh that overpowered the aesthetics that's far more important yeah i agree i
mean that's the main reason that i didn't go with
um caseta or whatever uh who's who's the parent brand
uh for uh smart switches caseta is it lutron lutron yeah that's
why i didn't go with those because they feel awful they're just
abhorrent if i ever have to actually use them
with my fingers it's it's like i just i feel guilty spending money on them like
i just i can't believe i gave them money you know what do you want to reward
that like yeah haptics are important way to way to cheap out in the most
obvious user facing kind of way you idiots like just that kind of thing you
know yeah it's tough sure so jasko situation
still developing the first video on it is going to be edited when jake's back
from uh back from vacation so whenever that
happens and we will hopefully get you guys
completely up to speed you'll get to live through the
frustration with us it's definitely worth a watch
just because i don't remember the last time my anger was that white hot
man when i when i was always fun when i was on the phone
and they were like sorry sir we do not provide firmware that's proprietary
i well i do applaud their change of stance me too
credit where it's due yeah okay yeah there is an
enormous difference between having a you know an ass backwards way of thinking
and doubling down on it and having an ass backwards way of
thinking and someone honestly not that nicely yeah sure
telling you that your way of thinking is ass backwards
and still having the maturity to self-reflect
and go i respect that a ton i think that's huge
okay yeah it's time to change yeah and if they actually follow through fully
because there's still some some follow-through right yes but if they
but if they actually follow through fully that's
huge and very cool and i respect it but there's the public commitment
they are publicly in touch with home assistant
that's a big deal that's cool that's a huge deal for the diy community and
the more and and you gotta understand like
there is absolutely attention on this and seeing jasco reverse
seeing jasco embrace this i guarantee you that'll put pressure on other
players in the industry absolutely to take a more open approach
and that's what we need because that's what's breaking
smart home stuff that's what's killing the adoption
is you've got all these horrible fragmented
ecosystems and you know as a consumer right
let's say i couldn't afford to replace all the switches in my house
like the vast majority of people let's say i wanted to upgrade piecemeal
how do i know which one is still going to exist for me to actually get another
one in a year or two years or five years so
knowing that these are open and they can all ultimately be tied together is
very cool it's critical yeah because otherwise why would you take that first
step why would you get a smart switch so that
you can turn your bird stupid light on from a distance instead of driving all
the way home to turn a light on or off to put your
bird to bed what is wrong with you sorry those of
you who missed it luke's excuse for not coming over to
watch a movie with more complications than that for not
coming over to watch a movie with me tonight
is that he has to go home so he can turn off the light
so he can put his bird to bed and then put them to bed later please explain
so okay so there's two things going on here
one is that the birds have to go to bed eventually my girlfriend gets home and
the second is you are a giant bird simp and the
second yeah sure and the second is that
they are they have extremely extremely bad dark vision
they they become like effectively blind the second it's like
dimly lit in the room like one of the easiest ways to catch them is just have
a few light sources that are generally far away
and turn off all the close ones and then you just walk up to them and go like
scoop because they can't see anything um
so i don't i i have mentioned many times i don't have home automation stuff i
forgot to turn the light on before i leave
usually i remember so it's going to be actually it's summer now it probably
doesn't matter actually they're birds and it probably
never mattered but carry on so it would be really dark
and they would be uncomfortable and it would be bad for them
um and then it's their bedtime around like 8 30
and sometimes the way and show can go real late that's fair real late
that's fair what you said so i have to put them to bed i don't
have to like it but i do have to respect it i don't think i'm going to be able to
home automate putting them to bed i bet you could it's possible man you do
a little like curtain thing for their thing
it's possible that would actually be kind of a cool project it could be kind
of neat we uh title title for the video bell can
you note this down we solved the world's stupidest problem
i mean i think that would be a great collab with simone gertz
it'd be sweet yeah like just building a stupid machine for a thing that no one
should have to do okay luke you know that not everyone babies
their budgie the way that you do right sure and that
your budgies but i do your budgies are playing you right sure
okay i'm just making sure that i am bird dad
i don't like this anti-bird stance look i'm not anti
i'm not anti-birds aren't real no canada is not real or canada neither
of them are real um as for canada geese well they're
double not real they're birds and canadian
um yeah i don't know i can make it work i can make it work
it just probably i'd have to go home first that's all
i gotta put them in a bed dude okay why okay why why don't why don't we
talk you know what let's talk sponsors let's get the sponsors out of the way
because i gotta make some money ladies and gentlemen
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win all right let's jump right into our next topic and this is an interactive
topic ladies and gentlemen we had a lot of sorry i have one
question you mentioned uh that you had a rant
that's in a video that's coming up that's like the angriest you've been in
a long time that's not really a question is it worse
than eggshell uh i think i was uh oof
so the thing about this was a question brought by the audience yeah the thing
about the paint issue is that it had been like a slow burn
right like i it had been one issue after
another after another after another we're still not done with the issues
with those painters by the way did i talk at all about how like they
masking taped everything even though no professional painter in my opinion
should be masking everything off with tape like that you should just know how
to cut a straight line with a three inch brush because you're a
professional anyway the point is like super hard
masking tape who did i thought it was david called you out in some video
because you did a line without masking but it was all messy
yes it's it's good enough it's better than what happens with masking tape
especially if you leave it on for too long i don't know because so they left
the masking tape on too long and there's places where once they finally ripped it
away because it's latex paint it's kind of
rubbery it peels away a bunch of the freaking wall too
so anyway you're going to go back in with the sandpaper go cut the line
anyway you might as well just cut it in the first place
yeah basically um so it would be a bit of a slow burn because it was like one
issue after another after another after another
whereas the shock the pure shock and awe of a company telling me that they have
firmware so that that was a miscommunication obviously
but the part that wasn't a miscommunication was that they do not
provide them to clients
that just it enraged me so this is another level
yeah it's like it's like sudden onset road rage
versus like you've had a really long week and you're tired and irritable
right okay yeah yeah yeah that guy cut me off
you know like just what exciting who does that who takes the paper towel
dispensers out of the building and cuts off the
safety rails are you did you film yeah nice
ivan was actually the one who noticed it i didn't even notice because i was just
like yeah i'm chill whatever i spent like
two summers of my life walking around on roofs i don't care about like an
open drop but from from a like safety regulate
regulatory standpoint right you do have to she was looking at it going um
what money yeah yeah yep yep yep okay what are we supposed to
be talking about here uh yes this is an interactive topic
i posted just a little open letter to the float plane community
earlier this week just being like hey really appreciate you guys i think it
was the day that the money came out of our account
for the lab and i was feeling a lot of anxiety because
it's the most money that we've ever spent i don't know if i've disclosed the
amount but it was 13 13 and a half million dollars by the
time all the fees were accounted for big bucks canadian dollars i guess so
like 10 us but that's i mean far and away the
most money we've ever spent on everything to be clear
no we don't have 10 million dollars in the bank um
we financed it so it was uh it was 10 down
but that's still a million dollars going out of the bank account
um and so i was feeling really stressed out and i
i was like you know needed a minute and so i i sat and i just typed up a little
thing like hey float plane appreciate you
um because yeah it's not as it's not as big of a driver of overall revenue
compared to certain other business units whether
it's like creator warehouse or uh the business team again love you
business team for real believe me um but it's really
consistent like that community has stood behind us growing um yeah
there's almost 21 000 they're almost 21 000 strong and you
know those are those are real numbers at that point you know i can know
that if my if my payments for for this building are going to be
off actually yeah hundreds of thousands of dollars a year which
they are that you know float plane is going to be there
providing that that consistent income right like it's
it's a big deal right and so i was just like hey float plane appreciate you
um anyway that uh the comments under that ended up having a lot of really
great feedback about what we could do to make the platform
better to help attract more people to it and
and keep growing it right because that's going to be
it's going to get tougher as we go harder on manufacturers
i think there are going to be significant sponsors that walk away from
us and that's something that i've had to
kind of steal myself for because we we can't have it both ways right we
can't have hey we're going to be brutally honest
but also we're going to sweep things under the rug when it's convenient right
so sponsors are going to have to just put
on their big kid pants and deal with some of them do sometimes
we're going to be critical of them and other times we're going to be
engaging with them in a sponsored capacity and that's just the way it has
to be if you want access to our audience who trusts us
because we're going to give it to them straight
then you're just going to have to take your lumps when they come right and
you're going to be doing things that they want you to do
so thank you very much for that um oh i forget where i was going with this
put the sponsor right right right so so these great suggestions to help grow
this community which we're going to become more reliant on
uh one of the one of the ones i saw over and over again
is you need a roku app and the first question that came to my mind
various smart tv nvidia shield app apple tv app
And Roku's have existed since back
when I was working at NCIX.
Best Buy for me.
I didn't understand the reason that they existed then.
Me neither.
And I don't understand the reason that they exist now.
Me neither.
So I really want this to be a super interactive topic
with you guys, the community, Roku lovers.
I wanna know, I wanna know why.
Do people buy them from NCX?
A handful, yeah.
Cause I used to work at Best Buy.
No one ever bought them from Best Buy.
Well, that's okay.
And when I say some people,
I mean like we would sell three a week.
Like not a significant number.
So I just didn't get it.
Like compared to something like the,
do you remember Popcorn Time?
Yeah, so compared to the like Popcorn Time,
which was like a super, super clean way
of torrenting movies back in the day.
Such a crazy.
Not only would you torrent the movies,
but there was a great interface for browsing them,
like very Netflix-esque.
And then instead of waiting for the whole thing to download
and then playing it,
Popcorn Time had figured out how to download the chunks
in order and serve the video to you as it's streaming down.
So essentially you would stream it like Netflix,
but then you would, yeah.
But then you would have the full file
at the end of streaming it like torrenting.
It was kind of mind blowing.
Obviously it was like illegal
and to my knowledge doesn't exist anymore.
Maybe it does.
But then there was also the Patriot Box Office
whose main function was it was really easy to access
in that particular case.
I think it was like Korean soaps
and like Chinese shows and stuff like that.
So, I mean, we would sell hundreds a week
of devices like that, but you know, Roku,
especially back then when almost no one was paying
for like web video content,
I just, I didn't really get it then.
And nowadays, I mean, there's your TV,
which probably has a lot of apps for it already.
There's the Nvidia Shield, which I mean,
whatever I might think of Nvidia,
the Shield is basically just an absolute no brainer for me.
If you want a smart interface for a TV
that either doesn't have one or has a poor one.
Shield's expensive. Yes.
I don't know how much Roku costs at all.
They have high-end models.
Have we gotten any like really great feedback from people?
Something that I saw that I'm looking into.
And it does totally seem like it's a thing
is there's a bunch of TVs that have Roku integration
by default. TCL has built in Roku.
Not just that.
ONN is Walmart's house brand.
Yeah. And like they're available at Costco,
which is probably where a lot of them come from.
Walmart, which is probably where a lot of them come from.
Something being available isn't a reason to buy one.
No, but if there's a TV at Costco,
a lot of people are probably going to assume
that it's at least a decent offer.
Like I bet you Costco moves a lot of TVs.
Oh, I see. You mean a lot of the ones,
a lot of the TVs at Costco have onboard Roku.
I think so.
There's multiple TVs at Costco that have it.
Got it.
Because it looks like, yeah,
there's three different Hisense TVs at Costco
that have Roku built in.
Okay. All right.
What else we got here?
Some other people saying that they prefer Roku
to their TVs already existing smart TV stuff.
Kubla says, I love mine because it's more reliably updated
and performs better than the built-in TV apps.
I can also take it on vacation.
Yeah. Okay.
So that wraps in actually a lot of other feedback
that I've seen.
Okay. Hammy3D says cracking a fire stick
is the best way at the moment.
So that might be a good reason to have one of those.
The remote is good, says dextrousmanx76.
Ninja man away over on floatplane chat says,
my ISP gave me their streaming box for free,
but it's a rebranded Roku.
Okay. That I didn't know.
That's interesting.
So basically way more people are using these
than I realized.
I guess probably me as well.
Okay. So is this something, but man, like,
oh, it's going to be tough.
It's going to be tough.
I can't promise guys.
Yeah. Building a whole new platform just because.
I don't think it's, yeah.
Okay. This is a good point.
Joseph says, my grandparents got a Roku
because they didn't know Chromecast existed.
Yeah. Like if you want a low cost option, Chromecast?
I like, I still, I don't know.
It's one of, okay.
It's one of those things that I look at and I go,
yes, I see the value add.
I just don't see the value add compared to other options.
If I wanted a super premium option,
I would absolutely get a shield.
If I wanted a budget option, I would go for a Chromecast.
Or I'm sure there are like low cost, you know,
rando ones that you can also get.
Yeah, there is.
And like, I've never personally used it,
but this app has actually existed
for a really long time now.
Which one? Should I show your screen?
Hydrovion. You can, sure.
And like, again, I haven't personally used it.
Oh, seriously?
But this has existed for an extremely long time.
And everyone that I know that uses it says that it's good.
And it like works with your different subscriptions.
Like it shows there, there's like, it works with,
so if you're subscribed to LTT and in this example,
Bitwit Ultra or whatever else,
it should work with all of that.
You can browse your various channels.
Like I've heard very good things about this.
I should probably reach out to BML Zoo Town
at some point.
And maybe just get him to like,
make it officially for us or something.
Yeah. Yeah.
I don't know.
I don't have any money right now,
but maybe someday we could pay for it.
I don't know.
All right.
Yeah. But like, but yeah, like honestly,
the, a lot of the team is sick right now
is what I will say without getting into specifics.
Yeah, that's fair.
And the dev bandwidth that we have to be able to type of
kind of spread around is very limited currently.
I am hiring a, speaking of having no money,
I am hiring a backend developer to try to come in
and help support the FlowPlane team.
And, but it's gonna like take some time
for that person to get onboarded
and there's other extremely important things
on the roadmap that would have to get done ahead of time,
et cetera, et cetera.
But yeah.
All right.
I guess it's the point in the show
where we take some merch messages.
Bell, do you wanna hit me with some merch messages?
I would love to.
From Reid, what are your thoughts on the new Varjo
making a VR headset with a brain controlled interface?
Do you think that's what could make the push for VR
to become less of an experience
and more of an everyday product?
I would say that the brain control interface stuff
would have to be way better
than any version I have ever used.
And I doubt it.
If it was, then sweet.
But I find a lot of them end up turning into
less like neural impulse control
and more facial muscle movements
because you actually get a lot more,
man, it's been a long time since I've read this up
so I'm gonna say some things wrong.
But like the electrical whatever stuff,
you get a lot more of it by just like smiling.
So a lot of it ends up being like
you just move your face around
and that interfaces with it better.
But I mean, maybe they have a way better version.
I don't know.
I'd love to try this thing at the very least.
Yeah, for sure.
It's crazy, crazy high resolution.
And I think it costs like two grand or something like that.
Like what?
Oh, the arrow.
Well, okay.
I think the arrow is not the like crazy.
Oh, okay.
Well, that one's two grand.
So there's that.
Man, could it possibly be worth double a valve index?
Valve index is kind of old at this point.
I guess that's fair.
Especially in a market that's like so cutting edge.
Yeah, yeah.
I guess that's fair.
It's just, it's easy to forget 200 Hertz.
Oh, no, that's the eye tracking.
I guess it's easy to forget that there's a ton
of other VR headset companies out there.
They just are almost all focused on commercial products
because that's where the money is.
Someone tagged me saying EEG.
It's not an EEG though.
They're not like wiring you up.
I seriously doubt that a company is going to trust end users
to wire themselves up with an EEG properly.
Like that's, I've never seen this product.
I didn't pay enough attention when you were showing it
on screen to look for how they did it.
I can pretty much guarantee you they didn't do it that way.
So it's, yeah, I don't know.
Again, if it's way better, that's fantastic.
I'm not saying it isn't.
I'm just saying the ones that I have used were like
far from ready for that type of application, but,
or they're far from ready to rely on.
We've had a lot of people interested in the backpack
and screwdriver.
So shout out to that.
A couple of you last questions relating to specifics.
Do you know if the screwdriver will take little heads
from other brands?
Yes, but you'll need an adapter.
I believe the iFixit kit comes with an adapter
for their small bits to, what is it?
A quarter inch hex drive, I think is the,
like the standard one.
And yes, there would be,
there would be absolutely no reason for that to not,
for that to not work.
We just passed 21,000 subscribers on FlowPlane.
Oh, nice.
Let's go.
We also have almost 15,000 people watching on YouTube.
This is the best viewed WAN show in quite some time.
Thanks guys.
Thanks for tuning in everyone.
Hit us.
Another question relating to the backpack.
Is there any sort of weather resistance?
It does have weather resistant zippers
and we have had the,
we have had the fabric tested
by an independent third party.
It's not, you're not gonna be able to dunk it under water.
Like it's not designed for that.
But if you were, you know,
if you had a 20 minute commute, you know, on your bike
and it's, oh no, it started raining, you'll be fine.
So I just want to jump in really quick.
Some people are talking about the EEG thing.
Yes, it is.
It is facial.
Some people have confirmed that it is facial.
And I bet you because it's facial,
there's going to be huge amounts of interference
from you moving your face.
And if you ever want to be in an application
where you'd have like a voice call,
you talking is probably going to introduce lots of problems.
Now, if they can prove me wrong, like I said earlier,
that's awesome.
I don't want to be right about this.
It sounds like it could be really cool.
I just have never seen one that's anywhere near ready
for a, to be relied on in this type of situation.
And I doubt that it is ready, but if it is, that's great.
I would, I would love to be wrong.
That explains a ton.
I mean, obviously at that price,
it would come with a free facial.
Nick Light asks, what's that nice lanyard
beside your water bottle?
Oh, yes.
We finally launched the lanyard that I've been wearing
for like the last.
It's upside down.
We finally launched the lanyard that I've been wearing
for like the last six months.
It's the wanyard.
Anthony named it.
Anthony named it.
It's pretty good.
It's his fault.
It's pretty, it's a pretty cute name.
It's our standard black lanyard.
It's a little bit longer than the old ones.
We actually did get some feedback
that for people who wear them around their neck,
it was just a touch short.
So it's a touch longer.
We haven't officially revved it or anything like that,
but I think it's like an inch longer on each side
or something like that.
So it's got orange,
what would it be?
Like embroidery, whatever it is,
orange stitching for the Linus Tech Tips
and then it's a black lanyard.
So yeah, like I said, that's the one I've been using.
Love it.
Definitely has a nice little pop to it.
And then we also have a deal to announce.
This week we are going to be running the offer code.
Where is it?
I can't find it.
Summer sweat discount.
We, I know it's June,
but we are overstocked on sweat kits.
So because we are also a little bit overstocked
on beanies right now.
If you pick up a swacket and a beanie,
you will get a $20 discount code automatically applied
to your order.
Really great feedback on the swacket.
It's exactly the same garment that has four and a half stars
from all the other folks who have bought it over the years.
Yeah, there you go.
So you guys can check that out.
The, I don't believe you have to do anything special.
Let me just check.
Yeah, if you add a swacket and a beanie,
the discount will apply automatically.
So you guys can go check that out at lttstore.com.
All right, what's our next topic?
You really want to talk about Tim Hortons
tracking people, don't you?
Not really, to be honest.
Oh, okay.
I just thought it was funny.
Then basically everyone's tracking everyone.
Don't trust anything with your data ever.
And if you install an app,
there's a very high chance that it's like doing bad things.
Do you prefer the military secret sub War Thunder thing?
Okay, I don't know what's going on here,
but I read that title and it was very funny.
Apparently I knew this happened
and I'm pretty sure we talked to it on WAN Show,
like in the old set.
I think that's the right timeframe for it.
This is the dumbest shiz, man.
But apparently another classified document
has shown up on the War Thunder forums
in order to quell an argument,
making this apparently the third time in a year
on the exact same forums that this has happened.
A classified military document.
This time, apparently a Chinese tank crew member
leaked classified information about a tank shell,
including a part of the shell itself.
Oh, man.
The tank shell in question is the type DTC-10
125 millimeter armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding
SABO round used in the Type 96
and Type 99 series main battle tanks.
The document indicates the velocity,
precision, penetration rate,
physical structure of the penetrator,
primer type of physical structure of the penetrator.
Oh, yeah. Nice. Nice.
Primer type and handling instructions.
Oh, man.
I mean, can you imagine?
Can you imagine violating a government military NDA
to settle an argument on a forum?
This tank is way better than you think.
It needs a buff.
I want to drive the tank that I drive in real life digitally,
and it needs to be just as good.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. So epic.
Oh, man. I just, I can't even.
And the fact that this is happening on a regular basis.
I mean, like, okay, this is our discussion.
This is our discussion topic here.
While the idea that people will leak national security
information that could get themselves potentially killed,
right, because if you have access to this information,
presumably it's like your gear, right,
that could get themselves killed
in order to win an argument.
While that's hilarious,
the end result is that these crew members,
if they are crew members, they might not be crew members.
They might be designers.
We don't know, are harming themselves.
Or working like logistics or something weird.
Anthony says, as one you to ride watch who plays DCS,
growling Sidewinder puts it,
Wikipedia data is wrong on purpose.
No country is going to give out the real specs
for their stuff because then potential adversaries
will know how to defend against it.
If a guy leaks data because they don't like
how the game simulates their hardware, guess what?
You then need to scrap it and start over from scratch.
Like war is bad.
Yes, I am across the board against violence
from one human being to another human being.
Yeah, okay.
But if a belligerent nation knows how to bypass
another's defenses, then they could be emboldened to act.
And then everyone is gonna have a bad time
because war is bad.
There are knock-on effects from any conflicts
that are going to, no matter how far away you are,
are going to affect you.
I mean, there's all the grain
that's rotting in Ukraine right now, for example.
That's terrible.
People who had nothing to do with this conflict
are going to die.
A huge amount of the world's calories come from there.
There will be people that starve because of this.
And it's not just gonna stop.
If there's a truce signed or whatever,
it's not like they have to plant and then grow.
The dumbest part of all of this
is that Gaijin, War Thunder's developer,
in the past has already demonstrated
that they refuse to use this leaked information in the game
because they don't want to incentivize people
to leak classified military documents
because that's actually a bad thing.
Does that make sense?
So why don't we talk about the other two incidents.
In July, 2021, a player was arguing
about the British Challenger 2 main battle tank.
To settle the disagreement,
they posted basically the tank's operating manual,
an action that quickly
got the UK Ministry of Defense involved.
Then three months later,
a French player claiming to be a crew member
in a Leclerc Serie 2 tank, in service since 1992,
again got into an argument
about the capabilities of their tank.
And again, posted part of the tank's operation manual.
Come on guys.
The round that you were talking about before
is apparently a next gen round.
This isn't even old tech.
That's crazy.
All right.
What else do we want to talk about today?
Actually, why don't you hit us
with a couple more merch messages.
All right.
From Joshua, we talk a lot about our favorite tech,
but what's one of the worst tech products
you've ever bought?
I feel like we had this question like last week.
Yeah, I feel like we did.
I'm not real stoked on my smart switches right now,
but that could not be entirely Jasko's fault.
We'll work on that.
We're going to work on that.
I feel like I've dodged a lot of bullets.
Like, what was that?
Oh man.
What was that Android console?
Ooh yeah.
Ooh yeah.
Yeah, like there's been a lot of stuff.
Like I enjoy,
we've talked about this with the Steam Deck, right?
I enjoy being really, really early with new stuff.
So you'd think by doing that,
that I would have been caught by a bunch of stuff
that was like very below expectations,
but it hasn't been that bad.
Cause I think I've seen a lot of them coming.
I've definitely bought some dumb stuff,
but it would have mostly been on purpose.
Like the Spud, the spontaneous pop-up display,
that little like folding projector second,
you should look it up, Spud monitor or like Jibo.
Okay. I bought a Jibo for $800 or whatever.
Did you think that was going to be good?
No, I thought it was going to be terrible.
I literally spent money to make money.
I invested in a Jibo.
I am the one Jibo investor
who made out like a bandit on Jibo.
Okay. This is interesting.
Yeah. I would have thought this would have been bad.
Here, I'll get it on your screen.
It's sold out.
Well, yeah, it's sold out because-
Cause they don't make anymore.
They don't make them.
Apparently they're coming back with a sequel or something.
I don't know.
Someone mentioned it to me in the writer's meeting
and I was kind of going, really you guys?
I don't think someone asked for a hammer update.
I don't think you can count the hammer.
Yeah. Cause you never actually got it.
Yeah. That's fair enough.
All right. Hit me.
From Tommy, what does an LTT script look like?
Is it like a script for TV or movie?
You gonna show one?
Yeah, sure. I'll show one. Sure. Why not?
Should I show one for one that hasn't come out yet?
No? Really?
You don't want it to be spicy?
All right.
Uploaded on FlowPlane as text.
Don't show it on WAN show.
Okay. Let me-
We got a $13 million building to pay for.
Okay. Here's one.
All right. So, hold on.
Let me just make sure Linus's screen is
like mostly sanitized.
Oh boy.
Yeah. Linus's screen should be pretty good now.
All right. Here we go.
So here's the-
Oh crap.
I don't know. I don't have word on here.
So I guess-
Oh, the juice machine, the juice press thing.
Yeah, but I don't think-
Juicero. Yeah. Neither of us bought one.
Neither of us bought that
cause it was like obviously stupid.
Cause it was obviously stupid.
No offense if you bought one.
Okay. This is, this is what it looks like.
Everyone, please ensure that the video title is the same
for the folder name, script name,
Trello card and calendar entry for the editors,
the premier project file sequence, exported video file, et cetera.
You're supposed to put the author, but I wrote this one.
So I didn't bother because the rules don't apply
to me apparently.
I'm just really, I'm really sloppy about these
because people will cover for me.
Thank you everyone.
I love my team.
We have a float plane title
which is usually pretty plain Jane
because that's what float plane likes.
And then we'll, we have some YouTube title ideas.
Typically we'll have anywhere between two
or three all the way up to 10 to 15 potential title ideas.
Sometimes it's a lot harder to come up with a title.
We also put a slogan in here still.
We don't always roll an intro anymore, but if we do
we have it here.
I don't think we rolled an intro on this one
but that's a really funny slogan.
I'm inside Intel, get it?
All right.
That's pretty good.
Thumbnail ideas, product links are expected to be here.
So when it comes time to actually post the video
we can have all the applicable product links.
We're supposed to write up a little description
like Linus goes full Monty, wait, no, that's not it.
Anyway, Linus gets a behind the scenes of Intel.
We know whatever it throws some keywords in there
that kind of thing.
People are roasting the formatting
asking if it's normally centered.
I don't believe it's normally centered.
Centered? Why would it be centered?
And I don't think you need fancy formatting
for this to be honest.
Yeah, this is all, this is all just reference material
that would be duplicated on Trello anyway.
There's some reference stuff here
just in case people need links to,
hey, if you're screen recording
make sure you check out the document for how to do that.
We have the video Bible.
This is really important.
Every video should have a hook
that grabs people's attention.
You should address the title and thumbnail
in the first 10 to 20 seconds.
A naturally embedded relevant merch call out.
We've definitely let the relevant part lapse a little bit.
Maybe we could work on that a bit.
An affiliate link call out.
We've actually replaced this
with a call out for float plane quite recently.
So that's part of why float plane subscriber numbers
are going up right now.
For sure, yeah.
An upcoming video that should compel people to subscribe.
We've done away with this one
because our new subscriber rate is atrocious anyway.
So why bother?
We'll just focus on making sure we're getting served
in suggested videos.
Cause that's where most of our viewership comes from anyway.
A throw to a compelling related video
the viewer might want to watch.
We do that at the end just to try and try and retain people
like say, hey, if you enjoyed this
maybe you'll also enjoy that.
A primo jiffable moment.
We see jiffs of me and the rest of the team here
as a really great marketing exercise.
Just more exposure for us.
So we always try and put fun little jiffable moments
into the videos.
Jiffable, deal with it.
This is a shot that I forgot to get.
Where is it?
OTS of someone blocking Linus partially
and Linus eyes closed waving hand away
like no, no, no, indicating refusing a check.
We forgot to get this.
We did get this one.
This was just like me making little notes.
This isn't normally in the template.
Any props we need?
It's nice to get that.
I had the intro that was shot the previous day
when I thought it was gonna be sponsored.
So I have, hey, make sure you use that.
And it's supposed to say until sponsored this video
cut it off hard here.
Cause that was supposed to have
the sponsorship disclosure in it.
But we didn't end up having it be sponsored
because I wanted to make sure that I could just
say whatever I needed to say
without them being able to push back on it.
Intel tends to be very sensitive
about things like their internal processes
and engineering facilities.
So I feel like if it had been sponsored
the way it was supposed to like a fully sponsored video
they would have expected to dictate
a lot more of the content.
And I just, I saw that place and I was like, nah dog.
We may never look at this again.
It needs to be everything.
All right, so then this is what the script looks like.
Then cell sponsored this vid, cut it off hard here.
At least they tried, I've never done this before
but shortly after I arrived
at Intel's Israel design center
I ripped up the previously agreed upon sponsorship check.
So here you're basically seeing what is in the video.
These marks here tend to be for if I'm moving locations.
So two, four is gonna be in the validation lab.
You can see three, one.
So this is like a completely different segment.
Three, two is where we kind of move
to a different part of that room.
At the end, you'll see any sponsor spots
or anything like that.
We've actually recently started shooting those separately
and then just chopping them into the video again.
So you won't see those anymore.
The thing you're missing, and this could be partly
because it's a script by me
and I tend not to write guidance sometimes
cause I'm busy.
I could also be because I opened it in WordPad
rather than in Word
but we often have annotations in the right margin
that will highlight, so they're comments, right?
So you highlight the text that you want covered
and then you'll annotate a graph
that's supposed to have coverage there
or a B-roll shot or like text
that you want to appear on screen
or if you want a simple animation done
then that'll be on the side.
And that's what they look like.
I'm not sure how that compares
to whatever your expectations were
but for better or for worse, that's it.
Very nice.
From Edward, what's been the most surprising part
of the growth of LMG over the last couple of years?
How much it costs?
I don't know.
Probably create a warehouse.
Speed and fast.
I mean, I was pretty bearish
on the whole physical goods business
and there still are challenges.
Like it's not nearly as profitable
as it kind of like seems to be.
You look at the gross margin on a product
and it might be like, oh yeah,
you're making of that $10, $5 is profit.
But actually by the time you account for handling fees
and packing materials and transaction overhead
and you account for the people
who had to work on that product
and all of that stuff.
So I don't know, okay, prices could be a little higher.
That sort of thing.
From Dean, I have a question for Luke.
You said a week or two ago
that you may not get the Steam Deck when your email comes.
Is there a different handheld you would consider
or using Steam OS instead of Windows?
Not really, to be completely honest.
The Steam OS versus Windows thing
doesn't really matter to me.
I don't mind, like from doing the Linux challenge,
I don't think I mind Linux in that situation.
No problem with it there.
And Steam OS is, it's Linux, but it's like smoother.
Yeah, I've heard good things about it.
So that part doesn't really matter to me much.
And I was mostly interested because I mostly wanted one
because I really respected their approach
to write to repair,
what they're planning on doing with iFixit,
which has started coming to fruition, which is really cool.
And I wanted to see kind of how this thing grew,
but now by the time I get it, it's gonna be like old.
So I, yeah, I'm still not necessarily, I don't know.
I haven't fully decided,
but I probably won't end up actually buying it.
I'll take yours.
Yeah, I'm sure you'll be able to find a taker for it.
Yeah, yeah, exactly, yeah.
I'll probably just offload it.
Oh man, well, this is annoying.
Google is apparently killing location-based reminders
in the assistant.
Man, I have had a very frustrating week
with Google Assistant.
Can I show you something really stupid?
Can I show you something stupid right now?
Okay, this is my Google News Feed.
Oh no, sorry, hold on a second.
So I set reminders to set alarms
because I don't trust the reminders
to actually get my attention.
Oh yeah, no, reminders are horrible.
Yeah, they're useless.
I always remind myself with alarms,
but that's completely separate.
Okay, so this is my Google News Feed.
How would you categorize these topics as we go through?
Tech, tech, movie, film, whatever, tech,
business, tech, business, government,
something like that, tech, tech, it's mostly tech.
All right, because I own Linus Media Group,
I have gotten in the habit of using
my Linus Media Group email account
as my primary Google account.
This is a paid account, it's called a G Suite account.
Used to be called Google Apps, now it's called G Suite.
That's not the point.
The point is that I am a paying ass customer for my Gmail.
So you should get less features than free customers.
Hold on.
For my Gmail, my Google Drive,
basically any other service that I use.
One nice feature is what did you not see in here?
Starts with A and ends with D.
No ads, right?
Which is okay, that's fairly nice.
Also, I would expect it given that I pay
actually a significant amount of money to Google
now that we are up to like, whatever,
we up to 70 people plus FlowPlane.
Okay, so the problem.
The FlowPlane bill is cheaper
because we don't have as much drive space as you guys.
My drive is 98% full on my FlowPlane email.
The problem is that Google has time and time again,
treated G Suite users as second class citizens.
Oh yeah, absolutely.
There was a period of over a year where reminders,
aside from being garbage and there not being an easy way
to set a decently long ringtone for them.
There was a period of over a year
where reminders didn't work.
You literally got an error that was like,
yeah, reminders are not available for G Suite users.
Why, why?
Take that code and put it there.
Well, no, but.
But do it.
No, but yes.
Okay, okay.
Now let me show you something.
Open the front right garage door.
Oh, I saw this.
Okay, so no, this is not, no, no, no.
My tweet last night about open the right front garage door
and it opening like the back garage door.
No, no, that's separate from this.
That's just natural language processing
being still amazingly crappy.
No, no, this is separate.
Okay, so here, hold on.
Open the front right garage door.
Sorry, I don't understand.
Okay, because.
Yeah, why?
Like that seems like that should be something
that it should get.
I don't, yeah.
For Google for home, which is a separate app, okay?
So I got my home app, right?
This is where you add your devices and stuff, right?
Okay, so you can add your thermostats and your speakers
and your garage doors, all your smart home crap.
Okay, if I try to invite a home member,
let's say for example, that I was to try to invite Luke.
Okay, so I'm gonna, no, no, you're not gonna need that
because I'm gonna go through, I'm gonna invite you.
Can't send the invitation at the moment.
Try again, try again, try again, try again.
Because you're a G Suite user.
Oh, no way.
You may not.
Oh, the best part was that I was as a G Suite user,
I was the owner of the home,
but I couldn't invite G Suite users or non-G Suite users
because I was a G Suite user.
I had to change so that a non-G Suite user owned it
and then I couldn't invite G Suite users at all.
So I'm allowed to own it as a G Suite user,
but I am not allowed to invite G Suite users.
And then if I am a regular at gmail.com user,
I still cannot invite G Suite users to this home.
That's so insane.
But the error message is not meaningful.
It just says, sorry, I couldn't do it.
Try again.
Okay, now this gets really frustrating.
Now that I go into the home app and I sign into-
I will admit, I hate useless error messages.
I will admit FlowPlane has a few.
I would also argue that our team size
is a little bit smaller than Google.
Okay, so I've switched over to my proper home one.
Oh, are you, are you kidding me?
Okay, there we go.
I've switched over because when it comes
to different Google apps on your phone, right?
So there's like your newsfeed and there's home
and there's the assistant or whatever.
They all sync.
There's like your primary Google account, right?
So watch this.
Open the front right garage door.
Sure, opening the front right garage door.
Okay, because now I'm logged into my like proper home one.
Okay, but now I go to my newsfeed.
Okay, I'd like you to categorize these things for me.
Business stuff, business stuff, government stuff, whatever.
Medical stuff, business stuff, ad.
Do you see any tech in here?
Very little.
Okay, and here's where it gets even worse.
Bell, do you know how to adjust the focus on that?
Okay, this is some next level dumb crap.
This is Google being bad at their one job, okay?
I'd like to fix this.
Obviously, the best way would be
if I could just import my work profile
because now I'm stuck with this one
if I want any of my smart home stuff to work, right?
Because I'm not gonna go up in the corner.
Can you switch which account uses which thing?
No. No.
No, once you change it for one,
it changes it for all of them.
Thank you very much, Google.
Here's where it gets way dumber.
Okay, here we go.
Okay, can you guys hear me?
I have no idea.
So I go into my channels and interests, okay?
So I'm gonna be like, hey, I like tech, okay?
Fall away.
This is all literally just random songs
and artists from my YouTube music.
If I block them, I have gone through
and painstakingly blocked them all before.
Okay, let's go back.
They just come back, okay?
It's just full of random music again.
They are not in not interested, okay?
I haven't hidden anything apparently.
And there is no button anywhere to add interests.
I thought your whole thing, I thought your whole thing
is that you're supposed to want to know everything.
I'm willingly telling you.
I would like to give you my personal information
so that you may better tailor content to me
and you will not do it.
So I can't pay my way out of this problem.
I can't manually input data my way out of this problem.
And it's not like, this is obviously,
this is obviously not a life or death problem.
It's just stupid.
Yeah, this is a very minor problem compared to that.
But I have YouTube premium.
Close the front right garage door.
Sorry, that's a good idea.
Okay, closing the front right garage door.
Thanks, Google.
So I have YouTube premium on my personal account.
But I tried to do the whole
and I like it this way much more.
I'm thinking of migrating to Firefox again,
trying that out.
But I like it this way much more where I have profiles.
So I have different browser windows
depending on what the thing is.
And it's great.
So I have my float plane once all colored blue.
So I know when I'm in my correct work browser
and all that kind of stuff.
But I don't have YouTube premium
on every Google account that I use
because that would be insane.
I have it on my work one.
And now what, I'm gonna buy it again?
Like, no, that's crazy.
So, and like, usually if I'm in my work one,
I'm probably on float plane, right?
So it doesn't matter, there's no ads.
But I, if I do have to open a YouTube link for some reason
and it opens up on my work one,
then there's ads everywhere.
And I'm like, oh, okay.
I have to copy this out, open, close on this one,
open up this other one, watch it there.
Get rid of that browser when I'm done
because now none of my work stuff is here.
Jump back over to this one.
It's just annoying.
If I have one account logged in on my phone
that has YouTube premium.
It should count.
Count it.
Like I'm not gonna buy separate YouTube premium.
I have like 12 Google accounts logged in on my phone
because of all the YouTube channels and all that stuff.
Right, like it, come on,
stop treating G Suite users like second class citizens.
So now my feed is full of ads, full of not tech.
And if I want any of my home stuff to work,
then, and if I want my YouTube premium to work,
I just have to be constantly switching what profile I'm on.
It's just- Really annoying.
It's just stupid.
Oh, Escapement Dog says also G Suite
stopped supporting Google Wear 2.
Yeah, it doesn't surprise me.
It was just one thing after another, after another.
Like all these years, I forget all the times
that I've been really annoyed trying to use a G Suite account
as my daily driver account.
I had a problem for a super long time
where I couldn't change my profile picture.
And I was like, and it would just say like,
there was an error with this photo or whatever.
But I would try like a billion different photos
and it would never work.
And I was just like, well,
I guess my account's just like broken
because the error was like super weird.
It had nothing to do with like permissions
or account levels or whatever.
It was just, there was a problem with this image.
So I was like, oh, okay, whatever.
And then eventually I figured out
that someone else on the team
couldn't change their profile picture either.
And I was like, what?
That's gotta be a setting.
So then I dove way through the settings
and by default, it has it off.
Like, why, why would this be off at any time?
So I just turned it on and then it worked fine.
But like, it doesn't tell,
you were talking about the error being weird.
It didn't tell me.
Yeah, no, why don't you just say that then?
Maybe because when they say that,
it generates a bunch of complaints
that the feature doesn't work.
Because it should be on by default.
So frustrating. So stupid.
Anyways, we have tons of topics this week.
Yeah, well, Jake's got to hit us
with a couple more merch messages first.
All right.
All right, from Matthew.
In your opinion with, oh,
we're getting a ton of merch messages here, just a second.
Back to being Matthew.
In your opinion, with performance per generation leapfrogging
and larger power draws coming,
are we looking at performance plateaus
with an increased focus on efficiency and usability
or ever increasing performance peaks?
I think it's cyclical at this point.
I mean, we've seen this in the past
when architecturally they can't find a way
to get a leg up on the competition.
They'll push the power envelope.
And obviously it's better for the silicon to run cooler,
fewer warranty issues.
Whenever they can,
they'll try to run it as efficiently as possible.
So I think we're just seeing whatever,
we're seeing an ebb or a flow,
whichever one is which right now.
Yeah. Can you share the hilarious moment?
I would love to.
Callanan is helping us out with some sanding
for like a paint project that we're working on.
Says, thanks for closing the door on me.
Wait, so it was already open.
I'm assuming.
Oh man.
Oh, Anthony's complaining about G Suite.
G Suite also doesn't let you import data.
You can export everything from a Google account,
but good luck doing literally anything with it.
That's funny.
That's pretty good.
I didn't know that.
Come on.
And like, I could spend the next six months
using my Google newsfeed again.
Cause when I first started using it, it was crap.
It was full of like Kim Kardashian and the Royals
and just like all that absolute garbage
that I couldn't possibly care less about.
He says, no, it's not a problem.
Just weirded me out.
Okay, good.
Mine gets randomly obsessed with things.
I was like, I am going to invest in this.
I'm going to give this a chance
cause other people tell me it's really good.
So I did, I stuck it out and took months
and it's like really good now.
Like it's like you saw, it's just full of tech basically.
Mine's pretty good, but every once in a while
it'll latch onto something really weird.
And even if I never click on it,
it'll just keep coming up, keep coming up, keep it up.
And then it'll randomly disappear.
I Googled what the hell BTS was once.
Oh no.
Yeah, and it was just full of like whatever Jimin
was wearing yesterday for a while.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, like I don't, I don't like, you know,
honestly it seems like they do a lot of great stuff,
but I don't care what Jimin's wearing.
No, yeah, yeah.
I don't watch very many TV shows.
I don't watch very many movies.
And I am not interested in actors or actresses
pretty much at all.
And randomly I'll get like this person
that I've very likely never heard of.
And like every three articles will be about
like some shirt they were wearing or something.
And I'm like, holy crap.
I have never clicked on one of these and I don't care.
And then like, it'll keep happening
for like three or four days and then it'll disappear
and never come back again.
Like why did it think that was a thing?
One of the really frustrating ones for me
is one of your only interactions is not interested.
Yeah, you can't say I want more of this.
But the problem is that if you have literally already read it
and it shows up, you can't say,
like I've had ones that show up
over and over and over again.
You can't say it's less lately,
but you can't say the thing that is the problem with this
is that I already read it.
Cause that would be a really great signal.
Like I read this and enjoyed it or something like that.
Yes, I did engage with this.
I actually do like this,
but I do not wish to click on it right now.
Yeah, I think they didn't,
they used to have like a thumbs up, like more of this.
I thought so, yeah.
I thought so.
Cause I remember tuning mine back in the day
with like, I like this, I don't like that.
It's frustrating when economics take a front seat
compared to the user experience.
I've talked about this on WAN Show before,
but one of my favorite features on Amazon back in the day
was customers who viewed this ended up buying these things.
And clearly that was interfering with their ability
to put sponsored product showcases under them.
And it went away.
And I was so angry because it saved me so much time.
I could just find approximately the thing
that I was kind of looking for.
And someone else would have already done the work
of digging through the trash heap
that is Amazon's interface
and finding the like handful of good ones
so that I could pick the one that best suits my needs.
It's so infuriating.
I do like, by the way, on Google News
that you can block entire domains.
Oh, I did not know that.
That's actually sweet.
I'll go to a site and just get like destroyed by ads
and I'll just back out and be like, never again.
Oh, I should start doing that with like the paywall ones.
It's at the point now where a quarter of the articles
in mine are paywalls.
I don't get any paywall stuff
cause I've blocked them all.
Got it.
That makes sense.
That's sweet.
From John, would you ever consider producing
written content or written versions of our videos?
I often find myself looking for more articles
on a product or topic rather than a video.
Someone linked me an old WAN show
where you and me, I guess technically,
but we were figuring out what we wanted to do
with the forum.
And you were talking about how we were gonna use V-Bulletin
and one of the main reasons why you wanted V-Bulletin
was cause it had this like powerful CMS behind it.
And you could put written companions up with videos.
So yeah, it's been considered.
What's this?
This is it.
This is the time Ed redesigned the homepage
of the Linus Tech Tips forum to,
hold on.
Where's the, here we go.
So this is the mock-up of what linustechtips.com
would have looked like before dark mode was the default
for the universe.
So Linus Tech Tips, forums, members gallery.
This is just a lot of placeholders.
We'd have, you know, headlines, news items.
I think we still use that banner.
Yes, I think we do.
There's, you know, your link to WAN show.
Gotta love that ancient WAN show logo.
Heck yeah.
I have no idea.
This is obviously just crap that Ed put in here.
Let's have a look at some more things.
If you guys are interested in this,
here's what an article preview would look like.
I think article Twitter preview, it says.
I don't know what that means.
We had this cool idea where we would have community
submissions for news articles,
kind of like just the news section on the forum.
And there'd be a tip jar for the author.
I thought that was kind of a cool idea
just to encourage people to like post more and summarize,
add their own thoughts.
People who were really prolific and really good at it
could potentially like actually do pretty decent.
This was, I think this might've been an earlier
or later version of the homepage.
Look at that old YouTube logo.
Love it.
Look at this date.
Oh man, this might be an earlier one.
This might be an earlier one.
What am I looking at here?
Woo, spicy.
Top build logs.
Remember when we used to feature build logs
from the build log section of the forum?
That was awesome.
I actually kind of miss that.
Here's the compact.
No, this one's nothing.
Linus's mockup.
Oh, okay.
Apparently I did this.
The headlines chosen by the community for the community.
I don't think I've ever shown this before.
Never saw the light of day.
Bye from our affiliates.
I saw this.
These tips in the jar.
No, no.
Yeah, to you.
But yeah.
Featured spot for least as fast as possible.
Top build logs, decaying mechanism and based on likes.
Oh yeah, interesting.
Kind of cool idea.
Kind of cool idea.
Neat, huh?
Well, now you saw a little piece of LTT history.
Hope you enjoyed it.
From Grant.
Will Linus be on They're Just Movies again?
Also, what made you start the series?
Well, I don't know if they invite me and I have time.
I'd be happy to do it.
As for what made me start it,
James, Riley and David would always spend their work time
talking about movies.
And they had the idea of starting a podcast.
And I was like, well, I guess it was during their carpool.
They would spend a lot of time talking about them
and then it would bleed over into work time
and I'd hear them talking about it.
And they were like, hey, we want to do like a movie podcast.
And I was like, oh, cool.
Let's try and support that.
And so we did.
And so now we have the They're Just Movies podcast
because they thought Carpool Critics
was not as good of a name.
Yep, they did. No comment.
They definitely did.
I have no comment on the quality of They're Just Movies
instead of Carpool Critics movie podcast.
Oh boy, where'd it go?
I think I lost the comment.
But it was a question about the newsletter.
If we're going to do another newsletter again.
Another newsletter? What kind of newsletter?
I'm assuming they're talking about the LTT store.
Cause I wasn't sure either.
Oh yes, they're supposed to do them like every week
or every other week.
So they've just been swamped, right?
Like they just moved.
They've got a lot of projects to ship,
backpacks, screwdrivers, lots of other things
that we've got going on behind the scenes.
Just yeah, it just takes time.
So I am also not commenting,
but Floatplane Chat is I think unanimously
saying that Carpool Critics is better.
I have no comment on Floatplane Chat's comment.
Yeah, interesting, me neither.
Moving on.
If you like Carpool Critics better,
go like their latest video.
So we know that you like the old name.
That's some big brain stuff.
Oh man.
So is this question from anonymous.
What do you think about the upcoming Google Pixel Watch
that's coming out?
Frankly, I have spent exactly zero
of my precious brain cycles on the Google Pixel Watch
because I have no hope for it whatsoever.
And that might be me just being closed-minded,
but this is not the first time Google has said,
no, for real, it's different this time.
I will believe it when I see it.
When it is on my wrist and it's amazing, I will be amazed.
Otherwise, I'm not gonna become emotionally invested
in this thing.
I'm sorry, I just can't do it.
What's this?
This is a Withings,
oh crap, what's it called again?
Smart something, can't remember.
It's a Withings watch.
Full disclosure, the reason I have it
is that they did a sponsorship,
but turning off my sponsored hat
because they sure as heck didn't sponsor this,
I'm enjoying it so far.
It's got kind of everything you need.
It looks very traditional.
Yeah, nothing you don't.
Oh, so it's just a little screen there.
Yeah, SPO2 and ECG monitoring.
It does log workouts and steps and stuff like that,
but I was at the point where I just was finding
my smartwatch so useless that I basically just used it
to tell the time anyway, and this does that great.
And it lasts for almost a month on battery.
And that part, I'm assuming,
will last even longer than that, the time?
No, because it appears to be very digitally controlled.
If the electronics die inside,
I'm pretty sure the arms stop arming.
Yeah, because you can set the time in the app
and it'll be like.
Oh, oh wow.
Okay, got it.
That's it for merch messages,
but you do have a couple little unboxings.
I don't know if you want to go through.
Oh no, let's talk about some more topics.
I wanted to talk about New York State
actually passed a couple of really interesting bills.
First up is the Fair Repair Act,
where it stipulates that all manufacturers
who sell digital electronic products within state borders
must make tools, parts, and instructions for repair
available to both consumers and independent shops.
Heck yeah.
Exceptions are made for home appliances.
Medical devices.
Mm, okay.
And this last one.
And agriculture equipment.
Don't like that.
Don't like that at all.
That's gotta be some John Deere lobbying right there.
Yes, that's exactly it.
The medical devices one.
I don't know.
Oh, that one.
I don't know enough things
that would fall in that category.
And I don't know how to get it there.
There's a lot of liability there.
There's, I mean, honestly though,
you talk to people in the medical field,
they're extremely frustrated that medicine costs so much
because of things like really restrictive contracts
for the repair and upkeep of these devices.
But there's also a lot of liability.
It depends what it is.
And like, if you take the liability away from the company,
if you do self-repair,
I think that's a thing that you should be able to decide
on your own right.
But like home appliances, like, come on, dude.
I'm happy we're making progress, right?
That's always a good thing.
But like these exceptions are dumb.
What else we got here?
So the past legislature is awaiting signature
from the governor.
They are expected to sign.
And this comes after Biden issued an executive order
calling on the FTC to enforce freaking repair rights.
All right.
So that's something good.
iFixit said it expects this to take effect by 2023.
Freaking awesome.
In other news, New York passes a bill
to limit Bitcoin mining.
It targets a specific form of crypto mining
that uses the highly energy intensive
proof of work authentication method.
This includes several popular digital currencies,
including Bitcoin.
If signed into law, this legislation will place
a two-year ban on new permits being issued
or existing permits being renewed
to conduct proof of work authenticated cryptocurrency mining
that relies on electricity generated
from carbon-based fuels.
So this is part of New York's climate goals
that require the state's greenhouse gas emissions
to be reduced by 85% by 2050 under the Climate Leadership
and Community Protection Act.
So if you found a way to work outside
of carbon-based fuels, you could still do it.
In other news, Elon Musk wants to cut 10% of Tesla jobs,
but apparently the hourly headcount will increase
and this is mostly focused on salary employees.
So that's another way of saying that you feel
like you're a little top heavy in terms,
or middle heavy in terms of management.
Tesla shares fell 9% after the report,
but honestly, man, I wouldn't read too much into that.
I'm out of my investments, I have no current investments,
but I do just like maintain,
I just like look at particular like tech.
I've got Intel, AMD, Nvidia in here
and it goes from huge green to big red
day to day to day to day to day to day right now.
Nine percent's a lot.
Nine percent's a lot, but okay.
It hasn't been a time of turmoil.
Coinbase is down nine percent today too.
And yesterday, I think they were up.
Bitcoin has been getting, or not Bitcoin,
coins in general have been getting kind of slaughtered
over the last little bit.
I mean, here's five days.
So they'll go a day when they're up 10%,
they'll go a day when they're down,
they'll go a day when they're up.
You got a couple of people calling you out for framework.
That's not a publicly traded company, right?
Yeah, sorry, sorry, sorry.
I meant stocks, stocks.
Yes, I still do hold my investment in framework.
Okay, AMC's a meme stock, so let's not use that one.
I think AMD-
You still have stock in framework, right?
You're talking tradable stocks.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Or what, I don't know what they're called.
Yes, I still, technically they are stocks.
Yes, I have the 280, 230, I don't remember.
I don't remember how much because honestly, guys-
Wasn't the point.
I wrote the check and I hope that they succeed.
That's it, that's all I can really do.
I mean, I'd like to think that you guys
have not noticed a difference in my treatment of framework
or other laptop manufacturers ever since the investment.
I have actually had very little to do
with our laptop content,
but when I have had anything to do with it,
I would hope you guys have seen no difference.
If anything, my goal is to treat them like the coach's son,
be harder on them as opposed to being any easier on them.
Had that experience.
I actually enjoyed that, but-
Being the coach's son?
Yeah, my dad was a coach on like,
basically every sports team I was on.
That's pretty cool.
And he was actually awesome.
And no one ever, no one on the team ever,
like maybe the first day they'd be like,
oh, coach's son, whatever.
And then after it was like a couple of weeks in,
they'd be like, oh man, I'm sorry, bro.
Which I preferred instead of everyone thinking
I was getting special treatment.
Yeah, it was great.
I really enjoyed my dad coaching.
Samsung's apparently getting out of the LCD market.
Isn't that crazy?
That is wacky.
LCDs are just, no, forget it.
We don't need LCDs anymore.
As early as June,
Samsung display will stop producing LCD panels.
They used to be the world's leading LCD panel manufacturer,
but their market share has dropped to just 2%
due to Chinese and Taiwanese competition.
The display supply chain consultants or DSCC
to the average price index of LCD panels
will drop to 36.6 out of a hundred
down from 41.5 in April.
So expect LCDs to get cheaper.
And to be clear, this isn't,
they're not leaving the like display market.
No, they're just kind of moving on more than anything.
They will now focus heavily on OLED and Quantum Dot
with most of their employees moving over to Quantum Dot.
There's no official statement from Samsung yet.
Our discussion question is,
at what point do LCDs go the way of CRT?
Oh, I mean, they will eventually.
There's better techs out there now.
I think it'll be different
because CRTs have this like cult following in existence.
Well, they're super bulky,
but they have this cult following in existence
because they have certain things
that they're particularly really good at.
And I think that the technologies that are replacing LCD
are going to replace them in a way
that there's no real draw to go back to LCD,
where there is a draw to go back to CRT.
So I think LCDs death will be a little bit more permanent.
Oh, I think that's fair.
What would it take for you to use Windows on Arm?
Microsoft just unveiled their mini,
an Arm desktop called Project Volterra.
It was at this year's Build 2022 Conference.
This was actually from last week, but we didn't get to it.
And I wanted to talk about it.
It looks kind of like a headless Surface Studio.
Here, let's pull up my screen here.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Let's find the point in the video where they show it.
It was developed in partnership with Qualcomm.
So it's gonna be using the Snapdragon Silicon,
which up until now has proven to be basically
a big part of the reason that Windows on Arm
is not very successful.
Where are the bloody-
I just wouldn't, dude.
At this point, I'm honestly like kind of barely holding on
to using Windows at all.
Like the Linux challenge like really revealed to me
that like it's not there, but it's not that far, you know?
And like taking a worse version of Windows
is not really an option right now.
Yeah, it's everything you hate about Windows
with everything that you hate about Windows.
Got it.
Yep, yeah, I'm not even remotely interested.
That's pretty much it.
All right, that's fair enough.
And I think that's pretty much it for the show.
Thank you guys so much for tuning in.
If you made it this far, hey, don't forget,
we just launched the lanyard,
black and orange version of the lanyard.
And we have our summer sweat promotion running right now.
It's by a Swacket and a Beanie Together.
Just add them to your cart and you get 20 bucks off
and you will be ready for the fall in June.
Otherwise we'll still have Swackets in the fall probably.
So it should be fine.
It won't be as cheap though.
See you next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
The show is brought to you by Squarespace.
Zoho Desk and Wealthfront.
Oh, I'm trying to, hello?
Where's the thing?
I got it.